TTTr: OMATT.V DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. 'A PHIL n. 1005. 7 A Practically Free to Oinalia Bee Readers 0 COLUM S12 5 BIA DISC OR APHOPHONE An Extraordinary Opportunity for Every Reader 01 THE OMAHA BEE to secure a COLUM BIA DISC GRAPHOPHONE fully equipped and ready for immediate use. This type of machine sells for $12.50 at retail. Omaha Bee subscribers can procure one of these handsome, durable and clear sounding talking machines, practically free. I - This Today"Ko' Tomorrw 4 JO ft ".. .j Circulation Department, OMAHA BEE fefsf: I i'V S Ws SVk . Send Your Representative to Mv Address ns Olven Below J S,'tlOW K---0,'n0X Y." 0ff0r YL'ar'S SUbSCr'P' "Ibm.""' " h"V(' Hl110 nmcle nlTanP'nu'nt8 0 sl,PPl.V niail subscribers with tha " " ' " rnrfffnl MAIL 8UBSCMBEK8 COUPON -,-TrrT'n I rTrTTTJ rTTT Circulation Department. OMAHA BEE, .mTfTin I I Hi I I ' IIHU'J Omaha, Nebraska, ITTTT" ' Tlease Rend Me Full Particulars How to Obtain a $12.50 Columbia T I i ( i" I Graphophone Fractically Free. nil Name 1 l 1 Address i THIS IS THE COLUMBIA'S REGULAR $12.50 MACHINE. S?S "ATBSieS THE CoMi&ilMa Records Are noted for their sweet ness, power and brilliancy 3,000 Different Selections FROM GRAND OPERA TO RAG-TIME. BBlll4lBll4llla4BBIllB HERE IS OUH SPECIAL OFFER. TO NEW OR OLD SUBSCRIBERS: Place an order with us to have THE EVENING and SUNDAY BEE delivered to your address for one year by carrier. Pay the carrier for the paper at the regular rate of 12 cents per week. Pay 25 cents when you give your order for the paper, and $1.00 when you get your disc graphopione. For this $1.25 you will receive, in addition to a $12.50 disc graphophone fully equipp:d, one 50-cent 7- inch disc record and 100 needles, a book of ten 10 cent rebate coupons entitling you to a rebate of $1.00 in the purchase of disc records in excess of the first ten. The disc graphophone is delivered to you instantly upon payment of the small amount above mentioned. It is understood that you are not compiled" to purchase any further records to retain the graphophone during the term of your subscription. If at any time, however, and AT YOUR OWN OPTION, you do purchase ten records of th; Co'umbia Phonograph Company, 1 62 1 Farnam St., Omaha, and have completed your subscription the machine becomes your exclusive property forever. Call at THE BEE office, hear this new disc graphophone play and avail yourself of this rare opportunity to secure a disc graphophone practically free. - H a H M THE Columbia Graphophone Is the Pioneer and also the Best Talking Machine. It Is not a toy with a squeaking record, but is mechanically perfect and durable. It marvelously reproduces every sound of the human voice and every tone of a musical instrument. xiausEzacfss: