10 TOE- - OMATIA" DAILY REE: FRIDAY. APRIL 7. 1005. m : i, i its i f f i Ml i "i ! r 'i ; :!; WILL ADVERTISE IN THE BEE Judge Troup Denies Injunction Asked by World Publishing Company. SECOND SCAVENGER TAX SALE LIST flalntlff Denied the Privilege of He training the Const? Treasurer and Commissioners and Be Get the Copy, 9udge Troup has denied the application of the World Publishing company for an Injunction to prevent the Board of County Commissioners and the county treasurer from turning over to The Evening; Bee the advertisement of the scavenger ta list, which Is to be published within the next three weeks. While the judge was Kivlng his decision Attorney Stout, for the plaintiff, butted In with some remark about a certain case. Judge Troup quickly responded that he had read and was familiar with the case, but could not Hgree with the attorney as to its matter or effect. Before rendering his decision on the point at Issue, which was as to whether an Injunction should Issue against the county commissioners to prevent them from doing an affirmative act, Judgo Troup discussed the merits, of the case at length. He was of opinion that while the resolution passed In August, 1904, designating the World-Herald as the official paper ol the county, was in ine nature of a contract, ao many correlative questions are involved, among them those st public policy and of public necessity, that it was necessary to differentiate between, , and he gave his reasons at length. , Stoat Alike Too Mnch. Attorney Stout asked leave to Incor porate the findings of the court as to a contract In a paper to be drawn up by himself and. to be made part of the record. Judge Troup oa id he was willing if such a proceeding waa proper In the case at bar. Judge Blabaugh, for the county, entered decided objections to such a procedure. He Insisted that this be treated ' Just as any other case Is. The suit was to get a decision on Just one point, whether an In junction would Issue. The decision of the court on that point waa against the plain tiff and there It should rest, so far as the record went. Ir counsel for the plaintiff Insisted on filing the finding of the court on other points discussed Incidentally then the county would demand the same priv ilege. Fink Gives Dee the Copy. At this all hands rested, so far as the court proceeding was concerned Shortly afterward Mr. Hitchcock and hla attorney appeared at the private office of County Treasurer Pink and Informed him that Judge Troup hod found that his "con tract," as he called It, was good, and he wanted "that copy." Mr. Fink would not take Mr. Hitchcock's word on the question, so he went to the Judge and the county attorney, and, hav ing satisfied himself as to the exact effect of the decision, he turned the copy of the next scavenger tax list over to The Bee. The list In to be printed In The Evening Bee on April 8. . I innnnn "em-lnar Machines For Rent by week or month, at low rates. The Singer Is acknowledged the lightest run ning and most convenient of any. Try one and be convinced. Only at the Singer tore. 1614 Douglas at., Omaha, Neb.; 438 North 24th St., South Omaha, Neb. Funeral of Jo Rex. The funeral of Joe Rex, who was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun Tuesday while on a hunting trip near Wood Lake, Neb., will bo held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family resi dence, 1418 South Fifth street. The body, accompanied by Nicholas L'ck, arrived here early Thursday morning. The new towns along; the Chicago Great Western railway offer wonderful openings for all lines of business and trade. "Town Talk" gives particulars. For sample copy address Edwin B. Maglll, Mgr., Townsite Dept., Chicago Great Western railway, Omaha, Neb. Storz Bottled Bock Beer Is exceptionally fine. Order a case for your home. 'Phone 1260. SEaSCIIEIE FAS BIOS S. NO. 4601-OIRt,'8 SAILOR COSTUME). Biles, 6 to 14 Tears. For the accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to B0 cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Put 4ero Depsrtment. Bee, Omaha." FIELD MANAGERS WANTED For Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska Within the next month we must hire at least ten good held managers for Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. We want only men or women of ability and experience, who are capable to successfully solicit orders and to in if, train and manage agents. The woik is pleasant, prontablu and per maneni coin tor neiu manager ana iud agents or local solicitors. The Income of each woiker U limited only by his or her ability. We pay a liberal commission and guaranteed salary to the right workers'. if this Intel ems you, send stamp for mail ing information for personal interview, giv ing uge, business experience and aueimd, reference, present employment and Income, and staling If you can enlist In this work t once. Address P. U. B. Co., care Omaha Bee. Day 0 infnic,nc3 SOWS Friday is Remnant 50,01)1) Yards of New Laces Bought From a New York Importer. Factory sample strips of elaborate laces at the greatest bargains ever known. finest French Valenciennes Laces and Inserting up to 5 inches wide all beautiful and dJCtnty new patterns many match sets highest class sample pieces from English and German looms thousands 2f aud thousands of yards worth up to 15c yd Extra Wide Embroideries Just received from the New York Customs House 12,000 Yards of beautiful embroideries of flouncinps up to 18 inches wide all finest crisp new embroideries, many with beading edge suitable for children's dresses, entire waists, etc., positively worth up to 33c yard, at, per yard luauj tuiu !5c THE NEWEST WASH GOODS IN THE BASEMENT This Season's Newest Cotton Voile Every lady In Onaha should have a dress from theae handsome good for spring aud summer wear A Choicest woven or printed designs for, per yard lUi Beautiful Patteras In St. Gall Organdie Every yard worth 25c A on bargain square, for, yard IUC This season's finest cord- One big special lot fine ed Dress (iinghams very pretty & neat styles Jii y special for, Fine quality 'of Figured' Batiste, large variety of choice coiorlngs 11 stripes, dot' & mm i floral designs, J a IRo quality M qC yard, for w w Scotch Seersucker and plain Cnambray Ging hams, desirable lengths for underskirts, boys' waists, children's nresses, etc., m fast colors and L 1 will wear splen-0fi dldlv. a vM...v2V Yard wide White Dra pery Swiss with em broidered' dots and fig ures, long mill g ends. Great hCR!,n for IUC ird white and colored mer cerized walstlng valued tip to z&o a yard. A very special offer for Friday, at. 5c sseline, 19c ilL'U WW! 21c All silk dot Mousseline, the very latest quality in every shade, at, per yard. High grade mercerized moreens, Farmer's sat ins In black and colors, 4e value, for yard 15c Remnants of dark dress percales that would sell at 1V& a yard in full pieces for yard One to two yard lengths of toweling Remnants and mill lengths of medl- wunn up to ic yard, E i um and nne tame aamasK, ai bpuui 5c Various grades and lengths of calico will be sold as long as iney last. at, per mm . " Amoskeag Gingham rem nants, blue and brown checks, regular mw 1 price 7 cents e hale price, of per yard New spring and summer corded lawns, new printed designs mw 1 a 15c value In remnants J0j & yard 7 A very fine quality new percales Just received, mostly brown grounds with white dots and figures. A veryi desirable bar- f& j gain for, per IJq yard at, remnant 1- .. 1 . V. , Imrwtrf w 'ihhi ........ UIICIiaiL I HO UVOl IU illlV, b. - Remnants New Dress Goods 1 the Imported Traveler's Samples A purchase from United States Custom House. The highest grade goods selling up to $2.00 a yard, 7 to 10 pieces In each lot 7-8 yards long. Thousands of lengths Panama, Coating, Etamlnes, Mohairs, etc, at All shorter lengths, 15c each, same grade and style as above, f C 7 to 10 pieces in lots , UC Dress Goods From Dressmaking Stock. From the W. W. Gosling Stock, New York and Newport Every dress pattern, skirt or coat length, many fine broadcloths, silk voiles, coliennes, Panamas, Sicilians and the handsomest high class dress fabrics, nt, per yard Accumulated Dress Remnants worth up to $l.tiO Every imagin able color and style, fine all-wool goods, French voiles, Panamas, silk and wool sheer fabrics, etc., at, yard 25c Floral and Dolly Varden Organdies, 7 l-2c a yard Mill lengths of the newest and prettiest summer wash fabrics, hundreds of "Jl yards matching enough for a full dress. 25c white wash India lawn, a yard Extra Specials Silk Remnants Thousands of Importer's Silk Samples, fresh lot of pretty colors for ties, trimmings and fancy work, on sale, J - J Ifi. m,M9 aivu tut 29c 69c 35c at, each 2,000 yards fine silks in lengths from one yard to 10 yards, many pieces match, plain silks, fancy silks, fine silk black taffeta and numerous other kind C on sale at ..ljC Extraordinary bargains, neat fancy silk for suits, foulards In dots and small figures In the navy, brown, reseda and Tarslfal blue, 27-lnch white Habutal wash silk, Cs 27-ln. pongee, all on sale JJC ii tttt uu Miff ; 11 FRIDAY'S Great Clothing Sale Demands Your Attention Men's $10 and $12.50 Strictly All Wool Suits at $6.90 The man accustom ed paying $l0 or$12 for an every day suit of clothes should profit by this bargain handsome spring suitp in cheviots, Scotch tweeds and splendid wearing cassi- n CIA mers more than a dozen it. J3 pattern to select from Friday special, on Main floor, at 1 for Men's All Wool Pants All sizes, 30 to 44 waist included, made of good cheviots, cassimers and mer cerized worsteds positively worth t'l rriaay, at. ,.l.oo BASEMENT CLOTHING SPECIALS 15c 19c I 25c 15c for 25c blue for boys' 40o or vv. jn for boys' Moth- Prownie Over- good wool knee eiV Friend alls In pants In Corduroy Pants, Waist, In base- Basement Basement. In basement. ment. Wc 98c I 75c I 25c for men's 60o for ,JOya ,j 50 for boyg. r,r"W' Knee Pants . . , 'i . Kaiintleroy ?nm, i Sul,s- s t0 odd Uon' PanU- Blouses, in litise nient IS In basement. In basement. basement. Boys Clothing Dept. Third Floor Boys' $3.50 Knee Pants Suits eJ $1.98 All sizes, 3 to 16 in Friday's extraordinary sale 300 Boys' Knee Fants Suits, brand new spring nd summer styles, neat mixtures, smart over- plaids or plain blacks and blues a great chance to buy a boys' school suit at about half regular price. . . 198 Base Ball and Bat Free WhK Every Boy's Suit. ' REM EII I J 9 OMAHA WEATHER RErOBT- U CL. Friday Fair. -Smt' N ART! ART! ETCHINGS 79c Handsomely framed Etchings In new hrown oak moulding white mats 7Qc new, tip-to-l.'te IandMcnpeK n $1.6 value for A zJ Forty (H.(iO) Urn Trading Stanijs. 6e Sale of Fine Art Pictures Continues In Our New Brown Room. Note Display, 16th St- Window AVe mention a few of the rholeo subjects now on rtlpplay: "Children of the sneu. hy Murlllo; lanoe or tne iNympns, iy t nrot; K. nrist in the Temple," ly Hnfnmn; "Sir (iallnhnd." hy watts; "Husea," by Sarnent; "lAt Supper," by Ua Vlnrl;" "Mndonnns," by Haphael, Hnrablnl: SU-liel and HKlenhuusen. Many other noted reproductions all nt ...' Forty 4.0ii) Green Trading Stamps. Remember theae are J3 00 values. 1.69 MILLINERY Exceptional Values for Lively Friday Selling Hih Grade Street Hats for Immediate Wear AN UNMATCHED LINE OP MISSES' STREET HATS Styles that nre exclusive, not purchasable olscwhoro Street Hats in rough nnd AQ rendv straw braid. In natural and colors, '' nil lendlnir k, .s. and very daintily trimmed. $UN, $1.4i) and (These are out and out bnrgalus.) A Very Great Bargain for Friday in a Trimmed Hat A TRIMMED HAT In largo turban shape, flare shape, small polo shape, etc. $2.!W, $2.40 and (These values are positively the limit.) WATCH THE WINDOWS FOR THE WHISPERS OF FASHION'S ADVANCE. Hi 1.98 ORANGES! ANOTHER. SENSATIONAL ORANGE SALE FRIDAY 28c One Car Large, Fancy Redland Nava IsGo on Sale Friday. Sweet, juicy and delicioua at, psr dozen Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps., LIMIT: Three dozen to a customer. No dealers or peddlers supplied, rienty of extra clerks. BENNETTS BfftffASTCfl! Bennett's Great Grocery Special bargain offered dally in oar famous irrocery see t Ion. Twenty ($2) Green Trading mumps wun 2-lb can Bennett's iircakfast Aiic Co ft .o 'CJ Twenty (J2) Grewi Trading fcjUimpa with pimnd Tea 4o Thirty (.1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three pkgs. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat 25o Ten Green Trad ing Stamps with 3 cans Jtocky Moun tain Cream 25c Ten J1) Oreen Trading Stamps witli pound New York Cheese J)o Twenty 2) Green Trading Stamps with 10-lb sack Cnrnmeal ISO Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with two pounds fancy Prunes ic Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with 3 lbs. Sun Dried Apples .2oc Thirty Green Trading Stamps with S-lb can Clam Chowder Imported Olives very select and large per quart iac Candies Mammoth Gum Drops very delicious pound lnc Ten 1) Green Trading Stamps with Easter Novelties 2oc Hardware Specials Guaranteed nonperlshable gray gran lteware. Every piece strictly llrst class and guaranteed. 20 ($2) Green Trading Stamps 'lOp with No. 220 Preserving Kettle. tVW 20 ?2 Green Trading Stamps llr" with No. 230 Preserving Kettle.-"-'' 30 (Jreen Trading Stamps -1QP with No. 2tM Preserving Kettle. cw 30 ifM tireen Trading Stamps Ar with No. 2S0 Preserving Kettle. w SO :t) Green Trading Stamps Ctr with No. 300 Preserving Kettle. 30 (;t) Green Trading Stamps ilQf with No. 26 Lipped Saucepan... --' 40 ($41 Green Trading Stamps TOf with No. 7 Tea Kettle 60 (Ji'.i Green 'i'radlng Stamps QQp with No. R Tea Kettle 30 ($: Green Trading Stamps 42c with 24-inch Steel Lawn Kake. 30 ($3) Green Trading Stamps iKf with 14-tine Steel Rake -cw 20 ($2) Green Trading Stamps with I'ari et Heater nne that tn won't come oft handle tow FRIDAY SHOE SALE WATCH SHOE WINDOW NEAR HARNEY STREET ENTRANCE 2,500 Pairs of MEN'S CROWN SHOES TAN RUSSIA CALF B LIT H DBS FATENT COLT DULL TOP BLUCHERS, guaranteed. VICI KID BALMORALS, Apex cap, dull top. MEN'S CUNMETAL SEAMLESS BLUCHERS mf."S BROWN VICI BALMORALS, swell cap toe. ALL GO FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY, AT 1.93 THE BENNETT COMPANY. i)R. BRADBURY 1506 FARNAfl Teeth ExtractedL..25c Porcelain Pllllopi 1 up Oold Fillings $1 op Silver Fillings... 60c up Crown $2.90 up I'Utee $3.00 up DENTIST mmm IS Yeara Same Location 'Phone 1756. Bridge Work $2.50 up Nervea removed with out pain. Loose Teeth Made Solid. Work guaranteed 10 yeara. Across The Continent IN ALL SEASONS on the UNION PACIFIC "The Overland Limited" (ILCCTRIO IIOMTIO) R:ms Every Day in tht Year. An opportunity via this route to vWt YELLOWSTONE PARK (Jun I to Sept. 1) ' , From rocatollo or Ogden through llonlda Inquire at tlir Tirkrt ontrr, 1.121 Farnam t. '1'hune UIU, 75c Corset Cover Embroideries Friday at 25c Yard lAYOEIs TUB HELMI11K IIORK. Great Bargains In Pictures Art Dept. Third Floor w ! Friday's Remnant Bargains The anrlnir msnlriilltli' of our I'riduy sule- nre without doubt the erontest - . to Ik found lu the west. Ketnuantu and odd lota from the week's business at prices far below original eost. ' k Dnmna Cff If C Dnmninrr , ONE TH(t'SANP REMNANTS OP FINEST SILKS. In every imnclnnWo shade, pattern and weave, on sale Friday at LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS' COST. FANCY CHECK WASH SILKS, colored Poplins, fancy Taffeta. Messa- , lines, vtc worth up to $t.x yard-at NATURAL JAP WASH SILKS, 1 Inched wide, 'J.-.ih yards Just re ceived, will go on sale for one day, Friday, at-yard Main Wash Goods Department 39c 25c Remnnnts of fine WalMlng nn1 Suiting worth up to 6)c yard In White UoimIs, Madras and Linen SuitliiKft at U a yard ItpC Remnants of nne White Jaoquards worth up to H'.V yard reninanta of high rlaaa Wash Jnods and IJnen Sultins wurth more than double will go ut 15c Itomnnnta of tine Mercerized Wash Onod.- TlKsiiis, White Jacquards, French Ma driis hialily merct-i Izrd Roods worth frum in- to ;ko yarn at yard Item na nt a of lc and 15c lrea tilnxhaina Hemiiants of various Wash Goods worth up to 15c yard 10, 5c 5c Wool Dress Goods Remnants of all our fine Wool Dress Goods In from L" to 6 yarda and worth from 1.00to W Ui per yard will go at QI)q Hemnnnta of all wool half wool and silk and wool dress goods worth up to II !i yard at-yard Hie, 19c, 15c 10C In Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room 12Hc Chambray Uinghams at yard , tlW lio Apron Lawns 40 inches wide at yard tw 10c Kenwood BastLste at yard 61ic biandard Dress Prints at yard 16c French Madras 36o inches wld at yard lic Wah Voiles at y 1 yard 03W 35c Mercerized Sateens all colors at yard 16c. Sheer India Linona at fli. yard 13b 10c White Goods all kinds at e,, yard uW 26c Mercerized WalstinRS, Dimities, Nnln- ooks, Leno stripes, etc., at 10C ..4;c 3ic . 5c 10c U'V' t'urtain Swiss 36 inches wide filn at yard Ujv l'ljc Turkish Towels M Inches long each IWV. 10c Larue I'nion lluck Towels C . each , 6sc heavy Twilled Glass Toweling Hr at yard OSw KK- Bleached Muslins long mill ends 1 at yard Hemnants of Table linen at less than HALF Pit ICR Remnants of extra heavy Shaker Art Flannel at yard Remnants of lMc Satta Silk at 6iC rRemnants of best made Sllkollne at Uln yard Remnants of 20c Cretonnes and Dimities at yard 124c Grocery Prices That Save You Money Highest Quality. Largest 48-pound sacks fancy hiah Da'tent Min nesota Flour 1.48 7 pounds Breakfast Oatmeal 15c 10-pound sacks best Cornineal 15c 4 pounds best hand picked Navy Beans. 16c 4 pounds Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farnia 16c 4 pounds good Japan Rice 5c 4 pounds best bulk Laundry Starch.... 16c 10 bars Swift's Pride, Beat 'Em All or White Paris Laundry Snap ,. 25c 2-pound pkg. Midavene Oats 6c Fxcelo, Malta-Vita or Kgg-O-See, pkg.. 7c Quart cans Golden Table Syrup i"V-c 1- pound pkg. Miner Meat be 2- ll cans best pack Sweet Sugari Corn. 6c 2-lb cans fancy Wax, String or Lima BeanH 6c 1-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans 4c 8-lb cans solid packed Tomatoes 7l.o 1-lb Jars fine Fruit Preserves T'.sc O-lli imlls pure Fruit Jelly 15c, Fresh, Crisp Ginger Snaps, pound 4c WK . SKLL STEWART'S FAMOUS it Stock and lowest frues v FLOWER SEEDS THE MOST RELI.V BLE TO BUY. FRESH FRUIT DEPT. SPECIALS. Soft Shell English Walnuts, pound. .. .L'Vic Fancy Furd dates, per jiound inc. Large, rip Bananas, per doien L'o Largo Seedless Lemons per dozen luo Fancy Imported Smyrna Figs, pound... 16.- Pure Colorado Honey, per rack H'c Three measures Peanuts for l"c READ THESE HARDWARE SPECIALS. The lst Window or Door Screen, per square foot lVsc The best Galvanized Poultry Wire, per iM square foot 1" lo-nuart Galvanized Water Pall Wo lli-quart Galvanized Water Pail Uc 14-ijuart Galvanized Water Pall l."n; No. 1 Galvanized Wash Tub 39o No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tub 41'c No. 3 Galvanized Wash Tub .V.'c 1-tlne Garden Rake li; 14-tlne Garden RaAe 15o Solid Steel Garden tfiade 3Uo HAYDEM BROS. A Man's Scarf Pin Someone has said. "The central point of a man's dress is the nln that shows in his scarf." There surely la some pecular power In this little pin that gives dignity and tone to a costume, our store is r amous tor us scarr pins, ror their effectiveness when wor n, for the variety In choice and for the range in prices. Spend a few minutes In our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1618 Dougl as Straet. HOTELS. "Hotel MARLBOROUGH BROADWAY, JoTH AND J7TH STS. Herald Square, New York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The largest and most attractive LOBBY AND ROTFNDA In New York has been newly opened up. Special Inducements to COMMERCIAL MEN with snmiiles Thirty large and well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS, with or without bath. Forty large front suites, with parlor, twn hedrooms and orlvate bath: suitable for families or parties traveling together. Jl The Old English uriu ioom Is an Innovation, tnlque and original. All exposed cooking. Sea food of all varieties a specialty. Our Combination Breakfasts are a popular feature. The German Rathskeller is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular Music. EURO PEAN PLAN. 400 Rooms, 200 baths. Rates for Rooms. $1.60 and upward: $2.00 and upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath, $3 00. $t.n0 and $5.00 per day; Parlor, two bedrooms an4 '. . bath, $6.00, $ti.00 and $8.00 per day. $1.00 extra where two persons occupy single room. . Write for Booklet. SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY. E. M. Tlerney, Mgr. ! Infants' f Wear I 44444444 IDIAMON We carry a complete line of Infants' Wrappers, Socks, Hootles,' Jackets nud Stockings all hand made and of the best quality. In ail colors, at low prices which will sur prise you. 'f you want yarns to make In fantg' wear yourself we have all the delicate shades that you may wish. JOS. F. BILZl 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. J DS A two-stone Ring set Dia-, gonallywith one diamond, reaularlv cut and one genuine I iruby, emerald or sapphire I 7 one of our leaders. $12.50 m 1 1 j -jw 1 ip 1 15 -& DODGE. p 'v sti: Poff tass put on free of chargA. We have a large stock of dog collars at low prices ALFRED CORNISH CO., HARNF.S3 AND TRUNK STORK. Telephone ait i'arnam St. MANY COME HERE h with toothache, caused by a small cavity. This could he painlessly and quickly tilled and till furilier trouble pre vented,' Instead, they Insist upon the extraction of the tooth. Have your natural teeth. Our fillings stay In 75 cents up, TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 DOUtUS IT. Telephone, L 21W. Vv