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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
Vi l, 3 ; i, 'I THE OMATTA DAILY PEE: TnTTRSPAT. ATniL 13. 1003. SPECIAL NOTICES Asvertlaaancata fr tkeeo eolaaaa will t takes sratil 8 aa. evealaar oaltiea aa4 Mtl . at. ! i ha asrilni oat Saaras oaltloa. Ratea 1 -B a war Crst Inaartlaat la a nl taereaftos. Hotktaar, takes far leas Iku fa Ik a rat Inaer. tlora. Tktt advMlaaeatla saves aa raa aaaaaeativaly. Aarwriiasra, ar reflrtg a Iters ckttk, aaa kit tarifm aa. J iritl a a akarcl lotto la ear 1 af Taa . Aaewera aa sv4aresst will aa AaliVasosi aa ffMnMUM al beak. MISCELLANEOUS 190) SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE 19 NOW OPEN, yet It la not too late to enter. liusiDOSS, MherUiand. Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal, knglisn. Civil 8erv..o and Journalism. Catalogue tree. Ad uress H. B Bo-lee. Prts.. Boyles Bid-.. Omaha, Nab. R-Mulm l KI IUlLLII TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3030. t W KYC STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to ntj prloesrlgiiu rtennette. R CUT RAT B railway ticket everywhere, ' P. K. Philbin, 1606 Faroajn. 'Phone 784. H W iciTY aUVLNa BANK pays 4 per cent- lv rJl ! OMAHA Safs and Iron Work makes a spa- of flr Macapee, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreon. prop., 103 a. Hth at. WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresher. Too busy making clothes to close, open evenings. 1W6 Farnam at. R 7u6 . ANTI-Monopoly Oarbe.g Co. Tel. ink. sa n. wtn. R 702 ' CHICAGO LAUNDRY J FINE WORK TEL. a. K-7l7 1 nrlCMITU C. R. HEFLIN, JX N. ltlth. Tel. i74. R 708 SURVEYS ADDITIONS. 21 year a experience In Omaha, Tel. B1R97. 'M Paxton blk. R 70B L'l PrTRIf Carpet Cleaning Worka. chrlsUanson. Uui N. Brnn. Tci. It. R M606 A28 Stoves Stored T A'.9 ua,aA our new location, 1206 and 1208 Douglas at. OMAHA SIOVS REPAIR WORKS. K-818 I MBRiCLLA repairing and keys. 207 3. 14th. Tel. 1714. R Mi A29x LAUNDRY CT. "A"- R M320 M4 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Jnm nod braes castings. ku2 Jackaun. Tel. 2432. K Miite CISTERNS and wella cleaned, repaired. Telcpnone 8671. R M71T7 1 PAPER hanging; and deooratlng done wltli Oiealiiea und dlxruitcli; all work kuaran leni. AddriwH C il. Hot. K Mlu 2x BUSINESS CHANCES .WHEN you want to buy, aril or exchange your property or bualnesa quick we J. il. Jolnikon, a48 K T. Lite. '1'lione L Z20. Y 710 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., Nevllla block, can gut you In or out o( bijMlnras. Y 711 IP YOU wlah to buy or aell a bualnoas or t real estate, consult U. S. Bales Bureau, Ut and tilla Bee Blue- Y 712 ' FOR SALBJ A good country hotel, thir teen bedrooms, office, dining room, par lor; close to dopot; fully furnished: lm- ' mediate possession. On main line U. P. . Ry. Address: A 68, Bee. Y-23S-A-24 VANTED, assistant In organizing and financing an oil company In Texu. near Sour Lake, in direct oil trend; ground . Moor proposition to right party. Call on or addreaa Frank Braslar, 711-712 Kansas City Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ', Y-M4C7 Ux ia-"GR SALIC Drug etore in eastern Na bruka; only drug flora In town of 7U0; cash salaa W0 per da'; can be increaned to 3; no trades; f.ti00 stock; best of , reuaons for aelling. Address B tl. lu oar Omaha Bee, Omaha. Neb. Y M41T 14x UP VOL.' want to buy. sell, rent or exchange real natal or business QUICK Bee Comp-ton-Walts Co., (& Paxtun blk. Y 716 ANTliD. a steamboat of at least 100 tons rapacity to ply between Knox Co.. Ne braska, and Sioux City, Iowa, transport ing grain, live atork, elf. Will either buy, charter or pay owner of boat for trans porlu tlon. References required. kAilfliejs Kdwln C Vose, sncretary of Knos t'ounly Farmers' Organization, R. F. D. No. 6. Yankton, S. D. Y MW2 Ux 1AVE good thing, lust pat.. In this and for eign countries; want man with 12.000; if you want In on ground floor proposition investigate this. C It, Bee. Y 810 X LOST AND FOUND 1 ' M arsw,ai v liatl TUUt V Ti tetd J.d lilted r.vht Bennett's. r nuna vi OST. Sunday afternoon, on Jackson street between 10th and lnth or at Hiuitoom park. a. Indies' plain gold watch, hunting case. Finder 1111 please return to this office and receive libaraJ reward. Lost 746 12 'OST. Sunday night, an eld-fashloned gold bracelet, about V of an inch wide, with black enamel designs on rim; lost on Dtipont st. or Park oar. Reward fur re turn to Meyer A Dillon's drug store. Lost M 787 4x LOST in Ilansrom Park place, red notebook containing subscription list, with name "Hev IS. C. Uoaa on cover. Telephone Lost MTKa 14x TOLKN, black and tan terrier dog, with tag, last Saturday; $10 reward for anv In formation leading to conviction. Tele phone 104. Lost M786 13x aSTOLKN. hlac-k and tan terrier dog, with tag. last Saturday; $lo reward for any in formation leading to conviction. Tele thons 104. Lost-MS27 13x . CLAIRVOYANTS UYIjMER, clanuno palmist, 714 N. Z3d S-7P6. MRS FRITZ, elalrvoyant. lizi Leaven worth. S 798 j l 1 1 IMR13. FAIBmiA 1714 California at. B-TTll iMMR. nTKR. Center hotel. 210 N. 17th , H block northwaat P. O. Free testa today a uim . . . KM W.W 01 fclME. FRANCISCO, the California lady. 1704 Capitol. Tel. 6610. 8 M20S 18 r WANTED TO BUY IflHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 824 N. Y Life, pay highaat prloa for books. Tal. BOM. N 7u yUARB PIANO in good eondlUon. 1611 Farnam. N 733 . gV OR B-room oottage, smith part of town; paft cash. C DO. Bea offlaa. N CI 13 fiVTLL purchase a 14-room rooming house . oiosa in tor aaan. Addreaa c u. Dee. . N M83o 14 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE all! N ABOUT, buggy and wagon cheap? Johneon ek Daafortl), 8. W. Cor. lAih and 4onaa 747 e ' 'i 1 'i in R 8 HI and buggy tor ami a Inqulr iol llarnay. P 346 I'DTR flAT.t?WCaAaft. avtartatnn.lnn a pn . a platform apiing, Karbatih make; a m j rondltlotii bargain. Wilton Rogera A hong . t o. . sr 12 DRESSMAKING IN FAMIMEii. M.H Sturdy. Fhena A T.t. WANTED MALE HELP PRINO TF.RM-OF THE Omaha Commercial College Kth and Douglas ata, nineri Monday. Aartl ?,. Kw elasks in all department a. Cata logue rree. POURBOUGH BROS.. OMA11A, KKU. WANTED, SO good union stone masons aleadc work for enal nm.ioin auarsnteed Maeter Mann' assoclaUnn, ia Chestnut St.. St. Louis, Mo. B MW lax WsNTKD, competent traveling salesman experienced In selling lluie, cement, eta; salary lluo per month and expenses. Ad dress B4. lloe. B-M442 14 IP YOU have brains and wish a place. Mo use them where they are well paid for, null or write for list of vacancies ami booklet. WKSTBRS REF. A BONK ASfl'N Qivs.). 84o-k4a N. Y. Life. B 124 12 MEN TO LHARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our fsllura to oonvlfice you of this being the BKST and only re liable, most practical Imrber college In tho United States. , Write for catalogue today. JVesterti Barbers' Institute. Omsha, Neb. B 7J8 I WANT und furnish drug lerVa. drug v. I. i.. stores and doctors, Knlest, 624 N. B 712 WANTED. FOR V. 8 ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between agea of 18 ana 86, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and teinperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Wth and Pouglaa sts.. Omaha; Llacoln. Neb., or Sioux City, jg, B 878 IF YOU ar In need of a position pall and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with H ART, THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B- WANTED, men and boys to learn plumb ing trad. Coyne Bros. Co. school of practical plumbing. Send for ratulng;;. Address 4V7J-76 Easton ave., St. Iula, Mo. B-M,7BS F3 W TAILORS, attention! If you are flrst-clasa coat makers we can usa you. Good prices. Steady work to men that are right, fresher. 1618 Fftrnam at. B 721 OIRSON EMPLOYMENT AORNCT re moved to 211 South 14th at., ground floor. Phone 6411. B-M151 175 permanent salary and expenses paid reliable men outside of the city; very pleasant work. Address C. H. Walker, 16 Neville block. Omaha, Nab. B M288 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; pre- .n & ....... .- Ki.a.T aulnan.. nnaltlnnl 171 1 II T- jjair itun uuoj irr duii, j., ....... .... anteed; can nearly earn expenses before tlnlxhinir. Call or write Moler Barber Col lege. 1118 Furnam St. B M533 14x FIELD MANAGERS WANTED For Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska Within the next month we must hire at laa.-a ten good field muuagers for Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. We want only men or women of ability and experience, who are capable to successfully solicit, orders and to hire, train and manage agents. The work In pleasant, profitable and per manent both for Ibild miuingers and sub agents of loon! solicitors. The Income of each worker Is limited only by his or her ability. We pay a liberal commission and guaranteed salary to the right workers. If this Interents you. send sttimp for mail ing information for personal Interview, giv ing nge, busi.iess experience and success, reierence, present employment and Income, and slating If you can enlist in this work at once. Address P. B. B. Co.. care Omaha Bee. H 406 16x WANTED 600 YOl'NO MEN For brake men and firemen; high wages and promo tion. We instruct you by mall and aselst you to secure a position. Name position preferred. Send stamp for particulars. National Railway Training School, Suite 224, Boston Blk., Minneapolis. Minn. B MtW8 16x WANTED A barber; good shaver: no stu dent. Geo, Toms, Box 96, Jtockwell City, la. B-M7H7 1 wacon. tween 2 a anod. al Apply Thursday afternoon be nd 4 o'clock at room 4o city hull. B-813 12x WANTED Experienced carpet layer. In quire r rea nan, i-eopie s sior". B-816 14 GOOD man to take charge of collection and loan dept.; one wlio understands drawing up mortises: give experience and salary expected In first letter. V. 22, Bee office. B 823 12 FOREMAN wanted for the tender office). Nellph, Neh.: (rood wages Hnd steady employment. Write or come at once. B-M8H9 15x WANTED Experienced salesman In men's hat department. J. L. Brandels Snns. B-MSS3 15 WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES, earn t'JO per 100 writing short letters; send stamped envelope for par ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co.. Cassopolls, Mich. C Mil WANTED. 26 machine operators at once. M. K. Smith it Co., factory nth and Doug i ata. C MS7I WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; goo a wages; no washing. 241 Karnnm. C M28B WANTED Ladles to learn hairdresslng, manicuring, fuclal massage, chiropody or electrolysis: best paying work a lady can do; 'few weeks completes. Call or write. Moler College, 1114 Fa mam at. C M532 14x WANTED, good girl for general house work; good wages. 704 N. 23d st. C M744 FIRST bookkeeper and stenographer. Apply promptly, WESTERN It KIT. BOND ASS N fine), S40IS42 N. T. Life. 0-822 12 COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be good cook. Mrs. R. E. Welch, 414 8. :!8th st. C 753 12x WANTED Girl for general housework; lo; no wa.-hing. 3416 Burt. C 751 12x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good pav. Apply 611 So. 29th ave. C M76S lSx GIRL for general housework; reforencea. 2122 Burt at C M76 lox WANTED C.ood girl: no washing nor house cleaning. 601 So. 2oth St. C 773 Ux COMPETENT, steady girl In family af three; gca'd waaes; permanent place. In quire at 914 N. i:d st., South Omaha. Neb. C-M794 14 GIRL for plain sewing; good wages; steady work. 29U Leavenworth at. C M800 Wx WANTED Competent millinery sales woman. Kern, 1608 Douglas. C 817 12 GIRL for general housework. 2807 Ilarnev St. C-81U 14 WANTED Good cook'; references required. 1211 St. Mary s ave. C 825 14x WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeepers. Canadlun office, loth and Dodge. A 718 WORK wanted by nn honest man around houke, by day or hour. Address P. W 648 S. 26th ave. A-729 16X CRE1GHTON student having few hours aauy ai aiaposai neaires position as time clerk, cashier or other position. Address C 16. Bee. A M7 Ux BRIGHT, energetlo girl wants a position In an office. Address C 1, Bee. A lllx YOUNG muu, good stenographer and office olaik; night work. Address C 2:1, Bee A-MS57 AGENTS WANTED WANTEDAdvertisers. 84 dsv 10 illatribiite great Antl-Victim . jear contract. Alar Servii'e Co., Dsllus. 'Jx. J M: lx AGENTS for the grslet wsshitig 111s ihlne er Invented. C. 8 Page Mfg. Co, Pea Moines, la. J M2 lz IF IT HASN'T Sold your properly it Is because you've never tried it, for Bee Realty Ads are recognized as the most desirable way of making a sure sale. See bow progressive real estate dealers use it! Bee Want Ads Do the Business. A Trial Will Convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 18th & Chicago E 722 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Karnnm. E723 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. E 7i4 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern. 2,110 Webster. 'Phono &D0. E "26 FOR RENT, furnished room. 23 Douglas. K 728 13x FOR RENT Larre well furnished south front room; private family; walking dis tance. C 8. Bee. E M733 l.lx R.OM8 and cafe, Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs, la. E 128 NICELY furnished front room for two. 1 So. 19th. E 727 13X TWO nloely furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2i18 Dav enpor. E 728 13x FURNISHED rooms for rent, with or with out board. 1707 Casa. B 719 13x MODERN, nicely furnished and unfur nished rooms. 618 S. 22d. E 718 13 x FOR RENT, newly furnished housekeeping and aleeplng rouma 210 N. 19th. B-71S 13x THREE modern rooms. 1613 Howard. E 714 13X LARGE front rooms for rent. 1616 Howard. E 714 13X 20 HARNETT ST., Th Rose, nicely fur nished rooms; good board; reasonHhie rates; walking distance. E M7S4 13x. FURNJSH7ED rooms; modern conveniences. 118 .No. ZStn. Hi Mioj lax CONVENIENT furnished outside room. with board, lor married couple or two gontlomnn; also one single room, with hoard, for gentleman; all modern and close In. 'Phone Rad-4687 or call nt 1714 Douglas at. f! M770 13x NICE furnished room. 2202 Douglss st. h. auto iu NICELY furnished- rooms. 81.60 and 12.00 per week; wnlklng distance. N. E. cor. I n. 1 a DOA 1 lBlll Rita jzaru. E 830 Ux NICELY furnished front room. In pri vate family; modern; wltn 'phone. 320 N. 17th St. E M136 15x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. K., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F 726 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol ave; large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hat and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern Improve ments. F-474 LARGE front room, suitable for two. Good board. 1816 Dodge. F 727 18x ROOM and board, 13.60 per week. 619 Pa eiflo. F-717 13x NICE modern room, with board, for two, cheap. 1811 Chicago. F 721 13x TWO modern rooms for two, with board. 2162 SU Mary's ave. F 721 13x FURNISHED ROOMS, with board. 2208 Harney. F M720 13x ONE large front room, with board, suit able fof two. 626 S. 19th. F-814 14x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO or three unfurnished rooms; refer ences exchanged. 2412 Cass. G 188 A SUITE of unfurnished rooms for rent; strictly modern; no children; references. 2408 Casa G-346 PARLOR floor, 120 No. 23d st; unfurnished. O M767 18x FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms in St, Mary's ave. building, corner 27th and St. Mary'a ave., rent 86 to 19 per month. Call room 6. or N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam at. G-779 13 TWO large parlors and kitchen. 12": three ground floor rooms, with range, JlK. Tel. 6309. G-MS30 19 THREE, modern, housekeeping. 622 N. 23d. Tel. 3884. O MR29 15x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building is 22x86 foet, four stories and a basement. The basement is 22x132 feet, is cemented. The celling over the basement has a briok vault and iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor in front and granolithic floor in rear. There is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows on three aides. Address Tho Boo Building Co., C. C. Rosewaler, Secretary, room 10 Boo bldg. I (W0 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small offloa. which rents for 810.00 per month. Price includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of Tho Bee building and is Just tho tiling for any one wanting a nice little office In the best office building in town. It. C. Peters Co., Rental Agents, ground floor, Beo building. 1771 IF you apply at onoo wo eon give any one desiring a large office space almost Any arrangement they desire. This space is on the sixth floor of The Beo building, with north light. R. C. Peters A Co, ltental Agents, ground floor, Bee bldg. 1-773 BEST location for railroad or insurance office in Omaha. Inquire at First Na tional Bank building. Walter M. Carter, superintendent. I M166 THREE-STORY snd basement. I0O8 Far nam; slevator. 314 First Nat l Bunk Bldg. 1746 STORE BUILDING FOR RENT. Two-story brick, 22x188. i;il7 Harney at 1100.00 JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM ST. 1 MtJal U ROOM fronting on 18th at., main floor of Board of Trade bldg., 876 per month. GEORGE & CO., M01 FARNAM ST. I-M611 16 FOR RENT Large two-story building, formerly old engine house, on 27th, be fweeu St. Mary s avenue and Leaven worth st. Will remodel to suit tenant for laundry, manufacturing or other business. N. P. Dodge St Co., 1614 Fur. lutm st. 1778 13 PATENTS H. A. STURGEa, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less suoreseful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 01 INVENTORS Before you spend money for a patent, have an examination made to discover If your Invention Is new. exatninstions cost 82. Sues & Co., attor neys. Washington, D. C, or Bee bltlg., Omaha, Neb. loi SUES ac CO., patent attorneys, Washing ton, D. C. opposite ('. S. patent office. Advice and patent blanks free. 0 J7 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not And what you want in this uolumn put an ad In and you will souu get it. Z-3 FOR EXCHANGE. 1 ACRES, Rock county, ' miles from Newport; good, graded road to. town: 4 room houae. barn, flowing well, good grove: all fenced; 10 ncree liinoihv liav; rents for 822a per year; valued at 8I: exchange f..r house and lot. X l TioiIko A Co., 114 Faiuani si Z-M-Jl 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO., Neville block. Ifith and lljtney. We re selling a fe-sr homes each week. If you have something g'Od to sell cumo in and see us. 8 rooms, all modern, ei-st front, 1 block to car. splendid nome property, shsde and nice, large lot, 6"xi;, can be bought for 82,260; small payment cash. 8 rooms, Beinis Park, modern In every par ticular; large lot, shade, fruit, large barn; built 3 years, for home. Will ac cept any reasonable cash offer or take as part payment several lots near Florence. 7 rooms, between Clifton and Walnut Hills, an elegant home, as cozy and hsndlly arranged 11s any on earth, finished In oh and birch, easy payment, and only 12,7.K. T rooms, Bmls Park, modern except fur nace, large lot, sightly; almost new, only 12.100. I rooms In northwest pnrt of city, H block to car; all kinds of fruit; large grape arbor; house In splendid shape, cement cellar and furnace, less than 2 years old. Genuine snap for a few days only 11,400. 7 rooms, beautiful home. West Far nam; ls'ge rooms, high callings; nlco lawn, terraced; oak finish dcwnstalrs; electric light and gas; less than 4 years old. mod ern In every particular. Owner MUST leave. Snap 13.&U0 8 rooms and bath, less than 2 years old. within walking distance. 2 bed rooms, nice hall, bay window In dining room, cement cellar. A GEM 81,800, 8o0 cash. 24th and Vinton We have several 4. 6 and 8-room cottages handy to above spot, and Some of them that can be bought right. Look at these 1720 and 1722 North 26th St., South Omaha, and 8322 8. 20th St., Onuvha. Tour own prioo will be considered. Six rooms, Bemis park, all on one floor, modern throughout, mantel and grate; Urge lot; splendid neighborhood; 8 doors from car line. On account of illness must sell; lately reduced to 12,660, Sis rooms. Clifton Hill, Ihi blocks to car, 8 largo rooms upstairs can. bo finished off; beautifully finished and arranged; fur nace, grate and mantel, entirely modern; porch on two side, up high on terrace; cement walks; lot 60x135. Owner is In valid and must bo on oar Uno. Prlc ooljr Have listed aomo now one. Come In and we'll talk it over. See us before you buy. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. NEVILLE BLOCK, 16th and Harney. RE 821 IS Choice Farnam Street RESIDENCE PROPERTY I have on my list a choice lot on Farnam St., slightly Improved, that will be sold for a shade less than present value, for a few days. It is worth Investigation by any one who wants to build between 12d and 40th on Farnam. Get particulars at once. WALLACB, BROWN BLOCK. RE775 12 ELEGANT MODERN HOME WEST OMAHA One of the most charming homes in West Farnam district, 11 rooms, fine lawn, 115.000. WAJLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE 774 11 DO YOU PAY RENT? Let us figure what It costs. Suppose you pay 120 a month. Thst Is 1240 a year, or 12.400 in ten years. What you get for the money In shelter and a receipt. Like sums paid monthly Into the Omaha Loan .Building Association on a home Insures possession and owner ship. Fifteen hundred homes secured by members in twenty-two years proves the worth of the association as a means of securing homes. Loans made 011 liberal terms and repaid In easy monthly payments. A FEW DESIRABK HOMES FOR SALE ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Applications for loans given prompt at tention. 1 Six per cent earned and credited on savings accounts. GEO. W. LOOMIS, President. G. M. NATTINGEK, Secretary. Ground Floor, Be Building. 'Phone 463. RE-7S4-12. ItiOO.OO. Four-room house and two lots, each 60x 120, near 12th and Atlas sis., one block from 18th street car. Here Is a snap. Come early and pick It up. N. P. Dodge A. Co., 1614 Farnam St. RE 781 13 FOR RENT-Two lots st 29th and Grant sts., for garden purpows. N. P. Dodgo A Co.. 1614 Farnam Ht. RE 780 13 ' FOR SALE My home. 9-room house; 100 feet of ground; modern Improvements; In flrst-claas condition; line shade trees, beautiful lawn. Anyone desiring modest but attractive home at reasonable price Should Investigate. Richard L. Metcalfe, 8840 Charles st. RE M372 11.000.00. 2912 Grant St., 6-rooni house, newly pa pered, good barn, nice shade; will rent adjoining lots for gardening. N, P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam st. RE 731 CHOICE INVESTMENT. Three-story brick block on South 16th St.; three stores and 40 rooms; all well rented. Eastern owner will sell for 116.000. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RK M688 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; tea years' time. l.and Dept. U. P. R. R , omaba. Neb., Dept. "A." RE 72 cgAB-Williamson Co.u- ?itBF-,oB,r!r RE 729 FOR SALE One note of $1,K. due In one year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable aeml-anuunlly ; alio one note for 81.600. due on or before threa years. Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 28, Bee office RE-Mt"3 8 OR 9-ROOM. desirable, modem dwell ing; owner leaving city. 3854 Seward st. R E ff)7 COUNTRY HOME NEAR DUNDEE ON WEST DODGE ROAD. 12, 6M. Cottage of 8 rooms, well built and In best of repair. Also new barn. Good yard and shade trees. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM RT RE M 16 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE carefully snd promptly complied snd ex tended. Omaha Abstract Co.. bonded ab stracters, tleo. B. RUer, Mgr., 4-S Uee bldg. Tel. 612. RE 473 M7 WHEN bulng or selling leal entate be sure to have your abstract of title made or continued by the Midland Ousraniea and Trust Co.. 1614 ramam st. E-73u FOR RENT HOUSES Uril in all parta of the city. The UVJUJCJ u. y, Uavia Co., 60S Bee bldg. it 7;i THE Omaha Van, and Storage Co. park, move and atore H. M. goode. Storehouse 112H-24 N. 19th. Office. lallVi Farnam. Tel. IS69. D Ti3 WE MOVE planoa. Mnggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. 149. Office, 1713 Webster st. D-740 HOTIQPQ In all parts of tho city. n I1UUJCO c. Peters A Co., Bee bldg. I 741 2S66 DOUGLAS. 8 ROOMS. 127.60. H-741 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwatt, Barker blk. . D-748 HOUSKS FOR RENT. The Byron Reed Co"., 212 S. 14th. D-744 CENTRAL. 3-room cottage. 217' N. 241 h. D a; IKU SOUTH BOTH ST. Ten -room, thor oughly modern house, oak finish 146. A. G. Elllck. 803 City Hall. D-129 FOR RENT, elegsnt modern 8-room house, 1128 S. 31st St. 130. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life bldg. D M8O6 8-room flat, good repairs, oak finish, facing Hanscom park. 134.00. 'Phono 633. D MB66 VAN and moving wagon. J. Sch warts. Tel. 2t46. 1610 Webster. D 266 Mix FOR RENT 8-room modern house, except furnace; gas; city water. 708 No. 8ith st, 120. C. M. Bochmann, 436 Paxton blk. D M341 CENTRAL S-room oottage. 220 N. 23d st. D M369 10-ROOM modem house, 113 South 24th St. William K. Potter. Reo., 801 Brnwq Blk. D M374 FOR RENT, eight large room, all modern house. 614 N. i2d at. Apply at 607 N. 19th U M447 St. 3316 BURT; 8 rooms and bath: hot water heating, steel range In kitchen: good yard; first-class tenant; 130 month; owner payswater rent. D 750 16x FARMS FOR RENT SIXTY acres 3 miles S. E. Bellevue; small Improvements; 40 acres cultivation. Rent, first. GEORGE A CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. -M642 15 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in small type, or 12.80 per inch if set in large type. PERSONAL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS QUICK MONEY Is sometimes a necessity. Our facilities are unsurpassed for quick and confidential eervioe. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Warehouse Receipt, Live Stock, etc. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE on their own agreement to repay; no other security required. With us you pay for whut you get and only for what time you keep it, it is our motto to try to pleasa If you have dealt with us and are pleased, tell othersi if displeased, tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1892.) 306 ho. 16th St. X-7i BORROW MONEY WHERE You can get it on Furniture, Plano.i, Horses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, etc, lou get it on short notice. You get low rates and euay ivnna Confidential and courteous dealings bring you back. Can you do better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO, 633 PAXTON BLK. X A1767 MONEY loaned on furniture. salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe now. room 214, at 2u S. loth st. Tel. B20tit X-75S MONEY loaned salaried people and others wunout sucumy, easy payments. Offices in M principal cities, lolman, r WHERE ' WHERE WHERE WHERE Top Floor. New York Life building. room 7n, X 759 BOWEN'B MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note ' If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. V -.V. MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Greerr Loan Co 3 Barker block. X 761 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S 13 X-762 LOANS TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US. THE MONEY IS YOURS FOR THE ASKING. Desl with an old reliable company and you will establish a credit that will be useful to you in the tuture. Payments and rates to suit you. Salary snd ChaXtel Loans. Reliable Credit Co. 307-308 Paxton Block. X-M224 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-763 SEE FULLER, 426 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-764 EAGLF. Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all bualness confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-765 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam st. X 7j6 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANl'ED-Clty loans. R. C. Peters A Co. W-767 B'AP.M and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. Ii.iS. W-7W PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglus. W 7iJ WANTED, city lon and warrants. W. Farnam fimlth A Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-770 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-771 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W-772 LOWEST rates, city property; 6 p. c. on farms in eastern Neb. Bemis, Paxton blk. W 773 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty at lowest ratea Thomas Brennan, room 1, New York Life bldg. W 774 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARI.AND. New York Life bldg., rooms 4 and 819. Tel. 1M2 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow. Church Co., main A., N. V. L. 'Phone 1H13. 13 LA HI' iN ,1'illSSDN- 1 ut rstse r.,i,ia t4 Kmnmn Tl U IK 1 . ... ... ... . . ' oar m.rr nn I i' Ht moswra )i, ell Min- SS"'-IS'l'"l 1-7,1. Till? aslvailon Artor solicits east "ft ''"th ins; in fs . Hnvthlrif you l no' ". wa collect, tensl'r anil sell at 114 N. Ilth st for m f eolleitlns to the worthy poor. Cell phone 4I.V and wsgon will mil CIMMI'ION CAttrKT WORKS. 73 I4TII ST. CLEANING PHONE V-77T Tl'H. vnpt.r snd alcohol baths. 720 8 HMi. H. II EN K EH, eye specialist. rj-l Neville blk. U-778 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ratn blk. U 70 cured 11. J Heart UVv.tilA IH fmrt, block. U-449 il DR. ROY. Chiropody. R. 21. 1 Farnnm. J-781 PIANO CLUB Just forming foe and II weekly: pianos de livered Immediately; piano lessons free. Call for particulars. ltIl Farnam st. U 7H ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for price list and samples. 1HL GOLDMAN PLbAlING CO., 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. Tel. In3. U 143 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune our piano, 12. Perfleld Piano Co., lull Farnain. U 784 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba lnea boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardulk, 216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 76 WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. Wa repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, 16 to 110. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. ltj3, Cor. 15th and Harney. U-787 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Guud Samaritan Sani tarium. UX First ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 77i. U 626 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3510 U 789 M AnrlPTIPtreatment A bstlis. Mme. lUWJlXCl Ien)ltn llg N. j5i ad ,1 r. t U 360 DIVORCE, total cost 115. AdJrens A 64. Bee. U M464 A2ox 1D HAT9 STEPHENS A SMITH. Opp. Hrtl J Postofflce. Best In Omaha. U-i3 A u.rai PRINTING I'lIVTIVfl MEMORIAL CARDS: sr. I rMilliltl tiaur damans. R V. ...r nod t.spitol ave -792 I.YN( ilTAL) ' A CHANDLER. ytltK rill.VI Mifl. IKS-OS JKmgles St. To de liver work when promised Is our hohl.v. OR FIAT VESTFRN PRINTING CO, i;n Cspltol ave, Tel. 240S; fully equipied fur all klnda of printng. M Ml OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N Y. Life bldg. Tel 1(64 -7W MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK. Osteopathy Phv slcian; orTiee. Neville block. Tel. 3S23. -79 TREES. SHRUBS. ETC. A COMPLETE line of fruit, shsde. orna mental trees, vines, shrub", roses, eic. Address Omaha Nursery, Fapllllon, N -iv -M671 FRANK R. MARTIN, small fruits, shrud. bery and shade trees. 18th and Douglas. Tel. 63"4. hi 26 FOR BARGAINS In fruit and snide tre.s call at Crescent Nursery snles ground. 21st and Farnnm. 'Phone S3f7. -M462 WANTED TO RENT MODERN house, with 7 or 8 rooms, south of Farnam st.. by family of three Ad dress C 17. Bee. K M7a 13 WANTED TO RENT-Hotel or boarding house in good town in Iowa or Nehrask;. , state number of hotels anil all particular. P. O. Box .12:1. Mason City. la. . K - MR.14 1."x FLORISTS HESS A 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 748 L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. IT. 749 OOVKHSMKJIT XOTICES. STEPHENS & SMITH, opp. postofflce. Quarter sties, Barker's collars, 1 for .to. U-3-17 DR. JACKSON removed to 418 N. Y. L. bldg. U M768 HAVE good thing. Just pat., in this and for eign countries; want man with 13,000; If fon want in on ground floor proposition nveatlgate this. C 24, Bee. U 809 MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY' DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no interference with woik. relief in 3 to 6 days. We have navvr known of a single failure. Price ii, by mall. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., Room 36, 84 Adams St., Chicago. 790 PEN-TAN-OOT Prompt regulator for ladles: never falls. 12 postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 791 DR. DE MARS. French Tansy and Penny royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure for all female lircKularitles. Regular price, 12; our price, 11 per box. Beaton Drug Co., loth and Farnam, Omaha. M8S0 ASO DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 161 1 Dodge st.. Omaba. U 788 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; saf, reliable; take no othor. .Send 4o 1 stamps for particulars, "Relief yor Ladles," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 S. loth st. Omaha. Q 750 PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLlES Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington. 1). C. .March 13, l:6. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposn! for beef, flour, etc.,'' as the case may lie, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 266-267 South Canal street. Chicago. 111., will b received until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. April 2s. 1:H6, for fuiqluhlnir for the Indian Service, beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea, and other articles of subsistence; also for gronerleo. soup, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, gloss, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe finding, saddlery, etc., school supplies, and a lorn; list of mtscellsneous articles. Sealed pro posals, indorsed "Proposals for rubchr goods, hardware, etc.," as the case may be, and direoted to the Commissioner of, lndinn Affairs, 602 South Seventh street, St. Ixiuia, Mo., will bn teceived until 1 O'clock p. in. of Thursday, April 27, lw. for furnishing for the Indian Service, rub ber goods, boots and shoes, hardware, and medical supplies. Sealed proposals, in dorsed "Proposnls for blanket, woolun ami cotton goods, clothing, etc.," n the caps may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-121 Wooster street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clook p. in. of Tuesday, My It!. 1W0S, for furnishing for the Indian Service., blankets, woolen anil cotton goods, cloth ing, notions, hnts mid caps. Rids must be made out on Government blanks. Sched ules giving all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on application to the Indian Office. Washington, D. C; tho U. S. Indian warehouses. 119-121 Wooster street. New York City ; 266-267 South Canal street, Chicago, 11!.; 815 Howard street. Omaha. Neb.; 6ft South Seventh aireet. Ft. Ixiuis, Mo.; 23 Washington street, S:in Francisco, Cal.: the Commissaries of Sub sistence, U. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and St. Taut, Minn.; the Quartermaster. U. 8. A.. Seattle, Wash.; and the postmasters at Sioux City. Tucson, Portland, Spokane and Taeoma. Rids will be opened nt the hour antl days above stated, and bidders are in vited to be present at the opening. The Department reserves the right to determine th point of delivery and to reiect any and all bids, or any part of any bid. F. E. LEUPP, Commissioner. Al-Dl9t COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., lUo Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 751 2D-HAND safe cheap, nam. . Deright. 1119 Far Q 752 MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P. llu-volt, direct current. Northern motor. This motor is in perfoct conditiuii in every way. Ad dress Beo Building Co.. or see W. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. Q 774 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 763 MACHINES THAT HAVE BEEN TURNED IN ON W HEELER & W1LHONS. These machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and are tho latest thing that the different manufacturers produce. Thoy are complete with attachments and are guaranteed to be In first-class condition. Singer, 5-drawer, drop head 120.uu Singer, 7-drnwer, drop head 22. to DuviB. 6-drawer, drop head 17.60 Davis, 7-dra.wer, drop head 20.n0 Standard Automatic Grand 25.00 White, 6-drawer. drop head Domestic, 5-drawer, drop head.. 20.00 Second-hand machines, box top. of any make, from 16 to 110. We rent ma-chlnes at 76 cents per week. These arei complete with attachmits and will give you good service. Yours respectfully. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 'Phone 1668. Cor. 15th and Hartley. 626 North 24th St., South Omaha. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. , Q 812 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys from -inch to 48-inch in diam eter; 3 countershafts, complete. These are all in flrst-elass condition. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q-H2 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard srhnol in Omiilia, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Beo office. Q-62 IRON FENCE 'vOT!5&h Q-754 wn SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want u bargain in steam fittings call and look over the following supplies: 18-iuch Austin's horizontal separator. 1 4-lncli Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our bleam plant and are In good condition. Address Rue Building Co., or see W. II. Bridges, engineer lieu building. Omaha. Q 632 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone pules. 11 Douglas. Q 70S PROPOSALS FOR THREE BUILDINGS; , Extension of Water and Sewer System. Department of the Interior, Office of ln dinn Affairs, Washington, D. C, April 8, l!HJo. Seuted proposals, endorsed "Propos als fur Improvements, Cbamborlaln School. 8. D.," and addressed to the commissioner of Indian affairs, Washington, 1. C will be received at the Indian office until 2 o'clock, p. m., Wednesday, May 10. 1905. for furnishing and delierlng the nerei- sary materials and lalior required to con struct and complete a brick hospital and frame employes' quarters, each with plumbing, steam heat and acetylene g;ts fdpliig, and frame workshop with plumu ug and acetylene gas piping, and extension of water and sewtr systems, at the Cham berlain School, 8. I)., In strict accordancs with the plans .specifications and instruc tions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the offices of the Improve ment Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.; Argus Leader, tiloux Falls, S. IJ.; Bee, Omaha, Nel.; Builders' Exchange. Duluth, Minn.; Builders' & Traders' Exchanges, Omah.., Neb., Milwaukee. Wis.. St. Paul. Minn . and Minneapolis. Minn.; Northwestern Manufacturers' Association. St. Paul, Minn.: Commercial Club, Des Moines. Is.; the U. 8. Indian Warehouses, 265 South Canul St., Chicago, 111., 602 South 7th St., 8t. Louis, Mo., 815 Howard St., Omaha, Neb., and 11H Wooster St. New York City, and at the school. For further Information applv to John Fllnn, Superintendent. Cham berlain, 8. D. F. E. Leupp. Commissioner. DEPARTMENT OF TUB INTERIOR, United Slates Geological Survey, Recla mation Sorvlce, Washington, D. C., March 17, ,iW5. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the United States Reclama tion Service, Chamber of Commerce build ing. Denver, Colo., until 2 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, May 16. 19'6, and thereafter opened, fo.- the construction of about 45 miles of niain canal, involving about 2,8.0oo cubic yards of earthwork and 150,(kxi cubic yards of rock work for the irrigation of lands in the North Platte valley In eastern Wyom ing and western Nebraska. Bids will be laceived on excavation and embankment for one or more divisions, which will ap proximate SOO.OnO cubic yards each. The right is reserved to award to one blddur aa manv or a few of such divisions on which lie has bid as the interest of the service may require. Specifications, forme of pioposul and plans may be inspected at the office of the Chief Engineer of tha Reclamation 6ervlee. Washington, D. C, and at I he office of the Reclamation Service, Denver, Colo. The bid on each division must be accompanied by a certified check for 12.000, payable to the order of the Secretary of the In lei lor, as a guaranty that the bidder will, If sue cessfiil, promptly execute a satlsfaotory co:. tract and furnish bond in the sum of 20 per cent of the contract price for the faithful performance of the work. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to accept me psrt and reject the other snd to waive technical defects, as the Internal of the service may require. Bidders ais Invited to be present. Proposals must be marked: "Proposals for Construction of Interstate Canal, North Platte Projeot." E. A. Hitchcock. Secretary. M 23-26-28-30-A1-4-6-8-11-1I UPRIGHT piano and pianola, 8400 for the two; both new and latest design; noth ing to approach this value eUawnere. Sclimoller A Mueller. 1311 Farnam st. Tel. 1626. Q-ii2 B. A H. Ideal chick food, mfg. by Bunnell A Hadluck, 24th and Belt Line, imialia. Free sample. Q M449 M7 FOR SALE Full-blooded young Jersey cow wtih calf. Inquire 4321 Parker. Q 481 12x FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room ftnt, Ha5. 4081, No. 26th St. Q M7C2 13x IRON FENCE cheaper than wood. Address 27.10 Hurt. 1 will can anu give ou pries, D. J. llughen. Q-M769 18x A SLIGHTLY used upright plnno, elegant cane, sweet tone, looks like new; cash or time. Call 626 Bee bldg. Q-M798 18 FOR HALE Folding bed. 1713 Chicago st. Q-MH2 16x FOR SALE About 50 feet ornamental gnl vanixed Iron cornlre. rind ornamental iron posts sultiihlc for show wlndo. Apply superintendent Bee building y- M828 CONSTRUCTING QUA HTER MASTER'S Office, Omaha, Neb., April 10. 1M6. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to tho UHinil conditions, will be received here until lt o'clock a. m., Centrsl Standard time. April 2o. 1906. for building Macadam Roads and Cement Walk, etc., at Fort Omaha, Ntb. Full information furnished 011 ap plication to thle office, where plans and specifications may be seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Roads. Wslks, etc,," and addressed to MAJOR M. GHAT Z.4 LINSKI. Constructing Quartermaster, Army Building. Omaha, Nebraska. A10-1I-12-13-18-18 OCEAN STEAMER". EUROPE THIRTY TOl'Rfl Till! lEAMOIf. Arrll l Ant. tr all Koata. SsarU atrtut; l.l.urrlr trl. "lour, ror.r lb whoa, ot fcurop.. K.r All ladB.U gvarrabun. Wrli, for HookiM. lie roKKioN oryicK. fcatabltshaS M (Nil. THOS. COOK & SON, Itl BHOAPWAY. Kit YOKK. ALLAN I. INI B.OTAL MAIL STEAMS! MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. WMkl Sallies St. Lii( ham. hortt. amaatiioflt and meat firturqu r.r.w KAur Ti.itbi.Mi iHii l.t: scricw siLAMBgg ' Victorian" an4 ' Vlriitlan" tooa aaco. TWle ' RKW HTEAMEHS 'Tunaaaan' ant Bavarian"- 16. KH) too uck. Apply t" anr 1'xal afant, ar ALLAN A CO, lit ,Av.e."J, bLU. CMlCAttO, r s i 1 . c I- vun.r:i SI75 to $1,016 idaaaurloni RUru4 and scamakip Tick, la 1