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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1905)
. 10 THE U . . OMAITA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. MAY 12, 1005 Keimiiraain4 ay Friday will be a day of special bargains 6i 2C 31c In long 85c Two big bargain squares pilsd big with new pring cotton voilei, regular price 15c per yard for tomorrow only, petard Remnants of Scotch Gingham, the 8c kind for, per yard One table fine ginghams, mill lengths, worth. 10c, per yard, go at, per yard One table remnants 25c One' table of remnants of 30-ln. white lavrns i at ' per yara One Mg table fine India Llnon, will go at, per yard Short remnants of all kinds of lawns, dimities, orunndles, etc. 2!c 10c 1 hey are worth tip to 10c J 1 per yard, and go at, I 4 per yard . dimities in neat patterns III at, per yard v One table yard wide . percales 3fl Inches wide, worth 12 l-2c f" per yard, goes at, per f C yard Silk Dotted Mull regular 35c kind, at, per yard gc Imported White and Fancy Colored WaJitinga a.nd Shirt Wi. Suitings worth up to 60o yard, goes at, yd Qq Laces From the N. Y. Dry Goods Stock A groat stock of wash and trimming laces from the New York dry goods ntock goes on sale Friday. These are all the finest quality of laces in all widths Cluny bands, Mal tese laces and insertions to match French torchons, vals and Mechlin laces and insertions to match some black gilk bands blues up to twenty-five cents a yard at, per yard , Beautiful sample pieces of all over lace many of them to match English all overs, Planers, Escurial, Venice and Oriental samples half a yard to a full yard long, at, each DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Special prices to effect a reduction of our regular stock. .J $1 Dreaa Goods at 29c a Yard All high class new goods, black and all colors 3 to 10 yard lengths- tfh flh latest weaves; sheer French voiles cloths for M j street wear an astonishing bargain, at, yard w 9 $1.50 Drese Goods eJ 49c Yard Thousands of yards in 3, 6 ana a yara lengths suh and wool and dain- f ty goods for all purposes fabrics for street hA y for tine Printed Organdies prettier styjes than ever on bargain sauares a regular twenty-five cents organdy, at 7o. 2c-3c-5c 25c. 50c ic and shirt waist suits, all colors and black, yd for travelers' sample sets I M i fo IP, 7 to 10 pieces alike we ae.ll them usually at don- 2 V ble the priced all sherier lengths at 10c each. All wool dress goods worth up to $1 basement 5c ea. NEW SILK REMNANTS IMPORTERS of fine silks, SAMPLE PIECES bright colors for Sen;yeawchrt',2c-5c-I0c-25c PURE SILK CHIFFON-Double width regular 50c quality all the dainty and popular . shades, at, yard 29c ON BARGAIN SQUARES New lot of fine silks Loulsienes, black and white silks, colored taffetas, K...69c-5949c 600 black silk remnants peau dn sole, taffeta, messallne, etc. from 14 yd. up to 7 yds. fine assortment at half manufacturer's cost. LINEN SPECIAL Another big lot of extra mercerized satin damask in mill remnants, long enough for table cloths worth 50c, at, a yard . ,T ,..) JC Cooking by Electricity Demonstrations of the most modern cooking methods given daily at main .entrance to Arcade. Try some of our scientifically prepared dainties. Friday's specials: bread, apple cake, biscuit, johnnie cake and muffins. I Special ADVANCE NOTICE! We bought at an astonishing bargain ALL THIS SEASON'S PATTERN HATS FromESTELLE CLARKE The Greatest Sale of Exclusive Models Ever Known in the History of Millinery Selling. $15 and $25 Pattern Hats at $5.00 On Sale Saturday W. Q. JERREM5, Pres. 209-211 So. 15th Street. ' 1 DR. BRADBURY DENTIST 1506 FARNAM. Teeth Extracted 25c rorccialn Fillings $1 up Cold rilllafs SI up Silfttr FUliof s 50c up tfrawni. up puts JJ.50up 13 Yar Same Location 'Phono 1706. Bridgs Work- $1J0 sp Nrm Removed Without Pais. Losse Teeth Made Solid. Work fiurantesd 10 Years Don't Be a Ready-Made Man THE aoOD dressers are not the READY-MADE UEH by any meansl There's a act DS33I Baby Book Free With Order for Baby Photos. We will give away with each dozen cabinet photos, a handsome BRl'XDAGE BABY BOOK. Same as published by Raphael Tuck & Sons, and retails for S1.(X. This offer Is limited until Sunday, May 21st. . WILLIAMS' STUDIO OirOSITB VAXTOX HOTKL. 140(1 FARXAM STREET. GRADUATING SPOONS With figure' of college girl, O. H. 8. flag and Omana on the tiandle any or these would make a hantlsonm graduating gift; euuld be kept all the yt-ara lo memory A of the day. They II for 11.00, 11. B, 11 W. il.7-and ! they are , beauties, tvxj. Spend a few minutes In our uraw. Look fur the iuuuf S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, Udt pougits Street, ' , . and bans; about the Tailored Suit" that you can get onfy when you're measured for it. You'll have to look at our tailoring stock for display of , fineness. A most generous variety draped side by side so that comparison and choosing is made easy. Trousers,$5to$12 Suits, $20 to $50 It Is In what Is called the TAILORING that the real quali ty of a garment lies. The sewing of the seams the edges the pocket . points the shaping and finish ing. These are the points that add cost and gives quality to properly made garments and they are the particulars of which the average buyer knows the least. ' Have a chit with one of our salesmen. You'll glean some Interesting pointers on Tailor Ing facts. FRED PAFFENRATH, Mgr. Uhe Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Have You Thought 2f Planning Your Trip to the Portland Exposition Through the Northwest Territories, of Canada to Vanconrer and Steamer to Seattle, returning via. Salt Lake, The Grandest Scenery on the American Continent C1TT TICKKT OFFICER 1401-103 Faroam Bu I J ' OMAHA WEATHER REPORT. V ll ...S Friday Fair and Warmer. -CSw H Good Dentistry When teeth DO trouble, they are very painful. If you ever suffered with' toothache, you konw you would do most anything for relief. NOW, the pain doesn't trouble you, so you don't think about your teeth. But you must think of them and have them examined, unless you wish tooth trouble again, and more of it next time, Examina tion FREE. Fillings, 75c up. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS, 1B1T UOIOI.AS ST. ColdoCurcd 'aM miaBaaa L.i. mm,i&A QUICKLY 1 I llromo-Lf (nontalna ha 'Quinine) break upooldi to tb head In a tew hours leave no bad after-edeota I iik VJumine rreparatloaa k Lkk work auiukiT aalelj tret a boa today from your drua gut Ask tor I tie Orauge Colored Bui ami avt (hat the label reada ranono-LAr LitVC0JTAIN8 NO nuiMINEafUV Sherman McConnell Dime Co.. Cor. lata . and Ula-t tHUha, J wmm JEWELRY SECTION Sample Line of Side and Baxk Combs Aasorted Styles 25o Side Combs, will go at : 10c Ten ($1.00) Green Tradtna Stamps, 39o Side and Back Combs, will go at 15c , Ten ($1.00) Oreen Tradlnc Stamps. 50c and 75o Side and Back Combs, will go at 25c Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Tradlnc Stamps. Some Bargains for Friday. Belt buckles at less than manufacturer's prices, In gilt, silver and black. Regular 25c Buckles, go at. . 10c Five (60c) Oreen Trading Stamps. 89c Belt Buckles, at 15c Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps. MHHBBKMMMaBBBawaaaMBBHHaaHMKaaHMHBawwHHHBHBHa Millinery Millinery Millinery Millinery for Friday Friday is a cut-price day all over the house. It is a etit-price day in millinery with the added charm of bemga (fijj$ day 07i which millinery never $t hitherto shown will have special attention in the art of price cutting. Street Hats Street Hats Large Roll Brim Sailor of rough natural braid, with binding of contrast ing color chip; has trimming of crepon bow and buckle of chip; Is a nobby, stylish, fetching creation with a charming misses f m effort a $3.00 value and an exquisite "Sinclair" offering Iff Friday, for er Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats I.arce Charlotte Cordny of Tuscan braid with fancy chiffon facing. H trimming of flowers and ribbon; a verjjjjeautlful hat an ex- r a m qulsite conception: smart, clean-cut in style ana naaptauie to m m almost any complexion or figure $0.00 value, for V1''' Special Cut-Price Sale of Millinery Trimmings for Saturday VXirvS1 F-3tJ HARDWARE SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY Screes Doori, Scretn Wiadewi ml Scrcea Wlr Thirty ($.00) Green Trading Stamps with each Screen Door, 7flr $1.75, $1.60, $1.25, 98c and I OC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with each Screen t C Window, pp from IJC Double Green Trading Stamps on best Screen Wire Cloth, 1 1 per square foot liC Double Green Trading Stamps on , Rubber Hose, per foot, Q 15c, 14c, 12c, 10c and JC Thirty ($3.00) Groen Trading Stamps with 24-tine A Steel Lawn Rake rZC Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with 14-tlne A C. Steel Garden Rake r3C Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with 12-tlne- TQ Steel Garden Rake OC BASEMENT. Bennett's Big Grocery. A special offer on Bennett's Capitol Extracts, guaranteed the finest goods made, pure and wholesome. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Btamps with 2-ounce bot. Bennett's Qri CaplU.1 Lemon Extract It7W Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with 2-ounce bot. Bennett's Qn Capitol Vanilla Extract SOW Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with 4-ounce bot. Bennett's 'X'Xn Capitol Lemon Extract OUW Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with 4-ounce bot. Bennett's 'l'Jf, Capitol Vanilla Extract 00y Don't pay high prices for extracts when you can get the best at these prices. CANDY. Stick candy special. -Large sticks, assorted three sticks for IC Fifteen sticks e for OC Lamps. Lamps Handsomely decorated Glass Lamp center draft burner new shape a beauty a $6.00. value, for One hundred ($10.00) Vj3 Green Trading stamps. iT Fine CKiia.ware Best White Porcelain Cups and Saucers (no seconds), set of six 30c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with each set JAPANESE TEPPERS AND SALTS ten different kinds, 25c, 18c, two for 25c, and 10c each. See the new one (The Tomato), each 18c Second Floor. Friday Shoe Sale. BOYS' AND QIRLS' TAN, CHOCOLATE, CFIAMPAGNE, white and black, high and low shoes, Gibson ties, oxfords, Bluchers and sandals 7C prices $1.75, $1.50, 98c and ... ZJC Ladies' black, tan and chocolate ribbon ties, oxfords, blucherettes and sandals, unlimited variety CQ and prices, $1.93, $1.09 and ZJQC EXTRA GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS FRIDAY. MAIN FLOOR. THE BENNETT COMPANY Special Values In CARPETS and DRAPERIES li 0 TUB REUiSLB STORM. The Place to Buy WALL PAPER oSt GREAT CLEAN UP SILK SALE Onr great sales of the past week have left a large accumulation of remnant Of high-mule silks, worth mi to tl.r0 mp vanl xrhlr-h n o nlaco nn f A sale Friday at. yard ." I, S1I.K ntXIJKHS Thn imnti i-alnoa nff.,r.1 k. ..1. tTrffl.T- 10 plecs Natural Tongoe, 19 inches wide, rvgulnr ."c values; ?0a le price JZ 10 pieces Natural Pongee, 27 inches wide, regular 7.V value JLfli t, yard , tOC White Jap Wash Silk, 19 inches wide, regular 30c value ?f at, yard 1C White Jap Wash Silk, 27 inches wide, regular 55c value, in at, yard JJC White Jap Wash Silk, 3(1 inches wide, regular (i5c value yf.Cl at, yard TVC IN MAIN WASH GOODS DEPT. Remnants of 25c, 30c and 50c white mercerized Imported walstings; also 3fle awJ Boc Imported Scotch madras and various other wash goods, worth up llla, to 50c yard will close at, a yard : IOC Remnants of high-grade white mercerised walstlngs and suitings, worth up to 50c yard; also organdies, dimities and other wash goods, worth C up to 30c yardall at, yard ; IDC Remnants of white mercerized walstlngs, worth tip to 30c yard; wash goods worth up to 50c yard; all linen suitings worth up to fiTc yard in in this sale at, yard 1UC Remnants of 35c and 40c sateen linings. 45c and 58c all sjlk lining percaltnes, moreens and all kinds of linings worth from 25c to 50c yard In this f sale at, a yard 1UC An Immense lot of linings, wash goods, ginghams. SH-lnch percales jj In good lengths, worth from 10c to 19c will close at, yard J( A Carload of New Spring Goods 1UU CANNOT DUFL1- Pir Miinlln ana trainbrlo. worth loo i shirt waJat Btilta allk strip nil new Iflrt whvm, worth 3ftc yar1 t IV ON SAIE FRIDAY IN THB GRKAT DOMESTIC CATE THEM AT OUR PRICES 12Hc Seersucker UlnghamB at, yard lfo India Unons. Lawns, etc. at. varrl J One great square of white goods, worth up to luo yard, at 25c Imported Zephyr Tissues and Walstlngs at, yard 15c Apron Lawn, India Llnotv and Leno Stripes at. yard 26o Slxtee and Organdy voiles, some. thing entirely nw at, yard...' Standard Apron Check Ginghams, at, yard 15c Jacamlns Printed Batiste at, yard 10c Kenwood Printed Batiste at. yard Uo Curtain Swiss, very fine and sheer at. yard , 26c linen finish Walstlngs and Shirt waist Hinting at, yard .74c . 5c 7ic 10c 15c ...5c . 8c ..4So 61c 12ic 19n heavy work Turkish Towels M Inches long each 66o heavy bleached seamless Sheets, 81x00 slse, at 12Hc Ready-to-use Pillow Cases 49c home-made Sheets, "2x90 slie st. Table Linen Remnants at HALF PRICE. Remnants S(-lnch Cotton Flannel at, yard Remnants of 15c Silkollne snap at, Remnants of 811k Embroidered Flannel, , worth up to $1.0 yard while 1Qg they last at. yard -" ..10c .49c 9c 32ic RICE. 4ic HAVE IT DONE RIGHT BUY YOUR SPRING CORSET NOW and have It perfectly fitted by Miss Hoffner, an expert corsetier from New York. Proper adjustment is necessary to perfect comfort Improve this opportunity. We carry the most complete iSOr line of corsets In the olty, ranging in price from $10.00 down to w PINEAPPLES. PINEAPPLES We have lust received a large shipment of Fancy Florida Pineapples. These are of very fine flavor. Just right for canning. Tomorrow, each, 16c, 124c, 10c K'c and uv FANCY NAVEL ORANGE SALE These are the Celebrated Highland Navel Oranges. Regular retail price everywhere, 86c and 40o dosen. Tomorrow, 20c for this sale only, per doxen v EXTRA SPECIALS IN GROCERY DEPT. 6,000 pounds Fancy Combination Santos Blend Coffee for this sale 12C only, per pound laaaw The Finest Tea Sittings, per pound.... 10a Bromangelon, Jellycon, Fruit Puddlns or Jello, per package. . 7l4o Five Bars Swift's Pride, Beat-' Em-All or White Paris Laundry Soap 12V Acelo Breakfast Food, per package.... Fancy Crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound.. 1-pound cans Fancy Alaska Salmon..., Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can The Best Corn Staron, per package.... Fancy Sweet California Prunes, per lb. Fancy 8-Crown Muscatel Raisins, per pound 4s Fancy 4-Crown Muscatel RalMns, per pound 6a 1-pound package Seeded Raisins 7Ho BIO SALE IN GRANITEWARK AND HARDWARE "FECIALS TOMORROW. HAVDEN BROS: UNDERWEAR FOR SPRING We are now showing our complete line of underwear for this time of year, In men3, at 25c, 35c, 60c 75c, jl.00 per garment Ladles', 10c, 12c, 15c, 25c, 50c a garment Child's and boys, at 15c, 20c, 25c, In any style you may want. Jean drawers with stretchy seams at 60c a pair; real Pepperal drawers. We also have fine wool underwear for spring and summer weight Give us a call. JOS. F. BILZs I 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. 2 M Agent Pictorial Review Patterns. 9 Facts About Diamonds I Do you know that diamonds have been a splendid Investment for the past bIx years? We believe them to be still better today. When we sell you a diamond U Is with the understand ing that you can get your money back, less 10 per cent, at any time within one year from date of pur chase. Do you know of anything that you can Duy mac way r we nave them In Rings from $5 to $500, and will take pleasure In showing tnem to you. aaspvvn a asi EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, MAY 14 E Will inaugurate a new fast daily train between Omaha and Colorado on the follow ing schedule: 15T-M& DODGE. 5 "I WESTBOTJWD. Lv. Omaha Today 8:66 p.m. Lv. Lincoln Today 1018 p. m. Ar. Denver Tomorrow 11:46 a. m. Ar. Colorado Springs " 11:48 a.m. Ar. Pueblo...' " 1:10 p.m. EA9TBOCHD. I.v. Pueblo Today 1:06 P. m. Ar. Colorado Springs.. Tom' w $:30 p. m. Ar Denver : P- m. Ar. Lincoln 6:00 a.m. Ar. Omaha 7:25 a. m. Through Pullman Equip ment and dining car nerrice. The Rocky Mountain Lim ited will continue to leave Omaha at 7:20 a, m. and the Denver Express at 1:30 p. m. as at present. Low excursion rates to Colorado on Bale dally on and after June 1st. For further information call or write F. P. RUTHERFORD, Division Pass"! r AfnU a HOTELS. THREE REASONS why most people buy their go-carts and reed furniture from the Omaha Reed & Rattan Words. FIRST We manufacture and have In ou sample room the most complete stock In this line ever shown In the west SECOND We are selling single articles at wholesale prices, that means a saving to you of the middleman's nrotlta. and that la not leaa This cart with auto- than 40 to 5 per cent i mobile gear euehlon THIRD Our stock Is positively the best tires, upholstered with MADB-UP on the market We guarantee velour or tapestry, line eYeI7 trticie. we sell to be entirely satisfactory, parasol. Guar- tn OUU MOTTO: The best goods for the least auimi i miiviuv motiey. Koldln Oo-Carta atrictl v un-tn-data and of the beat workmanahln. worth double our price. Buy now, I1.7S and up. ttecumng uo-carta, complete wtthnne parasni ana cushion, rrom ta.oo up. Don't tnlsa aeelng our latest Reed Porch Bwlnga. also the very best Reed Sanitary Couches, Rockers, etc. Omaha Reed and Rattan Works. w,12Z7AXrt' SI XEtaSS Hotel MARLBOROUGH BROADWAY, JaTH AND 37TH STS. Herald Square, New York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The largest and moat attractive LOP Br AND ROTUNDA In New York has beat newly opened up. . Bpeclaf Inducements to COMMERCIAL MEN with aaraplra Thirty large and wad lighted SAMPLE! ROOMS, with er without bath. Forty large front ultea, with parlor, two bedrooms and private bath; suitable for families or parties traveling together. The Old English Grill Room Is an Innovation. Unique and original. , AJ1 expoeed cooking. Ba food of all varle ttae a specialty. . Our Combination breakfasts are a popular feature. The German Rathskeller Is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular Music. EURO. FEAN PLAN. 00 Raotos. 200 baths. Rates for Rooms. $1 M and upward; S2.00 and upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath, M 00, K0O and 14 w per day; Parlor, two bedrooms aa4 bath, 16 Mb Vi and I&.00 per day. ti.OO extra where two persons occupy single room. Write for Booklet k m bl I fa H aaw C1 l?C- 1.' T". tV 'Tl