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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1905)
J i I I TOE OMAnA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, JUNE fi, 190S. SPECIAL NOTICES; UnnlHMMM far tnee rolnsans will taken aatll IS an. for tke rtnlif edition and antll fl p. saw (or thai BMrnlaaT nnd aada' adltlnn. Rataa 1 l-o word Brat Insertion la woM thereafter. Nothing- taken far lee a taaa 80s for the) r laser, tlon. Than ad vertlacaaente aanst b raa Mneewatlvelr. Advertlaera, by rastlna; a bered ehenk, raa bar answers ad. dressed to a a an bared latter la car of The Bea. Answers eo addressed will ae delivered aa areaeatntton of ekMb MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Tele graphy, Normal and English. All summer sessions. Catalogue tree. Address H. B. Hoy lee. Pres., Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 836 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R-937 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8630. R 938 EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; (lasses to fit; prices right. Bennett's. R 939 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 840 WANTED MALE HELP YOUNG K St-'MMER TERM irtfciN OMAHA COM M KRC1AX, AND COLLEGE WflMPN WILL SOON OPEN. CATALOGUE AND INFORMATION FREE riasaea In all departments. BOHBBOLUH BROS., 17th and Douglas. WE still need clerical men and stenogra- WEHTKRN REF. BOND AKS'N (Inc.), Dept. B, 841-843 N. X. i-4ie. , . B 461 WANTED Several wlde-awske, energetic young men to travel; werK aigninea, p. asant and profitable. Students or teach ers prtterreu. wo investment ir'iunwi. Address Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. B 10 ox ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16tb. A Chicago. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men. between ages or is ann 85, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who speak, read and write Eriglish. For In formation apply to Hecruiung iracw, 13th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. Ia. B ' VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. IF YOU are In need of a position call and nave a " heart-to-heart taiK wun nmi, THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B-957 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade, we cannot supply demana ior graduates; 34.60 to 36.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. tuirn wnim learning. Address for catalogue, Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. B Too LAUNDRY CITY STEAM m so. uth su Telephone 264. U-l&l SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery stock; salary right party. Address C. W. Mur- pry, iviwrence, Kan. u juivw jvm. 2Wt HARNEY street, strictly modern, newly i'none Ann THE Home Educational Society of Phila delphia wants more men to explain scnooi and text books; good pay; pleasant work; no experience needed. Manager, vm ware bik., imana. a jmiji DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted, b. v. Kniest, Bi M. x. i-. ii Bb8 175 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid reliable men outline or. me city; very pleasant work. Address C. A. O'Brien, 116 Neville BIk., Omaha, Neb. B n, i -156 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbm, 1508 Farnam. 'Phone 784. R 843 STOVES REPAIRED Water backs, gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Works. TeL 940. R-M196 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sares. O. Andreen. prop., 102 B. lorn m. , K 944 PIANOS and household goods a specialty. Packing, moving and repairing by ex tierlenced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1826. Hchmoller A Mueller Piano Co, 1318 Far nam. R-946 OSCAR has returned and invites his pa trons to return. Mullln's, corner Kith and Davenport. it (du je THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 801 Jackson. TeL I WANTED 6 bricklayers. Wth and Farnam. WANTED Energetlo man to travet for Job bing house: experience unnecessary: per- n.BnAn a A r B n aa m a. 7 mA mnntll m nA expense's. Address, wfth stamped envel ope, F. w. foils, Bykes jsiock, Minneapo lis, Minn. B M309 tlx WANTED Men to learn barber trade: short time completes; positions guaran teed; graduates earn 812 to 820 weekly; little expense. Call or write Moler Bar ber College, 1118 Farnam St. 2432. K 646 Long job. B M447 6 Al MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF LARD REFINERY. MUST UNDERSTAND BOTH PRACTICAL AND TECHNICAL WORK. ADDRESS G 1, BEE. ' Fire Insurance at Cost We want a live agent in every town in Nebraska, write tor particulars. COMMERCIAL MUTUAL FIRE INSUR ANCE CO. 16U8 iarnatn Bt. R 847 STEINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used. 1225; bargain, ferueia . mno to., lou Farnam. R-948 . o n..u. SALESMAN to sell "Kentucky Prlie slon ,to the trade. Big chance for live man. Box 273, Covington, Ky. U M4WJ ex B M461 7 R Ml3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 WORKING girls. Canadian offloe, and uouge. v. o WANTED A cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 1605 south ntn bi. uai GIRL for general housework. 2037 Harney. c a a LOOSE leaf ledger cheap. F 45, care Bee. W lttl FOR BALK Large grocer loe box, cheap. 817 N. 33d St., South Omaha. J M3M 8 FOR SALE, several scholarships in a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee Office. Q 862 FOR SALE, about B0 feet ornamental gal vanised iron cornice and ornamental iron posts suitable for show window. Ap ply superintendent nee puuaing. Q M826 MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P. llo-volt. direct ' fnUrnrV.c?0''Sr,r:JJIJ2torAiNOIRL to do general housework, 223 Pa- GIRL for general housework at 2541 Chi cago. Apply to Mrs. A. f. TUKey. t ZbZ 0 COMPETENT girl, general housework; two In family; no washing; references re quired; call mornings and evenings, Mrs. Charles n. uiapp, u B. sun si. c Z50 5X in perfect condition in every way. Ad dress Bea Building Co., or see W. H Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg. . y 774 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A IIAHUA1N. 20 pulleys, from e-lnch to 48-Inch In dlani ter: 8 counter shafts, comnleta. These are all In first-class condition. W. ii. triages, engineer Bee Building. Q-lll clflo St. C-M385 6 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslns-. manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis; best paying work a lady ran do; little expense. Call or write Moler College, 1114 Farnam St. G M3Z2 BX HARNESSl WANTED An experienced cook: no wash ing requires. Apply to Mrs. l, i Kountze, 423 8. 39th Bt. Tel. 187. C M449 WANTED GM to do plain housework, 85 per week. 49ZS Davenport St. Take Duiv aee car. c 68 HARNESS! HARNESS! An endless variety and at prices that can not be duplicated anywhere else. John son uamortn, o. w. cor. loth and rfunca oil. entrance i rum viaauct. ( Q 102 'and iahleT ST? EfS??;!!!?,,1? WANTED A woman for washing and Iron and pool tables, bar nxtures of all kinds: in nh reference. ia?K Sn si - y i -- wi'i-u aui vaa, tail llf Vi O- Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 407 B. loth St., VI 10 W A NTED Good cook. 1120 Park ave. Mrs. T. J. Rogers C458 1325 So. 31st. C 458 6 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni- WANTBD Cook ; references required. 2211 Bt. Mary s Ave. c 463 ux tuns. Chicago Furniture Co.. Kin rv,.i.. I ... . . . . Tel 90M X I V A .I I KU AC Q-101 Several fonts of type Gothic condensed, both medium and heavy faced in fair condition- will sell cheap. once, experienced book keeper. None other need apply. Lady preferred. State line of experience and wages expecteti. ACidrss u z, nee. C M488 7 WANTED Second girl; references. Apply to Mrs. Kenyon, 014 . ztn Ave. u 264 WANTED SITUATIONS . Apply to H. A. Haskell, Supi. Mechanical MAIDEN lady of good character wishes Dept.. Bee Publishing Co I position as housekeeper; can give refer- Q-M079 ences. Address F 63, Bee. A-M383 6x RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS GAS OK GASOLINE ENGINES. Uka our 111. iKMnuil k i..r. !r tw sllghuy used engines cheap. Send lor catalogue uud prices. 1114 iarnam BU, Omaha. . Q-674 AUTOMOBILE. 4-cylinder, new Wlnton, at a great bargain, li. i;. Fredrickson AGENTS WANTED BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, the world'l greatest negro, has written an autobiog raphy: sells like lightning; agents make i(i daily; write ror rree outfit. J. L. Nlcft. ols & Co., Napervllle, 111. J-M352 10X W o76 Je8 BUSINESS CHANCES loth St. IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult U. 8. Sales Bureau, oat ana tuo nee Biug. x ihv "mHohJH; "t?,rim,t,re"w,; almo" IF YOU want to buj Sl JLni iii anhlf yiu; "J0 "-"ula real estate or busi Rest range. 3018 Davenport. O uin J.i . , u. Ai:iSM.?-B,r:E:.l? ..I"?1"" runabout 83M. Fredrickson. 15th and cfpitol Ave ' buy, sell, rent or exchange usiness utitn. see (onii ton-nans k.o., dm faxioir am. x you 7 THE BEST WA Is the known way You can't go astray. The known way to get results from Classified Advertising is to use Bee Want Ads. Get on the right track! ' SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Maeoale Tempi Cor. lh A Capital Ave. OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DEWEY, European hotel, 13th A Farnam. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern, 2310 Wet'.ter. rtione 6390. E 878 FOR RENT, desirable front room, to single .1 ' i - ' '1 7 OUth 26th t. E "06 ELEGANTLY furnished moaern room. In quire Flat 8, Davldge Blk., 18th ana rap nam. 'Phone No. &83. E MS99 ROOMS and good board, 85 per week and up. can low cnicago hi. e. i furnished, walking distance. 61141. E KH0 Bx FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, also well furnished parlor; modern, zjh r ar nam, top flat. E 918 Bx TWO furnished room for light house keeping; also sleeping room. 617 and i06 8. lfllh SL. 3d floor. E 281 6x NICELY furnished room, houae modern. 2427 Dodge St. TeL Cedar 62311. E 260 6x PLEASANT room for gentleman; private family. Z2Z3 Burt Bt. maa ox MODERN front room, good board, for two, cheap, uu.1 Chicago. Br zoo ox LARGE furnished room, with all con veniences, private family; price per month. 834 8. zsth Bt. to zoo dx LARGE front room suitable for two: walk ing distance; reasonable. 621 S. 2ntrt Ave. E M369 6x FRONT room 'and alcove; also smaller room; no housekeeping; moaern; rerer ences. 622 S. 24th ave. Tel. Black 4490. E M440 6x HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; modern. The Lakota, 1813 Howard. E M412 6x LARGE front room with alcove, suitable for two. 821 S. lstn. lei. lsig. E M441 2041 HARNEY St., strictly modern. b ftlMS OX EXCELLENT cool and cosy furnished rooms wltn or without alcove, at tne most reasonable price; meals close by. 'Phone In house. Dr. Prlbbenow, 2T.J4 Harney St is ii FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD SUITE of rooms with best of board; mod cm; beautiful, large lawn, wltn shade; quiet and homelike. bJ 1'arK Ave. O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F 978 OAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave large iront rooms, wun aicove, aouinern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern improve- . V Q7Q I lieu in. - ' BOARD and rooms for gentleman; private family. 609 S. 2tn bt. The New Street Car Shops at 26th and Lake Sts. makes a new buslnen location. I have secured control of the 8. W. CORNER iOi-H AND LAKE, OPPOSITE MAIN ENTRANCE CAR SHOPS. which 1 will subdivide and aell at prices that will DOUBLE PURCHASER'S MONEY. Thin property Is suitable for and soon will De occupied Dy GROCERY, MEAT MARKET, CIGAR STORE, RESTAURANT, NOTIONS, BARKER SHOP or like business. Remember the experience at 24th and Ames and 24th and Vinton. For particulars ahuut this or other prop erty in that vicinity, see WALLACE, BROWN BLK. RE 460 7 FOR RENT HOUSES RBOUIAR meeting of Nebraska Ixidre No. 1. A. F. and A. M., Tucsrtav, June 6, at 8 p. m. Work in M. M. degree CIIAS. L. SHOOK, Master. W. C. M LEAN. Secretary. 1 KXIOIfTS OK PYTHIAS. RECEPTION hall, four rooms and laundry. 3416 Lafayette Ave., Bemls Park. D M266 6x 1134 8. 30th Are., B rooms, modern, only 335. Inquire R, C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. D M428 2014 ST. MARY'S AVE., 10-room, modern house. Inquire R. C Peters tt Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D M427 GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Wholesale and Retail. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. W. L. BURGESS, Manager. 813 So. 16th Street. Omaha. RE M177 Je 80 WHOLESALE PROPERTY HARNEY, NEAR 13TH STREET, S10.000. 44x182 ft. on S. side Harney St. just east 13th St Choice location. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE 78 8 Williamson Co.u- ff" RE-496 180 ACRES fine alfalfa land. MO per acre; 320 acres, 337.5Q per acre, for short tlmo. Willis Caldwell, Broken Bow, Neb. RE 5 6-ROOM cottage for sale, 1618 N. 17th 8t Inquire within, i RE M667 WANT SO FAMILIES To colonize l.iniO acres of Irrigated) lands in San Joaquin Valley, California; 40 acres each; 46 per acre, 'n cash; If you go with us May 13 will give you use of 20 acres free and apply one-half of crop on first payment on your 40 acres. FREE WATER COLONY. Room 8, N. Y. Life BlUg., Omaha, Neb. RE 239 1923 CALIFORNIA, 10 rooms, modern, suit able for roomers. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, . Bee Bldg. D-M426 FIVE ROOM house. 2MT Rees St.. $12. Sunblad. 'Phone Red-6160. D 466 7x NEW 7-r., modern, $18. 'Phone 4616. D 467 10X PERSONAL LARSON JOHNSON-Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel, B 211$. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U 121 TRIANGLE LODGE No. 64 Meets every Tuesday evening at castle hall, 22d and Cuming. Visitors always weloome. D. H. ST1NE. C. C. J. R. ST1NE, K. R. and 8. TRIUNE LODGE NO. 66. K. OF P. Meets every Tuesday night at southwest corner 14th and Dodge. Visitors welcome.. A. H. RAWITZER, C. C. J. C. BREWINGTON. K. R. A 8. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS THE Salvation Army solicits cost-ofT cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; m-M ..ill t ranul. AnT ..II mt 111 N 11th St., for cost of collecting' to the worthy I poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will calL I u on PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 122 WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes of machines: second hand machines, IS to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. Uth and Harney. U 123 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U 124 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 1 A 8, 1606 Farnam. U-125 PIANO CLUB Just forming; 60c and $1 weekly; pianos de livered Immediately; piano' lessons free. Call for particulars. 1811 Farnam St. U-126 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kaunas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. I And Dept. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE 893 KANSAS LAND. 108 quarter sections in Wichita county, $400 to $U0 a quarter. All good wheat and al falfa land. J. J. Stephens. Omaha, Neb. RE 994 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good Iowa corn farm of 660 acres; 4)0 acres In cultivation, balance tine pasture; good improvements, 3 miles fro mtown. Price, $tio per acre. Will take stock of goods, or good city property, as part paryment, J. P. Martin, Missouri Valley, la. RE 448 NICELY furnished pleasant room, also ex cellent board; reasonaoie rates, ine nose, 2020 Harney street. F 509 lSx ROOMS AND BOARD Private family: south room with or witnout Doara. znu California St. F M231 9x LARGE east front room, and other small rooms. 818 8. 26th St. F-267 6x A COOL, furnished room, with board. 2418 Cass St. lv M.363 ox BUSINESS property in Omaha paying 8 per cent net on $20,000. Will sell for 416, OUO. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE-M421 FOR SALE One block from street car. 2 bljcks from Armour & Co.; 3 houses, lot 76x160; city water,, gas on street; all taxes paid to date; good Income property; will rmv 10 nur Pent nn rturrhajie rtrlce. See owner, W. Ji-Slate, 8019 R St., South CENTER HOTEL, 210 N. 17th St large front room suitable ror two; duc ana ii.w per day; rates by the week. Tel. H2547. F M361 6x ROOMS and board, and one single room. 1811 Capitol ave. F M419 6x LARGE front room with board. 2039 Har ney. F M417 tix UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT $ SOUTH rooms, arranged for light house keeping. 8210 Cass St. G 754 FOR RENT Two large, very nice rooms; walking distance. 410 N. 23d St. G MS12 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1-861 Q-MWS JelS T 1 1 a Kf . tj-nn.u saie cpeap. Derlght, 1UJ Far- W-106 SECOND-HAND I HAVE one blacksmith shop, 60x60, and lot 60x100, with good tools, both iron and wood; only shop in town; good trade, gooa territory. Come and see or write H. A. Buhman, Buffalo Gap, S. D. Y 908 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Jenltor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is lust the hlng for any one wanting a nice little office In the) best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 foTjr-story and basement. brick building. 916 far- . nam street. This building U 22x86 feet, four stories and a basement The basement Is 22x133 feet, ia cemented. The celling over the basement haa a brick vault and Iron beam construction, making the basement Are proof. The first floor has a marble floor in front and granolithic floor in rear. There is a large burglar-proof vault and a power levator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address The Bee Building Co., C. C Rose water. Secretary, room 100 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon in county; gooa reasons. Address K S3, care Bee. Y-M735 J10 STEAM FITTINGS FOR SAI F SHARES In Omln Typewriter Exchange If voi. m v. , . JrVt-l- at 86 each; Incorporation. $10,000; $6,126 you want a bargain In steam fittings call worth of shares sold in three days; 20 to 100 per cent profit on your Investment. We will handle the best new typewriters on the market. Y 4 and look over the following 1.8-inch Austin horlsonlal separator. 1.4-lnch Austin's vertical seoaratnr rrK..A i . , 'SteoMM InTur .i:?n.Vn0,n c,couni ?' CENT PROFITS-Put your money good condition. Addresa Bee BuilJin. Co.. or aea W. H. Mri.i. r, "?"".'." Vti.iv AmaL. .HfT-1 xe 0,-633 ?UJ8.,ood 'unout automobile, guar 1 T ita ";Xr,Alr"mg..,orler: original mm . i ubUl D I. , , y-106 In lha cattle business; cash or time pay ments. We have the beat ranch in Ne braska. Call and get our booklet. The Weaiarn Cattle and Land Corporation. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y 287 1& B$WK,!""'Ui?.SP- BE8T MIXED W io WANTED Purchaser for X.600 shares M-K (torn Mining Co. s stock; gnt edged; mar ket price advancing, but must sell for cash, even at a sacrifice. Address Box 127, Diagonal, la. Y M232 FURNISHED house In Dundee, Benson or L Florence; oesi reierencea. aure r oo. Bee. V"lJ Omaha. CHEAP chicken fence long flr timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. y-ij? u-i staam merry-go-round; New York L V -ki or 'r,lde; give time with bankable paper; good condition; six good locutions til run u m ' .auAB .or .hiiuiit CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, Location UPSTAIRS 113 8. 16th St. sickness. Address L. Brlisk, laurel, Net! I Palmistry and Occult Science a specialty. Q M467 Nx Call and be convinced. S-1T4 ' FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages at pru-re. jonnaon Dan- (uriu, auuu.wai vurnar win and Jones P-114 BHETIAND ponies for sals. 42d and Cen- it p.. ' P M5S4 PRINTING PRINTING. MEMORIAL CARDS; ar- i.v,....... llstlc daigns. H. K. Cor. I.YNGSTAD ua v- GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 1611 Caollol Ave.. Tel. 14oi, fully equipped fur mu aiima Vi yi "'aji mcn MRS. FRITZ. worth. clairvoyant, 163 Leaven' 8964 MME. BOYER; advice reliable. 210 N. 17th (t enter Hotel), half block N. W. puat- omce. f none B-ZM7. aMzi iox I MME. FRANCISCO. 1704 Capitol Ave. hours t a. m. to p. m. 8 M420 lOx PATENTS II. A. 8TURGES, registered attorney! pat- cms, trade marks, copyrignis; no ire ua' lots successful. 617 N. Y. LUa. Omaha. 9u0 SUES A CO.. natant attorneys. Washing ton. It. c. opposite u. a. paieni mt, avtc aaa plul biuw trae, -dwwi IF you apply at once we can give any One aesiring mis ewnjo mmuni any arrangement tuey desire. This space is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters at Co., Rental Agents, grouna noor, ao mag. 1 7,2 the storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam St.. only $16 per monm. inquire n. j. xeiers & CO., ground muui, xioe muii x ism STOREROOM, 621 South Wth St. Clarke Powell, 1618 Capitol Ave. 'Phone 921. I-M198 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO BUY 8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 828 N. Y. Life pays highest price for books. Tel. 3UH6. N WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furniture and stoves, iiu m or wnt j. ixviu city. SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1611 Farnam. N J LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg., pooms sot and ua xmu uxn. m ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Chursh Co., main fl., N. Y. U 'Phone 1311. PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-26 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 16U Farnam. U 127 MAfiNFTIP treatment & baths. Mma mMJil E 1 1 Bmtlh. 118 N. 16. 2d fl., r. 2. 11300 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 35J0. U 128 OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 4b21. WILL give worthy party shorthand schol arship In leading school and wait. for pay ment. Address C 66, Bee. U 129 DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronic and nervous diseases. Call or write. Dr. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Consultation free. U 130 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. r U-131 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th. U 132 6INGING-Jrof. Alex. C. Stewart, Euro pean dramatic tenor. Ladles' voice spe cialist. 'Phone Red4919. U M163 13x $30-RUPTURE CURED-$30; no injections, no pain; absolute guarantee; we cure per manently; new method; call or write for booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG., OMAHA U-M178 30X Omaha. RE M409 10 FOR SALE FARMS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to (0,008 homes of farmers and stock raisers. FOR RENT HOUSES NO. 1334 S. 28th, 8-room. modern house. large ana ceauiuui yard, only wo pur month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co, ground floor Bee Bldg. D 747 HfilKF1" " Prta of the city. R, 1 4wU JL Peters A Co.. Hee HldK. , X wo THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack. move ana store n. li. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Ottlce, 1611h Farnum. Tel. li.". D 998 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age co. uei. 1498. omco, 1718 Webster si. D-939 NO. 641 PARK AVE. rooms, modern- only $26 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D M611 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. itt. schmoller & Mueller. D 1000 HOI KF;ln a Parts of the city. The nWUOCOo. j.-, DavU Co., 60s Bee Bldg. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. u 1U1 FURNISHED FLAT In new apartment building for the summer. Address E 68, Boe. D M218 BEST umbrellas, lowest prices; repairing done. Boston Umbrella Co., 630 8. Wth. Tel. 1817. U-M183 Jy31x MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safo) no danger, no pain, no inter ference with work: relief brouicht to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, $2. Dr. Q. G. Raymond Remedy Co., Room 36, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111, , . Ill LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt " regulator for ladles; never falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, 112 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611ft Dodge St., Omaha. U 113 HONORABLE retired physician will give advice free to weak men. Address Dr. Carl Kerby, P. O. box 227, Seattle, Wash. M6S9 Je23x DR. DE MARS, French Tansy "and Penny royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure oure for all female Irregularities. Regular price, $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., Uth and Farnam, Omaha. 348-Je9 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R.tC. Peters & Co. W-980 VERY desirable 9-room modern dwelling to small lamny; partly lurniunea it aesirea; or furniture for sale; rent, $30 per' month. W. F. Holden, 3864 Seward St. D V1329 No. 4202 Hamilton St., 6-room flat, only $7.00 per., month. Inqulrs R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor Bee Bldg. D 887 6-ROOM modern house, 2624 Dewey Ave., .3 A.. ,1 1.. n(i.-Li...,An I D 703 NEW MODERN HOUSE, 642 8. 24th St., eight rooms, every modern convenience, walking distance, $40. GARVIN BROS.. 1U04 FARNAM. D-833 FOR RENT 7-room house; all modern, 2128 California St., $32.60; G-room, 620 N. 22d St., $22. Apply at 807 W. 19lh St D M876 2614 ST. MARY'S, 10-room modern house; attic, laundry, will paper and repair; walking distance. Only $40 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters at Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D-M147 MODERN HOUSE. CHOICE LOCATION. 2614 Bt. Mary's Ave., good ten-room house, modern, every convenience, walking dis tance, $40. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. D-M136 MODERN barn, close in, paved streets, reasonable rent. Apply to Clinton H. Bilges, 1320 Farnam St. D M160 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-9S1 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W-982 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-983 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 981 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W 9J6 LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on farms in eastern iseD. rseims, faxion mik. W 988 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brenan, room 1, New York Life Bldg. W 987 BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W 9!8 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay It back in monthly navments. Hastings rieyaen. jm-)- r r nam St. W M878 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. 971 27tl DODGE St., 9-room house and bath, strictly modern and up-to-date; most de sirable; investigate if you desire a good home; good aa new; rent $40. Call 29U6 Dodge. Phone 6141. D 247 MODERN HOUSE. Brand new house, every modern conven ience, six rooms, reception hall, combina tion stnlrs.Mawn, two blocks from Hans coin park, 1616 8. 28th St.; rent. $36. . GARVIN BROS., 104 FARNAM. D 834 CENTRAL, all modbrn, 7-room bouse, 220 N. 23d. D 381 SIX-ROOM modern cottage, 32d and Cass Sts. John R. Webster, Board of Trade BlcU.. D 251 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, CU N.Y. Life bldg. Tel.1664 MRS. JOHN R. MUBICK, Osteopathy Phy- icianj omoe, ctevuie sul, at. a 7-ROOM modern house, $80.00. 642 8. Sth Bt. D M279 111 (-ROOM house, modern. Inquire 632 Park Ave. 8014 Elm St.; $23. D M486 10X 4-ROOM house. 2814 Boulevard Ave. faouth). H block from South Omaha car; in good condition: city water Inside; rent $8. w alter urten, lirbaA Blk. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A27S6. -972 FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -891 L. HENDERSON, 1S19 Farnam. Tel. 1268. 992 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not And what you want In this column put an ad In and you wIHboob a 11. LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eyai tested and fitted right Bennett's. Found 70 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that jrou OUR INTEREST It Is 'as low as you will find any where for our class of business and it is much less than some will ask you. We charge nothing for making papers and our service is quick and quiet. Our money Is loaned on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels, and we loan to salaried people upon tholr own agreement to repay. , We arrange your contract so you are obligated to pay only a small payment each month, and tell you In advance Just what the cost will be and give you the option of paying all you are able to at any time, and the more you pay the less the cost will be. We are the oldest concern In our line In the city with many satisfied patrons, and we think we can satisfy you. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade BuUdlug, 808 So. Wth St. Tel. 2296. (Established 1892.) X-276 BORROW MONEY WHERE You get It on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, eta, WHERE You get it. on short notice. WHERE You get low rates and easy terms. WHERE Confidential and courteous dealings bring you back. WHERE Can you do better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Top floor. 833 PAXTON BLK. X 981 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbo now, room U4, at 209 S. 15lh Bt. Tel. B2!i4. X t2 MONEY ,oaned salaried people and others without security; eusy payments. Otlices in M principal cities. Toiman, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X 903 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to set on furnl ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note If , steaaiiy empioyeu. ita xv. x. LAte. X-964 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., 8 Darker ik. X 965 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. A 988 MONEY FOR SAIxARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 844 f AATU.N BLK. X 967 EAGLE I,oan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. i A 908 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley ijoan v;o., iot rarnam Bt. A SKS) CHATTEL and collateral loans. Union Loan & Investment Co. Tel 2904. 212 Bee Building. , X M194 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. Jsaw tit ad. La Tb-,. VA (Should be read DAILY by all interested. so cuanges maor occur ai any umi.j Foreign mails for the week ending June 10, 11MI6, will close (PROMPTLY in all caseai at me iienerei x'osiomce aa lollows' REGISTERED AND PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than rinn- tlme shown below. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. June 6 and 12. Parcels-Post Mails for Great Britain ..A Ireland are despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdays nnd by the American Line on Saturdays. An additional despatch la made by the Cunard Line when a Cunard steamer sails on Ssturday later than the American Line steamer the same day. The farceia-j-uBi mtuie viuaa une nour Defore the regular malls. Parcels-Poat malls for BARBADOS unit GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND CAN- inot do regisierea. Regular and Supplementary maJia -ia- at Foreign Station (corner of West and morion oireein; imu nuur later man clos ing time shown below, (except that supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at f oreign oiauonj. itlantlo Malls. TUESDAY (6) At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE per a. a. -rvmnrr lilieim aer urosse, via Plymouth. Cherbourg and Bremen. WEDNESDAY (7) At 5 a. m. for EUROPE per s. s. uceanic, via ijueenstown and Liverpool; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct (specially addressed only), per s. s Statenuam; at 8:,i a. m. for ITALY direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Lombarula; at 11 a. m. for NOR WAY PARCELS-POST MAILS, per s. s. Oscar II (also regular mall for Denmark when specially addresaed for this steamen). THURSDAY (8)-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE; SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORT UGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Touraine. via Havre (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. m. for ITALY direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Nord America. SATURDAY (10). At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. iNew lorn, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (Including Ireland when spe cially addressed for this steamer): at 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Umbrla, via Queenatown and Liverpool; at 8 8ft a. m. for BELGIUM PARCELS-POST MAILS, per s. s. Finland (also regular mall for Belgium when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. m. for Scotland direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Astoria. Malls (or loath and Central America, W est Indlea, Klc. WEDNE8DAY (7).-At a. m. for BER MUDA, pel s. s. Bermudlan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA. HAITI and MAGDALEN A DEPART MENT OF COLOMBIA, per s. s. Val dlvla (Including Port au Prince, St. Marc, Petit Goave, Aux Cayes and Jacmel when specially addressed for this steamer); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per a. s. Prlns der Nederlanden (Including Cape Haiti, Port de Palx, Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad and Guiana when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 12 m. for SANTIAGO (specially addressed only), per s. s. Manxanlllo; at 12:3o p. m. (sup plementary 1 p. m ) for TURKS ISIaAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee. THURSDAY (8).-At 9 a. m. for CURA, YUCATAN and CAMPECHE, per s. s. Vlgllancla (also other parts of Mexico when specially addressed for this steamer); at 12 m. for YUCATAN, via progreso, per s. s. Niagara (also other parts of Mexico, via Tamplco, when specially addressed for this steamer); at 12 m. for CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Mantanares (also other parts of Vene suela, via La Guayra, when specially ad Hre.e1 for this steamer). -At iz m. inr iuiaun anti Daggry; at 7 p. m. Hall- POSTOFFICE NOTICE Morro Csjtle. via llavsna: at 10 a, m. for GRENADA. ST. VINCENT, TRINI DAD. CIUDAD rolivah ana uliana. f t v the piers or the AMBRl- v 'l II and FRENCH steamers. i alllnga occur at 8 00 a. m. T, te mall may be deposited T " per s. s. Maraval: at 11 m. for ARGEN-; . J TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per v S 8. s. Bnrdsley; at 12:30 r. m. for CUBA JjPeT (specially a.l.UeKsed only), per s. a. Curl- w tyt. via Matanxsa. NOTICE -Five cents per half ounce IN AD DITION TO THE REGULAR itHirAunL must be prepaid on all letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FORUItlN COUN TRIES." af'er the CLOSING OF THB REGULAR MAIL, lor despatch by a par tlrulnr vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unlesa such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE IS FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are also orened nn the piers of the AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and 1 whenever the sal or later: nnd lst In the mall boxes on the piers of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hoboken. The mall.- on the piers open hour and a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 6 cants a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN, WHITB STAR and GERMAN Sea Post) steamers; double postage (Tetters 16 aents a ball on other lines. Malls Forwarded Overland, Rtc, Ex cept TranapaolMo. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) are forwarded dally to porta of sailing. Ths CONNECTING malls close at the General Postoflice. New York, as follows; CUBA, via Port Tampa, at 14:30 a. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. (Also from New York, Thursday and Saturday see above.) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:80 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday at 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. nj. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-P-at Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. akon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also oc casionally from New York and Philadel phia. See above). M1QUELON, via Boston and North Sydney, at 6:3o p. m. every other Sunday (June 1 and 18, etc.). JAMAICA, via Boston, at 7:00 p. m. Tues day and Friday. (Also from New York on Saturday. See above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 10:3 p. m. Tuesday. BRITISH I ON DURA B, HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA, via New Or leans, at 110:30 p. m. Monday. (West coast of Honduras Is despatched from New York via Panama see above.) NICARAGUA (east coast), via New Or leans, at 110:80 p. m. Wednesday. (West coast of Nicaragua Is despatched from New York via Panama see above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE, via New Orleans, at J10:3u p. m., Sunday (after 10:30 p. m. and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Panama and canal sons Is held for the New York steamer see above). (Registered mall for overland despatches clohes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malla, Forwarded Over land Dally. The schedule of cloalng of transpacifls malls Is arranged cn the presumption of their unlnterruoted ovrlana transit to rort i of sailing. The llnal aonnectlnfc, trial1 (ex- cept registered transpacific malls des- feV patcnea via Vancouver, victoria, Tacoma or Seattle, which close 6 p. m. close at the general postoflice, Ntw York, as follows: JAPAN (except Parcels-Poat Mails). KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 p. m. June 6 for des patch per s. s. Empress of Japan. JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and specially addressed mail for the PHILIPPINia ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 p. ,n. June 7 for despatch per s. s. Kanagawa Jlaru, IT . W . TT T m A K' L'ADPl PlllV , a ... I a1a..v,,i, , nv'ii PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran- f . Cisco, close at 6 p. m. June 12 for des-A.v-i 1 patch per s. s. China. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close st 8 p. m. June 12 for despatch per s. s. Ala meda. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at I p. m. June 17 for despatch per s. s. Ne braskan. I FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except west) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 p. m. June 17 for despatch per s. s. Aorangl. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except west), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 P. m. June 24 for despatch per s. a. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect wun tnis aespaicn, em; malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 8 a. m. and 6 p. m, will be made up and for warded until the arrival of the Cunard PHIUPpnB ISLANDS and GUAM, via, San Francisco, close at p. m. June 26 for despatch per U. 8. Transport. HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. m. June 26 for des patch per s. s. Doric. . TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. June a for despatch per s. s. Mariposa. MANCHURIA (except Mukden, New ell wang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBEIUA is at present forwarded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese provinces of Yun nan, via British India the quickest routes Philippines specially addressed "via Europe" must be fully prepaid al the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. WfLLCOX, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., June 2, 1MB. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. VRIOA Y (91 for BERMUDA, per steamer from SATURDAY (10).-At 4 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Capri, via Pernambuco. Rio " Janeiro and Flnrlanopolls (Including Northern Brasil, Argentine. Uruguay and Paraguay when specially addressed for this steamer); at 8:30 a. m. (supplement ary -30 a. m.) for PORTO RK'O. CURA CAO and VenesueJa, per a. a. Philadelphia (also Colombia, via Curacao, when spe cially addreaaed for thla ateamer); at 9 30 a m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauca and Magda lena Deiiartmests, per s. s. Sarnla (also Costa Rica, via Llmon. when aneclally addreaaed for thla ateamer); at 8.80 a. m. (auprlementary 10:30 a. m. for NICA RAGUA (except East Coast), HONDU RAS (except East Coast). SALVADOR, PANAMA. CANAL ZONE CAUCA DE PARTMENTS OF COLOMBIA. ECUA DOR, PERU, BOLIVIA and CHILI, per a s Beguranca, via Colon (also Guate mala when specially addreaaed for this Steamw) at 10 m. lor CVfiA, par s. a. J nprinu' cnKBTHIKTINO QUARTER-lJk master, Sheridan, Wyo., June 2. I!i6.-1 Sealed proposals, In triplicate, for install ing an Interior and exterior electric ngni Ing system at Fort Mackenzie, Wyo., will be received here until 10 a. m. (mountain time), June 19, 19u6. Plans and speclrtca tlons may be seen at offices of depot quar termaster, St. Louis; chief quartermaster. Omaha, Denver, Chicago and St. Paul, and at this offlcp, at which latter place all In formation may he obtained. U. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid or any part thereof. Proposals should be Ani...A in aenleii en velones. marked "Pro posals for Electric Lighting System, ' ad-f dressed Capt. James 8. Parker. G. M., 1- 8. A., office of Constructing Quartermas erT- ' J2-8-o-5-lo-lf 7 , CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Offlcl. Omaha, Neh!? June 6, lu6. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, June 10, 1906, for the construction of a band . .' i . . i.',.- rvnnk Mehmska. Full In formation furnished on M'P"ca'"n " "' office where plans and specifications may amAn k'rnnnsn i h i i n i " " - - posals for construction of a band stand at Fort Cror.ii. Neb.," and addressed to Major M ? GrasAallnskl. Constructing Quarter- Tj..(iHirt OmAhA. Neb. master, Armr puui"B' J5-8-7-8-14-1B PROPOSAL FOR MULES AND RIDING Horses. Depot Quartermaster s Office, Omaha. Nebraska. May 25. 1905.-Beaed pro PXls. In triplicate, will be received fiere until 12 o'clock noon. June 12, 19ii6. and then opened, for furnishing 92 mules and I 38 riding horses. United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts thereof Information and specifications fur nished on application. Envelopes containing to be marked. "Proposals for Mules and Riding Horses" and addressed to Cap tain Thos. Swobe, Quart"ina.g,.10.,- LEG Al, NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SIX BRICK BUILD Ings, Water, Sewer and Electric Light ing System. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C. June 2, 1W6 Sealed proposals, endorsed Proposals for Buildings, etc., at Washlng N D and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C. will be received at the Indian Office until I o'clock p. in. of Tuesday, July 18, 16, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete two dormitories, a school house, a ineBS hall, a laundry and a ware house, all of brick, with plumbing, steam heat and electric light, also water, sewer and electric lighting systems, at the site of the new school, near Wahpeton, N. D., in strict accordance with plans, specifica tions and Instructions to bidders, which may lie examined at this office, the offices of the "Gaselte." Wahpeton, N. D-; the "Tribune," Bismarck, 8 D.; the "Aruga Leader," Sioux Falls, 8. D. ; the "Improve ment Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.; ine hloneer-i rBH, m. raui, mum-, " can Contractor." Chicago, 111.: "Globe-Lem- f r 1 ocrat," St. Louis, Mo.; "Bee," Omaha. t Neb.; the Builders' and Traders' Exchanges I at Omaha. Neb.; Milwaukee, Wis.: St. Paul, 1 Minn., and Minneapolis. Minn.; the North- I western Manufacturers' Association. HI. I Paul, Minn ; Commercial Club, Des Moines, 1 Ia. ; the U. S. Indian Warehouses at '.'ii V South Canal St., Chicago, III.; 119 Wooster , St.. New York; VI South Seventh St., St. at Ixiula? Mo.; 816 Howard Ht., Omaha. Neb., F 1 and with the I'oatmaBtr at Wahpeton. V !, N. D. For further Information apply tuVsJf J C. V. Larrabee. Acting Commissioner. -A V V ty