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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, 'APRIL 50, 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES trl vertlaemeata tor throe iMilnnin, will bp taken nntll 12 m. for the Krnlnf edition and nntll M i. m. for the MnrnlnR and flnnday edition. Hates 1 l-ie a word Itrat Ineertlnni 1o a word thereafter. nlhlng taken for lea than SMtc for the tlmt tnarr lion. These ail ertlaetnr lets meat lie ran oonarcotlirelj. Advertisers, tiy rrqnfitlng a nnm liered rhrrk, ran have tninrn ad dressed to a numbered letter In en re of The llee. Anawera. ao addrraaed will be delivered on presentation of MISCELLANEOUS CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent, H-J01 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530 R 697 EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to lit; prices right. Bennetts. ri &s WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresher. Too busy making clothes to close. Open evenings. Jui5 Farnam at R 706 WANTEn, your machinery repairing, auto mobile, gasoline engine, model and experi mental work. Buckingham & Peterson, Fremont, Neb. R AXTI-Mnnopoly Garbage Co. 6.1 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 702 CHICAGO LAUNDRY; FINE Won K. TEL. 23. R 707 LOCKSMITH C- 1IEKL1N. 309 N". LWI01Vll I II WU). Tel. -9.4. U-7U8 SURVFYS LOTS AXD OUIWL.IO ADDITIONS. 21 yeara' experience, la Omaha. Tel. B1897. 62'j Paxtori block. R 70S Jluvci OIUICU -irl. fifjn, or ser us at our new location. IJOS and 1208 Douglas St. OMAHA STOVii REPAIR WORKS. rt-sn CUT KATK railway tickets every where. P. 11. Phllbin. 1506 Famam. 'Phone 7M. R-499 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes n sdc clally cf fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreeu, prop., 102 S. 10th at. R-704 UMBRELLA repairing: and kevs. 207 8. Hill. Tel. 1714. R-MU79 A29x LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. -'11 8. 11th st. Telephone 14. R M330 Ml THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron ana brass castings. 802 Jackson. Ti L 2432. R M395 COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re tall musical instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 S. lith St., Omaha. R FOR RENT, line Kimball piano, $1 a month. Airs. Carroll. 15(9 Turk ave. Fire Insurance at Cost. We want a llvo agent in every town in Nebraska. Write for' particulars. COMMERCIAL AIDTUAL FIRE INSUR ANCE CO, 16u9 Farnam St. R-M2I8 WANTED FEMALE HELR LADIES, earn $20 per 100 writing abort letters! sand stamped envelope tor par ticulara, ideal Mfg. Co., Caasopolls, Mich, CMMJ WANTED, 26 machine operators at once. M. E. Smith & Co., factory 11th and Doug, la. ate. C M878 60 OIRLS to operate power sewing ma chine. Blanket Dept., Bcrals Omaha Bug Co. C 718 2 WANTED Woman oook. 24 No I8th. C-M759 30 WANTED Cook and upstairs girl; refer ences. 2211 St. Mary's ave. C M787 4 GIRL for general housework. 2554 Mander on st. C M791 20 WANTED A housemaid for second work. Mrs. Charles T. Kountze, 3925 Dewey ave,, corner 40th St. C M952 1 WANTED, dishwasher at 1S23 Farnam. C M932 1 STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. Expert crockery suleHlnily, $12. Hart. 401 N. Y. Lite. WANTED, B0 experienced machine opera tors on shirts and overalls. Apply to Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co. Factory. 12th and Howard sts. C M930 30 WANTED Girl for general hoimework! small family. A. 8. Peck. Nebraska Clo. Co- C 902 V ANTED At one-?, competent assistant to head waitress. Address, with references Box 1122, Des Moines, la. C 959 30 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis (removing superfluous hain. Splendid demand for graduates. Best )iy Ing work a lady can do. Instrument given. Call or write. Molor College. 1114 Farnam street. C M141 Myox LADIES To do piece work at their homes We furnish all materials and pav from 7 to J12 weekly. Send Humped ehvolope to ROYAL CO., 34 E. Monroe sr.. Ohi cKO. C 155 3flx LADIES earn $20 ner hundred writing short letters; stumped enveltipe for particulars. Gem. Mfg. Co., Caraopolis, Mich. C-109 SOx WANTED Girl for general housework. fall at 107 N. 20th St., Mrs. H. T. Coe. ' C-178-30X I CAN U3e l.ono girls for general housework. Hart. 401 N. Y. Life. C GIRL for general housework. 4157 Daven port t. C 268 BOOKKEEPER with seforal venrs' ex perience: good salary to right party; best references and bond. D 41, Bee. C M231 30 WANTFD Competent bookkeeper and stenographer, mule or female; out of town: lumber experience preferred; state alary, etc D 46. care Bee. , , C-M2C0 SOx WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeepers. Canudlaii office. 15th and Dodge. A 716 EXPERIENCED lumberman wants posT tiou in surd or a traveling salesman- 35 J ears of age. Address D 23, Omaha Bee. A-M746 29 WANTED Position, by good bread and pie baker, in western part of Iowa or astern part of Nebraska. Address P o Box 114, Oakland, Ja. A M731 Sox WANTED, position by competent lady stenographer: good references; moderate salary. Address D 39, Bee. A M210 lJX-l OUKT reporter, unemployed. rapid and accurate, good penman, wishes posi tion as stenographer or general office mnn. DJi, Bee. A-240 30 WANTED TO BUY 8IIONKELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, S'J N. i, 1'.,te' ' h'ke price for books. lei. tCJC. N Jii WK buy. sell or trade carpets, furniture and stove 'I ell 771 or write J. Irvine N-M2M ' WANTED TO BUY Books In set?, bought or. sold. Angliu 4 Co 114 Farnam t. Tels. 29 or N M331 M1J StjflTARE PIANO in good condition. 1411 fcarnam. N "33 MEN'S 2d-hand clothing bought. Tel. A!25. N--6M U.-3 WANTED MALE HELP TOMORROW'S THE DAY Commence to attend our colli ge tomor row. It will be "todr.y" tomorrow. The,, wlr-n next ful larrivis. you'll be a thor ough going, tvpert stenographer, book keeper or telcgrapiicr. (Tbosn nre till branches we teai-h.i You'll be rtady to Ftep Into ANY opining 111 the line for which you have (iiialiflrd yourself at BOYLES COLLEGE Just at the time when tiie most and th best openings In every line occur. Don't wait until next full to commence your preparations for a mrii ssful business career. Start now. You Won't mind the short school hour? during tho early sum merand we ulwuys have a mldsummi" vacation of two weeks anyway. The Boyles building which experts declare Is THE Ideal bu3lness college building of tha United States, will lie so airy and cool this summer that studying here will not be WORK. The attractive surroundings of the school, together with our fine gym nasium for young men and young lady students, make this the ideal summer nhool. The fascination of learning how to write Just as fast us tln fastest t-pcakM can tulk to learn how to press a little key that the message will bo transferred thousands of miles away of learning how to become an expert accountant, will take hold of you and fill you with an enthus iasm for your woik Hint will make study hours flit by on golden wings. 8"nd for catalogue. Or, better yet, pay us a visit tomorrow. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLtS, Pres. Boys Bldy;.' Omaha. ' -n ARE YOU AMRITIOUS? DO YOU DE SIRE SOMETHING- BETTER? WE CAN ASSIST HiL'. 2 Stenographers, medium saiary. Klrst-cluBd printer. SolicitoV for Job printing Groctry sales-men, road. Good col respondent. Bill clerk, machine. Grocery salesman, city. Young man. drapery salesman. Wu have a number of good positions re quiring small investment. Call or write lor complete list of vacancies and booklet.- WESTERN R E I'" a- BOND ASS N. (INC.) 8-I1-M2 N. Y. Lifo Bldg. B MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fate upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST atei only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. .Neb. B 718 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. B-719 GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY re moved to 211 South 14th' St., ground floor, 'Phone 6411. B-Mlol 175 permanent salary and expenses paid reliable men outside of the city; very pleasant work. Address C. II. Walker, 816 Neville block, Omaha, Neb. B-M286 WANTED Good boys with wheels; good wages. A. D. T. Co... 212 So. J3th. B-S79 M13 WANTED. FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried merf, between cgea of 18 and 25, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, B 873 TAILORS, attention! If you are first-class v..v umneiB We can use you. uoou prices. Steady work to men thut are right. Dresher. 1515 Farnam st- B 721 IF YOU are In need of a position call anJ have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART. THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-720 WANTED, a good, reliable piano salesman for city and country -work. S. R. Smith, Lead. 8. D. B M703 30x ANY old line life Ins. solicitor about changing companies is invited to write ine; Co. is located in N. E. ; over 50 years old.: territory Neb. and Northern Kansas. Address D 22, Bee. B M73f30x WANTED Experienced carpet layer: so ber, Industrious; one not afraid of work: married man preferred; permanent posi tion for right man. The Bee Hive Com pany, Sioux Falls, S. D. B M763 SOx WANTED Salesman acquainted with the 'manufacturing Interests In the states of Nebraska, Colorado and state of Missouri west of Jefferson City; one who is fa miliar with mill supplies; none but those who can furnish gilt-edge reference us to character, sobriety and ability need apply. Address P. o. Box 140 Station C, Cleveland, O. B M793 4x WANTED A soda dispenser and clerk; occupation the year round to right party; single man preferred. Address ). H. Peters, Eugle Grove. Ia. . B M79D 30x WANTED High-class salesman tn handle our goods en commission as side line. Flour City Trunk Co., Minneapolis, Minn. B-M793 1 BAKER A first-class bread and cake baker, one that understands his buslnees and Is sober and steady, no other need apply. Address, J. Rentier. Rockwell City, Iowa. I'. O. Box 2.!S. B M94C Ix WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to iiiHirimne circulars, anv. matter, tuck signs, etc.. no canvaaBlng. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank Pldg., Chicago, III. B M944 SOx TRUSTY assistants for branch office. Es tablished business: $18 paid weekly. No Investment required. Position permanent. Previous experience not essential. Ad dress Educational Union, Como Hlk., Chi cago. B M943 30x WANTED Boy to learn the watch and Jewelry business, nt once. Small wages to start with. Apply at 1518 Dnria-e. B-M942 30 WANTED, men and boys to learn plum bing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates, $4.50 to $5.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. Earn while learning. Address- for catalogue. Covin Bros. Co.. Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. I.011IS, Mo. B 755 CIRCULAR and sample distributers wnnt ed everywhere; permanent position: good pay. American Union, Pontine Building, Chicago. B 112-3-Jx PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT strictly en forces the civil service law; &0.X3O apnolnt ments to lifo positions last venr. Snlen did openings for young people. Write for' the announcement of the Columbian Correspondence ('ollege. Washington, D. C. containing dates, salaries, places for holding examinations am) questions re cently used by the civil service commis sion. B lib 3ux WANTED Candidates prepared for coming mull carrier, clerk examination free until appointed. City residence unnecessary. Fianklln Institute, E. Rochester. N. Y. B-12O-30X WAN'TtTl llwin, -VI n , ul Pro-pect Hill cemetery, 33d and Parker '- P- - CalUbuu, Supt, N MUW 1 WANTED, to buy. an active interest in a well established real estate buslnci-'- Ucc- N-MU77 2 BRASS FOUNDRIES MAN WANTED to Introduce a patent hardware article: $18 a week and ex penses: honesty and sobriety more neces sary than business experience: state age and employment. International Shear Co.. 48 N. 4th St.. Philadelphia. Tu. li WANTED First-class ruler, stetdv position at $10 per week: union shop; upplv imme diately to the J. II. Welch Pig. C.. lies Moines, la. B 992 30 WANTED, experienced grocery clerk: must be good sabsniHii and active; fine chance fur advancement: references reouired. Ad ilrep D 49. cure Bee. It 202 3ox FIREMEN and brakenmen on railroads ever where. Experience unnecessary. Hiah monthly wages; tiremen $ln). become engineers and earn $ISo. Ilrakemen $7a. be come conductors and earn $14". Name pen 1, on preferred. Slate uge. Stamp for parttcol-irs. Railway . i-so.-l .tlon, Dcpt, Ml. I buries Plug., ilelner, I olo B Ko SOX ANY person to distribute our ssniples, 118 weekly, sieadv. Mgr. "Empire " t Wells st.. Chicago, HI. B-'JIS ;tx IIIIASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ln? and rinivhhig. Specially Mfg. Co.. 41 M. Main St., Council Bluffs. ENERGETIC men and women wanted as managers and agents: p'rmanent employ-m-nt; excellent comoens.tilon Rm'hc't leiiitory. Eugene Moore 211 odd Fel lows' building, St. Louis, Mo. IV-M 260 1 FARM If VND (married!. Four-room house fur self. A. llospe, 1A3 Douglas. B-P69-50 WANTED MALE HELP Spring Term of th Omaha Commercial College OPEN NOW! Students can enter at any time. New classes organised every week In all departments. School In session nil summer. Catalogue nnd advertising literature free. Address: . ROHRBOUGH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. B ANTED, young man to drive grocery wagon and clerk In store. C. W. Snrader, Hitll und Blondo. B 270 WANTED, boy about 16 vcars old for ollice work. Address D 3ti, care Bee. B 10 30x MANAGER wanted, every section, to ap point agents for new scientific game re placing forbidden slot machines In public places; evades law everywhere; played with nickels; finish beautiful, like caih register. Rented or sold on easy pay ments; sample sent, on thirty days' free trial. One manager who operates thirty on percentage, says: '-They earn money while I sleep, and it is like owning a street cur line." Dawson Cash Register Co., Department 96, Chicago, III. B-131-30X WANTED Men to Introduce a patent hard ware article. Salary $18 per week; $2.50 per day for expenses to start. Rapid ad vancement. Slate age and present em ployment. Write Ideal Shear Company, Dept. 4, Chicago. B-133 JOx WANTED Men to learn barber trade. More demand for our graduates than can be supplied. Wn?es $12 to $15 weekly. Few weeks completes. Tools given; diplomas granted. Can nearly earn ex penses before completing. Call or write: Molcr Barber College, lilt! Farnam street. B M140 Ma5x WANTED Young men to become switch men, brakemen, and locomotive tiremen. Experience unnecessary. Give ngc. En close stamp. The Ruilway Exchange, Sprlugfeld, Mo. B 153 Uox DRAFTSMEN, STRUCTURAL, MECHAN ICAL AND RAILROAD, New work. Near Omaha. Write fully with Rumple of wor!:. stating lowest salary. Mr. Frost, 200 Deurboru, Chicago. B-1G0 SOx WANTED Person to call on retail trade fcr manufacturing house; local territory; salary $25, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Building, Chicago. B 105 30x EN PER I ENCED stenographer. Traveling salesman tScales and Windmills) City salesman 1 Horse and buggy). Partner for hardware. Bill clerk iSmlth Premier). Experienced stationery man. Experienced Ice cream maker. Experienced city salesman. Hart, 401 N. Y. Life. WANTED Men to distribute samples, tack signs, $3 dally; no canvassing. Conti nental Distributing Service, Chicago. B 989 30x PARTNERS WANTED Want business man with $3,000 to $3,000 to manage branch of a corporation doing a large business; money jean be doubled In a short time; no mail order or scheme; firm has stand ing credit, etc. Address ' Partner, care Nelson Chesman & Co., St. Louis, Mo. B WANTED, at once, men to become firemen and brakemen; $& to $125 monthly on first-class roads. Application and full particulars for stamp. Address 505 Rail way Exhunge bldg., St. Louis. , B-166 30x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th & Chicago E 72i DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Farnam. E 723 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 724 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern. 2310 Webster. 'Phone 6390. E "25 NIC ELY fornifhfd roonit, with or without bo.'iii; latvs reasonable. Il-dlaiid hotel, loth und Chicago st. E 202 May 1 EVERYTHING we sell is warranted as rep resented and our prices are 25 per cent below installment stores. Terms, $25 worth, $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13lh on Farnam St. E 984 30 CENTER European hotel, 210 N. 17th St.; rooms, 50c to $1 per day; rates by week or month. Tel. B-2547. E 209 NICE rooms, modern, new house and furniture. 421 No. ISth. E M35 FURNISHED rooms, with fcoard. 816 8. 26th st. E M692 1 TWO nice, airy, unfurnished front rooms, modern conveniences. DavU'ge block, 18th nnd Farnam. Inquire Miss Atkinson. Tel. 3015. E 7H 1 MODERN room: good board for two; cheap. 1811 Chicago St. E M760 29x FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 2 nicely furnished rooms In private family. Ex cellent locution, close In: gentlemen pre ferred. Phone Cedar 53662. E 766 30x THE LAKOTA, 1613 Howard. Rooms by day or week. E M772 29x LARGE, furnished room, on second floor; hot and cold water In room; also small room for rent 116 N. 23th st. E-M7S4 SOx NICE rooms, modern: gentlemen nreterTcd; new house and fcrnlturew 421 N. ISth. E-Mf-5 3x THREE pleasant furnished rooms, mod ern, aas stove In kitchen: references re quired. 2701 Woolworth ave. E MS02 ltf FOR RENT, desirable front room, to single gentleman: modern conveniences. "17 fiotiUi 25th St. . E-805 PLEASANT room for gentleman: prlvnte family; walking distance. 2223 Burt st. E 806 Snx ELEGANTLY furnished room In new mod ern brick house, good location and sur roundings. 023 So. 17th ave. E 491 lx NEATLY furnished, large, alrv south room and one small room In etrlctly private home: modern conveniences. Walking distance. Apply 1712 Charles st. E-M949 lx BTCAUT1FUL. cool, furnished room. MB Park ave. E M9G1 30 NICELY furnished room In new modern flat, close In. good neighborhood 2201 Douglas st. E M937 lx FURNISHED rooms, reasonable rntes. 713 S. lIUi E M9S1 lx NICELY furnished rooms, close In M7 fl 1 F-M97H1X ' ROOMP for rent, newlv furnished. S12pT 19th. 'Phone Black 4915; gentlemen pie. ferred. Ti 956 lx ONE room, suitable fo ore or two gentle men; nndcin: nrivate home. Breakfast If desired. 25T3 Dodge st. Tel 11S5 E-M215 2x FURNISHED rooms, large and small: tele phone; walking distance. 2213 Dons-lsa ' E-M194 2x NICELY furnished rooms In private fam- lly. 2. California. E M2"M ix NEWLY furnished fmrit room, suitable for two or three gentlemen or married couple muse sirl.-tly modern; telephone. am Harney street. E M206 2x FOR RENT, desirable large front loern; modern conveniences, lojo Georgia ave e-mi: sx 1816 CHICAGO, idngle room; modern. e Mai :x 26" DAVENPORT, furnished rooms, light holm-keeping ullomed Tluae rooms are vciy deniable and will please v,,u E-979 SO FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ONE furnished room. 2(21 Dodge st E-M22S 2x NICELY furnished room, strictly modern. 1617 Burt St.. phone MK. E-M1SJ 2x FOR RENT, furnished room in tiew-mod-ei n home; all conveniences; references re quired. 2T:a6 Douglas1 St. E -iS! 3x LIGHT, clean. wll furnished front room, first door, $2.50 per wick. 1712 lr.ard st. E 261 2S 8LEEFIXO quarters for reliable working men, 75o per week. 1712 Izard. E 205 3x NICELY furnished south room for gentle man. 'Phone Black 6377. Douglas street. E-M246 2x LARGE furnished room, on second floor; hot. and cold water In room. Also small room for rent. 116 N. 25th. E-M353 2x EXCELLENT front room and alcove, fac ing Hanscom park: all conveniences; rea sonable to desirable parties; private fam ily : references. D 47. Bee. E M251 2x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-720 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol ave; large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern improve ments. F 174 NICELY furnished room for two. with flrpt-class board, for $:M per month. 2215 California St.; modern house. F-M7S5 .TOx ROOMS AND BOARD Excellent outside modern rooms, with board for couple, or two gentlemen: one block front post office; phone Red-4637. 1714 Douglas st. F-M955 lx ROOMS and board. 614 N. 19th. F-M929 lx FURNISHED rooms, moclern; also board. 626 8. 19th. F-M928 lx FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. 118 N. 18th. F M925 lx NICE front room, with board. 182.1 Capitol ave. F M924 lx FURNISHED room, with board. 521 S.'25th ive. F M923 lx NICELY furnished room, good home cook ing. 710 S. 18th st. F M922 Ix NICELY furnished rooms, everv con venience, with board; also elegantly fur nished front parlor. 2207 Farnam s. F-957 lx LARGE, cool room, ground floor, suitable for two; two meals If desired. ?20l Doug las st. F 90O3OX FURNISHED room with board. $5 a week; also day board, $3.50. 1811 Capitol ave. F M216 ix BEAUTIFUL summer home, large, cool rooms, excellent table, best car service in city. 'Phone 3o24. v F 185 30x MODERN room with private bath, good board, cheap, for two. 1SU Chicago. F-M9S8 2x MIDLAND HOTEL. 16th and Chicago sts.. Is conducted on the American flnd Euro pean plan; moderate price enfo In con nection; special attention given to fam-I'lpa-' F 267 30 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney Rt., nicely fur- nisneo rooms, gocai noara; rates reason able: walking distance. F M25.1 2x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FORWENT FOUR pleasant rooms, light housekeeping modern; Tel. Cedar33291. 650 S. 26th ave. G M320 FOUR pleasant housekeeping- rooms 8 E. comer 34th and Howard. G 374 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED rooms. 2412 Cass G M761 S ROOMS. 1120 North 17th st. G-778 30x 3 ROOMS, with alcove. $20.00 ; 3 ground floor rooms, with range., $lo.0o. Tel. 6309. . G 961 lx AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Page Washing Machine, twen tieth pentury wonder; completely new and differs from all others; bonanza for agents. C. S. Page Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la- ' J-M945 30x WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall nii'iift wui nuciai unci, to otiuy sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 126 30x WANTED, energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work In Neb., representing i.wn luuiiuiaciuruiK company, salary, $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Omahu, Neb. J 130 30x MEN willing to work positively make $2,000 to $8,000 per year soiling our just patented machine. Etigle Tool Co., B. 9no, Cin cinnati, O. J 123 SOx AGENTS make big money selling "Smo kure;" u cool dry smoke; something en entirely new) every smoker will buv; profits big. Address George C. Horn Co., Lewisburg. i J 145 3ox LADIKS. make money; sell the only ad justing Girdle Former made; send for full particulars; sample 13 cents; other nov elties. iKaylor. 103 Randolph St.. Chi cago. III. J-142 30x "I FEEL L1KH A MILLIONAIRE" writes one agent. Nw, demand. Quick pales FARMERS' ACCOUNT BOOK CO., NcW. to", ia- J-167 SOx WANTED Local and general agents. Ex ceptional opportunity for live men un-J women. Staple article. Hancocks Novelty Co., Chicago. J lu 30x AGENT Sold 41 "Perfect Dust Beaters" In one day. Sample by mall. 20 cents. We have eighty other fast sellers. Staats Mfg. Co., Station D, Chicago. J 151 SOx AGENTS make $50 selling Allen's fountain brush. General manager wanted. Write for outfit und terms. Alien Mfs. Co.. Toledo. (I. .1 13: 30X AGENTS Something new; sell the perfect pot lid and pie plate holder; 200 per cent profit. H. Eickenberg Mfg. Co., 6"1 New Era Bldg., Chicago, Hi. J 137 3ox RADIUM house Lumbers and door plates are quick sellers; every homo needs them; can be read In dark; big Induce ment to agents. Radium Sign Co., 4ul Ashland, block-. Chicago. J 107 30x GENERAL agents to sell our New Shell Novelty Hat Pins; small Investment, Im mense, profits. Chnndler & Co., 876 Clif ton Park ave, Chicago. J H SOx AGENTS Mammoth 1.000-pago catalogue of agents' supplies free; Just out; rock bottom prices. Address Stange Co., 98 Market St., Chicago. J 104 3ox PORTRAIT MEN Positively the best work at lowest price s; rejects taken luck; flames of latest style; discount on larg orders. The Siegfried Studio, New Era bldg., Chicago. J-I116 30x AGENTS wanted; sell our big $1 bottle s ir sapurilla for 33 cents. 300 per cent profit. Write today for terms und territory. R 61 Koal Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. , - J- OUR famous eye book has put 2.000 agents In permanent business lining glasses; $3 to $10 dally. Book free. Wrlle today. Jacksonlun Optical College, College Place, Jackscuk, Mich. j BIJ MONEY in si, nabs; they boII for $2 to $b a dor.en; cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 289 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J AGENTS $75 per month and expenses to sell advertising signs to merchants and manufacturers. St. Louis Sign Co., St. Louis, Mo. j AGENTS-We have a winner. If vou want easy mone y, write qiiick. Rodua Sanitary Co., St. Louis, Mj J LADY agents making less than $5 weekly should write for catalogue and terms; we start you in business and make you In dependent: ouitlt prepaid. Women's Ap parel Supply Co.. Chicago. J AGENTS To sell water filters: retails Tt $J. Big profits, exelushe terrltoiy. Write quick. Seneca Filter Co., Seneca, Mo. J AGENTS, men or women; $1 an hour Intro, dining our high medicinui soaps and ointment; every call means a, eale; xiei'fenc not necessary; crew and , branch office managers wunted. Terrlff Medical Aaeociattou, 1114 Wabash ave., Chicag o. Ji67 jo AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted to ell "Kentucky Prize" whisky by the barrel; tine premiums given to help sales; big chance for hust lers. Address Box 273, Covington, Kv. -J LEARN ADVERTISING SIGN PAINT ING and make $fi to $10 p r da v. Our book of Information and designs will teach you quick; no fraud. I'rlee re duced to $1 If ordered nt once, stamps or postal tinb-r. WILLIAMSON SIGN SYS TEM. Hamilton and .Maple- aics.. St. Louis, Mo. J $.-"0 PER month ani expenses selling my patent for making smokeless gun und Masting powde r at 8 cents per pound; be ware of take advertising a worthless and dangerous article; am the Inventor; gen eral agents wanted In each suite. J. A. Stransky, box 4"i. l'ukwana, 8. D. J 7'!7 30x BUSINESS CHANCES CASH IN MUSHROOMS. If you have a small space In your cellar, laid or stable you can make money grow ing mushrooms; no capital or labor re qulriHl; big demand and sell nt high prices; grown by either six; partic ulars iroe. In terstate culture Co., 373 Jtroadwiiv, N. Y. . j-169 Six SALESMEN WANTED TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa; staple line; e-ntlrely new induce ments to trade; hint commissions; weekly nelwnice; permanent 10 right man. F. C. Furley Co., Detroit, Mich. Ill-Sox TRAVELING salesman wanted to sell gro cers; permanent position. Statu present occupation 11 ml salary expec-nd. Los An gules Fruit Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. J 2d i'.'X A. You can make $10 a dav; pay every night. Room 31, 15 E. Third St., Cincin nati, Ohio. 121 Sox SALESMEN of neat appearance and abil ity to carry our goods us side line ; only men that can command a bearing from the best merchants in their territory need answer. Lolmuut Mfg. Co., Ciiuiniiat I. O. LI 3ix SALESMEN WANTED-Excellont opisir tunlty, season Just opening, exc lusive or side line; paint experience uriieeessai v If you are a salesman; we school von. Kiiiloch Palut Co., St. Isuiis. . 1 1:1 .lux SALESMEN WANTED High grade spe cialty salesmen to make a lulling next ten weeks; seasonable! simple will ad vertised, with nil attraeliic feature's of splendid specialty, whic h It really is; big side line opportunity. Manager Hoyd. 3'4 Equitable, St. IaiuIs. I'jo :;ex WANTED First-class salesman : one- sales man's coiiiinission amount ed to over $l.".'il in six weeks from Fib. t to March IS, 13i6. Address A. T. Swcnson. .Manager, Cedar Rapids, la. HIISux WANTED Reliable, energetic salesmen In western territory for good line walking skirts on commission; give references, experience anil territory desired. Address D 21, Bee. Mliil .Mix SALESMEN WANTED to sell "CHAM PAGNE MIST" Soda Fountain specialty on large commission. Address Mvkrnnt'z Phartnucnl Co., Columbus, O. i59 30x SALESMAN WANTED -One each for Iowa and Nebraska. Liberal commissions paid promptly. Prefer those handling klndie'd line. Give territory covered and refer ences. Amerlcun Suspender Co. Aurora, i"- 150 30 SALESMEN wanted; commission contract, with liberal advances. Well known, ex tensively advertised Hue. Permanent em ployment and exclusive territory. Econ omy Advertising Co., Iowa City, iowa. 132 SOx U.S. SALES BUREAU 634-IV16 Bee Bnlliling GENERAL MERCHANDISE $ steak In mining dlstriet In Wyo ming This store" Is doing annual business of $l2i.i"iii. tine competitor. $lc.(M stock western town: good trailing point; doing $imi annual business. $ stock In v.i-slern bwu (own of l :u: easy e-ompetitlon. Will si ll nt W oil dollar. $li,.l stock In western Iowa town if l.. ; store doing $Ki.ii business. Owner wishes to let I re. I2.i"J elepartinent slorn In Bohemian com munity In Nebraska; excellent op ort inily. Good reetsenis for seiilng. $e.ii stork, live Neluaska town of 1 (. Will se ll or rent buihllng One-hail ca-li, balance in good farm property. $.'.."00 clean line of stapler, Wc stei n lows, at !ie. on elollur. SNAP. $-'.xon. Inciiiillng buihllng. Mini II town, southeastern Ncluai-ka, nt !V cm dollar. HARDWARE $9,000 stoc k In live western Iowa town of 4.IMI, doing annual business of tln.iMi. $1 .coil slock. In east, rn Nebraska, lining business of $12. ; one competitor; good reason for celling. ll.tVO stock in westeun biwa town. ilo:mr L$l2.'i"ii: one eonipetlter; good opport unit v. $ In South eirtialui. with b.tililinsr val ued at I.Ycm; good rensois for selling. Jo.imi) etoek in central Nebraska town, doing $IX.iki venrly busine ss, on lie: has other business. GROCERIES $1..Vm stock, live eastern Nebrart ia town of 2. ino, doing good 1 ash business. $2.fiii sloek in western Iowa town. This store will show ret profit of $l.:o'i a ypar. $(,.Vm stock, linTn1lng some dry goods, hi western Iowa town of 4.iw; annual salrs. $10.ihai. We have several city grocery stoc ks that It will pay you to investigate, at $I.WU up to $5,000. DRUG STORES $2.'ni stoek in live town, southern Ne braska, doing nU" basitiefs; owner going west. $:fTKl slock nnd building In weste rn Inn a town; only drug store in town; annua! busi ness $1n.ooe. 50. mm stoek. western Iowa, doing hti'lnc.s $12.'n annually: owner has other business. .'!.."(hi stoek. live town. soul he ist N luaska. doing excellent business; com peti tion easy. $ b.ns dean stoc k of drugs in Omaha. Old established business: gc-od location; line patronage. BILLIARDS AND POOL We have large list In and out of citv at prices from JS.Mi to $;i.nii. BAKERIES Reveiiil opport unities that should not be overlooked jf y(iu wish to mgage In this line. CO.NFhC riO.NLRY AND INLAYS I.oealieiis ranging in price from $:.'tn tip to $1,500. in anil out of city. CIGAR STORES In this line we can offer several g I city propositions running from $H) lo ROOMING HOUSES Rooming anil hoarding houses in all nan.) of the city. 5 lo :'o rooms, ranging in price from $ui 10 .vaio. It will ceiiainly pay you to ln cstig no our list if you contemplate going Into busi ness. U. S. SALES BUREAU, SALESMEN Commission to sell staple lino of manufactured goods; established trade, competing; prices, liberal commis sion; no samples. F. 11. Earl Mfg. Co., Piano, HI. 101 30x SALESMEN New Cleveland Jobbing house witli large capital ' wishes to employ a corps of experienced traveling salesmen; high commission, with $35 weekly. W. S. Flnlcy & Co., 90-96 Prospect St., Cleve land, O. 110 30x WANTED Three salesmen bv Rand. Mc Nally & Co., to hnneile their reversible map of the United States and world. Men already in tho field making from $18.00 to $3a.0O per week. No experience necessary; an unusual opportunity. Our house and our goods known the world over. Ad dress Rand. McNally & Co., Chicago, III. WANTED, experienced salesman familiar with department and drug stores. Handle high grade perfumes und toilet requisites. Schaefer, Martin Co., Chicago. 162 SOx TRAVELING salesman in touch with re tailers, to carry popular side lino of blan kets, flannels, etc. Experience! unneces sary. F. C. Rollman & Co., Alfrs., Phila delphia. 1G4 30x WANTED, man of good address and ability as salesman to travel. Experience not nec essary, but must be a hustler. Address A. R Drawer 611, Rock Island, 111. luS 30x CAPARLE salesman to cover Nebraska; staple line; high commissions: advance of $100 monthly; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. YOUNG men wanted to represent promi nent Chicago firm; Nebraska territory. Adelress D 40. Bee. M217 6 BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL for sale, 40 roomu. In Des Molncs. Ia., liberal lease, $5,000; part time; always full. John Schlosser, Des Moines. Ia. Y-990 SOx NEW YORK is the second city In (he world, with a population of 4,000.000, which has douhleel every 17 vears for a century past. Some of the greutest for tunes In America were made In Its real estate. We control magnificent property which will enhance tremendously In value, and now offer the opportunity to participate In these prolits by purchasing preferred stock In company now organiz ing. For particulars address Realty, room 301, 26 Broadway, New York. Y 174 30x SPECULATORS Write for a free astrolo gical forecast of the stoek market: they are remarkably correct. Address "Jkigh nal," Box 51-19, Philadelphia, Pa.. Fox Chase Station. Y 172 3ox WE PAY cash for oil, mining and miscel laneous securities; specialists in Gold tie Ul and Tonopah stocks. "William B. Clinton & Co., 43 Exchange Place. New York. Y-173 30x A TEXAN, having recently sold out a large sheep ranch, coming to Omaha to educate his family, would invest $150,000 In meritorious proposition with position for son, uge 26. Write fully, D 23, Bee office. 1 Y HAVE a good college education and some money which I wish to invest together; no agents need reply. D 42, Bee. Y 2S0 30 PATENTS INVENTORS GUIDE BOOK MAILED FREE This book contains 6 pages of valuable Information for Inventors, pat entees and mechanics. Tells how to ob tain a patent, the cost of a patent, what to invent for prolit and how to sell a patent; Illustrates 100 mechanical move ment and contains a history of the most famous Inventions with portraits of the Inventors. Book Mailed )-ree. O'MEARA BROCK. PATENT ATTOR NEYS. 918 F St. X. W.. Washington, D. C. New York office: 290 Broadway. Y-234OOx HOTEL FURNISHED 26 well furnished rooms, modern, $2 house, paying business; fine northwestern Iowa town; controls the commercial trad r. Owing to sickness of proprietor entire furnishings can be had for less than oue-haif cash to him a few months ago. Have alsi many other good hotel propo. sitions, leoth large and small. Full par ticulars on application. J. 11. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life. Y-217 30 FOR SALE, barber shop and billiard hall in good country town; 110 competition; three shops In Omaha and one in South Omaha. Price's lunging from $l'i0 to $50, Louis V. tiiyc. 616 8. 131 h. Y-978 Sox FOR SALE Implement and hardware stock lit seiii' h-ceniral Nebraska. Good Mention. Address; D 35, Bee. Y 9.0- SO FOR SALE Good general me re handlse buslnesa In town of l.ilOrt In imrtheaeiei n Nebraska, doing 11 chIi business of $'5.!u to $',) vearly. Sieick clean ail up-to-dst of $10. 10 can easily be reduced to r.OO cr $8.nr0. Will sell for rash and grtod aecurlty; pet trade and no ageints wanted. For particulars, addreg C. 53, care Omaha Bee. X BUSINESS CHANCES BIG MONEY I0 buys puis or calls on t -!'' bushels Wl l'Mt; no fuuher risk; mn e nu nt of : ce nt" makes ou $oii. Write for dr. u'ar. The Standard (irnln Co.. Cleveland, o. Y- 1": VM Colipi i ATIO doing hu ge Iniei statu buslne wane, 1 omi-i tent man to man age branch cJlae; a 1 1 .1 iiKinieiits will bo made with tight party to earn $?.: per annum and acldit iona I commission; rner Vet.e twin ahouli! earn ''.i"i ii-ailc : must I. ni si ri-om ;i.uoe to .,i,i In stoe k of eomnany; unuuest i.m.i l.le releveie . - a to ability anil integ-itv requited Address Mux ;., Mailisin, Wis Y 11111 ;.s Vol' can ner profit by hosmrss 1 hanica unless on bine some money; small sav ings arc the foundation of large fori.iues; start 11 .'livings account with .1 1,. Branihl: ; Sins. Bankers. ;r.tli ,md Dmiglur Ms. Assets over "PATENTS" GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE l!K TURNED. Seinl model r (.ketch for free 1 pinions as lo patentability. Send for II luMratecl Guide Hook, contains I'! me chanical movemenls and 1 .1 ST OF IN VENTIONS WANTED; TELLS HOW To OKTAIN and SELL PATENTS: full particulars of NEW TRADE-MARK 1, aw. copyrights, etc. Patents se- eiireil ihrougii us advertised free nt Worlds progress; s.tmplc copy free. liVANS. VYILKli.NS & CO. Reg. Pat'tit Attorneys, blu F st., Wash ington. D. C. Y WAXTED--An Illinois corporation desires ihe services of branch ollleo manager. Silary, $150 per month and c 0111 miss to 11 v Riglit party should make $...ihi pen- year. Address V., 603-91 Dearborn at., AJhiengo, III. Y W It LIS TODl ' S 1021 New York Life HinUllt,g. Stocks and bonds bought and Bold, Companies lueorporritcd, promoted and financed. I offer sublect to sale: Victoria a. li IT, Friday Gold.. .... .10 Moisesltoi. ptd ..1' Rattle l.-ike 20 oi l one M. ,Vr S.. i Con s Je (Tcrson . 8 tiee nhone Wv. . i- Constant Oil Allen's Park... Hellaliec S. I I.. Hidden Fortune Columbus Con's. .In Highland 12 G. W. E-xplora. Speariisli Lucky Btiiko , Globe S. D Llge Harris ,.2e . ft .(f. . 2n . .bl ft Y-2T5 SO CASH for your roil estate or bnslnen. no manor whet., located. If you desire a ipiiek sale send us description and price. N01 1 hw 1 ste rn Husiniss Agency, jl Slj, Hank 01 Commerce building, Minneapolis, Minn. Y For SALE--Paying Ne braska drug store; .excellent locution.' Address: 1 1 34. Hoc, 1 linah 1. - -- M179 MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for eh n ril periods, absolutely tellable, per-lee-ily sate; no danger, no pain. 110 Inter ference wilh work, icllef brought to thou sands after everything else fallen: highly recommended by all that have ut-ed tlieni. By mail $2 Dr. R. G. Raymond Remedy Co . Room .1", S( Aihinis St., Chicago, III. 700 631-036 Bee Building. Y A CHANCE of a lifetime to step into well established business In good Missouri town 25 miles from St. Josi'ph; nice clean stock of general merchandise, largo double store building; also nice six-room dwelling. Luck Box Ono, Wallace, Mo. Y 118 30 x LOAN BUSINESS. One of the best Loan, Real Estate and Insurance Agencies in Southeast Nebraska is for sale. This Is an excellent proposi tion and -a money maker. It will bear in vestigation. If interested write. Address: D 30, Bee. Y 136 30x CORPORATIONS finunced and capital fur nished resKUislble people desiring to pro mote or Increase good, legitimate manu facturing, industrial or mining proposi tions where strong showing of earning capacity and personal responsibility can be had. Best references furnished nnd required. E. S. Baruuiu & Co., 189 La Salle street, Chicago. Y 138 30x FOR SALE Very profitable and long established Iowa ilfg. business. $ls.ntio cash, balance out of this year's prolits. which are guaranteed, will not be less than $12,000, and can be largely in creased. Best reasons for selling. Do not answer unless prepared to uct. Ad dress, D 1, Omaha Bee. Y 158 3o DO you need capltul'7 We will incorporate, organize, comple te and finance high-class, strictly legitimate enterprises; positively no wildcat schemes entertained. Amer ican Finance & Industrial Co., 123-125 1m Sullo St.. Chicago. Y 144 30x WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Pliouo L 2270. Y-710 IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or leal estate, consult U. b. Sales Bureau, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y 712 IF YOU want to buy, sell rent or exchange real eestate or business QUICK see Comp-ton-Watls Co., 535 Paxton bill. Y 715 I HAVE one blacksmith' shop, 50x50, and lot 60x100. with good tools, both Iron and wood; only shop n town; good trade, good territory. Come and see, or write H. A. Iiuhman, Buffalo Gap, S. D. Y 906 NEWSPAPER and job office for sale or trade for farm land: business over $6,000 yearly. Address D 4, care of Bee. Y M583 WANT pa'tntr with capital of $3,0CO to $6,000, to be Hctive if possible; good pay ing proposition. Address D 18, Bee. Y M704 lx BEST location In southeastern Nebraska for a ge neral store. For further informa tion address D 21, care Bee, Y M 707 1 GOOD location for live young physician hi gooel town In eastern Nebraska. Address D 26, care Bee. Y M768 1 I WILL BUY your merchandise or trade you a farm for it. Write or come and see the farms 1 have to offer. R. Greg ory, Craig, Mo. Y M788 4 FOR SALE Barber shop, must be sold at once. Address D 31, Bee. Y M9(l lx 8HICKLEY. Neb., nerds gooel contractor and builder. Address Lock Drawer No. 11. Y M964 6 FOR SALE, Oaxaca Association stock. 1 to In shares, fully paid and nonassessable, dividend paying, one share iiear value $luo) equals one ucre; will saciilie-e at big dis count for quic k sale; spot cash. M. Vau luiieUiigliani, P. O. Box 1'JG, Chl-ugo. III. Y 127 3ox FOR SALE, blacksmith and wagon shop uejuipped wilh all conveniences, such as gasoline engine, trip hammer, etc., In Iowa c ounty sent, town, of 4,onu. Must sell; ill hcullh. Address D 16, Omaha Dally Bee. Y 129 SOx PEX-TA N-GOT- Prompt regulator for ladles: never fails. $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 791 DR. DE MARS, French Tansy and Pennv royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure for all female irregularities. Regulsr price, $J; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam, Omaha. MS50 A30 DR. PRIES treats successfully nil disease and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511 Vj Dodge St., Omaha. U 788 C. N. SOMMER, successful homcopathisu Cures chronlo diseases, cancers, tumors. Bee bldg. -MS63M13 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take ne other. Send 4c stamps for partle'Ulars, "Relief for Lndies," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist, Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa- MEN, If you are email, weak or undevel oped, have lost strength, our Acme? Vac uum Developer will restore you without drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc tion and varicocelo permanently cured in one to four weeks; .5,000 in use; not on failure; write for free book, sent sealed In plain envelope. Acme Mfga Co., 728 Barclay Blk., Denver, Colo. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children: SO years' practice. Office, 2:105 Cuming. Residence telephone, 3006; office, 3667. LADIES treated successfully by mall; write? today, stating how long suppressed. Dr. Brlney, 182 State St., Chicago. LADIES $.'00 reward if our remedy falls to relieve delayed monthly periods; no matter how long suppressed; safe relief, $3. Women's Private Institute, Dept. I, 18." Dearborn St., Chicago CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BOYER, TRANSE MEDIUM Advlco on biiaiiirss, matrimony. Ilnancial and personal; absolutely rcipible. Read ings nud horoscopes' by mail and peri S1111.1I, fii cents. Office, 210 17th St., Central Hotel, "i bloc k N. V. postofflce. Tel. B-2547. Business hours, 8 u. m. to 8:30 p. m. dully; Sunday, 10 to 5. 8 250 30 GYLMER, scientific palmist. 715 N. 23d. 879$ MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1521 leaven worth. S 796 MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California at. X S 796 MME. BOYER, Center hotel. 210 N. 17th, H block nortawest P. O. Free testa today. S M180 M4 MME. BOYER. trance medium. Readings and horoscopes 5ui . Ofllce 210 No. 17th, Center hotel; 3 bllt. N. W. of P. O. Tel. B-2547. lluuis S u. 111. to 8: JO p. m. 8-MM7 29 YOUR FORTUNE told by the most relia ble clairvoyants; send birth date, dime nnd stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollin, 490 N. Clark St., Chicago. 8-104 'Mix MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady, palmist und eialrovoyunt. Office 17o Capitol ave. ' Phone 5flti. S -219 6x FOR EXCHArtG NICE, clean manufacturing business, only one of kind west of Buffalo; goods thor oughly introduced throughout northwest; great future before It; will stand rigid examination: $2.ono. Write for particulars. Austin, 217 A minis Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y 113 30g LI'MBER yard for sale or lease; doing good busliiiss; Marshall county, Kan.; excellent teriilory; invoice $6,0H; reaHon for selling. Interests elsewhere. Address; D 26, lii v. Y lli-SOx DON'T INCORPORATE OR SEEK CAP ITAL until mi have seen our free bcsik lets explaining value of Incorporation, where lo incorporate and how 10 se-cure capital for manufacturing, plantation, mining. Industrial and mercantile pur Hsrs. We are affiliated with some of the largest financial Institutions in the country. Chicago panic 1 e'lerciieiH. Am erican Corporation and Sec urities Co.. 516 Ashland Block. Chicago. HI. Y-H9-30x WE, CAN SEND YOU A IH'VKR IN 24 HOURS IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT WILL BEAR INVESTIGATION. WE HAVE A NUMBER 11K APPLI CANTS WHO WISH To INVEST THEIR MONEY WITH THEIR SERV ICES -WHAT HAVE YOU To OFFER'.' WESTERN RE I-'. BOND ASK'N (INC.) Investment In pt., 4u N. Y. L. Y PHYSICIAN, experienced, wishe" to rent .repoi'ty with uiioppcised practice, form tartnershlp or aslil general in acillioui r. C. Kent, M. L) , Oiiaway, Midi. IF YOU do not tlnd what yon want In thH column put an ad in and you will toon get It. Z-!J WANTED, to trade for land, a first class telephone plant. 260 'phoneys installed; making good money; want to letlre. Write C el. Bee office. Z M:t53 MI9 WILL TRADE for merchandise, unproved and unimproved farms in norihweht Mis souri. Jump 011 th" train ami coin" and si o tlicm .or write for list. R. Gregory, Craig, Mo. . M7i9 I 85 acres of cultivated sugar bel t land, un der diteh, adjoining this city, to exchange for clear Omaha proisTI ; fae torv as surejd; 6,000 acres sugar heel bin, I now in i lill 1 vac ion tributary to Ibis division; es timated net profits lo beet laiscrs last year $:so to $611 per acre. If something good 10 offer, write us. John Bran A Co., North Platte, Neb. .-M7M4 NICE city properly In West Fines 11 ebs triet to exchange for eastern .vhnisk land. Address D 9, lle-e. 7. -V S ;ix L03T AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eyes tested and Titled right ihmuctt's. Found 71$ Private home during coiillnemeiit ; babies adopted. Mrs, Dr. King, iiO N. 16; tel. :;sr.y. U674 SOx LOST-Small blade, imckcthook cont ain ing Home nione and green trading ei am 1 is. Was b-n 111 ladies' toilet room, balcony, penni-il's store, Wednesday aft ernoon. The parly who picked up Ihla pocket hisik It know 11 and hud better re turn it to the- matron on tho balconv and prevent prosooulloii. The; Bennett Conipuuy. Iost M 770 '9x I18T. gold ee glasses, downtown Friday. Suitable reward, telephone Ash Lost M 31 7 l LOST, black female cocker spaniel, Fridsv, April 21. al Union mation; very fat: an awis lo Hum- of Teddy. Llbeial rewsi for return ;jj Bonlun t (Jvun. ll Blu1). , Tel. A 4'ju. -Lostel etu