Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1903. ,r-4 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Clot Coctrteu Canfs Ad ranee in My Grain Optioni. CORN . GOES TO SIXTY CENTS mull DelleTerles Are Made on Ea-rhiair-1hr U a Derllae la. M heat r'atnres Oat trade la DalL .ask- r rvt- in , HM.UIA, May .'.I. 16. The fact that una i the last day for delivery on May contracts caused a use in May options on corn and wheat. in oat the market was steady and dull ana May Jell. No oeilvenes Were made on the exchange, hii tradt-s having been aortal tut before the end of the montn. Ixm-bI officers ot Chicago nrnu nao small deliveries. May corn went wild in the lam hour of the aeslon and rose to Sue. It opened at k-'c and aiood at 5ec at noon: July wan strong opening unchanged and dosing at Wi:. Old July mushed at 4V. September at 48Vo and old September at 4Sc. Wheat opened unr)iangM in May, but rose early and hold around imiZVb must of the uay. It cloned at tl.ol. tA'eak markets in the northwest and predictions of fine weather cauned a falling- ofl In the olner months, July closed at to'fcu and September at 61c. Ijtue was done In oats. May closed at 30c, July at i,r and reptetiiber at itni:. There la a big loosening up on corn storks all over the country ana receipts have been large for several days, 'i'lie .Nebraska ele vator men are very busy., J. E. Van Dorn, manager fur the Adams Grain company, sent tn following message to the Chicago house: .These people who are bidding up tne corn will gel plenty If they will stand still long enough to give people out here a cnancu to ship. Country elevators report the largest receipts on the crop In the last lew days." A local trader expressed the opinion that the recent naval victory of Japan would have a bearish tendency on the wneat mar ket, sini It brings peace nearer, and peace means a lower market by ma removal of the possibility of England becoming in volved In tho conflict. Total Mocks In all positions at Chlotigo aie: Corn. t.ouo.wu bu., an Increase of 8ol,vj bu.; wheat, 3,b4U,0 bu., a decrease of 8i,uu0 bu.j oats, 2,0oo.iij0 bu., a dec! ease of lt,uJ bu. At Minneapolis tho decrease ot the wueat st oca In four days naa been 10,tJ bu. lieriln and Hilda Vest, as well aa Liver pool, closed lower ou wheat, broomhall tabled trom Liverpool; Liquidation In wheat by small longs caused opening declines 01 bd In bom months, July easing off Sd furtner later in the scsslo i. Toward noon a better under tone developed. It closed Id lower. Corn opened d lower, with Inactive trading. and closed unchanged. From today's Kecord-Herald: "Armour and o.her proprietors of private elevators were working on their low-grade corn yes terday to the eastern demand that (level oped. Prices were made which looked very low to owners or better grades or corn, the grain sold being a portion of that which missed grade when the elevators were working current receipts over Into contract for May delivery. The wheat trade waa puzzled yesterday by the Quota tions from Minneapolis, giving a price 10 cents a bushel lower at one time for cash No. 1 than for May delivery. The differ enre meant that the seller had given an option on Ma wheat at the lower price If It failed in apt info the nubile elevator in this city for delivery on May contract be fore the expiration of the option today and full May price If It got in on time. Omaha (ash Males. CORN No. S, 6 cars, 45c; No. 3 white, 4 cars, 45Vc. OATS-No. 3 white. 1 car, 30ric. Omaha (ash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 97c'atl.O0: No 8 hard, DJ&tMc: No. 4 hard, ttxs$6c; No. 3 BDrlnir. 98c. CORN No. 2. 45Uc; No. 3, 4SVc; No. 4, 434i44c: no grade. 4H'a43c; No. 2 yellow. 4&'c, No. 3 yellow, 45'c; No. 2 white, 46Vc; No. 3 white, tsve. OATS-No. 2 mixed, 4e; No. 3 mixed 29el" No. 4 mix.fd. 2Vic:' No. Z white. 31c No. 3 white, SUHc; No. 4 white,. 3oc; stand ard, sic. Carlo! Receipts Wheat. Corn. Oats :io.fin h'i In Manitoba, on.! bu. at Omaha and ,or) bx at Milwaukee private ele vators. ... The leading Increases Te 1".f") bu. St Depot Harbor and 64.0 bu. at Fortland. Me. CHICAUO C.RAIS AMI FROVIIO restores of the Trading aa (losing Prleee Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May 31 -Clear skies and higher temperature throughout the Lnlted Htates eauscd weakness in the wnat mar ket today, final quotations were at the lowest point of ihe dx, with July down l'tGl'tc- In a runaway market May corn, niliv offered, advanced and closed at , the highest point of the session. July corn is up VaV, oats are off c and provisions are practically unchanged. The wheat market was weak tne entire div, At the start July was off &c to lftlV t SlSSi"'1. 'l'" principal mrtuence contributing lo tne Initial decline waa the alrr.oat perfect weather conditions prevail ing over the entire wheat belt. Official predictions for tomorrow were for fair weather with rising temperature. Another factor of considerable importance was decline In the pi ice ot wheat at Liverpool. I'll traders were liberal sellers the greater part of the time. Commission houses were lie chiet Dujers. rowara tne nrst hour tliu market experienced lempor- aiy flrmnesB as a result of a sharp advance n the price oi may wneai ai otiiiiioi.. n Chicago the price of July advanced to Iw'S'S'Vtc. ntlment sis.n became aeciueaiy bearish again. The inarKei cioseu bl mo oweBt point of the day, with juiy ai ot u lesrances ot wiieai aim hu'ji . o 24.iV'bu. The world s visible supply, as shown by Bradst reefs, decreased ,ow."w bu. Primary receipts (two uays weie 77A om fr... ...nmu r,l ii'ilh :tr,1 IHH) a Vear BIO. Minneapolis, luluth and Chicago reported receipts of iM cars, against lbs last week I ll lit t J ' i v. , i ,.., t..r Mav nellverv closed at 6i)C a bu., a gain of exactly c compared with Mon rtov nmi tnintatlona. The sharp advance was an incident ot in miai cuapi-i u generally believed to nave uee. a o..f.,l l l,v several nrnmineni trailers, who are said to have had a nanu n squeetlng ' May aiiorts. r roni tuc there was a good demand lor tne mhj option. The buying was mostly oy ran- miHsiwn nouses ana w i'ii"'"i account of customers who were short on Mnv ci.rn and who had until me mai minute hoped that they might get out com paratively easy. At the opening May w-as up lc at 62c. Utile corn was offered for mU until the nrice touched i lum- talclnR- then caused a reaction i" With n tne last lew lmmiira - h. nri. m anc The i! ose was at tne top BfTecied bv the strength of May. July opened unchanged to He higher at 4!4c, sold up io nm closed at 4D14'a4iHc. Iocal receipts were 1,W6 cars, with 6-n of contract grade. Urlv In svmnathv with the weakness of wheat, the oats market was easier. 1 he volume oi traaiog was veij opened a shade to c lower i SOSSMiC, sold between 3-.c and 30tc and closed at 30V:. Ixical receipts were 2 cars. Provisions were quiet, aim ivtuj . J".,; ness In the pit was almost at a standstill. At the close July pork was up 3Jo at S12.42V. lard was unchanged at 17 1 and ribs were up a enane at Estimated receipts ior nuu. 9 cars; corn, 4I cars; oats 29wo head. . ,,... The leading iuiures rangeu NEW 0Ri STOCKS AND BONDS eBmBasBBaaB , Early Market it Sirong in Spots, but Un certain and Hesitating. shows- Available cash balance, 1130.1 ,ttl; gold, t67,H13 Chic go Kansas City. Mlnr.eapalos . Omaha Duluth :3 74 611 4 3 . U 10:w 240 1U2 24 74 " iu . 'is Minneapolis Grain Market. The rnifo of prices paid In Mlsneapolls, as reported oy tne tawaras- ooa com pany, 110-111 Board ot Trade, was: Article. Open. High. lxiw. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I I I May.. 1 2h I 1 29 1 19,, 1 27 122 July.. 1 04 1 06 1 MV. 1061! 1 07 Sept.. Mm MS Corn- I ) I i I July..!49'(J4!iI 49: 4H 481! 49 Sept.. 4.4I 4Hi 4KV 4bn i'- Dec...! 461 JS. 46! '" 'New. " GENERAL LIST ADVANCES IN LATE TRADING Japanese Tlonds Are Irreanlar o alee for rroat-Taklng Pressere on teel Tarns Prices Downward. , Xew Vark Mener Market. NEW YORK, May Jl -MONFT-On call, higher, iUt per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered st IV, per cent; time money, very easy; sixty and ninety days, 3 per cent; six' months. Jyf?3v per rent; prime mercantile paper, ififl1, per cent. SlLVER-liir, mv 4.M.C. rtt'M'B fjovernmeni ann raurnsn, nrm. BTKRLINd EXCHANGE steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at It. 3 4 r7 for demand and at 4 MT4 nv tor alxty-dav bills; posted rates, 34 M and 14 33; commercial bills, 14 H. Closing prices on bonds were: V. . trt. U, rc ...l(MVt so 4V4S, rtfa. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beit Beef Cattle and Com Steady, with Other Slow. Mexican dollar., HOGS GENERALLY SHADE TO DIME LOWER I Moderate Receipts of aheeo aad Until-Lambs Steady, with Sheen Steady to little Lower ta Some 9 pots aad Slow. 14 1"M I s 14 Hit M BTF.EH" C'OWI AND HEIFERS. U I W lets 4 41 COWS AND HEIFER NEW today s St first Wheat, 169 cars; hogs. Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ycs y. Wheat Mas July Sept. Corn Mav tJniy JJuly tflept. ISept. t mts- May July Sept. Pork May Julv Sept. Lard May July . Sept. Ribs May July Sept I 80 I " 4!Si 4SH, 4MV! SIVai' 3HS 1 99 I 31 031 49'qSi 148 VOVl 1 I 81 U 80S1I' 12 2B 12 87H i: so 7 15 7 224 7 40 7 07 7 17 7 UV, 81 62 1 01 U 99 WV88V&V4 81i 82V YORK. May 31 The strength of atork market developed In spots but the few strung storks had a sympathetic influence on the general list and advances became general during the late trading The lone was hesitating and uncertain at first. This was due to the Influence of the Ixindon market, where the ending of the Stock exchange settlement caused a pause In activity. The settle ment was concluded without ini damage as a result probably of the considerable re covery of the last few days In Americans. Its success had an encouraging effect on stocks here, as some apprehension has ex isted of bad effects from over-conimlt- ments in Americans on the part London speculators. International politics seemed to play a small part In the market and the belief that an eany peace was to be forth coming was not so distinct a factor as on Monday. Japanese bonds In this market continued to overshadow all others In prominence, but moved with some Irreg ularlty. Keallsing in them was In evidence after the nrx-nlna and the first series s were carried to a sharp fractional loss, but they recovered In company with the rest of the market. Evidence of pressure against the United States Steel stocks was a factor In turning prices downward Our lng the morning. News of weather condi tions were regarded as favoring the grain crops, but the weekly crop bulletin of the weather bureau received a mixed Interpre tation. The upward movement of the lat ter part of the day received its first definite Impulse from the aggressive ad vanes in Reading. No Immediate news was forthcoming to explain the strength of this stock, hut there were rumors al leging an Intended increase in the dividend on the Central railroad of New Jersey and from these Inferences was drawn more liberal dividend nollcv on the part of the Heading Itself, which controls- the Central of New Jersey, and this served to cause hopes of cming benefits also for Baltimore & Ohio, Norfolk & western and cnes penke & Ohio stocks the expected report on the Investigation of the Eyuitable Life Assurance society was awaited with great interest and with professions of a hope that Its publication would mark the close of the controversy on that subject. One effect pointed out from the wiping nut of the Russian naval force is the opening of the way for free transport ot Japanese supplies rrom ini country. It is expected that this may faclllltate the outlay In this country of soma part or the proceeds of the Japanese loan still on deposit In New York. There was a great deal of revived gossip con cerning Union Pacific acoompanylng the large buying of stock, but there was no explicit news. The day's advances were well held and the market c osed nrm. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value 36,630,000. United States old 4s advanced per cent on call. - - Wuotatlons ou the New York Stock ex- chunce ranaed aa follows: Sales. High. IjOW. Clone. 4o coupon V. 1. Is. rt ... So eeupoa V . sew , ri So eoistion V. S. oia 4o, reg so enupos Am. Tobarro 4t, do m. rtn Atrhloon ga. 4a. .. oo adj. 4a Atlantic c. L 4a... Bal Ohio 4a do maa Central of Oa. aa. . so lat Inc do :d Inr Chrn. Ohio 4Wa Chlraxo at A. 4a C, . A Q. B. a. L. R. 1. at P. da. do 4a fee. a St. L. x. t'hlcago Tar. 4a.. Colorado Mid. a Colo. So. 4a Cuba (a rtfa t ft K O 4a niatlllora' ft. 4a IN Jit M 1"4 as 4a- I" ...100 ...114 ....104 .... 74 ....1014 .... lOi'a St. L. I M. ta..loa St. 1. S r. ff 4a . 114 St V S. W. a. 4a... Hcaboard A L. 4a... Wt So. Paclllr 4a Sn. Railway (a ll4 Tnu ft f. la It T. St. 1. ft S. W. 4a 13 ' I'Blon Panne 4a... do coav. 4a V. 8 Stool 14 ta Kna, Wabaah la ri on aD. b liHIl I. ft N. nl. 1H Manhattan e. $ 4a J 04 iMfi. t'antral 4a... Ill do lat Inc .111 Mian, ft St. U 4S .liW'i " . K. A T. 4a ... !' so la etra. 7 V ft. R of M lilt R Y. c. s Ha 101 x J r. . (a.. 14 I No. Faclnc 4a... ..lOlVfcl do la . .1044 N. St W. e . . H 10. S L. rMi . .lllli Penn. conT. Ia ,. n Reading gen .. 11 St. L. ft 1 ! ..1I . . aoi .. 41 .. M . I"! ., M . tl .. 14 SOUTH OMAHA. May II. 1M. Recalnts were: Csttla. Hun Rheeo. Official Mondav &.4M 4.4fS 5.T Offlclai Tuesday .&3 7.238 i.M Official Wednesday t.lhi li.lai i.H.1 23 m 33.US9 1H.8HJ 21.778 H.M1 33.9S7 13.412 13.o4 13 o6S I 21.616 3.77 Eria prior lien 4a lutt w-eatarn aid. 4a. do an. 4a M W. ft L. B. 4a. F. W. ft D. C. )a....llllwia. Central 4a noraini aj. ivi ., .11 iai i.oio. mo as, Japan 4a. ctfa do sat B ... Offered. set A. . IMH .114 . 3 .117 . 74 4H 71 1 Three dava this week. .Id Fi3 Three days last week 11 W') Bame days week before. .ll.lVi 6ame three weeks ago. . .10.S2 Same four weeks sgo 8 B Bame days last year. .. .10.4.8 RECK1PT8 FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The followina table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons with last year; it rtie awitns J,lA-s W1.18J Bheep 74.28 The followina tahle price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Date. 1906. ,l04.ilO3.!1902.l01.il00.U89. i i . n. . .. l ... 10.. 7... I... I.. I . t.. I.. I . 1.. 1 . 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 . 1.. 1.. 1.. 7 1M III) I I 'I I XI 4 19 HEIFERS. to. ii.. U . M4 it 4 14 4 4 a .... 0 .... 400 .... .... t .... n .... 4M .... Tisl .... TOO .... 4l .... 7I .... ! .... HI .. . (II HEIFERS le I II iat ....171 .... 711 I 7 I M I I I W i 00 I I II I 15 I 40 I to I tf I 71 4 0 4 10 7 i4 ... 1 ... fi ... I ... I I.... l ... I.... l... I ... I ... and' 1.... I ... I.... 1 I oo I to I 71 4 00 ,. t 4 11 04 4 II .. 4 4 II 141 . . HO 1D04. Inc. Dso- 8K6.1U 46. Is 1,091.841 10U.668 60.M0 2S.754) shows the average 1 1... 1 I I ll... .. 4M ..IUH .. Il ... Ml) .. 070 ..1IJ0 ..i0 . .1000 ..1410 ..171) SULIJ3. t M I 00 I IS I II I n l M I 41 I 71 4 00 I 1 tM 00 !M MO . 130 . M , 100 1ST BTAOS. 4 H 1 OALVES. 0.0 14 4 , 04 1010 H BULLS. 1710 110 IJeO 100 .IMA ..1740 ..IMS ..1110 ..1"0 ,.tt"0 . 1010 .1100 I 00 I 00 I 71 I 7 4 il 4 11 4 IS 4 M I 00 I II 4 II... lot 144 120 110 . ISO . 10 ISO . tlO 1M 4 It I U 4 10 4 SO 4 SO 4 71 4 10 4 10 4 4 It t m 4 oo 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 IS 4 n 4 M I H I H I 40 I SO SO I SO I so t 00 I 00 t ot Boston, MOrltl nod Bonds. BOSTON. May a. Call loans. 84T94 cent; time loans, q4 per cent, closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaon adj. 4a do 4a Max. Central 4a Atvhlaun do pfd Boatoo ft Albany.: Beaton Ac Maine.... Moaton Elevated ... FtUutur pfd .... Mexican Central N V . N. H. ft H. Pere Marquett . Vnlon Parlnc Ainer. Aria. Chero. do pfd Atner. Pneu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. ft T Amer. Woolen do pfd ftomlnlon I. ft Kdlaon Eleo. lllu... Maaa. Electric do pfd Mate. Uaa lnlted Fruit limed Shoe Merh.. do pfd l S. Steel do pfd Weatlng. common . . 04 Adventure .101 Allouea . 74 Amalgamated ... .. fc Amerlran Zinc . Atlantic ..264 IBtngham ;.174 Cal. ft Heels.... ..ISO Centennial ,.1V Copper Range .. :. i,t'air Wet ..I'll . Franklin .. 09 jtlrancy ..UVlale Rovale .... .. lis Mo'. Mining .. .. Michigan liMohnwIt ..limtlMont. C. ft C... ..1.14 I Old Dominion .-. ..Utfe Dereola .. 3V Parrot ..101 ;Qulncr Shannon 4S 1T . SI 1 . 4.11, .107 . -tatii . Hi . 17, . . 10 Tamarack Trinity Itnlted Copper t. s Mining.- V. S. Oil I'teh victoria ....... Winona Wolrertne .... per omciai 114 us H'i aesa .... .011 1044 71 11 IVi H 2"S 7H 1-ii tll 1 2.".H 3 14 7 7Vt 110 21 H 04 in 44 I Ill 101 May May Mav May May May Mav May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May Mav May May may May May 1. J 3 t... IV.. 20. 21. 22. ii. 24. 26. 27.. 28. 29. SO.. 31.. I i 11 I 1 ill I sn I til I Ml I II I 11 4 IS t 7b! 7 till 1 U 3 tt . I lsVhi 4 Ml I 7 011 6 72. ; 17, I to I 34T, 4 bf I 7l I I 4H 31 I Si 30 4 U I 72i 7 Ml J t 121 3 63 27T.I 4 (61 ( W (a, t 7 I 4 1 HI I Ul 10 I U 7 o i ho, t 12 8 60 7 07; 6 eil I 1, 3 t i Ob ( lb 3 J I Ml I i 1 3 as I UBi t SS 3 b8 7 U i 7l 6 17 12, s W! b 21i 3 Bi 4 S4I 1 an f 17WI I bi 6 15V,, 4 7, U 111 14 S 1 4 M Mi 4 61 4 4 68, 41 1 4 fto, dt a 02 47H1 o 6 14H 5 20 6 28 6 2V 6 28 k 16, 4 10 3& 07l k i k 23 8 63 4 6-i a )ul A); S bU 4 62 6 27 I k 73 k U 3 b 4 4M il 7 12, I k 101 8 66 4 46 6 27: 7 111 6 73 I 3 4 41 24 7 1)7, 871 k I 6 181 7 03 1 5 63i k Osi 3 2 6 IS, 7 i k 1 k 011 8 16 ITOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. 7H 4 10 0 417 4 44 i 477 4 II . 041 4 44 1 140 4 10 II 004 4 SO HOGS There was a good run of hogs here today, 171 cars being on sale. Chit-ago also reDorted a heavy run and early men sages snowed a decline or a tucaei at inn point. Thla fact had a bear Influence on the trade here and buyers Insisted on sellers making some concessions. The maraet opened In good season, but sellers were slow In meeting the decline and trading was a little dragy. After buyers and sell ers got together there was a little more ac tivity shown and the most of tne nogs were disposed of 111 good season. The general quality of the offerings was about the same ns for the last week. The bulk of the hogs sold 2Vitl6c lower than yesterday, or at prices ranging rrom .l.v f m is. noma hogs sold at io 174 nd tops reached 16.20. Representative sales lower: light. 5 2vn5 2: medium snd heavy. 4.:.-i,S27i j Blthhl' AM l.A M Mf--Iteveip's. tv nrau, market sternly; wooled lambs, 37 15. t. I.onls I, lie Stock Market. ST. 1tH IM. Mav Jl f ATTI.K--Receipt. ,Sri" head. Including 6 Temins: native strong. Texsna weak: native shipping and export steers. i.'ntt n. dirseil beef an-1 butiher steers, It.'i'.ia.v. stt-ers nn.ier i.n" lbs.. 83 To4j4 8": stoclrrs and fee, Iris. $3 i 4 V cows and heifers, 3.t.?'vu Lie, eantiris, Mo4fi.?5: bolls, $1 irti rn; 4-aites. 84 SOift"' "": Texas and Indian sie t., .t i"h'i 2i, cows and heifers. 32hKi4 Ht.HlS Receipts. ! .' toad, weak: pip and - lights. 8i..- fiV4o. pa. -her 14 butchers and best heavy, to .:W', 4o SUKKP AND I.A.M lS -Receipts. 4.'1 head, market steady: native millions, fl l"H 40; lambs. 3." ',l1l7 Rn, i tills snd but ks. '. ,t 4t; Blockers, $2.,MfV. I; Texana, W.;it4.7o. Cattle. Mogs. Sheep B.;s: H.1M k.KU ll.i'O . .... I,'1 12. 'too 2,ooi l.-4W 6.ii!:l w io Brno . 4 ii 17t S".l0 S?T5 74.792 So.4o 4 4 32 7 06, k 671 k 04 3 82 6 16 I 4 33i 6 04, 6 till 6 04 3 68 6 1SH, 4 3 k W 6 W, 4 Vti 3 io k 17 4 66i k 77 i 6 97i k 60 3 nO I 4 H9 , 6 72 7 011 6 63 ; 4 S6; S 1174' I 5 70 ! 7 OS: S 621 4 W, 3 8 17 i 4 53 6 J. 7 Ki iw 4 85: 3 bi 1 4 48 7 U, 6 71, 4 83; I 67 of stock Bid. Ex-Interest and bid. Asked. London stocks aad Bonds. LONDON. May 31. Closing quotations on stocks and Donas: .. 1H,N. T. Central., tl 114 Norfolk ft W ... 60 49S 4M,i&fc 49 ,43VY 48HI- 4S 48'si 48UI 4ft 41 4SS 48 I 80V a4,28Htfii 3'T'i31W'S 30SI 30") 2SV2S&'V4 12 27W1 12 42V 12 67V, 7 17V 7 25 746 . 7 20 7 22V 7 47V 12 25 12 35 12 60 7 16 7 22V 7 40 7 07V 7 17H 7 42V 12 27Vi 12 42V 12 67V I 7 17V4 7 20 7 46 7 20 7 22V4 7 47VI 12 85 12 42V 12 6a 7 15 7 25 7 42V 7 10 7 224 7 474 iNn 2. tOM. INew. VLOUR-8teadv: winter patents, 34.1031 4 20: winter straights. 3.754.00; spring pat ents, 34.7rt36.60: spring straignis bK"?- Vn M: v WHwU ISO. Boring, ii.wi.,, .v 33.9tKy4.70; 3, yellow, l-& 2 white, 32W333C; 39042c; fair to 81.'al.0; No. 2 red. 81 0f 1,06V CORN-No. 2. 62603; ivki. OATS-No. t. 3nT4c; No, No. 8 white, SH(SJ:c. b A RLE Y Good feeding, choice malting, c. SEF1D8 No. 1 flax, 31.30; No. 1 northwest em 31.47: prime timothy, $185; clover, con PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hbl., $12.2T. it an I rwr 100 lbs . 87.15417. 174. Short sides 'floosei. 87. 05-57.20. Short clear sides tboxed). $7.124S.25. , , . . Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Adams Ejt press Amal. Copper 38.fmO Am. Car St Foundry. 1,4J do pfd 2O0 Am. Cotton Oli )0 do pfd Am. Kxpreas, ex. div Am. 11. k lv.. pld.... . ..... American Ice .'. do pfd Am. Unseed Oil do pfd Am. Iocomotlve 3,liJ do pfd 100 Am. Smelting & R... 16,700 do pfd tViO Am. bugar R.. ex-dlv OuO Am. Too., ptd., certu Anaconda M. Co 6.400 Atchison ....... 4,00 do pfd 2o0 Atlantic Coast Line.. 1,6') B. & 0 7.400 do nfd 1"0 Brooklyn R. T 34,7"0 Can. I'aclflc 9,700 Central of N. J Z0 Ches. & Ohio 7,300 Chicago & A , do pfd aoo Chicago Qt. Western 10.HOO H2 .34. 31 M 4K' 1124 1124 H4 U5 7 . 104V 81 1024 151 li4 !H4 62-. 14K4 198 4' 79-v; w 218 1764 34 r. 314 474 1124 ll"4 118 1S3V 1 106 , 804 lo2 4 1474 1W4 94 1474 1964 4d4 ' 794 18Ss 216 1734 4 WEATHER iy THE URAIN BELT Clear la North and West, bat Wot In East. OMAHA, May 31, 1905. The weather Is gem rally clear In the lake region, central valleys and throutAiout the west this morning, and no precipitation worthy of mention has occurred In the cen tral and western portions during the last twenty-four hqurs. Heavy rains fell In the east gulf states and lighter rains In the south Atlantic states and Ohio valley, fol lowed by generally cloudy weather in the east this morning. The temperature Is somewhat higher In the central valleys and west and will be slightly higher throughout the central val leys tonight and Thursday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation, compared with the correspond ing day of the last three years: 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 61 63 44 Precipitation 00 T .10 Normal temperature for today, 68 grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 1 3i inches. Excess corresponding period In 1904, .38 of an men. Kxceas corresponding period In 1903, 1.91 Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT RF.PORT3. Temp Rsln. Stations. Max. Mtn. Inches. Sky, Ashland. Neb.... 70 47 .00 Clear Auburn, Neb 66 46 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb.. 70 46 .uu Clear Kalrbury, Neb... 70 42 .00 Clear Vairmont. Neb... 66 44 . 00 Clear Or. Island. Neb. lis 46 .'"0 Clear Hartlnglun, Neb. 42 . 00 Clear Oakdalt, Neb 42 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb 66 61 .Oo Clear Tekamah, Neb... S3 61 .00 Clear Carroll, la 69 46 . 00 Clear Clarlnda. la 60 43 .0) Clear Blblev, la 70 42 .00 Clear 61oux City. la.... 68 60 .to Clear Bio-tn Lake, la.. t 49 . 00 . Clear DISTRICT AVERAGES. orn. nu.... Oats, bu.... Rve. bu Barley, bu. rn the Prndnca exrhanera todav the but- . . . , ,.3 or market was steaav: creameries, jn-i, 204c; dairies. 16 19V:- Eggs, easy, at mark. aaes lnciuuen, nc, nrsta, ioc, juinm ina, 16c; extras, 174c Cheese, wean, sraiovo. 60 00 d No. of Central. Siatioua. Chicago. Ill Columbus, O pes Moines. a... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City. Mo. Louisville, Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb Si. Louis, Mo.... iAical Korecaster Temp. Rain. Max. Mln. Inches. 70 48 T 17 72 62 .U 14 70 4S T 11 74 to .04 17 70 60 .00 19 M 60 .10 27 74 48 T 15 68 44 .00 13 74 64 T L. A. WELSH. Weather .Bureau. 3 white. S. 33c;. No. 1 mixed, Kaaaaa City Grata aad Provlsloae, KANSAS CITY. May 31. WHEAT Mar. ket steady; May, fV; July, 7t4t)76e; Sep. teinber. 724C. Cash: No. I hard. 31 1.04; No. 3, S2cj31.tf2; No. 4, 8ia7c; No. 2 red, tl.0otil.04. No. 3. 2rp31.02; No. 4. t:'tf 7c; receipts, tab cars CORN May. 47c; July, 45 45ic ; Septeni her. 4;i4ac. Cuah : No. 2 mixed, 4;Sn4ivo No. 3. 4747Vv; No. 2 white. 474u4a4c, No, I, 474ti4ec. OATB-No 81 Uc RYE Steady 4776701'. ,. HAY Steady; choice timothy, t9.t3 loon; cnoloe prairie. . i.-js.w. EiJGS 8teady ; Missouri and Kansas now No. 3, whltowood caaea Included. 144c per dosen; case count 184c; cases returned, 4c per dosen ies - BT TT EH Steady ; creamery, l4SlS4o naeklna. liv. Receipts. Shipments. 32. sort 31 2-0 a.snj Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Available apttly f Grata NEW YORK. May 31 Special cable and telegraphic advices received by ttradstreet tjtiuw the following changes In available urnllea: Wheat, In the I'nlted States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased Lot 0n0 bu Afloat for snd In Europe decreased t .a. bu Total supply decneed bu Corn. In the I nlted Statea and Canada et of the Ritcklea. increased 121 000 bu Oats, in the t'ntted States and Canada east of the Ruckles, decreased 1 as ii bu The leading decreases reported this we are UI.000 bu. at Chicago private elevators. 20.310 ..lOS.OOO ..930.900 ..310.3i 3. 'WO 4.7W 1R.900 36.0HO 309.200 127,900 EW YORK C.EEBAL MARKET Unotatlons of the Day on Varloas CoBsraodltlee. NEW YORK, May 31. FLOUR Re ceipts. 22.194 bbls.; exports, 4.1 puis. ; mar- aet ouieL ana unseriiea. winter unitsiiLa, 84.90(0.26; Winter straights. it. 66& 4.90; Minnesota patents. 36.6"'u' . winter extras, u Minnesota bakers. n .tym.Jo; win ter low arsaes. u.iO'aj.oo. nye uuur, uiiu, fair to good, 84.26ia4.uu, choice to lancy, i.ou :: u .... lUltAMEiAL nrm; 11110 wuiie nu ini low, 81.26: coarse. 1.10ifl.l2. kiln dried, 8-.b5 S390. , m BAKU;!-VJUiet, ieeaing, ic c. 1. 1. New lock; malting, 4u6c c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 4,1U0 DU.; spot mar ker Irreaular: No. 2 red. nominal, elevator: No. 3 red, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northen. Ouluth. Il.ll'i afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, 31.00 I. o. D. anoai. A weak start in wheat, owing to nne weatner ior the liau dation and higher consols, was followed bv rallies on a bullish weekly Kuveinnient crop report and strength of Mav in the northwest. La tor sharp re actions, Influenced by the liquidation and bearish crop advices, left 1 lie market flnallv lVulM net lower. July, 91'a9J4c, cluad at 914c; September, 864!i)4c, closed at b6Vc; December, 84408040, closed at 644c. . 'OH.?J Keceims. so.iai ou.: exports, oa, 189 bu.; spot market steady; No. 2. 6t4c asked, elevator, and 67c f. o. b. afloat; Is'o yellow, 674c; No. 2 white, oo. upuon market was firmer on May tnrough a saueese of shorts, but quiet otherwise. closing 4c net higher. May, 6Vg67c; July rlAMeil at bfeViC. OATH Reeelnta. BUS.3UU DU. : exports. 43 bu.: spot market easy; mixed, 26 to 32 pounds, 36c; natural white, 30 to 32 pounds 6V'd;!7c; clipped white, 3iU4i'c. Easy; shipping. buoo: gooa 10 chnlee. 7FrttiHne. HOIS-Easy; state, common to cnoice. 14 ZSn?c: 1903. 22l26c: olds. llWlic; fa rifle coast. 1904. 2fa2l)c; 193. 21ft24o: olds. 11 iia . . . . . 1 . nr, . . im IV.. niLe: uuiei; uaivrstnn. iu ma, 2iic: California. 21 to lbs., 194c; Texas Idryi. 24 to 30 lbs , 18c. i.KAiiiLit rirm: acta. iu -w. . PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. tll.kfMi 14 00; mess. tH.ooiJll 50. beer hams. tl2.owU 11.60: extra India mess. wmri 50. Cut mea t a. steadv: nlrkled bellies, 87 60tl.i5 pickled shoulders. 86 6nfi 00, plekled hams. Iiv ta'tt iu ou. l-an". uuo. 87.1007.40; refined, quiet compound. t5.37VUk.S24: fork. auu. ie.iuii, tb 00. clear, 313 OiB 15.00; mess. western steamed. continent, I, .40 South America 114 wfu 16.0": short tl3.374(a 13 874. country i13 TALlXiW-Steady; city, 44c, 440 40. RICE Firm ; domestic, fair to extra, fi,v Janan. nominal. Itin I r.n- r.B . auwt rn .-u.merv. Xva21c: ,ftielal prices creamery common to extra. l!N;c; state dairy common to extra. l.fia.Vo; renovated, com n..r in extra. lSft isv-: western factory, common to extra, btt 18c: "Western Imitation creamery, extra, 19c; western firsts, lstj 18AC. CHF:ESE-4Juiet. E4S Unchanged. POULTRY Alive, easy; western spring chickens. 22c; fowls. 144o;- turkeys, l.'c; dressed, steady; western broilers, 803kc; fowls, ltV5l4v; turkeys. 13fcl7e. C. & N. W 4,300 C. M. i St. P 13.9U0 Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C, C. & St. L. ... . 400 964 Colo. Fuel & 1 4.700 424 Colo. & Southern 3,9 2i do 1st pfd..., 4110 08 do 2d pfd 2,t0 35V Con. Gas. 1.61m lioj Corn Products S'O 10 do pfd 300 51 Del. & Hudson 1,4'0 1824 Del.. U & L D. & R. G. 100 28 do pfd Distillers' Securities. 200 42T Erie 36. a o 414 do 1st pfd 8,700 794 do 2d pfd l,9o 74 Gen. Electric 600 175 Hocking Valley 111. Central 30,2.i 1614 Inter. Paper do pfd 1"0 ,94 Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central I'M) 264 do pfd K. C. Southern........ loo 2?4 do pfd I... 210 57 I & N ..1... 8.7u0 1454 Manhattan L Met. Securities 7.SO0 74 Met. St. Ry 9.i) 118 Mexican Central 2,300 204 Minn, or St. L M . Bt. P. & S. Bte M ' .. do Pfd Mo. Pacific 6.900 974 M., K. T Z"0 -Jf't do pfd 100 5S4 Nat l Lead 1V0 45 Nat I R. R. of M.. pfd N. Y. Central S.buo 1414 v- v r,n, M. t ,i iimi a I T Norfolk A W., ex-div". 2, 8" do Pfd 100 9B No. American Sot) 9!4 Pacific Mall 2.0 34 Pennsylvania 28.10") 1164 People s Gas 1,100 loi- P.. C. c. hi. Pressed Bteel Car.... b 374 374 do pfd Pullman P. 0 300 231 Heading 134, soo 944 do 1st pfd o-io 9' do 2d pfd ) 64 Republic Steel 1.4O0 174 ao pta ii iJ Rock Island Co 2.7"0 27 do pfd Rubber Goods ft 35 do pfd 400 I044 St. I & S. F. 2d pfd St. IXItlls S. VI do pfd So. Pacific do pfd So. Railway do pfd Term. Coal & I Texas & Pacific Tol., St. I & W do pfd Union Partfie do pfd U. S. Ex U. ft. leather do pfd U. 8 Realty U. U. Rubber do pfd U. S. Sveel do pfd Va. Caro. Chemical. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Kargo Ex Westtngli. Electric. Western Union W. & lke Erie Wis. Central do pfd Northern I"acitic Total Bales for the day, 746.600 shares. Offered. 1.500 26.500 3o0 2.000 ll) 1,4110 Va' 2o 9"0 147.S 3V 61 63 1194 30 964 774 324 39 67 1244 98 243 M4 84 74 31 93 225 414 44 35 164 40 44 112 113 1184 134 -n 6"4 ltrJ4 151 l'4 94 624 14S4 197 474 24 9 19 215 1744 174 90 95 424 274 68 854 1874 10 60 182 Strt ?8 0 434 41 9 6t'4 1744 88 154 IS1 78 264 48 264 145 77' 1174 204 04 1144 l.r 974 264 0H4 444 364 141 514 794 93 994 .is v 1354 0 874 92S4 9H'4 894 864 174 73 21 724 34 ' 1'n 63 22 614 1194 1)94 294 294 4 964 Conaola, moner ,. do account Aoaronda, Af hlaon 4o pM Balt:mr ft Ohio Canadian Pacific . Chee. ft Ohio...:. Chicago Ot. W. .. C, M. ft St. P..". DeBeera D. ft R. O to Ptd Brie de lat pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central .. lxiula. ft Naah at., K. ft T SILVER Bar, . 82 ,104it .lll, .1611a 1 so . ll .170 174a, ...144 ... tovi ... M ... SIVj ... tott ... ' ... 444 Indicates Sunday. ThS Official numher nf re Drought in today by each road Cxttrte Un Rhun ll',1. v.., or ci. r. rty. Missouri Pacific U. P. System & N. W. Ry E. M V. Rv... St. P., M. & O... M. Ry B. Q Ry to pfd Ontario ft W PennaylTanla .... Rand Mlnea Reading do lai pfd do 2d pfd Southern RallWar do pfd 2ftw Southern Pacific . . . t'nlon Pacllo .... . tm do pfd ........ . Son, l 8. Bteel . 47i.. do pfd .IMVj n attain ,14kVj do pfd . 24, j fpanleh 4a steai y. 26 13-16d per ounce, jmuxs k i'as per cent The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills is 24 per cent; for three monies 0111s, J per, cent. C. F., c.. B. C. c, R. I. & p., east.. C. R. 1. & p., west.. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. 6 10 60 1 49 37 7k Total .244 6 4 46 2 67 10 27 1 k k 3 t 1ST 13 26 44 43 12.1 1 100 74t tt 1 10 01H receipts. The disposition of the dav'a reeetnts woa as louuwH, racn ouyer purchasing the nunv ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8t74 414 26 4 54 344 lsfi4 10 60 181 28 iv 404 ' 78 K ' 173 1594 794 264 67 1434 774 U4 194 97 264 64 43 1404 51 784 93 99 374 1344 l'lHe, 230 904 90 864 174 734 264 344 1"4 Foreign Financial. LONDON. May Sl.-Money was much wanted and supplies were scarcer In the market toOay. Trading on the Stock ex change was quieter at the subsidence of the war news excitement. The movements were irregular. Consols were easier, but recovered at the close.' Home rails were in good Investment demand despite un favorable traffic remvns. Americans were uulet pending the receipt of New lorks opening prices and WKwe occasionally easier on realizations The -market rallied later and closed flrm. Japanese advanced on renewed purchases. Imperial Japanese government 8a of 1904 were quoted at 103V. 8GKLi., Aiay u. trading on ine Bourse today was very quiet. PARIS. May ai. prices on tne Bourse today opened weaker, owing to the fear expressed In St. Petersburg dispatches that llussia win insist on a continuation or the war in the far east. Later peace sen timents predominated and strengthened the market, wnicn ciosea nrm. nussian im perial 4s were quoted at 88.65 and Russian oooua 01 leva at euv. St. I.oals Grain aad Provisions ST. LOUIS. May 31. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 98c; trark, tl.OHff) 1.10; July, sonac; Beptemner, fV4j'i9Vc; no. 2 hard. trot-SLOk. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 60c; track, 50Vt.iiic: July. 4c. . OA IT Hteaay mo. z casn, irack 304fjfllc; July, 24c; September, 28c; No. 2 white, sic. FLOUR Weak ; red winter patents, 34 95f 6 10; extra fancy and straight, 44. (b4.90; clear, t3.SOfc4.00. SEED Timothy, steady, x-j.cxxg z.&o. COHNMEAL Steady, 82.50. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 779 78c. HAY Steady; timothy, t8.00fjl3.00; prairie. 36 O0i 9 50. IRON COT 1 UN 11EB SPKO. BAGGING 84c. HEMP TWINE 6VC. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, 112. 47W Lard, lower: prime steam. to.iO. Drv salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, I7.37W: clear ribs. 87.80: short clears. 37.6214. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 38; clear ribs. K.Wy,: short clear. t8.37V POULTRY Steady; chickens. 104c; springs, JOQZic; turkeys, lzc; ducks, 12914c areese. nc. BITTTER Steady; creamery, 1822c; dairy, IS'O 18c. ICGGS Steady at 134c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls Wono 12.000 Wheat, bu 77.000 Mono Corn, bu 143.000 S6.0on Oats, bu 100.000 il.OuO omana Packing Co 1.047 1,414 swift and Company 1,048 3 otaj Cudahy Packing Co 1,028 1.418 Armour Co 92g 4 ju Swift & Co., St. Joseph Swift & Co.. country lift Van Sant A Co ta !bmn & Co fa ..... Hill Huntzinaer 1-1 Huston & Co 20 Hamilton 4V Rothschild.. 11 Cudahy Bros. & Co 882 Wolf & Murnan 66 Mike Haggerty 12 J. B. Root & Co 245 Bulla Kline : 6 S. A 8 337 334 Other buyers 190 Total .,132 8(H 821 1,5.'3 38 615 77 11.620 4.206 CATTLE There waa a arood run nt cattu here for a Wedneadav.. xthnut 2 eaerin sale. Twenty-fire cars were billed through and are not Included In these receipts. I-or the three daya of the week the receipts amount to about 16,000 head, a gain of about 4.000 over the same days last week and an increase or sdoui g.otio over the corresnond. lng three days of a year ago. In proportion to tne receipts there was onlv a. small amount of good cattle on sale. Buyers were on tne nil I early, but the market did not really open till well along In the forenoon. The market on Deef steers today was in about the same condition as yesterday, al though buyers were asking some conces sions. There were some good cattle offered and buyers took up those kinds at right around steady prices. Trading, however, waa a little dreggy and the rattle were slow In moving. On the commoner grades buyers pounded the market and In some cases a de cline or about a dime was noted. The d. mand was a little weak and there was little urgency displayed. There was a fair sprinkling of cows and heifers on sale this morning and the most of them were In good shape and of fair quality. As has been the rase for some little time the demand was better today on the cows tnan on tne steers. Rtiyers took hold rather firmly and there was some ac tivity to the trade. . The market generally ruled fully steady arid In some cases looked little stronger. The demand was about equal to the supply and a clearance was made In good season. Good bulls ruled a little stronger this morning, in fact good stuff of this (Mass has been selling fully Steady for some time. Veal calves and stags show no a notable change, although there Is a fair demand for them. For some days the supply or storkers and feeders has been light and today was no exception. There were only a few csrs of fered and there was a good demand. Trad lng was active and tne cattle were picked up In geed season. The market was fully steady and some sales looked stronger. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. He St.. 07.. 44 . 70., II. 77. 74. IS.... 71.... 4... 71... 76... 74... 74 .... 17... 4.... .... 75.... SO..., 14..., 71..., 41.... II.... 1 OS... 42 .. 71... ... tl... tl... Tt... 74... SO... 71... IV.. . . 84... 7!... 6S... 74... 44... tt... 74... 44, .. 50... tt... IS... 47... IS... 47... HO... 41... 14... 70... t... 40... 18... 10... 11... IS.., 14.., tl.., 7.. 14.. 70 . tt.., 10.. 17.. It.. t7,. 71... 47... 76.. ... 71... tl.. 11.. IIS. ta.. tl.. 44.. nilwsoktc Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. May 31. WH EAT One rent lower; No. 1 northern, tl 12, No. Z northern, tl.O24tll.O1; July, 8.c asked. RYE Dull: No. 1. 81682c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 51c; sample, 28 a?6oc. CORN Steady ; No. 1, 616520; July, 494c bid. 100 3110 3i3 44.9,41 38.4U) u I'lO 24) frlO '" 40o 'gift 100 4.90 107 90 39 14 274 944 33 107 1V4 394 17 92 2?4 4S 164 754 3L'4 S4 57'4 1214 9b 107 884 384 1V 244 93 3:i 107 I84 34 165 924 ii 1S44 324 314 574 1234 98 1224 114 ll7 90 34 14 -74 94 324 l'4 184 39 240 17 93 154 224 474 184 Minneapolis Grain Harket. MINNEAPOLIS, May 31 WH EAT May, tl.274; July, lion"; September. JBjr834c; No. 1 hard, tl.24: No. 1 northern, tl.274; No. 2 northern. 11.08. FLOUR First patents, t8.4txJj-6.60; second patents. 6. 2tnji.3o : first clears. 14.004 10; second clears, t2.75!jZ.8o. BRAN In bulk. ti3.vo313.50. Dnlath Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn.. May 31. WHEAT To arrive, No. 1 northern, 11 03; on track. No. I northern, tl.08; No. Z northern, tl o2; May, tl.'Jk; July, tl.08; September, old, 834c; new. 79c. OATS To arrive and on track, 31c. Kew Mlnlaaj Stocks. NEW YORK, May il The following are the closing quotations on mining stock.- Liverpool Grata Market.'. MVERPOOU May 31 WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures, steady; May, nominal; Julv, s9d. CORN Snot, steady: American mixed. 4s 64d. Futures, tiulet; Msy, nominal, July. 4skd. reorla Market. PEORIA. May tl CORN -Higher; No J vellow. &. No. 4. 49c. ' OATS-Steady; No. t ahito. 04c; No. 4 white, !,' 4o Adams Cos iLlttle Chief I Alice SO linlarlo 400 Breece l ilpblr ...lii brunaslck Coa ZV Pn,.cnli 1 I omat04-H Tunuel .... I Potne! IS Ion. t'al ft Vs. Yj Batata 12 H .ro silver :ou sierra Nevada M Iron Siltor bull Small Hope H Ledvllle l oo .Standard ltd Offered. Bank Clearlaga. OMAHA. Msy 31 Bank clearings for to day were tl.535 9-S 30, and for the corre sponding date last year, tl. 663.848 14. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. May 31 Today's slate ment of the treasury balances in the sen .oral fund, exclusive of the tli0.tiOO.rl gold reserve In lue division of laUeiupUou, Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. May 31. - SEED - Clover, rash and October, ta.80; prime aislke, (7.45; prime timothy, 11.50. Cotton Msrkel. NEW YORK. May ri.-COTTON-SDOt closed quiet and 16 points higher: middling uplands. 8.86c; middling gulf, (10c; sales, 24.8UU hales LIVERPOOL. Msy 31-C'OTTON-SDot in moderate demand and prices I points higher: American middling fair, t!ld; good middling, 4 9M, low middling. 4 6od; good ordinary. 4.37d; ordlnsry, 4.21d. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which bio bales were for speculation and export and Included 8.800 hales American. Receipts, l.Ono bales. Including 9n0 bales American. ST. LOUIS. May 31 COTTON-Steady; middling. 840; sales, 237 bales: receipts, 200 bales; shipments. 297 bales; stock, 46.211 bales. toffee Market. NEW YORK. May 81 COFFEE Ths market for futures opened stesdy at un chanced prices to a decline of k point under liaht llouidstlon. which found very little demand In the market. Cables were snout aa exported and the market follow lng the call showed little change, closing steady net unchanged to 0 points lower Sales were reported of 16. 750 bags. Includ ing: July, 6 5oc; August. fic: September. 4v.ff4 7or; (.lecemoer, tatMlTe; March, 7.10e Snot, stead) i No. 1 Rio, 8c; Cordova, ludj No. At. Pr Ns. At. Pr. J 671 I 15 0 1371 I 10 1 100 4 00 11 1221 I 10 1 470 4 00 14 .. 1114 I 10 16 lit 4 00 17 1S4I I 10 4 1111 4 10 10. 1111 4 10 t 11"0 4 W 10 1J0O I II t 741 4 24 11. 1126 4 II J 1020 4 SO 11 1110 I 16 I mo so 11 1111 i so 6 SHI I 40 14 lttl h 10 14 tit 4 40 24 1267 I 20 J 1(100 4 40 II 1230 I 20 7(1 Wit 4 70 44 1107 I 10 M 1104 4 4 1 110 4 20 10 116 4 71 40 1170 4 26 1 7I 4 71 II 1266 I 26 21 1010 4 7S 1 1220 I 26 tl 1071 4 76 It 124 I IS 23 VMS 4 76 44 1071 I It 4 101.4 4 0 27 Ill 4 36 17 11 4 10 10 1412 S V 14 1121 4 80 41 1314 I 24 44 til 4 tO 11 114 I ft U M4 4 aO 14 IJ'-a 4 21 II Ml 4 to II list 4 10 t KI III 42 1370 I 10 11 467 4 tS 11 1341 I 10 11 116 4 16 26 1211 4 16 22 1071 4 to tt tilt I It 7 1"4 4 to 14 U-.-4 4 It t 1U6 4 10 21 IK'l t 40 I 1112 4 to II Hit 40 1 401 4 0 It 144t t 40 t 1104 4 to It 1207 I 40 II 1114 4 00 1 1160 6 SO I UaO 4 tO II 1117 I 40 17 1164 4 M 41 1420 I u II 1114 4 tt It 1117 I to II 1714 I 04 II .1641 I 40 4 107J I 00 U 1404 4 40 ii i oft t oo t im t tt 17 1!40 I (6 S 1410 I 16 2S 1001 I 10 14 16,i I to II 1220 I 10 12 1421 I tl STEERS AND COWS. 4 110 4 00 t 1011 4 It II 414 4 21 II list I 14 II 1"M 4 M 11 12St 4 24 10 10IT 4 46 4 1M4 4 10 II Ml 4 It II UU I It II 1041 4 71 STEERS AND HEIFERi. 14 1141 4 U- t 1470 4 40 STEER8 AND STAGS. It UK 4 74 COWS. 1 710 1 71 1 131 04 1 700 I II 1 116 4 00 J 44i I 14 I 147 4 00 tf.0 I IS 1 1134 4 no 1 1OO0 I IS 16 Ul 4 00 t 040 I 40 17 10i4 4 00 1 110 I 40 I Illi) 4 M I U0 to II Ml 4 OS II a!l I to 1 1V40 4 Oo 1 74 I tt t 141 4 10 t 440 I IS) 11 llll 4 to 1 t7 I 00 1 77 4 t4 It tt I 00 II tbl 4 15 4 1H4 I 00 1 410 4 It 4. 114 I 00 1 .1010 4 14 1 kit I 10 t tit 4 14 4 ttl I It II IU14 4 u 4 too I 10 1 1240 4 n 1 170 I M 4 1OO0 4 II 1 1110 I It 1 !70 4 It 4 too I M 10 net 4 44 4 l"it I 44 4 1127 4 to 1 170 to lilt 4 44 1 ISO I 40 t UM I 44 1 U00 SO t 1241 4 St I ,.1''M I 70 . . 1 ISM 4 a l. ........... 140 I 71 I J 4 t tl t I 71 U4 I 44 AT. Ill 161 270 244 lit IIS ....ill W 124 lit 2S its 114 114 101 lot .....lie in in 220 It 141 107 174 110 131 ..,..241 IM 110 .213 243 ' Ill Ill ....144 121 ....24 ....224 233 Ill 134 ....'-.W7-- 217 l"5 200 .....166 . . . . 26 2SI m 240 264 132 Stl 2! 3U 24t 147 Ml .....121 lit 224 20 221 306 206 241 214 2t 1M 164 211 121 .....M0 2"4 tit 141 ...'..161 137 24S lto 221 ...,.20 sh. 40 IN 110 120 40 140 40 40 io 10 140 10 10 40 40 to 200 to 200 140 'io 40 to 140 M 320 0 no to . If. to to 14" 120 ltO 40 .to lr. I 10 I 10 I II 4 ll4 I 1IS4 I llvt I lit I ltta I 12 1 4 U i 121, I lit I 124 I lit I 1I I lit I 124 4 12', 5 12 4 124 4 ll 4 121 I 12 I lit I lit I lit 4 12t I lit I Ut I lit I 12 I 12t I lit I lit I 12t 4 lit I lit I 12t I 12t I 12t I I2t I lit 4 12t I 12t 4 lit I lit I lit I lit I lit 4 12t I lit I lit I lit 4 lit I lit I lit I 12t l!t I 12t 4 lit 8 lit I lit I lit I 12t t lit I 12t t 124 I 1lt 4 lit f lit 4 lit 8 lit I lit I lit I lit 4 lit 4 I2t 4 12t 4 12t I i:t I 12t ha 71 .... 71.... tt II.... 70.... 77 ... . 74... 7S M ... IS.... SI tl... 71 ... 43 ... 42.... 7t.... 71.... 71.... II.... It.... 44 ... II ... . II.... 44 ... 70... 41.... 71... 17.... 17.... S3... 44 10... 74.... ta . . . . t;.... ts.... 41..., 66.... 60.... 61... 47..., 74.... 01 ... 13 ... . 81..:. tl.... 10... 46... 62... 40 .... 42..., 80... 30... 32 .... 67... 61... ts... 78. .. tl... ts... 44... 74... 41... to... 04... 46... tl... 78. .. 44... 14... tl .. 63... 10... II... 70... St .. to... ii... 60... II... T. ...Ml ...lit .. 240 ...111 ...til ...IM . . !"l ...111 ...I3t ...I2t ,...! ,...2t ...231 ...HI ,..141 ,...111 ...III ..ill ,.. 134 ...166 ....ItO ....: ....171 ....116 ...140 ...21.0 ...26 ....361 ....161 ....161 ....2)4 ....21 ....174 ....100 . ... 160 ....211 ....246 ...tot ...241 ....Ml ...121 ... ion ...137 ....114 ....111 ...ill ....ill ...121 ....140 ...104 ....124 ...01 ...165 ....143 ...ill ....244 ....tit ...141 ...344 ....211 171 174 164 Ill 164 170 ttl 2tt 141 it I7t Ill ....341 177 101 i7t 241 !Ot Ill SB. mo to to to 10 to to 140 40 to IM 120 40 10 40 40 0 10 40 0 to rr I nt l nt I nt i nt I lit I lit 4 lit I lit 4 Ut I lit I II I II I It I 14 4 16 4 14 4 II I 14 I It I II I II I It I II 4 II I 14 I II I II I II I 16 I IS I IS I 16 I 15 6 16 I 16 I 16 I 14 4 IS 4 14 I 16 I IS 4 IS I 14 6 16 4 15 4 IS 4 IS 4 16 4 It I 16 4 it 4 14 8 15 I 14 4 IS I II I II t II I 15 I II 4 It I 15 I II I 14 4 14 4 II I It I II I 16 I II I It I It I II I II I IS I 17t I 17t 5 17t 5 10 I 30 SHEEP There was a fairly good run of sheep here today, about twenty-five cars being offered for sale. The general Quality of tlie receipts was good and buyers were in tne nam early, i tie uemand for desira hie killers Is about the same as it has been all the week and on these kinds the market wns fairly active. Chicago reported a good run of sheep and early Advices called the market steady. Rtiyers at this point, al though slow to take hold, bought up most of the stuff In fairly good season. The trade on lambs looked Just about steady with yesterday's prices. Colorado shorn lambs sold up to f. while another bunch brought the same prices ss Monday. The feeling on old sheen was not aulte as aood ns on the lambs and they were a little slow in moving. A bunrn of Colorado shorn ewes brought 14.40. The market on thl kind of stuff could best be quoted ss being sieaay to a snaae lower. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lambs. I6.804i.t0: fair to good lambs 15 6d96.80; good to choice Colorado wooled lambs, to ! ITJ. 2t ; good to choice yearlings, eo.otxgn ,2 ; lair to gooo yearlings, t4.7bi6.oo good to choice wethers. t4 6OJj4.80; fair to good wethers. M.WSW.aO: good to choir ewes, t4. 4004.60; fair to good ewes, 84 Otxtf) 4.4U. itepresentauve sates: No. 1 western cull ewe 77 western cull wethers 77 western feeding lambs western ewes It western ewes 32 western wethers 26 Colorado cull lambs I western yearling 404 western lambs Il7 western wethers 244) Colorado lambs il Colorado lambs 3k Colorado lambs... 26 Colorado cull lambs 232 Colorsdo ewes 3 Colorado ewes 41 Colorado lambs 667 Colorsdo lambs 188 Colorado lambs 24S Colorado lambs ?S3 Colorado lambs 10 western spring lambs 3 western ewe culls 17 western ewes 3 western ewes Av. Pr. 90 3 00 Is V 102 4 - M 4 26 ' 113 4 t0 88 4 50 120 6 00 79 t 60 n 4 83 00 76 3 00 80 4 26 80 4 36 Bit 4 40 80 4 40 76 k 78 75 6 90 74 k 0 73 OO 79 tl 01 74 8 00 S3 3 00 H 4 26 140 4 76 Ions t'lty Me Stoek Market. SIOCX CITY, la., Msy 31- i tV rial Tele gram. CATTLE Rc cell s. Xi nrad; mar ks strong; beeves, t4.n-n '; row s, bulls sil l mixed, t- 7Mif HO; Blockers and feeders, lam) t24 0o; calves and yearlings. tmu4 h. Ill GS Receipts. 6 head; market 7o lower, selling st tOfU615, bulk of sales, t510. tork. In MBht. Rerstpts of live stoik at the six principal markets yesterday; South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis , Chicago Totals OMAHA WHOI.KSAIU MAHKJCT. Coatlltloa ot Trade and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy I'rodnce. EUG9-Receipts fair, maiket steady; can dled stock, loc. LlVt; I'OIL TRY Hens, pic; roosters, 4 7c turkeys, Ugjlnc- ducks, lojjllc. u l i i t,u caching sua-., wr.-, vimmi m to fancy dairy, 18U2vc; civaniuiy. 2t-lo; prints, tic. f Ktttll r it-II iruui, tc; nimoui, nu, uffalo tdresaed), 8c; pickets! tdtessetl), 8c; white bass (dressed), l:c; sunlisn, tie; perch, (scaled and dressed i, c; piae, in, atnan, lbc; red snapper, luc; saimon, w, crappirs, 12c; eel, 15c; bullheads, m ; oiava Dana, xuc; wtiltetlsli (Uiesseu;, iuu; na legs, per dot., 3vc; loosters, green, tin, boiled lobsters, 30c. HAY 1'rices Quoted by Onaha holesale lay Dealers' association : No. 1, 17.00; No tti. CO; coaruc, to.b". These prices are lor ay oi good color and quality. BRAc.-1'er ton. 115.00. TROl'ICAL KRLIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sizes, t3.7i G4.w; extra fancy Mediterranean swoets, all uu, tJ.ou; lancy li.tveis, sue 1J, lau, lib, 20U, -10. 26u, uiki; eisea Mi, 8t, 11-, t2.D06j2.7o; seedlings, all sizes, tOu. X.AtOXa Callloi'iua, extra fancy, 2iu, e nu 4ou sizes, 4.1 it,; lane), .'iu, guv and 3ou izes, 83. ou; choice, 24o and -'.u sizes, ti.ov; n and gov sites, t-'.76'o3.00. DATES I'er box of Jo 1-lb. pkgs., 82.00; Hallowe'en, in 70-10. boxes, ic; iu., oo. mus caiilornia. per io-iu. canton, io-j 86c; Imported Smyrna, tour-cn)W, W, five- rown, j20. BAN AN AS-Per medium-sized bunch. tl.7i $2.26; jumbos, 32.60V3.UU. PINEAPI'L.Eb lorlua, per crate of 24. 30 and 38 sizes, 33. in; 42 size, 12.75. FKLilt. CALIFORNIA CJlERHlEsl Black, pet lb. box, 4176; white, per 8-1 u. box, 82 00, BlRAVv'tiLi.r.itiiB iklibguuri, pur it-uu case, 1 7642.00. TAisuiciviNES California, per hair box. tJ.OO. CRANBERRIES Jerseys; per ciate, fl.M. MISSOURI CHERRIES-Uox of S3.0. . UOOKEBERRIES Box of 24 CAS., 2.00. VLijE'i Aui.3. , TL'KNII'S &ew, liei doz., 46c. CAnitui t isew, per aox.,' fcu. . i IVAUBiNlfS oia, per bu., 4oc. v AX BEANs i-ei- t-uu. iwx, 7ic; string beans, per bu. pox, ,5c; bu. oux waji ut- siruig, tv.oixu2.2D.' . ; ruiAiUMt-nomi gicwn. in sacks, per bu., too; Colorauo, per bu.. 45c; uuw pota toes, per lb., 2o. tit..B-.av), per Uu., 2. CL CUMbtKo- 1-er doz., 4vvi76c. , , iEA-lNew, per Du. box, 4i.iiiW2.00. TOM A'l Utb-r loriuu.. liu.cj, m.i' o-basket crate, ,i.00, choice, per 6-baskel tiiate, 42. oo. bi-lJNACrl lei- uu.. VUC CABBAOti Callioima la crates, per lai.. 2Hc BEE i s .New, per doz. Duncnes, toe ONIONS New. per doz. Duncnes. lie: Bermudas, per crate of about i0 lbs., tl.uo. KAiiBiita-noi nouse or suuineiu, per doz., 20c "' ' LETTUCE Hot house, per doc.. 867140c; head lettuce, per doz., tL LiOW ER st. iouis,-per crais ot 1 dot., t2.oo. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. 15c; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wtscoi sin llmburger, 16c; twins, 13yl4c; young Americas, 14c. . .vLiD-itUillulk, ISO. i euit sneus, new crop, per lb., 16c, hard shells, pi iu., in lio. z soil sneus. per id., i-c; sso. t naiM sliells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb.. Lie; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., C; roasted peanuts, per lb., 6c; Chlil walnuta. per ib., ii"al3ic; almond h, sort alien, per lb., Lc; hard shell, per lb., 16c; shelibaiK hickory nuts, )er bu., tl.",6; largu iuckuiy nuts, per bu., tl.60. - HIDES No. 1 green, 7Wc; No. 1 green. VC No. 1 salted, 8Vjc; No. 2 salted, 7c, No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. t veal call, nc, dry salttd. ',rei4c; isliep peita, 25u'a41-Wi burse tildee, tl 500 3. 00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May Sl.-METALS-Lon-don tin market was easier today, closing at 13t 5a for wpoL and 136 6s Utr futures, locally the market was quiet, but II shade lower in synipathy wth spot; quolSMl at iii .Mi .20. copper was htgtiec abroad. Lmdon closing at 3s 9d for spot and 65 6s for f unites.' lxically -copper lemalns unchanged, with I.ake and electrolytic quoted at 815.00 and casting at tl4 26. 1-ad was unchanged at 12 17s 6d In London and at t4.6O0H.ti0 locally. Spelter also was unchanged at 23 12 td In London and at In the local market, lrtm closed at 4Kb lOd in Ulasgnw and at 4os 3d In Mld dlesboro. locally Iron ts quiet and un changed. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at tl8.7n!S 17.50; No. 2 foundry northern at S16.504i'17.(i0; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soil at tl7.orwtjl7.25; No. 2 foundry southern at tl6.50'd'1 76. ST. LOU IS. May 31. Lead, steady at S4 40 4(4.42Vj. Spelter, lower at to 12V4C. Snaar and Molasses. NEW YORK. May 31.'- Sl'tiAR - Raw, steady; fair refining, c; centrifugal S4 test. 4Sc; molaBser. sugar, 3Vtf. Refined, steady; crushed.. .t.5c; powdered, t.96c; granulated. 6 85c. NEW ORLEANS, May - 31.-SUOAR-(juiet; open kettle. St-e'iiMWc: Open kettlo centrifugal, 4Vi4 16-lhc; centrifugal whites, 6c; vellow. 4V&4 15-ltte; seconds, Skiir, MOLASSES Nominal; vpen kettle. 13'u 2k:; cantrlfugal, jMc.- Byrup,. nominal a' 20c. ... CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET tattle steady to strong:. Hogs aad Sheep Tea tenia Lower, CHICAGO, May 31. CATTLE Receipts 17.000 head; market steady to strong; good to prime steers. t5.5'lO.36; poor to me dium. tt.QCtfrt 40; stockeis and feeders. 12 .75 $5.00; cows. t2 oOtofi.OO; heifers, t'J.76ti5.4o- canners. Il."tl2 1"; bulls, S2.7Vfr4.80: calves t3.00ti4j.75. HOUS Receipts. 30. UK) nead: estimated for tomorrow, 85.0U0; market ldc lower; mixed and butchers. t6.HK&S S76: aood to choice heavy, f faJfS.tO; rough heavy, 34 50 no. in. ugui, ao.iavo .'; nun or sales, Soya fr30. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 23.0j0 head; market 10c lower for sheep; lambs. 15c lower: good to choice wethers iiliorni' t4 60tt8.C0; fair to choice mixed (shornl. t3.50 4J4 40; western sheep (shorn). t4 0016.00; na. tive ismns itnorn), 8800i.60; western lambs, t5.5oft7.60. Kansas Cltr Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. May tl. CATTLE Re ceipts. 7.i'J bu.. Including 800 southerns , market strong; choice export and dressed tieer steers, x& ralr to good. It.It'i 6 25; western fed steers, tt VSra.75; slockers and feeders. ?3.28'54 46; southern steers. 13 1 fts it; siHithern cows. 12.5'BI85: native rows. - iiui a, uauva neiters ao.AO'UQ.lo, ouus, t.' .751.60; calves, S3 a&.78. HOJS Receipts. 12,030 head: weak to 5c lower; ton. 8565; bulk of sales. t6.3i-a5 27H neavy, to vxum.w. pacgers. b.zotjti.ZiViJ Pigs and lights, t4.75fl5.2a. SHEER AND LAMBS Receipts. ! .000 head; inarltet ic higher; native lambs. 15 5" tl 7.25 ; western lamiis, 15.76 7 36; fd ewes ind yearlings. 14 B.ti'3 75: Texas cllnred vearllnva. . 14 7.5. 2ft- . T-vflS ell rnA alun a ut o, Btoraera sna leecert, tJ.wi-iJi) 74. 141. Joseph Ll,Te Sleek Market, ST. JOSEPH Mav 31 CATTLE-Re relpts. 1.4,(1 head; steady to 10o higher natiyes. t41i0O: rows sod heifers. $1 fc-S tzo; stocKers ana . leaders, -ti tue4.K. UOOi Receipts. ksUt bead: weak to ke Oils and-Itoaln. -. OIL CITY. May 31 OI L Credit balances, $1.27; certificates, no bid; shipments. Pil.470 bbls.; average. 81.44J bbls ; runs. S7.'itl hbls ; average. 72.ti2H bbls. Shipments Lima, ftfi.211 bbls.; Hverage. Si.iwi unis.; runs i.inna, n.i-4 bbls ; average, 52.100 bbls. SAVANNAH, May 31. OI 1 Turpentine, firm. 74c. ROSIN-FIrm: A. H, C. p.TTV.'msf. I. f3.K744l3!0- E. $3.&2VM-P5: F. r..95ii.f'7j: G. 14 011; H, 84.30; 1. J4.70; K . 44 i; 31, to.iu; .-, tfi.:s; u, to ot): wv, Ilry Ooiida Market. NEW YORK. May 31. DRY GOODS Ad vances have occurreti in ton nicao'iea ory riwiile mnrltet which are lAif Sn indication of the firmness which exists generally and which bears evidence or Tesuning uneven higher prices than have already Is-eiri nald. Buvers have not leen particularly HCtlve, but accumulated orders nave teen sum- clent to make a fairly satisfactory aa.y Whisky Market. CINCINNATI, May Sl.-WHIPKY-Dls-tiliers' finished goods quiet on tho .basis of : ......., PEORIA. III.. My 31. h matvi i. for finished goods. Wool Market. ST. LOl'IS, May 31 WOOL Firm ; me dlotn grades, rnmlnnsr and clothing. ' 31'c: light nn.. 2'2V; heav y fine, iffi;i i.Vc ; tub washed. Sl'gti'c. Edwards-Wood Co. ilnrorporsted 1 naia OIllcs: Fil b aad Robsrt Stragti ST. I-AUU. niN.N. DEALaRS IN Stocks, Grain, rrovision, Ship Your Grnitt to Us liraarh Ofaea, tio-lll Hoard of Trade Blelg.. Oaaigba. tit, Telephaae S3td. 211-214 Exchange Oldg., Souh -Omahs Bell Toon a. ludeMadsat 'fttoua 1 1