.0 TITE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, MAY K, 1003. i i i n 11 i 3,000 Sample Pieces of . AH Over Embroideries Fresh from the Foreign Manufacturer Beautiful samples of highest class all over laces, ninny of them to match bought from a New York importer the most charming patterns in English all overs, Plauens and Escurial,' Venice and Oriental these samples come in niwPR from a half vard to a full yard long they are t,. ... - . . worth from fifty cents to , two dollars a yard r ri- day your, choice at, each Wah Lace and Insertions In plain and fancy patterns they "Jnm are worth at high as 20oyard, at, yard .' t'fv Embrolderie--Frosh, crisp embroideries in medium and wide widths many suitably for fljunclnffs, corset covers (t 1 litp ad childaWs dresses-prices, yard It'lUt'l Jt'AJV 1'' mm Remnants of Seasonable Dress Goods All the remnants and odd lots of our finest and most fashionable dress goods rrpilar f 1.50 and $2.00 Sicilians, Tanamas, Voiles and silk and wool crepes and all highest class goods 4n three, five and eight yard pieces at, per yard each for white ftmbrolde red .waist patterns (T n 1 & p Jt1 Kfl v value, at 69c each.' , . 69 c 0W B for remnants of W g fine all wool JD JH goods, worth up to 81 00 a yard in 4, 6 and 9 yard pieces. SHORT ENDS: OF' CASHMERE, MOHAIR, SERGE. VOILE and , ETAto rNEMany to match, Basement at, each 5c White Indlalan and floral organdies, a 7HC per yard 2,000 yards of while India .'law', and fancy all white atrtpen 3,000 yards of 25o new- J1 est and prettiest floral of organdies, at. yard " w Travelers Samples 7 to 10 in lots lengths seven-eighths yard, at. each .? SmZC Shorter lengths, 7 to 10 alike f at, each 1UC Bargain Friday in Silk Department Traveler's sample pieces of fine silk, bright, pretty colors, scores of styles and 25c 1,000 yards floe quality silk, good Fine quality , white chiffon, pure styles and colors, from 1 to4yds., silk, doublrt width, 60c plain and fancy silk, and value-at black, at, yard :.Ei2 yard J 511kg on Bargain Square Neat fancy silks, hair stripes and LouUenes, S?."??Tr""!!?".7.- ....49c, 59c and 69c Special Remnant Bargains, Basement 4ic Dress Ginghams, worth up to 12 l-2c, at, yard. . .. 86 Inches wide Bleached Muslin, would be cheap at 8c tomorrow at, yard - Beautiful Printed Corded Lawns and Batiste, never' sold ' 'Z i n less than 12 l-2c, at, yard . JC Fancy Fercales, the 12 l-2c qual ity as long as 5 cases f lasts, at, yard DC Hobalr Luster, Xjne most up-to-date wash ' material others call It cheap at 39c tomor- g J j . row,, at, yard lC Tlain and Dotted Mull in greatest variety of colors, worth up to fUl?.?.:.. 15c-I9c 10c Plain and Corded Scotch Dress Gingham immense assortment, regular price up to 25c tomorrow, at, yard ...... OC Fine Printed Dimities and Organ diesworth up to. 20c yd, tomorrow, at, yard White Dress Swisses, black and colored dots, regular C price 19c, at, yard JC Mercerized Sateen, would be good value at 40c yard, C at, yard IJC Extra nice lot of fine mercerized table tlamnsk, mill remnants, worth 50c and 76c, at, yard ZOv Toweling In 1 to 2 yard lengths all kinds worth up to 10c ' C" yd., Friday, at, remnant JQ SHEET MUSIC SALE SPECIAL BARGAINS TODAY VOCAL-1 Was Only Pooling She I INSTRUMENTAL--8t Louis Tickle Was From Missouri By the Dear Old Cannon Ball Rag Mountebank (march , Xij V J 2 fl n""f ana two-step) Festival Hal aii viu xieinuu, lueei vie x Here Gone, . Gone, Gone Where Rolls the Oregon EVad r a n,d tn a, Thar'e None Like Tou Satlsfled My Dream of Love and others Qood Mualc All Day. 18c 4 i Waltzes When Wilderness Waa King (new two-step) Oneonta-r 8tarry Flag Forever Josephine by Robyn The Bugler Vassar Girl Waltzes and hundreds of otners. Com and risar Your Favorites Played SALE OF LADIES' FINE OXFORD TIES OS MAIlf FLOOR. Extraordinary aperlal bargains la ladies' black, tan, white aid rnsset Oxford Ties, Glbao a Tie. Blocker Ilea, etc I 5J-i-225-25J Embracing; all the very newest and wclleat styles In light and medium solas. Sale Begins This Morning. On Sale at $159 On Sale at and and rSOO palm ladles' hand sewed black kldskln Oxford TIaa win-. .. 1 viu. uya vuoun, military and common sense heels. , 1,600 pairs ladies' hand sewed flexible sole, dark chocolate color, Oxford Ties and Blucher Oxfords Cubnn heels. 600 pairs ladies' fine white canvas Oxfords and Blucher Oxfords- hand sewed . soles, Cuban and military heels. 400 pairs ladles' easy elastic front or side gore black kldskln Oxfords. r 1,800 pairs ladies' new tan, new chocolate and new mode colored Oxfords haud turn and medium weight welt soles In all the new heels and toes. 1,200 pairs ladles' black kldskln Oxfords-in all the new effects-Cuban, military and American heels. 1,800 pairs ladles' Gibson Ties, in white Sea Island Cotton-In black, patent coltskin, in tan Russian calfskin. In chocolate vlcl kidhkin and black kldskln. Special . 4,000 paira infants', children's and misses' Children's ?hLtem?anv,s- b,aek kw ni colored kidskin ox. Oxfords ' ffUB $L . strap Sanda,a and Glb8on. TleB- BBS MDEJs.1 s 65c I 1,600 pairs ladies' Christie Ties, in white, cotton and duck-ln black kidsklns, in patent coltsklns, in tan Russian calf. In chocolate vicl kidskina. Cleans everything clean. A n antiseptic chemical cleaning powder,' abso lutely free from acid, ani mal fat or resin. Destroys disease germs does not scratch varnish softens hard water cleans better than soap, borax, soda, lye or ammonia and injures nothing. ' Sift a' little through the perforated cover. It's the easy way, the economical way, the cleanly way. HALF THE LABOR DOES THE WORK One pound can 10c All grocers. The Gibson Soap Co. OMAHA, NED. USA. hi 0 11 I J' OMAHA WEATHER REPORT. L1J,ia-- . Frlda? Fair and Warmer. ymmr I Fancy Socks 5 for Spring I In all the leading shades; over 200 styles to select from, at our annual, eale at two pair for 25c . These . goods have all the new colorings. At 25c per pair we sell you Imported silks, stripes up and down, and all new. coloring; all pther people ask 36c a pair for this style; our price 26c a pair. Our spring underwear Is now com plete; give us a call before buying. 2.98 JOS. F; BILZ 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. 2 Agent Pictorial Review Patterns. M I IDIAIUONDSi Ownership of one or more will give aj you that self-satlsfled feeling. Why? It will Insure you against a rainy d day sight of It will glvs you J constant pleasure especially so If J al mounted in a ring It Is cash because we will give you nine-tenths 2 " of what you paid us at any time within a year from date of purchase. J at i iiii iiiin' 15 ScDODOE. WsLtcK the Anatomy Window The window with the skeleton in it the doctor's and dentists' window. Every doctor and dentist or student ot surgery or dentistry should see this window. It's a warmer. Harney St. Pillinery for Friday v Bil Closing Out Sale of Trimmed Hats TRIMMED HATS THAT SOLD FOR $1.49, $1.98 and $2.40. in medium sl?.e .. turbans of tucked chiffon, ftQ trimming of ' flowers and Mf4p ribbons-Friday at f w TRIMMED HATS The newest ' shapes and colorings, dainty trim- mlng of flowers will J aO A, SPECIAL LINE OF NATTY SAIL " ORS IX ROUGH STRAW BRAID smartly trimmed, the prop er thing for misses' wear, values $4.50 Friday A Very Special Bargain for Friday. MISSES' LARGE DRESSY TUSCAN HATS, elaborate facings of dainty mallne and chiffon, tastefully trimmed with high quality materials, In cluding fresh flowers and ribbons, some of them are original patterns, no two alike in the display the hat you want Is Af QQ here and nobody else may have it, $12.50 values Ribbons, Veilings, Flowers and all ths Dainty flilllnsry Frlpparles of the Hour at Wholesale Price. Syracuse Dihnerware America's Pet Pottery Product : ; 10 iGr " cent discount and Double Green-Trading Stamps. The Biggest Opportunity Ever Offered You for Shrewd Buying of Syracuse Dinner-ware. New Iotfa. Ware on Exhibition in Crockery Section Ioga is the Indian word tor beautiful Special display in Crockery Section; 4 Must see this lovely material fifteen kinds of Vases, all shapes and sizes: .Supers and Creams, Rose Bowls, Jelly Jars, Covered Pudding Sets, Cracker Jars, Fern DUhea, Teapot Tilas. etc., etc GREATEST VALUES EVER. TNI RIUABLB STORK. WONDERfUL FRIDAY BARGAINS. Entire Dress Goods Stock DOi a BAHOAIN PRICKS. . . Many thousand yurrts of the ftneft Wool Gooris. Wash Goods. Rllks. Dr Trim minus, etc.. ell bright now fi1o-k. sprlna and mimmrT 1V& otyl, apcured by us at a tremendous baraaln.. l(Tred to- you at prlcos bvlow any ever attempted In omasa for any equal quality of Roods. . BEAUTIFI'L, ORtiANniKS Arnold'. 8 hearer . I.outh's, Oros Boman, etc., in dalntlent 1 colors and drslnns. Madame Convera J5c M $1.00 qiiallt ea, also ooa lengths of vollea and other waph fabrics, g o In this sroat sale at 5c ?Hc. 10o, KVto, 15c, 19c and 26c. Stylish IVcaves in Wool Fabrics and Silk And Wool Grenandlnoii. Mohair. Tailor PultlnRs, Voiles, VTtamlnea, elltngs. Eoll enne. Crene, etc., worth regulnrly $1.00 to $5.00 per yard, all go In this great sale at 2oc 39c, 49c, B9c, and 09c. GREAT S1I.K BAHOAINS-Beautlful new silks worth from 46c to $6.00 yard QBe le at, yard, 19c to ' ; w In this areat ale ALI OI R DREaS TRIMMINGS Regular $1.00 to $6 00 qualities at, yard, 29o to All silk plalu binding 5c 5 yards mohair skirt braids .. . .lVaC Velveteen skirt binding 2nC 60c Applique trimminKS, per yard 11.00 Applique trimmings, per yard . $2.00 Applique trimmings, per yard .. 50c Dress Urnids at, per yard 25c Dress Braids at, per yard 10c Dress Braids at, per yard 50c Sleeve Laces, at, per yard 35c sleeve lares, per yard $1.00 sleeve laces, per yard Dress Fillings, t e Delong's hooks and eyes ..... .... 64 KleintMt's dress shields ... 10a Silk dress shields ..lOo 150 300 50c 200 - 30 3o 250 i 19o 300 An immense lot of applique and lace remnants from the stock will go at about ONE-FOURTH ACTUAL COST. ANNOUNCEMENT. We bT fcen fortunate In securing the nervlces of an expert corsetler, MISS HOI) NER OF NEW YORK. Who wllVJurlng the next wtek Illustrate to our cunomera the advantares of the celebravia LA MARGl'ERITB CORSET. Stylish ahape are provld ed for every figure and we guarantee a perfect fit. Prices range from $2.o0 to $10.00. , Come now, let Miss Hoffner nt y ou. FRIDAY BARGAINS IN GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM. SEE THE WINDOW aunt"1 i5 few TEA! TEA!! TEA!!! "Thank God for Tea." -Sydney Smith. . Bennett's Teas ere largely our own private Importation from the gardens of the Orient. They are pnrchaseoT solely a cup quality, not on the appearance of the leaf Just where many tea experts fall down. Bennett's Teas Are the Best Values Ever Offered to the Public tWe Save You Anywhere from 10c to 20c a Pound on All Teas. 10c classic ginghams at, yard 10c printed batistes 4C at, yard .. 12H heer white goods and 40-ln. gfj apron lawns yard 35c. mercerised white walstlngs- J3C at, yard , 15o India llnon nainsook 7iC at, yard 25c Egyptian and ladies stripe tls- Jin sues, colors guaranteed, yard 15c colored lawns and batistes, .63c at, yard 15 yards of bleached muslin f f)f) special Friday for 1,UV BVic L. L. muslin 4lc at, yard 5c heavy twilled and plain 2 AC crash per yard 75c Mohawk Bheets, Slx90 size 59 C at. yard ' . 1 uli.b ahnotl. 72x90 Size A C twroom. 15c Mohawk cases, 42x36 size' at, yard ..... ;..., i 18c Mohawk bleached cases 45x36 size at, yard .......... , 27Hc Mohawk hectln, ZS yards wide, at, yard 25c Mohawk bleached sheeting l7C 2 yards wide, at, yard 25c unbleached Mohawk sheeting mm w .12, c 14o 19ic ISi yards wide, at. 22V4c unbleached Mohawk sheeting f r 2 yards wide, at, yard 16c sllkollne 8iC ............ 12ic .. ...;..,.6ic Hundreds of other bargains in this great at, yard 20c feather ticking at, yard 18c drapery cretonne at, yard 10c Batta Silk at, yard .- ' t Any Tea. You Have Liking for Served Freshly Infused Friday. Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound B. P. Japan, qOn Oolong, English Breakfast 6r Gunpowder Tea WOW Forty ($4,00) Green Trading Stamps with pound B. F. Japan, Oolong, ifi , English Breakfast, Gunpowder, or Ceylon Tea C3W Sixty $6.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound B. V. Japan. Oolong, CO English Breakfast, Gunpowder, Ceylon or Aseam Tea OOl Seeded Raisin Special Bennett's Candy Section Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps I Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with pacaage nne eeeaea II If I wun pouna dox Bennett s 1 OCr. ww special cnocoiate creams Raisins. POPULAR EXCURSION TO DES MOINES SUNDAY MAY 7, 1905, VIA Bennett's Great Hardware Section Thirty ($9.00jf Green Trading Stamps with 24-tlne Steel Lawn Rake 42c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with 12-tine Steel Garden Rake 3Qg Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with 14-tlne Steel' Garden Rake for Thirty J$3,00) . Green Trading Stamps . with Ladles' Best Steel Hoe ROUND TRIP Western League Ball OMAHA VS. DES MOINES Special train will leave Omaha Union Depot 730 a. m.; Council Bluffs City Depot 800 a. m. ' Returninf, leave Dee Moines 735 p. m. ' , . , No Intermediate stops for . passengers. a F. P.. RUTHERFORD. 0. P. A. 1833 FiKRiN flTltBET. .35c Forty ($4-00) iGreen Trading Stamps with extra heavy Spading Fork Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with heavy Steel Hoe Air for .' JW Forty ($4.00) Green ' Trading Stamps with single Gasoline Oven, best 4 yft- quality, for aU Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with double Gasoline Oven, best O fQ quality, for Double Green Trading Stamps on all Gasoline Stoves prices up QQ from l.CT Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with 60-foot Cable Laid Clothes O.A.C Line for Aw BASEMENT. THE BENNETT COMPANY DR. DRADBURY DENTIST 1006 FAR NAM. Teath EitracteiL....v25c. Porcelain Fllliafi flap Cold rilltsft l ip Silver FUUaf-..0c up Crowo....,....Ji-50 up. Plate "P aunTHFR GRAND HARDWARE AND CROCKERY SALE FRIDAY ANOTHER UA"la Art Pottery from 7 to 10. dos.n TO REDUCW 'SrkaT different styles, colors and snpe-rBu- ncKS ONE-HAI-F, MEANS A GRKAr "'"J-' . '12.50 values. 7ftc at. each 55c. 460. 35c and Decorated 1UC Heleydfle iHs'ned'crj stvle, berry, sugar and cream, you ca n t tell them from the genuine $5.00 yg TUht.sBlglaa8awtareeaCl,, nnlshed"and-poll.h the same as cut glass. Large crystal IU0 vases .'J'l'll Decorated bread and butter JJg plates ' Handled cups and 3C oTv-r-VB nNK-HAI We muBt make way for our new nnex. vve would ratser sen sui"' sacrifice than mov them. Be sure to se cure . some of these bargains to-morrow, wHi'tf'Ealvanized pails, only 10c 12-qt. galvanized palls only lc 14-qt. galvanised palls only J5c 4-tle parlor broom only , ...16c Mop sucks wun or wunoui uuiuuiua- tion, only 8c Pie nlatea. in this sale only SHc Towel rings, towel racks, scrub brushes, carpet stretchers, combination ice pics and hatchet, sink cleaners, shoe brushes, meat forks, tack pullers, , etc., etc. 100 other such bargains, your choice of any dc All kinds of enameled goods at less than holf nH.. twr. at thl. an A SPECIALS AT BIG BUTTER, FRUIT AND CANDY DEPTS A lot of decorated dinner tin and toilet ware each worth from 50o to lOOpfecewhlt'e SemV-'porceiain, best English make dinner ware, this set tells regular from $9.00 to $12.00, on sale. 4.95 at Very fancy fine flavor creamery butter, IB) . ac Extra choice very fine flavor Creamery butter, lb ac Quart boxes fancy Arkansas straw berries ic Regular 40c size sweet navel oranges.. 25o Maple chocolate, a vanlla fudge, lb... .15a Fancy chocolate drops, lb ....15c Assorted bon bons, lb 15o Fancy mixed regular SOc, this sale 15o IHIAYDEE BROS. 15 Years Santo Loeetlon 'Phone 7Se. Bridr. Work-.... .$2.50 up Nerves Remored Withoat Pain. . Laete Teeth Made Solid. Work Gaaraateed 10 Yean A Piece of Cut Class the table or sideboard is always a pleasing sight to any lady, our cut glass room is iuii ot neauurui pieces. On It does not take much money to buy a handsome piece of cut glass theee days. We have a large number of articles ranging around $2.00. $3.00. $5.00. Spend a few minutes In our cut glass room. , Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 161 Douglts Street. .BACK COMBS 'ft '1 and Side Combs to match m: have an elegant new stock. $3.60 per set. up to the finest real shell mni 1VK gold mounted. QQQ Weweuld like' to show them te you,. BcoWn & Borsheim;1 Jewelers. - 230-333 8. I6tk St IMPROVE YOUR APPEARANCE rtfn Have us clean your teeth by our careful, ly moern methods. ) We will remove ac cumulations that cannot be started with a brush. Clean teeth'make a pretty smile. Examinations FREE. CI.EANISG 5e. TAFT'S dentaC rooms . . ."' - 51T Daiflu It, ',- TakeThe TGHTfoAD CHICAGO Chic MAPLE LEAF ROUTE ,GO AT STERN :ai LWAY Unequalled Equipment on all trains makes Traveling ajleasure on the GREAT WESTERN TWO TRAINS DAILY EACH WAY TO yST.nAUL. AND MINNEAPOLIS TWO TRAINS DAILY EACH WAY TO DUBUQUE AND CHICAGO. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. Q UNION STATION OMAHA . , HOTELS. Hotel MARLBOROUGH BROADWAY, 3oTH AND 37TH STi Herald Square, New York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The largeet and moat attractive LOBBY AND ROTUNDA tn New York has beea newly opened up. Special Inducements to COMMERCIAL MKN with samples. Thirty large and well lighted SAMI'LE ROOMS, with or without bath. Forty large front suites, with parlor, two bedrooms and private bath; suitable for families or parties traveling together. The Old English Grill, Room Is an Innovation. Unique and original. . All exposed cooking. Bea food of all varle ties a specialty. ''. Our Combination Breakfasts are e popittar feature. . - The German Rathskeller Is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes, and popular Muale. ELTRA. PEAN PLAN. 400 Rooms, 100 baths. Rates for Rooms, tl SO and upward: $2 00 and upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath, 13.00. 4 oe aad 16.40 per day; Parlor, two bedrooms saZ batlt te.00, 6.00 and tM per day. SI 00 extra where two persons occupy single IceaeT "Write for Booklet. ; ' yWF-ENE-yFlfiET yTT:L C-QMPAM ftj gjTPS Ifl t .I ti