Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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P- m. Arrll 2 for ficspateh Jr S. a.
Kami fawn Marti
JAI'AN- cre:.t Farcels-Tost Malls), KO
ANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, P. C,
(iw at 6 p. m April 4 for despatch per
s s. Kmpr-s of JAp&n
Japan, kokka. hina mid riin.ii'.
I'lNE 1SI,ANIP f specially addi e ed
only), via fleuttrv, close nt h p. m. April 4
fnr ilrspatch per s. s. rorTlc.
IIN3 ISLANDS, vU Tarv.rnu, close at
G p. m. April J fnr despatch per s. .
Pbig 8uey.
I H1LI1P1NK 1KUNPS. via ban Friin
olsco, ciose at 8 p. rn April 8 for des
patch r . a. Mnrwhurla.
HAWAII, vl ban r'rane.sco. close at
p. m -April id for despatch per s. a.
Alameda. '
I'HILll'PINK ISLANDS, via Pan Fran
twii close at b p. m. April 13 for des
patch per a. a. Iorlc.
HAWAII, via Pan Francisco, close at 6
p.- m- April 15 fur despatch per a. s. Ne
ftan Francisco, close at 6 r. m April H
for depatrh ier a. a Mnr-posa.
WAII and specially addressed mall j
foY FIJI ISLAND, via Kan Frn.irlsro,
rtose at p. m. April ii: lor uespaien
per a. a. Ventura. (If the Cunnnl
UMinrr carrying the British mail for New
Zealand does trot arrive in time to connect
wflh this despotr-h. extra malla closing
at 6:30 a. m., 4 30 a. m. and 6 p. in.; Pun
days at 4::X) a. m , 9 n m and 6 p. m
will be made up and forwarded until lha
arrival of tho Cunard steamer )
HJI ISLANDS, and specially addressed
mall for AUSTRALIA and J,KV CALL
IjONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, H.
C, close at S p. m. Appl! 22 for despatch
per s. . Miowera.
San Francisco, close nt 6 p. m. April ill
f'T despatch per U. (. Transport.
MASClirBIA (except Mukden. New-rhwai-irr
and Port Arthnr) and KA8TKKN
SIBKItIA 18 at present forwarded via
NOTE I'nless otherwise addressed, West
Australia la forwarded via Europe; Nw
Zealand via San Francisco and certain
place In the Chinese Province of Yunnan,
via British India the quickest route.
Philippines specially addressed "via Bu
mps knust b fully prepuld at the foreign
rates. Hawaii is forwarded via San Fran
cisco exclusively.
WIUJAM It. WILIXTOX. Postmaster New York. N. Y.. March 24. 1905.
Mivnn MrcTinv
I'nlfed Mates Geological Survey, lieela
mitlon Service, Washington, D. t'., March
17. -iu!. H.'aled proposals will be received
at the ofllce-of tne United States Reclama
tion Herrlce,- Vhamber of Commerce build
ing, Denver, Colo., until' 2 o'clock p. m.
'luesnay. May IK, lxn6, and thereafter opened,
for the conatractlon cf about 4o miles of
main canal. Involving about 2.u.0uu cubic
imiin oi earthwork and lM.uiiu cubic yards ol
ruck work lor trto trngation or in
tins jNonn uiue vaih-y in eastern Wyom
ing and western Nebraska. Ulils will be
received, on excavation and emo.n.kiiient
for one or. mora divisions, which will ap
proxiinMa Jum.iiOO cubic fards each: 'I' he
right -Is reserved to award to one bidder
aa . rnauy or it few of such division on
which . Jm has . bid aji the Interest oi the
ervlca" may, regulrs. Specttica lions, forms
of proposal and plans may be Inspected ut
the ottlce of the Chief Engineer of the
Itadamatiou Service, Wasliington, D. C,
ami al the .-offlco of. the Reclamation
earvlcav. Dthyer, Colo. Tho bid on
each v division must . be accompanied
by , a ej-vlned chei k, for $2,000, ijayable to
the order o'4he Secretary of the Interior,
as 3. guaranty that the Nddcr will. If sue
isuful, .promfitly KeMite a satisfactory
cnniracf and furnish bond In the sum of
So per Cent ot the contract price for th
fajthfv! performance of the work. The
right Is reserved to reject any or all bids,
to accept the part 6d reject the other, and
to walvo technical defects, as the Interest
of ther .service rnaV require. Bidders are
Invited to be present. Proposals must be
markee; "Proposals for Construction of
Interirtat ySnal', North Platto Project."
ES. A. Hltchcook, Secretary.
: V M 23-26-28-30-Al-4-6-8-n-l
I nlop' Paciflc.
" - Lea vo. Arlve.
Overland Limited. S:o am a Kill pm
CallfriaiarivsvpFaaw.ns-4 pm -a 8:30 am
California & Oregon Ba a :M pm, a i:0 pm
North Platte-LoHl.....a 7:xi am aH:pm
Fast Mall i.,. .a 8:55 am a 3:20 pm
Coiorado 8mmI'1 .,,..,. a 7:45 am a 7:40 am
Beatrice Local ..-..b S:48 pm b 1:30 pm
Pt. Iouls Express 6:30 pm 8:20 am
St. Iyotifs laical (from
Council Rluffs) 9:15 am 10:30 pm
Shenandoah Local (from
Countll RUiffs) 6.45 pm 2:30 pm
l lilcamo Great . Western.
St. Pagl A Minn. a 8:30 pm a 7:16 am
St, Paul V Minn.; .a 7 46 am a 7:56 pm
ChlCBKS Limited a 6:00 pm al0:30 am
Chicago Express ... a 6:05 am a 8:30 pm
( htcaa-o. Hock Island dk Pacific.
OhlcsgQ Limited, r a 3:56 am a 7:10 am
Chicago Daylight Local. b 7.00 am a :66 pm
Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:15 pm
Dea Moines Express. . a 4:3 pm bll W am
Cbtcago Fast Express.. 8:40 pm a 1:20 pm
Rockfy Mountain L t d. .a 7:20 am a 3:60 pm
Ltnanlrli Pen. & West.. a 1:30 pm a 6:06 pm
Oklahoma & Tex. Ex. .a 4:15 pm al2:40 pm
I hlciKQ & lorlliarilrrn.
ooal Chicago all:30 am 3:45 nm
Fast Mat! ....a 8:23 Dm :: am
a Vila IK Bt. Paul. ......a 7:50 am 10:00 Dm
atyllght Chicago. a 8:00 am 11:50 urn
j.imuero i.nicago ........a :. pm :16 am
l.ocal Carroll... ,.a 4:0u pm am
Fast Bt.- Paul ..a. ......a 8;2H pm 7:u5 am
Local Hloux C. & St P.. b 4:00 pm e 8:10 am
Fkst Mali...... -2:50 pm
Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am
Norfolk A Bohesteel....n 7:40 am 10:36 am
Lincoln & Long Pine. ..b 7:10 am 10:35 nm
Casper A Wyoming. ,. !h5f pm e 8:15 pm
Dead wood A Lincoln. ...a 2:50 pm 5:15 pm
Hastings-Albion b l:S0 pm 6:15 pm
thtcaao, Mllwaskee A St. Paul.
Chicago Daylight Kx...a7 55 m all (10 Dm
ves.U. A Okubojt ex.. a 7.55 am a 3:30 pm
IlUaula Central!.'
Chicago Express., ..a 7:26 am al0:S5 pm
Chicago Limited... ......a 7:50 pm a 8:05 am
Mi mi- &. 3V- Paul Ex...b 7:36 am bl0::5 pm
Minn. & St. paul L t d. -a. 7:60 pm a 8.06 pm
JUlaaoprl.Pacitle. ,
8L Louis Expram a 9:80 am a 8:00 am
K. C. si HU i. KX uil:15 pm a 6.00 pm
Mlasoarl I'ttrlllc.
i '. . Leave, Arrive.
Nebraska. Local, .via ,
Wctpinv .Water .b 4:60 pm bll:40 am
Chlcaao, at. Pa at, Mlnacapolla av
Twin City Psmn'ger...b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passenger. .a 2:oo pm all:20 am
- Uakhuid Loeai ...a 6:45 pm b 8:10 am
i. u.uii. w uaii vxveiii ounuay. a daily
xott Saturday, e dally except Monduy.
Denver A California. ...a 4:lu pm
Northwest Express all 10 pm
Nebraska points a 8:50 am
IJocoln Fast Mall bt:f.Tpm
Ft. Crook ft PUUsm'th.b 2:52 pm
Bellevue A l'laltsm'th. .a 7:50 pm
Pellevue ft Pnc Junca 3 i um
Bullevue ft Pac. June. .012.15 piu
Denver Limited
Chicago Special ...... 7:1(1 um
Chicago Express ...... .a 4 00 pm
Chicago- Fiver a l.rt pm
tow a Local ...... ..a 15 am
St. Louis Express .a 4 25 pm
Kansas City ft St. Jo. .al0.45 pm
Kama City ft St. Joe. .a 9:15 am
Kansas City ft Hu Jou. a 4:25 put
a 3:20 pm
a 6:0N pill
a 7:40 pm
n!2 oj pm
alO:26 am
b 8:32 am
a 6:50 am
a 1:56 pm
a 7:25 am
all :o0 pm
all lj am
a 6:45 am
a 6 i pm
Arrtl Is AafuM, r " aaalM. BessriU urtlas;
artir il. lour com is koum bl kurvpo.
is. tixlualn fl7C A t!it ftlC
litai'ia V RtiiruAs sua BiauikSia ilckvij
. .rx bar. Wlt tor BoKle4.
r" 124 rXIKKION orricsi.,
CMablllhed a . ,
l sIONTKaAt.lii UVBKIMOW.'W'rklr tlllnss
81. tPlMI ftut.
Sluuatst, uutf(ka4 and mui p4rt4frJqu.
;A r( 1Kilt. bi RikHV blkAMKE
VViLturUMi" in 'Vi'siultii" it.uw uaa asa.
. ' TVk'l! tJCiuw .arBAMKHa
''Tsnaacau'' ai.4 ' li-vaihn"- 14.ov ioaa savS, .
. AiiplJ lo siir local f't, sv
Davis slls druirs.
I.effert's gl.'.sses fit.
Stoc kert fells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Hixby A Son.
I)rs. Woodbury, dentists. So Pearl .treet.
lor rent, modern house, 72.1 Sixth avenue.
The district Court grand Juiy will con
vene today.
Spring term r.f Western Iowa College
opened March 27.
Dashing stvles In wall paper. Trices low.
BorwUk. 211 M-ln st. Til. 65.
2"T, c.'ikIi di-coiiiit on picture mouldings.
C. K. Aiexaiul.r. liM-nlwar.
Duncan. 23 Main St.. guarantees to do
the best shoe repair work. lum a trial
Judge (ire'n iv granteii a divorce
In A. p. Frye liom Nellie Frye on statu
tory grounds.
A marnuke lie. rise was Issnrd yesterday
to (ieoixe W. Snuir. aged 34, and Hattle
Condon, ag.-u 34, both of this city. Rev.
Hern y Ix Lo .g performed the marriage
The ladies' Aid society of the I'ninn
Christian church. Thirty-fifth street and
Broadway, will meet edm sday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. John hohickentn nx, 341s
Avenue A.
The trustees of Wane township, outside
of Council Bluffs, met yesterday aa a
board of review to hear objections to the
Hsaessment for this year just completed
by the township asnessor.
The hearing of Clyde McClelland, charged
with assaulting Link Thomas with a brick,
was Indefinitely postponed in police court
yesterday, the victim of the alleged as
sault tieing conlitied to his bed by hi!)
The hearing of Harry Mershaw, the
negro charged by Odessa Parrih, a young
colored girl. With criminally assaulting
her, was continued In police court yester
day until this morning. The g:rl is being
detain. d as a witness.
Charles Oldenburg, charged with assault
ing his daughter with a niiur, was yes
terday bound over by Justice Oardmer to
await the action of the grand Jury. He
was uiuible to furnish bail and ws re
committed to the county Jail.
Why clean house and let those rusty gas
fixtures mar Ha Hppearance? l,ct us re
flnlsh them. We make them look like new.
Nickle and copper plating, brass linishing
and polishing. Lindsay burners complete
7F.c, mantles ISc, globes ?"c. New Specialty
Mfg. Co.. 43 N. Main. Tel. 21.
Fred I, the 19-year-old son of John H.
Chlxum, died shortly after midnight Sun
day from heart trouble. The funeral will
be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock
from the family residence, 19 Fifteenth
avenue, and burial will be In Walnut Hill
cemetery. Deceased was a member of the
Modern Woodmen of America,
Mrs. A. Urayman, living at 210.1 South
Tenth street, was severely burned Sunday
by an txplsioji of gasoline. Her injuries,
while severe, are -not considered dangerous.
Tho little dwelling in which she and her
son lived and the walla and roof of which
wore principally composed of tarpapcr,
was buiuHl to the ground.
There will be a meeting this evening at
the Commercial club rooms of professional
and. business men of the city to discuss the
movement for the organization of a Young
Men's Christian association and the ad
visability of taking steps toward the erec
tion of a building.- All Interested in the
movement are invited t be present.
In the suit brought In the court of Justice
Carsort about a year ago by Rachael Acton
against Camille Dagmar, the leading
woman o-f a company which Went to pieces
in this rlty, for salary due her, and which
was appealed, a stipulation was tili-d In the
district court yesterduy for the entering of
Judgment against Misa Dagmar and the
Fidelity Deposit company of Maryland,
surety on her bond, for $55.05.
Rooms and cafe. Ogacn hotel.
Mlasoarl Valley Appointees. v
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., April 3. (Spe
cial.) E. J. James, recently elected mayor
of thjs city, has appointed Oeorge Batcher
city marshal and John Drinker night marshal.
Western Iowa
Spring Term Opens March 27
Come If You Want a Position
liUhlUboJ 1UI.
PrMiviF MMa St. oar Pierm's (has Itara
Tan can borrow any. amouot oa cattla. horooo.
kouoehold furnltura or any cbtttol socarltf.
farmonto oan oo Bad oh prtacloai at an? tlma
to tun borrowar, an 4 latt.-oat rwluaad according!.
All buiinM conodantlal. Lowaat rataa. omco opaa
onrr truing tWI IS, lalurdaj ovaalbs III!
ST.raoaiDs." 1
ttsndawt If D trad. J
- Lavlr Attend
Result is New Year Starts Without the
Mayor's Annual Address.
City Knalaeer ibmlta Estimates fnr
of Portion C ltr 'ft 111
Have to Rear.
Mayor Macrae did not deliver his annual
address at the meeting of the c'.ty council
last night, for the reason that the chair
men of the several standing committees
had failed to fll-3 their reports and he con
sequently lacked the necessary data. The
annual reports of the chief of police and
fire departments and other municipal of
ficials were also conspicuous by their ab
sence. It was announced they would be
submitted later.
Mayor Macrae announced the reappoint
ment of Major George II. Richmond as
chief of police and 'city marshal and the
appointment was approved by the city
council. The mayor stated he would post
pone the announcement of his appointments
on the force.
The following city officials were unani
mously reappointed by the city council:
Chief of Fire Department Charles M.
Cltv Clerk Iiuls Zurmuehlen. Jr.
Citv Klectrlclan-C. A. Atkins.
Cltv I'hysiclan M. A. Tlnley.
Custodian of City lluilding Andrew
Hansen. '
Street Supervisor A. K. Avery.
Poll Tax Collector P. H. Mikesell.
Sidewalk Inspector William Hoyt.
The appointment of a poundmaster was.
postponed, there being several applica
tions for the position on file.
The city engineer submitted a report giv
ing detailed estimate of the probable cost
of paving West Broadway with vitrified
brick on concrete bare, including curbing.
He submitted three estimates for paving,
thirty feet wide, thirty-six feet wide and
forty feet wide, showing the amount
which would have to be paid by the city
owing to the property abutting being un
able to bear the entire cost of the Im
provement. The" large amount of the de
ficiency which would have to be borne by
the city. It Is expected, will preclude the
city from doing any paving on this
thoroughfare this year.
Kstlniate on raving.
The estimate of the city engineer follows:
From Indian creek bridge to Twentieth
street: length, 2.7; feet; property front
age, 4.fino feet. Thirty feet wide, cost tM.
ft.ifi; deficiency, to be borne by city, $12,155.
Thirty-six feet wide, cost, $24,597; deficiency,
$15,73.1 Forty feet wide, cost, $-'7,ui7; de
ficiency, $18,v57.
Twentieth afreet to' Twenty-eighth
street: Length, 4.3'lO feet; property front
age. 7,S0i) feet. Thlrtv feet wide, cost,
deficiency'. $24.DM. Thirty-six feet
wide, cost, $HS,700; deficiency, $29,658. Forty
feet wide, cost, $42,522; deficiency. $3.1.835.
Twenty-eighth street to west line of
Ferry addition (slough bridge): Length,
6.H04 feet; property frontage. 10.726 feet.
Thirty feet wide, cost, $45,264; deficiency,
$.15,770. Thirty-six feet wide, cost, $53.13i;
deficiency, $42,947. Forty feet wide, cost,
$.rK.3s4; deficiency. $47,570.
Total cost from Indian creek bridge to
plough bridge: Thlrtv feet wide. $99,lf5;
deficiency, $72,021. Thlrty-alx feet wide,
$116. 4:3;- deficiency, $M,33h Forty feet wide,
$127,933; : deficiency, $99.4;2.
John C. Small submitted a proposition
to Install fifty galvanized Iron waste
paper boxes at the principal street corners
In return tor the privilege of placing ad
vertising nintter on them. The proposal
was referred to the committee of the
Attorney Oalvln addressed the council on
behalf of. Frank Morrow, who wants the
city to erect a bridge for him across Indian
creek, which cuts his farm Just south of
the city limits. The request was referred
to the committee on sewers with power to
The acceptance of the Council Bluffs
Independent Telephone company of the
ordinance granting It a franchise was read
and filed.
City Clerk Zurmuehlen announced the
reappointment of Ed Bowman as his
deputy, und same was confirmed by the
The aldermen will meet Wednesday
night in committee of the whole to dis
cuss paving and sidewalk contracts for the
new year.
City Physician Reports.
City Physician Tlnley submitted his re
port for the year ending April 1, at the
meeting of the Board of Health last night.
It shows the number of contagious dis
eases, deaths, etc., as follows:
Contagious diseases Measles, SO; scarlet
fever, 11; chicken pox, 1; whooping cough,
1; diphtheria, 60; smallpox, 186 (during
last quarter. 96j.
Deaths Diphtheria, 7; small pox, 1; sui
cide, 9; accidental. 15; murder, 1; other
causes, 343; total, 376.
The report compliments Mr. and Mrs.
O'Grady on their management of the Isola
tion hospital and their care of patients.
Also praises the condition of the city Jail,
Department of the Interior, Office of In
dian Affairs, Washington. D. C, March 13.
:. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals
for beef, flour, etc.,'' us the case may be,
and directed to the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, 265-267 South Canul street, Chicago,
ill., will be received until 1 o'clock p. m.
of Tuesday, April 25, l!Jo, for furnishing
for the Indian Service, beef, Hour, bacon,
beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea, and other
articles of subsistence; also for groceries,
soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural
Implements, paints, oILs, glass, tinware,
wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings,
saddlery , etc., school supplies, and a long
list of miscellaneous article. Sealed pro
posals, indorsed "Proposals for rubebr
floods, hardware, etc.," us the case may
e, and directed to the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, 6c2 South Seventh street,
St. Louis, Mo., will be received until 1
o'clock p. m. of Thursday, April 27, Wi,
for furnishing tor the Indian Service, rubber-goods,
boota and shoes, hardware, and
medical supplies. Sealed proposals, in
dorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and
cutton good., clothing, etc.," as the case
may be, and directed to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-121 Wooster
street. New York City, will be received
until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May IB,
1!6, for furnishing for the Indian Service,
blankets, woolen and cailon goods, cloth
ing, notions, hats and raps, flida must he
made out oil Government hlanka. Sched
ule giving all necessary Information for
bidders will be furnished on application to
the Indian Oince, Washington-, D. C; the
V. S. Indian warehouses. 119-121 Wooster
street. New York City; ifto-267 South Canal
street, Chicago, 111.; S15 Howard street.
Omaha. Neb ; 2 South Seventh street,
Ft.' Inils. Ma: W Washington street, Sin
Francisco. Cal.; the Commissaries of Sub
sistence. IV 8. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and
St. Paul. Minn ; the Quartermaster, t'. 8.
A . Seattle, Wash ; and the losmasters at
Sioux City, Tucson, Portland, Sikane and
Tscoinu. Jlids will opened at the hour
and days above st.ited. and bldibra are In
vited to be present at the opening. The
Department res.-rves the right to determine
Uiu y, Iiu of delivery and iu relect any aril
ull bJJj. r any rait of any bid.
., l.KCPP, cJumlsslonf
Defendant I'nder Croan-Ktsinlnalloa
Harlow the Time.
As Judge Thorncll did not reach the city
until nearly noon, no morning- session of
tho trial of the Doyle-Burns suit was held
yesterday. When court convened In the
afternoon the cross-examination of Burns
was resumed by Mr. Hughes. The cross
examination yesterday was directed mainly
by Mr. Haghes to an effort to show that
Burns took charge of practically all of
the transactions In connection with the
sale of the various mines to the Portland
company, and, although Harnan, Doyle and
Peck were present at the meetings, none
of them took an active part In the negotia
tions and discussions, or asserted any In
terest, they allowing Burns to take full
control and consummate the entire deal.
In connection with this line of cross
examination the witness was questioned at
length regarding the sale of the Black
Diamond, Tidal Wave and Devil's Own
claims to the Portland company with a
view to ascertaining what proporvl.n of the
shares of stock received by him for the
two claims were allotted respectively to the
Devil's Own and the Tidal Wavb Burns
had testified that out of the stock received
by him for these two claims he had given
Peck and Doyle each $2S,0U0, Mr. Hughes,
however, attempted to show through the
witness that It was Stratton who gave
Teck and Doyle each $J8,000 out of what
he received for the Black Diamond. This
the witness positively denied.
It Is expected that the cross-examination
of Burns will be completed today. The
defense has one or more witnesses to put
on the stand, as well as to read the tes
timony glveft at the former trial by Burns'
slaters and then there will be aome short
rebuttal by the plaintiff. It la thought that
all of the evidence will be In by Thurs
day. The farmer members of the . Jury are
worrying over being unable to get home
and attend to their work, so yesterday
counsel for Doyle proposed that aa soon as
the evldenoe Is all In the Jury be excused
for a few days and In the meantime both
eidts ,ulwru4iic on all law wlius. anaclal
Interrogatories, Instructions to the Jury,
etc, 'and that arguments be commenced
next Monday morning.
Judge Thornell expressed himself as
agree-able to this arrangement, provided
both sides were willing. Counsel for Burns
are agreeable provided Mr. Thomas can
secure the postponement of a case In New
York Involving several million. In Which
he la one of the counsel, and th trial of
which has been set for April 11. If Mr.
Thomas can arrange thla the Jury will be
given a few days' recess.
Commercial ( Jah Tries Its Hand at
etllnc I lllaatlon.
The efforts of the executive committee
of the Com.nerclal club to procure an ami
cable settlement of the controversy between
the motor company and certain owners of
property at Manawa over the proposed va
cation of pevernl streets and alleys which
cut through the company' resort at the
lake, may be productive of results.
Yesterday the members of the committee
and a number of the members of the club,
together with representatives of the motor
company and the attorneys for the Inter
ested property owners, visited the srene
and looked over the ground. As a result
of the Investigation the committee came
to the conclusion that neither side would
be Injured much by making some con
cess'ons. The committee suggested that !n order to
bring the controversy' to a close the prop
erly owners submit two propositions to the
motor company, one to be an offer to sell
out their property Interests and the sec
ond or alternative proportion to be In the
form of an agreement permitting the motor
company to close the streets In question for
a cash consideration.
These proposals are to be filed with the
executive committee of the Commercial
club, which In turn will submit them to the
motor company. They are to be In the
hands of the committee by Friday morning.
E. J. Day, one of the parties Interested,
recited what he termed the interference
of the executive committee of the Commer
cial club in the matter. He aacused the at
torneys for the motor company of being
responsible for It, but this was stoutly de
nied by the attorneys, one of whom hap
pens to be a member of the executive com
mittee. Judge Smith Mcpherson had announced
he would be here Friday to hear matters In
connection with the controversy, but he
will now be requested to postpone the
Conrt Rnles Its Order la Within Ha
l.egnl Powers.
The Board of Health won yesterday the
first round In the Injunction suit brought
by the Ronrd of Education to restrain It
from enforcing Its order Telatlve to vac
cination of teachers and pupils of the pub
lic schools. Judge Oreen, who came here
specially to hear the ' cnae, overruled the
demurrer of the Board of Education to the
cross petition of the Board of Health yes
terday and today wlH hear the case on Its
Judge Oreen, at the request of counsel
for the Board of Health, will hand down a
formal opinion overruling the demurrer this
morning, so that It ran e taken down by
the court reporter and made of record. In
his opinion Judge Green will hold that If
It Is shown that an epidemic of smallpox
does prevail or la threatened the Board
of Health has the legal authority under
the statutes of the i state and the rules
and regulations of the State Board of
Health to issue the .order It did and en
force It. I !
The overruling of the demurrer yester
day practically disposed of '- all the ques
tions Involved In the sujt with the exception
of whether an epidemic exists or not.
The hearing yesterday attracted a num
ber of officials, members of the Board of
Education and patrons of the city schools
to the court room, who listened to the
proceedings with interest. The Board of
Health was represented by City Solicitor
Snyder and Attorney N. M. Pusiy, while
attorney J J. Stewart appeared for the
Board of Education.
Boys for Jovenlle Cotirf.
Compl.rlnt was made to the police yes
terday that a number of boys were In the
habit of Jumping on Burlington trains at
the local depot and riding as far as the
transfer. The officials of the road also
complained that a gang of boys Jumped
on a train last Saturday and rode as far
as Pacific Junction before they were dls
covered and put off. One of the boys is
said to have hurled a brick at the con
ductor and struck him on the leg. The
police investigated, with the result that
Informations In the Juvenile division of the
district court will be filed today against
Thomas Rowbotham, Fred Potter, Frank
white and "Easy" Harvey. White Is al
leged to be the youth who threw the brick
at the conductor. The boys' parents have
been notified to produce them In court.
Thomas O'Nell, Joe O'Nell, Will Moore
Clyde Lawrence and Jack Kranlger, the
boys arrested Sunday for congregating
Saturday night In the Rock Island sand
house and disturbing the neighborhood,
were lined up before Judge Scott In police
court yesterday morning. After a fatherly
lecture Judge Scott sentenced each of the
boys to ten days on bread and water, but
later suspended the sentences during good
County Hoard Meeting;,
The Board of County Supervisors con
vened yesterday afternoon for the April
sesalon. Beyond allowing bills little busi
ness was transacted yesterday.
Several bills for painting the court house
and repairing and remodeling the Interior
of the county Jail were received, but the
board decided to postpone opening them
until later In the week.
Thomas Bowman and Spencer Smith, ap
pointed to check up the office of County
Treasurer Conslgney at the latter's re
quest, filed their report. The report
showed that the accxur.ta had all been
found perfectly correct with the exception
of a few of the computations of the dif
ferent levies from which the distribution
of taxes to the state, county and town
ship funds Is made. These slight error,
while not affecting the totals, have been
corrected In the February summary.
Dr. R. II. Stephenson waa awarded the
contract for pauper medical attendance
In the Keg Creek and Silver Creek town
ships and the town of Jreynor on hla bid
of S2S for the balance of the year.
Today the board will take up bridge and
road matters.
Wolfert Gives In Cash.
Judge Wheeler hold a short session of
district court yesterday morning for the
examination of Frank Wolfert, formerly
In the ahoe business at 621 Broadway, as
to his property. The examination was In
connection with the salt brought against
Wolfert by the Klrkendall Shoe company
sooTi:i::a syrup
aaa hsea osed by HHnns of Mothers for their
eliUdrea while TavUUus foe otot Kitty Tmts.
It auutoas la etiilO. aureus laa guuua, allays
ell t4u, cam loa mMa, eod la toe boat
leai.! for d
of Omaha. It was tindet stood that Wolfert
possessed a valuable diamond ring, but on
being questioned as to this he dented the
Impeachment. Asked as to how jnuch
money he possessed, he drew from Ms
poekets $4 In sllve', which he handed to
Deputy Sheriff GronewCg. After the hear
Ing Wolfert asked fof the return of the $4
and protested strongly when informed that
the cash would be held by the officer under
the attachment proceedings brought by
the Klrkendall company.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
April 3 by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
Marx Reimer and wife to Hans
Tramm. sw ewv nei, (J-TT-Sl. w, d.. $.1,500
Ed Canning, executor, to Fred 8 l.'nin-
soh, part lot 10 In nw ne 30-75-43,
p. d 1
John f). Bates and wife to George B.
Clark, rart lot 22 and mibdlv. se1
swV4 12-75-4)). w d l.JOfi
Thomas French to W. P. Gardner, sev
i-77-43. w d 850
George H Wetmore' and wife to
Thomas H. Altrop, lots 10 and 11,
block 25. Galesburg add., w d 130
State Pavings bank to Charles Borner,
lot 11, block 41, Ferry add., q c f... 60
Bame to same, lots 10 and 15, block
41. Ferry add., w d 100
Iowa Townslte companv to Mildred
Marquette, lot 16, block 2; lot 18.
block 11. McClelland, w d 215
Mildred M. Marquette to Edwin B.
Maglll, lot 16, block 2. McClelland,
w 3 150
Charle E. Taylor and wife to John
H. Miller, lot . part lot 5. block 9.
Riddle's subdlv., w d 2675
W. H. Robinson to LlMie It. Smith,
lot 2, Purple's subdlv.. w d 1.650
I. W. Brown to Arthur Snyder, lot 10,
block 12. Hall's add., w d 300
Twelve transfers; total, $9,401.
Accused of Hating Engaged in Wholesale
. Stealing of Chickens.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, F7.
Accused of Killing Rival.
MorLTON, In., April 3. (Speclal.)-To-day
Claude Whistler was arrested here,
charged with the murder of Frank Ogden,
whose dead body was found In the farm
yard of Whistler. Ogden waa 19 years old.
Whistler married his sweetheart some six
months ago. and the two have quarreled.
Joshua Robinson telephoned to Ogden Sat
urday night to stay away, as there would
likely be trouble if he came to the Whistler
farm. Ogden was missing Sunday morning
and was found dead In Whistler's yard
with a bullet wound through his heart?
Whistler was gone. Iviter Whistler was
found and arrested.
Financial Trouble Caosea Mnrder.
At'Dl'BON, la., April 8. tSpeclal.) The
coroner's Jury today decided that the death
of the two daughters of Mike Nelson was
due to deliberate murder, and that the
father was a suicide. The cause of the
murder la now given as brooding over
finances. Nelson having made unfortunate
investments. The murder was committed
with a knife, wounds being found on the
head and breBst of the body of each of
the girls. Bloody finger marks were found
In the room where the murder was com
mitted. Nelson left a letter saying he had
killed his daughters, then went out in a
field and shot himself.
Attempt at Robbery.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., April .-(8pe-clal.)
An attempted robbery occurred Sat
urday afternoon at the store of H. M.
Cramer, a Missouri Valley clothier, when
a man whose name Is unknown entered the
store to purchase a pair of socks and se
creted a pair of trousers under his coat.
The thief was apprehended, however, was
arrested and brought before A. B. Hoe
brook, Justice of the peace, who gave him
a Jail sentence of thirty days.
t'aocna Apportions Plains.
CRESTON. Ia., April S.(Speclal.)-At a
caucus of the republican members of the
city council held last week It was decided
to give the city clerkship to A. W.
Schlmpff, city printing to the Advertiser
Gazette, street commlsslonershlp to George
McFee. The mayor will probably retain
his present police force.
Creston Pastor Resigns,
CP.lTON, la., April 3. (Special.) Rav.
R. H. Ingram, pastor of the Christian
church for the past four years, Sunday
presented his resignation to the official
board of the church to take effect within
two months. He will go to Allerton, la.,
where he has received a call.
Directors of lorn Belt Meat Pro
dorrrs Have rsilnn to Dlsrnas
Service on the Iowa
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
tES MOINES. April 3. iSpeclal. i-Ardy.
Jesse and Albert Heck, aged S. 10 and 12
years respectively, were arrested today by
the police. It Is claimed they have been
stealing for the last year and that any
number of burglaries will be traced to the
little boys. They have made chickens a
specialty and all they secured they sold
to a woman who claims she thought they
were chickens which escaped In the rail
road yards. Sunday they entered the Iovia
Seed stcre, which led to their capture.
City Can Have Time.
A. H. Davidson, secretary of the execu
tive council, stated today that Assessor
Schramm could have all the time he wanted
to complete his enumeration. Schramm
claimed the city's population would fall
short because he was hurried by the execu
tive council.
Chance Date of Meeting.
The date of the meeting of the regents
at the State university has been changed
to next week. Tuesday. Wednesday and
Thursday- Instead of this week. This Is
the moot Important meeting of the regents
of the entire year.
Legislative Committee Here.
Senator W. P. Whipple of Vinton and
Representatives I,. D. Teter of Knoxvllle
and R. M. Wright of Fort Doxlge are In
I the city. They constitute the legislative
committee to Investigate the subject of a
Board of Conrol for educational Institu
tions and are Inquiring concerning methods
used by the Board of Control of charitable
and penal Institutions.
Remove Washington's Picture.
The picture of George Washington, which
was hung on the wall above the grand
staircase In tie state house, has been re
moved to make the wall clear for the
pointing; by Blashfield. The picture Is the
property of Mrs. Amelia Eckhart of Wash
ington, D. C. She tried to get an appro
priation of $750 from the legislature to
pay for It. It Is now hung In the private
office of the state treasurer for safekeep
ing. Money In State Treasury.
According to statutory requirement, the
governor's office counted the cah In the
treasury department Saturday. The figures
made public today show the amount of
cash to lie $11,722.02, and In the banks
$1,074,027.62, and state college bonds $647,000.
Requisition Denied.
Governor Cummins t day denied the
requisition from the governor of Nebraska
for R. L. Bolitho, wanted at Omaha, and
now at Iowa Falls. It was claimed by the
Omaha authorities that he made a false
statement as to his property and ability to
pay for a lot of horses that he purchased.
It Is presumed that It Is denied because
the governor was convinced that It was
merely an attempt to force the payment
of a claim.
First Bulletin laaued.
Dally wheat and corn bulletins are to lie
issued from this on by the weather bureau
at this place. Reports are received from
twenty-two points In the state nnd the
bulletins will give the rainfall and weather
conditions. , Today's bulletin says that light
to- copious Tains have fallen over the
greater portion of the corn nnd wheat
Corn Rett Meat Producers.
The directors of the Corn Belt Meat Pro
ducers' association met at the Kirkwood
hotel today. The meeting was behind closed
doors. The directors are empowered by
the association to meet whenever desired.
Secretary J. J. Ryan of Fort Dodge stated
today that the railroads have put on faster
service and are giving plenty of cars for
the most part. It Is understood the meet
ing was for the purpose of getting after
the Rock Island to get better service
from it.
Netr Machen Indictment.
WASHINGTON. April 8-The federal
grand Jury today returned Indictment
against William G. Corbett, August W.
Machen and George E. Ixirenx. on a charge
of conspiracy In connection with the pur
chase of straps for mail pouches. An In
dictment under the same charge was re
turned against the same individuals In
1903, at which time the name of Mrs.
Lorena was Included with the others. The
present Indictment differs from the former
only In the omission of the name of Mrs.
church. He as born January 15, and
was drowned Friday at Ant-Ar1-er, Mich.
Peter O. Roaj:eJri,
YANKTON. April 3. -iKlxiclal.1 Peter
Rouen, cue of the- earliest o Yankton
county's pioneers. dIM yestenbty from the
effects of a kick-by a hore. Me. Rogea
was 7J years of age
nlrlde In M. lools.
ST. IA"1' 18. , April l-Samuvl Schramm,
aged 4.1 years, died flora a eU-U41icted
bullet wound today -after having east his
wife In the mouth and shot at and missed
his son. lvmestlc trotiWeoi led te. the
shooting. Schramm waa at one time a well
known contractor. ' ' " J ;
ItFRY bsi argument h is favoi of ha
' ti.vdon Hat. rV ararsit quality
argument, price argument.
THERE'S two dol
lars' change when
you buy a Gordon Hat
and hand the man a five
dollar note. Most peo
ple can rind use for two
dollars. There are hats
no better than theGordon
Hats for which you may
pay $5. But Why ?
Hats $3
Patrick J. llealy.
CHICAGO, April 3-Patrick J. Healy,
president of the pioneer music firm of
Lyon & Healy, died here today of pneu
monia. Mr. Healy waa 65 years of age
and had been engaged in the manufacture
and sale of mUBlcal Instruments In Chi
cago since 1864.
Frank Ellsworth Brers,
HARLAN. Ia., April 3. (Bpeclal.)-The
funeral of Frank Ellsworth Byers, son of
Hort. H. W. Byers, occurred yesterday aft
ernoon at 4 O'clock at the Congregational
,They act like Exercise.
Cents .
-for the Bowels
Good goods.,
A good medium,
Good advertlKlng,
I noma nod Bales.
Advertise, and Thrive
A brief bit of busmen advice
worth listening to.
No business is a success that
doesnH grow,' and n o business can con'
tinue to grow in the face of keen
competition that isn't advertised.
It's good advertising that secures
new customers good business ability
that holds them.
W5 offer you the beueflt of our
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and designers free of cost In
order to mak your advertising
most productive.
Call on us, or
'..hone I'M. " '
KCC0C4OO0CO00 04000004000000K
In order to prove absolutely that we can
core you of Constipation, Piles, Dyspepsia.
Indigestion, Rillioasness. Malaria, Knaama
tism. Nervous and Siok Headaches, we will
aire you an order on year druggist and pay
Lira for a iio bottlo of
(used and prescribed for slxty-flre years,)
rovMIng yon havs nerer used this remedy,
nil this ad with yonr bame, address and
stating disease afSlMed with, to .
The American Pharmacal Ce., Evansvllle, In4.
For sale by Pnstnn store tnig Pspsriment,
It 1V111 C arry ' Health and tlrength
Into All Part 'Of Yonr Kyktem
and Drive Out All Dlaraae.
Aet-As-lara (Fjf and Iron) Makes KicV lei Blood.
Good blood means' good ' health. You,
yourself.can tell when you have It flowing
throuuh your veins. You feel brimful of
lite, warmth, energy, ambition and hope.
Without It you are tired, cold, pale, list
less, Indifferent, easily discouraged and
disposed to magnify your troubles.
AKG-AN-ll'K.M (fRg nnd ironi tills your
veins wlih good rou blond which forces
health Into all parts of' you and drives oui
all disease.
If you suffer from any disease of any
vital organ, thai orftnn miisl be first re
stored to strength" Its tlssnt-s must be re
builtbefore you can be cured.
A KG-A N-II ' RN rebuilds the tissues of
the nerves and all the organs by its nour
ishing, blood-building properties.
It cures constipation and all bowel trou
bles, Indigestion and nil stomach troubles,
liver, bladder and kidney ttoubles, female
weakness and diseases, Catarrh and all
catarrhal dlsse,'-aH nrfvbus diseases,
neuralgia, rheumatism and all diseases
caused by nn Impoverished or Impure con
dition of the blood.
It puts your blood In condition to destroy
all disease germs nnd eradknte all poisons.
AKG-AN-H'KN la for sale by druggists
at f 1.(0 a bottle. "One bottle works wonders.
If you are suflerlng from any orgnnto
weakness or disease ot any run down
weakened condition, dyspepsia, catarrh,
constipation, torpid liver, kidney or blad
der trouble, rheumatism, gout, femnle com
plaint, nervousness, nervous prostration,
nervous or general debility, neurasthenia,
or anv weakness or disease resulting from
an Impoverished or Impure condition of the
blood, write at once tg our medical deport
ment, stating the nature of your trouble and
you will receive full advice absolutely free,
also our Free Medical Book. We are
especially desirous to hear from those who
are suffering from those stubborn, un
yielding troubles with which physicians
are unable to cope.
No matter what your tmuble la, write to
our medical department and you will be
told lust what to do to be restored to per
fect health ami strength. Btate fully the
nature of your trouble and you will receive
advice and medical book absolutely free.
Address Hygelan Research Laboratory,
Chicago, III.
Care for Conaasaption
Trial Bottle Pre by Mall
OsossaUIss Co., oa Plot BL, Raw Tor
- Treats all lorsns al
ti Years' Esperlenes
IB tears In Omaha
'W inw A Medical Expert
I whose remarkable
u I success has neref -
S -i, been axcellod.
Nearly 30.0U0 Ca9es Cured.
VarioocolA. Hrarocalo, Blood Poison. Bluatara. Oloao,
Mansui Oabllltr. Lass el Strongtk ao VltalUf.
His Home Treatment
ass pannananllr cure kotoanaa of catws el .ekreale
rJortona, Racial, Kiaosr an 4 Blaoda ana Skis Dls
oaass st small ooal. ta tlma ant soaa 07 4as
trlblni your eaaa ana writs tor FKBB BOOK as
tsrsaa e( troataioBl. Moololoo .swat la slals puka.
Charges Low Consultation Pre
Offleo Hours I a. m. to I ts p. m. 1 fundara, I
s m. to 1 p. m . Call or write. Bos IM. OfBsa
116 . 14th St., Omaha. Xeh,
IslnteKiud an.l shonla know ,
aiK.ui tns wouusnui
MARVEL Whir Una Spray
ITha new 'aslast rrt. if
i , ryy 4-. noil ant autttom.
na m ' o a
lit saor aratsltl las It.
If he rannoi supply the
Mllt I-I., u-rei.l 110
othrr. ten anrl LUmft fnr
lllaotratert bonk-asalrd. It tiros,
full narlloiilara anil rflrertion In.
alual.W In la.llra SI H PL CO.,
1 ram uew, now a era.
or sale by
eCHAEFER s bKL'IJ STORES 18th and)
Chicago ats.; 60. Omaha, ttth and N ets.j
Council Bluffs, 6th and Main sts. -
KUHN dV CO.. iitli and Uouglaa streets.
'nduee restful sleep. Cure Nervousness., fltomach,
Kidney and lllajtler trouble, Bd prixiued i'luiuy
Bess, etraucih and Vitality.
Mold by lrugalata.
Pr mail,1.0u; or tlirso holes, 12.79.
ur sample Tablets, enclose ID cents to
Tho Jaervaa Tablet t o Claclanatt O.
for sale by Beatoa Drug Co, IBth and
Karaaui, Omaha, and all dragglst.
Depaty state Veterinarian. Pood Ia
aperlor and t Ity Veterinarian. -
Office and Infirmary. 2Stb and Ma.son.8ta.
Omaha, Neb. , Ttlevbao