I Y TTTE 051 ATT A DAILY IiEE: PrXDAY. MAY 14, 1005. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HALCYON HEIGHTS Sale Great Success CHEAPER THAN IN COUNTRY TOWN'S The people of Omnlin do nut ronlizp tlmt property Is lx-lna offered hero cheaper than In small towns tlrrousli Xt-brnskn. Iowa'nixl Missouri. hnd a ldtcr yesterday from a party lu Missouri who owns -otisid.'inl.lo propeny here. Ffiylns Hint ho would not Ml nny of his Omaha prowrtv at present prlees, and that ho was Retting more for his property in towus of o.'nm people than ho Is olTerod in (imnhn, and that Omaha property imiTvit but advaneo In price. Another party was in yesterday who has just sold two lots on the outskirts of his little village In Nebraska for $1imi each. I'p to this time we have sold :,i of those lots and have (to left. Your choice for Sl'H), ou payment h of ?lo down nnd $." per tnonth. We have leen railed up a pnul many times this morning, nskinc If wo really meant that we1 would give dear deed should party purchasing a lot die before the lot was paid for. Certainly we do. Any purchaser of a lot at this sale who dies before payments are completed will have lot deeded to his relatives without further payment of any kind. We realize that we are takinp: some chances on this proposition, but In sellinj: out beautiful Clifton Hill there were not more than three or four deaths out of the Itim purchasers. One member of our firm will Ik on the ground every afternoon this week, from four to live o'clock, today, Sunday. Remember, thut this proiorty Is only one block mnitli of the end of the car lino In Benson. Parties living outside of Omaha wanting a few of these Jots, send us $1 each and we will select the lwst remaining unsold on receipt of letter. They are nil good lots, none of them being lelow grade or off color in any way. Telephone us for a plat If you cannot call at the office and we will mail you one. There Is more building going on In this vicinity than In any other part of Omaha or South Omaha. If you have not beeu out to Benson for a year or so you will hardly know the town, and It will pay you to spend the live cents and ihe thirty minutes necessary to get to this land. Go to the end of the Benson car line and walk one block south. A. P. TUK.EY & SON Thones: Office 21S1. Res. F-25SO. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE U. S. SALES BUREAU, 634 AND 636 BLK DLLG. 6-room outage In South Omaha, lot 4'Xl.'i.". city water and pit nt y ol shade. Price W.-"0.w. KiLty terms. 8-room. lH-story house In Futh Omaha, city water nnd cistern, burn anil fruit. lrlce i;, ?:.. 7 rooms, all-modern, buff brick resilience In Ceiuirll Bluffs, laig.; lot. Tills Is a beautiful home. Price $4,o.vV. Easy payments. 44 4-415 Board of Trade Bldg. H TO BUYERS H' We have larce list of houses and lots for sale nl all prices and in all -prta of the city. Don't think of buying until you have ten our list. Hastings & Heyden IfiCJ'.i Furnant St. Thone 1606. RE 117 14 7 1 i 3 EASY TO BUY Blx rooms, nearly new, nak finish, electric lights, gas, furnace and other conveni ences; enrner i'4tli and IaicusI; the best bargain In Omaha; rental Value lo; Hale price JC.Oett. Any honest man can get Ibis on easy terms. C. S. SHEPARD, 2'tf'l Wirt St. RE-1.72 14 6-rnom house nt 2106 y.hn pt., 700, S-1B cash, balance $0 per month. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. BIOS. jbu N. Y. Life Rldg. RE 847 14 6-room all moiW-rn; furnace; nice mantle and grate, gas, porcelain bath, toilet, cltv water and sewer. electric bells; screens; cement basement; one-half block from car; Jiemls Park, I2.5e0. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. M"S. 836 N. Y. Mfe Bldg. RE-84S 14 Wi G. SH RIVER 1021 New York Life nidg. Three 10-room residences In Kountze Place, all modern and In tine shape, each J.i.oi". Two l-acre tracts in Henson. high and .sightly, on public road, each lo" per acre. In or 20-acie tract on ('enter St., paved road. 6 miles from court house, tine locu tlon for fruit, chickens, gardening, etc.; 1126 per aire, worth I17j per acre. If'. 1.1. 20 and 30-acre bearitiK fruit farms. buildings, etc.. near car line, Council Bluffs. $125 to 2iK per acre. Four fine farms 6 to 10 miles of Council Bluffs, per acre, I.Vi.00. Homes and vacant lots lp all parts of the city on monthly payments and otherwise. RE SIM 14 rooms, all-modern, In West Fnrnam dis trict. EMrythlng In good repair. I'rh-e !2,!i),W. Kasy terms. This Price 8 rooms, nil-modern, in Druid 1 1 ill. property was built lor a home. Ii.fw.to. Nice building lot. 8. 2"th St., near Dorcas. Paved street and cement walks, all paid for. Price I4n0.. Betnls park lot. !n Rood location; will sell to suit. Price .U".n. Two small houses on lot 40x120, on Fur- dette St.. near Znh. Price fl.Snn.On. ill exchange fur large well located building lot. Beautiful home on Georgia' Ave., seven rooms, all-modern, shade, cement wulkr, etc. Price J4.CH0.00. 5-room. all-modern cottage, except furnace. on Ohio St., near 21st. Friie Jl.aoo.oo. Kasy terms. Nine rooms, all-modern, on large lot, 8. 29th St.; all paving- paid. Price 3,75i.ift. Ons of the finest building lots In South Omaha, 61x120, cement walks. This Is a corner. Price 1,6"0.00. We have a large list of small houses that can be bought on easy terms. U. S. SALES BUREAU, 634 AND 636 BEE BLDG. RE- GREAT BARGAIN IN DUNDEE. 8-rooni modern house; reception hall; large attic; No. 1 furnace; good plumbing, pas very large circular porch . lots. A very desirable home, and cheup at U,uw. Easy payments. J. 11. Farrotte, Paxton Block. RE-fl8 14 FOR 8AI.E and exchange; Corn farms in the Missouri A alley. Free lists. H. L. Craven & Co., Onawa, la. RE FOR SALE 7-rooni house and lot, (all In good condition, close In, bargain. Inuuiru 417 8. Hth bt. KE 827 15 WHEN buying or selling real estate lie sure to have your abstract of title made or continued by the Midland Guarantee, and Trust Co., Ibl4 Fa mum st. RE 863 SEATTLE offers best opportunities for real estate investments. l'p-to-date list H, i free. Parry Investment Co., Seattle, Wash. KE-8S3 14x WE OFFER 80 FEET FRONTAGE On one of tho tinost streets in the West. Fariiam residence district; all paving, sewer and sidewalk taxes paid. One of the finest lo cations in Omaha for building a block of houses to rent. Price $4,250. ELEGANT 7-ROOM HOUSE Every modern convenience. Fine lot, close to West'Tarnam car line. Choice location; quick possession, only $T,500. 200 ACRES ' Choice irrigated land, with perpetual water right. Lays line, only two miles from railroad station; in eastern Colorado. Sure crops, will pay for itself in two years. Trice ?4,800. THREE FULL LOTS Near 42nd and Farnam; fine location for building cottages to rent. Owner obliged to raise some ready money; will take $1,750 for all three lots. FINEST EAST FRONT AND CORNER LOT In Hansom place, with all paving, curbing, sewer and sidewalk taxes paid in full. Only $2,750. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG- ' RE 993 14x R. C. PETERS & CO. We have good values in all parts of the City and should be pleased to have prospective buyers call at office or 'phone us for our list We are always pleased to show home-seekers what we have. VACANT tt feel facing Park Ave., near Mason. If taken thin week will sell at a big sacri fice. , ell located lot In Bemls park, $625. Nice lying lot on California St., on car line, i. Two io-foot east front lots, on grade, In ood locality, Just a step to car, $to0 for FULL LOT NEAR NEW CATHEDRAL, 3".n2. CTMLNG NEAR 20TH. $l.ft. 1X)TS NEAR 31T11 -AND FA K NAM, S1.6U0. S. E. COR. 1GTH AND CASTELLAR, H.fUU. 1" ACRES EAST OF RENSON. l:onn. ST. MARY'S AVE., 60 FEET FRONT, 12.000. 1143-45 N. 17TH. RENTAL J104 YEARLY, PA VINO PAID: CHEAP. JL'.300. 10 LOTS WITH HOl'SE, CLOSE IN, 13.000. UCNTZE PLACE HOUSES. C.850 AND UP. 2W7-71 DODGE. 3 HOUSES, RENTAL J60t YEARLY. CHEAP. M.WX). JOHN N. FRENXER, OPP OLD P. O. RE 9;"1 14 DON'T FORGET t ' THE A L'CTION BALE OF ACRE TKOrEKXY WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT SATURDAY AT 2 1 M. You ouly need to bring $ 10.00 to deposit us earnest money ou your bid, aud make your tlrst payment ou the contract tvlililn tbirty days after you huve seen the obstruct showing a good title iu the present owner. The balance cau be paid in monthly payments of $5.00 or more on each acre. These lot are within WALKING DISTANCE OF THE PACKING HOUSE AND STOCK YARDS and will double iu value when the new electric car line is built from Lincoln to Omaha. The car line in sur veyed within a quarter of a mile of the ground. FREE CARRYALLS WILL, RUN ALL DAY FROM ytiTH AND 4: STS. to the ground. If you expect to owu a small place where you can raise vegetable fruit or cattle, you will have an oppor tunity to get the greatest bargain you will ever have, close to South Omaha, lu the next ten years. Come out, anyway, and see the sale and look over the ground. We have a man on the ground very day to show you where the stakes are. , N. P. DODGE & CO., 1G14 Furuaw Street RE 766 BUILDING LOTS Florence Boulevard W'e offer for the first timo two beautiful hulldinK lots tin boulevard. Just north of DonuKliue s Kleen houses; eu.cn lot has ICS feet earn front by 2Sj feet deep; tl.i0 each. AIko two lots, each KJ'ixSif". went front on a4th, two blocks niirili of Fort St., l.un each. e can sell the entire tract running throuKh from iloulcvuld to 24th St.. lu.'x iM. Just the ul.ice to plat Into lola uud build houses . CLOSE IN Wo hav yet to see any lots close in that ejual our barK-ilns ut 12th and Cass. South front lots on the P-oulevurd at una of the broadest purn City maintains a ark &0 feet ends between each lot and the driveway, where II has some grass, planted trees and shrubs. No puvliiK. curbing or sidewalks to pay for. We lint only three lots left at l!M, 0 and Two new houses are now starllntf oi) lots we have sold. N. P: Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. 320-ACRE farm, located In the fertile l.oLrnn Creek Vallev. for sale, near sur vey of Great Northern Ry.. In Doiitrlns county. Neh. I,ai(re. fine bulldinfrs, larce orchard. For further information, write to Henry M. Kidder, Scribner. Neh RE 113 14x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE - MONEY TO LOAN J500 to J50.000 on Omaha improved real es tate at lowest current rato. with prlv ilege of paying all or part of principal betoro maturity ana stopping interest. LOANS FOR BUILDING PURPOSES GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg., 1004 Farnam. RB- WANTED City loans. R. C. Pewrs & Co, W-S04 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H Thornua, 1st Natl ilank Bldg. Tel. Iti4x PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 15M Douglas. WANTED, city loans and warants. W. iarnam Binith & Co., hjj tutnam st. W-StS7 FOR RENT HOUSES NO. Viii 8. yth, fc-room, modern house. iHt-K " and beautiful arU, umy :.v er Iiumtii. Inoulie K. C. iclul to., Krouud hoor Wee bldg. U 747 FOR RENT 3 laiae rooms, city wat.-r, lSJ N. lith si iu. larue rooms, city water, lf.S N. 17th St. room house, all modern except furnace C. M. BACH MANN. 436 Paxton Hoik. 1-77S FOR RENT. r. house, modern, on. N. 4cth st...' t3 r. liouse, inodirn, Uioisia ave JO r. 1-dtnry inooern cottage, Mason St.. i:us.e!Moii June 1 J4o Bhrj hi Hk buildliiii. 1317 lUrney st.. . W. RliBBINS, 1sj. FAKNAil hrilCtT. L -.v 14 Ifll JK'n. a" Pirts of the city. The IVJUJl-Jy, Xjavl8 (0i .g nee blug. tJ tt.i THE Omaha Van an! Storage Co. pack. move and nture ji. II guuu.s. biorenousj llJKM N. l'Jtn. Olllie, lillVi F ai nam. Te;. 15C9. 1 WE MOVE pianos. Mnpgard Van Stor age Co. Tel. liidi. I'lliie, 1713 Webster st. 1) 7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOIlPQ1" a" rrt of the city. R. nWUOCaC- peters & Co., Bee Bldg. :56 DOl'ULAS, 8 ROOMS. $.'7.&0. D-SS1 Harness Bargains Wlin the (JIJEKN" FIELD II A I! X ESS COMPANY quit busiiH'ss wti bnuplit tlifir tntiio stock of linrncss at onc-linlf of tlicir invoice jritr. We have all Ktvles. both tloublo anil fsitiRlp. and will sell tbem. a lonp ns tliv last, at prices that will pay you to investigate. Don't fail to call at once nntl inspect our ;ods. We also have arains in wagons, and runabouts. F0R SALE MISCELLANEOUS i.M.Vl I A TYPV: lilTEIt i:CHNOK. We will repair nil kind of marhtnes ut half til" remilar prler for S din only. J No ft Hllckensdeffer $!." S-No. 7 Klickensderfci 0 J-1 1 - No, 2 C:iovef JI5 1- No 5 Chleaso 15 2 No. 2 fnlhwaph ).... ?1J.S0 1 No. 1 Comniercial 'sille 8 No. 1 Ienniore t:i $y 2 No. 4 Iensiiiores $ IA - $ 3 No. I Franklins 2 No. 3 llamtn 'in! l'nlversal $f 1 No. A Mnnhnttan l.f'O 1 No. 2 Olivers $.'.' 2 No. 3 ttllvers IU - S'-l 1-No. B Postal JIT. 3 No. 2 Remingtons I-1 -$3 7 No. 5 Remiiiirtoiis Il i" h No. 1 Smith Premier 1 - 3 No. 2 Fmlth Premier US - t J S. E. Coi ner ir.t h and podge Sts. Plume V .V R. II HARHADINK. Malinger. g-v n PERSONAL MRAN1 giiai antees. waits and 2-step. $5. r--fCI llx LADIES Bend lev silver for psrttcnlars lw.it our "Protector" Box 24-. Mlnn spills. Minn. L-S-7 11 WOMAN'S 11th finder, for msld. wife and widow; every lady will want one; new, vNeful, ornHin, ntal: prepaid, latest Idea. Ixick Box 41. Cincinnati, Ohio. r i45 14 it lia.m new. line tone cornet for ". R flat snd A. with case. Chits. Wilson. Mon dimln. la. J-H40 14x PERSONAL HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk. 1-ftOwM house and barn, targe lawn, shade treis, fenced; Ideal home for children; strictly modern; call. Morand. 29Jb Dodge. D Mill CENTRAL, all modern. 7-roora house, 220 is. aa. LfU HOfSE furnishings of quality; we carry the largest stock in Omaha. rrices guaranteed, 26 per cent below Installment stores. Terms. f5 worth tl.(K week. Omaha Furniture & '"nrpet Co. Between U'th and 13th, on Fai nam St. D 'Jul 14 NO. 641 PARK AVE 6 rooms, modern- only t26 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D-Mull NO. 2015 TINKNET ST.-9 roi.ms, modern; will repair to suit tenant only :j a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co D-M612 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, 1W02 l'oiipleton Ave. 8-room modern houce and barn, 2116 Spen cer St. t'O. 8-room modern house. 9:2 N. l?th St. (Jo. THOMAS BKENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. D 19 NO. f!15 S. 2CTH LT. 10 rooms, modern. suitable for roomers; will le vacant soon onlv J40 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D M613 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 16J5. Schmoller 4t Mueller. D 7o MODERN S-room house near Hanseom park, perfect condition. Immediate posses sion; rent J28. J. C. Selden. 4C S. loth st. l M iSO n COTTAGE, 5 rooms, r,lcejawn, shado trei, lij blocks rrom street car. 1JJ1 a. mo st in good repair. D 7S4 llx SIX-ROOM modern cottaue, "02 S. 2oth ave nue, !0. O. C Olscn, 17o4 Farnam street. O WK 14 SIX-ROOM brick, modern. 1614 Kyner ave. U (Hi nx FOR RENT. 2S27 Harney, 14 rooms, modern, ITA 412 N. 2:'d St., 10 rooms, modern. 150. 14r.i N. SOth, 6 rooms. -115. 1913 Vinton St., 3 rooms, modern, $10. 192U S. loth, li-room flat, barn. N. P DODGE CO., 1614 Farnam St. D 613 14 FOR RALK. NEW 10-room. all modern house, 3136 Mason St., $6 500. D M964 15x 300S HAMILTON, 6 ROOMS. $13.50. C3 HARNEY, 8 ROOMS, $17.00. D 952 14 7-ROOM house, bath and furnace. June 1 Inquire 2223 Burt St. DS51 14x 2S19 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern except .furnace $22.50. 3302 Sherman Ave.. 7 rooms, all modern, nice vard. Rood condition, only $J7.ii. 32-'4 Cuming St., 6 rooms, all modern, on two car lines, a cozy home $.T0. 924 N. 42d St., 8 rooms, all modern, all newly repaired, on Walnut Hill S26. Kit TC liih. ft rooms, modern except fur nace, screens and awnings, on car line 115. 14e7 S. 17th St.. 3 rooms, modern except furnace, close in 113. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. D Si7 14 RE BUSINESS property In Omaha pylng I per cent net on fcO.COo. Will sell for Ha, (' .'. TUuMAS WREN NAN. Room L Nw York LU Sl&- RE-M43 APARTMENT SHE I The best site for apartment house in the city, fuctng three xtreets. of which two are paved. 140-foot frontage, handsome surroundings. Just 5 blocks from retail cen ter, only $10.ui0. Present Improvements will net 4 per cent. ACREAGE H acr near Miller park, set out to fruit, $275. I 1 acre near Miller park, small house, fruit In plenty, $1,600. I acre, the best obtainable, good 7-room house, well, ail in fruit, $2,500. 1 acre which cannot be beat for loca tion, 7-room house, lots of fruit; will trade for closer in property. 20 acres near Florence, 1.200 fruit trees; no better location can be had in acreage. $4,500. lo acres all good land, lies fine. Hi miles from car, $1.5i. Just sold adjoining 10 acres for one-third more money. S acres good lund. lying nicely, $450. EXCHANGE 193 acres Texas land, only 8 miles from Houston and a shell road between the two. Trade for Omaha Improved property or eastern Nebraska or Iowa farm land. See us for particulars. BOULEVARD TERRACE S5th and Poppleton. the best lying and loculed addition in Omaha for the money. See us for prices and terms. Open Monday evening till 10 o'clock. H. C. Peters & Company, Uround Floor. Bee Bldg. RE- MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, W ill GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our ttrma. W 863 LOWEST rates, city property; 5 p. c. on farms in eastern Neb. Lemis, I'axton blk. W To MONEY' to loan on Improved Omuha nroD- erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brennau, room 1. New York Life bldg. W S71 BL'ICDING loans on residence property; S per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge block. ' W'-7J Low Rates, Private Money, $100 and Up. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. , W MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money IU lo w. .alli.,ui, .duua, slock aim umci .-iibUcis, mill iu saiuiieu pcopie upon ineir own aaiieiueiii u imi u pci u.tnentiy employed. h. can give uu the money on'lliu shortest pusbiuiu notice ui,J iiuuulti the business uiihujl puuucity. W E oner yuu raies that are as low as you will una anywhere, and lliey are mueu less than suuiu will nt& yuu. WE leave the pruyeity uuuioiurbc J iu your poSbcAbioii, so taut you iiave tue uims oi ooth it uud the uiuuey. WE lake paulcuiur lains lu have you un ueislaud the iraiisaiiiun in every particu lar, leiiing you iu auvuuce to toe cent w hat the coat wilkbe. WE are the oluest cuneeiu in our line in the city Uiid v,e "iiiWija try to uleaae." OMAHA JVlORTGAuE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Building. Tel. 2203. (Lstablifehed 16i)J. M S. lolli SlieeL X . H CANADA LANDS H Regular excursions. Write for man. and Circulars. Large tract of fine land for sale. Hastings & Heyden. 16ubVfc Farnam St. REllii 14 BEARS Sl GLOVER, Room a, N. V. Life. FARMS. LOTS, ACRES, HOMES. Two good homes iu Dundee, near car line, at a bargain. Wisconsin land at $5 00 ier acre one-fifth canh. Ask us for particulars. A chance to get a good farm or make money. RE-37 14 640 ACRES, in crop, nine miles from town; S of crop goes with the place; $22.00 per aire. to sections good raw wheat land for sale on the crop payment plan. Write fur particulars. SHERWOOD NOTE3. Rooms 11 and iU Mohu.uk DM Spokane, Wfcau. P. O. Bvs L'W U-il lti BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on Furuituie, Piaiins, Horses, W ugons, Cow s, Salaries, etc , WHERE You get It on shoit notice. WHERE You gel low tales uud easy terms. WHERE Coiinatiitial and courteous deulings bring yuu back. WHERE Can you do better'; PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Top Floor. USI PA-ViON BLK. X sao MONEY loaned on furniture, salary. horses, etc.; hair uuuai raits, ur. Pribb- rooin 214, ut a. lam St. Tel. BJV64. X ftso nay. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Olflces lu UJ primipal cities. lolniau, room 714, New York Ul building. X w7 BOWEN'S MONEY; easy to get ou furni ture, pianos, horses, cows Plain note if steadily emplued. 7u3 N. Y. Life. X-SS8 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, hoists. Duff Green Loan Co. 3 Barker block. X-9 MONEY loaned on iiinoa, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 319 6. u. X 'J0 MONEY FOR 8ALARIED PEOPLE. STAR , , . . tj.A P1VT..V HI lw ' 1 1., 1 " .... V.. v-W-. X-891 EAGLE Loan Otflc. reliable, accommodat lug; all business confidential. 1401 Douglas. X CHATTEi salary and jewelry loan" Foley Iaisu Co U'-t I aruaiu au jl. st 7IOTSES FOR RENT, in" T 17th J.mnm close In. only $S. 110 N. 37th, good 6-room house and barn cltv water. J12.50. 104 Stanford Circle, choice 6-room cottage, $16. 23 Michigan Ave., good 6-room cottage oitv water, close in. ffood repair. $16. 2325 S. ISth St., fine 6-room house, porcelain bath, gas, etc., nice shape, only is. V,n r(?:l i o. 3112 Mason, 8-room,- strictly all modern, only $25. 1215 S. 29th, 8-room, all modern nice yard on ear line. 127. 5ft. 3t Farnam, choice 8-room, all modern hfiune. S45. 710 N. 40th, very choice, strictly modern 10- room house and barn, paved street, etc, 50. 22H Ohio, 8-room, strictly modern, fine shie. corner lot. nice vard. $; 523 8. 25tb Ave., 10-room, strictly all modern paved street, close in, only $2i.50. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D-56 11 FOR RENT. 6-room house, city water, $10. R-rnom hoilHe. all modern. 5J0. 2-rooms in Osthoff block; heat In winter. $10. Lurge light basement, op lblh St., $10. j. H. rarroue, raxum tsioca. D-9 14 HOUSES FOR RENT. 1315 R S7th. 1-roiiin. modern. US. 2614 St. Mary's Ave.. 10-room, modern, $42.50. 27iU Grant, 5-room cottage, ;. 2t3S Dodge, 9-room, modern, $6.50. 511 N. loth, 5-room flat. $11. 2516 N. 3lKt. 5-room. bath, $12. 3"14 Ames Ave., 4-rooin flat. $10. 2323 S. 16th. 6-room. 112.50. 210 S. 2Mh Ave, 4 room. $7. South Omaha, 2Ji4 u, 4 rooms, w. South Omaha, Wfi R. 6 rooms, $. South Omaha, 15o2 Missouri Ave., 5 r., $11. GAKVIN BROS , 1604 Farnam. D-9G1 14 WE DON'T ask installment prices, but furnish better quality ror considerable less money. Everything for house keep ing. Terms. $25 worth $1.00, week. Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co. Between 12tu and 13th, on Farnam St. D 0i9 14 FOR small family, ono modern 7-room house; price $32 50 per month. v2123 Call fornia. D 129 542 SOUTH Soth St.. 7-room modern house, lawn and cistern; possession June l. .r.'.n0. Inquire sxib Seward St. D Allla -lx BEAUTIFUL summer home. "Phone 3"24. D M104 l .x JOHNSON & DANFORTH, S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts., OMAHA, NEB. Q- SECOND HAND ' MACHINES Never such nrlces for sueh coorta nfrriv4 before and If at any time within one year you want to buy a new machine we will take the old one back at exactly what it cost you. The following Is a pastlal list of what we offer for all this week: 1 DOMESTIC $ 5.00 I domestic $io.w 3 SINGERS, HIGH ARMS 12.00 1 SINGER. NEW IMPROVED.. 15.00 1 HOUSEHOLD 10. 00 1 UNION 6.00 1 WHITE 800 1 WHITE 6.00 1 WILCOX & GIBBS 3".00 1 NEW HOME lo.OO 1 SINGER, SHOEMAKER 25.fi) Model drophead machines, sl Khtlv used. at one-half the regular nrlce. e rent machines at 7nc per week or J2 .00 per month. These are modern, up-to-ate macnines, with all attachments. We sell needles and narts for and renalr every sewing machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney Sts. S24 Broadwav. Council HlnfTs. BRANCH OFFICE 625 N. 24th, S. Omaha. GEO. E. MICK EL, Thone 1663. Manager. ave Big Money on Pianos DESSOLUTION SALE Now upright pianos. fllS.m. ?1.".1.00, $15S.iiO nrnl up tlint cost nl lmst fltii.iK) lnoro olsewhcro, .Sl'KK AS Vtl' LIVE. I'lano bargains like those were never seen before. INVESTIGATE ami .you'll buy, ciish or time, $.".O0 down nnd $1.(H n week for some of the lest snnps. StJl'AHE PIANOS ALMOST tilVEN AWAY. !S."i.s, $s.tMi. ."Fl.'.lHi, $1S.(, $.mi and up nil worth three times our price-payments to suit. Call or write at once. Schmoller & Mueller Farnam St., Omaha FOl'K STIH1ES AND A FACTORY. U- ROV.M.TY PAID ON SONG POV7MR n1 nmsleal coniposlt Iom. We sri'iine nnl popii:iirl.e PlONKl'.R MUSIC CO., Inc., G-50O Manhattan Hldg., Chlcnsro. I 93S 14X SUPERKLUOPH HAIR, wsrts and tiiole pertnanently retnoed hy electrlt-lt v ; con sultation free and confidential; all work (tuaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Ufe. P 118 14 ONE Iwv'bnhv and one Ctrl nahv for don tlon. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 72S 1st Ave . Co. I'.luffs. Is. P-M124 1 TUP. vapor and alcohol baths. 20 f. 13th. lT-tht SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Masnnlp Temple Tor. lth A Capital Ave. NEHRASKA NO. 1. A. V. ANT) A. M. S'clal meeting Tuesday, May 16, at S p. in., for work in M. M. decree. C. L. SlItviK, Master. . W. C. M'LEAN. Secretary, CAPITOL LODGE No. 3. A. F. A. M. Special meetltiK Monday evenlnR, 7:30. for work In Fellow Craft Degree. Visitor Invited. R. V. COLE, Master. KMG11TS K PYTHIAS. NEBRASKA No. 1. K. OF P. Regular meetiiiK Monday evening at 7;30 o'cloek In Myrtle hall. 16th and Douglas sts. Visitors welcome A. II. ANDERSON. C. C. ROY A. DODGE, K. R- and S. LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 14o6 Painiiin. Tel. B 2)1:1. Mem ber American Ticket Erokers' association. U Uol THE Salvation Armv solicits cast-off cloth Iiik; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repulr ami sell at 114 N. lllh st. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 413i and wagon will calL U 411 TRIANGLE LODGE No. 64 Meets every Tuesday evening nt Castlo hall, &1 and CumiiiK. Visitors welcome. D. H. ST1NE. C. C. J. R. STINE, K. R. and S. TRIUNE LODGE No. 56. K. OF P. Meets every Tuesday nit;ht t southwest cornel Hth and Dodge. Visitors welcome. A. C. RAWIT7.FR, C. C. J. C. HREW1 N'GTON, K. R. and a ntlVAl, Alt AM M. MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 II. P. 110-volt, direct current, .Northern motor. This motor Is in perfect condition in every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see V. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee bldg. Q 774 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a ftrst- ciass siauuurd school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in bu.-mess, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bea office. Q FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental gal vanized iron cornice una ornamental iron posts suiable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. Q-M826 SkT 1 R B' mal1- PreraU, any ad IV 1 I I O dre9s it s . 11.85 nil. Cata. logue free. Factory Merchandise Co., unoxvuie, Tenn. Q M685 M22x PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys, from 6-Inch to 48-Inch in diam eter; 3 counter shafts, complete. These are all In first-class condition. W. ll. bridges, engineer Bee building. Q-1TJ HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS! An endless variety and at prices that can not oe uupncaiea anywnere else. John son & Dunforth, S. V. eor. 10th and Junes sis. Entrance from viaduct. -7Sl FOR SALE, new and second-band billiard and poo! tables, oar fixtures of all kinds; euy payments. Send for catalogue. Bi unswick-Balkc -Cullender, 407 8. 10th su Omaha. Q S3i COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2lC0. . Q iJ4 2D-HAND safe cheap, nam. Derlght, 1119 Far- SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in steam fittings call and look over lue following supplies; 1.6-inch Austin' horizontal separator, l 4-im:ii Austin's vertical ceDarator. These have been lakin out on account of chunges In our steam plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer Bc building, Omaha. Q Saz AMATEUR and professional writers, short story and descriptive, correspond with Authors Bureau, .Milwaukee, is. U-0i3 14X ha- PRIVATE home HnHnfr ennfiiifrrnnt Mes boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell 21M6 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 908 WL RENT sewlnsr machines. 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, J5 to Jin. Neb. Cvcle Co., Tel. litfj. Cor. lith and Harney. IT oon OMAiTA Stammerer Institute, Ramge blk. U 910 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1006 Farnam. J-911 Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCH1NG GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLAS BLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BROS. TEL. 1D36. U- OMAHA Dye Works, 1515 Howard. Dresses, men'a suits, portieres cleaned. U M325 Mil PIANO CLUB Just forming, 60o and II weekly; pianos de livered immediately; piano lessons free. Call for particulars. 1611 Farnam St. U 912 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba , bles adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 1 2i First ave.. Council Bluffs. la. Tel. 774. U 51'6 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, i Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 913 MAfiN PTIP treatment &- baths. Mme. innuitL I 1V smth, 118 N. 15, 2d ft., r. 2. i: 36o TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY., 'PHONE 35.7) u i WILL give worthy party shorthand schol arship In leading school and wait for pay ment. Address C 56, Bee. U 259 350 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed in good running order; original Coot fc.'50. Address U14 Farnam st. W-M23S SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sliei njan McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ' Q S36 IRON FENCE w8 ;6n 'foih J;? wn Q-S37 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telepnone poles. W.1 Douglas. Q &lil RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS GAS OR GASOLINE ENGINES. Like our uLUilluiULn, aiwujs ready. lc slighiiy used engiiies cneap, Sjend lur catdlugue ana prices. OLDS GAS E.nGINE VOK1vS, Ui4 t uinuiu otn-i t, Omaha. Q-6T4 AUTOMOBILE, 4-cyhnder, new Wlnton, at a giuit baryalu. li. E. Fredertckson. W-o7u JeS i09 WEBSTER ST.. 8 rooms. modern ex cept furnace, J20; lfilf Howard St., 7-room flat, modern except furnace, S'7 50; new 8-room strictly modern house, :;,th and A sts.. South Omaha, 17.50. Rlngwalt Bros., Jiki So. 15th su IV-Ml 03 14 WANTED TO RENT WANTED, to rent atiout June 1, by man and wife, S or 4 modern furnished rooms for liifht housekeeping, walking distant from 2eth and Lake. Address B. 19J3 Lake st. . K 99S It WANTED-7, 8 nr 10-room house or flat by May I", In dlstrl-t inside of St. Mary's ave., Chicago and Twenty-fourth trts. K 134 16x WANTED TO BORROW WE HAVE some good per cent mort gages on Improved real eatate, classed in the following amounts: 11.000 and IJ.OOv. We collect the rents on the projierty and the Interest and principal are absolutely np. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. . -7: 14 FARMS FOR SALE 120 ACRES IN IOWA. 40 FOR 130. FOR quick sale will tak f)ft per acre for this good Iowa soil; loft miles east of Ouiaiia. D. C J'aUersva. 14 Farnam. u; 14 SEVERAL fonts of second-hand type, Gothic, e:c . in fair condition, for sale cheap. Apply to li. A Hasaeli, supi. Mechanical dept., Lee Publishing Co. VJ-M679 FOR KALE, tine spotted coach pupa. Geo. W. Tl indie, liansell, la. y M740 18X ELEGANT upright Windsor folding bed; cost large mirror in front; bed Is every hit us good as new. Will sell for 115 Call and see it at 2u.'U Harney street. y-817 16x FINE walnut wall case, 165.0U. holm. Albert Ed-y-791 CHEAP S5 h. p. boiler and 2o h. p. steam engiiK'. Omaha Engine Co., lOiiH H. 13th treet. . Q-796 13x FOR SALE Cheap. Iron beams. Iron col umns, heavv timbrrs. doors and sash. Frank Phelps, lcth and Harney sts. Q 798 14 THREE fresh cows and three heifers soon fresh. S4tu and Maiidersou. y MMs 15x TWO elegant bedroom sets (brass bed with hair mattress i ; solid mahogany chairs and table; piano. Madras curtains, ete.: almost new; very cheap todaA 224 N. 2'th st. Q-MX17 14x GRAND PIANO, small sise; bargain; will exchange. Cash or time. Pertield. bill Farnam. Q-M9 14 PIANO Steinwav upright, 1175. Bargain. Others. Perfleld, 1611 Farnam. Q-k4l 14 2U ACRES of good sod at Benson, one bloi k south of military road. C. D. T i.iir Inuulra of II. J. Grove. Q-S1J IU ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING. RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Bend for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 Douglas block. Tel. 1934. U-31i FRENCH, Spanish. German lessons. F, Peltier, 116 a. ioth. U M23x DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronic uu itei oua ui&eaaes. i,au or wrie. lit. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha, Consultation free. UZil FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest raies ior reliable service, lei. l6Ja Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-703 OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of paste for all purbo&es Tel. 452L Z:i0 Cuming. Established U- UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL No. lii Meets second and fourth Monday eaclj month at Arcanum hall, northwest come 6th and Hutnev. Visitors welcome. N. F. RECKORD, Recent. ; ' "i FOR RENT STORIES St OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 214 First .Nat 1 Bunk Bldg. l-o0 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, which rents for no.oo per month. Price includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located on tho fourth floor of The Bee building and Is just the thing for any one wanting a nlca little otllce in the best office building In town. R. C. Peters Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1771 IF you npply at once we can give any one desiring a large omce space almost any arrangement they desire. This spacu Is on the sixth floor of The Ree building, with north light. R. C. Peters Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee bldg 1-772 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building is 22xS3 feet, four atorlea and a basement, 'ina basement Is 22x133 feet, is cemented. The ceiling over the, basement has a brick vault and iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In, front and granolithic floor in rear. Thera is a large burglar-proof vault aud a power elevator. The upper floors havo wlnduwi on three sides. Address The Bco Building Co., C. C. Rosewatcr, Secretary, room 100 Bee bldg.. 1-690 THE storeroom. No. 2912 Fnrnam st.', enly 115 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., Ground floor Bee bld. 1748 A CENTRALLY located photograph gal lery in South Omaha for rent. George & Co . City Lull building. South Omaha, Neb. 1-7S7 IS ROOMS FOR PHOTO GALLERY. Near J5th and N sts., South umuha, IIS per tnonth. George & Co., 16ul Farnam et. 1-MS14 21 TWO-STORY frame building, suitable for storage, manufacturing or stable, 27tli and lavi nworth. N. P. Dodge Co., 1614 Fai mini St. 1846 14 GET AN OFFICE In the U. p. National Bank Bldg. while you can. Situated lietween wholenale and re tall districts. All clBca strictly modern; recently redecorated "Desk room in largo office. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor l 8. National Bank Bldg. 1811 14 IKO Farnam brick store room, 150. Gnrviu Bros., ltf'l Ftrnmn. 1-90 14 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ad in and you will soon go- It. . jpVVILL exchange a I.m or i:.6K Inter est In prosperous business, for a liouaa and lot. Address. E 4u. Bee. Z 91S 14 8TRICTLY modern house. In West Far nam district, to exchange for central Ne braska lands. D !'. Bee. Z-967 14x FOR EXCHANGE5 132 feet square track age, paved street, to exchange for Chi cago property or cheap for cash. J. II. Parrotte. Paxton Blk. Z-9S0 14 WIDOW, 35, wishes to meet middle-aged gentleman; strictly confidential. Addrexs: E 4.1, Bee. C-M971 i:.x PIANOS Upright, 140; organ. 10. weekly, t'ertlt Id, loll f arnam. U-840 11 50c BCENT1FCMA, a luxurious burning odor for aiutrlnient and toilet. Moagiiitoes avoid Its fragrance. All druKKits. Two spools mulled, 3u cenls. Coiumoss & Co., "9 Franklin St.. New York. V 903 14x MARRIAGE PA PER Lest published. 10c. sealed; many wealthy; incorporated; 9th year; bank reference. R. K. Love, 27 Jacobson Bldg., Denver, Colo. l-876 14x COLLEGE! bred lady (orphan), income ll.Exu, seeks acquaintance of kind, af fectionate husband; no tritlers. S'17 N. Broad. Philadelphia. Pa. U 90s 14x A GOOD natured, liberal and wealthy broker, age 36, wants a good, sentillile wife. Address K., 817 Lincoln Ave., Chi cago. U 665 lix A 13".0"0 heiress, age 21, a beautiful blonde, for reasons wishes to mai ry. Additss King, 1046 George St., Chicago. L' lix FACTS for men concerning "Love. Court ship and Marriage." The book that will make you wise. Send 10 cents for It. Your money back if not more than satis fied. Address, Geo. D. Wyatt, Naturo path, 229 Main St., Manltou, Okl. . U-882 ltx 120 ACRES within 6 miles of Keya Paha county seat to exchange for house and lot In Omaha. Want house worth 12.000 and will pay difference. E 45. care Bee. ' 14 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M MACFARLAND. New York Lift bldg.. rooms 301 and 319. Tel. 1552. iH ATTORNEYS eveiywhere. The New Snow-Chur-h Co., main fl , N. Y. L. 'Phone 1S11 899 W H HATTEROTH, Attorney, notary. 44 B ;i rkrr hlk M415 m OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 515 N.Y. Life bldg. Tj MRS. JOHN R. M CHICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; office. Neville block, lei. 282j. 441 PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar PR1NTING tistle u.signs. 8. E. cor. .YNGSTADlwh "nd Cw,loL:7i-- WANT to tell stammerers how I cured myself at home. You can do likewise. Address, with stamp. Rev. George W. Randolph, 141 North Cherry, Nanhvllle, Tenn. f 893 14x MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; mar rlage directory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Ad dress II. X. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Ulcb. L 9JS lix GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., loll Captiol ave., Tel 2i5; fully equipped for al kinds of printing r:M76 PATENTS H A. STURGK8, registered attorney; rat in 1m, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 517 N. V. Life, Omaha. mo SUES CO., patent attorneys, Washing ton. D. C, opposite '" s patent office. Arty I rea n d p a I e n tb hi n ks fre. 01Jy7 BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum casting, nl.-kel plat ing and finishing. Specialty UUt. Co 41 K. Mala at., Council BluCa-