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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
tRALN aND PRODUCE MARKET Genr4 Winter Wheat Condition lire Point Abote Arerage. NEBRASKA WHEAT AVERAGE REDUCED 'P-Utl Market oa All Gr.I.. ke u A4rt, Em Oata Calais,; Oroaad Arareatlaa Car Market Da II. i Th. OMAHA, MarrA J- ijn$ .ZZ "cr"" winter ma Si In Ne hrasita ,s estimated st pcenl Uian the acrea ot last yei f The total rTAI " w,'utr,wh"1 A Vita lor ' - " "a " " A.TCI.TFV) HI Al 1 tlO UVfTkifll Vi..PiUCU0VW"" bo,U A bSeheJ liSaK,."'.44"1 'V"" ""mated at , r-;"'... It., . acreage 1. r.- b- Vi,,,,,i n-n mere would b about l,5t,,tli hushii under winter .and ,t the prouu C Jon "hould equaj -nt or last year the ur.,,, ought to be very iri'i" .unuT "M-""J u .,,. t-or toe gen eral report, however, h would seem the rop conditions are luer over the state I'-tL ' "" VP.. to lhey ruin the winter wheat rrop In wun ine iiessian ny, tf '?cal l,r1aii'. "uul they seem to hive w new t t.i 1 1 l. ' . .... ... . ., wi h., . 7 i jusi me same. We hear ittoi-le,. .v... . i ..... I-.7..7. , 7. 1 l,1a iu whs state being badly ar.vcted In som, and It may be bo to a certain extent. The . . . 1 lo "ave been round In the foots, but t lt , rnHlll..n ..... ... v...... t attected yet. I notice, though, it la always Yi7 " ,luu "o-wn ilia wneal crop, and while .. k .. .- .,..i... .. . .. . . ... . ...... ii , r j i l lit a ny is solng tti do every year. It never seems to cut niuch figure at harvest time. The .vuiomj,. wneai condition is excellent " Snow nas made a report on the winter client nr,i,.lill,.n t. ..I... . ile p'j.ofi tlie CKiidlllon at SO. against 80 1 a yeur ago and M l In lrcemher. He says niinfi Kiiung una ail me acre g4 planted will o to harvest. He tunda " Plant or good color, with the stand aat Htfactory, the soil molwt every where, and 'jo evidence or the Hessian fly to any ex tent, and the general condition & points ssuove tho April condition for Rome years. 'i"h remarkahle point or the situation ha rinds in Its uniform excellence. The upeculative markets were Rtronfror to day, even oau looking- up :SiO before noon. J he nleh Mnd low points reached by the May wheat by that hour wei Jl.Hi. and LUH. against $1.1.' nnd $1.12 Thursday. The July was and S.Sc, against KS7t,e and Sie. The May corn before noon ranged between 47Vj.p. and 47'nc, while Thursday it was between 47e and iac jlvenxHil closed with an sdvniice In wheat or 2c and In corn a decline or rrom i4c to 7 he lon" 1,1 Chicago Thursday sold 3mj,000 bushels May wheat, which was taken for the Gates crowd. The primary receipts .aere 3,0O0 bushels, against 4tW.N0 bushels last week, and the shipments 221,000 bush els, against 2l3,00u bushels. The coni clearance were OW.000 bushels. The primary receipts were m:i oou hushei. ,agHiiiHt OiO.'KK) bURtiels lai vear, and the lVhlpments were 67S.O0O bushels, against nJO.noO bushels last vear. The a corn market Is quiet, -with no export de mand. The Argentina shipments this week are 120.0ml bushels, ar.alnst 60.000 bushels last week nnd 137,000 bishels last year. Pat ten continues to buy May corn and to sell July. suppoRedly on orders which seem to be unlimited as to -quantity. Omaha sh Prtpea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.0211.03; No. S hard, DMrMc; No. 4 hard, 8(ToOc: No. 3 spring, $102. v COKN-No. I, 41V.c; No. $, 41c; No. 4. 40c; Jf yellow, 41Vc; No. 2 white. 41-ic: No. 3 . White, 41c. ATR No. 2 mixed. ?9t4c; No. 3 mixed, . ijo. j mixeo, Mni-.ayjc; no. 1 white, 8Wc; No. 8 white, 30c; No. 4 white, ZSfclSHc; standard, 30c. Omaha Cash. Sales. WHICAT-No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, S6 lbs, v7c; 2 cars, 5S lbs., Dtic. t'arlot Ilecelpls. , Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago 2.1 a8 143 r- MUHtts City as 61 6i Alinneapolls 2"ii Juluth i 5 6t. Louis "... 28 61 60 Omaha 17 137 10 Mlnneaiolls Wheat Market. The range vi prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Ku wards-Wood company, llu-LU Uoaad ot Trade, was: . ArUcloa.l Oyn. High. Low. Close.Ye y. be AVlieat 1,111 ..lay...J- mHl 1 OSy 108 1 os uuiy.,.,1 10411 1 U3yl 1 03'.l 107',, tosi MHl M KVif. YORK CEJifcaAL MAKKKT V4t' Qvotatlona of the Day on Various t omiuodlt lea. NEW YORK, March 31. FLOUR Re ceipts, 16. 4M bbls.; exports, 13,018 bbls; mar ket Inactive, but taiily steady; Mmnesoia patents, l.Vnti JO; MlnneHula bakers. v) 0 t)'4.50; winter patents, $o.Wfio.bu; winter straights,; winter extras, M-bObj) 4.15; winter low grades, $;t.i0'(4.0o. Re flour, dull; full- to good, $4.3uo46j; choice tu Taney. 4.7iX(i4.9o. Hm kwhcat Hour, nom, per loJ Ids., $2oo'ij'.M0. CORNMKAL Steady; tine white and yel low, 1.2; c,rso new, $1.0d(Ul.ll); klln 4lrled, JJ.97y3.HJ. Kl'E Noinrnal; western. 0c. UAltLlOY-.Slow; reedli-g, 44Vic, c. I. t. New York; malting, 4t(i6Jo, c. i. f. Uuffalo. WHEAT Iteoripts. 21.375 bu.; exports, 10,J7tt bu.; ppot market barely steady; No. S red, uonunal elevator, 1.15''8 r. o. b. anoai; o. 1 northern Dulutn, al.l i1 r. o. b. allo.t: No. 1 hard Manitoba. ll.iH'. t. I JV- afloat. In a general way tho wheat A?" Inaritet was much firmer tody, notwlth- T atudlnflr further hrnrish rron news R hurts ai.jpearril nervous In all maikets and cov- ed rreely at times. The small Argentina AlilpmontH and llim cables were leading lull factors. Just at the close prices t-ud-lenly yielded to reallilng and lert off un changed to MC net lower; May, fl.UMi '1.12, closed At tl.lltt; July. SS'.t'bMo, closed at 831c; September, Mi4rS7Hc closed at MiQ. CORN Receipts, lln,i'25 bu. J exports, iB. lil'i bu. ; spot niHtket steady; No. 2, 56St elevator and Kc t. rt. h. afloat; No. 2 yel- 5 iw, D.iKt(r.-i . io. a wnne, o.u npiion mar '--V Vft nulet. but steadier, with the west clos- -syihJiK Irregular at "hC net advance; May d.gMed at 53Vo; July closed at 53c. Ijlfr OATS Receipts, 75. (X) bu. ; exports, 3.0115 , bu. ; spot market dull; mixed, 2B to 32 lhs., ' U.llTiHAf nntnrnl white 'Mi in !t'i lhs StiW.rt 37c; clipped white, 3tt to 4 lbs., 3739(!. FKiiD-Steady; spring bran, $18 25. prompt ehlnment. HAY Dull ; shipping, 60;7'43; good to choice. 77V.iS5o. HOI'S -Quirt: state, common to choice, lft4. iO'uSiv; 1:m3. ll'uf :5c; olds, llfjl2e. Pa cific coast, 1H, 254j2tc; 1.3, ZliJ4e; olds, 114io. H, 1DE8-Flrm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., iOa: California, 21 to 25 lbs., l!Hc; Texas dry. 24 to 30 Ilia, 15c. I. EATH ER Klrm ; ncld. S4j2i--eT 1'ROVISIUNS Hecr. steady; family, $120) Siia.iw; liit, vi,....i..-0; neei hiuiiH, $21.Imi f.l.OO; packet. 1l.wnil2.lVl: city extra India mess, $16.0V(il.V00. Cut meat, quiet; pick led bellies, $7 trii7.75; pickled shptildera, (i ll) ifl.00; pickled hams, $.5'k'(9.00. Lard, quiet; western steamed. $7 at); refined, steady; continent. ' -e --mi 'hit oj ?'00 i-i-iii- round, $4.871-ki6 25. I'ork. steady- family, l4.u15 'JO; short clear, $ll 75jlj.i6; mess, &,.; yU.75. TA1.1AJW l"ull; city ($2 per pkg.) ic; country (pkga. free). 4fl'ic RICE Quiet: domeatlc, fair to extra, Ti tVc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady; state dairy, common ti extra. 2irfi-27c. CHEESK-Strong; state, full cream, small colored and white fancy, c, state fine. 13-c; state, late made, colored and white, poor to choice. loVcilSe; state large colored and white fancy. 14o; state fine. 13-Jl3"4rr; atate late made colored and white, poor to choice, 10V(P3c. EUGS Easy; western fancy selected firsts, 17o. POULTRY Alive, strong; western chick ens. 13c; fowls, 15c; turkeys. 16c; dressed. Irreg-ular; western chickens, ltKjlJc; fowls, 14c; turkeys. 20o. Kaasas City Orala and ProrUloas. KANSAS CITY, March 3L-WHEAT May. Vc; July. 7SV,c; cash. No. 2 hard. Wc(0$l; No. S. 9rtc6$1.02; No. 4, IK'-97c; No. C red, $10Aill 07; No. 3, S1.0jl.06; No. 4. 5c$ 1101; receipts, 49 care. CORN May. 4444-e; July. 4444Hc; eaeh No. i mixed. 464eV,c: No. J, 45c; No. I White. -iD-tc; 00. . me. OATS-No. i white, Sliti32c; No. I mixed. 31,41 SOe. Eons Bieaay: Aiiseoun ana Kansas, new No. i whitewood cases Included. 151ac; case eount. 14c: cases returned. 4o less. HAY Steady; cholc timothy, .6Oi,i10 00: Choice prairie, t7.7&U.00. R Y E 7t0 78c 11 UTTER Creamery, 22ff2(c: packing. 190. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, hu 89 iO m m Corn. bu. M ti. b 400 CUts. bu ILOuO 17,0y .-1 DUM'TIL March 1.-WHKAT-To ar f ""f. rival Ko. 1 northern, $1 oV On track-4- JN. 1 uoftbern, H.044; No, t northern, ll u0-1","";""'.50 Kc: No- r; May, ii.A:c ii ' '"-'; Beptember, M,c. vi io arrive and on track. 'v. W-ICAOO GRAIX A.D PROVISIONS Featares of the Tradiog sad Clonlns rleee oa Board at Trad. iC.H7ICA,0' March 31.-Excellent weather YLJ t-.n"F' fates count-racted the ef twi or decreased shipments from Argen- S,'1."n a wek clo!, I" ha wheat market here today, the July option being a shade lower than yesterday's final quota lion. May corn is up HUV, oats shuw a I ,'h . a provisions are 2Vc to 6c t -1,n. 'h"at market opened quite strong, July be nar nn 1.. 1 -...-.. . The Initial strength was due largely to ? ,h ance rif a P,-nny a bushel in the price I1'"1 iveipooi, resulting trtnn conslderHMe decrease In the amount of 5 1 "IrJA" tr,jm Awntina. Shorts were ..... "muns ior juiy and Heptember, but offerings were not isrge. On this demand i 1 Tine aoove the opening j,, louciung sj'.4c. The buy ing was not particularly pronounced how ever, the volume of business being' com paratively light. Later sentiment was relnrorved by a report from Indiana vimnimg mat the wheat crop has been damaged by rrost. Advlcan from Minne apolis also favored the bulls. Cash de mand was renoned irnn.l nn.l 1, "fflo,Ir were said to have been made fi.r -MiiMiirni io tne orient. Hrllllnnt weather In the southwest, however, completely off set these Influences. A report of a local crop statistician, summing up the winter wheat situation, made the condition of the new crop to, ns compared with &3.1 lust December. Iate in the day the market yielded to the bearish factors, July de clining to Wc. The close was weak, with July at KS-Hc. Clearances of wheat and i?ur WPr9 ". to 192,7uo bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Hradstreet'g, were equal to 98s,fln0 bu. Primary receipts wui? 350,100 bu., ns compared with .1 holiday last year. Minneapolis, Puluth and Chicago re ported recelpti uf 274 cars, against 3tW last week. Sentiment In the corn pit was Inclined fo bullishness, mainly owing to a good cash demand. Shorts bought liberally und tho market was strong until late In the day, when prices sagged in sympathy with wheat. Closing quotations, however, were a triflo higher than yesterday's final figures. May opened unchanged at 47c, sold between 47'(M71t,c and 47V,o and closed at 47V(H7V. I)cal receipts were 258 cars. with 111 of contract grade. The dominant ractor In the oats market was the action of wheat. During the first half of the session shorts bought quite rreely. Iter the demand slackened some what and with moderato profit-taking an ensier tone developed. May opened a f-hade to 'c higher at 2!h4'ii29Xc to 2Sc. sold up to 2ii: and closed at 29iC Local receipts were 1:2 cars. Provisions were firm on llsrht recelnts or live hogs. Trading was mainly or a local character. At the close May pork was up fir-i": at si.'.frriz.i.'Vi lard was up 5o at $7.li3'i(7.15 unil ribs were 2Wi(je higher at $6.97. Estimuted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 19 cars; corn, 227 cars; oats, 110 cars; hogs, 13,000 head. The Hoard or Trade will be closed Tues- dnv. Aprl. 4. election day. The leading futures ranged as follows: THE OMAHA DAILY REE; SATURDAY. ArRIL 1. 1505. Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat May.. July.., Sept.. Corn- May.. July.., Sent.., Oats- May.., July.., Sent.. Fork Mav. .. July.. Lard May.., July... Ribs- May... July... 1 1 14 8S-VU9 83-4;4 47 1 14 89'l m 8814 1 13,' 1 12H 4747!(?4714-47U''J,S1 47 47V47:tf'-, 47'-JSl 47 48 HlWiiH, 29ad 29 -V 281 29 12 70 12 87H 7 12V 7 27Vi 6 97H 7 15 29'4frs 29". 12 72H 1! 7H 12 1Z 8b 7 15 7 30 8 97M,' 7 17V: 7 12H 7 27Vj 8 97H 7 16 47-;47i1il4i 47j47,4i 29a, I rjn 20 28'-, 2v. 12 12 90 7 15 7 30 6 974 12 (K 12 fO 7 10 7 15 6 r, 7 12'4 No. 2. Cash quotations were as rollows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents. $5.00fi5.10: Rtratahts. !4.75ti 4.90: snrlna na tents. J:, 6.40; straights, $4.4orn4.80; bakers', $2.40 8 3.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $l.Wol.l2; No. 3.'1.10; No. 2 red, $1.1S'4U5H. V.lK.- .-NO. 2, 4,'(Cli i4c; NO. 2 yellow. 4740. OATS No. 2. S-ii.o: No. 2 white, aaa-321-.v No. 3 white, 294fi31c. It I r. No. Z. 7h1C. UARI.EY tlood feedlna. 37S39c: fair to choice malting, 4M 470. SEKI)-No. 1 flax. $1.24; No. 1 northwest ern, $1 37; prime timothy, $2.90; clover, con tract grade. $13.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $13 RS fi 12. 70. Lnrd. per 1( lbs., $7.iOrj7.0;i. Short ribs sides (looseV $ii.87V,7.00: short clear Hides (boxed). $ti.75ti.!7H. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as follows: Recelnts. Sh Dments Flour, bbls S?.7oO 17CH0 Wheat, bu 84.00 11.200 Corn, bn 411,000 401, Sim Oats, bu.' 233.500 109,700 Rye. bu 5.00i) B,3ii0 Rarley, bu 31.900 B.SOi) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries. 2J'h-"ic: dairies, 21t22c. Eggs, easy; firsts, 16o; prime firsts. 17c; extras, ISc. Cheese, steady, 12al3V4c. A" 1 St. Louis Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. March SI. WHEAT-Weak after advance; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.H58; track, $1.12; May, $1.01,; July, 83'4'y, b:.r; No. 2 hard, $1.05V4. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 46Hc; track, 4tiVu47c; May, 4uJic; July, 4.V2C (lATS Higher; No. 3 cash. :!0c; track, 31cj May. 28c; No. 2 white, 31Vti32Vbi'. FLOUR Moderate; red winter patents $5,154(5.40; extra fancy and straight, $IJ75aii 4.9i: clear. $4.25i4.fiO. SEEIV Timothy, steady, $2.0O2.75. C( RNM KA L Kteailv, $2 50. RRAN l u!l ; sacked, ea-st track, VtyifSOo HAY Steady; timothy, Jti.00(Tj 13.00; prairie $6.11141 10.00. I HON COTTON TIES 95c. RArxiINO 7HC HEMP T V I N K 6Hc PROVISIONS - Pork, higher; Jobhlng, $12.20. Ijird, higher; prime strum, $'i.H2Mi lry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts and clear rilm, $ii.X7Vs; short clears, $7 1"U Hacon, steady; boxed extra shorts and clear ribs, $7.50; short clears, $7.S7V4 POULTRY Steady; chickens, HUc; springs. llVic; turkeys, 14'ultic; ducks, 12c; creamery, 2-Cfj30c, geese. He, HUTTER-Steady; dairy. 'j'n'25c. EtiOS Steady ; 15c, case count. , ... Receipts. Shipments. Til?1"'. ,'.bU 6 (11,1 S.tNs) Wheat, bu JS.miO "S () Corn, bu 61,000 59,000 Oats, bu 61,000 u,W Minneapolis Ornin Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 31. WHEAT May. fl.0K; July, $1031.0314; September Mc; No. 1 hard, $1,124; No. 1 northern, $l.h'4: No. 2 northern, l.05-V FLOUR First patents, $; 9Ot6.0O; second patents, $5.70i5.Si; first clears, 4.25U4 35; second clears, $2.SOfi2.9o. HHAN-In bulk, $14.25. Milwaukee Orafn Market. MILWAUKEE. Marcrr 31 WHEAT lo higher; No. 1 northern. $1.13W1.1.I4; No. 2 northern. $1. (Mil. 10; Julv. 88VruS.vS,c. bid RYE-Steody; No. 1, N5e. RARLEY Steady; No. 2, 61c; sample, 38 Jl5oo. coRff-'io higher; No. 3. 461147c; May. 47c, asked. I.lrerponl tiraln Market. LIVERPOOL, March 31. WHEAT Spot No. 1 California, steady at Ra lOd. Futures quiet: Mav, 6s 7Vd; July, 6a 7")d; Septem ber. s 7vd. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s 4d; old, 4s 11d. Futures, quiet; May, 4s SSd; July, 4s 3S1. Visible ai'ppljr of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS. March 31Becretary Heater s statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows a total visible of 4.2-8.126 bales, against 4.J49.3.M bales last week. Of this the total of American cot ton Is J.009,126 bales, against 3,028,381 last week. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March Sl.-RUTTER-Steadier; extra western creamery, W'i'yio ROUS Steady; western fresh, lio at mark. CHETESE Quiet. 121344e. - Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. March 31 -CORN-Dull and lower; No. $ yellow. 464c; No. S, 464c- No 4, 444c: no grade. 414c? ' ' ' v,OA.TSTVnch..n",'',: '' white, 3(aS0'4O' No. i white, 29u?9tc, " Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, March SI SEED Clover, nd. March, $.120; April, 8.05; October. $135 $7.ti6; prime timothy, Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. March 31.-DHY OOODS Market without particular feature and vet Increased flrntuess Is gtnerully recugnlswl and admitted. In certain directions more activity la In evidence, pardcularly from the south, where au Improvement Is re garded a especially favorable. Jobbers except Improvement next week from nearby trad with a continuance of warm weather. .NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS i Market ii in Hands of Professional Trader and Fluctuations Are Few, TRADING WAITS ON MONEY CONDITIONS Fear that a Flurry Woald Result from Demands for Aarll Settle ment and Japanese Bond Saa serlptions Sot Realised. NEW YORK. March Sl.-Today's stock market was In the hands of proresslonal ........ D. vui; iianuiui 01 ine sianaaro stocks were as much as a point away from "i iiisiiiB ieei si any time, ine move ment, although veiy sluggish, was a clear Index of a conviction on the part of the riruiriii niai ine present curtail ment of the money market resources Is the. restrictive Influence on speculation and Is not mr,r tli..,, ..., ...... ... ...... . , ...... Kiiitniiaif. xouay was ex pected to mark the end of the peilod of the ....... u,B..,,i K-ijmremenis ior me Japanese hond subscription and the April 1 payments. iiuiriiL rr-t-nit-u lo DC COnnUCIll a inuuuun 01 money would follow lm- The tone of the early market was more Consfrn n.,,1 n-Kon i. j . """" um-hu was sun en tertained that there might be a flurry in the money market with the closing day of the month. The comparative tranquillity Or the ,nll ..... ,..... ., , . .".in inie, vi nu n 0111 not get anoe 44 per cent, calmed the apprehension. l " v u .me jn mo any as Had flflfn t h rula 4 m .4 ns. V , - "uvi mo eaiiits tircuni- BIft.nrp nhniit AtAr An iui. . . . tt 1 ProfeBBniil circle, there wm no L . 8 V4 "pctujauv inicrest. Abroad, as tion .7 " ,.."-..-r.Al:luuon a. reiaxa- v. j ""'J ine turn or ine quar ter had an Influence on stocks. The tstl matea or the week s currency movement in 01 ated the payments to the subtreasury, W hich footed lit, II CT7,,.l I . - j-- i.m.i, v.-,, nave oeen orrsct hv K "I B.';.V:err,J. thousand dollars lm.- iiii,-iiur on ine ex press movement. There have been some re mittances ri.m Ih. , . . .,. 77, ' , "lienor 10 panicipiite in the Japanese loan subscription. In nrn!tr. a,nk.8v, "''n'lyfO'itlnued to make draits on their New York correspondents to tiav internul ,..-..1,. .Ati....i . . . subt,n"'"r ItP '"'PL'-n V the in'ffw- 'u' ossVbl'e dTr- inh h ,. 1, 1 I oeavy uemands marUe,hVh.."1'.:t,.) the money IhlLil'L reduction or deposits in iasi weea s bank statement it seems rvldint that very large supplies for the money market mus. haveome'fro n the ken?th"Tr8 a,ld othp'- sources to have steady "n" " ,m"Cy ,m'",ket as quiet and sidiuy as has been the case. The bank statement, therefore, will hard y be looked L?.,aiV,a co''us've reflection of the monev situation as a whole and it Is felt that the further course of the money market will de! oh,miarr y 0n ,hf adjustment of the olume of loans as between the banks ami U L'n"?1 c'r1 A "mber or induslrl a and specialties were strong from Indl vidual causes. The southern iron merger J.Pad mpW- the benefit to New York traction companies from future tunnel en ,err"rneS . ttlcment of the MotUamf cod' per disputo were some of the a oeclHc tZ V "nTn .W rUmor8 Whk' l n f tU d,', y-w'ere vn.s5.,!;;.iKrtP!fatTsot3fs1 r8ea,re; pa and old 3s advanced . I T -.d mm 7a 'V cent on call. tw 48 Per Quotations on the New v.i, 0. , cha.ige ranged as follow; Yrk St0rk ex 8.Ues.Hlgh.Low.Close. 13 'J.400 8SVt 81 &.vr i)24 142" 12,7(W ION'S lu77; 4.W 14S4 its' 67 41 Atchison do pfd V" Atlantic Coast I,ln'e! Baltimore i Ohio . do pfd Canadian Pneiflo --ii 1 1 in or . . j . . , Chesapeake Ohio.. 3,4,10 Ji Alln 100 do nfrl Chicago Ot. Western Chicago ft N. W O.. M. & St. P Chicago Term. & T,.'. do prd c., c & st. l.::::; Colo, x- Southern do 1st pfd do Jd pfd II.. hltt-nr. u. ii.., iiuu.1011. mm N14 l!Hiii inn Denver & lil n , '''N ot J'l 700 7,100 4l 100 400 243.1S -i' 3,000 isij ) 3S 175 3l'i S8 102U 142 l'Hs 95 1484 199 B74 41 SO 2314 !43 175 IS S4i 600 HlSU. Iiiti? 1, ..) 27 254 267? l.firtO 81 m n 2,900 37 3,-ii Sfi: fm 191 liioi jno- il4'i S9S 4.r.Ti 90 67Vj 34V4 89 45i 9o'i 400 ln 2SV4 1,0 400 8174, 34 89 VI 7H 93 934 r,9i4 159.x; 28 27H 54 31i W-Ta 31 Denver Sc. liioG no prd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley '. do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central , do pfd K. C. Southern , do pfd Louie & Nashville.., Manhattan I, , Mot. Securities Met. St. liy Mexloan Central M. Ai St. Ixiuls M.. St. P. & S. S. M io pfd M'isourl Pacific , M.. K. & T A. 11. ii. n. or iiex. pra oiZ xt v A o v.. ii'T.V ln'" 1M A .VV.M !." W? Nr DO.tiOO 143H 142 3.900 142 111 'i 141H ixiVi im 167 15.900 w-ii 87- IIC.V 5.000 llj JW..V jo.,.? 1,500 24-xi 21 u, ?4r 51 117 154 inn 119 iis 500 1rt5 liiK 3,100 107H Kju 7 3m 31 31 id" mi 3.400 1.1K) Sort 4o0 100 70,100 2,400 S414 80'4 2t; IVI 38 14 39 57 H 23 7.l 18 23'4 80i 39 500 im K) 34 94 3314 80 70 2l! (14 '!', 118 34 '3814 89 57 23 47, 181, 23 61 M 79'i 38 92 143 80 94X; 91 89 31 79 70 2 64 117 118 34 W 38 38 57 130 99 4 23 47? 18 23 51 244 2?0 125 250 80 39 99 ' J11O 34 341 5 39 20 H 4f, 50 5 19 44 50 115 101 0L' 92 5 38 20 45 501,4 114 Pennsylvania P.. C.. C. & St. f. Reading 23,000 '95' do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 10,400 do pfd mm Pt. I,. H S. F. M pfd. 200 t. Ixiols S. W 100 do pfd 1 900 a... . 1. t la. - i ii, 1 11 1 lu-llll? J.-.SOO S7-V do pfd firm im Southern Railway..,. 2,ri0 34V4 do pfd Texas it Pacific 1 3'V T-. St. I,. & W '300 do pfd 1 .drift I'nlon Pacific 95,300 130 19 do Tlfil . Wabash do pfd W. I.. K Wisconsin Central... do pfd Adams V.x American Kx I'nltod States Kx.... Wells-Fargo Kx Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry no pro Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Unseed OH do pfd Am. Iyocomotivn do pfd Am. Smelt. Refng. do rfd Am. Sugar Refng Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. Anaconda M. Co Rmoklvn R. T Colo. Fuel - Iron Consolidated Oas Corn Products do nfd . iaa rlstlllers' Securities.. 12 700 General Electric International Paper.. 4.W . do pfd 5oo international fumo do pfd National Ivead 33 700 47 North American 6.3oO lot Pacific Mall 300 451. People's Oas 3 soft ' Pressed Steel Car.... 4.000 4il "'i nm-o v ar Republlo Steel do pfd Rubber Goods , do pfd , Tenn. Coal & Iron.., V. S I -eat her do pfd , T S. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd I. 8. Steel , do r,fi4 Va -Carollna'chem'.'. no pru 'estlnirhoiisft F.lftr. Western Cnlon " i()0 '9314 Kx-dlvldend. Total sales for the day. K14,4oO shares. Kew York Mining- slocks. ',UK- March 31.-The following r the closing quotations on mining stocks- Ai4.n.a C.n T I . .... . . ' i.mis i nief 1 Ontario 4?,0 0,hir ... Wl I'hiwnlx 1 . !...'.! t (VI Sl'rrs Nrvsils u 8nill Hopn 2.1 tilSQiairil ,! 2iV) 200 1,500 40i 7.400 HO 115 B.loo 10.1 l.fiflfl 1'V 9lt. 8.90ft 142 141 142'4 1.8O0 97i 9H 7l 100 11714, 117 uh 35.2O0 6814 fi7i4 19.400 58 R7 fif 2,000 208 917 207 f7i 47 "?3 C.5 45 -2L' 77 3.600 5.401) 21.501) 8214, 32 ?3 82 3U 2 70O infi.v. ivi , 34,200 SB14 9714 i"l 1.14 400 108 600 9li . S.9IO 43 900 115 . 22.100 3 , 31,100 )c 00 34 400 107 C5 41; 185 25 84 47 10? 44 110 40 93 24 23 " 34 104 97; 13U 107 08 43 111 JUS', 44 101 44 111 93 !Vi 43 sr. 95 3414 35' 9 S4 old reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 1140,7:1.9:3; Sw York Money Market NEW TORK, March 31 MONEY On riill itrnM. n . .1 kl-k.. . . .:. . --- nuu iiiii lr cenij closing bid, 4'4 per cent; offered at 4 per rent- 1 1 m 1 , . . a.m. , T . nn,!, utiji, ninety days and six month Jfj3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 3M per cent. STERLINt EXCMANGE-Steady. with Brf HU I hiisslnssssat In' Kill. . s j tirtv - iriiinriii I'llia H I 4 for dt-mand and at $4.s-k-yu4 Mio for jlxty-day bllln; postpd ratP. U .844 5 and 14 M4vfr 4 87- rm maria 1 Kill,. u- a ti T 7. . oi. w-e , irs it h n nouars, wo. 1)NDS Government, strong; railroad. lre.ff-,.l- Cloning prices on bonds were.- u. S. ref. at, ri...l4 Htx-kinf Vsl. 4Ht....lin4j " ' -"-.--" -jcan 9. CTrs 103 d rt M 1,. ft N. unl 4t Iu3 an Coupon Hlo Mnhalln m Am ini rrt Ill jMi. restral 4a....'.i 7H e ij i nn in inr 24 " . "I ih ainn. ft St. U 4t.. tH u ,in, m . , a a t. 4s Am. Tobscco 4s. ctfs 74t do U 105 1IKil 179 93'4 93 Adams Con A lira ill-Mrs liruimwli'k ('nn . Cuntos Tunnel run. I'.l. A Va. Hum silver .... Iron SUvnr Ln1viiis Cos .,. Off-eied. 25 . .. an ,..'. ii ... 4 T4 ...IhS ...3u0 ... I Traaaarr atatement. WASHINGTON. Man h 31. Today's statement of the treasury balances In thJ eneral fund, excluslv ,t Us llVwow do S rtfa Atrhlton gen. 4s... do adi. 4a . . Atlsntie r. L it.. hsi. a onlo 4s.... do 3m tentrsl of (Is. is do 1st Inc do 2d inc loii. So ...11H4 N. R. .''ot'.'c."'M. i ...10S N. T. C. 1. llts ... MH N. J. r. 5s... ...l'O i. No Psdflc 4s.... ...PM' do Is , ... 9S N. A W. c 4s.. ...IIS n s. U rfdg 4s ... S3 Pens. con. IHs., .. i n caning gca ni i If" .... h ....103 " "-si ncaaing gcs. 4S 103 f' i)h' S....10 8t. U t, 8 V. It 4s. (1 Chl'o 4 A. !... 2 St. L. S. W. c. 4s.... 8!' 7' ' . 1 2- "" sssoiisril A. U 4s.... II C. R. I. P. 4s.... .31, So. rsdhV 4 95(4 rw. nauwav m 7-1.1 5.'' 4"--,of, Tciss A P. Is 1M Chlcaso Tcr. 4i t uiorado Mid. 4s... ColO. A An Am Cubs 6s, ctfs. .!.'!.. R. O. 4s 7 ,T.. St. 1.. W. 4a Hit . T5 I'nlon Pscldi! 4s 107'4 . II do conr. 4s 1.(214, .11" T. S. Ste.1 2d ts iS 101 IHstlllsrs Bee. 6!!"! S2( .101 Vs Erin prior lias 4s ao gsn. 4s... . r. Wahaah 1a do rich n Westsrn Md. 4s. ii s i , 1 - a. . . W. st 1. C. IS.. .111 W'la. Cantral Am Offered. Rid. ..Ill", .. ei .. li .. Mi, .. MM Roston (rtoeks anil Rnada. ROSTON, March 31 Call loans, 833 per ent; time touns hujall. , ... ., i closlnR nn stocks -ind bonds: westing common Adventure Allouei Am a Asierlcsn Zinc Atlsntie , Illngham , Cal. & lie. la Atchlaus sd. 4s M do 4a loJH Mcs. Centnal 4a 7a Atchison M do pfd I031, 'Hoilou & Alosnr tMit, "Hnaton Ji- u,ln. lull -p icnrair, trn 1. ,k ..... .-, Mexican Ccntrsl i44. Copper Range . . , -, n. n. K n...Z014 Ilaly w cat Pcrs Mtrquetts ...110 ivomlnlon Cosl nlOU PaClSn . IVIi IVankHn Amer. Am. rh,m do pfd to llla Bovala '" Amer. Pneo. Tutss.... 4Ma. Mining ., Amer. Sugar do nfd Amer. T. A- T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion TAR Bditnn Klcc. Ilia. . (ieneral Klar-trln Masa. Electric .... do pfd Maea. Gas niled Frnll Inlled shos Msch. do pfd . S. k'tecl do pfd Uld. "Asked K.'W Mlihlnan ..1.17!4j Moliawk ..144 Mont. C. A C. .. 2 Old Dominion ., ..107 ll-ocola .. 22 'Psrrot . -2.r5 Qulncr . . 1S Shannon ...21 Tamarack ... S Trinity ... 44 S I'. 8. Mining.., ...109M II. S. Oil ... 8-4 Vtah ... a Victoria ... 34 Winona ... i iWolverlns ... 0 ... 5U 11 H .... 12 1K . .. 51 680 174 7M 1 ft , 10 t JW lo4 I1 S3' i1 2M Hll 24 lufi TTi 12C 1U4 26 , H 4.". 414 11 110 London Stocks and Bonds. LONDON, March 31. Closing quotations en stocks and bonds: Consols, money ... 1 4-111 M Y. Central.. 81 E-l( Norfolk A W.. V. do pfd 0(4 ...10f,4. do account Anaconda .. Atchison ... do pfd . . Baltimore A Ohio 111H Canadian Pacific . ...ir2V ( nes. a: unio. . . Chicago Gt. W. C, M. A St. P. Peneprs Denver A R. U. do pfd Erie do ' lat pfd. .. do 2d pfd... Illinois Central 1-ouls. & Nah 145 M., K. & T 12 ... OSU ... 24(4 ...ISO ... 174 Ontario & W.. Pennerlvanl . Rsnd Mines .. Heading do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd.. Southern Railway ... 3ri do pfd 99 S4HSoulhers Pacific 69k . l4jlnlo Pacific 1334 164 S"H SS 5I4 734 11'. 4.14 47 . 44, ... 464 ... 82 4 ... 694 ..164 do pfd U. S. Sleel.... do pfd Wsbssh do pfd Spanish 4it 102 36 '4 tH 2414 48 .... S14 SILVER Par, steady. 25 13-16d per ounce. moftii 1 per cent. The rate of discount in the onen mnrkei for short bills is 2 rer cent: for three months' bills, 2(52 per cent. Forelsrn Flnanrlal. LONDON, March 31. Money was Inactive. month-end demand in the market todav. A number of calls and dividend distribu tions were resnonslble for considerable dis placements. Discounts were a shade weaker in expectation or easier money. Trading on the Stock exchange was nuiet and cheerful. The heavy settlement was con cluded without difficulties and closed fea tureless. Consols hardened and home rails recovered from their recent degression. Americans opened lrretrular. with fractional parity changes and Improvement during the forenoon on fair support. The dealings were slight. Prices closed firm. Foreigners were steady, rtussians and continentals hesitated. Venezuelans nnd Colombians were cheerful In anticipation of a settle ment of externnl debits of Venezuela and Colombia. Imperial government 6s'of 104 quoted lOai. i'AKis, warcn 31. The tone on the Bourse today was very firm, owing to the easy settlement. Russian Imperial 4s quoted bv.yit ana Russian bonds or 1904 at 5.03. UEKLIN, March 31. Trading on the Ilourse today generally was active. llnnk Clenrlna-s. OMAHA. March 31. Bank clearings todav were 1,1S5,!CI. For the corresponding day of 1901 the clearings were $1,002,092.71. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 31. WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin tomorrow will say of the wool market: The tone of the market shows decided Improvement. Business Is better and has been fairly active consider ing the small supplies of domestic to draw from. The demand nas been larger for several grades than could be filled. The stock of old territory is estimated at not over 2,000,(100 pounds. Values are firm and rule in sellers' favor. Small sales of fat sheep and other new wool show particu larly good results. The change of sent1 ment as regards foreign wool is marked. Importers are holding out for a profit and not offering supplies at cost. Foreign ad vices are distinctly stronger. The ship ments of wool from Boston to date from December 19. according to thP same authority, are (53,1.10,792 pounds, against S0.- 315.217 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are fix.29:t.9'4 pounds. against 44.947,950 pounds tor the same period last year. ST. I.Oi:i8, March 31. WOO!, Dull : me dium grades combing and clothing WaCoo: light tine, lSW20c; heavy fine, 14150; tub wasnea, ausj 01 e. Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW TORK. March 31 COTTON Sivit closed quiet; middling uplands. 8.10c; mid dling gulf. 8.40c. Sales, 2,460 bales. NEW ORLEANS, March 31. COTTON Quiet and steady; sales. 2,400 bales; ordi nary, 61-16V; good ord'nary, SVJc; low mid dling, 7c; mlddHns. 7e; good middling. 7o; middling fair. RB-18c. Receipts, 16.S17 bale.-; stock, 2,"i3,507 bales. LIVERPOOL, March 31. COTTON Snot. moderate business, prices unchanged; sales, 8.000 bales, of which 500 bales were for spec ulation and export, and Included 7.700 bales of American; receipts. 2.30) bnles, all Amer ican, futures opened steady and clowd steady; April, 4.13d; April arid Mav, 4.13d; May and June. 4.16d: June and July 41Rd: Julv and August. 4.1Dd; August arid Sep tember. 4.21d: Hentember and ortaber. 4.22d; October and November. 4.22d; November and, December. 4.23d: December and Tanu- arv. 4 24d: Tanusry and Febmnrv. 4.fKrl. sr. LOl IH, March 31. COTTON Steady : middling. 7c; sales 23d hales; receipt". 3 bales; shipments, 154 bnles; stock, 46,56? bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 31. METALS Th. London tin market la again higher, clos ing at 13ttlie for spot and 134 li!s tor fu tures. Locally the marki t continued mil.-t but was held higher in sympathy with the foreign strengtn. Spot closed at $3.).6v& 30.15. Copper was a shade higher abroad, closing at 67 7s 6d for spot and 67 los 3d for futures. Locally the market was un changed, with lake quoted at $15.37'(jl5 50; electiolyt. 116 2o31ii.36; casting, 14.t7V 15.25. Lead, unchanged, f4. 504.60 in the local market and 12 los in London. Spel ler, uiicnangea in uoin margeta, closing at 23 15s In London and Iti.oi locally Iron cloned at 64a In Glasgow and 49s in M11I- dlcsborough. Locally the market was un changed; No. l foundry northern Is quoted at n ,niia..o; no. z foundry northern, 17.5tf lK.iu; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. $17.761 IS. 2.S. ST. IX)1I8. March 31. M ETA I. S Lead, quiet, $4.50; speller, steady, 5 75j K0. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. March 31 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues easy; common, 4'di.c; prime, 6.35i0.4oc; choice, 6oVsc; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCITS-Prunes Market shows no material change, although It is reported that quite a large business has been done In ihe aggregate during the last rew days and stocks are cleaning up somewhat. Quotations range from 2c to 5c. according to grade. Apricots, llrm choice, ltiV'Mlc; extra choice, llUA'lZWy ranry, Y:ubc. P aches. light supply1 choice held at 1(4i1ii'c; extra choice, 10 ftUiV': fancy. U'ul2c. Rulslns. steady at recent prices; loose muscatel quoted 4 Mar. 1.. Mar. 2.. Mar. I.. Msr 4.. Mar. ... Mar. 6.. Mar 7.. Mar. (.. Mar. .. Mar. 10.. Mar. 11.. Mar. 12.. Mar. 13.. Mar. 14.. Mar. 15.. Mar. 14.. Mar. 17.. Mar. 18.. .Mar. 1.. Mar. 20.. Mar. 21.. Mar. 22.. Mar. I',).. Mar. 24.. Mar 26.. Mar. . .. Mar. W... Mar. 2S.. Mar. 29.. Mar. Ho.. Mar. 31.. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipta Light, Fric?s Quoted Generally Steady. HOGS ACTIVE AND FIVE CENTS HIGHER Llatht Has of heep aad lambs and Oal to a Fairly Good Demand from Parkers Market on De sirable Grades Held Steadr. SOUTH OMAHA. March 81. 1. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oftictal Monday 3,:i 3.10 10.i38 Official Tuesday 4,! 7.2"7 Official W ednesday 3,ti47 9,2:15 S.4S7 Official Thursday 2,131 6.177 7.S78 Official Friday 1,611 6.K79 2.6J3 Five days this week. .15.RR3 86.6IS 86.14J Five days last week 17.912 40.' 37 So.lfi Suma ilni, u-A.,u k.l.,r. i ; n m 7.4 TQ S1IIHA throo s-.,ba n,t IS All 4T. f.f? !-A.V'l Same four weeks agi 15.716 49.o3 SO.tilS ame days last vear 2".71S 2.74 26.' S2 Total March, l! 7ii,7Tn H4.012 irA.171 Totsl Mjtrrh 1I04 W. OA 1IW '7 1K(.4fv4 Total March, l:t3 !k:4.-W 1';s!1S 141.441 lotal March, li 2 (vi S97 kr:.6J4 1n,3i.l Total March, il M SL'4 l(V,i0 12.I.095 Total March, 190n MM lsfi 871 L'6.6t9 Total Mnnh 4C 7 ICQ 740 1:V( lk",l Total March,' lS9.'.",'!.i.".',V236 13ti!oK5 142.795 lotal March, 1S97 62,917 110,448 Ti.M RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE .11 . , . , ... . . aiio luiivwiiig laoie snows iu reccirivs or cattle, hogs and aheen at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 1906. 1904. Inc. Pec. Cattle 2H3.279 237.845 .... 84,508 Hoirs ill to: it'i a.i til 1 31a Sheep iiitRo'lS 4ii7i798 .... 66.a3 Tho following table shows the average price ot hogs ut bouiti oinaiia lor ine last several days, with comparisons: I 1903. U04. 11903. 11902. 11901. 11900. Il' 4 10 6 141 6 01 B Ml 4 (Wl S 51 4 7ll 6 09 9l 6 281 4 (at1 3 Rl 4 77 5 12 7 03 6 11 I 4 69 R7 4 801 6 (4 7 Oil 6 VI ( 321 IU I S 07 J 121 6 97 6 (71 4 74 4 86 7 061 6 991 6 351 4 70 t 51 4 l' S 1.1 7 lol 6 101 6 37 4 71 3 t-0 4 87l 6 19 4 H I U'l 4 S7u; i in, 4 IsiC Sill 6 06 5 ! 4 721 t 63 - 1 .. . i. 4 80 4 M 4 ) 4 94 I 4 97V. 6 01, 5 08 5 12k 6 07l 5 0 08 6 14 7 14i 6 411 4 2nl 5 97' 1 4 7 Soi (,9i 6 40 ' 6 75 7 131 6 13 5 41 4 76 I I U, II 4V V 1D is 1 :s e ii o m g 13 8 64 59 !5I 6 151 7 20) b 041 7 11 6 04 7 05 4 9 6 15 34 4 K 4 95 4 tK 7 45 6 or 7 o Til 5 0 7 25 1 6 121 7 211 5 13 I 7 2(i 5 Ii9 6 17 7 30 5 09 I 5 14 6 09, 5 0i 7 22 6 14 I 4 W 7 :T 7 Ihi (i 7 33; 6 1 6 25 6 31 6 29 6 W 6 66 6 65 a 01 6 71 5 K 5 80 a f J 3 K5 91 3 59 1 85 3 64 4 94 4 t9 4 Mi; 4 8! 4 85 6 801 4 !KI, t 05 3 5a 3 3 C'6 3 60 3 t3 4 931 3 () 6 Shi 6 761 13 6! 6 361 5 871 4 891 6 4 1 6 o 4 17 1 S 61 6 59! 5 t" 5 06 , 3 CI C 59! 6 85; 5 lb 3 M I 6 89, 6 121 3 63 6 6ti I 5 Ul; 3 69 Indicates Sunday. The oillcial number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. llogs.Sh'p.H'ses. C. M. & St. P 2 Wahaah 1 Missouri Pacific 1 2 .. 1 Union Pacilic 2D L9 1 1 C. & N. W 2 F.. K. & M. V 22 25 3 C, St. P., M. & O.... 9 4 H. & M 11 27 6 1 C, 14. & Q 1 2 C R. 1. & P.. east.. 1 4 C, R. I. & P.. west.. .. 1 Great Western 1 1 ., .. Total receipts .... 67 99 10 3 The disposition or the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 152 917 4(W swift and Company I7 1 377 250 Cudahy Packing Co 444 2.874 450 Armour & Co 2,,9 1,59 199 Vansant & Co 1 .... .... Ijnbman & Co 6 Hill 4 Huston & Co 3 D. F. Husz 125 Mike Haggerty 34 ti. Root & Co 29 Bulla ti. Kline 4 S. & S 181 Other buyers 248 .... 1.440 Totals 1.616 6.946 2.747 CATTLiE There was a vtrv limit run of came 111 signt this morning, even lor a Friday. The demand at this nnint seemed to be In good shape, soMhiit while there was not aulte as much life to the trade as was the case yesterday, everything sold in gooa season at right around steady Trices. The demand for anything at all desirable In the way of beef steers was active and prices for such kinds were fully steidy. When It came to the common and medium grades the market was not very active and prices certainly no more than steady. There was nothing offered todav good enough to bring over $5.40. For the week the market on beer steers Is about nigner. ine improvement being most no ticeable on the better grades. Trading has been active on most days, so that each day's offerings have been well cared for. The cow market was also fairly active and -prices on the desirable kinds were fully steady with yesterday, the demand for that class being, if anything. In excess or the supply. ine commoner kinds, though, were more or less neglected, as packers tld not seem to care whether thev got any of that kind or not. As a result salesmen in some cases found it rather difficult to get steady prices. As com pared with a week ago. the good to choice grades are about 2.V(i3ro higher, but tho common stuff has not shown much of any improvement. Hulls, veal calves nnd stags all sold In much the same notches they did yesterday and there is not a great deal of change as compared with a week ago. The same ns is generally me case on a Friday, the demand for Blockers and feed ers was limited. 1 he rnnicest bunches were perhaps nnout steady, nut there were quite a few common and light cattle nn sale and tney were 01111 ami in most cases a little lower. Representative sales: BEKF STKKRiS. Pr. 4 76 4 HO 4 80 ' 4 00 4 IK 4 05 6 00 t 00 r os t OS 6 OS 6 10 ( 10 4 25 6 2S 4 30 I 80 6 40 t ftO 6 II I S I 90 t 00 s 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 IS 8 IS I M 8 25 t iS 8 50 8 70 T5 8 75 ' I 10 8 10 8 so 8 M 10 4 00 4 0 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 25 4 75 4 5 4 15 4 :s 4 85 4 30 4 tS 4 4(1 4 40 8 so 4 00 4 It 4 M I 44 8 bl 8 60 8 Ml I (i No. A v. I'f- No. Ar. 1 630 i 75 1 1340 1 10 8 "5 II 1 It'll 10 757 B Hi 10 1164 t l'KW 4 15 t 1000 14 8H4 4 16 10 11128 i Ho 4 4 20 4 1 1 HU t 1040 4 25 i 1156 1 1220 4 25 13 12U0 It m 4 86 22 1172 4 45 4 50 t 1029 I S0 4 60 t 111,8 It 5 4 64 11 1918 23 tM 4 (0 88 126.1 8 l'U 4 60 8 1410 8 1060 4 70 1 1420 1041 4 75 t 13ul 1141 4 78 8 12U 24 10118 4 75 2fl 1129 48 1016 4 "5 2 16S0 STEERS AND COWS. (4 3S 4 40 10 1J3J 7 77 4 60 COWS. 1 too I 00 7 SH 1 7so t 00 1 mo 1 660 8 00 ( luo 1 725 8 15 I luM I 0 8 l I uo 1 870 8 86 8 16 1 800 8 85 1 1150 1 876 t 26 2 tun 1 850 8 36 8 iui 11 " t 40 I "..1811 1 "0 8 40 1 lio 8 ii0 I 40 1 him 8 "0 8 60 1 71,0 I 16 8 66 18 83ii 8 1030 2 66 1 m 8 Hit t 76 1 1110 1 1030 8 76 1 l(Ki0 1 7i I 71 4 nni 1 1020 I 76 4 s5t 670 8 75 1 ,o 1 100 8 71 1 107J 1 SCO 8 76 8 uio 8 1125 8 76 8 lo 1 820 8 76 1103 17 6 8 M 1 MOO t 1035 8 0 4 li,7 1 730 8 00 8 uso 1 1040 I 00 44 a4o 1 10J0 ( 00 8 mo 8 7" I 00 8 mo 1 13 I 00 1 1067 1 40 8 2B I no 1 1020 8 86 81 if 1 1U70 8 26 18 ;, 1 K'40 8 25 7 mi 1 H0 8 25 1 1210 1 110 8 36 4 l46 8 K0 8 SS I ilu 8 106 8 40 1 io, 4 1106 8 40 10 l,,) 1 IOiiO 8 40 8 ji I 1070 8 Ml 11 if, 8- C0 8 M t lono I io 8 o 1 i 1030 8 40 I lo9 I I44 8 t5 COWS AND HEIFERS. it M 8 ti 4... 10 10 745 8 50 HEIFERS. 1 8 60 8 7f,s 1 "0 a t 11 1 428 8 76 1 ,07, 1 640 I 00 8t ,04. 1 1160 8 60 1 i o a to 1 1 8 60 ,246 a nit a 1 ,. 1 WW IH) 1 j7jQ 1 r a 10 s 1116 a it 16 16N) 8 10 1 ui a ;s 1 740 8 JS 8 lf-10 8 25 1 1740 8 86 . STAGS. 1 1(50 4 60 CALVES. 1 r"0 8 I 1 70 8 60 1 1 100 8 50 8.... a 435 a m 1 1 ito a at t 1 130 4 M 1 ... 8 170 4 as I 1 120 4 tS 1.... 1 irro a v 1 1I"A 8 40 1 1870 8 50 1 1110 8 76 I 1M0 8 M 1 lieft I M ... 11 4 60 ...K0 4 K ... IM CI ... 140 i at ... 8M 6 60 ... 170 I 75 ... 150 I 00 ..140 10 STOCK CALVfcS. ( S30 8 to BTOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 1 470 a :s a 6t an 1 450 8 74 1 IN I7i 8 450 t M 1 lit 8 75 8 175 8 00 t 871 8 76 1 740 a 00 a 4:s a 76 8 (10 8 60 1 6T0 In 7 677 8 60 8 740 4 136 HO is Receipts of hops were light this morning at all points and as a result the tendency of prices was upward. The mar ket here was a little alow In getting started, but salesmen held for a nickel advance and as packers all had to have some hogs, the market soon became active with prices generally 6c higher than yes terday's general market. Owing to the llm l(e,t offerings it took but a comparatively short time for everything In sight to mango hands after bu ers ana sellers got together on prices. The bulk of the sales went from 4V..12V lr,.15, with the light and common stuff from $.V12H down. 'Ihe choicer loads went from $6.15 to $5.20. Rep resentative snler: No. Ar. sh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. to 1M ... 4 W tl J 60 6 124 63 131 ... 4 86 77 124 SO 6 12 is 80 213 80 6 07V4 73 170 40 6 It 81 IM ... t 07V4 II 253 ... i 16 74 214 ... 6 10 3 77 120 6 It 81 1S4 ... 6 10 6 f0 40 6 18 (1 220 ... f 10 13 141 ... (15 II 176 ... i 10 78 $31 40 t It 74 237 1(0 I 10 47 (77 SO 6 15 70 188 ... t 10 76 368 ... t II 84 187 ... t 10 12 1st ... I II 70 183 ... t 10 71 Ill 40 6 16 11 183 (0 t 10 44 160 ... It 80 171 ... i 10 67 177 ... I II 84 Ill 80 I 10 65 al ... 6 It 70 228 40 t 10 40 18 ... 11 68 221 ... 6 10 48 230 ... I 15 43 2" 40 6 10 17 283 80 6 It 16 245 ... t 1214 61 841 ... 6 16 S3 268 ... 8 1I4 61 317 1(0 I 16 87 214 ... 6 12V4 it 146 ... I 16 87 221 ... 6 Hi 5 244 80 6 16 65 277 80 I 1!U 81 244 ... Ill 72 235 SO I II 12 147 110 8 It 78 223 ... 6 121, 70 840 SO 6 16 64 228 ... 6 ltw 68 241 ... I 16 tS 2.46 ... 6 124 II 231 80 I 16 61 150 ... 6 124 66 131 40 6 16 71 241 40 6 12L, 60 246 ... 6 16 .243 80 5 12 's 72 25 10 t 16 43 25.1 120 t 14 (7 127 ... I 16 72 218 60 6 1J' 78 146 40 6 16 i, 239 1110 5 124j 73 228 40 I 16 ( 227 120 6 12(s M 300 240 6 IS t-i 223 120 6 124j 42 147 ... I 16 ...2S ... t llt 43 3(n 120 6 It 84 210 ... 6 12(4, 70 241 80 6 16 6K 240 160 6 124 M 5 40 6 17 4 6H 2:10 40 6 12V, 121 276 140 I 17Vi ti'i 247 80 6 124 72 2lit 60 6 17 43 242 120 t 1!', 8 271 SO 6 171, 65 220 ... 6 12 '4 67 231 ... 6 17(s HI 247 ... 6 l.'l, 60 1st ... 6 17(s 64 217 40 5 12s 66 187 160 6 1S 73 194 ... 6 12(, 68 238 40 6 174 71 257 40 5 124 6K 3IU ... S 10 63 210 ... 6 124 44 831 ... 6 20 68 208 80 6 124 (27 11.0 ... I 20 SHKI'JP There were only about nine cars reported this morning, und as all the pack ers seemed to be looking for a few fresh supplies, the market held Just about steady with yesterday and everything changed hands at an early hour. As high as o..t was paid for ewes and some wethers sold for $5.75, while some wethers and year lings mixed brought $6.25. There were no good fat lambs offered, but some feeder lambs sold for $6.50. For the week the market on the better grades of sheep and Iambs is just about steady, but the commoner grades have been rather slow nnd prices a trifle lower. Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice yea-lings. $ij.40'u(i.76; fair to good year lings. $ii (KV(i(i.4o; good to choice wethers, $5. was. 76; fair to good wethers, $6.0(H?6.60; good to choice ewes, $5.2fcit6.65; fair to good ewes, $4.75it5.15; common to fair ewes, $4.00 (hl.60; good to choice lambs, $7.26(?i7.60; fair to good lambs, $i'..90di7.15; feeder lambs, Ji.0O3iti.60. Representative sales: No Av. Pr. 20 western cull lambs 5S 4 50 2 western ewes K5 ' 4 75 201 western ewes 91 4 90 207 western ewes 92 4 90 1 western ewe 90 6 25 1 western clipped wether Ml 6 25 109 western, wethers 102 S 75 2 western wethers 140 6 75 S2 western wethers 96 6 90 153 western yearlings 93 6 00 137 western yearling wethers.... 100 6 25 724 western feeding lambs 67 , 6 50 470 western feeding lambs 67 6 60 91 west0T-n lambs 65 6 75 2 western clipped ewes 95 4 50 17 western ewes 10(5 5 60 21 western ylgs. and wethers.. 97 6 15 CHICAGO UVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong; o Ten Cents Higher Hogs Fire Cents Higher. CHICAGO, March 31. CATTIE Receipts, 2,500 head. Market strong to 10c. higlur; good to prime steers. $5.4(KU4i.40; poor to me dium, $4. 2"Wi 6.25; stockertr and feeders, $3.09 (i5.00; cows. $2.764.75; heifers, $3.0O6 .26; canners. $1.6tXr-2.50; bulls, $2. 75(Sj4. 25; calvea, $3.00(11 6.75. HOGS Receipts. 17.000 head: estimated for tomorrow. 9,(KiO head Market 5c higher; mixed and butchers, $5.2iVfj5.87H; good to choice heavy, $5.3'Kfti.40: rough heavy, $5.15 'ir., 25; light, $5.1(K(jS.30; bulk of sales, $5.15" 5.35. SHEEP AND IAMRS-Recelpts. 6 000 head. Market for sheen and lambs steady: good to choice wethers, $5.75fiit;.2f; fair to choice mixed, $1.50fi5.5O; western sheep, $5.00 fri6 25; native lambs, $5.5Oj7.50; western lambs, $0o4!7.80. New York Live Slock Market. NEW YORK. March 31. BEEVES Re ceipts. 3.409 head: steers llrm: bulls and cows slow; fat cows llrm: one 'car bulls unsold; steers. $4 (HkifS.OO; bulls, $3.ri5!fr4.20; cows, $1.55(3)4.25. Cables quoted live cattle nnd sheep steady, with refrigerator beef selling at JiiiSHc. Shipments tomorrow son cuttle nnd N.2no quarters of beef. CAIVVES Receipts. 268 head; market steady for good veals and weak for com mon and medium grades; all sold; common to good veals, $5.(Viif).sfl; few lots at higher prices; no little calves; dressed calves in fair demand; city dressed veals, 9fijl2c; few extra, 13c; country dressed, (VfjtlOo. SHEEP AND IAMIlS-Reoelnta, 1.074 head; sheep strong; lambs full steady; prime to choice sheep, $d.7$37.00; lambs, $; spring lambs $6.00. HOGS Receipts, 724 head; feeling about steady. Kansas Cits- live Block Market. KANSAS CITY, March 81 CATTLE Re ceipts, 700 head. Including 20 southerns. Market steady to strong: choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.4n4i.lO; mir to good, t4.25tt6.26; western fed steers, t4.5fdfj6.60; stockers and feeders, $3.00i&5.00; southern steers, $3.76'(jC.OO; southern cows, f2.5ttfi4.00; native cows. $2.2fvi'4 60; native heifers, $3.25 J5..'5: bulls, $2 6514.25: calves, $?.60.00. HOGS Receipts, 7,200 hesd. Market was steedy lo strong; top. $5 S2H; hulk of sales, t.12ty7i6.30; heavy. $5.SOiein.32V,: packers, $5 30 415 3": pigs and lights. $4.2Wi.5.2fl. SHEEP AND I.AM B8 Receipts, 2 000 head. Market steady; native lambs. $6 60 7.60; native wethers, $5.5Oft6.90; native fed ewes, $5.006.75; western ted lambs, $4,504$ 7.60; western fed yearlings, $6.006.80; west ern red sheep, $5.00tr5.90; stockers and read ers, $3.5ty6.50. l. I.onls live Mock Market. ST. TyOl'19. March 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.2"tf head, including 700 Texans. The market was steady: native shipping and ex port steers, $4.50615; dressed beer and butcher steers, t3.864i6.9n; steers under 1,000 lbs., t3.25fl4.O0; stockers and reeders. t2.50 iff 4. 60; enws and heifers. $2.0O?4.85; canners. $1.77,42.25; bulls. $3.76454.06; calves, $300(37.00; Texas and Indlnn steera, t3.60io6.25; cows and heifers. t2 .00774 25. HOGS-Receipts, 6,000 hesd. Market was steady to strong; pigs and lights, t3.50515: packers $6.25'55.40; butchers and best heavy t5.3(ff'6 45. SHEEP AND I-iAMRB-Reeelpts, 600 head Market steady; native muttons. H.0TV86 75: lambs, $4.0o4i7.00; culls and bucks. $4 26(a4 6o' Blockers, t2.O04j3.5O. -n.w. Block In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets were as follows: t-atfie. Hogs. Sheen. 1 611 fro 7"0 , 1,3") 434 2.500 6.87 l.soo 7.2 6ono 2 902 17,000 2,633 8,000 fVO l.fK 6.000 6.919 40,781 12,041 South Omnha Sioux Cltv.... Kansas City.. Ht. Ixitil fl'. Joseph Chicago Totals St. Joseph live Stock Market. ST. JOHKPIf Marnk SI n n"TT f celpts. 4.(8 head. Market' strong to 10c rlKhcr: natives. 84 9fwWl fi. .....a wi turner 00; mockers and feeders, $3. 26'd4 25 ' H( (OS-Receipts, 2.9o2 head. Market was mostly 6c higher; light. tf..!7lA'u6.21'l1; me dium nnd heavy, t5kjV,t6 32i BllKF.i' AVfS i.iiiiiii il . head. Market steady; Colorado lambs, t7 50. Mods Cltr Llvtt Stock Market. RIOUX CITY. Ia., March Sl.-(8peeial market strong; stockers weak; beeves 84 oo 'lu.1,11: nisi IiiiIIm u,,,l !.., . .... Hniken and feeders, 13.0itf4uu; calves and f - i its, rv, 9 VU i) DV, HOOO-Rettipts, 1,500 head; market ttflOc higher, selling at $5.(i 30; bulk of salfs, ti.c54i5.10. VMAllA wHOlGKILi: MARKET. Condition ot Trade and quotations on Staple and Fancy l'rodnee. EGGS Receipts heavy, market stead) candled stock. 154 u 16c, LIVE roi'LTRY - Hens, 11c; young roosters, according to slie 9-ulOc; old roos ters, 6V0c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, li"4illc. BUTT Ell Hacking stock. 1?V; choice to fancy dairy, l;Nu:ic; creamery, 24jic; prints. 27c. FKKSii FROZEN FISH Trout V: pick erel, 6Sc; pike. 64c; perch. 7c; bluetish, 11c; whlteflsh. 9c; salmon. Ho; redsnaiipet, 9e; green halibut, 11c; crapplcs, IR buflalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; herring. Sc; Spanish mackerel, UV; lobsters, boiled, 45c: green, 40c; finnan huddles, 7c; roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, 30c. Frog legs, per dos., Joe. HAY Trices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Pealcrs' assoclitlon : Choice No. 1 tfplnnd, $6.00; No. 3. $.V50; med'tim. tn.u0! coarse, $1.60. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices ate for hay ot good cum and uuain. HRAN-I-er ton. $17.50. OYSTHRS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can. 36e; standards, fer can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal.. 1.40; extra selects, per gal., $1.65; New York counts, per gal., U N. TROFICAL F1U ITS. ORANGES CnllfoViiin, ev ra fancy Red land navels, all slics, $2 90S 3. (Hi; fancy navels, $J 75, choice navels, $2.50; large sites. $2 26. LEMONS California, extra fancv, 270 slse. $3 00; xt nnd 300, t3.25; fancv. 270 $2 75; 300 and 860, $3; choice. 240 anil 27o. $2.26; 3(0 and 360. $2.50. PA'i'KS-l'er box of Jrt-lb. pkga.. $2.00; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c FiGn Caiiiornni per le-lu. c.iriun, 75'i S6c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; & crown, 12c; fancy Imported (washed;, In 1-lh. pkgs., 16ql!c. BANANAS l'er medlum-slicd bunch. $1.75 422 25; lumboa. 2.5tf3.flf(. GRAPEFRUIT Cnlirornla, per box of 64 to 64. $4.00. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per quart, 76c. AFTLES New York Baldwins, t3.00Ji Colorado Wlncsapa. per bu. box, $1,76: Colo rado Ben Davis, net i,ox, $1.25; Roman Beauty, per box. $2 .00; Baldwins and Green ings, per box, $1.76. GRACES Imported Malagas, per keg, $7. TANGERINES California, per half-box. $2.-.5. I RANBERRIES Jerseys, per bbl., $7.00; pere crate, t-'-26. VEGETABLES. POTATOES -llumi. grown. In sacks, per bu , .it40c; Colorado, per bu.. 46c. TURNIPS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dos., 76c CARROTS-Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dox., 76c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.10 CUCUMBERS Per del.. $1.76572.00. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket cratsV t5.00. PPINACH-Per bu.. $1.00. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per orate, $2.50; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda onions, per crate, $2.75; new southern, per don.. 45c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lWc. SWEET POTATOES-Kansas kiln iliicd, per bbl., $2.75. BEETS Old, per hu., 40c; new, per doi. bunches 66c. CELERY-Californla, 7.90c. RADISHES Hot house, large bunches, per doe., 4oti50c. LETTUCE Hot house, per dox,., 45c RHUBARB Ciilllorma, per lb., be; per box or 40 lbs., t2.60. PARSLE Y Per doi. bunches, 76c. ASPARAGUS Illinois, per dos. bunrhea, I2.0o; California, white, per doa. of 1-lb. bunches, t6.00ifj7.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full crenm, 13Vi(al4c; Wisconsin Young America, 16c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 16u17c; Wiscon sin brick, lie; Wisconsin llmburger, 14c; brick cheese, 16&16c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted. 74.0; No. i veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal caif, Ic; dry salted, 7ft 14c; sheep pelts. 26e& $1.1)0; horse hides, tl.6iHii3.0O. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12i"ul3Hc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, per lb.. 12Vt&13c; new black walnuts, per bu.. i6ti90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu. $1.60. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, March 31. COFFER F"ti- tures opened steady nt a partial advance or 5 points on moderate bull support, en couraged hy smaller Braslllnn receipts. Havre made rather a poor showing, how ever, and prices In the middle session lost part or the advance, but milled again toward the close on an Improvement In demand, based apparently on expectations of a liberal decrease In tho world's visible supply statement. The close was steady, unchanged to 5 points higher. Snles wera 71.0(81 bags, Including April at 6.60c; May, 6.55c; July, 6.80c; August, 6.90c? September, 7.00c; December. 7.2fi 7.23c; January, 7 2(ic. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7"ic. uKir nnd Molasses. NEW YORK, March 31.-SUOAR-Raw. firm! fnrb rpflnlnff II,,-.! (V- . . . - - - - - p.. u.i, w mm, 474c; molasses sugar, 4c. Refined, steady; crushed, 6.75c; powdered, 6.15c; granulated. 6.06c. NEW ORLEANS. March 81.-SUOAR Quiet; open kettle, 3Vn4V.e; open kettU centrifugal, 4V4(fi47r; centrifugal whites, SMjc: yellows. 4,r(i63sc; serond. 3i4'v' MOLASSES Quiet; open kettle, i;K(2o; centrifugal, tVo14c. Syrup, nominal. Hoc. FATAL FIGHT IN NEW YORK Fight Unci with Re. volvrra In House of On. MAIX5NE, N. Y., March 3I.-Summar Haxen. a bridegroom of a week, nnd John Hall, his wire's brother, nro dend as tho result of nn exchnngo of pistol shots at Hall's home last night. When Hall learned that Hnzen and his sister were to be married ho warned Hazen that ho would resort to violence If neces sary to prevent the ceremony. Nothing came of the threat and the newly married:, couple, believing that the trouble had blown over, started for a visit to the bride's brother's home. They had hardly crossed the threshold when Hall drew a revolver and sent a bullet Into his brother-in-law's body. As Haxen fell he drew a revolver from his pocket nnd returned the shot. Both men received fatal wounds and died within a few hours. Oeneral Rosaer III. RICHMOND, Va.. March Sl.-A dispatch from Charlottesville Va.. says that General Thomas L. Rosser, was stricken with apoplexy today and his condition Is critical. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday ns fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters. 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: Mary L. Bright and husbarwt to L. V. Crofoot. lot 8, block 347. Omaha $1,600 H. Brunnlng to J. W. Paine, lot 63, Hartman's add .. 6 000 R. T. Marshall to Bchmoller & Muel- ' ler Piano company, lot 16, block 3, Shelby Place J75 E. Sweet to L. M. Oarman, part of block 6, Marysville 775 E. Cassldy and wire to A. NefT, lot 8, block 11 2d add. to M. T. Douglas tOO 8. J. Landgren and wife to A. J. Carlson, part lot 12, block 4, Camp bell's add . J86 C. Barnes, administrator, to J V. Ward, lot 11, block 7, Beglev Park.. 150 P. Nelson to H. F. Braasek, lot , block 15, Patrick's 2d add 200 C. A. Pratt and wife to Louise M. Roof, lota 23 and 24, block 6, Hanscom Place J,8X) Mary M. Hodge and husband to O. M. Ward, lot 10, block 3, Dwlght & Lyman's add 8,600 W. penning and wife to P. Carr, lot 10, block 2, Hoggs A Hill's add 1,600 J. Beaumont and wife to A. Safonek, part lot 21, block 4, S. E. Rogers' add. 900 Lydla E. Morion to M. Walgreen, lot 4, block 2, Denise's add J. O. Jacob et al lo F. D. Wead, lots 6 and 6, block 9, Shlnn's add 1 000 Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated ) ruin Office! Flftb and Robsrts Streets ST. PAUL, fllNN. DIALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Brasish OfBee, lia-111 Board Trade Id., O-.k.. .!. T.t.,1,... uJiMlt fcchV wf oul Omsk. fell Ilk UitMadtsst 'tvttstts t.