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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1905)
Tni: 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: TRIDAV. APRIL 14. ioo:. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat it Maintained on Dry Weather Uewi and Damago Stories. MINNEAPOLIS SENDS WHEAT TO CHICAGO Kir v tor Hate Briton tv Turn Mat I onlrnet l orn for May Dellier? Receipts (ontlnne Light and Feedlaar Hrr, OMAHA. April 13. The crop killcm arc btiay today and the July wheal ha been worked ii very well on the dry weather news which I being i Irrulated. A Rood general tnln mould knock the bottom out of the market. The May wheat before noon reached the high and low points of I1.ITVi11.iS. against 1 )ii7l.15 for Wedneadav. Tin July was SH7S-, against s74f74o Wednesday. Jtvrrpool closad 4 higher and 4 low r, Antwerp and Renin closed unchanged, Ruda pest declined 14 and Part dr lined 15 centimes. The movement of wheat about Is growing freer. Duluth sending to Minne apolis, and Minneapolis In toported to have worked l.noo.iaa. bushels of wheat for Chi cago. At laast half of this amount la said to he confirmed. Good milling wheat in scarce In Minneapolis and It Is selling for 8 cents over the May. In Chicago about the only demand for cash wheat is for muff which can be blended In making contrai l. The southwest la thought to lie buying wheat In Chicago, which Is taken as a aign of the truth of some of the crop damage news. Only local abort wheat ha been on the market thin morning and Chloiigo pro fessionals caused niOHt of the advance in July. There Is a lot of dry weather talk and bad reports from points in Indiana, Mich igan. Illinois. Missouri, Kanua and Texas received. Kansas City hears there Is bad work In Kansas and Nebraska; Nebraska City says It Is very dry everywhere; Au burn snys the wheat Is turning yellow through the efforts of the Hessian fly; David City says the wheat 1s looking: thin from lack of moisture and is not as far ad vsnved for the time t hns been growing as It should be. Minneapolis has a story from Fort Worth. Tex., to the effect the ted rust has attacked the wheat stalks. The Price Current, however, savn the con ditions continue favorable with but few exceptions, and that the winter wheat out look has been rarely so promising. It appears now that the spring wheat crop In the northwest for last year was un der estimated, fcr the oftlclnl receipts at Minneapolis from August 1 to April 7 total a.SMMmn bushels, or 1.974,000 bushels more, than the crop of the year before. The Minneapolis flour output fell off 19.000 bat tels, the amount being SM.ftoO, against 17. 88f barrels. The primary receipts are 338, ' bushels, against 242.000, and the ship ments are JIJ.OOO bushels, against HlJt.tsTO. The May coin before noon today reached the high and low of 49o and 484 o, against 4S4c and 484o Wednesday. Armour lias started making contract corn and tttrnel out 14. Mo bufhela Wrdm sday. All of the elevator Interests which are short will be gin making contract In a few days, ('hal ters were madt. Wednesday in Chicago for looono bushels of corn at IV to Buffalo. While the receipts were only 92 cars of corn In Chicago, the shipments there were 470.001) bushels. With hoge at r..?"J4 and csttle at It is the cry of the bulls that tho corn will be fed up verv rspldly. The clearances of torn were 87.828 bushels, the primary receipts being 323.00O bushels, against 31000. and the shipments 58.000 bushels', against 221.000 last year. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT-No. 3 hiird. 1 car K lbs Omabat Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.0201.04 hard 2c; .No. 4 hard $1.06. CORN-No. 2. 43c 4iUo no arrarie. 3H'u-llc: No. 2 vellow. 44c; No. 3 yellow. 434c No. 2 white, 44c; No. 3 wrnte. nir, 91c. No. 7fi3!ioc; No. o luring. No. S, 434c; No. 4, OATS o. 2 mixed. 284c. No. 3 mixed, 284c; No. 4 mixed, J(74o; No. 2 white, 294o; No. 2 white, 39c; No. 4 white, 284c; standard, 294c. arlot Hecrlpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 47 92 42 Kansas City 4.1 37 6 Minneapolis 114 Duluth 2 St. Iuts 31 1!' . 1 Omaha ? li 12 Minneapolis Grain Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis aa reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Jtfyuljd of .Trade, wjm,: . . , - Articles. Open. Hlgh. l,ow. I Close.: Ycs'y. Wheat i t May.. I 1 074. 1 0!4 July.. i 1 f3'i 104 Sept.. M-; 844 I I .... I . 1 0i4, 1 U9V 1 07 1 034 1 Ot'tl 1 (2 B bid. Uuotatlons O KMC HAL MARKET Various of lh Day on t'onimodl t Ira. NEW YORK, April 13 -FI.OIR Re ceipts, 1.8o9 bbls. ;' exports. 4.174 bills.; mur kt dull but quiet; winter patents, Ot.SMte 50; winter Mralghts, $3.0i.i&,').10; Mlnne aota patents. $3.6or'iS.OO: winter extras. $3.50 .U); Minnesota bakers. $t.!i(g4.3i; winter low grades, $3 4iHf(3 90. Hye flour, steady; fair to good. $4 lift. COKNMEAl. Steady; kllu dried, $2.7,Vt() 2.90. ' HYEJ Nominal; western, KOc. BARLEY-Slow; feeding, 45c, c. I. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 4.000 bu.; npot nmrket firm; No. 2 red, t1.A8c. nominal, elevator, and $1.1H. nominal, t. o. !., h float; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.11,, f. o. b. ntloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. $l.o.l'4. Vhe wheat mar ket acted very firm all the day notwith standing a bearish tendency. Shorts bought freely, being impelled by higher northwest markets, crop damage news and small demand. May, $1.(V"1.10; closed. $1 0BV. July closed, 93V,c; September, tW7iU Wtyc; closed. H7c CORN Receipts, 138,673 bu.; exports, 62, 004 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, 57c levator, and 52 'v, o. b., afloat. No. 2 yellow. 53c; No. 3 white. 5:ic. Option mar ket was dull, but very firm and higher, with wheat closing ic net lower. July closed at 63?c. OATS Receipts, 12.000 bu. Spot sleady; mixed. U to 32 lbs.. tMt'tf1''; natural white, 3o5Vo; olipped white, 35 to 40 lbs..'4oc. HAY Steady; good to choice. 77VflS2c. HOPS Stead v; state, common to choice, 2&'2c; lWtf. JiiffJoc; olds, 114il3c; Pa ciflo coax, 1904, 2&'28c; 19U3, 2lKj24c; olds. lienw. HIDES Quiet; Oalveston, 10c; California. 21 to 26 lbs. dry, 24 to 80 lbs.. ISO. I.EATHKR Steady; acid, PROVISIONS Beef firm: (WUOO; mess, $10.004110.50; beef hams, ViX.bHV a. 00; packet. $11. &otf 18.00; city, extra India mesa, $16 6019.11). Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, 7f7c; pickled shoulders, fcVortc; pickled hams, 9c. Lard firm; western steam, $7.60; refined, steady'; continent, $7.5flitf8.16; compound. $5.0tX86.87H- Pork, firm; fam ily, $14.50(515.00: short clear, $13.0015.00; niees. $18 6I41S.87U. TALLAJW-Steady; city ($2 per pkg ). 4Sc; country (nkgs. free). 4S'o4Tc RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, SV&S'jc: Japanese, nominal. Jlt'TTER Firm: street prlca. extra creamery, 3H6S2c; offlclal prices, unchanged. CHEESE Stead v; state, full, small, 12 Q14Vtc; large. 10hQ14c. IXJOS Irregular; western storage, packed, 18c; western, firsts, la. POCI.TRY Alive, steady: western chick ens, 12c; fowls. 16c; old turkeys. 16c, Dressed, quiet; western chickens, lotll.'c; fowls, 100140; turkeys. H'al'.ic. 20 to 2 lbs., , 190 ; Texas, 2426o. fumily, $12.00 St. lyoula Caneral Market. ST. LOUIS. April 18 -WHEAT-Hlgher; No 1 red cash, elevator, $1.02S: track, $1.0Si&1.04; May, $1.01V July, 8.1H83Vi No. hard, $1.06. CORN Higher; No. 2 caah. 47,c; track, 4Nfl4tiic; May, 4Sc; July. Aq. OATS Higher; No. I cash, 3oHc; track, lllc; May, MSc; No. I white. 33.-. FLOl'R Dull; red winter patents. $5. 15 Lft; extra fancy and straight, $4.76''o4.85; clear. $4.2f4.70. 9EKD Timothy. stdy. $2.0W02.75. 1'ORNMEAL-Steany, $2.60. KHAN Slow; sacked, east track, 73c. HAY Strong tor good; timothy, $7.04i1 18.00; prairie, 16 004(10 0". IRON COTTONTIES Sic. HAOOINO-TVe. HEMP TWINK-ttWc PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing $12 43V. I.ard. higher: prime steam, $ti.MX Dry salted meats, sleady; boxed extra shorts, $7 37ii; clear ribs. $7.37Vi; short clears, $7.50. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.87H; clear ribs, $7.87H; short clear, $8 ou POCI.TRY Steady; thickens 11V; sjjrlnga. $3.&04l.OU doa.; turkeys, ltic; ducks. BITTER Quiet; creamery, 25'ijak': dairy, 19tH5c. KOOS Sleady at 15Vc. case count. Receipts Shipments. Klour. bbla .' .t Wheat, bu 37,m 7i'..ti Corn, bu 4fi.uio Oats, bu 17.W , av.fiOo LlTrpeal Oram Market. LIVERPOOL. April 13. WH EAT- Spot, ttulet; No 1 California. r Hd; fiiluies, steady; May. 6a 7'd, July, 6s Td; Septem ber. s s. - CORN-iof, easy; American r.Ued new, 4s J4; Americsn mUd. old. s 1"''1; fu tures, quiet: May. 4s 3"d; July. 4s 8d. CHI4 AtiO (iRtl An PRUlIO Peatares af the Tradlaa and 4 losing Prlrea n Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 13 -Claims of damage to winter wheat brought out an active de. nnind today for the July delivery and led to a strong tone n all trailing on "chingc. At the close July wheat wan up iic. May w heat Is tip l'p. corn shnmK a gain of Sc. oats ( and provisions 2H'"'i7Vc. Notwithstanding comparative weakness at Liverpool sentiment in the wheat market here was bullish from the start. Initial oootatlons on July were up tfjic at s7Sc May wan unchanged at $1 15H Trading n largely In the July delivery, the uneei. taitity surrounding the May option being an effectual obstacle to any considerable deal ings In thct month. Shorts and commission houses wire the best buyers The principal source of strength was constantly Increns ln apprehension regarding the real condi tion of the winter wheat crop. Thnt this fear wa not without foundation received apparent confirmation later In the day. when numerous advices from various pnrts of the country were received telling of de terioration In the condition of the growing crop. One report from Kort Worth. Tex claimed that In several counties the wheat plant Is showing nignn of rust snd that on account of excessive rains the damage will probably be still further augmented. Dam age by lack of moisture was the gist of numerous reports said to emnnate from different jmlnts In Nebraska. Hesnlan flies also were said to tie causing damage In that state. In addition to the bullish advices from crops. Minneapolis reported an excel lent demand for cash wheat. This helped to restrict offerings In the Chicago market. Demand for Julv continued active here throughout the entire dav. the price of that delivery advancing nteadlly. A little de mand for Mav forced up the price of that option to $1 17'. hut R reaction occurred al most ImmedlHtelv. Just before the close Julv sobl at HV Final ((notations were at Mi.c. Mav closed at $l.lf.. clearances of wheat and flour were equal to .n0 bushels. Prlmarv receipts were 3.W.900 bushels, com pared with 242.100 bushels a year ago. Min neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 223 cars, against 239 cars lost week and I.T7 cars a year ago. Continued small receipts formed the basin of a firm tone in the corn market. Strength of wheat was nn additional bullish In fluence. The volume of trading, however, Whs of small proportions. July opened un changed to 'c higher at 4i4c to 48V up to Hc and closed at 4XVd4ftSiC. Local receipt were 92 cars, with 9 of contract grade. Strength of other grains wan the main factor In the oats pit, although small re ceipts exerted some bullish Influence. Pit traders were fairly active buyers and out siders also bought freely. July opened un changed to a shade higher at 30c to 3UW Oo'sC sold up to aO'V'&WiHc and closed at SO-c. Ixical receipts were 42 earn. Provisions showed considerable strength despite a decline In the price of live hogs. A review showing small stocks of lard at ull the principal packing centers outside of Chicago was one of the thief hull factors. Much of the demand came from Influential quarters At the close July pork was up 7Si faloc at $13. lard was up 74c at $7.52' and ribs were 2Vf5c higher at $7.40. Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 3 cars; corn, 80 cars; oats, 55 cars; hogs, 3.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. ! Open. High. I Low. I Close.l Yes;-. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS i i l ism i 1 i:h 87V,' Wl!87fH 82MtVi 83ViH. S-V 48'. I 48S.I 49 US'irtlH . 4XV 484 4XV4SVV 30',-SU: .Wxi 3otiaivn 3ot 2V38VU29i 12 87il 13 07V4; I 7 27HI 7 45 I 7 12V4I 7 374! 7 52' 12 95 I 13 20 I I 7 37H; 7 S2Vii 12 87H: 1$ 07V 7 27V 7 42V, I I 7 15 ! 7 10 7 42V 7 35 7 60 7 52V i iy 1 ir,4 8SVR7V' 83 82' I 48"11'ft49 4S, 4SVdSl 4' 4 4V8V 48 1 ;u4 304ft 4 M04, 30 294, I 12 924 i 12 85 13 174 13 10 7 35 I 7 274 7 624! " 5 I 7 tiO I 7 15 ' 7 124 7 40 I 7 374 7 674 7 55 Wheat May Julv Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork Ma v July Lard Mav July Sept. Ribs Ma v July Sept. No. 2. Cash quotations were an follows: FLOUR Eaav; winter patents. $4.!0'i5.0O; winter straights, $4.4ya 4.80; spring patents, bakers, $3.2013.60 WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.071. ID; No. 3, $1.0211.15: No. 2 red. $1.15461.174. CORN No. 2, 494c; No. 2 yellow. 504c. OATH No. 2. 304c; No. 3 white, 304i33c. RYE No. 2. 7Ri74c. BARLKY (Jood feeding, 37fT39c; fair to choice malting, 41'Q494c. FEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.84; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.3S; prime timothy. $2.352.75; clover, contract grade, $14. PROVISIONS Mess pork, por bbl., $12.8.VfJ 12.U0. Lard, per 100 lba., $7.2244)7.25. Short ribs, sides (loose). $7.0ik&'7.12V; short clear sides (boxed), $7.00ig7.124. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhln 24.400 11.700 Wheat, bu 53.000 8.700 Corn, bu 183,900 4h,30u Oats, bu tfi.7fln 118,400 Kve. bu l.OoO 7.300 Barley, bu 39,400 t,700 On the Produce excriatige today the but ter market was Arm; creamerlea, 24$30c; dalrlea, 22W27c. Eggs, easy, ltic; firsts, lHe; prime Urals, 174c; extras, 184c Cheese, firm, 13rg 14c. Kansas City fSraln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 13. WHEAT Firm; May. 934c: July. 84784c; cash. No. 2 hard,, $1.0irwI.(W: No. 3, 93c'4$1.06; No. 4. 67(JtH7c; No. 2 red, $1.02S1.0ti; No. 3, 96c $1.04; No. 4. 70'&!c. CORN Steady; May, 4C(S4o4c; July, 45c; caah. No. 2 mixed, 454c: No. 3, 46y4'S454c; No. 2 white, 464c; No. 4. 46c. OATS Firm; No. 2 white. 32c; No. 2 mixed. 31e. RYE Steady, 70&7nc. HAY Steady; choice timothy. $9.5oli lo.OO; choice prairie. $7.25ii7i.0O. Bl'TTER Creamery, 221jf2tic; packing, 18c. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltcwood cases Included, 16c; cane count, 15c; coses returned. 4c less. Receipts. Snlpments. Wheat, bu 44.800 40.MW Corn, bu .4.000 24.(V Oats, bu 1.000 18,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aplll 13.-BX'TTKR-Flrm: extra western creamery, 334c; extra nearby prints. 35c. BOOS Steady; nearby fresh. 174c at mark; western fresh. 171r18o at mark. CHEESE Unlet;. New York full cream, fancy, 13ic; New York full cream, choice, 134c: New York full cream, fair to good, 12til34c. Minneapolis Kraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 13. WHEAT May, $1.0M; July, $1 04N; September. 8441$ 84V' ; No. 1 hard, $1.184: No. 1 northern, $l.l3i; No. 2 northern. $1.06, ill second clears. $2.85'1.96 BRAN-In bulk, $13.I8. FIilUR I-rst patents, $n.8.VS6.96: second; patents, $5.65116 7S: nrsi clears, 4.3)fa4.3S; Mllwaakee Uraln Market. M1LWACKEK, April 13-WHEAT-Dull ; No. 1 northern, $1.104il.ll4: No. 2 north ern, I1.0twi.0ft: July, 8S4c asked. RYE Weak: No. 1. 81fi24-. BARLEY 41 lower; No. 2. 61c; sample, JflffrSoo. CORN Strong; No. 3, 48fe49c; May, 48"ic, bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III. April 13.-CORN-Steady ; No. 3 yellow. 48c; No. J. 4c; No. 4, 47c; no grade, 431; 46c. OATS Steady; No. i white, 30,lc; No. 4 white. 29,c. Unlsjth Oraln Market. DlTLl'TH. April 13-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern, $1,034. On track: No. 1 northern. $1.4: No. i northern. 894cip1.03; May. $1 064; July. $1,034; September. 844c OATS To arrive and on truck, 29c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. April 13.-8EEDS-Clover. cash. $8 10; April, $8.00: October. $5,774. Prima alslke, $6 60. Prime timothy. $1.40. Kraporsltd Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. April 13. EVAPORATED APPLES The market was easy under free offerings and a light demand. Holders, how ever, are stow to accept and price are steady. Choice, 61)64c; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl ITS-Prunes. are dull and unchanged on the general range, but the market is rendered weak in tone by the prseuce of low grade stock. Prices range from 24: to 74c Apricola are not being preased fur sale at the mo ment, but the market la barely steady. Choice ur quotad ul loftlo4c txtra choice at 114c and fancy at l(tlS'. Peaches are unchanged at loH04c fur choice and 1141 12c for fancy. Ralslna continue quiet with fancy a little easier at 44c. Iondou layers, $l uVal25, seeded raisins, 54jtc. Irr Gooda Market. NEW YORK. Apt II J3 -DRY OOODS-The market continues tlrni. and although the volume of trade 4s lint enlarged to the ex tent that many could desire, the Increased activity al retail is having i effect pu all sections of the trade. Market is Generally Strong in Tone, but it Irregular in Spots. DEMAND SHIFTS FROM GROUP TO GROUP While Picked laiort Advance the t.rneral I.lst In Held Hark or Forced llnmnnard Prnflt Taking. NEW YORK. April 13. -At any time to day the stock muiKet would have been pronounced spotty and Irregular and It is only by a survey of the day's trading as a whole that the amount of strength man ifested is properly discerned This Is be cause of tne system of rotation emplnved by the active operators In conducting their transactions, tne demand shiftli.g con stantly trorn one to another stock and from one portion of the list to another. While picked stocks were advancing, the general list was either held back or forced down wards by the pressure of the protlt-taklng sales, wnlrh went hand In hand with the buying of xpeclnl stocks, it was not until late in the dav that anv clearly defined tendency developed In the market. In the, early dealings there was consider able, disappointment cauned to the profes sional element by the halt in the advance of those stocks which made the buoyant outburst at the closing last night. I'nlted States Steel preferred. Cnlon Pacific and Amalgamated Copper were notable exam ple. It as characteristic of the market also that alter advances had proceeded for a time the stock thus affected would come to a pause while others were brought for ward. This process kept the traders con stantly confused In attempting to follow dlflerent movements or to determine the general trend of the market. The confusion of miml led to a suspicion of the market, which was quite stubbornly held. In spite of the gradual spread of strength through different portions of the llt. In the late trading, stocks which had been conspicu ous iiigcards early n the dn v were taken up in their turn and advanced in con sonance with the movements elsewhere. The resumption of the aggressive advance in Cnlon Pacific had as much to do as any thing with the decision of the trend of the market. The manner In which this stock Is supported In spite of the doubts engendered regarding the flood of rumors concerning It and the failure of disturb ing rumors of various kinds to weaken the market effectually- has had the effect of Intimidating the bears and reassuring sentiment. It Is said that stocks are easv to sell and that any attempt at accumula tion discloses a small floating supply. This condition whs generally attributed to the great strengih of the general situation In which renewed confidence is caused by the extraordinary conditions In the Iron and steel trade disclosed by the statistics for March. But this Influence was fortified by r ports affecting special properties. Thus rleadlng's striking movement today was fostered by rumors that the stock Is to be put on a 4 per cent dividend basis. Stories of a comprehensive combination of great corporate Interests in tho copper, smelting and lead Industries helped the efforts of pools In the stdeks affected to advance their prices. The Northern Securities settlement again emerged Into prominence with the vague Intimation that next week with the Issue of mandate of the supreme court for the distribution of the company's assets the great merger protects which have been waiting on that event will culminate. Some strength In wheat on cold weather reports had less effect on stocks, because of the protection thus afforded to the conductors of the wheat deal, which for safety Is a matter for solicitude In the stock market. The increase disclosed by the March ex ports of domestic products was a helpful Influence, owing to the supply of foreign exchange thus Implied. The constant shift ing of the demand developed a large num ber of gains as the day progressed and there was a considerable expansion in the volume of the market. A movement to take protltB carried prices back before the close, but they came up again nnd the Irregular closing was not far below the top level. Bond." weree Irregular. Total sales, par value. $3,i0.nwi. Flitted Btaes bonds were all unchanged 011 call. Following were the sales nnd range of prices on the Stock exchange today: n lea. High. Low. Close 9.400 90 1.701) 1034 2. 701 149 20.M0 lio-t, 700 964 17.2O0 IK 8,700 2ii0 100 3,90") 1.900 584 404 80 24 2414 89 4 102 1474 1(04 4 1544 57'i 4" 80 34 27.800 I804 900 354 500 1or,I 1,700 24 100 100 SoO 10 300 26.400 1.800 4.400 4 :t,4 195 2914 354 4'iV 81 4 694 344 10-54 28 014 Ry. 6,600 .... 10.600 167 400 294 'iio 314 1 000 64i 3.300 1 43 700 1H7 26.100 884 15.5HO 12.1 l.rtifl 24- 100 M 400 1184 2.900 1074 7.7'to R24 6 000 64 16.KO 1.200 18.400 1594 61 4 X1-.4 344 454 foi C74 944 1654 29 314 634 142 166i 844 1224 244 64 118 1074 :tL, S3 157 604 854 L 39.000 1434 1424 AtchlHon do pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio., do pfd Canadian Pacific... Central of N. .1..., Chesapeake Ohio Chicago & Alton... do pfd Chicago O. W Chicago N. W... C M. St. P Chicago T. A T do pfd C. C. C. A St. I Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware Ai Hudson. Delaware, L. 4- W... Denver &. Rio Urande Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. Southern . do pfd Loulsvllle'A N . . Manhattan L Met. Securities.. Metropolitan St. Mexican Cmtral Minneapolis A St. L M.. St. P. A S. St. M do pfd Missouri Pacific MissouW. K. & T.... do pfd V. R. R. of M. pfd. New York Central.. N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western do pfd Pennsylvania P., C C. A St Reading do 1st pfd ilo 211 pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific pfd. Southern Railway.... do pfd Texas A Pacific T.. St. L. A W do pfd Cnlon Pnclllc Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Centiul... do pfd Adams Express American Express 1". 8. Express WellH-Furgo Express Amalgamatfd Copper 91.9oO American C. A F.... 9.6i no pro j'.twu joj'.j American Cotton Oil 36 do pfd American Ice 00 do pfd 3i0 American Unseed Oil 1.900 do pfd American Locomotive 66,tiiO do pfd 3 800 American S. A R 77.f)nO 1234 do pfd 1.900 1254 Amer. Sugar Refining 2.100 14:! 4 1424 Amer. Tuba ceo, p. c. I.O110 94 8:4 Anaconna Mining t o Brooklyn R. T Colorado F. A I Consolidated Gas...,. Com products do pfd Distillers' Securities. deneral Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. ao pro 89 4 1K 1484 1104 96 1544 '202 574 804 234 2394 2404 1794 1T94 18 34 lo 4 284 fO 37 1944 194-4 .262,800 94 500 8.40O 2.300 700 7.500 5.700 1.100 4.300 400 l.i 800 2oo 20.SHO 134 700 23 6.700 904 35 804 74 264 66 1184 344 964 38 424 644 600 IK) 47 18 234 514 894 41 Vj 414 194 614 1224 5.700 13o 27.900 714 1.400 54 4(1 2034 5"0 114 1.5O0 go 2.600 454 94 904 344 80 7014 264 854 II84 344 9S4 34 42 624 1344 234 444 18 :34 514 874 4 103 354 54 414 20 594 122 I204 1 12S 70 524 4 114 594 444 3924 34 464 81 4 694 93 95 1654 29 55 31 634 142 166 874 123 244 62 114 163 1074 3'!4 6H. 38 150.ii 61 814 92 143 81) 95 924 904 34 so 704 264 65 118 344 (4 38 414 62.; 1324 224 464 18 234 514 2'0 234 129 245 88 4 41 I074 36 93 64 404 20 44 604 1?2 V'24 1244 143 974 129 704 524 204 114 194 1,600 1R24 1K24 124 ' 23-V r"4 13i National Lead North American Pacific Mall Peoples Oaa Presaed Steel Car ... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Qoods do pfd Tennessee C. A I.... V. 8. leather do pfd 1". S. Realty V. 8. Rubber do pfd 8. Steel do Pfd Ya.-Ciiro. Chemical, do l. Id Westinglaiuiut Elec 500 82 I11O 36 1K1 874 9.20O 494 42.VOO litS4 9m 46 5.600 110 2.HO 424 2.300 74 7.400 :. 600 6i 234 83 344 10s S2.3O0 1034 luO 114 400 700 3o0 61 S"0 107. 60ti l'4 Urn 4 ftm ' lu74 2.700 l.i 4 44 434 1164 :ti7 814 494 I024 45 1104 4. '4 874 324 1074 101 114 934 42 1164 374 1024 3.4 lo7 175 Western I'nion 4u 934 Hi Tolu.1 galea fur the day, 1.614,6U0 share. 82 IT 49 4 1024 45lJ 110 424 9714 21 274 8! 33 1074 1024 107 934 434 1164 374 1034 ,4 1074 '177 934 tttatraaent Hank of Kagland. I.ONDON. April 18. The weekly gtate ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve decreased 919.. circulation decreased 114.100. bul lion decreased Ul.'OT 2. other securities de creased 1.897.(40, other deposits decreased 4O9,0iO. public deposits decreased 2,3V 0(V notes reserve decreased 978 floo and govrrunient securities incirusad . 2.0uo. .The picjoitiun of the bank s reserve to lia bility this week is .Vi 1'7 per cent, as com psred with 51.95 last week. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. April 13.-MONEY -On call, firm at :tffl per rent; (.losing bid. 3 per cent; offered at 3 ptr cent Time lonns. sternly: sixty days. 34 per cent: ninety dsvs snd sis months -34'nr4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Hf-avy. with actual business in bankets' bills at $1 610 (H4 80H for demnrd and at $4 S4f4 M35 for sixty-day bills, posted rates. $4 80 and $47; commercial Mils. $4 M4 PRIME MERCANTILE PA PER 3tt44 per cent SILVER Bar, 564c; Mexican dollars '4c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing priors on nonds were: t'. 8. rf. J. reg ...li44 Jipn . nfn L. r r unt. w IMS Minhlliln r t it .tiioS, !. centrtl 4. . . .1.1.1 I dn Irt lm- 1.rt Mlnn. 91. I.. t AM M . K. T 4 ... .104H lie 2 4n cmioon V. 8. 3. pg 44 coupon V. 8. new 4t. fe do coupon V. 8. old 4t. r 00 rnunon KM ! ' ICiW Am Tnl"-o 4. rtfn 74 't N. R R of M. do 4. ctfii . . Ati-hlioo gn. 4n . do l) 4 Ailanto r. l 4.. Utl Ohio 4p .... du 111 N. V. V. t 'S N. .1 r 1 . Mj No P.-fl.- 4 .ISIMj- do 1 !'!' N. W. r 4 ... tB" ') S. I. rtilf 4. . lntrl of C.i. ti. .It'.'fc Ti'nn ronv . do 1st lur do in Inr 4K II '. . . .inoMj . . H ...InSMj ... T74 ...101 ... 74 . . .11 4 ikesdins (en. 4 t'i iu u t 1 m. . ; ..11:14 Chen A Ohio 4 11714 St. I.. 8 r fit 4. rhl-io A A 3' . .. '91. t. W. c. 4..... 4 '.. R A U n 4 ... T4 S4bord A U 4s.... (".. H I P. 4.... 4S 80. P4.-I8- 4 . do rol. S 44 0 Rnlliriv l CCC. A St. L. c. 4H..1U14 Ten, A F. In. 47 T.. St. 1.. . M'X TtH.I'nlen Pange 4r 14 44 do rout 4s lilS f. 8. Stl 2d h 10114 W'atioh 1 014 1 do dfb R 101v WtTtin Md. 4. . . Ml,1', ft I, K 4... 1140,;WII. I'4ntr4l 4, . . ll'JN' r-hli-,o Tsr Colorado yid 4a Coin. So 4 Cnha fa. vtfi t) R. O 4a... rustlllers' Pw. S Krta prior llan 4p do sen. 4a. . . . . F. w ft n r. la Horkinf Val. 4V.a Offered. t14 .114', 1 U 14 ..IS .. T4 . .114V .. : . . "4 .. 4 . 4S Boston stock and Bonds. BOSTON. April 13. -Call loans. 3'd cent: time loans. 34'a44 per cent closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlann 4dJ. 4a do 4a Mn Central 4a Ao-hlaon do r-fd rtnalon St Albany.. Hoatnn ft Matna. . . . Boaton Klevateit ... Kltrhburt pfd Mexlran ("antral ... N. T.. N. II. 11 . t'nlon Partite Amer. Arga. I'hem. do pfd Amar. Pneu. Tuba. Amar. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. ft T Amar. Woolen do pfd Tiomlnlon 1. ft 8... Kdlann Elai. Illu... Oeneral Kla-trlc ... Masa. ' Elertrlc .... do pfd Maaa. flaa 1 nltad Fruit I'nlted Shoe Ha. h . do pfd t'. 8. Steel do pM Wealing, common . Asked. "Bid. . M I'Adventure .10:14 Aiieuai . :a lAmalicama'el .... . anHi'Ame'lrun Zinc .. .1fc'Atlantlo SiiOitiRliighim i:n4!i'al. ft lloi la .l.V''4jreptennlal .14(1 i opper Range .. J44 Talv Weat .injij.nnmlnlon t'nal .I.MI.irranklln . ?4 itjranbv . ii llale Rnvata 4' Mm. Mining lli'i l:il 144 . J4 .10H, l Michigan Mohak Monl ('. ft f. If td Pnmlnlnn . oareola Parrot giiimv .net1 Shannon -It, Tamarai k . "4 trinity . 44 t. S Mining ... .1014 V 8. OH . rtah . :u4 virtorla . 3;4 Winona Wolvarlna . It per Official s ?n 1: i'i ... , ...7'i .... 1", .... T1C4 .... 14 .... :j .... .14 .... -a .... 24 10K1 M4 bi .... J4 .... .'74 ....107 .... ;s ...Mi .... S-4 ai, .... 5S .... i'4 .... 4 .... 12 ... . la London Mocks and Bond. IAiN'DON. April 13. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: 1 X. V. central li:."4 I4 Norar.k ft v 84 441 do p'd 5 32'4iOntiir1u W t: li ",Pcniinvvanla iS'i lU'Kacn Mlpaa W, l.iS'4Raadlng 4-'- bu', do 1t ptd 4: -MV lo L'd pfd 4 IKdaitfoulhern Kallaay Tonanla. mnney . . do account Anaioiiua Atchison ...j as pfd Baltimore ft fthlu Canadian Pai-lflc . Chaa. a Ohio Chicago Gt W... c. M. ft St. P. .. Hellaera lienver ft R. O... do pfd Krle do 1 at pfd do 2d pfd Illlnola Central . . I.uula. ft Naah... M.. K. ft T ll do pfd to 1 I.1I4 Southern Pacini; ti i'i I nlon Hanlftc i:ia', 47'4 do pfd IO-" I. S. Steal JH do pfd If'tii Alt Wabaah 4 .J4ti, do pfd 4li .i:'T,spanian 4a yin Ex-dlvldend. "Ex-rlghtH. SILVER Bar. steady, 2i4d per ounce. MONEY 14 per cent, Tho rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent: three months' bills, 2'u24 per cent. aw York MlnliiK Mocks. NEW YORK. April 13. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks Adama Con Allia Breeca hrunawlck Con ... Cometock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Va.. Horn Silver Iron fllver Lradvllla Con Offered. 25 (Mttta Chief . fl ,lnurlo . 25 inphl.r .. 6 IPtlhenll . fUjPrXoat .180 S4vage r,i ivterrn Nevada .W IRlftall llnpaa .. . 6 : Standard . 401 .7:. . o . 1.1 . 31 . 4.i . 20 .11 Foreign Flaanclsl. LONDON. April 13. This being Stis k ex change pay day, money was in increased demand. Much Interest was takn In the new Issue of exchequer bonds, and general satisfaction was expressed at the un-iinge-ment made for spreading the Installments over six months. Trading on the Stock exchange was quiet and hesitating, oper ators watching the naval movement. In the far east. The undertone was fairly good. The account vas closed satisfac torily. Consols Improved on Investment purchases. Home rail., burdened. Ameri cans opened at purity and grew firmer In places on New York support with fair dealings. Missouri Pacific was the feature. The firmness of I'nion Pacific strengthened the market generally. Business slackened and closed quiet. Mexican rails were buoy ant on the expected dividend. Copper sharea were in good request. Imperial Japanese government fis of 1904 were quoted at 'Oil.. BERLIN. April 13. Prices on the Bourse todav were higher. PARIS. April 13. The tone on the Bourse today was heivy, owing to the uncertainty In regard to the outcome of the naval en gagement looked for hi the far east and to the fact that the Moroccan situation lias not been cleared up. At the close prices were Irregular. Russian Imperial Is were quoted at 88. 10 and Russian bonds of 1904 ut 507. The private rate of discount was 24 per cent. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 13. M ETA 1.8 The. London tin market showed a reactionary tendency, losing about lsftlaBd, with sjiot quoted at 140 10s and futures at 135 12s 6d. The local market which had been forced up by the advance abroad without attracting much damage from their level, acted unsettled and closed a shade lower, at $30. 51 3 l.lo. Copper closed at ti7 8s 9d for spot In London and at 87 15s for fu tures. Locally the market Is unchanged; lake is quoted at $15,374'?! 15.50; electrolytic, $15.25115.374; casting. $14. 874'a 15.25. Lend was a Utile firmer abroad, closing at 12 17s 6d lu the London market, while the local price remained at $4.5ott-4 60. Spelter wa unchanged at 23 12s tfcl In London, and at $.00 In New York, where trade was quiet. Iron closed at 54s 3d in Ulus gow and at 49a 9d In Mtddleshorough. lo cally iron Is without further change. No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at $17.50118.25; as the extreme range, with No. 2 foundry northern, $lD.5ikii 17.5o; No. 1 foundry south 4TU soft. $17. 751J 18.25. ST. LOt'18. April 13 METALS Lead, steady, at $4.47414. 50. Spelter, dull at $5.80 0.5. Mateiuent Hank of Prance. PARIS. April 13. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes in circulation decreased 12.C5o.(Kof, treasury accounts current In creased 4.A60.0rtof. gold In hand Increased 3.900,0oof, bills discounted Increased 12.557, OOof and sliver In hand decreased S.SOO.uoof. Treasury gtatrment. WASHINGTON. April 18.-Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $ fund in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $13ti.!ifii.t;75; gold. $70,01&,tVw. flank (Irarluua.. OMAHA. April 13. Bank clearings today were $1,505,1(41.81. Por the corresponding day of 1904 the clearings were $l,456,t88.73. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 13 -COTTO.V-Spnt c limed dull; middling uplands, 8. 06c; mid dling gulf. 830c; sales, none. 6T. LOt'IS, April 13.-COTTON Quiet ; middling, 74c: sales, none: receipts, 850 bales; shipments. 320 bales; stock, 24,300 bales . NEW ORLEANS, April 13.-COTTON-Eaxy; sales. 3.350 bales; ordinary, 5 1-lbV; 500a ordinary. ',c; low middling, 7c; mld llng, 74c: good middling, 74c; middling fair, 8 5-1 60; receipts, 4tW2 bales; stock, 228.715 bales. LIVERPOOL. April 13.-COTTON-8pot III moderate demand; prices 3 points lower; American middling fair. 4.72U; good mid dling, 4 4"d; middling, 4 24d; low middling, 08d; giKid ordinary. 8.91(1; ordinary, 3.7IM1. The sales of the day were a, urn) bales, of which &O0 Imles were for speculation and rxKrt and Included 7.70 bales American. lte.clptH, 2.000 bales, Including l.tio bales American. Nugtar aad Uolaaaea. NEW YORK, April 13 SUJAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. 4 &-16c; centrifugal, 'jo test. 4 lo-loc; molssses sugar, 4 1-ltx.-; re fined, quiet; crushed, u.8ic; powdered, i 26c; granulated, ti 15c NEW Ofil.KANB. April 13. SI'OAK Quiet: open kettle, 34&44c; centrifugal, 44W4 15-lSi-; centrifugal, whites. 54c; jel lows. 4'q6 7-lic; second, 34'lCsi . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt- Liberal, Eest Grades Steadj. Otht? ra Trifle Lower. HOGS SOLD SHADE TO FIVE CENTS LOWER asall appl) of Sheep and l.amha and tgaalltr nathrr t amnion. B-lter (radea Brought 8iead Prlrrs, valih Common Kinds Doll. SOUTH OMAHA. April 13. 1- Cattl H"gs Sheep nmeial Monday 4,(0 Official Tuesrlav 5.9) Official Wednesday 38 Offlclal Thursday 4,o94 3,ii.t U7if 10.S51 9 103 4.718 8.2H1 142 Four davs this week. .. .17.922 :t1.045 31.5:0 Four davs last week ...13 013 22. 2 K. flame da va week before.. 14 '02 29.719 S3.t S.ime three weeks ago . 16 912 31.173 '.V..25J Ram four weeks ngo... 14.845 27.479 29 15.1 Same days last year 22.072 37.850 28.387 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Sojlh Omaha for the year to date, with compurlsoi with last year: 1906 1 9(4. Dec. Cattle 237 879 27rt.(H5 ;IS..4 Hogs 878.874 83.23 .9 Sheep 483.343 52(1.035 ;?.fi92 The following tabl how the average rrlce of hog at Houin Onihha lor the last feveral days, with comparisons: 1 1(05. iwo.iio$.;i9ot.!i90i.n'io.i Mar. U...I Mar. 17... Mar. 18.. .) Mar. 19.. .; Mar. 70... I Mar. 21 ... I Mar. 22... I Mar. 23.. Mar. 24.. Mar 26.. Mar. 2... Mar. 27... Mar. 28.. Mar. 29.. Mar. $1).. Mar. 31.. April L. April 2.. April 3 . April 4.. April 6 . April 6.. April 7...1 April 8. .. April 9...' April 10.. I April 11.. I April 12..! April 13..; Indicatet Sunday. The official number of earn of stock brought in today by each load was: 4 84 I 151 4 74l 8 041 ( 0'4. ( 04' 1 4 as, 5 08 I ; 5 IJij! 4 971 6 0741 4 as; e 0141 4 mi t (8 15 Oil 6 14 V S OH I 8 111 5 U4I I 5 "44 5 17I 5 09 I 5 14I 6 OP 5 07 6 14 (! 6 1541 5 03! I 5 09, 6 154 I ft 20 1 5 13! 0 23, 5 07! 30 I 6 00, 6 254' 4 93 5 254, 4 901 i 4 941 5 25 ! I 6 284 4 95! 5 31 14 S7i 0 28 ! 4 801 7 2M 7 111 7 06 7 19! 7 S3 7 34. I 7 451 7 881 7 25 7 211 7 261 7 30! I 7 22 7 301 7 29! 7 23i 7 21 I 7 241 7 24 7 27, 7 25 7 !8j 7 21 I 15! 21 1 8 33, 171 8 28 $11 I 291 8 3fc! 3l 461 6 591 51 I 8 56; 6 5I 6 oti. 5 63. 8 831 8 03, i 8 68! 6 831 8 88 6 7, 89 8 83, $ 181 4 m I 4 94 6 nit 4 89! i 71! 4 881 5 2' 4 811 5 801 4 86! t 801 4 9(ii I 4 931 I 781 ' t 871 4 8i t 861 4 7 6 90! 5 08 5 861 5 18 6 S9 6 12, i 6 10! B971 I 6 00! S 08! t 98 6 15 6 99! 5 2".: 5 96 5 30! S (sj! 6 301 I i 27! 0 Oli I 5 92; 5 331 5 87 5 38 5 91 5 38 5 98 5 83' 6 04: 5 40, 3 m I 81 $ 5 a 8 84 3 54 S 84 3 03 3 3 57 I 1 3 86 3 t0 3 63 3 69 3 84 8 5 3 88 3 8j 3 62 3 64 8 68 a 3 88 3 67 $ i..i 3 61 Road. C. M. ft St Wabash Missouri Pacific. L". P. Svatem C. & N V. Ry.. V.. E. & M. V. Ry C, Pi. P. M. O Ry. R. M. Itv C, H. & Q. Hy C.. H. I. P., cast C. R. I. P. west ... Illinois Central Chicago Great Western. P. Ry.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. x 3 i 39 32 s 5H 18 34 4 47 11 16 U I 44f) J 14 '. . 12 4 m J a M 1.1 H7 4 4 imn .1 m II.IJ l . 4f x i 1. 1ls 4 o v va 1 !....t 4 4T. lint Jj 1 . tiX.i 4 Ut I M I Ii7 4 a.-, inri IS 1 II w 4 S . ... 8 . 144 4 "11 74S 8 M li Il 4 7" t m f I"t 4 IS ill" J " t ivii 4 IJI.l I I" II i 4 V. aJ J Mi 1 4 T tr.M I l i 1144 4 li an J 4 71.-. 1 4 M 1i .1 tv 7 . . . 11:.' 4 a.. , s4 1 tj una 4 !i at,i t ; II 11.' In i.1 7a HEIFERS 4l'l J 41 1 ST 1 JS S-, 1 hi I 4lW 4 (Vl Sim i it 1 . a.ii 4 tr. 4S fa'. 11 4T 4 Ho 4.1H I on 7 In M ) (I 1 70 4 in .tn S On I l;o 4 .la 4?7 1 on H 4 71 7I .11 1 "10 4 7 94V. ST.". Sc'LLS. l.MO J 40 1 ! 1 7" llim I 1.1 1 K.M S 470 . 1 1711 I tM an 1 n.i " :no 1 411 1 taw 1 a" n ,1 nn I mm 4 is liao 3 in I 1J0 4 in 71.11 i ! 1 tit-a 4 p 1110 i ill I Iim 4 1 14:il 8 all f liaa 4 15 n4ii 1 m 1 C170 4 into I M I 74 4 !i . . . . han s ai 4 I Mn 4 d 1M0 I 41 I v. 11811 4 ii ism) t To CALVF.9. mi s fin 4 tu s n sin J 71 1 tan t J Jim 4 :i 1 Jno .lis 3"n 4 Hi 1 ISO 7S imi t no 1 tsa t T ?.v h iki 1 tan 4 tai 3jn b Jk ; I on 21S i Vi J 12 I l IMi 8 s 1 IS4 4 Oil 110 I 50 STOCK ER8 AND FF.F.DEP8. 400 s l"l ....44.1 S 4i . .. b.'t ? r.o 7 4ao 4 no lid 1 m 7 r,i 4 no aan s nn 1 tvo 4 on 7to 1 mi 17 ii 4 Hi Tn J on 14 i 4 10 M I on 4 Ml 4 10 :,.i .1 on i 4.14 4 to 470 S On 7 Tai 4 1ft IS I nil 4 l'l i3 J Ml 10 410 4 40 STO J 40 Jo tM 4 40 :'il I h lit 4 40 bVi J Til : I0 4 to TiO 3 Ih l HUH 4 INI 3. .' IHHIK-There was a liberal run of hog in slgnt this mirrnu g. and as Chicago was quoted slow and 24u5c lower, just about I lie same conditions pi availed at this point. Al the opening, owing to a brisk demand from both packers and snippet g for some choice hghl weights, a few saics were made at about Meady prices, but aside trotn those the Reueral 'naiKei was 2il-3o lower, the greatest decline being on the heavies, particularly if they were lack ing In quality. Trading wne not very act ive and after the more desirable loads had changed hands the feeling was weaker, the late sales being largely at $5.25 and $5,274. The bulk or all Ihe hogs went front $5 25 10 $6.3(1. with a top at $0,324. As will be seen from tho wiles below, there was a wide difference in the weights of the top loads and this Is the tlrst time in many months that hogs weighing only 177 pounds Total receipts lJvj 13o 13 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of heud indicated: Buyer. C Omaha Packing Co tSwitl and Com pun Cuilahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co tiwltt and Co., country,. Van 8ant & Co Carey f teuton Lohmnn & R lllll & Son Hustun Co L. K. Iltixs Mike Haggerty & Co J. H. Hoot & Co Hoyd L 8. r S J. H. Hulla Other buyers lie Hots. Sheep. K!U 1.259 blu .111 2.1-41 739 725 2, 146 627 731 2.5M 434 22 14U lo7 12 143 o'J II 119 6.1 119 112 113 44 210 144 . ..4.3U0 8.369 2,359 Total CATTLE Receipts of entile were liberal today, there being 4,600 nit sale ut this point, 12, ( rteml at Chicago and hvaw at Kansas City. Moth Chicago and Kanus City wero quoted 6c to loc lower and an a result tne tendency was downward at this point, but Will the more desirable grades sold to about as good advantage us they did yes terday. The market on beef steers could be quoted steady on the better grades, while the commoner kinds were weak to a dime lower. Packers, aa well as shippers, seemed to be anxious for Mipplles, so that the cut tle soon began to move toward the scales, and the bulk of the better grades wits soon disposed of. Owing to the liberal receipts, however, it was a little late before all the plain tattle were out of first hands. There were quite a few good cattle here today, sales being made at $6 30. $6.40 and $6.50. The latter l. as high os any entile have sold here so far this seuson. The mutket 011 cows and heifers was In much tho same condition as the trade on steers. The better grades sold at right around steat'y prices1, while the common and medium grades were neglected to some, extent and salesmen were quoting them a shade lower, or weak to a dime lower. Trading was active on the better grades, but the commoner cattle charged bauds gradually and it was a little late before they were all disposed of. There was no particular change notice abl" in tho prices pa'd for bulls, veal calve.n and stags. If there was any change at all It was a little weaker feeling on the com moner grades. Quite a few (.lookers and feeders were In cluded In the receipts this morning, and as the demand from the country the last few davs ha." Ixep none too brisk, the market today was a little low. with sales going from weak to 11 dime lower. The greatest decline w:s on the commoner grades, hm the reeling on even tne good cattle weak Representative sales: BEEF STEERB. sold at the top ol the market. Representa tlve sales: No. At. Sk. Pr No. . A. 8k. Tr. M 144 ' HO 1 rv, m 5 ST'a 46 224 SO it. 41 .t4 40 t 17 67 244 ... 6 25 S:' !:( to 6 S74 73 253 to 6 2i 73 Kit ... 0 !' W ... I 2.1 1 Uti ... I !4 7 14! ... 5 25 4 L'ta Wl It 2t'-j It 2.14 ln i 3.-1 To Ifi Ml f. ITi, 81 43 --'SO 6 3S 87 ST 0 S 174 lb 21.4 ... 1 :t 74 SI0 an 5 37' j 62 :t (III 4 2.'i 7:1 20f, ... h 27 u 611 gad 411 ft f, f MS 5 27'i 77 144 40 ft 2S 41 55 ... B TTJ 7! 226 ... b 2T,i 4 :'74 ... 6 '4 5.1 3i M ii 3Ti, 0 2S2 1J i 7'( 47 264 ... i 2TV4 74 327 ... ft IT'a 2 J4i ... ft 271, 7 itt ... 6 S7' 71 334 ... i ?7i W ;4 mi t 37", 58 :S1 80 ft 2Ti, 77 Sll to 5 2"i tf t.'i ... a 27 70 212 140 1271 9 IK 40 (874 7a 21 ... ft 374 70 zjr. 40 ft 271, 71 340 ... t J7i 231 4il 6 27'k 86 311 80 6 3714 4.1 37K Jl 5 37 HI 21 ... 6 37 '4 s 210 HO S 37'4 41 265 ... 5 llf, 63 :io:l ... ft 371.4 70 310 ... J37S 66 : HI ft 374 S7 3H1 ... 6 27', to 142 ... t 2i4 an 201 ... 6 S74 kO 117 ISO 6 27', .. 246 to 6 !7a 4 2MI ... t 27'a l 327 ... ft SO a:t 244 VI 6 27', 48 271 ... 6 30 Hi 224 1(0 6 27', 72 348 ... 6 30 61 241 120 6 371, C 2.M ... 51 14 323 l'i 6 37 ' 66 37H 40 6 30 H iS7 Ian a 27'4 72 IK7 40 2 So 340 40 6 27', 46 174 40 I 30 86 34.1 80 6 57 4 fit ... t 30 7 237 ... 5 37'., 141 204 ... 3 30 l!. 273 Ml 6 37 lj 42 '.'IS 1(81 5 SO 4 344 10 ft 27', 71 311 ... a III 4 334 80 6 37(4 72 262 ... 6 HI .32 24.3 ... C 3714 60 Mb ... J SO 7i ...194 ... 6 37'4 4 .110 ... 6 .10 87 217 ... ft tl ' 78 19 140 ft 33', 71 316 ... ft 27'h tu 1H ... t 33', 63 Ut 140 6 274 49 32.1 ... t 1314 74 218 ... 6 271, 10 ,38 ... 6 321, 80 2i'J ... 6 27', 6 177 ... ft as 14 40 218 ... 6 371, 84 182 ... 6 32 '4 38 1.14 ... ft 27', 64 300 80 t 32v, 62 184 80 ft 273 SHEEP There wus a small run on mle here this morning nnd the quality of the bulk of the offerings was not very good. Chicago was reported weak, so that pack ers were feeling rather bearish here, but the light receipts prevented their buying their supplies for less money. Anytning good sold without diiriculty at iteudy prlces, but common stuff was rather slow. The best ewes offered brought $5.50 and wethers sold up to $5.83 nnd yearlings $6.51. There were only a few Iambs on sale and they were not good. Just about steady prices, though, were paid, quality cons..d ered, Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice yearlings. 6.4iKo6.75; fair to good venr lings, $6.00i6.4O; good to choice wethers. $5.5004 5.70; fair to good wethers. $n.00igrj.5o; good to choice ewes, $5. 2553.60 ; fair to good rwen. $4."5'i.5.15; common to talr ewes. gt.l t(4.5o; good to choli e lambs, $:.26ft7.5fl; fair to rood lumbs, $i;.9ft7.1&; feeder lambs, $6.00(1 6 50. cull ewes null ewes ewcji wa No Av. Pr. No. Av. ' Pr. H W J 60 I.. .1121 ft -, 9 427 Hi 2" 1240 ft :i 1 780 4 00 s ;n 7 87 4 If. 2 1480- 6 70 8 1142 4 M .14 1232 6 70 2 4 :. 40 1331 ft 70 6 86S 4 CO 13 12IU 6 70 4 17 4 66 17 1226 ft 70 16 1180 4 5 11 X72 6 7. 6 114 4 ti. 11 1027 5 76 11 tl 4 75 1 1180 5 76 3 81.1 4 76 4 1S04 ft 60 16 1023 4 76 21 U7 6 80 7 - 4 76 14 1378 8 80 1 770 4 76 7 1282 6 86 I. r 921 4 40 40 1326 ft Sr 63 106 4 90 11 1320 6 46 12 912 4 40 18 1233 6 h 17 Iii2 4 90 4-J 1218 6 ao 16 ... Tl 4 u 16 11.H ft a,i 1 1070 6 00 9 134 5 40 6 1208 ft 05 40 12 l 6 45 1014 6 or. 37 1273 4 00 I I0::i 6 06 18 1234 00 H7 ft 20 18 1319 t 00 15 1177 6 2 19 1304 4 00 33 loot 5 26 il 1826 t lift II 14 6 S:. 3" 1480 V, 21 lot a 40 17 1364 t 10 14 lil0 6 40 lik". 4i.t 6 10 17 1027 ft 40 16 1123 ( n 30 .118 6 40 J07 1389 t 10 II lilt ft 40 17 3;i3 4 m IS 1116 6 to 16 1326 t It 10 10T.6 ft 60 It 121.1 4 l.-, 19 1210 6 5.1 31 UKi) I 16 10 1114 ft 60 IT 1443 4 u 6 1124 ft 60 42 12UI t 26 9 1"45 ft li 66 1518 4 40 20 1266 ft 66 I 1430 t 40 1 1181 ft H 10 1444 I (t, 21 ran 6 66 STEERS AND COWS. 4 750 t 50 34 160 ft 3S 6 838 4 (ft 2t 1047 I 36 32 104 3 4 (ft 38 1166 ft 46 ft 1164 4 76 19 111.. 8 ft 76 16 842 4 M 40 IMI ft 4,1 1 3087 b 00 21 12D7 ft 40 60 U9 6 10 20 1336 0i I 144 ft 10 35 1867 ( 10 (5 488 6 16 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 7 UN t M II 1042 I 36 1183 I 00 1 9 ft 46 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1ft 901 4 15 t 886 4 tO 31 9JI 4 tl COW'g 110 I 01 3 104S 3 73 3 lit 1 00 t into a 7.1 t 1.11 3 16 6 Int I 75 4 697 3 35 1 1010 4 76 3 176 3 It 3 .i1 8 90 I lull t 36 t 440 4 (HI 990 I 2u 1 1170 4 00 3 440 I 85 1 tao 4 00 3 435 3 60 t lib 4 Oil 1 9ou 2 76 4 322 4 to Sti 900 3 75 7 43) 4 10 8 453 2 7.'. 10 k.l 4 15 780 3 76 I I1SU 4 26 1 875 8 75 19 1027 4 25 ( lost S 76 Into 4 26 1 ,...11(0 3 76 107 7 4 2 5 I.. ;...IH40 t 76 J 870 4 ?.i 4 841 I 85 3 480 4 36 1 lias) I It i 1070 4 35 I tta I 00 I a t to 1 1110 I 00 II 1133 4 4n I llko I to I UTO 4 40 1 780 t 00 1 1J70 4 40 1 4 I 00 4 892 4 40 1 ... tao I 00 I ii.v) 4 to 4 1017 I 00 ft 1 170 4 t,i 7 tw t 05 1034 4 ft I 420 I to 1 IMA 4 la It .f aao la 1 i.uo 4 m, i 1100 I 20 t 3 4 10 No. 6 western 152 western Kiawefterii 261 western ewes 216 western ewes 65 western Iambs 93 western lambs 20 western cull ewes 67 western cull ewes Ill western ewes ... 356 western ewes 106 western ewes 131 western wethers and ylgs. 47 western yearling ewes 2 western yearling welhers. 43 western spring lambs lou western spring lambs 10 wentern cull ewes 19 western bucks 77 western ewes AV. . 82 . 89 . 9) . 92 . 114 . ft . 28 . KG . 81 . 87 . 81 . 88 . 94 . 76 . 80 . 37 . 78 . 78 . 144 . 87 Pr. 4 00 4 (8) 6 10 5 40 fi 50 6 00 2 75 3 25 3 50 5 25 5 63 5 63 5 83 6 00 (1 50 7 Oil 7 35 3 75 4 HO 5 50 f lllt AliO LIVE STOC K MiKKE'l Cattle Sieady to Fifteen ( rata Loire r Hogs Five lu Ten t ents Loner. CHICAGO, April 13. ( 'ATTLE Receipts, 13.(841 head; aleadv to 15c lower; good to prime steers. $6.(814. 65; poor to medium, $4.6ft5.75; stockers and feeders. $2.506.10 cows $3.6035.60; heifers, $3.00"(j6.00; isnners. I.i8t3S.Wi; hulls, $2. 501?! 4.9(1; calves, $3.tr0& 7.oo. HOUH Receipts. 2n.(X8) head; estimated tomorrow. 21.000; market fflOo lower; mixed and butchers. $5. 45$ 6.85; good to choice heavy. $5.5741-115.674; rough heavy. $5.45&.55; light. $5.4o:f6.50: bulk of sales, $5.tVn6.674. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 2o,ii00 head; sheep dull: lambs steady to lower; good to choice wethers, $5.756.15; fair to choice mixed. $4..Vi5.5; western sheep, $5.0n(iU.00; native lambs, $4.5fK&7.40; western lambs, $4.6oi7.&6. Kansas ( lt- Live M.'ork Markat. KANSAS CITY. April 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 head. Including 618) ami t herns; market 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $4.705.35; weiatern-fed steers, $5.0nic6.40; stoi ker and feeders. $3 50 7J5.25; southern steers, $4 0Oijti.00; southern cows, $2.7514 85; native cows, $2.50'ri5 (al; na tive heifers. $3.50ift 78; hulls. $2.tiVJ4.75; calves. $3.5Vrj6.2.V HOOS -Receipts. ,00n head; market 24411 5c lower; top, $5 45; bulk of sules, $5.304. 5.4o; heavy, fe. 35(1 5.4) 24; packers, $5 3.r.ftb.45 pigs and lights. $4.4n5.374. SHEEP AND LA MRS - Receipts, 3.9uo head; market for cheep steady, lambs 10 iil6c higher; native-fed limbs. $5. Trill 7. to: native-fed wethers. $5.0O4ft j.90; native-fed ewes, $4.50J(6.iJ5: western-fed lambs. $6 23a 6 75; Wstern-fed sheep, $4.&(Kjj5.0; stockers and feeders. $3.5005.50. St. l.onls Live Stock Market. HT. LOl'IS. April 13-CATTLE-Recelpts. 3.0UO head. Including 2. 000 Texans. Market steady; native shipping and export steers, $6 loi6.7B; dressed beef and butchers' steers. $4 2f.&6 10; steers under 1.0t lbs , 14 f 55 Oo; lockers and feeders, $376'ii465: cows and heifers. $3. 4i Kit 6 .60; canneia. $2 0o2 75: bulls, $3.257j4.55; cules $3.75116 50: Texas and In dian steers, $3 5oii6 o; cows and heifers. $2.(iX'4 50. Hot 18 -Receipts. 7.5U bead. Market wus lower; pigs and lights. 14 drlj 5..; packers. $6 4ou6.5o; butchers and best heavy, 6 VM 5.t!8. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpls. 4 ,000 head. Market steady; native muttons. $3 0 tiSto: lambs. $4onMi8i: culls and bucks, JU.5t.4i4.ou; slo.kei. $2,004)3.00. M. Joseph I. It stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2 'I2 h.-ad. Market l(Vp15r lower; natives, $4 30fi 55; cows and heifers. $2 Off J4o; sKs kers and feeder. $3.on4V5 ). HOOS -Receipts. $,imi I.rsd. Market wsa weak t i V lower; light. f.V23t '. medium and rivy, F lo4i.' SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 7 8.1 head. Market was slradv to wchk; lambs. J7...1. era fork Hit Mnrk Mnrket. NEW YORK. April 13 - HE I'V TS - Re ceipts. 92 bend Nothing d"lcg In live cat tle snd msrket fcellnt; stoauy. Expmis. 24 head cattle nnd !M head sheep CALVES Receipt. 1,1 bead. Msrket w Ciuet but steady; common to lainy good leal. tl i8V.6 :o. no prime here, culls, M City dtessed veals lii filr demand nt tnilc per Ih ; oountrv dresied enls. 7arV,' H( t;S- Receipts. 2.118 head, oil for slaitghtereis except 9 baail. Mirkri alv.ui steiidv; god In prime slate hogs, .. liVut, 1.1 SHEEP AND 1-AMHS -Receipts. 619 head. Sheep d ill: lambs Itv lower; clipped sheep. $4 atte N. w ooled lamb. tjs ...1; clipped lambs $. (o-ria Mork Iti lgbt. Receipts of live slock st the fle principal wckimu ni.ukets yesnrdav: Cattle. H"gs. Sheep. South hum ha 4.I8M ..ol 1.X2 Kansas t'Hv 6,taa .( ,! St. Iritis .' 7..V8I .tal St. J.seph i.tti . 7.11 Chicago 13, coo 23,it8i 2iH0 Tutu! 28.6."6 5M.1 y-.m 04, II IOI,Ft.K MtRKF.T. 270 $2.76; $223; $2.00, Condition of Trade anil Quotatloai no Staple anil Fnncr Produce. EOtJS-Receipt heavy; market steady; candled Mock. 16c. LIVE POl' 1 .1 tt Y Hens. U4o; young roosters, according to slxe, Mi lie; old roos ters. 6c; turkevs. lift IV: ducks, lie. R I 'TT EH Packing stock. 17c; choice to fancy dairy. li'uL'lc; creamery, 244j26c; prints. 27c. KKESH FROZEN FISH - Trout, 9c; pick erel, r4c: pike. N4'-; perch, 7c; bluefish, 11c; whltcflsh, 9c; salmon, lie: redsnappei, 9c; green halibut. 11c; crapplc. 11c; buffalo, 7c; white hns. lie; hertltig. 34i ; Spanish mackerel. 12c; lobsters, boiled. 45c: green, 40c; finnan baddies, 7c; roe shad. each. 75c, shad roe, per pair, Vie. Frog legs, per dox., 3V. HAY Tllces limited bv Omahn Whole sale llav Dealers' assoclntlnn: Choice No. 1 upland. $6.50; No. 2. $6.(8); medium. $.'1 50; coarse. $5 Oil. Rc straw. $5.50. These price are for buy of good color and quality. RR AN- Per ton. $17.60. OYSTERS -Now York counts, per can. 45o; extra selects, per can, .IV: standards, per can. 30c. Hulk: Standard, per gal . $1 40; extra selects, per gal., $1.68; New York counts, per gal.. $1.90. TROPICAL FRUITS. ' ORANtiES California extra fancy Red land navels, all sixes. $$23.2&; fancy navel. $2 75; large sixes, $2 50. LEMONS -.California, extra fancy. site. $21.00; 300 and 360. m,2b: fancy, $70. 300 ami 300. $3.iai; choice, 2o and 270, 300 and too $2.6". DATES Per box of So-lb. pkgs.. Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5c. FIO8 California, per lo-lb. rarUm. 7iVt 85c; lmorled Smyrna, 4-crow n, loc; 3 crown, 12c. HAN AN AS Per medium-sired bunch, $1.75 2.25; lutnbos, $2.5t-(43.00. ORAPEFRiriT California, per box of 5t to 64, $!.(; Florida. $5.(81 to $.on. FRVITS. STRAWBERRI EH Texas, per !4-tf. case, $4.2blT4.r0; LoulMltitut, per 24-mI. case, $2.50. APPLES New York Raldwlns. $3.(Hmtl.26; Colorado Hen Davis, per box, $1.25: Roman Heatity, per box. $2.00; Baldwins and Green ings, per box. vi.fA TANGERINES California, per half-box, CHAN BERRIES Jerseys, per per crate, $2.25. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, In sacks, per bu., StrUtoc; Colorado, per bu., potatoes, per lb., 7c. Tl'RNIPS Old. per bu., 40c; dox , 76c. CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; do.. 60c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 4)oc. UEANS Navy, per bu., $2.10. " WAX BEANS Per bu., hamper or bu. box. $3.5oi'n4.00. Crci'M HERS Per dox.. $1.751t2.08 TOMATOES Florldu, per 6 basket cratt, $r..taKiiti.ittl. SPINACH Per bu.. 75ett$1.0fl. ONION'S -Spanish, per crate. $2.50; Colo rado vellow, tier lb.. 2c: Bermuda onion. per crate. $2. 16. new southern, per dox., 4ov. CA B B AGE Holland seed, per III., California cabbage. In crates, per lb., BEETS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per bunches, 65c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, dox.. 40c. LETT I CE Hot house, per uoz.. 400. RHI BARB-Ullnols. per lb., oc; pri or 50 lbs.. $1.26iil.60. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches. 40c. ASPARAOUS-llllnols. per dox. bunch.. $1.76; home grown, per dox. bunches, Looty 1.26. MISCELLANEOIS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full ..crtutin, loc; Wisconsin Young America. Irte; block Swiss, new. 16ci old, 17c; Wlacunaln brick, 16c: Wisconsin llmburger. 16o. NI'TS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lh., 12o; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts,, per " r' roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chili walnuts, per lb., 12"bl34c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb.. 16c: chestnuts, per lb., 124&13c; new black walnuts, por bu., 7yo90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green. '4e; No. 2 green. 64e; No. 1 salted, &4c: No. II salted. 74c; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. 2 veal calf. So; dry salted, 71 4c: sheep pelts, 26ca$1.0o; horse hides. $l.5WS.0f. bbl., )7.oo; 45c; new- new, per new, per 14c 24o dox. par box toffee Market. NEW YORK. April 13. COFFEE Fu tures opened meady with December 5 points lower, but other month unchanged, which wns about In line with the cables and smaller Tlraxlllun receipts. The close was harelv steady, net unchanged to in points lower. There was active switching from May to the Inter months. Sales were reported of 147.250 bsg. Including May. at 6 30S3.85o: Julv, 6 60Cu4j 55c; September. 6 hi 4i6.76c; October. 6.75c; December, 9oi6.95c; March, 7.kW7.10c. .1 till and llnaln. OIL CITY. Pn.. April 13.-01 L Credit balances. $1.33; shipments. 86.805 bhMs.: aver age. 74.324 bbls.: runs. 99,501 bbls.: Average, 64,435 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 73.678 bbls.; tuns. Lima. 76,3,1 bbls.: average 39,130 bbl. SAVANNAH. Ga , April 13. OII-Turpen-tlne firm ut 69c. ROSIN-FIrm; A. R. C, D. $2.90: K $2.9.4: F. $3,024; G. $3,124: H. $3274; t. $3.oo: K. $4(l: M. $4.05; n7$4.15; WO, $4.37 WW, $4.50. Wool Market. ST. LOIIS, April 13.-WOOI,-Market dull- medium grade combed and clothing. 3ic; 'light fine, imuBHc; heavy fine, 144j1tk ; tub washed, 30f374c. BOER GENERAL IN PRISON Inder Name of Marshall He Plead tinllty to Passing; Wortli less Checks. CHICAGO, April 13. A man who said ha was the former Boer general W. J. Dejougli waa today sentenced lo a year In the Bride well hy Judge Barnes In Ihe criminal court. The prisoner was arraigned under the name of Henry Marshall to answer to a charge of passing worthless cheeks When Assistant Slate's Attorney Holts and that the man wan not Marshall but was Dejough a hero of th" Hoer war, n per sonal friend of the lute Boer President' Paul Kruger snd related to some nf the-wlh-lest slid most promfnent families of the South African republic, the prisoner ad mitted that what Attorney Holt said tin true. The prisoner then pleadd guilty 10 the charge of passing worthless checks tiiierlcan Missionary Attacked. VERSAILLES, Ky April 13 Dr. Wllev H. Forsytlie, formerly of Marseilles, w ho l In Coreg as A medical missionary, was recently attacked by a band of Corean rebels, according to advices received tiers anil horribly wounded. The doctor's skull wnn fractured, one of his ears several and he received other dangerous wounds. Edwards-Wood Go (Incorporated) Haiti Ofucai Fifth and Roberts StraoU ST HAUL, HINN. DEALKR8 IN Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us I!;.. Oaaaka, Rata. Telethon aa. 1U 2I4 Eachang Bldf.. Bonta Omitt, tali Paa l IjfaiaMattttav 'fttM fc t