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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
Tilt 6TfT5nMT: ViUXDAY. AFRIL 16, 13&.5. Ayer's Hair Vigor has now been on the market for sixty years, and we have never known it to fail to restore color to gray hair. That's a pretty strong statement, isn't it? But we stand back of every word we write, and we can positively assure you that if you i want the color restored to your gray hair, Ayer's Hair Vigor will do it every time. Your ordinary, everyday common sense tells you that it's better to trust something that has been tried for sixty years, rather than some thing you only heard of yesterday; isn't JUL lisps 3 r THE DOSE 1 F. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 5 tCJJ ; Adult Mala... 40 to 70 drop I J Adult Female. 30 to SO drops 8 ' LM ,( IS years old. 25 to 30 drop ( I CTT-T1 ij 0 years old.. 20 to 2 3 drop 1 -JUJ 6 years old.. 1 2 to 1 3 drops I 4 years old.. 10 to 12 drop I tew- 3 years old ... 8 to 1 0 drops (& I years old . . . 6 to drops J lyoaroMee.a4to Sdropt rTbe aran twixkio hold M drape.) J I"""" OKSKBAl DtBXOnOMSi I ! 11 i At a rale th doe abeold at he 1 II hpHUd ofienar than ODO. .TOry fOM 1 U ml hour. Eapeelal direction r f oiand o I I I irtaetroular ocAmpiiTiu mi ottl. I ! II k fenorallT belter to kall With a ' a,, i U entail rtnta ant looraaaa theVnmiBt V 1 ' 1 rednell natil tha tne1rona dot la ' Hill reaohee If WM I prodeeed, till H continue Ik reotarej, (at la elldJuli ' I ill ,"w'"i" 4o4- . The strongest testimony of the ex cellence of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral rests in the fact that physicians have freely prescribed it during the past sixty years. As you know, physicians are never prejudiced in favor of Proprietary Medicines. To have them endorse a remedy is the most positive kind of proof that it must have unusual virtues. One reason why we have this favor of the Medical Profession is because there is no secret about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Time and time again we have pub lished the formula in the principal Medical Journals of this country and Europe, and have mailed it to nearly every practising physician in the United States. So it follows that when your physician orders Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your cough he knows precisely what he is giving you. To say that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will cure every disease of the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs, without a &9 life! r1 i. Twill tf;::::.i'ii i,.i:'imi mm ''V THE DOSE Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Adult Malo . . . 40 to 70 drops Adult Ftmalo . 30 to 50 drop 13 years eld .. 25 to 30 drops 10 years old . . 20 to 25 drops 6 years eld . . 1 2 to 1 5 drops 4 years old . . 1 0 to 1 2 drops 3 years old ... 8 to 1 0 drops 2 years old . a 6 to 8 drops I year old ....4 to S drops (Tbl arer leupooa hold. M drop J 0EHERAL DIHBCTXOBSi At ml th Am anonM not b repeated oftener then one every four houra. Eipectat direction. re found on the circular aooompanTlnft each bottla. It la gouerellf bailer to Begin vlth anall rine and Incrcaa. th. Hmount gradually until th. maximum doa. la reached If nan.e I. produced, atlll continue th. factor!, but la alifaUj dtmliMahod doaee. that so? single failure, would simply be stating an untruth. Even the most skilful physician would make no such claim. We would that we could prepare an Infallible remedy, one that should never fail under any circumstances. But that is beyond our art, and we only promise to give the best that the medical intelligence of our times can devise and modern skill prepare. Vividly alive to the responsibility of making such a remedy, we are deter mined none shall be disappointed through our neglect. We promise you that every bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral shall be the very best that can possibly be made. Do not undervalue the services of a skilful physician. No Proprietary Medicine can take the place of the family doctor. Therefore we say: Con sult your physician freely about your case and ask him what he thinks about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral for your cough. If he says take it, then take it. If he says do not take it, then follow his advice. Z&5&z J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass, If jg ; Jl bseJI , , M""r!": ,,., I'1.,, I U THE DOSE j S Ayer's Cherry Pectoral j l (J J Adult Male ... 40 to 70 drops ) Mult Female. 30 to 60 drops ! . IS years old.. 23 to 30 drops I S BSl 10 years eld.. 20 to 2 3 drops i awU 'i 3 years old.. 1 2 to 1 3 drops I tfcW 4yarold..l0tol2drops 1 I m 3 years old a a. 8 to 10 drops I li 2 years eld .a a 6 to Bdrops 1 Jli-ri lyearold....4to 6 drops 1 II te WTf mf en bol4a SI 4riJ I I . 1 OXMEBAI. DIUCTIOlfSi ' j I li , I A. doa. bal sot b 81 I eauaato ofienar than .no. .very four H ! houra. EapeeUI dlractiona re found o M il j t h. olrcutar ftoaoniuanrtnaT .acta bottle. H !l , It la f.n.rallr baltar to biB wlih a T , in-a. I imll doa. and tnereae thamettut J1'1 ! Rradnalln anul th. maximum deaa la I - j rear b If aioiM I. Droducad. atlll R i n eofitlnu the Paoianl. tat l UftMM ' J J amWital daeaa. ' Tfoif 'taAfr.iUiiiii.r' dWir'iain-iiM aT. iT. You sec, it's just this way: About every so often he gets cross and sulky, and you can't please him with anything. I stand it as long as I can; then I say, 'Ezekiel, sit right down, take two of these Ayer's Pills, and go to bed.' You just ought to see him the next day, he is so . changed, so resigned and submissive like. He will go arovnd, hours at a time, and not say a word. Maybe 'twill be a whole month before he will have another spell. I tell you, Ayer's Pills are doing more for the relief of suffering wives than all the Carnegies and Pockefellers put together" J. C. AYER CO, Lowell, Mass.