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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
J I 'X ft g. of f It li at tf ft U P e. a i p d, f ti B. SI 11 a V r f tl ) t - - knn a -r . " T n . ort'n 1 T- A TIT) TT IS 1 nnS lg HlJi UjlAMA UAIU1 1L.1V. i 1 xli xu. iguo. : - ... . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES D. V. SHOLES CO. 721-2 N. Y. LIFE TEL. 49 Buy Real Estate Now. . WHY? Because there is no boom on but a healthy growth. Prices are low, and sure to be higher. I 450N. W. cor. 23d and Blondo St., 60x122 ft., t rooms and cistern. Snap, f MO S31G Parker el.. 4 rooms, water, 30x127 ft; H block car. t L06O-30S N. 34th. 60x138 ft., 5 rooms, water and gas, good repair. Bargain. 1 1,250 100x100 ft., B-room cottage; needing repair; N. E. cor. 28th and Shirley st, one block from car, 2 blocks from Hans com park. 1 1,4003624 Charles St., 5 rooms, city water, cor. 60x127 ft; $500 cash, balance monthly. Bargain. f 1,760 1K Tark ave., 50x130 ft.; all special!) paid; on car; two houses renting 118 per month. Bargain. I l,M0826 8. 25th St., 8-room. 2-story mod. house. This Is a big bargain, t 1.R00 837 S. 23d, 33x147 ft., 6 rooms, water and gas. t 2,0002518 Cuming St., 54x124 ft., 5 rooms; big bargain if you can see Into the future and study this location. $ 2,0002103 Miami St., 2-story 8-room house, mod. except furnace, slate roof, a bargain. $ 2.000 1918 S. 33d St., choice location, 50x140 ft., all specials paid; block Hanscom park and car line; 6 rooms. $ 2.100 9716-18 Burt St., 68x130 ft., 2 cottages close In. Cheap. t 2,2003218 California St., 2 houses, one Eand one 7 rooms, city water, on car line, renting $20 per mo.; 8300 cash, balance monthly. f 2,6004713 Davenport St., 2 blocks from Dundee car, large 10-room, well-built house; 100 ft- of ground. Big bargain. f 2,6002817 N. 19th ave., 60x90 ft., 8 rooms, 2-story, modern ex. furnace; atone walk and shade. $ 2,6004240 Burdette St., 7 rooms, modern, 50xl28-ft lot, bam and shade. Easy terms. I 3,000 (Dundee) on Daveport, near 49th, block from car, 8-rooms, modern, slate roof, 100-ft. front. Bargain. I 3,1001120 S. 28th St., 50x150 ft., 2-story, 8-room house, mod. except furnace. Bargain. I 2,20028x100 ft., 7 rooms, nearly new, modern house, 26th and Capitol ave. 1 3,200 4170 Cass St., modern, 2-story, 8-room house, with steam heat, 50-ft. lot, high ground, ood repair; a rattling bargain. t 3,000-4314 S. 31st at. (Hanscom Pluce), 9-room house, modern except furnace, beau tiful lot and location, 50x140 ft. Certainly cheap. I 3,500 N. W. part of city, near Ames ave., lot 150x135 ft, with 9-room houae, modern, slate roof, fine barn, beautiful grounds. If you want fresh air here's a bargain. I 3,500 E. front, on 30th ave., near Paciflc, 8-room house, all modern; choice location. 1 8,6nO 1503 Georgia ave., cor lot, 50x100 ft., specials paid, 8-room house, ull modern; fine location, one block from car and park; going to be repainted Immediately. This Is a splendid bargain and owner wants to sell It quick. We want a prop osition. I 3,7302220 8. 10th, 66x138 ft., 9-room, modern except furnace, good repair, choice lo cation, high ground, and must be sold. Make us an offer. I 4,100611 8. 21st ave., 60x140 ft. of ground, large 6-room cottage, all modern; walking distance; good shade. f 4,730 N. El eor. 22d and Blnney sts., large 9-room house, modern, with barn, new roof, good repair, 74x124 fL, corner lot. Cheap. f 6,W0 1921 Wirt St., 75x124 ft., 10-room, modern house, slate roof, hot water heat; good barn. What do you want for your money if this don't suit you. I 6,6002222 Howard ml.. 15x178 ft., 10-room, modern house, good repair; one of those places you have been hunting for. 1 6,6003870 Dodge st.. g i location, 8-room modern house, good barn, stone drive, sewer water and u in barn; take smaller place In trade. 8 8,500 Near 32d and Poppleton ave., fine 7- room, modern, up-to-date house, hot water heat, best of plumbing, 46x160 feet of ground; stone drive, steps and barn. 8 8,6001922 8. 33d St., block west of Hanscom Park, 90x140 feet of ground, -permanent walk and paving paid, 10-room thoroughly modern, well constructed, beauti fully arranged house, fine white tiled bath room, very best of plumbing, good location; owner has left the city; his family are anxious to go. Some one is going to get this and It's up to you to do business quick. Can bp seen any , TVine by calling at the house or 'phoning this office. It's a bargain for a South Oraaim stock man. Owner spent $13,000 on house and ground. $13,000 In Went' FarosT" 'section, the very cream location, nearly new handsome 10 room house, beautiful grounds, house has fine large living room, dining room, library, kitchen, lavatory, vet.; on first floor Ave beautiful bed rooms, fine ' tiled bath room, very best of plumbing, complete bath for servants; one of the handsomest porches in the city; handsome book case, built in. This house will suit you) (i ml la the best place on tho market for the price, today. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ERNEST SWEET F. C BEST L M. GARMAN, Salesman SWEET & BEST We sincerely urge you to see these properties as they are without doubt worth more money. We have recently sold a number of the properties advertised, and propose to close these out at once. 7-room house, good condition, facing cast, on 24th, full lot, brick walks, shade, should bring $2,200; price only $1,000. E-room cottage, new, modern except fur nace, 23(6 8pragu st., nonresident owner says to ciuse it out for $l,ti00. 8-room house, modern except furnace, 19th and Ohio. This is a snap at 82.00U. Splendid new 8-ronm modern, oak finish. Hanscom park district, east front, paved street; real bargain at 6-room cottage near 26th and Corby for $9u0. SNAP. 6-room cottage, east front. Hanscom Place, lot 6uxl5i; price, $1,850. BARGAIN. 5-room, 29th und Nicholas lot 61x128: price $1,360; $2iK cash, balance $20 per month. VACANT Make a note of this: "I'll see what Sweet ft Best have before I buy the lot." 60x128, near 24th and Manderson. for $700. 48x126, on Ames near 27th. for $45. 42x132. on Templeton, for $400. ' 46x123, east front, Kth and Taylor, $225. 50x160, near 28th and Webster, $750. Here Is a bargain: South front on Burt near L'Sth, large shade trees, walking dis tance, 33x140, for $5u0, or brxU for $75ii. 36 x71, 24th near St. Mary's ave.. $1,000. ACRES Five acres. 1 mile west of Hanscom park, 7-room house, barn, 300 fruit trees; a fine piece of property for $5,700. One acre V. mile north of Country club for $500 high and fine. One acre facing east on North JOtb and Miller park for $1,000. SNAP. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 1472. RE- ONLY $100 EACH 55 Down and $5 per Month Lots near Fort Omaha, 30th and Fort sts., $100 each; $5 down and $3 each month. Also 6 lots on 36th ave. and Fowler, front ing east, nice and high, only two blocks from car line, $125 each; $5 down and $5 each month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. -RE BARGAINS IN CITY HOMES. 5-room cottage for $ 750 5- room cottage for ....$1,250 4-room cotage for $1,600 6- room house for $1.6'" 6-room house for $1,600 8- room house for 83.0UO 9- room house for $3,0(0 4-room cottage and barn (new). $1,700 The above can lie secured by a part pay ment down, balance to suit. We also have some beautiful lots for building purposes. Call and get our list. SM ITH-8TEA VENSON CO.. Phone, Red-6170. Neville Bldg. RE 200 lt FOR SALE A large lot with two cottages, four and Ave rooms, near South Omaha car line; price $2,000. Owner. C 39. care of Bee. RE 156 lSx FOR SALE, $5,600 fine modern eight-room house In good repair on Park ave. north of Leavenworth. Easy term. Address C 26, Bee. RE -971 lfix SHIMER & CHASE CO., Builders of Modern Houses. On Larlmore Street, near 24th. we have a nice new cottage of Ave rooms. Modern except heating. Can make good $1700 Corner 28th and Tates, six room ft 900 houae, ctty water "ii,w Corner of Ames Avenue and 21st Street, on car line, a new 5-room cot- afl 700 tage, modern except heating.... '1i'v'v Farnam Street, south front, new 6-room, reception Very coxy reception hall. All modern. a2 AOO home. Only x,vy Six room house in the north part of the city. Near ca lire, school, tftO COO church, store. Bargain f4,JJ On South 18th Street, near Jackson, elgtit room house. Large lot, faces 19th Street, also fine location to build. A QQQ West Farnam; eight rooms, hardwood finish, ga, grate, all modern convenien ces. Good new barn. Every- tffC iVVl thing up-to-date flJ,UUU Near the car bams at 84th Street and Ames we have a 4-room cottage tftQCfl in good condition...... .t....iPOjJ West Harney, 8-ioom house. 49 COO south front, all modern. Prlce.(PA On Farnam Street close in. double brick. All modern. Rents $70. This tf 7 OOfJ ! a bargain ."iwu l One block from car line, two cot- i 4CO tages. City water VP't-'" Five room cottage, city water, electric lights, wood and coal house. In 1 900 good condition u,w Just finished, ready to move into, a 6-room house, one block from 24th f J OHM Street car line, 60 foot lot 7,W New 7-room house, extra well built and finished, fine bath, gas heater, and stone made walks In front and around the house Paved street, fine surroundings. One block from 24th Street car. Let us 2 CQQ show you the fine place w,- 12-room house situated on paved stre City water, bath, sewer. 2 QQQ Grounds 204 x260 ' "OUU On paved street, permanent walks, 8-room all modern house, close to car. dtl ZQQ Surrounded with good homes..'-' tJ Jyj VACANT Lots In Meyer's. Richard's and Tilden's additions. $50. $300. $350. Lots one block west of Hanscom Park, $800 to $1,000. . , A fine lot in Creighton. Heights. $2,6. Oood lot in Clifton Hill. $250. Would exchange for horse and buggy. One of the best lots in Clifton Hill, $300. Lot in Oak Hill addition, $225. , Corner lot. 29th and Douglas. $1,000. Trackage lots in wholesale district. Shimer & Chase Co., 'Phone 3867. 1609 Farnam Street. RE ' VACANT $ 4f0 oOxllO feet on 41st St., between California and Burt, beautiful lot and choice location; bargain. $ 460-43 x300 feet, north front on California St., 130 feet west of 32d. $ 50060x140 feet, east front on 27th, between Shirley and Dorcas sts. We have three lots adjoining. ' They He beautiful. Owner wants to sell. Make us some kind of cash offer. Cheap at $600. It's up to you to make the price. You're it. $ tW 47x110 ft., west front on 31st, 47 ft. south of Jackson. Snaa. $ 60040x115 ft., weat front on 29th St., 20 0 ft. south of Dodge st. $ 65047x140 ft.. S. E. 'or. Slut and Jack son St. Another snap. $ 800 Factlng west on 20th, Just south of Burdette, we offer the finest bargains in vacant property In the north part of the city. 44x140 ft., with all specials paid, permanent walk, on car line, ex. cor., which is $1,000. Don't let these go, as you will never get another chance at lots as cheap as these. $1,00060x157 ft., N. W. cor. 33d and Humllton, facing 3 streets. This lot is a cinch. $ 1,60067x106 ft., facing Tales' residence on Davenport st., between 31st and 32d ave. Cheap. $ J,!50 80x100 fL, north front on Dewey ave., 55ft. west of 39th, specials paid. Not another lot In the whole section equal to this for price; location superb. $ 4,0008. W. cor. 26th and Poppleton ave.. 150xl'J7 ft.; beautiful corner, paved all around, permanent walks; room for four houses. 1 6,500 N. W. cor. Park and Farnam, 11B ft. on fuiuajii, 85 ft. deep; finest place In town for an apartment house or fl ats. KOUNTZE SUB. The finest residence properly in Omaha, 37th and Farnam, look at the big signs on the property and if jou haven't time to go out, look at Illustrated Ilee, this issue, and you will nee a photograph of this addition with the tine, new houses being built. 60x165 feet at $4,000 in a locality like this in less than live years will be like getting money from home at this price. OWN YOUR HOME You never feel right when you are paying rent, a ad you have no ambition to spruce up your place util you own it. The way lo get one is to begin buy a vacant lot from us at 33rd and Ames.Ave., on the car line, or one block from it; fine lots, with water and gas, close to school, good location; $50 down and $10 lr month. Or, if you can pay for your lot, we will build you a house, or see that you get the money. Lots from $200 to $300. These lots can't help but double in value. INVESTMENT $21,000 99H20 feet, lews than half block from postoffice, with a brick building that will rent for f 100 per month. THINK OF . IT. Only a trifle over f 200 per foot. Only one block from over a half million dollar's worth of improvements going In. Unless you are blind or a pessimist you can see dollars sticking all over this. It's sure to double in value. If we had the cash to buy this we would never spend the money advertising it, but would boy it instanter. us NEW 6-room. modern house, with hot water heating plant. In Benils park. The owner, wishing to use this money In his business, says offer for $2,900. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. Rfc- CORNER lot. 66x66, brick building, three stores and flats within, two blocks of Her Grand, paying 12 per cent on the invest ment; must be sold quick; owner leaving city. Inquire 906 Hickory. RK-50M12x EASY TERMS 5-room house, full lot, near car line and Hanscom park, city water $1,200. O. C. DLSON. 1704 FARNAM. RE-M180 18 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. K., Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A." RE 728 J. Fred Kerr ABSTRACTS OF TITLE 1008 New York Life Building Telephone 2244 Bonded in the American Surety Co. of New York in the sum of $10,000.00 TITLES PERFECTED AND GUARANTEED BEMIS BARGAINS 5 cos rooms, all on ground floor, east front, barn, shade and fruit trees, lot 25 x 132, Just north of Manderson on 26th street, $750; $100 cash and $15.00 per month. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. 8 rooms nearly new, east front on 66-foot lot, near 22d and Mason ats., $2,6. SIX ROOMS. 6 rooms, nearly new, modern, east front on corner lot. only two blocks from Luke street, car line, $2,600. BARGAIN. 6 rooms, all modern, only two years old, two blocks from car line, full lot fronting on Central boulevard, $2,360. WALKING DISTANCE. ' 7 rooms, nearly new. south front, jnly two blocks'" from high school, $2,850; only part cash required. DESIRABLE HOME. 8 rooms, bath, closets and large halls, all modern except furnace, porches on two sides, newly painted, all In good repair, ce ment and stone walks, with 60-foot frontage nar l!th and Locust sts. This week for $2,250. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN. 9 rooms, all modern, on full lot, near 28th and Poppleton ave. Property cost $6,500 only two years ago. but now must be sold at once. Make us an offer. BRAND NEW. 6-room house, corner lot. on 27th end Fort sts. Will be completed and ready for occupancy within two weeks. Price, $1,00; $500 cash, balance easy payments. ACREAGE. . One acre near 26th and Fort sts., lays level and nice, south front; Just the r.laco for poultry. Price. $700; one-third cash, balance easy payments. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE rnRCALF REAL ESTATE FOR SALEntAL tbiAlt R. C. PETERS M. D. CAMERON R. C. PETERS & CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS LOANS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS FIRE INSURANCE, RENTALS Bee Building, Omaha. City and Farm Loans Wanted We arc preparing to handle promptly all desirable business offered us. First mortgages on city and farm property for sale. We not investors as high rates as possible tonsistent with safety. Florence Boulevard Lots Any one looking for a residence site In Omaha who has not seen Flor- . ence Boulevard, from Ames ave. to Miller Park, has missed one of the prettiest portions of the city. Rome Miller looked the town over and Anally selected a lovely spot on this boulevard. - He has several acres, and besides erecting. a handsome house, is mak ing his gardens and grounds most at-' tractive. We offer a choice tract, fronting east Into hfa grounds, that will please any one wanting a fine view, the openneas of the country and the modern conveniences of the city at the same time. Sewer, water and gas In and paid for. No special sidewalk or paving taxes to pay. Prices on application. HARRISON & MORTON 912-913 N.'V. Life. Tel. $14. RE R.E. Omaha Is Pushing Ahead Building operations reflect the Spirit of Progress on every hand. The OMAHA BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N Is better prepared than at any time In its 22 years of business life to enable home-loving people to secure homes of their own. Loans mode on easy terms at little cost, and may be repaid In whole or In part at any time. Over 1,500 families have -secured homes through the assistance of the associa tion; M new homes built by members last year. Six per cent earned and credited to Savings Accounts. A few desirable homes for sale on monthly payments. Geo W. Loomls. Pres. G. M. Nattlnger, Sec. Ground Floor, Bee bldg. 'Phone 463. RE- Now Is the Time lo Buy Real Esfate. The Bee is the medium in which you will always fiud the largest list advertised. Watch the Bee for bargains in realty, usually twice as many as its nearest competitor. JOHN H. M1THEN. Mgr. VV. ELLERY HESSB RENTALS From properties entrusted to our car. we endeavor to get the largest possible return. We exercise care In th selection of tenants. Insist on prompt payment monthly, In advance, and remit with th. same promptness to our clients. We make repairs at the least possible cost consistent with good material and good work manship. For the reason that our office is so conveniently situated, on the ground floor of the Bee building, on the corner of 17th and Farnam, we have a great many applicants for vacant properties and can get art occupant for a vacant dwelling or store room more quickly than other agents not so advantageously situated. We have one of the largest Retail Agencies In the city of Omaha, have the caro and man agement of a number of dwelling houses, store rooms, buildings for wholesale pur poses and we are at present rental agents for the Bee building. The fee or commis sion charged is one customarily received by rental agencies, namely S per cent on gross collections, and where Important repairs or improvements are mado requiring close attention we make a charge of 5 per cent on the amount expended. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Managers of Real Estate REAL ESTATE N..,A. BUCK H. C. FREEMAN Boulevard Terrace Composed of 30 lots adjoining Poppleton avenue on south and fronting east on 36th street, east and west on 36th avenue and west on 36th street. They axe adjacent to Hanscom Park, where equally well-lying lots will cost you from $2,000 to $3,000 each. OUR PRICE, 1850 to (1,200; inside lots, S50 and 900; corners, $1,000 to $1,200. Three bouses are about completed and the owners are more than pleased with their loca tions. One says: "$1,500 would not buy my lot If I could not replace, IK" Nothing speaks better for an addition than enthusiastic residents thereof, whose properties are not for sale. Our lots are all of good size and with building restrictions of $2,5no per house and only one house per lot, you are assured aa nice an addition as the city affords. Sewer, water, and gas In street, which means much to a new addition. We are going to close these lots out this spring, so Jump In and pick out your lot before too late. We will help you get a start by making terms. See us at once and make arrangements, as this opportunity Is a rare one. IMPROVED PROPERTY Owner of a fine ten-room house with onk floors and finish, facing east, on 90-foot lot, paved street and permanent walk, a bargain at $10,000, says sell it. We are open for offers. An 8-room modern house on Marry street near 31st, $3,250. 11-roorrt house, modern except furnace, 3 2d near California, $2,700. 6-rom modern house on 19th and Leavenworth, $2,600. 6-room" house, city water, Burdette near Military avenue, $1,260. 6-room brick house, city water, corner 29th and Decatur a snap $1,200. VACANT Corner Webster and 4oth 2 lots, all specials paid, well worth $3,000; If taken quick, $2,600. ; Davenport, 2d lot north 31stt avenue, pa vement and permanent walk, all specials paid a big snap, $1,600. Emmet near 24th, Kountze Place addition, 60-foot lot, $900. Lafayette avenue between 33d and 34th. A snap at $025. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DUNDEE LOTS including the best in the village. Prices are going higher and higher. Get in now on the ground floor. . LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US, WE HAVE THE BUYERS AND CAN MOVE THEM FOR YOU. INSURANCE and BONDS H. A. CAMERON GEO. MARSHALL WE WRITE: Fire, Tornado, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Accident,' Health, and all kinds of Liability INSURANCE. WE ISSUE: Fidelity, Surety, Contract, Depository, Excise, and all kinds of Court BONDS. We make prompt adjustment of all losses. Let us qute you rates for INSURANCE or BONDS. o