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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1905)
THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: . SUNDAY. AFIHL lfi. 100.-.' 1: SPECIAL NOTICES ' J4rtlaraeattf tor' flics eolaaoB will b taken antll 12 m. for the rrrsln edition and aatll 8 v. at. lor lb moraine and aadar dittos. nata 1 1 o a rr4 flr Inarrttoai la word thereafter. Natalaa; takea far ! tbaa SO (or the Irst laser Hon. These adrert Iseaeats mmnt bo run cansecat Ivelr. Advertisers, br reaaesMns; a bered cheek, eaa have answers ad dressed to a aaaaberad letter ia ear nf The Bee. Answers ao addressed itIII be delivered oa presentation of check. MISCELLANEOUS 190 SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE 18 NOW OPEN. yt It I not too 1st to enter. Business, Shorthand. Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal. English, Civil Service nnd Journalism. Catalogue free. Ad dress If. K. Boyle, Pre., Boylee Bldg., Otnnlia, Neb. It MI96 Special Sale on Machines f ha Have Been Traded in on Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines Thes- machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and are the latest thing that tha different factories produce. They are com plete, with attachments and are guaranteed to ba In flrat class condition. The following Is a list of machines we have on handi linger, S-d rawer, drop-head $20.00 Singer, 7-drswer, drop-head 22.00 Davis, (-drawer, drop-head 17.00 Dsvl. 7-drawer. drop-head 10.00 Standard Automatic Grand 25 00 White, S-drawer, drop-head JB.OO Domestic, fi-drawer, drop-head 20.00 Seeond-hand machines, box top, of any make, from 15.00 to SI 0.00. These are com plete with attachments and will glva you good service, ' We Rent Machines, 75c a Week. SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS The following Second-hand Typewriters are all in good condition and bargains for the money. : 1 Underwood typewriter 2 Remington No., C typewriters 1 Remington No. 8 typewriter .. 1 Remington No. 6 typewriter 1 Denamore, , !! Fox typewriters 1 new Blirksenderfer, No. 7 .... l tiiiiKnnernT, no. .......... 1 Oliver, No. 1 ' 1 Oliver. No. 3 I Smith-Premier ...IKS.00 ...StW.OO ...SWOO ...11.80 ...130.00 ...150.00 ...$30.00 ...115.00 ...$20.00 ...$65.00 ... $63.00 Phonographs, ... Edison, or Victor. 5,000 Records Bicycles from $5.00 Up NEBRASKA CYCLE CO- 'Phone 1663 'Comer 15th and Harney fl!5 North 24th St., South Omaha. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. R Or. Wilkinson's Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Clinics ephone b)S2). Creighton Block, 15th and Douglas, : OMAHA. Dally for Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness. Adenoids cause cf month breathing and leafneai In children, Ill-shaped Noses. Chronlb Bora Throat. Neuralgia, RnlorgetJ Twirlta. Orowth In Nostrils, Popypl, etc., "left Palate, Harelip. Tie Toiigtfe. Running Ears, Nulftss In Car Cross EyM straight ened by operation. Affections of Tear Ducts, Headache, due to eye or nasal or catarrhal causes. Affections of the Voice tub Speech. Irritable Coughs, stopped up nostrils. Results of Hay Fsver, La ONppe. Fie to tha poor 11 a. m. to 7 o'clock. Sundays to if. No rhofge for examina tion of patient. Call or writs and learn what can bs dune. R- CITY. oAVlNCJS BANK rays 4 per cent. R-701 1HV KELLY'S TOWEL 8CPPLY. Tel S630 t-vSV EYE STRAIN relied I tr.-Cthium ahmnett's d l)V tr.'Cthiuht; glasses tg fit prices rinlit expert optical MISCELLANEOUS vYHo'S your tailor? It should be Drcitlicr. 'I ui) Busy making clothes to close. Open evening. Ml Kurnam at. R--T' .WTI-Monopoly lisrbnge Co. 1 1 1 a. Tel. tKl N. I'iih. R-7CJ t HIOAOO TKl,. JOS. LACNDRY; FINE WORK. r-;u; LOCKSMITH ItJt Te'l.'T! N R-TUS ' surveVsuSv " .1 xai'H' cxpcileiic-s In Omaha. Tel. B1S97. t i Buxton blink, it -7K Pt PPTPlf t "ii.'i l Cleaning Work. l-l.t,vl llv Chrialiunvon. l"it N. Hcitli. T, I. K.V. R-M(f A.'S Stove? Stored &k'..rb:" cure. ua at uur now luidtlnn. :ru and l.vs lkmglaa st. UJI AK.y BlOVaJ iitPAlK WORKS . Nebraska Business College BOYD BLDG,. OMAHA A, C. Ong, A. M., LL. B.. President. A. J. Lowry, Principal. A Model Institution. Location For the past twelve year. tha school has had the most substan llal growth until today we occupy two etntire floors of the elegant stone front structure. Cor. 17tli and Harney streets. The rooms have perfect light and ventilation, ere above the noise and dust of the street and delightfully cool In the summer. Equipment of the N. B. C ' Tha furnishings of tho school nrs Ideal. Roll-top desks and revolving chairs for every student In the Com mercial Department, and Yale lock. Oxford box desks, finished In golden oak In tho Shorthand Department. Ws use over fifty tyrewrlicrs. tnlriy new ones within the UHt few months. The best of everything mukes It possible to produce the Lest results. Com. Dept- of the N. B. C We teach the actual practice sys tem from the start nothing like learning by doing. The etuilents are under Instruction of prartlcal expe rience. The same requirements en forced In the best regulated business offices are enforced In every depart ment of the school. Business Is business, and In securing a business training It should he In a school where every element of business Is taught and practiced. Shorthand Dept. of the N. B. C. The Qregg system Is taught In Its purity. More schools In the United States and Canada are using this system than ahy other three 'sys tems combined. Conclusive evidence, is It not, of Its being superior to all others? Our students have no trouble In learning shorthand; the Gregg system In easy to learn, easy to write and easy to road. Come and learn the best under a principal who Is a graduate of four srhools and of the far-famed Gregg School for Teachers. Y. M. C. A. Valued at $10 or Y. W. C. A. . Membership Free Every student who takes out a full term scholarship i.- given a year's membership In the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without extra ex pense. The surroundings and in fluence of associates has everything to do with the success nf the stu dent. To be a member or either of the above associations means char acter, culture and refinement. Positions for the N. B. C. Graduates The all-absorbing question with the student about to enter school Is, "Will 1 be assisted to a position after completing my course?" Tha Institution that has the reputation nf doing thorough, first-class wo: It has but little difficulty In placing Its graduates. Business men are not slow to find out tho school they cun call on for skillfully trained help. Such Is our growing reputation for assisting our graduates to positions that we have a score or more of business firms who depend upon us for their help. 1 Endorsements of the N. B. C. FIRST NAT'!, BANK. Nebraska Business College, Prof. A. C. Ong. Prop. Dear Sir; We take pleasure In saying that we can diecriilly recom mend you to anyom wlshlna to at tend u buslne ollego. Those of your pur. lis who have entered our employ have all pr.iven satlsfne io;y iiml well prepared for Ihelr work. We tire el id t ny. further, il'iit ail our di'iilhif" Willi volt have been satisfactory. Ytities trulv, C. T. KOt.WTtfR. Asiilftunt Cashier. "We, the undersigned citizens and business firm of Omaha, take pleas ure In endorsing the Nebraska Husl ness and Shorthand CMlege as helng thorough and first-class In every de partment, and lieHttlly commend this Institution to the people of Ne braska and t lie West. iSignrd by Over twenty of the lead ing business firms it Omnha.) The following is an extrtct of the publication. "Commerce vt Greater Omaha:" "Tlicrf if scarcely a citv Itl th United States but what has its business college, but we d m't be lieve there Is one In the west that can show the absolute thorough ness that the Nebraska Htislues and Shorthand College can. Many of Ihe leading business men In this city and lor miles around are being most ac ceptably and efficiently served by graduates of this InstitutK n. W hen a student In turned out he Is sure of being able to till nny posili in, ns be cannot receivo his diploma until he la efficient." Investigate ir you are seeking s school that has every facility for work, expert instructors, a school that will iiu.'dlfy to make a hwvo In life, then Irvestignte the sbove In mi tt tit ion and yon will find true merit backed bv the leading business me i or tin' city. Call, 'phone 'or write for iatuloguc of the N- B. C. The Best Known and Known as the Best B- MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MALE HELP , WANTEDMALE HELP Fac-Simile Typewritten Letters We make a specialty n printing fac simile typewritten letters. ' If you want the kind that are clean and neat, and can not bo detected from a per sonal lypc-written letter, we ran furnish them and at prices only rltghtlytln ad vanco of th ordinary printing. You can fill In the date, name and ad dress on your own mit' hlne, and wc guar antee a perfect mutch in type face and color. It interested, send for samples-. Irvin A. Medlar Co., PRINTERS 422 South 18th St., Omaha. 'PHONE i;C2. CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 1506 Famam. 'Phone 781. R-69J OMAHA Safe nnd Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, prop., 10U 8. 10th St. n-m A VERY NECESSARY BUSINESS ADJUNCT HARDING CREAMERY COMPANY, Manufacturers of Fancy Creamery Batter, Hijh Grade Ice Cream, High Grade Process Butter. 8 h and Harnfv Sts. OMAHA. NEB., 3-10--O5. Western Refore txtt nnd Bond Asu.. Ouuihn. S'ob (fi'iitleiiipo.: !n reply to your icqnost for a statement of otir n4nion of your rlan of oporntlon. wo arc glad to espn'ss onr thorough appreciation of It as a very noresHiir.r luisinnss adjunct lo n city hc sire of onialitt. j What aiMa1s very strongly to tis Is tho fnrt t Tin t tits' class of nflVp help soon red thi'mich yon jig always proved nf a vir.v high piano, and again, wo are spared all llio inmnyanoo of personally Investigating tho record of the Ap plicant nnd the delay usually Incident to advertising or In other ways rinding desirable parties. We have always received prompt and courteous consideration at yonr hands aud have eome to rely entirely upon you to furnish our oiHoc help. We consider your mission iu tho business world a good nnd growing one. beneficial nlike to employer and employe, and one thnt proves a snfcuuard against "drones" in the hive. Wo hope thnt the encouragement and business received from tho employers of this city will be stub as to warrant you in extending nnd enlarging your Held of usefulness. Yours sincerely. HARDING CRKAMKHY COMPANY. By D. Illsley. We wish to kep the Communicate with us. 'drones" from your hive. Our services are gratis. WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND 'ASSOCIATION (inc.) 'Phone 428?. 840-841 N. Y. LIFE. B WANTED MALE HELP The Van Sant School of Shorthand and Typewriting 716-ri7-;iS New York Lite BKii. Students tuny enter the sclmvl a' any time anil are Riven s trisl week free. Tills enables them i judge of the rhsrnctcr of ths school before makliiS soy flminclsl In vestment. If t any time students desire J t' lCHve the school money for utfAplicd time will be refunded. The methods of Ins; ruction arc uy to date and thorough,. Undents are given choke of nil the leading makes 'of type writer. If you arc thinking of tukintt a short hand course we shnll be glad to have you call and talk tho mutter over ijcTore de ciding, A. C. VAN SANT, Proprietor. E r j bAL,E8MEN WANTED Well equipped salesman to lmi piijnniwiip, n esceptienal opportunity Is offered for im mediate work; most be Intelligent, honest, well educated ird persevering; Mate nge and experience. Lock Box KSS. Phi adel phla. B 96 lflx COM.INS PIANO CO., wholesale and re tall musical instruments. Talking- ma chines, records exchanged. 113 S. 17th St., Omaha. R WANTED, your machinery repairing, auto mobile, ftasollne engine, model and experi mental work. Buckingham & Peterson, Fremont, Neb. R CLEAN wall paper and make money; home or travel; perfect recipe and full Instruc tions, fifty cents. Cheap and easy to . make. Edana Remedy Co., Bedford, Ind. R-962 l(ix UMBRELLA repairing and keys. 207 8. 14th. Tel. 1714. R-MS73 A38x LAUNDRY cls ntThBu M- LnUnU1XI Telephone 264. R-M320 M4 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron -md brass castings. 802 Jackson. Tel. 2432. R-M396 CISTERNS nnd wells cleaned, repaired. Telephone 3571. R M797 18 WANTED MALE HELP SPRING TERM OF THE Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douglas sts.. opens Monday, April o. new ciusses in an departments, cata logue iree, ROHRBOUGH BROS., OMAHA. NEB, B-717 FIELD MANAGERS WANTED For Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska Within the next montn we must hire at least ten good Oeld managers for Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. We want only men or women of ability nnd experience, who are capable to successfully solicit orders and to hire, train and manage agents. The Work Is pleasant, profitable and per manentboth for Held managers and sub agonts of local solicitors. The Income of each worker Is limited only by his or her ability. We pay a liberal commission and guaranteed salary to the right workers. If this Interests you, send stamp for mail ing information for personal Interview, giv ing age, busi less experience and success, re'wronce, present employment and Income, aif, stating If you can enlUt In this work at once. Address P. B. B, Co., care Omaha Bee. B 406 16x WANTED-Person to call' on retail trade for manufacturing house; loenl torrltoryj salary, 125, paid weekly; expense money advanced: previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star bldg., Chi cago. Bm lx WANTED Man to collect one day each week In Council Bluff. Apply, efflce, People's Store. B S7 15 LOCAL salespeople for "Exciting Kxpeti ences In Japanese-Russian War; ' biggest war of our civilisation; hundreds 6f thou sands killed: stories of survivors; every body Interested; tremendous demand; one agent took 117 orders In one week; bin honk; 8c0 pages; only $1.60; hundreds of Illustrations; some In colors; published in English and Swedish: biggest oommls slon; credit given; big outfit free. Send 10 cents for mailing. Write today. Drop everything and bo first In the Held. Clark son & Cooper Co., J2I Dearborn, Chicago. B 1(0 16x IF YOU aro In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with MART, THE EXPERT, 4C1 N. Y. Life. B-720 If you have not did it, do it. TRY THE Chicago Laundry Tor guod work and prompt service; It i the bant. After you have given it one trial, you will then interrogate younwlf thusly: "Why did I not do it before I did it? DO IT NOW Office 214 North Hlsteenth Street. Thone 205. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBERTRADE WHY WASTE T1MB AND MONEY? Young men who contemplate learning the, barber's trade should stop and seriously consider the above question. Why enter an Inferior barber college when you have nccesK to the best? It Is poor economy to begin In a small concern and then be compelled to pay a tiecond tuition In order to graduate from a school which will yuullfy you, when you can arrange for the price of one tuition to complete the trade at the WESTERN BARBERS INSTITUTE It Is absolutely the oldest, best equipped and only reliable barber college In tho west. If we fail to establish the above statement as a fact to parents of prospective students or to students themselves we will pay your tuition to any other barber college you may desire to enter, or will positively pay your rare to anu irom your nomes. This Institution In Ihe only one of Its kind which commands the roped of the citizens and tho better clas ot barbers, An Important Advantage As we are the oldest nnd best established, and having btuu especially courteous t customers, we have n patronage which af fords the students constant practice which other rstahllshmentr. have clamored for, but as yet have failed to procure. Therefore they arc unable to furnish the principal requisite for development of the students. The prrslde-nt of the Western Barbers' In stitute is strictly expert as a barber iini r.aa no equal in ths country us a tearhrr ot the art. Jlo Is thoroughly comprint and has the gift to Impart his knowledge to students, itona (H1c tetlmoiilnlM furnished upon application. Foi terms at.d address The Western Barbers' Institute, , . - c. iiiryi " ,i to introduce a patent A FINIS opportunity for competent party hardware article; g a week and ex- of large acquaintance to represent cop- penses: honesty and sobriety more neces- per corporation und capable of selling sary than business experience state age stocks and bonds. Address, Knergy, P. U. and employment. International Shear Box 315, New York City. B US4 lx Co., 48 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. B . LOOK for Knlest's "Thr Drug Htore A LARGE city and farm man company Man's" adv. Following want ads. Of In- wants man to fill vacancy, treasurer terest to druggists and drug clerks. Kansas City corporation; assets $50,000; B 2';l JCx treasurer resigning; firm clearing about IB.000 monthly. Party would hava t6 In- LOOK for Knlest's "The Drug Store vest $6,000, getting third of stock and as- Man's" adv. Following want uAs. Of in sets. Address C 81, Be. B 0S0 16 terest to druggists und drug clerks. B 231 18x WANTED, men nnd boy to learn plumb- Ing trade; Coyne Bros. Co. schools of WANT good men who are thoroughly practical plumbing; send for catalogue; acquainted with the groe.., cigar tradu 4973-76 Kaston ave., St. Louis, Mo.; 107-9 In city; for right men have u snap. ('has. W 3d St., Cincinnati. O. - - - B-M7M Jordan. Midland hotel. M 233 lx NEW COLUMBIA RECORDS FOR APRIL Cylinder No. 40311 5ioy 57080 iwiint u7ls"o 32(154 auono o"'(S.-ilj :ioj7 yjtitw ;(Wi :iw."i if.'oti" Amiinp. 'Olll p. Ur2-i 1 Midge St.. Omaha, Neh. (OlU FICLI.OH'8 HL ILUING 1 Disc No. 5400 Waltz or tlie Svralkws. Mexican. Onhestru 40l.")0 Modify March of Kaeintnpr Songs, Orchestra Two Little Flnche, with Cornet Duet, Orchestra 177:t Viinti'i! Consul Selections, uicli(-6trn When the Bees are iu th Hire, Quartette C'tfinp o! the Hoboes. Ounrtntte 307M Ki'niisim'.ver ud his Dor Schneider, Auilo Talking a07J Skylark or the1 Boyt Message, Tenor, Oreh. Accom . . . . I'loni the Depths, (Sacred). Baritone. Orch. Accouip . . . . J50M it M;ike Me Think of Home, Sweet Home. Tenor, orch. iiOIil Tin Trying So Hold To Forget You, Duet, Onh. Accotup. oi)l2 Maryland. My Maryland. Batltoue, (jrch. Aceomi 80IM Tcn'H'SsoP. (.'ooh Song, Baritone, tlrcl). Account In the Shade of the Old Aple Tree. Tenor, Orch. Acconii 5;n!:; Itnnibttn' Sam, Coon .Song, Baritone, Orch. Ai.vninn Keypt, My Cleopatra,- Banjo Trio.., rrotessor nud the Musical Tramp, Descriptive. Orch Act Ut'' Xoliody Seems to Love Me Now, Tenor, Orch. Acconio. . tiood Bye Sis. Tenor, Orh. Account Tale of Ihe Turtle. Dove, Tfllor, Orch. A (-coin p Dainty Little Ingenue, Tenor, Orch. Accomp Just ns 1 Am, t Sacred). Tenor. Organ Accomp (iood Bye Sis. Ou,-irttte, Orch. Accomp , Won't You lie My J.lttle Bride, Tenor, orch. A t ontji. . . . ,ot. t'tiuiF. Jiarcn. .tiextcnn oivn 50447 Stephanie Ciavotte, Made in I'nris, French Orwh ooliitl La Trlgaue. Masurka. Made In Fails. French Orch lo-inch Disc Records. $1.00 each; $10,00 per doy.ji. 7-inch Disc Becords. 00c each; j;.ri.(Ki per do.en. (iold Moulded Cylinder Records, -1c rnoh. Both Cylinder aud Disc Records can be us-d on AN Y MA KK of Tulkiug Machine. We allow 50c for an old 10 -inch or 25c Cor an old T-ineii Reciit-d lit exchungc. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. 1621 FARNAM STREET. OPEN EVENINGS' ('.SO ;!'J087 :2twu WJtKtfl YOU DONT WAIT For answers to bee Wnt Ads. They are waiting for you when you call for them. BEE WANT ADS BRING THE BEST RETURNS A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. M KM TO LEARN barber trade: free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of tills being the KK8T ant only re liable, most practical barber college lit the 1 nited States. Writo tor catiikguo today. Western Barbers Institute, Om.ihn, Neh. U-71S I WANT ar.J furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knlest, t4 N. Y. L. H-'IU (1IB30N EMPLOYMENT AOKNCY re moved to 11 Soutli Itih St., around floor. Phone Sill. U-M161 176 permanent salary and expenses . paid reliable men outside of the city; very pleasant work. Address C. H. Walker, Sil Neville block, Omaha, Neb. B-MJS6 GOOD bill clerk. City salesman, small Investment. Manager for lnnn and collection depart ment, Stenographer. IS or 2U years of age. Clothing- salesman. Iry goods clerk. First-class floor walker. Uood. bright boy for office. Young- man city salesman. Asst. munager department store, small In vestment. Call or write for complete list and booklet. WESTERN RKF. A HON!) ASSN. (Inc.) 840-842 N. Y. Life. Ri:2 ic WANTED iOfl YOt'NCt MEN For tirnkc men and firemen: high wages nnd promo- tlon. We Instruct ytu hy mall andf .ifslst you to secure a position. Name position preferred. Send stamp for partlruiHrs. "National Hallway TtttirtnK School. Suite 224, Boston Blk., Minneapolis, MIrtn. B lSx FOREMAN wanted for ths Luder Office, Nellph. NMi : good wages and steady employment, Write or come at ohca. B-MJC9 15x WANTKH Experienced salesman In men's hat department. J. L. Branrte's A Sun. B-MS33 i WANTED Oood clothing salesman. Call at 160S Dodge .st, B M894 WANTED Teamsters, canvas men. train loaders, ushers, property men, bill post ers, cooks, waiters, watchmen. Can or write us. Other positions for circus, western tour through Wyoming. Colo rsrto. t'tah,' Callrornls. Washington, Minnesota and the Dakota. Swaney'S Empt. Accy., 08 8. 12th St. Omaha. B-MSS7 16 PRINTER wanted for country office. Ad dress Advoeaie, Mead, Neh. B-Mi5 lx WANTKDFlrat-clHsa hotisa pnlntel's; wages. SS.tio. eight hours. Apply Stelh mnnn & Son, 618 N. t'th St., St. Louis. Mo. . B-Mim rx WANTED 2 flrst-rlasa plumbers at once. Steady Job ly the year to th right men. Address W. K. Ayres, Kearney, Neh. B-MIM lSx WANTED, men to distribute samples, tack signs. f;U'0 daily. No cauvusBing. Con tinental Dlstrlhutlnis Service, Ciiic-Tn. B-1ZT 16 WANTED Advance ngent: exclusive ter-l-ltovy: call ot- write for full nurtlmtHrs t!2 lice building B-414 Ux ARTB yon In n rut? You can earn Ji!3 to Ko per week If Vou train to write nds. Page Davis Co., I4 Wabash nve., Chlcngo. B-Oli) li x WANTED O' -d I tivs with wheel'- good wages. A. D. '1 Co.. 212 3o. Wli. B-8TD Mlj "WANTED Men. everywhere: good pay: to dlstrlbuts circulars, adv. matter, tneli signs, etc., no canvassing Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bunk Bldg.. Chicago,. 111. B-Mf1 16 INVENTOR of article tt at will pfove hit ael'er through ngen's wirts partne - w th capital. Address C 3S, Bev. B 914 WANTED Mn to learn bn-her trade: nv. method: steady practice by free clinic; careful lnstructinrs tly nuallrtcd teachers; few weeks oomvilele; I 'tlij ex pens'; board Included: tool drna ed. ('nil or write Moler Burbor College, i"'" far nam st. B-M9JJ 2U WAMEC MALE HELP WAXTKIi. .-OR C. s ARMY. sbl liodtei in mured men, tat wren ages of IS and St, c-;ser.s nf l iil eU States, of goad clursc-te- sod I, s r. ne lisbit. !tn peak. reed .ttid wilt i:nx1ih I'or Inforinntlcm spoly to I! e r ilt mg Off rer. l;;th end I'cnls t . Omr.h.i; l.inco!ti. Neb., or Sioux City, Is. B7I CIKCI'I.AIt and sample d.strlbnters wsnted ever where, sri n:nent position: good v, Amerli'sti Colon. Pontine hnlld- , itiK. Chlvigo. B 9? 1SX TAItORS. attention: If vou are nrst-eloss eoft maker we esn tte vou. Onnd prices. Steadv wc:rk to men that are rlshL Hresber. l.'.tf Kn-nsm st. B-TJI , BARKER TRADE t.tnght nilcklv spd grrdunte put to work American Bather College, l.'th nnd Dottgin sis. B Nr iat riNI" pKlllii open for several men in torr! of r,.iiii, to n.'f ss our ngent; no i iii isl renotrcd . r e forntshed free; hulld n itslness for o nlf Adiliess clrand I tii ot Tea Co.. Omiihn Neh H-1IJMH W'AVTRP. Tut giH'd union stone masons; Moiidv work for good to isoi gt,irsnteed, ;ster Mit"..ns' nssocistlon. K t : - Chetnnt s . St. t.onK Mo. n :V '... WANTED FEMALE H LP LADIES, earn Ji per 1) ATltlng short letters; send stumped envelope fi.r par tlculars, Id il Mfn. Co., C.isnopolls. Mleh. C-Mt WANTED. I." niscblne operators at one. M. E. Smith & Co . factory 11th and Poug. lot sts. C-MJTi WANTED Experienced girl for gsnersj housework: good nafccs; no washing. Ml Fsrnsm. C-M3S8 OIRL for general housework; references. S122 Burt t C-M" 15 WANTKI), apprentice girls in millinery d- pitrtment. J. L. Brnndels k Sons. C-8SJ II WANTED -Olrl for general housework lf rmall family. Mrs. II. R. rinkerton. toi St. Mary's nve. C-MKH9 II WANTED-Oli l for eenernl housework! small fnmlly. HIJ S 40th St. C MSDiilTS WAVTED-Expe-lenced saleslady for first class retail store. Address C ?.! Bee C-MS9S II WANTED A cook for Wise Memorinl hos tilthi. 2225 Sherman ave. C-MSMSlX WANTED, competent housework: Oermnn family. 2!il!l Charles. girl for general preferred: smsll C-MAOS 17 WANTKD. Immediately, competent second girl; f.nmllv of three; erforei-o-os required. Mrs. T. B. Cuming. 2104 St. MnrV sve. C-Mn 17 WANTED, competent girl for geneml V-oueewoT-k. Mrs. F. B. llochstetler. 411 South 3Sth st. ,Jrm FIRST-CLASH bookkeeper and stenog rapher: must be experienced. Address ' C 31!. Bee. WANTED A seco id girl at Vi N. IRth. C-MiK I "The Hillside." C-917 IT WANTED Young lady of prepossessing appearance, to demonstrate folduble bed tan advertised In Bennett's pxgu adver tisement; tndny.t Ai'ii!" Mondny morn log, between 9 and 11 -lock, furnltura tleprtrlment. Ask for (iawne. Ths Bennett Company. C 92 19 A OOOD girl who can do genera! house work can get a permanent position snd good wages In t small family by applying; at. linrr to Mrs. it. a. w lleox, 2V u irt st. No washing. C-1SI 16g LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR HOMES. We furnish all mu lerhils nnd pay from IT to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royttl Co., 31 K. Monroe St.. Chicago. C f1l 16x WANTED-rLadles to ' learn ha Ird reusing, manicuring, facial masse, chlropidy or electrolysis ttemtivlng lislr and wafts by electricity): positions waiting, ii to 2 weeklv: twrt to four week complete". Call or write Moler College. 1)14 Er nam street. C-M954 2lx PROFITABLE home work; whole or spare tlrr-e: no risk. Enclose 12 cents for out fl t and j.Brtlc-uliir. Address H. Hupbly Co., tjiil WHlnut St., rhlladelphtu, Pa. C-D70 lx LADIES, will pny you $73 per month and all expenses to cniplov lady agents in your own locality. Tn K. Fourth at., Cov ington. Ivy. C-944 Klx WAN1 ED Enrrgetlc woman to manage our business In 3 Nebraska totihtles; $1(1 eKpenses advanced; salary. li'o, paid Weeklv: state If health Is ftood nnd last employer. Manager, C2 Desrhnrn. Chi cs go. C 101 16x L,DtES can earn lilg money showing our h"v korohene hurner to friends; fits any ord'nafv limp; sample. IR cents. Ruhhor Urln Burner Co., 74 Piirk Place. New York. C 938 I6x 100 OIHI.B for geiiersl housework; can glvs you from K.rc to T.0( per week. HART, till N Y. LIFE. C-1TS II fa I'KR ic ) addressing and mailing clrctt inrs; well; lit home, hpure tlmi-. Send dim" nnd Fhmp fi r i irc.ilar with full parllCoUifs. I. O. l-'ninkcM. Stella. Neb. C-135 lx GIRL wanted for genernl housework : good pay to right kind. 2t7 Hurney st. C-203 16X OIKI, wanted to run errand snd clean machines. Apply Monday st 9 o'clock. Smith Premier Typewriter Co. C-M210 17 COOK w.intud; referencees reeoiilrd "'11 St. Mary's ave. C-M209 II PAPER hanger; man nnd wlfs for farm: press feeder: boy to learn trade; waiter, hotl and restautant; coachman; carriage painter; painter and paper hanger: office Lov, 16 Years; elevator hoy: families for beet flelcK Nebraska. Colorado and Michi gan; 3 bell boys. Gibson Employment Agency, 211 S 14th St., 'Phone r.411. B-170 Iflx WANTED Boy to work In printing offU-e. Eumucl Flnlayson. 311 8o. 13th st. B-119 16x WANTED, good, strong boy to work In carpet department. Apply to Mr. Hall, People's Store. It V'5 ! YOI'NiJ men who desire to become locomo tive llremeu or hiaketnen, send stamp for particulars. National RalltVay Iiib. Bu reau, fo.'i Railway Exchange b!d.. (it. Louis. Mo. B-6S.H lttx At 1.,...1l.......i. .1 ,i ,i,nnui.nlilii. 4?V Brleht leinl stenogrupher, f"5. io,i bookkeeper, I Call or write for romplete Hr.t and booklst, I WESTERN REF. X- I'Ovn ASSN. (Inc.) 84U-642 N. Y. Life. C-223 111 O'Rt. who wc-ks nvenlnr In office wants hninn close In, where she can lisslst st hriisewnrk for her l'lom and hoard. Ad dress C l2, Bee. C-tm lx Anplv P i- C-2 n V" 'Th. five ijlt-M at crcc. rh'f Store. MEDICAL ' MEN, if you an- small, weak or undevel. oped, have lost strength, -ur Acme Vac uum Develni er will leslore you without drug or eiectrlcity; urethral obstruc Hon and varicocele pennaneiitly cured Ir inio to fctir weeks; ''O in ue; not ont lalluie; write for lite book, sent sealed In plain envelope. A'-me Mfg. Co., 72 Barclay Bile, Denver, 'olo. INSI RANCE AOENTB. READ THIS CAREFT'LLT. AN CNPBECEDENTED OPPORTI NITY. A LIBERAL INCOME FOR LIFE. A new line of Insurance Protective com pany, which rm'erS III the. risks of the fife. (Ire. scoldent, cnsualtv. fidelity snd marine Insurant pnllev holder, requires the service of bright, active agents through the Chlted States. Well qualified parties would be appointed general asnts for county or state, with exclusive right und control by contract, and a commission will be paid to them on all annual dues each and every yaar. thus enabling them to hnlld bp a business In which their Income grows larger from var to yenr. Hood references required. Write, staling previous experience', to O. It. d MotitlQid, ritller ,bldg., New York. B-9S1 lOx WANTED, energetic man, each eountv, to post signs, sdve-tls sihI distribute Sam ples. Salary, 116 weekly and expenses. Honesty and disposition lo earn ealHty more essential than experience. , (1. A. Paiker, 720 Chestnut. ., I'ltlla., V. n-nlCs FIREMEN AND BRAKtCMEN on iill roads erywher; experience unneoos. sarj ; high monthly wages -firemen, lino, become engineers nnd earn fl"; brake men. T0. Income conductor snd earn U0 Name position preferred, slate nae. Stamp for particulars. Railway Aoila t'on. Dept. f'9. t:hnrles l.ldg . rin'-r, coio. it n; Mx Window trimmer, out of city. Expert slenogrspher. Kkirt saiesninn, Young msn. wlytlsesle hoo-e. Kolloltori must live Iu Co. Bluffs. Typewriter salesman. Pubber sl4ln: man. Yutiiig man liitei'. HART, 'M N. Y. I. H E. ' H 172 16 MAN WANTED-Exee-'l-nisI fitinnrtunitr for honest, sctlvs, smlittfus msn tu lero th rel estate snd brokerage bus:nH and start In with Isrge. prosperoua anl well known firm under extremely favor able conditions; former experience tin necesssarv. For further partlcuUrs ad dress C 4, Bva, li-VA Pix LADIES treoteil suet esffully hy mall; write today, stating how long suppresbeU. Dr, Brinry, ISi! Htate si., Clilcago. DR." W. HUTCHINSON. s'7ilallstof women and children; i years' practice. Ofllcn, ri(5 'unilnf. Kcsitlin.g telephuno, 3ii; office, Kio. LADIES -fWKi reward If our remedy falls to relieve delayed monthly periods: It" matter huw long suppressed; sate relief, $3. Women's Private institute, Dept. I, 185 Dearborn St., Chicago. LA I! Eh Chichester's Lngllsh Pennyroyal 1'llis arc the best; Sc-.t-t, reliable: laUs no other. Send 4l- stamps for particulars. jtellcf lur Ladles," Iti letter by teturn mail. Akk ..-oi.' dniggiNt. Chichester Clieinlrnl Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. a MY IB'MV; trrHituoMi tor women sent free to hii auflcrer for t lie next thirty dayn. Addiess HI'. A. A I'oll' il, I41U HbiiUoi St.. UniKruS Ity, Mo. 1:!7 lx FOR WOMEN ONLY- DR. RAYMOND'S Monti. I Hcg ulator has broiignt happiness o hiiniiieilr, of anxious women, Nu pain, 10 clanger, tin liilerfeteiue with WOik, relief In H lo a days. Wo havu n-r known of it Miig failure. Price f2 by inai. DR. R. U RAYMOND REMF.lJV LO., Room Si. SI Ad una St., Chic ago. 1'FV T.' N-CiO I - Prninp: eg-.ilntor fr l.idiis: i.evtr 'iiU. T2 postpaid. Bherntait etc. Mi'Conue l I it nil Co., Omali. 791 VU HE M.VBS. Frent-n Tansy mid penny royal PHlx. guaranteed. A sure cure for all feniM.w It reg-ilsi itix. Itegijlui: prlee, ij; out prhe, per Iiok. lie., ton Drug Co., lith mid l-'ari am, (ipishg, . -MHO A3j DTt PRIES treats successfully all divenses Mud Irregular.! :e wi iio-ti from airy c hue. j.ei i i i il end tollable. A!'lrci. lth stan. p. I f. Pries, lill'j Dodgw It., Oniahu. ii, C. N. BOMMER, KUic'Ssful liomeopatklst. Cures c hronic, diseases, cmuclis. tutntrs. pes bldg. -MiWMll