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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
fill: OMAHA DAILY BEE: THriSSPAV. .WML 13. lUQ.". GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET May Wheat Vsrj Nervous aud Moves Up Rapidlv on Email Trades. - DRY WEATHER TALK HEARD IN WHEAT BELT M heat and (urn Xmrmril on the Decline and Omaha Receipt Are ery mall torn , Held In ( hlraao. 4 Amrl-nn mixed, oM. 4s lo"l; fulure. quiet; May. 4- 3Td; July. 4e 21. , li"i. ranged noun. OMAHA, Apr.l 1: Wheat la up.. The Mav option and i.ja iM-for. ' """ iv ana 11.1.IV1 ror nigh and tow lutsdij,. 'i . juiy h ,, r,.hci high mid iw points ot K,-c and 87'c, against 8. !. and '( 'i'uesoav. Minneapolis ad vanced 2Vc IP the May and Duiuth Jjiv galtied. IJ,.. l, closed erith a R:ml i.r tr aim Antwerp and Benin closed nnchangid; Hilda pesih gamed V hIi.I I arls advanced 15 centimes. The high joint reached In Chicago during the morn ing SI. lt-s(. followed the buying of lo Ooo oiiehcm by Wrenn. Tne murk''! rt-ci.n.-d e.L" ,hf" H"li'R "f hit equal amount v Charles Pierre. The market In very herxous and Ik moved either way bv verv small trades. Little mhiat of the May or J wly kind mm on lap. Liverpool Septem ber wheat is 93'y and Kansas t'ltv Scpt.m brr It iSc Tins is a natural and heahhy iclation of markets and show a while soine condition mo Tar as the September la concerned. John W. Gales i iti Chi ijgo today and It is liu.utjlil lie will take, charge or the May deal. Dry weaMi'T taik Is being heard In the l",'r wheat belt. It Is uue then: has not Deen r.iln of .my ct i sequence tor sev eral days and It Is -mid the crop Is -ginning to need moisture. Petri of St. Louis Is very actlv.. In Bending out warn ings about conditions not being hs Rood as they looK. It la snld in several places wheat In northern Kansas Is turning vellow from some, tinkontvn cause. In southern Kansas did In it f.'w counties wheat Is being plowed up, aud corn planted. Jones says tho winter wheat ,-rop under the most nvoiaiiie cor.illilona will not be more than 4uuiMi,(mu bushel. The tact that seeding CIIK'K.O ..HA.IN AND PROIMOS i'eatarea of the Tradlaa a ad (losing Prleea on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. April 12. Iiamage reports from the southwest innstliuted one ot the chief elements of strength in the wheal market here, tod.iy. Al tne close wheat for July delivery was up a shade. May wheat Is up 'c. Corn, oats and provisions ure almost unchanged Hulllshhest was manifested In the wheat pit from the start. Initial quotations on May were up , t" t'V. at ' I ' 1 c v July waa unchanged to a snail" Ingner. at 87'o.c to 8riSc. Immediately atter t lie opening Hioi is nid lip price of May to I1.1KV The demand was brought out by a rumor that a leader of a Wall street clique that la said to control a long line of May wheat had arrived In Chicago. An Intimation that the visit of the eastern speculator might have as an object a fur ther squeeze in May wheat Was the main cause of the sudden advance hi the price of jhat option, on the sharp upturn offer ings wcie 111 era), and the price quickly reacted to $1.15. Firmness or distant fu tures was due largely to hlgner prices at Liverpool. Cold weather In the northwest also had a bullish effect. Later the market received additional strength from a report by a Minneapolis- crop expert alleging that tne government crop report recently issued Is altogether too optimistic. The day's cul mination of bullishness was due to reports from Kansas mentioning deterioration In the appearance of the growing wheat. The plant at some places was said to be turn ing yellow. Damage by Hessian fly was also reported from Nebraska. July reached the highest point of the day. n 7Va1.:. Part of the g.-ilu waa lost later because of profit taking. The market, however, closer! firm, with July at 871.'J'S7V- Final quotations on May were at $1 IS'. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 87.300 bu primary receipts were 22.9 bu., compared with 245.0(a) hu. a year ago. Mm neapolla, Duiuth and Chicago reported receipts of 14J cars, against 168 cars last week and 77 car a year ago. Sentiment In the corn pit waa Inclined to bullishness Shorts were active bidders throughout the day. but offerings were compara tlvely small. Reports of an Im provement In export demand was partly re sponsible for the firmness. An estimate of snia II rece ats for tomorrow helped io la helng done now In the Hed river valley stimulate demand. July opened n shade IB poinl"d to as an evidence of unusual dr iish. tor the rarmer.s there are iisn illy de layed by flood water. Kutopeun crop con ditions continue favorable except in parts of ftuKsla and In Hpaln Minneapolis reports that u'i elevators t-a massed give an average of leas than l.ii'm bushels a house. Home have and con.n l.Uu, but the average is almost nothing and nothing is coming from the farmers The receipts bay, cecii p,w lor the last few days. Min neapolis and rniluth today receiving but 121 curs, iiradstreet's shows the principal decreases In wheat stocks to lie 2."u0 in iManftoha, IMAftw In north western Interior elevator, 7&,0Xj In Goodrich, nnd M.nuO In Ontario The primary receipts are 263,000 bushels against lilo.iKm and the shipments ure lisj.OOo against 247.000 bushels. May corn waa u little better today and Ihe high and low points reached before noon were 4ti Vti 1'r against 48VJ4Sc and isc (or Tuesday. The amount of cash uorn offered waa very email and the move nont waa alight. A count made In Chicago, April in showed 700 cars of the low rate Rrain still there being held for transfer :n the easl. The prlmarv receipts nro r".noo bushels agalnat 32s, (joo and the ship ments are 4SK.00O ugalnst 000,000 bushels. Omaha (ash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. Il.ajf51.04; No. '. hard, Wc; No. I hard, 'Mr; No. 3 spriiiK, JI.03. CORN No. 2. 42:lc; No. 3. 42'4e; No 4. il'jc: no grade, 350 40c; No. 2 yellow, 43'4c; No. 3 yellow, 13c; No. 2 white, 43'.c; No. 3 white. 43c. OAT6-N0. 2 mixed. 29c; No. 3 mixed. 2S'tc; No. 4 mixed, 2Se; No. 2 while, aor; No. 3 white, 2c; No. 4 white. 2lc; atand iird, 80c-. (arlot Receipts.' Wheat. Corn. Oais. Chicago 22 2:1 20 Kansas City 40 2S ii Mlnneapcdih llo Diiluth o t. IOllls 1H 17 .'! Jmaha 3 11 Mlnaeapolla Wheat Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis a reported by the Edwards-Wood company, . . -1 j 1 Hoard of T rade, was: A. tides.! Open. I Hlgh.l Low. 1 Close Teg'y. higher, at 4K'ic. sold between 4V' and 4XA'r4s,V. nd closed at 4'c. Ixical re ceipts were 2)2 cars, with M of contract grade. Oats showed considerable strength. The rapid decrease In receipts the Inst few days caused fair covering by shorts. Offer ings were light. Julv opened unchsnged, at 2SV. "old up to 30'o and closed'at 30c. I.oca! receipts were 30 cars. Provisions were firm, but the volume of business was exceedingly small. Sentiment was influenced principally by a slight ad vance In the price of bogs, resulting from a decrease In the receipt. At the close July pork waa unchanged, at $13.07 Hfi 13.10. Lard and ribs were each up a shade, at $7 45 and $7.3,Vfc7.374 respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 55 cars; corn, 92 cars; oats, 47 cars; hugs, 26,""0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Vesy. Wheat May July Hept. Corn Mav July Sept. ( inta May Julv Sept. I'ork May July La rd Mav July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. It lf.,': 1 16i 1 16 I 1 15h 1 14H I 1 lo4. I I I WW'a. Ki 82V0V I I ! 1 48V44IV 4K'T 4MI 4ti' 4SSW", i'ainsovsi' 1 i 2S'i 1.1 16 i i 7 30 I I 7 45 I I 7 60 I I 1 7 12; 7 37V4; 7 56 I 30S 3otr;i0H ;ao14f'14i 21)', 311 2H ,284' 29 48S' 4HV4 48VW, 48141 4i I 12 90 I 13 15 I 7 30 I 7 47V 7 2', 12 85 I 12 85 IS 07,i 13 10 I 1 iiii J 42V! 7 67Vi 7 12 7 3?Hi 7 55 i ' 10 ' I ' 62V4; 30', I 27 12 82H 13 10 7 27H 7 4S 7 (10 7 67',i 12'i 7 10 37i 7 35 55 1 7 52Vii 45 Wheat Mav. July...,l Hept...i U bid. 1 0s"a! 1 07-' I 1 0(1,4 3' 1 o-.-,! 1 02-4, 3'4, 107 ! 1 iia 1 02 1, M;W IORK (.KKItAL MAHKKT Quotation of the. Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, April 12.-FLOCR-Re- elpts, 23,32 bbla.; exports, 10.927 bbls.; mar ket dull, unchanged; winter patents, $.S.2i(i. i 50; winter stialghts, $5.0ii(8 5.10; Minne sota patents. $5. Hoti tj. no; winter extras. $3.50 c4 00; Minnesota liaker., $i.9"&4.3i; w inter low grades, 13.40iQ3.9n. Rye Hour, steady; lair to good, $4.a''4.ti6. CORNMKAL Steady ; kiln drlcc., I2.75 2,90. It YE Nominal; western, 80c. BARLEY Dull; feeding 45c, c. 1. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 2.000 bu.; apoi, firm: No. 2 red. $1 08. nominal elevator, nom inal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $ f. o. b. alioat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, II oi f. o. b. ailoat. Most of the day is heat was firm. Influenced by higher cs hles, reports of dry aeather west, .1 bullish crop estimate from Minneapolis, small re ceipts' and strength of outside markets, pn pecially In May. the price advanced sharply until the lust hour, when realiiirg caused a setback. New crops closed unchanged Hiid Mav at V n higher; May. l.(Va H9, closed ot ll.t; July. KtiW 11-16 closed at 92c; September, luJVS'WiV, closed at SfiS-. CORN RecelptH. R4.S25 bit.: exports. 157. 354 bu. Spot market Arm; No. 1, 57c ele ntor and 62'c f. o. b. afloat; N. 2 yellow, "3c; No. 2 white, 53c. Option market waa slow all day. but generally firm up to the last hour, when prices" easel off with wheat, closing but HflSc net higher; May. MVinS-Tto, cloned at 63'c; July closed at ::ic. OATS Receipts, 66,000 bu.; spot markej. unlet; mixed. 26 to 32 lbs., Kolc; natiiran white. 30 lo 32 lbs.. 3536Hc; clipped white, 30 to 4n lhs., 374'&:Vc. HAY Firm; good to choli e. 77VSS24c. HOPS Steady; state, common 10 cnoice.; i:u3, 22!&25c; olds. ll' l'a- coast. 1904. :5tf2Sc; l, 2124c; oias. 1 HIDES Quiet: Qalveston. 2o to 2'. lbs., :oc; California. 21 to 'J I ha.. 1V--; Texas, dry 24 to 30 lbs.. 15c LEATHER Quiet; acid. 242Hc. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $12 0)1 fil3 "0; mess. $9 .CPU 50: beef hams. $21.ui'0 :'3.00: pscket. ri.00tfil2.on; city, extra India mes $1 OiilS uo. Cut meat, quiet; plck '(I beilles. $7uM17.75; pickled shoulders, 15 5H4i0n. Latd. firm; western steamed, 57 .En; refined, ste-idv: continent. $7 5i'n8.1i: ompniind. ." 0fSjn.37S. Pork, firm: fam ily. $14 5fV-rfl5 1; short clear. $13.riffl5.ilu; mess. $13 j &13 STV. T A LIX)W Firm ; city, t2 per pkg.t. 4c; iintrv Inkgs. free). 4Nif4Tc RICE Quiet ; domestic, fair to extra, rVeS'.c; Japanese, nominal. HI'TTER Firm ; street prlcej extra c-eamerv. 31ti t2c; official prices, unchanged. ' HEESE Sleadv; state, full, small. 12V 'i It'.c: large. 10'14'. E JOS Steady; western storage packed, '"'jijllk-; western firsts. 18c; southeast, 17 n'-. 1'ol'LTRY Alive, steady: western chlck iis 12c; fowls. 15c: old turkeys. 16c. !iesed. steadv: western chickens. It4l2c; os, lOiltc; turkeys, KfrKv. t. Ivoale (.em era I Market. ST. IOCH. April J2.-WHEAT-Klim; 'o. 2 red cash, elevator, $1. '!; track. '.': Mav. 9!ec; July, t.'V&M2'u; No. 2 ..r.1, $l.(i. or N Higher; No. 2 cash. 47'v ; track, 'j'o49.'; Mav. J"''. 4VSS46V- iCrx-Bleadv; No. 2 cash, S"S-; track, May. 2Si:; No. while. 32"f33c. I l ol H Dull; red winter patents, $5.15fJ exira fancv end straight, l4.vn4.ito; .1 $4.2f.'u-4.7rt. sl-'KIi -Tlmotliv. taudv IV.urfiI.73. ''RXMKAI-Bltiy, $2S0 ';l!N Dull; sacked, east track. 73U7V. I I Y--ierty; tlmnthy. 16vfna; r ral ; 3 10 '). H11N l oTTONTIES- 95.-. I'.VJOINO-'V iiimc T'ixt;-'.. ' in VI(iIONS--P"rk. firm: lobbing. $12 i. unchanged; prime steamed. $ 75. Dry 1' meats tsixe1i. tend ; extra shorts, : clewr ribs. $77",; short clears. $7 50. Ii.noii ili,,.-di sted". niu f hurts, $7 s.i-j; e..r nb $77V,; snort clear. $ Poi'i.TRV Hiea; . ct-.u gen. iiV: -iids. H.i'.. ' u - !..; t 11 k s. l!c; - k-. i;ic. . r-Miuie- . Jsl3 -c; 'No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: KM)L R Steady : winter patentH.Masrfrfi.OO; winter straights, 144Ofi4.80; spring patents, bakers. $3.30ru3.6O. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $t.0fil.!5; No. 3, $l.'Vil.l3; No. 2 red, $1.16 Kl. CO RN No. 2. 49c: No. 2 vellow, 49'4c. OATS No. 2, 3t4c; No. 1 white, '.Wit 32c. KYE-No. 2. 78a78'ic. PARLEY oo.i feeding, 37g39c; fair to choice malting. 43VV649v. SEED No. 1 flan, $1.24; No. 1 northwest ern. $1 38; clover, contract- grade, $14. 35 14.41'. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hl-. tt2.SU 12.85. Lard, per (M lbs., $7.15(f7.17H. Shoi . ribs, sides tloosei. $7.007.12V; short clear aides (boxed). $7.00if7.12H. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts Flour, bbls 2l,5no Wheat, bu Corn, bu 633 8' Oats, bu U6.0HO Rve, bu 4.000 Barley, bu 96,300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creamerys, 2Stfj'.!9e. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, ltitje; firsts. lHHc; prime firsts. 18c; extra, J9c. Cheese, steady to firm, lSQMHc Shipments. 19.100 20,600 371.200 121.4U0 2.950 5.800 Kinisi City t.rnln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April 12. WHEAT May. 92V; July, 77V'i77Vc; cash, No. 2 hard, tl.0oml.11C; No. 3. OuctitLol; Nr. 4. 7O'o90c; No. red, $l.02al.W; No 3. 95;tt$1.04; No. 4. 70Ti97e; receipts, 39 cara. CORN May. 44V?i45c; July, 44s'8-44Tc; cash. No. 2 mixed. 4514c; No. 3. 45'4q4&i-c; No. i white, 46c: No. 3, 46Vt46'ic. OATS No. 2 wh'te, 31Vj32c; No. 2 mixed, aouio'-ic. RYE Steady, 708760. HAY Lower; choice timothy, $9.5tV310.nO; choice prairie, $7.257. 76. EGGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 16c; casfi caunt, 15c; cases returned, He less. HI'TTER Creamery, 22'a2Hc; packing. 18c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 31.200 31. 2"0 Corn, bu 27. 32.00-1 Oats, bu 4.W.' 13,0 0 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS MoTemeot Gives Evidence of Uncertainty on Part of Speculative Operators. MARKET STRONG AND WEAK BY TURNS Probable Kdecl of Ilia May Wheat Ileal at Chicago and Possible i1 flattie Add to Nervous Keeling.. NEW YORK. April 12-Movements of stocks continued to give evidence today of much uncertainty on the pait of speruht tlve operators. Th current news failed to account for any depression and con jecture pointed to various explanations of the palpable weight upon Hie market. Signs r t conslderaole strength and of sharp weakness succeeded esch other all day. Aggressive strength shown by a few stocks tailed to overcome the sceptical and sus picious Httituile of the trading. Some of those who sold stocks protested that they saw IndiHiltahie evidence of selling for the account of some of the persons who have been tlo; most demonstrative leaders of the bull campaign. Considerable liquidation was attributed to the account of orders received from western sources and the conviction held that this reported measures of precaution and a strengthening position on the part of those committed to the speculative deal In whom. The wheat market was com paratively quiet today, but the develop ments there are watched with keen at tention from the stock market point of view, owing lo the Identity of extensive speculation, both In the wheat and stock markets. The share taken by this interest In the bull campaign which has been con ducted in stocks Is variously estimated and the extreme estimates current. If they should prove Justified, would sufficiently ex plain the uncertain tone of the present market. The substitution In the Northern Securities directorate of a new name for that of the head of ihe L'nion Pacific party was belittled on behalf of both sides to the old quarrel In that property. The fears of an outbreak of this old quarrel were emphatically declared to be unjustified. Hut the Wall street view of this matter haa gone considerably beyond H mere quiet ing of the old dispute and has adopted a view of thorough harmony nnd co-opern-tlon In going forward to new projects of even larger scope than those of the past. There has been unqueHt lonably extensive speculation In stocks based on this view and the rather curt manner of yesterday's action of the directors shakes the con fidence held In that supposition. Definite news from the hostile fleets In the China seas was eagerly looked for and the possible outcome of a threatened sea fight was a restraining Influence on the securities market. The weakening of the foreign exchange market was regnrded with relief and a lower discount rate in Ixwdon and an advance in the sterling exchange rate at Paris also eased the situation, which began to threaten a withdrawal of gold from New York. Rut It Is reallied that a decisive battle between the opposi tion fleets might affect foreign money mar kets to an extent which would preclpltuto a demand upon our money reserves. Not withstanding the discussion of the North ern Securities decision I'nlofi Pacific was firm to strong all dav. The other principal points of strength were In the Industrial list, notably Smelting. Amalgamated I per and the locoini-tive stocks. The ness of New York Central wns a strong contrary Influence and Illinois Central also suffered from free realizing on yesterday' wide advance. The electric atocks suffered on rumors of a rupture of a working agree ment and of the expansion of competition In their field. A sharp break In People's Gna was also an effectivu Influence. The Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Ixmis stock increase added another to the long list of new capital Issues coming upon the market. An enthusiastic weekly review of the Iron trade awakened a lively demand for I'nlted States Steel preferred and an active absorption of l'nion Pacific at the same time carried the market upwards to a strong closing. Bonds were steadv. Total anles. par value, $2,790.0011. Tinted States bonds were a.l unchanged on call. Quotations 011 the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: Ha les.H'gli.Iow. Close. Atchison None 9o 8914 m do pfd None KflVi 103 103 Atlantic coast Line. .None 1 Cop wen k- Mllnaakee (iral.-. Market. MILWACKEE. Apri: 12.-WIIEAT-Strong; No. 1 northern, $1.11- No. 2 north ern, $l.0&'1.08; July, 87.i bid. RYE Weak; No. 1. 83c. BARLEY Easier; sample, sVWijum.-. CORN Firmer; No. 3, 4s4-,. ; May, 4V. Philadelphia Produce Markrt. PHILADELPHIA. Aprl! 12.-BCTTKR-Steady; extra nearby prints. ;e. EGGS Steady; nearby, fresh. 17'c at mark; western, fresh, 18c. a: mark. 1 'IIEK8K 8teady ; New York. Sill creams, fancy, 13c; choice, 134c; fair to good, uvulae. Dal nth Grala Market. Dl Ll'TH April 12. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. $1.03. On track: No. 1 northern. $108; No. 2 northern, 7rt)tl.uAt; Mav. $1 04; July, $1,014: September. fcSSc. OATS To arrive and on track, 2Jttc. Baltimore & Ohio. do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of X. J Chesapeake Ohio.. Chicago & Alton...... do pfd ..,.,.v Chicago Gt. Western Chicago & X. W C. M. & St. P Chicago Term. & T... do pfd C. C. C. & St, L Colo. & Southern .... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. D. . L. & W Denver & Rio O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Si. Ry Mexican Central Minn. 4- St. L M.. St. P. & 8. 8. M.. do pfd Missouri Pacific M., K. & T do pfd N. R. H. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. W Norfolk Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania P., C, C. & St. I, Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St L S F. 2d pfd. St Louis 8. W 600 100 11.800 SW 200 1.500 700 18,000 " 'vtio 500 4.900 2,000 141'. louVg Ml 154S 202H 67H 4"4 814 SI. 241 1794 '34" 107 , 28 Vs '37 it 1944 9.4UO 81 10 5) "ioo 19,000 SuO l.BoO 3.100 ifO 7,bll0 2.100 3.300 lion 1.000 2.100 2.51 13,000 100 33,500 11.400 3.2O0 19. iw) si;', 700 454 8 168 147 1II8H 96 153'i 2014 564 40 81 23A 240 17S 'ii" 1iVii 274 192 44'i 80 67 '94" IfiKH Pacific ... Railway. . Pacific W Peoria Market. PEORIA, April 12-CORN-8ieady ; No. ! yellow. 48c; No. S. 4c; No. 4, 47c; no grade. 450 c. OATS Firm: No. 3 white. SO&Olc; No. 4 white. 2Sa3oc. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 12.-WHEAT-May. $1.07; July. tl.feV No. 1 hard. $114: No. 1 northern, $1.11; No. 2 northern, SI .04. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. April 12 8EED-Cover, $8 10; April. 1x074; alsike. ibe, prime October, $f774; timothy, $1 40. cash, primo M "ITER -Qii tv. l!4j .. 1 v.-;. stea.i-. Ma . . - 1 1 on a e 1 o'lut. "Receipts Shipments 1 ' 28 $7.10 l.lte-ruaol drain Market. IKI-OH. A11.I 12. - - IVH EA T Spot. Vo 1 Calii-.r- U 4. ii"ires. . , 7',1 J .I,. :.. Kcptem- ':" Sp..t. quiet: Amcl jii m tel. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 12 .-COFFKK-Mar-ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 5 xu:ite under selling for European account and somewhat lower cables. A private table from llraxil staled that the smaller rn elpta there we:.e due to the high rate of Brazilian ((change and that receipts for the month mould probably underrun estimates, but exchange mas le ported slightly lower by the early cables and European cables from private sourcos predicted a continued decline. Rimstlng in terests were selling in the local market end mhlie (here was less nearby liquidation prices ruled easy, particularly In the late trading The close was easy at a decline of IoJjO points. Hales were reported of UZW bags Including May at .Mpl tic, July at tWW-. September at 70-u.5. . December at 9 Iswii.'JOc, aiarini ui i.i'sit-w. opoi easy; No invoice, Oils aad Roain. OIL CITY, April 12 OIL Credit bal anct $1 33. certificates no bid; shipments. 67, 119 bbls ; average. 7 4 bbls.; runs. 80.011 bbls : average fcf'.l'i bbls.; shipments. Lima W.W hb! ; average. i.:t4 bbls : runs, Lima 67 7'tf bbls : aersge. 46 a bbls SAVANNAH. Ja . April 1.' OI LS-Tur-rntine dull -. Rosin, firm; A B, C. Tift. E. r. 74 r. ss.on,. g. n 124 h. $.' .n, I S.I ". M. $4 10; tC$.Z WG it sa, W ", 4 . do pfd Southern do pfd Southern do pfd Texas 4- T.. St. L. & do pfd l'nion Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. A L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd .,.'. Adams Ex American Ex t lilted States Ex. Wells-Faigo Ex.. Amal Copper . 8.500 . 1.200 Sou 2r) too . 12.600 200 . 4.100 iii . 22.101 . 1.900 . 2 3i .171,7ml 31 644 142 166H S7i 123'i, '44 1(354 1074 31 5SVi S 1581-i 61 854 '954 '3.74 8111' 70 2fi 614 67. 11 8'4 344 I4 S8 4.34 15 IT! 99 U 31 634 1414 1W4 8r,n, 1224 74 ii74 161 1001; as :t9 1564 61 844 iii4 '94 844 794 70 26 65 664 118', 34 96 4 374 42 61 13l :.!. fiOO 46i 45 ,uu 61 ) ..186 400 Am. Car 4k Foundry. S.sfni do pfd 8ii Am. Cotton Oil l. do pfd Am. lee do pfd , Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. Refni.112.4! do pfd S.7'i Am. Sugar Refng 4.i Am. Tobacco pfd t-tf. 19.IMI 3T) S.4 48.801) 6.100 6.00 10.9irt 20.VO 3 2.3.10 1.fM S.Vil 8.800 3ii0 2.0110 8.7110 1I :c 17.4rti l.") w 1l ! 0(4) 1 Vi l.' y !. '"ii'ii 7i 4-l 64.ini 61.6il ) l'O 1.4o 7ni 514 4f, 1014 354 6 414 121-. U'4 iy, it; 9)1 m 70 M, S"44 12 60 4(4 IM4 234 Sl, i.l 51 S6 39S 1014 354 6 4l 1111, 115 1234 1414 971 1254 i.9'4 51 203 11, 59 44 1824 234 81 hows: Available ih balance, $l;i XI 1 19; gold. $7I.Xi.96V. tew lurk Money Market. NEW YORK. Apri' ll-MONEY-On c all. teady. :Q3s per cent; 1 Insnng bid. i per cent; offered al 34 per cent. Time loans, steady; " days. 34 per cent; days and months. 341134 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAFER-oVhi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, clising steady, with sctuil business in bankers bills at $4 8615414. N'iV" for demand and at $4 MT'fi444o for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $iikH4 87; commercial bills. $4 844 SILVER Har, 564c; Mexican dollars, 43c. BONDS Government, steady, railroad, heavy. Closing prices on nonds were: I'. S. ret. Ss. rg....l4 Jsuan s. f 11m 1 I,, a- N uni 4 11H Minhitran . I 4 IM4 M ontrtl 4 1.1.1 , Aty 111 tin- in Mmn. at 1 4 luH M . K a T 4 Ki4 di 74H N K n of M c IIS ,N Y. ('. r pn n. j. c .! .. MV.Nn I'srlflr 4 ... m I io I'W N W. 1. 4i... iq 6 I. r(d 44 llbV,Fonn rnnr. .".SIKeadlns irn. 44. 77 . Aiiacuida M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Consolidated Gas.... Corn Products do pfd Dintillers" Securities General Electric International Paper. do pfd International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A I run .. I', a leather do pfd C. S Realty I". S. Rubber do pfd I". S. Steel do pfd Va -Carolina Cnern.. do pfd Westlnghouee Elee. Western l'nion Ex-right Tolal sates for the dy, 1.1J4IO0 glares 148 1094 95 154a, SJ02 574 394 80 234 241 179H 174 34 1064 V7-, 60 37 193 3724 334 88i 454 804 674 92 94 1074 L9 64 31 t4 J42 M6; 8I4 122, 244 6V 118 163 174 314 6714 S84 15S 61i 8.74 92 1424 HO 95H 91 4 894 854 7; 6B4 Si 61', 67, 1184 344 96 38 424 C,2 1324 ft 4 22H 4)64 18 J34 51 4 240 sn YiM 245 t 40, I1 354 93U 404 19 4.'4 594 1214 1194 1254 1424 974 us; 694 R24 2o 114 69 444 18.14 2:14 da coiisnn C. 8. 3m. ret do coupon I'. 8 nw 4, reg do coupen t'. 9. nid 44. reg do coupon Am Tnbarro 44. elfl. do clfs Atrhlnon gsn. U. ... i adj. Atlanlli c. L 4i . . Bal. Ohio 4a do ( antral of Ua. it . . . do lal Inc- do 2i Inr C'hea. A ll:iln 4aa I hi. ago St A. 3H -('.. n S Q n. 4a .. C. R 1. A P 4a.... do eol. ht 107 V, ' ino 4 41 en: A 8t L. d 4a tns C'hl'-aso Ter. 4a Colorado Mid. 4a . . Colo. A So 4a ... . Cuba 6a. rtfa TV . O. 41 Illatlllrra' Sac. La . Kris prior lien 4a.. do fan. 4a F. W. A P C la . llo.lns Val. 4' . offered. 7 . 44 ion .im . w .1014 . 3S 114s, .111 1 -. K'4'4 ... 77W .. 14m ... ...liuk ... M 4s. II .. .itmi ..lit ...l(k ... 74 .. 1"1 ... 7S .. 1W . . .1U2 Rt I,. A I. M. r. 6 .in St. I.. A S. K. fs 4. H St. I,. S. W, r. 4a s Seaboard A L. 4a M1 So. I'arlflr 4a So. lla'laar 5a Taiaa ". la ... . T . St. L. W. 4i l'nion Pai IM 4a . do ronv 1 t S St eel 2d Kl Wahaah la do dab. R Waalern Md. 4a.... W. A b. E. 4a ... Wla. 1 antral 4 . .. M ll4 .lt1 . . . ..114', .. 7S . .1lS .. 74', .. t . i- .. 944 Boston Htorks nnd Bonds. BOSTON. .April 12. Call loans. 3n 34 pet cent; time loans. 34344 per cent. Official closing of stocks and oonns: Atrhlson 4 Atrhiaim do pfd Hoalnn A Albany... Hnflon A Malna.... Boaion Elatatae ... Fltrtihurg ptd Mailt an Ontral .. N. Y , N. II. A H l'nion Parin Amar. Arga. Cham. do ptd Amar. I'nau. Tuba.. Amar. Huxar pfd T A T Amar. Woolen do ptd Pomlnlon 1. A S... Kdlann Klai 1 1 111 . Ilanara! K'-lrl'- .. Maaa. Ktartrlc do ptd Maaa. Ilaa I nlted Fruit t'nltad Phoe Mah.. do pfd f. S. Steal do prd Waatlns t'ommon , Advantura Asked. "Bid. 49 104 4.VV, 1104 42 97 24.14 13 82 34 1074 I'M, 124 i ' 44 1I7S 374 l-r.'4 8.14 1"7 177 Mi. 47, 101 4 4 108 4 424 97 2C4 21 S 0'4 32'; 1074 f;4 11-, '93 ' 414 I'", 4 1i7 1:54 9! 4 1024 454 14 4, 9SV 245 ;-3 82 334 V7 h.,4 l'.;4 XI 43', 11-V 874 "s?' KC 17S4 93 Trrasary gtaleaneal. WAalllNGTliN. April 12. -Today state ment of tl.e treasury balances 111 the gen eral lu-id excl'islie of ihe ;viirt.ii gold ra-rve m tr division uf redemption, do Aniar. Ill Alleuei 2S iS Amal,amtad k' 103 American Zlne II 240 Atlantic IS 4 !7S lllusham 14 cal. A llei' la 14bva Cantannlal I' 241, Copper Hans '64 :'0Ji I'aly West 1 UV Ilnmlnlon Coal So ;4S Franklin 'i S iiran y . 4j lala R.iyaia 24 14t4 Maw Mising l'"i I3K Mltlilxan IS 44 Mohawk W S0l Muni '. A C 1 IMS Old llemlnlon -4 I'll Oatenla 2R5 Parrot -'" Julnr-y I'H II Shannon 74 9 Tamara. k !-' 414 Trinity lu C. . .Mllllnt 1"S HH'l I'. 9. Oil 3314 t'tah 4t-! , XI , Victoria .. . 4 102 (Winona IJ'i 7 Wolverine ! London Mtocks and Bonds. LONDON, April 12. Closing quote tlons on stocks und bomls: Conaola. money . , 90 16-18, . V. Central 16:l-m do arrount 1 1-H'Norfolk A W 74 Anaconda m 4" prd M' Ati-hlaon a4'CHHarlo A W 4 do ptd HU I Penna.aivinla 7.14 nalllmoro A Ohio... lU4;Hand Ml Ilea lu' Canadian Pacini: ... lii Heading 4t' Chea. A Ohio 6-4 j do lit ptd 47 Chicago c;t. W 21Si do ri pfd 4C 1:.. M. A at. p 1I4'4 So. Hallwar 3" Den-ara 17 do pfd . 9H Denver A R. U 3.-.!So. Pacthv ' do pfd Ii- Union I'aclflc 1.16 Erla 44 do pfil 1i4 Ho lit pfd II V. 8. Sleel :I7 do Id pfd 7" do pfd M Illinois Central 1724 Wabaah Lauls. A Nash I IDS, do pfd 47 M , K. A T 124)!8paulah 4a So--, SILVER-Bar, steady, 26 4 d per ounce. MONEY 1414 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent: three muutni' bills, 2 l-16f24 per cent. ew York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, April 12-The following are the closing quotations 011 mining stocks: A .la ma Con f' .l.lttla Chief 1 All.a 47 tiniarla -IOO llreers 2S Ophlr M Brunawirk Con A llHoenlx 8 i'omstock Tuunal 8 iPotoal 1 Con. Cal. A Va 17 J Havage 2t Horn Silver 164 iSbirra Neradu ) Iron Silver i..JJlv rsmall Hopaa ii Leadvllla Cod 6 (Standard IIS Foreign Financial. LONDON, April 12. Money was more plentiful in the market today and the de mand was normal. Discounts were In clined to ease in sympathy with money. Bills were taken moru freely, though Paris checks were clowely watched. On the Stock exchange trudlng was inactive, largely owing to the absence of support while awaiting events In the far east. Con sols were quite steady, but closed easier. The exchequer bond issue waa In modulate Investment demand, which maintained flrst class securities. Americans were dull. They opened below parity and the move ments were Irregular on Wall street manip ulation. Tim feature was a sharp rise to Illinois Central. New York. Ontario & Western was strong In the afternoon. Price eventually became Irregular and closed easy. War stocks were quiet. Jap anese, were disposed to harden. Imperial Japanese 6.-4 of 1904 mere quoted at I014. Paris, supported Internationals. PARIS, April 12. Business on the Bourse today opened with a firm tone, but at the closing the market was heavy. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 88 30 and Rus sian bunds of 1904 at 506. Rank ( learinas. OMAHA. April 12. Baiil: clearings todav vere $1.32. 693.07. For the corresponding day of 19oi the clearings were $1,212,256.99. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 12 METALS There was a further development in the squeeze in spot tin in the IxmUon market, where there was an advance of about i.1 on spot, while future were unchanged. Spot closed at A. 14.'. and futures at 136 5s. Ixicallv the market was quiet and practically nom inal. Spot is held at $30.95ii31.25. The 1,011 don copper market was a shade lower, clos ing al 67 7s 6d for spot and 67 15s for futures. Lncallv the market shows no change. Lake is quoted at $I5.37 4'1 15.60; electrolytic at $15.25-'a 15.374. and casting at $14 874a 15.25. Lead was steady at H 5o'i 5.00 In the local market and was also un changed In London, where It Is minted at 12 16s 3d. Spelter m-as hlghet at 23 12.- rkl In London. Locally the market was dull and unchanged at $6. la) Iron closed at 54e 4d In G!aguW and at 49s 4.1 In Mlddlesbm-- ough. The local Iron rmirket is quiet; No. 1 foundry, northern, is quoted at $17. soft 18 25, No. 2 foundry, northern, at $17.004117.75; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern soft, at $17.7.vijl8.:6. ST. LOl'IS. April 12 M ETA L8 Lead. steady at $4474414 50. Spelter, dull al $5. OT3.S3. Evaporated Apples and Dried l-'ralt NEW YORK. April 12 EVAPORATED APPLES Continue quiet. Holders are still asking $5.40 for prime, but buyers views ore below that figure. Common are quoted at 4Viific; prime, $5.35'ij5.40; choice, 64364c; lancy, .-. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI ITS-Prunes. cleaning up on spot, but the market shows no Improvement. Quotations range from 24c to &4c. according to grade. Apricots remain quiet. with buyers Indifferent choice are quoted at W104C.; extra choice HV; fancy, 124il5c. Peaches are unchanged at i,rauc ror cnoice. juwinc lor extra choice and 114!12c for fancy. Raisins con tinue quiet; loose Muscatel are quoted at 44'o64c. London layers at $ln5-fi1.25 and seeded raising at &4J?ii;. Kaiiar and Molasses. NEW YORK. April 12.-81 'G A R-Ra w firm; fair retlnlng. 4 5-l6c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 15-16c; molafcses sugar, 4 1-16V; re fined firm; crushed, 6 85c; powdered, S26'-; granulated, 6 15c. NEW ORLEANS. April lZ-HIGAR-Qulet: open kettle, 34fi44c; centrifugal. 44'fM 15-li; centrifugal, whites. 64c; yel lows. 4'r?S7-16c: seconds. 34'a44c MOLASSES Nominal ; open kettle, 7-&l6c; syrup, nominal, x. 0MAF1A LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Fecfipts Moderate and an Active and 8teadj to Strong Market Resulted. HOGS SOLD STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER heee and l.amhe Hnther Mow, hut Rest tirades 4 omaaandril Just Abont ateady Prices Feeling on others a Trifle Weak. Sul'TIl OMAHA. April 12, 19ni. -ill., lloua Mhectv Official Moiulav . 4H1I .1...4I lioM Offlciel Tuesday 5.9in lo.iot 12.171 Official Wednesday .9os 9.ln3 4,79s Three dim this meik ..13.8 22.7X4 29.678 Three days last meek 9.SH2'.l 2S.942 Same days n-eek before. .11.91 3d. o92 y..2;12 Same three weeks ago. . 1.1,241 In- 18.TH1 Same four weeks agi Iu.k'.i -t. I.4.4 in,". Same days last year lS.ftbl y,i7i 21.4.40 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DA I E. Th following table shorn- the receiit of cattle, hogs and sncep si noutn timaua tor the year to daie, with comparison with lust j ear; at. Paul Dec. Cattle Li3.is5 2n9..4i 3,lsi Hogs hm .413 Ml.lli Oheep 41,601 Mo.14.7 33,66 Ifia lullowing table stiowa the average pine Ot ltvaa o,uiia .ui1 me laai aeverai aa., wim comparisons. Mar. !.. Mar. 1... Mar. is. . uar. is.. .vial. Xj.. .uar. 1 Mar. 33.. war. Mar. 24.. Mar 3b.. iar. 2... alar. iJ... Mar. 2 . Mar. 29.. Mar. o.. .iar. di . . April 1. . Mprn 2.. Aprn . 4.. April b.. Aplll Ii.. .April ,.. April .. Ann I -J . April 10. A Di ll 11. April 12. I ltui. lUyt.ilisjl.iiavj.ilaul.llJuii.ll -1- OR . 6 12 4 'M I 0741 41 Ml a uifsi 4 , t OS I 6 Uli a 1V 6 Obi d (a 1 a ml 1 al I t lai 1 ai 4 '4l vHl 1 It 16 I Mi 141 k 04 I W 0 1 S W I 1 a so, 1 11 9 mi a )i a avi I Mi b li 11, on 1 34, 201 It Hi . 81 1 a mi. s au 861 7 45 1 b bo 4 tsi 7 1MI 291 1 4 931 1 v.. k i., 8 7i . I t Ui 7 211 g M, b 871 4 8. 6 1341 I ' 30 .. &6 4 ell a lsysl 6 171 7 U bi 6 vi Ob, 09 1 3 14 1 b b 0 801 s lb OVA,, B Oi, 7 23; I t 4 U o 14 , 4 u! 1 .1, 8 56, 1 a io, 6 154i i 03. 7 SO 6 6u 5 9J, I 1 0 0 7 M, b 66; b on b 08 f 164l I 1 23 U a, 6 88, b lb -11 1 o 13i i jb b bd. 11 tiv. . a til., 1 t Ui 1 uni I 3U o 3e 1 u 00 7 24 I I) Ob, o 30 u 20S 4 U, 7 24, 8 681 b 2i, 0 2.t 4 9Hi 1 2, 1 6 6.1 6 01 I . 4 94. 7 2o 6 61 a 92 5 33 1 6 25 I 1 7 26 6 79; b 81 1 5 3s, D 26-4 4 95; I HJ 89, 5 III I 0 36; 6 31 , I Si; ,6 8,1, a 98i 0 ;I3, s at be 4 OS 5 81 3 i tki 3 1W i 4 bi t ' 3 64 3 00 J 04 3 or 3 64 a a a 3 w 3 K5 4 t3 3 '..4 in a 3 68 3 61 3 63 evr York Live "lock Market. NEW YORK, April 12 -BEEVES-Re. celpts. 1.633 head. Market for steers steady to strong; bulls unchanged cows lens ac tive and a trifle easlei ; steers. tB.MOtt: 7'i, tail ends $4.2t: bulls. I325i6u: rc . $1 ',5 414 75. oxen, $4 60 Cables quoted e cat tin higher ut 114t124 per lb.. pa 13.-. dressed weight: refrigerator beef higher at 9'u94c per II) Exiurts today. ATT cattle and 4'J quarters of beef; estimated tomor row. 5oo head cattle. CALVES Receipts. 3 118 head. Mark-t fcc higher; veals. $4 iW7Ki; choice. $7 25' 7 50; little calves and culls. tJOt'i.'liO. dressed calves, steady to strong: ciiv dressed veals, 8-sllc per lb ; country dressed. 7i9c. HOGS-Receipts. 4 276 I earl Market was strong, Penosvlvama and state hogs, SA 10 ') 15. choice state tugs. $6 25 SHEEP AND LAMHH-Re, e pt 2 fco head Market slum, sleep steaov. lambs 10c higher; common unshorn sheep. $4.joi 8 in; iliolce clipped $5 in. -mehorii Uinba. $v SavVi 70. uli. $., Seiing lanii'i. $l.Hi'l S p r htaj. stuck 5 2 n 1 43 34 11 3 2 3 .. 1 4n 4u 1' i 2H II 3'i 27 3 3 2 1 15 11 2 I 4 I 171 129 21 7 Indicates Sunday. The official number of earn of brought In today by each road mas: tioau. Cattle. Hogs. rn 11. 11 s v... .VI. t Bi. ! Missouri Pacific I nlon Pacific system C. .- N. W i... F., E. & M. V C St. P.. M. O.... B. 4 M ., H. A Q , H. 1. r P.. east.. C. R. I. .- P.. West. Illinois t entrul Clucugu G. W Total receipts 171 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neuu indicated: Buyer. ( tittle. Hogs. Sheep. ima ha Packing Co... Swift and Company.. I udaliy racking 1.0... Armour Co Swift, from country Vausant Co Carey at Benum Lobman & Co Hill A Huntzinger. ...... Huston & Co Hamilton & Rothschild L. F. Hiisb Wolf AV Muriimi Mike Haggertv J. B. Root at Co Bulln A. Kline 1 D. B. Co Boyd aV I I'"' Huffman 37 Parker Wehb : 8. At 8 K'2 I' Cuduhy Bros 2118 Carey-Carey 6 Other buyers 593 512 1..44 222 7.9 2.19a 207 663 l.t,;! 1,9-1 S43 2. !9 316 20 63 5.. 81 66 6 99 110 65 37 1 IK 14 6 Totals'. 4.228 8,822 3,844 CATTLE There were only moderate re ceipts In sight this morning, Chicago re porting is. duo, Kansas city i,"w, mm ai South Omaha there were about 3.90. The demand was apparently again In good shap, aa buyers were all out early, and the cattle soon began to move toward the scales- As compared with yeaterdny, there was but little change In ruling pricer.. The market on hee-f steers could safely be quoted active and steady to strong 011 anything at all desirable. In aome cases common cattle were neglected to some ex tent, but the change In ruling prices was too small to be worthy of mention. Thai a were quite a fern- pretty good cattle in tlu yards, aa will I seen from the sales be low. All the more desirabl 1 bunches weie out of first hands In good season and In fact a good clearance was made at a rea sonably early hour. 1 he cow mrket was also active ami steady to strin g on the better grad-8. As high as $5.10 waa paid for a load of row) and heifers mixed and $5.25 was paid f.-' heifers. All the buyers seemed to be anx loim for good stuff In the may of elllie. cows or helfera and the prleea paid mere very satisfactory. The common ami me dium classes were not as active as the choice stuff, but still the market could be quoted steady and everything sold with out much trouble In good season. There was no rrartfcular change In the prices paid for bulls, veal calves and stags. Good stuff was active, with others none too brisk, bul steady. The demand for the better grades of stockers and feeder was aufflcient to cause an active and fully steady market on such kinds Feeder buyers are now competitors on the marmed-up corn feds of good quality and consequently packers have to pay good strong prices for the short fedja to keep them away from the feeder buyers. The common kinds of stock cattle were a trifle slow today and in some ca-ies they were steady and In others a trifle lower. Representative sales: BEEF BTEIkRB. No. Ar Fr. No Av I'r. t aao t in It 1HJ A to 1 DO ID 12. A 4.1 876 4 II 1 lZi.i h 4.1 4 UMi 4 av 1 114 I 4" 1 auu 4 8k it lot; 1 a ul 4 76 5 1014 A 4" 4 ti: I mi 22 iz:i4 l v, 3 SOU IS 'Hi la IU7 5 46 1 100 & en inc. 1 1 84 5 8I 21 1211 1 7l I 111! I 14 l DM b 70 2A 171 i III II 1944 S to 14 IW'i S I' 2 I14 I l SJ 1 11-3 AM IK 6 SO it im tt" 44 nu t, in 14 1!i S Il A in It. irnu a :s A i40 I en . 1I--4 I iu 1'. nil I i 21) 49 I 31 :2 1147 I U. 7 l'W4 A 4.. i7 12UJ t, ti, i lOtti A II I US I 8" 1 luM 1 18 !l ...IH44 I -l tl 1011 A 40 V 1171 t at) II 10! A A Ai im A . 24 leal A" UI4 do 10 IU A An 7 l.-li: l 13 llAo A An 21 . . .Itjt 0a ! lOSS A an 17 IMS ( nr. 10 104 A 1 17 rtt 4 10 II 1014 I Ao 2 IV u, 17 1141 I AO f. 124 t r. 12 111.! A il II 1421 I in 15 US AM 1 1424 4 Iu : Ill la I 114 411 OO W8. 2. Ami 1 as 10 vk 4 00 2 840 s An 2 :u 4 On 1 70 2 li 4 ltt, 4 on 1 047 I 2 10 1077 4 ti I IM Hi 1 14 4 un 1 IK I IA S ..HI 4 1A I M0 2 ti 1 1121 4 I 1 70 I 11 I 4 it 1 91 S b $ 1070 4 to 1 al S be 4 101; 4 zi 1 IK"! I Hi U 444 4 If. I IO 2 A IM: 4 ? 1 ie : n 1 1200 4 sa 1 J4 1 1'. 11 loaf. 4 :, 1 Iil.ll 17'. 1 no 4 f., 2 10 : SA I lot 4 M 2 7 II") 10 141. 4 14 2 87$ I 00 17 tj t ral I i I tw. 4 W 7 tote I 20 12. iv 4 41 1 f-4 2 in .... 111 1 11 1 lltt 14 1 U4-I 4 AO II LOO I 14 I i7l 4 AO 1 .I I to 4 U42 4 so 1 11 Hi 19 2 1170 4 1 9 S 14 7 1247 4 10 1 Ill II . 771 t VI 1 II I 71 t . 1.411 4 OA 2 440 I 71 sat 4 i 1 1 I 71 II UU0 4 71 1 lit t ei 4 74 : 770 1 14 10 . 4 n I ltS t il I lit 4 71 71 I 00 I Aa 4 7, t 8 t 1014 4 74 I Ss S 1 i: 4 so A 0-M II 4 . ... Iit4 4 Tl. I 44 I 17 .104 4 7k I lie I A Jl . 114! 4 U 1 l'WO I A W U 1 ll0 la.. t 1071 4 a4 A 10 V) 1 be :i t:i 44., 2 . 4 1 iim 11 4 7I 4 Or 1 ;r 4 , COU'B AND HEIFER It I 4 I 17 4"4 4 14 uH ' .14 4r.4 elfeia STEERS AND CUW S 17 4.4 II. ,4 ... , .47 T 4 V, la ,, . Ill 741 I i .4 . . IM . STEERS AND HEIhKKS 11 1174 a 4a It LIFERS I . ! SO .4 a I 4.. 4 lit I In . .. I I II" "a 11; 4 " 1 . . 411 - If. : ....... 17 4 . . "A 2" I ..' 4 ii 1 a.Ni j 4;, 1 ;a,. 4 7 . 4 m: ; 4-. :t is4 4 7. 4 Hi I m : Ii u 10 4.0 I ihi I : t;,- 4 to 4 .141 I III !. 4 t'l I a?n 1 7'. ' I ISO 4 I . . :.M 1 If. 14 :.4 4 4'. 447 4 st : I'n I ( JL'LLS 1 137n 2 40 I n' ? '1 1 Hill t 1 I 171" J 4 1 t; 0 40 I ITMI t i4 I 4"i 3 1 m - ... 11. m 11 7 1 r.-t-i S In 1 1M11 s 7s 1 1.'..ll 3 1. 1 I.l .1 40 1 1:40 I M I 14 HI J .-. I . i:.f. S !o I . . inn .1 XI 1 1:40 J ;r. 1. UT" 4 no 1 174.1 .1 A" 1 I"4" I '' 5 J0 3 til I 144.1 4 ",l I 1 17'1 3 so . 4 : . 1 i4i,-i .1 :i 1 ii" 4 2:. I 144.1 1 on STAGS. 1 len 3 .- 1 ... .. .ui,. 4 CALVES 1 4 no : ); is 1 24H 4 Oil 2 I4S a .hi 1 :'4l 4 00 1 1 14 & 4o 1 AO 4 SA A 1" A tn I IM 4 ', 1 If..) i I'l 1 An A ; 1 SO j 7.. I 110 A On 4 .. fill no STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2 :.on 3 Oil si fs.1 4 1.1 2 SHI I il 17 424 4 1" 1 an 1 24 4 7.H 4 1" 1 AM 3 IS 14 . . ... 741 4 10 II.... 4n I 27. 4 2 I Sim SI". 1 aw 4 M 1 4411 S 7? 4 tn 4 M 3 40 I 40 12 4.10 4 'JO I 4.14 3 AO 11. . 147 4 1 J4.i 2 50 1 7i'o 4 24 t 110 ti , 4 I AO 8 7S ' i 741 4 lo 12 I 7a 2 Tati 4 4a JA SW la 4 Haw 4 IA S Sim 4 00 ... 7117 4 .Mi 1 . . 440 4 no 3j ! 4 A . t 828 4 on 21 717 4 70 1 4UI 4 on WYOMING. No. Av. Pr. No A v. P 11 feeders. . 982 4 70 9 steers. ...1 161 4 t t .-bul- : 10 .V b.ti'i.i ,-t .!, 5 r-.i". cli;vu al :'. Hi )Gl4-Receipts of hogs were moderate tli If morning ami with favorable reports ft om other isilnls the market here shorn ej some iniprovement. The general markei could best be described by calling It nv stlv 2'tc higher, with sales trom Mmng t, he higher. The bulk of the bogs went at 0 ami $5 32'-,. wit Ii the choicer loads at .:1.. Tho common fluff went tri m J.'i 3n domn. The range of prices Is iiom- so narrom- that unless the hogs are very choice or common they sell In Just about Ihe same notches, regardless of weight. The that arc now in the greatest demand are handy wcightx, or those weighing f n in 200 to 2 ootinda. A prime load of he.-ivles. though, will still top the market, 11s is shown by the fuel lhat $5 35 mas paid for a toad this morning weighing 4 pounds. Most of t lie hogs mere out of Hist hands In good sea win, but tomard the close packers mere In clined to bo bearish. Hnlesmen held on, howciver. and finally sold out at practically the same prices that avn e paid early the morning. Representative sales: In No. Av. Sk. Pr. No. Av. PA Pi 70 241 ... 6J7ii 71 .-II 120 6 :l'l An 211 40 A 27 1 1 4 ?:. r 3.1 04 144 4H A 27 W IK r' 3" 70 271 ... 6 un 7H 222 ... A So 72 244 XI A lo 22 212 . . II" 14 221 ... 120 '.- 23" 120 r. 4" l!At 'l A J" 274 ... I an 71 134 III) A ;;0 44 247 . . .'. i" 4 2"7 40 2" 80 121 I'l A 30 ei 24 ... sn ;7 ;.ia ... a :m r. -m ... A .in 7J 21 4 ... i an 10 4i son A an .'41 no r. so 44 240 40 I SO M 22ti ml A 31 !2 213 in A Xi 47 24B 4n I J', 7" 7;-7 4 r zi- o.i 2i.4 an r. 3:'i, A4 2J4 In A 3D 24 214 ... 4 32', f.( 24.1 40 it 'i 40 244 A 32'a 1 2.1 H tl 42 214 40 A 3."t Al 144 ... A HO SA 374 ail i 12', 22 lull i'l h SO 77. lit HO j:1, S3 217 40 6 30 7. '.'-!l 120 A .'! 88 '.'44 ... S 30 76 244 . . 5 32 1 , 4 2M . . A an 41 270 . . b S2'. 74 f.' hil b I'l II 214 an IU.", 1 23t, K'O A In 71 24" ... 132 4 74 211 an i an i l! m 1.12', (7 24 40 A 30 44 214 ... 1 1.' 2. 121 ... A M '"' 202 ... A 32i, 12 224 ... S 30 71 227 ... A 12', 12 224 ... A Iu 71 II! ... A SS', 4 243 ... t SO 44 t'.l ... A 121, 44 243 200 A 30 74 Jul . . i 32', i7 271 120 I 30 74 21 ... A 12' 17 24 ... A 40 HI 224 ... A 32 44 234 120 f, XI M .'19 ... A 12', 74 24 jn ft an 4 240 . A at l 7 22H ;flll Alio " 221 40 5 32't 70 211 ... 6 80 2 2"l ... A 12',, 70 ill ... a so l 2"4 40 A 32', 17 22 ... 5 30 44 347 ... I 2', AA 240 ... A 30 7 171 III f. iTT, 10 241 40 r. 1" 4 27- An A 31, 21 24 XI A XI II 21 4" I 32 SI 101 40 A SO 7A 240 ... A 321, (I 260 IM IS 41 7T . . A ill 43 214 ... A 30 at tm ... I 32l (8 244 ... 5 30 i 211 ... A 12'i 21 300 XI A 10 '-4 241 . . 8 72 221 ... ft 30 44 241 40 I 32', II 113 ... Ill 41 214 ... A 321 74 241 40 A an 44 .103 . . S'2l, 4.1 224 140 A 40 41 214 40 A 82 128 243 120 A 34 f.4 244 .. 1 32 71 243 AO 8 30 44 272 I" I 321, 211 ... A So 72 273 ... A 321, 4 Ill . . I XI AO 34" ... D 31", 4C 224 10 A SO II '.'81 ... A 34 16 M ... 6 Ml 41 407 1211 6 li 72 221 1IMI A 10 44 271 Ml AS', 0 24A 4.1 ;, n 14 20.'. 40 A J . 72 235 .J i So .11 211 ... A 111 70 .240 ... 5 30 HHEEP There was not itu excessive run of sheep and lambs here this morning, bin buyer:! did not take bold with any too much life. Hut mblle the market mas In clined to be slow, the more desirable grades sold mllhout a great deal of troiiiilc. al Jusl nl.oul steady prleea. Home of the less desirable grades. thoiign, were neglected and the prices offered were a lit 1 1 - lower than the same kiuda brought yesterday. There was not very much good stuff offered, the bulk of the receipts being only full' In quality. As high, though, as $5.50 was paid for ernes. The lamb market was also slom-, with best grades about steady ami the feeling on others weak. Aa high ua $7.20 mas paid for fair lambs. (nutations for fed stuck: Good lo choice yearlings, $64(H6.75; fair to good year lings, At..l4a6 40, good lo choice wet In is. $5.6Yf5.7&; fair to good wethers, $ 5n; good lo choice ewes, Su.JMf-.VoO; fair lo good ewes. $4.71WJ5.16; common lo fair ewes. $4 00 b,4.&0; good to choice lambs, $7.2M7.50; fair to Rood lumbs, $6.!o4?7. 1J; leeder lambs, $6.0040 U 50. No. Av. Pr. B0 western cull ernes 87 3 tw 1 western cull ewe Hu ,3 00 3 Western cull ern es Sn 3 50 15 western cull ewes 92 8 60 419 western ewes 9o 4 85 2716 western f wes 99 5 00 215 western ewes 94 8 50 242 western cull lambs 59 5 50 23 cull ewes 80 3 00 I" clipped wethers lr-3 4 15 47 western ewes 87 5 i4i 4",2 clipped wethers 9.7 5 15 25 western ewes 5 5 25 2ia7 mestern ewes Ill 5 45 4I'3 western ewes 10 5 1.5 273 feeder lambs 69 6 00 415 western lambs 7t 7 20 l. I onls lite lnrA MarAet. . r. i.iii is vpip !. cvtti.f ;-, ein". 2..'' head. Intituling 1 ' .i.l Tea it.., ii!tket ete.tdv t Mi-otig native sl'itpti a anil expclt steels. 4.. 1' ' uli 7."' . .! tv.'i pf.-f .411.1 butt hi 1" vleelH $ I '.'I'.l'l I-!, steels Ulldee 1 lbs. ': 7.11.. '. st..cker mil Ii edefs. $? Jrtli I . con-si .ii'ii lieif. r-. I'l :."..i.'. 9... i i-'-tiers. $i ir? '" boll'. $" f'.ll I :!': calves Jl.ti a I a hi; i'e,l atnl lli.llltt steels. $ ! :at5 7c . corns slid heileis. l.'iclil.'A Hi m )rt - He, l ip's s.imi hes.l market tl'oli. pigs and lights. Il iti.i.' packns i.'. .It.'oo ."", butt bets ami list hcn . $., v't 5 t'A FHKI'l -N'I 1 VM1IS Uc-eipts. 1 ."iiii head, market siroi.g. nitlve mutton. $l'"i liiAsn: lambs. 14 i"'vii. eulls nnd I'licki. $.; Ml '.I I I"' . shirkers. '..oil 4 i"i oim-k lii siabi. I(i.ei,!s ol live stock tit the -U lin.'- pai men, -ni null kefs yrsi.-rtlav m.-tc as fol lows : C.lltle ll-'s She- South liniali.l Hicu t 'it ... Ku ns. i s l 't l SI Louis Hi .loseph ., Chicago Totals . . . .1 9i) 7. sin lie,-.. 4 ri I II I :l 4' p. 4mi 4 mat yituo 1 5-al i.ri im at ;-f,..,ai -.yi.O! 17. .".'Hi .13.1 ! r.l.l.'l 4 O'1! iniAllt Minn I'.iti i; vi v ii 1. 1-1'. Condition of Trade anil ttuolstlona on staple nnd lanr) Produce. EGGS - Receipt s hcavv; market steadv; candled stock, ICc. LIVE I'tHl.iltV liens. ll'wc. oun roosters, sc. -irdlng to .!. 9'iillt . old roo--Ids. 6.-, luik.-is. Il-il.'.c. ducks. He. KI'TTEIt I'St king stt.i k. 17c. eboli to fancy dairy, I94jjc; creattierj, '.'IVJ'si plitlls. 27c FI'.SII KRi i.EX FISH - Trout. : pi. k ee, 6'jc; pike. si,. , perch, if. bluellsh, lb-; m hitcflsh. 9c. siilinoii. 11c; re.lsiuippi i , 9c, green halibut, lie, crnpplcs. lb-; buffalo, 7c; mhlie bas. II.-. Iii-iiIuk. 3ic; Hiiiinisli mackerel. 12c; lobsters, b.ill.-il. AV.c; giccn, 40c, tiniiiin liatl.llcs, 7c; fi- ha.l. each. 7oc. shad roe, p. i lour, Jik . 1- rog legs, per dor.., S0c. IIAV Pin es qui. ted bv lininlia U bole sale Hiiv Dealels' Hssocla I loll : Choice No. 1 iiplan.V $6. .'4i; No. 2. $' '. inetlluin, $r.:ai; coats.-. $5 in. live strum. S."...iii These price ate for hav of Km"! color an. I quality. ' BH AN I'er 1..11. 117 5m uYHI'EltS .New York counts, pet 1 an. 45.-; extra selects, per .-an. 35c: stsrul.trds, per can. :ic Kullt: Standards. iur gal. $1 40; extra selects, per gal.. $1 65; New Vork counts, per gal., $1.: 1. TROPICAL FH I ITS. ORANi:-;H California extra lincy llcrl Ih ml 1111 vela, all sizes, $21 ien-S 25, fancy navels. $2 75. large, $2 ,'iu. LEMONS Calliornla. exira lanc. 27'i sixe, $3.1 ni ; ,H4) and ;. $3.2'.; fain v. 5c'. $2 ;8i and :ian, $:cu; 1 hoi.e, 281 mid 27u. $2 25. 31 hi a 1 id .liiii J2.Mi DATES- -I'er Ihix of 30-lb. pkgs , $2. on; 1 lallom-e en. In ra-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5c. FIGH California, per lfi-lb. carton. 75'ui 85c; inisiiieil Hmyrnii, l-rruwn. bu-; .. ciomn, 12c. BANANAS- Per mcdlum-sl.eil buiicli, $1 7 ffi2 25, lunibits. 2 kH't mi. GRAPEh 'RI'IT 1 allfornla. per box nf 54 to 64. $4.iai; Florida, $5 tm hi III HI FRF ITU. STRAW 'BERRIES Texas, pi r 24 ql ease, T4.2M4 80; Louisiana, per 24-qt. case, $2 du. A l l'LES - New Vol k Baldwins. 83 oikuM 2... Color. 1. lo Men Davis, per box, 81.25: Roman I'l-aiity, per box, $2181; Baldwins slid Gi 11 lugs, per box. ....5". '1 ANGERINEH-Callfnrnlii. per hull-box, $2 25. CltANHEKIUEH-Jcrsc.vs, pet bbl., $.''. per crate, $2 25 VEGETABLES POTATOEH - Home grown. In sncks, js-r bu.. , 3IK.I Inc; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new iHitaloes. per lb., 7c. TI'RMI'ri--Old, per bu., I"c; new, pel dor , 75c. CARROTS Old, per bu , 4'c; new, per dor.., 5nc. I'ARSNII'K-old. per bu.. 4",c. BEANS Nan. per bu., $2.1. WAX ItlCANS Per bu . hamper or bu. box. tl.5'"fi CCCI'MitEKH Pel do.. $l.75fi2.(4l TOM ATOE.H - Florida, peril-basket ctrtle, $5.iasfii.ii, SPINACH Per bu.. 75c'.i$1.0O ONIONH Spanish, per crate. $2.50; Colo rado yellow, per lb.. 2c; Birmii'lu onions, per crate. $2.75; new southern, per tloz , 45c. CABBAGE - Holland seed, pel lb.. l'i . California cabbage, In ciati-s. per lb., 2ijc BEETS -Old. per bu., 4'"-; new, per do.. bunches, l.c. CELERY-California. 7o?(9ue. RADISHES - Hot house or southern, per dog.. 30M4OC. LETTCCE I lot house, pi r 1I0Z , 45c. Fill I I IA H B - Illinois, per lb, 5c; per box of 50 lbs . $1 25111.50. PA RHLEY - Per doz bunches. ."('. AHPARAGFH -.Illinois, per dor., bunches, $1 75; home grown, per don. bunches. $1 iKi'q. 1.25. M I HI 'ELL AN EOI 'H. I'll El-IHE-Wlsciiiisln t wins, full cream. 15c; Wisconsin Young America. Its-; block Swiss, new, 16c; old. 17c; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin llinburger, 15c IIIDFH- No. 1 green. t'Hc: No. 2 green. Hi,-,'-; No. I sailed. V; No. 2 sailed, 7Vc; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. veal calf. 9c; di"y salted. 7'dHc; sheep pells, 25c'ii$l.0O; horse hides, $1.5'i'H3 00. RKII. KTTK TH4xKKH8, C IIH 14.4) I.IAE MTIII K SI4IIKKT Rest tattle ttlrung, Dlhers Ahaile l.oner- Iftagte a ahale Higher. CHICAGO, April 12. CATTLE-Receipts. 17.144) head. Market for best nirong, others shade lower; good to prime sieers. $6,1411 7 0n; poor to medium. $4rl5 75; stockeis arid feeders, (2. iSsV (.; cows 7ijr 5.ii ; beif eis. $3 0yq 8 00 ; canners. 1 1 5 v 3 i. bulls. fJ.UiVi.h; calves, t3.in4KI.2S. HUGH-Receipts. 25.04) bead; estimated for tomorrow. 22,'i head. Market shade higher; mlied and butchers. $5 oo5 TO, gisnl to c hoice heavy, $5.6Mjy 72l; rough heavy, S5 47Vn5 1iO; light, $6 4010.621,. hulk of sales, $8 67Vfe5 PHKEP AND LAM BH Receipts. 2.i4i head Market shade lower: iainns steady; good to choice wethers. $5."li'o. '); fair to choice mixed. $4 5ufo5 .60; western sheep. 500ojlo0; native lambs, $4.50''7 So; mestem lambs, $4 S07 85 Kansas Illy Lite St lock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 12 CATTLE Re ceipts. 7. son head. Including 8i s'.utberris; steady to strong close weak: lop, $6 85; 1 holes expoit and dressed beef steers. $.1.7.1 c7j.75; fair to good M 76'5.75; westeiu fed steer. $011016 00; stockers and feeders. $3 2T. foS2&; soiitbern sleets. $4.0t4i.i; aunt hern corns, I2.754r0 '; tmtlve corns, tfrityb K bull $2 7.V4 75 calves. $'!.IViifi6 50. HOGS Receipts. 10,1410 head; steadv lo strong: top. $' 47; hulk of salcni. t,.Z.Vq 5 42'. heavy $6 teo5 47',. packers, $.'..:& 5 45. pig and light. 14 & 4(5. 40. SHKEP AND LAMBo-iteceiits. 4 00 head, market steady: native fed lambs, $65(77.5o; native f melt, era. $51416110; na tive fed awes. iLSo-o ', IV., western fed larnbs. $5 5tsil1.Au; western fed yesrllnge. AV. Jl.'nb Wi; mialerti fed sheep. H!'uH; toikei anu feeders, Vi.Wu' 1i. bi. Jose pit Lite Mlek Market. HT. JOeEI'H. April 12 CATTLE- Re ceipts. 2 273 brad: market artcadv to I'm higher; natives. $4 5n4i65: com 111 id heifers. 2 lari-iA ; stockers and feeders $. OoviS m HciGH Receipts. 6 921 head market 8 h:gher: light. If. 2''i6 42'i; medium und h' 31 y. $.' Si'.'o 474. SHEEP ANI) LA M BH - Receipt 4, li..,j heart, market stendv to 10. higher Deeds tiled for record April 12 as fiinibhc.l by I be Midland Giiiiriinlee and Trc.M company, bonded abstracters, 1611 Fat ii.iiii si reel, for The Bee; II. .1 Grove and mil" lo J. Black well, purl block "2, Benson tl.SVi Eininn D. Meier to Mary Hlliner, lot 13 and part l"t 14. biocg M. Aiurigpt s 1 iidii e H. J. Firestone and wife lo Hlate N11 II01111I batik of Cli veland. ne'A Iw1, X1-16-13 F. W. Bliss lo J. O Connor, lot 21, block 13. .0111:1 ba View.. 1:111111a Walker und husband ro I'ath erlne Guliiuite, lots II and 12, block 3 Everett Place ". . . Lv'rtiii H. McCague to c. H. Adhburn. part lot 16. block 3. Rush Ar Helby's . A c. I 'lirlstliinsen to A. M Totiiian, lot 16. block 15, Halcyon IfelgbiM.... Etla C. ctiHpnian to Stella Chaiuiuni. nail lots 9 nnd 10, block 19, E. V. Smith's add l.'-'OO I 1 4'1 Hobs I lir I Alark Market. MIOCX CITY la.. i:.--IHpec- egraro i-4'ATTf.K- Reript. je. he 4; market ator.g, beeves. 14 ijfnn c, i,m, bull and mixed. : "Ati lh . tol,rra and festers S3 'ey 4 H-. .-Hues and vearlige 12 t"i,4 'ai lli.'GH J'.t-i a, : I l.ej.i, i. i.iikei in planning yeimewlroite W'l' WOlllll HIIKefl'bt Hint .Villi l'l ua Kcml ime of our men lo talk over with 011 Hip iniiny eli-i-lrlcal cmi venienccs for llif liniiie Unit ? nro now Hliijwlnif. f iiiako a specialty of (II tliii; new homes, coiujijcli Willi nil lllllllertl llectllciil npplliiiii-es iinil nt 11 cost Unit, is siirprlKlngly iioiii.hI. Hear lo iiilii'i. Wf will lie ili-Hsi'il U) llgiirc with you. Nebraska Electrical Co. Cor. l3th&,HirieSt8. Tel. 1408 Edwards-Wood Co- (Inroi purs lad i rUia Oflica: Flftli aad kVobarta fctrssti ST. PAUL, niNN. OEALkHa IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Ciroitt to U- Srtstk Dili, lia-tll Biearg at Tesele S14g.. Oaaake. ek. Telrgibeae SSI I" 214 Ex.bsi jt Bldg . goutb Oiuanis su Tavas iattiiiiaWas ' i i