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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
p. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. APRIL 30. 1905. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. PETERS M. D. CAMERON R. C. PETERS & CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND INSURANCE. City Loans, Large and Small, Wanted. Loans Closed Promptly. We write Fire, Tornado and Accident Insurance and al sinds of Surety Bonds. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS BOULEVARD TERRACE U-room house, modern In every way, two bath room, iwn lavalorbs. finely located hi Ilanx om Park Place, for $6,o"u. Will lake some less lor itsii. 5- room house, modern, newly psprrrd ml painted, In flue condition, two full v ' II located la Dundee, $3,000. 11-room house, modern f-x opt lu.-i.a.-c, "2d PI., near Harney car line. $2,il-U. 7-room house, new, modern rxwpl fur ImiP, Kotitli front on Capitol live., just west of 2Mb st., (:.' "-room house, 23d st., just :-ju.Ii of liT.iv euworth, $2,100 Cash. Jt-i noin house, modern except f iV!iac :;ne condition, permanent walk. uO-loot lot, lo cated on West Jlanicy, -.'"J. '-room house. N. 2L'th st.. in good condi tion, sewer, water, ona block from tar, 11.500. Will make lerms. 6- room nrlck house, 29th and Decatur, In good condition, lot cn rfrule, il,20O. A real mar. 5-room lioui-f, ,-iiy nai'f. full lot, Bur den st., near Military avenue, H.v;!-t'(i more lnii. $l,SM. ThiH Is Just the plj .e for garden and ( liickcns. Ten ancs one :nile west of . I 1 1 " park, 4 room houfe, burn, eoLk-'ii hoii:,e, i c.u- Men hi ft int. li-s line, in.ianbi' ni v lew, $2.:ftO: one-half cu.-h. sere, 'j mile wml of Miller Park, n looni hoUc, lots of frnlt. lies well. $l.iifiu. 's U mile west. of MiHcr prk, iiuit unci well, $275. Southwest coiner if 3.'tn in i Poppleion. This addition Urn better every da;,. Two morn homes to bo started within a short time. These will tout -ihout $3,rit iach. Thin Rddltioii 1 being butl'. up with the mow homelike of tiny in '.he citv. If you aro looking; for u pl '.oe to build a home, where surrounding" tue all that rould be asked lor and where pi res r'ght, buy in Boulevard Terrace It cannot bo lKnt rrotn uny point you I.ioa ul It. We should be pleased to show y hi mm al ai.y time. SITE FOR APARTMEtST FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CHEAP TRACKAGE LOT A FiRST-CLAFS LOT,' X132. I'KN TRALLY LOCATED. XEAK FARNAM ST.. ASPHALT PAVF.D STREET AND PERMANENT WALK, IN BUSINESS DISTRICT. CAN HE PURCHASED THIS WEEK FOR $6,.V10. THE BIG UE9T SNAP ON THE MARKET. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., TEL. 51'. sa N. Y. LIFE bldg. RE FOR RENT HOUSES NORTH SHORE Clifton (a part of Marblcheadi. Muss. To let for the sason of Fully furnished cottage, four rooms and IihII on first floor, eight chambers, two hath rooms; a dressing room connects with one chamber; furnace, four fire places, ample piazza room. gae or roal ratine In kitchen, electric lights. The cottage Is located on the rocks, di rectly on the water, with unobstructed Mew of the ocean: was built two years ego and been occupied only by owner; 8 minutes' walk to H. R. station; grounds eared for bv owner. Pply to E. F. lAcke. 39 Brooks st.. West Medford. Mass. or to V. A. Chantnan. Clifton Station. Mass. U MD47 19 HOUSE Located on 8t. Mary's avonuo within five minutes' walk of Howard and lth. We have a piece of ground that has a frontage of lid feet, with an E. S. and W. exposure. Kor an aoartment house this annot be beat In tlio city. The nn.T Is oiTtrlng this at a very reasonable ngure. This will so quick. If you wish this, eel tiikk, as it will not be lung In tho muiKcl. SUBURBAN HOME WITH 2V ACRES. SIZE S rooms, every room good size, two atui y, built on car. CONSTRUCTION Constructed of the very best material throughout, sheeted and In terlined with extra heavy building paper; wovkmanshlp perfect in every detail. PORCHES-Large front porch and splendid back porch. CONVENIENCES City water, cistern. KATH-Porcelaln bath tub, wash bowl. etc. OUT Bl'lLlJlNfJS Ham and coal shed. CELLAR Splendid cellar under greater part of house. ORCHARD Fine apple orchard. GROUND Two and one-half acres, all level. RTRF.ET CAR FA CI LIT I EH Within three blocks of car, near school, churches, etc. PRICE AND TERMS-SI, Hon. Sl.oOfl down ami balance In annual payments at ti per cent Interest. LOCATION North of Fort st., near 24th Bt. BEMIS MODERN hoise, newlv papered; lln lawn and shade trees; 112 Ohio St., on Sherman nvp. car line. Irwitiirf. nt 2t23 Sherman ave. D 711 30 CENTRAL, all modern, "-room house; alao j-room cottage. lizard, i-o N. D-M333 FOR RENT. 5-rnom cottage. 84 S. 17th. inijuirB at M4 a. 17th. D MW4 31.T MY nicely furnished 4-room cottage home ror sunimir. to light party; references required. Wlx Evans St., Uensnn, Neh. D-M7t ;X FOR RENT ,t large rooms, city water, 1836 I. Ill ft. 510. large rooms, city water, 18.'S N. J7th St. x.oo. S-room hoiiM1, all moileru except furnace C. Al. LACHM ANN, 4fli Paxton Mock. D-775 room cottage, newly papered and painted; beautiful luwn In front. 160? .Nicholas st. D-774 ZtK THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack. move ana store a. ti. good.", storehouse ii-JO-M N. Ilh. Office. Joll Farnatn. Tel. 1559. JJ 73 Tax ton Block. RE- SIM 30 VACANT Fine lot on L.-ifajcito and .Mth, on grade, J6 El., brtecu u'ld TRACKAGE fi-ROOM sewer . line i"ite mi Jones. Just E. uf lalli. Can j iM.ike uiHitl nricc on tlihc If you do not see what you wIfIi in the above list call and tell us your wants, and we can fix you out. W'e have properties of nil ,-liissf.s and can rdcaps anyone IJst your properties with ua tor Bale. We huvA u liirj-f. list of buvers. I Wo hiiva 1'3,'t acres uf Texas land, located near Houston to trade for Omaha Im proved property. house, water, water closet and 26th and Caldwell sts.; alvns rents for $11 This Is a bargain at '). O E. J urklington, W. Bee. RE2i9 M TWO VERY CHOICE PRIVATE resi dences for s.i le; modern and up-to-date. in the West Farnani district; at less than cost it sold before tho owners move away. RICHARD C. PATTERSON. 1224 Farnani St. HK 19" : Opi n Monday evening until l1) o'clock. R. C. PETERS & CO. 1 GROUND FLOOR, BEE BLDG. RE- KELLY 524 Neville Blk. Bargains In houcs and lots, nil parts of city; five and tcn-arro trwet iloso in. It you want to buy or build, soil or exchange-, vc KFX1.Y. oJ4 Neville Hlock. W. H. GATES, , BIT N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1291. IIJIo 0-room modern house. In Kauntze Place, house cost to build $6.5W; hard wood finish on first floor, line heavy oak doors; all up In good order; large barn, south front, lot 50x124, paved street. 14, 5u0 S-room, hew, modem, up-to-date, built for a home; barn, with water and electric light; owner leaving city; must be sold; near Maple and Boulevard. 13,400 6-room, new. modern, well builK 24x44, cellar under whole house, bricked up, laundry, everything complete, walls bark plastered, on the Boulevard, near Hurdette; lot 33x140. ll,B00--room cottage, lot 40x122, 2020 Miami. $1.175 B-room cottage, city water, lot 50x127, fruit and shade, near 30th and Bristol. 60x130, on Cass, cast of 30th, 110. )xl32, on Wirt, east of 30th, tm. $b00. 4Sxl30, on 24th, north of Vinton 120x12", on Decatur, near 33th, $100. On South 11th street boulevard, near Hickory, 4-iwm house, sewer and water, full lot, shade and fruit trees, close- in, $1,000. , W. H. GATES, I7 N. Y. Life. RE- LAND EXCURSIONS Join us on our excursions to the fine farm and fruit lands of South Missouri. Im proved farms on easy uaymenta. Buy where you have no house rent to pay or coal to buy. Hogs fatten on the mast and cattle on the arasa. Oood black Boll. Best In vestment that you can make. Buy now and get a cron this seaon. Excursions first and third Tuesdays each month. Write us now. . Davis Bros.,' 644 New Ridge Building, Kansas Cite. Mo. RE Shimer & Chase, BUILDERS OF MODERN COT-TAUES WE BUILD TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. ANT KIND. ANYWHERE, FROM A Four-Room Cottage Up to THE FOUR-STORY PRESSED BRICK BUILDING we are building for the Omaha Commercial college. A FEW OF MANY $ 550 IjOt on Emmet, near 24th. i goo Corner lot on Hamilton. $2,900 Good lot on Pinkney st., with 6-r. modern dwelling .built to suit. $4,000 Farnam Hill lot. Ideal building site, with two small cottages. A bargain. $3,500 Farnam Hill lot. sightly, with 7-r. modern nottse, duiu to please you. Don't lose this. $3,000 Elegant 8-r. house and barn, Just completed. Will decorate to suit purchaser. 700 ACRE RANCH miles from Council Bluffs postoffice; fenced and plenty ot water; $10 per acre. H. O. McUee. 14 Pearl St.. Council Blurts. la. RE-23 2x SO TO 70-barrel water power flour mill; good repair; doing splendid business; lo cated In wheat belt of Nebraska; owned by several parties, who wish to divide up men- interests, win sell tor cash or ex change for good land or property. A M(JiN.I Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6I0S... :Xi N. Y. Life HWg. R E FARMS FOR SALE $i JUST COMPLETED 50 Three new cottages, 6 rooms on one noor, complete nam room, cement cellar, entirely modern except fur nave. $1,700 o-r. cottage, with every modern con venience except furnace, corner lot, north part of city, near Sherman ave. car line. $2,700 Coiy 8-r. houne, on two floors, cn tireiy modern, east front. A com pleta little home and a bargain. $3,200 New house near 24th st car line, Just finished ready to move into. Paved street. j,w 7-r. house, new and complete, on West Manderson st. Paved street and walks. Fine plumbing. A nice nome. NOT NEW BUT GOOD $1,200 6-r., city water and gas. $1,500 5-r. brick house, good condition. $1,700 5-r. brick, barn and buggy bouse. I S50 4-r. house, close In, city water. $l,5uo 8-r. house, city water, aewer, newly papered una painted. $1,200 b-r. cottage, city water, electric lights, wood and coal house. $7.500 Double brick house, corner Califor nia st., close in. room to build an' ther house, tine bargain. RE- GOOD COTTAGE 2825 North 24th Street Well-built dwelling of six rooms, every modern convenience, best plumbing, good furnace, reception hall, cement cellar, first floor oak-trimmed, nice corner lot, paving taxes all paid price. $3,200, or will rent to right party at t'J per month. GARVIN BROS. 1604 FARNAM RE HOUSES W. G. SHRIVER, Real Estate Insurance Rentals 1023 New York Life Bldg Large, up-to-date residence. 10 rooms, mod ern In every respect, large lot. corner, one block from high school. Must sell nutck. 10-room modern house, full lot, barn, fine shape, fine location, Binney, near 22d $4.2u0. 8 rooms, modern except furnace, corner. paved street, 2fith and Parker, $2,200. 5 rooms, brick. 63-foot lot, east front. No. 28th street. $1,200. Three 10-room houses in Kountie Place, all modern, ana in nne kiiape, each K,d"o RE 228-30 REPUBLICAN VALLEY LANDS DON'T PAY ttiO.nn VV.U ACRE FOR FARM LANDS. THE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF NEBRASKA FOR lto4 SHOW THAT, ACRE FOR ACRE, RED WILLOW COUNTY RAISED AS MUCH CORN AS LANCASTER COUNTY. AND AS MUCH WHEAT AS GAGE COUNTY. (ONLY FOUR COUNTIES EQUALED THIS T I ELD J W E CAN SELL IMPROVED FARMS IN THIS WONDERFUL REPUBLICAN VA I LEY FROM $10.00 UP. THE CROP OF WHEAT THIS YEAR WILL BE UN FXjUALED AND LAND VALUES ARE ON THE JUMP. FOR THE FARMER OR THBi INVESTOR, THIS SECTION NOW OFFERS THE CHANCE F A LIFETIME. WE WILL PAY HALF YOUR RAIL ROAD FARE IF YOU GO TO LOOK AT LAND CONTROLLED BY US. AND ALL Uf IT IF YOU BUY. HERE ARE A FEW 8AMPI.ES: 1360 acres on Blackwater creek. 14 mllea from Cnlbertson, largely creek valley. neorly all alfalfa land, about J0O acres in cultivation; small improvements, but all fenced. Price $12 per acre. This will cut up Into farms which will be worth $26 per acre next season, u iniprovea. acres nines soutn or inclmnoia nhout one-half smooth and cultivated, bal auce good blue stem grusn. somewhat rough. Small improvements. Price $H per acre. lfiO acres 10 miles from Cambridae. loo acres cultivated, small improvements, in good condition. Nearly all cultivated land in wheat and looking fine. Price $15. 240 ai-res 4 miles west of McCook. 200 acres can be cultivated, small draw In the other 40. All in grass, but all good crop iana, no improvements, trice xi.nni. 20 acres lh miles from Danburv. 130 acres in fine wheat, small Improvements price kj.wjo. mis is a snap. 4Xt acres 0 miles from Red willow: over one-half of it In fall wheat: 20 tier acre The crop this year will half pay for this iana. We have twenty others as good as this. They are going fast, so don't delav. we nave also good lands in Boone and In Dawson counties at the lowest prices. xSHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 721 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. f6r SALE IfiO acres In Furnaa county, Neb. ;, description and price given upon application. Aaaress C. a. lvnodle. Pal Isade, Neb. M769 3x 120 ACRES IN IOWA 40 FOR KM. For quick stale will take $30 per acre for tnis gooa towa sou; iuu nines cast i Omaha. D. C. Patterson, lo3 Farnam. 73 30 The best bargain In the city of Omaha paying over li per cent on tne investment. V'our 6-room modern houses, with porclaln bath closets, wash stands and gas in each house, with 2 lota 60x127, each and Charles St., west of 24tb. See Hill KF" n all pans of the uity. The w w w U t y Co., W4 Bee blog. WE MOVE pianos. Maggcrd Van & Stor age to. lei. 14D6. ornie. 1.13 Webster st D 710 IUUOLO (j. lelirs dc Co., Bee bldg. D-7U 2oti6 DOUGLAS. 8 ROOMS. J27.60. D 742 HOUSES, insurance. Rlnfcwalt, Xlaiker blk. i-743 4- "OR RENT-26'2 Dodge st., 7-rootn mod ern House, rx'-ept rtirnace, JL'.i. Kelly, 326 Nevlllu blk., Tel. 36. DIM 30 25iS CHfCAUO ST., 10-room modern house: rent. vv month. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam SU D MbW 30 CENTRAL 3-rooni cottage. 220 N. 23d St. D-M369 WE SELL furniture and carpets on riav- niciu. prices are aoout one-rourin less than those asked at Installment stores and our goods are very much bel ter. Terms. $25 worth. $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., ui-iwcen i-iu ana liitn on t-urnam St. D !S3 30 J. Schwartz D-266 Mix VAN and moving wagon. Tel. 2016. 1510 Webster. 2708 FARNAM B-roem) modern brick dwell ing. $45. W. M. Rogers. D M177 FOR RENT Six-room cottage, all modern. strictly first class, near 2tth avenue and Jones streets, $30. O. C. Olscn. 171 Far nam street. D ISO 30 FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES FOR RENT. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 8. ,4lJtt RitOM house, modern $.'.'.ri .'115 Parker except furnace. p a aox FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS J. S. CAMERON'S AFTER EASTER PIANO BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK liVk9iininln Isrcs sixe beautiful French tnnttlert walnut case. Ivory and ebony key. superb tone and Al action, artuulc designed i-Hse: a len vears auaraniee: inn- i-nce, --. $425 Sample, a beautiful designed 1- rencu mahononv case, large sixe and Ivory and ebony keys, tone quality and action cannot be beaten. .Manufactured hy one ol the oiu makers and full guaranteed, including stool ami scar; our price. $iS5. $4iO Sample parlor size In walnut or m.i hogany. beautifully designed eases; do ibled veneered Inside and out. Ivory and ebony keys; elegant tone and action fully guaran teed uy oin reiiHom niHaer". uur pi ice. - t. The above d scribed goods will be "Id lor cash or reasonable payments accepted. Samples and used Pianos nt $s:, $110, $1.15. $1,M1. $lii, JI7S, 1MK and $:!. Organ $1. r. ". and t. ALL THE AMOVE I ES( 111 HE1 (jridliS will he sold for cash or easy monthly payments. out of town buyers. we will guarantee a saving from $75 to $!"0 on a piano deal if vou will write us for cata logue, prices and terms we represent three large FACTORIES AND HAVE til'EN IN THE BUSINESS FOR THIRTY VEARS AM) KNOW I IOV TO HI V AND WILL CON VINCE YOU IF YOU WILL GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WE CAN SELL VOU A 11 Mil I GRADE PIANO FOR LESS MONEY THAN ANYONE IN THE WEST. AS OUR BUSINESS IS PRINCIPALLY WHOLESALE AND OUR EXPENSES VERY LIGHT. ONE PRICE ONLY. AND THAT IS CHEAPEST MADE HY ANYONE ON HIGH GRADE GOODS. PIANOS SHIPPED ON APPROVAL. J. S. CAMERON, 10ti N. J5TI I ST., OMAHA. NEB. ' THOSE L-1SW8. O - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Furnltuie of six-room with hath: flat for rent; m-wly cleaned and papered, modern: three r-'-nis sub rented more than chars the rent. 211" N si., third Moor. So. Omaha. W M1WS 2x CHICKEN SALE. Also hati hing cgg: hue hloodetl ones. Brown and HnfT l iihoins Purred Plun outh Rock;". Black I -ang-hans, liantam. luck. all laying, hens, pnlh-tn. cocks, cockrells 1:1 kinds. We ar- g-li g to move, cull at once. McArdlo. IMS s. fill st., be tween Mnrcy and Mason sts. W. Irnv n worth car. line. One blui k. W 22H 3"x $350 BUY'S good runaliou nutntnohile. guat-autei-d In good running order. oriKinal cost $:"5. Address 131:1 Farnam st. y - M2TA GOOD 3-room house and barn. $150; also horse, $J. 1227 South lMh st. cj-.MJi 2 lx ANTiyi'E walnut beilroom very cheap. 2'JI N. 2.'ith si. $37.60 for 2548 Chicago St.. 10-room modern House, in best or condition. GEORGE fc CO., b;ol Farnam st. D ISO M FOR RENT 1105 S. 20 th st. G-rooni cot tage, city water, barn, $15. Benson & Myers, 318 N. Y. Life. D M133 30 ROOMING HOUSE. LARGE handsome rooming house, eighteen rooms, steam beat, excellent neighbor hood, walking distance. , Rent $6o to responsible tenant. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. . D 187 30 6-ROOM house and barn and about 4 acres between Dundee and Country club; good terms to party who will plant and ive good care to Irees and shrubs. F. D. Wt-ad, 1524 Douglas st. D FOR RENT. 412 N. 22d, 10 rooms, modern. $50.00. i 21 Harney st., 14 rooms, modern, $60.00. 2627 Harney at., 18 rooms, modern. $50.00. 324 N. 36th. 9-rooms, modern, $5o.0o. 533 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern. $33.00. 1020 S. 10th St.. K-room Hat, JN.OU. X. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. D ISO 30 SECOND HAND MACHINES Never such prices for such goods offered before, ami If at any time within one year ydii want to buy a new machine we will take the old one back at exactly what it cost you. The following Is a partial list of what we offer for all this week: 1 DOMESTIC $ 5.00 1 DOMESTIC" lii.oo 3 SINGERS. HIGH ARMS 12 00 1 SINGER. NEW IMPROVED.. 15 00 1 HOUSEHOLD 1 UNION 1 WHITE 1 WHITE 1 WILCOX ft GIBBS 1 NEW HOME 1 SINGER. SHOEMAKER .... Model drop-head machines, slightly used, at one-half the regular price. We rent machines at 75c per week, or $2.00 per montn. J nese aro modern, up-to-date machines, with all attachments. We sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing tnacnine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 13th and Harney Sts. 324 Broadway, Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFF1CE-625 N. 21th S. Omaha. GEO. E. MICKEL. 'Phone 1663. Manager. li- 10.00 fi.nn fUlO 5. no 30.00 10. Ml 25.00 FIVE-ROOM house, large lawn, city water, gas. 4,tn and Nlcnoias. D ftl2"i 2x TWO mdoern. excellent 6-rnoni houses. newly painted, nice lawn, shade, strictly g-ood. 2810-2812 Seward, $18; keys comer. 1 D-091 30x FOR RENT. 2819 Dewey ave., 7 morns, modern except furnace; newly repaired; nice condition: only $22.50. 1556 Shermun ave.. 9 rooms, modern except furnace; suitable for two families $:'. 3224 Cuming at., tf rooms, hall and bth; nil modrn; very desirable $30. 24'8 Emmet St., 8 rooms; all niodorn, barn, large lot, on car lint $30. 924 N. 42d st., 8 rooms, all modern, newly repaired 125. 2775 Burt, 6 rooms, modern except furnace, newly repaired $22 50. 829 S. 24th St., 5-room cottage, water, gas, sewer and garden, close In $16. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1st, Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. D- MOVE NOW 14104 N. 17th, 3-r., city water, ou car water, good -r., city $3,260 On easy terms, a brand new- house, well built, every modern convenience, nice lawn, shade, cement, street walks, see it at once. 1515 So. 2Mh street. $2.500 Near-th and Farnam, a coxy seven room bouse, bath, etc., nice lot and lawn. $1,900 Money in this 8. K. cor. 0th and Douglas, 46x115 feet, with old double house, space left on coiner for cottage or double brick. $4.500 1I4 Locust. 10-iooin house, all mod ern, ground ot'xl24 feet. Can make terms. $110 Six-room cottage, lot 30x127 feet, paved street, Caldwell street, near 24tb. Investigate. $4.600 Close In, choice, nearly new bouse of seven rooms, every modern convenience, will rent for $40. This is worthy of in vestigation. GARVIN BROS, 1604 FARNAM RE fTdTwad S-room tottage, with city water and .ewer. lot SvxtOti. on 26th St., north of Grunt. k50. -room cottage, nearly modern. 3 years old, south front, corner lot. $200 cash, balance monthly, $1 500. (room cottage and barn. 118 S. 2Uth ave. Newly psinti-u; good repair, ram front; walking distance. 11. WO. k-room. modern house, lot 60x150; nice home; 3M3 Lalayette ave.; easy payment. II. I W. T-room. 2-ftory house, well and cistern, with fruit and shade trees: nice home on 25tt. North Spauhllug. for oulck sale. 2.i"io. I-rooni house on South 2Sth. near Ilans- tom Park, owner need money, tills is a snap. $1.2u. It-room house, modern except furadie. on doulh aim. North Wuolwoitn, cast front; nice home can be sold. $J.tKi. 8-rooni house, all modern with hot water heating plant, south front: Is very at tractive and would make nice home, easy pa.vment. $3.0uo. K D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas. RE FOR BALE, two rmall. u-at Midges ail inoA'in except furnaces, at l.lth and Ban croft ech $l,u. on tuy terms. fix-roomed rottag an.1 Urge corner lot at 17a and Elm t. for 1.750. on e..y terms Inquire ot Jeaa FUck, at CKy Ksvtnga kjaak, ltE-t"S 30 F. D. WEAD, 1524 Dougiat. Rlv- Cheap Building Sites 175- 50x160. 6th and Boulevard. 35o5ox22tl. 21st and Dorcas. $ 4;5 21x15, north of Cuming and 26th sis. ii isxi.u, inui ana Mouievaid. ooo dux 1 1';, 27th and Hickory. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly aoea ta fin ona homes of tarmera and stock raisers, so it you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cott ot an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in small type, or $2.80 per Inch if set In large type. FARMS FOR RENT 60 acre three and one-half miles 8. E. or Bellevue, small improvement, 40 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. Rent, $100. GEORGE & CO., lOol Farnam st. lfS30 FOR RENT HOUSES South $ 6'JO .1 lots on lMh and Wyman sts. umana. 5H06OX136, :;5th and Cass. $ 5.V-5nxllii. 32d and Css. 560 iToxlJi, .':7th and Dodge. $ 6i tWxlHS, 17th and Manila. $ 7i-rxI24. 16tn and Blnnev. $ 7.Vi-62',xl25 . 26th and Cuming $ 8" io--76xlT. ;M1 Ii and La Fayette $l,loo vtxllk), 24th and C sts.. Soulh Omaha. $1,JU0 fttxl5"), east front on Park ave., south or i-oppieton. Improved Properties. lot 33x132, 2th and FOR RENT. Eight-room modern house. 2602 Pormleton ave., $25.00. Eight-room modern house. 1144 8. 3d at.. $.10.00. .mil t-room modern house. 422 N. 39th at.. $30.00. Eight-room modern house and barn. 2116 Spencer t.. $30.0w. IHUMAS BKrilN IS A N, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. D M5S0 29 CENTRAL. S-room cottage. 217 N. 24th. D 35 lot 45x120, Betuia ROOMING HOUSE FOP. RF.NT. The eleven-room h,ouse. all modern. No. b.t a. j'Jtn hi., oniy aa per month. In quire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor Bee bldg. D 74 $l,5oo-S-ioom cottage Chlougo. $1.'0 4-rooni cottage Park $1,700 6-room cottage, lot 50x140. 2129 8. 34th HI 1J tidu-k rooms n.ritv- iruH.rn ni.-. i.o. I NO. 1334 8. 28th. S-room, modern bouse. and fruit trees, lot 40x150, 26th and large and beautiful ard, only $32.60 per A sts.. South Omaha. month. Inquire R. C. Petera Co., ... . u . . . . .,, i . . i . . . I nnnnH H n 11 m . 1 ,1 b 1 -, . towi o-ruuni, sii iiiuueru. uuui inree vears. i ,n line. $ 3iJ41 8 18th ave. shape. $7. 1411 N. 30th. 4-r., well and cistern, $11. 2310 Michigan ave, U-r., city water, clute in, nice shape, $15. 2325 S. lHth, 6-r.. ntrletly modern exci pt furnace, only IS. Snop for someone. 3925 N 24th, 6-r., strictly modern, brand new, on car line, $30. 815 S. 84th. new 6-r. strictly modern cot tage, on boulevard, $30. ih4 Dodge Bt., new 6-r., strictly modern, $22.50. 1546 S. 27th, 7-r., strictly all modern, re duced to $26. 2234 Farnam, 7-r., strictly all modern, seven blocks from N. Y'. Life bldg.. only $3U. 2215 8 . 2Hth, 8-r., strictly all modern, nice yard. $27.60. :UK8 Farnam, 8-r., strictly modern, very choice, close in, $15. 2JH Ohio. 9-r.. strictly modern, tine yard, house In good shape, $30. 623 S. 25lh ave., lu-r., all modern, close In. $27.50. We have others; see our list before you move. Private money to loan. Bargains in real NEW and second-hand soda fountains, fountain supplies. Great Western Bot tling. Ice Cream &. Supply Co. CJ-10 MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for tale a )o II. P. lio-voli. direct current. Northern motor. Ibis motor ia in perlect condition in every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see W. 11. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. y 774 FOR SALE Several scholarships in a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand ai.d typewriting. Imiulre at Bee efflco. W 862 rt : cost. t'JM: 'Tin-lie ;iH-'. u ::v mix PORTABLE hake in en for sab-, cheap; good as new. Addr ss D 41, U-e. CJ--M24I lx FOR SALE Gasoline e ngine. 3-horse : gooil order; chciip. c'all or ;ublrc--s Sron, V:i't Farnam st.. Omaha. g-213 . PIANO FOR SALE A liigii grade Royal upvlxlit. us- d 1- ir mouths, cost $;t2.i ; will lake l,si. pavineul.i If desired. K. D. O'NEILL, 1211 Fat nam St l;'.io 30 81IKRWIN-WILMAMS CO. REST MIXED PAINT. Sheiniaii Id McComitll Duig Co., Omaha. CJ--763 IPfYM KpVfp Works; Poultry, Lawn IrVWlN rCiM-t Wire. 6U S. 16th st. Q-754 CHEAP chicken fence, leng fir timbers and telephone poles. 'Ail uuuglaa. g ioe B. & H. Ideal chick food, mfg. by Bunnell Iladlocli, 24th and Belt Line, chu tha Free Kimple. W--M449 Mi MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS WHERE Wii i;ki; WHERE BORROW MONEY You can get it on Furniture, Piano., Horses, Wagons, Cows, etc.. You get it on short noibe You get low tales and easy terr.ia. WHEKE Confident i.-il nr.d courteous dealings bring you back. WHERE Cun vou do bett-r? PHOENIX C REDIT CO.. Top Floor. 633 PAXTON BLK. X M.if THE COST WE THINK you will agree with us that the cost should always be known before a contract is made. IF YOU borrow of us you will always) know In advance to the cent what the greatest cost will be. and If yon are able to pay faster than the contract calls for . ou can make the cost much less. YOU CAN borrow of us on furniture, pi anos, livestock and other ehattels. or on your own agreement to repay if you are employed on a regular salary. YOU WILL not be expected to pay us for making papers or notary fees, and you will not be expected to pay Interest In advance, as we give you the full amount of the loan In cash. OUR RATES are as low s any and a great ileal lower than many, our service Is quick and without publicity, and OUR OFFICE motto In "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE IXJAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1802.) 306 So. 16th St. X-M950 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE AND PIANOS AT LOWEST RATES. QUICKEST SERVICE AND MOST CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT. . . . The annoyance of owing bills in several places may be eliminated by obtaining enough money of us to pay all your debts and at the same time establishing credit with an old, reliable llrm where you can obtain money whenever you need It. HD eral rebate If paid sooner than agreed. private interviewing rooms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 307-308 Paxtou Block. X-M227 MONEY loaned on furniture. aalarv. horres. etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe- now, room 214, at m S. 16th at. Tel. B2U61 I V7i MONEY loaned salaried people and others without secuilty; easy payments, Offices , r i . , l .. 1 . . . .. f .. . Ill io ui iiivil-iu inir. . uijiiau, iimm ill, xncw xora jue ouiiaing A. ,vj BOWEN'S MONEY: easy to get on furnl ture, pianos, noises, rows. plain note ir steadily employed, voa jn. x. Lire. X-780 FOR SALE About 60 feet ornamental gal vanized Iron cornice, and ornamental Iron posts tuitanic for show window. Apply superintendent Bee building. g-MS26 C 1 I D TC By mail. J IX 1 1 1 J dress U. 8 logue free. Factory Knoxvllle, Tctin. prepaid, any ad- 11.95 up. Cata- Mcrehamlise Co., Q M585 M22x PULLEY8 AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys from 6-inch to 48-Inch In diam eter; 3 countershafts, complete. These are all In first-class condition. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q-112 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., I Barker block. X 71 MONEY loaned on nlanos. furniture. 1w elry, boraes, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 S. 13 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 r A ATOM BLOCK. X-763 8EE FULLER. 426 Paxton block, for loans on watches, aiamonos ana jnweiry. X-764 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business connueiniai uui uoueias, X 76a estate. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Flour N. Y. Life Bldg. D- 3il So. 16th.; 8 rooms; modern ex cept luruuce $26.00 3701 No. 21st.; $ rooms; modern ex cept fnriiac? 20.K 8:;6 Bo. 19th.; 5 room flat 12.00 2818 Farnam; 4-rooni flat b'.'O Apply W. Farnam Smith & Co., 132i) Farnam St. Dl!(6 30 HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS! An endless variety and at price. that can not be duplicated anywhere else. John son Danforth, 8. W. cor. 10th and Jonea sts. Entrance from viaduct. Q-781 LARGE Columbia graphophone, cost $25, Ywith doxen discs, for $15. Almost new. I Address D 29, Bee. Q-M9I8 20x FOR SALE, furniture In seven-room house, good condition. Call 35cS Jackson st., or telephone L246H. Q-M935 lx 1 FUNNIEST picture ever published. "THE WHOLE DAM FAMILY," Mr. I. B.. Billy B. Price postpaid. 25c. including Mrs. U. B., and the Dam Dog. Company, Omaha, Q-971 30 Megeath Stationery Neb. SECOND-HAND automobiles, including Olds runabout. Cameron, .National, Wlillc Steamer, Ford and others at low prices. J. J. Dcright & Co., 1119 Farnuni street. g-M214 M:9 WILL sell at private sale all household furniture, Including bed, tables, buffets, rockers, rugs, ban raeit. .Magic range, etc.; also some tiger nxios, Panama hats and Central American curio. 3.21 Burl st. Q-213 30 $ ROOMS, rear 2622 Rees St., $'.. Bemis, Paxtou Block. 24 30 FOR RENT OR SALE, -room house and barn. 3M0 Seward. Owner leaving city. Apply F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. D 25730 full lot. Bemis Park. $3,3ci 9-roooi modern houe, lot 5oxl3J. 27th ana poppieton. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. 51'Hi. SJS N. Y. Life Bldg. UK- ground floor Bee bldg. FOR RENT 617 So. S3d st , 6-room cot tage; newly papered and painted, nice condition: 117.60 per month. George & Co.. 1601 Farnam at. D M762 30 FOR RENT. 8-room house, strictly modern, new condition, xjd.wu. otu . to 4 p. m. 1.142 So. 27ih st. Garvin Biok, 16tn and Farnam. D--M773 10 w v . . - r- tr v rx . i l x s r I r'l Al T rlJK A HI JiVlh HOUSES furnished here means a saving of " " - ' - - - - Jo per cent to you. w e have ever) thing Lot 50x150. on grade. & large bearing apple trees. 2 large bearing peach trees, i laige beariui: cherry trees. 6 Is-ge ash trees. laige number ol peony, lilac, narcissus itlMl ueweilllK mioioiiu fiu::-s, ,uir oioi-i. fiom oar; splrndid neighborhood; at 3Mh and Burt sts. tor housekeeping. cilad to stiow eu whether you buy or not. Terras, $J5 worth $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 15th on Fainato Si. D-'. 30 Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. il'v. tJ6 N. T. Iifa Bids RV.- 10-BOOM house, two batl.s. suitabls for two fam!lie. at northwest corner 19th and Grace sts . ITi per mouth Arplv lo J A Scott, 2tS Oniha National hok bulldlnj. D-2-l 30 $35 621C So. lath st., ll-room house; mod ern; suitable for roomer. $32.50 l'I34 So. 2Sth st., 8 rooms; modern; large yard. $.6 fi41 Park ave., 6 rooms: modern. $262622 Davenport, lo rooms: modern. $16 256 Wirt st., 6 rooms; modern. Inquire R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Re Bldgr. D-244 30 HOUSES FOR RENT. 225 N. 25th street, nearly new 6 rooms, all modern. $30. 2224 Chicago, 9-r., modern. $36. 1342 So. 27th. 9-r.. mod., $28. 1214 So. 17th, 5-r.. city water. $12. 2:il So. 16th, 6-r. flat. $12 5n. 2516 N. 31si. 5-r., bath, $12 P'M So. ISth. 8 rooms. $11 I'U Ko. lth. 3-r cottage $6 GARVIN BROS, l-4 FARNAM D 5- r modern, exc. furnace. 202: Charlf a 116 IK 6- r Modem liouse, cor. 35t h ave ami Kai nam 6-r inuilern. 211 So. 35th -r modern, exc. furnace. 2tnl Far nam J-', I). WEAD, ISM Doualaa. 18 ou 25 LATHAM. Bradley and Thompson strain of Barred Plymouth R-.cks; cgs for hatc hing; In lis and pullets, $1.10 eai h for next four days only; must have room for young flock. Davis, 4210 Ames ave. g-2Ul 30x AUCTION of Furniture at 1111 Furnum st., Monday, May 1, lo a. in. All the furniture, etc.. in my store will be sold wtihout regard to prices. A. M. Beardsley. CJ M30S lx FOR SALE Full-blooded St. Bernard puu nics 6 months old. Address i"22 churloa Kt. Q-M9-7 lx FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and tool tables, bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswitk-Balke-Collouder, 4U7 b. loth st, Omaha. - COMPLETE line new and id-imud furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co.. H10 Dodge. Tel. 2U20. Q-761 D HAND safe cheap, nam. Der.ght. 111 Far-g-762 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If )ou want A tmrgaln In sleaut r!ttng call and look over the following supplies; 1 i-lneh Austin' horixontal separator. 1 4-lnch AuBiln'a vertical at-parator. The bav been taken out on account of changea In our steam plant and ie In .....a ....Kliion Audr.x Ie Hullding Co. or . H. Bridgea, eiiintr Hit building. Omaha. g-w. ELEGANT. ALMOST NF.W, household furniture: mahogany chalra. tables etc.; beautiful curtains, cheap, it'4 N " st 'Phone J1W. Q 3" CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co . i"Q4 earnnm ai. .. iio MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co, VV-767 FARM and city loan; lowest rates. W. II, Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bunk Bldg. Tel. 1613. W-768 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, J620 Douglas. W-769 WANTED, cily loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith St Co., 1320 Farnam at. W 770 PERSONAL Piano Buvino Easy at Sihmoller - Muellers 11 does rot re unite Hll evpell tn (jr. lull value here I it our oE PRICE PLAN tlxei the right anil LoWI-.SI" PRICE Irom the START. Save $7 to $150 on new Stelnwsvs. Stiger.-. Emt -s,ii,, Mr Pliail. Hardtmm. Sleek. A H. Ch.ise mi l main' other make.- kti'wn to t' present liie HIGHEST IDEM.S in TONE .imi scieiiiiiic plnito CONSTRUCTION Jn our exchange department will he tniind many aomi uuikes. a ffw or which ii" only sllk-lith' used Heili.k upilghl. Ill": Arum. Hi; Somer. JL.1; Anoe. jm:: Lr'.e. $i.-;,; chn K. ring. JUm; ; t : . !7e; .Mm-ller. $I.i:,. Fishi-i. .'': I vera .V- I'oiul. :io: Mueller. S.'."-. .ml mam ethei s nt Intel im-ola te price cm cash st terms: t' to h enh. 1: n monthlv. His sub- of PIANOLAS tin week below cost. See our slocl, fur bar gains. Schmoller & Mueller, Plain Makers and Dealers, I In pmIv our pru'f piano iunisf in Nehr.tsUa HH FARNAM STREET, MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-771 QARVIN BROS , 16C'4 Farnam. City loans at lowest rales; no delay; get our terms. W-773 LOWEST rates, city property; 5 p. c. on farms In eastern Neb. Bemis, Paxton blk. W-773 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha prop, erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brerinan, room 1. New York Life bldg. W 771 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle. Ramt.e block. W-336 Low Rales, Private Money. $100 and Up. (HAS. B. WILLIAMSON CO. W FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages Ht greatly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan forth. southwest corner b'th and Jones. P-782 FOR SALE Cheap, one-horse top buggy, good condition; cost new $250. Address D 28. Bee. P 776 30 HORSE, harness and rubber tlrei buggy, for sale cheap. 118 No. 15th st P MD39 3ox FOR KALE White pony; may been seen at stables of W. H. McCord, 22d and Cuss F y58 1 SIIETI.AND pony, cart and harness, double buggy harness, good garted saddle mare, U1 and Center. Tel. 57J. P 2 30 FOR 8ALK 2-seat extension-top carriage, platform spring; Karbiu-h make; g.sid condition; tiargaln. Milton Rogers A Sons Co. P-K72 30 WANTED TO RENT WANTED For the summer, furnished or paitlv furnished houne In Ilnnsconi pari: district, bj gentleman and wile; no chll dien. Address D 4J, Bee K-242 )x WANTED, offli-e room for real estate liusi i.rss with p.nty liose line of business would not conflict. Addit-ss D 3S. H--e. K M'Cii 2 FLORISTS HESS 4c 8WOBODA, 141i Jarnam. L iU.NDi;rt89N, lei? Farnatn. Tel 7a 125 Jt Tel. Onialn, Neh. I LARSON JOHNSON-Cut rates in all points MoT, Farnam. Tel. B 2113. Mem ber American Th ki t Brokers' association. U-776 RET I RED no ul, ul v.,inls a coin ii( iiplaiu. age tin; bachelor; wcnlthy; large tT)eifnir; Wife. I w ret ii e kit I .111 Chu ;i vo. U- 146 Sex u.i,., I Till-; Salvation Artnv solicits l ast-off clot h- mg. In fuel, ai.vihing vou do not need; we celled, irp,,,- l)nd sell at 114 N. lit hi at fir cost of collecting to the worth poor. Call phono 4Ui and wagon will rail. U-611 ROYALTY ll! oN SONG-POEMS and niusiial compositions; we arrange mid popularize. I'inm-er Music Pub. Co.. Inc., E ,t6o Manhattan bldg . Chicago. U-147 sex CHAMPION CARPET WORKS, 720 S. 14T1I ST. CLE A NINO 'PHONE -& U 777 MARRV-W eallh ,-irul beauty; marriage dl rectory tree; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no monev. Addreas 11. A. Horton, Dept. 2I7, Tckonsha. Mich. U-1IS 3Vii TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. f U-778 WEALTHY young widow: attractive: .l";is,int. alum- In the world and loiv-K , wishes lo marry. Address King 1 016 George st , Chicago. U 152 3"X j Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTt. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCH1NG GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLAS BLK., OPPOSITE 1IAYDEN BROS. TEL. 1936. U- A TT R A CT I V E and very wealthy maiden, alone, wants, without delay, kind, honest hiisbund. Address: Jesse Lee. 84 Wash ington St., Chicago. U 135 30x PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boardAd and adopted. Mrs. Garden, 221 Charles. Tel. 3U. U-70S MARRY Ladles and gentlemen Introduced everywhere; many wealthy; best refer ences; strictly confidential: incorporated; ninth yenr; paper mid particulars. 10c, sealed. H. K. lxive, 27 Jacobson Bldg., Denver. I olo. U 111 30x WE RENT a-wlng machines. 75o week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machlnus, $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. 15th and Harney. U-787 FACTS for men ronecrtiiuir love, courtship ami marriage. The hook that will make wise. Scud ten cents fur It Your money back If not more than satisfied. Address: Goo. D. Wvatt, Naturopath, 229 Main St., Mnnitou, Okl . U-117-30X OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge hlk. U-tSO $500 REWARD to ladles for any case of suppression our monthly regulator falls to relieve In 5 days. This applies to all ob stinate, long-standing, abnormal cases from any cause. No case hoix-les.. Price $1. Also tiv our Preventive Cones. Free book, wortii Jim. French Cupsub s Co., Dept. 23, Covington, Ky. U 122 30x P7 c p M A absolutely cured. B. J. 8oan CAVC Vlrt nei 50a Ware block. . VU3 31 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation tree and coiihilcntial; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Lire. U- 976 30x DR. ROY, Chiropody. It. 2 at 3, 1506 Farnam. J-781 OMAHA Dye Works. 1.M5 Howard. Dresses, men's suits, porlierca cleaned. U-M325 MU PIANO CLUB Jtiit forming 6-Je and $1 weekly; piano de livered Immediately; piano lessone free. Call for particulars. 1611 Farnam st. PRIVATE home during conllnement; ba bies adopted The Good Samaritan 1 Sani tarium. iJi First ave., Council Bluffa. la. Tel. 774. U-6-B PHONE 70 and a man will call and tun yiur piano. 12. Perlleld Pisno Co., loll Fir.laiu. U-W M A f M CT I C treatment & bathB. Mmi. IYiAvjIN 1 1 iUs.niih. us k. is. 2d n. r. . U $60 O HAT? STEPHENS & SMITH, Opp. SZ. t I J Publufflce. Beet in Omaha. U-536 Apia STEPHENS . SMITH, opp. poatoffl.-e. Quarter alits. Barkers collars, 2 fur '-6c U-847 THY UELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 353 L' 7SK WILL gue worthy party shorthand scihol ervhlp in le.iiiiiig sthcol and wall for pay ment. Address C. 55. Bee. U 261 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLKATING. PUCHING, BUTTONS Send for pi l e list and samplrs. IHt GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. DOUGLAS IlliCK. Tel IW6. OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufaciurers of pufcte for all purpose Tel. 4621. 2"10 Cuming. EtabUah4 YOU WANT our new i;eS !gnet gold fillfl hat pin. beautifully engraved by hand, a $2W proposition tor i5 cents In stlvei , rooiicv refunded If not satisfactory. East ern .s'oolli Co., '. O Box t). East port. Me. I'-UI !f I.ADI ES-Informotlon about our ' pro te. ior'' l In plain envelope for loc silver. .MinncHpolls Specialty Co., Rox 212. .Miniiciiiolif, Mm 11 . U-Ws J0 MRS DR KING- Private hoov duiii'g ton- lillel.-ir CI Babies adopt"' I i Nolth l"in st , third M001 , 'I'd. ajO','. U- M226 6x VIAVI. w nolesonie. rational trestmetit. no publicity, perfectly lonflrten'Jil. Send for particulars or call at JM B-e blrtf , omsha. Neb. Thono UA. V-mn