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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
10 THE OMAITA DAILY PEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1P03. AIM! i l 0. 1 JO torn BIGGEST BARGAINS 111 THE SALE OF THE NEBRASKA CITY STOCK Oil SALE WEDNESDAY , All Birkby & Borchers SHIRT WAISTS All these pretty new waists bought for this season trade newest styles and finest quality. All the waists In tne JNeb. UHy s tock made to sell at 7 5c, plain white and d ainty patterns all n ew and clean, at.... All the $1.25 and 11.50 waists in the Neb. City stock- tailored pleats, lace and embroidery trim ming charming styles, aU. All the sheer white waists, worth up to $2.50 and $3 wide lace, insertions, embroidered panels, etc finest in the Btock at Extraordinary Specials T Neb. City Stock All the bleached muslin, all the fine cambric, 1 long cloth. India linon, all the 40-in. lawns, sold f In Neb. City up to 22c a yard goes at, yard... All of the twine cloths and novelty voiles, sold in Nebraska City at 2fc per ynrd, go at, per yard All of the highest class imported fancy summer dress goods sold in Isebra.ikR city as high as 11.00 per yard, go at per yard All of the high class mercerized white walstlnRS, Xeoroftka City price was up to i5o per yard, they go at, per yard All of the pVinted Oxfords that sold in Nebraska City at T 16c per yard go at. oC per yard ear All of the imported voiles that sold in Nebraska City at 25c per yard go at, per yard All of the beautiful mercerized organdies, sold in Ne- B braska City for 25c per oC yard, go at, per yard 2v 62C 10c 10c prcerlzed 15c EMBROIDERIES fe!P-jfcJ!!Jfrj 3?7!c15c25c WASH and TRIMMING LACES 1!c- UIIDERWEAR from the Neb. City Stock 31c-62c12Jc25c 1st Pat- 29c AU widths of fine embroideries, Including beautiful, crisp, new embroideries for Ioim-l ui'Vtri o, IIUUIILIIIlfR IUUP1H1 underwear, worth as high as 75c a yard. at, a yard Inserting, bandR, headings and galloons In all widths beautiful new patterns worth high as 15c a yard, at, a yard Ladles' and Missies' finest Summer Under wearunion suits, vesta, pants and cor set covers, all sizes, daintily trimmed, at Cmltrnirlararl Wt Doftorne 1000 Embroidered Waist Pat- LIIIUl JlUblbU tiaidl OHM HO terns, from the Birkby stock regular $1.00 quality, fashionable all white India lawn, beautifully embroidered, at, each All Birkby . Borchers DR.Y GOODS and CARPETS Ladies Cloaks and Suits, Dress Goods and Silkd, Linings and Domestics, CUR.TAINS a.nd DRA-, PER.IES, Hosiery and Underwear, LININGS and NOTIONS. Handkerchiefs and Gloves, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, Rib bons and Veilings, Etc., Etc. At Half Nebraska City Prices l j OMAHA WEATHER REPORT .- a. -' R H V-j Pnlr and Warmer Wrdntidif, -gVm a Ladies9 Low Button. This Is one of the new and correct styles that have become popular this season, and with its patent colt ramps and heel boxing, undressed kid tops, welt soles and stylish mili tary heels, it makes a very band some and styllHh looking low shoe. We also have them in tan Russia calf. They are new and "different" and give the foot a very dressy ap pearance. The price is $3.00 and $4.00 FRY SHOE CO 16th and Douglas Sis. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS. I DIAMONDS! Are our specialty as you know but do you know that we have an elegant assortment of fine pieces in Sterling Silver and Cut Class, specially designed as Wedding; Oltts? Let us show them to you. I5T-M& DODGE. 2 B i DR. BRADBURY DENTIST 1606 PAR NAM. Teeth Extracted 25c . Porcelain Filllon SI up Cold ruling. $1 up SIlMr Fllltor 50c up Cnitau $130 ap flat $U0 up IB Year. 8am Location 'Phono 1756. irWgs Work. $uo ap Nerves Removed Without Pali. Leete Teeth Made Solid. Work Curantecd l Yean A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. Big Cut in Rtes California, and Back .All tim Way Ask Co. C. Chambers, Pa.a. Aft . Vt Equitable Bid., Pea Molnea, la, (or ail tha facta. The Santa Fe will run first-class excursions, to California, on certain days, April to August. Fare out and back about half the usual price. You may go on luxurious California Limited and visit Grand Canyon. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS Discount Your Bills When you neglect to pay a bill, you often have to pny interest. As soon as there is a cavity In one tooth. Xw W Nat,,re has a bUl iffl-y against you. Every M 9 day you neglect it, she adds interest to your debt. Prompt attention to your teeth is the same economy as discount ing bills. Fillings, 75c up. 1517 DOUGLAS STREET. niGHT ITT SHOPPING DISTANCE. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS Chests of Silver We have Just received the finest line of Mahogany and Flemish Oak Chests, filled with new Oorham Sterling Silver In Omaha. We can truly say this and will be glad to show you. They are simply elegant. We will be pleased to show them to you. Brown & Borsheim, Jewelers. - 32t222 S. 16th St UNCORK THE PORES of your skin with Dermellae Skin Soap. Cleansing, antiseptic and non lrrltatlng. Best for baby's bath. 26o. -SOLD BY Howell Drug Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. THE BROWN PARK SANITARIUM AND MINERAL SPRINGS. The new mineral SDrinK which has tteen discovered lately at 21st and 8 Sta., South Omaha, contalna six distinct minerals. Strongest Magnesia Mineral Water in the world. Bold by case and gallon. Mineral steam baths in connection, JOHN HINHICHSEN SONS, Prep 21st and S Bis., bo. Omaha. Neb. Tel. F279i tr. MrlDUj.cftaM mack I pain and dlMomfort, . ad omttloMS aotoai I disability. Q)IL 11 imnuMi .fleeted. u.cert, becoming rry rlout tn painful. TocartDM4iuoii7uupuwi7 and tittsTtnsT. then ifUB pain, eoreaeei ioa diwoidc. Tumor form, aUrn, protrade, and 11 - INJECTION MALYDOR. .0..U.S.A.1 fnalant rltf. OnFM In ffTrl 41 Maljdor Mfg. Co., Lancaster, msm CHioNtrrts'S irsliih PEflfiYROYAL PILLS la ME U.I4 hw. mlit laJMrtMa- 'IS, k lh r. BUteM M.M SafeMMMlM aad laUl. to. T' UwmtMUt,r tm 4. U a lrttalr TWMl.illl tm4 " (W fcr LU Ummr. kl r. IwaMdL 1..MMIUIU. aMkf YOUNG. MIDOLC-AGEO, ELDERLY If ra nr wmm, no mtti' from rbtl ftuil odTloied dbt" Itru'ur, Yr1ooi'le. te.. My trt vacuum Appllant-a will eur to. Ko druy or '. Irlcltf. 7l.ffurddTlopi. lOdarstHaJ. Knd or T ftr.R booklal. fitrlltBeaVlfd. GBUftllid. MaJRUUaaHBBSBSM WEDNESDAY IS RED LETTER DAY Bring your books and get ten ($i.00) Green Trading Stamps to each. Must bring your books no books, no stamps. Mew bookt ind free stamps to all colltctors, ntw or old. Premium Parlor, Ba Ion MILLINERY Millinery for Red Letter Daxy Duck Outing Hats Hats that you might wear often to the saving of your better hat These hatBare neatly .trimmed, and are in several attractive styles, CQ roll-brim sailor, eta $1.98, 98c and DZJC Biz Closing Out Sale of All $5.00 Trimmed Hats Hats you have said were priced right at $5.00, y CIS Red-Letter day special , dsj0 ART ' Red Letter Bargain 200 more Game Pictures, hiind Bomly embossed, 12x20, on Rale Wednesday, jr f yat Joe Forty ($4 00) Greon Trading Stamps. NOTE DISPLAY IN HARNKY STREET WINDOW. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON FRAMING. See oa for Jane WeddlnK Gifts. Red-Letler Day Crockery DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL DINNER WARE AND SEVERAL SETS AT SPECIAL PRICES. WELSBACH GAS LIGHT, complete with white Q globe, best UH. fas savins burner, at OVW wenty (V Green Trading Stamps. Fancy German China Salad Bowls, blue tinted and gold traced, a $1 value, for OW Ten (1) Green Trading Stamps. Choice of German China Cream Jug, Mug or Spoon Tray, IOC Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps. Sand Blast Tumblers, good clear crystal, a 75c down style, Okr. at six for vli Double Green Trading Stamps. SECOND FLOOR. Bennett's Big Grocery Headquarters for the Best at Lowest Prices. SARATOGA CHIP SPECIAL. Quarter- pound sack 6o Half-pound sack lOo SOAP SPECIAL. Diamond C Soap, ten bars 25c MAPLE CREAM SPECIAL. 10c Cakes Bo 6c Cakes 2Vic VEGETABLE SPECIALS. Corn, two-pound can 6c Tomatoes, three-pound can 7c Early June Peas, two-pound can 8o RAISIN SPECIAL. California RaiHlns, pound 4a No dealers seupplied at this price. Ten (1) Green Trading Stamps with two cans Hominy 20c A SPLENDID BARGAIN. Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with three cans Rocky Mountain Cream 25o Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with two cans Orated Pineapple 2Tc Fifty ($") Green Trading Stamps with ten-pound box California Prunes.. S5e Twenty (2) Green Trading Stamps with two three-pound cans Table Syrup 26c Twenty (2) Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can Burnham's Clam Chowder 20c Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with two cans Pumpkin 20c Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with two cans Omar Baked Beans ISc Wall Paper The Big Remnant Sale Still Going On. PAPERS FROM $1.00 1. v TO. MOULDINGS ALL KINDS. THIRD FLOOR. Red Letter Bargains ii Silks 60c DOTTICI) ForLARliS, 20c A YARD. All silk fancy Foulard and Figured Pongees, In all the pretty. neat ligui ery new pretty summer for hot 29c 75c 59c colorings all come with dots and small, weather dresses, for orte day only Wednesday yard 88-lnch Plain Black and White Pure Silk Taffeta excellent wearing Quality value Wednesday yard 88-lnch White-' Wash Habutal Silk fitTw. mift lit lUnnr 'r1 All of our 27-Inch Raw Silk Pongees, the rough finish, all the new shades for nobby suits $1.26 quality fSQ"' Wednesday per yurd THE CllKAPEST AND BEST DRESS OOODS IX OMAHA 2,600 yards colored Panamas, light and dark colors with self colored flakes, dust proof not one piece In this big lot worth less than $1.60, many of them worth $2.00 and $2.50 per yard ' CXQn all go for one day only Red-Letter Day yard STYLISH NECKWEAR CHEAP. About 100 dozen ladles' Neckwear, In lace embroidered and hemstitched turn overs, linen embroidered in colors, cuff and collar sets, lace and embroidery stock collars In white and colors. Buster Brown embr'ed. collars, 2Sc worth 85c, 39c and 60c all one price each iJV RED-LETTER DAY IX DOMESTICS. ALL OF OUR SWISS 8PACHTEL WORK SHAMS AND SCARFS, ARMAHA LINEN SHAMS AND SCARFS with two and four rows of drawn work, - our damask linen carving with hemstitching these goods sold at 4.Qc 660 and up to $1.00 all go Wednesday at, each w Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with each. All of our Swiss Doylies, In round and squares from 9 to 10 inches worth 25c Wednesday, each 1UC Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with each. LADIES' SUMMER WAISTS. LADIES" SUMMER WAISTS OUR GREAT RED-LETTER DAY SALE OF WAISTS WILL OCCUR AT NINE O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY MORNING This will be a sensation sale over one thousand beautiful waists in or gandy, linen and lawn, trimmed In the very finest manner the regular prices were $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.0i) and $3.50- QSc all will be on sale Wednesday at 9:00 A. M. for yuw A Green Trading Stamp Sensation on R.ed-Letter Day Wednesday Double Green Trading Stamps on all Dress ing Sacks and long and short Kimonavs. Another Green Trending Stamp Sensation on Red-Letter Day. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Infants' wear on Second Floor. Oranges! 146 boxes large, fancy Sweet Navals Wednesday, per dozen Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with each dozen. Also 41 boxes large Juicy Lemons, per dosen A Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps. Oranges! 35c 15c Clothing Section Two Hundred and Fifty ($2B.OO) Green Trading Stamps with little gent's Suits, 3 to 6 years, sold up to $B.90, h Bargain folks, here's your J J chance Double Green Trading Stamps on young men's Suits, 16 to 20 years, long trouser Suits, sold up to $6.50 fru- T ff gal folks, here's the p nr suit Double Green Trading Stamps on Rain Coats, sold up to $18.00 Q QQ here's money-saving O OG for you. - nmihlfl Green Tradina Stamns on Blue Serges, $15. OO Suits they certainly are cheap. 8.50 Dutchess Trousers, 10c a button, $1 a Rip Double Qreen Trading Stamps on all Suits, Rain Coats, Trousers and Boys' and Children's Clothing. Furnishing goods and Hat section have Green Trading Stamps and special offerings Red Letter Day. SHIRTS Imported from Japan Japanese Crepe worth $2.50, to introduce quickly See Our Solid Oak Side KO.9.85 niMMiaLi m.i. 75c and 9 Stylish Outing Suits, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 AB,A EDNESPAT RrEriAL we have uPlrrtrd Mft nobby two-r,ter from our $7.6.) to $1fi(. Iin.--all have good hs"r Hot I? I 'rV.nli, i S come in the vcrv brst fabrics and ", f? , ,'rr wear dkM ni Into three lots for Wednesday, at $10.(. $7 Ml and dividing DON'T FORGET THE DAY WEDNESDAY ma'v i OUR BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS AT $1 9". AND $2 Ml have no eonal. the price, MyllMi In cut. sollfflv hun, t i Y. hL. i,..Ki "".rq"al" -they are bound to satlsfy-worth up to $4 ' ' opeclul at CH and BASE BALL AND BAT KREB WITH ''icVERr'suiTl W.0O TOrTIIS' IX1NG TANTS SUITS AT $B.O0 AND $7 fio-tn ,rK casaimcres. single and double-breasted. beM bargains ever show 5 at Outing &ul shoulders and "r.?.. s.oo In (Ka m i ipiendldly m1 1.95 worsteds and the price. Our Silk Department The Balance of the Loeb-Morris Stock of Fine Silks on Sale Wednesday B1"$l. yJrd.Vr"!!1. .Bnd P'nin' a boa,,Mful Iln "f ttterns. worth up to Q .Jy. ?Srii' 85C 86c and $1.00 CYcpe de Chines, a complete line of shades. ' '" a r at, yaro....... 4"C 69c color Taffetas, 19 inches wide, a bargain OOU rt'aah Silks, 60c quality, 33C at, yard Color Cords , at, yard.. Seven Domestic Room Specials .1.00 7c Bleached Muslin, 36 Inches wide, 20 yards for 66o Bleached Sheets, linen flnlwh, 2VJ yards wldo, 24 yards long, special, 42 iC 66c Bleached Sheets, seamleas, torn, not cut, with wide hem, 21 yards ACin wide, 2V4 yards long, at J 2,0 yards of Toweling, regular Tc value, special WednoHday, at, yard..U 7Vc Lawns, Wednesday special, at, yard ,28c ..5c 12c Voiles, Wednesday special, at, yurd 15c I'ercales, Wednesday special, at, yard ! Pineapples Pineapples We received our car of Pineapples shipped to us direct, in fine condition. They are very choice and just right for canning. We will sell regular 10c, size everywhere, JJ JM for Regular 12 J c size everywhere, for Per dozen, COc and 85c. 71& No dealers supplied. HAVDER3 BROS. 1.75 I A HUNDRED YEARS MAY COME AND GO AND STILL THE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE will repeat the Barings, the songs and the music of today as sweet as the rote Itself as strong and impressive as the very words out of the mouths of pow erfnl speakers s rich and enchanting as the music direct from the lnstru. ments la the hands of the great masters. So does a Columbia Graphophone rc( peat tone for tone and strain for strain. Do you want entertainment In yoij 1 home? It's mighty nice to know that you can hare it at any hour In the da) or night and with no expense or exertion. Have you a buby in your hornet T 9 V, - a It .111 Ka Ctrt .a 1a. Kri K ha. rv,lml,1u flinhn. t nhone. It Is a whole little world of music and fuu all In Itself. V The fact of Its winning the Grand Highest Award at the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition Is argument enough to make you want one. You can get one practically free. Under the Special Arrangement with the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO. at 1621 Farnam Street, we are enabled to offer A $12.50 Columbia. Disc Graph ophoive With a Year's Subscription to The Evening and Sunday Bee FRBE. T!1 the Columbia regular $lP.eo Dl Graphophobia. myt cannot ba bought anywhara for less. Given FREB to our reaaare. Tha Columbia Oraphophona raoalvad tha Orand Hlghaet Award at tha St Louis BxpoalUonj 1904. It la yours wuh a aubaoHptiaQ to this paper FRKB af all ooat. Moll elalai tnrt nvHnr lAMArMW i'llltl saw w v . aw. Uupon of Inqnlry I ZVZ&ZZ?'lu?x't ) itovM mi 7or ntrtmmtttw h Nail Suhaoriber's Cooport ) m SrM M f Uh)W te BkW CrttltiiN lpt., QMAUA Ba te WUrVWHbNI you Ktr w1h Otnh, Noi. ae yearns sukeortstlM te flia raui aad m roll Mrttgaieie y CMAHA to ku.lK HI M CulUmUe Gn.pL. pkoee eretlvll7 free, Wsaae . . . ..m. v. . JLtttens imMniHiMmiii Aifli a inci Det...tta .. Date............ I .f HOME INDUSTRY. V d(i n Hk tir Hitln.imn )unl ltrcnu.ia w manufaour our giMntn In Oman. ak fur II. Imtjuhh wh can furnlah a liltr bi'II''I fT U- money thmi ran b tnA rliwhrr. We tiave the IniKnt ana trtment of trunks, traveling baca and -mlt cuar- In tha city, Omftha Trwrtk Fa.ctory, 12C9 Fn.m treet.