Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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    Tnr: omatta paity nrr:.- satfuday. ArrjL 1. inns.
flay, via Philadelphia at loan r.. m.
w wlnwdK? (Alw from Now York on
Saturday See shove )
BAHAMAS texr-opt Parcels-post Malls!, via
Miami. Florida, at 4 an a. m. Monda.
ymnw'luy end Saturday. (Also from
Ne York fcee ahove.l"
Coast) inrt Ot;ATEMAI,A, via Nw Or
leans, at 11 S(i p m. Mnniiav. (West Const
of Hnnfluni In dispatched from New York
vti Panama see iihnvn )
COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 10:3
p m Tuesday.
VIC A RA OCA (East Const!, via New Or
leans, t ! S'i p m Wednesday. (Wet
Coast of Nicaragua I dlspn tchert from
Npw York via Panama pf shove)
PANAMA nnd CANAL ZOVF.. via Vew Or
leans. at in:n p. m Sunrtav (after U' an
p. m. Sunday and until sailing of Now
York steamer, mull for Panama and
Canal Zone la held, for the New York
steamer see above).
REOISTERKii MATT, for overland flla
patches closes at 6:0fl p. m. prevloua Jny.
Transpacific Malls. Forwarded Over
Iaa4 rtally.
The schedule of closing of transpacific
mails la arrsriged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted ow-tiund transit I port
of sailing. The finnl eor.necrlrig ttiHlia (ex
cept registered transpacific malla dpa
patohed via Vanronver, Victoria. Tacoma
r Seattle, which clnae S p. m. previous day)
doe at the general postomce. New York,
lie- follows:
San Francisco, clnae nt 6 p. m. March 28
for despatch per I', jl. Transport
TH I LI PI-INK ISLAM iS. via Portland,
ore . closes 6 p. in. March 29 for des
patch per I S. Transport.
KIW ZEALAND, Ai7riTftAT,lA (except
Wl. M.H ' A I .V'.l M i N I A. SAMOA HA
WAII and FIJI ISLANi'S. via San Fran
cleco, close at 6 p. m April 1 for deapatch
per a. a Sonoma. (Tf the I'unartl
steamer rsrrying the British mail for Nsw
Zealand does not arrive m lime to connect
with this despatch, extra malls closing
at f.:3n a. id.. 9:30 a. m and li p in.; Sun
days at 4:M a. m , 9 a. m and t p m
will be made up and forwarded until lha
arrival of the t'unard steamer )
JAPAN. KOREA, CHINA and specially ad
dressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISI.ANI'S,
via Seattle, close at I. p rn April 2 for
deapatch per a. a Kanasawa Maru.
JAPAN Oxrer.t Parcels-lost Mails), KO
ANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria. R. C.
close at li p. m. April 4 for despatch per
a s. impress of Japan
PINE ISLANDS' (specially addressed
only i vl Scatile, lose at t; p. m. April 4
fur despatch per a. s. Foretic.
Japan, korka. china and Philip
pine ISLANDS, via Tacoma. clone at
6 p. m. April 7 for despatch per s. s.
Ping Stuey.
Hawaii, japan, korea. china and
cisco, close at ti p. m. April s for des
patch ier a. a Manchuria.
HAWAII, via miii Francisco, closa at (
p. m April 30 for despatch per a. a
clsci, close at 6 p. m. April 13 fur des
patch per a s. Doric.
HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, rinse at 4
p. m. April lfi tor di spatch per s. s Ne
vada n.
San Francisco, close at 6 p. m April 15
for despatch tier e s. Mnr.posa.
FIJI ISLANDS, and specially addressed
mall for Al'STRALIA and NEW CALE
DONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B.
C, close at 6 p. m. April .2 for despatch
Tier s. s Mlowrfa.
MANCH I 'RI A (except Mukden. New
chwang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN
S1RERIA Is at present forwarded via
NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West
Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New
Zealand via San Francisco and certain
places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan,
la Rrltlsh India-the quickest routes.
Philippines specially addressed "via Eu
rope must be fully prepaid at the foritgn
rat. Hawaii is forwarded via Snn Fran
cisco exclusively
Postoffice, New York. N. Y March 24. 1906.
I nla ra rifle.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 9 40 am a h:05 pm
Colorado Cal. Ex a 4:1ft pm a (:Sft am
Cal. A Orefc-on Ex a 4 2 pm a 8:10 pm
North Platte Local a 7:IW am a 7:00 pm
Fast Mail a R.-.V) am a J?0 pm
ColoradA Special a 7:45 am a 7:40 am
Bea.rice Local b 4.30 pm b 1:30 pm
St. Ix)iil Express 6:30 pm I! : JO am
St. 1ouls local (from
Council Rluffs) 8:18 am 10:30 pm
Shenandoah local (from
Council RlufTs) 6:45 pm 2:30 pm
rtiteaan Great Wettrra,
St. Paul Minn a S:30 pm a 7:16 am
St. Paul Minn a 7:45 am a 7 56 pm
ChlraRO Limited a 6.00 pm al0:3ft am
Chicago Express a 66 am a 3:30 pm
bleaaro, Rock Island A Parlo.
Chlcairo IJmlted a 3:55 am a 7:10 am
Chicago Daylight local. h 7:00 am a 9.66 pm
Chicago lUxpresa bll;15 am a 6:16 pm
Des Moines Ex press... a 4:30 pm bll:60am
Chicago Fast Express . a 6:40 pm a 1:20 pm
Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 7:20 am a 3:60 pro
Lincoln, Den. & 30pm a 6:05 pm
Oklahoma & Tex. Ex.. a 4:16 pm 812.40 pm
Chicago A Kort aweatera.
Local Chicago an SO am 3 46 pm
fast Mall a 8:10 pm S 30 am
Daylight St. Paul a 7:60 am Idui pm
Daylight Chicago a S.oo am 11 :60 pm
IJmlted Chicago a 8:2 pm 9:16 am
local Carroll a 4 00 pm 9:30 am
Fa at St. Paul a 8:15 am 7:05 am
local Sioux C. & St. P..b 4:00 pm e 9 30 am
Fast Mall 3:50 pm
Chicago Express a 6:60 pm a 7:30 am
Norfolk A lionesteel....a 7:40 am 10:35 am
Lincoln & Long Pine. ..b 7:10 am 10:36 pm
Casper A Wyoming e 2:50 pm e 6:15 pm
Dead wood & Lincoln... .a 2:50 pm 6:16 pm
Hastings-Albion b 2:60 pm 6:15 pm
hiraao, Milwaukee St. Pant.
Chicago DayllRht Ex. ..a 7:5S am alPOOpm
Callfornla-tregon Ex.. .a 6:46 pm a 8 10 pm
Overland Limited a 8:20 pm a 7:35 am
lea M. A OkoboJI Ex. .a 7:66 um a 3:20 pm
Illinois 4 entral.
Chicago Ex proas a 7:26 am alO:S6 pm
Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a k:o5 am
Minn. A at. Paul Ex...b 7 26 am bl0:35 pm
Minn. A St. Paul L t d. .a 7:60 pm a 8:o6 pm
Missouri Pacllle.
Bt. Loula Express a 9 30 am a 6:00 am
K. 0. A tiu U tlx alias pm a 6:00 pm
MIflR lllF,TIO.
Mlssanrl Pacific.
b 4:60 pm
Nebraska Local, via
Weeping Water.......
Cklcago, at. Paal,
Twin Cly Iassenger...b :S0 am
Sioux City 1'ushfiigoi. .a i:00 pm
Oakland Local b 6 43 pm
A daily, b dally except Suwia
except Saturday, e dully except
bll:40 am
b 9:10 pm
all: A) a in
b 9:10 am
y. d daily
Deiivor 4 California. ...a 4:10 pm
Northwest F..MrcB all. 10 pin
Nebraska points a 8:60 am
Uncoln Fut Mall b J:o7 pm
Ft. Crook it Plattsm'th.b 1:62 (m
pellevue A Pluttsm'th. .a 7:00 pm
Mellevus A Pau. Juno. .a 1:30 am
Hellevue A Pao.!:15 (mi
Denver limited
Chicago Special a 7:10 am
Chicago Express a 4 ml pin
Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm
Iowa local a 916 um
St. Iouls Express a 4:25 pm
Kansas City A HI. Joe..al0.4A pm
Kansas City A St. Joe. .a 9:16 am
Kansas City A tit. Jos. .a 4:26 pm
il ii pm
a 6 .as pm
a 7:40 pm
a 12:u6 pm
al0:2S am
b k.31 am
a 6:60 am
a 8:56 pm
a T.-ty am
all :00 pm
nil :45 am
a 6 45 am
6:06 pm
April to Auut, br all ReulM. IrHnta ixrtle;
IsUuralr trawl. Tourp ror lh Sllolw uf kuru(.
1 SI75 to 1,016
ftiUlroAd n4 Htvsinaltlp lukLS
IsUurilr tr
Kr. luclutllua
All EipsiiHS.
f daiMMidut a mi
Evrrslr. Writs tor Uuuklrl.
iu roneiuN urru-ks.
Katabllshrd U years
WONTRBAU In 1.1 VKId'ool.. Weskli Slllnli
Pt. Marvms Houta.
ht'ltrit, iihmiI haul li it inuat rlHurrsu.
''Vlulwian" sirl ' VIikIiiUu" U.i'iiw ions h b.
Yiiss4n'' and ' llatarlim"-lu.avi tuas asi-a.
Apply to siijr local l, sr
4IX4K 14 JaCKSUM LVU., cuicaiso
Davis sells drups.
Leffert's glasses It.
Pturkert Hells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists, .Vi Pearl aitreet.
For rent, modern house, 72.1 P.xth avenue
Sprint! term of Western Iowa College
opi ned March 27.
Dashing stylos In wall paper. Trices low.
Porwlrk. 211 Main St. Tel. e3.
Hring In your pictures; 3Wr cash discount
on mouldings this week. Alexander's.
Duncan, 23 Main St., guarantees to do
the best shoe repair work. him a trial.
Missouri oak dry enrdwood. 6H s cord.
pops, II "6 per load, shell hark hickory 87
per cord, delivered. William Welch, 16
North Main. Telephone LA.
A building permit was Issued yesterday
to Lilies Pennell for a one and a half
story frame cottage on Third avenue and
Thirteenth street, to cost 11,500.
Lew Wnhor, the railway mail clerk hurt
In the wreck on the Kock Island near
Homestead, Is Improving and Is tmw aide
to move about with the aid of crutches.
Mrs. Alarfcuorite Wolix an Inmate or the
county poor farm, died Thursday niKlit and
wae burled yesterday In Hillside cemetery.
&hc had rio relative as far as la known.
Pi Ik I muster 1 1 u rm ft a eniilnftliin f.f the
' federal luiildii.e. will receive Imla up to
. 'I chick mis aunt-noon lor lurtiisinng litei,
lights, aier, n-e anu iniscenaueoua sup
plies. A county convention of the Modern Wood
men of America lil he held In this city
in XI Wednesday, at which delegates to the
state urand camp, to be held in lies Mollies,
vwii he elected.
These cases id smallpox were reported to
me nniiru i neann yesteriia): it. f.
VVaruiiiK. 11 S.iutli 'I'wenty-loui th treei;i
Hazel i racy, 2.'' Third avenue, S. I'ooi, 1
2'A Houih avenue.
A uiurriate license was Issued -esterday I
to W. H. Hoiser, aged L':i, 01 Kansas i'ky, !
Mo and Mrs. Myrtle Hattctton, aifed 'il, !
ot ropeka, Kan. They were married by i
Justice Field. The brides maiden name
was C'slioi ne.
The pupils In the lower grades of the I
city schoois yesterday observi-d the an- j
iiixersiii-y nt Duns ( hrtstlan Anderson. The i
proKtams in the diPicrent schools consisted I
of readings and short stories from the !
tamous authors ralry tales.
The condition ot M. '. Chrlstensen, who
attempted to end his life by cutting his
throat Thursday morning In the county
Jail, was much improved last evening, and
the attending physicians are now hopeful
of his recovery. His wife Is here Horn
L uderwood.
Chief Kichmond hns filed an Information
In police court ns-alni Sam Dobson, the
city scavenger, chaining him with viola
ting the ordinance regulating the dumping
of garbage This action on the part of
thief Kichmond is to test the question
which has been raised as to the proper
place to dump refuse and garbage.
luring the month ol March 2M transfers
of real estate were Hied tor record, with a
total consideration ol IpWO.KHH.M. This is an
increase In the number of transfers, but a
decrease in the aggregate consideration
when compiu-cd wan the filings for the
same month of last year, which showed
lr.7 transfers with a total consideration of
$714,Hi'U 4i'. For the first quarter of this
jear, ending with March, fnn transfers wore
tiled, with a total consideration of ll.lfvS,
J4S.H2, as against 47ii transfers, with a total
consideration of .j.vtaj hied during the
same period of last year.
Only Short Time in Morning Consumed by
Direct Examination.
I.arae Crowd, Many of Them Women,
Attracted to -rt Room to
Hear Defendant o Cross-Fxnmlnstlon.
Proceedings In the 1 ioy le-Bnins case yes
terday were enlivened by the cross-examination
of the defendant, James F. Hums,
by Attorney C. J. Hughes, Jr., who sub
jected the witness to a severe and search
ing catechism. The announcement that
Burns Would be under the tire of cross
examination attracted a large audience to
the court room and ns during Doyle's ex
amination there were many fashionably
dressed women In attendance.
At the morning session Congressman
Smith occupied but a short time In com
pletfng his direct examination of Burns,
whose concluding testimony was suhMan
tlall; ns follows;
1 employeI Judge Harrison find Penator
ratterson to represent tne in the U Haire
suit and later I also employed J. Morris
Finn. When lVivIe settled the (1 Halre
suit he asked the Board ot Directors of
the Portland company to pay him the
amount that he had given to u Haire, but
the directors refused to do so because they
had not been consulted in reference to the
same. Because of the money and clothing
that my slsiors furnished nic while 1 was
working on Battle mountain 1 gave to my
sister Jennie 75,("J shares of Portland stock
and I also gave rV,i"m shares to my sister
Kate. About Juno, 18H4, the Portland 1o!t
Mining company purchased a safe. Three
of the compartments in it were assigned to
Dovle, myself and Human. I-ich had the
possession of one and used It for his pri
vate papers. 1 never asked nor suggested
that Doyle should give false testimony in
nnv case or proceeding. At the annual
meeting held at Council Bluffs in February,
lii7, Doyle tried to secure control of the
Portland company anil to oust nie from
the board and management. At that time
he hd not attempt to vote any
shares Of stock hich 1 held
make any claim to the same
of July L'0. 1K1I5,
Tidal Wave
N.V. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, FUbl.
;ovi;hmi:t roticks.
Department of the Interior, office of In
dian Afiairs, Washington. D. C, March 13,
1!G. Mealed proposals, indorsed proposals
lor heel, hour, eic," as the wise may be,
and directed to the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, 2ii5-L'6? South Canal street. Chicago,
111., will be received until 1 o'clock p. in.
of Tuesday, April 145, limo. for furnishing
lor the Inolan Service, beef, flour, bacon,
beans, icflee. sugar, rice, tea, and other
articles of subsistence; aiso lor groceries,
soup, baking powder, crockery, agricultural
implements, paints, oils, giass, tinware,
wagons, harness, leather, snoe findings.
saddlery, eto school supplies, and a long
list of miscellaneous articles. Sealed pro
posals, indorsed "Proposals lor rubebr i
goods, hardware, etc., as the case may I
no, and directed to the Commissioner of
Indian Afiairs, 002 South Seventh street,
St. Ixnns, Mo., will he received until 1
o'clock p. m. of Thursday, April 27, ltKHS, 1
for furnishing tor the Indian service, ruD
ler goods, boots and shoes, hardware, and
medical supplies. Sealed proposals. In
dorsed 'Proposals for blankets, woolen and
cotton good., clothing, etc.," as the case
may be, and directed to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs, Nob. 119-121 Wooster
street, New York City, will be received
until 1 o'clock p. ni. of Tuesday, May 1ft,
1:KI6, for furnishing for the Indian Service,
blankets, woolen and cotton foods, cloth
ing, notions, hats snd caps. Bids must be
made out on Government blanks. Sched
ules giving all necessary Information for
bidders will be furnished on application to
the Indian Office, Washington, D. C; the
V. 8. Indian warehouses, 110-121 Wooster
street. New York City; 2r-2fi" South Canal
street, Chicago, 111.: M5 Howard street,
Omaha, Neb.; 92 South Seventh street,
t aJiOiils, Mo.; 23 Washington street. Sin
FraTielsco, Cal.; the Commissaries of Sub
sistence. I'. S. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and
St. Paul, Minn.; the Quartermaster, V. S.
A., Seattle, Wash.; and the postmasters at
Sioux City, Tucson, Portland, Spokane and
Tacoma. Bids will be opened at the hour
Bint davs above stated, and bidders are In
vited to be present at the opening. The
Department reserves the right to determine
the point of delivery and to reject any and
all folds, or any part of any bid.
F. li LF.L'PP, Commissioner.
l ulled States Geological Survey, Recla
mation Service, Washington, 1. C, March
V, ,hoo.-Sealed proposals will lie received
at the ofhVe of tne t'mted Slates Reclama
tion Service, Chamber of Commerce build
ing, Denver, Colo., until i o'clock p. m.
Tuesday, May 16, ls6, and thereafter opened,
for the construction of about 46 miles of
main canal, Involving about 2,&o,0u0 cubic
yards of earthwork and 160,000 cubic yards of
rock work for the li ligation of lands In
the North Platte valley lit eastern Wyom
ing and western Nebraska. Bids will be
received on excavation and embankment
for one or more divisions, which will ap
proximate .lou.ouo cubic yards each. The
right is reserved to award to one bidder
as many or ni few of such divisions on
which ha has bid as the Interest of the
service may require, 8ieclftcatlons, forms
of proposal and plans may be Inspected at
the office of the Chief Knglneer of the
Reclamation Service, Washington. D. C,
and at the office of the Reclamation
Service, Denver, Colo. The bid on
each division must be accompanied
by a certified check for 12,000, payable to
the order of the Secretary of the Interior,
aa a guaranty that the bidder will. If suc
cessful, promptly execute a satisfactory
contract and furnish laind ill the sum of
20 per cent of the contract price for the
faithful performance of the work. The
light Is reserved to reject any or all bids,
to accept i ne part and reject the other and
to waive technical defects, as the Interest
of the service may require. Bidders are
Invited to be present. Proposals must be
marked: "Proiaisala for '"instruction of
Interstate) Canal, North I'latto Project."
K. A. Hitchcock, Secretary.
M 23 26-2S 30-A1-4-6-S-11-13
Douglas, Wyoming. March Vth, l!i.
Sealed proposals tor the election of a
court house building at Douglas. Converse
county, Wyoming, Including labor and all
materials, will be received by the Board of
County Commissioners of Converse county,
liana and spec Ideations are on tile at the
office of J. Hex an Phillips, architect, or at
the olllce of the County Clerk, Douglas,
j oining.
Separate proposals will be received for the
plumbing, heating and electric wiring. The
party or parties to whom the contracts are
awarded will be required to give bond ac
ceptable to the Board of County Commis
sioner for the faithful performance uf the
All sealed proposals will be received until
1 o cloi k p. m. on the lltth day of April,
A. D. lm6. snd will be opened al the office
of the County Cleik to the board on that
dale. All bids for the construction of the
court house building must be accnnipanied
with a cetilllcd check III the amount of
five hundred dollars, also sepatate bids
for pluiiibliiK. beating snd electric wiring
must be accompanied with a n't tilled check
In the amount of one hundred dollars, pay
able to the County Treasurer of said
county, aa an evidence of good la.ll h on the
'Hit of the bidder. The Board of County
onimlHsloiiei a reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids Bids should be
marked. "Sealed Proposals for Court
House Building.'' and addressed Id A. D.
Cook. County Clerk, Douglas. Wyoming.
. A. D t'OOK.
Vouutjr Clerk, Converse County. Wyo.
M U 14 All
of the
nor did he
In the deal
when the Black Diamond.
and Devil's Own were pur-
ehuaed ihrnueh Verner Z. Reed, the total
consideration was $1,025,000. and $ino,n"0 wss
paid in cash. 752.000 shares of Portland
stock was exchanged and the balance was
represented by notes.
Makes Some Admlsalona.
On crosa-examlnatlon Burns admitted
that on learning that Doyle was about to be
sued by O'Haire for an interest in the
Portland claim he advised Doyle to put his
slock in some other person's name, and
that Doyle, in accordance with the advice
put some of it In Burns' name and some of
It In the name of James Doyle, trustee. He
also admitted that in his answer to the
suit subsequently filed against him by
0 Haire he swore that Doyle had no inten
tion of transferring his stock to evade
O'Haire's claim. The fact was that at the
time O'Haire made Burns a defendant to
the suit Doyle had already transferred his
Questioned In his direct examination as
to the cause of the dissolution of partner
ship with O'Haire and O'Driseoll, Burns
stated that it was entirely tliecause of a
quarrel over a lantern globe. On his atten
tion being called to his testimony in the
case of O'Haire against him, he admitted
that he had testified then that there were
lots of other things that caused him to dis
solve partnership, one being that O'Driseoil,
when I wanted to sell the Devil's Own, told
me to my face that 1 could sell my inter
est, but I couldn't sell O'Haire's and his,
and I told him I could Bell the work when
1 pleased, because he and O'Haire dldn'i
have any Interest In it because their names
were not on the stakes." He still Insisted,
however, that when he and O'Drlacoll'and
Doyle went up to the camp December 2S.
1S91, an arrangement was made by which
any work done by Doyle was to be returned
by the other two. .
It developed during the examination that
up to the middle of March, when they re
turned to Colorado Springs, Doyle had done
some tTilrty-flve days' work which had not
then been returned to him by either O'Dris
eoll or Burns, and that It has never been
Burns further admitted that from the
middle of June to the middle of August of
the same year, after they returned to th
camp, Doyle assisted him in sinking the
shaft of the Tidal Wave a distance of some
forty feet, which the official surveyor sub
sequently certified to the government in
application for patent as being worth fSiVt.
and for which he has never been paid.
Burns had denied that Doyle ever con
tributed any money or provisions to the en
terprise while they were there on Battle
Mountain, to his knowledge. He was shown
his testimony In the O'Haire case where he
stated that Doyle went to Lawrence at one
time and bought $2.50 worth of meat and
paid for it out of his own pocket.
About the Partnerships.
Asked nfoeut how his partnership rela
tions commenced with O'Haire, O'Driseoll,
Stevenson and Maxwell, he stated he had
no talk at all with O'Driseoll, simply some
one suggested he go along, and that was
all. Same way with Stevenson. As to
O'Haire, Burns said, as they were starting
out, O'Haire said to them on the sidewalk,
"If you strike any thing good: 1 will go In
with you." He did not consider O'Haire
a partner at this time, hut said that sub
sequently O'Haire sent up $2 In money,
some powder and caps, and from that
time considered him a partner. As to
Maxwell, he said Stevenson, Maxwell and
he located a claim together, and that con
stituted their partnership. The trend of
the examination on this point showed the
apparently slight matters which resulted
In partnership relations, and it was shown
that mining partnerships could be formed
without a word of agreement said on either
aide, by the acts of the parties, and Mr.
Hughes explained the law of Colorado on
that point. Mr. Hughes endeavored to
show by the witness that subsequent to
the dissolution with O'Haire and O'Driseoll
on February 2s W2, hla actions with Doyle
were the same ns they had theretofore
been with Ida former partners, hut the
court, on objection, ruled this out, stating
that ha could show the actions before and
after, but not prove that they were the
ante with one aa with the others.
Regular 80c. site of oranges today at only
K per dosen. Parte! A Miller. Tel. !59.
School Take Yaratloa.
The public schools closed yesterday for
the spring vacation of one week. They
KtUbllthtxJ UM.
HrMjWiy to Mala it -tr tMtrct'a Ihoa tup
T ra borraw njr taaunl catlla, hor
ku'aelii furattura t ttijjr raattal arrit
far in" la can I-a mada on principal ai sn tima
is tain oorrawar, n laiaraai ndUfM cewnHntlf
All bualntaa conftdviiLtal Lowaat rlM tlffi'
wu.naj sin f ( aiiMfvif waning mi
28 PEARL ST.0"""' o?S
Laay Attendant U Desirvd.
will reopen Monday, April 1. It Is ex
peeted that the vttcclnstlon controversy
will be ruled upon by the courts before the
school reopen, ss the hearing on the In
junction asked for by the Hoard of Fxlucn
tlon against the Board of Hcnlih Is set for
next Monday before Judge Wheeler.
nnim ice
Company In Mispe o Commence
Work nt Any Time.
Mayor Macrae has affixed his official sig
nature, to the ordinance granting a fran
chise to the Council Bluffs Independent
Telephone company and Attorney F. W.
Miller on behalf of the company has filed
with the city clerk an acceptance of the
measure. The ordinance will now be of
effect Immediately on publication as re
quired by law.
The Important features of the charter or
dinance are:
The company must commence the work
of construction within one year from date
of taking effect of ordinance and the sys
tem must be installed and In operation
within two years. The company must
within two years be prepared to establish
connections with the companies belonging
to the Iowa Telephone association nnd all
Independent telephone companies seeking
connection with Council Bluffs upon fair
and reasonable rates and terms Failure to
comply with these provisions will make the
franchise null and void.
The company Is required to place Its
wires In underground conduits In the same
territory In which the Nebraska Telephone
company was compelled to.
The company Is required to afford free
of cost necessary space in Its conduits for
the city police and fire alarm circuits.
In return for the franchise the company
la required to furnish free fifteen telephones
for the city departments, ten telephones
for the public schools and one. telephone
each for the Council Bluffs General hos
pital and Mercy hospital.
The company Is prohibited from assign
ing, leasing or transferring its franchise.
It la required to maintain Its principal
offices and place of business 1n Council
Bluffs and that at lenst a majority of
its directors and the general officers of
the cotnpaB-, including Its general manag
ing officers, shall be residents of Council
The company will be required to pay to
the city 6 per cent of its gross earnings
w-hen the Nebraska Telephone company or
Its successor shall be required to do the
The following rates can be charged under
the ordinance:
One-party special line, metallic circuit,
long distance equipment $1fi
Two parties, same line, metallic circuit
long distance equipment 24
Three or more parties, same line, metal
long distance equipment
lie circuit
One party special line, metallic circuit.
long distance equipment 24
Two parties, same line, metallic circuit,
long distance equipment IS
Three or more parties, same line, metal
lic circuit, long distance equipment IS
The above rates shall apply to all parties
within the city limits of the city of Council
Bluffs east of the Missouri river, and for
all telephones Installed beyond this limit
an additional 25 cents per month may be
charged for each additional mile or circuit,
or a fraction thereof. An additional charge
of 25 cents per telephone per month may
be added to the above schedule when the
number of telephones exceeds 2.000, an ad
ditional 25 cenls per telephone per month
may be added for each additional ,V0 tele
phones thereafter Installed within the city.
No more than four telephones shall be
placed on the same business or residence
line within the city. That the same rates
shall apply alike to all subscribers to this
company's Council Bluffs exchange,
whether living in the city or 1n the coun
try, but this provision shall not apply to
toll line business.
Temple Matter In Abeyance.
The Masonic and Royal Arcanum lodges
have not yet decided whether to purchase
the Masonic temple as a permanent home
for both organization? or whether to pur
chase a site and erect a new building of
heir own. In either case it has been
determined to organize among tha mem
bers of both orders the Fraternal Pulldlni?
association, and a committee has been ap
pointed to draft the articles of Incorpora
tion. Another committee has been appointed to
secure options on sites and plans for a new
building and estimates of cost. This com
mittee has also been directed to make a
thorough examination of the Masonic tem
ple and ascertain the probable cost of re
modeling the interior of same.
It la understood that a large number of
the members of both organizations favor ;
the proposition to erect an entirely new i
building provided a suitable site can be ye- I
cured. Others favor buying the Masonic
temple and remodeling it. One obstacle in
the purchase of the Masonic temple. It is i
said, Is the position taken by the owners !
of the stock, who. It Is alleged, are holding '
it at nearly double what they paid for It. I
A meeting of the general Joint committer
from both orders will be held some time '
next week at the call of Chairman Elwell,
when some definite action Is looked for.
Orange sale today at Bnrtel A Miller's.
Extra large sire for 20c per dozen. Bartel
& Miller. Tel. 359.
Hums nnd Moore tlonnd Over.
Ed Burns and Charles Moore, who broke
Into Jnmes O. Bradley's home on Harri
son street Thursday afternoon and were
captured by Deputy Serlff Oroneweg after
a long chase, waived their iH-elimlnary
hearing In police court yesterday morning
and were bound over to await the action
of the grand Jury, which wll convene next
Tuesday. Their ball wa fixed at Jfx
A charge of carrying concealed weapons)
was also filed against the two men.
on this Judge Scott sentenced them to
thirty days on bread and water each. It
Is the Intention of the police to keep them
in the city Jail and feed them on this slim
diet until the grand Jury a Is on their case,
when they will be turned over to the
County authorities.
The police wee unable yesterday to
learn anything further about the men,
whom they believe to be professional bur
glars. As yet no owner has shown up to
claim the opera glasses or coins found on
the two prisoners.
More Money Needed to Complete Heating
Plant at Atnes College.
Fifty Thooannd rtollnra Ready W6f
Friends of Inlverslty Raise a
similar Amount to Ho
with It.
Bale at Bartel A Miller's.
Tel. 359.
Aak about It.
Ileal Relate Transfers.
These transfers were repertfd to The Bee
March tl by the Title, Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
II. D. Smith to Frank Weatcott, lot
IS. block 38. Ferry add., w. d $ 100
Mary Itamer Bock and husband to
Lewi?. MrDsnle, lots 17 and IS, block
, Jeffetia sub., w. d B.O'lO
Mary A. Johnson to Marv Knlest lot
1, block 1, Hushes A Doniphan add ,
w. d j pin
The I'otta Investment Cor to Waller
P Bllllman. lot 12. block a Kid
dles' sub., w. d
Frank W. Stone to Edward ii' Do'iil
son. part lot 60, Johnson's add ,
w. d
Same to same, part lot 6', Johnsoii a
add , q. c. d
Six transfers, total
Inn Student la Drowned.
ANN Alllloll, Mich.. Much 31-Frank
Byers, a Junior law student In the Uni
versity of Michigan from Harlan, Ia was
drowned today while canoeing on
Huron river.
Flection at Persia.
PERSIA, la., March II. (Bpeclal.)-P. I,
Alter and Robert lvtiis were elected count
oilmen at Persia's recent Municipal election.
(From a P taff Correspondent.)
PES MOINES, March 31. (Special.) The
appropriation for the central heating plant
at the State college at Ames will rot be
sufficient for the purpose, and the trustees
will be unable to complete the work till
there is another appropriation by the gen
eral assembly. J. . Hungerforrt of Car
roll, president of the board of trustees,
said today: "We will be unable to com
r.nto more thnn the building nnd some of
the tunnels and put In enough boilers to
heat the new central college building. There
were fears that the new central building
would not be completed within the contract
time, September 1, but this enrly spring bus
given the oontrnetor an advantage and it
now- looks as though he would complete
the work ready for occupancy when college
opens In the fall." President Hungerford
says the reports of the fraternity and btitl
fraternity feeling at the college over the
fact that President Storms had entertained
a group of fraternity men has been grossly
Drake Gets Big Beost.
Drake university has been notified by An
drew Carnegie that he will give the univer
sity Jl.Vi.i-wo for a library building if the uni
versity will raise an equivalent amount for
the maintenance of the library. President
Pell made the announcement at chapel this
morning and announced that work on
raising the money would begin at once and
that he had every confidence the monoy
would be raised.
Picll Matthews Located.
Nell Matthews, a colored msn, who shot
his wife In this city some months ago and
murdered one man and shot another in the
house where his wife was staying, has
been located in Houston, Tex. The authori
ties have been looking for him and several
times It was thought he was located. This
time the officials at Houston say they are
personally acquainted with Matthews and
are sure he is the man.
Requisition on Mexico.
A requisition through Secretary of Plate
Hay on the Mexican government has been
Issued for one Wilson, wanted In Claiinda
for embezzlement. The governor's office
was notified today that the Mexican au
thorities have located the man. The requisi
tion was asked some time ago, but the
man could not then be found.
Clinton May et Company.
Adjutant 'tieneral W. H. Thrift and
Colonel William G. Dows will go to Clinton
next Friday to Investigate the applicants
there for a company of the National Guard.
The application is to fill the vacancy caused
by the mustering out of the St. Charles
oompaey. There are seventy-six applicants
at Clinton.
Articles of Incorporation.
Articles of incorporation were filed with
the secretary of sate today by the Akron
Telephone company of Akron, la., with a
capital of J.m.neo. E. F. Cobb, Cora B.
Cobb and Maty Pember signed the articles.
Articles were also filed by the Keokuk
Lumber company of Keokuk, with a capital
of J75,iW. J. H. Kendlg Is president, Z. W.
Hutchinson vice president and C. D.
Streeter secretary and treasurer.
!ne Ronil for Dnmnavca.
The argument of the German Insurance
company of Frecport, 111., was filed In the
supreme court today In the suit against tli.i
Northwestern railroad. The company had
insured the residence of a man named
Nichols in (Hidden, la., for $l,ono, and It Is
claimed that spnrkB from the railroad's
engine net fire to the building and de
stroyed it.
Democrat Have Big Plans.
Three hundred people are expected to sit
down to the big democratic banquet In
honor of Jefferson's hjrthday at the Savory
tomorrow night. All arrangements have
been perfected for Bryan, Folk and John
son to be present and make the leading ad
dresses of the evening. I'ryan'B toast Is to
be "Bark to the People," and those In
charge has given assurances that he will
have ail the time he demires In which 1o
make his address. The democrats of the
eastern part of the state, who are not of
the Bryan pattern, it is understood will
boycott the banquet, but those from the
rest of the state will be present In large
Investtante F.apresa Cnmpnnlea,
County Attorney Jesse A. Miller hns In
structed the grand Jury that an Investiga
tion of express companies for carrying bird
and oilier wild game is within the province
of the grand Jury and that the laws of this
state are very strict against such transpor
tation. This Is taken as an indication that
trouble Is ahead.
Jail Conditions llad.
County Physician Conklln has found that
the prisoners In the county Jail are sup
plied with less than one-third aa much pure
air as the authorities say Is necessary to
sustain life. He has notified the super
visors that the county Jail Is a breeding
ground for disease under such conditions
and should be remedied at once. He made
the discovery by being called to atlelid a
Bhk prisoner.
UlvInK Poison to Students.
IOWA CITY, lit., March 31. -( Speclil
Telegram - Half of the members of the
homeopathic poison squad, who have been
taking potions given them by professors
In the department are laid out ami the
balance of the class is keeping up by the
strenuous exercise of will power. Mean
while the question that Is occupying the
attention of all la the name of the new
drug that has been administered to the
students. Several have been suggested,
notably strophanthus, a poison used In
small doses in some esses, but which be
comes duiiserous when taken In large quan
tities. The experiments will continue and
Hip name of the drug will be withheld until
the last member of the poison squad ac
knowledges he lias had enough.
Ilody of Missing- Man Fnnnd.
AI'Dl BON, la., M-irch 31.- (Special. )
The remains of Ft ink P. Ith-hardsi n, a
prominent Iiiiiihii, who disappeared about
six yenrs ago very mysteriously, have been
discover d buried under a tree on the farm
he formerly owned. The entire community
is aroused and it is believed that a murder
has been committed. Mrs. A. E. Huker
of Des Moines, a spirit uullst, claims she
went to Audubon on the request of Mr.
Richardson s brother, and says the dis
covery Is due to her efforts.
Rooms snd cafe, cigtten hotel.
New Portsmouth OlUelals.
PORTSMOl TH. Ia., March 31 (8pe. lal.)
M. J. Bchafer and P. II. Currn'i were
elected rnunellinen and John DahiVsimer
assessor at Portsmouth s recent municipal
1 o i i o
enirea grocery
ead Meat Market
Phone 24. 600-602 West Broadway.
Picnic Hams 5c per lb.
Regular Hams, Ho. 1 8c per lb.
por comb
1 Coin,
! enn
Ora iipres,
oh li
per lo7.
1 m port otl FiN,
worth 2(V lb., for.
Cornotl Poof. Q
por lb UU
Uronlvfast lWon, Ql'ii
per lb J 2U
TxohikI Stcnk, v
3 lbs. for ...fcuU
rortorliouso Steak, Iflf.
per lb IUC
Uool 'Hecfsteak, iTyC
A lbs. for fclJb
H in ma ;njia niaiea ams mm
UnlTafor 1
ni4 t An
A .PD IT A aPIT iu around Council KlnfTafor
t"aV. V JLV Li TX 3 M-4 BfllflphAnn Vamn ru1 frnit ln1
DAY HI2SS, pearl st., council nnjrrs.
Continued High Temperature Accelerates
Distribution in All Leading Lines.
Rrsnlts for Klrat Quarter of lftOX
Prove Kven More I'nvornble
Than Anticipated hen
rar Opened.
NKW YORK, Si R. O. Pun A
Co. s WVfkly R.-virw ol Trade tomorrow
Will Hi!;-:
Trade ntuin.a are In. roaaiiigly sallPlac
lory, oontiiiufd high tt niifi auii-.- no u r.ii
ints diaiViiuii ion in nil h ihiuir ilm-a. i'np
i-iosing days ol Manii hiouni Kivmer i on
tidrrii't rt'KuraiiiK t lie niluro, nnd rrsuiis
tor the mt quhru-r 01 ! proved i vi-n
more mvor.ihh- limn iinilcii.nt.Ml w lien
tin- Jear opened. expectations
ot manufacturer win.. niar exlenfive
piipaiutions are now heing realised, ltc
pons ironi the rouiti nia-oate licit the
period ol hesitation is about over and hkii
ciiitiiral seiuons are pmriiilnteil hy pros
pects of a Rood season for planting,
i-'t'fiaht congestion has followed tlie heavy
Klupinent 01 spniiK merchandise and rail
way earnings in three weeks ot Mtrch
were per cent larger than In l'.4. um
eial returns make tne cotton crop fully a
third lnraer than the one piece. linn and
still prices are tar trom demomlir.ed. With
the HiitiMucnco of the Hoods the nulls have
resumed, water tinnic in heavy and the
percent aire "f unemployed Is seasonably
reduced. Huyers are arriving in targe num
ber, at the leadiiiK JonbiriK centers. There
is less Ice In the lakes man nt this tune
last year, but another week is needed to
restore navigation. Immigration continues
to surpass all records an.t International
markets improve us conclusion 01 tbe war
seems imminent. Kureian commerce tit
ihis port tor the Inst week showed a gain
m J,4n4,(il7 !n imports ami a decrease of
in exports as compared with )!4.
A steady demand Is noted in nil depart
ments ot the iron and fieel industry, orders
constantly coming toiwnid and most plants
are Hssuied of activity lor many moi.iha,
while some mills decline contracts for ship
ments any time before l!m.
Mild weather Improves the quality of
hides, especially tmm the southwejt, and
the tone of the market is decidedly firmer.
New England footwear factories fire re
ccli g a fair amount of new business from
Siile.-.oen at the west and duplicate spring
contrans also arrive, calling lor Imme
diate delivery.
A better f. eling Is noted in the primary
market for cotton g-oods. More inquiries
are received from China, but there Is little
prospect that desired deliveries can he, ns some lines are under order up to
next February. Woolen and worsted dupli
cate trade Is quiet.
Failures this week numbered 244 in the
I'nlted States, nanlnst 2S Inst year, nnd 33
In Canada, compared with 16 a year ago.
msiKM 4F ASOt lATF.n BAMlfl
Rnokford, 11! I 4H:.i',7l 14 y
Lowell XXS.4S1I1 ! 0 ......
Chester. Vn I SM.!vT' 1 12 4
ltingharntnn I ST1 .:; 7 6'..
Woomlnrton. Ill 1 J'lT.Sflo' 1.7 .. . .
SprlnkTfield. O S.STL" i 14 j
tSreensburg. Pa ':i.4W n 0
tjiilnov, 111 44.i, 2!ip .lfi j .
lVontur, III 2VT.!'4i' 29 8'
Plonx Falls, ft. l" 27H.S78 11 3
Jacksonville. Ill HU.M4' i
Mansfield, O Di'.f.. U7' 7fi '
Fremont, Neb lm.W.' M.2
Cedar Rapids 4.'l7.f.7! LVi 8
JHottston ll.K17.nS41 10 !
tOnlveston 9.4sr..nnrt
Totals, T. R. '$2.724. rVo1 f2 2'....T.
Outside New York....! K44 :i"L'.f.'i'; lfi. 2
Montreal t 22.74r,,a71l 41 0'
Toronto I 17.M7.433! S 6
Winnipeg 6.l.:m7! 47 7;
Ottawa 2.0';. S2 f
Halifax .S74.rt4 J. 8'
Vancouver, R. C J.27o.!W9 18 9
tO iiobec l.MR.lK?. 17. li
Hamilton 9:Vl.!i7Hi 2 S
Bt. John. N. H !on.W 22. 71
London. Ont 7NvH?7l Id 5'
Victoria, R. .' f.7X 3.'N! H.2;
Totals M.rV.X.fiori Sfi.O
Ralnnces paid in rash.
IXot Included In totals because containing
other items than clenrlnes.
Clearing of the threat Commercial
Centers tf Coimtrj.
NEW YORK, March 31 - The following
table, compiled by Hradstreei. shows th
bank clearings nt the principal titles tor
the week ended March 31, with the per
centage of Increase and o. crease, a com.
pared with the corresponding week last
j ear:
Clearings. Inc. (Dec.
Inc. 1 1
New York
Philadelphia ....
int. Louis
'.Pan Francisco .
Kansas City ....
Net Orleans ...
tl,oils ill
tl.ns Angeles
1St. Paul
1St. Joseph
tPmtland, ore
Fort Worth
Toledo, O
Salt Lake fily ..
Spokane, Wash..
Ilea Moines
New Haven
Crnnd Rapids ...
Portland Me
PpriiiRlleld, Mass
Augusta, (la
Sioux city
1 Hlrmlngham
Charleston, S. .'..
Wilmington, Del.
Little Ruck
Jacksonville, Fla., Mich.
Hiu-iiifctleld, 111
Full River
WhcclliiK, W. Va
Cantun, O
Furgo, N I)
New lied ford
16 319.
5.444 .621
6 479.03
4 272.472
8.123 54
6 010.227
2. 9:i2.74i
2 562 072
t. 0X5. M
2.371. 72
2 891,6o3i
2 5:13.870;
1.696 57i
1.762 1!M
1.7i:6 498
1.871. ft iS
1 217 3
1.6.1 1. 991
1,4 'U 261
l sr,.f,M,
l.K'i 173
l.ttf' 06S'
176 97!
"3 614
Ml ,3821.
1.012. 469 1
812. 31'.',,
I !''.; 174: .
618.(11 tl
441 672!
6 Ml UM
4':4. 244
76 81.
8.4 .
29 6 .
23 9 i.
16. 7,'.
30 .
18 9i
21 4i
"hi 1
8 9
35 7
19 5!
6 7
60 l!
17 6:
a 8!
2 4
171 1
82 j
19 1
31 5
16 0
22 8
40 3!
i-i 61
46 6
4 2
23 7
8 7
10 6
6 X
'232 ......
8 2
S3 6
15 3
44 7
NS 8'
18 6
4 7'.
28 2 ,
4K 7 .
24 6' .
7 1
o i
66 6
7 7
U 0
Ttnalneas Active and Signs Point to
Continuance of These Conditions.
NKW YORK, March 31. Rradstrcet's to
morrow will saj':
Kxccllent weather, favorahlfl grain crop
reports, expansion In Industry, well main
tained spring trade, particularly at tha '
west, enlarging retail trade in the lending
cities lire a sextet of conspicuously satis
factory features demanding notice this
Special reports to Rradstteet's from nil
leading winter nnd spring heat sections
point to the winter sown crop having
weathered the cold weather In excellent
Special reports from 108 cities and towns
of tho I'nlted States point to an expen
diture for houses, offices, factories and
other edifices of Jisft.floo.ino during the pres
ent calendar year. Allowances for cities
not et reported would Indicate that tha
total expenditures for edifices for this year
would run well up to JHOO.000,000. In ad
dition to this, marked activity In railroad
building and heavy orders for equipment
foreshadow an expenditure of probably
Jjuo.nori.ftirt by th railroads, this all pointing
to sn expenditure for material and labor
of close to t iil.nno.POO.
Relatively most activity In trada Is still
noted at tho west. Signs of Improvement
are noted Bt the south, though here tha
cotton situation Is t 111 a drawback nnd
comparisons are with excellent trade a
yeas ago.
Milder weather, allowing prompter ship
ments of soft conl and coke, Is a favorable
feature, reflected with free grain and mer
chandise specials In an enormous rar mov
ment on all railroads. lnbor conditions In
the coal industry are not altogether favor
able, owing to the prospect of trouble over
the wnge scale In certain districts of Penn
sylvania. Coke Is easier, hut freer nhlpments
are eagerly taken by Iron furnace All
the usual llnew of distributive trade, such
as dry goods, clothing, shoes and mllllnerv,
feel the sllmnlua of spring demand, while
enlarged building activity Is reflected In
belter Inquiry for lumber, lmrdware, pnlnia
nnd oils. Prospects favor a very enrlv
opening of water navigation, particularly
on the (.lent Pokes, with an enormoss or
trade downward and a henvv coal busi
ness tip is foreshadowed. Prices of com
modities, aside from those affected by
Weather, note marked firmness; particular
strength is shown in iron and steel In all
lis forms.
Rnslmss failures 1n the I'nlted States for
the week ending March 3o number 227.
ngalnst 204 last week nnd 212 in the llkn
week In 1904, ptj 1M3. 176 In 1902 and 1SH
In 1901. In Camilla failures for the week
ending March 3D number 19. as ngalnst 18
lat week and 11 In this week a year ago
Wheat. Including flour, exports for the
week ending March 30 are 488 (t3a bushels
against 1.0-14. htixhels last week 1,2 ;7 43ii
bushels this week last year, 8 130,974 bushels
in 1903 and 4 416.917 In 1902. From July 1 to
date the exports are 47. 627.429 bushels as
ngalnst llS.ftH.774 bushels last voar 1"3 -972.4'-9
bushels In 1903 nnd 194,320,532 buslula
In 190?.
Coin exports for the week were 2 4"0 AM
bushels, ngalnst 2.976, 830 bnshela lnsfweik,
!. 438.212 hnshels .1 ear ago. 2.R.'!2 068 bushels
In 19'i3 and SrnVPSI bushels In 1902. I'mm
July 1 to dale the expo-ts of corn wera
57.470.837 bnshela. against 40 bushels
If. I-""'- 47 272.449 hushi Is In 19"3 and 22 97u,.
498 bushels In 1902.
Western Iowa
Spring Term Opens March 27
Com If You Want Position.