Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1905, Page 16, Image 16
THE OMATIA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY. APRIL 1. 1003. .8rFnnri ! I lit T SMS THREE BIGGEST SALES EVER KNOWN IN OMAHA IN ONE DAY Thousands hate boon awaiting thoe sales. The bargains are bo apparent and no commanding that every woman in Omaha who knows the value of economy has been attracted. The brilliant window displays have drawn throngs of people. Strangers during grand opera time have been amuzed at the offers tnd many hare arranged to remain over for these sales. Entire Jawelry Stock Entire Statuary Stock Entire Hand Painted China Stock. No store but Rrnndels' could conduct three such sales In one no Btore but Brandels' could attempt to make such low prices. The ENTIRE JEWELRY STOCK ' From John Rudd's, 115 So. 16th St., Oma.ha. Was purchased by us from the administrator through an order confirmed br the court. The reliable Quality of the goods in this stock is too well known to need comment It comprises: SOLID GOLD JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION-KELTS. POCKET BOOKS. HAND BAGS, ETC. STERLING AND Ql'ADKlTLH PLATE SILVERWARE, HOLLOW WARE, TABLEWARE OF ALL KINDS. MIQH GRADE CUT GLASS An Immense lino of high grade cut elass, cut on Linby and Dorfllnger blanks and a great line of the well known BERGEN CUT GLASS. This cut glass is of the highest quality, brilliant patterns and the widest variety. As the opportunity of buying the finest cut ghiss at a bar gain comes but rarely, this sale should command the attention of every woman In Omaha. All the cut glass joes at Kalf or less tha.n half Rudd's price. Beautiful dishes, comports, perfume bottles, champagne glasses, wine glasses, vases, finger bowls, berry bowls, sugars and Cramers, water bottles, pitchers, almond dishes, etc. To firs an idea of the low prices at which we sell this stock we specially mention CUT OLASS SALT BOTTLES, Worth 50c, at 10c. CUT OLASS KNIFE RESTS-Worth up to $1.25, at 25c, 39c, 49c. CUT OLASS riUSTARD POTS Worth $1.50, at 5oc. $10.00 DUPONT CUT GLASS BOWLS, at $4.98. $15.00 DUPONT CUT OLASS BOWLS, at $5.98. 50C CUT OLASS TUHBLERS, at 19c. $1.00 CUT QLASS TUHBLERS, at 39c. BRILLIANTLY CUT VA5ES-Rudd's Prico $H.0O, at $6.98. BEAUTIFUL CUT OLASS PITCHERS-Rudd's Price $12, at $4. 98 ELEGANT CUT OLASS MEAT PLATTERS Rudd' a Price $15, $5.98 THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN GOLD WATCHES EVER KNOWN All John liudd's fine stock of Watches sold far below value. A 17-JEWELEI) DEUHEIMIAMPTON WATC1I, in Deuber FJampden case, actual $22 value, at $9.50. All the ladies' fancy Chatelaine Watches that John Rudd priced at $5.50 to $10, at $2.75, $3 and $3.50. ALL JOIIN RUDD'S FANCY MANTEL CLOCKS, PARLOR CLOCKS, WOOD CASE CLOCKS, ETC., AT EXTRAORDI NARY RAROAINS. All John Rudd's Opera Glasses priced 1 a - C from $2.50 to $l5-o at S 1 lO p D All John Rudd's solid gold Cuff Buttons, worth $2.50 pair at $1.25 pair. All John Rudd's sterling silver Manicure Pieces, worth up to 60c, at 19c. All John Rudd's beautiful Bracelets, worth up to $2, at 50c. All the ladies' fancy Set Rings from the Rudd stock, worth $3.00 to $15.00, at $1.50 to $7.00. . All John Rudd's solid gold 14 K. Seal Rings, $6.00 and $7.00 values, at $3.00 and $3.50. All John Rudd's Lockets, worth up to $5.00, at 50c to $1.50. All John Rudd's Neck Chains, worth $2 to $12, at $1 to $5. HAND PAINTED CHINA STOGK From White's Art Co., 380 Ontario St., Chicago Entire surplus stock bought from White Art Co., 380 Ontario street, Chicago. Bought by us for cash at an extraordinary bargain. A display that eclipses mny showing of tine hand painted china ever seen in the west. Even aside from tbe extraordinary bargains this stock offers, the beauty of the display makes It m wonderful sale. PRICES ARE MUCH LESS THAN HALF WHAT HAND PAINTED CHINA ORDINARILY SELLS FOR Everything, from the most elaborate pieces by famous artists to the simplest and daintiest little pieces, at the most astonishing bargains. SPECIAL White's Art Studio Plates, beautiful designs, . worth $2.50, at 75c. Hand Painted Salts and Peppers, worth $1.25, at 50c. Fine line of After-Dinner Coffees, Chocolate Pots, Vases, Tankards, Fruit Bowls, Placques, etc., artistically decorated by band prices vary from 33e to $8.00. (guarantee) UlUllllllg UUi 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. New Spring Suits $10.00 Men's Pure nil wool Worsted Suits, single or double-breasted, latest shade of grray. etc. Our price $10.00; cost you 115.00 everywhere else. Alfred Benjamin Suits No others fit as well. No others are trimmed as well. No others hold their shape ns well. Prices, $12.50, $15.00. $18.00 and $19.50. They can be com pared with the production of high clans tuilors ONLY. Pants We sell more pants than any other Arm In Omaha. WhyT Because we have a larger assortment and sell them for less money. For Instance, for I nan til w Hell for II 90 vnn nav frnm $2.60 to $3.00 elsewhere. On our pants at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4 00 we save you from One Dollar to $1.60. Kirkendall Shoes Reserved stock of Klrkendall's Shoes goes on sale today. Men's Satin Calf Shoes, DSc. Elegant tanned shoes, a $2.50 value, sale price $1.50. Klrken dall's Finest Shoes that retail every where at from $3.00 to $3.50, sale price $1.98. Hats Hats that hat stores get $3.60 for are hero only $1.90. We are agent in Omaha for Young's Celebrated Hat., Also a full line of Stetson Hats. For the benefi-. of those that wish a moder ate price hat, we place on sale a line of soft and stiff hats. In all Imaginable shapes, such as hat stores get $1.50, our sule price 96c. Reductions In Cost of Values at Our Store. SEI.ECTKD SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES Extra large, fully matured and fruity for which the cultivated palate craves Incessantly per quart 35c EXQUISITELY FLAVORED IMPORTED SARDTNES In pure olive oil with key cannot be duplicated any where lor double the price per can 10c EXTRA FANCY THIN SKINNED CALI FORNIA PRUNES that will compare favorably with any French Imported per pound. 121c LARGE S5C BOTTLE OF SWEET OR HOUR GHERKINS Of superior quality reduced to 20c contents guar nnteed strictly high grade , M v S try a bottle for. THE SLIGHTEST EFFORT TO DWELL upon the merits of Walter Baker & Co.'s Chocolate would be a waste of time figures sell the goods per pound 32c SOMMER BROS., Exponents of Good Living, 28th and Farnam Sts. ENTIRE STATUARY STOCK 10 hand of GQNNELU BROS., 2025 FAR i AM ST., OMAHA. The greatest assortment of large and small plaster statuary of all kinds little l'ipe Uacks, .Match Hafes, Mural Placques and Friezes, Dusts, copies of famous groups, white, and colored char acter busts exquisite decorations for mantels, dens and parlors all fresh, new and in splendid condition. The most remarkable Bale of its kind ever known in the country. THE GREAT BARGAINS ALMOST PASS BELIEF All the pieces Gonnella Bros, sold up to 50c at 5e. All the pieces Gonnella Bros, sold up to $1.00 at 10c. All the pieces Gonnella Bros, sold up to $3.00 at 25c. All the large, handsome statues and busts, that Gonnella tob. sold lip to $15.00 go at 50c and $1.00. GALE BEGINS .nil 1 1 1 1 1 i mm .mm TODAY rvnrniFrn Girls and Boys Shoe Headquarters There Is no other place you can go and And such a complete stock of high grade, long-wearing, late-style shoes for boys and girls as you will find at this store. $1.50 and $2.00 School Shoes are a special feature with us. We have them for boys and girls of any age. Ws have others up to the finest dress shoes, and low prices on all. FRY SHOE CO. I 16th and Douglas. The H.J.PenfoldCo. LEW. PjP Otheri Folio. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIANS. it eua niw roaig links. 1408 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ toy m Mmple Copr, Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. Bought all the odd dozens and half doz ens, in fact the surplus stock amount ing to several hundred dozens of pure linen hemstitched handkerchiefs from an Irish manufacturer. These goods come to us direct from Belfast, Ireland, and represent the various numbers of a large line. Qualities which retail up to 35c and some of the men's are even 50c ' goods. Saturday morning they go on sale in two lots: All the Women's at 121c ea., $150 doz All the Men's at 16fc ea., $2 per dozen You will be glad to take them by the dozen exactly as they are put up when you see Unqualifies. Attend Saturday's Great Furnishing Goods Sale THE RELIABLE ITORE. ExquisiteSample Gowns at 25 per cent less than Wholesale Saturday. At Hosiery Counter We will close out the "No Mend" Children's Stockings advertised throughout the country at 25 cents per pair Saturday 15c Per Pair. SeJe begins at 8 a. m. and closes at 9:30 p. m. Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. ' Largest Exclusive Retail Millinery House in Omaha iuy Millinery light! This store has long been acknowledged the greatest millinery house In Omaha for HIGH GRADE POPULAR PRICED MILLINERY, offering ecial Inducements for SATURDAY Over 2,000 beautiful Imported and Domestic Pattern Hats to Sf.00,e..,rom: $6, 7.50. 8.75, $10 and 12.50 600 Individual Pretty Street Hats, O CI1 CQ Q 7K onr! CK no two alike, at Z.JU, $3, Oil J (Mil $J 400 Exquisite Proxoline, Plaid-Braid, Chiffon, Straw, Foliage K-rSSSKSSrr.ASO, 5.00, 6,75 and 7.50 Sn ff;0m$ ran Copyrig Hart Schs h t I 904 by iffner & Marx Men's Fine Suits $10 and $12.50 The stylo, rhnrnetpr and excellence in quality of Haydeii Hros clothing Is known till over tins westfrn country. .Nut onlv 13 quality the best but our prices are alwnvj the lowest of the low. As a Saturday spe cial we offer. MEN'S HAND TAILORED SUITS for quality and style haven't their equ 1) In the country at the price Strong otHt... ment, think? Just see them hnliml.iv You'll be convinced, double (r si 111; 4 breasted, prays, brown or fancy mi. tures and plain colors. r Special Saturday, $12.50 and ... IvJvlU Boys' Knee Pants Suits, Special af $2.50 and $2.95 All newest styles and fabrics In grnn and browns, fancy mixtures and pl.nn colors your choice of sailor blowy. Russian blouse. three piece. Norfolk styles, all splendid double breast- f en ed, muds and trimmed, t- " and JU Defender Rifle Free with Every Boys' Knee Pants Suit Satur day. Base Balls & Bats boys. . 3c .. 5c 3c 15c Solid ash Boys' base ball bats, at Solid ash polished base ball bats, at Champion ball each Bounder ball each Cock of the Walk, regulation slip, horsehlde cover, at Bounding Rock ball, finest horse' hide cover, regulation size, guaranteed In hardware department, (Basement) 35c Young Men's Long Pants Suits at $5-7.50 The greatest assortment of youths' suits shown in Omaha. Our clothing has a pleasing snap and style to It seldom fou nd in ready made garments. Your choice of single breasted, double breasted, square cut or 1 Eh nttri fill round cut sacks Exera special value Saturday A kjJ iihu - J J HAYDER3 BROS. IE Investigate It Pays. 1508 Douglas St. THE LANGE GROCERY CO. The lowest priced store, where the biggest opportunities are given to the people. You can save 60 per cent by giving us your order. Special for Saturday and Monday, April I and 3 We place on sale a number of cases of 3-lb. cans tomatoes and assorted California fancy table fruits highly preserved In 3-lb. tins. We guarantee every can and cheerfully refund your money If not as represented. .35c .124c 29c 12ic .124c ,124c 124c 25c Pancake Klour, package per 64c 24c ..74c 1.40 .95c 95c Teas, all kinds, 60c seller, per lb , Tea Dust, per lb Apricots, 4 lbs New York Evaporated Apples, In 2-lb. packages, per fyir package 'J 48-lb. sack Blue Bell Klour 48-lb sack Jersey Cream Flour 48-lb. sack 4X Family Flour We will place on sale a few hun dred pounds of Battle Ax Chewing Tobaccfl for Saturday Oc only, per lb -JV Cigars, 60 In a box, a good m7Stc smoke, per box FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS OF ALL. KINDS ALWAYS ON HAND. THE LANGE GROCERY GO. IMPORTERS OF FANCY GROCERIES. TELEPHONE 1459. 606 S. I3TH ST. Lemon Cling Peaches, S-lb. 12 Ac tins, per can ,'" Yellow Crawford Peaches, 3-lb. tins, per can Green Gage Plums, 8-lb. tins, per can Egg Plums, 3-lb. tins, per can White Cherries, 3-lb. tins, per can Tomatoes, S-lb. cans 4 cans Per dozen 70c Mustard' Sardines, large can Fancy Japan Rice, 7 lbs. for H : , i mm , ,,.,,.,.,,..,...,, ijji a r Sp irz.,.,. ;m;mjZ771Cir Mi 4 r SPECIAL SALE A manufacturer's surplus stock of long and short coats for babies. We secured them at a bargain. We'll sell them at bargain prices. OF HILLER'S "Broken Case" Sale SATURDAY. Here are a few sample prices, and you will never see such prices again. Don't let this opportunity slip by. Wilson Whiskey 89c lieulnr Trice $1.23. Hunter Rye 98c ItPKiilar price $1.25. Halt Whiskey 68c Itcgtilitr Trice $1.00. Diplomat Whiskey ;88c T ii.t tw Blackberry Cordial 48c Hotrular Price 75c. Fine California Port, Sherry and Other Wines, 39c Regular Trice 75c. California Wines 28c Regular Trice 50c. Maraschino Cherries 59c Regular Trice $1.00. See our display of Wine Decanters, Fancy Liquor Sets, Steins, etc. All. on sale Saturday at about one-half value. We Give Green Trading Stamps. "If it cornea from Hitler's it must be good." Eliller Liquor Company 1309 Farnam St. Tel. 1241. We Deliver. 150 lonK coats In Bedford cord. Cash mere and fancy materials, worth from 13.60 to .&0, on sale Saturday at, $1.75-$2.75-$3.75 150 short coatB, ajrea 6 months, 1, 2 mid 8 years. In Bedford cord, Cash mere and Sicilian cloths, worth from $3.50 to Mf, on sale at, $1.75-$2.75-$3.75 That's the story. Come Saturday for these. BENSON ÞES 1 mm' m i mm 4 Low Rates South and Southwest. The Rock Island System offer the following low round trip rates from Council Bluffs and Omaha on April 4 and 18. $18.85 Aniarillo, Dalhart, Dallas, Fort Worth. Waco, Houston, Galveston. Austin, Kan Antonio, lieuumout. Corpus CurlsU and many other Texas points.. New Iberia, Crowley, Jennings, Lake Charles, 0IQ OP Alexandria and many other Louisiana points.. QICJ(jv) Dawson, Tunnimcari, Santa Rosa, Torrance, Hoswell, Carlsbad and other New Mexico points - Almangordo, $23.85 $30.35 El Taao, Texas, and pemlng, New Mexico.. To points on Hock Island Frisco Systems In Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkansas and Kansas la One Fare, for Ilomeseekers territory the RoundVrlp For further Information call or writs, F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb