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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY 23. 1905. GRAIN' AND PRODUCE MARKET Corntt ot Corn Ctaies EeoutiosLl Brlge , ' in VirkeU takls'but short time to break back 1 A lit Mar WtMl et-lth a Similar Loss Oats Hose A boat tk asn Crop Re port of Jeaea. 22, 1905. on corn new, 114114c domestic Swiss. 1HICAC.O GRH rnoi iic OMAHA, May Deslers who hold the corner their hand strong today. 1 ne short attempted to over, but lound nu grain fir saie until their bias had bulged raarin sc. I lie hign point reached eariy in the session t . Alter a few trades the market broke reuidly and went !: 24'. below the tup mucu May nosed at b-c, juiy at 4sc, uid July at '!''. heptemoer at n'c arid old September ul 4i.C. Tiieie was a Hue sensational advance of oc In May wheal and a Hue In an hour to tl.08 train 99e, tne opening. It brok HKe corn, and finished nt i.u. 'i he July nose c and the bepiember at K2c the oata inowcfl an upward lenuency In the early morning, hut closed atiout tne ttfine. Aiay s ,(-, July Wu and S j, ivilltKT 284c i he pre. ant more literal lecelpia of when at Minneapolis are exiectea to conli,.ue It the weather keeps hue. Half of tne late tecelpts there, however, hae been from i'uiuih and Chicago, 4i lain arriving Ir l hicago and all grading No. 1 An eievaiur man at Winnipeg nays that the 1'anadian wheat crop prosiiects could not te pcuer and the lni rease in acreage should give the largest crop ever raised The Chicago Tribune Bay todtiy: "A New York message says there is nothing if) Indicate an export demand for wheat springs are about 8 ceiiw out of line and new crop wintera Z cents out of line. There I a small demand for corn f o. b at steamer equal to 4,94c f. o. b. Chicago. There is a moderate demand for oats, bids generally 46'4c out of line.' A message to the Adams Grain rompany from Kansas City says; "The Midland elevator report on the L'nion Pacific this morning Indicates 70 per cent of a crop. Heretofore r'porta have been favorable, (ma line elevator operator In west central Kansas bows twelve bushels vlll be the maximum yield. A reliable Ottawa report esys ten bushels. The crop apparently Is going backward, except In the extreme east and west portions. Bad reports also are here from Texas and Oklahoma." Jones' report I In part as follows: "Un favorable reports have lieen received in Chicago from the south western states to the effect thst the weat crop is deterloral Inf. These statements should foe tecelved with some allowance. In relation the gov ernment condition figures at May 10. the crop is deteriorating. lut it will le recalled that as early as April, we disputed the April figures of condition. The country Is now on the basis of a fair to good crop, but not a big one. It is now wholly a question of filling as to whether we come out with a crop that will run only bushels, or go up to 626.0(81.000 bushels, al lowing 20ft.000.fino for the northwestern stales. Figures on winter wheat fields cannot be given for three weeks, hut Texas and Oklahoma can he forecast with reasonable accuracy, about 33,000.(100 bushels for the two as against 2R.Ono.noii last year. The south west does not promise ntfer 80.00o.000 over last year. Including Missouri. The north west farm bins have never been swept as clean as now. Millers In Oklahoma estimate there Is not 10,000 bushefe of good wheat on the farms." Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 940 98c; No. 3 hard. tSiS93c; No. 4 hard, (sVpSfic; No. 2 spring, 9Hc. CORN No. I. 46c; No. X, 46c; No. 4. 4ftc: no grade. 40j44c; No. 2 yellow, 44c; No. 3 yellow, 464c; No. 2 white, 464c; No. 3 white, OATS No. 2 mlxd. 29V; Si. mixed. 2Ve: No. 4 mixed, 2S4c; No. 2 white. 3(Hc; No. 8 white, 804c; No. 4 whita, 24c; stan dard, 304c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Feat a res of the Traalaa aaa losing CHICAGO May 22 Covering bv frantic Shorts today caused a sensational advance ol cents a bushel in the price t.f corn for May de livery snd 4 cents In the price of May wheat. Rumor of en attempt to corner u 1 1 corn for Msy delivery was the main rea son for the slia-ii bulge in the pri'-e of corn. Part of tliV advance was lost on profit taking At the close Mav corn was up 4c. May wheat Is up an even Sc Jui oats are up 4c. Piovislons are a shade 10 Ec lower. The wheat market opened extremely strong witii an active demand for the Mhv .delivery. Initial iiuotattons on Mav rue up ir, at 9"-. Julv was a shade lower to V; 4o higher, at HK to 94c. The weather wns again disappointing to those who had lier-ome satisfied that growing wheat n"cle,i moisture. Haltis were retw.rted both in the northwest and southw-est. In ad dition w heat prices at Liverpool were higher. The May option appeared to be in strong hands and efforts of shorts to dis lodge offerings failed until the price I,, id been bid up to 11.03 Meantime Jul ad vaneed to ffr. On the 4c advance In May there was enough profit taking to cause a considerable reaction At the same time factors that had been apparently unheeded early in the session began to have their effect on the future deliveries. Worlds shipments were about 3.onn,ono bu in ex cess of the smonrit generally expected The mount of breadstuffa on passage showed an Increase .f 3041100 hu Another weaken ing influence whs an increase of 2ft per cent In primary receipts The market hnwevi r. closed firm, w ith Mav at tl 0i Final ouo tatlons on Julv were up Sfac, at RC. Clearances of wt-eat and flour were equal to 40.100 i,u. The visible supply decreased ,r41.'n bu Primary receipts were 4:ri.20' I'll., comjsred wit 11 337.000 bu a year ago Minneapolis, rhiluth and Chicago reported receipts of S44 cars, against 163 cars last week and 235 cars a year ago. An advance of 6 cents a bushel In th price of corn for Mav delivery was the feature of trading In the corn pit The volume of trading that was transacted while the price was making this sudden upward leap was extraordinarily small. It being- estimated at not over lOO.fion hu There was no apparent pressure put on the May shorts, who seemingly had convinced themselves that they were In a had predicament and the sooner thev made the necessary sacrifice to get out the better they wers likely to iare Ali that the lead ing longs had to do was to refuse to sell any May porn This they did until th price of May had lumped from 53c at the owning, to c within half an hour of the start At due the lleral nrnflis In slcht started moderate liquidation snd a reaction soon followed An estimate of 412 cars as the amount of receipts for tomorrow was a oearian tactor late in the session. May ciosea nrm. witn a net gain of 4V. at 5fi"c juiy openea unchanged to ic lower, st !,sni.e, soin tip to -Vc snd closed at vr, a net gain of c. local receipts were 100 cars, witn la 01 contract grade. in sympathy with the sharp advance In oiner grains the oats market was firm, trading was only moderate and malnlv In juij ana etepiemper. July opened un coangea at sold up to Saic an ioaed at Sc Local receipts were j: cars. f-roviRtori were firm early as a resul or 10c advance in the price of live hogs. , . ' ovounieni uecame easier on prulit taking- At the close July pork was off i i..t).i. lard was off Sic. at 17 :6. xvi lis were a siirhc lower, at'n7.J7' r-stimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat cars, corn. Hi cars; oata. 13 cars: hins NEW YORK STOCKS AND VarketOpeni Active and Either, but Soon Comri to a BtanditilL MANY SELLING ORDERS APPtAR AT NOON Meaknes f orhera Paclfie aad tailed latea Steel llnf Depress ing I'.Bect 1 tfce 1. 1st 4 loslag la Easy, 20.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.; Onen. High. ! Low. Chicago 2 133 122 Kansas City 48 bo Minneapolis S3 Omaha 4 3 11 Duluth ... S Bt. Louis 28 Bl 75 MlaaeaailtB Wheat Market. The ranga of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Article. I Open. 1 High. I Low. I Close. 8al. Wheat May.. July.. Bept . . Corn July..'47fiH Bept. . ;47W5' Ic... 44H 114 i 1 1V 1 Ohi 4Sl 44 114 1 4S K3!a! s! 47', I 1 lftH: 1 13H 1 0Mt 1 03 Wheat . May July Kept. Corn May a July b July a Kept. b Kept. Oats May July Bept. Pork May July Bept. Lard Mav Julv Bept. Rlhs Mav July ept. IWiJidM I 1 03 I S2 Close.; Sat'y I division f redea-r'lon. shews cash balance oT i;2.M.T4; gold. Hew mrU Maaer Market. NITW TURK, Msy 22--MONEY Cm call. esy st reiJH ler cent: closing ma, 1 per cent; orrered st i per rtm. i iroe nmnr, rerv easy snd dull; sixiv days, 1 per cent: ninety da. per cent.; six months. per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rArHK-JtH1 Ier cent. . . , . SI LRI.l.Mi rA n a .- ' j r r irro. 1 11 actual business In bankers t ills si 4 f nt. T 4 710 for demand and at n aw.ffi it lor sixtv-dav bills, posted rates, na'i ana MK7'': commercial bills, ti MV MU r.K rvar. "fcc. mfiiriiii uoosi. 1, v RoNt'B Oovernnii nt, steady; rairtwd, wad. CloBlns price en nonns wers: 4,Vy" 4HS-u. ,47''a'V, Vo i, I . 47-. 4K iTVfcV 47, 1 I I 3i 31 W 1 1 01 1 !is i ! I I 63 I BCvmi 474 4SM,ra iHi 474 ! 47V! ' 2MV 28V 4x 471- 62 " ' 47H Sou 2i NEW TCRK. Mat i The tone of sriec- ulatlve sentiment unoeswent an abrupt transition during the course of today s trading in stocks, l'ehned rumors of financial Institution in trouble rirculsteo late in the day. The Influence on feeling f the violent break In prices of the latter part of the daj was the more effective on account of the strength shown during the Homing. Last wees s heavy liquidation and the apparent renewal of il in the clos ing hours Saturday left the expectation of very heavy selling to be faced. The food resistance offered by the market this morn ing therefore came as a surprise, and the professional traders were Inclined to hasten to make commitments on the long side 01 the maiLct. The receipt of considerable buying or ders from London gave an impression also of revived confidence In our securities on that side of the ocean. There was no news to account for the sudden accession of sell ing power in the market, the orders to sell appearing simultaneously in many Quarters and from unknown origin. The maraet had come practically to a standstill before they appealed and this had a discouraging ef fect on those hopeful for a further ad vance. The upward movement gave im pression of having been voted for the pur. pose of affording s better basis for fur ther liquidation, and the suspicion got abroad that larae and Important Inter ests were getting out of their holdings of some of the most lmpoitaik stocks in the market. The abrupt drop in Northern Pa otic was of special Influence on sentiment. It is now believed that the formation last week of the new Northern Pacific director ate may he accepted as the definite con elusion of any harmony plans that may have leen in contemplation and any ac oompanylng hopes of the high values to ue developed In all nort western si ocas ny a comprehensive plan to conserve all inter estg. There is a disposition to account for the persistent and determined liquidation as being due lately the retirement of holdings scqulreu at one or another stage of the attempted settlement in the north west. Another Imnortunt sentimental In fluence was the renewed weakness of the I'nlted States Steel stock. Reassuring as sertiona from authorities in the trade of the hht Importance to be attached to the ntesent lull in that trade are of little effect on sentiment in face of the practical weak ness of these slocks in the market and the prevalence of doubts of the stability of the iron and steel trade brings into ques tion the whole business outlook. Railroud traffic officials admit some falling oft in business on account of crop uncertainties and the strength of wheat today on the weather In the southwest augmented this influence. Some of the weakness of spe clul stocks were attributed to the renewed campaign by advertising methods In favor of silling stocks. There was the usual short covering on the day s decline, but pressure was renewed and the closing was casv. Ronds were weak. Total sales, par value IS.iM1.0u0. L nited States bonds were all un chariced on cull. The following were the quotations on the New 1 ork block exchange Sales. High. Low. Close Atchison 12.S00 7H 77H 7M. do pfd Kim ii 1011s lull Atlantic Coast Line. S.ftiO loo 14t Bait. A.- Ohio lu.fcoO 107Vs 1'6 do pfd 1.100 W Canadian Pacific .... 30,100 14i.W 142 Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. 3.400 47 4,r.v Chicago Alton 2o0 31 31 12 56 12 70 12 65 12 70 12 82,, 12 82V,! 7 25 7 37, 7 66 7 10 7 27V, 7 Bb 7 26 I 7 40 7 67V, 7 12,' 7 30 1 7 66 12 60 12 62V4 12 86 7 20 36 21 28V,fc" 7 in 7 26 7 50 12 60 ! 12 2V! 12 87 V 7 22J 7 36 I 7 624 7 10 I 7 27Vj! 7 624, 12 474 12 (774 12 87 4 7 26 7 374 7 66 7 10 7 274 7 624 avstlsble "l.lf..77ft. C. s ret . r do eoupna . 8. U. rat... do coupon t. S new , re do coupon . t old 4. ret do riiupen Am. Tobsroo 4s. do 4. ctr.. Atrhlson gen. . dn dj. 4a AUantic C. 1. 4s Hal. Ohio .... do SWt (.antral of Oa. la. da m Inc do Id Inc ( hoa. A Ohio 4ia ( blcaso A A. IHl C, h 14. a tm C. R 1 4k P . 4a do rot 6a 1A4S Manhattan r. ( 4a lMia 104 ftlei. lentral 4a ' ltj do 1st Inc It 10 ..Minn. St L 4a ... n I...1M 1st , K AT. 4a ie in as lMHiN R R. of M. c 4HHi liw S. I. C. ( IWa ll"4t rtfa. w N. J t t ( i Ill va No Pacta. 1H 10? do 3p Ia at ,N. A w. e. 4a 1I4 1 11 g I. rfilg 4 .104 Penn ron S . M keadlni gen 4a .113 1st. L t 1. E 1 to UK . r st. Las r. ta 4a OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Keceipw Tir god Price. Strong to Dime Higher. BEST GRADES SHOW THE MOST ADVANCE RerelsMs of hee sa ltankis Urirr That Any Hay Last Week, with Market Fally steady oa All Klads. POl'TH OMAHA, May 22, 10S. Receipts were: Cattle Hogg Sheep. ? Bt. L. s. w. ..Iflt Boalioard A. L 4a... .. tl .go. I'arlBi' 4s . 10l So Kallwar to .. iTrxaa P. la .. tl T . St. 1 A W. 4a. Ct'C. A Bl L 1 4a .lo;,yl nion Parlftr 4a t'hlrasn Tar 4a lolorado Mid. 4a .. Coin. A go. 4a ruha to. ctta 1. a R 0 a Msllllara gee. to.. Erie prior lion 4o.. 00 son. 4a r W. r. C. la HiMktM Val. 41 Japan ta. rtfa L. A N unl. 4a... unered. at do coot. 4a .. 74 I s Steel td to . . . ", Waliaah la . .!! do deb. B .. tai. Weaiorn Md. 4a..., .. W A L. C. 4a.... . .log .tvta t'aatral 4s.... .. !, Japan ta. ctta ..11 1 do Sl. ctta O10 ind la. set . . k I do 4Va, set b tiw Kta IM' 3 jo iza H los-a, llfi fit 117 , it . . MV. H . St . MX, l. . to Boston Mocka anal Bonds. BOSTON, May 22 Call loans, StJ4 cent: time loans. 34(8 44 pr cent. closing of Blocks one oonca per Olflcial Atrhlaon ad. 4a ... do a Mex ('antral 4a Atchlaon du prd Poaton A Albany... hoainn Klevatod ... ritihburg pfd Mextran t.'onlral .. N Y N H oi II. Per MaquettB .... l'nion Psoitc Amer. Area. Cbem do pfd Amer. Pneu- Tuba. Amer. Sugar do pld Amor. T A T Amir. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A s.. Bdieon Eler lllu . General Electric ,. Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Maaa Gaa t rued Trult I'nlted Sboe Mack. do pfd I. g. Steal do pfd Woatini. common N lAdrenture ..lOIVa'Allouei .. 74 I Amalganiated . .'. n American Zinc ..lOifc AtlatiUc It AH ..144 .taa Pmgham ( l Hoc la. Ontennlal ... t'.opper Rang tlalv Weat ... .lis) IMmlnion Coal . .lllVPVankltu .. MSiGmny .. af -I Isle Rr-ra.1 ... 4Va Maaa Mining . ..Ill . .130 ,.ir .. i" ,.1M .. ae Miohlran Mohk Monl. t". A C. Old Dominion . Oarenla Parrot Wnlnr .J" Ri annnn 1 . 4KV. .104'- . ta . lit . AV . . 76 .Tamarack Tnnltr I nlted Copper t . B Mining . I. B. Oil . tah v'lcwia v'lnona , ,'olterlna .. n .. .. it .. aa .Ma . . It .. 7it .. n .. u .. i .. a1 .. lat, " .. 104a .. 4w .. a .. W1, .. aa . . i.v . . j .. ..lni. .. ;v .. 23 V, .. at .. v. .. ! .. ;s ..mi (rticla! Monday M9 Ml s.KJ PaniB dav last week i ,0J7 2.1"4 4.1M Same day week iH-fore.. 2 (Ml S.CJ t-srne three weeks ago... 2.("C tM 1S,7" Paine four net ks 8gc 2.443 4 fi.i Id Wi Bsme wee k last year 2.W 6.1K2 4 7ti8 RKCE1PTB TOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tahle shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Ponth Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: 19f 1!04 Cattle S30.6M STp.OTA Hogs fM.MHo 1.0"7.4"1 Bliecp 640,806 634.8W lh loilowina lauie slmwa price of hot,-s at 6outh omsna lor the last several day 6, with comparisons 1 nan j an I Kit 4 " 1 uia a t ltao so 1 io I oe nit t m 1 tear J 1 lia 4 tt j iwi i a 1 in 4 "t 1 iu I in I ir. n I 1 t SO I IM 4 SO 1 tins t 1 1 tat 4 sa 1 i::n in I !!' 4 k I nao 1 71 I n 4 eo 1 14 a n 1 tfat 4 i 1 iao a Ti 1 1140 I II 1 ill I H CAiVM. t a?o 1 ti f in 1 J ln I tf 11 11 I to 1 f0 IN I 1 t 10 t 1 ai 1 to 1 r" l ti I fi no I it" I If I ail 4 1 140 1 Tl 1 an 4 M 1 !: I 71 I oo 4 in 1 fo in 1 i 1 no 1 140 1 no i ti 1 11 1 iao 1 m 1 170 1 11 PTAOS. 1 nan 1 so ia nit 1 ta 1 1470 4 on PTOCKRKS AND FEKoKRR Inc. Pec. 64.6113 10i,4W 6.(m7 11.. awrage ladoa Utoeka and Bonds. LONDON, May 22. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: 844, 474: 444. 644 47 74 New. WEATHER OF THE GRAIS BELT Uarkt RalaB Worth aad Heavy svath Fair la Ceatral. OMAHA, May Vi. 10B. Light rains fell In the extreme upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys within lha paat twenty-lour hours and are falling In western North Dakata and eastern Mon tana this morning. Heavy rains are re ported In the lower Missouri and lower Mississippi valleys and gulf states. The weather Is generally fair In the central portions, and Is generally clear In the mountain districts. The weather is slightly warmer In the central valleys, but is cool In the western sections, with heavy to killing frosts in I'tah, Nevada, Idaho and western Montana. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of th paat three years: lint, J904. 190R. 1902. Minimum temperature.,.. 6s 66 61 3 Precipitation 09 .00 .81 .24 Normai temperature for today, S2 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March X, I IS inches. ' Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, .94 of an inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 190, .M of an inch. OMAHA. DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. Stations Max. Mia. liiroea Eky. No. 2 aOld. bNew. Cash quots lions were as follows: FlOUR Klrm; winter patents, $4 lOfff 4.20; winter straights t3 nw-4 ,i. snritig patents. $4 ewfffi.So; spring straights. t3.i)ia 4.6o; bakers, t2.404ra.40. WHEAT-No. 2 spring, t1.flf.7jl.05t; No. , Il.0o4il.oti; No. 2 red, ll.OMn.Os. CORN-No. 2, 5fic; No. i yellow. 6.c. OATS-No. 2. 3V; No. 2 white, 824'i33c; No. I white, 31'&324c. RYE No. 2. 774'd78c. BARLEY trood feeding, S840c; fair to choice malting, 4tii549c. SEED No. 1 flas. $1.26: No. 1 northwest ern, 11.42. Timothy, prime, $2.lro. Clover, contract grade. fll.75S12.26. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hW., S12.503 12 65. lAid, per 100 lbs . r.2la7.22. Short rlhs sides 1 loose). 7 tPri7.15. Short clear Bides fbnxed), $7.124a7.26. Following ware the recelnts and shlnmenta 01 uour nun grain 6.300 8.0110 74.200 200 l o0 l.f0 200 'ioo 100 1I0 100 24.000 6,8"t 2,300 Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu. On the Produce exchange today the but er market was steady: creamery. IKifilMr: dairies. (V&lc. Eggs. firm, at mark. cases included. 15c; firsts. 10c; prime fl-sta. c; extras, l4c. Cheese, steady; Kay&llc. SEW YOIIK GENERAL MARKET w .00 4H .no bti .00 16 .00 64 .11 .410 4 ' .00 4 .00 to .00 63 .) 49 .00 64 .00 61 .00 64 ,00 4 .00 Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Ashland. Neb.... 7( Auburn, Neb 74 Columbus, Neb.. 76 Fmirbury, Nel... 76 Fairmont. Neb... 72 Or. Island, Neb, 74 Hartlngton, Neb. 75 Oekdale. Neb.... 7 Omaha, Neb 76 Tekamah. Nb... 77 Carroll, la........ ST- Clarlnda.. Ik. fg Sibley, la 7 Sioux City. Ia.... 74 Storm Lake. la.. 73 DISTRICT AVERAGES. ' No. m Temp. Ra a. Centra L . Buittonav Max, kiln, lttctwa Chicago, 111....... Columbus, 0,... Des. Moines, la.. - Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City. Mo. laiulsvllle Ky.-j Minneapolis .... Omaha, Neb..M Bt Louia. Mo.-. U A. WELSH. Locai Forecaster. Weather Bureau. Kasaai City Graia avaid Frorlstaais. KANSAS QITT, May 22.-WUEAT-May, 7W: July, 7Sc; 6eTtmlr, 744ifj-744,(-: h. -No. 1 hiud. tl.01oa.u6; No. S. l- , flOi; No. 4. 4fttc; Ko, red. tl.MmJj 1 Ut . CORN May, 4-4i4rtaC; July, 444c; Sep- temper,; caau, c miaou, , 11411101, No. I. 474e; No. I while. 46'4c; No- 1 474c OATb-(Steady : Jo. x wuite, i.'a,wc No t mined, ll&tla. EGOft Steady : Missouri and Kansaa. new No. 2 whltewood cases included, l4c; case count. 144c; cases returned, 4C less. HAT Steady; choice Umothy, tMioOdJlO.OO choice praina, xt.yoo 00. RYE Steady at o7a70c. ' BUTTER -Craaniery. l713c; packing, 130. Receinta. Bliipinents. Wheat, bu 6s.4'W 22.000 Corn, bu ..130"rt 14 11 Oata. bu 12.0u0 a.ixaj 23 7 62 .01 16 72 (, .00 M '7t 62 .00 11 7fi 60 .00 16 74 64 .12 1 78 6 T 26 78 4K .12 16 7 , . 64 .00 11-78 ' M .0 Visible alr of Qraisv. NEW KIRK. May 22. The visible supply of grain Saturday. Msy 20, as complied by the Jew ion rrooute eacaanga, is as ioi lows: Wheat. 22.Ca.0O0 bushels; decreaae. 1.74j.(K) bushela. Com. l472tM bushels; decrease, 1.TK1.00U bi.snela. Oa is, . 14.131.Q00 butUels; decrease. 421.000 busliela. , Rye, M.OuO bushels; decrease, 101,000 bush Hariey. LtT3.i0t bushels; decrease, 117,04) j ' -Is i m ' l'61Ualp)ila rr4sur Market. PMlUllELPHU,' May !S. BUTTKH- Firm, extra we era creamery. SJ4w.1V aitra nearbv Drlnra. 24o Etii rlrrn; tvesr reeh. 17e at aitark western fresh. lTWuirw- at mark i'HttSK6ir, Jew Vik full creaaj y-cy sew, L, New Xork crtatua, lie- W Receipts Shipments. 17.BO0 14.100 .0ii0 M.2'10 R0.4H0 137.KOO 2fj."0 21(1.700 8.000 2 oo 42,900 12.400 do pfd, offered Chi. (it. West Chi. & N. W C, M. & St. P Chicago Term. & T.. do pfd C. C C. & St. L. ... Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware A Hudson. D. , L. W D. Rio Q do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nash Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Bt. Ry Mexican Central M. A St. L M.. St P. & 8. 8. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific M., K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd... N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania P., C. C. At St. L Reading 106,10 do 1st pfd 6"0 do 2d pfd 210 Rock Island Co lfi M0 do pfd 2.4O0 14 2094 178 174 314 954 24 554 in" 370 28 M 94 774 644 174 20n4 1W4 174 314 944 254 634 17r4 270 2K 84 S74 74 61 2,400 156 1S6 4aetallons Various 1.4O0 2 M00 12.SM0 600 6.SO0 4.5O0 8.01 10 "friO 500 10.900 2.7O0 1.400 4110 13.500 4.9I0 tJ0 264 594 1424 163 77 1154 194 in 1554 i 254 64 8K 140 464 224 fx;4 140 1K2 7474 U44 l4 iii 153 944 24 67 344 1364 45 7o4 61,800 1334 1314 f the nay Commodities. NEW YORK. May SZ-FLOCR-Receiiita. 20.S38 bblB.; exports, 1,895 bbls.: market quiet but firm: winter patents. 64.9(6.2i; winter straights, 64 Sifi-6; Minnesota pat ents, 5.5tKbi.o0; winter extras, 23.36(8 3 75; Minnesota tiaKers. lJ 4ia3So; winter low grades, 13.25(6365. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 14.10(84.60; choice to fancy, S4.eVa 4.85 CORNMEAL Firm: fine white and yel low, (1. 2o; coarse, SI Onu'1.10; kiln dried. BARLEY Dull: feed ne. 44Uc e I. f. New York; mailing, tttuijc c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 19 ( bu. : exoorts. 16.431 bu. Spot market firm. No. 2 red, Sl.024; nominal elevator and nominal f. o. b anoat. st.iM's; j.o. 1 northern J'ulutti, S1.114 f. o. b. afloati No. 1 hard Mamtolia. SI. 014 o. b. afloat. Further crop daman re ports, Including a bullish private estimate. wun rains in me souinwesi alio stock light promoted an early scare of wheat shorts today, led by Msy. Subsequent efforts to fret profits destroyed most of the advance, lowever. and the market closed unsetilnd at 4 to c net decline. May closed 11.02: July. D34UM 8-liic. closed v3Vc: Semen, ber 8t$ifct;,c. closed 864c. t'lL., nntij-iB, Oi.ii-il UU. , VXponS. iJi,- bu.; sales, 60.000 bu. futures; 40 01 bu. spot. Spot market firm. No. 2. D74e nom inal elevator and bmc nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. fcoVc; No. 2 white. R7c A scare of com shorts, based on bad weather again in the belt, was followed hi- afternoon reactions, which left the market nnauy ratner irregniar at ac net ad vance. May, 664&a64c closed 6ti4c; July closed 63c. OATS Keoelnta. 265.000 bu - rinnni 1 . 999 bu. Spot market steady. Mixed ran 2 to S2 pounds. S6a63.".4c; natural white'. 6'32 peunds. Siv?fi374c; clipped white. 3 to 40 pounds. S4tj40c. HAY oulet. shipping, ft65c; good to choice. 7746824c, HOPS Dull: state, common to choice 1904 . 2&iJ'2!c; 1903, rtr2V; olds. 11W1.V; Pa Clflir Coast. 14. 254:12V; 19". 2l1rj'j4c. olds. HU 1.V HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 15 lbs 20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 194c; Texas, dry. 24 to S lbs., lie. I.F. ATHE H Steady ; scid. 24fi2c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; famllv. SI 3 6" h 140". mess, i l ("fU 60: lef hams. S-'l.i5 22.60; packet. 112 H'OM 00; city extra, India mess. S2"'"i22 6'i. "ut meats firm: nh-kled bellies. 7 6ikus45; pirkled shoulders, 64Hic. pickled hams. 0 ("7 10 26. Lard, firm; western steamed S7.2"-" 46; refined, steadv; continent. . ir; oouin America .; com pound. 64i4c. far, steadv; familv, I'4.oii&'15 short clear, Sl3.0iq 15.00; mess, S13 S74513 T4. TALLOW Dull : city (12 00 per pkg ), 4c; country (pks freel. 4'ti4,r. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. J7J 54c; Jspan. nominal. POl'LTRT Alive, oniet: western spying chickens, per pair, in'irn w. man, jjc id turkeys, lr lressei. rrreirular; western liroilers. lk&35c; fowls. 10KJIS41-; turkeys. l'n l"e BI TTER Firm : western factory, common to extra iHlV CHEESE I'nsettled; pew state full cream, small white fine. 114c: new state fair to choice. l4'fHl; new slate colored tine. 11c; pew stale fair to choice. l'4 fj) K'V-; new large white fine. 104'olle; col ored. l'44il"c, old state full 51 earn, col ored and white, fancy. 14c; old stais fine, 13c -.1i1S Viim- m-eslem atQra a flrata 11A JUisO. St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. 1.OI0 St Louis 8. W 900 do pfd 900 Southern Pacific 32,7'W do pfd 0 Southern Railway.... 6.9"0 do pfd 2oO Texas A raciflc 6.000 T.. St. U A W 2.200 do pfd 2,000 l'nion Paclfie Ifi.Hoo do pfd 2.0 Wabash I,2o0 do jifd "0 W. & L. E 3'K Wis. Central 8110 do pfd '" Northern Tactile 10.5UO Adams Ex American Ex.. 1"0 1 'nited States Ex.... 1O0 Wells-Fargo Ex Amal Copper 125.600 Am. Car A Foundry. 6.2n0 do pfd 1.000 Am. Cotton Oil do Pfd 100 Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil 2o0 do pfd Am. Locomotive .... l.oft do pfd 300 894 91 8F.4 M4 1 AO oOri 1184 29 954 32 35 M 1184 97 184 3x4 154' 224 404 1K4 235' " 122 794 834 (4 31 4 94 '354 16 "47; 11" R;7 90 K54 24 714 62 20 08 b84 318 28 954 SO 344 524 115 K 174 374 16 214 454 1734 2X5" 122 '75" 31 944 31 94 'si" 18 '44" 309 14"4 3"f.4 91: 1424 188 4l,7, 30 8" K4 205 19 174 314 9.1 254 624 32 178 852 74 , Vi J74 754 814 87 92 1554 23 47 237, 674 14(4 3B24 764 1154 184 6u 1114 1534 944 244 64 344 13G4 454 74 92 1314 70 874 894 85 254 714 2 674 584 1174 284 954 304 644 3154 9fi V 87 154 21 45 1744 243 225 122 240 74 34 944 S04 92 ri S24 17 42 45 108, Consola. money i4 N. T. Central 142S6 do acrounl toi-l Ni.rtolk W 7ki Anaconda o4a do pfd 9t Atrblaon 80S Ontario W V do pfd 104 PennrvHanla tk Baltimore A Ohio 1W Hand Minca 10 Canadian Pai-lllc H" Hoadlnt 44 ( hea Uhln 47 4 o 1st pfd 44 Chicasu Ol. W If V do 2d pfd 4.' 4 ( . li. 81. r 17 .goulharn Hallway ... 2H IieBoera 174, do pfd lienver A R. U ZKs, Southern Pacific ti do pft i4 :lnlon Pacific U14 Eria 4(1 I do prd PC do lat pfd 7 r. 8. Steel i' do ad pid ti j do pfd : Illlnola Central lB0v,'Wabaoh II Loula A Naan 1411 do pfd 4(1 M. K. A T -1 A Spamab 4a Ma SILVHR Bar. steady, i"7d per ounce. May May Msy May May Msy May May May May May May May May Aiay May May May May May !18. 1906. l19O4.;i!3.;iliC:.::i.',i.il90O K iixJ sua ,'Te4 2i 1 11 i 6 11-ai 4 68, 6 7b ( 01, 6 m l?i J n lte, 4 - 1 ui, c m ..(t 244, t 69, 6 76 '6 64j68iM 6... 6 SO 14 03 72 , 7 03! 1 6 L2 S 2 ...! ri 4 661 S St., f 96 & f7 1 7 Uu, I ci Hit (fH iil 6 174 i I 3i 7 ! 6 W- s 10 ? 6 lirt 4 7 t Wi 7 o 6 19 I 4 68 7 07 6 2741 4 64 ( 64i 6 2t4 4 61 6 48, 6 99 1C. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15 . . 16.. 1 6 I.04 6 144! 6 20 I 6 28 1 18.. I 6 254i 19 . 6 19 20 21 4 i, 6 41, 4 8t 6 :e, 6 32 6 36, 22 4 60 4 6: 4 52 4 4, 6 234 4 4 6 2 1 4 41; 6 24 ( 27: ol -I 6 18 Ob 7 li 7 12, 1 07, 7 13, I 7 12 7 11 7 07. 03, a (. 6 121 S 66 6 61 6 15. S M 6 uo, 6 16 1 M ! 6 lbi S sa 6 68, 8 "l - d ' 6 21. 3 6, 6 69 , 6 23i S 63 6 20, 8 o" 6 Hi 3 e s 111 S 00 ! S 65 6 03 , 6 08. I 62 1 M oo I too 4ns a 7e 1 at, 1 . aso 4 lo 7 a at a 7M 4 i 1 4o 1 40 at i"l 4 it J7 .1001 I 10 I 7f ( l t Ml I Tf. It TV 4 It 1 700 K a 7 l 1 to in im M 4 40 t t44 I t I 4I 4 4 I 734 I tf 6 tit 4 71 15 17a 4 fsl HOUJS-There was here this morning. a light run of hoga only about sixty-two loads being offered for sale Encouraging reports from esstern points and the light run here gave sellers the advantage and the msrket was bullish all through. On the opening there was a (rood deal of activity to the trade and hogs changed hands quickly st an advance of about 6c. As the morning advanced the msrket tie came a little stronger and some sales were made at an advance of 6c 10 hki. The bulk of the hogs rhsnged hsnds at prices rang- 2 2f; Jumbos, !:6nfi3.0T. " FINEAFri.ES-Fici ar.fl rMxefl t:Mf4 7f-: storkeee Sn. feeder. S3 'Q4I6, calves and e.i lings. S3 i'(M '. Ht nil f'.eceipts. Sen head. 1 msrket stesdv to 6c higher t If- 2 if6 40. -bulk. Si 224 5S6 UI4H4 A HOI : tl F. 14HK l"T. ( oadltlea ttTradrasil lisolttlaai em staple anal I aec r root are. EO OS-Receipts. lr .narket steady; can dled stock, l.V 1.IVK PtH l.TR Y-Hetis. "10c: :i oung roos ters. t$7r; tut'kes J5c, ducKS. lie. Bl'TTKR Packing stock. 134 14c; (hole to fancy dslry, l'-v?. 1 lentnery. 2 i.'lc; prints i?c FRK.SH K1P1I - Trout. halibut 11c; buffalo 1 dressed 1. 8c; pickctel tdressed), c; mhlte bass (dressed', l.v ; sunflsti, Ac; perch fsraled and dressed". 80; p:ko. 12c; csifish. ln ; red snsppet. 10c; salmon. 14c; cripes. 12c: e'l. lor, bullhemls. 11c; blac bass. 2'ic: whlteflsh tdiesseUi. l"c, lrog legs. pr dot, Sec; lotistets. green. 27c, boiled lobsters. 30c. HAT-Prloes yuoted by Onshs WholesalB IIhv Ienlers' assfHMnnon. Choice No upland S50: No. 2. S7 ': medium. 7 f; coarse. If, 00. Rye straw. SO Oft. These piicaa are for hsv of good color and Quality. PRAN-Per ton. SI 00. TROPICAL FRl'lT. ORANC,ES-ft Mlchsels nil Sixes. S TS i4(i0; extra fsncv Medlterrsnenn sweets, all sites. S3 6"; fancv nn-es. sites 1W. 150. 17. 20c. 21i;. 260. SSO"; glges 80. 96. 112. S-.W"52 76: seedlings, all sla s. S 76 4) LEMONS CBllt.rnlH extra fsncy, vth, mi nd sen 13 76; fancy. 270. 31X1 and SV-0 sixes. S3 60. choice. 24" snd 270 sixes, 82.60; SCO and 3' sixes. S2.76fi 3 on. PATES Per box of 3-lb pkra., S2 00: Hsllowe en, in -lh. boxes, per lb.. Re. FlOS cslilornis. per 10-ib. carton. 75TJ 85c; imported Smyrna, fo;ir-rrown. 12c; fl4- crown. 12c PANANAS-Per meolum-elxed buncn, Si.7i ins fiom 85.27i to 85 30. Some hogs bo up to S6S2 Toward the close the demand was a little easier snd the hogs slower to move, with tbe market showing a little weakness Representative sales: so 6 i 73, m 6 7S' 6 67: 6 63, 'Indicates Sunday. The ofhcinl number of cars of Btock brought in by each road wan; Cattle. Hogs. SherpHr's. C: M A St. P. Ry... 1 i .. 1 Wabash 1 .. .. Missouri Pacific 3 I . P. System 4S 9 6 1 C. A N. W. Rv 2 P., E & M. V. Ry.... 42 C, Si. P. M. it O ... 13 B. A M. Rv 19 C , B. A Q Ry 2 C R, 1. A 1'.. east C, R. 1. A P., west.. 24 Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. 5 23 4 8 1 52 15 Total receipts I;i9 The disposition of tne revejptB was us fol lows, esch buyer purchasing the number of need indicated: MONEY 14fjl4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 24j?".'4 per cent; for three months' bills, 242)2 3-16 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON, May 22 Money Was In good demand in the market today and supplies were plentiful, a call for S16.O110.O11O of the J iipanese loan being re-lent to the market. Discounts were easy in sympathy with rates for money. Cm the Stock exchange trading opened quiet and operators were disinclined to make fresh commitments. Consols were steadier and hardened. Amer icans opened weak in ' response to Wall Btreet, especially hhyh-priced securities. Later they became harder at a shade over parity, principally on bear covering. Local business was meagrer. In the afternoon Quotations fluctuated and closed oulet. Im perial Japanese 6s of 1904 were quoted at I014. PARIS. May 22. Prices on the bourse today had a strong upward movement owing to the belief that there was an im provement In the Franco-Germany situa tion. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 89 and Russian bonds of 1914 at 600. Buyers. Omana Packing Co... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co Van Sunt A- Co Carey A Benton HU Huntzlr.ner Cudahy Bros. Co... V olf c Murnan Mike Haggerty J. B. Root A- Co Bulla A Kline S A S Other buyers Cattie. Hogs. Sheep. 36:i ti( i-'t ,04 1,177 1.416 6,4 1.541 1.0o4 645 874 9i6 4S 151 15 306 40 23 76 28 75 139 .3.IW 4.&I4 3.652 gt. Loots Oral a aad Provisions. ST. LOUIS, May 22 WHEAT Market higher on bad weather; No. 2 cash elevatoi, 9Sc; track, $1.10; May, $1,004; July. 834c; No. 2 hard, $1.0401.05. CORN Market higher; No. 2 cash, 614c; track, 6243c; May, 614c; July, 474c. OATS Market firm; N. 2 cash, 81c; track, S14c; Mav. 804c; July, 28c; No. 2 white, 33c. ST. LOl'lS, Mo.. May 22. FLOl'R Steady; red winter patents. $4 75(64 90; extra fancy and straight, $4.60(34.80; clear, $3.W8j4.00. SEED Timothy, steady at $2.004f2.&0. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.50. BRAN Higher; sacked, east track, 7tg 77c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $S.OO13.00; prairie, $6.(K"L".50. WHISKEY Steady, $1.80. IRON COTTON llf.bmo. BAGGING 4c. HEMP TW1NE-64'-. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; lobbing. $12 70. Lard, easy; prime steam. 86. So. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7,374; clear ribs. $7.60; short clears. $7,624 Bacon, steady; boxed extrs shorts, $8 00; clear ribs, $8,124; short clear, $8,374. POULTRY Market steady; chickens, 11c; springs, 25(9"S5c; turkeys. 12c; ducks, 10c; freese, 6c BUTTER Market slow; creamery, 1841:220; dairy. 16W19r. EGGS Market quiet st 184c, case count Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls lO.Ooo 7.000 Wheat, bu t 29.000 SH.rtoo Corn, bu ....Bl.OoO 38.'iO Oats, bu 74.000 63,000 Total CATTLE There was a good comfortable Monday's run here today nd as the re ceipts arrived early buyers were on the hill In good season. The quality of the renelpts was fairly good and the market showed a firmer tone than at the close of last week. As was the case all of the previous week the choice kinds were in best demand, but the common grades were easier to move today and there was not so much dlscriml nation mude between aood and common cattle. The demand seemed fully equal to the sunnlv. The market on beef steers was in better condition today than at the close of last week and there wau a fnir demand for cattle in this division. As usual cattle and choice stuff were preferred to common kinds, but the buyers seemed to want the stun and common kinds showed more streng-th than at any time last week. There was fair activity 10 the trade and clearance was made in good season. The msrket on good kinds was strong to a dime higher, with the common and coarse grades fully steady and a fair activity shown. There was a fair sprinkling of cows and heifers on ssle this morning and the mar ket on this claas of cattle showed an tm reovemnt over last week. There was i good firm tone to the trade all through the morning and the market was active. Good kinds showed an advance of about a dime, while the commoner grades, as with the steers, sold at 3ust about steady prices Buyers went right after the entile and clears nee was made in good season. There was no quotable change in the prices on veal calves, stags and bulls and the market ruled generally steady on this class of tattle. Verv few feeders were received here today and as the demand was good what, little stuff whs on sale was picked up readily at right around steady prices. Representative BEEF STEERS. Am. Smelt. A Refng. 87.000 1114 Ka;4 lii do pfd 1 900 114 ll'"4 lir4 Am. Firgar Refng ... 7.1("0 Am. Toliucco pf.l ctfs 1.9"0 1334 954 301 61 424 I8C4 124 68 424 170 194 787, 74 Anaconda M. Co 4"0 Brooklyn R T 17.6iO Colo. Fuel A Iron.... 14.1n0 Consolidated Gas.... 2."0 Corn Products ) do pfd Distillers' Securities. 1900 General Electric 1.400 International Paper.. WW do pfd i Inetrnational Pump.. m do tfd a National Lead 1 2m North American S.l 994 Pacific Mail Jt4 People's Gas t Ml 100 Pressed Steel Car.... S.iuO 34 do pfd 8i0 91 Pullman Palace Car. fo 232 Republic Steel 4.400 K. do pfd 8"0 714 Rubber Goods 4i0 844 do pfd J"" 1"2 Tenn Coal A Iron ... 6si 78 U S. I-ealher 100 114 do pfd. offered V. S. Realty 1 0- 96 T. H. Rubber 1 9W 38 do pfd 700 V. 8 Steel 145. l do pfd IS 1804 944 1004 674 88 385 114 68 40 189 19 78 29 784 454 424 Va -Carolina Chetn.. 2 fit do pfd Westlnghouse Elec. 6 600 Western Union 1.900 l4 ' ST4 159 93 974 St 94 844 904 281 154 9 3:44 302 73 114 '854 854 104 244 "4 S14 152" 924 131 944 3004 f7j 394 18fi 114 54 404 lfiS 19 74 284 78 424 974 834 984 "4 90 280 l 89 33 108 78 114 job 86 3t'"4 1"4 264 914 314 157 924 Total sales for the day, 1.411. SO shares. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 22-WHEAT-Julv. $1 06; September. 844c; No. 1 hard. $ No. 1 northern, $1.16; No. 2 northern, $1,094. FliOUR First patents. IS.WtHl 40; second pstents. $6 Hair 2" ; first clears, S4.0oj4 10; second clears, $2 Tt2 95. No. A. FT. b'a. AV. Pr. it .. ssn a to ti..., un 4 ti a " ...... mo 4 as 11 ii84 4 aa 7 ' 77a 4 as 1 1440 1 so 1 7&0 4 St 7 17" I 0 It ' Mi 4 ao 1J 1077 I 00 is iw 4 at. as io76 t no 60 11(14 4 U 12 12 10 12 1US 4 It. Jl 127 1 I i;i IK 1 IKS) I 10 u ... ts! 4 40 10 IS'IS i 16 1 ',' 170 4 41) 1 1040 I 16 l' 10J4 4 M 1 154 6 Kl 1 him 4 60 a ia a 10 t a-6 4 to a urn a aa 21 1:34 4 56 ta 1207 6 !o J . l"l& I tu i. 11X14 6 20 40 "" 1M1 4 46 74 116 6 2S jo' 1(120 4 1!' 6 tt 7' mi 4 r. 21 ir4 55 , RIO 4 45 1S24 t 80 71 fit 4 70 2"' 1174 6 M 71 tl 4 70 41 1111 6 30 U " 1116 4 76 1 1260 6 aO 1 ino 4 76 21 USt t K 1071 4 71 84 1270 6 16 81 tub 4 76 11 12 I 16 72 1110 4 76" t linn 6 40 a 1014 4 76 22 1168 I 0 I 1UM 4 76 22 1220 6 45 6 CIO 4 7 62 12HO 6 60 40 ... 1200 4 HO 11 12 t 60 a iaoi 4 ao as inn a m IS 1141 4 85 2 1S45 6 60 81 1161 4 M 2 1176 a to t 121 4 0 14 1417 I 60 12 lima 4 0 1 1341 65 1140 4 0 1 1414 I 76 Liverpool Graiai Market. LIVERPOOL. May 22 -WHEAT-Spot: Market quiet; No. 1 California, 6s 9d. Futures: Market quiet; May, nominal; July, 6s 94d CORN spot: Marset steaay; American mixed, nrt, 4s 44d. Futures: Market quiet; May, 4S 34d; July, 4s 44d. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., May 22-CORN-Firm $ yeilow. 614c; -NO. s, WSc. No. 4. no grade. 49c. OATS Strong: No. $ white, ao41f;j04c No 4 white, 29204c. WHISKY On the basis of $1.26. No. 5o4c; Dalsitk Grata Market. PULUTH, Minn.. May 22 WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern. $1.08; track. No 1 northern. $108; No. 2 northern. $14$1 4; Mav. $1.08; July. $107; September. 844c OATS To arrive and on track, 804c. Sew Vark MtalaaT Vtoeks. NEW YORK. May 23 The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Aaanta Cos 84 Ltttla Chief a Alio Ooiaris Kreees at Ophir t?t brutiawlct Con 1 llioesii I toraaock Tuooal .... 8 Polool 4 Cos I'll A Va It Kavas to Hi.ra tlr 10 8rra Kaaaoa ....... 41 IrtMi Pllv.r to" Small Hoa at Laadvtll Csa 4 fclaadara lal Haak dearlaaa.' OMAHA, Mav Tl Bank clearings for to ds v were $l.2Wv6 76. and for the corre. sponding date last )ear tl. 367.824 .68. Treaaary tHatesaeat. WASHINGTON. Msy 22 -Todsy's state ment of lialsnces In the general fnnd. ex clusive ol tu.OoO.wO gold reserve iu Uit Toled SeeA Market. TOLEDO, O.. May 22. SEED Clover, cash. $7 on asked; October, $.7 70; prima alKike, $7.60; prime timothy, $1.60. Metal Market. NEW' YORK. May 22 -METALS Ex pectations of a further advance in the Lon don market, owing to virtual corner in the tin market, were disappointing. On the contrary, the cables nsmed prices with spot at AIM 38s 6d and futures at 186 1. Locally the tone was easier In sympathy with the break abroad and spot was quoted at 829 Ho 30.26. Copper was easier abroad also, closing at 64 im fur spot and A64 7s td for futures In the Ixmdnn market. Lo cally tbe situation shows little change. It being- shown that sales of both lake and electrolytic have been made between $15(4) 016 60 Lake is ouoted at $16 vU 16 26; elec trolytic at $15.oril6.124 and casting at $14.7516 011. Lead was a little lower at 4.12 17s sd in lxndon. but remained un changed at H Si 'n 4 tin In the local market. Speller was unchanged at 23 in Lon don and remained steady at $6 60jl Ao in the local market. Iron closed at 61s In Glasgow and at 4As in Lo cally Iron was unchanged No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted ai $17,37417.60: No. 2 foundry, northern. $' nmjrn iv No 1 foundry, southern. Bnd No. 1 southern, soft. $!7 Oofl7.2t; No. 2 foundry, southern, 1.0.60 Bl76. t - ST. LOUIS Msy 22. METALeV Lead, dull, cpeiier, dull kl at.. 6TEERS . . 7a a aa . . a.a 4 06 . . 141 4 66 . . tot 4 10 STEEK3 . .1110 4 to AND COWS. a a... Ik... 11 .. AND 861 nao 11174 l:si STAGS. 110 imo 70 876 4MI imo 446 loMl 10W 740 ati 80 842 846 845 0 an aio 74 into loan 10J0 aao aim aaa too 1071 1117 2 ... too ...1MH 2 I It a ao 1 0 a 5 a 7a t 76 t 7 a 7 a ii a 76 2 76 a oo a oo a 00 a oo a oo a i a to a to a so a ia a it a u a ta I as 8 u a a a to a at a ao a to a 65 a tt a 70 cows i. 10... K.Y. . aw .. no .. 85t . .1071 . .100 ..1114 . . S4 . 440 .lii .. aa . .11)711 .1174 .1110 . . tao . lrao ..into . . l!l ..1077 ..1140 . . 713 . .140 .. tao .. W2 .. Ul . . low .. 878 ..1168 .1000 ..Ull .1147 , . .III . . . 1 110 ...640 ...1100 I no a so a it 6 46 a 70 a ao a ao a ao I 86 a 45 a ac a to a ao a to 4 o 4 0 4 M 4 00 4 0 4 00 4 io 4 It 4 10 4 10 4 to 4 ao 4 86 4 at 4 a 4 16 4 K 4 86 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 ta 4 t6 4 71 COWS AND HEIFERS tit 41 40 420 440 40 , 660 , Ui . IM . 4M . 64 710 . 846 826 , 71 a at t 4 00 IS litlitHK. 1... I ... I ... I.... 1... ... J.... 1... 1.... I.... . a.i . 75 .:nns .lit" . kid I nao I 76 I 76 I 76 I 75 a 7t I 85 I $ I 0 a oo a I mi a oo 3 85 a ta a aa a 4v a. i ... i... a ... 4 ... I.... I. ... 4... 20.... I ... 4 ... I ... 16 ... 17.... 2 ... 4 ... 17 . .. 8I-LI.8. i ao I K a m a i I 16 8 1. 1 ... I.. 1 1 . I.. Ml . 76 . 407 . . 441 . . Mr, .. IM . . tllO . 5'W .. IW, .. lot .. Ill .. 7ul .. too .. M5 . . 7la . . 11.0 .. 841 . .1073 .. ita ..140 .lint) . .140 . .11110 . 141 ..L 4 10 4 80 8 40 a at a to a to a u I ta a at I to 4 00 4 It 4 10 4 16 4 10 4 16 4 ao 4 411 4 46 a to a ao a at I so 8 to t IS) ST. . IM . 1.14 . tit ,.224 . 2fil . Ill . 121 .241 .134 a2 . 14 . ar-i . J7 . in . 115 . 140 ..KH .827 ..244 . an . im . :i6 ..241 .tit ,.24 ..111 . . .Ill . . 211 .217 .131 SB. 6 86 i 174 a rv vs, 174 6 rs a r" a 174 a r, a r a rv a r, I 74 a ph a 174 74 a i74 I 174 a 274 I '4 I aa a ao I 80 a ao a ao a ao a ao ... 6 80 40 6 ao 40 a to ao a ao ao a o 80 80 lto ii 28 80 K. 61 . 4 . !? 11 71 . It . 80. . 12 . M . 77 . ta . 14 . at.. II.. ff . tl . tl.. 81. . tt.. 41 . 77.. 71.. 70 . 48.. 84 . 7! .. SO.. 41 . 71.. 77 , 14 a .. 846 .. 801 .. Ill ..111 .. tal .. rro . . !l ...140 Sh 10 lit iao 180 1S 140 80 131 242 ..111 171 , mi 174 ..187 ..11 . IM .144 ,.7t .184 , 161 Ml aaa .127 .2 .281 . 141 . HI . .847 ..881 14 I a I 10 I to a ao a ao a ao I 80 I 80 I 10 a ao a ao a as a ao 80 I a a an i o I 10 I 80 a ao a ao a ao I 80 I 10 I 80 80 l ao a ao a an I 124 I 814 SHEEP There was a fairly good run of sheep here today, the receipts being heav ier than any day last week. There were about b.OOO head received and the general quality of the receipts was good Buyers were out early and the receipts were picked up In good season at right around steady prices. Sheep were in bestdemand and sales on this kind of stufT looked stronger. A small bunch of cllrped ewes with a few wethers In them, sold up to $5.00. The old sheep were In good condition for market purposes and trading was ctive The lambs were not in as good demand and were slower In moving, ai though when sold brought good steady prices. Clipped lambs brought So 26 this morning, while wooled lambs sold for Si. 26 There was a firmer tone to tbe trade today and the areneral market could best be described as being steady to strong, with trading active. Cjuotstlonj. for cllnned stock: Good to choice lambs. $47.00(345 .60 ; fair to good lambs. $.i.5(8Jl6 00; good to choice Cmorado wooled lambs 87.Wii7.tiO: srood to choice yearlings, $5 00$ 5.60; fair to good yearlings. $4 6"K&6 00: good to choice wethers. $4.&iii6.00; fair to good wethers. 84 404.76; good to choice ewes. 84.6fi(&4.76: fair to rood ewes, M.onifJ 4.40. Wooled stork sells from 76c to $1.00 per 100 pounds higher than Clipped stock. representative sales: No. 4 western ewes 2 western ewee 48 western cull ewes 10 wesiern ewes 4 western yesrlings . Ill western cull lambs cull lambs cull ewes ewes and wethers wethers and -year- Wt. .... 87 ... 90 ... 91 71 22 western 97 western 43 western 8 western lings 206 western lamb) 146 western lambs 18 western lambs 11 western sheep 209 western lambs 67 western lambs 38S western lambs 800 western lambs 248 western lambs western lambs, culls.. 440 Colorado lambs 25 Colorado lambs, culls 9 Colorado ewes 12 Colorado ewee 213 western ewes 10 western lambs 20 western ewes, culls... 1 western ewe 602 western lambs 7 103 64 Pr. t 78 8 00 8 00 3 10 4 00 4 26 4 76 ( 00 6 oo 98 64 78 76 138 84 88 87 86 82 . 63 , 70 , 64 , 101 80x . 97 . 88 . 101 . 180 , 66 6 28 t 60 I 90 00 t 00 t 26 ( 26 7 26 7 26 7 28 4 0 86 6 00 6 00 4 SO 4 60 00 8 40 6 60 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hosts Five to Ten Teats Lower, Hheep and Lambs Lower. CHICAGO, May 22 CATTLE Receipts, 24.OO0 head: market steady; good to prime steers, so.&ogro ": poor to medium, 4 4043 i 60: stockers and feeders, $2 606.75: cows. S2.WK& 00; heifers. $2.&o6.7T; csnners. $1.60 aililK.' hulls. 2.4iS)476: calves. S2.oa5.50. H'OGS Receipts. 82.0(8) head; estimated tomorrow, 20.000 head; market 6c lower; mixed and butchers, S&.8Tifc.75: good lo choice heavy, $a.4MrG.6i4; rough heavy, 14 Mjti.SO; light, 6.80436.06; bulk of sales. 85 47if&6.56. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 80.000 head; morket 10c lower: Ismbs 10(6 16c lower; good to choice wethers, shorn. $5.IK&68!; fair to choice mixed, shorn, l4.tYnii4.f8i: western sheep, shorn. 84 0ik&.S6: native lambs, shorn. $40ooji6(0; western lambs. shorn, $4.5o4.80. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 22 CATTLE Receipts. 8.000 bead, Including 2.200 head . . V . - ., . . n, .. -U , A -ifm i,l.t,A. r. v . ui un un, uia. r, , . , v 11 iq , i . , , choice export and dressed beef steers, $6 60 4i625; fair to good. 84 WKjp.6.40; western fed steers, $4 6046.00; stockers and feeders. $3.25 5.15; southern steers, $3 7565 40 : southern cows, $2 5084.50: native cows. $2.6ofi I 86; na tlve heifers. $3 6YfJ6.26; bulls. $2.ft(i34 ; calves. S3 0IK&5 65. HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head; market RfflOc hlrher. ton. $5 4?4; bulk of sales. $f. .SfV'd 5.424; heavy. $5.36't5 40; packers, $5.S5(gf).424; pigs and lights. $4 h&m 40. SHEEP AND 1AMH8 Receipts, 7,$(i head; market for sheer) 10c lower; lambs teadv; native lambs. 86 sotj Oti; western lambs. $5 .8517 40; fed ewes snd yearlings $4 2b-'ai U; Texas clipped yearlings. I4.8(,'a 5.50; Texas clipped sheen, $4-2&fjo-00; stock ers and feeders. $2. 5034.00. orlda. Per crate of 24. SO, M or 42. $3.50. nti itc CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Plartt pet 8-lb box. $175; white, per 8-lb box, $1 60 STRAWBERRIES - Missouri, per 24-qt, case. $2 26 TANGERINES California, par half bo. $2 00. CRANBERRIES Jersevs. per crata. $1.51 VEGETABLES. Tl'RNIPS-New, pel uoa., 4f. CAK ROTS New, pt r dos., 46c. FAKSN1PS Old. per PU.. 4IIC. WAX MEANS Per 4-u. v.ox. 75c; string beans, per 4-bu. box, ,'oc; bu. box wax or string $2i04i:26 roi A J o--s-liome arrwn. in sacks, per bu.. 86c; Colorado, per bu., 4,'ic; new pota toes, per lb , 2c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2 CUCUMBERS Per dot.. A'TSc PEAS New. per bu. box. $1.7i4a20ft. TOM ATOE8 FlorMn.. fsncy, per R-haket crate. $2 50, choice ter 6-basket crate, $2.(8). SKINACH-Per bu.. 60c. CABBAGE California In crates, per lb.. 240; ..... HK-fc .rv New. per ooi rjunrnes. 10c UNIONS New. per do bunt lies. 16e: Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., $176. RAOlSHtS Hot ht-use or out-nern, per dos . 20c. LETTUCE Hot house, per aoi., 3ii(n40c: head lettuce, tier dot., $1. PARSLEY Per oox. bunches, 46c. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dog. bunches. gotJ'Tfir. M1CH-C.L1.AJMUUI CHEESE Swiss, new. IHc; old. 17c; Wis consin brick. 15c; Wisconsin limnurger, 10c; twins, 14(615c. Nl "16- ainuts. No soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c. hard shells, per 10., isc; Jo. Z sort sneas, per 10., i;c; jo. 1 nam hells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; rossted peanuts, per lb.. 8c, Chill walnuts, per lh., I2fel34c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts. er lb., 124'rriac; new oiaca wamuis. bu , 76tf90c; sheilhark hickory nuis, per ira., $1.75; large hickory nuta,per bu., $1.50. Hll'M-RO. 1 Kreen. ilc; ro. . aij-vra. 64c; No. 1 salted, 64c; No. 2 sailed. 14c; -I .... 1 . . .-. . o ....I f U. is o. 1 veai can, ii , 10. 4 "-i v . : dry aalted. 7'3n4c; shep pelts, Z&c'ai.uo; borae hides. i 0non.1v. OH and Rosin. NEW Y'ORK . May- 22 l )l j tTottonseea oil steadv; prime crude, nominal, prime vellow, 27Vtft28c Petroleum, quiet: refined New York. So 96; fhiutdeipnia ana iam niore, Sfi 90; Philadelphia snd Baltimore in bulk. $4 00. Turpentine, nrm. evvya "c- ROSIN Firm. Btraineo common iu s,inu. WM3.90 tilt, t ill. ra.. man -' " balsnces. SI 29; certificates, no ma. nnip ments, 128.988 bbls.; average.. 2.844 bbls ; Tuns. 101.784 PIUS.; sveraaje. ..iu. "'"i;; mentS, Lima. 74.S73 POIS.; Bvernae, 0,0. t-o bhls ; runs, Lima, 110.313 bbls.; average. 66.625 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga . May penttne. firm; eTVrJlW riuoirv r irm. wwir . $.60c; E. 3.65; F. $70c; G. I. 4 46c: K. 4oc; At, t.ioc; 4.85; WW, 5 274c. gaavar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Msy 22. SI U AM Haw, nominal; fair refining. 8 11-16; ceniriTuga. M test. 4 6-lSc; molasses sugar. j-oc, ri- flned. steady; No. s. osoc; jvo. 1. "v. 8 6.10c; No. . 6 09c; No. 10, 60flc; No. IL 40c: No. 12. 4.86c; No. 18. 4.76e; No. 14, 4 70c; confectioners A. 6.70c; mould A, t.20c; cut losf. 455c; crushed, 6 56c, pow dered. 6 Wc; granuietea. Mil 7 .A88R8 Bteaa V : lew lirirona kettle good to choice, 29ftiS5c. NEW DKLMIVO. mnv " i " Qult. Open kettle. a44V,c; open mu centrifugal. 44'64 15-lfic; centrifugal whites. 64c; yellows. 4(&Ac; seconds, 8'jj44c. I6c; centrifugal. 16Sf4c; syrup, nominal, sic CotTee Market. vrw TOK Msv n COFFEE Msrket for futures opened' steady st sn advance of 6 points on a little buying attracted by cables but the demsnd was very light and with a little offering for Ion account the market loet tne anvance aim cmpru steadv and unchanged to 5 points higher. Sales' were reported of only 4 750 bsgs in cluding Julv at fioc; September at 8.MT 690c; Octotier at 6.9oc; December Bt i.P'r; February at 7.20c ana iMarcn ai i.-uc. cjmi quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6c. Dry Goods Market. ' NEW YORK. May 22.-DRY GOOtiS The .ri.Ai is .un- and buyers are evidently not Interested except for nearby deliveries and In small lots. Prices, however, are very firm and the tendency on many lines Is to ward radically higher quotations. These hnr the huver Is incnrieo 10 comoaa and although he is paying asking prices to secure deliveries be does not 00 11 will ingly and fears that the .future may show lower level. KIbtIb Batter Market. ELGIN. Ill . May 22 BUTTER Firm, At 21c. Sales for week. 497.604 pounas. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 22. OIL Tur- B. C, SBfic: r, J75c; H, 8 9Sc; N, 4.85c; WQ, Bt. Ioals I4ve Ktoek Market. ST. LOUIS. May 22 CATTLE Receipts. 4.000 head. Including I. urn head 'rexans: mar ket strong: native shipping snd export steers. $6.Wff 25; dressed lieef and butrher steers. $4 f"fft 60: steers under 1,000 lbs., $8 76 4j4 9o; stockers and feeders. 83 6B6 75: eows and heifers $J26'fl5 26; canners, $2.0Otr2.26; bulls, $2 7&4T4 76 ; calves; Texas and Indian steers, $3.5X806 85; cows and heifers. 83 005 36 HIK5S Peceipts, 8.W8) neaa : market 847 10c hlrher. nl as and lights, sawesto; packers. $4 7.Vif).50, butchers and best heavy, $6.85 6 50 SH EEr AM' LA m nil neoeipis, I two head; market stesdy: native muttons. $8 to fi5i": lambs, $.-i.0naK.0Ti; culls and bucks. S (nr 14 50. stockers, $2 75$ 25; Texans, 3 !fHe tOu. Bt. Joaeak Live ttoek Market ST. JOSEPH. May 22 CATTLE Re celpt. 1.802 head: msrket strong. Vie higher; natives. 4 jixb. 00, Texas westerns. $2 8543 S.2&: cows ano neirers. xi Ytwoe ai: hull Stags, etc., $2.255 20; veals, MWisO; year ling reives. 12 ;t,y.uu; Blockers ana leeo era. $2 Tbfai fro. HOGS Receipts. 4.120 head: market tc higher; light mixed, $5 35(ti8S74; medium heavy, Sa8ott6 424; pigs. $4(K8ti40; bulk of sales, tf ft 40 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts 7.108 head, market active and steady; Colorado lambs, $7 85. Deeds filed for record yesterday, as fur nished bv the Midland Guarantee ana Trust company, bondad abstracters, 1614 Farnam street, tor i lie Laura E. Sanfird to Lillian M. Braum. e4 lots us ana 1. n 11. Bedford Place $ 1 E. J. Sullivan to Laura & Banford, same : . D. M. Ure and wife to Eugenie -M. Ksrle, part ioti 19 ana 20. rairmmit Place : 1 L M. Bowere and. aMfe to W. H. Stollman, lot 19, mock t. cowers add .' 1 C. S. Shepard and wife to Iallle A. Meyers, part of lot 18. cam i-iace ;,w Martha H. Haver et al. to A. Bock, s4 .nw4 sec. 5-14-12 6.200 G. 1. Jones to Catherine Crihlll. part lot 12. block 18. South Omaha $ Omaha Realty company to N. Thomas, lot 1. blook 1. Lowes bud , - F. D. Wead and. wife to II J,. Peter son. W4 lot 6. block , Btiinn s ana .. i.'im Same to A. Wallgren and wife. e4 lot 6. block 8. Blilnns' Sdd. 1.W8I J. Swoboda to A. and Silvia Johnson. lot 67. Sullivan i add. to atouin Omaha 700 Conservative Ssvlngs and Losn asso ciation td Mair. pan 101 11. block 5. Park Place 1,550 T. J. Ashbv and wife to E G. Gray. lot 1. block 2. BogKs end Hills S.6n C. H Brlggs and wife to I. B S'elnl- ger. part lax 101 ti.. sec .10-14 . .. oto C. Nllsson to lella N. Sci.ffern, lot 6. block 6. Bhulls 2d add. 2 07 W. A Plumtnes. assignee, to F. D. Wead. lot S3 block 11. orchard Hill J Belknap Bavingr liaiik of New Hmp- ihire to r. u vi pun, same Emnia C. Johnston snd husband to JuilS F. KUSHell. lot 6. biiKg t. Spring Lake Park :.... 1 7'U J. B Erion to H T Wead, lot 1. block 14. Bourn irniain i waj tork la tlakt. Receipts of live stock at th als principal western markets yeaieroay: Lame. nogs, eneep Edwards-Wood Co. . ("Incorporated ' riaift Offltar. Filfh aad Ksttartt Strgatt T- fAIJU niNN. South Cmiaha Sioux City ... St. Joseph .... St. Louis ..... Kansas City . Chicago Total ..... 4,019 . 1i . 1 !t . 4.0t4) .. S.' .24,18 8) 4il 6.: t.4i) . ... 4120 7.1 8.600 11 6.08) 7 82.000 80.8 OlvAt,i.ftl 8i Stocks, Grain, Provision. .42 921 13,681 63 871 3"sTi Ship Your Grain to Us tlssa City LIt Dtoek Market. SIOUX CITY. May 2t CATTLE - Re. calms. l.auO head, msrket 10c higher, stork- erg avwer. bes, M nutyi at, wi, bulia Hraack Orfire. lia-lll Uoard ml Trada Bias.. Oaaaka, Mek. Telepkoaa ASIA. 212-2)4 Exchange Rldg.. South Omaha. BU Pituu Ua. luilepaiideui i'awu 4V