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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
1! TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: THTTESDAT. JUNE 1, 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES will be Uk 111 IS aa. for tk errata rdltloa aa wntll S . m. far the mornln aad Baaday edltloa. Rates 1 l-3 word flnt Insertion! la word thereafter. Nothing tahea for lees tkaa SO for tko first laser tloa. These adrertlaeaseata mast b l eoasec-Hvely. Advertisers, r reeestln a aam. here cheek, ran hare aaswers art. dressed to a aatnhered letter la cars of Tbo Bf. Answers so addressed will be delivered oa areaeatatloa ol rhrck. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal sod Engusu. Ail summer sessions. Cutalngue (rev. Address H. B. Boyles, Pres., Boyle bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-a moving vans . dndcar:feu! drivers. Expressmen's Delivery Co., W. A. Gordon, mgr., 214 N. 16th sL 'Phone 1196. R Ms C1TT SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-818 TRI KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 3630. R 819 EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to fit; prices right. Bennett's. , R 8-9 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. Tel. 1779. ta N. 16th. R 822 WE wish tc announce that we have en. gaged a flrst-class dressmaker; come and see us. Uoldman Pleating Co., 200 Doug las blk. R-M3&2 Je4 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 So. 11th SL Telephone 264. R-151 UMBRELLA repairing. Tel. 1714. Keys, 207 S. 14th. R M381 Je4X WANTEDMALE HELP YOUNG AiNU VVOMtN THE SUMMER TERM OF THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLDGK WILL. BOON OPEN. Ul'K and information free Classes lu all depailments. ROHRBOLGU bHUS., ultt and Douglas. To ALL who want positions we can be ot set vice. Can or write (or booklet and complete list oi high-giade vacancies. TllE V.o''. HE', at BOND ABU N (Inc.), Dept. Is, Ml N. -. Li's Bldg. B 1T4 31 WANTED Several wide-awake, energetic young men to travel; wor uigmued, pi. knunt and profitable. Students or teacn eis prulerreu. No investment required. Audi ess 1 'weiitletli Century farmer, Omaha, Nth.- B lwox WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, betweeu ages ol 18 and to, citizens ol United Slates, o( good cnaracicr ana temperate habits, who epeik, read and write KngllHh. For in formation apply to Recruiting Otllcer, 13th anu Douglas its., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 473 EVERY DAY IS AN OPPORTUNITY In Bee Want Ads. Don't let it get away from you. It means money to you to take this advice. They cost but a cent a word. Bee Want Ads. do the business. A trial will convince. IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, '1 HE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Llle. B 64l WANTED, men and boys to learu plum bing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates. 14.60 to 16.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. Earn walls learning. Address for catalogue, Coyne Bros, co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., BL Louis, Mo. B J56 BOARD of Trade barber shop, 1806 Far. nam; nine chairs; no long waiting; best service; shaviug, 10c; hair cutting, 26c B 282-v31 SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery stock; salary right party. Address C. W. Mur phy, Lawrence, Kan. B M639 J9x THE Home Educational society of Phila delphia want more men to explain school and textbooks; good pay; pleasant worn; no experience needed. Manager, 6o0 Ware block. Omaha. B M737 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnain. 'Phone 784. R-827 STOVES REPAIRED Water hacks, gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 960. R-M195 OMAHA Safe andiron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and saiis. G. Andreen, prop., 102 S. 10th st. R-828 PIANOS and household goods a specialty. Packing, moving and repairing by ex perienced men: lowest rates. Tel. 1025. Bohmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 131!) Far nam. R 704 OSCAR has returned and Invites his pa trons to return. Mullin's, comer Iftth and Davenport. R 730 Je9 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 802 Jackson. TeL 2432. R 829 Fire Insurance at Cost. We want a live agent in every town In Nebraska. Write for particulars. COMMERCIAL MU'VUAL FIRE INSUR ANCE CO. 16u9 Far nam St. R M24S 6TEINWAY PIANO, uptight, slightly used, 1226; bargain. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Far nam. R 308 DHUO stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. B 844 WANTED All-round printer for country office; send samples and references. Re publican, Papllllon, Neb. B M688 2 WANTED A good blacksmith, wagon maker and horseshoer at Erlckson's Ma chine shop. Franklin, Neb. B M853 2 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; graduates earn 112 to $20 weekly; more demand than all other trades combined; can nearly earn ex penses before finishing. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M7.T8 June 2x YOUNG man as bookkeeper (or jobbing house; must have had experience; state aire and salary expected. Address F 44, Bee. B M138 1 WANTED, lady or gent solicitors; city or country work; good connections. Call Wednesday or Saturday, between 1 and t p. m., 1106 N. ISth St. B 149 2 76 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid reliable men outside of the city; very pleasant work. Address C. A. O'Brien, 316 Neville Blk., Omaha, Neb. B 166 WANTED Messengers with wheels. Ar7 ply O. M. E., 1613 Farnam. B M164 2 WANTED FEMALE HELP (0 WORKING OILS. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C 860 SIGN PAINTING, 8. H. Cole. 1302 Dotmlaa. R Ml 93 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, several scholarships In a flrst class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q SE FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental gal. vanixed Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts sulable (or show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. 0-41821 MOTOR FOR SALE. .We have (or sale a 10 H. P. 110-volt, direct current. Northern motor. This motor Is i In perfect condition . In every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., ot see W. H, Bridges, engineer, Bee blag. Q 774 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 10 pulleys, from 6-inch to 48-Inch In diam eter; S counter shafts, complete. These are all In flrst-class condition. W. H, Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q-1U HARNESSI HARNESS! HARNESS', in endless variety and at prices that can not be duplicated anywhere else. John son 4k Danforth, S. W. cor. 10th and Jones sis. Entrance from viaduct. Q 781 I"OK SALE, new and second-hand billiard aad pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Bend (or catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 407 S. loth su Omaha. y 83a COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. QtLA ID-HAND safe cheap, nam. . Deright, 1119 Far- Q 836 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE 11 you waul a Utugaiu lu steam fllUugs call uia luoa vvw tuv luuuwiiig supplier l.e-lliun Austin's uoriioniai separator. 1.4-liiun Austin s vemuai separator. 'inese have been taM..m out uu account of cnauge in our steam plant and are ill good condition. AUdrean Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer ue, building, Omaha. W eja 1360 BUYd good runabout automobile, guar anteed In good running oruer; original cost tueO. AUdress UU Farnam st. W-M238 WANTED A cook. lOou South 8th St. Mrs. Joseph Barker, c ai WANTED 60 overall and pantmakers; steady employment on tirst-ciass work. John S. Brlttaln factory, corner 3d and juie ots., ax, josepn, mo. c Mt4l l WANTED Ladies to learn halrdressliur manicuring, racial massage, chiropody or electrolysis; lew weens completes; con slant practice, expert Instructions, little expense: graduates earn 112 to 820 weekly Call or write Moler College, 1114, Farnam bc. o Minn June zx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, Uth Chloagv Ud ttD. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DEWEY, European hotel, 13th ft Fnrnam. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern 2310 Webster. Phone 6390. E &06 FOR RENT, desirable front room, to slnrle gentleman; modern conveniences, -u South 26th st. E 805 TWO very desirable front rooms, connect ing, warning distance. 60S souin .an oi. Telephone 6345. E 630 31x NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 116 N. 16th St. E 508 31X LARGE front parlor and bedroom, ensulte; not ana cold water; private tainiiy; r-i-erences required. Suite 6, DavidRe Blk., corner 18th and Farnam. Tel. 3015. E-l 1 FURNISHED rooms. ster. modern. 2l'14 Writ. E M864 4x ELEGANTLY furnished modern room. In quire Flat 6, Davldge block, 18th and Far nam. 'Phone No. 62S3. E MS90 TWO BARGAINS 7-room, modern house, practically new, re ception hull and parlor finished In oak, large rooms, large south front lot, In west part of the city, handy to good stores at 40th and Farnam, one block from street car. There Is nothing slighted about the plan or construction of this house. It was built last year by a carpenter (or a home for his family. He offers to sell It now cheaper than you can buy a lot and build, all complete and ready to move Into, 23,150. 7-room cottage, large rooms, very well built, but not entirely modern, large grounds, 126x160 ft., with fine trees and shrubbery. This fronts Hanscom park. It Is an es pecially fine place for children. The value ' Is in the lot $4,200. If not sold will rent to good parties. HARRISON A MORTON, 918 N. Y. Llfe. Tel. 314. RE 172 tl FOR RENT HOUSES PERSONAL -L. LA RSON A JOHNSON Cut rates to ll points. Ji Fnrnam. Tel. B 2118. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U-tHH THK Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11th L for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U 611 TO LET Strictly modern 11-room dwell lng; best location; fine lawn; good barn; owner will lease to first class private family for two or three years during ab sence from city. W. Farnam Smith At Co., 1320 Farnam St. D M2ol NO. 1334 S. 28th, g-room, modern house, large and beautiful yard, only )30 per month. Inquire R. c. Peters 4t Co., ground Hour Bee bldg. D 747 ROOMS and good board, $5 per weok and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. E 1 NICELY furnished front room; modern; private family; telephone. 320 N. l"th St. E M146 lx GOOD furnished front room with board, for two; S6 per week. 1811 Chlcntro St. E M135 lx NEWLY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1621 Leavenworth St. E M191 3x NICE front room for discreet couple. 525 8. 21st Ave. E M190 4x TWO nicely furnished rooms for two or four gentlemen, with or without hoard; strictly modern: private family; use of telephone. 2673 Dodge. E M184 4x NEWLY furnished, .light. 418 South 19th. Good E M1S8 2x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E.. TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F-857 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol ave. large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern improve ments. F 858 BOARD and room (or gentleman: private family. 509 So. 29th St. F M672 ONE large newly furnished front room with board; very desirable for couple. 2037 Harney St. F 932 31 SMALIa comfortable 2410 Cass. with hoard. F M1R8 3x TWO single rooms and table board for four people, gentlemen preferred. 2111 Doug las. F-M187 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 1 SOUTH rooms, arranged for light house keeping. 8210 Cass st. O 754 FOR RENT, two large, very nice rooms; walking dlBtnnce. 410 N. 23d St. ,Q M812 H175 Acres 3t Miles from Clarks, it Ntb.j One Mile from School: Im- proved, with Five-Room House. Barn (30x40, wagon sheds, cribs and all kinds of outbuildings; one windmill; Ave acres timber (mostly walnut and ash); fruits of all kinds; 80 acres of pasture, balance all farm land; for 16,200. This (arm joins one we sold this month. Call or write us In regard to It. Hastings & Heyden, 1609H Farnam St, (Ground Floor). RE 176 31 LAND NEAR BENSON. 100 acres one mile from Benson P. O., all fine land, a quarter of a mile from Mil itary road (paved;; light Improvements $126 per acre. We can divide this and sell 10 acres of fine garden land at Slbo per acre, or 20 acres good garden land, with buildings, at $160 per acre, if you want land you ought to see this. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE 173 1 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace $a. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton block. D-17J HOIKF'11 P"S of the city. The !;? THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Orllce, ltillta Farnam. Te.. 1569. Iil WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14M. Grace, 1713 Webster sL D 879 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house, 220 N. 23d. D-331 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba Hes boaMed and adopted. Mrs. Oarrtell. 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 90 WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. Uth and Harney. 11-90 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramgn blk. DR. ROY. Chiropody. Rial 1608 Fnrnam. J 911 PIANO CLUB Just forming, 6uc and II weekly; pianos de livered immediately; piano lessons frea Call (or particulars. ltill Farnam st. U-912 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728 First ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-626 'PHONE 701 and a mnn will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 913 M1P.M CTIP treatment baths. mriVJll L, I 1 gmlth, us N. 16. 2d fl Mme. r. 2. U 3t TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY., 'PHONE S530 U-915 NO. 641 PARK AVE. rooms, modern- only $26 a month. Inquire R, C. Peters I & Co. D-MoU I WILL give worthy party shorthand scVol arshlp In leading school and wait for pay ment. Address C 66, Bee. U 2T9 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller. 1 702 Hnil'sFQ'n all parts of the city. R. noUOCOc, Peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. D soo HOUSES, Insurance. RJngwalt, Barker blk. FURNISHED FLAT In new apartment building (or the summer. Address E 68, Bee, D M218 VERY desirable 9-room modern dwelling to small family; partly (urnlshed If desired, or furniture for sale; rent, $30 per month. W. F. Holden, 3864 Seward St. D M329 SEVEN-ROOM Charles. modern cottage. 2317 D M684 NO. 4202 Hamilton St, C-room flat, only $7.00 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters t Co., ground floor Bee Bldg. D 867 FOR SALE. My house at Latayette Ave., ON A BEAUTIFUL PARKED STREET, Is for sale. I am going away on account of health and am going to sell. There are eight rooms and batn; square house; new; the best of open plumDing; a beautiful basement, laundry, vegetable cellar, fur nace room and coal Dins, and all has heavy cement floor. Back yard has fruit, cherries, grapes, currants, gooseberries and a dandy asparagus twd. Cement sidewalk all around House; permanent sidewalks and paved street, 'laxes all paid. An Ideal iiome for anybody, E. a BTREETER, 4027 Lafayette Ave, RE 168.31 FOR SALE CHEAP. A BIG BARGAIN. iliASY TERMS. 8-room hou?e, corner lot, paved street, permanent cement sidewalk, taxes all paid, nice shade trees, large grape arbor, barn. An Ideal home for you or somebody. This place must be seen and then you will buy it. 1 am going to California and am going to sell. Come and see me. 11. II. INMAN, 41st and Lafayette Ave. RE 169 1 (-ROOM modern house, 2624 Dewey Ave., paved, $25.00. G. E. Turklngton, 605 Bee. D 703 NEW MODERN HOUSE. 642 8- 24th St., eight rooms, every modern convenience, walking distance, $40. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. D 833 MODERN HOUSE. Brand new house, every modern conven ience, six rooms, reception hall, combina tion stairs, lawn, two blocks from Han scom park, 1516 S. 28th St.; rent $36. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. D-S34 FOR RENT 7-room house; all modern, 2123 California St., $32.60 ; 6-room, 620 N. 22d St., $22. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D-M875 6-ROOM house, modern. 2014 Elm St.; $23. Inquire 632 Park ave. D M924 lx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS WANTED Good cook; references required. 2211 St. Mary's Ave. C MS63 2x WANTED First-class cook, I In family. no wasning, goo a wages. ' jars.- Merman Kountze, 1207 S. 10th St, "C 694 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; best wages. Mrs. Geo. B. Lake, 2207 Dodge St. 'el. 820L C 930 31 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1329 a tlBt. C 626 81 WANTED Good girl for general house. work; no wasning; t per weeK to com petent girl, inquire 42t N, 23d St. C M148 lx GIRL who can do either cooking or sec ond work. Mrs. V. B. Caldwell, 630 So. 2oth St. C MHO 1 YOUNG lady as bookkeeper and cashier In wholesale house; state experience. Ad dress F 43, Bee C M137 1 GIRL for general housework. 27 Harney street C-M1G6 1 WANTED A cook for private family In country. Wages $30 a month; no laundry work; other help kept. Address F 46, Bee office, Omaha. C M167 2x WANTED Lady clothes,, lroners. City Steam Laundry. C 175 1 GIRL for general housework, family of threw; good home for the right party. S302 Sherman Ave. C 169 2 WANTED A cook. 1120 Park Ave. Mrs. T. J. Rogers, C-M197 GTRL wanted, to do general housework:. 2932 rocinc C MISS s IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult u. a. Bales Bureau, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y &U SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman 4k McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. y Mo CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. J 8J RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS UAB OR GASOLINE ENGINES, Like our OLDSMoMLJs,, always ready. Few slighUy used engines cheap. Bend lor catalogue and prices. OLDS GAS ENGINE W UKlxS, U14 Farnam Street. Omaha. Q-674 AUTOMOBILE, 4-cyllnder, new Wlnton, at a great bargain. H. E. Frederlcksoo. Q-076 Jel Several fonts of type Gothic condensed, both medium and heavy faced in fair condition will sell cheap. Apply to H. A. Haskell, Bupu Mechanical tVyU, WW UU1M1U11. C.O. J M679 WIRE chicken, hog and lawn fence, iron fence, lillch posts, trellises, wire Works, u DO. SIB BW -W a& IRON beds. SDrlturs. mattresses: almost new, for less tiian ualf value; also 8-hole Rest range. 2ulk Davenport. Q 668 Je22 AUTOMOBILES 11.300 elect rio runabout with top; used Suo miles, $a&0. $l.ou Mo bile, 4 passenger, steam machine, $7o0 Rambler ruiiauoui, boo uius, uoo. Fredrlckson. loin at lapitoi Ave. Q M876 Je2 LOOSE leaf ledger cheap. F 46, care Bee. W 161 FOR 8AIJC My entire herd of thorough bred Shorthorn rattle, all with pedigrees. consisting ot about 40 head, including ft young bulls. Will sen tne wnoie or any part of same. Cattle can be seen at my farm at Calhoun, rxeo., or aauress a. u Brandels. Omaha, Me o. w-mim i PRINTING PRINTING J.YNGSTADw,h MEMORIAL CARDS; ar- tistio designs. B. cor. st. snd capitoi svs. 871 GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO.. 1511 Captlol ave.. Tel. 2406; full uii,Pt'Jor al kiaos i pmiiiuj. "'. BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exhange real esiaLe or Business iuictt see tjomp tun-Watts Co., 63a Paxton Blk. Y 832 I HAVE ons blacksmith shop, 60x60, and 101 Duxuu, wiin goou loots, ootn iron and wood; only shop In town; good trade, good territory. Come and see or write 11. A. Buhuian, Buffalo Gap, S. D. Y 906 FOR SALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon in county; gooa reasons. Address E 33, SHARES In Omaha Typewriter Exchange at racn ; incorporation, 11U.WU; $6,126 worth of shares sold In three days; 20 to luO per cent profit on vour Investment We will handle the best new typewriters on me rnrrnei. y (jjg FOR SALE A first-class coal yard, centrallv locate rany wun z.wu capital can make good money; aoes not neea ail casn. E. K. LOWER & CO. 08 BROWN BLOCK. Y M1S2 t WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N, i. un pays mgnest price xor books. lei. sow. N sua WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furniture ana stoves, leu in or write J. Levlne, ciiy. JUJU SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1811 arnam. N I WANT TO BUY a six or elaht-ronm modern house, centrally located and In good neighborhood, or will buy further from the center If there are falr-slsed grounds around bouse. Can pay all cash u aesirea. r v. care vee. ni miso 2 A FEW good cheap vacant lots for building purposes, wen locatea. r uu, care nee. N M181 I CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, Location CI STAIRS 113 8. 16th St, Paltuutry and Occult Sciences a specialty, wau ana ue convinced. S-174 GYLMER. scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d. S-919 MKS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1621 l.esven- wurtn. .'o When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two or the ren o mention the (act mat yea saw we aa. u in s , Your Debts We have uo plan to atsist you to avoid paying your debts, but if you are trying to get out of debt we may be of assistance to you. Suppose you owe your Grocer $15.00 Landlord 10.00 Coal man 10.00 Doctor lu.uo Miscellaneous bills 6.00 Total $50.00 It may be Impossible for you to satisfy them ail, but If you were to get a loan of us and pay them all and then pay us a payment each month you could soon get out of debt. Our money Is loaned on (urniture, pianos, live stock and other chat tels, and to salaried people without security. It Is our plan to make the con tract In 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8. 9, or even more monthly payments, making the payments small and then if you are able to pay larger payments we grant you rebate. In other words, with us the interest stops the mo ment the principal is paid. Others say they do 'hla, we do It, We offer you rates as low as any and much lower than many. We can handle your business quickly and without publicity, and our office motto Is, try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 Board of Trade Bld'g, Tel. 22U5. (.Established 1892.) 306 So. 16th St. X MiuO BORROW MONEY WHERE You get It on f urniture, xianos, norses, Wagons. Cows, Salaries, eta.. WHERE You get It on short notice. WU-KB xou get tow rates ana easy terms. WHERE Conlldentlal and courteous aeaiingB onng you oaca. WHERE Can you do better? Top Floor. 633 PAXTON BLK. A. MONEY loaned on (urniture, salary, horses, etc.; nan usual ir. friuDe now, loom 214, at 2o9 S. 16th st. Tel. BJK64. X 806 WANT 50 FAMILIES To colonize 1,900 acres of irrigated lands In San Joaquin Valley, California; 40 acres each; 4-k per acre, V cash; If you gj wl'.h us May 13 will give you use of 20 acres free and apply one-half of crop on first payment, on your 40 acres. FREE WATER COLONY, Room 3. -N. Y. Llie Bldg, Omaha, Neb. , . RE239 HOUSE Five large rooms, nice lawn, shade trees; 1321 So. 33d St. D M141 lx 2614 ST. DIARY'S, 10-room modern house; attic, laundry; will paper and repair; walking distance. Only $40 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D M147 MODERN HOUSE. CHOICE LOCATION. 2614 St. Mary's Ave., good ten-room house, modern, every convenience, walking dis tance, $40. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. D MI36 Farm arid Rnch . Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. u. tl. it., umana. inod., J-epi. a. RE862 BUSINESS property In Omaha paying I per cent net on $20,000. Will sell (or 15,- 000. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bids. RE-M421 KANSAS LAND. 108 quarter sections In Wichita county, $400 to $i00 a quarter. All good wheat and al falla land. J. J. Stephens, Omaha. Neb. RE-807 160 ACRES fine alfalfa land, $40 per acre. 320 acres, $37.50 per acre, for short time. Willis Caldwell. Broken Bow, Neb. RE-M963 6-ROOM cottasre for sale, 1518 No. 17th St. Inquire within. RE M667 CHAa- Williamson Cai.? RE 861 FOR SALE, 7-room house, 2423 Emmet, 100 feet frontage, excellent repair, two feet above grade, half block of car; bargain if taken immediately; elegant home at moderate price; owner on premises. RE-M681 6x GAS and ELECTRIC FIXTURES , GAS and electric fixtures, wholesale and re- tall. Russell f ixture Co., wiirmr j Burgess, mgr., 313 So. 15th St., Omaha, RE-M177 Je30 MONEY loaned salaried people and others wlinoui tecum?, c- ii-jfumuu. unices In 63 principal cities. Tolmau, room 71, New York Life building. X 867 BOW EN' 8 MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, uui sc., -o wo. i mm note lx steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-88S MONEY loaded on salary, furniture, Jew elry, norses. uuu uiu uu uo., s Barker block. X 8S9 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew. elry, norses, cows, eic. .. c . iieeu, us a. 11. X iSO MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN tU M4 rAJ-lUIN .IC. X-891 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all Business connaeniiai. uui uougias. X 893 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. u jc arnam si. .v M CHATTEL and collateral loans. Union Loan & Investment Co. Tel 2904. 212 Bee Building. X-M194 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-604 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164& W-6 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W a WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4c Co., 1320 Farnam St. W W17 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, w st GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no at lay; get our terms. w eos LOWEST rates, city property; e P. C. on farms In eastern Neb. Be nils, Paxton Bin. w a.o SNAP FOR SOMEBODY 640 acres solid section. Custer county. north of Gothenburg, In German and Swed ish settlement; 4ou acres cropped and leased for share of crop delivered in Gothenburg, and the unbroken land Is good meadow. Price $10 per acre. J. B. Piper. 4H -ar-bach blk., Omaha, Neb. Tel 691. MODERN barn, close In, paved streets, reasonable rent. Apply to Clinton H. Brlggs, 1320 Farnam St. D M150 FOR RENT 924 N. 42d St., 7 rooms, mod ern and newly oiled and papered Inside and painted outside. W. G. Ure, 604 Bee building. D 167 1 423 N. 39TH, 8-room, mod., large barn, just newly papered and painted. Near 30th and California, 8 rooms, mod., never occupied, to let to flrst-class tenant, Hanscom park district, 9-room, mod., on year's lease at $27. SWEET & BEST, N. Y. LIFE. D-170 1 BIG bargain for summer, flrst-class, fur nished, 6 rooms, near Hanscom park, $25. 2813 Poppleton. Tel., Cedar 41882. D 171 t 6-ROOM cottage, 2608 Franklin. D M192 MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Bend 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist, cnicnester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Fa. For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. , By mall $2. Dr. u. u. Raymond Remedy go, ill. 918 Co., Room 36, 84 Adams St., Chicagi PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt Vegulator for ladles: never falls, $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 917 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far- nam; elevator, ait iirst in at i caua ciag. 1-860 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small omce, wnicn rents xor jiu.w per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is Just the thins for any one wanting a nice little office In the eest office building in town. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1771 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building is et, four stories and a basement. The basement Is 22x132 feet. Is cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The Urst floor has a marble door la front and granollthlo floor In rear.' There Is a hug burglar-proof vault and a powei elevator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address The Bee Building Co., C. C Rosewater, Secretary, room 100 Bee bldg.. 1-690 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Plies, 1611! Dodge st., Omaha. U-918 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLKATING, RUCH1NG, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLtATING CO. 200 uuLOLAj ij -)!-. lei. 1931 U 842 26 PER CENT PROFITS Put your money in me cattle business; casn or tune pay ments. We have the best ranch in No braaka. Call and aet our booklet. The Western Cattle and Land Corporation, 610 nee tJiag., umana. Neb. u 261 Jem DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronla ana nervous diseases. Call or wri'e. Dr. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. .unsuuauon iree. u at FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates lor reliable service. Tel. lba. bcbmollor St Mueller, piano makers. U-703 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. u too WANTED All kinds of out-of-door attrac Hons for Fourth of July. Address Chair man Sports Committee, Weeping Water, zseo. u M874 1 WANTED Attractions for 4th of July cele bration. Balloon men write. Address Box 17, Harvard. Neb. U M908 4 WANTED Attractions of all kinds for all kinds (or celebration, to be held In Arapahoe, Neb., on the 4th of July, 19n5. Address Saml. Patterson, secretary of the 4th of July committee. U M907 3 CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. For the grand picnic at Rlvervlew nark July 4 dancing pavilion, merry-go-'round or any other legitimate concession. Thous ands of people will visit the park and nere s an opportunity to maae money Address "Committee,'' 825 Bancroft St. U MS86-3X POSTOFFICE NOTICE SINGING Prof. Alex. C. Stewart, Euro pean dramatic tenor. Ladles' voice spe cialist. 'Phone Red4919. U M163 13x $30-RUPTURE CURE-$30; no Injections, no pain; absolute guarantee; we cure per manently; new method; call or write (or booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO.. 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG., OMAHA. U M178 Je30 EXPERIENCED teacher of elocution de sires pupils; special rates during summer months. Call between 2 and 6 p. m. 1724 Dodge. Tel. 6135. U-186 lx BEST umbrellas, lowest prices; repairing done. Boston Umbrella Co., 620 S. 16th. Tel. 1617. U M183 Jy31x FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages at greatly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan forth, southwest corner 10th and Jones. P 783 SHETLAND ponies for sale, ter St. 42d and Cen- P-M586 AT COST for ten days, buggies, harness and saddles. Omaha Western Mercantile Co., 1614 Chicago St. P-M669 5 POSTOFFICE NOTICE HONORABLE retired physician will give advice free to weak men." Address Dr. Carl Kerby, P. O. box 227, Seattle, Wash. M589 Je23X DR. DE MARS, French Tansy and Penny royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure (or all (emale Irregularities. Regular price, $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., Uth and Farnam, Omaha. 348-Jet LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Llfs bldg., rooms 104 snd 819. Tel. 1662. 898 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow. Church Co., main 11.. N. Y. L. 'Phone 1313. 899 PATENTS H. A. STUROES, registered attorney; pat- enls, trade marks, copyrights; no tee un leas successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. -J0 SUES A CO., patent attorneys. Washing ton, D. C, opposite U. 8. patent office. Aovlce and patent blanks free. 901JyJ IF you apply at once w can give any one desiring a lsrge office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space la on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee bids. t 771 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brennan, room 1, New York Life Bldg. W 871 BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge block. W 472 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can ay It bark In monthly payments. Hastings Ueyda, l Kar aam bu w-&ua THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam St., only $15 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co.. Ground floor Bee bldg. 1748 STOREROOM, 621 South 16th St. Clarke Powell, 1516 Capitol Ave. Phone 921. I-M196 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put aa ad la and you will s.oa OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, US N.Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1664 -440 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy. slclan; office. Neville Blk. TeL 282L -441 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas blk. M34 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A2784. 9 FLORISTS HESS SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 902 L HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. TeL 1261 oua LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eyes tested ana ntiea riguv nnu .. Found 744 (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending June 8, 1905, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the General Postofllce as follows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close at 6 p. in. May 29 and June 6. Parcels-Post Malls for Great Britain and Ireland are despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdays and by the American Line on Saturdays. An additional despatch la made by the Cunard Line when a Cunard steamer ealls on Saturday later than the American Line steamer the same day. The Parcels-Post malls close one hour before the regular malls. Parcels-Post malls for BARBADOS and GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND CAN NOT be registered. Regular and Supplementary malls close st Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton Streets) half hour later than clos ing time shown below, (except that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantla Malls. THURSDAY 0).-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, Bl'AIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. 1m Lor alne, via Havre (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer). FRIDAY (2). At 7 p. m. for AZORES ISL ANDS, per s. s. Romanic, rrom Boston. SATURDAY (3). At 8 a. m. for EU ROPE., per s. s. ot. raui, via i-iymoutn and Cherbourg (including Liverpool. Scot land and Ireland when specially addressed for this steamer); at 8:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct (specially addressed only), per 8. s. Caledonia: at 8:30 a. m. for BEL GIUM PARCELS-POST MAILS, per s. a. Zeeland (also regular trail for Belgium when specially addressed for this steamer); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect (specially addressed only), per s. s. Princess Irene; at 11:30 a. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Campania, via Queenstown and LlverpooL Malls for Sooth ana Central America, West ladles. Etc. THURSDAY (1). At 9 a. m. (or CUBA, YUCATAN and CAMPECHE, per s. s. Esperanza (also other parts of Mexico when specially addressed for this steamer J, at 9:30 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA, HAITI and COLOMBIA, except Cauca Department and Carthagena, per a. a. Oraecla (In nliirilnr Can. Haiti. Port de Palx and Carthagena when specially addressed for this steamer); at 10 a. in. (or ORKNDA, ST. VINCENT, TRINIDAD, C1UDAD BOLIVAR and GUIANA, per s. s. Mar- r' at 12 m. (or MEXICO (specially ad dressed only), per s. s. Bayamo, via Tmnlro. FRIDAY (2). At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.), for NICARAGUA (except P-.t rn&ati. HONDURAS (except East Coast). BALVADOH. PANAMA, CANAL ?.i tMS! ciirx DEPARTMENT OF O. I jim n't i KTMTADOR. PERU. BOLIVIA AND CHILI, per a. s. Orliaba, via Colon (also Livingston and Puerto Cortes when specially addressed for this steamer); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, per s. B. Saratoga (also Guantanamo and Santiago when specially addressed ror mis steamer;; i n.ou p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for Br. VunMl ST CROIX. LEEWARD and WIN WARD ISLANDS and GUIANA. m u Kontabelle. SATURDAY (3).-At 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 9:30 a. m.) ror i l'KAtAU ana VENEZUELA, per S. s. Zulla (also Co lombia, via tTirarao, wnen eciBiiy nu-tr-mm-d for this steamer): at 9 a. m. lor wiDTd RICO, mr s. s. Coamo, via (-' in Juan: at 9:3o a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) (or FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and (OMJMblA, ecipi lu aim Magdalena liepartmeots. per s. S. Altai (also Panama. Canal Zone anj Costa Rica when specially addreased for this steamer); at 10 a. m. (or CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana. m NOTICR-Flve centsper Tislf ounce IN Art- ' l'lTION TO THE REG! l.AK t'OBI AUF), m must be prepaid on nil letters forwarded " -by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops msrked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TR1KS." sf'er the CLOSING OF TH M REGULAR MA1U lor despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE la FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are also opnrd on the rler of the AMERI CAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sanities occur at 00 a m. or later; and late mall may be deposited In the mall boxes on the plere of the GERMAN LINFS sailing from Hoboken. i The malls on the piers otmr. art r.-vjf snd a hnlf before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regulnr pontage (letters 6 cents a hslf cunce) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN, WHITS STAR and GERMAN (Sea Post) steameri.; double postage i tetters 16 cents a hslf ounce) on other lines. Malls Forwarded Overland. Ee Ex. cept Traaaparlfte. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) are forwarded dally to ports of sailing. The CONNECTING malls close at the General Postofllce, New York, aa follows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, at 4:30 a, m. Won. day, Wednesday and Saturday. (Alsu from New York. Thursday and Saturday see above.) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sundar at 1:00 p. m. and 10.30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Farce1s-P- Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. Jon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also oc casionally from New York and Philadel phia. See above). MIQUELON, via Boston and North Sydney, at 6:30 p. m. every other Sunday (June i and 18, etc.). JAMAICA, via Boston, at 7:00 p. m. Tues. day and Friday. (Also from New York on Saturday. See above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 110:30 p. m. Tuesday. BRITISH liOMU'RAS, HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA, via New Or. leans, at "10:30 p. m. Monday. (West coast of Honduras Is despatched from New York via Panama see above.) NICARAGUA (east coast), via New Or leans, at 10:30 p. m. Wednesday. (West coast of Nicaragua Is despatched from New York via Panama nee above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE, via New Orleans, at 10:30 p m., Sunday (after 10:30 p. m. and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Panama and canal xone is held for the New York steamer see above). Registered .mall for overland despatches cloa at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Transpaclfle Malls, Forwarded Over land Dally. The schedule of closing of tranMpaclfts malls Is arranged cn the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting. mal (ex cept registered transpacific mail de. patched via Vancouver, Victoria, Tacom or Seattle, which close 6 p. m. previous day). . j close at the general postofllce. New Yoric. '. as follows: s JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Taroma, close at 6 p. m. May 28 for despatch per s. s. Tel machtis. HAWAII, JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. in. June 2 for despatch per s. s. Mongolia. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except west), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via Kin Francisco, close at 6 p. m. June 3 for despatch per s. s. Sonoma. (If t ho Cunard steamer carrying the British mall 1 for New Zealand does not arrive in tlttm. k to connect with this despatch, extrn malls closing lit 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. in.; Sundays nt 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. will be made tip and for warded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malls), KOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE! ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close at 6 p. in. June 6 (or despatch ner s. s. Emtiress o( Japan. JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and specially ad dressed mall for the FHILLIPPINK ISL ANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 p. m. June 7 for despatch per s. s. Kanaga waMaru. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Han Fran cisco, close at 6 p. in. June 12 (or des patch ner s. s. China. HAWAII, via Sun Francisco, close at ( p. m. June 12 for despatch per s. a Aia- rti oft :1 HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at ( . m. June 17 ror aespatcn per s. a. ie-iraskan. FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except west)-and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 p. m. June 17 for despatch per s. s. Aorankl. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via 8an Francisco, close at 6 p. m. June K tor rientiAteh ner IT. S. Transnort. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at p. m. june m for despatch per s. s. Mariposa. MANCHURIA (except Mukden, New- chwang and Port Arthur) and SIBERIA la at present (orwarde via T?iihrIa NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is rnrwarned via .tiurope; Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese provinces of Yun nan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. WILLCOX. Postmaster. Postofflee, New York, N. Y., May 26. 1901 GOVERNMENT NOTICE!. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER 9 Office, Omaha, Neb., May 31, 19o6. Sealel proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, June 15, 1906, (or the construction, plumping, heating, electrio wiring, etc., at Fort Omaha, Nebraska, as follows; One (1) set field officers quarters, one (1) aouole cap tains' ouarters. three (3) double lieuten ants' quarters, one (1) single set N. C. S. officers quarters, one (i) quaorupie in. . . B. officers quarters, one (ij nospnai, one (1) double barracks and one (1) administra tion buildlnK. Full Information furnished nn annlicaMon to this office, where plan' and specifications may be seen. Proposal. to be marked "Proposals (or Construction, etc, as the ca-se may ne, ana aauressea to Major M. Gray Zallnskl. Constructing Quartermaster, Army Building, Omaha, Neb. M31J1-2-3-13-14 9 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE:- Omnhn Neh.. Mav 6. 19i)6. Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, will be received here and by the quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m.. central stand ard time, June 6, 19ti6, for furnishing min eral oil during the fiscal year ending June 80, 1906, at Omaha. Q. M. Depot, Fort Crook, KODinson anu iiiurain, i-f.uiannu, Jefferson uarracas, Missouri, rort Leav enworth, Kansas; Forts Mackenzie and Washakie, Wyoming, ana ron Aiea'ie, u. .nth Dakota. Proposals (or delivery st other than the above named stations and poHtS Will noi oe emm Ittilirru. J II- 1 llllu States reserves the right to reject or ac cept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on appli cation here or to the Quartermasters at the stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Mineral on ana auuresneu iu o. r-. an YER. C. Q. M. M-6-10---20-26 J-l OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR TERMASTER. Fort Des Moines, la., May 29, 1906. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until il a. m., standard time, June 16, V.f, for construction and plumbing of 1 regi mental held staff and band stable, and one magazine and ordnance storehouse, at Fort Des Moines, la. Information furnished on application. United States reserves right to accept or reject any and all proposals or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should lie Indorsed "Proposals for construction," addressed to I.. Hardeman, q. M. 29-31-J 1-2-13-14 I: I. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTERS Office, Omaha. Neb., June 1, 19j6.-44ealel proposals In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, Jun 20. 1906, for an electric lighting systeni at Fort Crook.' Neb. Full Information fur nished on application to this office, whero plans and specifications may be seen. Pro posals to be marked "lToposals for Electric Lighting System," etc., at Fort Crook, Neb.," and addressed to Major M. Gray Zallnskl. Constructing Quartermaster. Army Building, Omaha, Neb. J 1-2-8-5-19-20 -V r LEGAL, NOTICES. BONDS FOR SALE. Bids are wanted on a $10,000 Issue of refunding school bonds of School District No. One of Weston County, Wyoming, said Issue being In 10 bonds of $1,000 each. bearing six 16) per cent Interest, interest J payable semi-annually. The first bond of J $1,00) is pa a bio 6 years from date of Issue and one bond of $1,000 each year jrf I thereafter until paid. For further In- to .1 formation address A. EVANS. I Clerk of School Board. i Newcastle, Wyo. MSldJot at