TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: PrXDAT. JUXE 4. 190!.. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE M L C3lilITi.CT.CrrT, i COUNTrTY MERCHANTS ARE PROSPEROUS Tker. la frosae iliairt la Dry Cooae t-ra ul Tmtm Arc Hlaha-r lea, aura rr IibIm la La m a Mcntrt. lair to pontV ww, fici Lis ,4c domes-llr "w-iss. r n -Jaw W I Trade in general has been Htlcfk: tory lur the iwk lr- cucrd JuliOer and sio cers report s..ou t.usiiicss 'Jin- hardware people Buy tt.st Irtor is lair. active on Hit whcue, and especially b.i aloha s-.ine lines. "J"ii- leather hiar.et i biow . Put sun, a condition wa extiected. and rtit- truac i Hot disappointed. tiC(UM the order Jul luture deuvery have Iwn renerou Country ocalers continue lo mnit tn to look civtr lull dry furnli They repot t u good kuKirir-m In nil noes, dry foods, hard ware, leather and groceries. Most of mem are ma fearing a short crop ol grain and they txjKrt their business ti.is season lu ao ahead of laat year. Lry goods jobbers enjoyed a pood busi ness duilna tin. lam week both on current and future- shipments, bumf reduction anu made tn the price of seaacma ine goods m oroer to reduce Hocks but tn wit tun g ion market waa very strong In ail departments. Hopes. Lonsdale and lrultn. also the com- eunr lines, nave twn advanced Sc In the ast few dn, mlnrh makea an auvanc of ac In tin laat thirty da. a. Mr. Lotcicri an nounces that there will li no reduction in tn price ,f American prints, and mis, with either things, including a oonsei-vauvc pov emment report In the forecast of the cot ton crop, has wrved to make buvera more confident of tlie future. Tti Jotitiera repnrt that they have no fault lo find on Hit- acure Of COltecllollB. Nun.lir of retailer from over the mate have lieen In lcxikiii(t over the dry fuocIb Hocka, ttiouKh not no many aa were in the week licfore. BualiK-aa aa h!h. aatiBfac tory by order and tnrouph aaii atnen. Activity Ib Caaaed bMidt. Canned rood arc active, iioth corn and tomatoea atiowinr uji aironc villi mime ku X anee In ln h lirv h. In the line of l iniu loea there haa lieen a Jot of low -irieed rood offered from Houiliwent Miaxoun. Hut lliia ha iHaajiiiea'-''d from the niurk-t and Iioihina if, now obtainable except at an ad vance of Milr a dozen. Spot corn Ik prud ually being Cleaned up. The VVeatern man ner' aMBoniHUon haa an tirBanixution hn h keeji cannera imated on tne amount of rood In nisht. and lnaamuch a all ol th. n. know that a large part of the apol corn has panned out if tne cannera' handh. liny are very independent about good yt t remain ing In Block. m account ol thin independ ence prlcea have moved up fiu?V a dozen. Itcfore the laat riae corn had been ateady for Borne time. Tomotoe. on account of Iieavy aellliiB by holder who had tieen coni Iielled to realiae. had t,en obtainable at lairly low pneea. until the chance for tne better In the market lone about ten daya ago. Bime California packer huvi named their price tin a-ood for fall delivery. Apncota w.ll lower than laat rear and chernea of all kind bring higher pneea. Pear are a higher prioe and jieaciheii are abjut the Bam, In dried Iruita there has been no ad vance, except in prunea. which are held at a little higher prioe. The proaiiecta for thla j.ni crop are rot at all fluttering and holder are dlafKiaed to anticljiate a tihort age and advance their price accordingly. The rice market i about the aame a laM week. There are few offering of Japan m.e iroiii any aource. J lie Bituauon l entirely controlled by southern dealer, who have ulmom the enure mock In their hand ana are well able lo hold It for advance. There l no Immediate prolablllty of a de- vime ana joooero rauier look lor an ad- vujice. bar dine Mar lta I a. The war lietweon the jiackera on aardlnea aeema to lie letting up a little. tne-i;uarier U aardaie are held at a little lower price than last week. Three-quarter mustard re wen auatained at the recent advance f muataraa are being packed. Not niany aultabie tiBh can lie taken licfore July and It will be Auguat 1 before the went muniaraa are pacaea. 1 at Block 1 riot jarge and sood pricea are X'fcnuaed U1 Ul U& 41. Lter packer are talking of the short age tuat aeema inevitable iKifore the new rood are on the market. Some packere are at preaent unable to fill order com- pieia, A good dt;mand la reported in fancy jrro- cerle, with price ruling (steady and jirac- no iimns. '.rooa oi tirtain Bea onaoir une, B(ieciail.v picnic good, arc enjoying a big popularity. All wuodenware linea continue to hold atrung. So change in Jrice have been reported, but there' 1 a constant expecta tion for anticipation of au advance in tubB ana jiu.ll and wooden butter diKliea. 1 he augar market ha been rather lrreg- wiar lor me tasi weeK Kurt are reported a lower, aitnougn there la no change wiiaiever on nne augar up to the preaent i: la aimcult to any what the outcome will he. The trade If now on the eve of a Heavy consumption and It would naturally be preaumd that price will rule a in lie firmer. Thia, however, depend largely on tha raw market, tsjth In New lurk and atiroaa. llTtara la . Coffee Been: to be firming up. For acme iuy of the week there waa au advance of li to ' iKilnta in oitlon ljarge holder wno nave carried big mocka on hand lor ao me urn paai are blUI importing very ireeiy, which Indicates that thev have every confidence that the market "will ru higher later on, although the receipt for tie last week or ten daya hae lieen reater than anticipated. Desirable roast 's" grade are becomuiK very scarce and oornuiariu arooa pricf. J he cheese market la a little easier and price rule. 4ic liclow last week a quota tion Thia make a conaiderahle decline In the last two weeka. although the volume oi tiusiiiess na shown a decided lmprovi BifUL J-ine Kklms .re jiteady and fairly active and there la a good demand for man white. Holland herring, family whit flan and Irish mackerel are going at exceedingly mgn prices, in apll or the price, thre 1b . big demand for th lHifc catch of Irish ackeret. which are of a very good oualitv - ney win continue lurh. It la nrobable. a the American catch is still Mow the nor mal, nearly all th nsli caught so far in American water have lieen sold treh and have brought fancy price faalmon Block are fairly large lor tha time of year, and lropect along the Columbia and in Alaska are thai the catch will be large Ulik KIUIIU. The hardware trade la experiencing famine in lawn mow era. The demand ha been eo heavy that the stock of th lnca.1 Jobbers were exhituated some day ago and mey nave sent to the lactone lor con Biarnments, which are now about to arrive A suiiUtr ( goini orders to tne Country have been deiaxed on account of the famine. eaavaablr &a4s Brisk. There ia a brisk trade in other seasonable gooda. Including screen doora and ic cream Ireeaers lai ge guantlile of farm tool arr oemg sold and all light steei good are lainr acuve. i ne maraet is slow im In iiaroware in general. i'ricea rule about tne same. 1 ner Is an advance on tacka In the bulk. It w a Aprii 1 w hen the riaraware men rot out a new list on lacks saay 1 u.at lit.: w abrog,.ied and win waii puo.i.siii.n, wi.icn was Ihe same as ine ol with the except!,, u of the bet ler inoe on lacss in tne tt.ik. 1-inseed oil and turintiiu have stood pun aner ttieir rise in price a week ago jLiuiouyii mere l nol ui especially great ufiiuiuu i'r TurjK-ntine, u mu hitier pp i aniouiii on nana i pot n.ille a iarge a usual. ror tht hist wk In some time leather jooas i.sve not increased In price. The - at once ousmess pas almost enurelv fallen off uiig trade limy Ik- said to lie very guiet injoed. Most of the large orders fur fall delivery have Iwn reeened and ttie Jobbers are now p-eparitig to fill them. Shipments w hi beeiu aliut July 1 Nun r 4u ania.l ordera via b in b that time. Kaaaaa Cltr Crala l Praviaiuaa. lUNliAlf t 1T1, Jane J. WHEAT- J u'y TH'"S.. Septen lKi, 78i,:im,( . Ineember. TSV. ".'aeh: No. ? hard. Ii.m.,pLur.. No s K-VU . No. 4. Tk'-rt'Tc: Ku x red, H lVii It No 1. T(fif'-S. No. . Tv7c COKN July, .".( , feeptembii, cf, Ie cember, 4t"c. t'arh; No V mixed. 4Sc; No. S. 4Hc; No. I w tilie. Ck, TTo .iA1S-No. s wtnit:. XhUSSi, No. J mixed HA V tad choice timothy, Xi.5(j"llHiu, CHOlfe .rairi , .Iiu. ItVKrHcady at tr.'.nTiic. t(1'ir Aia''kft Bleud : Missouri an.l Kiitsaa. run No ; wi.itewood case tn i. hided. lc per ilea.: tut cour.L, lie per 6ox ; case returned, iter oox. less. ii L'Tl t.K i.'iujii,i i . lb lm , ji ku,n. i'c hro ipt htjimerm Wheat, bu 13 j' :'(, Corn, bu r:.t"c Oats, iiu t.iwu lti,i,' CH1CACO CRAM AID rOVIIO Fntirn af k Traalag aaa Claslag Prlre aa Bnara at Traae. CHICA03. June I Improvement In ron ditlon of winter wheat as shown by th Ohio state report was decn4d caus of pukum in tn wheat market here today. At lb clos the July option shewed a loss ol ViV t'o-ii 1 d" n an iitn ce.nl, oata Sc and pruviauma ISC to ic Th wheat market was weak th entire BeMon At Ui oining a variety of infill ence tended lu crest liea.rih sentinienl. Ferhtp the most jrominent wa -excellent weather. Another lacvor of almost equal In portance wua a decline in th price of whest at Liverpool, notwithstanding lb Ftienrlh her jerterday beti-r prire at Minnetpoii foLcrwmg the liberal receipts gave (.daiuonai cmii.aai to tti bearish sentiment. I nder irt selling by a lending traoer and b pit traders in general. jirlc steadily ae lined Ihrougriout tne aaj . ini tial uuolatiotis on July were oft c to Vd c at m-'ftcO'Vc to yc. From ttiat pilnt the nine droi'tied to Rac.. 1 owara tn mlddie of th session boar were gn en fresh Inspiration by the report of trie Ohib crop statistician, showing a guin of three point in the condition of winter wheat du-ihg th mouth cf Mny. Advance of a buuish char acter wer received from the soutnwest. nut wert apiiarenlly ignored by most traders. A report from Wichita Kan., (Inimd that the condition of the wheat crop en tna southwestern states had deteriorated from lo 1 point during the last month. The market closed near the last lowest point f the day, Ima1 quotation on Juiy being at KVbb-c: Clearances of whest and flour weie eyua to U".iti bushels, primary eeeipt were "' bushels, con pared with 'l:.j' bus.'ie'.s a year shtci. Ikiinneapolis. l'uluth and Ch-cago reported receiju of r car against J cara last week and iv ar a year ago. Setnimei.t in the corn pit was decidedly tiearish. Th feature of trading was heavy selling ol July by a prominent comnuaaion house A anarp drop in ine price oi coin at Liverpool gave the market a weak start, (.'ash houee reported a marked Improve ment In acceptance on bins sent out of lerinc from Nebraska, it wa clainied. be Itig pamcularly free. This added to the weaknes The mai ket closed almost at the lowest jioint ol the day. July opened isC to Vjc lower at boc to ii'c. sold off to 4!.c and c losed at 41c. ijocal rect ipit w ere Mif c:ars. with 8$ of contract trade. The volume of trading in oats was light and sentiment was influenced mainly by the weakness of other grain C'kHi house were free sellers ol the July option. That delivery oimned c lower at 'ic, Bold on Ht'V- and closed at 3i)c. iocai receipt ere 1113 cars. J'rcn i.slons were easier locally as a result of the weakness of grain. Business In tne pit w as almost at a standstill, i raamg wa principally in the bepiemner aemerj At the close September jmrk was on fk at tiil.KT-,. L.rd and ribs each were off 2HrC. closing nt X7.5dia7.Clij and 7.bi'V57.ou, re-SJiecuvely. i-stlmated receipts lor imonaaj : v nrai, cars; corn, 21'B cars; oata, 14i car; hog, .ipiii bead. The leading figures ranged a follows: Artlclea.l Open, i High.l Low. Close. I Tea y. Wheat July Sejit. Lec. , C - mi Uuly tJuiy Sept. 6pept. U-c. l.lHt J uU-eM. I'ork July S-Pt. Lard- July ISept. Ritis July Sept. SiVtvTa, liKiHs'niS, RRT, I RSV H8i!S V (Ui til' iKi-VPVts-'N'B Si iKHtife"! alV a! la frt'-t Ml 41-4b aw 4!" ! M I 4Ss 4mi 4t 4e. 4k 4K tint NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS raj'i EixkU EoiiDtiM EfpreMita Testing Operatioiii bj FrefeMioxala. PRICES RISE DUhING FIRST HOUR Cloalnr la Oraerally lrregalar, wtltk Utile Chaag fraaa Kridar Aft era a va a F'laal alsrt. NEW TORK. June X-Today a amall bua ltiess In slo k represented not I. ms more tnaii testing opfiaiion by proiessional trauers 'J bee ojieraieis were inclined ij l-.se iiiv sioi.nd uiin lesteiday explosion ID the Luuilalue ulr AkMirutiC s 'Cie, v indicates tin- worst that nug.t l looaei lor from that troubiesotrie episode In it eTect upon the stock market 'J ne outcome was ire tie definitely foreseen yesterdav wt.be tradttig in the stock market waa atiii in iirogreaa and it was assumed that the usual rule would hold that ajieculatlve operations had tn erdiacounted an cxiiecled event. The rise in price of th first hour had no other visible explanation lhan this atti tude on th irt of the board room oper ators. They devoted some s;ciai atten tion to Heading on professed confidence In a coming increase in the dividend cm Cen tral Km I road of New Jersey and the Cen tral of New .tersey stock was marked up over 7 point In consequence. The demand for AmaiarsniBted Copper was asaocisted with tne coming annual meeting on Mon day and the circulation of rumors thot someiort of financial statement was to be Issued by the corporation at that meeting. The board room trsders attracted little following In their ventures and prices sold off again when Intimations got abroad of the unfavorable character of the coming bank statement. The Xili.Om.iKKi shrinkage in the cash held was far In rxceH cif pre liminary estimate based oi the known movement of money. The large decrease was attributed to withdrawals by the trust companies in connection with some im portant syndicate snlwcrlptioiis which bad been culled In this week Amalgamated Copper rose to the top after the publica tion cf the bank rtntement had PT"T.t Its efl"ct. but the closing generally wa lrreg ubir and little chance from last niri.t s. Total aale of bonds, par value, X1.2(p6.iKi. crease, .(.(.' mark; note In clrrula- uoii, mcieas-c, 44 4 .i. mark The Quotations on the New York Block exchange ranged as follows. fciales.iiigh.Low. Close. 12 60 12 ' 12 K7V 12 K7H I j 7 7 821, 7 au I 7 u-'S. "Yil'rt "7'67; 12 ' E2i 7 i 12 60 i 12 7Vs; 7 7 L2j 7 SO I 7 U 12 ti 12 7 K 7 S2H 7 bl No. I tOld. INew. FhOlU Bteady ; winter patents. M iOfB 4'. straights. X3.!(i4.10; spring patenta. 4 7lfyfi.7(i; straiKbia. XS.lkPji5.0li; bakera', X2.40 ?:' . . WHEAT No. Z Bprtng. Xl . iptui.tif; jo. a. ,; No. 2 red. XI tml.tlf ". tC'K.N NO. Z. lusc: jno. z yeuow, u,.c. OATS No. 2. Xtr; No. 2 while, (feHkc; No, 8 white, UVu&ic. KTE No. 2. 7iKiSlc. BARLET Good feeding, X(g42c; fair to choice malting. 4:;'&4Hc. SEEIia No. 1 flax, X1.3P: No. 1 northwest ern. XI 4k Timothy, prime, X-.Mi. ciover, contract grade. Xu 7ryiil2.2. PROVISIONS Mess pork, tier bbl., jm.uu. Lard. Jier ltai lbs , r.2'Hii7.221. Short rib sides (loose), X7.'a7.a7; short clear sides cboxed i. X7.12V7 2f. Keueipts and shipments of grain ana flour were as loiiows: Shipments. 5,tkX) 1S8 ! 2 MKi L.luO On the JToduce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, lttftT 2"Sic; oaines. liVfuliH:. Egg, steady, at mark, cases included. 18(?iJ4c. first. Hc; prime first a. laAc; extras, Itifec Cheese, euay, ktslOWc. riour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu... Oat, bu... Rye. bu Larley. bu ReeelptB. fi.Ki 12,ipi 22K i 2113. 5i' 3 (PPi 4S.W0 HEW TORK. wESERU MARKET Adams Ex A mai. Copper Am. Car a: Foundry. do pfd Am Cotton Oil do Pfd Am. lix Am. Hide L. pfd... Am. Ice ctfe do rfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & liefng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng Am. Tobacco pfd ctf Anaconda M. Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line... Bait. sV Ohio Oo pfd Brooklyn R T Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesupeake & Ohio.. Chicago Alton do pfd Chi. Gt. Western Chi. & N. W C. M. St. P Chi. Term. & T do pfd C. C, C. St L Colo. Fuel Iron.... Colo, ar Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Iielaware Hudson. V., L. a: W Iwn. ft Rio Q do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do id pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper- do pld 42. I'm IU Kit X? 700 407 40, l.WKi 47 s.son 00 2110 "71V1 kno loo " ioo Soo 17,500 4i l.lPPi 3oti 200 llKH) UoH 132 iiPi 7H-a 102 w" D 34t"a 2o4 4SW 'wi 18 lltl . 182J, it'ii'S 7io lit 107S P7' C2Vr 2i- '7K &2.10U 172 1711 700 XIIO 100 H4 84 41 Ml 2,;.iW fiOO 400 J 00 49 1W 40V 7b- IPS. 7t 9 lbl 7i 1? 7Kv 248 K8 8:: HH, oi 2 22."i 41 r( S7 17 40 113 11V 13 8 132. W. 7HS 101 34t, 107 W 21SIW 4iia 88 Wi IK! 1M 372 37 'i 41 !7 5. 1K7 4H mw S7u 2$ R6 41 H P 7 6T- 372 Mi 158 lf 7 M.. taotatloaa of the Dar Coataaodltlea. NEW TORK, June 8 FLOTR Receipta. B.8116 bbla.; exports. ll. 7ttb bbla.; market dull and unsettled. Winter patents, t4H:i$B.2k; winter straights. t4.Mj4.M; Min nesota patents. Xi ik(iti25; extra extras. Si.Xf' tX.7li; Minnesota bakers. a.7ii04.2; winter low grades 18 2SHi8 tib. Rye flour, tirm; fair to good, (i lii'dt bo; choice to fancy, M woid 4. a. CORNMEAL Steady ; fin white and yel low. X1.2ii; coarse, tl.l!S1.12; kiln dried, XI. St (pi. H0. LARLET Dull: feeding, 44,c c 1. f. New York, malting 4(ftircc c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipt, 4.0UO bu. : exponta. 64.00b bu. ; spot, market Irregular; No. 2 red. Jl nominal elevator, No. 2 red, tl 11. nominal t o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern DuluUi. X118W f. o b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. XI. 08 f o. b afloat. Kespond ing to a weak Liverpool cable, supplemented by favorable weather and crop news, weak ness In the northwest and estimate for heavy world's shipments, wheal acted weak afl the morning mid closed half to 7c net lower. July, IC'g'MfijC : closed. B.1c; Septem ber. Hi -i&Mjc; closed. aCc; December, closed. xiic. CohN-neceipta. 1,071 bu export 16.X1E bu . a;Kit, market steady; No. x. Ib'c. ele vator and iiec f. o b. afloat; No. 2 el low, asc, No. 2 white. 5l"c. Option mar ket wa ,dull with no transaction, closing nomltiallj 1c net lower. OATS Receipt. 14k.tkN bu ; exporta. 2.17 bu : sjiot, market barely steady; mixed outa, iiiy;:: pounds. 8.1c, natural white, 3ij:c.' iK.uudk. fc-i 37-c , cllj'ped whlta, kbupto jKiunda, htij'yifK'. HAY-Duu; shipping, 60 tic; good to choice. TT'iSoc. Htl'S e.ieady; state, common to choice, 1HK4. 2iyB2ac; lHoS, 2i'(b25c; oioa. ll'fi'ISc; Pa cific coast, lKot. 2tii . laok, 2j'8'J4t, olds, lit lie. H11ES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 2f pounds. 2iv; California. 21 to 2 pouuda, lkc; lexaa dry, 24 to 3c pound. Ike. LHATHER Pirm ; axid, 24$2ic. PRuVlSioNsi Be'f, firm; tamily. X13 (' 4(i4.i"'; mess 111 i ll.Sti. beef. Xll iil.50. packet X -i.iH, city extra India mess. X2uu Sim lul n'eaia, steady, pickled imiliea, 7JJic ; picaleo ahviuidera. aisciinc, plckleO ham, lipyb'c. Lard, yuiet: went ern steamed, X7 1' r 7 4". : nominal refined ir regular. continnt. X7 4": southwest. vl5: ciimiaiund, 5,iiii,c. pork dull: family. ,4 t'u 1.. in-: snort dar, Xli ip1 li ik'; mess. X7irt)12 ("TV TALLvAV rtead v: city i'.' per pkg ), 4Vc; country ipkg. freei, 4W'ti4c. KK'K-Firm; domestic lu.11 to extra, J1 i.'.r, Jafiaii. noiiunai. Itl'TI Kit V oak siraet prioe. extra creamery. Jlc-; official price unchanged pul'LTP.Y Alive, nrm, western spring chickens, ilnjlit, towia. J4ac; turkey, lie Dressed. siead : w sterr tirulierc. Xvatajc, fowl. liKaKt. turkeis. lay. 3c. M1bbo11p Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS Minn.. June S WHEAT Julv. XI :1r; beptember. a. ; No. 1 hatd, ..iic. Nil 3 northern, Xil"-c; No. I n-irtliera. I. llAc. FL.i'R First rititetita Xt.ii'g70; sec ond pntents. ? S j first clears, J4 imS 4 isi, Beciiiid cieara. tl.7Uu-.ka. Fearla Market. PEORIA. Juris B CoiiN B:tadj ; No. X yeliow, l.V No. X. aliac. No. 4 kHc; no gtaue. 474ac. 07S-j.'.v; No. X white, SiSiiiai-Vc; No. 4 ! :t WHISKY on th wasis ol II SS for fin lf lieU .juill. International Pump 27 do pfd 75 Iowa Central 2 'M 66 34i4 1C4 n HNS, 1W, i 11C- lBfi WW 45 84 l.'N 4MH 7o, 2 87 VM K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. Nashville. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central M. & St L M St. P. at S. 6 do pfd pacific T PI. i La a el rh la Pradace Market. FIZILAtiKLPlllA. June l.-R!'TTER- kuciiangeu extm weatexa creamery. .L:: i.rhv iiriiiis, Zm.-. t ;-"irm. iMiarhjr freih, 1HC loss I'fT; hnart- fresti. 37c at mark; wrtiu a Ileal,. i7"u at mark. CI I KkJaV.-Mea!y; New T irk full cream latuy, uew, luyc; New Yrfik fuil criwui, Missouri M.. K. S do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pld... N. Y. Central N T., O. & W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American pacific Mall Pennsylvania People s Ga P.. C. C. A- St. L Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rublier Gooda do pfd St. L S P 2d pfd. St. Louie S. W do pfd Siuiihern pacific .... do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron Texas & Pacific T., St L & W do pfd Vnlnn Pacific do pfd t 6 Ex XT. 6 Leather do pfd I S Healtv r. S Rubber do pfd V. S Steel do pTd Va -Carolina Chem... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Farro Ex Westlnghous Disc. Western Vnion W L E , Wis. Central do pfd .t Northern Pactfle Total sale for the day Offered. "IOO 26 '"BOO 148 'i'.ino '77ii 2.S'i 11 118 800 20 24i "'206 in Hi" 100 liit", luR4 2U0 Kht ' isw 2,600 SO 4!' 8U0 7f 7H4 ""i( s"' i0 SH, 8 6.7i VM IMS 100 101 101 "4.11 rii "rvi 81 81 W'Vt tkV.Siio "" wa, 400 m oi ""300 "i 3'ki 714 73 S 1,200 2( Z " 200 84 84 ", 300 1US 303 " imi 'snxi f f.6u0 62 , iU Ik e w lark eae fNarket. NEW TORK. Jim I W 'NET op call nominal; time loans, easy, no and f' days, 2ioS per cent; six months, X1 kt C'pRIME MERCANTILE TAPER '&4 '"fTEKL TNG E"VCHANGE Fairly sac!y. with iictual busine in banker bill at U WK'trt k" for ciemand and at U for silt; -day Kiis: posted rates. U.t and 4 a, cornn T'-inl bills. H Mv, k SILVER iiar, .TV. Mexk-an dullara. 4..C BC'VrS Government, firm; railroad, Ir regular. Closing prices cn bonfla were: )M 'Hn-klli Vsl 4i li-H Jmian. . rrts .l' 01 Sk nip .11M LAN uiu 4i .1.11 Matilistlal, r. ( .131 Mrx l litrl 4 1"4 ! tin 1st ttic .... .11 M'.nn A Hi i. M K T In X T. K nt M in: V K J C H lUs, N( F ittr 4 . M. Or Hi .lli K AW c 4 .. . W O L rid a . Pi Fvrn roitr it. .li'TS ItMltlltlf rti 4 . M Bl L 4 1 k r I"?, in L t r r tt . P( St. L S W r. 4 . ' SiHilxw-d A L. 4. 11' Sn I'srlflr 4 . . . 7 f. l,mi 6. li Trf All . -i, T St L&W . 7iH I'T'iiir. T'sciflc 4n l lie, run-. 4ft . lll' r F HKMil 16 I i"t Whli li . V On oh I' .ll'I ,epini kill 4 . w a 1. i. 4 . ltisto W11 lonira! 4. . ctt. 4k V . S ret J flc rouiMin C k rxf. do rnupcm . . t B new 4s, fln roujioli . . r P cild 4. fc 111. ..linr Am Ti'lisrrl' lif. l. rifR . Ai'-biitnn m.. Ci PHI 4 .. Atipntli C L bp: a "Mi, 4p n CenT.r) of t.. b . . do ,m IDC do ifci lur fhep A lllilo 4S. . . rtilf'HSO a A Sln C li 1 l 1 i C! R 1 A F 4 .. dct ml h OCT A St 1 a 4 Ctilrssn Ter 4 . . . . olnrsilr Mia 4 . ( olo. A Ho 4 Coin lnd b. net A. 0 P P. Cutm hp. Ptfp I A II 0 4 IilmMliTP' s"i 5n . . En i-itir heo 4p... fln p-m 41. r T All C. 1... Offered. i....in .... v . . !' ... UK a am 7i. .... n, 1 pn . . . MJ . . . M, 4 ' bP1 1M im"- .... 1 lun .... i ... ). limit :. 11'-, 4 m ... : 1. .. : 5w lie . ..Ill 4.. P4 JoS ... 12? I ... Mi, L- 78 W .... 1, MS W l4o atoeka and Boads. iyiNIKiN". June I Closlnfc quotaticms on stocks and bonds: Cmipiils Tii'iney ... Y Au 'nnunt Anarnnctp Alrtnpnti do itd . . llbltlmnre A Ohio... CmiMClian I'srlttc .... Ohpfc A Cum. (:tilcHrn Ol W CM A HI. V lieb-r. liflivflr A H. O do (ltd Ln do 1st ptd di. id ptd Illinois Central bnuln A kalh U . K A T PILVLR-Har. MoNEI-KaJS r,-1 K T. f'ontrul 1, Notnlk A Vl t do ptd . ...... 81 Ontario A W I', PnmiRvlvanta .... IK'S, kaud Minet Iin4fc KnadUil 41- 1 do ml ptd ll'n 01, in ptil 17t buuttifrii loA.is'ay ITS, dc, ptd 21 tinuilii'ri' Fa'-inc . SIW I'ntot I'H'-ibr . . . . 4, do ptd W TV S Sioel 67 1 dn pfd isa !iiaan 14" do pfd Ji.V1 Steady. 2C7-lGd tier cent The rale of discount in the own market for short bill is 2 3-16 per cent; for three tnontha bills, X 1-lf. per cent. " . Ml, . Ml. . tt . 4fi ". . 44 ,. Ji-S eirv, .121 . as . M . IP . XKH per ounce. Kewr V-v Mtnlac Moeka. NEW TORK. June 3. The followlna: are tlie c'liBing gui'tatlona on n.ltilnk- stocks: Adam Cos Alll ilnw Brunss'li-k Cod .. Cotbslof' Tunnel Cun lul A Va . Uoro B.lver iroa ailirer Liisdvill, Cot .... uSeresi. .. i .. It .. JX .. i .. I ..nr. . urn ..in .. Ltttlf Chief ... iwuins Opuir Fhoanlx Fcitnal ha vugv Hinrra Nevaiia Small Huuaa .. kiaadjircl ... X . . 4M ...H.li ... li ... ,X ... 44 ...St. ... Ji .. .11111 Farelsra Flnaarlal. LONIC)N, June 8 Money wa more abundant in the market today and rate were easier. 1'iscount were uncertain Trading on the Slock exchange was mostly affected by week-end Blackness. Prices were Irregular and in some sections they drooped. Consols were easier. Home rails were dull. Amerioans opened firm in re sponse to the tone in Wail street and after further Improvement reacted slightly In spots and closed quiet. Grand Trunk was in better demand on the traffic retuma ForeiKher were firm. Japanese and Rus sian securities hardened Imperial Japa nese pin-eminent 6s of IIP14 were quoted at Xl.tttis- Arpentlnes were dull on the rumor of an insurrectionary outbreak In Argen tina. PARIS, June J Prices on the Bourse today were heavy, owing to the refection by the sultan cf Morocco of the French reform proposition. A rumor of another attempt on the life of the king of Spain, which, however, was qulcklv denied, caused further depression. At the close stocks had a slightly upward tendency. Russian lmjierial 4s were quoted at KI.do and Rus sian tionds of ISM at fnPi. The private rate ol discount was l per cent. Bank Clearlaars. OMAHA. June S Bank clearings for to day were r-.Bfl.2S4.l and for the correspond ing date last year H,2l,24fi.0l. Mnnday $l,S10.77h.8D Tuesday W'ednesday l.D3i".tiai.af Thursday 1,450.772.72 rrk1a' 1.744.5T.1.M Saturday 1,603.124 Hfl IWK. H.4D7,ur 29 i.5tK.M8 IB 1.641,C7H 2(1 i.4;.o.7ki.ik 1 ffll.i46.01 Totals $7 Increase, XX2.C3f'.60. Holiday. 4o.iiao.50 X7,l2,6Si;.80 2nd 3'P' pp. tint". 2nfi pi 2LPi IkHon lb.7nti 2S E2- : 5T, llftw 2Ci 2 WW Si 5'H 12a, 1TH l(.i IOC WHi 100 KKI lt US 307 3ilf, Z 22 ( 313 SAM 1K2 shares. s;i IKUj K7 3iia 71 , &m 71 X l'll'i, ra 2l4j (iOV, K' llfV 2ii Mo TTiV, 82 Sh 50 122 w 122H 13, 107 ' 1047, 2.-A Wi, 3'Pi, IHi. 8k 240 3'4 K' 3nj 2, 47 3M CleariuxT Hoaae Avrrafri. NEW YORK. June 8 -The statement of averages of the clearing house hanks of this city for the five days this week shows Loans. Xl.10i.2sS.lipi; decrease. Is. .720.300. p.isits. Xl.litfi 47.7ipi; decreaau, Jik.Siiuu cir culation. X6.27J.(PiO; increaae. X4KT H.P) LecaJ tenoers, tna.CJi.'kai: decrease, X2.100. Specie X2i4.rM1.5(lfi; decrease, X10.076.8(Pi Reserve' X10.I,7(P': decrease, X10.07S.4iKf. Reserve re quired, I2M.:3H.4Jf; decrease, 4,gt2;.(rB Sur plus, X1.0a0.27t,, decrease. X-i.4iti.B26. Ex fnltcd Slate deposits, Xb,24i,uo; decrease XL.431,500. WEATHER IK THE GRAIK BELT and Boatterea Sbawrers la Oatral Westerw keetleas. . , OMAHA. June 8, 1906. Scattered show-era continue In the central valley and wealern aertiona. and light ralna were general in the Ohio valley and eastern states. Conditions are favorable lor showers to Routlnue In the central val leys today and tcnight, probably followed by fair weather Sunday. The weather Is warmer in ths Missouri valley and w est to the mountain and gen era!ly warmer In the 1c wer valleys and southern siau-s. It Is cooler on the At lantic and Pacific coasts and in the Ohio valley and lake region. Omaha record 01 temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of th last three year: , , I- llH. Hp. IMG. Minimum temperature.... So n r f.4 Precipitation m .63 "j- m. Normal temperature for today, 67 de grees Deficiency to precipitation since March 1 Lb"" Inches Exe s corresponding period In 1WH. 1.02 inches. . Excess inches. corersjiOTi'Jlng period In Mux, f OMAHA DIFTRICT REPORTS. 1 cmp Kaln. Stations. Max. Boitsa Plurkl BIp. BOSTON. June 8 Call loans. JVafH -r cent; time loana, j4 fer ceul. Official rinsing of stock and bond: Lli-r.ol Grala Market. I 1VIKJ1V1L, Jim 8 WHEAT t", tot, noimu.i. futi.rea. dull; July, ua Had, Sep t, r. t.r a rtJ C .JIN Sjk.i. firm: American mixed. 4 73: futtirea. cjulel, July, 4 CWd, St ptenJier. nonmial. Dalalk (.rata Market. IifLtTH. June l-WHEAT-To arrive.. No 1 northern Xl IX; on track. No. 1 orthern. XI li : Nu 2 northern. li OS; July. 111;.. t. pu-mo 1 . old, "k-; oepien her iktw, Uv'; uau. lo arrive aud 011 lr.i a. ',a Alrblaon adj. 4. . . . do 4a Mea C elllral 4 AlCtllBO dc ptd ftototi A Albany.. Hoainn A Main... "liusloD Eiavassd . Ftlirbtour pfd Musical, lui.irat ... N Y., N H H ".'pit Marciiwll . . I'diod lai iai- Anier. Ar,. ('Imib do ptd Aaiiir. Fnaa Tubs. . Aniar. Sur Amt T A T Aniar. Wooiac do p( u X'omtnuir 1 As.. G.uiw,ii Else 111a OtiiMprwi E itKitru- . . . Mama Eio-trlc Oo ptd Maaa Uap I lilted t run Inuad Hi.f Ma.-Ji . do pM 1 1 SlMl da pti Waatln. o mo. ia . iiid ""AJikBd. . AdPiintui .lUH, Allnuiit 74 , AmAisamlnCT .. . 7r" Amaruwn glue li'Ha At innitr .4, Utiifham .IT! la; A Hacla.. .Ifi7i4 ciptiaial .id Copier kan ll'I, iiao Weal .. .1, Iiiiminlar. Coal Franklin .IU Grauc-T . m Ipip kL.vp.ff .. . . Bai, Mas, Mlbllif . . 4 , Mirhiraa .IK M..aa-k Muut f At '(lid Isimllnoli . IHCMI Farnrl uuiner Snantinn amarack .13 41 .101 . u ?4 . in, ' . 6P 'Trmiry - 41li t-Lllad rii.iar .lu, t a M.uin . . . an, r t cm . flak 'ii-loriA . W .noi . 01 .Wolvario, ... ... J! ... tela ... ... H ... , . . .61 ... 1., ... 71 ... 1! ... 7 ... P ... v ... 21., ... f ... li ... Xi. ... w ... S ... S" ... ti ... r ... 7 ...u ... 4 ... 14 ... ... lo ... 4., ... v, ... to Treammrw atalraarat. WASHINGTON. June X-Todar's state ment ol th treaaury balance in the gen eral fund, excusive nf the Ilio.Hiv.i.H. a .id ra-rve, in Ihe divuuon ol redettjuion. anew: Available raaii balance, t:3ii.27li.Sl gold. l-.4j:.as.. eat. Hawk af Grraaai Stal FEHUK. June 8 Th weekly statement of tn Inijierial bank of Gormany snow the tollnwtng change: Cash ih liand, de crease, t !" wis mark; treasury iioiea, de irtiaM, JLSj.ipa marka, other itjcuruica. ln- Aahland, Neb 7 BC T Auburn. Neb X7 tH . Columbus, Neb.. S4 & .10 Falrhury, Neb... Hfi M So Falrmotil. Neb... M VS T Gr. Island. Neb Kij G .00 Hartmgton. Neb. K2 6. .tK' Oakdiile, Neb M St .04 Citnatia. Neb Kf 04 .u2 T-ksmah, Neb... Ki ss .(p. Carroll, la Kl uk .ii Ciarinda. la of w, Sibley, la 7? U .(p. Kioux City, la K2 62 .00 Storm Lake, la. . 77 ao .i Lli Central Skr. Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudv Clouciv Cloudy Cloudv Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy OMAHA LIVE STOCk MARKET Bext Beef Steerx fclkdt Etronfer for Ttei, Good Ccw-x Eiptei. HOGS ACTIVt AND HIGHER. DEVUND GOOD TK1CT No Slu AVERAGES. tkee-Bi Market Big Iklase Lawrer for tke 'Week ebora laal.a Xvllr steady, Tradlag Artla e W eeled Laaaka Blow ta eaaale Las er, BCtfTH C'luAHA, June 8. IX. Receipta were; Cattle, turn Sheep. Official Monday Ill 4.4M. i.l-fc CifiK iii 'i uesuay L i& 7.MW li.iw Official Weuneaday t.tP'i l..iaX a.a-l Official i'bursuay .i uh .iW "-fflcial Kriday -..wua lt..4n.. ' Official Saturday 47 7.Lsio 771. Total Uiis week SZ.Z& KJstt VMi Total last week lb 74r '.4. lit lis.iaki Same days week before . .IK 4i4 41.'.4t 1.0 Same three weea agri. . .34.2f.ii 4i all Id 47', Same lour weeks ag... . .11.142 4.S.D13 27. Same day last year li.tC: tinkiu. .Kb RECEIPTS FOR THE 1 EAR TO TjATE. The ioiic wlns lame anew the receipts of oaiue. hog and sheep al South umalia for the year to dale, wiUi cumpwifcuu wiin .aal eai-: lii isiX. Inc. X-'ec Cattle i.K..,b 4-i.iCli aa.iul Hoga l.oi.. 1.13. 4i'l . ... locbl. Slieep ti7o..lil ujK.MU k4.US The foilowlng table shows Urn averui price of bogs al South Omaha lur ine ussl Several Ua.v w ith comtial'lsoiis: Kate. LU. iitwt. lilkki. lsul. .JJhKi. :18. Chicago, 111.. Colunibu. O 1'e MoiueG, la... lndlu.nap .lis. lnd. Kansa City. Mo. Louisville. Ky.... Minneapolis Oinatia. Neb bl. Louia, M'. of ion. 2V 17 34 11 ih li. 10 Temp. Rain. Max. Mir.. Inches 74 74 7k 7k at, ki 7k M 4 4C 46 &4 M 64 bC hi at. 6 Local Forecaster. Weather Hurwau Metal Market. NEW TORK. June X METAL The metal market were all quiet and without 'Ui liable change Sja.t tin is ouoted at tin .KS'oHti.ll'1. Copfier remain dull, with lake and electrolytic- quoted at Iii..0O and custliiM at Xi4 Tti Lead unchanged at X4.biq 4.-. Sillier w eak. X', Xn Iron ia aaid lo lie steadier in lone, but the general range is unchanged ST Lulls June 8 -METALS Lead, steady al ti 40.CK Cn ; spel ter, lower at May lo Mag lu. May 17 . klay it. ftloy is May 20. May 21. May 11 May May 24. May May May Muy May Mai- May Hi. June 1.. June 1 . June t.. Kb. It. . 2h 2k. is- , j 4 k Si 11 a '" - t- t 20 1 SO, ku 1 7, X m i 2S, 8 I 6 If 4 61 7 m a a . i a -m, 4 a., a 87 i a ai, i i a 4 a oi 7 12 ,d I", i JS-, 4 4ti X 27; 7 11, 72, ; a. 1 j 4 41, t k4. Ui, t"., a US I a iiW ; kik i ib. k fci. 8 fc , i 4 3i. am ' o I in. M., , i ltHs 4 81' ! 7 Uu, i 67. b 04 X tl I 6 16 4 6 04 ii u, iw, , it l'1 4 46 o Iw t IK. i I lu. i , fc 1, , 4 Wi I 77 t. . , b 60, w , 4 lilt ii .l 7 ol, fa 61. 4 kb , 6 11 j fa 70 7 0H. . 61, 4 Uli 8 60 6 1. , 4 U a ao 7 lo a m. a.i X a. i 4 4k i 7 11, a .1 4 ki a i. , , 4 uk b 3, i i 0, 4 Kb 8 bu . , I lti 4 es tn, 7 07 , 4 o w . i , 4 4H 6 ki 7 18 b 70 i uf J'pfj'Bc It. wer for the week, with trsd'.ng a little slew. Vuots-.lons f .r cl'pjied rtock: Good te rl r lamb li 'erf. lc. fair to g'od Isnn X", ' fi b sc . gocd to choice l oiorado woo.ed lamb i...i'(i7 li . grod tc c tioto yearltt ss, Xi ip'ufilb. fair to g.md year'nrg X4 7wui. . g n.d tii choice we: I, era. X4 iiiiCi4 St.. Su.t to good wether X4 a'tp4.R(i; good to choice sea. I ti4 W': fair to good i wea. t4 !u 4 40 Keprese tit stive Bale: 1 western r i-d 3 w 4 7T n western lamb W' (HICACrO l.IXE TO(K MAIiKCT Cattle Steady Hogs a shade Iwret kp aadl Laatka Steady. CHICAGO. June X CATTLE Receipts. head; market steady; good to prime poor to n.e.ii ,im. X4 iphj feeder Xl 7ixui oo; cow, tl 7;'ii. 4'-: cnnner. tl t',0 4 ?, : i i'v,, i;i tia 01. 1., ipp. hea.i . etimstei srket shade lowe? . r.ixed 4 IP" steer, jr.. !.(, 4 T- 4t . stockeTs ami K UMifi he!'. - Cn2 f.o; bulls XI 77.. He ii 5S P.eo ipt mnnaav. pk.ipp GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET WpkluyM ii ipp&rrct in ike 'Whole Lirt cf Graiiik. ALL DECLINE THROUCtiOUT THE SESSION and but'-he-s I.", lf.u5 F7,. giod to choice heavy. XT. a..-: p-i,. roi gh Ih-hvi X4 liii: li-. liaM IS. ilpo; 8"t; bu'k of sales, ti i'ii. bHLLP AMi LAMHK-Recff.ipts 2 ipK' ln'ad , market stenrti , good to choice weth ers, shorn X4 fiiPtif. ipi; fair to rhob mixed. Shorn, XJt n4 a-, western sheep, shorn. X4 w 4i4HC; natlvp. isiT.b shorn, 84 fio-nl. Z, west i ru iambs, Ii, i-tf 7 (IP. KaaaaB City l.fve tok Market. KANSAS CITT. June 8 CATTLE Re ceipt, 4'. b.-ad. lncjiuil.t.f io southerns. Mm k-t unchanged. choi,-e fxin.ri and dressed lieef steera, xT.40tut.il1. fair to aood, X4.2fawu.3t.; western fU ste-rs. k4.fkP-.7f, Ti,. slot ker atid feeders. X.. i:, -4 7i,. s .utiievn steers, is 4.-iif,.2. sotittierti c-ow s ti isii 4 ; native cows. tl.l'.V'j4 7fc. native, belters. I; X iui, li.. bulls. I2.7fvp-4.fiti; calves t. .Pkirfi.7i. Ke ce'pts for the week, ? t: r head 11, M.4S Receipts. X.iKKi head Market 2Vc? Dc higher; tei. If. X : .bulk of sales. IT.. 2,. 3 heavy. X.',.1T ii, 81 , packets, K..2n'ui..".. Jiipts att.1 ligbt. Xi. lii-ii..;'.''. lieceipta lot the weel: f . 7l.li h.-ad. PHEKP AMi LAM Pfi Receipts, none Market nominally sitndi, native lambs. t;,.;.""i7.r.i.. western iambs, ti. Ti. ,7.;;;.. ted ewes ii n l yeni-liT'irs. t4.1':..,i. 7T: Texas cUpped JelirlltlgS. tii i.i:,.iii ; 'Jtxi.s clipped Sheep, X4 li.ii,.ip', stoi ets atid lei-it t. X-.iiOiiH ot-. Indicate Sunday. The off.cial numlier of car of stock brought lii today by each road was: Hoga. Sheep. U ses C, M. a St. P 4 Missouri pacific 1 .. 1 Vnion Pacific 20 C. at N. W. Ry lo F., E. at M V 87 C t. P., M. ai 0 6 fa. at M Ry 14 C. H. at W 1 1 C, R. i. Ht P.. oast 4 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Great Western 1 .. .. Total receipts 110 I 1 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buers Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omaha l acking Co S32 fwift and Company l.HKi 8 C'udahy Packing Co 1 i,44k X Armour cv Co 7tia 2Kti Cudahy Pu'-kiug Co.. K C 4,k Pwift and Co., country 3112 Morton a.- G 8 B. at 6 1W Totals 1 7.B48 771 c " . . i -F. j uere were not enoua catue hej-e touay to make a markeX, oniy three loaus btung on sale. Receipts look heavy for the week, but several thousand cat tie billed ihrougn were Included In the offer ing. eull, ine receipts liai-e been liberal for the week and the general quauiy ol the cfleriiigs has been good, aiuiough very Utile strictly choice stuff has been received. Cattle snowing grass have been in pool demand, buyers discriminating between grattsy stuff and the cornleda. Monday a market on tieet steers ruled generally a dime tiigher than the close of last week, and there was a lair activity lu the trade. From then on till the ciose t.f the week the maraet on these kinds rulid generally steauy. uti the desirable stuff Uit market snows strunger prices, Willi some little urgency to the demand, put Ui fair lo good kinds show nu ad vance and are in or right around the same botch as laat week. Common kinds were slow in moving ail w eek and on these kinds the market was lower. The aiuw, dragg) movement noted yesterday and the decline in prices took on" a luue ou the general market lor Ihe week. Considering me lib eral receipt the market ia in lairly good condition. There was a moderate supply of cows and heifers here this week, and at was the case wiin stetiia, desirable kinds ruled stronger wltn a lair demand to the trade. Common grades, as baa been the case lor some time., have not been in good uemand and were slow in moving. Ou these kiuus the market has been a shade lower all ihe week. The general demand haa been ol g.iod proportion and there haa been a fair activity to the trading. The supply of buna, veal calves and stag has been uf about the usual proportions this week and pricea have ruleu general. steady, with a lair demand for good bulls As la the case at lias time oi year, tne supply of stockcrs and leedera was llfehi for th week. Good light weight stun ruled generally about steady fur the week, with the heavy kino lower said in leaa de mand. There waa very few load of hayfed western here tiua week and pricea on these kind ruled Just about steady. Hutii There was k fair run her today tor a oaturday, about lUa loada being ou sale. Chicago reported a fairly good run and early advice called the market steady, buvera at this point were out early and no time was lost in getting down to bustnes. There was a good strong lone to ttic trad ing and lii hogs were cleaned up lu good season, buyers wanted lb hoga and the general market shows an advance of about Iic. Operant uida were made at right around steady prices, but very few load changed hands at those figures After ihe first round or two the market strength ened and sales were made al the advance noted above. The bulk of the iiogs sola today at Xn.rr t 20, w ith some hogs at Xb.21Si and top al Xu ib. Trading all through was active and in market closed strung at the advance. For the wees the market show a little stronger. At tne opening of me week th mantel went off about a dittit. but recov ered the next day, and another slump waa more than mude up by the advance of Friday anU touay. M. Loale 111 .t-k Market. er L"i':s. k,,., June s. cattle - c ipts. Imp- head, lticl jii li.i 'J t xans Miit k t ateaiij . nu iiv shipping and export st.-ers. K. inp'o-i. 2.; dressed bet I and but -her :-e-s. Xi.in,iii, in-, steer ur-oer 1 ipk- lbs., X:. 7i. ,ii. 20: stock-'rs and feeders X...in"u4 cow and hellers XI tP'.ji. if. . rainier. XI ini 2.". bull. Ill 4'(l4. fie. CKiv.-s tn lP'"rt. fit'. 'It Xli and Indian s'et rs, X,, uo"jfi.l', , cows atid heif ers fl inp.ii 4 IP'. H'.i.iiS Kecc-lpts. l.lliio head. Market steady; pig and lights. f W(i. packers, l-i .1111,111.41', butcher atid best iieavi, Xi. 3i, U'i 411. r H CEP AND LAMBS Receipts. Ki hesd. Murket steady; native muttons, li.iio ")4.7;, lambs. X4.7wiv7.2f.: cull and bucks. XI ,'i4.el'; Blocker. li.T&d-S.ilo; Tixana, Xi. l 4i4 o St. Joaepb Live stock Market. PT. JOFEPH. Mo.. June il CATTLE Re ceipts, head. Market steady; natives. I4 1'ip..; ce.ws and hellers, Sl.ativti.Jo. tuckers and feeders. tl.inM7i. HOiiS Receipts. 8.471 bead. Market a shade higher; light. ti.274iii.So; niedium and heavy. l',.27Vfi 'S 'KEEP ANli LAMP.S Rew-lpts, none; denianu stro lg. Mai Clt Live Mock Market. BIOUX C3TT, Jua 8 iPjiecial Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, pp. head; mar ket stead. i ; beeves X4.1w4cb.00: cow s and belters. XI 7t.i'a4 hTj ; stock'-rs and feeot-ts. $S.iP"i4 Ofi; canes and j earlltigs. Xi 114 10 HOGS Receipts. 7.IKP' head; mat ket strong, selling at Xa.lSiA'i hulk of sales, fc.li..i,.17' Mrk la Piilit. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hoes, btieeti Drr Gaiidp Market. NEW TORK. June 8-IiKT GOOIiR-The dry goads inarket lias been tery yuiet 10 day, the leading- houses list ing Inaugurated the early closing season Th advancement of price in numerous cotton and wooien lima haa nit led to ttiiirt than a normal artiviti anions bujers, although they ad mit the ill-possibility of securing certain goods. Oils aad ksala. NEW TORK. Jun I C)ILWottonsed oil. steartv prime crud. nominal, prime yellow. S'cPJ'AaC Petroleum sieadv, re fined New Turk, !; Ph'ladelphla and Iiaiumure. Xi.. Ki. '' fir' 1 his said bsiu nioic Ui buk, Xii isa Mo. ti Bk. Ft lao. iff gk rr 0 J. HI 111 18 JUT ii IS 71 a, MO lil" 7k. U4 Uli I xo if,.'. :ii. 4i. ll4 7i i.t" ... I nu ak ... i IX 4li I it, 7k nap iao t 10 4 l.li ... t 1 4 127 PC i l. ti 41 ati I 1 221 ln t Xu n XC an X J" 'j !.t 120 i k) at S.b k I i'W U t2k 4( I 10 . 7, jim a- X l"n 't itii ku I to 7, i in- i 17 1, I-t. 11 liu I Jr k. I' Uf I 17 2. Xkl ... X 80 1 tin ... 1 it ti.t in 1. an at i, ai, l 17 1, 7 2'N1 ac v to B li. 4tl X 17 1, 41- Wt, . . i 0 II. 2P1 I 1'ti TH 2t lt. I to 7 Ill' 141' I 17 1, M JJ IS' i, 10 41. i.;. ao t 17 Ti. i4c . . t Ik. tl4 . . X 17 1 73 iW" 41 X to Tk til Ik, I 1', 71 is 41 I to n tr. iti. I ' r. hp lac 1 to It. tit ite I ITib Tl t:t7 41. t 11 Ik , 1. 1 1"! Ik CJP kl' k to 4 4i. a- I l'm tt t. mo x 10 a m m i iti, Tt fit io ( 10 kl. S4 lto X 17 B Z;T 14" I 10 Ik. 4t ko I 1TW Ik 1 I Id 14 1"T IK. I 1Tib TI S. ku I 10 M tf.7 ISO X 7 at t.U ko ( 10 ku tut. . 117, r. mp ko I to t,5 131 ill! t 171, at till ll. t lo all Ml as X lTw 71 Mt ku I J ti xa ao li', 114 141 too x ti M . X i' TT XIX a I li st ta. 10 X IT-b TT 2.11 . . X to at 277 lao X n T4 tio no t to Xi 2T. 10 X 1T 4 222 ... X ti ki 24 ... X 17 II 222 ... I 10 r K-4 111' X IT, 6T ti-4 II' X li 71 t'JC M X 1T k4 .-M-4 40 X tit, 71 14, ... X a 2P 1" I t. II S42 Ik! lit, T7 21 lii, X 211, II kt, ... tat- p 21a ... Ii:, II tMi ... i lo k 2P2 ... X 22w it :t4 iiu Ik- i tut ... x liw 1 44 I XV XI. 1.2 10 I ti. as. 21? 100 x to bu ... ia 71) 1S4 ... X 10 XI- I ao X IX , 72 1.1 kC I It' Xu 1-4 ... X to 76 llOi 120 I TI 1-1 40 I ti. Tt t- W f ta X4 JMt ... 111. at 14 ... I South Omaha Pioux Cltv ... Kansas City . ft. Joseph t?t. Louis Chicago Totals 47 . 100 . 400 . 8 . fHJ .4.000 7,oo 7.io 8 'pk 8 41 8. 110 lfi.tPK) t.876 Sfl.121 778 800 S.tsKI 8.078 Only Jaly (pats Holds lp Forelga Markets Are L4wter I -astern tllera. rkert f "St keat, ataalug at Dalata. C'M AHA, June S. 15PI&. The w liol list of gram was we ak. AU except Jmv com and oat opcneJ lowr lhan Jestrnaj. Lcer cables and ff'tid-i-I-the-week profit lakiiig weie the laiiots. Ju'.i oat was the oiui grain Ihal lu.d at. here near yesterday ttyutes They opened i,c lower and clost-u uncl.aiigi-ti. w;tt: leaiureles tracing W heat t-pened v ky" off and suffered fur tl.er decline. Jul closed at r,c. t--pteni-Iht at tC'-c and I icroiiilH r at hi 11 . bei timber and lecetntiei corn t j-ff-ned lower All month declined further J uly closed ai 4!c, oid Juiy at bi . pieplemtier at 4p,c, cl cl SepiemU-i- at 4!.c and lie-cenib-i at 4t:it iluly outs fltiisiied at :iic, pi ember at 2k(c and iH-cetoUet at Zt-'itc.. Itroomhsll cst.ied from Liierpool' "t'tiow s r-port and -:id c.f ihe week p-of ,t taking caused n ojienmg with price lower lu Juiy w heat and d lower in rVptemtier. Roih months eased o ffsn audiuonai Sid lat r The close whs .id km-i. Corn, altet ojietif.g sd lower, declined on liiporteis seiimj: and on rumors tuat a Chicago hoiih' Mas seiiing liere. ll closed 6eti lower. The wiitids wheat sblpmentB lor the w eek art i nniited St l".4iHH bil.-is iihini.t l-.jil i.ni busi.i is tt.e previous we--k. c .f im tiuiitaity Lurope w ill t it 1, 4. ubout K'p .iph- i'usi.t .p. There probably will be s - it decrease In the yuantni c-t breiulM i.fl 011 pitSMare. Ar rivals of brehcist .if int.. the I'mted King dom the pust w.-ek v rt aboi.t 4 4tki,tH busbeis. i.gait.st i.Mo.iPK. busheiS the pre -I'-us week anj .h.-pio l.usiit , a 3 ear atu." A wire from the Southwestern (-rain com pany at 'i(M-a Kat, , etirrobora i-- Snow-s teiilmor.y retarding the southwest. sn Ilia tinit a matk-'d detei-ior-ailon in tht- condi tion of growing winter wheal lo.s taken pisce in th- mom t: ot Mnv. Toieti.. saj s that tlie i-l.10 June wheal condition 1 ln, against HO a men: h s.go l'uluth owners of ctasb wheat are s--titii' 11 to eastern Hilliers. who are uppnrentii sliort of supplies. At Chici. go aiso large yuauutie are Imiiir hipped east Proker there complittn thst tht-i arc ut.iit-ie tc. g--l t.n-t-.-. for tl.etr cus tomers, slthougii they ate balding st Iff flg uies I't.e demand for flout Is disappoint ing to Minneapolis millers S nne report a fair business others pom p.uer ere hold ing off for lower price Their stocks are getting low, hcat'itr. and It I only a quea tion of thirty days or less when they will have to buy. Corn Is going out of Chi cago a fast a it recently came In. There are now under charier l.Wio.ooo bushels by the leading bull interest, and the contract stoc k is only 2."infj.000 bushels. Onsalia (ask Sales. CO P.N No. S. 4 cart, 46c; no grade, 1 car, c Omaha (ask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 7ivH.nO; No 8 hard. r::i:Huc ; No. 4 hard. 80(41 Kic; No. 8 spring. Wiu CoK.N No 2. 4t'.c; No. 3, 4C1c; No. 1 4.rr; no grade, 4(.i44c;. No. 2 ytiiow, 4iac; No. 8 yellow, 4l,c.; No. 2 wulle., 4lUc; No. 8 w hite, 4(UTc. OATS Nu. I mixed. SPVi ; No. 8 mixed. 2kc, No 4 mlx'd. ai4c; No. i white. 81c; No 8 white, 5c; Nu. 4 w hite, 3iK , Bland ard. Sic. Carlvt Receipt a. Wheat. Corn. Oats gt. Low is General Market. BT. LOUIS. Jun 8. WH EA T Lower ; No. t red cash elevator. WrU,c; track, Xl.mVafS 107: July, wpgmec; September, 8(Hc; No. 2 hard. n.02(ai.i4. CORN Lower for futures: No. 2 cash, toe; track, fmtioii'irt-; July, 4c; Iiecember, 441,c. OATe Plrm: No. 1 cash, Sic; track. 82c; July, 2s V; Sept ember, 2c; No. i white, FLOTR Steady. Red winter patents. X4.k.'flt.l0; extra fancy and straight, X4 .7 tiicj X4 so. clear. XK.("-Pfi't4-0(). TIMC-THT FEEIi Steiidy. K.WKgt.BO. CuRNMEAL Steady, X1.50 ERAN Steady; sacked east track, 77(67Sc HA Y Steady , timothy, t-WpSIu.Oo; prairie, tC.(PiiI;i.50. IRON COTTON TIES-llHc. PAGGING liic HEMP TWINE P,c PP.ciVIPlONS Steady: Jobbing. 812 75. I Aid. easy; prime steam, td 71'Sc Iiry suit meats, steady; bojeed extra shorts. X7 0; clear ribs, 87. ii": short clears. 7.621c. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. Xb-lieYxc; clear ribs. thll'Vi short clear, XvirTv.. POVLTRT Lower; chickens. 10c; springs, 17&'2iir: turkeys. 11c; d ticks. ltct'14r: geese, (ic. Bl'TTER juiet; creamery, lto&2Kc; dairy, "J7'lir. EGGS Steady at 33c Receipts. Shipments riour. bhls (i.iPPi ll.ooo Wheat, bu 37.000 M.(pi Corn, bu 7Si.ipi0 (7.(i0 Oats, bu &4.U1K) 64,000 Waol Market. LCiNrON. June 8. WOOL The general tone of the wool market during the week was firm. The arrivals for the next series number 112,774 bales, Including U,M bale forwarded direct The Import for the week were as follows: New South Wales, 2,527 bales; Cjueensland, (io bales, Victoria, ".fiHC bales; South Australian, 2So liaies: Tasmatuan, 41 liales; New Zealand. ( 4:T, hales; Cajie of Oood Hot and Natal. i.tHf bales, and elsewhere, 2.(121 hales. PT. LOl'IS. Mo.. June 8 -WoOL Firm. Medium grades, combing and clothing. a;"r &-; light fine. IWl'ftc; heavy fine. ltn TPc ; tul- washed, Sli,,llls;C. RO.ST11N. Mass. June 8 WOOL Th Boston Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: Prices are stiffening, but no m terlHl advances are reported Condition are favorable to dealer, and a satisfactory volume of purchases of all wool have been mad bv consumers. Australian and South American coarse breed have moved freely and th new domestic wool have sold In considerable quantities, both In spot and to arrive Bi'vtng in the west is about over, and the fleece wool sections are well sold at fancy prices. The foreign markets are strong with a rising tendency. The shipment of wool from Boston to date, from Iiecemlier 2). 1H.H. ac-ording to the same authority, sr lif, 7HI ,1'IS pounds. against OKI pounds at the same time ' lust year 7 he reoeij. ts to dute are 12.., llG.tvel pounds, against IIS.44h,Ml ptiunda lor the aame period last year. Chicago 1 2i.(t IBS Kansas City do at 11 Minneapolis 2uC Omaha 6 12 Luluth t St. Louis 17 79 SS Minneapolis Grala Market. The range of prices paid ai Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany. 110-111 board of Trade, was: Article. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close, i Tes'y. Wheat July... Sept... Sept... Lee... 1 lOTvV &0'ln,11t 4k-i '.u: 1 12V fib j Bom 4fV 4tt.! 1 lV 4ii 4ki 4o 1 iiv: 4skl 40 1 US go' 5'ii 4M 4 40), New. Toledo Seed Market. TOLFTiO , O.. June 8 -SEEP Clover, cash, 87 76. Prime alsike, J7.7&; prime tim othy, 81.60. DONALD MACK. AY Mrmtiet New 1 oik aad Bv wa Saxk Compriamf a masinty td taa itirmlinrt of Iba lata brm of Yemurre Xi Ce. LATHAM A. FISH CT.O. D. MACK.AY Mcmtan New "1 ark Stack Ladiansc G. TROw 'BRIDGE HOLLISTER ad F. VI'. kXNDRlCIC Mackay & Co. Bankers Nassau and Pine Street, New York 1 3 Congress Street, Boston Dealers in U. S. Government Bonds and other Investment Securities. Deposits received and interest allowed on balances, subject ta draft at sight. ' Maatn Vim. tV Co.. Philadfliihia, Pa. Mffaart Thoa. branck 61 Go.. KidiiuondA'a. Cofiaaipiiinsnii Couaacaadbi- pnvsat wars Edv;ards-Vood Co. Incorporated rVaia Otflc: Fiith ad R.barU trU T. fAllL mNN. CE.ALE.RS IN BHELf' One car of shorn lamlis cinisu tuied the re tjita here lnoay. i.cit enough lo nuikt a mark l. For tt.e e a the mur ket at Ihi l-i'ilil 1 in sstisiactori ccmcu- tiuu as ooii.paied silli other points, despite the fact that prices on sheet, ruied Sener ahv icia-er There ha been a i,.d deii.aiul for shorn lan US all the week and 011 this eiass of stun the market l j-st bikiui sle.Jv. The latent- of the seaa.in haa had depreesitii; effect on tlie puuicu iaino tnsoe and tliey have he-o hard to move at ihe price. The anorn lamh market Iisls lieen lairly active and th re has t-een sonpe l'.iua ura-enc to the demand. The sheep market oi-ea not atic m- up tup aeli f.r tn Mk at do tne li.n m. ine demand ueli.a rather llrht. Condltn-ta are just the re verse of Ihnee prevailmc last week. Last a-atek huvers a a r led she. p this eeu thev aaOiled iaCila. Th luaraet uu Sheep ruled Cotton Market. NFW TORK. June I CriTTON-Future closed steady; June. 7 8c: July 7 HKc , Atisust. K(pc; Septemlier, K Hfic ; Octr.her, B 1(k- . N(.ven,li-r. K.14c; ri' c-emlier. Klitc; Janunry, r l7te: Fehrtiarv. :r7r Spot closed quiet ; mldtilins uplands. k.S-K-; middling rulf 7f.r . sines. Tione. Ll VKJiP' it 'L. June COTTON F:i-t. sniftl! huRiri'-ss dfirie : price ten points loat-r: Amff-ri.-aii middlitig fiiir. filiid: at.md mlcldlinir. 4.7M. middlitin. 4 (iod . low mid dliriK. 4 41d; s--Kid ordinary , 4 2nd ; ordimi-v, 4 liid Th'- sale of the day were f, (up. bale, of which B'Pi hnles sere for siieculatlon and exiiort iir.d Included E.r.fp. Imie Americaii. Kecett'ts, .l.(Pio ou.lt h. including lu.4 -1. liales Amem-an FT L 'TIS Mn.. June B COTTON Ouiet. Midclllng; k7-10c; sales none; re ce't.ts. IM' hale; sliljiments, none; stock. 44.kai. hales. toff re Market. NEW TORK. June li COFFEE Future ofiened steady at utichaned price to an advance of i piirt on huvlne. attrltnited to Eurc-tieao Interests fullos-ins; lairly steady cahles and BiKid decreast In visihle supply statement for Msy. Tradinr waa rather more actiie tha'i recently and the r.arket held steady throughout the session. The close was stead - net un chuns".d to Id points t is-her. with sale cf liS.i&n hilars ilii lurtinf July at f. one : leiiiem lier at 7k-; Nci-emtier, CS'ic; Iiec-emt-r. ; March, 7c. fcpoi, quiet. No. 7 Involci , Tc. Stocks, Grain, Provisiofl; Ship Your Grain lo Ua Brattrk Offlee, llO-Ill board af TraAa Bids, Oaaaka. Irk. Telepbaae 8A14V n' ''14 1 ' V 11 r, Vt 1 , w Rniitlt Oitmhi uidependeut fuuttt a. HU-eJ4 LXl'tiani Ben r-hona &k W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds' Investment Securities. 1320 Farr.am SL Tel. 1 CB4 kaarar lal Moll NKW TORK. June I -Sit i AR- P. w. steady: fair retinitis. H4,r; tt,i nf ust 1 !; test, 4r; nic lasses uar, refined, steudy; No. t b:jitc: No 7, l.i.c; Nu . aid'; No. k Kk; No. lo. i i ; N.i. 11. 4ta ;; No. 1?. 4 K&c; No. 13 4 71k ; No. 34. 4 7'k -. roiifecll'iner A t 70c; mould A. rut loaf. C.S&-: crushed. fi K..-; tMWdered. L.la'ic ; rranuiated, li.aiic; cubes, iitn Wi )LASFE Quiet ; New Orleuria, oin kettle, ttfKid lo choice, 2"i-K . PROTECTS INVESTORS The Financial World kkllfLk con IltEE. S tTlST4trt 4k SrTIL4Te. CAK BE tkll'Uori tSUt fesrleaa ftsatsetsl pmw aS tl .'!- iM-r-f.. it ati.ifp uu to juu leajltlpsspa laatairwpa trm take. It rl fin rwfftt a Ssasoa will. t.1. 1 ta iritff and Iraia ll i, itiileiuti.t a It aHtrst a. sltrrtlalh bul UM auk jruaif, L) suk urlsuuu sai. ll alii Mllaraakoe Oraln Market. MILWAUKEE, June I-WHEAT-Ma--kei loat-r: Nu 1 northern. SI IS ; Nu. i northern. ! icigl (; Julv. !i,c UJ hi E Ptea.d ; Sc. 1 Kic. ItA KLEI ttleady ; Nu. X bUC aa.11. pie. 40He!wfc OPEN YOUR EYES rii sa.Mavl rMI tkusa k mr HwRsVsv ib WLIUi Hi.i hr lilerMlaa A aMiit ro rtiijrUt ai.Tr- 1 , l.-tuill r n- t tiU itf -,U UM lor I sain kasBi Ir I lrMrf t uli ur(ri n ri-kAtiAi MUiuii. BX aHliliisAf IiiO., . C L.tOtiIA. a. fl4Mi. Will Uit -iiijrut m-i.U Aw 7 120 POINTS FOik INVESTORS In 1.1am ,. aa.wea ftuefurina aiifcMl er u.at sSBatd Wa sot Im utiv iinw. in or (.ru,.. 'll., luveiiMi. lu IIP. INS.. toil. UU lkl PlKltk 1 4M kS lur tt,.- p.r.tw,-,,,! iiM-tr fvi liilerunla. atai is t SPITIOB win a, buUpm ts iMffl 4.1.4k I K1I A I - aVaaataai aad 1 1 kva Biipaa la, ars CSaa,