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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1905)
r TTTT3 OMAn.V PATLT TF.F,: FTUDAY. MAT 12. IMS. SPECIAL NOTICES 4rrtlMnli for tlieee colmi will fee likn Kill la m. (or the rosin edllj 111 ) p. fa. for the irl mu Snaday edition. Rates 1 1-S a word Mrat leaertlnai la a ward thereafter. Neihlng takra far lees taaa i(Oe for ha Mrat liner, tloa. These ad vertlseraeats mat ba raa eanaepatlvelr. Advertisers, fer reaaeatlaa; a mm. tiered rberk, raa bar aavwera ad. dressed to a aambered letter In rare of The Bee. Answers addressed will h delivered oa preaeatatloa ol rherlr. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. Teleg raphy, Normal and English. All summer resalnna. Catalogue tree. Address H. B. Boyles, Pres., Boyles bldg., Uinuliu, Neb. R-3!S WANTED MALE HELP spring term or tub Omaha Commercial College 17th and DoubImii ts . now orjen. " Npw In all departments, i.aisiuguo lre. MOVING VANS Jr" . d?ndcare7v" (Ill vara. Expressmen's Delivery Co., W. A. Gordon, mgr., 214 N. 16tn aU 'Phone 1195. R M33 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-MI TRY KELLY'S TOWEL BUPPLY. Tel. 3630. R-l!) EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to nt; prices right. Bennett's. R (to .WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresner. Too busy making clothes to close. Open evenings. 1515 Farnam at. R 821 A. VTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. Tel. 1779. 621 N. 16th. R 22 WE wish to announce that we have en gaged a first-class dressmaker; come and see us. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Doug las blk. R-M3S2 Jet I'MBREIiLA repairing. Keys. 207 8. 14th. Tel. 1714. R-M381 Je4x C. R. HEFLIN, 309 N. 16th. Tel. 2874. R 8-4 LOCKSMITH Stoves Stored Tel. 9)i0, or see us at our new location. 1316 and 1208 Douglas St. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. R-826 Cl"T RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, 150ti Farnam. 'Phono 7M. R-827 OMAHA Safe andiron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and kuf-'a. O. Andrecn, prop., 102 S. ICth st. R-828 PIANOS and household goods a specialty. Packing, moving and repairing by ex perienced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1313 Far nam. it .04 DHCAR has returned and Invites his pa trons to return. Mullln's, corner lth and Davenport. R 730 Je THE OMAHA FOUNDRY ROHRBOUGH BROS, B 842 A JOBBER, BEING CONTINUALLY CALI.r.D LPoN run SO.MI-, A ill H l.i-.a. HUNS OUT OF HTucR. AMD ML'oT ltf--J'i.t.M8ll. THAI IS OCR CAtL KlUill Now; E HAVE KL'n bllulil or H'lm.'K A is D NEED , Stenographer, good l)eglnnor. eKenoM'aiiher, xpcrleiiced H. It. work. Telegrapner and enenographer, R. K. work. 2 liuod Solicitors, S 1 and commission. i First-Class Dress Goods Haiesinan. Call on or writer lor complete list of va lamits and booklet. WESTERN REF. t BOND ASS'N (INC.), 41-64;: N. V. Life Bldg. H it H WANTED Men to learn barber trade; new method; steady practice by free clinic; careful Instructions by qualliled teachers; tew weeks completes; little ex pense; oosrd intruded; tools donated. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1U6 Furnam st. B M4M 12x MEN TO LEARN barber trade; tree rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers Institute, Omaha, Neb. B M3 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knlcst, 4 NjJjML" $75 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid reliable men outside of the city; very pleasant work. Address C. A. O'Brien. 316 Neville blk., Omaha, Neb. 838-tf WANTED Good boys with wheels; good wages. A. D. X. Co.. 212 WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35, citizens ot United States, of good iharacler and temperate habits,, who speak, read and write English, lor In formation apply to Recruiting Officer. 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 8i3 TAILORS, attention! If you are first-class coat makers we can use you. Oood prices. Steady work to men that ,-are right. Dresner, 1516 Farnam St. B 848 IF YOU are in need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-849 WANTED, men and boya to learn plum bing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates, $4.60 to $6.00 per day. Uignt weeks completes course. Earn while learning. Address for catalogue, Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. B 166 WANTED Harness maker and collar cut ters. Apply Bcnuue uromers) vu.. , Minn. B 396 11 Iron and braa castings. 2432. 802 Jackson. Tel. R-S29 Fire Insurance at Cost. In We waul a live agent in every town Nebraska, write lor particulars. COMMERCIAL MU'VUAL FIRE 1NSUR ANCE CO, ltJOU Farnam St. R M248 tTKINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used, 1226; bargain. Perfleld Piano Co., 1H11 Farnam. R 303 BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult U. S. Sales Bureau, tJ4 and Wo Bee Bids. Y 831 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or business QUICK see Coirip-ton-Watta Co., 636 Paxton blk. Y 83.4 1 HAVE one blacksmith ahop, 60x60, and lot 50x100, with good tools, both Iron and wood: only shoo In town: good trade. good territory. Come and see, or write II. A. Buhman, 5unaio uap, e). u. Y 90S FOR BALE Paying Nebraska drug store excellent location. Address: D 34, Bee, oraana. x unity FOR 8ALE, drug stock and fixtures. In . voice about J2,ouO. Oood location and only drug store iu town. Caah. Address E 7, , Bee, Oman a. 1 M421 13 A PATENT machine for farm and garden. chicken coops, swings, corn cribs, tree guards, hammocks, etc., for sale or trade, write for circulars. Address Postofflce Box No. 866, Qlenwood, la, Y 427 15 FOR SALE, an' old established meat mar ket: nest location in good railroad town. western iNenrasKa, 3,iuu mnaoitams. Ad dress K , Bee. Y Mf33 IS FOR HATF. Oeneral merchandise stock; In voice Jo.OOO to 16.000; on main street In Rood town: business paying good: build Ing for rent as long as buyer desires It: poor health reason for selling. Call or write Slnmoan vrasne, remont. Neb. Y M454 IS FOR SALE Coal yard In Nebraska town of 8,000 population. Box 626, Grand Island, Neb. Y o 14X BOARD of Trade barber shop, 1605 Far nam; nine chairs; no long waiting; best service; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 2oc - Jt O 1t J Ol SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery stock; salary right party. Aoaress . vv. jjim phy, Lawrence, Kan. B Mfr9 Jx wiKTisn-i few first class experienced men to sell territory in 10 wa; do per y"j commission; an opportunity ior me riguii men Address Lock Box 298, Council Bluffs, la. v B-M662 -nv -ronA(it frit a-Anm1 ntTlPA WOrk. AO' ply E 27, ee, statins 8. e"l" referonc-. A Well Trodden Road 1 $ZIZ are Known to Be the Best and that's Why They are Used the Most. GET IN THE BEST AND HE IN IT ALWAYS! FOrOlNTFURNISHEDJOOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16tn Chlcugo JL M DEWEY, European hotel, 13th A Farnam. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 84 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern 2310 Webster. 'Phone 6390. , E 8J5 FOR RENT. desiraMe front room, to single gentleman; modern conveniences, -ii Bouth 25th St. E 806 ATTRACTIVE rooms, modern, walking distance. 'Phone. Reasonable. 41 r. 18th st. E M405 NICELY furnished modern alcove room. 1813 Capitol ave. E M677 12x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WE sell good furniture and carpets at pop ular prices and carry the largest stock In Omaha. Terms: 126 worth, II week; 100 worth, 12 week. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co., between 12th and 13tli on Fnrnam St. E 762 U FL'RNISHFD room In new, modern house; all conveniences. 2306 Douglas st. E M719 14x ONE furnished and one unfurnished, or two furnuihed rooms In new. modern house, very close in. Address E So, Bee. E-M718 12x HOI'SEKEEPING. also sleeping rooms; ail modern. Flat 6, 716 S. 16th, also M13 How ard. E M71" 12x NICELY furnished, large room, on second floor; hot and cold water In room. Also single room; rent reasonable. 116 N. 2th. E 480 14x ELEGANT suite south-front rooms; mod ern, reasonable. Also housekeeping rooms. 2234 Ffernam. Telephone 21.03. E-M749 13x NICELY furnished, large room, sultHble for two men; private family; no other roomers; reasonable. 621 S. 26th ave. E llil lax FURNISHED rooms for rent at 712 S. Ifith. E M770 14x FI'RNISHED rooms, with board; walking distance; desirable location. 620 8. 19th. E M769 14x LARGE" front room for light housekeeping, with telephone and bath in the house. E M76S 14x FURNISHED room in private home; every thing modern, new house. 623 8. 17th ave. E M772 14x HOUSEKEEPING rooms, from 12 rer week up. 1712 Jackson st. E Mu14x FURNISHED rooms, rates II to 2 per week. 422 8. 18th. E M777 14x ROOMS, nicely furnished. 620 S. ISth st E Ml 10 11X B M6S2 FOUR bricklayers wanted, 19th and Far : FURNISHED ROOM C AND BOARD imrplBr tnr rnvernment Dosltlon. Call E . ..." . . 1 1"1 1 1 1! 441 Board of Trade Diog. o i O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F-857 WANTED man In every county to list real estate and tane loan appiu aiuum. v... nilsslons or guaranteed salary. Experi ence unnecessary. Don't reply unless you mean business. D 51, care of Bee. B Mill 14 WANTED A good bread and cake baker, sober and rename. Aaaresa meuiwi Bros., Beatrice, Neb. B-M709 12x wiwTirn Tndustrious voung man for arocery delivery cierK. sais Lrnvranm iu JJt- B 729 12x CAPITOL HOTET.. 18th and Capitol ave. large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water: family cooking; 'phone and modern Improve. ments. o 2020 HARNEY ST., The Rose, all modern. nlcelv furnished rooms: good location for 1 , M. c. A. men, as it adjoins tennis courts; rates reaonable. F 728 12x ROOM and board for two men; private family; 5 per week; quiet neighhornnoa. close In, near car line. Address E 32. Bee. HALCYON HEIGHTS DEAD MEN GET DEEDS flOO FOR CHOICE Owners of the property Instruct us to make a quick sale of the 90 lots one block from Benson car and two blocks from Ben son school. To do so we have made the price f 100 each lint, or on terms of 110 down and $5 per month, with 6 per cent Interest. Remember you havo the choice of all the lots unsold In four entire blocks. We agree In case party dies before his lot is paid for. if his payments aro up to date, to deed to his family the lot without further conditionm m oMvments. All taxes paid until May, 1906, and, being out tide of tho city, the taxes on each lot oniy amount to about so cenis. nuun better can be found about Omaha as an In vestment for a little money than these lots at such prices. lr you have not been out to tienson ior otnetlmo It will pay vou to take a ride out there. You will be surprised at the number of new houses and at the spirit of activity and enterprise that prevail in that beauti ful little suburb of Benson. We have pints cf these lots at our omce, nd will Ehirilv mail von one If you will telephone either to tho office or our resi dence any time. Cars everv ten minutes from Benson to Albright through Omaha and South Omaha. The Military rnnd. a paved street, runs nearly to tills property. No further discounts or deductions will be made and we make these prices in order that the purchaser mav make some money on his Investment. It Is better than money In the bunk. These prices aro subject to an advance at any time. we will nieet you there every siieriiuuu this weok from ' 4 until B o'clock. Go to the end of the Benson car line and walk one block south A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-445 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 'Phones: Office, 2181: residence, F-25S0. RE 769 14 FOR RENT HOUSES NO. 1334 S. 2Sth, 8-room, modern house, large and beautiful yard, only 132.60 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor Bee bidg. D 747 FOR RENT 3 large rooms, city water, 1826 N. 17th st im S large rooms, city water, 1828 N. l"th St. 8.0rt. 8-room house, all modern except furnace C. M. BACH MANN, 436 Paxton block. D 775 PERSONAL Larson Johnson - cut rates to u Voints. 15 Karnain. Tel. B 21 U. Vom er American Ticket Brokers' association. L '."Ol THE Salvation Army solicits rust-off cloth ing: In fuel. Htivthltirf vou do not nee.l, we collect, repair sn.l sell at 114 N. 1 1 Hi St. for cost or cnll.M'tliia to the worthy poor. Call phone 41. niul WHgon will call. U ill TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. irtth. U-9ii PRIVATE homo during confinement: ba bies boarleil and adopted. Mrs. Gnrdrll. 221H Charles. Tel. 6:111. U-! WB RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all mukes of machines; second hand machines, r, to $H. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 166.1, Cor. 15th and Harney. IT-909 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge blk. U 9'0 DR. ROY, Chiropody, It. 2 J, 1506 Fnrnnm. j-nn FOR RENT. J-r. house, modern, 362 N. 40th st -"0 7-r. bouse, modern, 1041 Georgia ave UO 7-r. 1-story modern cottage, J002 Mason St.. possession June 1 40 2-story brick building, 1317 Harney st..xo J. W. BOBBINS. 12 FARNAM STREET. DiiV 14 HOUSES we furnish don't have the appear ance of those furnished at Installment stores. Our goods look and wear better and are at least 26 per cent cheaper. Terms: 125 worth, $1 week. Omaha' Furniture & Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam st. D 763 U Ufi KPiln all parts of the city. The llwU JtOo, jJavia Co., 608 Bee bhlg. D 877 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store 11. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Ofllce, 16UH Farnam. Tel. 1509. D-878 WE MOVE pianos, Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 14S6. Office, 1713 Webster Bt. D 879 HriII?PQln nil parts of the city. R. nWUOCOc. defers A Co., Bee Bldg. I D W 2606 DOUGLAS, 8 ROOMS, $27.60. D 881 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-S83 8-RO11M house and barn, large lawn, shade trees, fenced; ideal home for children; strictly modern: call. Morand, 2906 Dodge. D M311 WANTED, 20 press brick layers. tt cents GOOD mmtPrn rooms, with hoard, gas, bath per hour. Iowa School for lvar. council Bluffs. B-Mi4t ux WANTED, apprentice In machine shop. L, C. Sharp, machinist, 606-612 8. 10th St., Omana, rscp. DON'T FORGET TUB AUCTION SALE (II' ACRE ruoFEHTV WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT SATURDAY AT '-' P. M. You only iiwd to brins $10.00 to deposit as earnest money on your bid, uud make your first puyment on the contract within thirty days after you have seen the abstract showing a pood title in the present owner. The balance can be paid in monthly payments of $3.00 or more on each acre. These lots are within WALKING DISTANCE OF THE PACKING HOUSE AND STOCK YARDS and will double in value when the new electric car line is built from Lincoln to Omulia. The car line is sur veyed within a quarter of a mile of the ground. FREE CARRYALLS WILL HUN ALL DAY FKOM aOTH AND & STS. to the ground. If you expect to own a small place where you can raise vegetables, fruit or cattle, you will have an oppor tunity 1o rct the greatest bargain you will ever have, close to South Omaha, in the next ten years. Come out, anyway, and see the sale and look over the ground. We have a man on the ground every day to show you where the stakes are. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1014 Farnam Street RE "56 CENTRAL, all modern, T-room house, 220 N. 23d. D 331 OMAHA Dye Works. 1M5 Howard. Dresses, men's aults, portieres cleaned. tl-MM Ml PIANO CLUB Just forming, 6e end $1 weekly; plsnos de livered Immediately; plnno lessons freo. Call for particulars. Hill Furnam st. U 912 ba. PRIVATE home dtiritiff ennfinement hies sdopted. The Good Samaritan San tarlum, ,28 First ave., Council Bluffs. L Tel. 774. U 626 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, Ii Perfleld Piano Co.. bill f arnam. U-913 MAflNFTlP treatment baths. Mme. r 31 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY., THONE 35; U-91! Y ILL give worthy party shorthand schol- xixnip in leaning school ami wait rorpny ment. Address C 66. Bee. U 209 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTEDClty loans. It. C. Pelern A Ce, W--Wi4 . . ... .. FKM and cttv loans; lowest rales. W. If. Thorn a. 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Tel. 164. PIIIVATK money. F. D. We-ad. 1520 Dnugln. V few WANTED, city loans and wnranis W. Furnam Smith . Co., 1XM Farnam st MONEY TO I.OAN-rayne Investment C W-JM ii A H V 1 N BItoS.. 1WM Fnrnam. City loans at lowest rates; no drla) ; get our terms. W-69 1 LOWEST rate, city property; S p. c. on fiirms in eastern Neb. Bcmtn, Paxton Mk. W-S70 MONEY to inflo on Improved Omaha prof rrty at lowest rates. Thomas Prennsn, room I. New York Life bldg. W 7I BUILDING lnnns on residence property; I per cent. W. B Melkle, Ramge block W--8TI PATENTS H. A. 8TURGK8, registered attorney; nat. less successful enls. trade marks, copyrights: no fee on. 617 N y. Life. Omaha. NO. 641 PARK AVE. 6 rooms, modern only 126 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D M611 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING. RUCH1NG, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLbATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. Tel. 1936. U-343 FRENCH. Spanish, German lessons. F. Peltier, 116 S. 20lh. U 658 M23x DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronic ttiiu nervous aiseuses. call or wrl'e. Dr. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life bldg., Oinahiu Consultation free. U 232 NO. 2015 PINKNEY ST. 9 rooms, modern; will repair to suit tenant only J25 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D M612 FACTORY tuners and action regulators nt lowest rates ior reliable service. Tel. HjJa. 6chmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U 703 NO. ni5 S. 26TH ST. 10 rooms, modern, suitable for roomers; will be vacant soon only $40 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D M61S THE largest and best stock of furniture, carpets and general house furnishings In Omaha. Prices much lower than Install ment stores. Terms: $25 worth, $1 week. Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam st. D 760 11 For Women Only Dr. Raymond s rills, for ueiayeo penous, absolutely reliable, per fectly sate; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all tiat have used them. By mall $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago. 111. 916 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller. D 702 SEVEN rooms, all modern ; hot water heat. Price. $25. FITZGERALD-DERMODT CO.. Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-724 12 MODERN 8-room house near Hansoom park, perfect condition. Immediate posses sion; rent $28. J. C. Selden, 409 S. loth st. DM7S0 14 and telephone; only one block from post- ofnee. Call at 1714 Douglas st. F M778 14X NICE rooms, with good board. 2022 St. Mary's ave. v M113 J4X THE Home Educational society of Phila delphia want more men 10 explain ncnuoi and towthooUs: s-ood rjav: pleasant work; no experience needed. Manager, 500 Ware biocK. umana. d-i.iji BEAUTIFUIJVY furnished rooms, good board, reasonable rates. 618 8. i!tth. F-M771 14X WANTED, flrrt class men's furnishing goods salesman: none but those having had at least two vears' experience need apply. J. L. Bianae.. . soMTJU 13 -1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR pleasant housekeeping rooms. S. E. corner 84tn ana tiowara. u j.i SMALL HOME BARGAINS CI Near 23d and Manderson, fine east ffli'W front lot, 6-1 00m cottage, city water, worth much more. iffl Walnut Hill, near 42d and Lafay t?IOJU iette, with good 7-room cottage. city water. viillNice, new, mooern n-room 4(4'J house, corner lot. barn. 27th ave. and Grant. Others in all parts of the city. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. RE-726 12 LIVE, reliable, trustworthy man, good ad dress, to represent eastern manuiaciurer. Call at once. C. R. liranam. i-uxion no te!. B M732 13x TWO men, salary $25 week, to cover Ne braska and Iowa: exclusive position. E. J. Stanley. Paxton hotel. B M731 lSx wiNTKn-flnoa. competent man for trav ellng collector's position; must furnish THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 1120 N. 17th street. U 692 llx S SOUTH rooms, arranged for light house keeping. 3210 cass st. u 7ui I TWO modern front rooms, close 1n. 2582 Harney st. G M 7 1 4 14x ' FOR RENT STORIES & OFFICES lVo5 nH rifeVenee. Address O W Mot- THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far-Ml- B-752 11X nam; elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. A TEXAN, having recently sold out a large aheep ranch and coming to Omaha to educate bla family, wishes to Invest $150. 000 in meritorious enterprises, with posi tion for son, aged 26. Full particulars necessary to insure answer. Address: E 28, Bee. ' T 633 23 A rmai-cl.M man ,.i , .,n,n vnt . nnrf Iclllarlv desirnhl. outside position; expenenoea salesman - - "inh -,;,, f nV Hu m preferred; capable of earning ft, sou a year to start; permanent and advancement to rleht man. Apply after 9:30 a. m. Friday I to C. R. uranam, .raxion oiei. ROOMING HOUSE. 14 -room house, all modern, steam heat, large rooms, handsomely finished. 2627 Harney st., best location in Omaha for ft rat -class roomers' rent, $50. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 FARNAM ST. Y-757 14 EXPERIENCED architectural draftsman; mate experience and wages, ware fit 'i re- ganza, 62 Hooper building. Salt Ike City, Utah. B M7S1 14x WANTED, a good newspaper business In a thriving town of 1.000 or more Inhabitants, located in Iowa or Nebraska. For fur ther Information address S. C. Blackmail, West Side, la. T M739 13X OL r ESTABLISHED republican weekly, in Nebraska town of 8.000 for sale: circula tion, 1.800; price, $3,O0O. Good chance for voung man with energv. C. R Wilkinson, Endlcott building, St. Paul, Minn. Y-738 llx FURNISHED HOTEL for sale or rent; lo cated on the main line of the Q R. R. Address Bevlns & Reese, Corning. la Y-M?J6 17 FOR BAI.E, only Anheuser-Busch saloon In county; good reasons. Address E 33, care Bee. Y M736 J10 FOR SALE the Creston steam dye works, doing good business, established three years; will sell cheap if sold In a few days; 1 have other business to attend to, Address A. C. Carl, Creston, la. Y-M779 13 FOR SALE, for cash, one-half Interest, or all of good paying real estate business in Pes Moines. Ia.; party must have cash to inveat, must ne Honest and reliable: good reasons for selling. If you mean business address P. O. box No. 4. Des Moines, la. Y M782 12x WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N Y. Life pays highest price for books. -lei. jujd. N 'Ju WB buy, sell or trade caniets, furniture and stoves. Tell 771 or w rite J. Le Ine, WANTED TO BUY Bonks In sets, bought or sold. Anglin & Co.. lull m uuu u ui jw, N-M351 M19 SQUARE PIANO In good condition. It'll Farnain. N 897 MEN'S Id-hand clothing bought. Tel. A33JS. N-6f4 hia WANTED to buy, second-hand typewriter oesa; preier roll top. ev. w. J 1 ietty Htuart, rueo. N M765 12 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS rinakouih. wagona and carriages a gratly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan forth, southwest corner lvth aud Jones. P-78J SHETLAND Dony. cart and harness Kited saddle mure, double set of buggy mens. 43d and Center. Tel. bit!'. P-29 SHKTI-AND pony, cart and harneaa. gal ted addle tuare. 4JU sua center. Tel. tsn. P-29 I SiiO small office, which rents for $10.00 per month. Price includes neat, tight, waler and lanltor service. It Is located on the. fourth floor of The Bee building and Is" Just the thing for any one wanting a nice little omce in tne pest omce Dunning in town. R. C. peters & Co., Kental Agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1771 WANTED Neat appearing 'single man.. 21 m at- travel ana solicit: salary or com mission. Call room 16, Midland hotel, to day, b MiNI izz ' IF you apply at once we can give any ana desiring a large omce space a most any arrangement they desire. Thl space Is on tno sixin nour 01 1 ne nee nuiiumg, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, grouim noor. jace Diag. 1-772 WANTED FEMALE HELP wanted Ladles to learn hair dressing. manicuring, taciai massage, cniropoay or electrolysis, (removing hair by electricity); positions waiting graduates: $12 to $26 weekly; few weeks completes; little ex pense. Call or write, Moler College, 1114 Farnam st. c M4Si I2x WANTED An experienced laundress: ref erences required. Appiy to rara. Artnur C. Smith, 1303 Park ave. C M603 13x WANTED Olrl for general housework. 1106 80. 32a bu c w 1JX WANTED A cook at "The Hillside," 101 N. 18th. 1.-MOM lX WANTED A good woman coek at once, one accustomed to unarm rig nouse worn, The Rose, 2020 Harney st. c 701 llx WANTED A girl for general housework; family of two. Apply ziii capuoi avenue. v. o .FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. Thla building is 22x85 feet, four stories and a basement, mo basement Is 22x132 feet. 1 cemented. The ceiling over the basement haa a brick vault and Iron beam construction, making the basement flre proof. The first floor has a marble floor In front and granolithic floor In rear. There Is a large burglar-proof vault and a powei elovator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address Tho Bee Building Co., C. C, Kosu water. Secretary, room 100 Bee bldg.. 1-690 WANTED A good girl for general house- .... n- n, ... -A 1 1- worn. . . -0.1 pi. ' 1- SO WORKING GILS. Canadian office, IRth and Dodge. c sao WANTED, a middle-aged woman for gen eral housework In the country, iieau Flor ence; good and giHd home to right party. Apply, Mrs. tveipy, in. eoar ii.i. k nim 1. OFFICE for rent at a bargain. F 25S2. Telephone 1 M413 THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam St., only 15 per monin. inquire rt. v;. i-eiers sg Co., urouna noor nee oiag. x its OFFICE to rent at a bargain in the New York Life bldg. 'Phone F2&82. 1 M933 LOST AND FOUND SHIRT. Waist and skirt makers, also help- I FOUND The right place to have your eyes ers. Burgess Shirt Co., 2218 Douglas. tested aud fllted right-Bennett's. - I OO At Found 741 WANTED, a girl fur general housework; no caildren; good wages. Inquire or Miss . . . . n J . . 1 1 - a T .... v.l.l I jeuncii, hist oiwiu vi iiiu,- imuh. C-M766 12x WANTED SITUATIONS LOST Sunday, black handbag, near 24th and Fort atu.; reward. 324 N. lith st. Lost 7U6 llx FOUND, a gold breastpin. Inquire at 1136 JN. i. in, at. Found M742 12X STENOGRAPH F.R. seven years experi ence: law, Insurance, newspaer, grain. Omaha or smaller city. E 12. Bee. A-M746 12x LOST Fox terrier puppy, with small black tag 011 neck, liberal reward If returned to 17uf. S. 2Sth St. Uist-764 l.'tx WANTED TO BORROW TREES SHRUBS ETC. FOR BARGAINS In and shade trees call at Crescent Nursery vales ground, -isi ano t arnam. i-none umi. M876 WE HAVE aome good 6 per cent mort gages on Improved real estate, ciasaed in the following amounts: $1.0iO and $.',0on. We rollwt the rents on the proierty and tho interest and principal ate absolutely nI'p. DODGE A CO.. 1614 FARNAM 8T. -76)1 14 BEAUTIFUL BOULEVARD PARK. It will be worth while to investigate the advantages of this location, the prices and terms, betore nuylng elsewnere. HENRY F. WYMAN, Tel. 1272. New York Life bldg. RK 70S 13 BUSINESS property In Omaha puylng 8 per cent net on i.'j.VM. w ill sen ior IHlO. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE-M421 cilAS- Williamson Co.J- Vff RE 861 FOR SALE My home, 9-room house; 100 feet 01 ground; modern improvements; in first class condition; fine shade trees; beautiful lawn. Anyone desiring modest but attractive home at reasonable price should investigate. Richard . Metcalfe. 8840 Charles St. RE WANT 50 FAMILIES To colonize 1,900 acres of irrigated lands in Han Joaquin Valley, California; 40 acres each; 4u per acre, Vs cash; it you go with us May 13 will give you use of 20 acres free and apply one-half of crop on nrst payment on-your 40 acres. FREE WATER COLONY, Room 3. N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. RE23 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years tune. Land Dept. L. P. R. R., Omaha, Nob., Dept. A. RE 862 KANSAS LAND. 108 quarter sections In Wichita county, $400 to $MX) a quarter. All good wheat and al falfa land. J. J. ttiepnens, omana. Neo, RE-807 160 ACRES fine alfalfa land. $40 per acre, 320 acres, $37.50 per acre, for short time. Willis Caldwell, wrosen now, neo. ' RE M9&3 FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus, o.. tirooertv. two lots Thornburg Place. one lot Burlington Place, free ot all In cumbrance. Address J. A. Hartley. 84 N. High St.. Columbus, O. RE MU37 lsx WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure- to have your ausiraci 01 line maae or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co.-1614 Farnam si. nr.-ooj CORNER lot. 66x6b. brick building, three stores and flats, within two blocks of Her Grand, paying 12 per cent on me invest ment; must he sold quick; owner leaving c ty. inquire wo jiicnury. RE-850 M13x THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer am oris them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word 1n small type, or H.NU per llicll ir set iniarit 1JP LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg., rooms 3u4 ana 3i. lei. iuu. w ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co.. main Ii., N. Y. L. Phone 1313. s W. H. HATTEROTH. Attorney, notary. 44 MARTIN Nursery. 'Phone 6904. lkthAand; Douglaa 806 M27X FARMS FOR RENT FOR EX CHAN dE IF YOU do not find what you want In this roiumn put au at la ana you win anon go- IU liVM FOR RENT, a nicely Improved twenty ' acre garden farm, only IS mile from town . out the Hazel Leu road. Rent only ht 4 ,, tbe tJance of the season. This Dlaee Ih nicely Improved and Is a good tract of hind Apply to Leonard Jderctt. 18 Pearl i.. Council Bluffs, la. M-690 U Barker blk M415 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 613 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel 1664 MRS. JOHN R. Ml'SICK. Osteopathy Phy slcian; office. Neville block, fei. u FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P. 110-volt, direct current, iorinern motor. J ins motor Is in perfect condition In every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see W. 11. Bridges, engineer. Bee bldg. Q 774 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first- ckiss standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short- luind and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. Q 862 FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental g.l vanizea iron cornice ana ornamental Iron posts suiable for show window. Ap ply suyci iMLruueiib Da uunuing. Q 11824 5 k 1 R BY mau Prepaid, any ad- logue free. Factory Merchandise Co., xvuoAviiie, xenn. u raiX PULLEYS AND COl'NTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys, from 6-inch to 48-inch In dlanv eter; S counter shafts, complete. These are all in first-class condition. W. it. uriages, engineer Bee Dullding. Q-U2 HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS' An endless variety and at prices that can not oe duplicated anywncre else. John son & Danforth, 8. W. cor. loth and joues bib. j!.ntrant:e irom viaduct. Q-781 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard ana pool taoies, oar nxtures ot all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue, Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 S. lflth st, Omaha. Q 833 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. . nicago f urniture Co., 1410 Dodge. 1 CI. J-J. Q 534 ZD-HAND safe cheap. nam. Derlght, 1119 Far- y 836 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam lit tings call aiiu wu over me luiiowing supplies l.S-inch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-Inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been takn out on account of changes in our steam piant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W. IL Bridges, engineer Bee DUliaiug, uraa. U 633 $350 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed ui soon running oruer; original cost iiWi Auuivsa loxd rurnam St. Q-M23S SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PA1JN i , oncrraan ai iuct-onneil Drug Co Omaha. Q K36 IRON FENCE'rWin-sl"" Q-837 A HIGH-GRADE upright piano, used months, excellent condition, price $150. Also a usury at cwm organ, good as new, their hest-srade. $35: navmenta iu Ha.i,n,i Omaha Furniture & cWpet Co., between 12tn ana win oil r amain si. Q 761 U CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poies. tui uougias. Q 8s RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS GAS OR GASOLINE ENGINES. lKe our uiiii9unii.ii, always ready. Few slightly used engines cheap. Send for catalogue and prices. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORKS, 1114 Farnam Street, Omaha. Q-674 AUTOMOBILE, 4-cyllnder, new Wlnton, a - . , ......... i . II X.. TT- 1 a Rica, vjbli .an., . cuvi icnniiii. Q-675 Je8 ALMOST new mahogany chairs, bedroom Beta, buffet, writing desks, piano; madras curtains at a uargain. il IV i-th st. J-.M6i9 I2x SEVERAL fonts of second-hand type Gothic, etc , In fair condition, for saU cheap. Apply to II. A. Haskell, supt, Mechanical dept.. Bee Publishing Co. U MS79 FRESH cow, "calf at foot." sound, rlgh one; I2.1J. I none ceaar ooeil. Q723 llx FOR BALE, fine spotted couch pups. Goo, W. Tiindie, Hansen, ia. u ikx ELEGANT upright Windsor folding bed cost aio: largo mirror in mini; oea 1 everv bit as Kood as new. Will sell fu $15. Call and see It at 3020 Harney street W all 1 FLORISTS SUES CO., patent attnrnevs. Washing ton. D. C opposite U. S patent offi, e. Advice and patent blanks free. 901 Jyt POSTOFFICE N0TICE (Should be read DAILY by all Interested! as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending May 13, 19i5 will rlose t PROMPTLY In all cases 1 lit the General Postofflce as follow": REGISTERED AND TARCKII-POS T MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. I'arrels-Pnst Malls for Great Rrltaln n1 Ireland are despatched by the White Star line on Wednesdays nml hy the American Line on Satunlnys. An additional despatch is made by the Cunnrd Line when a Cunaril sieamer sails on Saturday later than the American Line steamer the same day. The Parcels-Post mails close one hour befoie the regular malls. Regular and Supplementary malls elnse at Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton eoreetsi nair nour inter than clos ing time shown below, (except that (hmnle. mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. FRIDAY (12)-At 10:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Canoplc. from Hoston SATURDAY 13At 6 n. m. for EUROPE. per s s. New ork. via Plymouth and Cherbourg (including Ireland when spe dally aridressd for this steamer): at T 30 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m l for EU ROPE, per s. s Umbria. via Quenstown and Liverpool; nt 8 30 a. m. for REIAJM'M t.uvnm 1 .M."n.n. per a. MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. M. Broderoux's pills for delayed periods; formula prepared by the eminent physician of France; te llable, perfectly safe, no danger, no pain, no interference with work; relief to thou sands after others failed; recommended by leading physicians everywhere. By mall $2. Eureka Chemical Co., Omaha, Neb. M767 14x PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for laaiea; never tans, K postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 917 DR. DE MARS, French Tansy and Penny royal t-nis, guaranteed, a. sure cure lor all female Irregularities. Regular price, $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., loth and Farnam, Omaha. MSOO A30 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases ana irregularities or women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 16111s Dodge st., Omaha. u 918 C. N. SOMMER, successful homeopathlst. cures enronio diseases, cancers, tumors. Bee bldg. M863M18 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAM BUDDHA. Complete readings and revelations, and predictions from infancy to old age. Loca tion, over in o. loin St., upstairs.; opposite Boston Store. a Wl MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady. palmist and clairvoyant, umce, 1,114 t ap Itol ave. 'Phone 611IO. S M627 13x GYLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d. ts 913 MRS. FRITZ, worth. clairvoyant. 1621 Leaven' S-920 MME. BOYER. trance medium. Readings and horoscopes boc. omce ao No. lith Center hotel; blk. N. W. of P. O. Tel. B-2547. Hours 8 a. m. to :30 p. m. S M662 13 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money IS loaned on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people upon ineir own agreoinetn 10 pay 11 per manently employed. WE can give you tho money on the shortest possible notice ana Handle tne business without publicity. WE oftcr you rat on that are as low as yuu win linu anywncre, ana tney are mucn leas than some will ask you. ' WE leave the property undisturbed in your possession, so mat you have the use of uoui it ana tne money. WU take particular pains to have you un derstand the transaction in every partlcu lar, telling you In advance to the cent what the cost will be. WE are the oldest concern In our line in the city and we - always try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE 1XJAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Building. Tel 2295. (Established 1892.) 306, S. 16th Street. BORROW MONEY WHERE You get It on Furniture, Flanos, Horses, Wanonn. Cows. Salaries, etc.. WHERE You get it on short notice. WHERE You get low rates and easy terms. WHERE Conrtdentlal and courteous dealings nring you pack. WHERE Can yuu do better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Tod Floor. 633 PAXTON BLK. X 8S5 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Pribls. now, loom 211, at 2o9 S. 16lh St. Tel. B2WH, MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714, New York Life building. X887 a. Fin- r iani taiso regular man mr Keigium when J specially addressed for this steamer)- at "jr R:.T0 n. m. for ITALY dlrert (specially sd- A dressed only), per a. s. Knnig Albert: at T 11:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct l.r. ' . cially addressed only), per a. s. Astoria. Malls for Soolh and Central America, Writ Indies, F.te. FRIDAY (12) At 12 m. for BRAZIL, per a. s. moorisn rrince. via I'ernamhueo and Rio Janeiro (including Northern Rraxil Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay- when specially addressed for this steamer): at J m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Isle of Lewi. SATURDAY (13) At 8:30 a. m. for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA per s. s. Philadelphia (also Colombia via Curacao, when specially addressed for this steamer); at 8:30 a. m. (supplemen tnry 9:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS nnd GUIANA, per a. a Kornna (including urenadn, nt. Vincent and Trlni dad when specially addressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary O:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA and COLOMBIA, except Catica and Magdalena Departments, per a. a. Sarnia (also Costa Rica, via Llmon. when specially addressed for this "teamer); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12 m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a s. JJazelwood: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA (spe cially addressed only), per s. a. Curltyba, via Matanzas. NOTICEFlve cents per half ounce IN AD- iJI riUXM IU THIS REGULAR POSTAGE, must be prepaid on all letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TRIES.'' af'er the CLOSING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for despatch hy a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGR Is ' FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malla are olsoi opened on the plrs of the AMERI CAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH ateameis. whenever the sailings occur at 9:00 a. m. or later; and late mall may be deposited In the mail boxes on the piers of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers npcr. fp ho::r and a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 5 oenrs a hslf ounce) Is required on nrtlclea mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN, WHITB STAR and GERMAN (Sea Post) steamers; double postage (letters 10 centa a half ounce) on other lines. Malls Forwarded Overland, Ktc, Kx rept Transpacific. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) are forwarded dally to ports of sailing. The CONNECTING malls close st the General Postofflce, New York, as follows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, at t4:30 a. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. (Alsi . x ' n .. . v , . .-1 . t- ........ . . . e 1 1 U ill , . a ui n. .iiuimia nu HI IUI no J - see above ) je" MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. an4t 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday 4v at 1:00 p. vn. and 10:30 p. m. ivcinruiiii'ijnni' irirrjii rtireis-rnii Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also oc casionally from New York and Philadel phia. See above). M1QUELON. via Bdston and North Svdnev, at 6:3n p. m. every other Sunday iMay 1 and 21, etc.). JAMAICA, via Boston, st 7:00 p. m. T ues dsy and Friday. (Also from New York on Saturday. See above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at tl0:3 p. m. Tuesday. BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (Plast if Honduras Is despatched from New I )'ork via Panama see shove.) Ii'ARAGUA (East Coast), via New Or- I N leans, at Tl:30 p. m. Wednesday. (Win Coast of Nicaragua la despatched from New Ytrk via Panama -see above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE (specially ad dressed only), via New Orleans, at 1 1 0 : . 1 p. m. Sunday (after 1030 p m. Sunday and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Puuania and Canal Zone Is held for the New Tork steamer see above). t REGISTER ED MAIL for overland des patches closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. nowKN'S MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, rows. Plain nolo If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co.. 3 Barker block. X-889 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jewelry-, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X 890 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. , X 891 EAGLE Ian Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13l linuglaa. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Ixian Co.. 1504 Farnam st X 894 PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar PRINTliNG Ustic designs. H. E. cor. lot 11 st. ano (.apuoi avu. i3 LYNGSTAD1 GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO.. 1311 Captlol ave.. Tel. 2405; fully equipped fur al kinds of piloting. MS75 DRESSMAKING HESS & 8 WO BOD A, 1415 Farnam. 902 L. HENDERSON, 0il3 Farnam. Tel- 1-''. . 9WJ GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. SOU Douglas Mk. M4 IN. FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A?766. Transpacific Malls, Fn arded Over land Dally. The schedule of closing of transpaclfls malls Is arranged cn the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port or sailing. The final connecting malls (ex cept registered transpacific malls des. patched via Vancouver. Victoria. Ta corns or Seattle, which eloaa 6 p. m previous day) close at the general postofflce, New York, as follows: HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA ami PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close nt 6 p. in. May 7 for despatch, per s. s. Coptic. TAI'AN. KOREA. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at p. m. May 10 for despatch per s. a. lyo Maru. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HA. WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. m. May 13 for des patch per a s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to con nect with this despatch, extra mails clns Ing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. m ; Sundays st 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6 p. m will ha made tip and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). JAPAN (except Paroels-Post Malls), KOREA, CHINA and specially addressed mall for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, rla Vancouver and Victoria, II. C. close at i p. m. Mav l U.t ueaoatcn per s. s. Em- Fress of .India. J Jl ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except t west) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van- couver and Victoria, B. '.. cloae at A p. m. May 20 fur despatch per . a. Manuka. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and socially addressed mail for the PHIL IPPINB ISLANDS, via Kan Francisco,, cloae at 6 p. 111. May 22 for despatch per - .. ail.n-la HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at f I p. m. May 2S for despatch per s. . Ala- meda 1 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM via Sun Francisco, close at 6 p. m. May Ml 0 for despatch per u. . transport. MANCHURIA (except Mukden. New chwang and Port Arthur) and EASTKRV 61RF.RIA Is at present forwarded vU Russia. KOTE-Unleas otherwise addressed, Wa