THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY. MAY 3. 1003. MEXICO AND AMERICAN CASH ft,"r.-r Ir.l AFFAIRS AT SOOM OMAHA der called for thirty-six poles, or enough to eauln the corner la the Conduit dls- IuTeatmeilt in BoitHeftl BeDublio on Mori tr,c'. b,lt eleven had disappeared from the Stable Emia. Piblio Welcomes Propeiition to Bury the Telephone Wires. lot during complication that Involved tha I receivership of the selling firm. The elec tric light company hna started to put. In CAPITALISTS ARE NOW Will PROTECTED nw ," oraere!, DJr tne counc" WILL IMPROVE THE DOWNTOWN STREETS Jackson W. ( lark, a .Mining Radatrr (ram Haiatlaa, Telia af the Pre vailing ('on d It Ions la tne ftoajttiern ftenaalle. BAD FIVE-DOLLAR BILL OUT Counterfeit Certiorate la Abroad and Officials Bend Oat Gen eral Waralni, Foreat of Poles and Ovcepatloa of tha Air by Wires aad Table , lv Sob Rapidly Reach 1ns the Limit. A great many people are expressing jacuson Vf. tlarit, a mining expert, who Th TTnit..i Rt.;.. rrt ..rvlr rt.n.M. has been lif the state of Mesatlan. Mexico, ment haa sent out a general alarm all themselves as being In favor of the ordl- imining, Fom mininr properties, is in along the line of the appearance of a dan- I nance submitted to the council by 'Mr. Omaha at the Merchants On hla WUV home I Mmit. t ilKiap r..Hfl.l. i..ntlnn. .11 I AHkln. ' Mnti1a hlh n.dn t.l.nhnn. t- - - - . . uu., . . . t ... . i Hi"."' i: n.iu v nu u v.. I - - ... n ' ' k ' ' O l" rk. ;ltg said,. 4 be mining In- banks, merchants and others to be on the wires In the business portion of the city dustry in ,;oltf j Moxloo In expanding very lookout for It. The bill to described as; I placed underground by December SI. Tha rapidly. American capital Jbeing far In the "A new $S silver certificate, Indian head, I telephone bualnesa In South Omaha has lead In this clnss of Investments. The series of 1899, check letter C, plate No. 602, I grown so rapidly within the last few years political conditions are now very favor- J. W. Lyon, register; E. It. Roberts, treas- that streets In the down town districts able to American capital,' and. except along urer; portrait of Indian chief a dangerous are nearly filled with poles. These poles the west coast, title to real estate can counterfeit, printed on two pieces of paper, detract a great deal from the appearance now be secured without .running the hasarj. I between which silk threads have been dls- I of the streets and of late numerous com of having some ancient and unrecorded I trlbuted. The color of the silk threads has I plaints have been heard about the con concession to the Catholic church spring-I 'run, showing red spots on the. surface of I stantly Increasing number of poles. In lug up and olouding the rights of a pur- the papor. The certificate Is nearly one- some portions of the city cables are strung chaser. In the state of Masatlnn the, so- fourth of an inch shorter and one-eighth on poles but these cables are far from cial conditions. are well settled, this bring of an Inch narrower than tne genuine. The Deing ornamental. The cable district ex In sharp . contrast with the situation In I shade of the blue of the seal and large I tends from I street on the north to Q somii of the other states farther west, numeral on the face of the note Is very street on the south and from Twenty-third Chihuahua, for example, where the In- much lighter than the genuine. The num-1 to Twenty-sixth streets. By putting the dlans have" been etvlna a ' great deal of ber the certificate, under examination, wires within this district Into conduits sev- trouble A friend of Mr Clark's was re-I I" poorly printed. The body of the face I eral hundred unsightly poles will be re cently killed by the Yaqul Indians In the ' tne nota ' re'1 executed. The "back of moved and the general appearance of the state of Chihuahua. ' ' the note In several shades darker than the streets greatly Improved. The ordinance "There Is one man down there," said genuine. The white oval spaces In the Introduced by President Adkins further Mr. Clark, "whose -career is of soma In- "vtet edge of the genuine do not appear In provides, that the conduits to be put down terest In thld part of the country, and that tne certificate." must be1 lnrge enough to carry the police msn i. ,ut. xi,,.. nin.. " patrol and fire alarm system wires. No "While my 'Information is not at first hands. I have been told by those who are in a position to know the facts that Oil lette Is interested In Borne very valuable properties In Mexico, some of these being well developed. It seems to be the opinion down In Mexico, where the caroer of CM lette in the United States Is well, known. that he will be able .eventually to pull himself out of hla financial difficulties, EASY DAY FOR THE JUDGES Sry.,"ion,8,rn4?-. ?Mlnanc for th.e inviiii vi cirtiiiu uniii wnn UII1IOI HI UUI1U, Host of Lawyers at Lincoln and Dis trict Courts Are Deserted. Government la Helping;. "Is not the government making any tf- for . the reason that most of the wires used in the business portion of the city are strung on poles running throngh- the alleys. Possibly Some idea of the number of telephone poles In the city may be As most of the Omaha legal talent that gained from the fact that nearly 1,600 tele had cases pending in the district court phones are In dolly use In the city, and was In Lincoln Tuesday in attendance on the number Is growing every day, Coun- the supreme court, the local Judges had 1 oilman 'Adkins and others declare that If nothing to do. Judge Day was relieved of the wires are placed underground the tele what threatened to become a tedious -tlal phone service will be greatly Improved fort to improve the conditions attending by the sickness of a Juror. While awaiting and that in the business portion of the the securing of title to property?" his coming. Attorney Macfarland concluded I city particularly, there will be little If "In the districts on the west coast, where to have his client, James A. Garfield, plead any trouble on the wires during stormy capital would And opportunities for profit- guilty to petit larceny, with the consent of weather. able investment, local conditions are sucn Assistant County Attorney Shotwell, and l .! committee Meeting, that It is difficult for the government to Judge Day gave the colored namesake vof I This evening a special committee ap improve them, at least very rapidly. Where the martyred president thirty days In Jail. I pointed by the Commercial club to securo the district ' or state continues to be in I He had stolen a watch and some other I funds and make arrangements for enter- the firm grasp of the priests, changes can- ) trinkets from another colored person. I talnlng the delegates to the Ancient Order not be effected without a struggle agalnpt In Judge Kennedy's court, as soon as the of United Workmen convention next Week what are or may be considered vested In- plaintiff, John Dailey, had given hla test!-I will meet at the club rooms. Those com terests of the church, and unless local mony In the case against . the city ' and posing this committee are: James H. sentiment is favorable to the Investment General Manderson. City Attorney Breen una, t. j. O Neil, F. A. Cressey, O. H Of foreign capital. It Is difficult to feel moved that the city be released from being Brewer, C. W. ' Miller, W. 8. King and Al asaured that after you" have bought a I a party defendant and argued his motion Powell. Secretary Culver of the Commer- proierty an old concession will not be at length. The court took the motion ciarciuD stated yesterday that this com sprung on you that will leave you no I under advisement. ground to rtand on.. The church Is the Omaha Men Who Will . Attend Ses sion of Presbyterian Gen eral Assembly. enly exception to the law requiring a pub- y"L MEET AT LAKE WINONA is what leads oftentimes to gross abuses. The fact Is that all the leading com panies find that It is necessary to rialn- ' tain what may be called a slush fund in order to quiet the rapacity of tome shrewd and unscrupulous people. Still It must be said that general conditions are more fa vorable to . American capital than some 1 years ' ago, n4 less rouble met with that the assembly will be one of the In surrounding It with the prot action that largest ever held by this denomination. At 'Investors consider- a condition precedent t6 letting go of their money.' mlttee had secured very liberal contribu tions from the packers and Stock Yards company and also from a number of busi ness men. The statement is made that nearly enough money has been pledged to assist the local Workmen lodges In en tertaining the delegates and visitors. At tonight's meeting of this committee plans will be outlined for the smoker to be held w,. n...i ....mhio nf tr..inr. " " """f ne xuesaay nignt ana terlan church Is to be held at Winona, vlB" t0 tne Packing plants and stock Indiana, May 16 to 20, 1906. It Is expected the assembly the union of the Presby- yards Improvement Clnb Pleased, Members of the Highland Park Improve ment club are greatly pleased at tha STILL , HOPE FOR ARC LAMPS Not t.ri.n .nri the Cumberland Presbvterian aotlon of the Board of Education In de churches will be consummated, after years cldln to construct a six-room addition to of strife to bring this about. ' tne Lincoln school. For a number of Dr. VanDyke, Orover Cleveland and a raa"l" ciuo nas Deen importuning the host of notable men will take part in the memoers or the Board of Education to proceedings. ' i aeeme upon giving tne Lincoln school ad- Nebraska will be represented at. the aa-1 optional rooms. While the bids have not aemblv be -nine ministers and nine lay- been advertised for the plans were drawn men. Those representing the Omaha, Pres- lngt winter ' and by hurrying matters a Thn nifirinsltion of llirhtlna- the downtown bytery at the assembly will be" Rev. mue u is inougni mat tne contract can district v with arc . lamps half way In the Stephen Phelps of Bellevue, Rev. C. W. be let by June 1. The estimated cost has blocks, aa well as on the corners, and of Weyer of Fremont. W. H. Dean of Cres- not Deen made public by Architect Klewlt. substituting iron poles for the old-faahloned I ton and Carl Smith of South Omaha. I but it is hardly thought that the expense lnnu and Mlchaelaon Have, f ... Abandoned Idea at Down , ;v ' towro Lighting. , meet with Hn. TV. P. Merer. 151 North Twenty-third street. Thursday afternoon. Mayor Koutiky has decided not to veto Klewit's anil-expectorating ordinance. Dr. R. E. Schlnrtel hna moved his office, to Twenty-fourth and N streets over Mcl- cher's drug store. The West Side bese ball club has changed Its name to the Joseph Duffy club. William Corrigan la manager. Frank Kenneth, supposed to be a maaa- Ine aubscrlptlon fraud, la belrur detHlned at the city Jan wnue trie ponce iook up me record. City Treasurer Howe has rerelved a check? for 12,857 from the county treasurer on ac count of the sale of property under the scavenger law. Mrs. C. L. Tnlbot, Mrs. Walter Slate, Mrs. N. M. Graham and Mra J. A. Hall are in Lincoln at a meeting of the grand chapter of the Eastern Star Miss Marv Sevkora haa resigned her po sition In the public schools and is visiting tn camornia. miss eeyaora lanes a posi tion in the poatofflce aboutJune 1. A blar detention of Bouth Omaha neoole will go to Des Moines on Sunday, May 7. over the Rock Island to witness the halt game between the Omaha and Dee Moines teams. FIRST OF TRIO IS BURIED George Tiets, Drowned at Lake, Laid at Rest la . Pros sect Hill. The funeral of George Tlets, one of the three young men, who were drownel while boating In Cut-Off lake Sunday after noon, was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 O'clock from the undertaking parlors of Bralley St Dorrance. Rev. Dr. Burdlck, of the Second Presbyterian church delivered the funeral nermon. The paulbearers were: Edward Maloney, Joseph Nicholas, Peter McDermott and Harry Isard. The burial took pace In Prospect , Hill cemetery. The funeral of Wlllard Johnson, will be held from his late residence, 3716 North Thirtieth street, this afterpoon at 2 o'clock, while the 'other, Carl Llndqulot, Will be burled from the residence of his father, S337 Spauldlng street, at 1 o'clock the same day.' The two latter will be In tered at Forest Lawn. Announcements of the Theaters. The engagement of "The Vlrgininn" at the Boyd closes with a matinee and even ing performance today. On Thursday evening ."Mrs. WIggs of the Cabbage Patch" will be offered at the Boyd for a single performance. Madge Carr Cooke Is still Mrs. Wlggs, the em bodiment of homely philosophy and womanly tenderness, with her flock of youngsters. Miss Hasey Is the same de light, and so are all the others. On Friday evening Nat Ooodwln will make his annual bow to the people of Omaha at the Boyd, coming In his new play, "The Usurper." This piece gives Mr. Goodwin a chance at a new character, and has been very well spoken of by trie critics of the east. On Saturday evening Mr. Goodwin's greatest success, "An Amer ican Cltlsen," will be the bill. Seats for the engagement are now on sale at the box office. La Jolie Tltcomb Is making captive of Orpheumltes - this week. The Spanish American singer possesses a fine voice and knows how to use-It to good effect. Her rich beauty elicits as, much admiration as her voice and, altogether, she Is proving a strong card. The bill as a whole is nicely balanced and proVldes a merry en tertainment. A matinee Will be given on Thursday. Intersection.. swinging suspension, has not been given .up by Acting Mayor Zlmman and City Electrician Mlchaelsen, although It ' Is not known how many Intermediate lamps, will -be available over the fourteen already allotted to the Third ward. Twen ty-five poles which the electrlo light com pany bought two years ago at St. Louis have reached the city and representatives of adding six rooms to this school will NO WORD FROM PRESIDENT excee(1 ,12 000' Wlth the two contract" i A change has been made In the auto mobile agency of the Oldsmoblle company. In the future the Powell, Automobile com pany will handle these machines, In place of J. J. Derlght A Co. As soon as the new building which is being erected for the Powell company at' Twenty-first and Farnam streets Is completed the Powell company will have -an opportunity to dis play the advantages of 4Ke Oldsmoblle ma chines. 'A full llne for "frtmedlate delivery Is constantly' carried' lri stock. Including 1905 twenty-horse power touring cars. a. The newest, best and only rational cure for Indigestion and dyspepsia Is DINER'S DIGESTERS taken before meals. At Myers-Dillon Drug Co. ' Message Not Yet Received by Com merrlal Clnb as to. Retarn of Chief Magistrate. In contemplation the school district will have added sixteen rooms to the present capacity by the end of the year. , WOULD RICK D fflM Mayor Isanes Proclamation. Mavor Koutjikv vesturriAv laaiiAri th fal- The Commercial club held an uneventful lowin tirociAm.tinn t tho. ih.. o,..k meeting Tuesday. About tha only business Omaha transacted waa th" indorsement of the Commenclng May there be International Christian Institute work at assembled In the city representatives from the request or cnaries r. kodci, who will an pans or tne state, attending tne grand make a trip to the east to secure ' funds I 8WrtrwtM' nM-nCLr6,' Order of .I.,.. w j i, j i.. . l I United Workmen of Nebraska, and as our xur mo iii'inuw. .tuiu .iu vrcu cAprcieu city has Been highly honored by having from President Roosevelt, saying whether this representative body of men assemble Lovr Rate Summer Excursions - To Chautauqua Lake and Asbury Park, For Illustrated folder, rates and general lnformatioh, write Erie R, R., S55 Railway Exchange, Chicago. or not he would stop over in Omaha on his return trip, but none was received. Baby's Awful Suffering from Eczema ' Could Not Hold Her Tore Face and Arms Almost to Pieces Grateful Mother Saysi- Y0UN0 FUGITIVES ARE FOUND Omaha Boys Who Leave Home Are Held by Officers at BorlinsTton. i. uu. u widen. c a . i aim 1UUIDAT, mayor of this city, hereby request and urge mat an tne Dusiness nouses and places of residence decorate their said places of bualnesa and residences no that the visitors will be shown that they are heartily welcome among us; alpo that every business man consider himself a committee to show the visitors every cour tesy possible. V ''CUTICURA REMEDIES SAVED HER LIFE" Breeding Btoclc for Indians. W. I. Walker of Council Bluffs was at Word was received at police headquarters the Bouth Omaha stock yards yesterday Monday morning from Burlington, la,, atat- looking afjer two carloads of registered ing that Ed McTlgue of 2828 Dodge street "ereiora duiis. Anotner car or tnese and Rocco Filey of No. S Knox Court, two high bred bulls . will arrive today. These 18-year-old boys who ran away from their bulls are for the Indians at Fort Tates. Omaha homes last Friday evening, had been Mr. Walker secured the contract from the arrested In the Iowa city and would be government some time ago for supplying held. McTlgue's father will go to Burling- registered breeding stock to tnt Indians. ton after his runaway boy. "When my little girl wa tlx months old,' she bad eczema.' We had used cold creams and all kinds of remedies, but nothing did her any good ; In fact, she kept getting worse. X used to wrap her bands up, and when I would dress her, I had to rut her on the table, for I could not bold her. 'She would kick and scream, and when she could, sbe would tear her face and arms almost to pieces. I used four boxes of Cuticura Ointment, two cakes of Cuti- cura Soap, and gave hti the Cuticura Resolvent, and she was cured, and I sec no traces of the humour left. lean truthfully say that they have saved ; her life, and I Should advise any one .suffering- aa she did, to give Cuticura a fair trial. Mrs. O. A. Conrad, L4s bon. N. H., Feb. 7, 189. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Last week Mr. Walker shipped two car loads of high grade cattle to the Fort Tates ' reservation. The animals received yesterday are fine looking and were in- Rev. J. Barry of Hastings Is stomrina- at spected by a large number of stockmen. the Merchants. I . . H. O. Hobbs of Bancroft and O. D. Gor- r' don of Hubbell are at the Millard. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. M. II. E. Bvram and E. W. Blsnell of Lin. Guild gave a dinner at their home, S50S coin are in the city at the I'axton. n street In honor of Mrs. George V. Ayres W. F. Keaav of Lincoln. D. A. Rundatmm I -m n j a t-v m i of Holdrege and C. G. Wallace of Haatinga 1 . . .. . . . . are at the Merchanta. " red and green with a shower boquet of L. M. Weaver of Stuart. F.'C. Holbert of I red roses suspended from tha chandelier. Plalnvlew. Arthur Mulle and R. J. O'Don- After dinner several vocal selections were neu or u Neiu are at tne Her Grand. rnrtrrt , Mr, iva mt Mr niA uSSlfl'Vtollow by a short game of "five hundred- Omaha on hla way to the City of Mexico, Mn which Mrs. Jasmer and Mr. Dudley wnere ne win remain ror some time visiting were the prise winners. The guests were, r !' FIVE YEARS LATER Mrs. Conrad Writes "It is with pleasure that I can in ' form you that the cure baa been per ; inanent. It is now six years sine she was cured, and there baa been no re turn of the disease since. 1 have ad- ' vised a lot of friends to use Cuticura ' In all diseases of the skin." - Instant relief and refreshing aleep for skin-tortured babies, and rest for ' tired, fretted mothers, in warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle anoint ings with Cuticura Ointment, the great , skin cure: -This is the purest, sweetest, - ' most speedy, permanent, and econom ical treatment for torturing, disfigur ing, itching, burning, scaly, crusted ana pimply skin ana scalp humours. SM SuMikoal IW WmM. Ctttroe Urtinl . , f Hrm ml CkMiM OoM4 lh.MWW (iWMri, Mc u PMtat Dnu CbM. CM?, ' liinr". -' T afr-ttasawwJMMSUakvofc.' rHTTBWNTARKSANiTARItM AND MINERAL 8PRINOS. . The oew mineral spring which haa been dlaoovered lately at flat and 8 St a.. South Omaha, contains six distinct mineral. Strongest Magnesia- Mineral Water In the world. Bold by tase and gallon. Baths la foiincx'tton. J Oil HIHirHSE!f BOX!, Pro, flat and 8 8ta., So. Omaha, Neb. Tel. TZiX friends and recuperating his health. LOCAL BREVITIES. Robert Dunn save hie llluatrat law.. ture on the Ruastah-JaDanesa war In tha Second Presbyterian church last evening. The lecture and photographs excited much merest. Mrs. Oeorge V. Ayres, Deadwood, B. D. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dudley, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs W. I. Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jasmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reed and Miss Hake. More Licenses Granted. Last night tha Are and police eommla Louixa Osterelch sets a riivnrre tmm Man. I Rioters held a meeting and arranted the J?" u i V ae""11- ?n ground that her I following licenses to liquor dealers: Sol Abandoned her and'ch. 'Th8"0"" Ooldstrom. southeast corner Twenty married at Watertown, Wis., In April. 188. sixth and O treets; Lawrence Connor, 3311 a gamming game was broken up last I Q street; Joseph Pert, Z701 Q street; Joseph S?i... it .h 11. . .. m"i 7i ave Bchllts Brewing Co., Twenty-seventh and Lee. keener: Maurice Jncoh p t. streets; Fred Drews, northeast corner and John Smith, players. They were all I Thirty-sixth and V streets; Michael Sexton, locaeaup. . 2731 O street: Jetter Brewing Co.. 2601 and h.Vl Lii 5 divorce from ju08 N street. The commissioners will hold another meeting on Thursday evening, Charlea O. Hall throua-h decree fti4 hv Judge Sears. The case went by default and Mra. Hall gets the household furniture and effects and the cuvtodv of tha on cMirt ueienaani is io pay tne costs, but no order iur iinmtinvni alimony is to De made at present. In, the case of Marv R. Joni arair, Frank Cole, Hatrle M. -Cole et al., Judge orara iiaa imuiiu mm piainilfT 18 enilllea to recover tl.124.KS on a mortgage note and to have a first lien on lot 18, Dlocx I, Clifton Hill, which must be sold by the sheriff In default of payment of the amount de tna nded. The Lamoreaux-Beeman company has filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk. The Incorporators are Albert A. Lamoreaux, Ethel W.. Beemer and David W. Marrow. The capital stock is S8.600 and the firm Is to do a railroad and general contracting business. j - r DIED. QOOD8ELL Frank A., Sunday at 1:45 a. m. Services at St. Peter's church, Twenty, eighth and Leavenworth, tilt. m. Wednes day. Interment at Holy Sepulchre. The new towns along the CMcaso Oraat Western railway offer wonderful openings for all lines of business and trade. "Town Talk" gives particulars. For sample copy address Edwin B. Maglll. Mgr., Townslte Dept., Chicago Oreat Western railway, Omaha, Neb. MacCarthy Tailoring Co., at 304 and 306 South 16th street, are running a big sale of summer coat and pants to order for 23. Anybody for whom they have made clothes will tell you their work is good, fitting, stylish and well made. If you have anything to trade, advertise It In the For Exchange column of The Bee want ad page. A child can clean houae with Gibson's Soap Polish. Cost of cleaning, I cent a room. GOOD DAY FOR DRUGGISTS Housewives in Eanscom Talk District Fight Qermi with Disinfectants. WASHERWOMAN CAUSES THE TROUBLE Takes la Laundry After Three of Iler Children Are Stricken with Scarlet Fever and Unaraatlned. No less than six housewives In the Han scorn park district employed most of their time Tuesday In buying lormaldehyde, car bolic acid and many mercury tablets and soaking all kinds of washable things In solutions as strong as the goods would stand. This all came about because they were apprised by Health Commissioner Ralph that they had sent their soiled linen to a washer woman who had three chil dren sick with scarlet fever In a house at 26c6 Kees street. The commissioner, who Is very anxious to stamp out a large num ber of cases of scarlet fever and prevent an epidemic, had his attention called to the case by a resident of the neighborhood, ha reported he had reason to believe that scarlet fever existed, although no doctor had been called In. Dr. Ralph had the house ' quarantined April 28, but learned later that the woman, whose name la Mrs. Oleson, was still re ceiving washing. He Investigated per sonally Tuesday morning and found that three out of seven children were sick with scarlet fever and that the woman had col lected laundry from lx families this week, had the garments and things in the house and proposed to wash and deliver them. He Informed her that she must stop the work until the quarantine cards were taken down and that If she needed it assistance would be given her by the county. The commissioner had all the laundry In the place thoroughly fumigated and returned to the owners, with Instructions that they had best soak It In a mercurial solution for at least twenty-four hours before cleaning and using. He went to each of the six addresses that ho obtained person ally and left a furor in his wake. The office was beseiged all morning by persons who wanted to know the best way to mako sure of Immunity from the germs and It developed there was a num ber of other patrons of the washer woman. During Aprll'flfty cases of scarlet fever were reported to the health department and several deaths from the disease. The commissioner Is doing all he can to get the disease under control, but has been hampered by cases similar to that on Rees street, wherein ignorance and carelessness has had the upper hand. FIFTEEN YEARSJOR FORTUNE Former Omaha Policeman Will Earn Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. Count Frederick von Muegge, upon the completion of six months of his service as an Inspector In the street department of St. Louis, to which position he has Just been appointed, will receive 1200,000 from the estate of his mother In Germany. The Incident possesses a local Interest from the fact that Count von Muegge was a policeman here In Omaha several years ago and is well remembered by some of the older members of the force. Detective Savage said of von Muogge: "I knew him quite well. He was a very good sort of a fellow, a little erratic in his ways, but yet a very good officer. We called him the 'count.' I do not remember of his ever boasting that he was to receive an Inheritance, but he was a fine, well bred fellow and I am not surprised that he has fallen Into a valuable estate. He took all of our raillery In good part, waS a fellow of Infinite good humor and we had lots of con fidence in him." Count von Muegge Is the hero of a very Interesting and romantic history. . He left his home In Prussia In 1867, after 'having a duel with a fellow count, the trouble aris ing over a girl with whom both were In love. Both duelists were seriously wounded, Von Muegge's father was, very angry over the duel and, glvlrg his son $5,000, ordered him to leave home, never to return. All goods sold at Hubermann's jewelry store guaranteed to price and quality. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1229. Automobiles for rent. 'Phone 218L In a pinch, use Allen's Foot-Ease. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday: Births John Klabenea. Twentv-eiahth and Farnam boy: Arthur Dreahoh. 471i North Ftortleth street, girl; William J. juiroa,irtn street ana wooiwortn avenue, in; reier uaruco, ivnox avenue, gin: street, boy; Zeleg Coreman, 1014 Paclflo street, Doy. Deaths Mrs. Anna Gilbert. Fourteenth and Hickory streets, aged 66 years; Ed Mathews, 210 North Seventeenth street, aged 83 years; Joseph Suufier, Fourth street ana roppieton avenue, agea to years; John Hoffman, J211 Pierce street, aged 51 years. JOE BURNS' CHARGE ABSURD Answer Mlchaelsen Makea to Accuaa- tlon of the Lancaster County Politician. Regarding the assertion by Joe Burns of Lincoln that City Electrician Mlchaelsen offered, on behalf of the Western Elec trical company, to pay Howard Burns, son of the politician, 11,000 to withdraw the low bid for electrical work at the Hastings asylum, Mr. Mlchaelsen says: "I do not care to discuss the matter at all, as It is on the very face of it, to any Intelligent man, too absurd to deserve con sideration. I have been In the electrical business for twenty years. I have always managed to conduct a reputable business and to have been connected with reputable firms. I have never In my life bought a contract and would hardly care to change my tactics at this late stage of the game. Mr. H. Heyn, pnetograpner, Is not now In original location, but at 818-20-22 8. 15th St Two-story building west side of street. Special Sale Boys' Knee Pants Pants worth 75c, Today, 25c. Tomorrow we will place on special sale all odds and ends of Bojs''Knee Fants, that have accumulated during the spring season. These are all strictly high grade pants every pair made of pure all wool, every size is represented in the different lots not a pair worth less than 75c. Today, Your Choice, 25c. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. A NEW DEPARTURE, . Hereafter on Friday of each week reductions will be made on our regular lines of kree pants. Wc take this course so as to stimulate trade on Fridays in stead of overtaxing this department on Saturdays. Ar range to purchase pants on Friday at these reductions. 45c Pants, 35c, 65c Pants, 50c, 75c Pants, 60c. Ago, .... 21 .... 10 .. 21 Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have Deen issued: Name and Residence. Louis E. Rogers, Omaha , Annlo C. Edling, Omaha Joseph F. Binder, Omaha Annie Pribornky, Omaha Peter W. Wolf. Omaha Clara L. Barrows, Omaha , Homer M. North, Omaha Loda L. Von Wert, Omaha William J. Perry, Omaha Ethel V. Kelley, Omaha Albert 8. Norman. South Omaha. Nettie A. Bailey, South Omaha 18 K. wedding rings. Edholm, jeweler. 5E5HT For Wot Weather or Dry With last night's action eighty licenses have .been granted. Death of Henry Faul. Henry Faul died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Bhumway, IOCS North Twentieth atreet at noon Tuesday, aged 7 years. Funeral services will be held st the reutdenoe at t o'clock this after noon. Intermtnt will be at Falrvlew cemetery. Council Bluffs. Services will be held at the grsve at I p. m. today, con ducted by the Council Bluffs lodge of Odd Fellows. The deceased was well known In South' Omaha and many friends will yegret to hear of bis death. Mag!e City Gosalat. South Omaha merchants are preparing for a big display of bargains today. Dog tags are selling rapidly. 1'p to last night nearly 4U0 tags bad been sold. Area ways la the business portion of the city are badly In need of a cleaning. The Maglo City King's Daughters will V THERE Is more solid comfort in a good pair of 6hoo3than any thing else you wear. , Try a pair of Crossett shoes and see If .they, don't emphasize tnat statement. If your dealer does not kiep them, u will tmd any styU by mail or txprta on rtceipt cfpne with 25c. additional to pay forwarding chargts. Write lor ItluitrteJ catalog. LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Incorporatad. North Ablngton, Mass. (Ta.oi "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY U. P. Steam Bakery SNOW FLAKE BREAD 5 Cents a Loaf Is Perfection in Bread Making. IT is equal to the bet home made bread and perhaps you would like it even better than your own for it is made from the best Minne sota Patent Flour; made by expert bakers in a modern equipped bakery; baked in the latest improved steam ovens. . '. "Snow Flake Bread" is a big, appe tizing, satisfying loaf always wholesome, white and light Sold by over Four-Hundred Grocers. Insist on the gro cer giving you genuine "Snow Tlake Bread." Not genuine unless the little red label la on each loaf. BEAUTY TO look well taka care of your complexion. Do not allow un sightly plmplei. blackheads, tan. or freckles to blemish your skin. Derma-Royale will remove these Ilka magic cures fcciema ana latter. Used with Derma-Royalb Soap, a perfect skin it Insured. Darma-Royale 11.00 Derma-Royals Soap, .15 Portraits and testimonials sent on request THE DERMA-ROYALE CO- Cincinnati, a For sale by Beaten Drag Co., lStn and Farnam, Omaba. and all drnatarlsta. A pos iti ye guarantee that Uricsol will cure your rneumatis m goes with every sale. Sherman V McOonneH Drug Co., 16th tnd Dodge Eta., Omaha, are authorised to give to erery purchaser of six bottles of TJricsol at $n.0O, a poaJtlre guarantee that Uricsol will cure your Rheumatism. Uricsol la the great California remedy that dlssolres the uric add deposits and removes the cause of rheumatism- and gout Uricsol will not harm or injure any part of your body, on the contrary it will tone tip the stomacn, create an appenre. stimulate the liver and kidneys, remor Ing the excess of uric add that causes to many ailments, chief of which ts rheu matism, write for booklet ana aiet nsx, Tha Uricsol Chemical Ox, Im acelea, CaX DOCTOR SEARLES AND SEARLES Wo use our own name in our bualneas; you know who you are doln bualneas with. Consultation Praa. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without pain or loas of Ume. CHARGES LOW. BLOOD POISOH :r?n body, tn mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows falling outj disappear completely forever. Weak, Nenous, Men IftS, hA"k"..5 nervous debllty, early decline, lack of visor and atrenrth. URINARY, Kidney end Bladder Troubles, Weak Back, Burning I'rlna, Frequency of I'rlnatlng, Urine HJish Colored or with Milky Sediment on Handing. Treatment by mall. . 14 years OF 8UC CE6SFUL PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Cor ner of Itta and Thoughts; Omaha, Neb. ILLINOIS CENTRAL SPECIALLY CONDUCTED HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION In Through Tourist 8lepers i To NEW ORLEANS AND THE SOUTH, Monday, May 15th, 1905. ONLY $22.85 FOR THE ROUND TRIP. The Illinois Central will u tir.i,.t t- mRha to New Orleans and return at the above very low rate, limited to twenty, one days for return, and g-ood for stop " overs In both directions, at murlv .n South of the Ohio River. Tourist sleepers cnirwea wmch will leave at 7:25 A. M., Monday, May JBth, 1906, . and make the trip through to New Orleans, returning- to Chicago at t:S0 P. M. May 24th. The rate per double berth in these sleepers will be 110.00, which covers use of berth from starting point back to Chicago ior reservations In these Sleeoers, accomDanied hv Art, ft . ir. should be sent to J. F. Merry, Asst. Oenl. Agent, i. c. . H., Dubuque, Iowa, on or before May lOth-the earlier the better. This Excursion will be run. special from Centralis. Tiling. . . . . : h.L, . v.. ' 4 "w -'r"!n ana back to Chicago on a schedule arranged so as to give a comprehensive Idea of the advantages and possibilities of the country alorur the lino, m h. mi r, . ' ... .uiuuii wtmrl ana " -"'-"'vi'i vauey itauroads. Going, stops will be made at Memphis rirenirtn. ViokK VI .l. - - .... ' ' ' aion Rouge. Nearly three days will be spent at New Orleans, and returning stops will be made at Hammond, Roaeland, McCotob City, Crystal Springs, Jackson, Miss, Greenwood, Ridgeland, Canton, Grenada and Memphis. May Is a fine time to visit the South. Crops will be well advanced and will offer Indisputable evidence ss to the fertility of the soil. The only proper way to Judge the possibilities of a country for a home or Investment Is to visit It, and this eft. ceptionally low rate and specially planned schedule afforda an opportunity that should be embraced by every one who la looking for a new home or a land Investment. As this will be a strictly business trip for Homeseekers and Land Investors, It will be for men only. Address the undersigned for a copy of a flyer giving complete achedule, Itinerary and full particulars, and the Program of a Farmers' Convention to be held at New Orleans May 20th. W. H. BRILL, Diet. Pass. Agent, I. C. R. R, Omaha, Neb. fSW DHICNttTta-S tnOLISM m cmcufeATEH'tf r.humiirf U list 4.U .H.IIU but. mu4 M MM. 1 .H M '. BMHt S.W... l.b.Lll.UM . 1m1. Sm Sj f imi Sr..Mlaff mm Am. la mmf M KnlMlm, In fttlL M.tiKMmw a4 CsH aMi