1(7 TITE OMATTA DAILY PEE: TIT FT? SPAY, "St AY 11. 1903. I .irrftimniv 9 GREAT SPECIAL SALES Ladies' $12.50 Spring Jackets at $5 Entire floor stock and show room samples of Spring Coats bought from a Cleveland, 0., Mfgr. Hundreds of the newest and most fashionable jackets all the reigning styles for spring wear covert corset-fitted coats tailored straps and stitching reefer and box coats also silk box coats, rt shantungs, etc. regularly worth up to $12. SO each Thursday, at......... Sale of Coats in Basement Ladies' $5 and $7.50 Jackets at $1.50 A great assortment of high grade reefers, box coats, blousws and etons well made in coverts, peau de soies, broadcloths and silk taffetas worth up to f7.60 in basement, at srtment m Ladies' Skirts 25Vd 3?? The most fashionable new skirts of the season etunning sunburst, eerpentine and accordion pleated voiles, mohairs and cashmeres gome with full length tmnburst pleating others with shirred yoke the most popular style for wear with shirt waists blues, blacks, browns, whites, reds, light grays, greens, etc. worth 16. 50, at S9ta UPt Illustration to the left shows the $3. SO Skirt. and $6 Skirts at $2.50 Dress and golf Bkirts in all colors Panamas, mohairs, novelty mixtures and cheviots made with the new side pleats and knife pleats worth $5.00 and $6, at Ladies' and men's all linen handkerchiefs, all widths of hems many sheer linen, worth 25c Ladies' Fabric Gloves Long and medium and very fashionable, at, per pair 50 12k 15c 50c Imported Shirtings, 19c Today -we place on gale the grandest lot of fine imported shirtings and miidrassos ever 6hown In the west. They are in plain white and fancy colored, in neat woven patterns, and fancy woven stripes. They are fine im ported goods, worth up to 50c per yard, Just the thing for men's shirts, ladles' waists, ladles' shirt waist-suits, children's dresses, 'etc., all at, yard.. Big Sale of Wrist Bsvgs Gold Plated Entire stock on hand of a manufacturer these frames are lacquered and warranted to wear and not tarnish for five years cabinet size, oval, square and oblong worth 50c and 75c, at, each BIG BARGAIN IN SHOE DEPT. LADIES' SWELL TAN SLIPPERS SJMbSM ON BARGAIN SQUARE S1.S9 ON BARGAIN SQUARE Entire stock from, a manufacsurer who ailed in bus iness. Leather wrist bays fitted with card case and change purse, avenue bags, Peggy row Paris bags, silk bags opera bags for ladies' and children from the cutest little size to the full size bag worth up to 75 cents, at, each 50c and 75c ! l X? i iuiuic r rallies ai uu 5c40c-!5c ub3b ironies 15c LADIES' TAN WHITE OXFORDS Today we will place on sale on our front bargain square on the malu floor, over a thousand pairs of ladies' Hand turn new style ribbon tlo tan low Hhoes. New tun Oxford ties, new tan IMticher tics, new white canvas Oxford ties, new black Oxford tics all strictly haud-sowed at the remarkable price of ? l.r! a pair. There are all sizes and all widths, livery pair warranted in every way, shaie and form. iTheAmateur cracksman! H A- -" MMMMnsMMMasMBMsaHSMMnHBHSasi .-. . .a. f riiafMpttaHaMlBitttMMittBMa A 8trf of Rattling Stories Narrating His Eaploit First Raffles Story will Appear In Tha Bee, May 14 Avoid Missing a Number by Subscribing at Ones l ml laWMIUfa M LIB IS ITT You ran buy anything in! ! .1 c n 11.11) f t 1 nmn n t ai in i''uiii j. uivu, women and children on credit at Cash Store Prices. Come in today and let us fix you out. Ladies' Suits $6 00 to $25.00 Covert Jackets, $5 to $12. 5Hk Skirts, Waists, Hats, Shoes and Millinery. Men's Suits $5.98 to $22.50 Men's Hats, Shoes, Crave net tes and Top Coats. Payments, 65c, 75c, $1 Weekly. RJDGLEY'S 1417 Douglas St. 'Phons P2113. Elmer Beddeo, Mgr. Boys' Shoes For Boys'- Shoes that a. re us long-wearing, comfortable feeling vnd good-looking as OBBSttt) )ShoesforMenfr? Brine the younwtr In and let us fit them with a pair of our Onimod shoes for boys. Sties to fit boys 8 years And older. A handsome assort men t. In high, and low shoes, tans and , blacks, dull and shiny leathers, and by the "Maker to Wearer" nict hod, sold for $2.50 Mali erten Sllnl. Real for tjrie book 11 and meaaur blank. iRaKniShoel TRUSSES Elastic Stockings Batteries Supporters Hubber Goods 3 Deformity Draees We have our j own factory and -J give personal at Utlonto FITTINO TRUSSES For Men, Women and Children., 54 H. J. P enfold Company I40S Fa-mam St. OMAHA. 1 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES Shoes different from the ordinary school slis sold for the little ones A specially jireiiared Nhoe, made of plump kid or Kt'iiuine box calf, with noft pllalile kid tops, heavy exten sion Boles in button or lace. Children's sizex, 8i,j to 11 $1.50 Misses' sizes, iy3 to 2 $2.00 iount? women s sizes, 2V& to 6. ,50 You will find cheaper shoes on the market, lint they will not wear like these. One pair of these shoes will outwear two pairs of the ordinary kind. A trial pulr will convince you. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. I B OMAHA. WEATHER KEFOHT, Thairadar Fair and Warmer. n MILLINERY AH the popular ideas the proper styles the approved modes in vogue in the leading fashion centers have their western supply basis in Bennett's great millinery. Hats for early summer wear, for any and every occa. sion. Early summer millinery specially low priced. Street Hats Street Hats Mostly in large shapes, self-trimmed, all colors, every one new, ilrst out of the box f l8c and OJC Dsml-Dress Hats In turbans and larger shapes, tho lighter shades predominntlng; strictly new, fsesh, sweet QQ clean goodd It JO Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats Large comprehensive line of polos, conventional turbans, large flar- . lug shapes, specially trim- y qq nied, first showing t,7Q Our $4.98 Hat Our $4.98 Hat An exclusive, "Sinclair" creation, copied from popular French mod els, the best I'arislcnne talent per fectly imitated, the whole being Improved by a characteristic dash of Americanism, (no two 1 ftQ alike) at .... 't.JO Watch tbs Windows. Poster Picture 29c -29c Crayon Drawings by J. Ellsworth Orass, Ohiaago, hanioVcolored a $1.00 value for Thursday (Supply very limited. Come early or phone). Christy and Harrison Fisher Foster Pictures yf C at TJC 10x14 Passepartouts of the above, a catchy, artistic picture for a young gentleman's or young lady's room, Thursday only Twenty (J2.(10) Green Trading; Stamps. Double Green Trading Stamps for Thursday on picture framing". ART SECOND FLOOR. " O 45c Curtain Shades and Curtains A Thursday Special in Lace Curtains and Window Shades A LIMITED NUMBER OF FIRST CLASS NOTTINGHAM CUR TAINS, worth $2.00 and $2.50 a pair, we will sell these J 59 FIFTY ($5.00) GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS. WINDOW SHADES About 209 odd sizes in all colors, some are plain oil opaque, and some are hand made goods, worth from 80c to 75c, will sell ir for, each 17C (A few of these are 42 in. wide.) THIRD FLOOR. FISH! FISH! FISH! Headquarters for fresh and salt fish. The largest assort ment in the city. Direct shipments of fresh fish all kinds. Prices tho lowest. Basement. L 0 j I j? till HARDWARE SPECIALS THURSDAY COPPER. WASH BOILERS 25 Copper Boilers, slightly damaged in shipping, but guaranteed not to leak, principally No. 9, regular price $1.1)8 and $2.08,' JO sale tJ Fifty ($5) Green Trading Stamps. Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with 10-g.t. Tin Japanned Ifiri Chamber Pails JJ Double Green Trading Stamps on Ice Cream Freezers, all sizes in White Mountain. Arctic and Wonder. Pouble Green Trading Stamps on all Lawn Mowers, styles to suit every one, prices up O U- from aSaOJ BASEMENT. The General Offices of GAe BENNETT COMPANY Have Been Moved to Third Floor Take Elevator. Bennett's Big Grocery The best values In the best of every thing to eat, at money-saving prices. A GREAT BUTTER SPECIAL. On Thursday we place on sale Beveral thousand pounds of Bennett's Capitol Creamery, the finest produced, at pound (full weight) 27o Ten C$1) Green Trading Stamps with each pound. Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with large can Burnham's Clam Chowder 2oo Fifteen ($1.50) Green Trading Stamps with 6 cuns solid Tomatoes 6(ic Fifteen ($l.ul) Green Trading Stamps with 5 cans splendid Corn 60c Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with 2 cans Omar Baked Beans lHo Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with with 2 cans Omar Hominy 20o Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with Jar McLaren's Cheee 24c Early June Peas, tiplendld value, 3 cans 25o LOW PRICES. Vegetable and Flower Seeds, pkg..2o Potted Ham, can 4o Oil Sardines, can 4o Pyramid Washing Powder, pkg 2 Rex Lye, can 5o Swift's Pride Soap, bar 2VsO Peaches, pound can 6o BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with pound box Bennett's Special Chocolate Creams 25c EXTRAORDINARY ut Price Sale THURSDAY ON Exclusive Millinery EVERY HAT IN THE HOUSE REDUCED IN PRICE. Beautiful Dras Hata at $3.50, $5.00, $6.75 and $7.75. INVESTIGATE IT PAYS. 1508 DOUGLAS ST. American Beauty Bride La France and Other Rose Trees now on sate at 15 cents each, two for 25 cents. Iiim yJicM ma muabli iTona. Red Rambler Rose Bushti new lot lust received on sale, each, 25c Gigantic Bargains in Ladies' Garments Ono dollar Thursday -will do the work of two on ordinary occasions. Peveral recent shipments from our N. ,Y. resident buyer has crowded our department to tho limit with bargains of the highest order. See them Thurs day. LADIES' JAr WAISTS, whlto nnd blnck In all slzos, and Rroat variety of now I QC styles, worth to $5.00, your choice ..'J CKEPn DE CHINR WAISTS In beautiful evening shades, beautifully designed, if f f? worth to 110.00, choioe . ,nJD $.TSO EMBROIDERED LIXEN WAISTS In all sizes, only alout 15 dozen In alL special Thursday nt....... 175 SPLENDID SKIRT BARGAINS More garments than all the other houses in Omaha combined. Retter values than can be found elsewhere. Table 1. 5(K Women's Sklrta In prent vnriety of new styles and ma- 1 ft C terlals, choice, It JD Table 2. Accordion Pleated Skirls, In all colors, Fancy Mixtures, Sicilians, Cheviots, Serges, etc., $".X Q C 4.95 Table 3. Pnnama and Slcilllan Skirts, Worth up to $H.oo, at . . . . Table 4. Heautlful Sklria in all fabrics, colors nnd styles, worth about double tho price at $12.50, $10.00, 7 Crt $R.W and .JU $0.00 and $7.00 values at. WOMEN'S SILK REDINOOTES, the newest coat on the market, a 1 7 Cfl handsome line now on display at $-5, $20, $18.50, $15 and . . laa,JU Don't fall to see these new coat. $8.00 SILK COATS in Taffeta and I'eau De Sole, very special values QC Thursday at . . .. - . . . rtJO BEAUTIFUL SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS An immense line of most enticing, values at $35.00, $30.00 $25.00, $20.00 J QQ 75 SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS, specially selected for Thursday's sale, Q QA best styles, all colors, a world beating value at .. Oav HANDSOME COVERT COATS Sweeping price reduction throughout the entire stock $15 and $18.50 Covert Coats $10.00. $10 and 12 Covert CoaU $7.50 All Our $8.00 Covert Coata at $4.95 TAILOR SUITS AT HALF PRICE $30.0 Suits at $15.00 $25.00 Suits at $12.50 $20.00 Suits at $10.00 MORNING HOUR SPECIALS From 8 till 9 A. M. Woman's Wash Underskirts, )Qq From 8:30 till 9:30 A. M., 3.00 From 9 till U A. M., A lot Wnsli Suits, piped J or women s waima, inn with rod, at. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY IN OUR BUSY MILLINERY DEPT. $5.08 TRIMMED HAT AT $3,J0. A hand-made chiffon hat with a shirred facing, and trimmed with a large bou quet of American Beauty Roses, and natural foliage, brim and crown of Valenciennes lace, an exact copy of a $15 pattern hat T iXQ marked to sell at $5.08for Thursday, at. .50 trimmed Shirt Waist hats $1.98 2.00 Trimmed Street Hats c J2.00 Misses" Trimmed Hats $100 ...a 25a LarRO Bunches American Beauty Rows M slf Hiinfhfa of nix larire Rosea. with Jot centers 10 760 Child's Wash Bonnets for Thursday. 49o GROCERY and HARDWARE PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 10 bars Swift's Pride, Beat 'Km All or White Paris Laundry Soap 25c 48-lb. sack fancy high patent Minnesota flour $1.48 B-lbs. good Japan rice for Ilia 6-lbs. fancy hand-picked navy beans.. lic 6- lbs. fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley, or Farina 19c B-lbs. best bulk laundry starch 19c 1-lb. pkg". corn march 4o The beBt cold water starch, pkg "V4u Potted ham, deviled hum or potted tongue, per can SH'C 10-lb. sacks bent cornmeal Kc 7- lbs. bost bulk oatmeal 15o XCello breakfast fond, per pkg 7V4c GINGER SNAP SPECIAL. THURSDAY 6,000 lbs, fancy, fresh, crisp sinner snaps, hot from the oven, as long as thoy but, per pound ORANGES, ORANGES. ORANGES Fancy Navel Oranges, dozen ....120 Quart boxes fancy Arkansas Straw berries t TMfl HARDWARE DEPT. SPECIALS The best screen doors or window wire per square foot 10 The best galvanized poultry wire, per square foot Ha 10-quart galvanized water pall. ........ ..loo 12-quart galvanized water pall., ...12o 14-quart galvanized water pall ......15a No. 1 galvanized wash tub .......Duo No. 2 galvanized wash tub 41)0 No. 3 galvanized wash tub 69o See our full line of gasoline stoves moA white enameled refrlueratora. HAVDEN BROS; r iBALDUFFSi Pure Jersey Ice Cream It cools and Invigorates Ton can eat all you want without fear, becouse it's pure and good. And it's rich, too you never eat richer. All the popular flavors, ready to be served at your bidding, or we will put it in one of ur QUART BARRELS vhich just fits the pocket, ao you can Take One Home It's 40 Cents Per Quart 1518-20 Farnam Street Phone 711 aja 3C SSSf CLOTHING STOCK from FRED GREISHEIMER. State Street, Chicago Retired From Business T3 A.k for a ' QUALITY IS OlR MOTTO ! Omaha's l'p-to-D Iha Home, ASK FOR OUR FREES CATALOGUE. fJERVAN TABLETS Indue rentful I'.pf p. Cur Nrouoi, Stomach, Kidocrand Bladder troubln, aud proSue flump aasa, Slren((h and Tltalur. Moia by UrvaK-lsts. Bj mail, 11. liO; rf Hire ooii', f2.75. Also NEPVAN LAXATIVE PILLS 28 ets. iut mm Tarrivi. cnrloa lOccm to Tbe .rrvan Tablet Co, CiactraaatL O. for al br Baatoa Dra C, 15th Varatjiaa, Uauakav, all lralU. BCIT ItPriUirrou ara lOT psytnt for bill bM. Mlatlaaj, alaek. BEST DEC AU1 11 , qmtt , IKTaaa T..brpo, F.4CA1. fa Import lull, tc , but for Kla una 117 ua.RO. ClttAtt CO- Majaalia. Llg WLT . C-i UH'-Vl W va-w -w (R Gold Bracelets ''W. wire tands with and wltnoul joint, in aTX In grM flllM and silver. Any one of thea a nl B-rnduatlon ifift. AV hll you art f H - 1 -wild a ff-w minutes In our cut rooi I i fir I I. UmiIc fur th nume. UV S. W.. LINDSAY, Jew 14k Bold at o would muka In the ator room. ' eler, tiit loualaa tUU $!0 A splendid offer of the most fashionable, nn-in-diilo flotliiiior wliich Vrtxl (Ireis- heinier priced at ?U0, all hand tailored, newest spring pat terns, sale price Greisheimer $15 Suits rfo at $7.50 Your choice of all the fine spring fVCfl suits that Greisheimr priced JU up to fifteen doliara, Q 5 at Roers-Peet & Cos. Clothing. The finest ready-to-wear suit in America no tailor can give better fit or better satisfaction - We sell the Jj toriiss coon I size collars L! 117.50 to $29