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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1905)
10 TITF, OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY 0. 1D0.1. Agents for Corliss Coon Quarter Collars af" 1 "s r-s? n Ml FvS We Sell Corliss Coon Quarter x 5lze Collars Petlico&i SaJe Our resident New York buyer made a remarkable purchase of an eastern manufacturer who was willing- to sell his entire factory accumulation at a sacrifice. This is how we can offer LADIES' $2.50 PETTICOATS at 98c In this purchase of Petticoats were hurrireds of garments that Bell every day at from $2.00 to $2.50 made of black Italian cloth, mercer ized with beautiful satiny tinieh; also colored skirts in mercerized blues, greens, browns, etc. all tkirta cut full beauti fully finished with accord eon pleat flounces rallies, tucks, wide dust ruffles, etc. values up to $2.50 at, each ... 7oC j$i Dress Goods at 33iC Popular goods of the present season plain and fancy Mohairs, . Pauamaa, Shepherd Checks, Voiles, Albatrosses, Henriettas, silk and wool Crepes, Serge3, etc' cream dress 1 goods, black dress good etc. goods that have sol up to $1.00 a yard a yard Extra Special Your choice of any of our highest grade Fancy Mohairs, Tartan Checks and Plaids, Melanges, Cft etc. worth up to $2.50 a yard at, yard 3K Sale of Laces and Embroideries Elaborate extra wide em- Finn quality wash lace, dress trim ming lace, etc. in bands, gal loons and inserting Venice clu ny, Point 'd Esprit net tops, etc , all widths at, yard 5c, 10c 25c broideries, wide bands and insert in ps many suitable for corset covers, flouncing, eta at, yard, 10c, 15c, 25c J. L. ERANDEIS & SONS-BOSTON STORE. a Oni Pacific ' $5 if I " ROUND TRIP H CALIFORNIA . AND RETURN TICKETS ON SALE Y MAY 0 TO 13. K!xteon hours quicker than any other linn to I J I 1 Pacific Coast. I V Inquire at . V CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FAR NAM ST. J J Nw 'Phone 318. Ask for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO ! BEST BECAUSE Tou ara HOT payta (or Mil baarda, temoo patattnc, eleks. free Seals, to., but for Pis ttaallty H arana Tnharno, I.4CAL to Imported Clears. Bold dlnct to U raUUw ty r. ft. KICK HERft CIttAB. ?. Maaalia tub IT. LOVU. Jll II II III IIS.ajU'Uk"1'lJ ,.L L 1U.IH ' IIWWWWWWWMII "je Amateur Cracksmanf r jSS23 1 A 8rls of Rattling Stories Narrating His Exploits First Raffles Story will Appear in Tiia Bea, May 14 Avoid Missing a Number by Subscribing at Ones V S FIRST AID TO THE ROOFLESS L4. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING ( OUARANTEEO FORTEN VKARS. VMS MAKE A SPECIALTY OF REMOVING TAR ARB ORAVBL OR METAL ROOFS Sunderland Roofing & Supply Co., bnf?t, . ItQI.FARRAIIfT 1 OMAHA WEATHER REPORT, 'y R nan ' TiMlir Fair and Wtrmtr, iSmr B i Another Coffee Wonder! JAVOCHA JAV0CHA An all around well pleasing Coffee Full body, fine aroma. A Splendid Opportunity For Boarding Houses, Resta.ura.nts and Lare Consumers. JAVOCHA Three thousand pounds of it For Tuesday, per pouDd flf. Twenty (J2.00) Green Trading Stamps with Each round. No Dealers Supplied at This Price. Hardware Specials for Tuesday LAWN MOWERS, LAWN RAKES, GRASS HOOKS AND RUBBER, HOSE Double Green Trndlns; Stamps on All Lawn Mowers St vies to Suit Every one $!um, JXOO. $7.0(1, 6.&0, o.9S, $.-.3., f.00. 4.65, Ki.24, $2.98 O e and aS.OtJ Double Green Trading Stamps on All Kubber Hose, every piece guaranteed to withstand rlty pressure, per f).-, foot loo, 14c, 10c and Forty ifl.X) Green Trading Stamps with 24-tlne steel Lawn AOr Rake Twenty ( Green Trading fQc Stamps with Grass Hook ,u" Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Ofir Stamps with Grass Honk "O" Thirty ($3.IH) Green Trading Afr Stamps with Grass Honk 'JL Thirty ($3.0a Green Trading AAn Btamps with Grass Honk Thirty tl(M Green Trading Stamps with 14-tlne steel Garden A En Rake OW Thirty ($:f.n0) Green Trading Stamps with 12-tlne steel Garden rlWr' Hake. Hardware Basement THE BENNETT COMPANY THE GRADUATES Will expect ( gift of some kind from our store. A watch would be a lasting remembrance of graduation day. A ring, brooch, stick pin, pair of cuff buttons, a gold or filled hat plu, a souvenir spoon, some toilet piece for ths dresser. Spend a few minutes looking around In our store. Look' for the name, S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1616 Douglas' Street. I 1 6he Gibson Tie ' The swellest of all the new styles in women's low shoos for this sea son is the "GIBSON TIE." It is the style of low shoes that will be worn more this season than any other. In RuBsia calf, dark brown-colored kid and patent colt. Made with a high or medium mili tary heel and welt sole I'rice $3.50. Come in and see it. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. Omaha' l'p-to-Dcte Shoe Home. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. WHITE ENAMEL GLASS TRAP (COLD STORAGE) REFRIGERATORS You will like the way we sell them on the payment plan: $8.00 to $12.00 sizes, $2.K down and $2.00 per month; the $15.00 to $20.00 sizes, $3.00 down and $3.H) per month; the $25.00 to $30.00 sizes, $4.00 down and $1.00 per month or a cut price for cash. k ' i -tiff ' -: i 1 - V . - ' I .ft' it- se F. i The "Cold Storage" is a new Refrig erator JtiNt out. It is specially made to be the latest improved Refrigerator sold fhls year. It is steel lined with white enamel on the steel lining- It has a i'liiss trap and asbestos tilling. The Sf octzel Stove Co., 714 South 16th St. T-et all Umu,, Men; Varicocsla, Hydro eels, B trio tux. Blood Pol. on. vvaak, Narvoua Men, Kidney and Bladder Dia esses. Stomach. Bowel Skin end Chronic ll. euscs. Esamlnaliun Ftea. Honest Treatment. Low Charaea, Wrlta for In for. maUoa. 14 yaaxa In Oinah. Dri. Seirlet & Searles, 14tb and Douglas Sua, Omaha, t5v 1'f: g?g Best of Everything The Only Double Track JVailway to Chicago Have You Thought Planning Your Trio to the Portlsxivd Exposition Through the Northwest Territories of Canada to Vancouver and Steamer to Seattle, returning via. Salt Lake. The Grandest Scenery on the American Continent CITY TICKET OFFICEL 1401-1403 Farnam gt. I TRUSSES Elastic Stockings Batteries Supporters Rubber Goods Deformity Braces We have our own factory arid t five personal at- j tlon to FITTINQ TRUSSES For M.n, Women and Children. GAe H. J. Penfold Company 1408 P.rnam St OMAHA. FAINTS Have roa Jnorrd oat what that "cheap job" of paint reallr eoatf The paint for your house will not cost much If you buy the BEST and the paint ing will rotit no more for a good job than a poor one. GET THE BEST PAINT Lowe Bros.' High Standard Paint Put It on well and save one-third over "cheap" paint, because It will outwear it two to one. 48 Beautiful Colors. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., (Faint Department.) 116 Harney Tel. 325. SALE of MEN'S HIGH and LOW CUT SHOES SILK UNDERSKIRTS Manufacturers' Samples on Sale Wednesday 111 M lyloJs TBI RELIABLE .TO fin. SILK WAISTS, Manufacturers' Samples on Sale Wednesday Stupendous Bargains, Tuesday. WOMEN'S T'NPERSKTRTS ahout in dos. odd aarments, only 8 or 4 of a kind, hut worth $2 00 to 2.K- 7Er cholre, eHCh WOMEN'S WAISTS, several broken of reRulnr 11 values choice, Tuesday COVERT COATS worth up to 1V Special, Tuesday COVKKT COATS W'irth "P to $15 Tuesday COVERT COATS worth up to $25 Tuesduy lots 25c 5.00 .7.50 10.00 WOMKN'S SAMri.R sample garments no tinderprlced, $10. $12.50, iih.w, iin.o. I.T..00 and $(i.W ACl'OHI'KO.N l'LEATED all colors-nale price, Tin-sdKV, at DRESSINO SACUl'ES special at $1.75. $1.50, $1.25, 98c. Joe Hncl , $4.00 JAP WAISTS- at REDIN'OOTES 4$ on sale, greatly 30.00 SKIRTS Tuesday ... 69o .195 $400 MISSES' WALKING SKIRTS, . QQ broken lots special I.SJ Great Annual Rose Sale. 6,000 ROSE TREES, BRIDE ROSES, AMERICAN REAnTT, BEACT1EIL LA FRANCE, ETC. 5,000 CARNATIONS. AMERICAN. QI'EEN I.OU1SF;, MRS. THOMAS LAWSON. FROM RIOt.ER BROS' Celebrated Nurse rles all strong;, hearty plants, soar anteed to bloom, now on sale In basement as lonR as they last at OGn 15o each, 2 for O0 NOW IS THE TIME TO BEAITT1FT THE YARD. DON'T MISS THIS 8ALH Hay den9 s Grocery Prices Will Re duce the Cost of Your Living Expenses. XCello Breakfast Food, pks; 2-lb. pkg. Nudavlne oatmeal ...Cc ...fie BLACKS and TANS GENUINE WELT SOLES made to retail at $3.50 and $4.00 On SaJe Today at The best hand nicked navy beans, lb .lo The best Perl Tapioca, Sago, Rarley or carina, iu ac Potted ham, deviled, ham or potted tongue, can 3tc 7-lbs. best bulk ontmeal 15o 10 bars Swift's Pride. Keat 'Em All or White Paris laundry soap ...2Ko Bromangelon. Jellycon, Fruit Puddlne. or Jello, pkg THc On Time Yeast, pkg 2o lfi ounce can condensed cream "c Quart cans golden table syrup "'sc Large Sweet California prunes, lb. ...4c Fancy 3-Crown muscatel raisins, lb 4e. Fancy 4-Crown muscatel raisins, lb ....Be English cleaned currants, lb THe. OH or mustard sardines, can 4c El n m 1m fiaaCUi v m Em MEN'S SHOES New Custom Lasts Flat Iron Soles Military Heels SLACK BLACK VELOURS TAN CALF BLACK PATENT COLT Made to Retail For Upto Six Dollars Go on Sale Today at $3 $350 $4 mm Men's Low Shoes and Men's High Shoes Go on Sale In Basement at turn ft 98c A$L98 Large bottles fancy sweet mixed chow chow, onion, Oherkln or celery relish pickles, bottle 7Ha 8TKA WHERRIES STRAWBERRIES Lnrjre quart boxes, fancy ripe Arkansas strH wherries 7J LEMONS. LEMONS LEMONS Large Juicy pcedless lemons, per dozen 12J CANDY SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY Fancy regular 30o mixed this sale, lb likl Fancy regular 30o bon bona this Rule, lb 154 Fancy regular 80c chocolate drops, this sale, lb , 18q Fancy regular 80o fudie this sale, lb 15a We make all our own candy. You ara Invited to visit our candy factory. HAVDEN BROS. The Greatest Singers in the World. The Greatest Musicians in the World. The Greatest Humorists in the World. DID YOU EVER HEAR THEM? Whether you have or not, A COLUMBIA GRAPH0PH0NE will let you hear them AS OFTEN AS YOUPLEASE. Under the Special Arrangement with the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO. at 1621 Farnam Street, we are enabled to offer A $12.50 Columbia Disc Graphophone With a Year's Subscription to Tho Evening and Sunday Bee FREE. This Is the Columbia regular $12.80 Dlec Graphophone ard cannot be bought anywhere for less. Given FREE to our readers. The Columbia Graphophone received the Grand Highest Award at the St. Louis Exposition; 1004. It U yours with a subscription to paper FREE of all coet. Mail this today not tomorrow Coupon of Inquiry Circulation Dept.. OMAHA BEE. Orauha, Neb. Please send your representative to my address aa given below to ahow tha GRAPHOPHONE you offer with on year'a aubaorlptloa to TUB OUAHA EES. Name Add; Data. We have also made arrangements to supply mail aubscribera with the Orapliophone. For full particulars end ua this coupon. Mail Subscriber's Coupon Circulation Dept., OMAHA BUS, Omaha, Neb. Please aend me full parttovlafa how to obtain a 112 50 Columbia Grapho phone practically free. Nam Address Date. "FOLLOW THE FIAG" ST. LOUIS AND RETURN, SI2.00 SOLD MAY 13 TO 22. Leave Omaha 6:30 p. m. Arrive t. Louis 7:15 A. M. - For all information rail at Wabaeh City Office, 1601 Farnam Street or Address, HARRY E. M00RES, G. A. P. D., OMAHA. NEB.