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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1905)
i! I! y i. I i'i 1(y TTIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JFNE fi, 1003. I r BllHlM mr it i a' rr .. GOVERNMENT'S CASE IS IN Federal OfSceri Cocclide Teitimonyi in Prevention of Land TeDcere. MRS, OSBORN TELLS OF SHOOTING MAN tUlatea Tbrlllliiar Storr orr Tw Mo Who tame to Her Horn at Klftht Sndrtealr Left. Th govrrnmnt cloned Its tcntlmony In the land fencing cane Monday nftornnnn with the testimony of Mr. Hrnslo Onliorn, who was recalled for re-dlrect examination. Bhe corroborated In every renpect the te rW.AM hv tinr hnahAnri. Theodore imii'iij it,'-i - - i Oshorn, laKt Friday, relative to his troubles wltn me ivrauffpn, cunniimiu n " sault upon him by John KrauRR In July, 1!W3, and the subsequent offer. that John Krause hnd made to him to make a filing under the Klnkald law for Krause, the latter to pay him J.V) for It, and whloh offer Mr. Osborn refused as unbuslnennHke. The most Interesting bit of testimony yet riven during tho hearing was Mrs. Osborn'S recital of the shooting episode, briefly referred to In District Attorney Baxter's opening statement to the Jury. The Incident happened In the latier part of September, 1603. Mrs. Osborn told the story as follows: "One night In the latter part of Septem ber, 19ns, while my husband and our son were away, only a crippled child who had come west with us being at the house wit me, I was awakened by the barking of our dog. I got up and heard some men outside, and recognized John Krause's voice and that of Boh Uttlck. I overheard them talking to the effect that Osborn and the boy had gone away and now they would drive me away. We lived In a aort of a barn, as our residence had not been completed. The doors were built In two sections, an upper and a lower half. I went to the door and listened. They came toward the door with what I thought to be a purpose of forcing it open. I got down the shot gun and sprang two shells Into It, I think they were No. 6 shot, and went to the door, got up on a chair and let go with both barrels. One of the men said: One of Them Is Miot. " Tm a If I ain't shot, and then they went away. I think he might have been probably eighteen Inches away when I shot. There was blood outside the door next morning and some blood about the post where they had tied their horses. I did not see John Krause until a week or two afterwards and did not see the other, Bob Llttlck until six weeks or two months' afterwards. He then had a bad scar at the back of his neck and It looked as If it had been made only a month or two before. I did not know Llttlck until after the shooting, but when I saw him two months afterwards I recognized his face as that of the man who was with John Kraus that night." On her cross-examination, which was very brief, Mrs. Osborn was asked If she ever talked with Bob Llttlck after the shooting? "No, I never talked with Bob about It," she replied, "for If ha was satisfied, I was." Mrs. Osborn's testimony was not shaken In the slightest by her cross-examination, and with the conclusion of her ex amination at S o'clock the attorneys for the government, announced that the state rested. The testimony for the defense will be started this morning. Whetstone on Stand. The next witness was Edward Whetstone, a small stock owner whose homestead Is Inside the Krause enclosure. Whetstone testified as to the existence of the Krause brothers' fence and that he was familiar with Its general course, and that It enclosed numerous tracts of public lands. There was some feeling between him and the Krause brothers over certain hay valley rights. He said the Krauses had, on sev eral occasions, taken up some of his cattle, alleging they were trespassing upon their range and hay preserves and on one occa sion had required him to pay $72 damages and at another time J15 damages before they would release his cattle. He told further of occasional quarrels between him self and John Krause. Whetstone's cross-examination was be gun shortly before noon. He admitted there had been some trouble between him self and the Krauses growing out of the hay meadows and that the Krauses had charged him with wilfully driving his cattle Into their hay meadows. He denied that he had cut any hay on Krauses' government land for himself, but admitted that he had at times cut hay for the Krauses. The only hay that he cut for himself was on his own land or lands that he had leased. BOY SAVED FROM DROWNING Yoath Snatched from Peril by Mf Gaard Holden at Court laad Beach. Through the prompt action of John Holden, life guard of the bathing depart ment at Courtland Beach, a boy was res cued from deep water Sunday afternoon and resuscitated In a short while. The boy did not give his name. In a thought less n anner the boy clung to the stern of a boat being rowed by a friend and was taken from the shallow water of the beach out Into deep water, where he released his hold. Not being able to swim, he sank and an alarm was Immediately given, Holden responding In a manner that called for credit. The boy was soon able to be taken home, not much worse for ttie experience. SOME PRECINCTS ARE TARDY Coantrr and City Folks Canae Delay la Cloalnsr County Asses, or's Books. County Assessor Reed has not yet been able to close up his assessment books, nor will be be able to do so for several days. Not all of the country precincts have yet been finished and there Is quite a number of city folks who still seek to maintain argu ment with the assessor as to Just what .'a what In this matter of taxation. Mr. Reed is looking forward to securing some relief a week hence. Tuesday, June 18. the Board of County Commissioners, with the assessor and county clerk, will go into session as a county board of equallza tion. me Doara win do in session ror eleven days and some interesting sessions are looked for by all concerned. Lace Trimmed Umbrella Drawers 19c We have bought from W. L. Crosby, JS'orth Omaha Nursery, of Florence, Neb., 3.U0O of the Largest Finest Peonies f .-r fnUii iii lrnskrt. Mr. t rosbv nun won a reputation nil over tho state for his exceptlonnlly fine collection of Peonies. We botlKlit the choicest nowers or uie enure uuimrj. These peonies nhvnys retail Bt 30 enen, out lucsaay-row-we will sell tlieni on ninln floor, nt -tomor- U E l I ,ff OMAHA WKATHEWErOBT I El B 71c Prints and Calicos 2jc Yard We will place on sale tomorrow all the prints and calioos of every grade and description lrom me eurasim vn.j All kinds of Amerienn prints, all kinds of fancy dress prints, all kinds of comforter prints; Nebraska City sold them at 7c per yard, they go tomorrow at, per yard 2ic L K S Silk Jtfic SILK CREPES 10c YARD All the Nebraska City Crepes, 27 inches wide, Particularly adapted to even ing dresses and waists on nil bargain square, yard aamson SILK 39c YARD All the Nebraska City Sam son Silk, In all colors of the rainbow on sale in our silk department. yard 1.25 SILK AT 79c YARD AH the 27 Inch Taffetas in plain, changeable and fancy styles, from the Nebraska City Btock, regular $1.00 and 81.25 grades, go at 10c ty Sam- 39c i in plain, 79c Embroideries From the Nebraska City Stock 7ic, 2lc 25c At Half and Less Than Halt Nebraska City Prices All the wide Corset Cover and Skirt Flouncing and all widths of Inserting Laces From the Nebraska City Stock Piled high on barguin tables including vale, t 7a torchons, clunys and Maltese laces worth loC-m3i)Cm i oC up to 25c yacd o in lots atyard Dig Sale of Notions in the Arcade 5c Bennett's Big Grocery Special offers daily in the best goods at money-saving prices. Gt'STO BREAKFAST FOOD-A cup or saucer In each package Ten (Jl) Green Trading Stumps with 2c each pkf?., Tuesday only .... Twenty (J2.00) Green Trading Stamps with one pound California iftC Sultana Raisins Fifty (SM Green Trading Stamps ftfC with five pounds Yaploca --' Ten (11.0(1) Green Trading Stamps with quart can Llbby 2flc Stamps ...10c Stamps 25c McNeal's Soups. Ten (11.00) Green Trading with two 3-pound packages Chippewa Table Salt Ten ($1.00) Green Trading with eight bars Bennett's Bargain Soap Ten ($1.'i0) Green Trading with two glnss Tumblers German or French Mustard. Stamps .18c Ten (ll.W) Green Trading Stamps with two Jars Cottage llde Marmalade JVw Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with two cans Diamond "B" 20c Frankfurters and Bauer Kraut Ten ($100) Green Trading Stamps with frame Colorado IRc Honey 1C7W Remnant sale of Flower and Vegetable Seeds, package... lc BENNETT'S CANDY SKCTIONIQ Salted Peanuts, pound vw SCREEN DOORS Buy screen doors and keep the peaky fliea outside. Great Sale . of ladies' Skirts Thursday TnS HBLIABLB STORK. . Great Sale of Ladies' Skirts Thursday Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with any Screen Door, $1.75, TRr $1.60, S1.S5. 9So and "w Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with any Water Sprinkler, Japanned and Galvanised, prices up nilr1 15c Silk Covered Featherbone, at. yard White and colored Featherstitch Urald 6 yards to the blot, Qq at 25c Pompadour Combs 10C Be brand Hooks and Eyes n rnrrl ..i 25c Hose Supporters and Rc round garters infancy boxes.... Defender Steel Safty pins, 8 cards for lc Dress stays, per set, q 200 yard spool IJnen Thread, o at u iw 1 dozen Spools Embroidery cr Silk, at 1W $3.00 Human Hair Switches 40C choice, at -sry Chinese Ironing Wax with Bc handles-7 for All slies of steel Scissors Qjj from embroidery to cloth, go at. Tan Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords Sale SPECIAL TOnORROW The New Shade of Ta.n, Saddle Color, Oxfords and Christy Ties for ladies, e $2.50 Girls hih cut Chocolate Brown lace Shoes, 8i to 11 , 1.39 Hi to 2.. 1.59 Barefoot Sandals 59c, 85c and $1 J 176 0. H. S. Graduates Every one of these young people not possessing a watch ought to have one from our store, as a gradu ating gift to be kept all the years In memory of that day. There could not be a gift that would be more ap preciated. Spend a few minutes In our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street. $50 You a. Good Trunk? Remember the hotel clerk always casts a significant glance at your baggage. If you want one that will pass muster with the hotel clerk and stand the ferocious at tacks of the expressman, we have Just what you want. HIGH GRADE GOODS AND LOW PRICES. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farrtam St 0 Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with IX Retlnned Dish Pan, 17 quarts Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with Three-piece Child's 1 fir- Garden Set, 2r)C, 15c and .... IVW Double Green Trading Stamps on Ice E H irom Double Green Trading Stamps on Ice H H Double Green Trading Stamps on Cream Freezers, prices up 1 A Lawn Hose. Every piece guaran- from I.TT B ten quart oc foot wamm Great Sale of Cravenettes Ladies' $15 to $18 Cravenettes $7.50 Grays, Greens, Castors and Black all newest styles. 746 handsome Cravenette Coats, mads from the very best shower rroof materials, and every one guaranteed on sals at HALF PRICE AND LESS. The first of the great bsrgalns our buyer secured In New York, come In all sites, and were manufactured to sell 7 Rfl at $15 and $18 our sale price UU 5c Lace Sale Tuesday morning we place on sale thous ands of yards of LACES, INSERTINGS. FANCY GALLOONS AND BANDS, worth from Wc to 40c per yard, Cp at, yard "w Point Esplrt Laces worth 10c yard; rolnt Esplrt I-aers worth 15c yard; Point Esplrt Laces worth 26c yard all Rn at one price per yard u' Torchon Laces, worth 10c to 25o yard; Torchon Insertings, worth loo to 25c Cp yard all at one price per yard Val. Laces, worth inn to 25c; Val. Insert ings, worth 10c to. 25c groat variety of pretty patterns at, Rr yard w Fancy Lace Galloons, worth 15c to S5c beautiful line all at one price tin per yard v Odds and ends of fine Laces, worth from 15c to 40c yard In one great lot for Tuesday's sale at, yard ..-'w Stupendous Undermuslin Bargains Tuesday's sale will offer great bargain opportunities in our Muslin t'nderwear De partment. Three hundred dosen garments made from the finest Nainsooks and Cam brics, beautifully trimmed, will be sold at prices In many cases less than the cost of materials. .15c 39c LADIES' GOWNS, worth up to CiQc $1.00, at, choice u,v LADIES' CORSET COVERS that sell the whole world over lor yc. go in rflJc this lot Tuesday, at, choice LADIES' 39o MUSLIN DRAWERS, trimmed with tucks and em- IQc broidery, choice FROM 8 TILL 10 A. M. Men's Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, worm owe; nrawnrs havs double seats limit of three suits 12Hc Suiting Silks, pretty patterns, fast colors tor mis sine, jr at. vard - - . , . Tiiot.. Muslin 3s Inches wide, one of the best known brands on me marsei iur iwu nuuio . v .- - ia VJVJ for MAKE WAY FOR THE BIG SHOW Forepaaca's Clrras will Com to Tows ! Several Trains Itest Week. Ths elrtus Is again abroad In the land and the sound of the great chariot wheel Is heard on the earth. Fore pa ugh and other great showmen may be dead and pas. wmstnw's l SQOTRIKQ SYRUP I bj Milium at MotWn (or tbelr ! TmiUm fur car rifir Iwt HilMrm wuiim TmiUm fur car Vifiy T ft mltis lb OiU. asJlaos W ni all til tta. iwtl wimI uUi tod U 4A I TwasTYfiva ccT a stmt P n AND BACK VIA 0nSaleJune17 Trains Lene Union Station 3:35 A. M. 11:50 A. M. 7:35 A. M. 5:40 P. M. For further Information address F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A.. 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb mold on ii 8 In their tombs, but his show will go parading through the land forever. The Immense amusement enterprise will reach Omaha next Sunday morning, in four big special trains. The A. lam Forepaugh-Sells Bros.' show comes this season in entirely new form and dress, and under its new management (the KlngHng Bros, and James A. Bailey) Is said tor have been brought to such a de gree of immensity that eighty big, extra length cars are now required to transport It through tho country. Cool Canvas Oxfords Ladles, here Is Just what you want for hot summer days. Your feet, like everything else., trouble you more in hot weather than any other time there is nothing so cool and comfortable as a canvas Oxford. It Is the popular hot weather shoe for ladles' wear. We have them in canvas, linen and sea island cotton, in turn and welt soles. Price $2 to $4 Drexel Shoe Co. g 1419 Farnam Si. Omaha's Cp-to-Dat Shoo noose. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. A HUNDRED YEARS MAY COME AND GO AND STILL THE V COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE will repeat the sayings, the songs and the music of today as sweet as the voice Itself as strong and impressive as the very words out of the mouths of pow erful speakers--as rich and enchanting as the music direct from the instru ments la the hands of the great masters. So does a Columbia Graphophone re- , . , 4 x 1 n Ti. vrt.i r ntit AntAptfllnmAnt in TOUT peat tone ror lone anu bltuiu iur uui. jvu - --- home? Ifs mighty nice to know that you can have it at any hour In the day . m T-r a l.ihD tr vnnr home or nisnt ana wren no expense or titiuuu. uo'c j" """j j , If yon nave u wui oe worm uu to mi uui uuj Dhone. It Is a whole little world of music and fun all In itself. The fact of Its winning the Grand Highest Award at the IxmiBlana Pur chase Exposition Is argument enough to make you want .one. You con get one practically rree. Under the Special Arrangement with the COLUMBIA. GRAPHOPHONE CO. at 1621 Farnam Street, we are enabled to offer A $12.50 Columbia Disc Graphophone With a Year's Subscription to The Evening and Sunday Bee FREE. This tst the Columbia regular $12.00 Die Orophophane arv3 ... . . , 1 fxtMn SPniCIC A mf pasiIam SlDttOl M BOUflDl snywnsrs iwr - Tb CoVumbia Graphophone raoelvedth Grand Higheat Award ..t tri fit. Louis ExDoalUon: 1004. It U yaur with a ambacripUaii AO Uila papar-FRB& of all ooat. Mail this today not tomorrow -at, per gar- worth from to a customer-ment LAIUES' DRAWERS. 6c to $1, at, chulon FROM 9 TILL W A. M. IBe Ribbed Hoss for bovs, heavy a preat snap, Cp at, pair ,JV FROM in TILL 11 A. M.-16c HALF HOSE, for men. In biacK ana tans iimn oi pairs to a customer at, pair . Three Rousing Specials In the Great Domestic Room. 7Hc Cotton Press Fabrics-reat snap Tuesday as long as they last, 2C at, yard Pre-lnventory Grocery Sale We take our Seml-Annual Inventory this month. We are going to close out several lines before Invoicing. 4S-lh. sacks High Patent Minnesota Flour i '" 10-lb. sacks best Cornmeal lbe 4 lbs best Hand Picked Navy Beans IDe 4 lbs. good Japan Rice . .lBo 10 bars Diamond "is. neat cm am, dwui b Pride or White Paris laundry Soap... .25c 1-lb. cans Rex Pork and Beans, with sauce 6c 1-lb. cans fancy Alaska Salmon Be 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c B-lb. palls Pure Fruit Jelly 1M Fresh Bread, per loaf 2-lb. packHKe Fruen's Wheat Granules. .7H The best Soda Crackers, per lb o LEMONS. LEMONS. LEMONS. T.arge Juicy Seedless Lemons, per dos...Mo Three measures Peanuts Wo Pure Colorado Honey, vex rack............ We Oct an Ice Cold brink of Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer FREE in Grocery Department. Waterloo Ice Cream, per brick... 40 mm Special Hates Eat Via Wabash R. R. Call at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P, P.. Omaha, Neb. Harry B. Dtvls, undertaasr. TL LOWE BROS.' GLOSS PAIHT FOR LAWN AND PORCH FURNITURE It Is especially adapted for this use is It gives a hard surface and will not rub off on the clothes, will withstand the rain, etc., which outdoor furniture Is subject to. It gives a perfect glous ind does not require varnish for finish. it Is very economical and can be applied by anyone. PER HALF PINT o PER PINT 4O0 PER QUART 76o We carry everything needed In ths paint line for housa cleaning time. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. Paint Department. 141 HARNEY. 'PHONB S42S. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city. Coapon of Inquiry are.Ja.ttea DtM, OMAHA BBS. Omaha, J4a. nsi jraur rrajairttrra ny adOaas aa ran balow ta show U4 aHAHC0?HON you cfBsr with 0 year's subaoiptloa to TUX OMASA BBS. lYesas -iiLiniii" iinm m- ' 1 Pete.. hm We have s-lso toads arraoa"" ie S reply uiall aubacilbers with the rapBopfcona. for faU aaitloulars seai us tkis eouso. Mail Subscriber's Coapon OrcaiattM Dept., OMAHA BKB. Omaha, Neb. Flejwo sn4 me fun partfeeJars how to b a nt W ColamMa Oraa4to paoao practically free. ASarass 19ats me Lewis and Clark Exposition AT PORTLAND, OREGON Will be Open Continuously From June 1, 1905, to October IS, 1905 One Hundred and Thirty-Seven days THE UNION PACIFIC is many miles shorter than any other line to the exposition And gives you an opportunity to visit YELLOWSTONE PARK Juna 1st to sptambsr ISth Returning from Portland via CALIFORNIA Inquire at , CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FAR NAM ST. Thone 316. Michigan Summer Resorts Among the lakes and rivers of the East Coast of Lake Michigan is the ideal country for a summer outing. Fishing, boating, bathing, sailing, golf,, and above all, an ideal climate. Pure air and pure spring water. Health and recreation. Booklets descriptive of these resorts mailed on application to n. F. MOELLEIi, G. P. A., Fere Marquette Kailroad, Union Station, Detroit, Mich. : :- Heat electric light janitor service all night and Sunday elevator ser vicea fire proof building all cost the tenant of The Bee Building nothing extra. Uk tor a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I EST BECAUSE ToaM .Kg-ft" VXJrT B s ft