Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. MAY 12. lt03. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MEET Ail Weak Point is Prist a B$e een VM VHEAT AND COFN THE LEADERS Light Receipts and Hri) Miltinrnu Are Ihr Hair, latter Rriaa Inlet a Mara aa I ormtr. OMAHA. May U. 1 pO.. l.i li.4f . 11.. r.-ntoic iea ,i pttent. $.". 45tr5 5i ff'r d t ier. t- i BRAN-In bu,k. frt 12.2&. clear. 4y4M10, All Ihr weak. i. i.eneu tot.... , iue lou.-. uie wen. w.e. wu.aii-. lit ia I "l It. J 1,5 Hl,U( 04 li.l UlO... .Ol,ei tr.m. .. j. ,.a nul kit o.ei ctfia. t-.giu i t!i rip i muUftue tiif i u;f and toe riU4.111e1.l1. wut til lu at'kila eie I w lt anie ill. ro wneat hi Ku rrfu. A in it i a, a"i tie.ieif.u lo. cm n. Cv.eii iltiE wtl e... uul luo, LUl tm.j live- (auie in. ilea, iiuwd na sdoji 4i advance. J1. Monu at a roc, jV.y i i4 ac a.iu eej-i--ii,tifi . i.oi.1 c.oeea i v. nr M., i74c lit u,u ui.., t.c i"i iu-v. Ju.y, 4.-... i.,i o.a tAtta.oei iii.a 4,L,u loi 11. t'leutiM-t . vhu iimi.-a wnu iuai at . aui.. l Beplaillber at -o-c. in.' eot en.n.eiu Liop iej.orl was juist auoui r.i.i u riDec-ved him the nunti wa nr. U Olll t..e uKUnl QU1C 11 u ' i u t loliif i . Iik 1. uuwl accompany me. rt port, i-rorn now uii liit- Uaaer promise l'j fcivt: lilt attention lu in wv.iiiier. J iu jniei im aii iiti ani mi ; "Ihr mi ni., 'umiv i. mi ion tI trie wioai market piv tiim ip, posHititlme tor h (juicr Du.i turn. 1 ui Hit n-xi ion j' to sixty uays in iiir-a.i-1 la tell OIO Clop proposition. ireent supplies ait into. y rirniii lnirrfcaut, .ni li4i. vvll Innllilajlica H-ici ul CM-Kli Uac i'lrt".' .111- UliKlrlltM' HllMM Nlt; 111 Jui 111 illi iiuui III (taliffl ii t.lciiirui , vvru UiKa Luis ii clr ol a i'uliipt I clop." c oiivri iiiiiu ihu lnvk n, the nutike-, c 1"ium tinu t ti- gun k iriiitsler til laigt S-iitiiiiiitii ol grain, 1U a iiecoru-Htrind v. Ill Mt . alt:nlll:- LlJai'l Hilt: I ol position in v. lirai .-M-'loiiy wits tlir puhjct i ol a ii;! ui ai ol i oioiiK iit. Ji' takk plainly bullirtmy oiiua'-u oLiiniK a. Jiiood pdil ol tn nioiiiina. bui ma iiiuiiiji oi tiart uiai'riill came iiin the MiHiiriitii'iiin iiiara.-i aTai'teU to l':K Vc-iy in'uiiiuy tncrtufi'T tif mu in Hir kiiiui )pi in i-rioii, rw-lling nil that tut inaiHri Mould luKr. Hr aitrx""d OKI .". urn tiu.siH-in, ulioutli nit marktt w a i oumii-u a iiui iuw aim almoat exclu ai'tly a proii hmotimI afTau' For a Ions unit iiik liia Li adcriM u lio Here taking his bviirvrd tit uaa niaaiiiK a tnnt for thu )iuiKiit ot tiialilltig biokers to lncrrane the iii)e or July Vineal iit vtts already creliid nti owning The wheat, howevrr, kepi on comma in,- aitnticajiolis market kept on Lir'uaiiig, and liiiatly there waa an unload lia ol a laix" line of h hint Mat Van nunc iiad aoid. i'iit Amiour brokers Ikji-kIiI back on the bn-uk some of the wheal that had ueeii sold hlsrber up." Only lour vara ol wh at were received in Kansas Miy touaiy and cJn rloes itiera liavu rlaen Gc in three dui s. Tonay they are 4c abovr yesterday. There continues to le a big caoh premium In Chicago, and Sii.UOU hujliels. No. 1 sold there yesterday at ixfitk: oer Slay. Kt ljouih aealers art biddnn 4mc at Nebraakis points feu No. 3 lorn. Thin Vraln is heuiK linked up by all classes of t oiisumers, wherever it can be found. cJlu.-iH.- companies cm,i ol buy sufocit nt to saiiefy their reoutrmerits in the coun try and an inking small stored loi licr' possible. Iyounsville l light 10.0(i bufm'.s S i. 2 in store hi C Incaso. m 4dVj,c St lxiuis is selling to tin. stock yards at (i.e. Otnaba 1 aab Prices. WH HAT No. : hard, RTIjHUc; No. I hard. fcntiSw ; No. 4 hard, m'be. CORN No. 2. 4c; No. . -: No. 4. 45c; no irrade, 4oCac; No. 2 yellow. 44isr; No. 2 yellow. 4'-c, No. i white, 4tlVc, No. i white, 4u.c. OA1P No. 2 mixed, St: No. 3 mixed. -Vc: No. 4 mixed. SU; No. 1 white, -:; No. I white, 29V-; No. 4 white, 2c; standard, JOc. Carlot Rrrtpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats 46 4a 10 8 11 Prices Bo aril of Traar. rillCAfJO. Mv 11 fmcial announcement thai ti'-ailv 1 ".' crs ft fall somn hes' i:ad liecn winter-killed imtartd inaik'd s'rrrrth to the whmt mrkt hei tKiii Kxtcnsive rains tumulied another r'' n ( manifestation of buiusli senti nicrt At tie close July wheat was up WilV Coin slowed a Skin of SuV--fMTs were up f i'rvisjoris were un t lumped to (c higher Scutum lit in the a lwat rit was bullish from the start At the opening July was linchanred to 'c lusher at K.-c to KlS'a liV. Krom th' first tap of the -ll until toe coi,s: sounded at th close of business shoit and . tun mission houses were active t'iddcrs. The aneTiimeTii crop report was mi" of the main factors in the situation. An improvement of about 1 per cent in the 'ondition of winter w heat sin'e April 1. as t-hown by official statistics, did not ap parently impress pit traders so much a did a statement in the soiirnmenl report that 1 43ii"i acres planted with winter whv,t last fall had been abandoned or i plowed as a resiut of the seed b inir winter killed That the fXoeHent condition of the riiii!f plant Indicated a crop of 4i(i.iui0 hu.. which is alKiut bu. more than was harvested last year, did not seemingly affet traders With mlrirts fixed on the small remainder of the old crop and on tie posKibtllt lea of accident to the new before harvest a majority of operators were sironarly of the opinion tliat the great discount now curreri the July option was a much better purchase than sale. Con tinued wet weather throufrhout the entire wheat belt served to stretiffthen in the ii liuls of many operators this bullish con viction Furthermore, receipts were small, a striking feature being a total absence of arrivals at Chicago A prominent long was a heavy seller, hut It was intimated that under cover he was also a fair buyer. The market gained in strength as trading pro gressed Strength of wheat bad con siderable influence on optional pnees. For July the highest point of the day was reached at MSc. The market closed strong with July at MtiM'nc. Clearaneea of wheat and fjour were equal to bu. Primary receipts were bu., compared with 3"fc bu. a vear aa-o ToIhv In planting operations owing to the prevailing wet weather brought out a good demand for corn resulting in a strong mar ket Ths advance in wheat prices also helped to stimulate buj lng the yellow ce real The volume of trading however. wns not large July opened .G-Vc higher ai .c. soia ortwecn tic and 47c and closed at 4,:S LochI receipts were 4P cars witn 4 or contract grade. i its showed considerable utrength. There was gooo buying of May by cash houses iook an onenngs on reports of an Improved export business. , This caused active covering of July bv shorts The market closed at praoticallv the highest point of the day. July opened a ahad higher at 2li'e -Tc. sold up to liuc and ciosen Bl I .01 Ml recetnla wara AI r. m Higher prices for grain and smaller re- cipis ci nogs created a hrm tone In provi sions Buying was of good character, much oi if- utniami coming irom packers. Sell mg was scattered At the close Julv work up ifi at ut; ijtrd was un . nios were unchanged at new yorr stocks m bonds Activity of Pacific Bjulw.y Btockt ElivM Markft of Dulln of Prt lew Diji. NORTHERN SECURITIES SHARES HiGHER rrrsldrat's lltrraarra of RrKalatlas f RallMay AaTalra lasses Rr ftif4 Aparrhrasloa Asaoas; saac seralatars. at IT.! w-as Kstimated receipts for tomorrow i car: corn, j cars: oata, "S l.(m head. Th leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat cars; hogs. Articlca.l Open. High. Low. ! Close. j Yes y. Thicago ... Kansas City M lurieapolis Omaha. ..S3 Iuluih 7 8t. Louis SB Miwarapvlls W'brat Mark. Ths rang of prices paid in attnneapolut. ac reported by the Ed warda-Wood com- pany. 110-111 Board, of Trad, Article. Open. U'igh. I Liow. I Close. Test' y. Wheat May...i - July... BrpL... Corn i Julv..' Sept.. Dec. i n: i 4r,, I 102 I 7S! 4H; la BUT,: 44sb 1 02 m "" New corn. WKAtiUUI kM VallS GltAI BELT a ni4ritgrai, $aaw Preralaa Ttstsfratarei Prevail. OMAHA. May 11. The pressure continues low over the cen tral valleys and southwest and unsettled leather continues general everywhere from the Rocky mourn bins east to the Atlantic coaat Thunder storms, with heavy rains. ere central in the central valleys last night and continue this morning from Ne braska rust over the Ohio valley and lakt legion High winds prevailed throughout the middle and lower Missouri valley during the night and were destructive to life and property In Oklahoma. Snow is falling at iVnver. lroeniiii; temperature prevail Wyoming and the weaihtir Is much cooler . Omaha record ot temperature and pre- M ripltation compared with the corresponding DI VI I ft paai iutrw J ' - lw. 1"4. 1W2. 1902 Jtlinlmum temperature.... 3 W 62 4J ITecipitatlon 44 "0 Oil . Normal temperature for today, a& de gi ee. Deficiency In precipitation sine March L '.W of an inch. L'eftiieiii v -orreponding period in 1J04. .73 of an inch. Deficiency corresponding period In iHA. l.ini inches. UUAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Kain "heat Mav Julv Sept Cnrn- Julv Mav Uulv tSept. tSept. IS!S Mav J illy Pork Mm Julv Pent. Lard- Mav Julv Sept. Ribs- May Julv Stpt. '78 VP 4. ,4e-,t7 4?: t'n-TS,' 4t; ! 92-,' 7t 4TV. pis s; s:iS MV" 7K-, T'J'.'a Vi ' 4V 4C-, 4(r-4 4f-S NEW YORK. May 11 The considerable moyement which developed late today In the stocks connected with the Northern Securities settlement or associated with that pe'tlen ent in speculative surmises redeemed the securities market from a rule of dull ness and neglect that threatened to exceed yesterday's record. This movement served also to reassert the influence of this group of stocks on speculative opinion In general. r-revious to their revived activity tne mar ket showed no sign of anything more thas leebie viorauon in the rebound from yes terday s slight depression. Southern Pa cific and I nlon Pacific were the leaders of this rebound on the circulation of asser tions that the policy of their administration was shaping towards the Inauguration of dividends on Southern Pacific. The buying Induced by the assertions was quite sub stantial in comparison with the semi- stagnation of the general market. The movement laid the foundations for the share of those two stocks in the lattet strength of the more immediate Northern unties group in which Northern Securi ties Itself shared on the curb Northern Parlflc and reat Northern preferred moved upwards wttr ease, which is attrinutariie to the very small supply of the stocks In the open market. The fact of this scanty supply leaves the wide movements on the stocks open to suspicion of manipulation which Is easily manared In the case of closely held stocks of that class. No news came out to explain the movement, but it resulted naturally In reawakening all the rumors pointirg to an adjustment of threat ened dispute over the Northern Pacific control Tomorrow Is psv day for the completion of the lmdon settlement and a tendency was shown both in London and here to await this event. Other r presslve in fluences of a general character were found In the reiteration of the president s views on railroad rate legislation, the discussion by the controller of the currency of the duties of bank directors, which was prompted by recent events in the banking world growing out of the affairs of the Equitable Life Assurance society. The power for weakening the market of these factors seems to have spent much of its force, but as an influence against oeratlons In securities they are still effective. The weakness of the local tractions was on consideration of the expected decision by the supreme court on the franchise law. Twin City Rapid Transit had the benefit of the announcement of stock subscription rights. Money was extremely easy, and lt is believed that this is partly due to the progress of remlttsnces from Interior na tional banks in preparation for payment on Monday through their New York corre spondents on return of government deposits under call or the secretary or tne treasury. Sterling exchange held Its advance of yes terday. Stocks closed strong, but only moderately active. Bonds were steadv. Total sales, par value l-.215.lKKi. 1'nited States bonds were all un changed on call. The following were the quotations on the New 1 ork Stock exchange: Sales.High.Low Close. 471,: 47 4tjS& 47V 4 Vcrl 2M,Sji 27V&2 3li 29V, I 12 3K ! 1! 12 47V, 12 65 I 12 ffoV li 7 ST. 7 r.5 7 10 7 y 7 65 I Yin"'' 7 874 7 10 I 7 324 ' 7 674. 30 ' 12 474 12 C74 35 7 O'V 7 S I 7SS41 4 12 m 12 f.241 12 45 12 724 12 65 I 7 an 7 ?74 7 bo , 174 62H 77V 7 in 7 55 074 '624 No. .2. tOld. t.Vcw. ( ksn ai'otatians were as follows: FLOUR Sieadv; winter naienls t4 1IVf 4 !?i' straiaWs. tua4 H-wjring pat ents, t4.is4jn mi; spring Mraighta. t3Ma4.Q: linkers K.43fl .40. WHEAT No. ! spring. SaiffOftct No. S tnia tie: No. 2 red, 14i& isvac. CORN No. 2. 49c; No. 2 yellow. SM,r.. OATP-Niv 2, S-V-: No. 2 white. 3iVa22.c; No. ."! w hite, 31ft32Vc. RYE No. 2 7f.i97iVi.c. BARLEY Good feeding. J704Oc; fai- ts choice malting, 4h(& (S4c. SEEn-No 1 tlnx. ,1.2: No. 1 northwest ern. R 2S. Timothy, prime, $3.i. Clover, contract grade. $12O0Jj12 50 PROVJPIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., 112 WW 12.ik. Lard, per 100 lbs , 7 .MsJfT .224. Short nrv'S sides (loosei s,.icv 7.i0. short ciar sides (boxed), $7.124Sj7 .26 Following were me receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 13 fiiio 1.o neat, bu s.ikio IK iV Corn, bu 43.0fio 117. 1n (lata, bu 102ltfi Ita.lfl Kye. bu 2.0H0 Harley. bu 45,11m s.40i On the Pr Kluce exchange todav the but ter market was steady; creameries. 2i"5'''4c; dairies. IWj 22c. Egga. sttutdy. at mark. cases Included. 144c: firsta lr.&lSc; piime firsts, 164c; extras, ISc. Chwip, steady, 134 1(1 nc. YORK r,EERAL MARKKT Stations. Max. aim. Inc lien. Sky. Asnland. Neb.... 74 2:t 1.16 Ft. rloudf Auburn. Neb x;; M :l' Cloudy Cluuibufc. Neb... '( .(- Cloudy J'alibury. Ntb.... s' 52 1 Cleat ' Fairmont. Neb... 7:: .fifi cloudy ;r. lslnnd. N . i .04 Cloudy , llarlintlor. Nob. iS t' .' cloudy iakdal. Neb. .. '.7 41 .14 Cloudy Onjiha. Neb.. .. "." !:t i4 Cloudy fikamah. Ni ' Cloudy 'arroll. la.. . 7' r.i Cloudy Clarlnda. li. .:. . ' 52 Cloudy Plbley. la .. . . M ti Cloudy Smux City, l i . i" 1s .."'4 Cloudy Btonn Lake. U..;7 42 .C Cloudy UIBI RK T A VHRAGE8. N.ii Temp. Rain. Cntrl. Chicago, 111 .. olumbua u les Moines, la .. Indianapolis. Ind , Kansas City. -M J. Louisville. K).... . Minneapolis xiiiutha. Neb St. Louis Mo Local Forecaster, fclsnona. Max. Mm. Inches 21 70 52 .7i 17 ivS 4S . 11 '' 52 .at li a:' 54 .22 w 52 ,iv IT M 1 .8 27 t.2 ; .24 1 72 4K .00 13 S a .(B Varlaas Atchison do nfd Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore Ohio... do pfd anadlan Pacific Central of N J f. i l.tukl l.tili 5 m M4 102 1554 107 K3 1"1 1524 1'J5 ersl fund. eusv or the tlSOflnrprff gold reri-e in the division of rdTrpt Ion. shows Available casn balance. 112.). "72; gold. W.2M.M'. Hs lark Maaew Market. NEW TORK. May 11 MONET On call: Market easy at 2iC4 rr cent; kwest Md. per cent; closing Pio. a pi r cent: "ftereij at 4 per cent Tm e money ; Market easy and ami: sixty inn ninety oays, jo. per ceTt : six montt'S. 4 per cent per cent . M ttll.l.MJ r.-".' nn.vir.-.n.iiin "inn', with actual business In bankers bills at 4 M3t0 for demand and at M MS'irt Hi for slxtv-dav hills; posted rates. U S54 and Hf-4: commercial bills. (IMW M1. SILVER yar. ft.'a.c: .Mexican -ners. 4ic piis;isi iovernniem ana rauroaa, sicaay. Cosing r rices on bonds wert: r. ret f. rrg v cfn pnw ..... . , r s la. rag fl rfiuean V 8. new 4, ref flo ro-j JKHI . . . . r. g nld 4a. ret 6a rouap, Am. Tntawi-o 4a. clfa 7J dn ta. ctfs Atrhlann ga&. 4ft . o 4a Atlantic L li Bsl Ohio H ... rto Is Central of Ga. M da 1st toe o M Inr rb a (ihla 4v,a tkittafu A. KViS C. h a g. n C, R I. P. 4a fle ml. Itt rc a st. u g 4i chiiatd Tar. 4a.. Colorado Mid 4a.. Colo, a Se 4a Cuba da. rlfa .... . P. a R G 4. Mamie's' Sec t, Er,a ariur Han 4a. do res 4a r w. at v. r. i 4t Horklng Val. Ofltred. .. ..1.1 1S4I4 Japar, "tr, IMS I. a N uni 104 Manhattan c $ 144 Mfi i mini 1..:' I da lal inr . . . Ill !Mlm a St 1. 1MV) M K T 4s 1MW do Sa R R. of M c. ll'i V y r. a jt,t . J e t D . . . . No ractflv 4a ..lot I to ll .1044, N t W r 4 . . " s I. rrd 4. ..ll?w rrnn ronr. sa . . s1, fteadint arrr, 4a . . . 77 St. L a I M i . .507 St L. a: S F. t .. I S L. g w. r 4 . . . ( Seah,.d A 1 4a . . ai'T Su. Ta tftr t, . . S? a RaUa-aT as . lot Tflak P la . . . T.. St L W 4a .. Vnlno Parillr 4t . . . . . S4 I do ronr 4a .1. It S Steal Id t,... ..nil JWatiaM! la . . d. ah. B ..lOlVWaKtern 'd 4a .. :v,;W a L. E 4 1UW Wia Caatrsl 4a..... 10!', .IMS 7S . 1 . 7 . . 1.S . . Si. -t 4a w . inoi .. 1 ..', . . .1 S ... Ts . lM"va ... . . .1W ..',rt: a .117 4a so ... ;'. . M , .11 K.o, . 44 .in "4 1:1 MS lit, . 7a . rV. r4- . Ai t OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle EecripU Light and Pricei Billed Steady to EtrcEf. HOGS SOLO riVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Light Receipts of !Wcep aai Umlia, kat Drsiaia 4 a a l.lanlteal. o that Ka Marc Tbaa 4. boat a steady Market Rcsaltrd. SOUTH OMAHA. May 11. lKOf.. Recemts were: Ofli' Mnnuav .... Official Tuesday tfflc.iaJ "'edTiesjay C'ftlclal Thursday . Cattla llogs Sheep 2ai 4 07H .22 2.5i. i.f4" lc. 6.121 4.6H2 2S" "'t SU.772 K 1.(127 51 ."4o 2K. 22 TO a -i 5 :n 4.rt3 2 354 Jf.110, 23.SM 2.4HK ;ct.i2 S2.5.0 S to DATE. Four days this week . .12 .70 Four days last week 10 455 Same days week bt f ore 13 H22 Same three weeks ago. 17.1fl Same four weeks ago. . .17122 Same days last year ... .12.722 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR The foliowituj table ahows the rereipts of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: l!a-f,. 2SJ..871 M2.5M n St tabte shows price of iiol-s at South Omaha for ths last several day a, wltn comparisons: Cattle Hogs Sneep The following 19"4 Dec 55.0-i 67. WIS ?15.22ii 72.M2 2 IP, th- average CALVES. 1st ln to 1 1 . . . . 140 tTox'KKhS 4io If MO I M " I aa I 2t I 4 jr. 4 M 4 rl I M Mi 4 7- I 7t IK ua m '"0 ( aa 4 04 4 (W 4 4 Sl 4 no 4 oo 4 a 174 m FLKliEKft. ear. i a 4 ao , (" 4 (Hi 4i4 4 it AN ii 1 1 1 14 . - OOIjORADO buil t W ai steers... .Lul 6 (0 steers. .. M 111 HiHiS Tliere was a smaller run of hogs here today than was generally anticipated, and as n ports Irom other points were favorable to the Selling Interests, an active and I. icner market waa experienced At the start trading was not 'ety acliv. as packers Would not pay the prices asked, hut 11 soon tievattie evident that the demand was ot quite liberal proporuuns and con se'iiai 'itly the marKC gained in strength as the morning advanced The opening was about 5i"c higher, while the tlose was fully 74vl' burner. The buik of the sales went (rorn 65 25 to la. to, with the i holcer loads selling mostly at a.i 3&,'4 Everything was disposed oi In good season. Todays advance taks the market back to about where it was at the close of last week the decline of Monday and Tuesday fsn-y, cbrflre old. pew . 14,,fl!4'--124rl24 - rhoice. old 14c, of this rt'k listing resentative sales - Pr. been regained fiep- LOOS. 'lUCH.ilWJS '1902 il01.;liWO ;i8Jr Conaola. inonay .. do arrmiut Anaconda At rh laon do pfd Bahlmora a Ohia Canadian Pacific . 'has a fhio Chicago Gt. W... r . M 4: Bt. P... DeBeara tnrer ft R. G.. do ptd Eria do 1st pfd do 2d pfd liltcnia Central .. Louis, a Naah... at . K, T SILVER Bar 7.tai0 144 147 Chesapeake Ohio.. 2 000 4J.4 4S Chicago Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western Moo ?f4 tP Chicago a- N. W son 230 2l".4 C, M. & St. P 14.400 172, 1704 Chicago Term. & T do pfd C. C, C. & 6t L 8,o( 9 F1 Colo. & Southern 3"0 27 24 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 1.300 S44 34 Delaware Hudson. 1.400 IRK IKfivi D , L. A W Denver & Rio G 100 24 294 do pfd Erie 9.500 424 42 do 1st pfd 74 74 do id pfd 00 74 7, 15k'4 254 (SO 1i4 1R4 75 114 jni iii" 15 66 1424 474 Tf4 n4 HI 4 R54 2!4 7 91 i 514 854 2"4 72 ( I- A. TVLLSH. Weather bureau. 1 1 f v t. l.oala (.'ami Market. ST. LOCIS. May 11 WHEAT Higher on .rust report; No 2 red, cash, SH4i!hj, track. l '... May, Kic bid, July, 7rS- ,!-,t. No S bard. U7c. CORN Higher; JKo. 2 ca&b, 60c, track, tii-r Mav. tt-se. Jtih, 4-4i-. OATS Higher. No 2 oash, y: track. 2toS-4': May. 30'-, c bid; July. 277,c; No. i S34c. fi.M K- .'uict: red a inter patents $43" 4 Mi: extra fancy and straight, 64,1ii4..36: ch-ar T iaKttS SKKI Timothy, steadv. (2 t'l'iKNMt'A le-5teady. 62 60. KKAS-lmll: saikexi. nast track. TX(i73c. HA V 8teady ; timothy. fc waglii ; jiral rie gt", tr5" 1 P.i IN iiilTOS TIES-JSC. HAC.dlMI-IV'. UK MP TWINE 4e. PROVISh iNS Pork, higher: Jobbing. iJird. higher; pnme steamed. 72-,. Dry salt meal iboxeai. steH-ly; extia shorts, 17 274: clear ribs. I7.X74; shirt rieatrs. 17 50 Bacon ibtixed'. sieadv ; extra shorts. I' ; clear ribs, ! '. shot P clears, 4 POl'LTRY Springs, advancing: chickens. 114 : spiinga. 46fiS7c; turkey, 12c; ducki, liK-; g4-rie. c. UI'TTKR-iihI: rreatniT), S-r254c; dairy. 17n :V. l-XXJS-bixauly; 14c. 44aotatioaa af ike Day ana awed 1 1 lea. NEW YORK, May 11. FLOT'R-Receints 14.27 bbls ; cxpfirts, 110 bbls. Market steady- ana uncnangea; .Minnesota patents. ..-Sin-.-i.M; .Minnesota bakers, a .attaa.k;.: win ler patents, 4("Si 25: winter straiahta 14.fi0 winter extras. JS.254iS.75; whiter low grades. t2.25ii3ta. Rye fiour, steady, fair to good. 64 l'tftH.tiO; choice to fancy, H 6u(ui.66. RYE Nominal: western, -. COKNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, Ji. 20; coarse new, $10ol.l; kiln dr.ed. t2.754i2.K5 BARLEY Di li : feeding, 64c; malting. WpfCc. c 1. t . j-iuffalo. WHEAT Receipt a. 13.00U bu.; it market irregular: No. 2 red. !'c. nominal, in ele vator: No. 2 red, at.4c nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Dulutti, II 044 f- o. b. afloat; No. 1 ha:d. Manitoba. is'.4c f o. b. afloat. Practically through the entire aea sion wheat mainttalned a atrong uridertt'iie and at the cloat- showed sib 14c net ad vance, li was influenced cinetly by the crop report, excetsive rains west, steady cables, higher western markets and cover ing. May doacd M4c: July, a 13-l(ji4c, dosed, oStVl ti. pt nibcr. Wi34c, closed, Kisc. CORN Receipts. 20.425 bu.; exports. (.5ta bu. Siot market firm; No. 2. 6040 elevator and fr4c f. o. b afloat. No. 2 yellow. 544c No. a while, 544c; option market was fairly active here and higher on the bad weather news, covering and hrm cable. Lest priors showed ret advance; May. 53441544c closed 644c: July, 524fe.3c, clusod 6.'4c. ti ATS Receipts, lit-tfuo bu. Sj-ot market firm: mixed oats. 2 to 22 tHiunds, 35nX74c; natural white. SO to It pounds. iyj37c; clipped while. W to 40 pounds. 14ci2tC. HAY Steady; giKd tu choice. daS5o HOPS-Firm; pacibc coast. lSiH, .f&2c; lia 2i-'u.4i . old. lKalSe HUiES-Firrr. ; Galveston. 30 to 26 lbs., : California. 30 to au lbs., IDe; Texas dry, 24 to 3W lbs . lac PROVISIONS Beef firm: family. $1150 6 U m; mess, :1 ta 41 12 6": beef liama. $21. 22bc; packet I!2 btaJilS ti: city extra India mess $20 hub 22 60. Cut meats, aitiel: pickled bellies. $7 6n.(i: pickled shoulders. 11 fgt in. pleated hams Tnari'i ax,. l.ard, firm: western steamed. $7.2.Va"7 40; refined steady; continent, I, a"; f A.. X bb : .. 111- pound $.-i26is24 I'ork. steady; family, $14 5rl& i, thort clear, $!2(aul5 (l(i; mesa, $12 26 13.76. TALIjiiW vjuiet; city i$2H ier pk ). 4V: conn try ipkg freei, 4i,.74c. RICE Firm: domestic fair to extra. a-,-054'"" Jtiiari. nominal. BITTER Steady : street price, extra presmerv. JJiJTc. tiflicial prices, unchanged. CHEESE Market firm; receipts. Lr; Stat full cream, small. oUi colored and wh:te, fancy. 144c; state fine. 134c: state, late made, colored and while, poor to choice. Iittlt4r: state larre, colored and white. fancy, 14c: state. new, small, colored and white, fine, lie. stale, fair to choice. 114i)124c. EtS Furo. western storage firsts, lkj ;sc. I-OCLTRY-Alive, steady: fowls. 144c; turkeys, lie: dresstd stead , westsrn thickens. I"ri12c; fowls. 105154c; turkeys. 13 11 In. r. bNn beat, bu . . Corn. bu.... Oats, bu caae count. Reveij.ts Shipments 5 aai n iai V 27 (aai 14. av 3 17..rl. 2 list, S'-4 W S2 S.-.4 W4 1224 M 14 404 '304 474 1H2 ".1 n so si 4 a:4 5 li4 W 1 40 '3T-4 47 186 Hocking Vslley no pfd Illinois Central JJOO ! Iowa Central WO 254 do pfd K. C. Southern l.ioo 2 do pfd l."0 a Louis. Nashville... 6.1( 3454 Manhattan L 3on in". Met. Securities .S00 77 Met. St. Ry la.s1 UK Mexican Central i) 214 M. St. L M.. St. P. & B. 9. M . l.ioo 1154 do pfd 1S Mlssourt Pacific 2.!i0 St M.. K ft T f0 2:4 do pfd 3 5S N. R. R. of Mex. rfd N. Y. Central IO.I00 1434, N Y O ft W 4.1"0 4l Norfolk ft Western.. 2 800 784 do pfd Pennsylvania 22.600 13T.4 1344 P.. C. C. St. L Reading tfi.ion do 1st pfd 100 do 2d pfd Rrs;k Island Co t.K do pfd St. L. ft S F. M pfd. St. Louis S. W do pfd l-"00 Southern Pacific ".o do pfd 1 WW Southern Railway.... 20 do pfd 10 Texas ft Pacific 400 T . St. L. ft W 100 do pfd I"" Vnlon Pacific .. 106.4.-1 do pfd 1K Wabash " do pfd S'f W. ft L. E - Wisconsin Central.... too do pfd 4II Northern Pacific S.100 Adams Ex American Ex 2444 238 l'tiited States F.X Wells-Fargo Ex AmaJ. Copper Am. Car ft Foundry. do pfd Am. Cotton OH do pfd Am lie, offered do pfd rtfs Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. IxKomotlve do nfd Am. Smelt, ft Refng. 2 do t.fd ioo Am. Sugar Ri fng . Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. Anaconda M Co Brooklyn R. T Colo F'lel Iron Consolidated IW Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd 794 7?4 International Pump do pfd National Iad 4 500 North American 2.400 Pacific Mail 1 People s Gas I.Win Presaed Steel Car 700 do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. loo Republic Bteel 1 400 do pfd " Rubber Goods ( . do nfd Tenn Coal ft Iron... S 800 83 V S. Leather do pfd. offered 1. S Realty V. S Rubber 1.400 do pfd 2i V. S. Steel S son do pfd t 000 V -Carolina Chem... 200 do pfd Westlnghouse Klee... 0 Western Vnlon 300 844 'I2 155 Ka.4 .4 141.4 1S3 4!4 2$ 76 30 21 1724 18 5124 7 6: M4 1874 3n0 E-4 M4 424 7 7 87 D2 161 ft 48 274 61 1454 1M 7C 1164 214 55 1154 158 K4 MS 5S 544 14.14 4 77 ?1 l:i54 71 4 91 854 284 73 66 Law ale a Mocks aad Bands. LONDON, May 11. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: I . US: T Canlra) 144 : . HO Norfolk fc 1 . V do pfd .. M . sS Onuric a w y .l(ai, wenna. I.ania ?f", IDS Rand Mlnaa 10 .lal4 kaadint 47 a . 4S do 1st pfd 44 . i do til pfd 43 . 17.,vj Soniham milny ... oti . 11, So pfd s , Southern Parlfir Wj . M 'Vnlon Paiifjc t3i- .41 do pfd 10OI, . Hi'lt". gisal 21 . si I do pfd m: ahaat, 1J, .14d do p'd 41 . Spitnh 4 M. . .. A , in v A ...... .......... iBU-Ati-Liira per cent. The rate or discount In the open market for short bills Is 24f2 5-16 per cent, for three months' bills, 244i2 5-16 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON, May 11 Monej was in active demand In the market today in connec tion with the transfer of $ to the Bank of England for the account of Japan and repayments due the bank by the mar ket. Discounts were steady, bill buyers were cautious In view of contingencies. Trading on the stock exchange was quiet, and the lone was uncertain pending the outcome of the settlement. Consols eased slightly depressing kindred securities, but closed with an improvement. Americans opened quiet. Operators generally were apathetic and the market closed quiet. Imperial Japanese governments of 1904 were quoted at 101. PARIS. May 11. Prices on the Bourse today opened irregular, but closed firm. Russian imperial 4s were quoted at 86. 25, and Russian bonds of 1S'4 at 610. BERLIN. May 11. Prices on the Bourse I today generally were weaker. April 17. April 17.. April 1.. April 2X1.. April 21.. I April 22.. April it. . April 34..I April 26..' April 3.. April 17.. April 3d.. April 2.. April 30 . j May 1 .., May 3. ..I May 3... May ...( May 5. . J May ..f Mav 7,..: Mav 8... I Ms'v . . Mav 10..: Mav 11.. 7 03 7 14! i 22 6 374, 4 7 6 24. 4 76 6 234 4 61 7 10, t 294: 4 79 7 10! ( 824 4 81 j 7 0i , aui i tu $ $l 92; 6 66' 8 7J $9 IM 5 4SM I U 6 86 , 6 38 , 6 6j 8 71 6 651 6 4c 1 7 421 8 77 3 78 ( to; 6 Sol 6 SS j 6 851 6 4 8 & It I K I Kl 8541 7 08, $ 81 b 7Ci I 83, 3 87 6 264i 7 74 7 04i 7 UB; 6 77i 6 3i 8 65 6 2.'4 4 78 I 6 98; t 77 1 6 3j 3 65 6 I64, 4 74 6 II, 5 72 , 6 M, 3 7 6 104 4 71 6 83 6 07 ! 5 37, 3 9 6 10T. V., 6 771 7 03 t 65! 3 88 1 1 B4 , so. 6 83 , 6 sv, 6 75 1 01 5 114 4 68 6 1S4 4 65 I 244 4 69 6 ;i 1 4 MS: 6 27S! 4 6 1741 6 154 6 19 6 274 4 t-4 a 4 7 4 68 4 64 6 76' 6 72 6 ftti 6 t 6 63 6 62 7 01 I 7 03 6 98 6 93 6 M a 32' $ 64 t 26, 5 .1 5 1 6 72 : 17 6 64 I 36; 3 61 3 65 t ., 3 68 3 62 6 67 1 6 69 6 64 6 5 61 6 65 i 3 64 r. 21' 3 69 3 65 3 62 3 62 No. Av Sh. 44 S-4S 248 f J '4 M HO 71 t; s ai :ii 4t 44 i... 47 .t.i 4i ::ti n 71. Jl'7 14(1 7C ;a jim 7c. i 40 7v in Hu hi' it;: . . f ?7 lit, a IM . . HJ ?' 14(' Sl ;. i4! 3 Jim so a ::'0 iu 71 f41 ... 4J iSJ 71 i4 40 47 ?.t '( 14" 200 29 SKf. . . 4i Utl SO 74 ?3 140 43 (42 Ml U Si ... 74 aU 12C 4u tli 4V 47 1TJ 120 I" . if,a av 10 6 12 & 15 5 IV No 7t ... 70 . . If... 47 ... 't ... It ... Av h MO .raj . r'-'-t :'a :i .114 aa . f. rs4 . t4l Jot 140 44 140 XI l IK 0 (Ml J40 40 40 140 40 50 Pr I J7S t r t rs t7 t: 1 r r f r r- I !T 7 4 T i r 4 r7 r t r7 t 17 I Ml 8 tfi 4 4 t lu t HI I HO I to I 3d 6 at I 14 t 30 4 10 t l : ruu of for the 30c boiled. roe shad. frog legs, Indicates Sundsv The official number of slock of ca'S in today by each road was: Cattle Hops Sheep. Us es brought Roads Missouri Pacific I". P. System C. ft N. W F.. E. ft M V O. St P.. M ft O ... B. ft M C. B. ft Q C, R. 1. ft P.. east.... Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western 9 2 16 15 1 2 29 2S 21 4 24 IS lo 8 3 2 1 , 1 Total receipts 115 The disposition of the receipts was as fol lows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Weekly statement Bank ef France. PARIS, May 11 The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decreased 135. 520.000 francs; treasury accounts, cur rent Increased. S.HnO.noti francs; gold In hand. 1ncreasd. 54.O5o.n00: bills, discounted, decreased. 216.150.000 francs, silver in hand, increased, 126.000 francs. 25.300 1.900 I'lO 5 HI l'l 100 100 17.300 (. 2.H0 l.l'lO 9 3no 15 ) a) 9 800 vm ! 1 son l.ioo 824 3f. 974 33 954 6 44 494 1114 1154 1194 1354 954 111 17014 44 1934 124 VI 177 4 1014 36 no 394 94 2344 184 74 35 804 3.54 974 324 954 i 44 484 1134 1144 1194 1844 944 1"94 5-4 454 18Y4 124 104 434 176 454) FI14 S4 93 2344 18 73 54 '794 59 624 119 i4 954 22 35 W4 1224 96 194 414 154 204 47 191 24 2444 1224 245 814 (i 974 7,3 95 E 87 174 43 44 n:t 116 11 9; 1354 Sh 111 6O4 4.74 1894 124 60 4 176 2"4 79 30 61 4KVi 1014 8 1024 "" 934 234 184 734 Wool Vsrkrt. BOSTON. May 11. WOOl-The wool mar ket is exceedingly firm and for territory wools prices are generally higher. Scoured wools are moving freely, but business in other grades is restricted by lack of sup plies here. I nthe west the market is active and on the limited supplies of new wools which have arrived price are higher. The range In this market is aoout a follows, though some grades are still nominsJ: Ohm and Pennsylvania XX and sbova. 3aVftV4e; X. fle; No. 1 S6ti37e: No. t. ?7fi38c: fine un washed. 24I&2&C; unmerchantable. 27(52c: un washed delaine. 271328c; unmerchnntable. 28 tT29c. Michigan fine unwashed. 22ig.Sc; fine unwashed delaine, 2mi26c. Kentucky. In diana, etc , three-eighth to nne-ausrtr Mood, S132c. Texas twelve months, 2627c; eight months, 23iS24c; fall. 206210. Cali fornia northeri. choice. 3Kfi2,c; average. 24 (825c; middle counties 24tr25c. Oregon east ern staple. 22323c: valley No. 1. 25iS2he. Ter ritory: Idaho, fine. iiK&iic; heavy fine 17J 18c; fine medium. SOfSilc: medium, 22fr23c. Wyoming, fine. 19B20c; fine medium, 19'?3(c; medium. 23ffi24e. t'tah and Nevada, fine. 21 3r!2c; fine medium. 21iS22c. Montana, fine average. 21fi22c; fine medium average. 21'ii 22c. Colorado, fine. WSlte. New Mexico. Improved. Is-WISc. 1ONDON. May 11. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales amounted to 15.304 bales today. Competition was spirited throughout wiih prices unchanged Amer icans bought greasy second cross-bred hog gets at Is 4d and a fair quantltv of Vic torian greasy first combings at Is 44d. New 4ieaiana greasy cross-rireos and extra light greasy half-bred combings were also taken by Americans The offerings of courds were small. They were sold chiefly to Bel glum and France, Cape of Good Hope and Natal grades were in good demand. Fol lowing are the sales In detail: New South Wales. 1.800 bales: scoured, llrtijls lOVjd; greasy. FSd'&'ls 24d. Queensland. Mi bales; scoured. Is fidi&is ISd; greasy. 64 dials 24.I. Victoria. 1 600 bales; scoured, is 2d(als lov,. greasy, 9rlr1s 4Vd South Australia. 6 4) bales; scoured. Is id. greasy, 94dys Id. New- Zealand, 9.800 balet; scoured 9d-&ls 104d: greasy. 7dT!s 4d Cape of Good H ope and Natal, l.tyio bales; scoured, Is 41 rpls 4d: greasv. 64d(ulo4d ST. LOVIS. Msy 11 WOO L Firm ; n,e dtnm grades, combing snd clothing -ft -4c; light fine. 224Jtic; heavy fine. 1720c: tub-washed, 3241c. Buyers. Omaha I"acking Co.. Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co. Armcur ft Co Cudahy, from K. C. Vansaht ft Co Lobman ft Co Hill ft IIuntzingfT... Mike Haggerty J B. Root ft Co Morton ft G 6 ft S Other buyers Total CATTLE- Cattle. Hops Sheep. btai 676 1"9 7HS 9:cj 1.2"2 57i .;''' 714 513 1,614 iM 155 35 2". .... .... 13 4 4.8 6 60 91 2.716 4.715 2,817 There was a small run of cattle here this morning and as buyers all seemed to want a few irch supplies there was a little better tone 10 the trade than has been noticed for some time past There was not a great deal of Improvement in the market, but it was easier to mil the cattle than has laen the case of late. The market on beef steers could be quoted fairly active and steady with yesterday. In the case of nice neaiby weight cattle, or in fact of anything that just suited buyers s lime stronger p.iccs were paid, bui the general run of cattle sold in very much the same notches they did yesteraay. As buyers all took hold quite freely and c.Hei lna wars liuiiLod, most evai Uuii waa La poaad of in good season. There were no strictly prime cattle offered with whicu to make a good top to the market. The market on cows and hellers was also fairly active, with the feeling a little better. The choice bunches could tie quoted strong, with the general run of cattle steady. The same as with steers, though, buyers took hold quite freely, so that a good clearance was made at a reasonably early hour. The market on bull, veal calves and stags showed 110 quotable change lrom yes terday. Very few Blockers and feeders were on sale today, the same as has been the case all the week. As a result speculators were all anxious for fresh supplies and expressed their wiilingness to pay stronger prices for desirable grades. Even common to me dium grades sold without much trouble at fully as good prices as were paid yesterday. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 4 n I li t ti 1 :t 4 24 t Hi 6 ii 4 !:, I it I if" I 34 I a, 6 74 11 6 n to ir 4 26 7 lit I lit 44 :.lh 4 Hi l!i t m 6 8 4.7 : t a. 1: xs 6 it 4i tu 4 If 74 tM t 7 41 811 4 I- 411 11 I J7 7J 21, t r 7: I 17 44 X7 t 27 an 2M i 27 61 244 t 27 Z tt.1 t 17 tr 24.2 6 27 2i 24 t 17 113 JUt 4 27 Li iut SHEEP 1 here was a smaller sheep here today than ha arrived last several days, and no particular change in the market was noticeable. Something that Strut k the fanev of bnvera sold wilh- 1 out trouble at yesterday s prices, but where (there was a lack of quality the market was rather slow. The demand from pack ers was evidently not as heavy as lt might have been, for otherwise with such light re ceipts as arrived today an active and higher market would have been experienced. as rngn as 84 50 was paid for Mexican ewes, and some Mexican lambs and yearlings mixed sold fca- $6 60. The lamb market also showed but little change from yesterday; the aame as with sheep, god stuff sold without diffi culty, while common kinds were more or ' less neglected As high as $5 75 was paid for fair clipped lambs. Quotations for c!ipred slock: Good to choice lambs. $5 75f(i oO; fair to good lambs, $5 25'a6.76: good to choice Colorado wooled lambs. 86 (kii7.O0; good to choice vearllngs. $5 00(6 5 26; fair to good yearlings. $4 5oi5.0i; good to choice wethers $4 60(04.75: fair to good wethers 84.25fi-4.50: good to choice ewes, $4 25?4 56; fair to good ewea. $4.0O( 4 25. Wooled at or a sells from 75c to $1 per 100 pounds higher than flipped stock. Rep resentative sales: No. 6(1 western fwes. 10 western cull ewes 813 western ewes 1 western ewe Ill west, lambs and yearlings 264 western lambs 116 western wethers 219 western wethers wethers w et hers cull lambs lambs Mtaaeaiaalts trnta Market. MINNEAPOLIS Mav 11 - W11K 4.T Mav. f Ot Jtll. lev . sr,rii,.t . sr,c; Nil 1 hard t : 9-a 1 nertheen: $f 1 !V " norOvm, IfLot'R fuel luteins, (k,.7i, is-.itiid Pearls Market. PEORIA. III. May 11 "ORN-Steady ; No 3 yellow. 49-'; No. S. 4c; No. 4. 4v; no elude. 4t;t,Hi47c OAT S I'm hanged. No. 3 w hite, 304c. No 4 white 3k V.'H!SKT-1 28 414 l.t4 XI 4 94 334 1714 92.4 S9 108 294 974 374 1704 S3 Total sales for the day, 25.O0o shares. 34 106 824 114 87 04 T4 81 964 334 1064 Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 11. COTTON-Ppot closed quiet: middling uplands, 6.15c; mid dling gulf. 8.4'ic; sales. 2.7oo bules LIVERPOOL. May ll.-COTTON-Spr.i In fair demand: prices unchanged; American middling. 4"d The sales of the dav were 10.000 bales, of which 1 ,11(10 were for specula tion and export and Included r.5o( Amer ican. Receipts, S.Ouu bales, including 2,600 American. NEW ORLEANS. May 11. COTTON Firm; sales. 2,io tiales: ordinary, b 3-1'lc; t'Hra ordinary, ; low middling 7&-io; middling, 74c; good middling, 6 3-10c; mid dling fair. 64c; receipts. 4.UM5 baJes; stock, 192 6S3 bales. ST. LOI'IS, May 11. COTTON- Steady ; miciauiig. 14c: sales. 672 tiales, receipt. 100 bales; Bhiprnents, 532 ttttles; stock. 4! 975 bales. 6T. IXIL'IS. Mav 11 MKT A 1 J5Tart dull, $4,474. Spelter," lower, $5,274 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Mav 11. METAI.R The Umoon tin market was weak and lower closing at ftl35 15 for spot and i.133 17s 6d for futures. The local market was easv in sympathy, with soot ouoted at ta 7(ii-wi . The London copper market was easier, clos ing at tsnim lor bom spot and futures. locally the situation is said to be a little steadier on the basis of $15.ii1d 25 for lake. $15.004j 15.124 for electrolytic and $14 78 tor casting. Lead was unchanged at 4.12 16s 3d In London and remained firm In local mar ket at $4 JO' Spelter was unchanged at s.23 1oe In the London market, but con tinued weak locally, with spot quoted at $5 tifiS 70. Iron closed at 62s in Glasgow and at 54s 9d In Middlesborougli. Ixscally iron is unchanged; No. 1 foundrv, northern is Quoted at $17 25j 18 .00; No. 2 foundry, north ern. $1675117.60; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. l foundry, southern soft. $17 253 17.75; No. I foundry, southern, Iic.75tfl7.00. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 w t m 31 1 1ST t in 4 ci7 1 0 U"7 6 Id 1 tlt.0 t tf' 14 12.ii I 10 1 474 4 no 11 lil'l 4 IS I 440 4 d 1 1IC 6 16 43 tu I tt 12 Hit: 6 14 1 1370 4 26 14 Ilf, 6 11 i i4 4 1217 6 20 Jt, 444 4 46 34 Ult I to 7 4 Wl 34 1173 4 D 1 lln 4 Ml 2 1S40 I 24 j ( 4 M Jt 1!U ( 30 (, 420 4 44 3 .....1?4 4 30 40 1041 4 74 V ..ISM 6 M H 10.7 4 74 3 .1217 I 30 Id 1(U(I 4 74 41 ....1187 i St (,1 1U44 4 to 1 l, o xf, 7 71 4 HO 34 1S10 t U is ml 4 a 4 :i'",i i as I M.Z 16 IS !!(. 6 31 ri aaO 4 W) 2:1 12(l 6 36 40 4 Kl 3" 1277 6 40 Jl . 4 0 14 124(1 4 46 1 lb 4 IKI 2" KIM t 40 M 41 4 SO 2C 17 4 M it lint. 4 t Z2 160a 1, 60 12 11"7 4 at. 16 1447 6 Ml 4f. ll:u 4 I 17 1215 6 40 2, 1174 6 06 22 lilt fc BT, -1 947 4 05 .14 la.-i 6 70 40 UII I 10 STEERS AND COWS. it Set t 16 4. Ilka 6 16 f, (ITt 4 ii 107i f, a jl kat t 14 12M i. 30 6 W6 76 a 1176 t, 40 , til 4 R iJ'H i ii'hb ANn HElFEKa 114 t 10 SI EERS AND BULLS. 33(1 west rn 219 western i western 194 western CHICAGO LIVE STOCK A v. Pr 76 3 00 1.2 4 00 64 4 50 110 t 25 IK $ 50 73 6 50 3 Vi 3 50 100 4 loO 4 50 !( 4 50 69 4 75 78 i 75 MARKET OMAHA HOI.ftl.ft MtttKCT. rosdlllaa of Trade anal Qaototloaa on 8la)e and Faae frodoee. EGGS Ktv-npts. Talr, market. stf4; CS II. 1 '1 .. K. , LIVE POVLTR Y Hent K4nc; young roosters according to sie. S9c. o.d roo-ter 6x ttirseas 14i1j. fl'i' 1.1 lie R I" TTKR Packing stock ii'nl4c, f hoi. to fancy dairy. lxSJ-'ot, ittanin), 4381.4, ' FRESH FROr.EN FI5H-Freh trout, 12r: pickerel, 64c: p ke. 94"i pert h. n bluefish, lie. whitehsh 10c salmon. 11c; redsiiiiri-er 9c. green halibut, li"; crapplea. lis; buffalo. 7c. white ,,c; herrtna. 3lc: Snanisn macaerel. 12v . lobsters. 45r; green. 4"c; finnan haidies. such, 75c, shnd roe, per psir. per dos., 3'it . catfis'i. 14r, HAl'-Pnces quoted bv Omaha Whole ssie Hav Denlcrs association: Choice No. 1 upland $70; No. 2. $7 00: medium. Ml"; coarse. $6(. Rve straw. 8 00. These price aie f. r hat of good color and quality- BRAN Per ton. $1600. TROPICAL FRtlT. ORANGES Extra tar' y Mediterranean sweets, ali sites $2.7i4j4 : fanty narela. stses 1245 1VI. 17, 2lV. 21, 254J. tiS1iiii 90, 56, lit $t6"4S2.7a, seedlings, ail sises. $2 78 LEMONS-Cslifornia. extra fancy. 378, nay nd 90O Else. $1 no, lanr;, Z, 300 and 60 aite. $2 76; choice. 240 and 270 eise, $136. St1 snd 360 slse. $2.50 DATES Per box of 30 lb. pkgs . $2 00; Hallowe en. in 70-lb boxes, per It... r FIGS California, per K-ib carton, lir K'. : Imponeo Smyrna 4-crown, lOe; -crown. 12c. PANANAS- Per mdium sixed bunch. $1 75W2 25 lumbos. $2 5 5 00. GRAPFFRI IT Caltfornls. per box of M to 4 no: F1 Ti.l" ST. t.45r 6i. PINEAPPLRS Florida, par crat cf 3. 30. 36, or 42, $3 5(1. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA th tKKIEg- Blsck. pT $-lb., box. $175. while, per 8-lb. boa, $1.60 STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 34-qt. cae. 3-' 00 TANGERINES California, per half-box. $2 CRANBERRIES Jersey s per crate, $1 au, VB.GETABLE3 TURNIPS-New . per dot, 4.V. I'ARRi TS New , per dox., 41.c. PARSNIPS 4ld, Ver bo 40c. WAX BEAMS Per 'e-ru 00a, $1.00; ttrlni beans, per 4-bu. box, 75c, POTATOES Home grown. In sacks, par bu , 8oc; Colorado, per bu., 46c; new pota loes. per lb , 6c. BEANS Navy . per bu , $2 08. CUCUMBERS Per dot. $1 00fl1 25. PEAS Nw. per box, $"..5'fll.76 TOMATOES Florida, fancy, per 6-batket crate, $3 76 SPINACH-Per bu.. Ttc, ONIONS New southern. per dos. bunches, 15c. per crate of about 50 lbs., $2.25. CABBAGE California in crates, per Ik. 3c. BEETS New. per dot bunches. 45c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, par dot.. 25- LETTUCE Hot house, per dox., tac; head lettuce tier dot . $1.00. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb.. PARSLEY I'er dox. bunches, lie. ASPARAGUS Horn grown. per bunches, 40ii50c. M 1 SCELLA N EO US. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; old. 17c; Wis consin brick. 16c; Wisconsin lumburger, 15c. NUTS Walnuts. No. L soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2. soft shells, per lb.. 12c: No. 2. hard shells, per lb.. 12c; pecan large, per lb.. 12c: smalL per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 6c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12toi34c; almonds, soft shell, per lb, 17c; hard shell, per lb.. 15-r: chestnuts, per lb.. I34i3c; new black walnuts, per bu.. 75r90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu . $1 75; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 74c; No. 2 green, 64c. No. 1 salted. 34c; No 2 salted. iVjrc; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted, 7 til 4c. sheep pelts. 3i.'Jt.$1.0ij; horse hides. tl.Mf3.00. 2c. don. Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Lower Hoars Five tents Higher. CHICAGO. May 11. CATTLE Receipts. 8.50(1 bead; market steady to 10c lower; good to prime steers, $6 6007 76; poor to medium. $4.5r& 5o: stookcrs and feeders. f2.7Me.Y2Ti; cows. $3 OOfcS 2D; lielfers $?,.(tji.5l, catvners. $ln nr2 40; bulls. $2.P"a4.75. calves. 83.00tfM.6o. HOGS Receipts. 1r,iKXi head: estimated to. morrow. 16 CO; market IV higher; mixed and butchers, $.-. vttfM; rood to choice heavv 4 o ee Market. NEW YORK. May 11 COFFEE-Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices In response lo steadv cahlcs and con tinued bullish Praslhan news. But the.e was quite a good deal of profit-taking and with fresh buying orders light. The mar ket at the close was steady net M"Wi5 potnia lowr. fSaJes were reported of 62.250 Iwgs, including May at .i(att.M5c: June. Tscj July. .6tifc.t5c: September. 7aV&7Hc; fsr tohcr 7 lofi77 c: NovembiT. 7.30c; Decem ber, 7. 3(ii 7 40v; March, 7. Vc. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 640. Dry t.ooda Market. NEW YORK. May 11 DRT GOODS Tha boom In wool causing the majority et manufacturers to advance prlc-a Today a number of advances ranging from 24c to 0c a yard were announced Cotton goods sre quiet. All unusually large propornon 87. 45&6 00- rolich beavv 15 nftl. m- i,n i If quiet. .ll unuauaiij (.iu.......u 85 '0I5 ' bu k of siTes 15 45 66 ' U country looms is running on export sltr-pp a vi?' 1 atfuTr.-60'.,. ,r. I goods, for which there has been an excep- SflLEP AND LAMrln tu-cri.ils. 15 (i head; sheep, market strong; fair to choice mixed, shorn. 81274 25. w estern sheep, shorn. $4.'K-'o6 26; native lambs, shorn, $4.00 H7i;.50; western lambs. $4 567.40. Kansas City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 11 CATTLE-Receipts. 2.5.10 head. Including 700 southerns. Market steadv; choice exjx.rt and di-essed beef steers. $5 Va 50; fair to good, $4.5ofa 6 40; western fed steers. $4.5iii.25. stock ers and feeders, $3.2(i;Y16; southern steers, $3 .5007.50; southern cows. $2 2f,ii-4 .40- native cow s, $2 25(&4. KT, : native heifers. $3.2f4i6 40; bulls. $2.75fn.5: calves, $3.KKao.50. HOGS Receipts. 7.I44I head; market 5c higher. Top, $,-, .!..; bulk of sales $Ya04j6.4o; heavy. $6.374fu", 45: '.ackers, 8fi.30ji6.40; pigs, and lights. 1 5iu5 25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.500 hiid ; market loc lower; lambs. 15c lower. Native lambs, 8.r..5i"f7.Ki; western lambs. 8f..."ti" 10; fed ewes and yearlings. 84.2n3 6 25, Texas clipped yearlings. $4.75it5.2.i; Texas clipped sheep. $4.0(1(0 4 90; Blockers and leeders. $2 6otii4.5o tlonslly heaT demand. Lightweight brown cottons arc particularly scare. Jobbing trade is quiet. Liverpool Grata Market. UVERItlOU May 11 -WHEAT Spot. Cull; No. 1 t'alifornia, 8s B4d. Futures, firm : May, 6s t4d. CORN Spot, steady: American mixed, new. 4s $4d. Futures, firm; May, 4s $4d. Dnlath Grain Market. DULI TH. May 11 WHEAT To snivel No. 1 northern. 89r On track: No. 1 northern. 904c; May, 904c; July, 964c; Sep t em tier. 604c. OATS To "arrive and on track, Soc. Toledo May mijiiMv $7 .. t n I.e.. 1, 8 I'l'tiu liiuuli., ll'rj. tseed Maraet II. SEE! '.S- :. ,.nuio Bank of Eaaland aiatesseat. liOXDON. May 11 The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follow ing changes- Total reaerve. increase. 94. Ouv; circulation, decrease. 4:22 W'. bullion, increase. 446519. other awuntirs. decreaae. 2. 187 .(; 01 her deistcit. decrease. 149. (aai. public deposits. Increase. al2(j9.0o6; notes reserve. Increase, k7.m(0; government ae cutties Increaae. ISfi.oOo. Tlie proportion of the bank s reserve to liahilitv this week is 60 21 per cent, as com pared with 47 56 per cent last we-k The rale of discount was unchanged today at 4 per cent. Bank Cleorlaa". OMAHA. Mav 11 -Bank fur to day w .-re $1,254 829 29 and for the eorra spindlug date last year 81.409 282 15. Kiter. .sh reaawry etaieaweai. alaike, r-.m-'i WAS MING" liN May ,1 -T.Hiay iatc- a rat al of lue ueauj baiatiucs la tue ccn agar nod Molaaaes, NEW YORK May 11. SUGAR Ra w. rVieady; fair refining. 34c; centrifugal 96 teat. 44c; molasses sugar. 34c Refined, quiet; No. C 126c; No. 7. 6. Joe. No. 8 6 10c; No. 9, 65e: No 10. 5c; No. 11. 4oc; No. 12. 4 65c; No. 13. 4. Tac; No. 14 4 7'ic; confection ers a. s. ua-; inouia a. .?; ut loat. (,c; crushed. 6 65c; tsowdered. S9oc; granulated, l.8f c; cubes. 6 10c. NEW ORLEANS. May 11. SUGAR Quiet: open kettle. S444c: open kettle centrifugal. 4414 l.-.-16c. (-ntrifuga! whites 4"; ellows. 44a5-16c; seconds. Ill-Kj ilOLASSES-N. mtnal: open kettle lS-S M. -, centrifugal, 4ii 14c. Syrup, nominal 30c Oils nod Hosla. OIL CITY. Msy 11 OII Cr-dir balances. 81 29; eerrinoaie. no bid, shipment. 9 371 bbls : average, t,.r2 bbls.; run 9S or.z bbls average. 75 447 bbls. sltuptnent, Lima. 46 975 ntMS ; average as.js bbla ; runs, t.ii24 l.bla ; average. 34 K30 uos, SAVANNAH. May 11 OTL-Turventtne firm a!4r,- ROSIN-Firm: A. B. C tl i": D. $3 25: V. 83 Jl: F. U to: G. r.4". H. $5 . L $.v; K, 4, , 34.ta; .N, 84 iu. v v , $4 tu. 4 21 3 60 COWS j 97 t 25 t Ml t ti I 71.0 2 30 IE 473 IN 1 ktai I ai. t:t IM 4 S23 Z IF. 1 If 3 40 I Hl 3 1 t rT t Ml 1 860 2 4" 2 I l 1 .. 1140 2 6 1 llf.0 4 00 J 11.74 t 641 4 107 4 no 1 10110 2 40 I l.KH 4 00 4... J 10 1 4 HI t k2a 2 75 4 1012 4 00 I oat. 2 76 30 100 4 act 3 7M 2 a 1 inkli 4 W kw, 2 to 1 ii.iy 4 10 1 ll 2 to t lliij 4 10 t a04 t HO 2 1M 4 1 20 " la 4 10 1 IM I 00 4 lotl 4 10 1 luf I 0 2 m 4 )S 1 1040 t 00 2 110 4 IS 1 1214 I l t l.4 4 16 1 10M I 16 4 1070 4 !0 1 1120 3 26 1 110 4 ;o 1 1234 8 24 8 irrs 4 2 4 low 40 1 Mil 4 1016 I 40 1 mo 4 2S 1 1210 t 60 J 1200 4 38 I t3 3 hO 1 113H 4 2 I 4 8 0 14 111 4 o I !! t to 1 r,i 4 n 6 1001 3 .".4 1 ... 1220 4 4 1 1160 3 04 7 1040 4 46 1 lsoo I ao 34 Kitt 4 as 12 73 I 75 4 kkk 4 66 1 100 I Tt 16 1 ok 4 65 3 114o 3 76 a 1224 4 76 3 1o 3 7 8 1368 4 ti tl 644 3 80 1 :no 4 at COB AND HElFEf.6. 4 476 2 40 2i 73 t 3 7 424 1 1 S3 t.a4 4 46 II. tot 3 26 12 nan 4 4i T t4 t 25 I 71. 4 ii 1 4o 3 6 10 10 0 4 ao li "t.7 t 71, 3! 440 4 70 - k "0 4 CO 12 1040 4 1 30 104 4 26 ttEli'EPJI. f 874 I id 4 471. 4 00 2 81 I 00 83 7n 4 04 1 MO I 40 t to 4 26 1 71 4 () I 4 at BULLS t 1124 2 0 1 i21 I t 1 1030 I Tt 1 li,., I Ml 1 ! 2 76 2 Uii 4 uo 1 1120 2 ku 1 1470 4 0., 1 WO 3 0 1 ia., 4 no 1 12410 8 ! IM6V 400 I aa 336 1 u,g 4 ,, 1 ' 8 4 1 IM0 4 Ml I t 3 k 1 5 :i 4 OA 1 lout 8 a 1 4 ao 1 7uo 3 44 .... 4 lo 1 ao t 76 I 1620 4 :o 1 12:o 3 76 1 1.74 4 2i ...... 176 STAGE 1 m J tl 1 . ....14' 3 rj 1 3 Jt 1 , 4 at 1 . 8 9-t. linla Live 9-tork Market. ST. IiOUIS. May 11 CATTLE Receipts. 2Siio head, including 1.500 Texan Market steady: name shipping and export su-era, 8;. 4("tti SO; di-essed beef and butcher steers. 84 WKa.5 76; steers under l.itKi pounds. $4.50fii 5.24".; Blockers and feeders. $4 aOftn 00; cow and heifers. $2 .SltoR.lS: cariners $2.l?i2 80; bulls $2rMi4.v: calves. 82 ."j6 00; Te xas arid Indian sieers, $3.rVaVj5 .25; cows and heifers. $3 00475.60. HOGS Receipts. B.OOO head; market 6c higher; pigs and light. $.'; Jofao .: packers, 84.75ii5 45; butchers and bf-st heavy, $5.30 I&5.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2 OHO head; market sioadv; native muttons. $3.54 41 5 ot'. lambs. $7, (Kirg.6..V.: culls and bu. ks, $3.25.50; Blockers, $2.6i'03.OO; Texans, $lta) I.-6.00. Stork Market. May 11 4 "ATTLK- l. Joseph Live ST J.iSKPH. Mo. Receipts, 1 946 head: market steady. N.i- lh. es. 84.25ii fK'; cow s and heifers. $1.75(p 6 25: stockers and feelers. $2 75i .10. HOGS Receipts. 6.511 head; market much higher. Lights. iVi.SOfro.DO; medium and heavy. r..32i 42t SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 5.30 head; market stroiif; to 10c higher. Colo rado laiahst, $7 tiO. 9mlth f.oe to f allfornla. ST. IXIU1S. May 11 -Detective Wren of Sun Francisco, with Edward J. Smith, tha alleged defaulting city tax collector In cus tody, has departed for that city. REAL KST TK TRA8FK.R. Moos City 1.1, e Utoek Market. SIOUX CITY, la . May 11 i3jeciHl Tele gram. I CATTLE Rcceij.t. fine head; mar ket steady ; beeves, $4 (nkJ; ia., cows, bulls and nit xea. $2 7647.2.' ; stot kers and feeders, a3t"a4 50; calves and yearlings, 33 0vii4 5o HOGS Receipts, 4.0m head; market ic higher, selling at i.25t5.35; bi Ik of sales, $5.251 5.274. Hock la fricbt. Receipts of live stk si the six principal W4 stern markets yesterday were as follows: Soul h 1 imahs Sioux City Kansas Clly I St. Joseph St. Loin Chicago Total Cattle Hogs. Sheep. , 2.558 4.693 2.354 6.W 4 0tl , S 600 :.ia. 6.5ai . 1.948 .5!1 6 'i . 2.3'io 6.iaMi ; ia, , 6,5'i It.OtiO 15.000 .19.4245 45.104 30 156 IiV:KDS filed for record Msy 11 ss fur nished by the Miland Guarantee snd Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, fur The Bet Margaret OGrady (o Fannie Hegarty, part lot 1, bloca 4. Routine's fourth add $ 5$) E. Skar and wife 10 J. Weber, lots 8 a id 9. block 3. Vassar Place 1.008 J lKiheriy aral wile to J. E. Doherty, lot 28. Nelson's add . J. E. Doherry to J. Doherty, lot 71. Nelson s add D. O. Smith and wife to C. E. Herring, lot 6. oiocK 2. vtn camps add.. First National bank of Washington. r-a.. to A. A. Hpurtw, lot , Dlock 12 Bemis park '. Sheriff to the old Man's home of Phil adelphia, Pa., lots 13 and 14. block 16, Kountse Place 3,654 Dsnici vt . a lining to Shimer ft ( hate company, lot 2. block . fllfton Mill.. The Bvron Reed ryinipany to Elizabeth M Shahan. lot 9, Dewey Plat Harry Hamilton Jones and wife to Jenny Friedrich. eX?4 feet lot 11, block A. Bedford j.tOt) Georgia A. Merrltt and husband to Mark J Herron. lot 14. block 7. Gramniercy Park D. V. Sholes company to Fred Bros, lot 24. block 4, Iktmuan Place 500 l.OOO 1,004 LSOO 1 164 Kaaaas lr (.rain and Frovlaioaa. KANSAS CITY Msy 11 -WH EAT-Ma v. 14c; Julv. 9,Vo98c; S-ptemla'r. 71c; caah. No 2 bard. $1 '2! 1 'if. : No 3. KSctial irj; No. 4. 3c. No 2 red. $1 (li'&l a-.; No. 8, 6ca$l I2; No. 4. (anhMc. Receipt, 4 cars CORN May, 41,41. July, 444c; Septem ber, 45c; No. 2 nnved. 4!,.i4!4c, No. 3. 49c: No 2 white. &(; No 3. tdVjc. OATS No. 2 white, 3ia34c , No. t mixed. SKollie. KiGe Steady : Missouri and Kansas new No 2, whltcwuod cast-s Included. 16c; case count. 15c: case returned. 4 lower BUTTER '"reanieri. 323 ; packing 15c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $9 &o4i 10 (Ki; choice prairie, $7.75o8.(-i Wheat bu S.2U0 ( orn, bu 9 ni tata, I U 1.W8I Shipments. 271.2(41 32 41 11 041 Mllwraokre Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. May 11 - WH FAT-FUm , No 1 northir-!. $1 2, No. 2 northern. $1 00 i&l 04 Julv. 64V ak-d RYE-Firm No 1. 76"v-. RARLEV-Ptrady; No. 2. 51c; sample, 2 tJias- CORN-I-Trin; No. S. 464i494c, July, C4c. Phlladrlnkla F'rotair Market. PHILADELPHIA May 11 lll'TTKR I.aei, extra western creavmery , 4'oi7c; exit a nearby prints 26c. EGGS l8(eB1 . nearhv fresh. 17c." at mark: w sit-rn frehh. 174'!ilw'. ai mark. CUthSC-Fitu, Nt lurk tali cream, GOLDFIELD BULL FROG We are Issuing for the benefit of our personal clientage a book complete In every detail, telling of tha discovery of these wonderful tamp and lhe,r movements to date as seen and I hoto graphed by Mr. Henry Anchester and E. T. Thornton, our consulting en gineer. We are operating one of tha largest high grade propositions In ths district and will snoruy open our subscription book for a limited num ber of share, to be decided utson later. P.espeetfuly Submitted. THE HENRI tttHtNTtH COMPAlf, (Incorporated.) Milwaukee talaeoosla. Edwards-Wood Go t laoorsuratad 1 ritvia Office: Flffo aad RoborU StrMtt ST- PAUL. nNM - DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain. Provision. Ship Your Grnin Jo Ua ftraarh Ofllre. IIO.III Board of Trad Blds Osaalia. !4ek. Trleobooe Ml 4. 212-214 Lxtiian- Uldg.. South Omaha. Bell 'Phone iit. Independent Pnona 8 UNITED COPPER COMPANY Dividond No. 8. T6 recaiar ataw(-ul sialdend t I aar rawt aa I': Ot' r aliat uit 4a pralar-ad ai. 4 to lslad ( on.ini haa tr-ru tloa dy tatlarst 6. la litrartara. ki 16 1p. fiooaa rioa it I F af , Mar 2, 1. tat at if I . H , ui . ir Art bar P. Hett oe. Vaos ; ti .aau Va T.4 li. W