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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1905)
10 TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, ATRIL 14. 1003. mm lows FRIDAY IN THE SALE OF REHDADTS Silk Voiles, Eoliennes, Crepes, Etc. Dainty colors for street and party wear 75c quality 3 to 10 J J yard remnants, at, yard $1.50 Dress Goods at 69c Yard Every style and & h color 3, 5, 7 and 10 yard patterns, roiles, jJJl Panamas, Sicilians, broadcloths, etc., per yard " $1 Dress Goods at 35c Yard Every remnant of from 3 to 10 yards Mnek and hll colors taken from ropulnr stock and sold on ? ha renin Hiu;ircn tomorrow. Voiles, rnshmorPB, Serges, 3ajC I'anRinns, Checks, etc., at, per yard Importers' Sample Sets Mohairs, worsted and suitings, worth up to ? a yard, 7 to 10 JQp pieces alike, nt, each J All short lenRths, snnie kind as ITI above, 7 to 10 alike, each 2t 25c Organdies at 7ic Yard The very latest fashion of pretty floral designs, enough alike for dresses. White organdie Wash Lawn mj 32 to 40 Inches wide, oC a yard 9 Extra Special Values in Silk Remnants Importers' Sample Pines Finest quality silks in bright and pretty shades, suitable for fancy work and P-Sp-lOc numerous o.lher purposes, at, each iimM vv 50 pieces fine white eilk chif fon, 40 inches wide, tl 2.000 yards One silk, taffeta, pongees, foulards, ftp., 1 io 10 yards, many pieces to mutch, ou sale at, C per yard in this sale Shirt Waist Silks, pure silk foulards In j Gn hnrgnt,, square, hundreds of pieces new spring patterns, 27 Inches wide pongee, 30-ineh oriental Klmo- na silk, on sale at, yard JrC shirt waist silk and plain colored taffeta, will KoJOr CQr Qr at, per yard .. T.W-J.C-UW Embroideries New lots of Swibs, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries-all widths up to 18 inches, at 7ic-10c-25c Laxes Great variety of the freshes!, , prettiest lacos, newest patterns white and ecru at yard . . . 3k-5c-10c Spring Wash Fabrics At Extra SpeciaJ Bargains in tke Basement. Twenty-four Big Bargain Counters Filled With New Goods 15c 10c Importers' Mercerized Walstlnj-s White grounds with blacit and col ored dots, and stripes und all figures, small figures, etc. 39o linens, a rare Friday bargain, for, per yard A Variety of High drade Voile Sultlnjs-Styles and colors too numerous to describe, all extremely good values Friday special at, per yard 15c Silk eollenne, well made up, beautiful charming new styles and col orlngs, at, per yard A complete assortment of fancy dress ginghams in every desirable pattern that will wash. 15c values Ql for. a yard OC Dress percales, dark styles, small pat terns, fine quality and special offer In mill lengths, yard C 3tl and 40-luch white lawn remuants lu various qualities up to UOc , values, all go at, yard O2C Seersucker and chainbrey ginghams, good heavy weave, guaranteed 12 1-l'c values. Special at, per yard O2C lYi to 2 yard remnants of towel- sat lng, worth up to -10c yard, 0 r at, remnant. New printed spring lawns, In short lengths, 15c quality, for J2C Fine mercerized sateens, a quality that looks just like a heavy silk, comes in Mack and all colors, worth I P . 4)c yard, at, yard UC Very best grade standard dress prints in blues, grays, black, white, "ll. etc., for Short lengths, all kind bleached muslin and cambrics, up to 15c values, in short lengths, yard C Amoskeag apron gingham, cotton clial lles and dress percales,' not enough of each lot for a bargain square, at, per yard 2C Heninants of bleached, eilver bleach ed and Turkish red damask In table cloth lengths at actual values. Saturday is the Big Sale of Ladies Silk Suits from Herman fc Tobias, of New York g On Sale Main Floor DSRA On Sale M&.in Floor THE BIGGEST SENSATIOM OF THE SEASON The Entire New Spring Stock of Ladles' White, Brown, Tan and Chocolate Oxford Ties, Blucher Oxfords, Gibson Ties, and Christy Ties of a LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS, MANUFACTURER OF FINE SHOES On Sale, Beginning Tomorrow At Less Than Actual Cost to Manufacture. These are all high grade, lovr shoes of the very newest and prettiest summer styles, and the Eala beginning tomorrow just as th sea- sou starts, gives it an importance that cannot well be over estimated. The price during the sale will be $1.59, $1.98, $2.50 and $3.00 DR. BRADBURY lf04 PARNAft Teeth Extract.. J Porcelain Pllllc tl op Hold Ftllnta 1 up Silver Hlllnjf . wc up Crowns up I'UtM, SX00 up DENTIST IB Year innn Location 'PhoiM 1734 Bride Work $3.30 up Nerva remoTad with out pala Looa Tcatb Mad Solid. Work ruaraataad 10 rra Tho Dridc's Choice Nowadays la a handsome piece of Cut Utau. You'll find In our stork the very piece, (hat iuiIi 5011. Don let the price alurm you. Our $3.00, 14.00 and $0.00 pieces will aurprlse you. Upend a few minutes In our stora, LOOK FOR TH13 NAMK. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, Ult Pougl ta BirasL u a . 1 x O ''".7,1 ffi HON. ASMUS BOTSEN. TO ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED Through thrsa lines I wish to call your attention to the special Act of Congress which pnsned the House on March 2nd, 1!)06, whereby 1 exchange my 178,000 acre coal lease which 1 held with the Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians In Wyoming for 640 acres of mineral lands, containing cop. per of Immense value. Write for my booklet giving the full his tory of mv valuable concessions and of THE ASMUS BOYSEN MINING COM PANY, Incorporated, In the elate of Wy oming. Bear In mind, this Is one of the greatest opportunltlea ever offered the most skepti cal investor. Write at once. , Asmus Boysen, 266 S. Clark St., Chicago.lll. this is JAP-A-LAC WEEK AT OUR DRUG STORE JAP- A-LAC Oak Mahogany Ox Blood Malachite Walnut Cherry Spruce Brilliant Black Dead Black OIhss White Flat White Natural hi pints, 15c; Vi pints, 25c: 1 pint, 40c: 1 quart, 75c; H gallon, 1.3T; 1 gallon, $2.&0; 5 gallons, 2.40. Wholesale Prices to Dealer. Write or call for color card. See It (Jap-a-Lac) In our window. Sherman& McGonnell DrugGo. Corner lftth and Dodge, Omaha. NOTION SALE . . We are having our annual notion I sale, and we are showing big bur ; gains this week only. Best Darning Cotton, Sr-T 1X1 1 1 Shield Safety Pins, any sizes, jier uoz Wood boxes, Hair pins. per box Invisible Hair Pins, er box Indies' Embroidered Handker chiefs, each Pearl Buttons, best quality, two uos Pins, per paper Plenty of other bargains. early to avoid the rush. . lc ...2c 2ic 2c 5c ...5c Come JOS. F. BILZl 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. 2 -A B aRHBBllaB DIAMONDS! Are a fascination to everyona who enjoy things beautiful. The sparkle, the life, the giving forth the colors of a rainbow are not near as pleasing to the eye, as the possession of one or more of ours is to the mind. We have them In the various sizes at prices so reasonable that we are willing to pay you back In cash nine-tenths of what you paid us at anytime within one year from date of purchase, henc; the pleasure of the mind. nil m i . 15 -8r DODGE. Mt NO BAD EFFECTS To extract teeth ITA fj I Vitalized Air or ft f-rJother preparations. according to con- initions. we guar .llantee that which 'lever anaesthetic I J we use there will jf be no bad after effects. Painless extracting, &0c. FREE when plates are ordered. FULL PLATES $5.00 Tail's Dental Rooms Lowe Bro.'s Paint A Miiad Paint That Wears This is sold by us exclusively and we stand back of every pint as the best that Is sold, for beauty of color and Its lasting qualities. One Plot 30c ne-tulf 6allon SOc W5 Carry Everything in Myers-Dillon Drug Go. Paint Dept., 1416 Harney St. Tel. 3425. fres delivery to every part of City. B J J . OM AHA WRATHKR REPORT. TS J B E I Ji- Friday Fair -Xir B B Big Sale of House Cleaning Specials Friday in Harney street window you'll see a. hue display of house cleaning articles. Friday we make a. spe cial salesday of house cleaning goods. Some of them you can buy in the grocery, others in the hardware, some in the woodenware and so on. EXTRA GREEN TRADING STAMPS ALL AROUND! House Cleaning Specials ii Grocery ,24c Bennetfs Bargain Soap, Bar Ten Bars 25c Pyramid Washing Powder, O lr 6-ounce package Aa TVn packages 35c Pyramid Washing Powder, iOr 4-pound package. REMEMBER THIS SALE-FRIDAY ONLY HOUSE CLEANING SPECIALS IN HARDWARE Thirty (t.O0) Green Trading Stamps with best four tie Parlor Broom 30c 70c 18c tef'-1 l0c Wm ,i5c .sssrJi 38 c X&s?, 30c I 12c ft 10c 5c w FVrty ($4 00) Green Trading Stamps with 18-lncn Floor Sweep Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with best Cotton Mop Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with best Patent Mop Stick, at Twenty (12.00) Green Trading Stamps with best Rug Beater (one Uiat won t come oft handle.) Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with Carpet Beater (one that won't come off handle.) Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with Window Brush, for Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with Window Brush, for , Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with 10-lnch Pal metto Scrub Brush Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with White Fibre B. Scrub Brush, for lub Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with White Fibre Scrub Brush, for Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with White Fibre Scrub Brush, for JAP-A-LAC! JAP-A-LAC! THE OHKATEST FLOOR STAIN AND REVIVER OP FURNITURE AND ALIj WOODEN AND METAL THINGS EVER INVENTED. Comes in Thirteen Colors and Has a Hundred Uses. Quart Cans. . . . 75c Half Pints 25c Pint Cans 40c Quarter Pints. . 15c Double Green Trading Stamps Friday. A FREE IHSTniBlTlOX- FIIIDAY (lLV. A sample ran of such colors as we have to every buyer of something in Hardware and Taint Section FREE FRIDAY. IT'S AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A FREE TRIAL OF JAP-A-LAC. FRIDAY OXLY. II A It DWA II AMI I'AIXT SECTION BASEMENT, ANOTHER. ORANGE SENSATION FRIDAY One more car fancy large Redland Navals, sweet; juicy and delightful ftfl Friday, per dozen Jj,L Twenty ($2.00) Given Trading Stamps with each dozen. LIMIT: Not over three dozen to a customer. No dealers or peddlers supplied. Extra help, no waiting. Basement. Millinery Friday's Specials in Omaha's Leading Millinery STREET HATS! STREET HATS! Up-io-Date Styles in Street Hats Ladles' and Misses' Shapes, new goods, direct from the hands of the milliners no jobs, but millinery that will take your fancy and keep it and Rive sat isfactory thought and 4 f wear up I 1 1 1 1 from.... 1.-VU Acd as low pricecj as 73c and DRESS HATS DRESS HATS 1.49 An Immenst Assortment of All Styles and Colorings. New, Fresh, Fine Goods. HERE'S A SAMPLE Light Gray Chiffon Turban straw crown and trimming of roses and ribbon a 3.00 value for ANOTHER A large Continental of hair braid hand-made, AQ with trimming of self-tone flowers and ribbon a good 84.00 JQ value for CHILDREN'S CAPS In gigantic quantities and assortments, IP. every conceivable idea for little heads up from Jj TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS Ribbons, Veilings, Flowers, Folia. Sprays, Buckles. Cablchons, Ornaments Everything for down-to-the-minute millinery embellishment at 'way down prices for Friday. VI9IT OUR MILLINERY FRIDAY WHETHER YOT' MEAN TO BUY OR NOT. 8KB THE IMMENSE VARIETIES. BIO OPENING DISPLAY Of EASTER HATS SATURDAY. MILLINERY SECTION SECOND FLOOR BENNETT'S. THE BENNETT COMPANY WANTED A BOY in every town to sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy tbe fin 10 COPIES FREE Life Buoy Soap, bar Rex Lye. per can Ahamo Soourlng Soap, per bar , Double Green Trading Stamps with nil the above. 3c 5c 5c It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, including 10 colored pages with IJUBTKK HKOWN COMIC8, altogether 3D Dages, and is a big seller everywhere on SatMrday ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PtfOFIT FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO ffife- OMAHA BEE Visit Our Wall Paper and Paint Department, Fourth Floor. MS THE) RELIABLE! STORK. Newest Spring Designs in WALL PAPER at Lowest Prices ROUSING Friday Bargains REMNANTS In Omaha's Largest Linen and Domestic Room lSc Madrnf. 36 Inches wide at. ynrd lrtc Classic Ginghams special- it, yard 6V4C Standard Prints at, yard 12e Apron Un 40 inches wide at, yard 60c Mercerized Sateen, black and colors at, yard llHc Madras Ginghams at, yard lfic Zephyr Ginghams at, yard 25c Iace Stripe Novelty Wait ings at, yara 25c White Goods, all kinds at, yard 29c Silk Mousseline de Sole at, yard I2b 2Ec BelfHRt Llunen Finish Waist ings at, yard 6V4c Heavy Twilled Crash per yard 5c . 5c ...23c 5c ...10c 6;c 8c .124c ...10c 124c ...34c 19c Double Warp Turkish TYwelfl, 55 Inches long at loc Union Huck Towels each , 6to Heavy I.L Muslin at, yard , 12Hc Soft Finish Cambric. 36 Inches wide at. yard 10c English Long Cloth at, yard 10c .5c 43c .. 64c Remnants of nil kinds of Table Linen at HALF PRICE. Remnants of 3-inch Satta Silk f at, yard 1UC Remnants of 30-lnch Fancy Art 7rt Ticking at, yard IdC Remnnnts of 20c Feather Ticking 1 1r at. yard lot Remnants of Silk Embroidered Flannel at lews than half price. Remnants of 12Uc Drapery Crc- flf tonnes at, ara OjW E ' Great Silk Bargains Friday II W FANCY SILKS-For suits and waists, I 8Sc PLAIN SILKS-In all the season's in tiin , mm inns aim i wo- .Cn I cnoicest weaves and coloring!1 4 f 1 tone effects at. yard Udfc. W))PCHi Friday, yard Thousands of remnants of plain and fancy silks at prices which, quality con sidered, cannot be duplicated fn the city. Main Wash Goods Department REMNANTS IN THIS DEPARTMENT ARE ONLY OF THE FINEST ORADW . CUT FROM OLR FINEST STOCK and SOLD AT A TRIFLE OF THEIR VALUE, REMNANTS OF GOc and 39o GOODS, 10c YARD. White mercerized Walstlngs, In 3 yards length; remnants of high class Wash Goods! remnants of fine Imported 36-inch Madr;is, and other goods, worth from 25c to SOc yard will go at, n. a yard Remnants of All Kinds of Goods 15c Ginghams, 86-Inch Percales, etc. worth up to 25c yard-yard 5c Remnants of hlnh grade. Mercorlced Whit Chiffon and Costume clothy worth up to 69j yard; remnants of fine Silk Spot Organ dies, worth 9c yard; Persian Lawns, Unen Suitings, etc will go on I drt sale at IOt REMNANTS OF 35c AND COc LININGS, 10c YARD. Remnnnts of Gloria Cloth, Spun Glass, Near Silk, Lustrul and all kinds of fine linings; also all silk linings, Ifin will close out at, yard Ivrw Wool Dress Goods Remnants of all wool and silk and wool Tailor Suitings, Voiles, Etnmlnes, urenauines, etc in long lengtns, worth from 1.50 to M OO yard 39c IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM Remnants of all-wool and half wool drt8S Roods, worth up to $1.00 yard lOc! jaiu ijtv;, jou, ttiiil ........ w w Friday Drapery Bargains Goblin Art Drapery In Arcadian cloth, Cambric and Corded Tapestry, all regular 25c quality, 36-inches wide fr at. yard lo 10c Fancy Curtain Swiss 1,000 yards C on sale Friday at, yd J Plain and Fancy Striped Burlap In all the new patterns and colors iOln at, yd., 15c and I2W 25c LADIES' VESTS, 9c 500 dozen Ladies' Vests in Silk Taped, Liele Thread and finest Maco Cotton, both plain and fancy colors, some with embroidered yokes, regular 25c values C at ram ' HWspjt TjL rUnion Pacific j ROUND TRIP 11 CALIFORNIA AND RETURN TICKETS ON SALE April 10 and H. I 1 I I Bixteon hours quicker thnn any other lino to II I I Pafltic ConbL I I Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FAR NAM ST. I'hone 3ia J w IIOIKI.S. Hotel MARLBOROUGH BROADWAY, JoTH AND J7TH STS. Herald Square, New York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The larg' st and most attractive LOHBT AND KOTl'NoA In New York has been newly opened up. , Hpecial Inducement to COMMKRCIAIj MKN with samples Thirty large and well 1, glued BAMPI-k ROOMS, with or without bath. Forty large front suites, with parlor, two bedrooms and private bath; suitable for families or parties traveling together. The Old English Grill Room Is an Innovation, t'nlque and original. , All eposel cooking Sea food of all varied- a specialty. . Our Combination breakfasts are a popular feature. The German Rathskeller Is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular Music. Et;RO "A10 Itootns 200 bath. Rate for Rooms. t 60 and upward: tl.M) and upward with bath Parlor, bedroom and bath, $3.(. H . and $6.i0 per day; Parlor, two bedrooms aa4 bath. i.00, KiOO and (W per day. $1 W elr where two persons occupy single room. Writ for Booklet. SWEUiNIiX-TIIlRNEV HOTEL COMPANY. E, M. TJtrner. Ml