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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
10 TTIE OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY. AFRIL 100." JUROR FAILS IN HOT TOUCH Effort to Borrow Money from Attorney Brings Ilia Discbarge. PECULIAR MISCONDUCT BROUGHT TO LIGHT rfadire HrnnHr qnmlloiii M Ac eased and Dismisses lllm from Service After ao In ' vfulliratlon. - There 1 one vacant chair in the Jury box In Judge Kennedy's court room. It wai occupied by one O-orge Wood up to the time of the adjournment of court Tuesday evening;. After the adjournment Mr. Wood went to one of the lawyers In the case and asked for the loan of a dollar. It does not appear of record Just who this lawyer was, but It In understood to have been Ralph Breekenrldge, who Is defending the suit now being tried before Judge Kennedy. The attorney reported the incident of the attempted touch to the court and before going on the bench yesterday Judge Kennedy called Mr. Wood Into his private office and questioned him touching his ac tion. The Juror disclaimed any ulterior motive outside of the need for a dollar, and had not realised, ho said, Junt how serious big act might appear. On ascending the bench Judge Kennedy referred to Wood" oltenfo as too serious to be overlooked. He emphasized the need of keeping the Jury box above suspicion, and to all the Jurors he said that such an offenwa a Wood had been guilty of was reprehensible In the highest degree. He would not, however, inflict any greater penalty than to- discharge the Juror from any further service on the case and from the panel. After consultation the attor neys agreed to proceed with eleven Jurors. A rumor, which seems to have some foundation. Is circulating about the court house to the effect that Wood has hereto fore borrowed money from a man who has a case pending. As yet It dors not appear that any action one way or the other Is to be taken In the matter. When Wood was drawn on the Jury In Judge Kennedy's court he gave his occu pation as structural Iron worker and his residence as 41S North Thirteenth street, lie said he I 30 years old. His name does not appear In the 1904 directory. . Don't le Poor Oil. For use on sewing machines, bicycles and all purposes requiring a fine lubricant the best Is cheapest In the end. Genuine Sin ger oil ean only be obtained at Singer stores. Look for the red S. 1614 Douglas St., Omaha. Xcb,; 438 North 24th St., South Omaha, Neb. Homeaeelcera Kicarilonk Tha Chicago Great Western railway win on the first and third Tuesdays of each month sell tickets at one far plus $2 for the round trip to points In Alabama, Flor ida, Georgia. Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana. Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and .Wisconsin. For further information apply to 8. D. Park hurst, general agent, 1612 Far. nam street, Omaha, Ne'o. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. J k NO. 4512-MTTLE BOYS' OR ON K-PIECE PRESS. Sizes, 2 to 9 Yeara GIRLS' For tha accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Pat tern Department, Bee, Omaha." I A HON ASMUS BOY SEN. TO ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED Through theba lines I wish to call your attention to the special Act of congress which paased the House on March 2nd, 1906. whereby I exchange my 178, Ouo acre coal lease which I held with the Sho: hone and Arapahoe Indians In Wyoming for (40 acrea of mineral lands, containing cop. per of Immense value. Write for my booklet glvlha the full his tory of my valuable concessions and of THE ASMUS BOYSEN MINING COM PANY, Incorporated, in the stale of Wy. omlng. Bear In mind, this Is one of the greatest opportunities ever offered the most skepti cal Investor. Write at once. Asmus Doysen, 266 S. Cl.rk St., Ckiugo.Ill. 4Sh w BT r Ifflllf. I ft m aVBias" THURSDAY BARGAINS ar aaaasi - l i .1 Ladies $1 Wrappers at 49c. In Basement FHOM MRS. BENSON'S STOCK . , Thursday we sell all Mrs. Benson's wrap pers and cotton house gowns that were nriced as hicrh as $1 each, at 49c. These wrappers come in light and dark colors--scores ol pal terns neatly trimmed and made with rumes, tucks, etc. on sale in uase- merit, Thursday, at each MILLINERY SPECIALS Ladies Street haJs, at $1.50 All the stylish shapes for this spring made in becoming fashion and up-to-date- at "-.!ut..I50 250 1 Trimmed and Street Hats, at $2.50 New effects brought forward from our own work rooms they, are made ac cording to the latest spring styles handsomely trimmedat: Dress Hats and Easter Hats Original and ttunnintf models -hundreds of artistic style to suit every partic ular taste. These hats have all tlie style of the usual $10.00 hat at - Hundreds of Dozens of New Spring Flowers Every spring shade all the prettiest varieties the most fashionable spring- trimmings at, a bunch...... $5 25c Ladies 50c BELTS at 5c and 10c All the line belts from the Benson-Stock white silk, velvet, taffeta ullk, wash belt, etc., in the crumbed and form fitting styles all new the latest and most popular spring shades- newest buckles, including the faddish harness buckles worth up to 50c, at, each 5(H0c Ladies' Stunning 1905 Waists Ladies' Beautiful Silk Waists All made in the newest spring style, all colors, Dew shirred effects new Bjp C A tailored silk waists, actu- JU ally worth as high as $7.50J ? a great selection, at Spring and Summer Wash Waists New t.nh Tno.t.nriala. d&lntest Dlaln white and fC ' small patterns latest style effects jf( worth uDto 2. at ww Ladies Walking Skirts Correct weights novelty materials new side pleats AM and box pleati two specials. ' mm Spring tailor mads suits from New York pur chase, worth upQ to 850, at V X I It. 'etfV' Spring tailor made suits from New York pur chase, worth up $ C ... r $12.60 at. Popular New Covert Jackets The most popular jacket ever brought to Omaha will be favorite all.$C50 summer perfectly tailored two specials, at J 55 POSTALTELEGRAPH COMMERCIALCABLES TELEGRAM Jtm feq! TaHy Cat's tff OMVfilM 16th and J arnai". 1 Om ho j. Xb Collct .W42S , Roche i U Brand ti Sen.'' Omaha- accept your es.h otfr our tntlr. surplus stock wens spring detains shipped today. B Kotheehild Ca GR.EATEST CLOTHING SALE EVER KNOWN IN THE WEST ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCK r. B. ROTHSCHILD a CO ON SALE SATURDAY Men's Spring Suits C About Half Price WANTED A BOY in every town to sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES tREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, including 10 colored pages with BUSTElt BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT i For Full Particulars Write io Trie OmaKa Bee, Omaha. Nebraska. 13. I J J OMAHA WEATHER. REPOHT. Vs--O' I - Thnraday Fair. -Maii I H ' ' ' 1 1 GREEN TRADING STAMPS Now on a. higher plane tkan ever. Recognized by this great state and inscribed on its statute books. A legitimate and common-sense discount on cash purchases. Simple in operation and paramount in value, We give these valua ble stamps with all purchases. Save LabHft, Coupons' Trade Marks from soap wrappers, tobacco tnR. clirar hnndB . Hrlng them to premium parlor biilcony and get Green Trading Stamps for them. How's your stamp book coming?. Omhas Leading Millinery See our Thursday window for Thursdays' selling. Av display full of witchery and charm. Viluts Ihtt hivtn't bten attempted before. Millinery r1 lhat rfares superiority: THREE LEADERS: One Forty-Nine, Three Ninety Eight and Four Ninety-Eight. Hen Are ThrttStmples Picked al Random: ONE FORTY-NINE A large dress shape of pal bluo tucked chiffon, with lace straw edge and side crown elaborate drape of white lace, wreath pink tilk rosebuds a value you would readily n r admit at 83.5i; special 9 Thursday.,., THREE NINETY-EIGHT A very special value, large size Corday shapa with shirred silk facing, green hand-ruflled balr braid ton trimming bunches of popples, color of but, and ribbon bow able $0.00 value, for FOUR NINETY-ElQHT Largo Uusslan Turban, with coronet of Tuscan and green lace braid; under facing and crown of ruffles of 'deep cream accordlnn pleated lace, elaborate trimming or greeu roses and riblmu, caught with handsome self-toned orna ment; not equalled elsewhere under $7.50, for Millinery Trim mi tigs Millinery Trimmings FRENCH MUSLIN ROSES Three In bunch. In all colors, no Jobs but 24c clean fresh goods straight from the factory; 'c values, at 3 GERANIUMS With foliage, a Qr I EXTRA FINE SHADED CQn real 39c value: Thursday for....l I ROSES Cheap at 69c, for " TAFFETA RIBBON Our splendid Taffeta ribbon in numbers 80, CO iSc Bnd 40 forffic, 19c and ,uv CHILDREN'S. HATS Oc I STREET HATS- 4Qc up from.....,....: I up from -w A PRODIGALITY OF VARIETIES, IDEAS AND STYLES. THE LEADING - VALUES OF THE HOUR. ... Mrs.' Sinclair, Mrs. Waltsrs and Mrs. Welble In Charge. SEE THE WINDOW SEE THE WINDOW SO, of immense T tT O a reason- of Tuscan leep cream 4.98 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY We save you money on all your Grocery purchases, and you are sure of V the best always. Twenty ($2,000 , Green Trading Stamps with two-peand can Ben- IMf! nett s BretkfaKt CofTee Ten ($1.(H) Green Trading Stamps ' with three.. packages Lemon Sc Snaps ...Vs,,.... Ten (S1.00) ' Green Trading Stamps with three ferfris Rocky Moun- 2Sc t)',' Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking 24c Powder ' ... w Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with ten pound box fine Califor nia Hr Prunes .. OOW Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three pound ran Table 0r Syrup .... 2fc RAISIN SPECIAL. Several hundivd pounds of splendid California' Raisins,, Cc pound .... w CORN SPECIAL. Hundreds of dozen cans of Bn good corn,' can J Vegetable and Flower Seeds, 2Ac package 3V Oil Sardines, Ar. can w Salmon, pound IOc can vjw Potted Ham, , Ar. can -w Baking Soda, An package Condensed Cream, An can w fl'H 'lirj Thursday Hardware Specials BASEMENT. EXTRA ATTRACTIVE AND SEA SONABLE BARGAINS IN GOOD HARDWARE FOR THURSDAY. NOW'g THE HOUR FOR GAR DENING IMPLEMENTS. Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with Mrs. Vrooman's ttr Sink Strainer IVW Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with best steel - Ar hoe Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with bent 14-tine AC steel rake frcw Thirty ($3) ' 'oreeV''Tradl'ng 'stamps with beat 12-tine aur steel rake 001 Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with best 21-tlne , .ISc steel lawn rake "lw Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with best steel , ftn spade Claw Double Green Trading Stamps on nil ice cream freezers. We carry the White Mountain, Wonder and Arctic. Jap-a-lac. A Tough, Quick Drying, Durable, Elastic, Floor, Firnlture& Pic ture Frame Stain COME8 IN 13 COLORS. ANY COLOR YOU WISH. Gallon, $2.50; -Kallon, $1.35; quart cans, 75c, pints, )c, half- f Ep pints, 25c, quarter pints tcW DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS THURSDAY ON JAP-A-LAC. PAINT SECTION. HOUSE-CLEANING SALE FRIDAY Brooms, Dusters, Brushes, Laundry Soap, Lye, W&shinl Powder Cut Prices and Extra Green Trading Stamps Friday. THE BENNETT COMPANY. IV. Largest Exclusive) Retail Millinery House) In Omaha. ...THE RELIABLE MILLINERY STORE... Extraordinary Values In Beautiful DRESS HATS Thursday Special Sale on NEW, PRETTY STREET HATS ' Over 1,000 to Select From, f . POPULAR PRICES ALWAYS - 1508 DOUGLAS ST. " ' J Ask for QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO ! BEST BECAUtE Toa sr. "OT r.rln. ifor Mil VxKWZVZ& ( Uara. Hold dlrwl U tb " Beautiful Spring Silks at Special Prices Thursday HOTDEK THE) RELIABLE STORE. V 1 1 ' Tremendous'" 'bf Bargains in Silks Thursday Grand Ribbon Sale fKc. 7.-.C and $1.00 FANCY ItinnoNS. po at yard. 20o-All the latest rrt wnrpa. Konian stripes anil two-tone ribbons. In this mU 0 all at noo rrli-e. nor vard ' Jt 25c HIBBONS, por yard. 5c A M Job lot of plnln taffeta and fancy ribbons, odd lengths and wld shades of 2Tc -ribbons. Thursday choice, per yard NEW VALENCIENNES LAC E8 NOW ON SALE. ntert v 5c Grand Sale Ladies' Garments Silk Suits, Wool Suit, Opera Capes, Rrpnlng Costumes, Cravenettea, Waists. Skirts. Tlie entire stork of LEVY GOLDSCHMIDT & CO., 5th Ave., New York, purchased by our New York buyer at 40 cents on the dollar. EXTIR13 STOCK WHX CO ON SALE TILUKStJAY. ATRIL 1.TTH. AT LGSS THAN HALF PRICE. WR.&n. tuw. 25.m spring Puits fy en from Uoldschmlilt stuck, at H5.00 and 11800 Silk Shirt Waist Suits from Lpvy Uoldnchmldt otook, 95 $40.00 to $.rii.oo Npw Opera Coats from the Levy Ooldschmidt Btork, $25 Bf-HUtlful Kvpnlnar Gowns from the I.pvv Ooldschmidt stock, worth $40.00. (OS $50.00 und $I0.00 choice ..'P'i $35.00 and $4n.iK Tailor "Suits from the Levy OoldHchmUlt stock. ' $20 $15.00, $18.00 and $30.00 Crnvenette Coats from Levy Qoldtschmldt stock, $10 $11) 00 and $18.00 Covert v. oats ' from the Levy GoldHchmidt stock. $10 4.95 4.95 2.98 All Tevy Onldsrhmldt $7.S0, $8.50 and $10.00 Bprin Coats, at A Levy QoldschmMt $10.00 skirts, Qg All Ivy Ooldschmidt $r and $fi.50 Skirts, at WOMEN'S WAISTS frcm the Levy (. 11 chmldt stork nil newest spring styles, at about HALF THICK. . , $2.00 Waists at 95o $3.00 Waists at $1 t $0.00 Waists at $3 45 EXTRA SPECIALS. From 8:30 till 9:30 a. m.. Women's , Waists at , 25c From 9 to 10 a, m $1.00 Vnder- 69C Wrappers, all colors, at From $:30 till $10.30 $1.00 Percale CQC Easter Millinery Ofierings: The newest and most charming effects lu trimmed liata of most artistic and oricinal design. ' ' ; . GAGE HATS in all the newest shades at $4.98, J.-..50, $7.00 up An imnienV assortment of charming new styles, Tricone Polo, snort with high bnrks, etc., all now, Jaunty and effective. : , MISS KNOWLTON HATS are the most charming and reasonably shown In the city and are sure to please the most discriminating buyers. Come and see for yourself. Don't select a hat until you have seen our grand display. . BEAUTIFUL HATS, with close fitting backs, roll on one side, facings of satin zephyr crown of huir braid, ornament iu back, conies in bl C 1 1 nrtctni 4 Vi black and brown, worth f 4, special at HANDSOME HAIR BRAID TOQUE, in black, blue or brown ...11 L, C 1 IU4 nnoiln t n 4 I'l'RETTY TRIMMED HATS, combinations of straw, braid, lace flowers an-ie" ribbons, every conceivable shape and style, many worth $5.00 special Thursday choice A special on Jocky caps. 25c. New style baby bonnet, easily laundered by unlacing the back 75 $1.25 valuta-special t DC Others at from $1.00 to $1.50. ers an'r Groceries and Hardware Prices that discount all premium offers are the best foi your pocketbook. 48 lb. sacks high patent Minnesota Flour N-8 10 bars Swift's Pride. Beat-'Em-AU or White Paris Laundr Soap, for 2Kc 7 lbs. best Breakfast Oatmeal : 15c 10 lba Kiln Dried Cornmeal 15c 4 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Bar ley or Farina I50 6-lb. palls Pure Fruit Jelly 16c 2-lb. cans best pack Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 2- lb. cans Fancy Wax, Btr.lng or Lima Beans Be 3- lb. cans Golden Table Syrup 7V4c 3-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin &? 3-lb. cans Lye Hominy 6c 1 lb. cans Package Mincemeat 6c 1-lb. Package Mincemeat oc Malta Vita, Xcello or Egg-O-See, por package ORANGES. ORANGES. The market Is rapidly advancing. We will place on sule 200 boxes fancy large Juicy, sweet Highland navels, which retail everywhere from 33c to 40c per doien the last Bale, of this Size, per dozen.. 20c As long as they last, no limit. READ THESE HARDWARE PRrCES. 14-lnch Lawn Mower $2.35 16-Inch Lawn Mower $2.59 Garden Hose, per foot "VjO Garden Hbu, each 12Hc 12 Tine Rf ke 12c 14 Tine Rake l&u No. 1 Galvanized Wash Tub 3!o No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tub ; 49o No. 3 Galvanized Wash Tub 59c Heavy Steel Garden Spade 39a Poultry Wire, per square foot ',jc Screen Door Wire, per sq. foot lac DON'T FORGET MONDAY, APRIL 14TH Thousands of dollars worth of goods to be given away In the big basement an nex, almost for nothing. fin UU AVGDg ISUNJ ill E & Not the Only Place, But we think the best place In Omaha to buy your Wed ding Presents Is at our store. No nicer goods, no more reasonable prices than ours. Our cut glass room Is full of beautiful new pieces. Spend a few minutes in our tore. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1E1G Dougl Street. turn, T. LOU. rj m. j : 1,1 V))ShoeaforMen(h I ti Pcrf,c' Fltlinr-ComforUblt I J foot-form lksU, In 1 f und half bIim and In tlttit 1 IN f ivldths, AAA vtry narrow to 1 I H f f KK rerr wide Inmrca per- El I f T ID I rerr wide inmrca par- faitlon In fit. Leather and ether material the cbolreet no breaklus In afterwards therefore, abnolut foot rnxfort. Siyltsh, aarri--abla, all leathers, all lasts. alskar to Wearvr." Mall orders filled. Bend for style book H and meaa uietnent blank. Reduce Your Shoe Bills Did you ever realize how much money you spend each year for Ml.satu' and Children's shoes and how much you could save If you bought the RIGHT KINDT In our largo Una of Misses' and Children's shoes, w . ran save you money on every purchase. We make a speciality of a plump kid and a genuine box cslf upper from the choicest stock that money can buy Rock Oak soles firm last In luce only . Sizes. 5 to 8, $1.26; 8'4 to 11, $1 60; 11 to 2, $2.00; 2H to ft young Women's sizes with low heels, $2. 60. Treat all dlswtsea of Men: Vsxloocele. Hydro cele, Stricture Blood Pol son. Weak, Nervous Men, Kidney and bladder Dis cuses, Stomach, Bowel Bkin and Chronlo 1'U ee,.e. Examination I've. HonHst Treatment. Ixw ('hsrves. Write for Infor mation. 14 years In Qmaha Drs. Starlet & Searlet, 14th and Douglas BU., Lmiaha, Neb. H ASK DrexelShoe Co. 1419 For Ham St. tha's Ip-to-IUI Shoe Hoate. FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE DKI'UTV STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L. RAMACCIOTTI. 0. V, S. riTr VRTRHIWAHIAIf. Office and Inflrmary, 28th and Mason gu. OMAHA. NEB. ?elth(in tW. I