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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THl'RSDAY. APRIL . 19W. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Oite Sends Msj Wheat Up Tin Cents Since Mondtj. WHEAT, CORN AND OATS ALL STRONG Amf rlraa lorn Belaaj teat All Orrr the World Becanae of !liort foreign c rons Ks port to I'ontlnne. OMAHA, April 6. liatu. The bulla are In the wheat this morning, and. fur tnsi matter, In the corn ana tn uai also, 'i ha .May Wheat by mion tooay advanced iy jump 3t,; trt)tn the opening and ,x- irom trie iow point Monday. The market opcnca at l.H and )ut betore noon Hdv,ni-ai to $1.I74. from where It eased u.j ii wnortiy alter noon 10 II. I.1,. Chicago il.itil Una novame was maw on only a lew limited trades. Tbe July did not snare in th riot, the range being from vv to h'4'', wni.n mkn oiny ,c higher than Mon day. ' Liverpool mi.jj.mi wlin a Ions ot V !'. tarls declined JO centimes and Ant werp lust $c The leading decreases In the wheat atocKs fur the ween are as,u) bush el. hi north western Interior elevators, 1n7.oiO iiuHiel In Chicago private houses, lll.iX l.ushela in Portland, ttf.,u"0 bushel in ele vators nenr Lincoln and 50,tlo bushels In .Mliirionpolijt private houses. Manitoba. In creased fj.Mi.iJ-s) bushels. The Minneapolis stock decreased Sijo.iaiO In four days and it la said the week will close up the wheat in transit. The primary receipts are HJt.W'Q bushels, 4HliiRt ";.) bushels last year, and the shipments are 590,000 bushels, h gainst 479,tm bushels. The Ohio April crop report gives the condition of wheat at M. whereas ir wns 71 last month and 67 a year ago. The Mlsssourl report gives the condition 1, against 73 lust beeember and "I H year ago. The June condition last ;.r was fa; and the crop amounted to ,uiimsjO bushels. The Kentucky report Is xii. against 6 last month and to last year and 7J last Jul-. i h. . orn market shared In ttie strength or wheat. The May ranged between 4f.c anri 4 '4 before noon, against 47c and 4ii'c Monday. The oats shared in the general bull movement and went up V,c to "'vic. The American cent la being more widely distributed In the world than Is nsunl thin year because of crop shortages Isowhere. . The Mediterranean ports that arc always supplied from the Danube are coming to the lulled Btate. Of the l.;iH.S.i) bushels cleared lust week from American ports 1,123,000 bushels went from New Orleans. The points of consignment were Clenou. Venice, Viborg, Aarhaus. i.ilatH, Trieste, Copenhagen, Bordeaux, Havre, Liverpool and Loudon. Uaivestor. shipped :t2.ud0 bushels to non-European countries and also sent heavy consign ments to German and English ports. New York sent 52.0O0 bushels to Marseilles. 26,000 bushels to 1'ortugal and 147,000 bushels to Oermany and England. The clearances for two days are l,02i,in bushels, of which lialtlmorc ships 4fio,000 bushels. The rlmarv receipts are 1.782.000 bushels. jraniHi mm.uuu oujtneia. . nno tne shipments Hre 1.1;, (mi bushels, against 3M.0OO bushels. Three of the seven commercial corn states are said to be Importing corn now and to hav? none to send out. Omaha lash Males. WH BAT No. 4 hard, 1 car, 6.1 lbs., 93c. CORN-No. J. 4 cars. 41 c. Omaha f'ash trices. WHEAT No. hard, $1.01ffl OS; No. S liard, dOctm.'lO; No. '4 hard. BtttOOc; No. 3 spring $1.02. COKN-No. 2, 42c; No. S, 4le; No. 4, 4iiHfi4lc, no grade, 35U40C: No. 2 yellow, 42-4c; No. 3 yellow, 42c; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3 white, 42c. OATSNo. 2 mixed. 29Vo; No. S mixed, 2!c; No. 4 mixed, 28fg12Syc; No. 2 white. 30V; No. 3 white, 30c: No. 4 white, 23Jf2SVto; ManJmd, 30c. Carlot llecelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. ..103 ..134 .. s .. 85 .. 8 662 144 1 26 1SJ 64 113 10 Chicago Kansas City . Minneapolis ,. Uultith HI. I.ouls Omaha Minneapolis "Wheat Market. The range of prices pnld In Minneapolis as reported by the Kdwards-VVood company, liu-111 Hoard of Trade, wasj Articles.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Clos, Tes'y. I .' I I 1 May... 1085.: 1 10' 1 07H 1 1M !' Hept... K5 M KW VOUK (iKMRHAL MARKET 1102: May. tl.O&V July. T1.03V.; Septem ler, f.c. OATS To arrive and on track, 29V- i i I i i 1 Quotations of Is Par n Various ( oinmodlt lea. NKW YORK, Anrll FNOl'R necelpts, T,3S bbll.; x ports, fi,4."o bbls. ; market quiet una u,d . viiHi. patents, .,ai.u..w; wir.tor BtiHij.l-.ts,; Minnesota pat ents. 6.U5'au.l6; winter extras, 33.60(1.15: MinneHota bakers, 4.00(i".40; winter low grade. jVl.'e 4.06. Rye (lour, stead:-; fair to good, t4.3(Nii4.K6; choice to fancy, M-704H.90. Iluckwheat flour, nominal at $2.ikk"((2.10. I'OKNMKAI Steady: fine white and yel low. H.ii, coarse new, tl.Oh'u 1.10; kiln dried, U.Sfllfia.OO. 11 K Nominal; western, 80c. HARTLEY Quiet: feeding, 44!-iC, c. t. f., New York; maltina;. 42'uiWc. c. I. f., Buffalo. WHKAT-Receipts, 22,000 bu. : exports, 21.1 bu. Siot market firm; No. 2 red, Il.lO-Viil.nV b- alloat; No. 1 northern liuluth, $1.1.'". f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. ll.olV.. f. o. b. afloat. The wheat market. onenliiK In response to lower cables, bearish state reports and short sell ing, waa lower, immediate rallies toiiowea and in tne aiternoon a snort scare ue- veloped, advancing prices. The market cloned -vCiie. net nigner. May, si.iurpi.iz, closed at ll.U: July, 92 7-Wn3 ll-lo, closed lit Viykc: Meptemotr, wvuBiTtc, ciosea at . . ...... UURIf-rteceipts, o.;iu nu,; exports, int.hw bu. Bpot market firm; No. 2. 67c elevator and 62c f.o.b. atlont; No. 2 yellow, 64c; No. I white, 53c. Option murket fairly active and stronger on lighter receipts than ex pected and covering. Closed c net higher. ay,- oauK!H- closed at July closed at .:-.o. OATS Receipts, 15(i,ooo bu. upot market firm: mixed. 2 to 32 lbs.. .Ttvn 3H4c ; clipped white. M to 40 lbs.. 'SMi naturai while, 30 i 32 lbs., 3tma37V;- HAY Quiet: shluplna. Wli67Vic: good to choice, IVtotCKc. HOFS yuKit, state, common to cHolce, lito4. 272c; 1!03, 2:"(i2f)c; olda, ll'ul3c; Pa clno coast, 19o4, 26(a2Sc; 19U3. 21(j)24c; olds, Jltt13c. HIDES Quiet; Oalveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 2c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19V4c; Texas, dry, V4 to SO lbs.. 16c. LEATHER Firm; acid, 24"tf2tH PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. 112.00 W1J.O0; mesa. 19.00fi .5: beef hams, Jl'l.uO'if 23.00; packet, Ill.oiVii 12.00; city, extra India mens, I16.008'ls .00. Out moats, steudy: pick led Wiles, 7UVt7.76; plcklot shoulders, 3fi.60r.oo; pickled hums. $s Lard, lirm; western steamed, 17.50; refined. Arm; continent, 37 ); South American. 3H; com pound. 14.87 yti5.26. Pork, firm; family, $14.50a'18.00: short clear, tl2.75!16.00; mess, HH.okSiS.87V4. TALLOW Quiet; city ($2 per pkg), 4Sc; country (nkgs. free). 4Vii4Te. RICB Quint; domestic, fair to extra, IW-; JaiMinese. nominal. BITTER Firm; creamery, held, common to '-;... 20l-''!c. , jllCESE j1rm: state, full cream, small ..lured and white fancy, 14L4C; state Mn, state, late made, colored and white, poor to choice, loVrtKt'.c; state large colored and white fancy, 14c; state fine. l:iV(jl3Vo; state late made colored and wrTlle, poor to choice. KOua Firm; western storage packed, isy: weateru firsts, 174c POt'l.TRY Alive, steady: western chick ens, 15c; fowls 15c; old turkeys. lio. Iresaed, Irregular; western chickens, liKd. 12c; fowls, l'jgl4u; turkeys, 15.'i. Kaasas City tlrala and Provisions. WAXSAd CITY. April -WHEAT -llrra; Muy, 967c: July, 7r:; oaab. No. I lianl. tl.ouffll.06; No. 1 02; No. 4. SS Sa.Y; No. 3 nut, $1.04 1.07; No. 3. 9:Vji1.04; ,v 4. tVuc. iKX Higher; May 44,c44Hc; July, 44V; oash. No. 2 mixed, 44K,'u44Vac; No. t. 44fAtc; No, 1 white, 44V; No. H. 44iflH4V- tAT8-teady; No. J whits, 3m&3l; No. ) mix. &-. FaK ti oer: Missouri and Kansas, new c- I wduswoahi cuses included, i:c; ci PVJJit, lV-': i"ases returned, vc less. H Y aietdy : choio timothy, ts.&O'alO.OO; .'hole pralrte, 7.26'7.75. RVB-8indr. 7b.ii i. "ic. HITTKH 4"SMmery. 2Va2tk-, dairy, lie. toalp4 wJieal, b vara. nej-eipts. unipmenta. 47.2.) llO.e SI 20 4H.o 2iUW 2U(W WboaL bu. Cort. tiu... Oais. bo... IJirrpool Grata Varkrt. l.lVEKrXXJU April S.-VHKAT-Fpot, Iti4y- Na 1 California, tsi d; fottirea, eas". Maj. (n Sd. July, da 'J, September. r t-4 CORN'-8jt3.. qolrl; American mixed, new, 4a 1'. AmirlMn mixed, old. U ied: fu iuiw,, sinaaj. .lJ. ts 3a; July, 4a 3',J. nalatn C.rala Market. Pn.TTH. April 6-WlTEAT-To arrHe: Si 1 nvnVern. H on track. No 1 tur-ii.ta-s IW-Y; X i nurtlicras V1 CIIHAJO 4.HAI AD PROVISIONS Featarea at aa Tradla aad C'loalaa; Prleea aa Hoard of Traae. CHICAGO, April 8-An advance of 3tc in i he price oi may option itave stienaiii to tne entile wneat maraet here louaiy. An iiigent ouituiia from snorts was i, ic for mo sharp upiuin in May. ai itiu cios May was up an even c. ju,y is up 'mic. ju.y aik.i snows ii oi :iilc. oats uie up -i'c anu provisiona oirength In May wheat was In evidence al tne start, that option opening 'tuo Higher at 1 I4H- Olsiant dtiiveiies, uow vvrr, aere weua, juiy uelng on mi).; to VV'V at Si'aj.'jSifce. Because ot the kiiiugth of Mny ti.cie was an active Ue nianu irom snot is in anticipation ot a bull laid. weakness ot the ju.y and Septem ber deliveries was due to lower cuomv and to continued favoraniu weatner loi.uiilons. rusi was leported as far south aa iexas. but temperatures recorded were not low enough to suggest any injury to the grow ing wheat ciop. Conditions In tne north west uiso were most lavuraole lor seed ing. Mtate leports irom onlo, Kentucsy and Missouri were received and ail w. it exiremuiy tjearlsn, showing a marked Im provement in thu condition ot tan sown wheat. I noer ordinary circumstances the Influences would have been suttlclent to create extreme weakness in t lie market. Manipulation of May by tne null clique, however, was enough ot a lactor to coun terbalance all these beurish Influences. As the session progressed the price of May mounted higher and higher, until It had reached Jl.l, V Onerttigs were light and the entire volume or- trading in that option was comparatively small, btreugth ot May gradually starteu a covering movement la July, which later developed to quite an active demand. The only item of bullish teuor In the day's news was an estimate of tho amount of wheat slid iu farmers' bands in Ohio. Official figures place the amount at 2,i5O,OU0 bushels compared with 4,6.,uw bushels a year ago. A bulge in corn was a late bull factor In wheat. Realising In May caused some reaction Just before tne close, but the July option closed at the highest point at HSc. Final quota tions on .M iy were 11.17. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to ina.bju bush els. Primary receipts were 27,taO bushels compared with t&3,3ou bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Oulutli and Chicago reported receipts of lbH cars against 240 cars lust week and 241 cars a year ago. The feature of trading In the corn mar ket was an active covering of May and a consequent advance of IV in the price of that delivery. There was little in the way ot news that had any Immediate hear ing on the action of the market, although en bits were a trifle higher. Trading In May corn revealed a congested condition, offerings being wholly Inadequate to supply tho wants of some of the larger shorts. Strength of May had a bullish effect on the more distant deliveries. July opened unchanged at 47Hc, sold off to 47Vi7'c and then steadily advanced to 48V4V where It closed. May ranged between 47'4U' 4Ho and closed at 4V a net gain of lic. Local receipts were 1X6 cars. Oats were firm. The volume of trading waa light and the market was governed almost solely by the strength in corn. July opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 29H&29V:. sold up to 40Viu and closed at 8oc. Local receipts were 1N6 cars. Provisions showed considerable strength and business aws of liberal proportions. An advance of liftlac in the price of live bogs caused a scramble by shorts to cover at the outset and, as packers also were supporting- the market, the bulls bad their own way. Local , longs sold moderately. The market closed at the highest point of the day with July pork up 20c at $13.17. Lard was up 10c at $7.46, and ribs were 16c higher at 3..40. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 29 cars; corn. 450 cars; outs, 160 cars; hogs, 2710 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.! Yesy. Wheat May July Sept. Corn- May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May Julv Lard- May July Ribs- May July 'i umi '82(&'7,l 1 17 1 14 887,1 87 SaTilfciVB! 4714c I 48H: 4.'4;4aw'4 47fcaV 4S 29 30ft U 29V(Ji 301, 12 85 13 02H 7 22! 7 40 7 10 7 82Vi 12 97H 13 17H 7 27' 7 45 7 17HI 7 40 47 48V4 47"aV4i48W-a'i 47ii 4S4 29 29",4 12 85 13 026 7 22H1 7 40 7 10 7 30 12 9T 13 17H 7 17H; 7 40 No. 2. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUJFt Easy: winter patents, 35.00if75.10; straights. $4.75EN.90; spring patents. tS.Otvgi 5.40; straights, t4.4o4f4.80; bakers. $2.40ff3.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $l.(ei.l4; Ko. 3, 11.0041.12; No. 2 red, $1.141.18. CORN No. 2, 48Hc; No. 2 vellow, 49c. OATSNo. 2. 30Se; No. 3 white, 304g31ViC. RYE No. 2, 78ii78Hc. BARLEY Good feeding-, 37(g89c; fair to choice malting, 43(&47c. 8EBD No. 1 flax. $1.24; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.38; clover, contract grade, $14.26. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.90 12.96. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.15(6f7.17H- Short libs sides (loose). $7.007.25. Short clear Idea (boxed), 36.0CX4j7.12H. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 47.ono 3tf.300 Wheat, bu v.... 84, (K10 Rl.ticO Corn, bu 1,427.8iO 944.100 Oats, bu 6s, 1i0 ,'19H,0ii0 Rye, bu.... 17.000 12,0o0 Hurley, bu 212,500 27.500 Oil ths Produce exchange today the butter market waa steady; .creameries. 22i'.'Kc; dairies, 20625c. Eggs, Arm; at mark, cases Included, 164c: firsts. liHic: prime firsts, 17Vac; extras, 181,0. Cheese, steady, 126l:SViC. Nt. Loots Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, April 5. WHEAT Higher; No. i red, cash, elevator, $1.07V4; track. jl.loWpl.lljMay. $10tVi: July, 84(84Hc; No. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 46c: track. 4747 He; May, 4ttc; July, 4tic. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 46c; track, 80H'lilV4c; May, 2828Hc; No. 2 white, tlH'U2c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. $6,154$ 6 40; extra fancy and straight, $4.75'u4.90; clear. $4.134.60. SEEDS Timothy, steady,- $2.00e2.76. CORNMEAI-Steady, $2.50. UR AN Lower and dull; sacked, east track, 77 78c. MAY Steady; timothy, W.ofKtTIS.OO; prai rie, $S.OO 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-80C. BAUOINO 7V4C HEMP TWINB-tHic PROVISIONS-Pork, higher: Jobbing, $12.46. Lard, higher; prime stenm. $S.J5. I)ry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, $7.i5; clear rlbn, $7.12H; short clears. $7 37V4. Itacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $7.62H: short clear, $x.oo. POl'LTRY Firm: chickens. 11c; springs, 11c; turkeys, 144ll!ie; ducks, 12c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Ixiwer; creamerv, 22Wo28Hc; dairy, l!t24c. EGOS Steady, 15c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls , 14.0110 SK.uio Wheat, bu HH.duO 95 uO Corn, bu 156.0HU 143.000 Oats, bu 113,0)10 140.000 Mlaaaapolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 6. WHEAT May, $1 10H: July, $1.04H; September, 86c; No. 1 hard, $1.15H; No. X northern. $1.12V,; No. t northern. $1.07H. N. FlOL'R First patents, $6.9Oi!i4i.0O: second patents, $6.7a.8o; first clears, $4.254435; second clears, $2.76ii2.9o. BRAN In bulk. $14.25. Philadelphia Pradace Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 5. BUTTER Firm stipply small, extra western cream ery. 2!r.Vio. E(K;s tK)d demand, firm; western fresh, 17'tjl7Sc at mark. CHEESE steady, 12fcl3c. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, April 6. CORN Higher; No. 3 yellow, 6c; No. 3, 46.:; No. 4, 15c; no grade. 42c. OATS- Steady; No. t white, Joe; No. 4 whits. 29V'. Foreign Flaaarlal. LONDON, April 6-The supplies of money were Increased In ths market today by dividend payments on consols and Bank of England Block. Kates were fairly steady notwithstanding consols settlement snd further repayments to ths Bank of England. Trading oil the stock exchange was quiet and prices were steudy. Con sols were dull and home rails were easy on poor traffic anticipations. Americans opened dull at about parity and dropped on account of lack of support, the proposed new Issue of 1 iilon I'a.-irlc preferred aid ing the depression. United Btatea steel was the exception, being supported on good estimates of the quarterly earnings, but steel became Irregular later. Prices cloaed weak. Mexican rails were lower on a disappointing traffic return. Russians were ea. Japanese were supported. Imperial Jnpanese government sixes of lw4 were quoted at lie., ex Interest. Colombians ere firm In anticipation of an earlv con clusion of the debt settlement scheme. HEKI.IN". April 5. No changes of any c..rir.i uence occurred m an: of tba d IMrtiuenta uu the bourne 'odaj. 1 17 ( i 1.1 SSH 87S 8UT, &3s 47U 3o 2SN, 30 29H 29 iKS I 12 72V4 I 12 92H 7 27V4 7 15 7 45 I 7 30 1?0 7 ao NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Proposed Increase in Union Pacifio Pre ferred tbe Feature of the Day. CAUSES SLUMP IN COMMON SHARES Market Is Vla-oroaely Sanpnrten and erlooa Uerllae Is Prereated More R amors of Traasroa tlaeatal Merger. NEW YORK. April 6 The Intention to Increase the preferred atock of t.'nlon Pa cing by $ioomi,i00 was not knowsi to the Wall street public until this morning and was a general surprise. This Incident formed the central Hlnt of interest In the day's stock market. Union Pacific has been the subject of gossip and surmise for many months during the course of Its remarkable rise, but none of the numerous conjectures regarding It pointed to the measure an nounced this morning. This fact In Itself caused a doubt that a large part of the re ports which have circulated regarding this stock were III Informed. The effect on the common stock was unfavorable, as was not unnatural In view of the prior privilege of the preferred stock, now to be doubled In amount to dividends to the extent of 4 per cent. The common stock was offered heavily both for domestic and foreign ac count. It was vigorously supported, how ever, all day. Brokers before the opening were making offers to take all the stock that any one would sell and the same brok ers were diligent buyers up to the level of last night. The support was then relaxed ugaln, but renewed at any periods of acute weakness. Officials of the company de clined to add anything to the official cir cular ns to the specific purposes for which the proceeds nf the stocks are to bo used or as to the proposed time for Issuing it. As sertions were freely made, however, among the speculators In the stock that the project had to do with the proposed combination of Union Pacific with New York Central and Chicago & Northwestern. It was pointed out that President Harrlman In maintain ing the wisdom of seeking financing capital requirements through the issue of stock rather than through the creation of fixed Interest bearing obligations had Injected Into the official circular the remark "espe cially such ns arise In connection with the acquisition of stocks of other companies. This was adduced to Indicate that a merger project was In view, but Wall street had formed the opinion that the supposed mer ger was to Ik? accomplished by the ex change of bonds of a holding company for existing securities, which would not in volve a great outlay of cash. The prospect of a $100,000,000 block of new stock, there fore, came ns a shock to sentiment and emphaslied the effect of the huge volume of Issues which Is being added to con stantly from many sources. The determined support of Union Pacific was supplemented by notable upward movements In a number of special stocks, so that the depressing effect of the Union Pacific announcement waa modified to a considerable extent. Tho railroad list, the southern group and Canadian Pacific were very strong. The only news to account for the movement was the suggestion, based on earnings and reports of possible dividend Increases. American Smelting headed an other strong group. Including the Lead stocks und some others in affiliated metal trades. 'Hie United States Steel stocks were sluggish most of the day, but they moved up late to higher prices than were touched yesterday und helped to sustain the general list by sympathy. A miscel laneous list of Industrial specialties showed considerable strength. The railroad list as a whole, however, was held buck. Sterling exchange was strong again In spite of the great ease of money in foreign centers. This was attributed to the selling Of stocks here for foreign account. In some of t he very active stocks the net changes for the day proved to be small and tne market closed Irregular. Bonds were easy. Total Sales, par value, $4,320,000. Untied States bonds were all Un changed on call. , The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. Hlgn.ixiw. Close. 10. MO 88 i't 87 88 200 .102., 102H 102 18.500 145H 15 H"7 7,200 108 107 11 shows: Available cash balnnce. $140,"8.742; gold, $71,441,519. . . 73.600 100 . . 4,700 2.500 400 16.400 100 1.500 500 5.01 10 400 500 lMU 202H H 23H 244" 176',, 19 36 l;7 28-4 1H 3H 100 300 8.600 30.000 100 '"ioo 1,500 300 "ioo 1.8110 22.4110 100 2.8i 2,floo 1,000 200 2,300 700 800 100 600 35, 90 464 82 69 i; 28 'H 6H 143', 167 87 12314. 5 63 120H 165V4 106 11 65 L. 1.000 28,966 34. ioo 300 &800 2,400 2.10 900 6.700 a. 100 85H 143 '9V 92 '5 So". 71 26', 66 67 3ti0 118 7.300 35H Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pacific .. Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western Chicago & N. W C, M. & St. P Chicago Term. & T. do pfd C C, C. St. L.... Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. D. . L. & W Denver & Rio G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Tynils. Nashville.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. St. L M., St. P. & 8. 8. M.. do pfd .'. Missouri Pacific M.. K. A T , do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y O. & W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania , P.. C. C. & St, Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co .. do pfd St. L. S. F. 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacific .... do pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. E Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Ex Americun Ex United Rtates Ex... Wells-Fargo Ex A inn I. Copper Am. Car & Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do pfd t Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive .... do Pfd Am. Smelt. A Refng. 69,300 lo do pfd Am. Sugar Rcfng Am. TobaciHi pfd olf. Anaconda M. Co.. ... Bnsjklyn R. T Colo. Fuel Iron Consolidated Oas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities . Oeneral Electric International paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mail People's Oas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Ooods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron U. 8. leather .... do pfd U. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber do pfd I'. 8. Steel do pfd III.7111 Yh -Carolina Chem... 1.7 do pfd 3ii Westing house Elec... 3oo Weetern Union in) 14 202'4 67 234 243 174 19 36 4 107H 28H 61 38 900 193 192 120 165 106A 80 65 40 14.3110 162 160 161 20.1 62 n4 63 35 90 46 81 69 159 28H '36 65 141 167 87 123 24 63 118 164 106 31 64 95 IMS 202 68 41 80 23 243 175 18 34 107 28 61 37'4 193 372H 34-. 89 46 81 69 93 94' 160 i 64 304 65 143 166 87 12.1 24 1.4O0 1.400 4.SH0 3.4iiO 1S8.8U) 1311 1.4H0 f 300 1.900 96 38 41 59 23 46 400 100 61.900 5,000 42.KIO 1.4.1) "'166 400 8taj ib'.soo 23 61 84 i42 93 92 '34 80 70 20 65 66 118 34 96 38 3H 68 130 90 23 46 '23 61 250 81 40 103 37 "" 39 19 M', 11. 6.100 126 26.4m) 144 1.400 fV) 7.100 $100 200 100 119 68 56 206 13 260 8o 89 lo2 36 "" 39 19 '56" 116 104 123 142 98 UK 67 65 205 13 85 92 143 82 94 91 89 34 80 70 26 65 67 118 : 38v5 M'S 58 131 90 23 46 18 23 51 244 225 127 240 81 4ti 104 36 93 38 19 44 51 115 ! 126 144 98 119 67 66 206 13 64 Sfs lark Moary Market. NEW YORK. April 6.-MONF.Y - )tl call, steady at 3tfi3 per cent; closing hid. 3 pr cer.t; offered at 3 per cent: time loans, steady, slxtv dsys. rflnely days and six months, 31y&3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, JV-aiH per cent. STERLING EXCH A NOK Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 86259 4.8630 for demand, and nt $4 8440 4 8445 for slxtv-day bills; posted rates. $4 85 and $4 87: commercial bills. $4.94y44. SILVER Bar. 65c: Mexican dollars. 43c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, easy. Closing prices on bonds were: I'. 8. rf ts. rea....H44 Jasaa , rer 1 4i roupon W4 L. S. usIUkI 4s..I2 V. 8. .In. rt P Manhattan -.n. g. 4s. o4t, do coupon I. '5 .Mexlrtn Central 4a.. 77 f. a. saw 4a r... m I in I at Inc t4 do eonpon 1M M. St. I.. 4 ' V. 8. old la. n .. ! M . K . T. 4s tm do cenpon !M do I4a A4 Am. Tobarco 4a. car. 7S N. ft R of M. r 4a 1 do (a rr UR S. T. ('. (an tHa .I""1 Atrhlsoa general 4a..lS tt. 1 C. gen. 8 W At.-hlsoa ad 4 M Northern Pacific 4H..1M1 Atlantic c. I.. 4a 101 40 3 haltlmora Ohio 4a. 102 K. a W. .on. 4s , .101 do 4 Ma O. . L. rfdg. 4 Central of Orortla (a II Pan onn. .IHi .1W do 1 Inc t Radln sen. 4a .Wti do !d Inc '4 t'. L. a I. M c. a 114 rtirsaiwaka A O. 4a H1 St. I. ft 8. F. It. 4a 41 ( hl.aa.0 A Alton Sa. St. L,. S. con. 4... 2: C, B. A Q. new 4a. 5 Seaboard A. I,. 4a... M" C . R I. A P 4a.... MS Southern Paciflc 4 . . do rol. ' 8mitlicrn Rallwar IIA C T., r 4 SI L I 4a 1"J ,Tca A Pai-llt.- Uta.l2J'- rhlraso Terminal 4S. 7 IT . St. b. a W. Is . Colorado Midland 4a.. W t nlon Pa. III.- 4a 1 lolo. A Southern 4a. N 60 rani. Is U34 rul ts. car 106 V. 8. Steel 2d la M'4 Panvcr A R. O 4a...l01H Wahash lata ... DIatlllera' Sec. ns r do deh B Erie prior Men 4a l3 ,Wasterd Md. 4a do gen. 4a W'. L. E. 4s F. W. ft I) C. 1st . 114 Wis Central 4s. Horalns Valley 4V,a. HOVai Offered. .Il'.o . . 41 . flH . l Beaton Moeki and Bonds. BOSTON. April 5. Call loans. 383 per cent; time loans, 3Hi4 per cent. Official closing of stocks and nonos Adventure Alloues Amalgamatad .. American Zlac Atlantic Bingham .. Atchison adl. 4a do 4a KKH Mexican Cen. 4a 74 Atchleon !" do pfd H1 Boston ft Albany n Boston A Maine 179 Boston Klevaled ....lMla Fltchnuri pfd 144 Meilcan Central !4 N V.. N. H. a h . 10m t nlon PaclBc 1.114 Amer. Arse. Chemical 23t do pfd 0 Araar. Pnau. Tub.... I Amar. Sugar 144i do pfd lt Amar. T. It T 144'i Amor. Woolon 40 do pfd 107V. Dominion 1. A R 23 Ml son Elec. Ilium... 168 Oeneral Kleotrtc Mass. Rlactrlc do pfd Mass. Oas Vnlted Fruit ... bolted Shoe Machine, sj't'tah do pfd ia I Vl.iorla . V. 8. Steel J7sl Winona . do pfd 991 Wolcerln Bid. Asked. .. 31', .. al .. 11 .. Is .lt) Calumet A Heckla. . .I7S Centennial Copper Hanga .. Pair Weal Dominion Coal . Franklin Oraa. y Isle Rovala Mass. Mining VI. hltsu Mohawk Montana r. A I' Md Dominion Icceola .'arrot Qulncy !4 .Shannon 21 Tamarack ....... mvt I Trinity 44V!C. S. Mining... 104 If. 8. Oil I'H . IS", . U4. . .. . Ill . 4 . J4 . Id , . H'i . 53 J' . :4 . J! 27 .IDS 7 .12 . 10s . 2744 '' . 42', . 13 .109 London Mocks and Bonds. LONDON, April 6. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Consols, money... 1 11-i New York Central 107 tiVNorroIk a western.. . f do pro ! Ontario A Western lu.',V Tenrsylvanla do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. ..110. Hnod Minaa Canadian Pacific 1M i Heading Chesapeake A Ohio. 591 do lat pfd.. Chicago U. W. C., M. A St. P De Beera Denver A R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d ptd Illinois Central I-oulnTllla ft N M , K. & T 6:1 TiV, 11 4'a 47 44 :. L4 do 2d pfd. .1111 Southern Railway . 17Vj do pfd . 3i,T4 Southern Paclflc . . H Union Pacific 134 . 47 i do pfd 102 4 . 83 -si V. 8 Steel S7 . 7144 4n pfd lOIVs .14 Wahwh 24 .1404, do pfd 4's . 31i!Pnlsh 4s.' I4 SILVER Bar, nleady, 25 13-16d per ounce MONEY 1'U2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills la 2 per cent; three montns' bills, 2 per cent. York Mlalna; Stocks. NEW YORK, April 5. The following are the cloalng quotations on mining stocas Adama Con Alice Bresca llrunawlck Con... Comatock TuDnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Sllrar Iron Silver LeadtJll Con , I Little Chief .. 46 Ulnurlo .. U UVhli .. 4 1 Phoenix .. 7 PoUel ..150 Savg . .1 jliarra, Na'.ada . .SiS .iinali liopea . ..Ik taudarii I ..4t,() ..775 .. 6 .. II .. U .. a .. a ,.iS tano 46 46 1.6t) 187 185 186 A aLaia OiA' -(. tA I 80 5.400 $1 78 61.500 51 47 Hon 10i 102 Z.USt 4h44 44 113 42 95 6.400 1.5") 400 112 42 (5 1.800 110 2. $o0 16.800 6-0 l.loi 9S) l.tlOO 1.7tj 79.3f 14 83 33 105 12 1.19 94 4t lln 37 lr 1 181 93 23 M 32 io2T, 12 108 93 42 113 36 9 36 1 I8O 92 Total attics for the day. 1.120..'O shares. 80' 36 85 50 102 43 113 95 248 834, 1274 104 lt 93 42 114 37 M9 K l'r? 1X1 93 Bank ( learlaas. OMAHA. April (-Bank clearings todav aere $1,381,14.85. For the corresponding day of lssM the clearings were $l,;.4. Treastrr Statasnent. WASHINGTON. April . -Today s "state ment of tbe treas.iry bslancea In t)i gen eral fund ca.'l ialve of i' $r.i ..) iM Kuid leasitrs lu vita division of letleinptiou OMAHA VHO!G!i.l1.e MARKET. Condition of Trade frrl Qaotationa on Staple and Fast) Prodnee. EGGS Receipts hea.v, market steady; candled stock, 15'16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 11c; young roosters, according to slae, 9al0c; old roos ters, 5'6c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 104,11c. BL'T'i ER Packing stock, 16(nl7c; choice to fancy dairy, lifolc; creamery, 24'a26c; prints, 2c. h niiSii KROZEN 9c; pick erel, 6c; pike, 8c; perch. 7c; blueflsh, 11c: whiteflsh, 9c; salmon. He; redsnapper, 9c; green halibut, 11c; crappies, 11c; buffalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; herring, 2c: Spanish mackerel, 12c; lobsters, boiled, 46c; green, 40c; finnan huddles. 7c; roe shad, each, 5c; shad roe, per pair, 30c. Frog legs, per doz., 30c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale llav Ilealors' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $6.00; Nc. i, $5.50; med'um, $5.00; coarse, $4.50. Rye straw, $5.60. These prices aie for nay oi k lod colic und quaiiiy. BRAN Per ton. $17.50. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can. 35c; standards, per can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal.. 11.40; extra selects, per gal., $1.65; New York counts, per gal., 11 so. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANOES California, ex'.ra fancy Red land navels, all sizes, $3.00; fancy navels, $2.75: large sizes, $2.50. LEMONS Califoi nla, extra fancy, 270 size. $3.00; 300 and 360, $3.25; fancy, 270. $2.75; i0 and 360, $3.00; choice, 240 and 270, $2.26; 100 and 360. $2.50. DA 1 Eb Per box of 3(l-lb. pkgs.. $2.00; Hallowe'en, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c. F1UB Calilornia per i-j-Io. canon, To4 85c; imported Smyrna, 4-crown. lGc; 5 srown, 12c; fancy Imported (waahedj. In l-io. pkgs., 16u 1m:. BANANAS Per medium-slxed bunch. $1.7$ 63.3ft; jumbos.'(flM.0. , GRAPE FRU IT Call f ornla, per box of 54 to 64, $4.00. STRAWBERRIES riorlda. per quart, 60c; Texas, per 24-qt. case, $8.0010.00; Louisiana, per 24-pt. case, $4.50. APPLEsj New fork Baluwinj, $3.0033 25; Colorado Ben Itavls, per lxx, $1.26; Roman Beauty, per box. I2.u0; Baldwins anil Green ings, per box, $1.50. i ANuEUijsfcj 4. ullforn:Ji. per naif-box, $!.23. CRANBERRIES-Jerseys. per bbl., $7.00; per crate, $2.25. VEGETABLES. POTATOEB Home grown. In sacks, per bu., i'f40c; Colorado, per bu., 45c. TURNIPS Old. per bu., 4oc; new. per do.. 76c. CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per doz., 76c. ' PARSNIPB-Old, per bu., 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.10 CUCUMBERS-Per dcz.. 61.75a2.00. TOMATOES Florida, ner 6-basket erata $6.0tia6.00. SPlNACHVPer bu.. 75c1.00. ONIONS H.ime grown, red, In sacks, per lb. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $3.50; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda onions, per crate. $2.76; new southern, per doz.. 45c. CABBAQF Holland seed, per tb., lc. BEETS Old, per bu 40c; new, per dog. bunches, 85c. CELERY-Callfornla. 754390c. RADISHES Hot house, largs bunches, per doz., 4tKJ60c. house, per doz., 46c. RHUBARB California, per lb., 6c; per box of 40 lbs., $2.00. PAHSl.Ei i-er dos. bunches. 76c. A8PARAOI S Illinois, per dog. bunches. $1.75; California, white, per doz. of 2-lb. bunches. SS.icf 00. M1SCELLANEOTTS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 13414c; WlsooLsln Young America. 15c; block Swiss, new, lac; old. l&17c; Wiscon sin brick. 15c; Wisconsin limburger, 14c; brick cheese, lit? 14c. HIDESNo. 1 green, 7c; No. t green. c; No. 1 salted, c; No. I salted. 7c; No. j vaal calf, to; No. 2 veal raif. 1c; dry Salted, 7iu.l4c; sheep pelts. $6ci&$1.00; horse bide. tl.fsj-rt3.0u. NUTfl-Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, ntw crop, per lb., Uc; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 3 soft shells, per lb.. 12c: No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. lulc; almonds, soft shell, pel lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb.. Uc: chestnuts, per lb., 123Uc; new black walnut, pet bu.. .5ii9o, shellbark hickory nuts. .r bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu, $1 is). . Oils aad Rosla. NRW YORK. April .-OIL 4'ottoneed. barely steady; prime crude, nominal: prim yellow ITArtf25c. Petroleum, steady; re fined New York, $7.16: Philadelphia and Baltlmor. $7.10; Philadelphia and Balti more, in bulk, $4 2. Turpentine, firm. JVjHIN Firm; strained, common to good, OIL CITY. April .OIL.Terlt bal-a'-e. $1 36; certificate, no hid; shipments, 1'4.S hhla: average. 77 Kl bbls. Runs. 74 111 bbls.; average. 42.749 bbl a. Sttloments I lina. 73.474 bbls , average, 63.6U bMs. Runs. Linus, ftC.vTO bbl.., 4 stage, ai, 410 bbla. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattlt Kecuiptt Vrr Lisrht md PricM Fnllj a Dime Higher. HOGS ALSO ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY flalk of Sheep and Iambi Renorted Wra Hilled Thrnigk and the Market Haled Fairly Active and leady to Mreag. SOUTH OMAHA. April 5. 19u5. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sli.-ep Official Monday $,85$ 3,.2 ll.oirt Ctmclal Tuesdav 3.140 i.ti3 4.134 tifllcial Wednesday 2.r 8.H4H 13.213 Three davs this week.. 9 892 16.731 28.941 Three days last week. . .11.921 2).u92 2o.:32 HlimS ,t U M.Anb kaf... 1 '1 -J 'J 1 .O 1 ' IS . 1 8me three weeks ago. .ln.RW) 21,133 2n.t66 came lour WCCKS ago 13.718 2..V86 Same days last year. .. .12.390 2.1.7M1 24.422 RECEIPTS' FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the V en r tn 1 a .. ,. . 1 n . 1 K last year: ,, ltXC 1904. Dee. Vtle 113,318 246 916 S3.598 fiflaTN at.,- (.... Ji". 7.1 m a.'Atl Bt.T.eP : 441.457 4S;,43S 45.976 ine rolluwlng tabl shows the average price) ot tiogs Mt Suuill omuna lvr III laal everal days, wlih comparisons: laOt.ilSOl.HJW'.'iew I M 15 I 6 21 66 t U 0 Oil It; 6 71 ( 6 251 6 VJ Msr. 1 Mar. 17.. Mar. 18.. Mar. is.. Mar. 20.. Mar. ti Mar. 22.. Mar. M., Mar. 24.. Mar 26.. Mar. . Mar. 17.. Mar. 28 . Mar. 29.. Mar. 30.. Mar. 31.. April 1.. April 2.. April 1.. April 4.. April 5.. I 1903. I1D04.U9U3.I H ji 16 7l 041 0.', 6 04 1 . ' I l 08 j 6 12 4 92 6 07l 4 $6 6 01a, 4 is.i t 08 I 6 01 & 14! 6 6i I 6 12 5 13 I 6 tia-1 8 171 5 Oil 1 5 141 5 UVv1 6 V7 6 14 1 4 I 6 i5 5 03, 1 6 09; 6 164 i 6 20 1 a 13; 6 28 6 07 7 201 7 111 7.06; i la, 7 7 34 7 45 7 36 T 25, 7 21 7 26 7 301 I J22 7 2, 1 7 3D 7 W 7 2 7 26, I 81 6 90, I 6 801 29) 6 3n 5 76 6 3C 6 87! 6 4o t r6 6 69 6 SJ 6 b9 5 8o I 6 , 6 66 1 I 6 66! 5 97. 6 C6 6 00 6 68 , 6 98, 4 63 ft 1.9; 6 631 6 95 4 8B 3 66 4 94, I 6i 1 I b 4 6 4 Mi, 3 6S 4 811 3 i 4 86,1 3 60 4 at); 3 J 4 93 3 6 I 3 61' 4 89; 4 97! 6) 5 06 1 3 6d b 16, 3 on b US 3 t4 6 la; 3 hv I 3 64 6 08 6 15, 3 60 0 i 66 6 30 3 65 . 4B I 4 OT 400 t so 1... !... 410 ami t 7. t T Ml III M la 744 J ao ha t 7 o t 74 : . T71 t 4 m t a. 44 I no I 1 t . to 14 1 . . . 70 . . '.' . . a?o . 1Vi .. 74 ..!(" . . !; .. 7!l . . . 4ll IIS BTKER8 ANt HEIFERS. . 11-4 4 1.4 in. . ,!. COWS AND HEIFERS rri 4 ti it io7i . . . . ieo 4 ft1 BILLS. ..1440 ...tln . . 14. ...1170 . .. t0 . 14a .1110 . 1411 ..I M0 . . ! . .144,1 . i'i) ..1..70 ;lo J70 110 ton 570 ton 41.) too D 1.14 STOCK ERS KM (1.10 t (00 410 4M , 670 MO 4. '4 70 406 774 K00 442 t 40 t 71 1 ; t 3 00 1 0 I t 10 1 II 1 ts 1 n 1 u .1 SS 40 i 40 CALVES. i 00 a on 3 &o 3 Ml 4 mi 4 21 4 4 7.4 ( Oil 5 on t 7S 3 00 3 00 1 00 i 00 3 in 1 tit I Ml I I" 3 .) 3 4.1 8 74 I 10 . ... 1MB 1440 aav l.-,o 1400 I1.4 1KS0 .... 140 1740 ...17!0 1710 . I t il ... 100 ...1440 1M1 IM no Hi i"6 110 140 140 4 All 4 n 4 00 4 10 4 40 4 24 4 I" 4 40 i 4'1 4 .40 3 40 3 44 1 a" 8 .4 3 4 1 4.'. I t , I T4 I 71 I to 4 on 4 tx. 4 on I 14 i it t 4 It. 4 2.. 4 .40 t -4'i ft o I 74 I 00 A NO 17 . 17 I.. II . 1 . 1 . .16 . 11.. , I.. .. 44 . 3 . It 14 FEEDERS. ft4 4 an . Hi . M0 . 7t2 . 4W . 0 , 44 , 441 , 7n . 414 , 4S4 6M , IU 111. 4 INI 4 no 4 00 4 00 4 15 4 ?" 4 :o 4 24 4 25 4 I '. 4 40 4 t 4 to Indicate Sunda;-. The offl,.iul , , 1 .. - a uuniuri ill CMIB HI S104.S. brought 111 tcUay by each road was: n . o. battle. Mugs. Sheep. U ses . . .v 01. I 1 Missouri t'acltlu 4 I.'. 1 Kvstpm c. & n. w. ;;;; 1 V.. V. Ar M V 'II c. st. p.. m. &'6!"'; Is K. A M u C, B. ft Q 21 C, . I. oi P., east... 7 C, R. I. & P., west.. 4 Illinois Central 2 4 3 23 4 21 41 Chicago Ut. Western 3 Total receipts 118 93 53 8 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing thj ntim- ... " 11, u Buyers. "Cattle Omaha I'acklna- (. Swut and Company.... Vudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Bwlft and Co.. St. Joe.. Van Sunt & Co Carey r Benton Loinnan & Co McCreary & Carey Hill & Son Ji. K. Hamilton Wolf & Murium Miko lluggcrty J. B. K001 ec Co J. H. Bulla Krey Packing Co Huumitn B. & S Other buyers at 12 ti,u 46 1 4..S Hogs Sheep. uwrt 1, l2 1.8J8 1,W 9.8 .40 4.2 Mi 241 14 lu& 182 I 36 1 1.4 4 6 148 111 229 111 j::::::: HOt 18 There wss a light run of hogs here today and at all ether points. 11 11.1 as u result the tendency of prices was upward. At the opening of the market at this point trades were made on a basis of n 7c to loc advance. It was noticeable, however, that buyers were picking out the better grades, such as both packers und shippers were anxious for. and such kinds sold right around a dime higher. On the gen eral run of hogs they were only offering an advance of about 7c, and as salesmen thought they ought to have more money, the market came to a standstill and It was some time before much more business was transacted. The hulk of the early sales went from tR.27 to 6.30, with a top at 15.35. The situation did not improve any rs the morning advanced, and as a result most of the salesmen Anally cut loose at the prices offered. Quite a fea- hogs, hiiwevrr, were carried over until afternoon. The late sales were very largely at 15.27. Representative sales: Ttkl 2,903 6.294 4,088 (.'Ati LK-With only about cattle 111 t-hluago today, !,,, in Kansas -.ity ana AoiiO at this pi,nit, paiaeis lounti ihein seives short on supplies und were rather at a loss to kno4v wnai sucn llgiu reueip'.N meant. Aa a lesull buyers weie out eaiiv and tracing was active irom start to finish, witn prices higher all around. 'I he market oil ntei steers comu safely be quoted active and fully u uune biguer and a good many sales .ooked loc to loc higher man the same kinds Drought yes leiuay. Both puckers and stnppeis were anxious for came, so thut competition was keen, there not nemg enough on wile to meet tne lequiremeiua ot the tiaue. l ucre was nothing strictly choice un Bale, tne best cattle offered bringing to.80. Uoud to choice grades are quoiea 110111 o.6o to , fair to goou to 6.0-J and common stutt Irom I4..0 down. These prices are doc to 60c higher than those in torce u week ago lust iriday. The cow market was also active and fully a unite higher on desirable grades. The calipers and common cutters, though, did not show so much improvement, so thai the range of prices is getting wider every day. as high as H9 wns paid today for heifers. '1 he demand for desirable grades of botli cows ano heifers waa evidently lar In excess of the supply, und conse quently everything was out of first hunds hi an early hour. Uood to choice grades are quoted from 3.73 to 4.!I0, lair to good to j.3;'i, and common to fair 2.w to 42. C". Hulls, veal calves and stags also sold at good, strong prices, as compared with yes terday, owing to the upward movement of steers and c.iws. The demand for stockers and feeders waa in good shape today, and as a result an active and strong market was experienced on anything nt all desirable. Common stuff was neglected, more or less, but still even that ciass of cattle are selling to much better advantage than they did a short time ago. Uood to choice a-ruiies qui table from 84.50 to 14.96, fair to good to. f 1 to tl.oo, and commoner giam; .7a uown. Representative sales: BEEE STEERS. No. M . . I 82. . 4.!.. .. 43.. 10.. 4!.. r.3.. 47. .. 74... f ., at.. R.. s:.. m . 104. . 84... 48... 6 .. S5... ... 47... 7... 14. .. 74. .. 77... 73... 44. .. 49... 74... to... 54... M... W... 4V... 42.. Av. ..IU ...tx ..144 ...til .. .1X1 ...847 ...til ...14.1 ...241 ...24.1 . . .141 ...174 ... . . . 1 80 ...m . ,.2u7 ...211 ...24.1 . . t4 ...l4 ...til. . . 236 ...231 .. .23.". ...174 ...2i4 ...817 . . 2t:t ...213 ...218 . . J03 ..503 ...234 ...J4S ..!! ...121 8h. 40 1211 120 140 40 40 40 4C 0 40 120 240 80 , 140 140 80 No. At. 88. Pr. 43 314 .. 5 174, K o I to f t7', il too 40 t 21i 77 24S M 47i, 2S 124 HI I W 14 201 .. I 30 10 304 240 I 80 7:1 242 .. I 10 4I........34 .. I 10 41 344 . . I to 75 221. 8n 4 3n 22f. .. 4 3d 47 224 .. I 3n 47 244 . . 4 30 II 290 12.1 S Jn 70 2S3 to 5 to 4 217 . . 4 30 74 tm 80 I 30 III 344 40 4 10 71 '.'1.3 80 I 80 03. 21 .. 0 So M 1T .. 5 30 2 129 80 8 It. 31 130 .. 6 80 21 .'87 .. 3i 18 H I. . . S 80 42 2 ItM 4 3n 73 341 160 5 3" t 249 40 5 3D 7K 2S0 In 8 30 49 248 40 I 32 at 370 .. t 321 tw n .. 1 43 ...247 .. I I24, 44... ....MO .. 8 34 til 218 80 5 16 3t 443 . . I 34 Pr. 4 IS 4 25 I t.i 5 14 4 f 8 8 I 24 8 3714 i 27 4 3744 I 271, 4 274, 4 t744 5 !7i, I 274, 4 27 V, t 27 27", 4 St 44 I 2714 4 27', 4 27' 4 271, 4 74, 4 274, I 274, i 27', 4 274, 4 27 4 27'., 27 S J 2714 4 274, 4 374, .. b 274, .. 4 274, 40 4 27', SHEEP There was a big run of sheep and lambs reported this morning, but thirty-seven cars wero billed through to Chicago, Buffalo and Jersey City, so that in reality there were only about fifteen cars on sale. That number was none too large to meet the requlrments of the trade ami the market on sheep could safely be quoted active and strong, some sales In tact being a little higher. Ewes sold up to $5.60 and wethers and yearlings mixed brought $6.00. There was no particular change In the lamb market, trading being fairly uctlvo on good stuff with prices steady. The commoner kinds were a little slow, but about steady. Some pretty good Colorodos sold for $7.30. Quotations tor red stock: (rood to choice yea-llngs. I6.40fd4j.76; fair to good year lings 6.00iti6.40; good to choice wethers. $6.6 4J6.90; fair to good wether?, to.GttfjS.aO,; goou to choice ewes, o. 25,(16.56; rail- to aW'i'.i ewes, $4.766.1d; common 10 fair ewes, $4 ilo S 4.60, good to choice lambs, $7.2f?;7.6o; fair to good lambs. $6.90&1.16; feeder lambs, $0. (Alius 50. Representative sales: No. 15 western cull ewc 1 western buck clipped ewes western ewes...."...- western ewes western ewes western ewes Mexican ewes western light ewes western heavy ewes western ewes westes-n 4 our as and w'th's. western yenr'gs and w'th's. western year'gs and w'th's. western cull spring lambs... western lumbs lambs lambs lam lis lambs 642; heavx. $5 U-tti 47', : packer. $.4, 9 Ian; Pigs and llhl. PMi.... PI IK El" A N I I.AMlIt Ko.-elptJJ, 0. held; market stetnlv; tvil'4'e lamos. tteV'tr 7 41.: native wether. V 9i,?6 ro; native fed 1 wns. as.rati.V7K: western l.'.l lambs. taVVir 7 4; western fed yctrPiigs. $t;.t4f ' 73: -et-. ern fed sheep $,...'i6 .11. st.n kirs and feed ers. $3..Vi5 50. l. I.oula I. lee Stork Market. ST. I .or IP. April J -C A r I LE Receipts. 2.ii hesd. mcludiua I. Vs. lexiitis; inatk.-t. .Vnli4- higher; null).' shipping snd export Metre. i..'urt . ii'e-..eil peel an.1 butcher . steers. $4 htxpH.i urcrs tin.ler 1 lbs., 3rvin.5; sus kers and feeders. $J.ffj4 M). : cows and heifers. $2 iira 5.28. t anners. $2 'i 4i..,-; hulls. $2 ,'.1t.l... en it r. $.l.i4i.;j, lexss and In.luin jt.eis, 4.'6. Jj:i"; cows and heifers. $2i4i4.25 H H Iri Receipts. !..) hcail: mni ket 5tfllt higher; pigs and lights, $.1. ".Mi5.25. packers. :". oi h, butchers flnd best heavy. J.i fry 5.M. SHEEP A Nl I.A MRS- Receipt. 3 i head: market steailv; nstive imituxis. $. ti..7!l; Innihs, $5 i.rf..A; spring la nib. ."; culls and bu. ks. $3.5'.f .'4; stis-kcr. $2 14) 3 50 Mt. Joaeali ST JOSEPH. ceipt. 1,7 heul; market I5iU2v higher; natives. $4 ,Vii6 2"i; t. t kcis an.l feeders, ta.i3..!; cow s and heifers, $1 :ir. 25. I lik IS Receipts. S.2 b.-ml; insrkrt It higher: tight. $..25fi5 4; medium and henvj, $4.. .(12 5. 45. SHEEP ANO LA M IIS Receipts, 9 I3 head; market steady to strong: Colorado lambs, $7.65. tnu City Live Slock Market. Slol'X CITY, April 5.-iSpecial Telegram) CATTLE Receipts, 1.2nu head; market strong; stockers steady: beeves, $4 OutiJ u, cows, bulls and mixed. $1 t'ti 4.15; sto. keis and rs. K.iasri l.t. calcs and t arllng, $2.T5f8 80. lit HIS-Receipts, 2. ""H head; market Mc hlghet ; selling. $vl"'g;,.:if; hulk of sales, $5.2ii'4(.30. Stock In Nlr.M. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle South Omaha 3.9on Sioux Cltv 1.200 Kansas City 7.'""' HI. luiis 2.5011 St. Joseph 1.87 Chicago l.0i I. lie Mock Market. April 6 -CATTLE -Re Hoes. Shee 6.646 !.8' 9, 5.5' 41 5.32 Irt.lNKl 13.2)2 I 110.1 3.5.10 8.613 8.(ti Totals . .33.407 45.54S 47.32i leal Market. NEW YORK. April 5.-METALR-A fur ther shrinkage took place In the spot pre mium for lln in the Loudon maik.-t lodav, with both spot and future showing a de clining tendency. Spot chmetl At J2139 It" and futures at iU34 5s. lxitally the mar kit was quiet, but was piettv well held, with spot closing at $.'.2ikii3..nt. Copper was a shade higher abroad, ctosliig al 67 5s for spot anil J267 Ks 6d for ftuures. Lo cally the mnrkei was unchanged: IiiUh, tl6.X7H1i15.5o; electrolytic. 115. 2f Ii 15 3'.; casting. $U.87'til5.5. Lead was unchanged al 24 lis 3il in London and ll.j"4l4 6 lu the local market. Spelter was firmer in Ixindon, cloning at 23 7s 6,1. but remained unchanged in the New York market at $6.00. Iron closed at 54s 4.1 In Ola.gow and 49s 4d In Mldtllesboiough. Locally the murket was unchanged: No. 1 foundry, northern. $17 25Hi 18.25; No. 2 foundry, north ern. $17.5trhl8 1)0; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, oiuthern soft, J17.7''M 18.25. ST. I.Ol'IS. April 5,-METALS-I.ead. steady at $4.47'ti4.5tt. Spelter, higher at $5.80fu6.85. Wool Market. BOSTON, April 5 WOOL Market strong, one element Doing unable to buy enough wool, wlillc another element res, nils the situation as purely speculative and liable rfi result in loss nt the end. Territory wools have been more active, nnd pulled grades ulso. The foreign wools were firm. inanij rnne, irjrar.ic; "envy tine medium, 17ff2(k': low me Wyomlng Fine. K'.i'titSV: 15ft 16c; fine medium, 1HV luc ; ii24c. I't.lh and. Nevada heavy tine, 1511116c; tine nie- inetllum. 22'a23c: low nie- llakota Pine. I84tl9c; lln Cluotations : fine. 16ft 17c: ilium, 23fj24c heavy line, low medium. Fine. Kdilfc: dlum, I7ff13ci dium. 234i24r. nie.lliini. Isriil9c: medium. 23rUc; low me dium, 2Str24c. Montana Fine choice, 2IW 22c; tine uvernge. 18i(20c; fine meslluui choice, 21lfi22c; average. llt''20c; stapl. 2243' 22c; medium choice. 23i52?.c. ST. IjOCIS, April 5 WOOI-Dull : mi dltiin grades, conihlng nnd clothing, 2&!fir; light hue. lsfo'JiHic; heavy tine, H4il5c; lub waahed, 30Wiv. 4 42 10 89 245 293 211 192 3 t 388 185 15 251 37 61 7 30 No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 5SKI t 40 ....'. l(ii 4 on 4 "V.l 3 00 4 1004 ( 00 1 607 3 40 4 1210 4 00 1 430 3 4il 1I3J 4 04 28 100 3 441 It 944 I 0a 1 480 I 74 14 1140 i 00 1 740 4 16 I 1140 4 10 t .23 4 lo 14 1120 i 10 13 767 4 li 4 104 6 10 8 871 4 2.. 10 til 4 10 4 904 4 80 18 1132 4 14 t 1000 4 34 7 un; I 14 I 1U80 4 .14 11 list 4 u 7 61 4 40 to 111! 6 20 10 810 4 4u 24 1146 4 24 440 4 40 II mi J -a 4 894 4 40 42 1221 4 2.. I !4 4 60 24 1123 I 25 i 774 4 40 34 Wit 6 tb 1 78Q 4 f,0 7 11,7 6 16 7 76 4 60 24 ,1.14 1 U 2 1S 4 60 2k 1116 I 40 16 1 lb 1 4 4,1 : 4 1116 I 40 111 928 4 4,1 24 1273 6 44 3 10U0 4 44 14 129 I 40 4 9s4 4 Jo II f 1220 4 40 4 112 4 74 19 122 i 40 tl 692 4 76 61 1297 6 40 It 6t 4 74 17 1431 t 14 877 4 16 14 1344 6 44 It 1027 4 10 1 1040 4 74 It 1070 4 "l It 1197 I 74 1 872 4 90 1 Hifl I 76 tt 1042 4 0 13 1478 t 40 t 942 4 96 STEERS AND COWS. ( l:4 4 24 10 418 I 14 12 Ill 4 40 13 1123 4 to 11 172 4 4o t UM 4U 11 IU 4 16 14 lJ 44 14 430 4 90 II 12.4 I ,4 I 100 4 10 U 133 lu COWS. 1 T90 t 00 I noo 78 1 1140 tt 1 U20 I 74 1 140 lt4 1 1120 74 1 770 I 36 1 1030 I 10 1 444 t tt 1 441 1 to 1 M IK 7 141 t Kl 1 168 I 24 t 1044 4 40 1 1084 I 14 I too 4 00 t 1000 I 14 1 1080 4 00 1 431 I HI t 940 4 00 1 430 t 60 t 1060 4 00 1 440 t 60 1 iltO I 00 1 810 I 60 10 4 04 1 940 I 60 I 10 4 10 1 4 to I 71 4 1094 4 19 e0 I 18 t 4 It I tl I 76 T 1181 4 li t 146 I 74 I Ill 4 It 1 430 I 7 1 1134 4 II tit 76 I ot 4 1 1 123 Tt 1 1034 4 10 4 783 t 16 1 1210 4 to I Ml It 1 1020 4 14 Kit It m 4 21 I 140 I 14 1 U14 4 14 T HI I 90 t too 4 2'. tt I I M 1174 I ti 1 440 I 00 10 nu 4 !B 1 440 t 00 1 1120 4 24 1 4S0 I 00 C 144 4 2S 1 I I 4 1 Ill 4 14 1 1010 t 00 t not 4 26 1 4t. It 11 HI 4 2'. t lat I 10 t ,.1221 4 In 1 1030 I ti t 1840 4 14 I 144 t 86 4 134t 4 16 4 14 I 60 t 1143 4 44 I ! I 10 4 IltO 4 40 1 940 I 10 P.92 I 4 I D4 I 40 i IMS 4 40 1 1090 I 44 101,1 t 4 t 440 I 60 I I M 4 444 I 40 4 1140 4 40 1 1007 40 1 Itwj 4 4 1 94 10 4 Hit 4 40 I MM I 60 1 l.VKl 4 n t Ml 1 4 ,,w j M I KM) I H I l, ., 4 i I Its I ?2 II 4 4 64 14. 411 I 4.4 1J i ,4 4 -, 1 12.0 I 75 H LIFERS t lis) t 4 . ton 3 40 western western western western 1 spring lamb 58 spring lumbs 231 western ewe.... 77 western lambs... $80 western lambs.. 412 Colorado iambs.. 135 Colorado lambs.. A v. Pr. 80 4 Oil 19D 4 50 77 4 75 72 5 00 HI 6 25 122 5 25 86 6 35 83 S 50 92 5 50 114 6 60 1;l 5 60 80 6 18) 107 6 00 83 6 l 32 6 50 68 7 () 92 7 25 97 7 23 63 7 85 75 7 35 30 10 00 39 10 00 103 5 60 54 6 MO 65 6 60 69 6 85 68 6 85 CHICAt.O LIVE gTO K I M4HKKT Cattle and Hogs Ten to Fifteen Oat lllgher-,8heep Ten Cent Lower, CHICAGO, April 5. CATTLE Receipts, 11,500 head; market V8lbu higher; good to prime steers, $6. Otis 6. 7u; poor to medium. 44.6oft6.75; stockers and feeders, $2.756.10; cows, SI. 504115.00; heifers. $2.5f!).50; can ners. $1.50(03.00; bulls, 2.0n4J4.bu; calve, $2.616 25. HotJS Receipts, 16,000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 19,0oo bead; market loffi'lie higher; mixed und butchers. $5 85iu.6J; good to choice heavy, tV.'.6'fi0.66; rough heavy, $5.36''a6.45; light, $3.3tift.'.37; bulk of sales. $5.46(ub.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000 head; sheep 10c lower; lambs 1111415c lower. Uood to choice wethers. $5.711076.15; fair to choice mixed. $4.505j5.66; western sheep, $4.50416.00; native lambs, $4.5tKj;5.fji; western la m ha, $4 DcC'7.66. Kansas Ity l ive murk Market. KANSAS CITY, April g.-CATTLK-Re. ceipta, 7.000 head. Including 6) southerns; top native steers, $6.30: top quarantine steers, $5 60; top heifers, $5.45: choice ex port anil dressed beef steers, $5.6O03.O; fair to good, $4.60416.50; western fed teers, t4.594ivi.76; stockers and feeders, $3.2fi4R.23; southern steers, $4.lKft6.6f); southern cows, $2,604)4.26: native cows. $360tM.60; native heifers, $3.2fi4J6.4o; bulls. $1764.75; calve. $2 sn 25. HtVlS-Receipts. 9.300 head; market 0c higher; top, $5.47; bulk of sales. $r.2Vrr f'otton Market. NEW YORK. April &. COTTON-Spot closed quiet; ml. Idling, uplands, 8.15c; mid dling, gulf. 8.4oc; sales, none. NEW ORLEANS. April B. COTTON Market steady; sales, 3,660 bales; ordinary, 6 l-16e; good ordinary. 6c; low middling, 7c; middling. 7c; good middling, 7c: mid dling fair. 8 5-IOc. Receipts, ll,98i bales; stork. 234,540 hnles. LIVERPOOL. April 5. COTTON Spot, moderate business done: prices unchanged: American middling, 4.2d. The sales of the day were 8.0OO hales, of which 1.000 were for speculation ami export and Included 6,7nO American. Receipts, M.Oott bales. Including 13,9"8l American. ST. UJ113, April .1. COTTON Steady: middling. 7c; sales, 343 hales; receipts, 5oo bales: shipments, 452 bales; stock, 47,iw3 bas. Nntrar and Mnlaaari. NEW YORK. April 5.-SIOAR-Raw. steady: fair refining. 4c; centrifugal. test. 5c: molasses stigsr. 4c; refined, sleady: No. 6. 6.65c; No. 1. 550c: No. . 5.4'ic; No. 9, 5.35c; No. 10. 6 80c; No. 11. 8.20c; No. 12, 5.15c; No. 13. S.hoc; No. II, 5c; confection ers' A, 6c; mould A. 6.50c; cut loaf, rt.85c; crushed, 6.85c; powdered, 6.25c; grunulnted, 6.16c; cubes. 0.40c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, I94t35c. NEW ORLEANS. April 6. SI'OAR Quief; open kettle. 3(&4c; open kettle centrifugal, 4tfflc- centrifugal, whites, E'fi5c; yellow, 4if5c; seconds. 3rn4r. MOLASSES Quiet ; open kettle, l.'I'nWc ; centrifugal, tl'dltc; syrup, nominal, '! CotTer Market. NEW YORK. April 5 '"OFFICE Market for futures ripened steady at unchanged prices on all months, except November, which was 5 poll, is higher. 'Ibis was rather better than due and with very lit tle offering the market at one -tlmn wss about 6 points higher on the general list, loafer, however, somewhat larger Sao Puulo receipts for tho day promoted of ferings and the market was finally sternly at unchanged prices. Sales. HA.2.1O hags. Including April. $6.45: May. S. 4546.50,; 16.65: ricbtemner. 80: I leccniixr. 7.10; March, $7.20C7.25. Spot steady," RIO, 74J7C. July. 7.of.j. No. 7 Toledo Seed Market, TOLEDO. April 6. SEED- 1 'lover, cash. $8.75; April. $8.55: October, $5 73; prime al sike. $7.70; prime timothy, $140. Edwards -Wood Go- Incorporated 1 ' flalii Office: Fifth atad RobarU Street ST. PAUL. HIIN.N. i DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Ua Brnaah Office. Ilo-lll board at Trad Uldc llmaba. Net. Telrpnana Bl. I)I-;)4 Exchange Hid . South Oms'iia. 811 "Phpn jit tnDnjnt 'Pka L The Old Reliable Commission House lias grown steadily since it was established in 1892. Each year's business in Grain, Stocks and Bonds being greater than the year preceding. This is due to the fact that our service and re mittance are both PKOMPT and ACCURATE. We are the oldest house west of Chicago, and our facilities for handling business are the bent money and brains can devise. We particularly call your attention to our references and ask that you investigate them fully, as we want you to feel that your Interests are safe in our hands. Write for free booklet on speculative invest ments, and our red book on statistics. DONOVAN COMMISSION CO. 317 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. ' - f..'