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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
TITi: OMATtA DAILY PEE: SUNDAY. ArRIL 30. 1003. ERRORS COST OMAHA A CAME Bourka'iMen Hits a Decidedly Cff Day in Third Content MILLIONAIRES ALSO FIND M'CLOSKEY With One F.tceptlnn. IHnMrr, lilt Were, nt Scrala-hy Order. Thonsh They inf to Hat Aroanil la the SlMh. C'OLORAIK) SPRINGS. Coto.. April 2. (Srell Telegram) Omaha presented Colorado Springs with the third gum, of the wsioii today, errors being responsible fr the victory of the local. Thoma hud an off day and dropped three thrown Lulls at first; Martin let an ensy grounder go between hi "log ond (-binding was tbe other offender by throwing- the ball awny In trying to prevent Mellor from ateuling secorid. The fielding of the visitors was either very bad or unusunlly good, 'there being- fw plays of the mediocre variety. Omaha started the scoring In the sixth, ljolsnj walked. Thomas sucrinced him to second. Martin fanned and Schlpke singled, scoring; Dolnn, but dying at soo nnd himself on liondlng's easy grounder to fhort. In the same Inning Colorado Springs scorea four runs on four singles, a double, and two errors, one by Thomas and one by Martin. The Millionaire's batted around in this Inning, rinding Me Closkey 'twister with ease. All of the lilts, however, with the exception of Mel lor' two bagger, were either bunts of of the dinky, Infield variety. The scoring ended with Omaha's two runs In the seventh. McCloskcy funned, Thlel got first an Mclrran's error, Car ter singled, but the ball slipped between Wake' legs at eenterfleld and both run ners scored on the bobble. Thomas and Martin ended It by fanning and flying out to Delehanty respectively. In the eighth and ninth OmHha went out In fine, two, three order, as did Colorado Springs In the seventh and eighth. Attendance o0. Tho score : COU3RADO SPRINGS. All. It. H. PO. A. 12. Pentiell, If 3 113 0 0 le,ehanty. 2b it 1 0 6 2 0 McKean, us 4 113 3 1 Knabe, 2b 4 114 4 1 Meilor, lb 4 0 2 5 0 0 Wake, cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 Mitze, c . 4 0 2 5 2 0 Ulair. if 4 0 0 1 1 0 Llad.ey. p a 0 0 1 i 0 Totals 33 4 8 26 14 I OMAHA. AH. R. 11. PO. A. B. Thlel, If 3 10 110 Curtcr, rf 6 12 10 0 Welch, ct .'. i 0 i 1 0 0 Dolan, 4 1114 0 . Thomas, lb 3 0 1 1 0 3 Mdrtln. 2t 4 0 0 1 1 1 Kchipke, 3lj 7 3 0 112 0 Oonulng. c 4 0 0 2 0 1 McCloskcy, p 3 0 0 0 8 0 Totals 34 3 7 24 16 5 Carter out for attempting to bunt on third strike. Colorado Springs. .. 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 i Earned runs: Colorado Springs, 2. Stolen bases: Carter, Mellor. Blake. Two-baaa hits: Mellnr. Mitze. Struck out: By I.ind xey, 4. First base on balls: Oft Llndsey, 6. Sacrifice hits: Thoma. Mellor, Blake, first baso on errors: Omaha, 1; Colorado Springs. 3. l.r't on baser: Omaha, 8; Colorado Springs, . Time: 1:15. Umpire: Mace. . I)ea Molne Wloi Again. DENVER, April 29. Denver was unable to overcome tho lead which Das Moines gained In the fifth inning today and lost the third ueoessive game of the aeries. Score: ' . R.H.B. Des Moines ....0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0-4 4 Denver 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 7. 2 .Flatteries: Hickman and Selsler; Manuka and Towoe. Stoua rttjr Loin la Ninth. ' SIOCX' CITY. April Bloirg City lost V the game In the ninth. Jarrott gave a man 4 base on balls, hit another and then An dre wa made a two-brgger which won the gume for St. Joseph. Score:. R I1.K, bt. Joseph O'O 1 0 0 t 0 0 S- 7 1 Sioux City.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 03 U 0 Batteries: Jarrott and Baer'wald; Jones and Noye. Standing- of the Tearoa. - Played. Won. Lost. Pvt. Des Moinea 4 t 1 .50 f)maha 3 2 1 .HW7 Sioux City 2 1 1 .M St. Joseph 2 11 -BiM Colorado Springs 3 12 .333 "Denver 4 1 3 .260 dames today: Omaha at Denver; De Moinea at Colorado Springs; Sioux City at bt. Joseph. Mladen High Wins from Shelton. MINDEN, Neb., April 29. (Special Tele gram.) A ball game played here today ba twen the high school team of Shelton and the high achool of Minden u won by the home team The festure of the game tut s difficult fly caught In center field by Kugene I'srks. who grabbed the ball high in the air with his left hand. Score. Minden 1 0 10 2 0 2 0 2 T Hhejton 0 0 9 I I 1 0 0 04 llase on balls: Off BcMine, 7. "truck out: Hy Hostlne, ; by Thorn, H. K.arned rune: Shelton. 3: Minden. 4. Two-base hits: Cllne of Minden (-, Hostlne and Dean of Shelton. Hatt'Tlea: For Minden. Thorn and Newell; for Shelton: Roetln and Owen. 1'mpire: Dr. McKlrahan. M TIIK AMERICA I.KAfit R thleaan Defeats Detroit by Score at Fifteen to Five. CHICAGO. April 29-Chlcago defeated Detroit today 15 to 5. Donovan wax bat ted hard and the home teim p acti aUy win the game in the first two Innings. Detroit held safe hy Smith until the lust two innings, when bunched hits scored live runs. Attendance, 7.717. 8core: CHICAGO. I DETROIT. R.H.O. A.E.I ft H O A t!. i i i o o ( oir. ct.... i t i e I t I tow. lb I III MrlHtyr. It.. 1 t 1 lilt 0H rttom. II). 1 I it I 1 Hiikmaa, rf.. l 10 0 S. hWKr. 2b . 1 1 I I O'lwara. aa... 0 4 t Woodi, a,..,, I 1 I 1 0 Donovan, a. . 1 1 4 I Jnnaa, cf.. H'.lmea. It Oreen, ft.. liavla, aa Donatina, lb . I I I 4 e rarlana. c. I I I 0 Tansahlll. lb I I a Iiui.don. 2b.. 1 1 I 1 o Smith, 1 I a I n Tottli 11 li ST 12 l Touti I 10 H 11 I Chicago S ( 0 0 2 1 1 0 It Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 i Left on bases: Chicago, : Detroit. S. Two base hits: Holmes, Dundon, Smith, Jones, Davis, McFarland, Cooley. Three-base hit: Crawford. Home run: Smith. Sacrifice hits: O'Leary, Woods. Stolen bases: Mc Farland, Holmes, June, Donohue. Double Play: Smith to McFarland to Donahue. Struck out: By Hmtth.l ; by Donovan. 1. Bases on balls: Off Smith, 3; oft Donovan, S. Time: 1:K. Umpires: Kelly and McCarthy. Cleveland Wine Exciting Game. CLEVELAND, April 2 -Cleveland won an exciting game from St. I,ouf today, the contest being marked by brilliant fielding and good hitting. Pelty, however, wa hit harder than Rhodes. The only error of the game, a muff of a pop-fly by Gleason, gave Cleveland Its two winning runs. Attendance 7.31)6. Score: CLEVELAND. I BT. LOl'18 R.H.O. A. E.I R.H.O.A.E. Ja'-knon. It... I t 0 0 0 Ktnn. It 1 J 2 0 (1 Bay. cf 0 1 0 Knehlfr. cf. ..1 1 I 0 0 Fllrk, rf 1 1 1 0 t Frllk rf 10 10 0 l.ajoln. 2b ... 0 1 0 t 0 Jonn. lb 0 1 10 1 0 Brarilry, 3b... 1 lit 0 Wallace, aa... 0 1140 Turnar, M....S 1 1 1 e Ruflun, r ... 0 1 4 1 4 Carr. lb 0 4 14 t Pa4lti, th...O 0 J I 0 Hernia c 0 t 1 1 0 niaaann. Sb. ..1 0 0 0 1 Rhoadea, p... 1 1 0 1 Prtty, p 0 0 1 4 0 Starr 0 0 0 0 0 Totala 7 11 t7 11 0, I Totals ( 7 24 16 1 Batted for Pelty In ninth. Cleveland 10201210 7 St. Louis 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 5 Earned runs: Cleveland, 1; 8t. Louis, 1. Base on errors: Cleveland, 1. Two-base hits: Bay, Jones. Stolen bacs: Rhoades. Wallace. Double plays: Wallace, Padden and Jones. Base on halls: Off Rhodes, 3; off Pelty, 3. Hit with ball: Rhoades, 1; Pelty, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, 7: St. IajuIs. 6. Struck out: Rhoades. 1; Pelty, 4. Time: 1:13. Umpire: Sheridan. Washington Wins from Boston. BOSTON, April 29. Though Boston out batted Washington the visitors won, 4 to 2. Dlneen was batted out of the box In the second. Gibson, who succeeded him, did well until the eighth Inning, when a single, u force out and two two-baggers gave the isitors their last run. Jacobsen was very steady when men were on bases. Attend ance. ,528. Score: Batted for Oibson in the ninth. WASHINGTON. i BOSTON. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Jonna, rf 1 0 t 0 Burkrtt, If... J 1 S 0 0 Hill. Sb 0 0 1 S 0 Parent. .... 4 1 i 3 1 Huh!, lb 0 til II 0 RHhirh, rf...O 1 0 0 t HUfUman, If. 0 0 0 0 0 (nlllna. 2b... 0 0 114 ( fid), aa... 12 4 0 Freeman rf .O 1 0 0 0 Mullen, 2b... 1 Oil I Orlmahaw. lb 0 1 4 0 II Knoll, rf I It 0 F.rrln. 2b.... 0 0 I t Murciae. c. 0 2 1 0 4 major, c 0 4 I 1 Jat'obaan, p.. 0 0 0 t 0 ninean, p 0 0 0 0 4 Glbaon, p 0 t i 4 4 Totala 4 4 IT It l.'l'mlaub ....0 0 0 4 4 Totals t 7 17 1 1 Washington 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 04 Boston 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 02 Sacrifice hits: Hill (2), Knoll (2). Two base hits: Kittredsre (2). Stolen base: Jones. Double play: Gibson to Qrlmshaw. First baRe on balls: Oft Dlneen, 1; off Gibson ; off Jncobsen, 2. Hits: Off Dlneen, 3 In two innings; on Oibson, l in seven Innings. Struck out: By Gibson, 2; by Jacobsen, 1. Time: 1:46. Umpire: OLoughlln. Game Postponed. At New York New York-Philadelphia gume posiponea on account or rain. Standing; of the Teama. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 11 7 4 ,3 Philadelphia .11 7 4. .K36 Washington 13 7 8 .m Chicago 11 ( 6 .645 Detroit ' 10 5 S .5"0 Cleveland .10 5 1 fi .600 St. Loula .. .TT..11 5 Boston 13 3 10 .231 Games today: Cleveland at 8t. Louis; Detroit at Chicago. Game at Fremont la One-Sided. . FREMONT. Neb.. April 29. (Special Tele, gram.) The Fremont High school defeated jiiair inia ariernoou in a nunrr ouw-mueu a-ame. The first man at bat In the first In- nlna- looked favorably on Folaom's curves and landed a single. The others kept It up and when the third man was put out the Fremont boys had seven hits with a total of nine basea and eight runs to their credit. In the sixth Folsom went up again, but pitched good ball the reat of the game. Jen nings replaced Larson In the avcond and - if a ELvery lUle. of BLU E. RIBBON i i rii c-ntamJ Jbecr tnat ix per fectly brewed and thr oixjnly accl. Every clrp cf fkij- lee.r u fod com posed of flie jtrenfk. f Barley mail and Imported Hop, licjuidiz.ed Ly fliev purext ArleJ-ian water. Wken ujed n yntr tatle wilk dinner r Lunek it imparts Ltk z.ejt and kealfli. Belter kave a. Vcaxc m yur Wt.; STORX BREWING CO. JU w . Bialr rnuld enlv touch him for two seal terlng hits. Score: RU E Fremont v. 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 14 11 4 Blair 2 10000000 St Struck out: Ry lirson, 2; by Jennings. 5; hy Kolsnm. 2. Base on balls: KfT Larson, 1; Off Jennings, 1; off Folsom, 2. GAMES I TIIK S4TIOV4.L l.EAGl'IS riarlaaatl Defeats at. I. on Is by a core at Tro to Oar. ST. LOl'18. April 19 Cincinnati today won tbe orly gume of the present series from the local National league team by a srore of 2 to 1, the" other three contests having been postponed owing to rain. Over all had slightly the better of M Kn-rland In the pitchers' battle. Attendance, 6,000. Score: CIVl" INNATI. I ST. LOVIS. It H O A K.I R H " A K. Hi(lna. Jh . 4 4ft Seymour, rf.. 4 11 4 Phinnon. II 4 0 Pment, cf.. fUbrlni. rf... 1 J 4 olnraln aa Odwell. II ... 4 I 4 Hockley, lb Hi ihip. lb. 1 I II 1 1 0 I 4 4 I'ereoran, aa . 4 BK1w.ll, lb. 4 Schlel, c 4 Or rail 0 4 4 1 rf. 0 O.Dunlaavy nli'larke, th 0Rurla. .lb..., 4 0 Cearfn. e. . . 4 4 4 0 4 4IMrParlan4, aO Illraity 9 Total! t I 21 11 , Warner, c... 4 4 t 4 1 0 4 1 14 t i 4 9 Total! 1 17 I Batted tor Zearfoss In eighth. Cincinnati 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Earned runs: St. Iiuls, 1; Cincinnati. 1. Three-has hits: Beckley. Dunleavy. Stolen bases: Hugglns, Blankcnship. Burke. Bases on balls: Off McFarland, 4; Off Overall, 2. Struck out: By McFarland, 2; bv Overall, 4. Left 4n bases: St. Loulfa, 3; Cincinnati, 3. Time: l:46. Umpire: Q Day. ' Philadelphia Meats Boston. PHILADELPHIA, April ?. The locals won their first game on the home grounds today. Willis was In poor form In the flrat and second Innings, and the home team secured enough runs to defeat Bos ton. Attendance, l.aOO. Score: Batted for Willis In ninth. PHILADELPHIA. i BOSTON. K II O A E l R.H.O.A.E Thomaa, cf. .. 1 I Olaaunn, lb. 1 1 Courtney, 3b. 1 1 Ma. If 0 I Tltua. If 0 2 BranrAeld, lb 0 1 Dnolln, aa..,. 0 1 Pooln. e 1 1 Filtlncer. p.. I 1 4 OlPannall, rf... 0 4 10 0 1 OITannay. lb... 1 1 11 1 4 5 OlAb'tlchlo. ta. 1 t 2 4 1 0 llwnlvf-rt'n. Sb 4 1 I t 0 0 n.Rarrlay If 1 olflliMrp. rf.. 3 1 0 4 0 Total!.. 4 It 17 It 2 114 I Rainier, ib . I 1 I 1 . 4 1 1 0 0 NVariham, c. 4 1 4 4 ! Willla. n 0 4 0 4 0 Uuttrborn .4 0 4 4 0 Philadelphia .. Boston Earned runs: Two-hase hits: Totala 4 27 II 4 3 80000000-H 0 0O810000-4 Philadelphia, 2; Boston, 3. Shatne. Ravmer. Sarri. nee hit: Willis. Stolen base: Abbatlchlo. Left on banes: Philadelphia, 9; Boston, S. First bHse on balls: Off Plttinger. 1; off Willis, 1. First base on errors: Phila delphia. 1; Boston, 1. Struck out: By Plttinger, 3; by Willis, 6. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Bauswlne. Pittsburg; Wins la Fourth. PITTSBl'RO, April 29.-With two hits Pittsburg got Its first run and won the game In the fourth Inning on two errors. Philippe's two bases on balls In the fourth gave the visitors their first run. and the second run was batted out. Attendance, 7,050. Score: PITTSBl'RO. I CHICAGO. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Clymer, rf...l t 1 1 0 Caaay. Sb 0 116 0 Clarke, If 0 4 1 0 0 Bchulta. rf...O 0 0 0 0 Beaumont, cf 0 0 0 0 V Barry, lb ... 0 1 10 0 0 4 0 McCarthy, rf. 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 Blaile If 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Tlnk.r. aa ... 1 I I 1 1 1 3 4 0 Hoffman. 2b., 0 2 4 S 0 Carlach. C..0 0 4 1 0 Kiln, c 0 0 14 1 rnilippe, p... o o 0 3 OiWymer, p 0 114 1 Totala 3 t 27 It "o Totala 2 4 24 U Z Pittsburg 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 Chicago o 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 Earned run: Chicago. 1. Sacrifice hits: Clymer, Clarke, Clancv, Leach. Stolen bases: Clymer, Carl.sch. Double play: Rltchey to Clancey to Leach. First on balls: Off Philippe. 3; off Welmer, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Philippe. Struck out: Bv Philippe, 5; by Welmer, 1. Wild pilches: Philippe, 2. Time: 1:35. Umpires; Klem and b'mslie. Gainea Postponed.' At New York New York-Brooklyn game postponed; rain. standing; of the Teama. Wagner, aa. .. 0 1 3 Clancy, lb.... 1 1 13 tach. Jh ... 0 4 2 Hltchay, 2b.. 1 New York . Pittsburg .. Cincinnati Chicago .... Phllaoelphla Brooklyn ... Boston St. Louis Played. Won. Lost. pet. 10 .. 11 ...11 ...13 ...10 ...14 ...12 .10 700 .6.16 .645 .50D .500 .41-9 .41 200 Games todav: PlttKhura- nt Hi ri.i.. Chicago at Cincinnati. AMERICAN ASSIKT4TIOV GAMES ' 1 Toledo at Laat Manages to Win from the Leaders.' TOLEDO. April 39.-Toledo won Its first game today through effective pitching ami opportune batting of the locals. Hemphill wfts put out of the game for the uue of. obnoxious language. O'Neill made two home runs. Attendance, 1,750. Score: TOLEDO. , MILWAl'KKE. . RHO.A.B.I R.H.O.A.E. Gilbert. cf....l 2 4 0 0 Rnblnaon. aa. 0 0 I 3 0 Cllniraan. aa. 1 3 3 3 I O'Nell, If.... 3 3 10 1 Dnyla, ib ...O 1 4 0 OjM'Cli'sa'y, lb 4 0 3 I u Paniont, 2b.. 1 0 14 lOBrleii, lb.O 1 13 1 0 IXirratt, lf....l I l 0 OiHemphill, cf. 0 0 1 0 0 Horlarlty. 3b. 0 1 3 2 OlWolte. rf o 0 0 0 1 l-ee. rf 1 10 0 l)McC'mlrk 26 1 1 0 4 1 Yaager. c... 0 0 1 olBateman, rf. . 0 Olio . , Bevtlls. c... 0 0 4 4 0 Total! 4 11 27 11 t'KKKar, p.... 1 0 0 1 o I Totala 4 4 24 14 S Tr.edn , 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 -6 Milwaukee 0 020001104 Two base hits: Morlarity. Lee. Homo run: Lee, O'Nell 2. Stolen bases: Cling man. Doyle. Demont, O'Nell, Humphul. Sacrifice hit: Doyle. Left on baes: To ledo . Milwaukee 8. Base on balls: Off Mlnnehan 6, off McKay 3. Struck out: By Minnehan 8, by McKay 2. Wild pitch: Mc Kay. Pasned ball: Yeager. Time: 1:40. Im.iire: Kane. Louisville Outplay Minneapolis. LOUISVILLE. April 29. -Louisville out played Minneapolis today and won the third gaum ui cue aeries, tvenna was a puzzle to the visitors, striking out eight men. , one-handed catch of Freeman's line drive by Hart was a feature. Attendance, 2, ww. Score; LOUISVILLE. I MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O. A.E.I R.H.O.A.E. Kerwln. rf... 1 Hallman, If.. 1 I 3 Houaar. lb... 114 Hart, rf 0 4 4 M'gomery, 3b 1 4 0 Brashear. 3b 4 0 3 D'tr. Qutnlan. ai ICanna. p.. Totala... 0 Fni, 3b 4 0 o yraeman, lb. 1 1 0 Jonea. cf 1 0 OlCoultar. If.... 1 OiHvnea, rf.-. ... 0 Cremtnl' r, Sb 0 Marshall, c. 0 Oyler. aa 0 Jacgpr, p 4 -uranani .... 0 linn Total! I 24 li Batted for Hynes in ninth. Louisville 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 Two base hits: Dexter. Coulter. Stolen basea: Brashear. Sacrifice hits: Halt. Jaeger. Bane on balls: OIT kenna 2. ntf Jaeger 4. lilt by pltche.i ball: Montgomery. oitui-K oui; i)y A.enna s, dv Jaeger 3. Passed ball: Marshall 1. Wild pitch: Kenna 1. Left on base: Louisville 5. Min neapolis 6. Double plays: Ureminger to Fox to Freeman. Time: 1:50. Umpire : Haskell. t'olumbua Khuta Out Ht. I'll ill. COLUMBUS, April 29. Columbus again hut out St. Paul today, Doruer allowing but three scattered hits. The grounds were muddy. Umpire Stone was called home by the illness of his wife. Attendance, 3,4u.i. Score. I'OLl'MRt'a. I K.H.0.4, E. tiavla. rf..... 1 Pickering, cr. 0 Barbeau, 3b. . 1 Contalton. if. 4 Kihin. lb 0 Hulavltt, , . 0 W rlilcy, 3h.. 0 Brown, c 4 lornar, p.... 0 ST. PAI L. R H O A E. 3 t I 0 1 2 0 14 1 0 I 2 1 .4 0 0 0 0 0 u 1 I' 4 V 3 0 2 I Gater. 3b.. Camay, rf 0 HcBiphlli, rf. 0 o' Hrtcn, aa. .. 0 Marcan. Jb. . . 0 r lournoy, It.. 0 Kally lb 0 aluiky, c.... 0 'orbrll, p. . . . 0 Totala 3 t 37 It Toiala 4 3 24 10 4 Columbus 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 '2 St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Stolen bases: Pickering, Hulswltt, Hemp hill. O'Brien. First base on balls: off Dorner 3. Two base hits: Davis, Baibeau. Oeier. Double plays: Floiirnov to O'Brien to Kelly. Hit by pitched ball: Kihm. Struck out: By Dorner 6. by Corbett 3? Time: 1:.T. Umpires: Maiarkey and Fer guson. Indianapolis Wlna with Stlvk. INDIANAPOLIS. April '.'(t.-Indlanapolis won from Kunxas City today by timely hilling. The visitors were shut out until the eighth. I shell relieved Mirgan In the eighth. Attendance, 2,uu0. Score: Innings; cfT Isbell. I fn one Inning.' Basel on halls: Hy Ptsrkells. S In nine Innings; by Morgan, 3 In seven Innings. Struck out: By Starkells. I -In nln Innings; by Morgan, '.' In seven Innings. Two base hit? : hwsrti, Hallman. Roth. Sacrifice hits: llellman. Dickey Left on base: Indisn aiHilia 4. Kansas City 3. Umpire: llait. Time: 1:3, Standing el reams. Played. Won. Lost pe. Milwaukee J 1 Columbus 17 1 .7KK MlnnearMlla 8 B , S Louisville ' 4 I .444 Kansas City ID 4 .4"0 Indianapolis 7 I St. Paul 8 S i .JW Toledo 8 1 T 1-5 tiamea today: Milwaukee at Toledo; Kansas City at Indianapolis; St. Paul at Columbus; Mlnneaptdls at Louisville. ( RF.ItaiTOX BK ATS HIGH SCHOOI, Callahan' Team 'hata Oat tho To era Bo j a la Good name, Colorado failed to put In an appearance yesterday, and Manager Callahtn of Crelgh ton. unwilling to io un opportunity if showing off his hall team, arraigned a game with the lads from, the .high school. The Crelghton men seemed to show their dis appointment In not having a chance at big ger game, especially at the bat. In the field they played snappy hall and held their opponents nafe at all times. At no stage of the game did the high school hoys have, a chance. McCormlck had them completely at bay. striking out sixteen men and al lowing but four scattered hits. He was given excellent support, some of the field ing being phenomenal. Singleton, for the high school, was ablv assisted hy his fielders. At the bat they were weak, Holl being the onlv one who could connect with McCormlck - choice ones. The score: CREIOHTOS. I o. H. R H . O . A . E Lvncha i My .... Mullen Lanlgan ... Crelihton ,. Mt Sally ... Oarvey .... Kngllth ... McCormlck 1 1 3 It 0'Rroma ... 0 Andaraon 0, Burnett . Olney Bunnell .. Buck .... Ojglngletofi oiKoran 0 4 14 0 Holl 0 R H O. A E. 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 0 1 3 3 1 I 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 0 10 0 14 0 1 4 4 0 4 1 0 u INDIANAPOLIS. K H OAS Swanaer. rf . II 1 0 0 McCreery. rf. 0 4 3 Thuner. II.... 4 II 4 Carr. Jb 4 1 t 0 Rrhaani. aa. 1 1 4 4 0 Hallman. Ib.. 1 1 4 u Ili key. lb.... I I 14 4 0 Roth, r I 1 4 3 b Klark'lla. p . 4 1 4 4 i' Totala 4 7 27 1! . KANSAS CITY. R H O A E. 0 13 0 0 Nance, cf... IHiwney, aa. . Miim), lb.. Hl,krrl. if . Iiotiahue. ob Caalro. rf... tlonner. tb. , Hullrr. c... Morgan, p .. .aWll. P Sinner V 1 2 l) 3 14 0 110 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 1 4 3 0 4 4 4 0 I I 0 a s 4 0! 4 4 0 Totala 3 4 34 IS 1 " 'Stoner batted for Morgan in the eighth. Indianapolis .. 0.1 0 n 1 0 2 0 4 Kansas City 0 0 o 0 0 0 I 02 Innings pitched: By Starkells . hy Mor gan 7. by I ball 1. Base hits: Off 8tarkells. in Hint tuning; ifl Moigin. e in cen Totala 4 10 27 23 l Totala 4 4 24 13 3 Crelghton II I 1 t I I ! O. II. S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hit: t Crelghton, Mullen. Struck out: By McCormlck. 18: by Singleton, 3. Bases on balls: Off. McCormlck I; off Singleton, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Cassldy, Bunnell. Umpire: Kennedy. ' Game at Vinton Park. The local amateur base ball season will be started Sunday afternoon at the Vin ton Street park, with a game between old time foes, the Lee-Glass Andreesen, and the C. N. Diet! team. The contest will be called at 3:30. Preceding It the Non pareils and the Caronas will come together In a preliminary, beginning at 2 o'clock. The lineup In the big game will be like this: LEE-GLASS. Position. C. N. DIETZ. Foley First Harrison Bradford Second Maasman Lawler Short Track Minicus Third .'. Dunn Townsend Left Anderson Deneen Middle Ijtfferty Taylor Right Peatner Mlller-Crelghlon. Catch. .Fagan or Milllken Adams .. Pitch Gardy Scully Pitch 4Leatherbv Saffelder ........Pitch....... Knight Easy for Grand Island. BLADEN, Neb.. April 29.-(Speclal.)-The Orand lslnnd business college base hall team opened their tour of southern Ne braska by- defeating the Bladen team. 22 to 1. Brandt was on the slab for Orand Island and had the Giants completely at his mercy, striking out eight men and al lowing but three lilts. Ford, the Bladen twlrler. was pounded unmercifully, being bumped for nevcnteen hits. The same teams play tomorrow, when Best, Buiden'i stur twirler, will be on the rubber. Score: R II E Grand Island." 1 3 0 2 1 8 3 4 0-22 17 2 Bladen 001000000138 Batteries: Grand Island, Brandt and Long: Bladen, Ford and Best. Struck out: By Brandt, 8; by Ford. 7. College Base Ball Games. At Cambridge Harvard, 3; Dartmouth, J. At Washington Georgetown, 13; George Washington, 3. At Newhavon Yale, 6; University of Pennsylvania, 2. At Heloit Beloit, 10; Northwestern uni versity, 3. At Ann Arbor Michigan, 3; Illinois, 1. At Princeton Princeton, I; Cornell, 0. At Madison Wisconsin, , 3, . Chicago, X. At Bloomlngton Indiana university, b; Roue Polytechnic, 2. At Crawfordville Wabash college, 6; Purdue, 4. At Amherst Amherst, 8; Colby, 2. At Providence Brown, 2; Bates, 1. At Lawrence Kansas. 6; Missouri, 4. Victors and Willow Springs. The Victors open the season today with the Willow Springs Brewing company's team at River nark. An Interesting game Is promised. Lineup of the teams. VICTORS. WILLOW SPRINGS Orieb-Barta Oatnh .. ;...Ryberg Hlnton .., Pitc.i Haley Kaufman Flrt Weir Franek Seen id Hlldehrand Kuclra Shot: Delanry Swoboda Third Haley Moucha Left Elllssnn Swoboda .. CentW Probst Vobrll .i...Righ Dobbins Cedar Itaplds Does the Scoring. MARSH ALLTOWN, la., April 29,-f Spe cial Telegram.! Handicapped hy the In jury of Catcher Lyons, Marshalltown High school was budly defeated today by Cedar Rapids High school. George Kirk, who tried to catch, could not hold and at critical times pass balls allowed scores. Score: R.IJ.E. Cedar Rapids .10013011 07 5 0 Marshalltown 00000000 1-1 61 Batteries: C. Kirk and George Kirk; 81opnlcha and Welstaln. Schools Divide Honors. NORTH PLATTE. Neb., April 2.-(8pe-cial Telegram.) The North Platte High school won the base ball game from York. 16 to i. York made twelve errors and North Platte alx. York won the track meet with firsts In all events, the ten-yard dneh by Wildman, thf hammer throw hy Taylor, the pole vault by Mead and high jump by Mead. The basket ball game resulted 22 to 20 In favor of North Platte. It was a swift and exciting game! This closes to day's uthletlc meet. Red Sox Beat Green Stickers. The Red Sox easily defeated the Green Stickers by a score of 11 to 6. Base hits: Green Stickers, . t; Red Sox, 8. Batteries: Red Sox. Gustavson, Danze, Mitchell; Green Stickers. Wendhaimnn. Henchen, Johnson. Umpire: Cnrmody. Tie Gome. The Clevolands and the Eclipses played a tie game at . the grounds of the former, Twenty-fourth and St. Mary's avenue, yes terday, the final score being 19 to 19. Bat teries: For the Cleveland, Shorter and Cupper; for the. Eclipse, Wright and Reddy. Brandels' Heat ftlugarers. The Brandels team beat the Thlrty slxtli Street Sluggers by a score of 17 to 10. Both sides pbtyed good ball, but trie Brandeis butted much tho better. Bat teries: Brandela. Potter and Kitchen; Slug gers, Driscoll and Callnhau. Gamea la Southern League. At New Orleans New Orleans, 7; Little Rock. 2. At Memphis Memphis, 1; Slireveport, 7. At Montgomery Montgomery, 9; Nash ville. 2. At Atlanta Atlanta, 3: Birmingham, 7. Xebraekana Defeat Champion. BU38KY. la.. April 29 -(Special Tele gram. The Nebraska Indians defeated Bussey. the Independent champion of Iowa, today by a score of 4 to 1. Fight at tat Off. At Cut Off lake Sunday afternoon Guy Buckles and Franklin Trummer, two local blffeuta. will engage in a twenty-round, friendly boxing contest. The event will lje In reality a continuation of the bout which was stopped by the police at Washington hall a few weeks ago. when Buckles and Trummer appeared in one of the prelimi nary events of the Kngltah-Hlmms match, held under the auspices of the Eagles' club. Buckles and Trummer were going at such a lively clip on that occaslou thai the ixillce lalleved It their duty to Hep In and prevent further bloodshed. Time will be called at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and the bout will take place on the edge of the lake, just north of the lead works. Drlvlaar Contest Prooased. With a view to securing thoroughly up-to-date and original drawings, to re used for advertising purposes, the E. R. ThomHs Motor company of Buffalo. N. Y.. makers of the Thomas Fler automobile, have offered prlree to preparatory ichool stu dent who succeed In designing acceptable pouter A first prize of $.'" and a second of $10 Is offered by the Thomas company Rules governing the contest have been nl to the drawing Instructors through out tua couiiuj. Tile Thoma company tm.'arJBWa.'T,aT.',TOl "Tbe OUlsuioMlc lolls not- tnt It spins' irXyV IS built mm arfCinaiiaasi 1 Ngy SJgV J, a I'll Oldsmobt.7 h p. Standard Runabout. !1 X T 7a ior use aiu i i "- 7 SAsf if plenty of if , fUl I Thpro aiv iiuiKireris of towns I II mr 1 I I In this country wncre mo t i J. Tlicro art1 liumlrctU of towns In this country whew tho OWlHtnolillos were the pnlr stitomoliilcH In constant uhp ait viTr.n Thcv arc not built simply '' frt,r 'cthfr ami a smooth road. Almost nny machine will r under faroiHhle conditions. Hut tnko it on snow or oust, not or iru-i weather, mud or asphalt, hills or the level, the OlUsmoblle will go better and keep going better than any other machine. II is built for hard knocks-and It can take them and come up smil ing. Oldsmohlles are In use more days In the year than any other ma chine. They give more hours of service they require less tinkering (pro. vlded they are used sensibly) they are always ready and they go. Ask anv Oldsmoblle owner, wno nas ueci nis marmiir iniciinr,,..,., tell vou It has given him good service. He very likely haa had It two or three years -but he will telf vo" today his machine Is tearing off miles as well a. It ever did Tha is because the Oldsmoblle Is built for keeps. It la a great big engine, concentrated down Into a little space. Send for handsome catalogue, mailed free. "Goop Talk" A clever bit of automobile nonsense, mailed for a 2c stamp. The car wo make: , 7 h. p. Standard Rutialmut. i h. p. T.iurtng Runabout. 1 h. p. Itmdurd Dellvetv Cr. 20 h. p. 2 Cylinder Touring Car. Ten Passenger Coach. The Oldsmoblle' Is the only light rar list re ceived , gold tnedal St tUn World' Fair, St. Louis. Vv- H Oldsmoblle 7 H. P. P Touring Runabout Oldfmohlle 20 H. P. 1 Cylinder Touring Car OLDS MOTOR WORKS, Detroit. Mich. AUKNT8; Oldsmoblle Co J. J. Deright 11 10 Karnam St. MODEL r-I SEATS More Power, More Satisfaction, More Automobile than in any other make of car at twice the price. IQ05 CADILLAC 1905 FAMILY TOURING CAR, side entrance, elegant in style price Two-Passenger Runabout, the swellest. small ( machine seen on Omaha streets price. ... p 8 J" When yon boy experimental cars, you buy trouble. Dealers Wanted. Write for Catalog. 1 7UU $950 Everj-thing for Automobiles in our supply depart ment. Mail orders given prompt attention. H. E. FREDRICKSON 15th St. and Capitol Avenue. fV oU tnedal H I World' Kalr, I 1 St. Lioul. B10BILE mtm " id i mn. aasaj claims It finds dlfllrulty In seruring suit able designs from regular artists. The rules of the contest state that the poster composition shall huve a Thomua touring car with tourist and appropriate landscape setting: that the poster shall i. nni Iorh iIihii Kevcnteen bv twentv-one Inches, and the color eehenie not to exceed j six colors; full ase. name and aiKiress oi eontertant. nnd name of school to Hcconi panv drawing, which is to be wnt to Percy Y Megareel of the tl It. Thomas Motor company, Huffalo, N. Y. The content will cloae June 1. HOXOHS FOR YALK A.D MICHIOAX Big; Schools Win Championship at Athletic taralval. PHILADELPHIA. April 2s.-Yale nnd Michigan carried off the honor in 4h tliree principal championships at the an nual carnival of relay races and field apnrts held on Franklin Held today under the auspices of the I'nlverslty of Pennsyl vania. Yale won the one and two-mile relay races, and Michigan took the four mile race after un exciting finish. The rreparatory school championship went to lie Merceishutg, Pa., academy, and tho Wendell Phillips High school of Chicago won the championship for high schools. In the field sports and short distance track events, Amsler of Pennsylvania won the 120 varde hurdle race; Montfett, Penn sylvania, the high Jump; Hogenson. Chi cago, the 1O0 yardo dash in ten seconds; l)ray, Ysle, the pole vault; Thomas of Purdue, the hammer throw; Mount Pleas ant, a Carlisle Indian, the broad Jump; Garrette, Michigan, the disc throw, and Coe of Boston, formerly of Oxford uni versity, Kngland. but now unattached, the shot put. Summaries: One hundred and twenty yards hurdle: First heat won by Cntlln of Chicago. Time: 1 seconds. Second heat won by Amsler of Pennsylvania. Time: 16. One mile academy and preparatory school relay Won by McKemle achool. Lohhs' Ferry. N. Y.; Dickinson Preparatory rhl Carlisle. Pa., second. Time: 3:l::Mi. One mile academy and preparatory school relnv: Won by Army and Navy Preparatory school. Washington. D. C. Chestnut Hill academy, Philadelphia, sec ond. Time: 3:M. On, mile ncademy and preparatory school relay: Won by Williamson school. Delaware county. Pennsylvania; Hoys' Latin achool, Baltimore, second. Time: 1:40. One mile academy and preparatory race: Won bv Tome Institute. Port Ue poMt, Md.; St.' Francis Xavler Preparatory ehool. New York, second. Time: S:S. Shot put: Won by Cue of Hnston. 4K fet 114 Inches: Dunlup. Michigan. 4.1 feet 4 Inches, second. Coe broke the Intercol legiate record of 4il feet, held by Beck ft Yale but the record does not stand, as It was not made at the Intercollegiate championship meet. One hundred and twenty yards hurdle, flivil- Won bv Amsler of Pennsylvania; F.ales of Yale, second; Oatlin of Chicago, third. Ashburner of Cornell fell. Time: 0 lfV llls-h 1umn: Moffett of Pennsvlvania and Marshall of Yale tied at J feet 11 lnch. Moffett won the toss and was g'ven first place. Tooker of Princeton, third. 6 feet fo incehs , , One hundred yards dash, first heat, first two to uuallfy for final: Won by Dean of Pennsylvania: Knakel of Columbia, sec ond. .Time 0:10. , One hundred vurds ' dash, second heat: Won bv Hogenson of Chicago: S-ltl of Oeorget'iwn, second. Time: ii-iotfc. One mile college relay: W on bv St. J,,hn's college. Kordhain. N. Y. ; Western Msrvland' college second Time: -. One mile college relay, won bv Wet,.rn Reserve university. Cleveland. O. : West minster c.illee. N'ew Wilmington. Pa., sec ond. Time: 11:14 S-5. One mile cotlene relay, wnii bv George town law school. WshlnKton: Jefferson Medical college. Philadelphia, second. Time: 3 4 One mile college re'ay. won by Swnrlh incre college' Cnt'-erslty of New York sec- ond. Time: 3 :4U 3-5. One mr.e college relay, won nv mvnm j of Vlrlr,!a: Pennsylvania state college sec nod Tims: I M !-E. One mile relsv. college ehsmplonshlp of Ameilca. won by Yale. econd. Pennajl- raalata fRMaaaw JWi mfrn to latradueeC', Tmiri.jar-aiyiaaai Krll. at I'Wilja'T'1 maZ KlNUrlttl.Khook.Pat.Au.S iaui eatchea two nib to tha com mon hook'a one. Dealers wanted H. KINariSHCH lJ.irJ l. a sTS6uT!kl. fAUUUS UOOIk CU.(ataat UJ WwcBakeretavi'', SURREY Typo Ons, 18 H. P, $1,350 It will carry you over the' country roads as fast aa yon wish to go faster than the law will allow. Be sides all needed power it has exceptional road clear ance and every provision for safety, reliability and ease of control. ;: ,:: :: RAMBLER AUTO CO.... J, CLARK COIT, ngr. PHONE 37S 1506 Capitol Ave. BUICK vsnla; third, Chlcugo; fourth, Syracuse. I Time: 3:i'2 4-B. Two mile relay, college championship of America, won hy Yale; second. Dartmouth; third, Columbia; fourth. Pennsylvania; tilth. Princeton; sixth, Syracuse. Time by half miles: 2:02, 4:04 4-S, :ofl 1-6; 8:07 3-6. Four mile relay, college championship of America, won by Michigan; second, Yale third, Cornell; fourth, Pennsylvania; fifth, Princeton. Time by miles: 4:38 4-5, 9:lh, 13 52 2-5, 18:2& 3-5 Preparatory school, mile relay, champion ship. on by Mercersbuig (Pa.) academy; second, Hill School, Potiatown, Pa.; third, l.awrencevllle (N. J.) ncademy. Time: 3:33 4-S. High school, one mile relay champion ship, won by Wendell Phillips High school, Chicago; second, Krssmus Hall High school, Brooklyn: third. Philadelphia Cuntral Hlyli school. Time: 3:34 4-5. lt yards, dash, final, won by Hogenson, Chicago; second. Dear, Pennsylvania; third, fieltz. Georgetown: fourth, Knabel, Colum bia. Time: 10 seconds. Broad Jump, won by Mount Pleasant, Carllxle, 23 feet, 1 Inch: second, French, Michigan. 21:0': third, Bymonds. Prince ton, L'l.K': fourth, Tippltt, New York uni versity, 21:fi'4. Pole vault. Drav of Yale -and Phillips. Cornell, tied at 11 feet. Inches. On the Jump off Day won. 11 feet. Inches. Wilkins. Chicago, and Glover. Purdue, tied for third place, at 11:3. and Glover was given third place on the toss. Hammer throw, won by Thomas. Purdue. 150 feet, in Inches; second. Van Duyne, evracuse. 144:8; third. Harris, Yale, 138:7; fourth. Parry. Chicago. 115:6. T,i..i, throw, won bv Garrels. Michigan. ISn feet and H Inch, exceeding the world's record of 131:6. held by M. J. Sheridan. Pastime. A. C. But the new figures were not allowed to stand because of the ehm acter and construction of the discus used bv Garrels and the other contestants. Parry Chicago, second. 11.13; Catlln. Chi cago, third, 112:11; Porter. Cornell, fourth, 111:4- I.OXG TRIP FOR AtTOMOniM?"). Old Motor Works lo Bead Two Olds mobiles from Oeean to Orena. The Olds Motor works of Detroit will send two Oldsmoblle standard runabouts across the continent from New York City overland to the Iwis and Clurk exposl. tlon at Portland, Ore. The start will be made from New York May 3, nd the run Is timed to reach Portland for the openlm of the good' roads convention there June 21. The trip is being made In the Interests of good roads. The Olds jjotor works will Invite volun teer driver for the trip, und will receive applications either by wire or by letter. Two men will be selected from those who volunteer, and. an expert mechanician will uccVimpany each runabout. All expenses will be paid, and the driver bringing his machine first Into Portland will receive a cash nrlie of $1,000. The other mun, upon his arrival, will receive the machine he drives James W. Abbott, special agent of the government bureau of public road Inquir ies, who Is prominently Identified wlrh the good roads cause. Intends to accompsnv the cars. The standard runabout was the first light car to cross the American continent, and they feel that It Is i:niiiestionably well adapted for thl project In the Inter est of good read. $1,200 Enulf Hock Hill Climbing Contest, Nov. '4. 1004. Cars Price. H.P. Time. Pope Toledo.. ..$3.!s Ml 24 2;ir. 4-5 HI 'KMC l.'JOO ' 2:15 2-3 Mnthewxnn Mas) 24 2:21 4-5 ThoiniiH n.tNKI 40 2:42 4 5 Columhla 4,Ki ao 2:M4-5 Fronklln l.tiTiO 10 4:OKH-5 IUmblcr l.IIMl 1U 5:25 1-5. . The Ruick making this phenome nal rii'onl wns not Hpeclally litillt or Retired for hill cllinhliig. It was a Btock car til ken from Ihe local acenc.v. The car wan not only tvln ner In it class, lint niailn better time 1 1 1 it it many high priced cars especially built 'for Ihe eveut and driven by factory experts. It did the work because It had , hljrh horse power, light weight and Kood construction. What It did at Kapln Hock it will lo for you. We will fimilHh catalogue auil full In formation upon reijueat. POWELL AUTOMOBILE CO. Bulck. ' White "Steamer." Wlntori. ' Locomobile. DOCTOR SEARLES AND SEARLES ' We ' us our own name In our. business; you know who you ero doing business wltW. Ccnaultslios Pres. VARICOCELE - HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without pain or lot of Ume. CHARGE LOW. Bl (in i Pfl tflM cured for life, soon every 0LUUJ ru OUH aiii,, symptom (sore on body, In mouth, tonftie. throat, hair and yebrown fulling oat( disappear completely forever. Weak. Nervous. Men Wlti, ner-ou debllty, early decline, lack .of vigor ind strength. VR1NARY. Kidney and Bladder Troubloa, 'A'tak I-aclt, Iiuruing 1,'rtne. Frequency of Urinating. I'rlne iilgh f'olored or with Mllkv Sediment on standing. Treatment by mail 14 year OF SL'C "EBSrt'L PRACTICE IN OMAHA Cor- r of ltth and l,uglas. Omaha. Neb. TWENTIETH CENfljRY FARMER Address Omaha. Mel).