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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
4 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: THCKKDAY. APRIL 6. 100.. WOES OF SMALL DEALERS Grand Jury Looking Into Treatment of Retailers by Meat Packers. ALLEGED REBATES ALSO UNDER SCRUTINY Testimony Taneu Heaardlna Mefhnda nt Hnere ! I.le MMk-Hiinort if Tamperlna; with Hllnrfmn, I IIICAOO. April 5.- ITU ji paid fur live st nek hy the packers, alleged rebates granted the ackers by railroads for the handling of the same, and the private sc counts 'f some of the packing concern are to be closely inquired Into within the next few days hy the federal grand Jury. which Is investigating the business affairs of tho jwi-call d Ueef trust. Another phase of the question Is the combination of I'-rtaln of the p,iekr In violation of the Sherman siitl-trust law, arid Judge Uross i'ip' Injunction which Is to le inquired Into Ik the price paid by wholesale dealers to tin! packer for meats. Witnesses who can rlve the Jurors detailed and accurate Information along these lines have been subpoenaed ami appeared at the Investi gation today. Some of these witnesses testified, and although they refused to make public what they told the Jury, it Is said a large amount of data valuable to the government was secured from them. James A. ftr.rrett, a wholesale, meat dealer at Merrill. Wis., was one of the witnesses who testified today. He Is said SV3me. Yale's Hair Tonic for Children and Adults. Antiseptic and Hygenic A HAIR INVIGORATOR JtiHt what Its name Implies. It sup plier tiouTlalinif-nt, the elements of lEroutb. which, wheu absorbed by the hnlr. strengthens Bnd beautitlpg it in tho Mine way thut snp Rlorlfles the foliage of n tree. Kvrn when the follicles Are Beamingly (lend, if the wulp is massaged dully with Mine. YhIo's Hnlr Toalc a vigorous jrmwth will Im produced. It hns honeKtly onrned Its title of "the Brent hair jcrower." It stimulate tho most stunted growth and makes the hair mairnitirently healthy and beautiful. MME. YALE'S HAIR TONIC I prized equally by men and women, particularly when the hnlr begins to wenkeu or fade. Cures baldness, frray ness, splitting of the hair, dandruff arid ail diseases of the hair, soaip and beard. One application stopH hnlr frilling. A nursery requisite: no mother should neg lect to use ;t for her boys, and girls; when the hair Is niuile strong In child hood it remains proof agnlust disease nnrl retains its vigor and youthfulness throughout life. MME. YALE'S HAIR TONIC la a colorless, fragrant, delightful hair dressing; neither sticky, gritty nor greasy; makes the hair soft, fluffy and glossy. Contain no artificial coloring; would uot soli the whitest hnlr; restores original color by Invigorating the scalp and re-establishing normal circulation and proper distribution of the live color ing matter. Beautiful hnlr redeems the plainest countenance, and anyone can secure It by using Mme. Vale's Hair Tonic. Now In three sizes. to have explained to the Jurors the alleged hardships placed upon the small meat dealer by the parking concern". He ex plained in detail the prices paid the pack ers by the wholesaler. Mr. Barrett was followed by Samuel Orohlnhelmer, a cattle buyer for Schwarzchlld & Sulzberger, who Is said to have testified concerning the price paid for live stork by the packers. Tatrick Cassldy. traffic ma.iager for the National Packing company, testified con cerning the cost to the raiser of ship ping cattle and the arrangements the packers have with the railroads for hand ling live stock and dressed meats. Alto gether ten witnesses were heard today. Tampering milk Witnesses. With the exception of tho Sunday adjournments the Jury, It Is expected, will now proceed steadily to the end of the Inquiry. The t'nlted States attorney has announced that May 15 would probably seo the close. It is said the hearing of the plea nnd demurrer of Thomas J. Conners, Indicted superintendent of the Armour com pany, will be disposed of unless the Jury presents other true hills Involving persons on charges nf tampering with witnesses. More complaints of interference with witnesses reached the t'nlted States attor ney and Captain Porter of the secret ser vice during the day. STANDS FOR OPEN' DOOR Germany Officially States Attitude of Gov ernment Toward Morocoo. MEMORANIUM HANDED SECRETARY TAFT It Mates that Kmpernr Will Proiert the Interests of All Trading Nations In Domain of Saltan. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Receipts of Hogs at Leading; Centers "how si Teadenc) to Decrease. CINCINNATI, April 5.-Speclal Tele gram.) Irice Current says: There Is not much change to note in the current offer ings of hogs. Total western packing was 3K6,onn, compared with 390,000 the preceding week and 4.15,0W last year. Since March 1 the total Is 2,045.(100, against 1.825,000 a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows : 1904. 4i&,)U0 215.KIO Ltni.oiO HK.oiO w,im 44. M) 45, "ss 3 3.1,110 35.K W,')0 SOI TH DAKOTA C Ol HT OIl ! Chicago Kansas City ., South Omaha St. tiuls Ht. Joseph Indianapolis .. Milwaukee - ... Cincinnati Ottumwa Cedar Kapidji Sioux City .... St. Paul 1!K6. ....5;iS.flo0 i6,l) .... 215.010 ....lun.ono ....l&t.ODO .... tU.OnO .... 4o,(H) .... 64.0W) 32.0UO . ... Si.Ottl .... H2.000 .... Sfl.Ouo Homesteaders Win In Chamberlain Tonnille Case. PIICRRE, S. D., April 6.-(Special Tele gram.) In the supreme court today In an opinion by Corson, the case of the state against Yegene was affirmed. Yegene, with a diploma from a college of opthul mology, was fitting glasses In Huron, using the title of doctor. He wua urrested and lined on a charge of practicing medicine without a license and the appeal results In the sustaining of the lower court. . In a decision by Huney in the case of James 8. Sanford as mayor of Chamber lain and others against Henry King and others, the lower court Is affirmed. This Is known ns the Chamberlain town site case. In which the question Involved wits between homesteaders and tuwnslte boom ers. The homesteudcra won in their con test In the Interior department and the final state court luis sustained the lower court In holding for the claims of the hoinesteuders. Chances Aualnat Official. PIKRRK, S. D.. April 5. (Special Tele gram.) The Board of County Commission ers of Hughes county this evening adopted u resolution charging C. K. Hesaneon, clerk of the courts, with maladministra tion In office, neglect of official duty and habitual drunkenness, and Instructed the state's attorney to begin proceedings for his removal from office. Live Stuck Men Organise. PIKRRE, 8. D., April 5. (Special Tele gram.) The new cattle association organ ized west of the river In a meeting se lected the name of the Cheyenne River Agency association and as officers D. V. Webster of Minneapolis, president; P. p. McCltire of Pierre, vice president; C. Milled of Fort Pierre, secretary-treasurer. MM E.. VALE S HAIU TOXIC IS SOLD t , .. . -by-DRUC DEPARTMENT Pharmacy Board o Meet. ABERDEEN. 8. D., April 5. (Special.) The next meeting of the South Dakota State Board of Pharmacy will be held for the examination of candidates and other business In this city, April 13. Ap plications for examination should be tiled with the secretary, E. C. Bent of Dell Rapids, on or before April 14. Heavy Capitalists In Bank. SAN FRANCISCO, April o.-The Exam iner says today that It Is generally under stood In banking and financial circles that Jacob H. Schlff, E. H. Jlarrlman and Colonel Dudley Evans, all of New York, are to be three of the new directors of the new consolidated Wells-Fargo Nevada Na tional bank. They will be formally elected In the course of a few weeks. AT SPKCIAI, ritlCES OF 23c 43c 79c HOTICLI. Handy to all Thtatret and & shops 1 1 i) 0 T E L ill of the noisy section tltphonts, Eecfre Clocks and Itcirlc Lighting Device J In e ir try room ocaflon DEAL 11251.011 his I'uil .1 V E M P I R xpenitd Remodeling, orating n4 RtUtnishina odcrafc rates prtvaff articular afftnfion given fo dtttil tit tiring perfect fervice cirauranr nottd tor Us fin j cooking and moderate pWce T Empir Squirt. Brotdwiy and Sfify-rhirtf Street ' KICW YORK riTV. f W. JOHMsOS m ill, rrop. i J, Rend ti- guide of New York-ftt -J FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Fair and Warmer Today In r. braaka, Kansas and South lln kola Tomorrow Fair. WASHINGTON, April 5 Forecast of tho weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kan sasFair, warmer Thursday; Friday fair. For Iowa Warmer Thursday with show ers In the south portion; Friday, fair. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Thurs day and Friday. Loral Record. OFFICR OF THE WEATHER BL'REAI', OMAHA, April I. Official record of tem perature aim precipitation compured with the corresponding day of the past three years: 19uR. 1904. 190.1. 1si:. Maximum temperature... 4ft Wl M iik Minimum temperature 31 4& 49 Mean temperature 4i ftti nS J'recipitallon r T ,(K) Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March , and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 49 Deficiency for the day 9 Total excess since March 1, in 343 Noimal precipitation 09 Inch Deficiency for the day (I9lnch Total precipitation since March 1 .9x1 inch Deficiency since March 1 1 .01 inches Deficiency for eor. period 1!1.. . Winch Deficiency for cor. peilod 19B. . 1.3a Inches Reports from Stations at T I. M. Station and Stats Tern. Max. Rain- of Weather. 7 pm. Tern. fad. BiKmarck, clear 62 Cheyenne, partly cloudy.... 4ti Chicago, cloudy ... : Davenport, clear 3H Denver, clear 08 Havre, partly cloudy 7a Helena, clear Huron, clear i Kansas City, raining North Platte, partly cloudy 63 Omaha, partly cloudy H Rapid City, clear M Ht. lxula, oloudy .... 60 St. Paul, clear 44 Salt Lake City, clear M Valentine, clear 44 Wlllistou. clear : 54 T indicales trace of Dreclnltatlon u. A. WEL8H. Local Forecaster. 64 .mi 6 ,uo 4J T 4'J .10 il .It) 74 .01) S .00 4M .UU 63 T 6n .it) i 'f do .110 611 T 44 .00 w) .ml 60 .ul HO W .TARTAR li at d.uihH ( Soft, sponfy, tttnsttlvo gums result from Ivtar accumulation. It should be removed t once by your dentist and thereafter pre vented by tho um of SOZODOWT TOOTH POWDER nd its complement, SOZODONT Liquid.. The Powder la alightr abrastvo, is abso lutely fro from frit and acid, and la Just tho thing for those who haVt an Inclination for tho niceties of every-day Ufa. FORMS; LIQUID. POWDER. PASTE. WASHINGTON, April 6-fJetmany has outlined to the Cnlted States In clear and emphatic terms the position claimed by tne Berlin government In Morocco. I'pon the receipt of instructions this morning irom lieriin, the (Jermnn ambassador called nt the War department upon Secre tary l;irt, whom the president before leav ing designated as the cabinet officer with whom the amlmxsadors should confer, and In the name of the flerman emperor left with the secretary a brief memorandum setting forth the Moroecoan policy which Irfrniany has nil along pursued and from which It does not propose to be swerved. In substance the memorandum, which was couched In the most explicit language, an nounces that Germany stands for the "open door-' In Morocco, no less firmly than In tho far east, for the preservation of the Moroecoan status quo and for the safeguarding and protection of the com mercial ai.J trade Interests In Morocco, not only of Oerm iny, but of all the trad ing nations of the world. Forwarded to President. Aflet presemlng the memorandum the secretary und the ambassador tiad a brief conversation on the subject of Morocco, Baron Sternberg calling attention to the commercial Importance of that country to the trading nations and emphasizing the International Importance, in Germany's opinion, of the preservation of the "open door." The secretary thanked the am bassador for his explicit statement of the German policy and promptly forwarded the memorandum to President Roosevelt. Regarding the emperor's visit to Tangier, although It was In the line of his cruise In the Mediterranean, the object of his address was, It can be stated on authority, to Impress the Moroccoans with the serious ness of Germany's desire that the status quo. should he maintained nnd that the principle of "the open door" laid down by Secretary Hay with reference to China should be strictly adhered to In Morocco. In diplomatic circles the significance of Germany's frank avowal at Waahlngtnn of its views about Morocco is not under estimated and the Incident has attracted all the more attention because of its oc currence on the day on which the Wash ington government officially disclosed the Initial role played by Kmperor William In the exchanges of the powers last year regarding Chinese neutrality In the far eastern war. Some diplomats believe the object of the Gorman representations at this time la to evoke from Washington a similar avowal of adherence to the "open door" policy in Morocco. Although Secretary Taft was not so Informed, nor does Ms memorandum indi cate It. It Is believed here that a similar statement of Germany's views may have been addressed also to St. Petersburg and Madrid. No official statement of the German po sition is obtainable at the German embassy here In view of the fact that President Roosevelt has scarcely had time to con sider the memorandum. First to Restrict Fighting .one. That It was upon the suggestion of Km peror William that Preaident Roosevelt un dertook to arrange certain actions on the part of the neutral powers for the purpose of Inducing the belligerents in the far eastern war to respect tho neutrality of China, is for the tirst time officially dis closed in the advance sheets of foreign re lations, made public at the State depart ment toduy. It hat been hinted for a long time that the German emperor was the In itiatory force In these important cx hanges, but It has until now been impos sible to obtain any official confirmation of the fact. With the correspondence with Germany is Included a phrase of a cable gram addrcsstd by Secretary Hay to Mr. Tower at Berlin on February 8, after Ger many's acceptance of tho Invention of Sec retary Hay had been received, directing the ambassador "to convey to the emperor the president's profound appreciat.on of his generous Initiative and powerful co operation lit the mattur of Chinese neutial lly." Thf official phrase of Mr. Tower's reply, dated February 17, reads: Mr. Tower reports that he conveyetl to the emperor the profound appreciation of the president of his Initiative und co-operation In the matter of Chinese neutrality and that the emperor was cxceeuingly gratified and expressed most friendly sen timents toward the president. U Is significant that in the acknowledg ment of the acceptances by the other pow ers of the program suggested by Secretary Hay In his note of February S only in the case of Germany did the president send a personal message of appreciation to the sovereign. Jt Is now possible to stale that the reason Germany's initiative was kept secret was because of the German emperor's belief that the suggestion about Chinese neutral ity would be the more lertHin of success if emanating from Washington, particularly In view of Secretary Hay's previous activi ties in the same direction after the B ixer troubles of 1900. Accordingly his sugges tion was conveyed to the president through Speck von Sternberg, the German ambas sador; Secretary Hay returned at once 1 from the south and after a conference with the president and the German ambassador undertook the far-reaching dlsplomatic move to whli It is due the fact that China's neutrality ha thus far been fur the most part respected by Rursia and Japan. Attitude of Other rotter. At the prevent moment the further dis closures in the new volume of foreign re lations regarding the attitude of the sev eral powers toward the Hay proposal of last I'Vhruary ore significant. It is shown that Lord I.ansdowne, before Indicating Greut Britain's acceptance, de sired to know whether Manchuria was In cluded within the phrase "neutrality of China." He was answered in general terms that It was the desire of the Wash ington government to secure the "small est area of hostilities and the largest pos sible area of neutrality compatible Willi the military necessities of the belliger ents." Frafice, through M. Delcasse. according to Ambassador Porter s report, while re ceiving the proposal in the best spirit, showed a "little anxiety" to know the exact significance of the phrase "adminis trative entity." This phrase. It can be stated, was not Included In Emperor Wil liam's suggestion, which concerned the general question of Chinese neutrality, but was the creation of Secretary Hay. Jater France signified her full acceptance. Italy preferred to await the views of the cabinets at Berlin, Paris and Ixuidon, before actively itrtlclpatlng In the plan, and Austria Hungary was equally reticent. Ambassador Htoyer says of Ills Interview with Count Goluchowskl on the subject, that the foreign minister "was quite cool and rather pessimistic so far as any effort could be anticipated." 1 lljisl IS IB w IrV'iaTtF.f'r I k.s.i..- . m f in 1 Flint' jfcvr Green Trading Stamps mi I qpHE S. & H. Green Trading ii Stamp embodies the most t attractive principles of every form of trade inducement known. Its chief advantages are effectiveness, i simplicity and econ omy. It is in no sense a form of mer chandise to be kept by merchants on call. The S. & H.Green Trading Stamp is in tended only for the use of those mer chants who desire to offer their customers an incentive to pay cash or to buy goods from them. H IkftfVVMAt ? The Sperrv & 9 Hutchinson Company exhausts I its resources and exerts its inge- 0 1 nuity to make its stamps desir ? able. There are few towns of o g importance in the United States in ? which "S. & H. Green Trading WE CONFORM TO THE LAW The giving of "S. A H." Green Trading Stamps has been sanctioned by the legis lature and approved by the governor. These stamps have a recognized value and the public knows It. The recent act of the legislature requires that a cash valuation be printed on the face of trading stamps. We have done this for some time past. The courts In all Instances have con demned and decided unconstitutional legis lative attempts to prohibit or Interfere with tho use of trading stumps. In a re cent decision Justice Nash of the supreme court of the state of New York, on March 6. 1905, goes even further and decides that the act of the legislature requiring the printing of a cash valuation on the face of a stamp Is unconstitutional. He says In conclusion, after citing the Dycker and Uillson and other cases "It I a settled law that it Is not In the power of the legislature to suppress the issuing of the sale of trading stamps. The courts hold that the laws laid down In cases quoted furnlshe a rule so plain that there can be no reason for discussion. In passing on coupons having a redemption value In cash printed on their face the court holds that this cannot benefit either the consumer or the dealer." Owing to our constantly Increasing busi ness here, we have found it necessary to place exceptionally large orders with our factories east this spring. There goods are due at a very early date, when w will have the largest and most complete stock of premiums for you to select from ever displayed. Stamps" is not now a household word. Those having any doubt as to the popularity of our stamps will readily be convinced by a lit tle fair investigation. The 2uaic m merchants who are prejudiced against them either have never used "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps or have not handled the system to the best advantage. Upon one point we desire to be em phatic. There is ab solutely nothing ir regular about Green Trading Stamps, any more than there is about a cash discount, cut prices, free delivery or any other plan adopted by industrious merchants to advertise and stimulate their business and to insure the prompt payment of debts. IM IB m swvwV 1 The Sperry & Hutchinson Company ? THOS. A. S PERRY, President. LOCAL BRANCH, 210 North Sixteenth Street. 9 3 IIP 5 inidjp W omen WRITE US FREELY. Irwl" sue irTikly. arurlk- ls all year tympiomt. Wetapl.y a uft el tfwclaWiu la fcamb iMrscrs, wk. will carefully t.otlstr ywr cast sat glv. yea Irat advice. De s sctIi.k, vriu ss today, rWlag a cosi.lna Bluer ef year UoaMM. aaa a will arae H alila aat to to la et mil. All crria.oMi fctat atrtectly aacrw, see reply Maiyaa la alala, wake covelop.. Aearaa Laaua' Aevlsary uaal., nte uiai lAnuwu nruibnc vu.( vaanaaOTga, icaa. To Suffering Women Here is a safe, sure, scientific way of relieving all your pain, putting new roses into your pallid cheeks, new brightness into your faded eyes, new strength into your weary body, new vitality into your jaded nerves. Take Wii C ardul 1 of A Sure Cure for Women's Ills. This is a pure, medicinal extract, of the active alkaloids of certain curative plants and herbs, which have a peculiar, specific, tonic, pain-relieving, strength-building action on the delicate female functions and constitution. It is the most marvelous medicine in the world for sick and suffering women. It will quickly make you well. Sold in every drug store, price $1.00 a bottle. erlppled son and Hlbbett killed Ills mother-In-law. Moth men sang -Old Time Kellg on" Just twfore the drop fell. FORMER MAYOR IS CONVICTED Doable tlMBsluai la XABHVII.l.K. Tr,.n., April S.-Andriv lllblielt anil Janira H' hiiddrr nre;roe, cr llMllKlll tnvethi'l- ill tlif I A I ld 111 T" loilj). ti'-hudUer murUeieii tils J ) car-uM Justice uf Peace In Ohio Koond t.ullt)- of abernalloa of rrrjur) . I'KHAXA. -. April 5 In the ease of H.imui I Htandlsh. charged with subornation if perjury the Jury has returned a verdict of KUilty Htaii'liHh was taken in custody by Hlierlfl Ireland at once, blandish is the former mayor of Woodstock, at pres ent u Justice of the peace, and a prominent IMilltlciiu.. lie was charted with lndui'ln William Wnolt y to make a ful confession rf the murder of Wilbur K. I-atimer, the Woodstock merchant who waa murdered a year and n half ago. Woolv made .1 confession Hint he and William Nlelolas killed l.stlmer. Wrmley pleaded R'lllty tn the murder ihaige. When Nicholas' trial waa called Wonley alleged 1 1'H I dtandih and Columhus Uoaeii offered him 3"0 and his liberty If he con fessed. Blandish and Howen were ar rested, released on liond and when found guilty Btandich waa placed In Jail. NEW COURT IN COLORADO State Supreme I onrt and Court )f Appeals Are Consolidated by , nieudment. DKNVKR, April 5. I'nder a constitu tional amendment adopted at the election of November last consolidation of the Colo rado court of appeal with the Male su preme court took place toda. The event was celebrated with kiniile ceremonies In 1 the presence of a huge ascmllHgi nf law- vers. I Former Judge Wilbur K. Stone, Tysam 1 Dines and I'latt lt get delivered ail- I drmis. ,tu which Chief Justice Oahbrrt made a response. The member of Ihe re- rganized court are Willi mi A ti il.hert. I Horeit W. St. el.. John Campbell. Julim! '. tiuutei'. J. M. Msxaell, J . tU.l 1 and 1. uthc, M Uod.larl. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE THE ORIGINAL remedy that "klllath Dandruff tierm." GOING-1 GOING-!! GONE!!! KEaflODE WILL JAVE TT UERPiCIDE WILL WE IT A WOMAN TUBE PNfcT 1'V must have pretty hair Beautiful locks have a subtle nh TOO LATE FOR UERPICIDE lave a subtle ol.arm, for the poet saya. "fair tresses man s imperial rare en snare ' Tne unp'rtic anil Inteimrlv real dandruff mlTOb makes the hair oull, brittle and lusterlrss with later dajidruff. Itching scalp and falling hair Ni wbru i llerpichle iliim,i this enemy of beauty and enables the hair to resume Its natural luster and abun dance Almost Insrveloiis rraults fol low the use of Ida An eiqul slia tuilr drrafllng Ovon-onies excess Iveness nlllneaa ar.d makes the hair light and fluffy, tin grease or dye roup iirioiiej in.mntiy. Drai Sr:i. II M Stag sk Msnsi to Hf trCIDF CO.. M. sua. tar a nasle. SI1EKMAM & McCOWri L DKIJfi CO.. Hpaolal A.rnt. APFMCATlONa AT PROMINENT DARBF:R HHOl'B.