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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MAY 31. 1905. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA V COUNCIL BLUFFS MISOR MKTIO. tsn tells drags. P'.p'kert ell carpet. 'p'.uDibtnc and heating. Blxby A Bon. rr Woodbury, dentist, 30 Pearl street Mcrgan sY Dicker for paint, oil and clans. LeSert's Improved Tone lenses civ satis faction. Pr Lueiia Bhaw Dean. tiomooDalh. Brown build. ng, room I. TeL . I'lcture and art noveltle for graduation gifts Alexander', lit Broadway. Rubber paint. Impervious to water. Ber wick, 21 South Main. Telephone Wis. Big summer school at Western Iowa col lege June, July. August. Electric fans. Puncan. 3 Main St., guarantees to do the bent aho repair work. Give him a trial. Mr Harry C. Valentine of Denver, Colo.. I visiting her mother. Mrs. Robinson, of 71 South Twetity-fourtb street. Fire Chief Nicholson received word ves- terclHy that Cedar Falls would be repre sented by a large delegation at the tourna ment here next week. A marriage license waa issued yesterday to peter Kehnlm. aaed 22. and Kessio Burn, aa-ed 1, both of Omaha, Justice Field officiated at the wedding. The work of Interior decoration of the Csrtiegie library waa completed yesterday and it Is epTtd that the gas and electric light fixture will be Installed by today, hen the building will be ready to recelva the furniture. The base ball team of the Bora' club of Bt. Paula Episcopal church defeated the team of the Hoys' club of Ht. Martins TRIBUTE TO THE VETERANS Much Largrer Crowd Thin Umal itteoti Memorial Day Exercises, TWO NOTABLE ADDRESSES DELIVERED Parade Viewed by Many Pee pie All Along Llae of March Taroaah City to Fairmont Cemetery. Not for several years l.ave the Memorial day extrcluea of the veterans of the Orand Army of the Republic been at tended by auch a large gathering as waa the case yesterday afternoon at Fairview cemetery. The day proved almost an Ideal one, although the morning broke some what chilly and with cloud laden skies, but these cleared away and by the time the parade began to form around Baylies park the sun was shining brightly and Its rays were tempered by a light breeie. There were large crowds on the streets along the line of march to watch the church. South Omaha, yesterday by a ecore ! parade and do honor to the remnant of rae has recommended that bids be lnrlted on both propositions and If tha difference In the bids Is not too great that concrete alona be used as a baae. It la understood that a number of Interested property own ers on the streets proposed to be paved will protest against the usa of eoncreta on account of Its greater cost. 3; o 11 lo 1. The game was played on the f rounds near the Milwaukee freight depot n tnis city. Hivi ou money to burn? Most people have other use for it Tou will not burn up ao much by buying your mantles, burner and globes, etc., of us at Jobbers' price. We do nickel and copper plating. Lawn mowers sharpened. New specialty Manu facturing company. Dennis Dlneen, 1S3 Fourth avenue, died yesterday morning, aared 63 years. His wife, (.tie daughter and (ie aon. D J. Dlneen of Omaha, survive him. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from Si. Fraiic.e Xavler's church and Interment will be In St. Joseph cemetery. The receipts In the general fund of the Christian Home last week were 115.55, be ing below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency to t3.&M.Sn. In tho manei's fund the receipts were 121.76, be in;? til 15 below the needs of the week and IncredslnR the deficiency to M&7.0& to date In thla fund. Another Incident In the high school class rivalry occurred yesterday morning when the seniors succeeded In floating their class flag from the cupola of the old high school building on Olen avenue. Topping the class flag la the national emblem. A squad of enters la on guard to prevent the juniors laullng them down. Herbert Brhluter wa struck by a switch engine at the Broadway Northwestern crossing last night and his right leg broken. He was also severely bruised about the body. Bchluter stepped aside to avoid pas senger No. 76 and directly In front of a switch engine. He was taken to his home at SJ2 North Ninth street In the ambulance. John Anderson, an old time resident of thl city, living at Twentieth avenue and Twelfth street, was taken to St. Bernard' hospital last evening. He has recently be come more or less deranged mentally, and his condition yesterday was such that his fsmlly decided he needed restraint. Some years ago he suffered a stroke or paralysis nd hi present condition Is attributed to tils. Oldeabara's Troable Bad. The trouble, domestic and otherwise of Charles Oldenburg, are at an end. Sen tenced to three month Imprisonment In the county Jail for attacking hi daughter during a family row, the old man about a week ago commenced to fall rapidly and was removed to the county poor farm where he Could obtain fresh air. The change, however, failed to benefit him, and death yesterday morning released him from alt his troubles and care. He was 62 years of age and is survived by his wife and four daughters. Hi home wa at 8116 Second avenue. The funeral will he held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Cutler's undertaking rooms and burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. ifti litltut. famsex siMATOLoert WHY BE GRAY MRS. KETTIE HARRISOVS 4-DAY HAIR RESTORER Will brine hack the natural color. Gray or ftded fiair restored permanently with out inconvenience and with no ilisajrree abie after effects. Not a dye; Is cleanly; leaves no sediment, aud does not make tho bo ir Micky. $1.00. Mrs. 1RTT1B HtRRItO. Pernutologltt. IS 't Tth St.. Sew York. . T. 14 nurr .. an Francisco. Cat. For ! by Sjnermait McConnell Drug Co.. St. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge. Omaha. the great army of '61. The parade formed on Willow avenue and aa follows: Platoon of Police In Command of Captain O Nell. Band. Colonel John Lindt. Marshal, and Major Don Macrae, Chief Aide. High School Cadets in Command of Captain Delaney. Dodge LiKht Guards In Command of Caxitain Rutherford. Major MrFail.len 'a Drum and Fife Corp. Abe Lincoln l'ot, Grand Army of the Republic, in Command of Colonel Abbott. Veterans of the Philippine Campaign. Uniformed Woodmen of the World. Junior Woodmen of America. Council Bluffs Division, Vniform Rank, TCnights fif the Maccabees. In Com mand of Captain Elgan. Women of the Relief Corp In Carriages. Aldermen and City Officials In Carriage, i ni.. t i . . n , I rile Ln-ym i iiirui. Private Carriages. The column marched to First street on Broadway and on Washington avenue to ! Oakland avenue and then to Fairview cem I etery. where the exercises were held ' around the Kinsman monument. In the center of the soldiers' burying ground. Following assembly by the drum corp. Rev. Jame O May, pastor of the Broad way church, opened th exercises wfth an Invocation, after which the band rendered a patriotic air and Mrs. Sadie L. Marine sang a solo. Then came the oration of the day by Hon. L. T. Genung of Glenwood, la. Mr. Genung, who Is possessed of an elo quence characteristically his own, waa at his best and. although he spoke for about forty minutes, he held the attention of hia immense audience from first to laat. Being himself a veteran of the civil war, his subject naturally inspired him, and his words made the heart oS many an old soldier around him beat with pride at the thought that he had been one of the great army which had responded to the call at tho time of hia country' need and had done hi part In preserving the union. Following the singing by Miss Myrtle Winter and the Methodist church quartet an original poem appropriate to the day was read by Rev. O. W. Crofts, formerly of thl city, now of Beatrice, Neb. The exercises at the grave of the un known dead were opened by E. L- Phugart, president 'Of the day, with few remarks. Rev. A. E. Burlff. pastor of Trinity Meth odist church, delivered the oration, which was a beautiful eulogy on the men who died and were burled In the trenches. The exercises were brought to a close with the firing of the salute over the grave by a squad from the Dodge Light guards. IOWA MAX TAKES HIS OWJ LIFE Sea of Banker Head of Jefferson Dies from Morphine Poison. PORTLAND, Ore.. May '.-gpeclal Tel egram.) George Head, son of Mahlon Head, banker of Jefferson, la., took mor phine in a lodging house this morning and died on hi way to the hospital. He left a letter addressed to his father asking for giveness. He said he wished he was home, but could not come. He had received 170 from hi father recently. He sent a mes sage to his wife that he loved her, but was heart broken. Ha came to Portland recently from Dalle, wher be worked as a lineman on a railroad. Memorial Day at Onawa. ONAWA, la.. May 30. (Special Tele gramsMemorial day was duly observed In Onawa, the Son of Veteran having charge of the exercises so as to relieve Hanscom post of most of the labor. Ex ercises were held at the opera house at 2 o'clock. The audience sang "America. Commander Perkins read Lincoln Gettys burg address, Miss Ganett sang "The Star Spangled Banner" and Rev. Legrand Pace delivered an address, paying high tribute to the soldier of the civil war. At the cemtery the ritual service of the Grand Army of the Republic In honor of the dead were conducted. All business was suspended from 1 to 4. Rev. Zickafoos of Onawa delivered the Memorial address at Rodney to a large audienoe. Newspaper Change. MAPLETON, la.. May JO. Special. ) Prof. T. V. Bird, present principal of the Mapleton schools, has purchased the Maple ton Press of H. U. Charpln and will con tinue tho business. COAKUJbUKnT OTltKS. I 1 OFFICE CONSTRICTING QUARTEK uwiur, Si.eriaan, Vo.. May U. IK. fceuita prtpoai in triplicate will be re ceived at tnls office until lu a. m. (Moun tain time), jui.e 16. lyft. for constructing 1 set commanding officer's quarters. 1 Set fieid officers' quarters, I double seta cap tains' quarters. 1 eight-set bachelor otfl ters' quarters. 1 quauruple set N. C. staff imcers quarters. 2 double barracks, 1 band barracks, 1 administration building. 1 wagun shed, 1 hay sued. 1 shop. X magaxine and 1 granary; enlarging leaent guar a tiouse ana installing piumu- X, heating and electric wiring in bulld- where specified at Fort Mackenzie, 0. Plans and specifications may be a at offices of depot quartermaster, w York City. Philadelphia and St. Louis: lef quartermaster. Chicago. St. Paul. maha and lenver; the quartermaster, B. .A.. Seattle, ana at lis omee. at which latter place all Information may be obtained. Bidders must slate the time In Mrh they will complete the work bid for. V B. reserves the right to accept or re- yri any or all bids or any jart thereof. ropoaais should b enclosed in sealed en- veluiies marKed. "Proposals for Public Buildings, addressed Capt. James S. Par ker, g. M., V. 8. A. M Jtv-27-lS-Sl-JlS-U. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office. Omaha. Neb., May SI, 1j6 Sealed propiisals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until lu o cio n a. m., central standard time, June 15, ljf, for the construction, plumbing, l.eating. eleotrlc wiring, etc., at Fort Omaha. Nebraska, aa follows: One () set nela ofnrer quarters, one (II double cap tains' quarters, three (3i double lieuten ants' quarters, one (1) single vet N. C. B officers quarters, one (1) quadruple N. C b. omcera quarter, one (it hospital, one (1) double barracks and one (1) administra tion building. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. Proposals to ne mar sea -rroposais lor construction etc." as the rasa may be. and addressed to Major M. (Jray Zallnskl. Constructing wuariermaaier. Army uuumng. Omaha, X I 1 J t OFFICB OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR TERMASTER. Fort Des Moines, la.. May a. Ixu6. Sealed proposals, in u-iplicaia, will be received hero until U a. m , standard time. June IS, lor construction ana piumDing ol 1 regi mental held atari and band stable, and one magazine and ordnance storehouse, at Fort Des Moines, la. Information furnished on application. United Slates reserves right to accept, or reject any and oil prwpoaaia r parts inereoi. envelopes containing ro po sals should be Indorsed "Proposals for onatrucuoa, aaarcsaea to L. Hardeman, (4 aa. a-U-J l-l-ll-li Dales of Teachers' Examinations. County Superintendent O. J. McManua, member of tho State Board of Educational Examiner has received the following no tice to applicant for tate certificate from Hon. John T. Biggs, president of the board and state superintendent of pub lic instruction with the request that It be given due publicity: The Btate Board of Educational Examin ers ha appointed examinations for regu lar state certinoaies, two-year siaie cer tificates and primary state certificates for the year 16 at the following times ana places: Des Moines, June IS, 1 and 17; July 17, 2S and V. Sioux Cltv. July 77. Z8 and 2. Shenandoah and Mount Vernon. July 20. 3 and 22. Iowa City. June . 7 ana : July i, s ana Council Bluffs. June l. ana a; ;no vemlier 27. 28 and 29. . . Cedar Falls. May 31. June 1 ana z: July 19. 2u and 21; November 27. A and . Des Moines at the time of the Stat Teachers' asHOristion. The examination for the lire diploma wui 1 given on the Friday and Saturday Im mediately following Thanksgiving day. The president of the hoard is authorised to appoint tlmea and places for other ex aminations where not less than ten bona fide applicants file resrist ration blanks, cre dentials and fees with him. Graduates of the state university ana state normal school are expeciea to nie their applications with the president of the institution from which they gradu ated. All other correspondence should be addressed to the president ot tne ooara. K. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250 Night. F7 SPANISH . KING IS IN PARIS Gnno Sonnsl Royal Salute When Alfonso Arrives on Visit to Froneh Capital. PARIS, May IP The royal training hlp bearing King Alfonso of Spain for a week's visit, arrived this afternoon. President Loubet greeted the king aa he descended, while batteries of artillery thundered a royal salute of 101 gun. A large force of troops rendered military honors and the vast assemblage gave an enthusiastic popular greeting to hi ma jesty, who wa drtased in the full uniform of a 8panish captain general. He entered a state coach with M. Loubet and was es corted by a regiment of culrraasiers to the d'Orsay palace, where sumptuous apart ment had been provided for him. Later the king exchanged visits with President Loubet. Tonight M. Loubet gave a gala dinner at the Ely see palace In honor of his majesty. In the course of the dinner the king and the president exchanged cordial toast. Tho president gave expression to the warm sympathy existing between tho two nation, saying that for the fulfillment of the task before them It wa only neces sary for the politician at Pari and Mad rid to follow nature. The countrie were everywhere neighbor and ought to bo friend, showing confidence in each other and mutually supporting pacific effort. In reply King Alfonso said that tho re ception given him showed the perfect ac cord existing between France and Bpain, which would servo to strengthen the bond uniting tho two countrie. MINISTERS CONSIDER REFORMS Early Announcement of Liberal Policies Are Xow Expected at St. Petersburg. The city council will meet tonight for the purpose of further considering the question of paving a number of streets. In view of the difference of opinion among the aldermen as to the us of homemade brick or concrete for tho base Mayor Mac- ONSTRUCTINO QUARTERMASTERS Office. Omaha, Neb.. May 27. lKot Sealed roposala. In triplicate, subject to the uul conditions, will oe received here until le p clock a. m , central staandard time, June (. Us, for erecting, painting and providtna roucrol foundation tor a flagstaff at Fort Omaha, Neb. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plans and spoclncaUons may be sn. Propositi to be marked 'Proposal for Erecting Flsg Staff, Etc." and addressed to Major M. Grav Zsllnskl. Constructing Quartermaster, Army UuiUling. Omaha. Nob. May27-2-S0-Jl-JneJ-e PROOSALS FOR TRANSPORTATION Chief Quartermaster' Office. 4!S Pullman Building. Chicago. 111-. May 1. HV Sealed proposals. In duplicate, will bo receiveo i here until 11 a. m.. central time. June 1, !, and then opened, for furnishing trans portstlon for military supplies from points In the United Htatee to Mama. r. i.. rrom July 1, lVo, to Jun . lis inmrmsinn f imlshed on appltrttlon. Envelopes run- 'ulntra uroncsals to be raaraea. j-roposi f'r Transportation." and addressed lo l.leut Cut W. H. Miller. Chief Q M Uaj'1-2 I-4-2S-S1 Efficiency Gains Position Mis Mamie Byford of Missouri Valley, who recently finished a course In shorthand at tha Western Iowa College, secured, by the assistance ot Pres. E. P. Miller, an excellent position at a handsome oalary In the general office of tho B. & M.. Ry.. Omaha. This vacancy ha been open tor several weeks and at least fifteen appli cants from other colleges, many of whom having had experience, failed to secuce the position on account of inefficiency. This further demonstrates the fact that .he Western Iowa College is the most thorough college in this part of the country, a a J that it secure position for Its worthy araduatea. i ST. PETERSBURG. May . Tho com mittee of ministers today commenced the consideration of the plan for the constitu tion of the national assembly as formulated by the Bouligln Rescilpt commission, and It Is possible that if the- news of the Rus slon naval disaster reacts seriously on the temper of tho people that there may bo an attempt to relieve the situation by an early announcement on this subject. LODZ, Russian Poland. May 30. Tho strike here 1 extending. About 15,000 work men are now out. A police aergeant wa shot and killed in the street during the night and tho manu facturer are urgently appealing for gov ernment protection. REGULARS IN THE PARADE rint Time Det L'oints Seei Entire Eegi matt of Cavalry ia Line. GOVERNOR CUMKINs PRINCIPAL ORATOR Omaha Tlrldce and Terminal Com pany Reports Ita Rarnlnsrs on Line In Itirs-Northwestern Reports. (1'ioin a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES, la.. May 30. (Special.) For the first time sine Fort Des Molne ha been occupied by federal troops the entire Eleventh csvalry was In line and paraded the streets of Des Moines. They were escorted by a rlatoon of police and lead tho line of march for the Memorial day observance. The Iowa National guad, the Spanish-American war veterans, the Sons of Veterans. Grand Army of the Re public, and others parMrpated In the par ade. The address of the day was made this afternoon In the Auditorium by Gov ernor Cummins. The parade marched Im mediately to the cemetery, where the graves of deceased soldiers were decor ated. This ceremony was completed by noon and the exercises at the Auditorium were held at 2 o'clock. Governor Cum mins announced that he had not prepared a set Fpeech. Moved by the Inspiration of the hour he delivered a most effective ora tion eulogizing the men in whose honor theajlay wa observed. Reslstanre to Rehenrlnsr, In the resistance to the petition for a rehearing In the cape testing the biennial election law the defense, which won the decision of the supreme court declaring the law constitutional, declares that the arguments of the appellants are more criti cisms than arguments and need not be answered The resistance to the appeal reached the supreme clerk's office today. The claim that the supreme court erred In not holding the law constitutional be cause of the provision for selecting a chief Justice Is answered at some length by re viewing the oral arguments before the su premo court. The argument aa to chool elections being changed to fall Is dismissed as unworthy of notice. Pottawattamie Case Filed. The abstract In the case of the state against William W. Koller for adultery reached tho supreme clerk' office today. Koller was Indicted for adultery alleged to have been committed December 21. IMS, with one Mr. Cohen. LilUe M. Koller, hi wife, was the chief witness before tho grand Jury. say Hrrrlott Hot Candidate. According to a rumor that Is being cir culated John Herriott. lieutenant governor, wJIl not be a candidate for governor. The rumor, it Is claimed, comes from Herriott' friends, who state that his health is such that he cannot enter a campaign. He Is said now to be In a Chicago hospital. Mr. Herriott thus far has been the only active candidate in the state for that office. Omaha Bridge and Terminal. A report from the Omaha Bridge and Ter minal railway to the executive council ha reached that office and hows for the one half mile of road In Iowa net earnings at tho rate of aso.30B.24 per mile, which Is the largest net earnings per mile of any road that ha yet reported. . For the half mile of road the gross earnings were $27, 40 02 and the gross operating' expenses 2, 256.40, making the net earnings $25,152.62. The rolling stock for the entire line ia given as $7,000. The Chicago Northwestern report reached the executive council today and shows 1,570.25 miles of road in Iowa, with a total valuation of $30.304. 8SS for the Iowa mileage. The net earrings per mile are reported .23. which Is lower than mot of th large roads. To Firemen's Tournament. Saturday two crews of the local fire de partment will leave for Council Bluffs to enter the firemen' tournament contest. Company No. 2, with the champions. Jack ana Jack, will carry the regular crew, eon slating of Captain Harvey Brown, Willis Wllklns, John Howard and Joe Riggs, driver. The No. 1 team will bo John Mar tin, driver; Clarence Wilkin. The lat ter, with Captain Brown, will do the coupling required In the different race. Other who will probably accompany the team to the tournament are Fire Chief Burnett. Mayor Mattern. Aldermen Smith and Whitney and Chief of Police Jones. haw to Address Banker. Secretary Leslie M. 6 haw 1 expected to be in this city June 7 and 8 for the pur pose of addressing the State Bankers' as sociation. Addresses will be made by Hon Henry Vollmer of Davenport and State Auditor B. F. Carroll. As entertainment features there has been arranged a trip to Fort Des Moines to witness a review of the troops and a section of Ingersoll Park theater has been chartered for the evening Clerks Meet. Tha annual meeting of the Iowa Btate association of postofflce clerks is being held today in the government building at pttumwa. lightship, but that neither ot the vessels sustained fstal damage. That one or the other did not gi to the bottom was due more to good fortune than anything else, according to the story told by the Lucia's officers, as the Eagle Wing was traveling at a tremendous sjeed through dense fog when the crash came. The schooner Jib boom w torn away, the Luciv Immense derrick on the fore ward deck wa napped off and its rails and bridge were smashed as the Eaclt Wing forerlggitig ept along the slJ. As tho schooner disappeared In the fog It I signaled that none of Its crew had been Injured and that all of Its damage was above tho water line. TOUCHES BUTTON THURSDAY Ceremonies at Washington Opening Portland Fnlr Will Duplicate SI. Loala Affair. PORTLAND. Cre.. May .-In a letter received by the exposition officials William Loeb. secretary to President Roosevelt, ad vise tho program at the Whit House on Juno 1 In connection with the opening of the Lewis and Clark centennial will be substantially a duplicate of that performed last year in the opening of the Louisiana Purchase exposition. President Roose velt' part of the ceremony will take place In the historic east room of the White House and will be participated In by mem bers of the cabinet, the chief Justice and associate Justices of the supreme court, ambassadors and ministers of foreign countries and other dignitaries. Following tho St. l.ouis program, when Preaident Roosevelt la advised that all is in readiness for the opening of the fair, he will greet his party la a short address, and then touch tho golden key, which will transmit the signal for the opening of the Lewis and Clark centennial and which will start the machinery of the exposition. Later congratulatory telegrams will be exchanged between President r.oosevelt and W. H. Goode. president of the fair corporation. Coincident with tho touching of the key a battery of artillery stationed near the White House will fire the national salute. John I. Fcofleld. chief clerk of tho War department and Its representative on the board, is here. M. W. Chance, In a similar capacity with the Postofflce department, will arrive today. Colonel Cecil Clay and C. H. HaFtlnKS of the government board, and representing respectively the Depart ment of Ju.itire and library of congress, are In tho city and the remaining members of the board will arrive within the next day or two. It is announced that the Irrigation committees of congress will leave Wash ington for Portland on June 1 for the pur pose of attending the National Irrigation congress to be held at the Lewis and Clark exposition. While enroute they will attend tho opening of the Truckee-Carson irriga tion district in Nevada on June 17. CHICACOSTRIhE WILL SPREAD i Active Eoitiiiiirt Ixper.ied B:wea Con tending Forces Todaj, SASH AND DOOR DhiVERS WILL GO CUT First Break Ocrnrs In tbe Ranks of the Team Owners' Asanrlatlon Ramor of Peace e. CHICAGO. Miv There was nothing done on either side of the teamsters strike today, but active hostilities are promised for tomorrow, and the chief trouble is rxpected to come in the ljmber district. In aduiiion to the lumber teamsters, who are now out, there will In all probability be a strike of all the men employed by thirty-five sash and door factories, as these concerns have announced that to morrow they will commence making de liveries to boycotted houses Application has been made by them to the officers of the Employers' Teaming company for 2-5 driver, and they will be sent Into the lumber district tomorrow. The number of union men who are expected to strike by noon tomorrow 1 about 2, and it Is ex pected that the extension of the strike will cause more rioting In that part of the city. The police declare, however, that they are abundantly able to handle the situation. A break In the ranks of the Team Own ers' association occurred today. The mem bers of thl organisation have throughout the strike acted more In favor of the teamsters than they have as allies of the Employer' association and have for the greater part refused to make deliveries to boycotted houses. TheWeaver Coal company, one of the largest concerns In the city, announced this afternoon that commencing tomorrow It would make de liveries of coal to ell boycotted houses. The firm employs fifty drivers, and It is ex pected that they will all walk out In the morning. Rnmora of Peace, There were today several rumors of peace negotiations, but none of them amounted to anything. The executive council of the teamsters Is reported to be divided on the question of submitting the question of calling off the strike to a referendum vote of all the members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters throughout the country. President Shea and two members of the council are opposed to the plan. Five members of the council are said to be In favor of referendum vote. CITY AND JUVENILE COURT Local Department Favors Appropria tion of Money, While Conncll nen Are Holding Rack. The demand of the Juvenile court com mittee upon the city for $3,S0O annually to assist in defraying estimated expense of $10,000 is concerning the municipal authori ties and they don't know exactly what to do about It. The legal department has about decided to advise the council that It is i . rfectly legitimate to appropriate the money under the general welfare section of the charter, the theory being that if the city can maintain Jails, houses of correc tion, detention home and other institutions It can delegate the power to the county and the district court, which have direct charge of the Juvenile court machinery. On the other hand, however, the city gen eral fund is overdrawn and as no Juvenile court expenses were anticipated when the levy was made, there seem to be no money available for the purpose. For thl reason counctlmen are holding out against making the appropriation, which is wanted at the rate of $3ii0 a month. They ay Omaha pays seven-tenths of the taxes of Douglas county anyway and that the city will bear the lions share of the burden at the best; further that the county ought to go ahead and fix up Its Juvenile court business prop erly, and if it creates a deficit make it up by taxation next year. All city officer agree, however, that the Juvenile court idea l on worthy of encouragement and from ociological standpoints imperative. HONOLULU JAVANESE REJOICE Asiatics on tho Hawaiian Island Prepare for Celebration of Kaval Victory. HONOLULU. May JO.-Th Japanese at Honolulu are arranging for a celebration of Japan naval victory. The territorial legislature adjourned last night. AH national guard apropriatlon and tha appropriation asked for the govern ment for thirty-five year wero refused by the legislature. Tha hand will probably bo maintained by the ritlsena of Honolulu. Tho National guard I likely to disband, or will b largely reduced In numbers. It is claimed by tho opponent of the ap propriation asked for that Governor Carter ha tho power under the army regulation to use the federal force and that be ha superior power in this respect to any stats. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 28 PEARL ST."10"1' Lady Attondaatt If Dealrod. LEGAL NOTICE. BONDS FOR BALE Bid are wanted on a liO.OOO issue of refunding school bonds of School District No. On of Weston County. Wyoming, said tsau being In 10 bonds of $l.orm each, bearing six (ti per oont interest, interest payable s-m!-annua!ly Tbe first bond of ll.uJU la payable 5 year from date of Issue and on bond of fl.Ooa each year thereafter until paid. For further in formation adJrea A. EVA. S3, Clerk of School Board. Newcastle, Wyo. aOldJut tu Mr. Choato Starts Homo. LONDON, May 10 -Mr Choate, th retlr tng ambassador, and Mrs. Choate left Euaton station today on their way to Liver pool, wher they will embark on tha steamer Carorla for New York. A largj gathering of English friend and a few Americans bid them farewell. Among those at tho station wore Colonel Douglas Dawson, master of ceremonies, representing King Edward and Lord Wema and Sir Bernard Erie Barrlngton, representing tho Foreign office. Deesrate Mikado's Reprooeatatlva, BERLIN, May v-Em per or William to day bestowed the order of the Black Eagle on Prince Arlsugawa. who will represent the emperor of Japan at tho wedding of Crown Prince Frederick and conferred tho Red Cross medal on Princes Art Ufa a, BIG SHIPS N COLLISION Austrian Steamer and American schooner strike at Sea, bnt No One Injnred, NEW YORK. May S0.-New of a nar rowly averted tragedy at ea wa brought here by the Austrian eteamer Lucia, which arrived today from Mediterranean port. The Lucia reported that it wa In collision yesterday with the big four-maated Fall River (Mass.) schooner, Eagle Wing, about ixty mile south-southeast of Sandy Hook MONEY SURVIVES THE ROBBERY ninety Dollars Foand on Man Who Saya He Waa Held Ip and Slogged. About 4 o'clock Tuesday morning J. A. fcckerman. a stockman from Emerson. Neb., was founa wandering around in the vicinity of Twenty-fourth and Leaven worth streets with a aever gash cut across hi head and also a bad left eye. Ecker man had been drinking and he aald he had been with a friend, Henry Mass, who Uvea at 1322 South Twenty-fifth avenue, and while returning to the city they were knocked down and robbed by two men whom they encountered near Twenty. fourth ttreet. When taken to tho police station Ecker man had $ in bills in his pockets, and for this reason the police are disinclined to be lieve the robbery story. However, the stockman claims he disposed of several car loads of cattle at South Omaha and he bad several hundred dollars in his possession when he started out to have a good time Monday night Eckerman friend, Henry Mas, who wa with Eckerman, corrob orate the robbery tory. STRIKE WITHOUT ANY CAUSE Printer Walk Out When Editor Goes to Office to Look After aome Bnslnesa. One of the silliest strikes that Omaha has had to deal with lately waa pulled off at the National Printing company' plant on Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock, when the force of th office walked out. It seems that the editor of a farm paper published there was busy directing the makeup of his publication, and had been personally placing some of the cuts for Illustration in the pages where he wanted them. The printer wno was making up the paper took umbrage at tho editor undertaking to do printer work, and putting on his coat left the office. The rest of the men at work foolishly followed him. A soon as the matter was reported to the executive com mittee of the union an Investigation wa had. and the men ordered back to work. as they had do grievance whatever. All were at work thlB corning, with the ex ception of the bumptious individual who caused the trouble. He was discharged. and will be further disciplined by the union. Good Sews from Taylor. Cadet Taylor and family are rejoicing over the contents of a message lust re ceived by cablegram from Colonel Wallace Taylor (himself), wno is recovering rrom his wounds in tne fnnippines. voionei Tavlor. on of Cadet Taylor, say he is Improving steadily and his condition gives great encouragement. Friends of the colonel and the family share in the com fort which this message brings. Why Endure Pain the excruciating misery of blind, bleeding, itching piles, when there is an absolute cure Dr. Perrin'a Pile Specific is an internal remedy that painlessly produces a positive and lasting cure. Pleasant to the taste, it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine or other injurious drugs. Simply take a spoonful three times daily before each meaL Dr. Penin's Pile Specific The Internal Remtdj for dyspepsia, indices (ion, constipation, biliousness, catarrh of the stomach and kindred ailments it Is the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. Think what a relief it would be to yoo to bo rid of these troubles and to avoid tb almost certain consequence of Piles. ' Dr. Perrin Medical Co Helena. Moot. Biers AWFUL ITCHING ECZEMA Sores All Over Face and Body Could Not Tell What She Looked Like Unable to Sleep -Grc-Worse Under Doctors. CURED BY CUTICURA IN ONE MONTH A grateful mother, in tbe following letter, tells of another of those mar velous cures by Cuticura : " When my baby was four months old ber skin broke out with a humor. I took bcr to a doctor, who said it was errttna. lie gave tne medicine to give her, but she kept getting worse all the time. Her little face and body vi cre so covered with sores and large scales yon could not tell what she looked like. No child ever bad a worse case. Her face was being eaten away, and even ber finger nail fell oM. Then it itched so she could not sleep, and for many weary nights we could get no rest. At last we got Cuticura Soap and Ointment, first bathing her in warm water with the foap, and then spreading on the Oint ment with soft cloths. 1 saw a change in a week. The sores began to heal, and she could sleep at night, and in one month she had not one sore oa her face or body. Any mother hav ing children with ecrema or hu soots will find a friend in Cnticnra Soap and Ointment. (igned) Mr. Mary Sanders, 709 Spring St., Camden, K.J., Aug. 14, 1904." The foregoing statement justifies tbe oft-repeated assertion that Cuti cura Soap and Ointment afford instant relief, and permit sleep for baby and rest for tired mothers, and points to a speedy, permanent, and economical core, when all else fails, in the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burn ing, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin, and scalp humors. Cvttrars Snap. OtsttiMvt. Slid Ptlta tr Mils threnffcewt gh world. Potter nruf ft Ch-iri Corp-- Simon. Sua rms OT&ad tot Han tsCwaSftbf sm." BLOOD BUILDS AND "VYOU NERVE ISi UP FOOD. MsCC so com First Box Free 1 fill nut and send toDr.Chsoe. 114 N. lock B., Philadelphia, Ps., for joe. bos free. My diee U ?T 1 h. ... ... nud Dr. Chstc Blood and Nctts promi to firs it s fair trial Ksms Addrtil DS " old and sraaraatccd r Btrora-Dll toa Dr(( Coh Osaaaa. Xofc. DOCTOR SEARLEG AND SEARLES Wo use oar - own nam In our bualnoss: you , business with. ' CansultstlM Proa. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without pain or loss of Umo. CHARGES LOW. CLUUU rUlOU a)rn, symptom (sore on body, la mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrow falllns; out) disappear complstoly forevor. Wek, Kenow, yen "wV. nervous deblltv, early decline, lack ot vigor and strength. URINARY, Kldnoy and Bladder Trouble. Weak Back, Burning Urine, frequency of Urinating, Urlno High Colored or with Milky Sediment on standing. Treatment by mall. 14 year OF SUC CESSFUL PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Coi ner of Mia and Douglas. Omaha. Neb. Badger Ginger Ale Is best. Made at She boygan from purest water In the Unltsd States. Ask 'or It. Steamer 1 Ashore. HALIFAX, N. S.. May JO.-Report has reached here that tha steamer Propatla, on Its way from St. Pierre for Halifax, has gone ashore near Loulsburg. Tha report is that all on board landed safely. BEST TONIC re. When the system gets debilitated and in a run-down condition it needs a tonic and there has never been one discovered that is the equal of S. S. S. It is especially adapted for a systemic remedy, because it contains no strong minerals to derange the stomach and digestion, and affect the liver and bowels. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks selected for their purifying and healing qualities, and possesses just the properties that are needed to restore to the body strong robust health. When the blood becomes impure and clogged with waste matters and poisons the bodv does not receive suf- I have used your S. S. S. and found it to be an ficient nourishment and SlU- ionic 10 ouuu up me general ceaiiu ana fers from debility, weakness, IJ tone and strength to the system. I have used ,,,W,M. ...,,. other things highly recommended, but S. S. S. did sleeplessness, n e r v o u s n ess, Bje more everrhing else combined. As loss of appetite, bad dig- to iu tonfc proprties it gire a splendid appetite, tion and many other disa- refreshing sleep, and the system undergoes a gen greeable symptoms of a dis- oral building up under itt invigorating influence, ordered blood circulation, 54S Woodland Ave., Warren, O. 11. Kate Beck. and if it is not corrected some form of malignant fever or other dangerous disorder will follow. S. S. S. builds up the broken down constitution, clears the blood of all poisons and impurities and makes it strong and healthy. The nerves are restored to a calm restful state, refreshing sleep is had again, the appetite returns and the whole system is toned up by this great remedy. S. S. S. is a blood puri fier and tonic and acts promptly in this run-down depleted condition of tbe system. Book on the blood and medical advice furnished by our physicians, wiUiout charge. HIT 8 WIFT SPCCIflG CO A TIAffTA, GA Rock island xcursions $45.00 S56.00 S30.S0 S17.50 Portland, Taeoma. Seattle and return. On sale daily. California and return via Tortland In one direction. On bale certain dates June, July, Auguttt, September. Salt Lake City and return. On sale June 1st and dailr thereafter. Colorado and return, thereafter. On sale June 1st and dally QKE FARE Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, Mexico, New . ' 1 Mexico and Western Kansas and return. On sale On sale June 1st and dally $20.00 $26.75 $27.15 $19.40 $34.10 $32.25 $26.75 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Chicago and return-thereafter. Niagara Falls, N. Y., and return. On sale June 17, IS aud 19. Toronto, Out., and return. On sale June 18, 19, 21 and 22. Indianapolis. Ind., and return. On sale Juns 10, 20. 21 and 22. Ashbury Park, N. J., and return. On sale June 2S, 2S, 30. July 1st Baltimore, Md., and return, and 3rd. Buffalo. N. and Otli. Y., and return. On sale July 1st, 2nd On sale July 7th, 8Lb For descriptive matter, maps, and otter la formation, call or write F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 f ir jib St., Osaka.