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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
16 TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TIirRSDAY. .TUNE 1. 100.1. NOW ON SALE ENTIRE Nebraska City Stock ; at Half Price and Less AH the Ladies' Spring Suits from the Birkby Stock,w'th$IO&$15 at 2.50 We place on sale iu the basement today all the ladies' and misses' suits made of cheviots, serges, Sicilians, broadcloths, novelty rloflis and siiitincs blouse and 1 IT J reefer styles and long coat effects rl all the leading colors actually worth as hiph as $10 and $15 each Basement at 71 Ail the 75c Waists from the Neb. City Stock at.... 39c All the Ladies' $1 &S1.50 Waists, Neb. Gy. Stock 69c All ttie Ladies' $2,50-53 Waists, Neb. Gy. Stock 95c HOSIERY from the Nebraska City Stock. Ladies' and men's and children's tan, fast black and fancy hosiery, all over lace, drop stitch, silk embroidered, etc. including children's "Black Cat Leather Flose" worth r as high as 50c pair, at '. UU, B11IY I'lllUllllUClVU, fLV. c-12c-25c Silk Crepe, Mousseline de Soie Lace Silk Mulls and dotted silk mulls from the Nebraska City Stock, black and all colors, 25c and 50c values, at , 10c Wash Goods1 City Stock Basement Swedish cloth in black, blue, pink, brown, linen and cream shades sold in Nebraska City at 1 5c a yard, at, yard...... 4c High grade imported mercerized white and figured waistings Neb. City price 50c. a yard, at, per yard '.. 10c Half linen, fine batistes, Nebraska City price eighteen cents a yard, special, at, per 1 U2C yard All the Ladies' Silk Pleated & Crushed Belts All the silk belts, in all colors, pretty styles pleated and crushed silk, worth 25c each, at OQ All of Birkby and Borcher's gTeat Nebraska City stock Dry Goods, Carpets, Dress Goods, Silks, Muslin Underwear, Cur tains, Draperies, Linings, OAT 17 DDIPI? Veilings and Notions, at KjtLk I IVi VHf , Sale fine Oxford Ties ON THE MAIN FXOOR-Extraordl- nary special bargains In ladles' black, Ian, white and russet Oxford Ties, 3lbaon Ties. Blucher Ties, etc. ON SAL.E AT $1.69. 800 feaira ladles' hand sewed black kldskln Oxford Ties, patent tips, 2uban, military and common sense aceis, On SrJe &t $1.59 1,(00 pairs ladies' hand sewed flexible sole, dark chocolate color Oxford Ties ind Blucher Oxfords, Cuban heels. 600 pairs ladles' fins White Canvas xford and Blucher Oxfords, hand tewed SAles, Cuban and military heels. 00 pairs ladles' easy elastic front or Ids gote black Kldskln Oxfords. Oa Sale at $1.98 and $2.25 an $2.50 1.800 pairs ladles' new tan. new choc- elate and new mode colored Oxfords, hand turn and medium weight welt oles, In all the new heels and toes. rcn 1.200 pairs ladles' black Kldskln Oxfords, In all the new effects, Cuban, mili tary and American heels. I too pairs ladles' Gibson Ties, in white Sea Island cotton, In black, patent 'Wn' Vl. R.U";.'J?1 r.ttlf,n ,n chocolate viol kldskln and black kldskln. 1,609 pairs lad es Chr stle Ties. ln white cotton and duck. In black kid- , ""'. i"i nuBaun can, in cnocoiate vlcl kldsklns. Enormous Cut Price PvOT Sale Pattern Hats at Cost Beautiful DRESS HATS worth ten dollars and twelve-fifty Thursday at BUY MILLINERY NOW. 1508 DOUGLAS ST. A Sterling Compote Would be just the thing for a wedding gift. They arc liew. catchy pieces. They come In ,.,. medium and high patterns. We have thise pieces In cut slaes, wnlrh ore ulo now and nobby. Ju.ti die thing for the bride, fctep In and sec them. l,ook for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, li: Pougias Street. f THE SCHMQLLER 1 I & MUELLER I 8 nncAT 6 UIILIII DISSOLUTION SALE ..EARING THE END TO CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE AT ONCE AND COMPLETE THE SETTLEMENT WE Push Prices Down Again) Our Mock must be aeon to realize the wonderful reduction made on the finest I'innos displayed ln the West. $.m.) buys a good used Upright; $!M1.()0 buys a large "Her liok" Upright, worth double; $118 buys a bland new wnlnut case Upright, worth fully $2.T.00. Other upright, $122, $128, $135, $142, $15.r, to $190, that cannot be du plicated for an even $100.00 more. Investigate and You'll Buy $5.00 Monthly Payments. Accepted. Buyers at a distance should write at once for catalogue, description, etc. . Sauare Pianos and used Organs at jour own price. Address SCHMOLLER & MUELLER THE BIO PIANO HOUSE 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. )5hoe3forMen ff It ! mrprlilns that man will pay 16 00 and 14.00 for hna when thay can set equal and better ralura hare tor $3.50 $2.50 Ions-wearing. eaar flttlni. excellent atyla footwear. In all leath ra and all laata. rry a pair nait time and you'll ba an Onlmod cuatomer tharaaftar. Mall order! ailed. Bend lor atyla boook 11 and naaaurament blank. WHEII YOU PAINT us LOWE BROS.' High 8tandard Liquid Paint It will save you TIME because It Is ready for use and may be depended upon to give best results with leant effort. MONEY-because It excels In spreading; capacity. Is easily worked. Is durable and wears evenly and gradually, making It cnHt you less than any other liquid paint or combination of lead and oil. REPUTATION Every painter who uses It will add to his reputation, because Its quality is thoroughly "high standard," being made of the best pigments and oils obtainable, by the best machinery known. Every Job dune wins a new customer. pk.r gali.ox si.eo PER FIVE-GALLO CA ...S7.TR MYERS-DILLOII DRUG CO,. PAINT DEPARTMENT 1416 Harnay 'Phone 3425 Ooods delivered free to all parts of the city. The OPPORTUNITY of TODAY The opportunity fur the man with little means Is probably better today in the prairie states of the Southwest than ever before In the history of the nation To be sure, there Is not the vast open choice of land for the home steads that existed Tn the '70s The lands then taken up under Govern ment laws are now prosperous farms and ranches There U need of more hands to develop the country. In the Bouthwest, Indian Territory, Okla homa and Texas, are vast areas of un improved land not yei producing the crops of which it Is capable Prac tically the same thing la true ot the towns Few lines of business are adequately represented There are openings of all sorts for wideawake men Are jou one? If you are Interested, tell, us what you want, how much you have to in- we will gladly furnish the inrormation. Write for a copy of our paper, "The Coming Country. Its free. Address George Morloa. CP. k T.4.' In til. St Lean, Ma. Vest, and "m TT W t 1 ""l'tffi V U M M DM kl 1LJJ Ji OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Thursday Fair. First of June Milliaery Ileautiful tshowinp; of mid-suniinor hats. Lace eflVcts In turbans and dross shapes in advanced styles of trimming; differing considerably from early season ideas: Extra special values for June opening, $2.98 and .... 1.98 THE RENOWNED f3 "HINrLAIll" HATS The most pop ular prices and most popular conceptions in down-to-tlie-minute millinery that money can buy. It's a hat of Parisienne inspiration and perfected with American touches. Turbans, "Tommy Atkins", Flaring Dress Shapes, Tuscans, Demi-Dress shapes and no two alike. The rhRrni of modern style in dress Is excUisivonpss. Our ! f peerless $.Yno Sinclair" creation isan oracle of exolu- III I Plveuess easily nn $8.50 ralue yours for J Three Necessary Bargains iiv Our Siit Section sKd A BIO TABLE Fl'LL OF WASH PETTICOATS Made of fancy stripe KinRhams some are rufllod, some plain flounces, only r A eix-h J)C A GOOD KITCHEN IRESS AT HSc-Made of very fine percal.-oome8 In black and whites, blues and whites, red and whites and gravs ex tra full skirt, with a IMneh flounce trimmed with braid, ftQ all sizes, regular $1.25 quality, only ZJOC KITCHEN APRONS A fine gingham Apron, with full sleeves, extra long, belt across back for Thursday 89c June Sale of Laces Fine German and French Val Lace Edgings and Insertions to match in narrow and wide widths in all the dainty patterns Just the lace wanted now to finish the pretty summer dresses they are our regular 20c, 15c and 10c qualities special for vard p 10c, 8 l-3c and J( All-Over Embroideries 18 Inches wide in nice patterns for Tf waists worth 75c yard Thursday ynrd )lC 29c All-Over Swiss Embroidery 18 and 22 inches wide a nice lot of patterns worth 50c yard Thursday yard June Sale of Cotton Suitings About 200 odd pieces of fine cotton suitings, in linens, Tanamas, crashes pretty mixtures, mohairs, etc. goods that are worth 35c lf to 75c yard Thursday yard IC India Liioi Sale 60 pieces plain white and plain black India Lluons nice fine sheer qualities worth 15c yard Thursday yard 10c Sacrifice Sale of Silks for Suits $1.00 SHIRT WAIST SFIT SILK BOe-Thln line comprises all this sea sons most popular weaves, fancy messellnes, fancy foulards, chiffon taffetas, peau de vyiie and 24-luch all silk crepe de Chine-in every wanted plain shade as well as a complete line of neat designs es pecially adapted for shirt waist suits our regular S1.00 aual- rt lty Thursday yard t JjC 90c Pongee Silk 49c Pongee Silk, so much in demand for suits and coats the kind A f that launders our SlOc quality Thursday yard HC W71 Honest advice and perfectly JaLVeS fiulnKla88esPre8crbelonly Fi,t of June s . , AH BOe Spectacles. Thursday for... 25c I All $1 Spectacles and Eye Glasses.. SOc Large lot of Spectacles, etc., sold up to 60c. must close them out Thursday' JEWELRY SECTION MAIN FLOOR. . I5c FURNITURE, CAR.PETS AND DRAPERIES CLEARANCE OF PORCH AND LAWN FURNITURE. ot7R ENTIRE STOCk OF PORCH ROCKERS. ARM CHAIRS RVT-rvw OSC8AVINQDES CU8HIONS ON SALE TlilAsDAA ONErI PORCH ROCKER Double reed seat broad arms, substantially re made, $2.75 value at lm O P?,HH. ROC K E R Na t u ral finish, nigh back, double reed seat. no 13.00 value at . I.VO ARM CHAIR Double reed seat broad arms, $2.76 value 4 ns t 1.75 PORCH SETTEE, massive frame shape, reed seat and back. i it $6.00 value at DOL'BLE ROCKER-Weather-proof nnlah, closely woven reed seat, lilirh back, $6.76 value a tB. at 4.VO SETTEE With paneled seat, broad shaped arm, reed back, very artistic, ftnlahed forest green, $6.00 A OS value at ARM CHAIR AND ROCKER to match above settee, $3.75 ife value at A A O BAMBOO PORCH SCREENS Afford perfect shade and ventilation: it. oy b rt., regular $1.36 value at 8 ft. by 10 ft., regular $2 60 value at 6x6 Matting Screens, $3.45 value at ,..98c .1.98 2.50 Imported Cuban Porch Mats 18c and 12c valuea at each 10c m and 7C Imported Stuffed Japanese Mt. three for $1.10 a p. 40C iree for $1.10 each Fish! Fish! All Kinds of Fresh Fish at Lowest Prices. ' DIRECT SHIPMENTS. Cat Fish, Bull Heads. Pike. Croppies. Halibut. Salmon, , White Bass, Eel Whitefish. Guaranteed Fresh Lake Qln Trut, Povnd O2U Meat Section Basement Bennett's Big Grocery Special on Bennett's Capitol Pure Flavoring Extracts the best on the markot. Ten Green Trading Stamps with 2-ounee bottle Bennett's Capitol Extracts jxo Twenty ($21 Green Trading Stamps with 4-ounce bottle Bennett's Capitol Extracts 33c Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with 3 cans Rocky Mountain Cream 2jc Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with pound package Batavia Seeded Raisins iy0 Diamond "C" Soap. 10 bars 25c Pyramid 'Washing Powder,' pk'g Castile Soap, cake Condensed Cream, can Iemon Extract, bottle Table Syrup, 2'-pound can Fuh Iknumstration SampUi Free Five (.TV) Green Trading Stamps with can Marshall's Kippered Herring Hie Five (.Sth j Green Trading Stamps wi'th can Marshall's Tomato Herring 30c Five (,Vc) Green Trading Stamps with can Marshall Fresh Herring... 15o 3H" 2Ho .Aa ..60 .80 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Ak"for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I " trm 11 1 mmmm ,M Mi , wn.- f DE8T BECAUSE Ton are HOT paying tor kill rta, tvmmo Mlatlaur, elooka. tr itali. eta., but for Vta QaalHy fl araaa Tobaeeo, 4CAL, Isarl cicsura. Bold d'reot to Ute reuue ajr ut uau uvu vn. HOME INDUSTRY. We do not ask for patronage Just because we manufacture our goods In Omaha, we ask for It, because we can furnish a better article for less money than can b had elsewhere. We have t lie largest aKsortiuent of trunks, traveling bags and ult case in tna city. Omaha. Trurvk Factory, 1209 Farnam Street Headquarters for all kinds of LAWN AND PORCH FURNITURE. woe THB II B 1.1 A II LB ITORB. See our new STRAW AND PANAMA HATS Most compltl lint in Iht city. Enticing Values in Ladies9 Suits FASHION K Wt'HS WHITE and to sun ply the e i i nlln.iry demand our buyer made ext-nsle pun Muses In these lines. .. The variety of Ftle mid fnbrlc ln ourV grand coll-i-timi of lilte suits Is almost unlimited. S, e tin mi. LIXKN ANH LAW N SPITS In rtnlntlly trtmmrd Bn.1 titiMhml beautiful design very hM'i'Ml, at ti IliviKj, L C $12.W. $1" i, $: fv inn) 3a UKAPTH'l l. (OSTPMKS ln ptnk. trejim iitul 111 u. - Imsiu t If 1 1 1 1 y trltiini.-d vnn ioip.'1'ieM i. u-rs Kirmetits in on .VI well rtli SM iihI STYLISH SII.K SI ITS in all col- O lju ors, worth to "i -Tlun silny O.OO RKDINGOTKH -One tht vest's most stylish tt.ll inenl 4 i, ,, qualiiv Glverniand'n t.iftcl.i. w r t li up (u to ohol- TlnirK,l;iy lO.OU WOMKN'H WASH COATS In Reding. to CcilTee nod Hox styles, made of fine Uihm s end Sicilians it line fi iu at $1.1, $12.(-ki, Jin. $s.jtfi nnd OiVO $.vXl Walking Skirts, Thursday at $9 on I-nnnmii and Sicilian Skirls, A Thursday ....4.VO $ri in Silk I Udersklrts, all colors rt Ofcl and blink, at UiVu 2.Q8 Pretty Wash Waists, worth tin to $1.00, nt , MORNING HOPR SI'ECIALS. From S till 9 a. m. Pressing Sacques rtS-r, ln light and dark colors OCJw Fmm 8:30 till 9:30 a. m.-$1.50 Wash AQr Undersklrts, great snap, at From 9 till 11 a. m. 2.50 Wash Suits, special at 1.00 39c Stylish Waists In all colors and white worth up to $1 fiO special - J Thursday OOC $."i.l) Jsp Silk and Kmbroldered IJnen Waists beautiful designs f special aS.VO The most complete line of Iresa Waists in the city splendid values, es fi at $1250 down to O.UU Thursday Underwear Specials INDIES' VKSTS Mostly Imported llsles ln plain and fanry 1C (ft e colors, worth up to 60c, divided Into three lots, at IVC"lUC"OC MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S VESTS AND PANTS ln all sixes, regular ni 25c and 3Hc qualities choice latfaC BOYS' BAI.BRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS In all sizes; drawers r. knee length, shirts with long or short sleeves, snap nt, per garment lfC LADIES' CORSET COVERS AND DRAW KRS-Made. of fine cambric and trimmed in fine laces and embroideries, regular 75c and Slsc Qualities Af special Thursday at . 4VC Grand June Grocery Opening The best goods on the market for the least money. " The best Pearl Tapioca, pound Sc The best Pearl Harley, pound Sc The best Pearl Sago, pound 3c Choice Japan Rice, pound 3c Jellycon or Jello, package Condensed Cream, per can 7Vsc Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c 1-lb. cans F-in.-y Alaska Salmon 9c Chow Chow Pickles, per quart 10c 1-lb. cans Rex Pork and Iteans, with sauce Ec Potted Ham, Deviled Hani or Potted Tongue, rvr can 3tyc 1-lb. Jars Pure Kruit Preserves 7ao B-lh. palls Pure Fruit Jelly i,i0 10 bars Swift's Pride, Reat-'Em-All or White Tarls Laundry Soap 26c 7 lbs. best Brenkfast Oatmeal 15c Malta Vita, Egg-O-See or Xcelo, per package 7Hc . 4 . 40 Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps, pound .... The best Soda C rackers, pound Fresh Bread, per loaf PIN E A Pl'LES. PINEAPPLES If you are going to preserve this de licious fruit now Is the time. The crop Is short and prices will be much higher. As long as the consignment last: we will sell: Regular 10c size everywhere, for 6o Regular 12Uc size every inhere, at 7jo Regular l.v size everywhere, at I0o No peduicra or merchants supplied at these prices. ... Fancy large Seedless Lemons, do iio fv. Get a nice cold drink of Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer, Free In grocery, , department. We soil the famous Waterloo Ice Cream Take home a brick. HAVDER) BROS: .niaiin",fai in i - " A HUNDRED YEARS 1 MAY CO (VIE AND GO AND STILL THE Cak inn mm GRAPHOPHONE will repeat the sayings, the songs and the music of today as sweet aa the vole Itself a strong and Impressive aa the very words out of the mouths of pow erful speakers aa rich and enchanting as the music direct from the instru menta ln the hands of the great musters. So does a Columbia Grapbopbone re peat tone for tone and strain for strain. Do you want entortulnmniit ln your home? It's mighty nice to know that you can have it at any hour ln the day or night and with no expenae or exertion. Have you a baby in your home? If yon have It will be worth $50 to let that huby hear a Colombia Orapho phone. It la a whole little world of mubie and fun all ln Itself. The fact of its winning the Grand Highest Award at the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition la argument enough to make you want one. You can get one practically free. Under the Special Arrangement with the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONB CO. at 1621 Farnam Street, we are enabled to offer A $12.50 Columbia Disc Graphophoie With a Year's Subscription to The Evening and Sunday Bee FREE. Thrsls th Columbia regular fclCPO Diae Graph ophon a-1 Mnnot b bought anywhere for lea. Olren KftEB to our readers. The Columbia Graphophona raoalvad t he Grand Highest Award at the Si. Louis ExpostUon; 10O4. It Is yours wuh a aubacrlfttloo to this paper FREE of all oosU Mall this today not tomorrow t Coupon of Inquiry CWaatoUea Dep-, OMAHA BaTO, Qaae. web. rtau aa! rear iea.sieMe te way sitirase aa trtTas bJuw te skew Uae aiiArBOrRONtD r eSar wtth rare suaeertpiiwa Vo TWO OMAHA UKmV KttOk iMesjseeeeeee4ieH Aflslr saae we aae J Wl ae.T muU ansottamu ta cupthr Mell itu(itrs wild the OrauteilKiOt, tot tuJ SrUaulare Haul us this Mail Subscriber Caupon OrwkllM Zt, OMAHA KllsV Osuti., Ksa. ricaea n4 mt MQ VLttUnaairs l)-w to i OX raJamUs, ,mpo. (bcau aira-UcvLy ti-. N Adarase .... Data.. r