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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. APRIL 30. 1905. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 751 and 722 N. T. Life. SPECIAL BARGAINS I iy- N. V. coiner 1'ld and Blondo st... tirtxlSJ it., 8 rooms and cistern. My. Iml this Is ehcnpi 'iliink of 11. ii houso and ull Ulia ground, block from I In car line. f 1,050-2ofl N. 34th St., COxl.Itt ft.. 0 rooms, water and gas; good repair. $ 1.70O 1tat Park ave., Wl50 ft., a very good ii-vtory house mid one Miiall houw. This is a rattling Liik bar gain. $ l,SO0-25lh it., "ulU nt Leavenworth, large, well built, 3-smry house, nioii cin, In walking distance. Actually a snap. t 2,009 ::5nS Cuming St.. Mx!24 ft., 5 rooms. A lot In this locality Is worth iroro than we ask fur tho hous- ami lot. Huro to make money on this; can't help It. $ 1,100 Near 2tth and Burt bis., large lot, Gtxl50 ft.: 2 cottage?, lacing boule vard la cheap. I 2,200-Near 42d and Errkine, close to rar, . 6oxL:7 fl., good 7-ruoru bouse, water aud gas. Nice home, $ 2,340 N'. mth ave. near Locust. h"90 ft., s-toum, 2-story, modern house; stone Walks and shade. Bargain. I 2,00 4713 Davenport St., 2 blocks from the Dundeo tar; largo lo-room house, wrll built; 100 feet of ground cheap, but want an ofler. I J,S0i)-Near 22d and lyocuht st.. 40x140 it., largo 2-story, 6-roora houso; beat new .plumbing, porcelain bHth, ail mod ( ern, new roof, new paint period ' condition, with barn. Take part in good vacant lot, suitable lor build ing. f 1400 1120 8. 2Sth st, 60x150 ft., 2-story, 8 room, modern house; tine shade actual bargain. 3J.i0 Near 16th and Burdette St.. txll4 ft., nearly new, S-room, 2-story, modorn houso; nickel plumbing, porcelain lath, IflO-bbl. cistern and barn. Owner expects to leave the city; wants to hip his furniture in side of ten days. I'rlco reduced for lmmcdiato sale. This is a bargain. J.JW 4170 st, high, slgluly ground, fine 00-ft. lot, good shade, excellent, 2-story house, well built; s rooms, strictly modern, Mnam licit, lino hard-wood fl' ors and finish, mantel, .hcwcr connection; close to school. Take f-'loo to $500 In cash from good party, balance monthly or quarterly one of the bent bargains wo havo had. t 3,150 Near 41st and Davenport sts., high, sightly, cast front. tvuxl'ju ft., nearly new, ti-room, modern liouse; choice location. f 3,200 Near 35th ave. and Juckson, new 7-rnom house, all modern, cant front; ehulcu home, brand new. Terms. $ 2,600 1 303 Oeorgla ave., corner lot, ' 5'ixlOO ft.; 8-room, modern house, line base ment; houso being put in splendid repair. Owner anxious to sell; wants uu offer this weeik. Tills Is abso lutely cheap. $ 4,250 Fast-front corner on Georgia ave., fioxl.Vi ft ; both streets and alley paved and paid for, "JOU ft. of perma nent walk -one of the tluoat lots In HiiriKcom I'Ihc without question 2-story. 8-room house, strictly mod ern, new roof, good repair. Price re duced from $,00 for Immediate sale. Telephone 49. SPECIAL BARGAIN BEAUTIFUL HOME This Is ire bst bargain In Hanscom Place. 1 he location Is iniply rholee. $ 5 3i I ii West 1-nrnam section, good -room L'-tftorv modern house, beautl fil eor. Iot'8'ixloo ft.: rust front, overlooking the city: can't shut oft the view, owner leaving city; price reduced for Ul k sale. A choice home, and a bargain. $ 0-r.aih and Hodge. gml S-ionm modern house, targe burn, stone drive, sewer, water and gas lit barn. Take desira ble smaller place or good vacant lot pait pn) merit. 12 R. :d. .tllo It., K. front, street paved and paid, permanent walk, brick drive; verv lino 10-rooiri house, strictly modern.; tine reception hall, large parlor, back par lor, large , dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry, fine hardwood floors, hardwood tlrilsh. beautiful stairway; 6 large com modious bed rooms, exceptionally choice, on second floor: fine white tiled bath room with very best of plumbing and fixtures; excellent basement with laundry, furnace room, fuel room, etc., under entire house. Thin house was built by the owner and it is absolulelv will built. The location Is fine and It Is one of tho fliict arranged houses in everv respect that we have had for sale In a long tune. Ownprs are leav ing the citv and it must and is going to be sold. Prb e has been reduced from tlOfrno to JK.r.00. ' It Is cheap at this price. We want you to look at it Immediately and make as a proposition, for someone i going to get a decided bargain, j VACANT S U0 lluxl.32 ft, N. front on Jones, 110 ft, west of SMth ave. 300 xl27 ft., N. fiont on Blondo, 120 ft. west of 35th. 4an i;;xlS0 ft., N. E. eor. 21st and Elm. 400-50x110 ft., wst front, 4tst. between. California and Burt. Bargain. $ 4008. K. cor. Military ave. and Seward, Btreet paved and paid. Snap. t 600- 4;xli,8 ft., west front on 24th, be- twecn Ppring and iak. A big snap tor quick sale; or can sell two lota at same price each. . Son-West front ou 20th nt., S. of Bur ilette. 44xl4U ft; lies beautiful; a good bargain. I l.OOO 1x110 ft., K. front 19th Boulvaid, south of Charles ft. t l.nnn h it. lot on Jones, near intli st. ( 1. 0io 57xloo ft.. N. front on Davenport, net ween ust ana .i.a ave., opposite Yates residence. Une. $ l,5u0 onxiuO it., on Cuming, near 35th. Bargain. $ 2,000 riOxloO ft., N. front on St. Alary'a live., near 2tlh. $ 2,500- 141x150 it., olos to cor. 4oth and Webster. Very fine. INVESTMENT t 2 moiKYl ui ft. thrpe frame houses, rent lug 4 per month, on 22d St., south of Grace. 110 Ono Hloek of three brick houses, blocks from liigh ehool, renting J1,3HX per year; on full city lot. Id close an esrtale. OWN YOUR HOME J50 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH On 33d and Ames ave., Boyd and Taylor sts., some on car line, some block away, all fine lots, oOxlW ft.; city water, thickly settled, from $-H to $300 per lot; some of these lots ut $.",0u have sewer, -water and gas and permanent walk. Just like picking them up In the atreet or getting moiiev from home. And tho terma aro such that you would never miss the These lots used to sell for $700 to $1.0f) apiece and ore worth more, today than thev were then. Our signs aro on tho lots', lxiok ut them or ask us for a plat ... . i- -r r. ana we win snow mvin iu juu. xvr. DO YOU PAY RENT? Let us fistire what II costs. Suppose you pay $2" a mmitn. mat ts r-v a. year, or $-.4"l in ten years. What you get for the money Is shelter and a receipt. Like Id monthly Into the Omaha Loan and Building Association on a home Insures posspsslon and owner ship, fifteen hunderd homes secured by members In twenty-two years proves the worth of the association as a means of securing homes. Loans made la liberal terms and repaid In easy monthly payments. A FEW DKSIRABLE HOMES FOR SALE ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Applications for loana given prompt at tention. Six per cent earned and credited en savings accounts. GEO. W. LOOMIS, President. O. M. NATTINGER, Secretary. Ground Floor, Bee Building. 'Phone 4t;3. RE 7-Room Modern House in Walking Distance t)n California at., between 27th and 2Sth, south front, on Harney car line, overlook ing the boulevard. This la by far the beat bargain offered for a desirable home so lone In. Can bo had ou easy terms. Trice $3,200. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1609J4 Farnam St. (Ground FkwrV B-9H9 30 R. H. LANDERYOU 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. CLIFTON HILL 4303 Grant street, 7 rooms; large reception hall: on beautiful corner lot; pretty, home on eiuty terms; $'-',000. 2423 MANDERSON STREET 7 rooma, all modern and up-to-date In every respect; paved etreet; good shade; house now and well built. If you aro looking for a choico home it will pay you to look this up; $3,300. HE 181 30 CATTLE RANCHES. The three choicest catle ranches in Ne braska, In Custer and Keya-Faha coun ties all finely Improved, and fenced, with running water, timber, largo alfalfa and meadow fields, black land. These are said to be the beat ranches In this state, and they are offered at great sacrifice to close an estate. RICHARD C. I'ATTERSON, Sole Agent, Omaha, RE 199 30 DESIRABLE HOUSE NEAR LEAVEN WORTH ST. AND GEORGIA AVE. $7,500. J09 fl. Mth St.. ll-room, strictly modern. first class condtion: large lot, tHixHO feet; half block north of Leavenworth St. C'atV hn sold on reasonable terms. GEORGE & COMPANY. ItiOl Farnnm SL RE M09 JK SPECIAL BARGAIN 933 N. 27th ave., good 5-room house, with city water, sewer connection In kitchen, new white enamel sink, tine tthade, nies shrubbery, high ad sightly, must be sold, I'rlco $1,S)0. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 0S1 30 160 ACRES. $40 per acre for improved farm; PA miles irom tiiieaa. i nayer cuuniy, nt-uriKua fhas. L. Saunders, 211 South 18th st Omaha. Neb. RE-M3S1 WHEN buying or selllng real estate be sura to have your abstract of title made or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Truat Co., 1614 Farnara st. RE 730 THOMAS BRENNAN, Telephone 1264. Room 1, New York Life Bldg OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS, HOMES $1,000 J-room cottage on Binney St., west of Kountre Place. Small payments and easy terms. $1,100 One 5-room cottage, 2117 Binney St., building would cost $1,200 to build. $1,200 .'ottage on Charles St., west of 3Uth at.. li2007-loOm house and two lots on Ohio St., easy terms tiuiall puymeut down. tl.tiOO Two houses on 8. 17th uL, worth $2,&U0. $2.000 Corner lot 6t'ixl4, with 8-room brick house, corner. 3,'.th and Jackson. Lot ulotui worth $l,70i. $2,100100 feet on Georgia nve., with cot tage. Paving all paid for. t-,500 B-room modern houso and full lot Dt'xliO; east front and puved street. Near llnnacom Park. Well worth tho mouev. $2,500 Corner, with 7-rooin inoUeni house j una tiaru, on u'lts si., near ..vtu worth. $3,000 Two houses and lot, 50x150. In Hans com Place. Room for two more houses. Rents now for $30 per month. $,000 Elegant 10-room modern house on paved street. Near 24th st. $1,000 Splendid home, 10 ro.wns. South front, on paved street, one block irum west side, Hanscom Park car one block north of park. li.OUO One la left of thos,e line brick bouses, with slaui roof: West Karnum district. All modern. Oak finish; 9 rooms. Could not build liouse for $7, wo, and lot is a buap, at $2.0uu. Vacant Ripe for Improvement S0xl40, corner 2&1 aud Half Howard. Runs through from 2 1 si ave. 10 22d st. and has (rentage on Half Howard of 140 feet. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone-297. sums pal Vacant Lots Full hlze lots, near Wilier park. layinB beautifullv, overlooks and adjoins toe beautiful Miller park; $1'j0 to 3'J0; $5 down, and $3 prr month. Start now and begin paying for your home. Call at ufflco tor rial, or will be pleased to have one of our salesmen show you the lots. BEM1S l,2u0 A good 8-room cottage, on Ohio st., near car; electric light, city water, etc. 1.2J0 A good 6-room house near I4th and l'lrrce; lot ttuxiss. $1.5j0 A line S-room cottage, within walk ing distance; city water, sewer; lot 34x168. 1,730 Good 7-room house at 2307 Pierce st. ; rents for $18 per mouth. 1,600 6-room cottago on 21st st., near Mauderson; nice east-front lot. 1,200 A new 4-room cottago at 30th and Spring; south front, city water. Can sell on easy terms, 2,600 A fine 7-room. all modern cottage on 41st ave., near Cuming st. 2,600 A new 7-room, modern house on Capitol ave., near iMth st. owner will accept lot In part payment. 3,300 oy N. 4oth St., i rooms, ail modern. 4,250 Northeast corner 40th aud Buit St., 9 rooms, all modern. 4,200708 N. Jth St., 7 rooms, all modern. 5.20O 34th and Harney, new, 8 rooms; something tine; tiled bath room and vestibule, electric light Hiid gas, ce ment walks ou payments. tS,000-6tt N. 40th 3t., a line 8-room, all . modern house, just completed. The new cuthedral will make this a val uable home. - 7,i00 On 31st st., near Pacific at., an ele gant ir-room house, .east front. 8,800 On 30th ave., 9-room, all modern home; nothing nicer lu town lor the money. $1S,000 A fine brick home In West Farnam dlWrlct; good corner lot. $10,000 The Dr. Parker property, on the southeast corner of iioth ave. and Dodge, 9 rooma, barn, etc.; lot 121x I 132. I $12,000 A 10-room. frame house on 2Mb ave.. near uougias; lot ll'o-rt. front; brick barn. I'axton Block. RE-223 30 KANSAS LAND. 10S quarter sections in Wichita county. $M0 to mju a quarter, .mi gooa wneai ana ai falta land. J. J. Stephens, Omuhn, Neb. RE-807 HIGHLAND PARK. Onlv four blocks north Walnut Hill car line from Krug Park corner; no city taxes; high and sightly. i,ots trom io to lion. n;asy terms. CHA8. L. SAUNDERS, 211 8. 18th St. RE 4o3 FOR SALE One note of $l,S0O, due In one vear. secured by tirst mortgage on goou Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 pec cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,900, due on or before three years, Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S. 2a, Bee orTlcc. RE-M153 CORNER lot. GCxfirt, brick building, three stores and flats within, two blocks oi tier Grand, paying 12 per cent on the Invest ment; must be sold quick; owner leaving city, inquire ot Hickory. RE 850 1113X Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming low prices: ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A. RB-723 Brand New 7 rooms, nil new: will be entirely com pleted within two weeks; four large rooms on first floor and three upstairs; city water; 62-ft. lot, corner, faces south; on car line, at 27th and Fort st- Price $1,000. BEMIS Paxton Block. RE-222 30 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE SOUTH OMAHA. Located in extreme northern part of South Omaha, within one block of car line; near new car barns; close to Highland park; location cannot be excelled; surrounded by larga resi dences. Shade, shrubbery, gas con nection, city water, new bath room and fixtures, large cistern, 20-foot alley, sewer, permanent street walks. Only small amount of vacant prop erty In this locality lots selling from $1,000 to $1,600 each. See this bargain. Call at 2420 N Street for Price and Terms KB 999 80X BUSINESS cronerty In Omaha paving per cent net on $20,000. Will sell for $15.- 000. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. RE M421 Just the place for apartment house, bain onlv live blocks from court nousc mid cit hall, lloyd'a opera house, etc. Several peo- Me looking at tnis now. 100 feet on 2uth st. Just the place to build modem brick row. WIU rent for $25 to $40 each. INVESTMENTS $6,600 Fine double brick. Rents $70 per montn. t lose in. " $8,000 Elegant double brick. All modern Close In. Good neighborhood. Rents J'.HiO Dcr year. $S.O0O Row of 3 modern houses. 9 block west of Bennett store. Rents, $yoO per pear. walking distance. Al ways rented. Four double brlrk located on car line. 'MO per mouth. Mulendid Investment. 3-story brick block-3 stores and rooms above well rented. Will pay 10 per cent net ou price asked. One t-story brick on S. ltith St. left. Have sold the other two this week. You hud better look this over. Price, $15,000. One of the best brick rows In town. Six complete modern houses finished In hard wood. Corner 31st and Pacific sts. Elegant double brick, modern. Kust front on Dl.-t st, north of Hanscom Park. If you want a good thing see us about this piece. Three-story brick and two frame houses. Corner lot, . 132x132. ry close In. Rents for $3'J5 per month. Call arid let us show 11 to you. Will make favorable terms at luw rate of interest. FOR SALE My home, 9-room liouse; 100 feet of ground; modern Improvements; In first class condition: fine shade trees beautiful lawn. Anyone desiring modest but, attractive home at reasonable price should Investigate. Richard L. Metcalfe, 3840 Charles st. toa-Aisji 160 ACRES fine alfalfa land. $10 per acre 330 aires, $37.50 per acre, for short time, Willis cam wen, Kronen bow, ieo. RE M953 TWO lots. 89x118. cheap. If Address D 32, Bee office. sold at once, RE M938 5x houses, well Rental value, Price, $16,000. Mxl32 on Only IO,Ouu. 63x 233 on P'.th brcweiy. $3,lM). TRACKAGE Leavenworth, Just east st. of loth. south of Eton THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New -York Life Bldg. W. H. CRARY. Manager Real Estate Dept. ' H H Miami Street Lot it . a. nnn. o ni.. ci.. $725 The lust lot Kit in that Valny for that mice; many others III different parts of ihe city. , Olieu Mcnday evenings until 10 o'clock. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ltj0tj Furnuin St. tGiound Flmm. RE-yy; 30 Hot Water Heating ALL WORK GUARANTEED R i'EAKS. Hot water, or Heuni healing is cheaper, nd gives more .4uti.-d'uc(ioii than furnace or stuve. We niMalt thow healing stkleim tu uuy lU'i hou'ie in or out of Omaha. Dis tance makes no difference. Prices reason able. Write, 'phone or call for particular. T. F. Falfe, luCJ Howard it., 'phone Ui, Omaha. Neb. RE HOMES In any part of the city, large and mall: 41 ant lota; good ueieage; good lot ou paved ktreet tor wholesale, 9th aiV'fl between Harm y and Jones; lot 6HX1T2 on 9lli street. 10 ar Karnum; lol 6oxl2S. between lltli ami Kh. uorin of M. hulas street, with good truck. If you ex wish anything In tho real ctate ltn see If A R8 4b GLOVER, KOOJi 3, NEW YOIIK Lis E. r.E-20u-30 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 601 N. V. Life Bids. Choico Vroom house lu the southwest part of city1, well located, only one year old, newly decomt"d lih beautiful pat tcrnr.. fine leeepiino hall and stairway, pus and electric liklit. 4 good bed rooms, linn cellar, wlih laundry,, outside cellar av; property leuting ror $:i per month; pi h e, $3,jou. This In . a lirsl-cluss Invest Inent or an elegant home. In th Wulnul Hill di.strlet, 9-ronm houo Willi mantel uuu grate. furr.Hi'e, La 111. laun ilr. alatu roof, full lot. tine shade, good uj'ii. ceiiieiii waiHs. t'riee rigru. Ou Spaulduirf st., corner lot. i;;xl2S. with two iionsrH; owner very anxious to sell prp.'e, $2 lor Urtli In th- Went Kiirnam district, a good 8 rKim hoii.-e, Willi 5o-fiot lot. oil finish mantel and grate. twth. all piped for furnace, cement walk", only $.;.ki. In lU'inls Park, brand new b-rooin house W illi lot a '..xl 1,, virietiy all ntodern. in eluding funuice. This is a bargain. Price :.'.0. In Walnut Hill district. 9-room hnn. nlth burn .til modern, Including hot water tieating Plant, line pnail- uud lots of fruit. one uiock rrom car, PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO SilLth Floor. N. V. Life Bldg RE FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus, O., property, two lots Thornburg Place, one lot Burllmcton Place, free of all In cumbrance. Address J. A. Hartlpy, 84 N High St., Columbus, O. RE M937 18x NORTH SIDE HOME 8 rooms, two large recent ion-, large closet and bath room, porches on two sides, per manent walks, house newly painted ami in best of repair. Near 19th and Locust Price K.ZM. Owner very anxious to sell. BEMIS Paxton Block. RE-221 80 H 40X80 FEET On 19th st. boulevard. south of Cum Ing, room for a double House, tor Ji.juu. Have many other downtown locations. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. HASTINCS & HEYDEN, lOtWj Farnam St. 'Phone 1H06. RE 998 30 HOUSES 212 South 14th St. VACANT inol lot left oil 26th st.. near Sprague. flee On Bristol st., near 2Mb st. 450 On Boubvard. near Manderson. Wo Northeast corner 23d and Laird, 50 $ pooSouthwest comer S'.th and Siirague. $ ovtin Chicago, near the Boulevard. t K'i On Capitol ave., near 2Tth st. $ 75v Ii0xl32 ft. on Howard, near 36th st. $ 8jnFlne lot on Maple, near 2"th . Only two lots left. Vou want to hurry. $ 7no on U4th st. and Arlwir; good rornpr. $ vcn 24th at . nar Vinton st. $ s'ni On Ooth and Bancrolt; paving paid. $ l,3oo Corner 4oth and Webster; very choice. 1.200 Next to pornpr. 4oth and Webster. $ 3,350 Northwest corner 2ltli and Bristol; a fine c.irner for four houses. $ 5.750 For that tine lot on the southwest corner of asth ave. and Dodge; pav ing paid on both streets. Something for Subdivision The 9 acres on northwest corner 2tth and Fort. This would make a fine bunch of lots. See us for price. We have a choice x acres at 27th aud T.nri more that can bo bought now at a bar gain. INVESTMENTS 2710-2712 Parker St.. two 6-room houses, on iiaved street; rent for $400 per year. Price, 3.250. 15 PF.R CENT. 4 good houses, renting for $"W0 per year; always rented; city water and eewer In each houso $4,750. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE GEORGE & COMPANY, loOl Farnam Street. Phone 75J HOUSES FOR SALE let '. large barn, tine lawn ami shade trees, cement waiss, 101 un.i im, r 1,4 Yate si tt block east Sherman ave. 1, p'-room modern house, large lawn, permanent walks, paved street, lmprox ements alone have cost over ACREAGE 5 acres nortbeapt of Kuug park. 5 acres southwest of Benson $750. Jo acres in Benson, 4-room house $135 a acre. 10 acres on West Dodge St. $2,V0. 10 acres west of South Omaha $1 .250. 10 acres just north of Florence $1,500. so ncrcM lu Benson at $l an acre. 80 acres on Military road at $S0 an acre. RE Sweet & Best HERE IS A BARGAIN New 7-room mod ern house, 2 blks. west of High school; south front; paved street. This is a beautv: $3,500 takes It. 8-room modern house, In that splendid resi dence section just north of 24th and Ames, lot 50x132. Widow desires to sell Immedi ately. Price onlv 12.100 New 5-room modern cottage, north, for i.mR'. wuni au onpr. rooms, modern except furnace; walking distance. A GREAT SNAP; $2,000. VACANT 33x140, at 2Sth and Burt. $50ft. 60x121, Manderson. near 24th. $7o0. 47x114, Leavenworth and 38th avo. liirt. 42x132, Templeton St., I HO. INVESTMENT If you contemplate buying ground cIoro in. lur nais, oe sure to see us herore closing a deal, as we have some special bargains. SWEET & BEST, Tel. 1172.' 013 N. Y. L. RE 1.11 30 H "Chicago Widow x U Must bell Lot 50x150 feet, pn Georgia avenue car line, near jncKory; street paved, paving all paid. This is a choicn lot unit ntilv Uin Open Monday evenings until 30 o'clock. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1609 Farnam St. (Ground Floor). RE 995 30 SPECIAL BARGAINS A beautiful two-story teu-rooni house, all modern, In 'Hist -class condition, a largo barn, ground 100x150. a corner with beauti ful shade trees and various kinds of fruit trees, paved streets and permanent walks, and south and east front, good location and good neighborhood, only three blocks from school and street car, $5,200. oi'VjxSX), with a six-room cottage, a cor ner, titreot car pasi-es tho door, within 15 to 1H minutes walking distance to postotnee, $1,100. A good 5-room house within the same dis tance from town as stated above, lot 32x 110, $;50. An all mod'-rn 5-room cottage except fur nace, between 21st and 22d on Ohio St., $l,5u0. ACREAGE. Thirty acres located 011 West Center St., lies hiRh and sightly, every foot under cultivation, no waste land, facing on mae- ' adamlzed road: will be offered only for a few days al the low price ot ivo per acre. Will sell i of It or all. Only 4 more acres left, north of Krug Park, nt S-i-O net- ai re: SV cash down, bal- ane-- to bo divided into 3 equal payments at li per cent. Onlv four mure lots lert 111 tne east pari of Bi 11M011 of the eight lots advertised in last Sunday's paper at $L50 a lot; only una block south oC street car; line location. J. A. LOVGREN, 637 Paxton Block. RE-218 30 $7.5"0 for 709 !! orui.i ave.. 11-room hotwe. strictly modem. In best ot condition; Hoxim feet, one-half block north of leaven worth st. Reasonable -nns $i,5uu for -'lot! Wirt St.. desirable lo-nxon modem bouse, lu Koinitze Place, at tractive mid tin -to-dnto In everv respect, birds-eyo maple Mulsh first floor, two mantels and crates. I iikp burn, tine linn anil ahade t rpes. cement walks, lot , 5x1.4 feet. 4,5oo for 1,4 Yates nam, line la 17 DM lilt KitvI'lT fi...l l',i,v tfirmu $l.0ea for l.t'l and 133 p. 3Mh St., double frame housn of 6 rooms each, modern x cept furnace, would rent for $50. 011 per month; lot 5oxl50 fet. $3,5(0 for 316 N. 41st si., l-rooni modem house, near school and Joslyn Hn horn", lot 'Vxll'i feet: good ligation. . . . $i'.M for L'htl lAM-ust st.. 7-room two-i-torv house, modern except ruruace, latge. pleasant rooms, In good iMndltlon, new Imrn. Easy terms. $ ' OH) for N E i'or L'7tli and Pratt sts.. new mtiHctlvo cottage borne, all modern exeipt furnace, permanent sidewalk, 7 boautllul shade trees, lot &0.11 feet. Very $.'.4,"iO for 2S03 Wool worth ave., 7-room two-story modem bouse, furnace heat, large cistern, near school and park. Immediate possession will be given. Easy teams. Cheap. $:'.4i0 for H. E corner North 19th boulevard and Lake street, 8-room house, all modern, in tlrst-rlns? condition. Reasonable terms. $J,150 for 1111 N. isth st.. 7-room cottage, modern except furnace. In good condl tlon. $7:i cash, balaneo $16.80 per month. ... . , . . ; $.'.1ti0 for 2939 .Miami St.. new il-rooni housei all molprn except furnace, just com. pleted. one-half block from street car. $500 cash, balance l'JO.00 per mouth. Lot 4s $i.?i' for 20.S N. Huh St., boulevard, 5-room housp, large lot. 66x110 feet, room t build anrttln r house on lot. JI.whi for two 5-room cottages In north part, on good street. ..blocks from lth Jtrest car line; In llrst-elass condition: rent for S:o.oo per month and always occupied; lot 48x125 feet. Will sell separately nt $eu each. , $1,050 each for 3214 and 3216 Charles st., two 4-room cottages, In good condition. ll water, gas in kitchen, lot ooxL'7'n feet. t ACRES $1,500 for 10-acie block in Brnson, on Military road, S blocks from car line, I'.ITT VACANT $2.50" for 54M.6 fppt. weM ft. ml on :'2d M.. 66 fert north on California st, all Fa cials paid, good location for bii.ii llais. .... . . ,., . . . . 1 $l.ixiv for 50x157 feet, south front on Bert st., ml feet west ot ilth Ft.; on grade. $:ii0 for !46xl'a feet west front on 25 1 h si.. 71 feet north of thleago St. $600 for 37U.X100 feet, east front on Nicholas, 112 feet south of Mcholaj stepa. clal taxes all paid. ... . ... for ;'.oxl5o feet, north front on Webster. 30 fpot east of .Sth ae. $.S50 for 50x128 feet, somh front on Pratt St., l.O fevt east of 27th st. $:0 for 44x132 feet, north front on Bristol St., Just west of 2,th. Paving- Ml pal $too faoh for 2 lots, 4Sxl28 each, north front on California St., 98 feel west 01 tth street. .... ' Lresirable building lots located in an pans 01 1110 cnj. New Sanitary Construction Build your foundation of Double Hollow Con crete Blocks. Makes the only dry inside wall, equal in appearance to natural stone. For further information anJ prices call on Cement Machinery & Supply Co., Belt Line and Farnam. 'Phone 2095. Corner lot, north part of city. 4 100 House pear Kounlze Placet I rooms, modern, on terms. ...J: 100 room collage, 30th and But tlettn 4 ,"Q $100.00 cash, balunco monthly. lots In North Omaha own price. it jrwip ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE One eight- room dwelling house and a lot of furni ture and cooking untenslls for sale at publio auction Muy 20, 1905, at 1467 Phelps street, Omaha. Jens Jensen, adminis trator of the estate of Charles F. S. Johnson, deceased. Pli 176 30 FINEST AND LARGEST lDBAii FRUIT ORCHARD IN IOWA, Comprising1 371 acres, finely Improved, with 32,500 healthy, beuring 20-ycar-oldxapple trees. Best commercial varieties. Cities, railroads, markets, all adjoining. $15,000 cash net, now offered for this year's 150,000-bushel crop. Great bargain. Price $125.00 per acre. Terms easy. RICHARD C. PATTERSON. Sole Agent, 1224 Farnam St., Oniafin. RE 108 30 N. P. DODGE & CO. OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS. Only two more lots left facing1 south 011 Central Boulevnrd and Cass st. Sold two this week and boiiHe is started already, and the other will be inside of ten days as they are the cheapest close In vacant property on the market, with no future ex penses to the owner. , ..,?w' lO0,"6' lef on thls enaP J'ou w1H resret lt inaite ot six months. Prices, $600.00 and $700.00. 1 BUILDING LOTS $1,600.00 Hanscom Place lot, on 32d St., Just south of Pacific St., west front, ftavlnff lialrl for: snlemlM Innullrm $ 650.00 Corner 31st and Jackson; hand some shade trees; full lot. $ 800.00 Corner lot: south and east front, on paved street; corner Poppleton avenue and 22d st. $. 750.00 Corner of California and the boul evard; 132 feet south front by 53 feet west front, on Harney car line. $ 600.0043 feet north front on California and 32d St. by 300 feet deep; plenty of room to raise chickens or have garden. $ 65D.0O 52 feet south front at 32d and Cali fornia, on and car line. $2,200.00 Southeast corner 31st and Half Howard, 94x110, on grade and very cheap. $ 650.00 Northeast corner 20th and Man dcrsoti sts., 60x110; on Boulevard. HOUSES $ 750.00 Four-room house and bam. south front, on grade, at 28th and Chicago; you can't beat this for a snap close in. $2,600.00 Eli gant R-room cottage, all mod ern but furnace, large corner lot and . cemented cellar and nice lawn: one block of car; east front, nice porch , all around. STORE i, 600.00 One-story brick store, east front on North 16th. where the new pav. lug Is being laid, ground alone worth tne price asked. 2,o00.0 New 6-room all modern rottaae. south front, excellent neighborhood. oiamijr lucaiion, one oiocn irom car INVESTMENT $2,000.00 Only $500.00 down to buy nuuntt 111 complete rcnair. 7-room newly papered and painted, large ea.t front 101, snaae trees and barn, nei and Cuming. th $3,750.00 Four houses, never vacant, walk Ing distance, paving 011 street and aiiey, an paia; rents $4:12.00 per au liuin; buildings In excellent condi tion. , FARMS 160 acres, Sherman county, fair im provemenis, goon son, 100 acres under cultivation; one of the choir est quarters in the Middle Loup val icy: tour miles to station $4,000.00. We have several bargains In farm lands. Let us know what you want. We believe we can suit you. RE 175 30 1 lot near 20lh -uud Vinton stsj make offer. t 13th and Atlas, three lots, $2fu0 for tho three. 100 foot Crona car line. These properties belong to nonrealdents and must bo sold. MAKE VS AN OVVTiK. E. K. LOWER & COe Tel. 443. 203 Brown Blk, RE Payne Investment Co. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781 Ou South Twelfth, near Bancroft, f-rooiu lii-slory bonne: cast front; rnortk gage $rjX). Owner anxious to sell and might i-xchango for property in north western part of city. 4200 Ctuuinp St., 7-room house; bath, gas, modern plumbing, good barn; nice neighborhood $2,r0. . , 1J08-10-12 South Twentieth St., lot 410x102, paved street, three houses, rental value J20.50 monthly. I'rice only $2,500. 1312-14 South Twenty-fourth St., two 6-room fottnges, renting for .flO per month. This will be vnluable property when the new Twenty-fourth street car line comes through. Make uu autilfcr. M224 Cuming St., 0 rooms, modern; corner lot: permanent sidewalk; on paved Btreet; on two carllnes; owner has left Omaha and auxious to selU I'rieo $3,300, on easy terms. Near Twenty-fourth and F.inmot, 8 rooms, all modern house; full lot, barn; shade trees and a very desirable homo. See us about this. VACANT The choicest building corner in the .Hanscom Park district, ltKi feet eart front aud 150 feet south front; enough above grade to be beautiful; all taxes paid) eau be sub-divided and make elegant building lots. Northwest corner Twenty-seventh avenue and Webster, 80x135, ou new boulevard aud an ideal place to put. up houses. Vrlce ?2,not. The west one-third of lot 2.'in block ?, Omaha. 22xi:t2 feet, between Eighth and Ninth streets, on the south side of Farnnm. Too cheap to pass up at $2,800. East front ou South Twentieth St.; paved street; 3."xl0t feet, with nice ter race; nice place to build a house. Make us au offer on this lot. Payne Investment Co. FIRST FLOOR. NEW YORK LIFE BCILDING. TELEPHONE 17Sl. RE N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. Open Monday Evenings. CLEANING UP SALE Nouresldont owner tuts Just put into our hands for quick sale three properties ac quired years ago by mortgage and now de sires to clean the tamo up for about 50 per cent of .cost. 1 3113 Mason St., 8-room house, furnace, gaa. bath, closet, wa-fh bowl, fine shade, iiaved street, propurty vacant; price, 2,5u0. 2 3517 Jackson St., 8 rooms, mantel, grate. bath, gas, closet, wash bowl, water, sewer, shade, fruit ; price. $J,0U0. 2 2W7 Charles st., 3-rooin house, city water, cistern, high and subtly, renting for $10 per month; price. $1,000. VI11 make reasonable terms on any of the above properties. Don't fall to Investi gate these, as they are bound to go. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE FULE lot near new cathedral, $50. 6 lots near 27tli and Ames ave., $1,Ju0l 30x133. Cuming, near 2oth, $l,tinO. Lots near H4lh and l arnam, $1,600. S. E. cor. 161 h and Castellar, $1,700. 10 acres eawt of Benson. $2,000. 1143-45 N. 17th. rental $304 early, pavlu, paid, cheap, 20o7-71 Dodge. 3 houses, rental $600 yearly, cheap, $4,500. Harrison county, Iowa, lands to exchange I nr Omaha Improved properly, JOHN -N. FRENZElt, Ol'I'. OLD P. O. RE-WI 30 WANT 50 FAMILIES To colonize 1,9"0 acres of Irrigated lands In San Joaquin Valley, California; 40 acres each; $45 per acre, M cash; If you go with us May 15 will give you use of 2w acres free mid apply one-half of crop on first payment 011 your 40 acres. Kit EE WAT Elt COLONY, Room 3, X. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. RE23 C1i?s- Williamson Co." tBfc2J? . . . be ; j Hascom Park Bargain t rooms, well built, all modern, tiled floors downstairs, permanent walks and paving all paid for. full lot. near 1Mb and Popple ton ave. Owner must sell befoie May 01 h, therefore lias placed the price at 4,uJU, which is a great sacrifice, luvesligd'e. BEMIS Pultun Hlocli. RE-2.1 iO W. FAKNAfA SMITH & CO. Beautiful home, large rooms, finished in cherry, oak and ash, grates and mantels; largo corner lot In the most sightly locu tion In the city; a bargain at the price, $12,000. In Hanscom Place. 10-room, entirely mod ern residence, cost $12. 1100 lo build: iininhed In birch, oak and blrdseyp maple; south and east front; large corner lot; barn. ! Price $i 000. j The southwest corner of SJd and PacltK ' will be sold at a sacrifice if taken before 1 lt is rented; 8 large rooms, grates and mantels, oak finish; being newly tianeied ' and painted. Price $5,500. Close in, 10 rooms, line location, lot 41x132 ft., only $4.50u. S. E. cor. JOth and Mason, 7 rooms, barn, trees, fine corner; $J.5oo. In lleinis park, line 6-room house. Just newly papered. ITiee $.;.mn. New 7-room house 1,11 Webster, between 27th and I'Sth. line location; price $2.&00. Near l!Uh and Locust, rooms, modern ex cept furnace: newly painted and papered; bargain at $2,350. On California, near 30th. 7-room cottage, barn: south front; $:',L.VJ. Near Hanscom park, bargain in 7-room cot tage,; barn: tine lot; paved street; $:',2o0. On riewurd st., near 26th, 5-rooru cottage, only $l,7u0. INVESTMENTS. $2.750 Double frame house, 2S1J-15 Dodge, rentals $J6 per month, chii be increuaed. Owner nonresident and anxious to sell. Your offer will b considered. $12 c Double brick flat. 2013-15 Douglas, rentals $:o per month; ground 10oxl3j ft.; spate for two mure flats. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Btreet. H $00, 600, $6?0 U and $700 11 For the best lota tn the north part of the city. There is no one that can offer bet ter bargains north that cntcd and close in as are so well lo- BLUFF VIEW and SULPHUR , - SPRINGS ADDITIONS . East of Sherman ave.. close to car. North fronts on Evans Ktreet, $00. No: th fronts on Wirt street, $ii5u. Kioulh fronts on Binney. $7no. Water and sewer already in; shade trees; buy while they are cheap. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ItioO'i Karnum St. (Ground Floor). RE ilOfl 30 BARGAINS 1112 X. 2tith St.. tj-ruom house, lot 63xlJ0 ft., $1.6o0. 2511 Caldwell t., 7-rooin house, paved street; tine location, $!,). Fine building lolc. Tot 17, Washington Square, $'50. lt 17, Davenport's subd., 25th and Wirt sis., $7oO. W. R. IIOMAN, 1517 Farnam st. RE-M192 6 RE-1S5 30 NEW 6-rnom cottage, modern except furnace; pretty Umn, pr-tty home. Nonresident owner says. "HELL IT." Pnee $l.Mn. How much will you give? 8PEAK QCICK. 2305 Bpfgue: open today. Tel. 1472. Bweet best, 1J N. Y. L. m PER ACRE i nss twen made growing onions In the ! "Texas ('oast Country." Hnleinli.i n,m i ran, ana nog country. Healthful cllmatp (iod K liools and churches. J-and $lu to $25 i:r '-rc. iuu can grow inree crops per jnai Hwn ihiiu. i,"j seres, jHvei, un improved, adlnlnlnsr R. R Hta.tlrn. ui.tenani ! soil, $l.W per acre. Other bargains. Write I xor Ubt. Agents wanted. i Hi Land p. hjckwood. Colonisation Agent, 8 A & A. P. Ry., Kansas City, Mo. RE-1SJ 30 KEATTLK offers best opportunities for real estate Investments. L p to date list H ire, rarry luvestmcut Co., Heait e. 1 1 L. ....... " CHEAP TRACKAGE LOT A FIRST-CLASS LOT, 60x132, centrally Jo cated. near Farnam St.; asphalt pavi street and permanent walk: In biminesi dlKlrlct. Can be purchased this week for $0.500 tho biggpst snap ou the market. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 5108. S36 New Yolk Life Bid. ' HJv-M7S6 19 HOUSE AND LARGE LOT ON NORTH 19T11 STREET BOULEVARD. $1 900 2028 N. 19th St., 5-r'ooiii house; lot 66x140 feet; room for another bouse OEORUE & COMPANY, 1001 Kurnsrn flu - RE-H58S 28 ABSTft ACT8 OK TITLE carefully and promptly complied and ex tended. Omaha Abstract Co., bonded ab stracter. Oeo. B. Rlker, Mgr., 4rt Bee bldg. Tel. 612. RE 473 M7 FOR SALE Ton room bousii almost new, Lot water heat, best pluiubiug, east front, paved street, No. 3 O'JG South 32nd Ktreet. Submit offer. One of (lie line4t vacant builclinji hiten in Omaha, Si'nd utreet facing Hanscom Park, .lightly above grade, asphalt paved street kept in order without tost to -property. 7o feet east frontage by depth of 213 feet to 3.'M street. $6,000. Two well built houses in lirst class condition, desirable neighborhood. 70 feet front-age, one half block from car line. lO.Tl-KKl.J So. 31st Ht. $5,200. V: write tire insurance, loan money on im proved real estate, make a wpeeialty of caring for property, collecting rents, paying taxes, su perintending repairs, etc., and solicit your business. Telephone Howard Kennedy & Son, 200 Firpt.JfaVl Bank Hid. k -p-ii .