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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1905)
THE OMAITA DAILY HEBl TFEPDAY. .TTTXK fl, 100... rntiv ivn nniihrrr utncfT iiUAia AAV ruuuLtL niinaci Atmotphsrio Condition and Atnltils Bnpplj Are Contending Ttolor. WEATHER INFLUENCES WHEAT DECLINE OMAHA. Jun t, 1IM6. Brilliant weather prospect and lh light Supply or tun wheal on nana war tn controlling laclnia in I no wnrtt market, ill miner Had the beat ot u una wnrti Declined, i'he lilgncai ulu wn l ma opening Jmy tio.ra al ic, September a. njo snu iMrnuUKr at iic C'Oru aa a lime wtu eauy In th aes Ion, eui ph kwl up mn-1 on ami nelu a Sluing unuertone al uay. noloing Vi4 moo vii yeateiaay. July nnlantii Mt sni.. old J illy at ic, bepleiulier ti 4 ski, uiii Saeptainner at tie-no ana Inrrmtmr ai 4v .. . it acteu in in same manner aa coin. Opening lower, ttiey began lu euvance alter me mat jiour. juiy hitiened ai ic, tcp- irniu.'i ai iao ami iny ai sic. The government crop report next Kalur- aay wlii be the moat important ot the yrnr. it will make the tint anowma ot area and tne condition of tne Kpting cmp, and tnu give the liaile aoiuethln langibiti on whicli lo figure. A year ago tne June outlooK I or 4i4.wu.oiiu bushels In three norinwestei n late. 'I'M waa reduced to lfxi,Wj,um buaii la in the llnai oltli lai returns null and bear (Utilities were each wide of Hie linn.1 mark when estimating the effects of the mat and blight of last Bummer, Lxtremlsts ligured I ho yield aa low aa llo.KKMAio bustim ana aa mgri aa I76,ou,,0ut bushel. Haoelpla of wheal at primal; point ilur ma" me week were I.Jtvl.imu bu., akainat l,u6,fi bu. the week beiore and i,ii.iiu tiu. laat year. The northwest points te reived care, against 1.443 cr last ween and 1,738 cara me week before. Prl maty receipt of corn aggregated 4,77ii,isaj bu., compared with 2,Wu,uoo bu. the weea before and 4..Tt,ouo bu. last yeiir. 1 he world a (tilpmenl for tha week were 12. aVtK.Ou) bu. of wheat, an Increase ot 3,4Wi.tiil bu. over tha previous week, and 2,Mi,itiu bu. of corn, an Increase of 3HX.0U0 bn Wheat on passage Is 46,44rt,0uo bu. Heavy nipmenta are being made from Russia Btoi k of wheat at IliiluUi are 1.713,397 bu I-Jverpool closed with corn and wheat each Hd lower. Antwerp, Uuda Peath and Berlin closed lower, while 1'arla waa i 11 1 1 lea higher on wheat. From today's Record-Herald: "June In fluences and condition probably will be more effective this year than In any re rent year. In any event, the new crop must he a growlnK. while tne old crop win . be a waning Influence. At the moment the preponderance of evidence Is that the lima .ffsAl mfltl Km kaarlah Thnro la m big lot of hlah-ttriced old wheat northwest In which there may be competition In sell ing and In which there might also be a udden and severe shrinkage In case the Dulufh and the Minneapolis holders failed to work harmoniously. Omaha Cash Sales. CORN No. 3 yellow, i cara, 460. Omaha (ash Prices. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 964jsc; No. 1 hard, tfafjtac; No. 4 hard, liiKirt&c; No. S spring, 7c CORN No. -I, 4tc; No. S, 4--c; No. 4, Wit oc; no grade, itxauc: no. z yellow, ic No. i yellow, 4t)VtjC, No. 2 white, 46Vtjc; No, 1 white. 46UC. OATH No. 2 mixed, 29Hc; No. 3 mixed, S9c; No. 4 mixed. 2SWc: No. 2 white. 31c; No. 3 white, itoytc; No. 4 white, 30c; atand- ara, tic. Carlot Recelata, Wheat. Corn. Oata. stents, . ivfi first cleara, $1.nrJ4 10; Sm-'iikI cleat. I.' T.-.Ti .' W KHAN- 111 bulk. U to. Hit ai.o i.hii.i am nintiMtm Kealares of Iha 'Iraillna aad I losing I'rlcea Hm ra t Trade. t'HR'AHii. Jitie Kc.-ent weather Chicago ( MO 126 Kansas City 31 41 & Minneapolis 360 ... - Omaha V 33 1U Duluth 6 BU Louis U 186 71 Minneapolis Grain Market. Tha range of prices paid In Minneapolis, a-s reported oy tne fed wards-wood com pany, 110-lu board of Trad, was: Articles. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close. Sat y Wheat July.. .11 11H Bept...85iial -Lorn July.. Sept.. Dec... 1 12V.I 49H1 4N1SI 4&J41 I 60V I 46Hi M-l Vi 1 "Til 4D I04kl 1 us 4H New. WEATHER IX THUS URAIS BELT A bora Mnety In Central Valleya aiid High to Moanlalna. OMAHA, June 6. 1906 Much warmer weather prevailed weat of me Mississippi river to thu mountains dur ing Saturduy and Sunday. Temperature above 9u were general throughout the Mle Blaalppl and Miaaourl valleys and extended west over the eastern slopo of the Kocky mountains. The weather Is much cooler In the west and northwest this morning, and will be cooler In the central valleys tonight aim x uennay. High winas prevailed throughout Ilia up per vaueya ana neavy raina occurred in Minnesota and North Dakota, and u:iet tied weather, with a low pressure, prevails over n upper vaueys mis morning umana jecora ot temuvraiure and ore. rlpltatlon compared with thn corresponding uajr ui vim last inree years: ... . IX. 1904. 1KI. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 7s 63 66 rrecipuauon nu tu .01 ill normal temperatura lor today 88 de I Kl. Lienciency in Dreclnltatlon alnna March t l (n iiiciira. t exceas corresponding period In 1904, Its incnea. uxcesa correapondlng period In 1903, L71 incnea. OMAHA. DISTRICT Rt. PORTS. lamp Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inrhe. Bkv. for nml'irli.g full sown wiiem had a weak- enlng effect on wheat pities here today. AiKither heailsli Infliieiice waa lllietal in- leiiKai in wkiIiIb ali I in ! n t I ne inarmi limed iilmnal at the Inwaal iMiint of the liiy- with Jul) off lvrl'tc t orn la lip Vc una allow a gain of " . rruvlMlnna Hie up dm 1 -"'' NNeiiHiiedS in the wheat inaiKei was in hleui e nt the sisrl, Initial iiiolntliuii mi ily being off i Vc to Sr at Xi'4Hc to x'i'. tine renson lor the opening ilei line whs the lien i lull tenor of weekly statlatli a From the atait cotiimlHslon hounea and ahnrta wrie free snllnra. Aa Iriullng pin greaaed selling became mole general. With alnioal nothing from the country but bear ish news concerning the crop, wenkneaa be am more pronoiiiii el. tnie report from Km nun a (It) elated that ImivemiiiK henn tiMlay in some ancllotia of Houthern Kanana snil iat operation would be general by next wnek At 7c July reached the lowest Kiint of the diiy. The tutiiket closed ex tremely weak with July at 7lic. Clear ance of wheat and flour were equiti to 94, Hno liuahels. The amount on pasMHgii In creased 77d.ool bushels, while the visible supplv decreased l.W2,floD buahel. I'rlmarv receipts were 4.1.200 bushels, compared with z:.V Dusneia k year ago. jvnnnenMiia, Iniluth and Chicago reported recelpla of a'i: cars against iJl car Inst week and i.l car a yer ago. considering tne exceneni weiiuier urn o market had a remarkably firm undertone. Kar v In the aension sentiment was sngnii bearish on axpectatlona of greatly lm reaid receipt. A decline at Uveipool was an Additional bear factor. laater, however, shorts, alarmed by the eareedlngly light Stocks, covered freely causing a sharp up turn. Several prominent commission houses were active buyers. July opened unchanged to Ui; lower at VJc to wv, soui neiwcen lit'ic and and closed at 4Uc. Jaocal ecelpla wero sin car, with JO oi contract giadv. t overliig ny innueniiai anuria causen oe- clded aiienath In tho oats market. Slock at pi trinit y points were reported very amiill, the viBinie auppiy anowing a whtium oi 1.4".imo busjiels, coinpared with ft decreaso last yenr or KIC.ono bushels. Itcport ol poor prospects for a good yield In the east hrid somo Innuence. 1 ho mai'Kei coseu irnc- tlcally at the highest point. July opened a shade to Ho lower at iioic lo dU'yu .", aold up to 3lc rtiiil closed at 31'4C. Locul ici-elpis were 124 cars. iTovlMlons were mm t liroiigjioul mo en tire session. Offerings were light and In order lo secure any shorts had to bid up the price. A small advance la the price of live hog had a uuiusn enect. Jt tne nose Heptemlier pork closed with a gain of 12Vc, at 113.00; lard wa up MiiV, at I7.57V; ribs were up lo'a'iV, at 17.85. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 1 car; coin, 624 cars; oats, 3-6 cars; hogs, 22 ) head. Tha leading futures ranged aa followa: NEW YORli STOCKS AND BONDS Market ii Dull Almoat to Btaogtion, bat I'ricai Are Firm. TRADING IS LARGELY PROFESSIONAL leelUa Hegardlag I ropa on tha Whole la More llopefal Than llaa lleceally I'revallrd Money I !:. Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Ixiw. Cloe. 8afy. Wheat July Bept. 1 )ec. Corn tJuly iJuly IScpt. ISept. lllec. Oats- July Sept. Hent. Lard- July Bept. Sept. s7'-8 I 4ft'''0fi0 45X''a4ti 30tttr 87 874t88i,1i,Si XIV, 81V'" HHVu'd' U M 81H tV('41''ri!liOVi'fr14! BtWi'4 aaV 811 60Vtj 4&' l1 4S'H 4S148'A''H; 4t)1s 4tr 49 i 49H 491, wtii 31 H! 28 49 I 31 2S;28Vut 4SV 4l.i, 2SS 12 87 12 75 12 S7V4 12 72Vfci 12 TO 12 96 13 00 12 95 13 00 12 87tt 7 87 4 7 40 "7 37H 7 40 7 7 66 7 67Vi 7 66 7 67 7 blhi 7 32 7 40 7 324 7 40 7 3o 7 67W 7 t6 7 67i 7 65 7 55 NEW VtiHK, June 6 -Most of today's mail busini-ss In slocks waa dona duruia the tlrst hour ol the aesalon. I here waa a uotalilo congestion ol U'siinga In a few speculative la vol Ilea Hill sin n aa It wan tne market showed distinct llriiiness The dullness approached at limes to stagna tion and ihete was nothing In show any snare In tne maiket on me jiart of any but tho piolessional element. Amongst them the sentiment seemed to be cheeiiul and various pools signalised their existence by tlielr acnvlty in special stocks, 'i lie market had one decided set hack on reelig Ing affr tho opening advance and an other at the last which ledmed prices at the closing. The (until taking was espo clnlly liuge In AmHigamateil ( oppi-t which had risen a point and then led back to a point below Hntiirday after tho puhllm Hon of the statement of thn coinny. Tim sympathetic eneel of this relapse carried back the whole market. I'nited Htates Bteel pieferred took up the van of tho recovery and waa In ita turn a strong sym pat In in: Inttuence on the general list. On tario Ai Western waa ummIii In laige re uuest imil rumius were revived of the guar an lee ol a dividend of New York Central and New York, New lliivi n A llArtfoid AinalgHinateil did not revive enectually from the effect of the realising liioveinenl and cloaed at a net loss of l'y Home efteel was produced oy the uppear ance of negotiations looking towards bring ing about pence between ItUNSIa and J pan. The subsidence of Ihn violent storm In tho IviuliuMe controversy was a relief to sentiment, although that subject con tinued to lie actively discussed III the flrian del world and to be regarded aa fraught with possibilities of further harm. Hall road I utile oflli lals sooko In a cheerful toniitaif IiuhIiichs prospei Is, the volume of offerings being hfid well above last year's level. Thn feeling regarding the crop on the whole was more hotrtiful than has re cently prevailed and contributed materially to the tlrmiiesM of stocks. The money market retained Its unrultled sill lace, not withstanding Ihn weakness of the Haturday bank statement. Tho market allowed Itself soft to the effect of profit taking by the room traders nd closed heavy wltn the gams much reduced or wiped out. Honda wero Irregular. Total sales, pur value, L'.6I0.ii0. I'nited Plates bonds were all unchanged on call Tho quotations on the New York Btock exchange ranged as follows: Hales. High. Low. Close. rertsln position of Wsll sires' In th af lei iinini thi ss general Improvement and pi Ices i loaed film. hoielgners r.a.i a letter tune in mpthv Willi Tsrla Jnpa- neae weie a alniiie i ssier on proiu-iaains linpeilsl Jnpanese government M of 14 weie rinoled at Kil'i. liKHl.lN. June I. -Tiadlng on tliMoute tods v vnn Imhi 1 1 ve. l AIHH June 6 I'lhe on the Hoinsa today were llrm, owing lo Inteiventlon of president favor of s ai e In Hie far Imperial 4s were quoted at man bonds ot IIshI at U t'imnr of the Hioevlt In eat rtuaslan ki 76 and llus- frw Inrk Money Marhet. NKW YOMK. June 6 MnNKY In call, essv at Vttl'i p"' cent: closing bid. V l-er cent offered at per int , time loana, steady; sixty and ninety days. 3 per ent, six month. Ssti-V I" cent, prime mercan tile paper. 3V(I I"'1 . H TKHI.IN'I KXf'HANHK -Htrong, with actual business In tiankeia' bills at 4 s7'0 47ii for demand and at W.'(f4 M4 for sixty day bills, posted rates. 84 vl4M, com mercial bills 14 811. hit Itsr. fi,c: Mexican dollars 46c. in iNiB-lovernmenl. steady; ralltond, Irieguhir. I losing ouoiaiions on oonos were rt ti. t. ret. la, rt do reuiiun U. la. r- du ciiiii0n L nw 4a, rg dn riupm . . t old 4a, do Fnupnn Am liihano I dn a, i Ita . . Ai-i-hlKnn gen. dn ail. 4a . Atlaiiiii . I, Hal A Oh In 4 dn IBl antral of fla do lal Inr do 2d Inr I ha A I ill I o 4'4i . I hlran A A I ., H A H n 4. . (.., R. 1. A r. 4a . . do rol. 6i i n . i L l 4a t'hii-aiio Ter 4a . . . t'oliiraan Mid 4a... t olo. A So. 4a lolo. Ind fB, set A do at B t nix ta, Ufa 1). a It. (I 4a IMallllera' See. Krla pi lor llan 4s.. do xn. 4a r. W A 11. C. la.. Offered. IM Hmbiiii al 4a.. ut't Jaian aa. nra Out, do 4Kia, rtla I. A N unl. 4t ... nj Maahaitan g 4a. IH M. I antral 4a 104 Hu lit Ini lilt Mian. A St k. 4a . rtfa 74i a , K a T. 4a .... .... Hit do la I'll N R R nt M. r. 4 .... N. . I. I Sa.... ... ini a N J c. . to n4 i .No I'ai idc 4a to i to , II. VN A W. e 4a ... M Id . I, ridg 4a .. ai fenn imuv. iva ... p7 it ea-1 1 iia ga 4a arev't I. A I H r al nil list I. e I ii i 7 vi I w. e 4a . 2 Heahnard A la. 4a . HHi!ho l'a Irli I. ',jno Itallaan aa . iTasaa A I' la .. . 4 IT., Ft I. ' 4a 7tiaL'nioii lai:lflc 4a. . . . 41 aji do inn v 4a 10', V I s Steal d to . . l'UWaliaah la 10. do dati R Wratrrn M4 4a.. W. A I.. K. la lu4W u (.antral 4a.. IMS ".a 1"4 . I"4ii . la . K'14 . M mi . M 1 ail ,lo '4 114 . 1'itiH . 11 .inj4 . M'a l"l I'd li'4 1 ' . IS . a lc. 121 .1' .11.1, . 2 .111 . 10 . ah . 4 . tt OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bttaf Blen Blow to Dim Lower, Btit Cowi Btegrtj, Othtr Lower, HOG MARKET STRONG, TRADING ACTIVE heegj aad laaa Market kleady, sallh hora l.aash In Heat llemand aad C aaaatltallaa Iha llalk af the Iteeelpla. OMAHA. Jun , V Cattle Hogs Hberp. Ashland. Neb.. Auburn, Neb Columbus, Neb. Kalrbury. Neb.. .Fairmont. Neb.. Kl M U H2 41 r 1 . is iliiii. ieu.. aa an nrtnn Kim ui Oakdale, Neb.... S3 Omaha, Neb 93 Tekamah, Neb... M Carroll, la is) Clarlnda, la k6 Blbley, la W Cloux City, la.... Vi fetorni Lake, ia.. b8 78 .00 7! .00 tfi) ,0U 70 .00 68 .110 t4 .00 71 .00 70 .00 74 .00 73 .00 71 .00 70 .00 71 .00 "2 .00 70 .0u Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Ctaar Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Rain. Central. Siauou. Uu. Ailn. Inches. Chicago, 111.. Columbus, O , lies Molnea, la.. Kansas City, Mo, Louisville, Ky... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo... 17 13 lt IV u 16 U 82 to) 90 M 82 ii i LrOcal Forecaster, 84 82 68 7u 82 60 70 68 L. A. WELSH. Weather Bureau. t. Iroal Oaaaral Market. bT. LOt19, June 8. WHEAT Higher; No. t red, casfi. elevator, 82c; track, II. Wn 106U; July. 7SSc; September, 7Wc; No. 2 hrf. tl.03.ftl.01 CORN-Higher: No. t cah, 60c; track. tOHle; July, 4c: December, 44c. OATS Higher: No. 3 cash. SoHc; track. HHflvOc; July, 2Uc; September, 2ec; No. 1 white. tSHc FI-OCR Steady. Red winter patents, 4 166 10, extra fancy and straight, tt.76tt 4.90, clear, U VQU 00. TIMOTHY BhiliD-ateady, t2.()0:.60. COKNMKAL Steady, 82.60. BRAN Easy; sacked east track, T(R77o. HAY Steady; timothy, 88.0oBl3.00; prairie. 86 0oe M. IR)N COTTON TIES Wc. BAOQINO iWr. HFMP TW1NB-4V. PROV18K)N8-Pork, higher; jobbing. tl)2Vi Ijrd. higher; prima steam, t.77. Try salt meats, steady; boxed extra hofs. tv.50; clear rib, t? 80; short clear. tTMH. Bacon. Arm; boxed extra short. .; clear rib. t 124; hort clear, t . 61. POCLTRT-Slow: chicken, lftc; springs, ITSEc, turkeys, lie; duck, l'tjlic; geese, Ac. Bt'TTttK, Quiet; creamery, l&rc; dal rle. IMslUc. EOGa Steady; ISo, ca count. Receipt. Shipment. Flour. DM. ll.lKlO ( Otio heat, bu 1K, 17.fn) t orn, bu liw.o.l 2 ( Oat, bu 71, Ou) ta.ouo Visible lely at 4rala. NEW YORK, Jun l.-Th visible auppiy of wheat June 3, a compiled by the New York Produce exchange, I a follows: Wheat 3ii.033.0O0 bu.; decrease. 10. a bu. Corn 4..0U bu ; Increaae, 12.ti bu. Oat 7, 444. mm bu.; Increaae, 4r.nuo bu. Hye-:.iai bu. ; decrease, U.irirf bu. hurley 1.227.UI0 bu.; Increase, ts.OOO bu. Mlaaeaaalle Urala Market. M1NNEAP-UJ, June t.-WHEAT- July, tl U; September. aici No. 1 hard. 1 .'; .x. t ni-tiaern, i ll : rso. j ioi th ern. Ii ov flXiljH Vft patauUi SltaSitO; teoond No. 2. tOld. New. ' FLOl'R Steady; winter patent, tl 2"W 4.3ii: straight, I3.90fi4.10; spring patents, t4.7tKfl5.70; Btralght, t3.9tvq0.0o; baker , 12.40 (&3.0. WHEAT No. 2 spring. tl.O64jl.09; No. 3, tl.OOoH.iW; No. 2 red, tl .OSl.CM. TORN No. 2, Blc; No. 2 yellow, B3c. OATS No. 2, 31'o; No. 2 white, 32V333c; No. 3 white, 31Vj32V4c. RYE No. 2, 75c. BARLEY Good feeding. 39S42c; fair to choice malting. 43&46c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, tl0: No. 1 northwest ern. tl.47. Prime timothy, 2.86. Clover, contract grade. tll.756"12.25. PROVISIONSMess pork, per bbl., tl2. -12.70. I-ard, per, 100 lbs.. I" 37.32'ri. Short ribs sides loose 1, t7.307.40. Short clear side thoxedl. t7.12V4'67 25. Receipts and shipment of grain and flour were aa followa; . Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbl 17.W0 6,400 Wheat, bu 3.000 22,000 Corn, bu 218.6JO 2-HS.inO Oat bu 226.600 118,000 Rye, bu 6.000 Barley, bu 66,000 2,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wa steady; creameries, 163 0204c; dalrle. l&waiSc. Eggs, easy: at mark, case Included. 13jl4c; first, 144c; prime firsts. 164c; extra. 164c Cheese, steady, tKglO'Ac. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET OnotatlOD ot the Day on V anions Commodities. NEW YORK, June 6 FLOUR Receipt , 13,6(11 bbl.; exports, 674 bbls.; market dull and Ainseitled. Winter patents, t4.KtrJj5.25; winter Btraights, t4.66g4.ito; Min nesota patents, i5.606.25; extra extras, ta.35 03.76; Minnesota bakers, t3.754.26; winter low grades, t3.26S3.66. Rye flour, llrm; fair to good, H.2S'tf4.txj, choice to fancy, 4.6c''a 4.90. CORN MEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, 11.26, coarse, 1. lXjj 1. 12 ; kitn drieu, 2.6 & 2.90. BARLEY Dull: feeding, 44c c. 1. f. New York: malting. 46S62C c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipt! 35,200 bu.; export, 11,970 bu. Spot market Irregular; No. 2 red. 11.02. nominal elevator, and tl.03'.4. nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. liuluth, 1.12' r. o, o. anoai; rso. 1 naru; Manitoba, tl 034 t. o. b. afloat. Options, taking the day as a whole, wheat waa heavy, declining a full cent altogether In response to bearish weather and crop new from the outhwest, lower cable and big world s shipments. Occasional silKlit ral lies were due to strength In corn, scattered covering and visible supply decrease. The market closed 4M '40 nei lower juiy, dz-voj 92 l-16c, closed, 92lc: September, Ho 9-lnfoi 66c, closed. two, JJecemuer, boti S04C, closed, 86Va?- UOKiN exports, lui.ina du, spoi mantel Steady; No. 2, 6K4c elevator, and 6840 f. o. b. anoat; rvo. x yeuow, oc; io. t wnue, 694c; option market wa quiet and steady, closing net uncnangea; juiy, oin,'0.'u',c, closed. 56 'c. OATS Receipt, 130,500 bu.; export, 95 bu .: snot market steady: Mixed. to 33 pounds, 35c; natural white, 30 to 32 pounds, 364'ri374c; clipped white, 36 to ill nnunds. SbMfrsXIC. HAY Steady; clipping, 6t624c; good to choice. ilWnMttc. HOI'S Wulet; state, common to choice. 194. 25fl.c: 1K03. rj'oJftc; oioa, llTJUc; fa- cine coast, lias), 2a2-t; ll03, 21t)24c; olds, 11'UlSc. HIDES Quiet : Galveston, 20 to 26 pounds, 20c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, luc, Texas tlry. 24 to 3n pounds. 18c. LEATHER Steady; acid. S4j26c. PROVISIONS Beef, ateady; family, 313.50 eit uti; mens. tll.WKa U.iHi; beet, il.'-mi-l.t,,; packet. tl2.6ixuU.OU, city extra India mess. t'22 0tKu22 60. Cut meal, steady 1 pickled bellies, 74disc: plcklnd Bhoulder. 54t)i-; picked hams, I'-flU'Wc. Lard, steady; west ern steamed. $7 UVo7.46: nominal; refined steady; continent, t7 40; southwest, IN 16. compound, 6S'64c. Pork, steady; family tl4 6n l6 uo; soon clear, 18.iaiis.iAi; mown, tl3 3744311 874- TALLOW Steady ; city it2 per pkg.). 44c; country ipkga. freo), 4V(J40. . RICE Firm; domestic fair to extra, 8WS 64c; Japan, nominal. BL'TTKR Weak: street price, extra creamery. 214p; official price unchanged. POl'LTRY Alive, nrm: western spring chickens, 22624c; fola, 144c; turkeys. 12c. Dressed, steady; western broiler. StajJ&c; fowl, HK314C; turkey, 134 17c Kaaaas (Itr Crala aad Provlsluas. KANSAS CITY. Jiune 6 WHEAT Steady; July. 7bc; September. 734U'7Je; December. 3Se; cash. No. 2 hard, tl.onq 1.05; No. 3, HkfitlOS; Nn. 4. 7fl7c; No. I red. tl.OOdil 03, No. 3. SctJl 03, No. 4. DO, 7c. Receipt. 71 car. CORN Steady; July, 44c; September, 431c; December, 404.C; caali, No. 2 mixed, 40c. No. 3, 44u9c. No. 2 white, 4u; No. 1 4b4tl4- OATS Weak; No. 1 white, 324f33o; No. I mixed, 32c. EtiOS Steady. Missouri and Kansas, new No. t whlKWood casea Included, Itc; raau count, 13c; case returned 4c per doxeit less. HAY-8teady; choice timothy, t9.SV10.tW; choice prairie, f7.6tyiit.00. . , RYE-Mteady; itsflTOc. BL'TTtR-Creamery, lfieiVe; packing. 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ..... SO il.tuii) Corn, bu Tl a ii ft.) Oats 7,wu IJveraaol Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, June 1-W11 EAT-Spot, nominal; futures, steady; July, a WWd; SO 4K 40 200 27S 27H )0 344 200 4 494 Admit Express Amal. Copiler llH.l'W M 614 Am. Cnr &. Foundry. 0"0 3.1 S34 do pfti PiO W 99 Amcr. Cotton Oil do pfd Arner. Express Am. 11. A L... pfd ctfs If "J 414 4t4 Amer. Ice do pfd Aincr. Linseed OU do pfd , Amer. Locomotive .. 4,000 48 4i, do pfd Amer. H. & Kef 6,800 1114 U04 do pfd U) 11S' 118 Amcr. Sugar Kef 300 1:134 l,t!4 Am. Tub. pfd certlf K) li4 W4 Anaconda Mining Co. Ii") 107 K164 Atchlaoii 6,4oO hirft 7H4 do pfd 2ii0 102 102 Atlantic Coast Line.. I,2n0 161 160 Baltimore & Ohio.... 3.200 lost 108 do pfd luo 7S. H74 Brooklyn Rapid T.... 6.700 644 W4 t'anadlan 1'Hclflo .... 6,6"0 14a 1474 Central of N. J si0 2o2' 2034 hesapeake A Ohio.. 3,4"0 4H4 4'4 Chicago & Alton H"0 36 36 do pfd 2i) 79i i4 Chicago (5t Western 1.2sj lv 18-a Chicago & N. W 600 197 1954 C, M. & St. Paul.... 11,700 173 1724 Chicago T. & T do pld C, C, C. & St. Louis Colo. Fuel and Iron. Colo. & Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d ufd Con-iolldated Oa ... Corn Product do pfd Delaware & Hudson. Del., L. W Denver & R. G...., do pfd 2ti0 m 86 Met. Securities 2u0 424 424 Erie 14.200 4n4 4(1 do 1st pfd e.OtiO 794 784 do 2d pfd 3,700 674 664 Oeneral Electric Hocking Valley 100 Sai 90 Illinois Central 600 1594 lbH Inter. Paper loo 194 194 do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Ixtuisvllle A Nash.... 1,200 1444 1434 Manhattan L Met. Securities 1.9n0 "84 774 Met, Street Ry 5,mo lKet, H8'4 Mexican Cental .... 1,400 20V 20 Minn. & St. Louis M.. St. P. & 8. S. do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Texas.. do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y., Ont. & Weat.. Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mail Pennsylvania , People Oaa Pitts.. C. C. & St. L.. Pressed Steel Car.... do pfil Pullman Pal. Car Reading 102. lull M. 1,100 116 1154 600 100 100 1,100 4'. fro 9.500 6.600 '40O 10 7,400 100 100 97 26 684 454 14oi,4 62 804 964 26 64 46 1394 60 784 243 814 tl'- 9', 304 93 226 41 4 35 17 4 474 111 110 1184 133 964 1064 7114 1014 160 l'4 97 M4 1474 2024 49 34 80 I84 196 172 U ' 30 H. 41 274 674 36 1804 104 494 181 375 274 86 414 40 784 664 172 90 159 19 7' 27 75 24 48 244 56 144 164 774 1184 19 60 116 167 97 26 684 44 344 1394 604 794 "If 74; futures, quiet; July, tt 644. iieoiember. Aa ' CO RN- Spot. " firm;' America it ' mU4. '4s do 1st pfd do 2d prd Republic Steel do pfd f. Rtick Island CJ do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd., ex-dlv Pt. L. Ai S. F , 2'1 pfd St. L. Southwestern. do pfd 6outlieru Pacific .... do pfd Southern do pfd Tenn. Coal and Texas & Pacific Tol., St. L. & West. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd U. 8. Express V. 8. Leather do pfd t 8. Realty V. S. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Railway .. Iron 300 400 6':0 34.2HJ 'jOO 100 41 ) 22.1'JO liio6 1(10 1.2'0 1.7ml 3t 10 2T.9-A) 3' 100 984 94 984 37 37 37 1344 1344 1344 loi 101 1004 75 37 91 91 91 230 964 944 96 914 91 S" 674 174 17 17 734 724 724 26t 264 26 7' 34" 34" S3i 101 101 ino Hoilos ntiHka and llonds. 1IOBTON. June t -full limn. 24:4 per cent: time loan. 4'(4 jut cent. 1. losing oiioiatlona on stocks and bond weie; Airhlann sill, la no 4a Met. Ootral 4i Aohiann do iiii llnaion a Albany . . tlitaton A Maltia.... Hnaton Klavatail ... Kluhhurf ptil Mexican Dlral . . . N Y., N H A H. 'Para Marxians .. in 1 on fa, im- Amer. Arxa. ( hum, ilo pr4 Amer. I'neu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Ann. 'I. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion 1. A 6... R'llaon V.IK- lllu. 32.600 , 41.900 Chemical. 100 Va.-t'aro, do pfd Wabaah do pfd Welle-Fargo Exp Westlnghouse Elec Western Union 2.8O0 Wheeling 1 L. E.... 200 Wlscpiialn Central do pfd Northern Pacific .... 800 offered. Total sale for the day. 61 624 314 964 764 324 384 57 1234 114 107 27 94 36 93 154 694 624 29" 964 76 314 38 664 1224 114 107 264 9?4 36 924 164 183 662,000 62 21 694 624 1194 294 96 77' 4 314 38-Va 564 1224 964 122 114 It' M 38 105 4 934 ss 106 l4 38 140 166 924 I64 22 -J 47 1824 183 share. London Storks aad Boada. LONDON. June 5 Closing quotations on stock were: . tn'N. Y Central Ill Wi ll Norfolk A W 0V .. IS do pfd . -. I .. i.Vlontario A W alt . . lin; Panni) loanla ..UIVRand Mloaa ) ..ISKtikMdlns 44 .. fi do lat pfd t4j .. Us do M rid 46 ..nt-goutoarn kallarty .. 17-1 do pld It 'Southern Parlfle . Conaoia. money ... do aeeount Anaconda AtrhlaAO do pfd Baltlmnra A Ohio. Canadian Pari'' .. ( haa A qhln t blrago lit W C . M A SI. P.... Pa Bears lanrar A R. O. ... do pfd Eria do lat pfd do !d pfd Illinois Central ... Loula A Naah.... K . K A T SILVER Bar MONEY-1 . . 41 . Ids . 111 .1471, . M4 1'nton Pacific do pfd .. U. I Btaol.. do pfd .. Wabaah .... Ao pfd .. atMuiiaa 4a . J 1MS4 l 7 4 II It uncertain, 24 13-16d pr 01. per cent. ot dfi for short hills Is 2 1-1 per cent; for thre monins puis, i-i per cent. Korelaa Klnaaelal. IiDNlXlN. June 5.-Money waa plentiful In the market today and In fair demand for locals, though there wa less pressure than expected. Discounts were easy. Trading on the Stock exchange maa ,jll and uninter esting. There waa just sufficient business to maintain values generally. Consols were easier. Americana opened easy and closed a fraction to under parity on New York selling Several specialties hardened later. I Local buslncks w aa restricted by th un- ,,. M A 4 vantura ...I'lltt-Allinn . ..lux 4iAmalsamatad . ... 'fVAsirri'a 7.ine ... in V Atlantic . . IM v Minsham ...Hi ) al. A H"la.. . . .lt t'ei.iannlal .... . . . 14 ''npper ftanso . ... lHVI'nlv Weal lMSjlKimlnton t'oaj M KrarSlln HtH'llrai.i r ii ilale Koyala . . . k4i)Maaa. Mlnlns . i Mlrl.lran I. Mnliaak Ms Monl. I A :.. u 11M ru mlninn . I.'S cola 101 s parrot i Vt uutecr 244 bl.annnn Oeneral Klertrtr. 17i'4 lamarark Maaa. Elaclrlu do pfd Maaa. Uaa i'nited fruit tolled Hhfia Mach.. do pfd it. 8 Weal do pfd Weattng. common . Bid Asked. in .Trinity .la ' t i.Had Coppar . 4ia; t . ft. Mining .. .lfi4V I'. B. (ill . as 1'tao . UVViMnrta . trniia . fH, Wtilvarin " I .. 3 .. sit .. i' .. U'i .. 4 . lu .. la .. Ve, .. lt .. is .. "4 .. lk, .. 21 .. I .. lit .. to .. :.' .. a .. a! . . 24 .. M .. TH . .10 .. J-t .. ti .. It'( .. Ii .. 414 .. -I .. w ..105 Ken Yerk Mlnlnc Stocks. NEW YORK, June 5. Closing quotation on mining dock were: Adama Con All-a Ilraeca Hrunawlck t:on . .. t'omatock Tunnel Coii. (al. & V.... Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllla Coo .. .. ouerea. .. J .. to .. to .. 4 .. . la.i ..lad ..lib .. 4 Llltla thief ... liphlr tt.tarlo rhcxnU Poloal Sa vaaa sierra Nevada mall Hopea .. Itandard ... a ...400 ... I ... U ...44 ... S ... ii ...US Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. June 5. Today' tate menl of the treaeury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the void n serve In the cilvttdort of redemption shows: Available cauli balances, 1132,526, 100; gold, to8,632,4J0. : , Bank Clearing. OMAHA. Jun 6. Bank clearings for to day were 11,711. 173. 30 and for tne corre sponding date last year, !l,46e, 446.80. 'Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 6 METALS The Ixmdon tin market wa quiet but a little higher, closing at 136 16 for spot and 135 10a for future, vocally tne general situa tion 1 unchanged, demand being light, while holder are fairly steady In their view. Spot wa quoted at J29.75Jj30.U4. Copper also wa higher In London, closing at 66 8 9d for spot and 66 6 for future. Locally the market I unchanged, with lake and electrolytic quoted at 116.00 and cast ing at J14.76. Icad was unchanged al $4.60'rj 4.60 in the local market, but Joined in the general Improvement abroad, London clos ing at 13 17 6d. Spelter wa unchanged at 23 12 In London and continued eaay at 65.35 In the local market. Iron closed at 49s Kd In Glasgow and at 45s 6d in Mlddleshoro. Locally iron is said to be somewhat unsettled, with reports of slightly lower prices for Southern grades; No. 1 foundry northern I quoted at $16 75 17.50; No. 2 foundry northern at $16 254j 1 i.00; No. 1 foundry aouthern at tl6.75ri7.26; No. 1 foundry aouthern oft, at'17.2S; No. 3 foundry outhern at $16.25S'1675. ST. LOUIS, June 5.-M ETA L8 Lead, Steady, 4.4rtj'4.474; spelter, dull, 65.05. Sol TH Receipts weie. ontciat Aiunoay un a .n. Maine da laat week ti t.l l.lj'i b c. bam flay week li'hn" . 4,01:1 b ..u nam thtee week ago.. .' ,u-i :,l'4 4,1. -t ham foul weeKa aso ... i, ,w4 ii not Ham day laat )eai l.ii iW 4 - ItECEU"iB POU 1 11 K YEAR 'lO uAIL. io ioilowtiig labia alio wo ins i;e,pia of cam, iiuga Mini auevp al auuin omaua lur Hi year 10 Uial. wilu uouipailauua Willi laat year; 1906. 14. Inc. Deu. t attle , J'1114 4oi.il9 Hog l,u,j.ii l.nn.vH , Vm tus nheep s.o.i2 ntio.ill 2"i 'in following table how me avetage pine 01 nosa at nouin umana lot in laal aerai a with compel lauli. Data. I lOlfc. )H4.1 190M! IM. tha ln, f'll.ea ruied generallv l-i atii.i.g nd In ao'i,e apoia 1'n.Med a sha1a I.IShef It ,e'S eeened In isaiil In S Srol weiKl.ts i minted f'H tnv Mule Tie t.i if tl h"a anld al If. 174'ni '-4 '"ps nnii,ll,i 6.2. Willi I'.pilm 1 tl. trelsv f Tdeie va a good oerrand sil tliio'.yh ttie fnif rinnn nr.i1 ailille Hie li.Mfliel niw.1 i.ff a little on Hie 1 lose the difTiene May May Ala At May May lay .way May May aiay Alay Aluy Alky May May Jun June J une June J une Is. , b 14V 1 t 1 ,1 1, ou, o tl, t ' 1.. 6 ts I 4 60, P l7i 6 IA, 6 tl) J 3 1 1.., ii I 4 t. j 1 U, 1.1 a0 4 v la . I 4041 N J? 1 1 I4 111 It I... is . ii.,i,i ;u 1 1 iwi 20 . 1 6 4 46, 2., 7 111 6 7J, 4 tw 21.. I 1 4 41, H, 7 ui, 6 n 6 08, ..ii 144, 1 la, 7 u, w. e ui I 6. J. 1 a -i-i 4 36. 10. 1 001 s in, Mil ' 24 .1 6 1 '.',, 4 Ui I J 0i 6 7i 6 04 1 3 . , IU li IK 20.. I 6 lo 1 4 Mi C 04. so. inf ; 4 in, 0 So, 2i . . 1 6 1 1 , 4 '., o 1 , -.. I 4 9a, is 7 2. 0 114 I 5 70; tli 1 I U, d mi, 1 I a ii.4. 4 I I 4 UI; 1 6 J0' 4 i I 4 4'.'. I ' 1 4 64 i 931, a II 'JS, 6 6 0 10 8 96. 1 4 . ti i, I HO, lw 7 till ba, 4 96, 7 V9 6 W 4 9 I I In, 0 IV, 4 Ml, to V 11, t il, IU 4 01 1 U io, 4 M i 60 7 O i i , a m o . 7 la; 6 70, ,4 0 7 in. 6 71; I 83. 1 i" 0 10, 4 hi , 3 68 of stock was; iei.-p. 11 l-i. Indicate Sunday. The official number of car brought in today by each road t.'iiltli- Unas hi y,., m. at hi. i' i Mo. 1'Hcllic 7 L. K hyatein ;tt U. Ac N. W i t'., E A M V 7o C, St. f.. M at O.... 11 11. M u C, ii. at g L., h. I. A i'., east ... 4 C. K. 1. I'.. wtsi.. 75 Illinois Central 2 Chicago til. u'eNt-111 6 Total receipts 2ft Th dlsiroeitlou of the day s receipts wad as follows, eacii ouyer purcnaalhg tho num ber 01 ntd indicated; 7 34 27 4 97 13 SI, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. s 1,1.4 1 90 8-Vi U) "s8 8 101 15 1 9 2 12o 'iji 1,1.0 1.2'i6 1...9 i4 US') OvVI 172 4,29t 6,687 2,690 Wool Market. BOSTON. Mas., June 6. WOOL The Bos ton Commercial Bulletin say of the wool market: Price are stiffening, but no ma terial advance are reported. Conditions are favorable to dealers, and a satisfactory volume of purchase of all wool have been made by consumers. Australian and South American coarse breeds have moved freely and the new domptlc wool have sold In considerable quantities, both In spot and to arrive. Brylng in the west 1 about over, and the fleece wool section are well old at fancy price. The foreign market are strong with a rising tendency. The shipment of wool from Boston to date, from December 29, 1904, according to the same authority, are lo6,791,lu6 pounds. against 91,191,082 pounds at the same time last year. The receipt to date are 125. 1.6.844 pounds, against 93.448,941 pound for the same period last year. ST. LOl'IS. Mo., June 6. WOOL Steady. Medium grades, combing and clothing. 2v9 .1140; light fine. ' H4''a'28c4 heavy fine, 2UJ !4c; tub washed. 3242c, Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 6 -COTTON-Spot closed quiet, ten point lower; middling up lands, S 40c; middling gulf, 8 66c; sales. 500 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 6 COTTON Snot, quiet; prices five point higher: American middling fair. 6.1M; good middling. 4R3d: middling. 466d; low middling. 4.49d; good ordinary. 4 31d; ordinary, 4 S&d. The sales of the day were 7.0t hale, of which bale were for speculation and export and Included 6.500 American. Receipt, I9.0i.0 bale, including 27 700 American. NEW ORLEANS. June 5. -COTTON-Quiet; sales l.ioo bales: ordinary. 6-16c; good ordinary. 6c; low middling. 7Sc; mid dling. 84c; good middling. t9-16c: middling fair. 74c; receipts. 3,167 bales; stock, 104, 494 bales. ST. LOCIS. Mo.. June S.-COTTON Steady. Middling. 8 7-16c. Sales, 450 bales, receipts. 5o bales; shipments, 100 bales; Stock, 45.066 bales. lluyei Omana racking Co.. bwitt and t otnpany iJunahy racking Co Armour oc m Hwirt fc Co., from Calif Swift and Co., country Vansani A Co Carey at llenton Hill & lluntzinger L. F. Hub V olf A Murnan Sol Degan Mike haggerty. J. . Kooi At Co Morton ti Other buyers Total CATTLE There were 267 cars reported In this morning, but seventy-lour ol tnem wuie Texas cattle billed tnrujgii, leaving this marae.1 w itn aooui 19J cat a on saie. Tne genet al quality of the lecelpia was omy talr. Toe caitle were late in ar riving and buyera were now gelling lo the hill. The market on beef steers was In a rather unaatistactory condition touuy and the general mantel ruled lower. Buy ers did not take hold wltn any strength, and little wa done till well along In tne forenoon. There wa no strictly cnolce tuff offered, medium and uimniun kind making up a large part of tne receipt. Trading atl tnrougn tne morning wa stow and dull and the cattle hard to move at the prices. Buyer were bearish and sellers were compelled 10 make some concessions. Bids were generally a dime lower and the bulk of the trading was don at tnts de cline. On some of the best kinds the market did not look quite a low aa this, but only in a few cases. There Was a fall sprinkling of cow and heifer here today and the feeling on rni class of cattle was better than on steers. AS has been the case for some tlmo buy ers showed more Inclination to pick up the She stuff than the steers and there was a fair demand today, on tne Dest ainn tne market ruled generally steady, out the common kind Buffered from the bear In fluence shown in the steer division and ruled generally a dime lower. There was some little activity to the trade and the stuff wa picked up fairly well at the de cline noted above. Th market on bull, veal calve and stag 1 about In the same notches a the close of last week, although suffering some what today frcm the decline on the other claases of cattle. Receipts of stocker and feeder con tinue light and th demand today was also light. Buver forced a decline of fully a dime on these kinds and trade was slow and draggy. A few loads of hay-fed western were on sale and were slow to move at a little lower price. Representative sale: BEtr bTbLns. Philadelphia Prodara Market. PHILADELPHIA. Pa., June 6 -BUTTER - yulet; extra western creamery, 21 4c; nearby prints, 22c. EtKiS Firm; nearby fresh. 164c, loss off. nearby freah, 174c. at mark; weatern fresh, 174a 18c, at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full cream, fancy new, loc; fair to good new, 94fe9c; domeatlc Swiss, ll!j?U4c. Mllwaakee Crala Market. MILWAUKEE, Jun WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, tl l-fll.14; No 2 northern. tl.n431.09; July, t7'a74e bid. RYE Firm. No. 1, 824c. BARLEY Firm; No. 1 lie; sample. 40 IOSc. CORN Steady; No. 3. ftffljfcjc; July. 6040 bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA. I" . June I CORN Lower; No 3 yollow. 614c: No. 3, 614c; No. 4, 6040; no grade. 44u49c. OATS Steady, No, t white, S0Sfl314c; No. 4 white. 30c. WHISK Y On the basis of $1 M for fin ished goods. Oalath lirala Market. Dl'Ll'TH. June 6-WHEAT-T0 arrive. No. 1 northern, tl 15: on trsck. No. 1 north, ern. tl 15: No. 2 northern, tl 17; July, tl 15; September, old. 8c; September, new. Uc, OAT8 To srrlv snd on track, S14d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLFpO. June t SEED Clover. Octo ber. I1; :ti prim alsute, 17.46. f time tim othy, 11.60. Ko. At. Pr. No. At Pr. 1 lltO 4 f-J 4 l'.fi 4 TS 1 70 4 ft" )! 1147 4 TS I SJ I 1 IT lfrM 4 0 U 125 4 II :r 10 4 M 11 IM 40 Ill 4 M 1 VI 4 IS IS IUI 4 ao I'd 4 IS M 115 4 V lfKS 4 IS 41 1214 4 US J4 Ill tli 1 11"T 4 tl Hit I IS 14 l'l 4 S 11 ! 4 40 1 lift i IS) i 47 4 40 It IM I 10 I IWI 4 SA II .' 5 ;s It 171 4 M II WA It 14 100: 4 M 14 12X4 I IS 17 lost 4 (0 f l8i S 10 t M 4 40 ..... 1894 M II 104 4 00 to 1H I 15 41 lUl 4 40 1 I1W I ;s 12 1214 4 S 41 12n I 11 lUt 4 4S 1142 I 10 22 1OJ0 4 44 12 1J7S i 10 7 ltnt 4 70 1 110 S It 1J IMS 4 70 II irrs I 44 ft 1070 4 TO M 1401 I 4 STEERS AND COWS. I 1001 t 10 IT lost 4 Tt II W 111 I 1171 t 00 4 II" 4 2 Ii 7'4 t 1 7 1147 4 40 II I 15 II Ill 4 0 II UU t M ....711 4 7t RTKtRS AND HEIFERS. ....n:t i m cows. 1 .. 1.. :t... 1 . 1.. i ... 1 . 5 . 1 . 7.. t . 1.. i.. 1.. 14.. I . 2.. 1 I . 1... S ... I. . Ki.. II. . JS ... 11.. I. I . I.. tt. . I.. 10.. u . t.. 1 . I . I . I . I. . II . t . I . i . . II. . .. Ill ... Ml .. : ..ions .. 70 ..K4 .. 130 ..1174 .. 190 ..1M4 . . toft't ..use .1010 .. I7T ..1(SW .. Il . . 1"J ..liao .1111 .. IM . 114 .. Ml .. M4 .1171 t St I 40 t 40 I K I 00 I 00 I "ft 1 ts I ts I 40 I M 1 to I to I to I s I TO I Tt t Tt I 40 I 14 U I H I II I H I 24 .' 10.' 11 ! u.'. 11..' i.'. .1211 .nil .lOJt .101 104T .1140 .14 .1730 1142 AM . 11 llo . IM K-ao Ifo .n-ti ii .m: 12ui 1441 1170 .1211 I M 4 -) 4 4 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 It 4 IS 4 to 4 it 4 a 4 it 4 u I tt 4 U 4 r 4 M 4 IS 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 60 4 40 COWS AND HEIFERS. Tit Ml ... 170 ... 4A ... 441 ...1M0 ... m ... 47 ...tilt ..1)40 ...1164 ...IttO ...1171 ... ... 1IT ... 11 ... IN ... tu ... 171 I I IT.... I Of HEIFERS. ttl t 1 I 71 I 00 I It I is I 16 I la I K II.. 21 . II . to.. I . II . 1 BULLS. I to 1 tn it I to 1 1 1 1 I M CALVES. t 00 I 0 I it I It t tt I 1 I I 1 . 141 . Tl . TU . 714 10mA . 2 1410 141 lioa .1444 IT 10 .41 IN , 1U t K 1 ts 4 0 4 ui 4 tt 4 ) 4 It I U 4 ft 4 H 4 tt I M t to I 7t I Tt 6 71 ami mil 1 eel nuugh lo ff I pit !( reaenla'ue enlea. Ku 4 t No Sti P ft 44" II') 71 .... 4i l!i. I II I I 11 i 7i . I ;'i 17 ... . I.I 111 I' Jl '. 4? 7 4 t 17H 11 i;i t I t" i. . . ,., ini ( ii., i" fa I t'i 47 111 1 I ii', In :' I ' II ? '4 an I 11 a. 11 i I n I; i- f-. 4 i s . tl ivi 1 13 m Ml I ll 't ii. 4 ' ( l T' VI VI I I, , ; ... ! Ill) I 11 1 I lit .lilt 11 ?4 I .1 t '. ... M 14'. I IT', t: . lit 1.' t .7 , II III 1 I n 41 .... i at. art 4 77 0 4 .. jj i". t i 71 ij 1 lit 4 m in 1 m t ii . t it 71 . , .. 'il an I la 7! v aa I H . . 7MI It t rt It 1 4". I II II Ill PI 111 f Ml 4-1 I ! ' 11 . ... Ill an I !' 71 Hi ... I , 4'. l4 IK'. II' te ltl III) Ti JH II" t W 71 J7T I I TV, at I'll 41. I I I 1 M lr. I !." 14 ill 40 I tt 1: i" ' I !: II 7 . I 'i 4 . . fl Ml tl' 47 jii in I 11 M II . . I I) a HI IPI I t'i II . J'l 4'l I It', M 144 140 t 111 71 141 lit I tit tt jui in 11 t tn I lit 71 Ill IM I t'i a ....i ia tut tl I I . I M II Ill '' I ' 4 T7 t'i 10 I II ... Til 4 I IIS 14 141 24 IM 41 VI It I II 117 ... I I'l 4" Ill 12 I lit i'i t: ... t in at in ... I Ht Tl IM S ', 74 :'. ... I lt 41 10 ti I ?o ia t;o . . I lit 71 m i'i s n 71 110 . I rit W . . !l 2". I Ki "4 ... . 2l 40 I Ut I !'l 140 I I'i 4 lat IK I li t II H II II' 71 IX . . t Ht II tM 4" III 47 !44 ... I lt fl IU ... I til 71 Ill . . I lit 71 . . . 2t1 . I :1 II . t I 14'! I Ut 4 Ill i I It 47 til Ml J?t m t ii'i iti 71 4i . it', t I") 41 I ih It . .. I4 40 I It 4 ITS ao 1 ti II ... Il . . . t n la ! I 1 i'i ? I14 . in II I"! K. I tl tt ... I"7 4" t tC 11 . .. i'i in in ia j7i fi t a 1 . 2.1 11 I tt, 7010' 11. n KHKI-.l' Tdeie a fairly Knod run of l.ei , he-e todnv for a Monday, about ll.trleen ear belriK offered. The receipt rofisieted lai;elv of lamlie. only a vei y few old slice), tii-ln on ele 1 h geneial onalltv of the iifferlnss waa fairly Ifvid. al'l.ouKh etrtetly rtiolce at. iff was scsre There were no wooled lanil. on ele t.nlav and I he feeling (in t,t class i.f a'uff 1 not K'MI The demand for shorn lamhe ai fiilrlv Rood and the general market ruled rlKlit around ateadv. Th- stuff i llved a Utile late nrt luivers were slow In Helling down lo l.'islnesH. Af'er trsilliiit strtei. however. Here wa a fair aclvlty dletilai-ed and aellera earl no tr'iuhle In disposing of their holdlrs. The butcher la in ha brought ViV today, the beat price ln Id for lamb Allen Pros' shorn ewes sold for ItVi. Urith of these sales fully at '!'. Quotations for rllr.t.ed stock: Oood to choice lartil.s. V. Uifrif, lo: fair to gorel lsinl., V, Vr5 Mi- irooil lo choice f.'olorado wooled IhiiiI.h. M Soft 7 IS: sood to choice earling IS 'titi.-i if,, fair to good yearllnus. (4 Tr.'ft!. od to choice weihers 14 6041 4 SO; fair to good wethers J4 2T.434 0V1; good to iote 'H, 14.304)4 60; fair to Hood ewes, 14 0"U 4 n. !epreentatlve aale: No. '5 Western cull ewes 236 western ewes 1 western Sheer 3 western sheep 3 western yearling 2M western wethers JPt western sheep nd yearlings. 257 western wethers I'i western cull lamb Wl western mixed ?A w'estern lambs i!t7 western lambs ysi western lambs IfiX western lambs 337 western lambs Clllt'At.O LIVK RTOt.K Av. !r. 3 "I a e 4 V 1'ai 4 .VI Sfi 4 60 Wl 4 50 n 4 70 fl 4 75 W 4 76 72 6 "0 , M 6 71 6 66 .71 tefi . 73 I kli 6 mi 6 w M4RKKT "n n II .111 V 1 I i.f1 l. aer otie.s 1'it ' in u i Ill.'-liSflS' '1 w lil. Ii viea L l'iiti.1 nf I'. 4) 4- . H pi II. I I J it 1 1 nil" 1 lil a-,' III. , I II.! iefv hi fliti . n r 'ii ,N 1. 1 I" de, .1. i.'l I 1 keepu t 11 h la1' 1 i.i. a 1 . i' " ' "I n lusrll I" f. ".it'll n 'ai-l Sit ai .t II 1 . c.e-. we f 1-1 eil 11. .n't. a ..t Ma ims I', mi ataii.e e ' I 1.4- I;.. I .'Ii' y J i al e 1 . '.!,. , let . ti Tt..-, ii .. JS'lHSt ' !'i 7 ' Ht .1 Vt' I. t ' "' lll'i '. r IISI tilt Hlltlll.HI., M1HKKT, tattle Steady to Its leal Lower lloa. heep aad l.anba Steady. fHIDA'tO, June 5 ''ATTLE Receipts, 23,'"i luad; market steady to 10c lower; good to prime steer, to bfnij 3f.; fonr to rnidlutn. 34 'arflj .40; stockeis and feeders. t'i 76i6.i: cow.4, ti is,; lielfeis 1' jut 6 26. cannera." tl.6f'j3 V; bulls, K.7&84.76; calves, 13. &. 75. H'iS -n'-..e,pis. 87.ii' head; estimated for tomorrow, 25.0 head; market steady to strong; mixed and bu" hers. t6.2i4iS.4-i; gord to choice heavy, 16 3" i 4"; rougli heavy, tl vSj;26; tight, V.&Qt 4-4 ; bulk of sales, S.34J'3.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. its) head; marluet steady; good to rholc.! weth ers, shorn, t4 5"(6.; lair to rhole mixed, shorn, t3.50fj4.4'; western sheep, shorn. t4'j5.'Xi; native llambs, shorn, tl.Vt.S5; western lambs, K."Q'.Ht. Kaaaas City I. lie Mork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June 6. CATTLE Receipts. 13) head. Including .5" head southern Market, native ateady to l"c lower; southerns. 10 to JOc lower; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, Ii 2Wl i"; fair to good, tl iaV6.26; western fed steers. 64 60 4i5.ii, stockers and feeders. t3.2f'ii4.6; " . . . e. . . " 1 -. . ..... . eouiuern airi'm, tuj.'.i, b'iii' uci 11 u , fi.hMt4.9r. native cows. Ii&n4'i, native heifers. t2.366.'.; bulls. 62.76 I. 6m; calve. t3'm&o.M. HOGS Receipts, Hf) head; market steady; top, k.36; bulk of smiles. 66.27(7 5 3i; heavy, to 27'-I'S6.36; packer, i.Xr. pigs and light. 34.164J4 46. SHEEP AN Li LA M B8 Receipts. 9 jiXj head; market, sheep, l'lc laer; Isrnbs. tli" ii6 ot; western lambs, IS .tJ5 . fed ewe and yearlings. i &'o4 75; Texa cllprd yearling, 64 J6i6 7i; Texa clipped beep, 64.2M4.tki; stocker and feeders. 32 irt) I Oti. t. Loals Live tork Market. BT. LOI I8. Mo.. June 6 -CATTLE-Receipts. 7.I1OO head. Including t.5ii Texan. Market, native steady; Texans lower. Na tive shipping and export steer. t5 "6.26; dressed beef and butcher steers;. H V,".; steers, under I. am pound, t3.76&4 .66; stock er and feeder. K Wgt X: cow nd h'lfer, ti o&6.50. earners, l''nl'&. bull, 3 l'atj 4.50; calves. t or-5. hi; Texa and Indian steers, ti.O'ijSvj, cons and heifers. t-.0u4J 400 HOGS Receipts, 3.60ft head. Market steady. Pigs and lights. t-r. On'o ; packers. H.VKtjilG, butchers and best heavy, tz.i'XJ SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6 (rt, head. Market steadv. Native muttons, 13 5o?j4 U.r. lambs. t4 7iii4 76; olis and buck ti.i-aaii4.60; stockers, ti oOtjt 'w, Texans, 3 7 474 50. (aaalliliia al 'f raite a ad ciavlallaa aa Staple aad laari I'rnSaee. yiiH He. ni ls, fan, maiki l s'.ealy, nt- dleo sl'i' k, Itc I.IVr. I'il I.'l It V- Hens l".c. in.41111, ijj ',' , lijtm in Iciiu. . il.j. lo i'i lil i I Lit 1'ai.felng at'ek. iigltv., ch'.l. a 16 fei.iy dali), iNiJ ,, I'll-iCJ pll'ila ..'' 1-nr. mi r in - 1 tout. . i"" " buffalo id'eaeerli, : lip kerel idia-e. alille Imss tilreai-u'li. lit, sunnsii, t; pi'iih iae. a tut 1iim-1i " . pme, .. , latnab. lfc . red snapper. 10c; saJmoa, It; ciapppa. 13'; eel, IK, tuilbeada, 1)', Mv He, ai.iii liali la, ;. iu . n' a l' 11 d'.s . Ka.. Ii.l.ateia, green. X.u, b'.lled lulietiis. c, Slisd r'ie, 46' HAY- I'lliel uU'ited lir liriaiM Wlile' Hay 1'eaieia aaa. lation . Lbon. I' No I. tAIi, No. .', I'I "1. coarse, tu "1 huh ine aie fm bay of good culm ana 4Ui it 1. lilt AN - Pi r ton tl.', lj TKOI'ICAL MtCIT. tiRA.S'OEH Mt Ml. I, ana. all slsrS. 63 T 4)4 OH, exira fancy i.dnerrai,nan streets. ail sin a, l is , ln navus a,t Ui, lisi. 1,0, ?'. 'S: 4'.-. les . 15, sis. tiib. aee.lnnga, kll sites. .l l.h.Mi iNK i.iin. 1, n ia, ettra lam y TT". and t sizes, fs ',1, faut, .:'i, i" and tM llva, Uk'. cliol'e, and io alK-a, tilm, m nil fsi i. I. , 6 9 J " IiAlE-Per If.x of 9) lib pkg. V. i Hallow.- en, Ii. cj lis i i. pr ;o , tc. FiUr4- alUornia. per 10 .0. carton. 763 66c, Unpolled b 111 ina, our-cio... ic, flve croan, lie HANANAK-per n.edlum sited bunch, pJIJi; jumbo. :.!jiJ13' P1N&API LEit-f'iori'la. 1 crla ol 14. 3i and : . 3'. u is: v. t- 11. PHI I i K AND MLli.NH AI'lll'ii'lH Califoinln, pr t-laskul (.Ian, l 6u l l.l Mi 4'alilotnla, pel I oasktl crala, ti to. I'EA' H EH -4 'a I if or n la, pti -lb. box. tl illl.KKH-.14 aliforina. blaca, pi t-lU. box, tl is, aiilte, pr a i0, l.ox, sn, Mia ftouil, box ol .l-'i'a , 6!"' HUtAVS KKKKILit M.-avuil, per 24-'4aul lane, 11 7fai !.. lA.S'il.iU.M.rl t 'allfoiiiia, pur l.a.f box, 12 III 1 RANHEItltl KK-Jerseys, per rat. L iu. fJOHMiMW'.II.8-Il or e4 '4'S. tl.'J). .AN'iAlJl I Kt M' XWan. pet tiaUi. Ml tli to. VtJK'i Ai.LU Tl HNIPK-New. per do, 4"r. CAliRij'l ii-Ne, pi r o s . t.0. 1'AilM.M l b j;u, p. I bg .. WAX IlLA.Va t'r V bu box, 76c; lriag bean. lx-1 'i-bu. box, .6c, bu. 00 x was or stung, 44 OC'ii2.6. I'liiAiiJ'-a- ilunii grewn. In sa'k, per bu., 3f-c, toio! ado. per bu., tire, new potato'-a. per bu , tl 10 HKA.-.N7, per ou tl C I CtMHKkn -per tt.c . 476e PEArl-.New. r bU. box. tL'iOfltW. TOMATOLrt-Plorl'l. farcy, pel t-batkel crate ti n", choice, per 6-liatktt crate, ti..i. Bl IN A' H I"er bu . iiOc. CABllAiili In crate, pet lb, 3c. BEETB-New. per dox. bunchea, tic ONIONS New. per dot. bunches, lie; Bermudas, r crate of about to lt.. S406. RAD.'HlLl-Hot liLUJM or ajul.'.ein. pr dor. 20c LETTLTE--Hot house, per dor., 36340c; head, 1 r d" , 76c CACLIPIi KIt-St. Louis. pr craie 01 1 dox . MISCLLLANECl.'B. CHEESE Kwlss, new, lie; Wisconsin brick, 10c; vt'ioiln lunburger, lie; twins, li'Ultc, young America. 14c. NL'TB-Viainut. No 1 soft ahll. new rrop, per lb., 16c, l.urd atiflla. per lb.. Uc; No. 2 4Kjfl shelis, per lb., lie; No. i bard Shells, per lb.. I.e. pecans, large, per tt.. Uc, small, per lb., 10c. paanuia. per 10., ic; roasted peanuta, per lb.. 6c. Chill walnut, per lb.. lUVc: almonds, soft heli, per lb.. 17c; hard bll. per lb.. 16c; hellb4uk hickory nut, per Uu.. tl.76; large blckor nut. ;ier bu.. 11.60. HIDE-No. I green. 7c: No- atTe18 tWc. No. 1 lted. kic; No. I aalted 1W01 No. 1 vi calf, 10c, No. 2 veei calf. Sc; dry aalted. 7ilc; hep pell. 26cFtl.(W; torse tide. fl toVZM). Evaporated Apple and lDrleit Fralfa. NKW YORK. June 6. EVAPORATED APPLKS-Market unchanged with trade quiet. Common to good are quoted at 49 4c. prime. &'c; choice, fc'c, nl fancy V'aLIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS ost advice Indicate a firm market for future prunes owing. It Is said, t the strength ening statistical situation more than to any improvement In demand. IxKally the pot market is quiet snd unchanged, with quota lions ranging from :,' to fcc. according to grade. Apricot in oJl'l. buyer being i Inclined to hold off Choir e ar qm-iied at YWrv: extra choice. iv; isncy, i-aii Pea'-bes as a rule r- unchanged and with prices quoted at USlOtc; exira choice, lo&l'Air. and fancy at ll-ijliy-. Raisins are firm on a limited demand. Loose muscstel re quoted t 4'iti,-: -d raisin. 61ai!lc; London layer. ll.O'&Lli nhlikr Market. CTNV1NNATI, June I ".VHISKY Dis tillers' finished (toodt. firm on the bi PEORIA. June S-WHISKT-On the bajlls of tl 1 for finished goods. Elgin Bailer Market. ELGIN. Ill . June 6 -B' TTER-Mark-t, firm at yy. decline of c- Sales for I the week. U4 331 pound. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 5. CATTLE Re. celpts. 1.7o4 head; market steady to 10c lover. Natives. 34 1055 75: cows and hefer tl 5ffi5 15; stockers snd feeders. i-5rfr4T5 IiriOS Receipts. 3.047 head; market steady to strong: light. t5.25-&6 32U; me dium and heavy. p.rrw'sS V. BHLLP AND LAM BP Receipts, head; market steady to lop lower. ;,J77 Sioux City 1,1 Te Stork Market. 8IOCX CITT. Ia , June 5.-Speclal Tel, gram 1 CATTLE Receipts. 1,100 head market, ateady; beeves. 64 OOS'i'i; cows' bulls and mixed. t3.f"8C; stockers and feeders. I3.''64.'; calve and yearling t3.0)"fi4 10. HOiiS Receipts. 4 5f) head; market steady; telling at $o.l64j5.; built of sales.' $6 16. STOCKEha AND FEEDERS 1 I t t Tt 1 414 t tt 1 tl I SO II 4M ( M I tal it Tl 14, a M it H4 I 10 7 4.4 , It M ITI M tat t t HOIS There ass a good run of hogs here today, about 104 loads being on saiV The general quality or the receipts waa Rood, some loppy stuff being offered. Th ogs srrived in good season and buyers were out early. Chicago reported a 4J.uuu run wlih prices right around a nickel higher. This fact favored seller at t n la point snd th market here held up In good Shape. Trading on th opening was fairly active and liter wet) good demand lor Stork la Mtht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal wes;ern market yesterday: Catt South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City . St. Joseph ... St. Louis ..... Chicago Totals .... 1 l'lO ...13 too .... 1.7't .... 7. -a ....23.0-M ....62.60 Hon 6heer 47 3 T3i: 4 6O0 rot 317 7..'7: 3 5 . r.Oa) '.i iiVi 1.314 43 '3 Oil aad Roaia. NEW TORK. June t OILS Cottonseed oil. prime crude, nominal, prime yellow, Saa".!-. Petroleum, steadv, re fined New York, 36 '; Philadelphia and Baltimore. M 65 Philadelphia and Pahl more In bulk. 135. Turpentine, quiet, CV. SAVANNAH. Oa.. June OIL-Turpen- une. nominal. ,iajc ROSIN Nominal ; D, U SO; K. 14 on; F I 16 hi. K. 15.13 OIL CITY. June 6. ML Credit balance tl T.: certificate, no M.I: shipment, lit ? bbls: average. 7i.CS bbl ; run. 117 v bbls ; average. Se 646 bbls ; shipment. I.liria. M.iai bbls : average, tt 6.-4 bbl . run Lima, M.Xvi bbls.; average, U.lZv bbls. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. SO u 100 l.l't 3 '' 1 M) quote. A. R. C. t4.10; O. 14 15: H. N, t66n. W. Q. 13 v 14 50; 6 75. Iiftt aad Molaes. NEW YORK. Jun t-cl'OAR-Raw oteady: fair refining, 3c; ceninfugtl. SVc tet, 4c; molase ugr, 34c; refined teady; No. t. 6 ic- No 7, 6 iOc; No. t. iiop. No. I. 6 06c: No. lo lux; No. 11 4tV;; No 12, 4 6c; No. lj. 4.76c; No. It. 4 7fic; confecrioner A, ITdc; mould A I for; cm loaf, 166c; crushed. lc; towdered, 6 36c; granulated, i jc, cube, iliv NEW ORLEANS. June -SfOAR-Qulct Open kettle. ,iJS' open kettle 4iy,4 16-liic; centrt ugal whites. 6c; yellow, 4f.4 16-lec-. second, 3i41c MOLASSES-.Nomlnal; on kettle. I.t-j .c, centrifugal. 4Vol4-. fyrup. nominal. -. CetTee Market. NEW YORK. Jun 6.-COFFEE-Market for future opened steady at uncntnged price to decline ef I joints, but ih.irtly raided to a varus! advance ot I poiais Deeds f.led for record yesterday. J jr. 6, lt. a furnUhed by the Midland Guar antee and Trut comtvany. b-anled to trcter. 114 Frnain street, for The Bee: R. Mci'leiland and wife to B B. Hop per part lot 7. block 11. Waterloo t !") Sheriff to E. R. Hume, lot 6, block 1. Central Perk Sheriff lo Mary F. Bourse, part of lot Hi. RedlrK a 2nd Mary F. Lourke to El.en A Lang don, same Delia N. ftc-ofTern and husriand to F. Paladlno. lot . block . Shull 2nd. Hrry Morrowl'i and wife to Ceceii Ruser. lot 1. 2 and 3. Boehmes- Sub. Cecelia Ruit to W. Oioe. sam A. J. Rosum and wife to J. Shoten. lot t. block 6. 8 E Rogers add... J. J. Fltx-terald et al. to . Hynelt, lot 7 and part of lot 4), block 5, Potter and Cobb add W A. R. H'-nry nd wife to Mary L. Henry, lot 10 and IL block Ii. Kountie and Rutn adi South Cmiaha Iar.d-company to A. C. Zapla part of lot li. b.ock t. South Omar.a G Pprakties and wife to J. Ort sr.d wife, part of lot 1, Diocg i. i.rea.i Foiuier add Mercantile ccrr.pany to C. H Brown, pan of st of r.4 of n sec 3-15-li Nortnweetern Mutual Ife Insaranc romninf lo T. r. Hail, loi i. ik Hi citv C M Rich to B. E Wilcox. 101 14, block fViutn Or'Jiha B Smith and wife 10 B E. Wilcox, lot 13. block It. Brown Park South Omaha Ivir.d company to J. B. Enon. lot 1. block 14. itoutn Omaha. Adallne F. 8fcrivr and buabend to G. W. Skinner, part t'i lot 2. blo 14, North Omaha H. V. C. Hart to J. D. Standish. lot I to 10 and 14 to IT block nt. and other land in Dundee Josephine thriver to L. Bate. ii4 North Twenty-second tret Annie McGavock et al. to J. R. and C. W. Conkllng. lot 1 and I bioc t. Kountie t'h add J. R Ccnkling et al. to J. H. Kriten brink. same . H W. Yates and wlf to J. R- t.lrs-tv-.n. lot 1. block 3. ub. of J. I. Red Ick add Fre,1erteka M Caldwell et al. to H A. Jersen. lot 1. Piora i. uo. 01 I Re.t'rV a Anna Comgn to E. Buarher. lots i and 7 b'.rk lgr-n Pia.-e ... .. . M L M"lia to E r Riley part 01 n.t Redick 2nd add., guc-d and valu- a. Kle C F Shepard and wife to E J. Broan. paft ' Hr,t ' Tborneil's add- 11 009 U50 7V IK 000 IM liu I 1 t t7W 1 6j Ifl Edwards-Wood Co. 1 1 nrorwora te 1 riala Olllce: Filh sad Roberts Uclt sr. falu ru.Nx DEALERS I M Stocks, Grain, Provisioas Ship Your Grnin to Us Bra ark OSIre, lltvill llaa r 4 at Trad Bid. Osaka. Xeb. Teleahaae 3I4. M! 1.4 fc.dg.. ftojth Omaha ttil I buite U ' itodat ')-kfta i -