THE OMAHA DAILY REE: . RFXTUY, : 'APm1 2.' IPO.V A FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AM IDEAL HOME 23RD AND BURT STREETS A (food ten-room house, hath, gns, mantel, new furnace, lawn, shade and larc cor ner Int. No. 720 N. 23d street, or will rent to desirable tenant at $; a month. Sun. resident owner anxious to sell. Call at our cilice, for particulars. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE-127-2 SNAP WK HAVK A M BARGAIN. rooms, good repair, cast front, full lot, ahsde, ,u- k WHlks, 470S N. 21th st, worth -'.2iM price $1.M. HKG IT AT ONCE. SWEET &. BEST, 613 N. Y. LIKE. re ia 2 BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY. 10 beautiful lota In Omaha addition to Council Bluffs, $500; on terms, or will exchange for clear property In Khiimik or Missouri. A. L. Lynch, 6o3n Ridge ave., St. Louis, Mo. RE M966 2x MIST BE SOLD AT ONCE 8KVEN-ROOM HOUSE. ONE BLOCK FROM SHERMAN AVE. CAR: 1) FOR THIS PLACE; $200 DOWN AND is, PER MONTH; UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEST BARGAIN IN OMAHA. L. R, WILSON. 'Phone 701. RK-.MS0" I SEVEN-ROOM house, and lot. Inquire at 814 8. &tt st. RE-M.a :!x 7-R house, 3 lots on rorner, $1.2oo, eaiy terms; 6-r. house, H,2"0j new 4-r. house, $900; -r. house, $1,800. Anson A- Yost. 4' Paxton blk.. RE 213 2 BAROA1NS. LOTS NEAR 27TH AND SPRAGUE, $300. 10 ACRES HOU'l'HWKST, $1,260. 20 'ACRES NEAR RUSER PARK. $2. &. 40 ACRK8 NEAR FliORENCE, $6,000. 80 ACRES. MILITARY, ROAD, $6,400. 1143-45 N. 17TH, RENTAL $304 YEARLY; FAVINQ PAID; CHEAP. $2,300. 2667-71 DODGE ST.. S HOUSES: RENTAL $600 YEARLY; CHEAP, $4,500. JOHN N. FRKNZER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE 8X6 2 cTa- Williamson Co.. u- Bla'- RE 320 ONE 6-R. and one 8-R. modern house; cholca lots; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE M826 6X CHOICE INVESTMENT. Three-story brick block on South lftih St.; three stores and 40 rooms; all well rented. Eastern owner will sell for $!5,0u0. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Rid. RE Min8 UBURBAN 12 acres cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton St. RE M824 6x VERY CHEAP ACREAGE 5, 10 or IS acres choice well lying garden and fruit land; best of soil one mile west of Florence; 1100 per acre. A GREAT BAR GAIN. FITZGERALD-DERMODY CO., Tel. 6106. KI6 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M849 2 FOR SALE 1 8-room modern house, mantle and prate, ncauurui location, near two car lines; easy terms. J,ioo. Two modern brick houses, near Farnain on 36th; pays lo per cent; always rented. Two 6-room cottages, 126 and 122 8 . 34th; never empty; walking distance. $4,.r.00. J. H. FARROTTE, Paxton Blk. RE 198 2 COTTAGE 2213 North 25th St. $700, on Easy Terms, i Look at this property; terms. $300 cash; balance monthly. It rents for $102 per year. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE 125 2 IF YOU are looking for a home call and see what we can offer. U. 8. Sales Bu. reau. Bee building. RE 191 2 TRUSTWORTHY and reliable real estate . agents everywhere; write American Re:il Estate Clearing House Co., 160 Broad way, rwew xork L'lty. lor their booklet. Hlgh-gruda proposition. RE 104 2x BEST small home In city for price; excel lent neighborhood; fruit and shade trees; half block from cars. See owner. 4010 Nicholas street. Address: B ;I5. Bee. RE 981 2 10 ACRES, S-room house, barn for 6 head, chicken house, buggy shed, good well, one acre grapes, 4 acres alfalfa, loo fnilt trees, apples, cherries, pears, plums and apri cots; price, $2,800. Will exchange for 6 to 8-room house In city. Address n 48, Bee. RE 159 2 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE A OOOD TITLE CAN ONLY BE SHOWN BY' A OOOD ABSTRACT OF TITLE. A POOR ABSTRACT WILL CAUSE YOU AND YOUR 1 1 KIRS GREAT AN NOYANCE AND TROUBLE. ONLY AN EXPERT KNOWS WHAT A GOOD AB 8TRAT IS. EVERY EXPERT REAL Or.'iAift ju.yin iviuj TBUj 1UU THAT THE MIDLAND GUARANTEES: TRUST CO. 1614 FARNAM ST. , BONDED FOR $5,000.00 TO PROTECT ITS CUBOMKKS. N. P. DODGE, JR.. PRESIDENT. RE M 174 4 INVESTMENTS juouisiana, bu I "--rant 48, nil acres cut ove :Xa. . Missouri, $2.75 pe J3.000 acres soutne .-if ffet tlrst-class n jjt. i . iti i i . 43,000 acres hardwood timber and land In Louisiana, $3.50 per acre. 48,000 acres cut over timber land, southeast per acre. heart Arkansas, cut 6,000 milling lumber tier acre: sawmill on land: $9 per acre. 6,380 acres, in solid body, Colorado; best cattle and horse, ranch in the west; Im provements coat $4,000; $5,0u0 buys the proposition. 160 acres good level farming land near Aberdeen, South Dakota, $12.60 per acre. If you want a home In Omaha, cull und see us. C. R. GLOVER Si SON. Room 3, N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. RE F. D. WE AD, $1,150 Cottage and DO-ft. lot, one block from paved street; city water $J00 cash, balance monthly. $1,500 6-r. cottage, with W. C. porcelain Sink and plumbing, ready for huth tub; cemented cellar; 3 feet above grade; 2 blocks west Kouiuse Place. $2.100 -r. cottage, in beautiful Bemis park; sightly eii-vation and moucrn except furnace; large lot. $3,000 8-r. house, with an observatory, at tic, front and back stairs, aoublo floors, furnace, porcelain bath; large barn, trees and full lot; 415S Cass st. ; $600 cash, balance easy. $3,000 For 9-r. house north Hanscora park, between two car lines, lot uluue should bring $2.6X. $3,200 12-r. houBe. porcelain bath; lot 70x140; 21st and Grace sis.; $500 cash, bal ance easy. $5.000 12-r. house, 2960 Harney st., hot water heat, i mantels and grate. BU1LDINO SITES. $2,50080x165 ft., fronting euHt on 37th, north of Leavenworth; pavement and per manent walk. $3,40062x136 ft. on 32d, just north of Far nam. $$,15050x136 ft., 34th. Just north of Farnam. $4,150 50x186 ft., with 2 houses, on Furnam, near 34th. LA F. D. WEAD( 1524 DOUGLA8 ST. re- FAR VTS FOR SALE SNAP FOR SOMEBODY 840-ei-re ranch. Holt rnunty. $i"..4"0, house bai n. wood, stream. 4 mil'-s fetit-e, 1") b re croppefl, 8ii arrr m'-adow. J. B. IMper. 411 Jatlja h bloi k, Tel Omaha. lit) i THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stuck raisers, so It you iiave a good pleca of land to sell at a reasonable price you will rind a buyer among them. The coat of an advertlsemnt U aiaail 3 cents per word in small type, or $3.(0 per luch If S4t In largs type. DANCING ACADEMY CHEAPEBT terms ever mude In Omaha, half regular rates to pupils who Join Morand's spring term (or sdult begin ners Friday. Mar. h 31, k p. in. Private lassons daily. Assemblies Wednesdays. Call Ult and Harney ur tel. 1011. NEBRASKA LANDS Srt nrrrs well Improvnl rholcc land. Harlan county. $8 JwT ai-r.. l' acres Improvtd, good soil. Pierce county, Wo would i. ill vour attention to the foV lowlnz lanrls and n.'k von to write us for particulars. They range In price from tl to fi.u per acre: 2 iuarters in Bootp' county. 3 fpisrlers In Antelope enulitv. 2 fpiarters in t'r.lrir county, v nuHrfeis In Knox county. 6 ouarleiM In Uleree eoinity. 7 itnrters In W heeler eoitnty. ! irlers lii Cherry couniy. 20 M'l'irters in Holt county. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 51. 806 N. Y. Life Bldg. -1,4 3 FARM LANDS. U. S. SALES BUREAU. BEE RI.DO. ItiO acres, Sanborn county. South Dakota; 80 acres under plow, balance hay land; pood, black soil: no buildings. Nets 10 per cent on $3,200. 20n ncres. Washington county, Nebraska; good Improvements; Kj acres cultivated, biilancu paeture and hay. Price $'W an a-re. 370 acres bottom land. Washington county, Nebraska; improved; (lne stock farm. Price $J0 an acre. 683 acres Monona county, Towa; two sets of improvements (not very good). The price allows for this, $50 cash. 4S0 acres. Harrison county. Iowa; 100 acres cultivated, 200 pasture, balance hay and orchard; two sets of Improvements, one good, other only fair, price $W an acre. 240 acres, Harrison county, Iowa; 10 acres timber, balance all farm land; good Im provements. Price $75 acre. U. S. SALES BUREAU. BEE BLDG. 189 2 240 acres In Nance county, Neb., all under cultivation; living water runs across one corner; all good soil and lies well; 3's miles from R. R. town; no buildings. Price, $35 per acre. Another one of 320 acres, 34 miles from Fullerton, under a good state of cultiva tion; good buildings. Price, $35 per acre. Farm of 154 acres near Omaha, In Douglas countv. Price. $125 per acre. SHIMER & CHASE CO. 1C9 Farnam st. 145 2 SNAP FOR SOMEBODY 160 ncres six miles west of Callaway, at $5 rer acre. Over half tillable, all good pas ture and useful land. J. B. Piper, 411 Kar bach block, Omaha. Tel. 691. 114 CHEAP FRUIT FARMS 20 acres near Florence, Vi miles from car line, all in fruit, l.OuO apple, 400 peach, 300 plum, 20 cherry. 12 pear, 12 apricot, M acres strawberries, shade trees, flowering shrubs, house, barn for six horses, good well and pump, all fenced $4,500. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6108. $36 N. Y. Life Bldg. 163 2 FOR RENT HOUSES I I Ml !CF In all parts of the city. The A V KJ J fc- w U Jj , Da avis Co., 5u8 Bee bldg. V 314 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move und store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. lith. Olilce. loU'i Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 312 WE MOVE pianos. Muggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. i486. Office 1713 Webster st. D-313 Uni IQCC in all parts of the city. R. nUUOCS c. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D 311 HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE We carry the largest slock In Omaha at prices 25 per cent below Installment stores. Esti mates free. Terms, $25 worth. $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam Street. D 983 2 25G6 DOUGLAS, 8 ROOMS. $27.60. D-316 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D 318 HOUSES FOR RENT. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. 14th. D 814 CENTRAL 3-room cottage. 217 N. 24th. D "is 1101 SOUTH 30TH ST., ten-room thor oughly modern house, oak finish, $46. A. G. Elllck. 303 city hall. D--129 ON West Farnam District. 8 rooms, mod ern. W. Farnain Smith & Co., 1320 Far nam st. D 157 FOR RENT, April 1, 8-room modern house. $20 per month. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton block. D M20i 1214 8. 17th street, walking distance, five rooms, city water, sink, will paper. $12. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam Si. U 663 2 720 North 23d street, teu rooms, all mod ern, large lawn, shade. $30. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam st. D 663 2 1342 South 27th street, 9 rooms, porcelain bath, furnace, every convenlenca, $l!8, GARVIN BROS., 1601 Farnam st. D 664 3 2218 CHICAGO St.. 8 rooms, modern, $30; others. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Block. D M6S1 2 2543 Capitol ave., modern. 10 rooms. $40. Lawn, shade trees, near high school. Telephone 673. B. H. ROBISON. D 811 NICELY furnished 7-room modern house for summer. 1001 N. 29th. D 874 3x WILL rent my modern 8-room house, hot water heat, all modern, oak finish, hard wood floors: will give lease 2 or 8 vears $50.00. Inquire 527 S. 22d st. D M121 4x 2218 CHICAGO 8 rooms, modern, $30.00; 107 8. 28th, five rooms, $8.00. Rlngwalt. Rir ker block. D M969 3 8-room flat, good repairs, onk finish, facing Hanscom park, $34.00. 'Phone D-MD8 GOOD HOUSE FURNISHINGS at popular prices. Furniture, carpets and draperies. The largest stock In Omaha, Terms, $25 worth, $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam Street. D 984 3 WANTED Responsible couple without children to take all-modern, furnished Hanscom park residence. Address 57, Bee. D 965 ix SUMMER HOME In Rellevue; elegant grounds and nil kinds of fruit. 4-room modern flat; walking distance. 2015 Isard slreet. E. K. LOWER & CO., Tel. 413. 203 Brown blk. D-14 2 2 NO 2625 Decatur st., 7-room cottuge, mod ern except furnace, newly papered throughout and now in the best of con dition. Rental $20.iW per mouth, GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnain st. D-161 3 28th and Dewey. 1 rooms, brick, $22.50. 1554 Sherman ave.. 6-room flat, modem. $19. 1.114 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern. $17.50. .'15 Blnney t 8 rooms, modern. $40. TX N. 2;:d St., beautiful modern home. t",0. (02 P 35th St., -room iiouse. modern. $25. lhl.' Lothrop St., 8 rooms, modern, $J5. 32-4 Cuming St., el' gant 6-room hcAi", $jo, 2517 N. "th St., 6-room modern flat, $15. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. v D131 ! $3513.14 8. 2Mh, $ rooms, modern; large yard. $m ell N. SIHh St., 8 rooms, modern, new. $;4 1523 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern; across from park. $103511 1 lodge St., rooms, modern, new, $J5 84ol Center St., modern except fur. nace. $J5 2ol5 Plnkney St., 9 rooms, modnrn. $22.40 4318 Furnam st . modern, with barn. Inquire R. C. PFTBKS & CO., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. D-213 2 t-R. modern house; 6-r. house, close In; 6-r House: 7-r. he use. a so at Tort. 4' Pailou block. D 220 I FOR RENT HOUSES PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Hio N. 17th, :t-r.. city water. $:. 3 36 S. lMh. 3-r. brick, city water, close to 'Uth I'mMia car, I. 212 Michigan ave.. 6-r., cltv water, $15. !'". N. 26th, 6-r., city water, $16. l."4'l S. 2,tli, 7-r., oil modern, close to park, $-'7.50, 1.114 Park ave.. 8-r., strictly nil modern, on car line, lit good shape. K7.50. Karn.iiii. -r., all modern, $45. 24 Ohio. i-r.. strictly all modern, fine comer lot. larae ird, $10. 2116 California st., 7-r.. all modern except furnace, choico location, close In, $27.6". 523 S. 2Mh ave.. l'-r., strictly modern, choico location, J27.5". We have otluis. Sec our list before you move. PAYNL', BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life. D-129 2 832 SOUTH 29I"H STREET, On ttcorsia ave. Ju.-t north of Mason St., 8 r., strictly modern; very choke loca tion. Reduced t; $:).'). PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life. D 130 J 2048 Chicago St., 10-room, modern house, In goou repair; rental ivj per mount aim water rent. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. D 140 i BUSINESS CHANCES IL. . -1 T ' W 11V n n In!' n t in vestlgate this: You will b satisfied that ' ii. is sale ana mni it oi m s-: dividends. For particulars address H. J. T. Slade, stocks and bonds, I'. o. box 321. New Y'ork. Y-893 2x $10 TO $3 dally csn be made by Investing $-'50 and very little work. Write to us and we'll convince you It's no fake or get rich quick" scheme. Illinois Photoscope Co., 120 Randolph St., Chicago. Y-J;8 2x MJLL FOR SALE OR TRADE. A CHANCE FOR A LIFET1M E Here In eastern Nebraska is a roller mill only six years old for sale or trade for real es tate In Nebraska that cost $22,OoO to build; has 150 bbls. dally capacity, with wheat storage capacity of b.OD bu. and a ware house that holds 1,000 bbls. This mill Is equipped with new, up-to-date E. P. AUIs machinery and power is supplied by a 150 h. p. triple expansion Corliss en gine, and is offered for no fault what ever. Family affairs have lead to seri ous disagreements and mill must be sold to satisfy discordant elements. No rea sonable offer will be rejected. Only once In a lifetime Is there a chance like this. Always pletitv of good milling winter wheat near. Mill located on J railroads and In a countv-seat town of 2.500 people. For particulars write to I. E. Doty Son, David City, Neb. T-991 2 213 N. 27TH, 6-r., water, sewor, gas. $11. 7-r., up stairs, same conveniences and SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. L. I D-172 2 I VAN or moving wagon. Tel. 2046. 1510 ebster. l zeo mix FOR RENT 6-room house and barn and about 3i acre, between Dundee and Country club. $150 per year. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas st . D WILL bull J C-room house and barn on a live-acre block In Florence, 2 blocks from car; rent $150 per year. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas st. D 273 2 FOR RENT-Elght rooms, bath. 2635 Sew nrd st. $20. 2D60 Harney St., -modern, hot water heating plant, Jk; and l. other houses In uirterent parts of city from. $6 up. F. D. WliAD, 1524 Douglas st. D-272 2 BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property ur business quick see J. IL Johnson, l43 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L 2270. Y-2S1 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you in or out of business. Y-2S3 IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or reil estate, consult U. S. Sales Bureau, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg: Y M2S4 FOR SALE A good country hotel, thir teen bedrooms, office, dining room, par lor; close to depot; fully furnished; Im mediate possession. On main line U. P. Ry. Address: A 58, Bee. Y-234 A-24 CONSTANT OIL CO. Stock will soon advance. Buy now. Hare 750 acres in Chauute Oil Fields; enough for 250 wells; five already producing. Constant Oil Co., 301 N. Y. Life bldg. TeL F2234. Y M501 HOTELS exclusive. Hart, 401 N. Y. Life. Y 4ST IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or dusiiicss yntii. see '.omp-ton-Watts Co., 535 l'axton blk. Y 2oo FOR SALE For cash, my lease, furniture and fixtures of one of tho best 32-room notcis twitn lunch counter) in eastern Nebraska; doing a business of $H,5'X) a year; good reasons for selling. Address Barr Hatuia, Aurora, Neb. Y M62S Sx RELIABLE putty who is thoroughly ex perienced, wisnes 10 near irom capital ists who wish to engage In the wholesale, und Jobbing busliieta. Address B 22, Bee. Y M680 lx WANTED, partner with $500 to manu- toic ri'iTcidiij into sens 10 cny ana country trade. Address B 16, Bee office. Y-M685 1 WANTED, a general agency to handle our ttustless oil, wuter ana gasoline broom for Nebraska. Hardin Dustless Broom Co., West Liberty, la. Y" M821 2 WANTED-Partner with small capital to lane nair. mieresi in nice, pleasant and profltablo office business. Address B 30, Bee office. Y MS48 WANTED An Investment where the serv ices or a good business man are needed. Address B 2!, Beo office. Y M860 4x "HOW YHEY GOT RICH" is the title of our book, which tells how $2 nivesipu weeaiy in rsew xork real estate can make thousands; sunt free. THE WESTMINSTER HEIGHTS CO. Borough Park Co., Bensonhurst Co. WILLIAM II. REYNOLDS, President. COMBINED CAPITAL. $500,000.00 i,uaiui.,u Sl.KfbLU, $750,000.00. It. Tl'RNBL'LL. Cnnem) Munniree New York Offices, 277 Broadway, N. Y. City. I SMS ZX. CASH for your real estate or business, no inauer wuere locaiea. ir you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bank, of Commerce building, Minneapolis. Minn. AN established manufacturing company of .osteal uuiuiuerciai sianuing, controlling the situation entirely in Its line and sup plying a household necessity at a large profit as a substitute for un importation valued at millions annually, will open a branch office and sales room In Omaha. We want a good man to fill the position of district manag.-r, supervising sales men, etc. Salary, $1,600.00 per annum and office expenses, together with a commis sion on sales, with share In profits. Under cur co-opevatlve plan an Invest ment of $2,000.00 in the capital stock of tho company la requited, and we expect the right man to average $4,000.00 per year o more. Address with references. Man ager. Suite 26, Auditorium building Chi cago. y RELIABLE man wanted; a prominent cer eal food company will contract with a thoroughly reliable man for two years ut $150.00 per month, together with com missions und office expenses; highest references required. Address Manager Box 824. Bellovue. Mich. v $10.00 or more Invested will bring 25 per cent yearly in a nonspeculatlvo estab lished proposition und be worth several times that amount shortly. L R Aveis Secretary, 189 LaSalle at., Chicago. ' . v-aa 2x A REPRESENTATIVE wanted in every locality to sell high grade 6 per cent guaranteed and dividend participating gold bonds to investors; bonds share In large pioilts; banking and trust com pany guarantees; liberal commission. Ad dress at once, Lytic, 1133 Broadway, Now ork. Y-4S89 2X WANTED By manufacturing corporation energotlc, honest man to manage branch office; salury $125.00 monthly and com mission; minimum Investment of $500 In stock of company required. Secretary. Box 401, Madison, Wis. Y-W"x AD ERT1SER. who la employed by Una corporation, Is desirous of meeting a dis creet party who has no business or other 5!''m',;-tl""" jn f'l.ieago, commanding ,$3,000.00 cah, o assist me In an AX bus ness transaction that will yield us a MuniO.00 protit w;lthln the coming month without any risk to capital; money al ways under owner's control, who will act In capacity of treasurer In transac- Jh-n",t I"" 1'f,'Itl",B opportunity for the right party. In answering kindlv state age mid business experience- refer ences asked and given. Address James Wilcox. 14f4 North Clark St.. Chicago III Y-Wsx ' IMMENSE daily seller of great profits' the rage 8t. Louis World s fair; original man ulacturers and patentees want live man with one to flve thousand dollars to handle exclusive territory; a fortune to right mnn guaranteed; Al references re quired. Room 52, Koken bldg., 8t. Iuils Y-96 ix ' PAYS DIVIDEND. THE MEDINA GOLD MINING COMPANY University block. Syracuse, New York' has Just sent out its monthly dividend i lucks to Its 523 shareholders In payment of regular dividend CT) ami extra divi dend il. being at the rate of 12 per cent per annum. Write for piospeclus and II lustraled brochure. Y' K(2 2x BAKERY and confectionery on North 24th st.; rent $8 month; average sales $18 per day: good location for Ice cream and soft ' drinks. A bargain if taken at once. H 47. care Bee. Y $,0 t WANTED, a good man to put In a drug store In on of the best small towns In tho btdte. Address U 43, live. Y-2u0 2g BUSINESS CHANCE. Our two advertisements preceding this one have simply deluged us with Inquiries sin Investors have been quick to realize the exceptional opportunity offered. We have handled some of the greatest money mak ing enterprises of late years, but are frank to state that we consider the Aua able proposition the best that we have ever seen as an Investment. The de mands for stock make It necessary for in to sav that unless you place your order within the next rtfteen days the chances are you will not be able to get In, we can not In Justice to the present shareholders Increase the capitalisation. Remember, that every profit sharing cer tificate which you buy Is protected by a 30-year 6 per cent gold bond, deposited with a large trust company of New Y'ork, and that your Investment will pay SO per cent. If you have not seen our previous notices, write for 'ree booklet, glvlnr full details. UNDBRHILL COMPANY. . 27 Pine St., New York City. Y 943 2x PERSONAL BANK In South Dakota for sale; requires $15,000.00 cash to handle; no trades con sidered. Address B 24. Bee. 1 963 2 I HAVE $3,000 to $5,000 to invest with aefv lces In good paying proposition. Address: B 34. Bee. Y-980-J tftCfi tn tflflil 8,art "ou ln DS P"Y ffijKJ lJ plKJKJ ing business of your own. Handle your own capital. For particulars address R. Lavery, 1140 Broadway, N. Y. Y-933 2x BIO MONEY $10 buys puts or calls on 10.000 bushels wheat. No further risk. Movement of 6 cents makes you $500. Write for circular. The Standard Grain Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. Y 904 2x DO YOU NEED CAPITAL? We will Incor porate, organize, complete and finance high class, strictly legitimate enterprises; positively no wlklpat scheme entertain!. American Finance & Industrial Co., 123 125 La Salle St., Chicago. Y 902 2x CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS OR REAL ESTATE No matter where located or what It is worth. If you want to sell your business or real estate I can find a buyer for you quickly. Send me full de scription and price today. F. W . Mer chant, 2372 115th street, Chicago. Y' 901-2x STOCK or bond Issue reputable corpora tion, mining, industrial or railroad, want ed. Have every facility for selling same on commission. Give particulars. P. O. Box 1463, New Y'ork City. Y-898 2x WANTED Stock and bond issues of pros pective and established corporations; we organize companies: arrange bond Issues: sell on commission. Todd & Co., 112 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 915 2x STOCKHOLDERS of the Nutrlola Co. of Chicago will find It to their interest to send their addresses to I Guenther, P. O. box 528, Chicago. 111. Y-911 2x MOUNT SHASTA Gold Mines Corporation and Idaho Gold Mines Development Co. Something of greatest Importance to stockholders. Address at once, L. Guen ther, Schiller bldg., Chicago. Y 900 2x . Bargain in Feed Barn WILL sell lease on feed barn running. 20 months, well located, rents for $11 per mmith; a money maker. B 59, Omaha Bee. Y-162 2 OWNER of a greenhouse and vegetable business established 20 years wishes to retire and will sell business and location very cheap. A splendid money maker. B 40. care Bee. Y 160. 2 PARKER'S Infallible system. Will guaran tee it to beat the races on any reputable newspaper or handlcapper's selections qr refund the price of same In full. For particulars address Wm. Parker, 1316-Van-derbllt Bldg., New York. Y I CAN sell your real estate or business, no matter where located. Send description, stating price. Quick results. Roy Dick son, 2.16 Park ave.. St. Louis. Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with - J. L. Brandels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglar Sts. Assets over $400,00.00. '- Y FOR SALE or rent, large business building in Valparaiso, Neb. Good location for general merchandise or agricultural Im plements and hardware. Inquire of J. B. Piper, 411 Kaxbach block. Tel. 691. Y-ll$ 2' CREAMERY,-with all machinery, etc.. or machinery alone, for sale at bargain: patronage guaranteed. Inquire at Peter Kozlowskl, Duncan, Neb. Y M155 3 ONE more Important notice for druggists under Male Help Wanted. Announcement of F. V. Kniest, R. P., "The Drug Store Man." ,T FOR 8ALE A good paying ladies' and gents' business un S. 16th street: the best location ln the city; stock will invoice about $15,000; will sell for cash only. Do not write unless you have the cush-and mean business. Address B 29, Bee. Y-176 2 V. B. SALES BUREAU. BEE BLDG. We offer some extra bargains ln business opportunities for this week. $1,750 buys country newspaper and Job rrlntlng plant, in good town. Neb.; every hing in good shape. $1,000 Duys meat market In eastern Neb. town of l,5oo. This Is complete with slaughter pens, etc.; only one other mar ket Tn town. $1,800 for drug stock near Omaha; new, up-to-date building: easy competition. $4,000 cash buys clean stock gen'l mdse. in eastern Nop. town; stock will invoice 15.500. $5,200 buys furniture and lease of the best 40-room notei in western towa; win clear .(.ooo a year. $5,000 buys implement, furniture, hardware and harness stock ln western Iowa town; no competition. $4,500 for stock of hardware In Iowa town. This store Is doing $15,000 annually ;..good farming country. $2.2oo buys stock dry goods and. millinery In Iowa town of 5.000; will Invoice $1,700. $1,500 takes livery, boarding -and feed barn In city, doing splendid business. $600 buvs elgar and confectionery on 16th st. This business shows good profits. $5 000 cash and bain nee In good farm takes $13 000 stock general merchandise in Iowa town; good 'business. $4.0ii0 stock general indue. In eastern Neb. town; easy competition; 90c on the dollar takes this. In addition to the above we have a larire list of bnrrnlns In all branches of the mercantile business. Examine our '1st before vou buv. U. S. SALES BUREAU. BEE BLDG. Y-194 2 FOR SALE, largest and best equipped pigeon and squab plsnt In western states: regular sales of young squabs over $700 per month. This Is a money maker; busi ness ready to step right Into and keep sales up to the above figures III health of owner's wife only reason for selling. Will price for 30 days so that plant Is best Investment In the state. N. D. An thony, Ruthven, la. Y S89 3x ' A NEW barber shop for rent; gonfl loca tion. Box 35, Bertrand. Neb. IT 260 2x A BUSINESS you can use to' Increase pres ent earnings or for entire Income. Call Sundav morning or Tuesday, dav fir 'even ing. II. B. Clarkson, Paxton hotel Y-M267 4x FARTNER with from $5,000 to $10,000 eashT active preferred; In a first class old es tablished business. B 46, care Bee.' ' Y-2fi 4x BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum easting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specially Mfg.-Co., 41 N. Main St., Council Bluffs. SPECIAL-SALE m On Machines That Have Been Turned'in on' Wheeler &, Wilsons Thes machine have all been thoroughly overhauled and arc tho latest thing that the .different manufacturers produce. They are complete with attachments and are guaranteed to be In first-class condition. The following is a list, of machines we have on hand: Singer. 5-drawer, drop head.. .$-0.00 Singer, 7-drawer, drop bead 220 Davis, 5-drawer. drop head 17.50 Standard Automatic Grand 25.00 White, 5-drawer. drop head 15.01 Domestic. B-drawer, drop head.. 20.00 Second-hand machines, box top, of any make, from $V00 to $10.00. We rent machines at 75 cents per week. These are complete with attachments and. will give you good service. Y'ours respectfully, Nebraska Cycle Co. 'Phone 1663. ', Cor. 15th, and Harney. 625 North 24th St.. South Omaha. 831 Broadway,. Council Bluffs. U-1SI 2 SPECIAL offer of lease and furniture of & rooms, down town; everything new and In good condition; rent of two looms pavs till expense. Don't overlook thl. CHEAP. L. a. Bales Bureau, Bee building. 1--18 ;-iss i MINNIE: Are you a base ball fan? Call up i9S9 and get the only correct base ball score. Charley, care of Continental Cigar Store. . U-186 2x WE. TAKE a personal Interest In your linens; shirts 5c, collars 2e cuff3 4c. Folletie's laundry, 1611 Capitol ave. . U-267 2x LARSON A JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. - U-351 THE Salvat.on Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11th st. for cost of collecting to tho worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. - U-511 CHAMPION CARPE1 WORKS, 720 8. 14TH ST. CLEANING 'PHONE 655. U 555 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th. U-343 H.HENKER, eye speclallst.307-8 Neville blk. U-380 Piano tuning. Tel. 6604. Dalber, 2207 Mason. . U-M358 Allx FRENCH, Spanish, German lessons. T. Peltier. 115 S. 20th. U-M828 A4x OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Rumge blk. -341 FP7F VI A absolutely cured. B. J. Scan- U 449 81 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. J & 3. 1505 Farnam! J 337 ANTIQUE FURNITURE Mr. 8. Smith has just returned from the south with n large assortment of antique colonial furniture, which Is on, exhibition and for sale at 216 8. 19th street. This furniture is all In perfect condition and there are some old heirlooms ncarlv 200 years old. from West Virginia and Lou isiana. 'Phono 5885. U-MS45 3x PERSONAL PEGGY I'll be In the city every Sunday for three weeks. Pearl. f 871 '.'X r.Rl pretty, very fat blonde woman with means, wanted to love gentleman of 26; object, kissing, caress-ipg, pleasure snd enjoyment. Address 14 t'matia nee, Omaha. Neb. U M'.M7 ;.x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. 4521. 2210 Cuming. Established U- CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson. 311 Ramge blk. U-33S PIANO CLUB .. Just forming 6Co and $1 weekly; pianos de livered immediately; piano lessons free. Cali lor particulars. 1611 Fafnam st. . U 353 AecORDIOfiTand SUNBURST PLEATING, t. 'RUCH1NG, 'BUTTONS Sendjfdf prlco list and samples. THE 'GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 -DOUGLAS ' BLOCK. Tel. 1936. U-342 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; $2. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. ' U 339 THEATRICAL, masq., costumes. Lleben, hi nowara. j U-340 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. A2618. U-345 WE RENT sewing machmes, 76c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10.- Neb. Cycle Co., Tel.. 1603, Cor. 16th and Harney. U-$48 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases anl Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, lSlli Dodge St., Omaha. U 348 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728 First ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U 626 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 353a U-349 M Af"l N FT IP treatment' baths. Mme, .... . vBmltflf juj 2d fl. r. I U-360 DIVORCE, total cost $15. Address A 64. Bee ' U M464 A26X 5R9 HATC;' STEPHENS & SMITH. Opp. "rtlO Postofflce. Beit in Omaha, - U-536 Apr28 PAT MULLARKEY, native of Sloom Caugh, County Sllgo, Ireland. Any information regarding above person favorably received by his brother James, at Soldiers Home, Grand Island, Neb. U 583 3x JOHN E. HIMOE, now with Stephens & Smith, Hatters, opposite postofflce. .- U-M537 A 25 DR. DE MARS, French'Tansy and Penny royal puis, guaranteed. A sure cure for all female Irregularities. Regular price, $2; our prlc. . $V per box. Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam, Omaha. U-JM850 30 GENTLEMAN, wealth, kindness and In tegrtty. seeks conKenlal wife. Address: Mrs. Cole, 506 Walnut, Room 7, Phila delphia. Pa. I' 9G4 2x A PARTICUT.AR matrimonial agency for particular people. Established 26 years Hundreds ready to marry; all ages and descriptions; everywhere; all respectable and earnest; not a matrimonial paper; no advertising; everything confidential; introductions at once. Pay when married; small registration fee. Oportunitles for all to better their conditions by marrying wisely. Write for full Information. Fee In sealed envelope. Walter McDonnell. 483 W. Madison st., Chicago, III t,0,""M,t U-920 2x, FRIENDSHIP cluh. Correspondents avery where. Particulars free. Box 24cieve land. tihlo. I 919 2x A TT R ACTI V E and very wealthy maiden? alone, wants without dohfy kind, honest husband. Address Jexsn Lee, A 14 84 Washington St.. ChiAgo. t 108 2x DON'T crush cjrfars In pocket. Get our vest pocket-protector; better and handler than raiMr mailed everywhere for 25 cents., fxck box 2522. Battle Creek. Mich. U-103 2X YOUNG gentleman, stranger In city,' would be glad to make acquaintance of respectable, good looking young lady, about 18 or 2u; no t riders or general de liveries. Address B 11, Bee. V-960 2x SQUAB breeders and all Interested In this rich industry, send for free sample of The Squab Bulletin" The Informer Publishing Co., 2406 Dally News Bldg, St.. Paul. Minn. 1 I.' M8S3 8K MARRY wealth and beauty; man lags di rectory FKF.E. Pay when married; en tirely new plan: send no money, Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha. Mich. , l'-934 2x ROYALTY pald'on song-poems and ni'isle .1 .compositions. We arrungs and popuh rig Pioneer Music pub. Co. line.). 60" Miinhat Un. bldg , Chicago ' L' 930 ix Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. - RUCHING GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLAS BI.K.. OPPOSITE HAYDEN BKOS. I KU IS. ' 1--XI69 29 WANTED, n good work horse In trade for carpenter work. Address B 38. Bee office. C-M175 Sx PARENTS OF BOYS (9 to 13 years old. musically Inclined, having good volcesi who desire for them an Invaluable train ing. ar Invited to communicate. with the Choirmaster of Trinity. Cathedral. Tele phone Ccdar-26371. U 136 2x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and tnoles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential' nil work guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 422 N. Y. Ufa. TJ-M242 Jx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kliuls; easy payments. dend for catalogue. Prunswlck-Balke-Cullender, 407 S. loth st., Omaha. W (25 rnl- 1G: COMPLETE line new and 2d-halid ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Douse. Tel. 2020. ' . Q-4.96 cmric Fnrin B. A H. Ideal Chick Food endorsed by "all. mrg. by Bunnell & Hadlock. Samples and booklet. Q-MS07 2D-H AND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far- tiaiiL W MOTOR FOR SALE. ' We have for sale a 10 H. P., 110-volt., 'direct current, xsoittierii motor, inis motor is ln perfect condition In every way. .Ad dress Bje Building Co., or see W. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. Q 774 PIANOS IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. We represent the state for three large factories and uo more wholesaling tnan retailing. We have a fine line of sample pianos that must be closed out, retail nt wholesale prices. OUR LINE THE CHECKERING, THE HACKLEY. THE BOLT WOOD AND THE ADAMS 1 anrr a 1. vr OUR BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. One $150 Elegant Walnut Upright for.. ..$248 One $350 Elegant Oak Upright for 198 Ono $350 Hayncs Bros. Upright Ebony.. 118 One $250 Arion Oak for 125 All sold on easy payments $10 cash and $5 to iio per month. Outsldo purchasers write for catalogue and terms. Goods shipped nny place on approval. J. S. CAMERON Sample Rooms, 106 N. 15th st., Omaha, Neb. 44214 2x THE CHASE THE CARLISIE. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W 2:a PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT . A BARGAIN. .0 pulleys from 6-inch to 48-lnch ln diam eter; 3 countershafts, complete. These are ail in first-class condition. W. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. Q.-1U FOR SALE, several scholarships in-a flrst cluss standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, Short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q 62 IRON FFIMPF Work Poultry, lawn . - - m..ww wire wire. Cll So. 16th st. Q-M483 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in steam fittings call and look over the following supplies1; 1.8-inch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of ohanges Ir. our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee building, Omaha. Q.-632 A SLIGHTLY used upright piano, elegant case, sweet tone, looks like new; cash or time. Call 526 Bee Bldg. Q-5U2 2 SLIGHTLY USED ENGINES CHEAP. ONE 2-HORSE POWER, SLIGHTLY" USED. ONE S-HORSE POWER, SLIGHTLY USED. ONE S-IIORSE POWER, SLIGHTLY USED. ONE 12-IIORSE POWER, SLIGrfl'LY USED. .' ONE 25-HORSE POWER-,' SLIGHTLY USED. OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE WORKS. 1114 FARNAM "ST., OMAHA, NEB. Q-658 200 HOMING pigeons for sale cheap. 1827 N. 23d. Tel. Cedar 42192. Q M6S0 3x HOUSEHOLD furniture, now, at half price. 2647 Chicago st Q 595 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. Q 299 FOR ALE. RED RIVER EARLY OHIO SEED . PO TATOES. To the farmers along the line of the Chi cago & Northwestern railroad who' are Interested In potato culture, I uffcr some choice seed of above variety, f. o. b., At kinson, Neb., at following prices: Under 25 bushels, 75 cents per bushel. 25 bushels or over, 65 cents per bushel, They will bo In' sacks of 150 pounds each and sacks wfll not be broken. Make your order by, the sack. - Send 'bank draft with order. potatoes were grown near Moor head, Minn., and shipped direct to me from that point. It has been demonstrated by experienced potato growers thut seed from "tho Red River country will produce double the yield of home-grown seed, and It will puy every farmer and jardener to procure sumo of this seed. Address JOHN M. BENNETT. ATKINSON, NKH. Reference, First National Bank of At kinson. (J-M264 i EGGS from Fishcls' strain White Plymouth Rocks and Thompson's strain Barred Rocks; vory choice, cocserels. 4341 Ermine st. 14977 2x $45.00 CLEVEIAND byclcle, coaster brake, used six months, in A-l condition, $15. oo; HO.uu Cartilage stretching, iiiuke-short-pMople-tall upiKtralus, Willi full Instruc tions, $5 00; IT.0O lung developer, with In structions, $1.50; I2U.00 set Encyclopaedic IMctionary. 4 volumes, half Rtifsia leather binding, colored plates, flu no. If Inter ested In above, or would buy or sell, for spot cash, without publicity, second-hand, good-as-new diamonds. Jewelry, automo biles, typewriters, bicycles, oflli e or household furniture, cioiiiiug anything, address Walker, tiOt j;cc, bnlg 5W.I. g. I'hoiie IJ -974 2x LADY'S bicycle for sale cheap. 2418 Cass. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS THOROUGHBRED Barred Pl mouth Rocs, euits for bsti hing. l-atham. Bradley and Thompson strains; egas from $1 4e $2 b for fifteen; stock for sale. Iavls, 4210 Ames ave. Q 882 2x ORRIS, the perfumed root used In making all the face, tooth and perfumed pow ders; $-'.(,( worth Imported every year: sells for 4iV a pound; wonderfully productive; hardy, interesting, flowering liinl for field or garden, producing $l,0i) n'n acre each year; 10 will start you: U. S. government advises its cultivation; full Instructions free how to grow tt. Write to Granite Hill Farm, 1Milsu. Va Q 944 2x FOR SALE A first-class set of black smith's tools and stock. In a good loca tion; cheap rent for building: good reason for selling Apply to Henry Wehner. Cedar Bluffs. Q M1S2 2DHAND TYPEWRITERS The following second-hand typewriters are all In good condition and bargains for tho money: one Underwood ....$6Xoa 2 Remingtons, No. 6 60 00 1 Remington, No. 6 frVOD 1 Remington, No. 2. ....... 22.50 1 l'etismore 9o.i S Fox 60 00 1 New Bllckcnsderfer No. 7 . 90 00 1 Ullckensderfcr, No. 5.... 15.00 1 Oliver, No. 3 65 on 1 Oliver 30 00 Yours Respectfully, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, Q-126 1 BOOKS FREE Handsomely bound volume of "Life of IJncoln" or "Thirty Famous) Falrv Tales." free to school children. F. W. Conrey. 1412 Farnam st. Q 177 2x FOR SALE, cheap, Edison Home rhono grnpli In good condition, with 8-foot horn, with 86 records and recorder. 2413 Farker St. Q-M255 3x HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE BARGAINS IN HARNESSES Whon the GREENFIELD IIAliN'KSS COMPANY quit business, wo Inmbt their ontire block of harness at one-half of their invoice price. We have till stylos, both double and single, and will sell them ns long ns they last at prices that will pay you lo investigate. Don't fail to rail at once and inspect our goods. We also have bargains in wagons, bug gies and runabouts. Johnson & Danforth, S. W. Cor. 10th & Jones Sts., OMAHA. NEB. r HORSES clipped. 417 So. 14th. Tel. 6. P-M969 AS RUNABOUT, buggy and wagon cheap. ' Johnson St. Danf.trth, B. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. P 427 10 GOOD box-stall doors. 43d and Center. Tel. Ash 37042. P-634 HORSE and buggy for sale. Inquire 140$ Harney. P 592 J NICE gentle young pony; safe. 43d and Center. P-M876 2 FARM wagon fur sale. 43d and Center. P-M876 I FOR SALE One $175 surrey, good as new, for '$100. Call st 2621 S. 22d ave. P-MI.15 2 A WORK HORSE for sale, 6 years old. weighs l.ono lbs. The Partrldge-rtholly-Thomson Co., yards 26th and Msrtha. . P-146 2x FOR SALE Columhu.x buggy, almost new; a bargain. Inquire at 109 S. 16th St. P-20S 2x FOR SALK-Famlly horse, top buggy and surrey; a fine pair white horses, 7 and 8 years old, 18 hands high, sound, weigh 2,300 lbs. Brewer's barn, South Omaha. . P-M215 8 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ud ln and you will soon get It. Z-983 FOR EXCHANGE $4,000 stock of merchandise to trade for $4,000 . farm In central Nebraska. Livery valued at $:t.nno In southeastern Ne- biRska will trade for land In north central Nebraska. Two-dollar per dav country hotel doing good business, will trade for Omaha cot- tages valued at $5,500. 6-ronm house at Albion. Neb., valued at $l,5oo for sale, or will trade for Omaha property. Vacant lot and cash tn trade for farm In central Nebraska. N. P. DODGE & CO., I6I4 Farnam st. Z-117 2 TO EXCHANGI-490-acre farm. Jackson county. Minn., well Improved, for stock of hardware or general merchandise; farm lies near churches, villages, schools; splendid soil; no agents need applv. Wm. Sourles, St. Peter, Minn. ii 056 2x $3,000 EQUITY In good business propertv. well located, to exchange for vacant or Improved city property. B 59, Bee office. Z 161 $ WANT TO SWAP $00 acres rolling pasture lamt. 8 miles from Bonesteel, Gregory county, So Dak., all fenced, 2 ranch houses, stable, cattle sheds, windmill, 2 tanks, spring, plenty water, plenty grfiss. Wlint have vou got to trade? Address J. W. Stewart, Wls ner, Neb. Z 868 8 U. H. SALES BUREAU, BEE BLDfl 160 acres near Artesian. S. D.. all fenced; flowing well; no buildings. Price, $30 an acre. In exchange for groceries or hard ware, in western Iowa or eastern Neh. 320 acres, Holt county. Neb., all fenced; no other improvements; good stock farm. Price. $20 an acre. For stock geni mdse. S20 acres. Fremont county, Iowa, 60 ncrm cultivated. 100 acres pasture, balance tarn" grass; pond improvements. Price, $65 an acre. For farm land In eastern Neb. or northern Missouri. 200 acres near Sidney, la., all under culti vation; extra ood Improvements Price. $s0 an acre. Irr exchange for farm In eastern Neb. or northern Missouri 240 ncres, Merrick county, Neb., 160 acres under plow, balance pasture and hay; Imnrovements fair. Price. 145 an acr. Will exehMie for yen'l mdse I". S. HALES BUREAU, BEE BLDO. 193 2 PRINTING PIJIMTlNf-i MEMORIAL CARDS; ar I.YNGSTAD Ixih ! Capitol ave. KRAMER & CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS. IHI6-IM Douglas St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby. 335 THE Jennings Printing Co.; everything new and up-to-date; prompt attention given tn all ordois. 113 S. 14th, 2d floor. 'Phone 5380 3$4 GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 1611 Capitol ave., Tel. 2405; fully equipped for all kinds of printing. M 84 TYPEWRITERS OMAHA TYPEWRITER EXCHANOB 1 cusinores. Buy and sell any typewriter. Your prices. Expert repairing, iuli N. Y, ' Lift. Tsl. 491$. -MI71