Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1905, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily
Senate Commerce Oommissto Will Invoati-
gate Question of Hastes.
Chairman Elkins Says Private Cars and
Terminal Will BeLooked Into.
nUrovrrr of a Woman's Skeleton
Throm Light on an Irish
M sterv.
Heads of Nearly All he Important Systems
Invitedto Testify.
Amon Those AVbo 111 Attenu jtw
I'rmMrnli is.nlt. Fish, Spencer
and Tu Vie Senators who
V III lestlfr.
to The "
skull a
Kerry, S
ao. 1
to the
and fo
to the
Employes on All Bailroads Will Quit Work
This Morning.
WASHINGTON, April W. Following I a
lint of the uJIroad men who have been
requested toappear before the senate com
tntiiHC on isursiate commerce, which w.ll
begin Its Irqulry Into railroad regulation
next Mundi y.
. K. Vnndcrbllt of the New York Cen
li. il, (.curse Gould of Uic Uouid system, E.
M. Harnman of thu Union Pacific, J. J.
jf 1 111 of the Great Northern, A. J. Cussatt
ot the Pennsylvania, K. D. Kenna. vice
president of the Atchison, Topeka As San.a
Fe; Walker D. Hlnes, general! of
the Louisville & Kathville; Hugh L. Bona,
general counsel of the Baltimore 6c. Ohio;
W'insluw 1'lcrce, general counsel of tho
Gould system; President Hughllt of the
Chicago & Northwestern, President Klpley
of the Atchison, Topeka Banta Fe; Pres
ident Tuttle of the Boston At Maine, Vice
President Wilcox of the Delaware & Hud-
n, President Truusdale of the ueiuware.
ckawana & Western; President Bjiencer
the Southern, President Fish of th
Illinois Central.
Magnate Who Will Attend.
Of theae only Messrs. Cassatt, Fish,
Spencer and Tuttle have signaled a willing
ness to attend, and they aay they will not
be able to be present at the beginning of
the committees Bitting. A number of the
witnesses have been summoned, however,
nd it Is expected that the committee win
able to prqeeed soon ufter coming 10
ther. Among the non-railroad men to
i.- or.. umi.tora Snootier. Knox and
Morgan; Prof. W. Z. Kipley of Harvard
unlernity and Victor Morawetz of New
Scope "t the Investigation.
The committee has been summoned to
meet at S p. m. Monday, and Chairman
Elkins of the committee has announced
his purpose to go very thoroughly Into the
subject. The resolution unaer which h
hearing will be held directs the committee
-to consldet the question of additional legis
lation to regulate interstate commerce, and
to authorize the Interstate Commerce com
mission to fix rates of freights and fares
and to acquire further Information as to
Interslata commers. including violations or
evasions of the anti-rebate law and the dc
vicea and methods by which such evasions
are accomplished, and including refriger
ator and other private car system, Indus
trial railway tracks, switching charges and
the like, and also to consider what legisla
tion should be enacted in relation to the
liability of railroad companies engaged In
Interstate traffic or operating lines in any
territory of the United States for injuries
received by their employes when in the dis
charge of duty." '
First Session of International Organ
isation to Be Held at Washington.
WASHINGTON, April lB.-Nearly 1.000
delegates, the ownera and operaUng offi
cials of upwurds of.J0,000 miles of railway
In forty-four different countries, constitute
the personnel of the International Railway
congress which Is to hold a ten days' ses
sion in this city beginning May 4 next.
the close of the congress the delegates
ire to make a thorough Inspection of the
railway of the United States, particularly
with reference to equipment and shops.
The congress Is somewhat unique In Its
organization purpose and manner of con
ducting Its affairs. It was. organised In
1R85 and haa held sessions every five years
since. Its first session, held In Brussels,
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the
orenlng of the Belgian railways. Milan,
iris, St. Petersburg and London have
en meeting places since, Paris having
d two sessions. At the session In that
city In 11)00 the invitation of President Mc-
Klnley to hold the next meeting In Wash
ington wus accepted. Congress at Its last
session enacted appropriate legislation com
mitting this government to participation
In the congress.
In the absence of President Roosevelt,
Vice President Falrbnnks will accept the
post of honorary president and open the
congress with an address of welcome, aft
erwards extending the courtesies of the
nation to the delegates at the White House.
The preliminary formalities over, the
congress will resolve Itself Into Ave sections
and proceed to the discussions In French
and In secret. All of the papers to be pre
sented have been under consideration for
some years, all have been printed and the
delegates are thoroughly familiar with their
contents. AH of the topics to he considered
are technical and necessarily devoid of
popular Interest.
The honorary presidents, representing the
railways of Ihls country, will be Mtssrs.
A. J. Cassatt and E. If. Harriman. while
the actual president will he Stuyvesant
Fish of the Ililnols Central. The lines these
three gentlemen represent form a continu
ous rail passing through the heart of the
continent and extending from the great
lakes to the gulf. The largest attendance
of American railway officials at any of
these sessions was at London In 18SS. when
out of about SCO delegates, forty-nine were
Part of tho Important work accomplished
at these meetings Is the Inspection of
workshops, of equipment and construction
In each country visited, with the result of
stimulating Inquiry Into Improved methods
and giving the whole world the benefit of
ttlA wnrll nf Ih HrlffhlAHt mlr.,4-
April 16. (Special Cablegram
-The discovery of a human
l Island. Dingle bay. County
hoy while strolling across the '
a romance of half a century
d hiving reported the matter
, the latter went to the place
wo feet below the surface, the j
i full grown woman.
was held, but the Jury could
i decision. There was no evt
dentifii'Rtlon, and there was
show the circumstances of the
nth. And then there came back
.s of the older Islander a mem
ory which seemed to solve the mystery.
Fifty yeirs ago there lived on Inch
island a man named Morlary, who had the
reputation of being much of a smuggler
and ,not "a little of a pirate. He traded
without the co-operation of the revenue
authorities with a Spanish wine merchant,
whose son frequently visited Morlary.
During one of these visits he fell violently
In love with Allecn Morlary, who was also
beloved by Murtagh O'Siillivan. the hand
some young lieutenant of her father In
his Illicit trade. The Spaniard won Alleen's
heart, und preparations were begun on a
lavish scale for the wedding. But when
the marriage dny dawned Aileen and Mur
tagh had vanished. For many days a
feverish but Ineffective search was made
for them, and nt length the young Spaniard
sailed home bereft of his bride.
The island tongues were busy, and It
was generally agreed that Murtagh had
dune Alleon to death and fled from the
scene of his crime. The story was told
at the fireside on winter nights, and the
ghost of Ailoen came o corroborate It, It
Is said. Wayfarers saw her wandering In
the moonlight with the hilt of a dagger
protruding from her breast. Others be
held her wraPth at the spot where the
skeleton was found, kneeling in her bridal
robes. Although the law Is unsatisfied, the
Islanders of Inch are Convinced that the
remains are those of the murdered daugh
ter of the smuggler.
Soldiers Will Man Trains and Tracks
Will Be Patroled by Cavalry
Socialists Begin Obstruction.
P.OME, April J6 A general strike of
railway employes In Italy is to be Inaugu
rated tomorrow morning In accordance
With the arrangements perfected through
clphtr telegrams directed to all railway
centers by the agitation committee at
The strike will prove a great embarrass- tn
ment to foreign tourists, of whom tnere
are a great many in Italy Just now. In
reply to an interrogation In the Chamber j npw jrjaj
Federal Authorities la Nebraska Are
Waiting for Jndice Brewer's
A certified copy of Justice Brewer's de
cision regarding the sale of liquor to In
dians who are allotees of lands, without
restrictions other than surrounds the sale
of liquor to any citizen, has not yet been
received at the office of the United States
distrlit attorney Numerous Inquiries
have been received from Homer, Pender
and other towns near the Indian
reservations asking If liquor can now lie
sold to the Indians oyer the bar Just the
nme as to white folks. The invariable
reply has teen that the saloonista had
better go a little slow until the decision
has been formally promulgated and Its
terms made fully known.
There has been some speculation also
about the federal building as to the effect
decision will have on tho saloon cases
tried at the lafct term of the federal court
and those yet to be tried. A motion for a
Is yet to be hoard In the rase
of Deputies relative to the railway bill ' of E(J lui;,, an(j Sherman Ennls, sa
which is on the calendar for discussion on Ioon,,t!, cr Homer, who wore convicted of
Monday, Premier Fortls said: I consrlracv In the sale of liquor to Indians.
We still hope to bring the railway men
to reason, but if persuasive measures are
Insufficient I rieeiatv the government knows
lis duty and how to accomplish it. I can
state that public order will he maintained
everywhere and that the public will be
served within the limits of poseiblllty. The
government feel that it has the moral
and material Mrentth to accomplish what
It considers to be its right and duty.
The chief measures on which the govern-
Chances to Be Offered Brldite Car
penters and Bosses of Laborers
on Panama Cannl.
The United States Civil Cervice commis
sion announces examinations on April 2(5,
19ii5, to secure eligible from which to make
certification to fill vacancies as they may
occur In the position of bridge carpenter
at salaries of lino. $83.33 and $75 per month,
and In the position of bridge carpenter
foreman at salaries of $125 and $1(10 per
month, under the Isthmian Canal commis
sion on the Isthmus of Panama. The age
limit Is 21 to 46 yearn.
May 10, 19u5 For the position of super
intendent, general foreman-and miner, to
be employed in the rock excavation work
of the Panama canal. Salaries, superintend
ent, $250 per month; general foreman, $150
per month: miner, $1".0 ami $175 per month.
From the persons eligible as general fore
men appointments will also be made to the
position of foreman at $ino per month. Age
limit 21 to 46 years.
May 10, 1906 To secure eliglbles to fill
a large number of vacancies In the posi
tions of assistant foreman, foreman and
general foreman of laborers on excavation
and other similar engineering work on the
Panama canal. Salaries) Assistant fore
man of laborers, $50 to $tiO per month; fore
man of laborers, $75 to $83.33 per. month,
and general foreman of laborers, $100 to
$125 per month. Age limit, 21 to 45 years.
In all tho foregoing examinations no
educational tests are required and appli
cants will not be assembled at any given
place for examination. They will be rated
upon the Information furnished in connec
tion with their applications and upon the
statement of their voucher In accordance
with their age, physical condition and ex
perience. Full Information relative to transporta
tion, quarters, conditions of employment,
etc., is contained In form 1417, which may
be had upon application to the United
States Civil Service commission, Washing
ton, D. C.
Extra Seating- Capacltr Was In De
mand In the Roman Catholic
Palms were distributed after high mass
In all of the Roman Catholic churches of
Omuha Sunday morning. This is a yearly
custom handed down from the early ages
In commemoration of the triumphal entry
of Jesus Into Jerusalem. Many of the faith
ful formed crosses or rosettes of the strips
of palm and wore them In hatband or on
the coat lapel, and women pinned them
on their bodices for the day. Afterward
they are kept In every Catholic home for
the ensuing year.
In John, xtl, 12-13, it is written: "On the
next day much people that were come to
the feast, when they heard that Jesus was
coming to Jerusalem, took branches of
palm trees and went forth to meet Him
ant cried Hosanna: Blessed Is the King
of Israel that cometh In the name of tho
Lord "
This chapter and these verses furnished
the theme for sermons on the significance
of Palm Sunday. Throngs which filled not
only the pews, but the aisles, at St. Phil
:mena's cathedral, St. John's and the other
churches, listened to these sermons with
a lively Interest and renewal of faith and
hope In the Bon of God who on this day
began His last week of work on earth,
nineteen centuries ago.
Next Friday at 9 o'clock the mass of the
presanctllied will be celebrated In the
churches. At 5 o'clock on Kaster Sunday
there will be a solemn high mass at St.
Phllomena'a. Bishop Scannell will bestow
the papal blessing on the congregation.
Then, beginning at 7:30, there will be sev
eral masses In all of the churches.
But It has now been decided to postpone
the hearing on this motion until the su
preme court declplon has been received.
There yet remain to be tried of these
conspiracy cases another Indictment against
Luikhart and Kunls. one against Harry
Rasdall and one against Logan Lambert,
all saloonists at Homer. The la'ter If the
man who slugged Father Bchell.
It is now believed that the disposition of
these rnses will rienenri entirely on the
escorted hy ( contructon tnat my be placed upon Judge
Aotite Fight Commenced for, Seat in Con
gress Vacated by Senator SarketU
pedal F.lertlon In Lincoln In Jane
tnder the .New Charter Itrlngs
Oat Candidates for
Fair and Warmer In Fast I'ortlnn
Mondavi nala la West Portion.
Tuesday Fair.
Temperature at Omaha Yetterrinvt
Hour. Dra. Ilnnr. lira.
K a. m !' I p. m 41
a. m mt 2 p. in 4:1
T a. in 27 .1 p. m 4 1
Ha. m :ni 4 p. tn 4.1
II a. in ittt n p, m 4 1
in a. m i; p. m 4.1
II a. in ,"T - T p. m 41
U m lilt H p. in
II p. m 4t
Russian Warships Sighted Near Ksmraik
Bay Tridty Noon.
ment relies consist in having the stations j
occupied by military and trains conducted
by military. Trains will be
soioiers and will carry workmen reauy to Brewer jision. Kven though there may
repair any damage that may be inflicted , be omo racape frcm punihment under the
on the tracks. Express trains will be dls- decsion through the sale of liquor to In
continued and the minimum of ordinary ; dang who have allotroents f iana ni are
trains dally will be maintained on each of j thus cmaricipated from fideral control a-s
in.- iiuicimi uiipn. i lie iracnr. win ij- j reKartis their drinking peculiarities, it
trolled by cavalry. j .i10uld also be borne In mind that abun-
Soclalist deputies are discussing the ad- rint pvirtnee was nroduced at the trial
vlsablllty of adopting obstructionist 'tactics J of juiichart and Ennis showing that
!n the Chamber of Deputies to prevent tho
passage of the railway bill.
Party Hended by Genernl Smith Pre
sented to His Holiness.
ROME. April 16. Pope Pius today re
ceived In the hall of consistory 150 Ameri
ca ns. Including General Jacob S. Smith and
wife of New York, and Mrs. M. D. Walsh,
lET Dietrich and B. F. Shrlver of Baltimore.
The pope entered the hall, accompanied by
high personages of the court, preceded by
two American private chamberlains, the
Rev. Martin Maloney of Philadelphia and
the Rev. J. S. Brennan of Wilmington,
Del. He gave his hand to each of the
Americans in turn nnd said a kind word.
Afterward, standing In the middle of the
hall and speaking In Italian, his words
being translated by the Rev. Dr. Murphy,
vice rector of the American college at
Rome, his holiness said how pleased he
was to meet so many Americans.
liquor had been sold to Indians who were
not allotees of land.
As the decision of Justice Brewer ap
plies only to Indians who have been
awarded allotments, there Is still a strong
probability that the saloon conspiracy cases
will be tried to a finish.
Prince of Wales Fills the I.nits o'
lilelan' Bodies nl' Flat
terln' Clavera,
LONDON, April 16. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) This year's anniversary din
ner of the Highland society at the Hotel
Metropole will long be remembered as one
of the most notable functions In the so
ciety's history.
Those present Included the prince of
Wales, the guest of honor; the marquis of
Talllbardlne, the earl of Donoughmore, Sir
Edmond Ward, Lord Reay, Lord Claude
Hamilton, Sir James McGregor and Colonel
Sir Fltaroy MacLean.
AH wore kilts and the tartan of the
Stewart club. In a brilliant speech, giving
a history of the society since It was
founded by a group of Highland gentlemen
In 1778, the prince of Wales evolved Intense
enthusiasm by the tributes he paid to
Highlanders and the Highlands. He dwelt,
first, on his connection with the Highlands,
where he said he had spent part of the
autumn ever since his childhood. These
times, he went on, had been some of the
happiest of his life, and ho looked forward
to spending some part of each year in his
Highland home for the rest of his life. He
was proud of the Scottish title he held and
proud of the further title of permanent
chief of the Cameron Highlanders.
The prince then explained that he was
not wearing the uniform of the reglmtnt
because he Wanted to come among them
In the ordinary dress of a Highland gentle
man. He wishes to tell them also how
much he valued the diamond star he wore,
which was the wedding gift of the people
of Scotland, nnd the dirk given to him on
the same occasion by the Highland society.
No society had done more than theirs, he
said, to keep up the martial spirit of the
Highlanders, and recognlring, as all
Scotchmen did, the value of education, tho
Highland society had conferred great bene
fits on poor students by means of bursaries.
Clanship and patrotism, said the prince,
were Inherent In the Scottish character,
and it might seem to some that the society
was almost superfluous), but the further
the limits of the empire extended tho more
cosmopolitan It became.
Klstel Maklnn Ip for Thlevlna- Esca
pade by Pllotlnar Detectives to
Houses Robbed.
Still more goods are being found which
have been hidden by the youthful burglars,
Nistel, Webber and Hossman. Sunday
Nlstel took the detective:! to his house and
showed them a quantity of silverware and
cut glass which they had formerly over
looked. Saturday night a third load was
taken from the home of Webber nt 2710
South Nineteenth street. The detective de
partment was busy all yesterday with peo
ple who came to Identify stolen goods.
Nlstel is so anxious to restore the prop
erty to Its rightful owners that he goes
with the officers to show them the houses
he has robbed. The' detectives had some
valuables for whom the: could not locate
an owner. When they. ,i,,f.kd NtoteJ he
said he did not know the name of the
owner of the house from which the plun
der was taken, but he remembered the
place. He led Detectives Drummy and
Maloney to the home of A. B. Carpenter.
4010 Nicholas street. Mr. Carpenter went
to the station and secured his property.
It seems evident that Nlstel made a mis
take about Webber and Hossman having
Jewelry buried In Rlvervlew park. Webher
said that he had buried some goods there
several months ago, but had long since dug
it up.
Mrs. Nistel visited her husband In the
city Jail Saturday and Sunday. She says
he has made an awful mistake, but she
Is sure that when he gets out of his pres
ent difficulty he will lead a straight life.
Wife of Georae F. Bldwell, Jr., the
Railroad Contractor, Laid to
Rest In Forest I.-wn.
The funeral of Mrs. George F. Bldwell,
the sermon.
engaged In solving problems which present ' Jr.. was held Sunday afternoon at 2:80 at
llfTerint phases In different countries, but I AH Saints' church. Rev. T. J. Mackay
hlch have features of common Interest to
aTl alike.
An extensive exhibit of railway aupplles
will be made at the time or the congreca
and will give an unusual opportunity of
exumlnlng In detail a great part nf Amer
ican railway appliances. This will be sup
plemented after adjournment by tours of
inspection on which the Mrelgn delegates
be taken.
prc.Hcntutlvea of
been brought to
es. Aa the ses
Ions art held only once in five Veara, It is
likely to be many years before it will meat
Main in this country.
No such assemblage of r-i
V ilnuy Interests has ever be
"",rT'thr In the United Btatei
who were classmates of Mrs. Bldwell at
the high tchool. acted as pallbearers. The
body was burled In Forest Lawn cemetery.
Arthur Hnffmayr of Chlrago, the brother
who was expected, did not arrive for the
Mrs. Bldwell died Thursday morning at
Holy Crors, Kan., where her husband Is
rcnstruetliig a branch railroad. Uhe was
the daughter of Colonel HofTmayr, form
erly of Council BluiTs. who Is now In Cali
fornia In feeble health. She was the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno
Tsschuck of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Bid
wall war married only lal year.
Lord Morpeth Tells of Adrantaa
Accrue to the British
LONDON, April 16.-(Speclal Cablegram
to The Bee.) Lord Morpeth, M. p., ad
dressed a large meeting of his constituents
at South Birmingham Wednesday night.
He said the policy he supported was policy
of Imperial union, which he believed would
be for the advantage of the colonies and
the mother country. Those who were sup.
porters of this Imperial policy were ab
surdly supposed to have shirked discussion
In the House of Commons and to have
given up the principles which they had
been advocating, and to have recognised
the fact that they had been driven out of
the field by the free-fooders and the free
traders. There was only arbiter to sfttle
the fiscal question and the sooner It was
referred to the electorate the more he
should be pleased. The great bulk of the
unionist party was united In the desire for
fiscal reform. It was tald Mr. Balfour and
Mr. Chamberlain were not agreed, that the
prime minister's policy of retaliation was
merely an elaborate blind put forward to
distract attention from Mr. Chamberlain's
Ulx young men j proposals and that he never Intended to do
aiiyiiung prai-iii-w in pruacvuuon 01 rum
policy. The prime minister was an honora
ble man and they could not believe him
guilty of auch base duplicity until he had
contradicted his past declarations. At all
Louis Heck and His Wife, Known as
May Belle Eckert, Found Dead
In Their Home.
PHILADELPHIA April 16.-Louls Heck,
Jr.. musical director of Keith's Chestnut
Street theater, and his wife, known on
the vaudeville stage as May Belle Eckert,
were asphyxiated by gas today In the bed
room of their apartments In thla city. Two
burners of a chandelier In the room were
open, It is believed, by accident. T. W.
Eckert of San Francisco and his wife, the
parents of the dead woman, who are on
the vaudeville stage and who completed
an engagement in New York yesterday
and are booked to appear In Washington
next week, had planned to dine this even
ing with their daughter and her husband.
They wont to Heck's house and the find
ing of the bodies of the daughter and son-in-law
Mrs. Heck's body was found lying on a
couch. The body of the husband was on
the floor In a sitting posture. Heck's father,
Louis Heck, resides n Topeka, Kan.
Chicago Mayor Confident that He Will
Succeed In Settling- Team
sters' Strike. -
CHICAGO, April l,-Labor leaders will
hold a conference tomorrow with Mayor
Edward F. Dunne, who said tonis-bt that
he ha hopes of an early settlement of '
the teamsrs' strike against Montgomery
Ward & Co. The coal teamsters today
decided to refuse to haul coal to the Mont
gomery Ward building.
It Is learned tonight that the Chicago
Tunnel company Is rushing work on a con
nection of Its system with the basement
of Montgomery Ward A Co.'a establish
ment. When such connection la made they
will be able to secure communication with
all depots.
(From a Stnff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 16. (Special.! Lincoln
Is happy. Politics Is being serveG up three
times a day, red hot from the frying pan
and there will be enough to last all through
the summer months. And it has been going
on all winter. The cily election Is Just
over and while the Excise board Is strug
gling with a few saloon licenses which It
has not yet acted upon and the mayor Is
holding out on a few minor appointments,
the politicians are busy fixing up a slate
for the Juno election, when seven council
men at large are to be chosen. This coun
cllmanic election is preliminary to the big
shbw which comes In July, when a con
gressman will be chosen to succeed United
States Senator Burkett.
The opening ode to tills last big show
will be sung April 24, when the congres
sional committee will meet here to set u
time for the holding of a convention or
rjrlnmrv to select a nominee. It being gen- !
erally understood that tomorrow Governor
Mickey will name the date of the special
election. This, It is supposed, will be held
about the middle of July.
Knmor of Dark Horses.
This congressional lace promises to be one
of the prettiest fights that this notoriously
political center has ever witnessed. The
avowed candidates are numerous enough,
but the dark horses now being grpoined nnd
held in check are thick enough to stock a
A late rumor for wnlch there may be
some foundation Is that Harry Lindsay,
now clerk of the supreme court, belongs
to thla class of candidates. This rumor
has It that the boom from A. B. Allen,
secretary to the governor, haa for its ob
ject the bringing into tho fold of Johnson
county for Allen first, ol' course, and Lind
say second. Thus Lindsay would have
both Pawnee and Johnson aa a atarter.
The river counties could easily form a
combination and knock out Lancaster or
Lancaster and two other counties could
control the situation. The combination has
not yet been mude.
There la little doubt but that the of
fice of the clerk ol the supreme court paya
tho clerk considerable less money than is
generally supposed, consequently a clerk
of the court could well afford to exchange
his Job for a congressional robe, especially
should the exchange mean n guod Job for
a western lawyer prominent in law and In
politics, whom the rumor connects with
the clerkship, should congressional light
ning strike there.
but this is Just one of the stories going
the rounds of possible selections and dark
horses. Lancaster county itself has
enough candidates to keep the pot boiling
und the prettiest preliminary fight hcr
will be between Paul Clark and H. C. M.
Bursts, rrprcsentailve and chnirnihn of
the republican, state committee. These
two live In the same ward and while pol
iticians say there Is little doubt but (hat
Clark will win out in the ward, Burgoss
haa been, lately, flirting with the members
of the Burlington machine, which he re
pudiated during the last campaign, going
over body and soul to the Lancaster ma
chine's worst enemy. Then cornea the big
light between a half dozen or more for the
county delegation. 1
Fight for Place In Council.
The fight over tho selection of council
men under the new city charter is warm
ing up, though the election is not until
June. The publication representing the
Union Pacific-Schneider political machine
evidently Is preparing fot a bolt should
the Burlington machine succeed in cap
turing a majority of the nominees at the
pritnury. It has been publishing editorials
demanding that the Burlington keep its
hands out of the fight and also announc
ing that its Interest In the matter was
merely for good government. It has pointed
out that unless good men were nominated
the democrats would likely secure control
of the council, then hints to the dem
ocrats that It wou' be a good Idea for
them to nominate su men as Dr. Hall,
Judge Tlbbetts and a ryw others. This la
taken to mean by the Bhllngton machine
that unless the anti-Burlington crowd cap
ture the primaries, their organ will bolt,
providing the democrats will nominate a
ticket suitable to that organ. However,
this will be in keeping with the attitude of
the Burlington organ during the' late city
election fight, when it practically bolted
the republican nominee for mayor. Thus
a nomination by a republican primary In
Lincoln this summer will by no means
mean an election.
Chief of Police noi In.
H. P. Cooper, three times elected city
marshall of Lincoln and by three different
mayors appointed chief of polit'v, was
again last night aworn In as chief. To
gether with Chief Cooper, W. T. B. Ire'and
was sworn in as night caUln. Captain
Ireland also Is an old-time police officer,
who was relieved aa captln two years ago
when Captain O'Kane was chosen. The
announcement that ex-Chief Routzahan
would be selected as city detective was a
little premature, as at the meeting of the
excise board held yesterday thla waa still
left in the air. The board gave It out
some time ago that James Malone, at pres
ent head of the Burlington secret service,
would be offered the place, but It is ques
tioned whether Malone would take It. He
was city detective two years ago and waa
removed by tne new board to make room
for W. A. Bentley, who It Is said will not
hold over under the new administration.
Dead Body of Jennie Klntop Found
Sear Her Home in Little
Falls. Minn.
LITTI.L FALLS. Minn.. April 1 The
dead body of Jeanie Klntop was found In
the woods thl! morning about four miles
from this city. The body was entirely
stripped of clothing, a handkerchief was
tightly twisted about her neck, the head
was a mass of bruises and there wero
evidences of an outrage. Two negroes were
seen In the vicinity of where the body was
found and search Is being made for them.
If caiiRht It is feared a lynching will fol
low. The girl, who was about to leave for
the northern part of the state to take up
a homestead claim, had been In this city
purchasing supplies. She left here Mon
day evening for Darling, from which sta
tion she was to walk to her home, dis
tant about two miles. After leaving Dar
ling she was not seen again until her dead
body was found today.
The place where the girl's body was
found hore evidence of a terrific struggle.
Her empty pocketbook and the parcels she
was carrying were found In a ditch nearby.
Her watch was found on the body.
Charles Nelson, living near the scene
of the murder, heard screams on Monday
night and saw two unknown negroes near
the spot. It Is suspected that they com
mitted the crime. A posse la searching
the country. .
This Point is in Cochin China 200 Miles
Above the Irenoh Port.
Japanese Advance from Sitigking, Driving
the Enemy Beror Them.
Practically All Business Suspended at
St. Louis nnd Kansas City Drusj
Stores Only Are Open.
ST. LOUIS, April 16. For the first time
In six years St. Iuls has been a "dry"
town for twenty-four hours, and for the
first time In Its hostory the "dryness" has '
been complete, not even sldedoors being
Not only has It been a dry Sunday, but
It has been sliaveless, shineless, pmoke
less and almost a hungry Sunday as well.
Promptly at midnight saloon lights were
extinguished and the patrons were re
quested to depurt at once. Barbershops
Immediately closed, news and cigar stands
followed suit, small grocery shops and del
icatessen stores put up their shutters and
the large down town restaurants did not !
open their doors today. There seemed to I
have been a preconcerted action among all I
classes of caterers to the public that If
the latter wanted the so-called "lid" placed
on St. Louis during the Subbath that the
proprietors of the stores should co-operate
and practically all business except drug
Btores was suspended ' for twenty-four
KANSAS CITY, April 16,-The state Sun
day closing law waa strictly enforced to
day, as on the two previous Sundays. Only
saloons are affected, and restaurants, cigar
stores, news stands and barber shops ob
served their usual hours.
Janitor Shoots Himself In Room
Adjoining Auditorium While
Service la In Progress.
ST. LOUIS, April 16 Captain James A.
Rider, 66 years old, for four years the
Janitor of the St. James Memorial Episco
pal church, committed suicide today by
shooting. In a room adjoining the audi
torium, In which the rector was con
ducting devotional services. The sound of
the shot was pluirly heard by the congre
gation, but there was no excitement. One
of the vestrymen Investigated and
event., the unlonlm party was prepared to . to r,r ruckworth. who announced from
regard Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamberl.ln ; ,he m,U)it br(lf ,utmPllt (lf wha, nuJ
as one. He preferred to take ihe word of ,.(n,rrt,(1. r,.qu.,led that the congre-
the prime minister as to what he int. nde.l gRtU)n lf.ave th(, (.hlircn ut onr
to do and what his policy waa rather than
tho rnrfilfltiona nf what his nolir-v
might be from the Hps of his adversaries.
A resolution of confidence In the govern-
Judae al Is l)lnur.
LEBANON. Pa., April 16. Judge Stephen
Neal. author of the fourteenth Mni"iv1ni. nt
to Ihe constitution of the United States, la
summon a colonial conference wa. paaaed. IT 1 ta'na. 80 Ten,. "if
' - " "
ment and of approval of th propona) to
After Chnrrh Service at I'nlly Ladles
of the G. A. R. Officiate at
The funeral of Mrs. Sophia Erdman
Rawltzer, who died Wednesday morning,
was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at
Unity church. The Ladles of the Grand
Army of the Republic, of the local circle
of which she waa a charter member, held
a service at Forest Lawn cemetery, where
she was buried beside her husband. The
pallbearers were members of the Grand
Army of the Republic.
Mrs. Rawitter came to Omaha In 1KM.
Her husband served In the Forty-first Wis
consin volunteers In the civil war. She
was past president of the Indies of the
Grand Army of the Republic and a mem
ber of the Rattrone Sisters.
She leaves four daughters and three
sons. Mis. Eva Klrschberg. 8an Francisco,
Cal.; Mrs. T. E. Jones, Mrs. Frank Hart
man. Miss Nettle Rawltzer and A. II.
Rawltxer of OmaJia; Clarence M. Raw
Itser und Victor 11. Rawltzer of Minne
apolis, Minn.
Former Show Girl Will Be ArraUnril
for Third Time for Murder of
Caesar Yoaiigr,
NEW YORK, April 16. With her third
trial on the charge of murdering "CaeKar"
Young, a bookmaker, set for .tomorrow,
"Nan" Patterson today attended religious
services in the Tombs for tho first time, It
is said, since she was placed tn the prison
following the tragedy In June last.
The first trial of the girl was suspended
after several days had been consumed In
securing a Jury and after the taking of
testimony had progressed to a crltlcul
point. One of the Jurymen became 111, the
attack becoming so serious as to necessi
tate the declaration of a mistrial. The
second trial went to a conclusion, but. re
sulted In a disagreement of the Jury. The
foreman reported to the cou.'t that the Jury
was Hopelessly divided, so a mistrial was
finally ordered. ,It was said afterward tbe
Jury stood six for nequittal and six for
The third trial was set for April 10, but
was postponed until tomorrow, at the re
quet of the district attorney, who desired
to have the matter of the extradition of
tne Smiths from Cincinnati settled before
the hearing proceeded.
Report by Way of Denver thit Pres
ident Killed Rear with His
First Shot.
State of Slcae Exists In PatlloC
Dunrtrr at St. Petersburg Pablle
Funeral of Riot Victims
SINGAPORE. April IS The North Ger
man l.loyd steamship Prlnz Helnrich re
ports that It sighted eighteen vessels of
the Riis.-ian Baltic squadron In Kumranh
bay at noon on Friday last. The steamer
did not sight any Japaneso warship. hay is In Cochin China, about
2j0 miles northeast of Saigon.
Expert Ft U lit Soon.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 17.-12:45 a. m.
There is no Information from Vice Ad
miral Rojcstvensky'a squadron, but tha
admiralty would not be surprised to learn
of skirmishing between scout ships today
or tomorrow, aa the beginning of torpedo
boat warfare soon Is not unexpected. The
naval organ here expresses the opinion
that Togo was taken completely by sur
prise when Rojestvensky suddenly appeared
at tho entrance of tho China sea and la
now concentrating his widely scattered
fleet near the Pescadores, where It Is be
lieved a sea fight will probably occur.
Rnmnr of Small Engagement.
LONDON, April 17. There Is as yet no
news of a naval battle In the far east or of
the whereabouts of the rival fleets. The
Hong Kong correspondent of the Dally
Mail sends a rumor of a small engagement,
but there Is confirmation of this report.
Details regarding the Russian ships In
Kamranh bay. Cochin, China., are too
meager to be Instructive. According to the
Dally Mull' Singapore correspondent, tho
North German Lloyd steamer Prlnz Hen
rich, saw five battleships and six cruisers
In the bay. but the dispatches to other of
the Loudon morning newspapers are not so
precise. The Dally Telegraph's Singapore
correspondent, like the Associated Press,
merely reports eighteen vessels and adds
that the captain of the Prlnz Helnrich
states that possibly more warships were
Inside the harbor, hut that they were In
visible from the offing. i
The presence of the Russian squadron
off the Annam coast Is raising keen Inter
est here, In view of the possibility of their
Infringing Chinese neutrality and of the
likelihood of Rojestvensky having had to
split his squadron.
Steamer lieu Flrlnsr.
HONG KONG. April 1.-The ateamer
Tclemuchus reports that It heard firing 150
miles north of the Natuna Islands at 3:80
o'clock on the afternoon of April 12.
Skirmish In Manchuria.
TOKIO, April 16. Noon. The folowtng
official announcement was made today:
The force advancing north from Sing
king, driving tho enemy before them, occu
pieu Ylngecheng, thirty miles north of
Hmgklng, at 1 o'clock on the afternoon
oi' April 14.
A detachment of the same force, co
operating with cavalry, occupied I'achl
atzu at 6 o'clock In the evening of the
same day.
The enemy's force near Pach'atzu con
sisted of seven sotnlas of cavalry and one
battery of artillery.
They first retreated toward Ylngecheng.
then came hack to l'achlatzu. Finding It
occupied they were thrown into confusion
and retreated in great disorder over
pars, two miles north of Patchiatzu, Thi-ru
is no change elsewhere.
Thirty thousand employee of the arsenal
pa-aded today In relebratlon of the fall of
Mukden. They visited the palace and
cheered the emperor and afterwards went
to tho War and Navy departments and
cheered the ministers and their stuffs.
State of SIchc nt St. Petersburg.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 17.-12:45 a. m.
Almost a state of siege exists In the
Narva quarter owing to the suspension of
the Putiloff Iron works. Soldiers are sta
tioned Inside the works and Cossacka and
police swarm In the surrnundlsg streets.
The tenHon yesterday was great, especially
when a polkeman shot a drunken work-
! man who had drawn a revolver on him, but
I there was no collision during the day.
j The bodies of the two workmen who
' were accidentally killed at the iron works
j and at whosu funerals their fellows had
: planned to make a great political dem-
onstratlona, were Interred ut daybreak In
compliance with police orders. Several
smaller demonstrations had been plunned
for other parts of the city, but there were
no serious disorders.
DENVER, Colo., Apr1! 16 A special to
tho News from New Castle says that at
Camp Roosevelt a storm haa raged all day.
So violent waa the storm that no one ven
tured out of doors. Th News also
says the mall carrier who covera the terri
tory adjacent to the camp reached New
Castle today and verified the report that
the president killed a large bear with the
first shot he fired yesterday. It required
several hours' chase to bring the animal
to bay.
Relative of Indiana Senator Stabs
Man In Fight and is Wounded
l Officer.
MATTOON. April 16. Thomas Beverldge,
23 years, nephew of United States Senator
Beverldge of Indiana, today seriously
stabbed James Datewood. The fight fol
lowed a quarrel In a saloon. Datewood as
saulted Beverldge, who drew a knife and
slashed him In the face and side. While
attempting to escape arrest Beverldge was
shot twice by an officer. Both Injured men
are In the hospital, but will recover. War
rants have lieen Issued for their arrest.
Irish Constabulary Pensioner Sen
tenced to Death for Murder of
Federal Pensioner.
CORK, April 16. (Special Cablegram to
1 The Bee) Uit J O'Brien, chief Justice, and a
! Cork City Jury concluded this wee!; the
I trial In which John Foster, n pensioner
! from the Irish constabulary, was accused
of having murdered William tcgan, a pen
sioner from America, who fought In tha
war of secceeslon.
The sollclto.1 general. Mr. Campbell, prose
cuted, and the trial attracted more than or
dinary Interest. The two men lodged In
the same house a;id frequently took walka
together. Regan disappeared on Decem
ber 3 and Kuster was in his company on tha
evening of that day. Began whs then, as
had been his habit, wearing a gold watch
and a massive gold chain of peculiar pal
tern. These were found to have been
pawned some days later by the accused.
The police spent a week In dragging the
river and pools In the nclghbnrhof d where
Regan had been last seen, and oi Decem
ber 13 Regan's body wi discovered In the
River Ice, close to the Cork j khihltlon
'grounds. The defense set up I vas that
Foster had been drinking heavllj In order
to account for some Incriminating state
ment!! made by him. He waa convicted
and sentenced to lie hanged on April 22.
Movements of Ocean Vessels April 10.
At New York Arrived : Certrlc from Llv
erpi ol and (jueennown; Columbia from
At Liverpool Arrived: 'Vltlc, from New
York; Hylvanla, from Boston.
At Movilli Armed. Ciicilonian, from
New Vork.
At Southampton Arrived: t. Paul, from
New Vork
At Fieume Arrived: Hlavonlu, frym New
At Boulogne (April 15l Sailed: Blalen
dain, for New York
At Qu.eiimown Hailed: Etrurla, fur New
In rent Ignllim Tonapab Plague.
TONOI'AH. Nev.. April 16 -Specimens Sf
vo-loas t')n I'M o ..-;! to the
Marine hospital at San Francisco with the
view of (O ti rtii n iiK II '- rrilady whirl)
CHiis-d tn; i ri y deaths Istelv. The imlillshed
reports luive i"n ere-'t.y anemied. The
Hiiuaiion Is now well In lard
Thii TrnlmiiKN Killed,
In a he.iilun .collision between tw.)
freight ii'HitiH online Krle railroad todav,
Klieinen ll rliert ' U rlgley of lluffulo nnd
W. L. Itrowu of 'VVe.t Philadelphia, fa
weie killed.