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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY KKK: SUNDAY. APRIL lfi. 100.". M Jljl IMI JM ll'I'l SB ly(lf Sg ''70, lmmm yJjT 1 As devised by the People's Store for the benefit of its many customers is founded upon new and improved methods. It doesn't discriminate. It has no embarrassing or restrict ing clauses. It is a business courtesy which we are glad to extend to you upon the most liberal arrangements. We make the terms of payment to suit each individual purchaser. Pedestal Extension Tables Exactly like Illustration made of se lected oak round tupvery highly polished larjso square pcri.stal hasc. These tables re the rriost iwipuliir and uo-to-datc tables on the market, anil the price nt which we offer them Is much less than the regular market value special price, i;.frnt size Terms on these tables $1.50 cash; 75 cents per week. i H i- pus Iffi&iges on jisy IPaynente Carpets, Rugs and Draperies Ingrain Carpets strictly all wool f" regular 75c values special 0J" Hrussela Carpets new designs 7A patterns worth $1.00 IMG special WW Art Reversible nugs-manv dif- M nA f rent patterns regular ft.Hlf JT 50 values special v w Extra Quality Itrussels Rugs g "IE size 9x12, patterns exclusive III. If with us special w Ruffled Muslin Curtains, new ar- "Ift rh-.-ils. tl.'j:. values I Jlfi special Tapestry Curtalns-giHid slr.c I ft A regular values I.Uff special Large suit- of inistit inly-iii.i.l-runs during this week. Bring the size of your room with yoti, we can save you money. Iron bed outfit I.Ike Illustration An extra value In our Iron He ds complete with spring ami mat trews. Iteds com" in white enamel with fancy small ' filling-) pound cotton top mattress in a good grade of tickmg and a good substantial spring special price Terms on this outfit ff $1.00 cash and 50c per week. Easter Wearing Apparel 75 Silk Shirt Waist Suits New styles, nmde of fine quality taffeta silk, new simile of blue, golden, brown and blnek skirt In walklug length-nrlce Ladies' Covert Jackets Choice of 25 very fine 75Q covert jackets, satin a lined, actual $10 value Sunburst Walking Skirts A new style with ac- "Q3 cordion sunburst skirt positive $10 value w Go-Carts Solo agents for the celebralod Hey wood "and Wukefield line exactly like illus tration reclining- back and adjustable foot bodies of extra one reed, enameled gearings, ruober tired and rubber 'tipped wheels one of our very best 1905 patterns regular tii.00 value: special Folding Go-CartS on sale upwards from.. 2, 50 Gasoline Stoves Gasoline btoveB fully warranted on Hale upwards from Solo asrents for the RK LIAULK line of ftCA M W Refrigerators .We are sole agents for the fam ous Gurney line has 7 walls of mineral wool filling adjustable sliding shelves, take-out ico chamber and many other special features. Monday we place on sale Uefriporators worth $10.00; at, special. 65-2 CASH OR EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS 16113 & FARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. (THE PEOPLE'S FlRNITinE AJit CARPET CO.) 9 7 Ladies' East er Hats S3.50 Mens, Boys' (k Children's Clothing RniAU our hand tailored Mfill'S SllltS iww sit. i .1 ii. e . i.. On Sale Monday A Bamplu line of men's fine suits, well made and pei feet fitting KB" big variety of patterns, al Dou't forget the little folks for Easter. We have some specials for Easter wear in Children S Clothlnj big line of double brenHted blouse and Eton suits, from 15.00 down to 2 EASY PAYMENTS with hair cloth front?, and double breasted, 20 6 different patterns to selnnt from Mrorih $15 on sale Mondy at the one price of .' ' Men's stylish soft and stiff Hats, for Easter wear from $3 down to 100 DIRECT ACTION GAS STOVES Every day this week demonstration of the famous DIRECT ACTION OAS RANGE at the Peoples Store, First floor. THFi DIRECT CTIO HAS HAVfiK la Ihr mo nondrrlnl iloif liMrutlon of tlip mur. It haa revolutionised I lie fnrl problem by It eoonomy In the ooiiiiiii)lou of (rum It liita made Km the cheapeat foel on earth. In the old aljle (ill ranae you burn una from ten to Iwenly minute before the oren U hot enough for baklnK. In THE IllRKI T At TIO GAS IIAMiK thla la not nrcrmmary mm you flrat put In the baklnK and then turn on and Hifht the bnru era. There nre no heavy defeetlve platea. The heat la taken dlreetly Into the oven, there fore, the oven la hot aa aoon aa the boniere are llithted. One-third Your Gas Bill Saved We vaarantee that thla ran are mill do the work with one-third lean than any other ranae on the market. It la cheaper and easier to Inveatlffate the merlta of a range he fore yon purchaae than to try and rnt down the fan bill afterwarda. The marvelona can anvliiK fen of thla range nre apparent. The eaay and llhernl lin on whlrh we are aelllnK Hi nKa make It poaalble for every honaewlfe to have -.. . lait ore and aee them la operation. Teat them for yourarlf, aa they rannot be t'omuareil . .1 aay other ii ranee. 50 Cents Per Week Buys a Gas Range WITTE WILL LEAVE RUSSIA Abolition of Peasant Oommissioa Causes biateainan to become Discouraged. PROPHETIC PICTURE IN NEWSPAPER 2 mimUiiI I)Iiiiii-hi' After I'lnylnar Trlrk 011 I lie I'll liliahera, Show ing. Hembera of limierlal I'amlly liim llend. ST. I'KTKUSIU nii. April ,15.-M. Wllte litis acllHlU'ly (li ihlca to Bive up all work and b abruad. Tho lust straw was tlio Impfrlul rt's.rlpt tulilrt'ssi'd ThuisUuy to Interior MiniMtcr Houlihan creullng; u po rlut commission to discuss questions rvlut to peasant tenure of lands and tlio uliolitlon of Ihe peiisuni lommission over whli'h M. Wllte presided Tho emperor look the step without even appiisinK il. Wltto of his Intention. The members of ho Wllte romnilsslon were a tually Ht work Thursday evening and woke up yes terday, to find the commission out of ex- Istonce. M. Wltte attributes the emperor's act to court intrlue directed ajralnst him self, and he informed his rlentlH that ho waa completely disheartened and discour aged, no longer able to endure the humilia tions heaped upon hint, and thnt he would leave all and so abroad for a time. One Xuggeatlve Plclurr. .Uuite a sensation was caused this morn- iu by tho appearance In the Neva, the most widely circulated Illustrated weekly III Russia, of u tone picture, representlng the imTlal fumlly, I111 Imllng the empress holdltiK iho heir to the throne, tho back ground of the pic t tiro showing in shadowy outlines the emperor, Grand JDukc Serglus, (irand i)uk3 Alels, the dowager empress, tho heir to tho throne und practically all the living members of tho Homatniff family lying dead in their coltlns. Tlie work Is done so skillfully that In the shadows the -Vu'rles behind the Imperial family are .Aacernlhln with great dltllculty. The pub Ushers disclaim any previous knowledge of the shadowy figures. The culprits, who were students employed on the paper, have nut yet been located. Copies of this edition of the Neva aio selling at a big premium. The Slnvo received lis llrsl warning for the publication of an article entitled The Hureaucraey" and "Tho War and Iteform," In which the papers severely ar raigned the competency of the bureaucracy and the general stuff and the War office. M. Wltte's antagonists at court, where their Influence was greatly feared by M. Wltte, .wre effectively reinforced by part of the old Von Phleve cabal, headed by M. Stuimer, formerly under secretary of the Interior, and M. fltichlnsky, former chief adjutant of the Interior department, who wero forced out of the ministry of the In terior by former Interior Minister, and they have wreaked their vengeance on their ancient chief enemy, M. Wltte. The Associated Press Is Informed that M. Wltte went to Tsnrskoe Selo yesterday and Informed the emperor that It was quite pliiln that a plot against him existed and that lie had decided to retire. The vni peror. however, Is understood to have de clined again to accept the minlsler's resig nation. I'oatponea Inireh ( ouncll. Kmperor Nlchulas has decided that tile moment Is Inopportune to grant the peti tion of a group of the influential clergy for a convocation of a general council to effect a reform of the ecclesiastical admin istration. On the margin of the petition the emperor appended a note as follows: "I find it Impossible In the present dis turbed times to undertake a task of such magnitude, requiring calm consideration. Fallowing the old example of the orthodox emperors, 1 intend, however, as soon as there is a favorable moment, to set afoot this great work and summon the council of the old Russian church for a canonical discussion of questions of faith and eccle siastical' reforms." Iron Works Are Closed. The Putlloff works have been closed. A notice on the gates wys this Is due to the unreasonable demands of the men, the threatening of officials, frequent interrup tions of work and disregard of the rules. Several squadrons of dragoons, detach ments of grenadiers, mounted gendurnies and a regiment of sharpshooters) of the guard have been stationed near the works all day. Precautions have been taken to suppress possible disorders today. Thero is much excitement in the district. t'oaaaeka t ailed to Capital, Several squadrons of Hon Cossacks have been brought in to reinforce the garrlHon of St. Petersburg In consequence of feara of a renewal of disorders. The peasant movement In the neighbor hood of Moscow' is also Inspiring serious apprehensions. Many properties along the Moscow-Kazen railroad are guarded by troops nud the families of land owners are seeking refuge in Moscow. ' S r MA EASTER GflFl Is aiwa.vs welcome-. .Nothing more swnily or more appropriate, and It Is now qtii1 the llilug to surprise your NKAIt AMI DKAK l- UIKM with a I.OVINli KKMKMHKANCI-: Knster morning. If you have ninile up your mind as to the article- you wish, or If you are still uudechletl, ronie lu and look over our J,AK(SU Hiid Yi:HY COMPLKTK ENTIKKIA NKW "lock. Everything Is new, not a sis weeks' old artlrle In the house, and naturallv we therefore have all the latest d.-siii in JEWELRY. WATCHES. ITT tJEASS, etc. of all. Hi ll PRICES ARE YEUY MODERATE. Hope you rctiiemlior our new contest, concerning tho weight of our Mr. V. BrtKlegaur.1. Three prizes. A tliM WATCH. A EAIMES' lUtOOCH and a FlM'N TAIN PEX. to the three who come nearest to guessing his correct wttlght. The contest closes May .'II, on which dav he will be weighed at three o'clock 111 the afternoon. Always on exhibition. 1 At the Sign of the Crown -n iityr 115 South 16th St. Opposite the Boston Store iiur line watch repairing Is simply great. Watch innpectora for the i'.. St. P.. M. A . R.R., and Inspector of Hock of all the city schools. SAINTS SHELVE TEMPORAL LAW Discussion is landed by a Motion to ' Commend Clitoris of the lllshoprlc. UAMU.N'I, la., Apin id. iSpecUl Tele giaiii.j it mini)' ..usiik.-s i. sioii ot uie .nei , uay .-5.1 1 11 is luii.t reiue i iesiueui xucnaiu v.. i.vans ol ..onuoii, uiu., w.m in Hie ciiair. seveial sui 1 ilife si eecne.-) Wn uiaus upon the resuiunou itmcii wus btio oeioic me luiUHC at luv ileUi" Oi clOMilti sierda, ieiauve 10 ine eMaoiisnnieai 01 eqiiamy in me temjioral anairs 01 churcn liieuiotis. 1 ne aoopiion 01 .1 hiihsuiuic oi.eitu 11' cshuji ivei.ey praeticany it moveu tue main is.-un and pioviUeu loal the conierencc coniiiieuu 1 lie elioris of ine Disnopnc to auniitiister me law toucliing un I110 iiiiercsis and work 01 the cnurcii. A repoi t rrom ihe nrsi presluonry ex p:esseu much mltn in iho lutuie while rtcognlilng the facl tiai the church is passing turough a period ot transition la rcgaiu to some vltai matters. Tnls report also shows that the tlrst presidency naa been represented ut live reunions during the year, fourteen district or state coiiter ences, and lias visited seven of the. gen eral mission Held. A report from ihe quorum of twelve apostles indicates a step forward In tho missionary work, Inasmuch as it provides fur a retired list ot superannuated minis ters who by reason of age, health or other Inability are incapacitated for general mis sionary work. This looks towaru a strength ening of the missionary force by the intro duction of younger men. The resolution seeking to forbid the min isters of this church from performing 1 lie riles of inurrlage for parties who had liecn divorced tor other causes II1111 tho only one recognized hy the reorganized I church, viz, that of adultery, was dis cussed niot-t earnestly, but owing to lack of time and pressure of other business and Isiause the question was considered loo I Important lo ln ncied upon hastily was mid u;ion the luble. Five years ago Johu Zimmerman was nominated fur Hie oUleu of bishop, but he did not then accept tlio ordination. Being present at this conference the. nomlnal'on wa again tendered to him and publicly accepted. Mr. Zimmerman is a wealthy manufacturer of tapestry, rugs, etc., lu Philadelphia and 11 man of great business sagacity. Owing to the fact that Mr. 7.1m- i merman left tonight for his home his or dination was attended to during the after noon session. As he reached the chair I Ihe congregation arose and sang "Praise (lod from Whom All Wesaiugs Kluw," und ardent prayer was offered by Frederick M. Smith. Then under, the hands of President Joseph Smliu, High Priest r'. U. Pitts, Apostle W. H. Kelley and Presiding Bisnop E. L. Kelley, Mr. Zimmerman was ordinf4 a high-priest and bishop. President 8mltu conducted the Impressive ceremony. Tlie names of thirteen young men were prvseuted by the president of seventies for ordlruittun to the office of seventy. Two i t the are in Australia and two lo Ca&adn, and their orolrunlons were referred to the missionaries In charge of those respective missions, geven of these who were present accepted and their ordinations will Luke place tomorrow. Two requested time to consider. rnil Anderson and J. A. Gunsolley m-ere fleeted to succeed themselves as mem !er of the college board of trustees K. I.. Kelley. jr., was elected to fill a vacancy In the board caused by the resig nation of J. W. Wight. President Joseph Smith addressed a large assembly tonight, assisted hy his second counsellor. nietits In the Valworth coiiiity seat contest dismissed the proceedings, which sends the records from Selnyt back to iiangor, but allowed u stay of sixty days for an ap peal. Set by failed to get ! majority, but took possession of the records and if the supreme court .sustains the lower court they will have to. be moved hack. SHAW SELECTS NEW COACHMAN Secretary Picks Asylum's lirnve llluaer for Civil Service 1. 1st. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. 1) C, April 15. tSpecial Telegram.) Herently Sei retnry Shaw found that he needed a new coachman In the treasury stables. As these employes are under civil service Secretary Show called upon the commission to certify three names to him from the eligible list. Yes terday afternoon thes:' names wire sub mitted to him and after a careful inves tigation he selected a man who nt present is employed as grave digger ut Saint Eliz abeth's insane asylum. Just why the sec retary decided upon such a man will never be known. One thing Is certain and that is that the head of the treasury department likes to have a serious man on his carriage box. Kural route number two ordered estab lished May 15 at Freeman, Hutchinson county, South Dakota, serving 510 people and 102 houses. Kural carriers appointed Nebraska: Brady, route one, Johnson F. IMtto, carrier! William I.. Ditto, substitute. Cook, route one, Ijuwrence W. lloslc, carrier; William Hiney, substitute, Edgar, route one, Wil liam J. ('oesieli, currier; Elliott Brown, substitute. Wuyue, route one, William I Wright, carrier: Carl E. Wright, substi tute. Iowa Auburn, route two, William Irnpson, carrier; Allie lmpsou, substitute; lnwood, route 3, Steve 1J. Whitehead, ear-i rier; Charles liarver, substitute. Well man, route ;i, Arthur J. Hpear, carrier; Marion Ppear, substitute. South Dakota Madison, route one, fjporge K. Porter, car rier; Norman Ii. Potter, substitute. Window glass and fvry other kind of glass at the best r rices. Kennard Glass und Paint company, ltM Iodge street. Mrs. Mhavr leaves Sanitarium. HA 1 .TIMOR!'", Mil.. April 14. Mrs. Ieslle M. Shaw, wife of Secretary Shaw, who has been a patient for several weeks at Dr. Howard Kelly's sanitarium in this city, left for her home In Washington today accompanied by Secretary Shaw. Mrs. Shaw has been convalescent time; for some MEMBERS OF MOB ARE DEFIANT Party fends Word that lta Members Will Die Itatber Than Surrender. MEMPHIS, Term.. April 1B.-A dispatch from Senutobia, Miss., says the Spencer brothers and William Still, charged with being members of the mob thnt shot and killed Sheriff Poag are barricaded twenty miles from town and have, sent word that they will not be taken alive. A large posse has gone to the canebreak with the intention of rapturing the three men. J. H. Thomas, who has confessed to having led the mob to the jail, is on the verge of nervous collapse. He Is a prominent r'llwn and holds the office of county supervisor. Folk signs Freight Hale mil. JEKFBTtSON CITY. Mn., April Ii tJov emor Folk tonight signed the bill pasaac, by the last legislature, known the "maximum freight rate measure." The purpose of the legislation is to reduce freight rates on many articles of commerce In this state. The governor also signed the bill taxing cars other than those which are the property of railroad companies. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Wn'rmrr In ebraska, Sooth Ilnkota and Kanaaa Today nnd Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, April I5.-l'orecast of th weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas Fair and warmer Sunday and Monday, except showers Monday in west portion. For Iowa and Missouri Fair Sunday and Monday; warmer Monday. l.oeal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BCREAp, OMAHA, April 15. Oftlcla! record of tem perature anu preclpiiution, compared with the corresponding day of the Inst threi ears. Maximum temperature Minimum temperature . Mean temperature Precipitation Temptrature and precipitation departures from t lie normal a; Omaha since March 1, iin'M'ii wiih no' last two years. Normal temperature t'. Pendency for the dav 15 Total excess since March 1 331 Normal precipitation 11 Inch Deficiency for the day 01 Inrh Total rainfall since March 1 1 .03 Inches Deficiency since March 1 1.85 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lt4.. . .0.4)1 Inch Pendency for cor. period, IP03 2. 17 Inches 1 indicite.H 1 1 ! i' urecipiiatlou. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. 1905. 19i)4. 190,1. li:. ..44 M .f, 51! .. 25 33 .Is Vi .. 34 43 4U 511 .. .10 . T . .if. 1 Wi'isaf iiianwt as t 1L 11 rv- Frederick .Co.-1 ...LEADING HATTERS... 1504 FARNAM STREET. Open Evenings Until 9 o'clock Swell Easter Styles in Men's Hats and Furnishings For correct dr.sKcrs we' offer the new and exclusive Mocks In Stetson, Dimlap and lintKirtei! Heath Hat. The compleu ucss unit vm-leiv of our linen euniih-a you to Hud Just the hat anlted to you. The prices run $..., M.oo, $..0o and $).Oi1. THF. XKW Ill'XMP SILK HATS are ready for your selection. Easter Sale of Men's Shirts The most extensive and attractive showing ever offered for your choosing. The Inieet imported and domestic patterns, lmndsomely made up lu the beat style falirles and the very best Ulil In dcslguing and workmanship are representee 10 our noes. The variety nnd tienuiy of the atylea ami patterns Insure your finding what you want In the ablrt Hue. nntee the finish and fitting of these shirts to be perfect. ' IT IS A I'LKASl ItE TO NEE THESE iAHMETS AMI A l'I.EASI'HE TO SHOW THEM. Only the hlghoti tiualltle la We guar- Easter Neckwear Sale Hit'ht, new styles from the world's best designer. A complete variety from the simplest how tie to the moot elab orate ninl exquisite dress cicutlonx. The most particular dressers will find this complete and well selected new slock Miual to their must exacting requirement. Hosiery and Underwear lllaiuiasea I'tiant) Deal Contest. 'IrrUKl'.. F. D.. April (rcial Tela- rr:iin i .lutlar fSnfYv nf lai hajpinv ura-u. 1 ill Very few firm lu America show a larger or better selected atock of Men's Fine Hosiery than we offer thi spring All the bright new thing arc here. The beat standard maker lu the country supply ua. All alzea, all atylea, colors and pnrterns are here to ch)K)i from. We want yon to examine f he Ir. Iielmel Linen Meah I'nderwear, the product of the American Hosiery t'o. and the Lewis I'nderwear. f tr CTIlfWfr'n'CT D'af MT W' rat,'r t0 n'' n"1- prepared to meet the wants of men of fashion. Every approved UU l & 1 l LI 1 1 vi III t5 I I villi 1 style in Men'a Hats and Furnlahlng can be found here. You can relt upon the s-tyle and yuhliiy of every article we ell you. Our expedience and large business euablea ua to keep t price dotru to a reasonable figure. 3C