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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1905)
,7 10 TI1E OMATTA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY. MAY 23, 100.'. V UIEST LIST OF NEW WARDS j Anoiher Boheme of Redisricting City Dnder ComiideiR'ion of Council. SEEMS FAIRLY WELL SETTLED ON Vroteets Aaalnet rrtaln (hamra Are Not Serlooxlf llfdd Ittck tiff Hid of Ills Klval, Mailt. The city council mt in adjourned session at i o'clock, Monday afternoon, so tint nn ordinance redisricting the city from nine to twelve wards could be Introduce 1 imd read the first and aeend timed. Vo 'imply with the charter the boundarIs h.ivn to be chanced by June 4. though 'he three new wards created will not have rf prr sentatlon In the council until aft'r the municipal election In May, 19"'!. The. coundlmen waited jutlrntly until .liter 3 o'clock for the appearance of the i rdlnnnce, but as the latter Is lotiK and ln-i-olved, the clerks and officials preparing It mild nut get It ready for Introduction until 4 or 6 o'clock. It was decided finally to adjourn the meeting, which was pro tracted, for a week, and to let the docu ment come up for Its first reading at the regular session Tuesday night, as only one day's time could be gained by uctlon yesterday, since the ordinance must lay over a week before final passage. A num ber of Improvement club members and others were prepent to protest against the lines of the le w Tenth and Twelfth wards, for various reasons, chiefly political. A scheme different from any yet pub lished was agreed upon by councilmen Mo.iday morning, and the bcnindai Its. were Incorporated In the ordinance substantially Ik a follows: First Ward -Beginning at south city limits and liver, west to Thirteenth, north to Unculn avenue, east to Tenth, north to Leavenworth, east to river. Second Ward Beginning at south city limits and Thirteenth, west along limits to Thirty-weond avenue, north to Kd Crelghton avenue, east to Twenty-seventh, south to Martha, cost to fnion Baclflc rail way, northeast to Lincoln avenue, east to Thirteenth, south to limits. Third Ward (Boundaries l"nchnngedl Beginning at Ienvenworth and river, west to Sixteenth, north to Nicholas, east to liver. Fourth Ward Beginning at Sixteenth and Iavenworth, west to Twenty-fourth, norm to JJewey avenue, west to Twenty-sixth avenue, north to Dodge, east to Twenty sixth, north to Chicago, east to Sixteenth, south to Leavenworth. Fifth Ward Beginning- at Nicholas and river, west o Sherman avenue, north to Charles, west to Twentieth, north to 1'inkney, west to Twenty-fourth, north to city limits, following city limits east and south to point of beginning. Sixth Ward Beginning at Twentieth ana JIol ton 7 m j an s I The Greatest Oriental Rug Sale Sward. west to city limits, limits to south line of Font Ever Held in the West We bought from S. Stelnfteld ft Co.. who nre retiring from the Oriental rug business, over $i6.nu0 worth of Oriental Hugs for spot ensh at about 33 per cent on the dollar. ' We feel very proud of this sale, as never In the history of our business have we been able to offer such splendid goods at such low prices. There are most beautiful rugs from distant Persia, India and Turkey, nearly this entire lot was Imported for the spring season of 1SKK. This statement tells the story of how we can sell them so cheap: IMS) I ! MjLIMIvl Lilll OMAHA WKATIIKR HF.POHT Tnesriay Fair. s7 I We have this day sold to J. I,. Brandels & Hons, for spot cash, our entire stock on hand of Oriental Rugs, as we are retiring from the Oriental Hug business. This stock invoiced 316.341. 84. The price at which we sell them to you Is scarcely 33 1-8 per cent of he actual cost to Import. Tours truly, ! (Signed). S. STEINFEL.D & CO. We mention but a few of the prices. Our entire second floor carpet room Is devoted to this sale. To give you an Idea of how cheap we are going to sell these rugs, we mention: One bale of various sizes in Shirvan Hugs, all colors and styles repre sented in this lot, rang-iti? in price from $5 to $9.50 each. At ordinary sales these would be considered bargains at fxoru T C A Q CA 15 to $25, at, each M 0 O.JV One bale of assorted Kazak aod Kurdistan Rujr, soma in very large sizes, from 115 to $25 each. In ordinary sales these CI 5 4g ttQ would be considered a birjjain at from J40 to '."... SU IO $&J One bale of long hall runners and stair ru9, rang- (TIP a CCI Ing lo prices from $25 to $.1!) each, worth to $10J J 0 One bale of room size Persian Rugs, uo to 12x15 size, in two lots at $.19 and $49 each. Any would be a great bargain at $125 each One bale of Antique Bokharas from $1!) to $29 each. These would be very cheap for $50 each And hundreds of other bargains too numerous to mention, that must be seen to be appreciated. We enrnestly solicit your pntrontipr to this sole, as we are almost positive that such u sale will never occur npiln. $19 29 $39 a $49 One small bale of Silk Hugs. These must be seen to be appreciated. They go at $2 j each, would $ C be very cheao at $75. at tO mm iTflt BtHNETT CONPAriVj DEALnrvwrrmNs OMAHA NEB BENNETT S BIG GROCERY THE HST (SUOCKHIK8 FOR TMF, LEAST MONEY. Twenty (I- tirevn Trading Stamps with pound JU- package Bennett's Capitol Coffee OC Twenty ($2 "to Orecn Trading Stamps with pound Itt B. F. Japan Tea uO Ten (SUU) (Ireen Trading Stamps with can pure t2n ground Black Pepper Ten (l.u'l ireen Trading Stampb with package Mon- soon Seeded Ka Islns 1VC Ten ( SI - Green Trading Stamps with two cans O'liarOrtr' Homlnv eW Ten I $1.(01 (ireen Trading Stamps with two cans Bos- Q sango Sardines lo Twenty U2.IJ") Green Trading Stamps with package . UuT!v(;i Keedpd RlllsinH Ten (Jl.i) Green Trading Stamps with package Ousto (Ep (1 Breakfast Food itair pound.... Saratoga Chips, EXr quarter pound... -"- .15c 10c I SS-...20c 2 Greatest Salt We Ever Held of Lace Curtains I Specials in HARDWARE for Tuesday. Buy Your Screen Doors and Windows Now Thirty (3.00 Green Trading Stamps with anv Screen Door Tues- "7fcic dav, 1.7b. l.f. $1 9c and.. J (Be sure and bring correct measure.) Twenty ($ Green Trading Stamps with any Screen Window, IC prices up from Iiouble Green Trading Stamps on the best double selvage Screen 1 Ac Wire, squaro foot saw Twenty ($2 imi Green Trading Stamps with Gasoline Oven, l)HC at a Forty ($4. (Alt Green Tending Stamps with best quality Single Oven, (J at Fortv Green Trading Stamps with best quality Double 2. IS Twenty " (12 '.00) Green Trading Stamps with anv Grass Hook, 45c, 3sc. Ifclf. 2Sc and Double Green Trad ing Stamps on all S:!&kuW3Er imlh Hoom Ftx- guaranteed solid brans, nickel plated. Sponge, Snap and Tooth Brush Hold- ers. Towel Rods and Kings, Tub Seats and Sprays. Buth Hammocks! Hammocks! All the newest styles in the best materials and perman ent colors, with or with out valances or pillow, up from.... Double Green Trading Stamps on All Hammocks Tuesday. Sporting Goods Section Muin Floor. Prescriptions. Have Your Prescriptions Filled at the Right Place. BENNETT'S. Purity, accuracy and cars abso lutely jfuaraatecd. Drug Section, S. E. Cor. Main Floor north along ntanelle park, east to Fortv-aeoond street, south to Win, east to Forty-first, south to I,ake, east to Twentieth, south to Sewurd. Seventh Ward Beginning at Martha street and I'nlon l'acitlc railway, east to Twenty-seventh, north to Kd Crelghton ave nue, west to Thirty-second, south to limits, west and north along limits to Forty eighth, south to Pacific, east on Pacific to Twenty-ninth or Park avenue, north to Icavenworth, east to Twenty-fourth, south to point of beginning. Klghth Ward beginning at Sixteenth and Chicago, west to Twenty-sixth, north to Burt, east to Twenty-fifth avenue, north to Indiana, west to Twenty-sixth, north to Seward, east to Twentieth, south to Charles, east to Sherman avenue, south on Sherman avenue and Sixteenth to point of beginning. Ninth Ward Beginning at Twenty-sixth and Dewey avenues, west to Thirty-eighth, north to Seward, east to Twenty-Bixth, south to Indiana, east to Twenty-fifth ave nue, south to Burt, west to Twenty-sixth, south to Dodge, west to Twenty-sixth ave nue, south to Dewey avenue. Tenth Ward Beginning at Uncoln ave nue and Tenth, west to Twenty-fourth, north to Leavenworth, east to Tenth, soutn to point of beginning. Eleventh Ward Beginning at Twenty fourth and I'nvenworth, west to Park ave nue, south to Pacific, west to Forty-eighth, north to limits and along west limllB to Seward, east to Thirty-eighth, south to Dewey avenue, east to Twenty-fourth, south to point of beginning. Twelfth Ward Beginning at Twentieth and Lake, west to Forty-first, nortb to Wirt, west to Forty-second, north to south line of Fontanelle park, west to city limits, north on limits and east on limits to Twenty-fourth, south on Twenty-fourth to Plnkney, east to Twentieth, south to Luke at point of beginning. Some of the Changes, In this scheme, which seems to be fairly well settled upon, despite violent protests from north end Improvement clubs, the First ward Is changed but little, the new Tenth constructed mostly out of the north end of the old Second, which Is now en larged by a slice of the old Seventh, the latter ward being cut on the north also at Pacific street to make territory for the hew Eleventh ward, which Is constructed out of the west hulf of the old Ninth, and an oblong section between Dewey avenue and Leavenworth street, running east to Twenty-eighth street. The Eleventh la also helped out by a square cut out of the old Fourth ward bounded by Dewey avenue, Tw.-nty-fourth, I.eavenworth and Twenty eighth streets. A strip two blocks wide between Dewey avenue and Chicago street Is sawed off from the old Fourth to help out the new Ninth, which Is amplified also by a patch of territory lying between Chi cago und Seward and Twenty-sixth and Thirtieth streets that formerly belonged to the Eighth. While the Eighth Is decreased so'much In size, It Is given a chunk from the old Fifth bounded by Nicholas, Charles, Sherman avenue and Twentieth streets. The Third ward Is Just the same as It was. The new Sixth Is as Councilman Evans wants It, taking In all of that part of the old Sixth lying south of Lake street, but biting off a big chunk as far north as Fontanelle park and west of Forty-first and Forty-second streets. The Fifth ward Is Just like it was except for the block given to the Eighth on the southwest cor ner. The new Twelfth ward gets every thing that is left In the northwest corner of the city and will be the biggest ward In acres in town. Among other things accomplished Is the gerrymandering of Ernest Stunt out of the First ward. This was arranged by Coun cilman Back, who thus rids himself of an ancient political foeman. Stuht will be In the Tenth ward, where some of the re publican leaders that disputed Back's sway will be consigned also. We place on sale an importer's entire stock of highest grade real Brussels, Irish Point, Cluuy and Saxony Lace Curtains. This is the entire balance of the season's stock of the best known importer in New York. The Curtains are worth up to $50 per pair. We divide the entire lot into four prices per pair This Is the first tlmp that we have evor been ablp to offer such a prnnrt lot of Luce Curtains at about the price of ordinary Nottlrjfthams. To give this sale plenty of space, It will take place on the Second 1- loor. We also offer, in the Basement, 10.000 yards of liobinet that is worth 54c at, per yard I. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE pair. e divide tin entire lot into four 10ci (Bliii This will tell you all about the big sale n today in the Shoe Dept. We have purchased from ; JOHN EB BERTS, BUEFALO, N. T. his entire floor stock of 5 LADIES' OXFORD TIES, Christy lies, Gibson Ties, Blucherettes, m Bluchers, Button Oxfords ' in black kidskin, tan calfskin, chocolate kidskin, patent coltskin, made in all the h latest and newest styles, patterns and lasts, in all widths from A to EE, 5 in hand turn soles and welt soles. We will put these and " two other purchases of oxfords 5 ALL ON SALE AT ONCE 2 5 TODAY AT I $1.59, $1.08, and $2.50 pair EXTRA SPECIAL. I Ladies' high cut turn and welt sole chocolate color shoes. The extreme of summer O f style in ladies' boots special at ... . I KARNES LYMAN MARRIAGE Eveat 'Will Transpire June Seventh, bat Flare llns o Hern Given Out. The wedding of Mrs. Jessie Dickinson Lyman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickinson, and Lieutenant William L. Karnes of the Sixth cavalry, will take place June 7. Lieutenant Karnes Is a member of the personal staff of General T. J. Wlnt and chief ordnance officer of the Department of the Missouri. He came to Omaha a little over a year ago and has figured prominently socially as well as In army circles. Very Bad Conah Cared by Chamber Iain's toush Remedy. For three months Mr. Gall Woodworth of Stevens Point, Wis., was troubled with a very bad cough. Hs doctored continu ally, but sot no permanent relief until hs used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which effected a cure. A p. eat many others have had a like experii Most cough medi cines are .nereiy p iMiatlve that is, they give only temporary relief while Cham berlain's Cough Remedy cures the disease that causes the coughing and effects permanent cure. No one can afford to neglect a cough, for a persistent cough is the first symptom of consumption, Ui luwsl laUU VI aU discus, for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO ! BEST BECAUSE Ton are HOT peytni- for bill beerfls, tea Barallnsr, elaeks. free deals, etc, but for Fin Quality Havana Tobacco, KtCAl la, parted Clears, sold airect to ue reuuier By . su luiua awni vnu vv, turn, ST. LA VIS. LOWE BROS.' GLOSS PAIMT FOR LAWN AND PORCH FURNITURE It Is especially adapted for this use as It gives a hard surface and will not rub off on the clothes, will withstand the rain, etc., which outdoor furniture is subject to. It gives a perfect gloss and does not require varnish for finish. Is very economical and can be applied by anyone. I'EK HALF" PINT 25c I'ER I'INT too I'EK (Jl'ART 75c We carry everything needed in the paint line for house cleaning time. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Paint Department. H16 HARNEY. 'PHONE S4JJ. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city. NERVAI. TABLETS l Tnduce restful tieep. Curs N'ervouineM, Stomseh, Kidney sod Ultddsr trouble, snj uroUuce I'liuuy fie, eirtnfth sad Vitality. Mold by Druggists.; or Ihrr, Ujxev 75. AIM NERVAN LAXATIVE PILLS Mel t or uiuile Tablet, endow 10 cm, to The Siervan Tablet Co, 1 InclaaatL O. Ir'or sale by Bealoa Drug Co., l&ib and raraaaB, Omaha, aad all draglata. TRUSSES A HUNDRED YEARS MAY COME AND GO AND STILL THE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE will repeat the sayings, the songs and the music of today as tweet as the voice Itself as strong and Impressive as the very words out of the months of pow erful speakers as rich and enchuntlnK as the music diroct from the Instru ments In the hands of the great musters. So does a Columbia Oraphophone re peattone for tone and strain for strain. Do you want entertainment in your home? It's mighty nice to know that you can have it at any hour In the day or night and with no expense or exertion. Have you a baby in your home? If you have it will be wortli $.V) to let that baby bear a Columbia Grapho phone. It Is a whole little world of music and fuu all in itself. The fact of its winning the Grand Highest Award at the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition is argument enough lo make you want one. lou can get one practically free. Under the Special Arrangement with the COLUMBIA ORAPHOPHONE CO. at 1621 Farnam Street, we are enabled to offer SI Elastic Stockings Batteries Supporters Rubber ts Goods j Deformity tJr&ees We have our own faotory and, d fciv personal at- a lion to FITTINQ TRUSSES For Men, Women and Children. OfeU. J. Penfold Company UOI Par si in St, nsiHi TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ITlae Pbfeiirabl JUastratioaa IVjfe Swiss and India Linon Robes for Grad uation Gowns. See Them. LWDEES THB RELIABLE STORK. White Swiss and India Linon Robes lor Grad uation Gowns. See Them. GREAT NOTION SALE sL The Urentrst liargain (living Notion Kvont of the Srason. line Pearl Huttons, per di7,cn spools Pewlug Silk, C02 I'kR". best eedles, Olio vds) DC for 6c Tearl Buttons, per dozen 10c Penrl Buttons, per dozen :5c Pearl Buttons, per dozen 2c 9c 2tt0 yd Machine '0 in. Metal Back a i Thread, per spool. ."2 Combs for. , 5c 2 packages Pins, for a spools Silk, for 1c 5c '20c Tooth Brushes, special, at. IeI;ong'8 Hooks and I Eyes , ....9c El 5 yds. Mohair Skirt Binding, for ,5c 4 3 j JQj'.'c Corset Cover Embroidery, Bleached Muslin. worth 10c a yard ppecial 13 yards for $1 Ixng Cloth, regu lar 10c quality. at a yard. 65c 05c Blenched Sheets, seamless, Mx'JO, size, at 45 c Misses' and Children's Underwear Bargains 30c M1SSKS VESTS, wth long sleeves, all sizes, great snap Tues day, at per garment UC 2.V CHILDHENS JKKREY RIBBED PANTS, sizes IS to 24, special Tues day lit per 1 0 garment 1 UC LADIES' HOSK, fnst black, good l.V and 10c values, special I A 7 Tuesday at pair. 25c LADIES' FANCY HOSE, silk em broidered, unusual bar gains Tuesday, at 12!c 30c BOYS' BI.OrSE WAISTS, in nil sizes and patterns, choice of I P 300 dozen garments. 120 Curtain Swiss, 86 in Vtda, at a yard . 6k F a Printed I-awns, 40 in wide, at a yard 5c 121'2c Mercerized Clin mbrny Ginghams, m at fv; ft t A. yard. Pineapples Pineapples TRKSERVE THEM NOW. We hnve rprplved today one cnrload of fancy Florida I'ineanples. They ar ot very fine quality, fresh and nice. We buy thorn direct from the grower. No brok er's or commission house profits to pay A $12.50 Columbia isc GraphopKone With n Vear's Subscription to The Evening and Sunday Bee FREE. Thla la the Columbia regular $l.CO Disc Grephophon ad cannot be bought anywhere for less. Olven FREE to our readers. The Columbia Graphophone received the Grand Highest Award at the St. Louis Exposition; 1904. It U yours wnh a subscription to this paper FREE of all cost. Mail this today not tomorrow Coupon of Inquiry Circulation Pept.. OMAHA BETS, Omaha, Nt. Plaasa seas your rapresentativa to my sddrsss ss flvsn blow to show tha ORAPHOPHONE you offsr with ona yaar's subscription to TUS OMAHA BKK. Nam Addreas Data W hava also mads arrangements to supply :oaJl subscribers with the Qraphopbone. For ful particulars send us this coupon. Nail Subscriber's Coupon Circulation Dept., OMAHA BEB, Omaha, Neb. Pleaae send me full particulars how to obtain $11 SO Columbia Urapbe phona practically free. Name Address Data this we bIvp to our customers as lone n tuoy lust, earn Limit of 1 dozen to a customer. FKKK. KRKK. FliKB. An Ice Cold Prink of Wild Cherry Phos phulA or Knot Hfcr in Grocery lepart mnnt. Take home h Prick ot Ir Cream, Cfj assorted flavors, per hrlrk w B The Bennett Company 1 1 BROS. Low Elates to Pacific Coast On frequpnt datos du.ring May, Juno, July, August, Spptembcr and October, special excursion tickets will be Bold to important Pacific Coast points. Itoumi trip, long return limits, liberal stop-over privileges, low rates for side rides and extension trip. Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, Tacouia, Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver. The rates vary somewhat, but It will stitlice to say here that they are practically on a basis of one fare or Ws, for the round trip. Of course, if you visit California mid Oregon or Washrug ton the cost is slightly more. Rock Island System is the way to go great variety of routes chance to see the most for your money. Full details of rates and routes upon request. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. a B '13 1 funion Pacific X ROUND TRIP V II II CALIFORNIA V,? BITURNINO OimCT OH VIA V ft PORTLAND lv j May 23. 24, 25. 29, 30. 81. Vl J I Sixteen hours quicker than any other line to M I 1 Saa Franc! co. iJ Inquire at f J Vv CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM ST. Sv 'Phone 81(k vfj . - A Series ot Rattling Stories Narrating His Exploits THIRD RAFFLES STORY III THE BEE, MAY 28 Avoid Missing a Number by Subscribing at Once Would 3 j4rm. '' l'afln Dlth fr (U. 1 Invitation, spnd a A BAKING DISH make a tob. nice weddln rresent w have thim for tfc.00 and 110 it. we are snowing a Koa for lo.ou. )I.M, m ann iu.iv. i inse iods. When vou recelvn a wedilina w minutes in our store look over this line. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 4kU Uiawlaa huaat.