TOT: OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. APRIL 7. 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES Advartlseeaaata Tr taeaa rti will fee take aatll IS at. for ae alaaT aalttaa u4 aatll S a. at. tat tlia aiaralaa; u4 aaday adltloa. lata t 1-Sa a war Srst laeertleai la ward taeraftar. Mat a tag takaa for laaa lira Sn far taa laser, tlaai Taaaa adTrtlasaBte aaaat raa eaaaaaattvcly. Adrartraara, f reaweatlaa; a asm. Iiere4 cheek, mi have aaaafcra ad. draaaad ta aaaikared latter la ear of Tka Aaewara aa addraaaad win ka aairrarad aa araaaatattaa at aa. MISCELLANEOUS 190? SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE IB NOW OPEN, yet It la not to lata to enter. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg. raphy. Normal. English, Civil Servho snd Journalism. Catalogue free. Ad rlrcsa H. B. Boyles, Pres.. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. K M'.9H TItr KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. k ;i7 PHONE 3350 CEMENT SIDEWALKS CHEAPER THAN BRICK It will pay you to call and sea R. v. MHALE make CEMENT STONE ion the MILES MACHINE for all kinds of purposes. Dealers ,in Sidewalk Material McWILLIAMS BROS 1S13-1S1S BURT ST. R Mfc.1 7 EYE 8TRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to nt; prices ngnu Bennett's. R 8 CUT RATE railway ticket everywhere P. H. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 784. CITY SAVINGS BANK puy 4 per cent R 701 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of ttre escapes, abutters, doors and safes. U Andreen, prop., 102 S. 10th st. R 704 I. W. DUDGEON, expert PLUMBER: J phones. R 104 AID WHO 8 your tallorT It should be Dresher. Too buiy making clothea to close. Open evenings. 1515 Farnam st. R 706 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. Tel. 1770. 621 N. 16th. R 702 CHICAGO LAUNDRY; TEL. a. FINE WORK. R-707 1 rVk'QMITH C. R. HKFLIN. 309 N. Ll"rDmiin wtn T,,i. y, R-708 CI IDUPVQ LOTS AND OUINVCIO ADDITIONS. 21 yearn' exp Hence In Omaha. Tel. B1897. 620 Pa it ton blk. R 709 PI FPTR?f" Carpet Cleaning Works. i imv Chrlstlaneon, 2221 N. Tel. 1059. 30th. R M606 A28 UMBRELLA repairing and keys., 207 8. 14th. Tel. 1714. R-M079 A29x LAUNDRY s iVh" Lnumll Telephone 254. R M320 M4 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brans castings. 802 Jackson. Tel. 242. R-M3?5 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS QUICK MONEY Is sometimes a necessity. Our facilities are unsurpassed for- quick and confidential service. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Warehouse Receipt, Llva Stock, etc. We also loau to SALARIED PEOPLE on their own agreement to repay; no other security required. With ua you pay for what you get and only for what time you keep It. It is our motto to try to please, if you have dealt with us and are pleased, t;ll others; If displeased, tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Buard of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1892.) 306 bo. 16th St. X-766 . BORROW MONKY W HERE You can get It mi Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, etc., WHf.RE You get It on shott notice. "HERE You get low rates and eusy terms. .WHERE Confidential and courteous : dealings bring you back. WHERE Can you do better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Top Floor. 633 PAXTON BLK. X M757 WE CAN HELP YOU If you' need a loan on diamonds, pianos, Household goads, etc. Money advanced on teachers' salaries and to county and city employes, and on claims against county nd city. All business strictly confiden tial. UNION LOAN INVESTMENT CO.. 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. X-M942 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Pribbe now, room 214. at a 8. 15tli at. Tel. B2!4. X-75S. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy bayments. Office In 53 principal cities. Tolman, room 71 , New York Life building. X 759 UOWKN'S MONEY; easy to get on furnl lure, planoa. hot-sea, cows. Plain note if ateudlly employed. 708 N. Y. Life. X-760 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., S Birker block. X 761 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, hoi sea, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13 " ' X-762 LOANS TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 7 WITH US. v THE MONEY IS YOURS FOR THE . ASKING. . vDeaJ with an old reliable ' company and you will eetatsttsh a credit that will ' ha useful to you In the Payments and rates to suit you. '; Salary and Chattel Loans. Reliable Credit Co. 307-308 Paxton Block. X-M224 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. 8TAR LQAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-763 SEiTfULLER. 425 Pazton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-764 F.AGLK Loan Ofllce. reliable, accommodating-, all business confidential. 13ul Douglas. X-705 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley I.usn Co., lu4 Earns m st. X iA FLORISTS HESH A 8WOBODA, 1415 Faraam. L. HENDERSON, fell Farna 748 Tel. Y'J. T4 WANTED MALE HELP SPRING TERM OF THE Omaha Commercial College J7th and DouKlas sts., opens Monday. April n. if. ruiese III nil gfianuiriiw. l logue free. ROHRBOUGH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. B-717 WANTED, 3 medical. 3 dental and 8 high school students for a few hours work each 'lav. CnH M4 PiTfun block, between 4 to 9 p. m. F. L. O Brten. ij-m-u SALESMAN, road, $75. Window trimmer, nut of city. Electrician, take charge plant. Good creamery man. WESTERN REF. A- BOND AFH'N, !4i-Ml New York Life bldg Inc. IS5 PERMANENT salary to reliable men in ,hui.1a tou-na : handle oroperties everywhere. Northwestern Ral jEst-e & Guaranty Co.. 315 ami 31b JNevnia block. B-M6J6 mfv to t.i-. nv harhor trade: free rail road fare upon otir failure to convinc von of this leing tne nr.n i amT omy ijr iiahle must rr:irtlral barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue todav. Western Barbers Institute, Omaha. Neb. B 718 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores aad doctors. Kniesi. b. i. i. ij- B 719 WANTED. FOR II. S ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men. between ages of IS and 85, cltirens of United States, of good charac- , an. I lr,mr.rti tt, Vinhit who SDeftk. read and write English. For Information apply to Recniltlns: Officer. 13th and Douglas st.. Omaha; Lincoln. Neb., or Slour City, jat x ota IF YOU nre In need of a position call an have a "neart-to-heart" talk with H ART, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Lire. M WANTED, men and boys to learn rlumb lnir trade. Covno Bros. Co. school of practical plumbing. Send for catalogue, Addrees 4973-75 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. B M765 F3 06 TAILORS, attention! If you are flrst-rlass coat makers we can ue you. uoon prices. Stesfly work to men that are riBnt Dresher, 1515 Farnam st. B 721 WAVTFTlS a. htHa-ht vnunsT man. not 1 than years old, to solicit Hfe Insurance ror tne newt om line nro incuranco tMiur tnnv In the enuntrv: rood Income mar nnteed to the rlirht man. Call on John Steel. 238 Bee building. B 864 GIBSON EMPT-OYMENT AGENCY re moved to 211 South 14th at., ground floor. Phone 5411. B M151 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Pre pare now for spring rush. Positions guar anteed. Graduates earn $16 weekly. Few .TfiAlta nnmnlote. fan nafirlV eam P I- lenses ncrore nnisning. imi or wnw, doler Barber College, 1116 Farnam st. BEET workers; families for western Ne braska; free fare; no rent; good pay. Standard Beet Sugar Co., over 215 8. 13th, Omaha. B 116 $75 permanent salary and expenses paid reliable men oulfdde of Oie city; very pleasant work. Address C. H. Walker, 310 Neville block, Omaha, Neb. B-M286 WANTED 3u TEAMS. WITH OR WITH OUT WAGONS; 4 PER DAY; I-ONO JOB in III. AffM o. 17TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. TO F. C. JACKSON. OR SWEENY & CO., 209 SO. 12TH ST. B M2S9 9 WANTED Cornice mukers and tinners. J. P. Grissel Cornice Co., Cedar Rapids, la. B-M294 12x WANTED An experienced shoe salesman; ' one who can trim a window preferred. J. L. Brandels & Sons. B-C12 WANTED Man for care of horses and general work. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St. B J66 7 FIRST-CLASS coat makers wnnted at once; steady employment. E. B. Kline & Co.. Sioux City. Ia. B M3ti 6 WANTED 35 pressed brick layers at once. Applv with tools at the Iowa School for Deaf. Council Bluffs. B M3S3 8 WANTED Sober, energetic man with ref erence and $250 to take charge of and half Interest in business In Flint; salary $15 per week, and half the net pro ceeds. ' Address W. C. Handley. 411 Ob servatory Bldg.. Peoria. 111. B M415 9x WANTED A first-class trouser maker; steady work. Address Henry H. Skelton, Kearney, Neb. B M423 WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES, earn $20 per 100 writing short letters; send stamped envelope for par ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Caasopolts. Mich. C M83 WANTED, 26 machine operators at once. M. E. Smith & Co., factory' Hth and Doug la.J sts. C M878 WANTED, ladies to learn hair dressing, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis. Short time required. Big demand for graduates; good pay. Ad vantages given that cannot bo had else where. Call or write. Moler College. 1114 Fa i nam st. C M923 7x WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 2416 Far num. C M285 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 2ti33 Harney. C 30S 6x WANTED, experienced sales ladies in mil linery department. J. I Brandels & Sons. C-M318 7 WANTED, a good girl at the Creche. 191 h and Harney. c 34S ix WANTED-A bright, energetic young lady who can operate a Remington typewriter for a clerical position with a fire In surance company. Answer In long hand, stating age. experience and salary ex pected. Address B 58. Bee. C M367 GIRL for general housework' also one that understands cooking. 118 N. ISth st. C MS68 8 WN'TK1V- boo'-kecr'T in real estate office. Address B 66, Bee office. C M373 WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; $4 a week; small family. 2319 Harnc". C-M377 8 WANTED- Competent second girl; must have good references. Call at 1608 S. 32d st. C-M3S0 8 GIRL for general housework wanted. Ap plv to Mrs. Beaton, SJ.i Harney street. C 392 8 WANTED Energetic business woman, one who hurt Hblllty to employ and direct in or 15 capable women; salary $15 per week to start with: near future business should produce Income of $.i0 per week. Unless possessing business ability end willing to work hard, do not answer. When answer ing mate age, references. All communi cation confidential. Address B 62 Be. C-M40 WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeepers. Canadian ofllce, 15th anu iahibc v no ALL ROUND hardware man wants posi tion In store and tin shop. Address B. 61. Bee. A M334 9x POSITION as blacksmith, by competent young married man; 7 years experience good shocr. J. B. King. Perclval, la. A-M425 7x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED, salesmen inl crew managers for city and road. Call between 4 and I p. in., a'M 1 'ax Li, n Iii.kk. T. L. O'Brien. M 240 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 515 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1664 -7 MRS. JOHN R. M U8ICK. Osteopathy Phy. m lu n ; ofllce. Neville block. Tel. 2823 799 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg., rooms 904 and 319. Tel. 1552. 734 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main A., N. V. L. 'Phone llili -736 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find wliat you want In this column put an ad in and you will soon get It 2963 THREE housekeeping rooms, also for sleep ing. J no iaKota, itua iiowara. E M422 9x IF IT HASN'T Sold your properly It is because you've never tried it, for Bee Realty Ads are recognized as the mosf desirable way of making a sure sale. See how progressive real estate dealers use it! Be Want Ads Do the Business. A Trial Will Convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago E-7IJ DEWEY. European hotel, 13th & Farnam. E 723 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. 100 warm rooms. Ogden hotel, Co. Bluffs, la. E l-S ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent loeation, modern. 2310 Webster. Phona 6390. E 72o NICELY furnished rooms for rent; private miiiuy. tadv laiiiornia. n, wi a FURNISHED room, S24 8. 28th. K MIST 8 WE furnish rooms 25 cheaper than the installment nouses, ana we give you a better quality. Try us. Terms, $25 worth, $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO., between mn and 13th on Farnam street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2011 Harney st. Telephone Cedar 37422. E M370 8x ELEGANT suite of modern furnished front rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, or light housekeeping; references. 2034 N. 19th. E M371 TWO good housekeeping rooms for rent. l eimnone &x:o. B M378 s NICELY furnished front room; modern strictly; private family; telephone. 320 N. 17th st. E-391 8x FOR RENT, nicely furnished front room; modern; reasonable. Apply 716 H. itith, flat 5. E M393 9x NEATLY furnished room In new, modern house; private family; walking distance. 623 8. 17th ave. E M3 9x FOR RENT, furnished rooms. 1914 Far nam St. E M402 9x FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences. A-iu a., -win 0i. i ma rn FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 1413 S. 11th st. E M399 9x ELEGANT suite of three housekeeping rooms; moaero; reusonaoic. isn r'arnam, flat 6. E M398 9x FURNISHED rooms. walking distance. 1906 Farnam st. E M404 9x NICELY furnished rooms for rent. 1303 Farnam St. E M403 9x FURNISHED room. 712 S. 16tb st. E M407 X FURNISHED rooms. 617 S. 16fh St., third floor. E M406 9x FURNISHED rooms for rent. 615 N. 20th st. E M412 9x TWO rooms; housekeeping; convenient to bath. 1712 Jackson. K M411 ux FURNISHED rooms. 615 8. 16th st. E-M410 9x ELEOANTLY furnished south front parlor; modern: also housekeeping rooms. 2234 Farnam, flat 6. Tel. 2203. E M4J8 9x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL, 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-726 TWO front rooms, one with bay window, one very large, with board. 62t . mtn st. F 305 6x TWO front rooms, one with bay window, one very large, with good board. 62t s. 19th St. F M415 9x FURNISHED rooms, with good board. reasonablo; walking distance. o,M B. ku. F-M414 9x 2019 HARNEY ST.. furnished rooms, mod ern In every respect; walking distance, board close by. F M413 9x NICELY furnished rooms, modern, with board; close In. Apply 618 S. linn st. F M397 9x THE CAPITOL, ISth and Capitol ave.; large front rooms; modern; goon nonru. F-M405 9x THE ROSE. 2020 Harney st.; nicely fur nished rooms; good board . r nos a x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO or three unfurnished rooms; refer ences excuangea. zn- ias. u isa large perlors and kitchen, $20.00; 3 ground floor rooms with range. $15.00. Tel. 5309. G-M2S8 10 THREE modern unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 220 No.. 23d st. O M329 7x A SUITE of unfurnished rooms for rent; strictly modern; no children; references. 2408 Casa. G 346 FOUR unfurnished rooms. 2421 Dodge sL V 0-M416 9x FOURrooms; modern. 628 N. S2d. u aios FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building 1b 22x 85 feet, four stories and a basement. The basement Is 22x132 feet, is cemented. The celling over the basement haa a brick vault and iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor in front and granolithic floor in tear. There Is a larce burglar-proof vault and a power elevator? The upper floors have windows on three sides. Will Be Vacated for New Occu pant on April 1, 1905. Address The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewatar, Secretary, room 100 Bee bldg. 1-690 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small omce, wmcn renis iur iu.w per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor aervlce. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and is Just the thing for any one wanting u. nice ittlo ofllce in the best office building In town. K. C. Petera & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1771 IF you apply at onca we can give any one desiring a large omce apace annosi any urrangement they desire. Thia space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor, Bee bldg. 1772 BEST location for railroad or Insurance omce in Oman a. inquire at first na tional Bank building. Walter M. Carter, superintendent. I M165 8-8TORY and basement brick building, 1003 Farnam, Sixlou, iiyorauuc elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First National bank building. 1745 ROOM, fronting on 16th St., main floor of liuara or i raue uuiiuiua. icr murun. GEORGE & CO., liiOl FARNAM ST. I-M139 $ FOUR-STORY and basement building, with plateglass rroni, suuaoie lor wnuiesate or retail business, 44x120; both freight and rnsaenger elevators. F. D. Wead. 1524 o uglas st J M327 9 WANTED TO RENT OOOD furnished room, with board, In pri vate tainiiy, by man ana wiic; oegi or refer noes Address B. au, Beo. K MS40 8x WANTED About 4 unfurnished rooms In private noiuo; Kountse Place preferred: couple with no children; references. Ad drea B to. Bet office. . K-MJT4 x THE ABbOTT-COWAN CO., NEVILLE BLDG., 16th and Harney. OUR SALES LAST WEEK were five In number. Better get your property on our list. Wa 11 sell It. 9 rooms, all modern, esst front, 1 black to car; splendid home property, shade and nice, large lot, 50x135; can be bought for $2,660; small payment cash. 8 rooms, Bemis Park, modern In every par ticular: large lot, Miade, fruit, large barn; built 2 years, for home. Will ac cept any reasonable cash offer or take as part payment several lots near Florence. FOR RENT HOUSES 7 rooms, between Clifton and Walnut Hills, an elegant home, as coxy and handily arranged as any on earth, finished In oak and birch easy payment, and only $2,7"0. 7 rooms. Bemls Park, modern except fur nace large lot, sightly; almost new only $2,100. rooms In northwest part of city, y, block to car; all kinds of fruit; large grape arbor; house in splendid shape, cement cellar and furnace, less than 2 years oid. Genuine swap for a few days only $1,400. 7 rooms, beautiful home. West Farnam. large rooms, high ceilings; nice lawn, terraced; oak finish downstairs; electric llKht and gas; less than 4 years old, mod ern In every particular. Owner MUST leave. Snap $3,500. UMllQP; In all parts of the city. The IIUUjCO o. F. Davis Co., 508 Bee bhig. D 73 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store 11 H. gooiis. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511V Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 739 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster st. D 740 unl 1QPC In all parts of the city. R, nUUOCO c. i-eters A Co., Bee bl.lg. 2568 DOUGLAS. 8 ROOMS. $27.50. r-742 PERSONAL LARSON JOHNSON Cut rates to all rvnlnls 14 Farnsm. Tel. B21U. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association i i i THE Salvation Army aoltclts cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not nern rnlleet r,njir nil sell at 114 N. 1UT st. for cost of collecting to the worthy none. fll oh one 41 and union Will cull U-Ml CHAMPION CARPET WORKS, 70 8. 14TH ST. CLEANING T1IO.N K U-7T TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 f. 1jh . 1 1-. H. HENKER.eye specialist, 307-8 Neville blk 4 I Piano tuning. Tel. 5604. Delbey. 2!07 Mufcon. U MM AllX OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge blk PrVCM A absolutely cured. B. J. Scan - " neil. M Ware block U 449 31 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk, u 1 43 HOUSES FOR RENT. The Bvron Reed Co.. 212 8. 14th. D-744 HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE W carry the largest stock in Omaha at prices t per cent below installment stores, t.s tlmates free. Terms. $25 worth. $1 week, OMAHA FURNITURE ft CARPET CO. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam Street. D-383 CENTRAL, 8-room cottage. 217 N. 24th. D 259 llol SOUTH SOTH ST. Ten-room, thor oughly modern house, oak finish $46. A. O. Elllck, aoa tiiy tiau. l i.j 6 rooms and bath, less than 2 years old, within walking distance. 2 bed rooms, nice hall, bay window In dining room, cement cellar. A OEM $1,800, $00 cash. 84th and Vinton We have several 4. 6 and 6-room cottages handv to above spot, and some of them that can be bought right Look at these. 1720 and 1722 North 26th St.. South Omaha, and 3322 8. 20th st.. Omaha. Your own price will be considered. Six rooms. Bemis park, all on one floor, modern throughout, mantel and grate, large lot, splendid neighborhood. 3 doors from car line: on account of Illness must sell; lately reduced to $2,650. Six rooms, Clifton Hill. 1 blocks to ear. 3 large rooms upstairs can be finished ofT, beautifully finished and arranged, furnace, grate and mantel, entirely mod em, porch on two sides, up high on ter race, cement walks, lot 60x136; owner is invalid and must be on car line; price, only $1,900. THE ABBOTTCOWAN CO., NEVILLE BLDG., 16th and Hamer. RE H 5" Acres H Improved, $1,500 Just north of Benson, new 3-room house, barn and chicken house; fine land. HASTINGS, & HEYDEN, WO'fc Farnam. RE-361 6 COTTAGE BARGAINS On 9th, near Frances, 6-room cottage, porcelain-lined bath tub, cemented cellar, fine location. Price ohly $2,600. On Locust at., near 24lh, well-built, modern residence, barn, , flue lot. A bargain at In South Omaha, excellent location near A street, fine eiiltnffe a ml larvA int full basement, attic, grate and mantel; this is is a cnoice little home, see us at once about (this. Price only $3,000. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Street. RE-360 7 FOR SALE 17 sections eastern Washing ton wneat land at a bargain, z. T. isoyes, Missouri valley, la. Kt-MSSs iz FOR 8AIJ5 My home, 9-room house; 100 teet oi ground: modern improvements; in first-class condition; fine shade trees, beautiful lawn. Anyone desiring modest but attractive home at reasonable price Simula investigate. Richard Lm. Metcaite, 3840 Charles st. ' RE M372 31.000.00. 2912 Grant St., 6-room house, newly pa pered, good barn, nice shade; will rent adjoining lots ror gardening. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam st. RE 731 8 OR 9-ROOM. desirable, modern dwell ing; owner leaving city. 3S54 Seward St. RE-557 CHOICE INVESTMENT. Three-story brick block on South 16th St.; three stores and 40 rooms; all well rented. Eastern owner will sell or $15,000. THOMAS BREKNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE M688 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to have your abstract or title made or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1614 Farnam at. RE 730 SHIMER & CHASE Builders or Modern Houses 7-r. house, barn, three lots, well, cistern, chicken house, peach, pear, cherry and apple trees $1,700. West Farnam district, new 6-r. or 6-r. house, city water, cistern, two lots, barn, coal house. clUckon house; near school. Price, $2,600. 8 r.rall modern, south front; owner leaving city, must sell. Price, $.',500. 6 r., all modern except fuinact. Price, $1,700. 6 r., city water; corner $1,200. Brand new, 8 r., oak finish, latest plumb ingcombination electric and gas good barn, paved street, south front, on Far nam st. See us about this early this week. SHIMER & CHASE, 16i9 Farnum st RE 313-6. FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due in one year, secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three years. Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good proierty. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner. 8 25, Bee office. RE M 453 BARGAIN BALE. Nice, large cottage.; city water; good cis tern; burn, etc.; corner lot; one block from 13th street car line. Iimulre UHi Atlas street. RE M333 7x Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. I ml Iept. U. P. R. R-, Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE-728 " Williamson Co.u- Wh?- RE 729 NEW 6-rooin house and barn, two chicken houses, abundance of fruit trees and also strawberry beds; A acres of Ihe finest productive land, with running water on grounds: In west part of city Just outside of city limits and only 10 minutes' walk to street car. This property Is In the market for one week only, as the planting time Is here, price $2.7-V. J. A. LOVOREN. 637 Pax ton Block. RE-MI20 7 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This sgrlcultural weekly goes to 60 OuO homes of larmerg and stock ralacra. &-room flat, good repairs, oak finish, facing lianscom park. .4.uu. i-none os. D-M986 3316 BURT, 8 rooms and bath, hot water heating, steel range In kitchen; good yard; first-class tenant; $30 month; owner pays water rent. xjhs x VAN and moving wagon. Tel. 2046. 1510 Webster. J. Sehwartr, D 266 MIX lroom flat. 201S Izard street: modern porcelain bath: hot and cold water; gas walking oisTHnoc. r.. jv. nuwrr v o. 203 Brown block- D 283 6 t ROOMS. 2619 N. 15th St D M290 10x 8-ROOM modern brick house, 1144 So. S2d st.; $30. 8-room modern house, 2602 Poppleton ave t.ifi 8-room modern house, 2029 No. 20th at.; $20. ft-room modern house. 2427 Lake St.: 815. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York .Ldie Blag. D-M336 11 ROOMING HOUSES Lease and furniture of rooming and boa.-dlng house; 5 to 20 rooms; prices jaw to ii.huo; several down town. li. 0. sales Bureau, uee Ding. D-M:B8-7 FOR RENT S-room modern house, except furnace; gas; city water. i(w o. 30th st. $20. C. M. Bochmann, 436 Paxton blk. Jjjas4i FOR RENT 2548 Chicago St.. 10-room mod em house. In good repair, rental 837. jo per and water rent. George & Co., month 16ol Farnam st. D 359 8 CENTRAL 8-room cottage. 220 N. 23d st D M369 10-ROOM modern house, 113 South 24th st William K. Potter, Rec, 301 Brown Blk L M374 GOOD HOUSE FURNISHINGS at popular prices. Furniture, carpets ana arapenes. The largest stock in Omaha. Terms, $J6 wortn, xi week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO Between 12th and 13th on Farnam Street. D 383 6 FOR RENT 8-room house, between Pop pleton and Wool worth on South 27th; por celain bath, furnace, screens, etc. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. D M376 9 FLAT 16t4i and Cuming sts., $15 s month Joseph Barker, 1524 Farnam St. D 386 8 FOR RENT. 7-room house. 2532 Davenport St., Kb. Kelly, 326 Neville block. D-M394 9 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments. Send for catalogue. Hrunswick-Balke-Collender, 407 S. 10th st Omaha. Q 750 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furnl tore. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge, aei. 9ui, nibi CHICK FOOD. B. & H. Ideal Chick Food, endorsed bv all mlg. by Bunnell & Hadlock. Samples and uooKiei. vt M6Ui 2D-HAND safe cheap, nam. Deright, 1119 Far Q 752 MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P. 110-volt. direct current. Northern motor. This motor is In perfect condition in every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see W. H Bridges, engineer, Bee building. Q-;774 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., uiimnu. 1& PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys from 6-Inch to 48-inch in diam eter; i countersnartB, complete. These sre all in first-class condition, W. l. triages, engineer Bee building. FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris Ink complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. y 6; 1RDN FF1MPF Works; Poultry. Lawn lfwni rCnC Wire. 6U S. 16th st. Q-754 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you wunt a bargain in steam flttinrs ran anu iook over me rouowing 1.8-Inch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-inch Austin's vertical separator. mesa nave been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building o., or see. w. ti. isnuges, engineer Boe Dunuing, umana. y bsi SLIGHTLY USED ENGINES CHEAP. ONE 2 - HORSE POWER, SLIGHTLY USED. ONE 3 -HORSE POWER. SLIGHTLY USED. ONE 8 -HORSE POWER. SLIGHTLY USED. ONE 12 -HORSE POWER, SLIGHTLY USED. ONE 2o - HORSE POWER, SLIGHTLY USED. OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE WORKS. 1114 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. HOUSEHOLD furniture, new, at half price. oii iiiicao i4 &Kk CHEAP chicken fence, long flr timbers snd iciepiiuuti J"ir. Wl uouglus. J 755 FOR HALE, high school cadet suit for boy 17 years old; good as new; worn only short time; cheap. Apply room 68, Murray hotel. Q-M328 7x UPRIGHT piano and tlanola, $400 for the two; ootn new anu latest design; noth ing to approach this value elsewnere. Hehmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. Tel. 1624. Q-352 ONE second-hand gasoline engine, 2-horse. power; must be In perfect working order. Box 204, Greeley, Neb. (J M424 8 PATENTS H. A. 8TURUES, registered attorney; pat- rniH, uMut iiiuiMP, ioli i igiiia , iiu un less succcksfui. 617 N. Y. Life, Oinuhn 801 INVENTORS Before you spend money for a patent, have ait examination made to discover If your Invention Is new. These examinations cuat $2. 8ue & Co., attor neys. Washington, U. C, or Bee bid Omaha. Neb 11' DRESSMAKING DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 2 A 8, 1505 Farnam J .Til CHRONIC and nerrous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk. PIANO CLUB Just formlna- 50e and $1 weekly: piano d llvered immediately; piano lessons free. .ii tor particulars. i6U f arnam sr. U-783 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. Tel. 1936 U-t42 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfleld llano Co., lull farnam. u .m THEATRICAL masq. costumes. 1410-12 Howard. Llebon, U 78S PRIVATE home durinz confinement: ba bles boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden, 2216 Charles. Tel. A2G18. U 1 WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all makes or machines: second hand machines, $o to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663, Cor. 15th and Harney. U-787 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 28 First ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. 1-426 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY, 'PHONE 3530 v U ibJ M AnMPTIP,rfiBtnnent baths. Mme. mWJllC 1 lV-8mlth, 118 N. 15, 2d fl. r. 2. U-360 DIVORCE, total cost $15. Address A 64, Bee. U-M464 A25x 10 HAK STEPHENS & SMITH. Opp. iP Poetoffice. Best in Omaha. U 536 Apr2S SOUAB breeders And all Interested iti this rich Industry, send for free sample of "The Squab Bulletin." The Informer publishing Co., 2408 Daily News Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. U M8S3-x $3.00 to anyone giving location of good house oi to rooms for less than 118 per month, providing house is accepted. A 42, care Bee. U 488 9x STEPHENS & SMITH, opp. postofflee. Quarter sizes, Barker's collars, 2 for 26c. U-847 YOUNG man 26 years old, wants woman rrom is to so years ola; musician pre ferred; good business, first-class shoe store. Frank Vetrl, Box 122, Terry, S. D. U M427 9x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY-DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interference with work; relief in 3 to 5 days. We have nev.T known of a single failure. Price $2, by mall. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago. 790 PEN-TAN-GOT-Prompt ladies; never falls, $2 postpaid. Sherman regulator tpaid. Sh A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 791 for BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN ou want to buy. sell or evrhsng your rrojierty or business nulek are J. It. Johnson, M3 N. T. Life. Phone L 2270. Y-710 ARBOTT-COWAN CO.. Neville block, cna get you In or out of business. Y 711 IF YOU wish to huv or ell a business or real estate consult U. 8. Sales Purviu, 634 and 630 pea Bldg Y-712 FOR SALE A good country hotel, thir teen bedrooms, orflca. dining room, par lor; rloae lo depot; full furnished; Im mediate possession. On main line U. p. Rr. Address: A M. Pee T-ii6-A-24 CONSTANT OIL CO. Stock will ssin sdvanoe. Buy now. Have 7fc seres In Chanute Oil Fields; enmiEh for 250 wells, five already producing. Constant Oil Co., 301 N. Y. Life hide:' Tel. F2234. T-713 GOODINVESTMENT ORR GAS ENGINE STARTER COMPANY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF STOCK FOR SALE. APPLY 508 1ST NATL BANK BLD G. TEL. '1648. Engine can be seen in opera tion a. Omaha Electrical Co., tleventh and Dodge Sts. Y-M2i HOTELS exclusive. Hart, 4ol N. T. IJfe, . Y-714 IF lOl want to buv. sell, rent or ei,-h,,.e real estate or business QUICK see Comu-ton-W atts Co., 5.15 Paxton blk. Y 71a FOR SALE For cush, my lease, furniture and fixtures of one of the best 82-room hotels (with lunch counter in eastern Nebraska; doing a business of tit a year; good reasons for selling. Addresa Barr Hanna, Aurora. Neb. Y MS28 Sx 8-ROOM flat centrally located, must ha sold at once; party leaving cltv. Inquire at 716 South 16th, flat 6. Y-M29S x $1,000 STOCK of hardware and fixtures must be sold at discount this week. Will trade for vacant lot or fivo-room house within eight blocks of 13th and Martha sts. Address B 64. Bee. Y M343 7 FOR SALE A first-class- set of black smith's tools and stock, in a good loca tion; cheap rent for building; good reason for selling Apply to Henry Wehner. Cedar Bluffs. Y M182 I FURNISHED HOUSE 10 rooms, well equipped: fine location: full mi ursx-ciass roomers; money igaker; must be sold at sacrifice. Be quick. J. H. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life. Y-3S8 8 HOTEL FURNISHED 26 well furnished rooms, modern. $2 house: paying Dusiness; nne northwestern Iowa town; controls the commercial trade. Owing to sickness of proprietor, the en tire furnishings can be had for one-half cost to owner few months ago. J. H. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life. Y-3S7 WE have trust funds to Invest in life in surance policies. Issued some years back. Our offers on acceptable policies exceed the company's cash values. Adams A Boatwrlght, Danville, Va. ' Y M418 7x FOR SALE Drug store In eastern Na- nraska; only arug store in town of 700; cash sales $20 per day; can be Increased to $30; no trades; $3,600 stock; best of reasons for selling. Addresa H 61. In car Omaha Bee, Omaha. Neb. Y M417 14x LADIES Dr. Martinet will advise you free. ine T. Ac f. cnemicai uo., Dept. 28, Bridgeport. Conn. 882 A6x DR. DB MARS. French Tansy and Penny royal fins, guaranteed, a sure cure ror all female irregularities. Regular ' price, $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., 16th and Farnam, Omaha. M8S0 A 30 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities or women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, LT. pries, 1511 Dodge st, Omaha. U 788 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED Csty loans. R. C. Peters A Co. ' W 767 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-768 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. v 769 WANTED, city loins and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-770 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 771 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W-772 LOWEST rates, city property; 6 p. c. on farms in eastern Neb. Bemis, paxton oik. W 773 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brennan, room 1. New York Life bldg. W 774 TREES, SHRUBS, ETC. A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade, orna mental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, Papilllon, Neb. -M671 TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS In great variety. Home grown, hardy, ac climated, prices to suit you. mock guar anteed. Crescent Nursery. Sale grounds, 21st and Farnam. M575 FRANK R. MARTIN, small fruits, shrub- bery and snaoe trees, ism ana Douglas. Tel. 6904. 559 26 PRINTING PRIMTlNf"; MEMORIAL CARDS; ar rKirNlinn.j tinlic designs. 8. E. cor. .YNGSTAL) Nn nd Capitol ave. 792 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTER, 1106-os Douglas at. To de liver work when promised Os our hobby. 793 Oil and Gas Leases for Sale 640-acre lea Be, with a 6.000,000 cubic, foot gat well, with 40 feet of aood tav oil sand above gas. This lease Is In sections 20 and 29, township 26, range 20, Allen county, Kansas. Price $5,000. 160-acre lease adjoining the 540-acre lee on tho south. This is the S. E. Q., section 2, township 26, range 20. This lease is one-half mile from the well on the first lease. Price $1,600. Rentals puid until November 1. 1906. 332-acre lease, within a half mile of the gas well on the first lease, in sections 21, 28 and 29, township 26, range 20. Price $3,000. Rentals paid until June 3, 190". 80-acre tease. This is the east half of the southwest quarter, section 29, township 26, range 20, Allen county. Price $750. Rentals paid until September 8, 1906. This makes 1,112 acres all In a body and which has Just been proven to be in the oil and gas field. J. O. NYMAN. (Oil and Gaa Leases for Sale.) Savonburg, Kan. Y-M426 9x HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES clipped. 417 bo. 14tll. Tel. 66 P M969 8 RUNABOUT, buggy and wagon cheap. Johnson & Dariforth, 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. P 747 10 GOOD box-stall doors. Tel. Ash 37042. 43d snd Center. P-634 FOR SALE Family horse, top buggy and surrey; a fine pair white horses, 7 and 4 earn old, lb hands hlgli. sound, weigh 2,300 lbs. Brewer's bam, South Omaha. P-M216 8, GOOD two-seated trap, and harness, for sale cheap. R. C. Peters A Co., 17i2 Farnam. P M322 9 FOR SALE, gentle, light bay mare. Shet land pony. 8 years old: broken to harness and saddle. W. G. Ure, 606 Boo bldg. P-353 7 HORSE and buggy for sale. Inquire 14o$ Harney. P 346 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen ;o mention the fact that oj saw the ad. in The Bee. (OVKHMIKM' NOllCEfc. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 1511 Capitol avo.. Tel. 2406; fully equipped for all kinds of printing. M 849 CLAIRVOYANTS' OYLMER, scientific palmist, 715 N. 2M. 8796 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1521 Ixavrn- worth. 8 794 MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California St. 8-796 MME. BOYER. Center hotel, 210 N. 17th. block nortawesi i'. o. Free tests today. 8--M180 M4 MME. FRANCISCO, the California lady. 1704 COpltOl. Tel. ublO. H-AJ.1U 1KX WANTEfTO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. I Lire, pays iiigneei price (or hooks. Tel. 036. N-732 QUARK PIANO In good condition. 1611 Farnam. N T33 IN FAMILIES. Min Sturdy. 'Phone . LOST ANDF0UND FOUND The right place to have your eyes taated ana tUU-4 UgtU-tisnnetra. "OUadr-71lj PROPOSAL FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Departnient of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs. Washington. D. C, March 13. 1905. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for beef, flour, etc.,'' as the case may be. and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 265-267 South Canal street, Chicago, III., will be received until 1 o'clock p. in. of Tuesday, April 25, 1906. for furnishing for the Indian Service, beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee suaar. rice. ten. anil other articles of subsistence; also tor groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural implements, painis, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc., school supplies, and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Sealed pro posals, Indorsed "Proposals for rubebr goods, hardware, etc., as the case may be, and rilreotad to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 602 South Seventh street, St. Ixmls, Mo., will be received until 1 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, April 27, 19"'. for furnishing for the Indian Service, rub ber goods, boots and shoes, hardware, and medical supplies. Sealed proposals, in dorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as the case may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nob. 119-121 Wonster street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock p. ni. of Tuesday, May 16, lwi6. for furnishing for the Indian Service, blankets, woolen and cotton koos, cloth ing, notions, ha Is and caps. Bids must ha mude out on Government blanks. Sched ules giving all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on application to ttie Indian Office, Washington. T), C. ; the XI. S. Indian warehouses. 119-121 Wooster street. New York City; 265-267 South ( anal street, Chicago, III.; 815 Hovard street. Omaha, Neb.; '2 South Seventh street St. l'il. Mo.; 22 Washington street, San Francisco. Cal. ; thu Commissaries of Sub sistence, U. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and St. Paul. Minn.; the Quartermaster. U. H. A., Seattle, Wash.; and the postmasters st Sioux City. Tucson, Portland. 8okane and Tacoma. Bids will be opened at the hour and days above, suted. and bidders are In vited to be present at the opening. The Iiepartment reserves the right to determine the point of delivery snd to ilect a,riy and all L1 la. or any fart of any bM . E. LUUPP, Commissioner sU-DIM , f AY t