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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1905)
TIIK OMAn.V DAILY HEE: FRIDAY. 31. ISO. CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET Figurei en Hebrnka Grain Besem Varj Ortatlj. OMAHA CORN DOWN FOUR CENTS ON RATE Mheat and Cora pernlatlte Market tontlnne Wnk-r.nrop Unci Set r!lon AwrrlciB Declines. OMAHA. March 30, 16. 'ihcie in conmeraile variance In ihe rm i ma ics on me giain irfi in ,NcbraKa. j ii lovtrnmmi rtpuit rompncu to rtjw in" lenf-rvea Marru i sh"tu nai tnere m 24.,a buanei of wneat aim In Ihe .ate 01 tne mm crop, figure compueu onut iha same time oy e.evator ruma iiicr showed only i,on,unn busnels. ine government reports hi,(1 crop niiroiM are usually rughe( in thin siuie man mr ng ii few made by local grain handlers. Tht-.e ban been a' lair movement ol wnetl since ne first of the monm. mi that Ihe re malt.oet Jn the slate ha been c-onsiucrabiy lenuca. The heaviest movement has, of mirw, been in corn and the amount in Ihe Stat ha been heavily reduced. The government figures at the liret of Ihe month were 43,.,i) bushels and the local liguren were 49,o4I.OOO bt.nhein. It ih the g.nemj opinion now that the ratea have aone in with a to 7-cent advance, that no, movement In thli elate will entirely try up. It la believed the tarmera. under inn Inducement of the low rate and high market, have sola alt the corn thev could and that now they will be Indisposed to part with any more of their surplus until the next crop in asaured. There In a quta llon aa to the oats reserve, the government ngure being 4 p,.r cent and tne elevator -b."",0" buaneia. The Omaha corn market went clown a clear 4 cent thin morning-. That ahowa Ihe laat corn possible has been contracted lor beiore the new rate goen In, and the broker do not any longer daro to take the corn on the former bnnln. The new rate basin makea 40-eent corn In Omaha In place or 44 centa. The wheal market continued weak, I hough somewhat better than Wednesday. The May reached the high and low points of md $1.12 before noon, agalnat and 11.114, Wedneaday. The July did not rally at all and remained around si'Sc The European market were atrong, conalderlng the American weakneaa, and Liverpool closed with a lost of only Antwerp l'c down, Berlin unchanged and Buda Penth advanced lT,c. Minneupolla re port! a heavy buying of July and selling of May. Large contract have been made for export of wheat by Chicago houaea In . July. Auguat and September. Thia will mostly go by the gulf and follow sale of (lour by Kansas mill on a basis of 80c for July wheat at Kaunas City. The millers of the southwest made a hit by their work of last year, when they contracted flour for export at a low basis before there waji any damage to their crop and afterward filled the contracts at a loee. The primary re ceipt of wheat are 7'i.000 bushel, against 19,000 biinheln, and the shipments are 227, 000 bushels, against 279,000 bushel. The corn speculative situation is not as atrong as the bulla had expected It to be. The May before noon today ranged be tween 47'4o and 4V. while Wednesday It wne between 48e and 4Hc. Patten Is ac cused of buying 3,000.000 bushels of corn, hut nay he Is a seller. Cudahy i thought to have old. The corn clearances are 690,000 bushel. The primary receipts are tttO.OOO bushel, agiMnnt 223,000 bushels, and the shipments are 77g,OuO. agalnat 24ti.0OO bushels. Omaba tana Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, $1.026 1.03 : No. s hnrd, SOcAtl.oO; No 4 hard, 80g9c; No. 1 iprlng. tl.ofl; No. 3 spring, $1.02. CORN No. 2, 4c ; No. il, Mc; No. 4. 884 ra3c; no grade. 35c; No. 2 vellow, 40V.c; No. a yellow. 40c; No. 2 white, 40c; No. S white, 34C. OATS No. 1 mixed. 30c- t'.o. 3 mixed. 294c; No. 4 mixed. 29c; N"o. 2 white. Sic; No. 3 white, 304c; No. 4 white, 29liG30c; standard, 30,c. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. 0!a. Chicago ..' 23 321 . 121 Kansas City Si 28 12 1 Xllilth 2 Minneapolis 258 St. I.ouln 30 K 37 Omaha 5 10" 13 Minneapolis 'Wheat Market, The range of prices paid in Minneapolis a reported by the Kdwards-Wood company, liu-lll Board of Trade, waa: Article. Open. High. I Lotv Close. Yes'y. ens-v; May. s Rd; July, tts 64a; Hptem ber. Hiid. CORN Spot, quiet snd stesdy: American mixed, spot, new, 4 3a.d: American mixed, old, 4s lid; future closed quiet: March, nominal; May, 4 4d. CHICAGO (.mis .,n PBOlIO Featarea ( the Trading and Closing Prleea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March ao.-Kxcellent weather continued to depress mhest value here today, the July option at the etnse being off '.,c. Corn, out and provision are prac tically unchanged. Pentlment In the whest pit was Iearlsh throughout the greater part of the session. At the opening July wa off a shade to 'nf Uo nt VtSfrsfcic. The comparatively steady tone of cables In the face nf weakness here verterdav caused a moderate demand early In the day. commission houses being the principal b'lver. I'nder this demand the market became somewhat firmer, July d vanclng to s7c. Ample support, however, wa lacking and the market noon eased off again. Weather, both in the northwest and southwest, was of a kind to discourage any greet volume of purchases. Advice from Minneapolis claimed that 'spring seeding I progressing favorably In that section. Re. ports from the southwest also were largely of a bearish tenor, the fall sown wheat being reported In excellent condition. The total movement of wheat showed a liberal Increase over that of the corresponding day a year afco. end this fact had some In fluence In creating the bearish sentiment. Toward the middle of the day selling became general. Falrlv liberal sales by n. prominent bull started active selling by pit traders. A n result prices broke easily, July de clining to to K"V- IJJter the greater part of the lo wa regained on buying due partly to a report showing small shipment from Argentina. Final quotation on July were at KfctH8V Mav opened unchanged to c higher at $1.12Mi1-124. nold between $1.12 and $1 12 and closed at $1.12S- Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 25. 0u0 bushel. lrlmarT receipt were 372.700 bushel, compared with 2!.9uO bushel a year ago. Minneapolis, Ihiiuth and Chi cago reported receipts of 2X3 car, against Jt;l car last week and 221 car a year ago. Report of heavy export sale, In which luo lioatlonds figured, cauaed a strong finish in the corn market. The purt at the close, however, wa preceded by general weakness resulting from liberal receipts and pros pect of early planting. The market closed at almost yesterday's final quotation. May opened 'ni&Ue to tHHc lower at 4t)Vff47c, sold between 4KV4C and 47V nd closed at 47'ic Local receipts were 321 cars, with 27 of contract grade. The oat market was dominated mainly hy the action of corn. Karly In the day sentiment was quite bearish a a reault of the break In corn, but later In the session short covered freely, causlnn a firmer tone. May opened unchanged to 'ic lower at 29i2fl.c. sold off to 29c and closed at 2SVc. Ixical receipts were 121 car. pTovllon were weak the greater part of the dev. The decline In grains waa the principal Influence. At the clone May pork waa off 2Hc at $12.5. Lard was down 2Vi'W 6c at $7.0717.10. Rlbn were unchanged at Kettmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 32 cars; corn, 26S cars; oats, lit csrs; hogs, 27.000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlclea.l Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat May July Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Kept. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July 1 12V0I !'8.47 147'VI'1! 29e2lrSi6-m ( 12 67HI 12 77V,i 7 10 7 27HI 6 K 7 12',ii 1 12 1 12 1 12i, 1 12H 87H SSVS'H WV'lS &2Vil ''" 4'IVi! 47-s 47Va-e "-i 4W'471SitVil 4, 4714i47V'Jn ' 29 I 29Ui 29, i9r'' 2'2SVx 2Vl 2, 2- 47V.1 4T 4i!l I 12 rVii 12 67H, 11! 6ft 12 tr7'j 12 0 U li'Vii 1- SO I ! -1 7 10 i 7 27 7 06 7 10 7 20 7 26 6 96 7 15 7 l ."i 27VS ti 0 6 06 Hf 7 10 7 12H; 7 12'S Wheat May... July.. Sept... B bid. : i 1 07" 1 04? 1 07'i 1 ORW 1 07V i o?v i 084i i m i fc,i oc'b 84 Hi S4 84ii Ml I M5W YORK " GENERAL MAHKHT (taotatlona of the Day oi Varloua Com modi ties. , NEW TORK, March 30.-FLOUR-R-celpts, 1R.074 hhls.: exports, 9U bbls. Market dull and unchanged; Minnesota pa enta. $6.16 -r.2); Minnesota bakers', $4.011-4.60: winter patents. $S.2&!i'6.tiO: winter straights, $5.0x'dl 6.16; winter xtra. 13 15; winter low grades. $3. 4154.05. Rye flour, steady; fair rH good. $4.Wfi4.6: rholce to fancy. $4.7o&4.!)0. Buckwheat flour, nominal; per 100 lbs., $2.00 i2.10. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, i.2t: coarse new, $l.orpl.iu; kiln dried, $2 90473.00. RVR Nominal; western, 80c. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 44c, c. I. t. New York; malting, 4tij(ic c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 2.925 bu. Spot market Arm; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator, $1.15, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth, 1.17Vi. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 11.101V f. o. b. afloat. The opening In op tions ai ateady on cable, followed by an upturn on covering, after which the market broke under bearish crop news, a favorable Price Current report and liquidation. Re covering later on small Argentina estimates and a good demand from shorts, th market closed 144c up oil May and partly 4e higher otherwise; May, $l.lo&l.ll4. cloned $l.ll; July. 92 S-ltirqfls 7-l4c. cloned 93 'c; Septem ber. M'it! Wc, cloned Wc. CORN Receipts. 86. Ou) bu.; exports. 201. 470 bu. Hnot market stead v: No. z. 5rtc ele vator, ami n2Vi. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 vellow, Mc; No. 2 white. 62c. The option mar ket was nominally weak under liquidation up to the lust hour, when It recovered with wheat, but closed only He net lower: May, bifeaZV'. cloned 52?ic: Julv closed 62. OAT8 Receipt n. 81.600 bu. Hpot market dull; mixed, M to 32 Ihn., 35w:ic; natural nne, ' to . inn., 3H.W3Tc; clipped white, 3 to 40 Ibn., $7tti39c. . KKEI Steudy ; nprlng bran, $19 26, prompt shipment. IIAY-Hlow; shipping, 60iff;7'ic; good to choice, 77H.Vc. HOP8 Steady; state, common to choice, 1104. 3MI2SV; 22i26c; olds, ll13c. P- elflu coast, 14, 26jLKc; 1903, 21(((24c; olds, UjalSc. BlUES Firm; Oulventon, 20 to 25 lbs., KV'i Californiu, 21 to 25 Ibn., Wc; Texas dry. 24 to 30 I lis., 16e. LEATHER Firm; acid, 24f,26e. '! (Viuio.n'b i.eci. nrm; Kiiilly, $12.00 tlUts); nieas, $x.'j"fyti.&0; beef hums, f-1 6" 2H.UU; packet. $!1.umj12.00; city extra India mess, $1.UW18 (10. Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies. $;.(n07.73; pickled shoulders. $6.60 qti.00; pickled hums, H uiti 9.00. Lard, dull; western steamed. . $7.30; refined, ateady; continent, ( .ho : mhuii America. .(; com. pound. $4.874ti.26. Pork, quiet; family, .4.6oti 16.00; short c!-r, $12 7616.26; mess, 13 3,-' 1 13.76. TAl.lOU Dull: city 1$' per pkg.) 4V; lountrv (pkgs. freei. 4,,41c. KICK Quiet: domestic, fair to-exita, 6.c; Jupan, nominal. ' HI'TTKR Steady; state dairy, common to extra. 2ttt27c. C'ltKI.Mv-Firm: state full cream, colored ami white, poor to choice, l"Vol3e; mats, large, colored and while, poor to choice, liaji 12VC. r.tioti Weiern rlrnta, 17c; western se- ondn. 17c. POl'LTRY Alive, firm; western chick en, lie: fowle. lc; turkeya, 10; drenned, firm; wenleru chickens, UtU'c; fowin, lC(u lie: tut keys, JCc. Kansas t.ltf Oral and Pravlalean. KANSAS CITY, March 30. WHEAT Market unchanged to lower; Mav, MA 9t'c; July. 74c Cash: No. 2 hard. She $104; No 3, Ncl.W; No. 2 red. $l.6ai.0; No. S. $l.fltnffl 0.1; No. 4. HbcbHic. CORN Market lower; May. 4.iT,l44e; July. 1 etc. Cnsh: No. I mixed. 4u46c; No. 3. 4Vi45e; No. 2 white. 4bH:; No. 3, 46 OATS-Market lower; No. 3 while. 32v; No. u rrlxd. SIK-. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $5u4filo.0; choice ptalrir. $7.7ii.(. RYE-8!eadv, JlkflTfa-. UL'I'TEH-Market nteatly creamery, t2 2c; packing, 9c. Rocriptn. Shipments Wheal, bu 47.2 23.3iu Corn, bu , 33.0k) 61,110 !, bu , 43.UIM 9.IU0 Toledo need Market. TOI.EPO. March a iKED Clover, canh. I?H: March. 6124; April. $7 asked; 66.K6 asked; prane alnike, $7 66; March timothy, $1.36. Liverpool drain Market. I.JVKRITM'iU March .3s.-WHEAT-ripot. at4)a4v:. 1 CalUolula, a Ivd, (uluica. No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $r.00$5.10; atraighla. $4.7txo4.9o; nprlng patentn, Jo.mlg) 6.40: ntralghta, 4.4O((i4.D0; bakers , K.AO'riS.W. WHEAT No. 2 nprlng. $i.0dr!,; No. 3, $l.(XVJjl,10; No. 2 red. $1.12M.12V CORN No. 2, 4tl4c; No. 2 yellow. 47V4C OATS No. 2, 2v,c; No. 2 white, 32V0 No. 3 white, 2Wa3fc. RYE No. 2, iKff(78'jc. BARLEY tood feeding. 3739c; fair to choice malting, toll 47c. PEED No. 1 flax. 11.24; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.37; prime timothy, $2.90; clover, con tract grade, $13.60. PROVISION! Mens pork, per bl.l., $12.60 4(12.. Iard, per 100 lbs.. $H.!tVt).!f74. Short rlbn, sides loose!. $fi.7.W7.0o; short clear sides (boxed I, $.87H'6r7.00. The receipt and anipmentg of flour and grain were aa follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 19.4H0 33.800 Wheat, bu 20.000 38,400 Corn, bu 4X2,9110 Bwi.ium Oats, bu 240,100 144.100 Rye, bu 3,000 feciO Barley, bu 4S.900 6,000 On tne Produce exchange today the but ter market was ateady; creameries, 22'fi2c; dairies. 214i26c. EgRS, easier; at mark, cases Included. 16c: firsts, 16c; prime firsts, 17c; extra, 18o. Cheee, steady, 12'9l3ftc. t, I.onla Krala and Provision. ST. LOUIS, March 30 WHEAT-Market higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1.06', ; track, $1.13: May, $1.05; July, 83V; No. 2 hard, $1.06. CORN Market lower; No. 2 canh, 4oc; track. 4fiV; May, 45c: July, 46V- OATS Market lower; No. 2 caan, 29V; track. auMfvttJV; May, 27c; No. 2 white, FI-Ol.'R Moderate; red winter patent, $5.166.40; extra fanny and atraight, $4.75ijJ 4.90; clear. $4.2fVij4.60. 8EEO Timothy, ateady. $2.00iS2.50. CORNMEAI-8teady. $2.50. RRAN Dull; sacked. eat track. 79'tfS0c. HAV Steady; timothy, $6.0013.00; prairie, $6.01 u 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES 96c. BAOGINO-7V-HEMP TWINE 64c PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing. $12.16. Lard, weaker: prime steamed, $6,674. Drv salt meats, eieady: boxed extra shorts. $6.874; clear ribs. $6,874: short clear. $7. 124. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.60; clear ribs, $7.60; short clear, $7,674. POULTRY Market firm; chickens and springs. 11c; turkeys, 14'aldc; ducks, 12c; geese, 60. BUTTER Market steady; creamery, 2V& 30c: dairy. 19n24c. EQOS Market steady at 15c, case count. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 12.IXMI S.COO Wheat, bu 30.000 30.00 Corn, bu sti.OiKt Ml OOO Oata. bu 38.000 78.000 Minneapolis Ciraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March SO.-WHEAT-May, $1,084: Julv. 11.024; September. 84-Va" 84 V: No. 1 hard. $1.12'.: No. 1 northern, $1 10W: No. 2 northern. $1.0GU. FLOUR First patents, $6.90ti.OO; second. $5.7(16.811; flrst clear. $4.2tyU4.3a; second clears. $2.80(ui2.9O. BRAN In bulk. $14.25r(j 14.50. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Marie t ii Dull nd InactiTf, with Volume of TraniftctionB Loweit for Weeks. RATE FOR CALL LOANS IS AGAIN LOW lose la Irrraalar After a Rally In stantlnl .ln MoTement of t arrrni't, NEW YORK. Marcn 30 Today's stock miimi'l ) inn mucn moie tuuii a uritting match and me movemeni wan not cou ciusie 01 convincing at any illnc. Ih" v.ouiiie 01 ti'rfiiaclioii.H sniaua to the lowefl n many w.ckm. ery laige Imporiance a aiiache.i 111 the uiscuheion ainjut ine slock exchange to tne threatened stocK iiuiiKfei' lax as tne lactor making most ot inn' siiiiiicu connpHe in activii). 1 ne decision 10 muhc 1, ax tax mil a pan meas ure wa acieimii , 1 s oirenng an txireinc ....iiiity of ila enactment into law. wiu.l the imuu.n . 1.1 not re garded as cxireiiicy nuroensoine 111 the actual transier ot stuck hoioiiiga from one owner to another. II in generally agreed that it would lorm a serious restraint upon manipulative operation and upon ine so- uiieu scnipiiiK "I" 1 a lions on ine lloor of the toi k exciuiiigc upon which the pro tenslonal tranei largeiy rely lor their live lihood. Tile manipulative measures usual in a very active speculation are not con hned to room trailing operations, but aro reued upon also 10 turther tne notation of new capital issues when they tlrst make their appearance. With a large volume of nucn new Issues in prospect there In a fear that tne marketing of them may be handi capped by any restraint of tne freedom ot operations In the market. But there was ground for suspicion that if other condi tions wero not operative thin factor might not have been so ettectlve in the decline of activity, the discussion being a result rather of the idleness of the market than its cause. There wan calling of loans during the day, which necessitated a xhlftlnlg ul' ac commodations even where renewals were secured without an advance ill the rates. The stock market never escapes some dis turbance when thin process in going on. The nuhncrlptlonn for the Japanese loan were the direct cause of the firmness of call money, but preparation were also going on for the April 1st settlement and the placing of the Pennsylvania bond Issue looms be yond. Confluence is professed that the iiarder tone of the money market will be short lived and that the loan operations, when concluded, will permit the uuick re turn of their proceed to the money market. It is upon this conviction that current operations In stocks are rather of a waiting character than a reflection of any positive opinion on the outlook. The selling press ure was light, out there in no ninponuion to buv on a larae scale. A weak bank statement on Saturday is taken for granted. Although some of the Interior exchangea on New lork have rwen to a premium, thin is believed to be due to remittance to participate in the Japanese loan sub scriptions. Interior banks, however,- are drawing freely on their New York cor reHpotmenta for payment of Internal reve nue collections, which add materially .to the sub-treaury requirements at this cen ter. Returns of February net earnings of railroads a they come to hand are not encouraging to a demand for stocks, al though the poor earning conditions then are shown to be corrected by later returns 01 gross carnlngn. The market got no help from foreign Influence, the weakness of Russians being aggravated at Pari by the German nttl tude in Morocco. A revival of the Iron merger talk alarmed the short In thone stocks and had some sympathetic effect on the general market. The greater tran quillity than was expected In the call money market also contributed to the late firm ness. The wide movements in a few low grade securities were due to individual causes. The increase in tne iacKH wanna dividend rate ha been no long and no often expected that Itn announcement caused little Impression. The market cloned ir regular after lis substantial recovery. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value.$3.9fi6.omi. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. yuotaiioo.- ."i til, ,ew York Stock ex change ranged an follows: Balcn.High. Low. Close Milwaukee Ciraln Market. MILWAUKEE. March 30. WH EAT Mar ket dull; No. 1 northern. $1,124; No. 2 northern. $1 .0741. 09: Julv. 88S"084c bid. RTF. Dull: No. 1. 85fiN64c BA RLEY Steudy ; No. 2, 61c; sample, 38i62c. CORN Hftlc lower; No. 3, 46'B46c; May. 474o Wo"- Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. 111.. March 30.-CORN-Market lower; No. 3 yellow. 44c; No. 3, 4V: No. 4. 4f,Uc: no arade. 424c. OATS Market lower; No. 3 white, 3HQ S0V; No- white, ssc. Oalatk Grain Market. DULUTH. March SO WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern, 31.04V No. 2. 84cr$1.01',; Seotember. 86c. OATS To arrive and on track, 2$4c Cotton Market, NEW YORK. March 30 COTTON Spot cloKvd quel: middling uplands, x.iac; mid dllng gulf. 840c. Sales, 38 balea. LIVERPOOL. March V-COTTON-Mod ernte bunlnesa In spot, prices ateady; Amer lean middling fair. 4i6d: good middling, 4 41d: middling. 4 24: low middling, 4 IHrt aood ordinary. 3 96d: ordinary. 3 79d. Sales f.000 bales, of which 500 were for specula tion and export, and incitiaea 1.0110 Amer lean. Receipts. 1.000 bales, no American. ST. LOUIS. March 30 COTTON Steady ; Middling. 7Sc Salts, 1110 bales: receipts, none: shipments, none: stock. 46.821 hales. NEW ORLEANS. March 30 COTTON Steady. Kales, 6.1KI balea. O'dlnarv. 5 l-16c: good ordinary. 6c: low middling, "4c; good middling. "V: middling fair. 8 6-1 tic. Re ceipts. 12.161 bales; slock. 242.74a bales. Oils and Rosin. OIL CITY. March 30 -OU-Crellt bal ances. $136; certificates. 110 hid: shipments 67.768 bbl.: average. 74.610 bbls.: runs. 1.1.446 bbls ; average. 71.171 bbls. Hhlpmenta Lima, 7,.1-vl bbls.; uveruge, .lei bbls.; runs Uma. 76 133 bbls.: average. t6.W bi. SAVANNAH. March 30.-OIL-Turpentltie. firm. 6441'- ROHIS-Flrm: A. B. C. $:'83; p. $20: E. $1.94: $. II, H.074: H. $11: I. $160; K. 14.06; M, lllii, N, HA,- WU, $6, WW. $6.16. Increased 22.3SO.rrn .rancs; silver In hand, decreaned 40O."0 francs. Atchison do pfd .. Atlantic Co;ist Line. B. & O do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chen, & Ohio Chicago Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western C. & N. W C, M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C. C. C. St. L. . . . Colo. & Southern do 1st pld do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del., I & W D. & K. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pld III. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Manhnttun L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Minn. & St. L M.. St. P. & S. Ste M. do pfd Mo. Pacific M., K. & T do pfd Nat I R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y., Out. W Norfolk & W do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. St. L.... Reading do lt pfd do 2d pfd Rock Isliinct Co do pfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd St. L. S. W do pfd So. Paclllc do pfd So. Railway do pfd Texa Pacific Tol., St. I & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash .1 do pfd W. & Ijke Erie Win. Central do pfd Adams Ex American Ex U. S. Ex Welln-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Amer. Car & F do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do pfd Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. Smelting & R. do pfd Amer. Sugur Ref Amer. Tob. pfd certlf Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn H. T Colo. Fuel A I C'li. Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nal'l Iad No. American Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd ' Tnn. Coal & I U. 8. leather do pfd U. 8. Healty U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pld Va. Cam. Chemical.. do pfd Westlngh. Electric. Western Union l,2l !,? 4,2l 7,300 7.iV ll) 6,100 ' ' ioii 7) 2i 10 5.9IM) 100 ' V) 1.200 200 91 10 2,900 310 100 4 700 2"0 2"0 I'M) 102 1424 1W HS 21 67i i 234 244 4 lt 18 108 2M4 B04 3t 1914 394S 334 467, 80' 74 96 Bl't 102 14oi 107? it) 674 hi 23'i 243 4 1744 18 1074 244 694 34 1M) 394 334 45'i 80' j 874 96 1,300 160 1594 4.300 1.900 2,900 ' 3.200 3.000 900 2i ) 1.400 .100 2,01X1 700 600 2l0 21,300 63.300 4, lot! 32 66 1414 88 123 244 624 1214 1S4 1064 31 6a 14 1624 64 85i 314 KM 1 1404 87 122, 244 624 12"4 168 106 304 64 414 1614 624 844 72,400 142V4 1404 32,100 500 ' 2,806 100 200 '"iw 4,700 "i'.iii 81 0 fino 2i i0 ) 81.600 ' 1,606 2,400 400 4110 l'W ll 28.4110 2.9HO 700 (00 loi 1i) 200 16 266 100 4,500 lilt) 1.100 2nd 7.X) 16.301) 6.000 luo 1.0OO 2 400 600 2.3110 7(i0 14.3o0 3,600 "i.Wi i 3t i.i66 2.2i 22. 610 1,7110 44,3"0 300 6il l.StiO 4o 2, 21.i0 lu) .! 3il0 94S 92 33T, 79 70 64i 674 341. 964 34 89 5KV4 12!6, 23 47 18'4 23U 514 260 904 344 98 38S 1 5II4 1164 101 12IH 116 674 bV 24 144 66 46S 186 22's "4 464 1004 lii M94 224 824 32S 1024 134 1004 97 43 U4 35 7l 9;, 344 lt 92 334 79 70 64, 664 34 96, 38 39 57 128, 224 464 1X',4 23 514 2504 78' 39 994 844 93 64 SK, 18 494 1164 WO, 121s 1414 97 115 66, 66 . 2074 144 664 46 186 77, 44 loo',, lio JOH 2i 804 304 994 944 13 ld6 11.1 1. 36' 9f.4 XS 1 1.100 93k i 1024 HI .4 1"74 95 147T, 199 67 41 80 23, 214 1744 18 344 1074 '4 694 364 1!J 394 33 884 45, 80 67 93 93 1694 28 33 314 nW4j 141-, 167 87H 1224 244 60 121 187 106 304 664 41 1814 6.1 864 92 1424 80 93T4j 914 894 834 7'4 70 2 634 674 118 344 96V, 374 874 57, 124 994 23 464 184 23 61 244 225 127 260 79 394 994 834 92 64 38. 184 44 49 116 1014 121 '4 141 9r, 116 6tf, 67 a4 144 53 8 83 44 lli 404 !e 246 224 12 324 I11O4 9H4 124 lt 96 43 1144 35H 9T.U 34 l'i7V 17 93 Total salts for the day, aHUud shares. Bank of France statement. PARIS. March 30. The weekly atatement of the Bunk of France shows the following rhangen: Notes in circuUtion. Increased 77.126 i4 francs: treasury accounts current. Increased I lio.nnJ francs: gold in hand, de creased 2V,ouo Iriu, bill Uiacounled, ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. March So MONEY-On call. Arm at 24'54 per cent: closing bid. 24 per cent: oftered nt 24 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty dsys. ninety days and six months, r per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3V944 per cent STERLING EXCHANGE-Firmer with actual business In bankern' bills st $4,869" 4.K6 for demand and at $4 .MotoH.MlO for nlxtv-dnv bill: posted rates, $4 5414 S and $4 ss4 4 87; commerclnl bllln. $4 83AfM.3"-i. SILVER Bar. 66V ; Mexican dollar. 43tc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing prices on conn wer: f. 8. rf. J. rs....l"4V jaoin t. etfi L.. uni. .1044 Mtnhtttan r. 1 4 .lft M'l. I'entrll U .IMS ln it Ine .UJS 'Minn. I". I,. 4 IMS M K. T .. .1BS o : . It N. R R. of M. c .II7 N. T. C. ( aw 1PS N J I'. h . No rcl. 44 . ... .P't in .'. .1 ,N. W. -. 4i .. . Hi't O. 9. L rfd,. llti'j Penn. conr. . : Hd!m en . 74 int. I.. 1. m n'-n 1IS st. I.. F. fx. tp K . n- st. l. 8. w. c 4,.... . . 9V Phri1 A. 1.. 4 . ii'fii ri-i8' 4, So Rxllssr M do roupon 10 a, reg do roilton .... 60 new 4. re, 1n coupon .... do old 4 do roupon Am. Toh-o 4, . . do rtfl Atrblnon n. 4s.. do a4. 4s Atltnti. r. 1. 44 Bl. A Ohio it.... in Ontntl of Oa. 54. do 1st tnr do !d pfd Oik. ft Ohio 4S I'hlrano A. 3 Si r . b. A Q n. 4 C. K. 1. T. 4i do col. 54.. 102 103 ' 04i, 7 it .'4', .. .1"IS ... :., 4 ...1MI' . ..1S . . .it ... ;4 ...inJV ... 7H .ins rci-. st t (. 4i. .lrjs.Tvun P 14. . Colorado Mid. 44. . . l olo. A 60. 4r t uta u. ,-rr Denver R O. 4i f l SI I Hers Ser. S. Krle prior hen 4s. do fen . 4s F W. A p. c. 14 Hoililna Val. 44 Offered. 7 T.. St. U W 44. . 7 fnlon Psrlfle 4 . f.tT4' do conr. 4s luf, ,f. S. Steel ii 6... .lets! Wiin i . '.' do db. B .101 1 Wemrrn Vd. 4.... . M W. A 1.. K. 4 .1HS Wis. Central 4f 110;, I IK'S MS 1IS l.'iS M 104 Hl'4 4S lit : 4 Boston (stock and Bond. BOSTON. March 30. Call loans. .VaHij per cent; lime loan. 34'd44 per cent. Official closing on stocks atid bond: . M Allouet .lostAm4lgamated .- il Am4rir4n Zlnr . 7S!Atl4ntli- . WVk'Blnham Ao-hlunn adj. 4a. . . do 4a .Mex. t'antr4l 4a... Atrhlann do pfd Rnaton A: Albany. -Bomon Klev4td .. Fltrhburg pfd ... X. V.. N H. & II t'nlon P4rlflr Am4r. Arga. Cnera do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tub. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion 1. A- R.. Edl4tn Flee. Illu. Oener4l Klertrh- .. Mata. Flactrlc do pfd M. ri t'nlled Fnilt t'nltad fho Math do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd W44tlng. common Adv4stur Bid. Asked. . . I64V4 ..1464 ..! ..IS .. :i .. to .. IS ..14IS ..ins ..143-4 i'S .1SS I2S Cal. V Hetla... Centennial Copper R4nga .. Paly Went Dominion Coal Franklin flrancy lair Rnyala Mass Mining .. Ml.hlaar. Mohawk Monl. C. A V. lAHuJoid Dominion (acola Parrot Onlm y IShapnnn .. 4STamarack .... . 44 Trinity .111 Sit', n. Mining. . 7Sl'- Oil . XS l'th . Victoria . B.tttWlnona . 90 iWolrerlna .... - S! .. !;' . . 7 .. 12 .. It . its ..;r, .. ITS .. 7S .. 13 .. n; . . 10 .. .. !4S . . 10S .. 1S .. OS .. s .. 14 . . .. t .. 7S .. lo .. 24S .. S .. 4 .. 4S .. 12', ..110 If ndon Stocks and Bonds. LONDON. March 3ft. Closing quotations rn stocks and bonds: . Cnn4nla. money ...11-1N. T. Central... . 1 l-14INorfolk VI.... 1 do pfd .... WSIOntnrlo & W Jobi; pannaylTanla do arcnunl Anaconda Atrhlann ... do pfd 7S as Baltimore aV Ohio. . . .Il-M Hand Mlnea Canadian Paclgc Ch. V Ohio..... Chicago Cl. W... C.. M. Bt. P. DeBeer, panrer A R. U . do pfd ' Erie do lut pfd do id pfd Illlnnla Central .. Ijnuta. gr Nub... M.. K. A T Ex-dlvldend, .lh2K. Reading . .. MS1 in lat pfd I do 2d pfd .. .10 Southern Railway ... ITS' '1o pfd ... 34S nouthern Pacific . ... tlS.lnlon Pacific ... 47S do pfd ... :Sil"- a- Steel. .... Ti'i .... los .... 4S .... 47 .... 4tS ... m 100 .... ts 133 ....Ki.'S okS .... 9S .... 24 .... 48S .... 91 S M do pfd ... ..14S Wabaah ..14"l do pfd ... . . 3l44Jpanlsh 44 . . SILVER Bar. steady. 28 l-ld per ounce. MONEY 24'?j'3'4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is- 2H per cent; for three month' bills. 24(6 &-" P'r cent- New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, March 30 The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: ..14ff ..1(.. .. ( .. . Utile chief intarlo 3x prOr 700 Polnal jaavajte in Vlrra Nevada s amall Hopaa 24 Atandard 1M Adama Con Alice .. Rraac Brunawlck Con .. Comatock Con Con. Cal. A Va Hora Silver Llttla Chief ...... Leadvllle Con ... Korelitn Financial. LONDON, March 30. Money In active demand in the market today In connection with nearly $5,000,000 being needed for vari ous call on new Issues. The release of the Japanese money, however, prevented a scarcity. Operator on the Stock ex change were cheerful and hopeful regard ing the approach of peace, but tradin was Inactive. The phenomenal success of the Japanese loan was the leading tonic of conversation. Consols were In fair de mand. Home rail were dull on adverse traffic returns. Americans opened firm and with marked fractional sains- Afterwards there wan a slight relapse and some stocks dropped to below parity. I'nited State Steel remained firm. After rallying slightly prices closed easier.. Japanese were buoy ant. Imperial Japanese government n of 19114 nre quoted at l.OS'a. BERLIN. March $0. There were no marked changes in any of the department on the Bourse today. PARIS. March 80. Prices on the Bourne today opened weak, owing to the npeech made by Chancellor von Buelow yesterday in the Reichstng on the subject of Morocco, At the clone the market was firmer. Rus sian Imperial 4s, 88.40; Russian bonds of 1904, 5.02. Bank of England Statement. LONDON. March 30. The weekly state ment of the Bank of F-ngland shows the following changes: Total reserve, de creased 1.319.000: circulation. Increased 779.0110: bullion, decreased 539,283: other securities, Increased 6.004.000; other de pOHltn. increnned. 3.082.000; public deponlls. increaned nti6.000; noten reaerve, decrenned 1.308.000: government securities unchanged. The proportion of the Bank of England reserve to liability, which laat week was 66.06 per cent. In now 49.69 per cent. . Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 30. Today's statement of the treanury balancen In the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,010 gold renerve in the division of redemption, shown: Available cash balance, $140,;',48,o7S; gold, $119,391,940. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. March 30. Bank clearings today were $1,291,080.14. For the corresponding day of 1904 the clearing were $1,280,445.89. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 30.-WOOL Although the trading la quiet there 1 distinctly a better feeling In the wool market. The un expected keen demand for wool at the Lon don nale and the general strong demand abroad have shown the trade that there is a scarcity of wool In Europe and it in apparent that dealers who have bought In the went are feeling encouraged over the situation. Territory wools are quiet, but pulled wools are In better demand. For eign grades are steady. Quotations: Ter ritory, Idaho, fine, 19.20c; heavy tine, lof 17c; fine medium. 19iG20c; medium. 21922c; low medium, 23ii'24c; Wyoming, fine, 174 184c; heavy fine, 1581o: fine medium, wff 19c; medium, 22(ijC3c; low medium, 23'.'4c; Ctah and Nevada, line. rifil8c; heavy fine, !61floc; fine medium. lH418c; medium, 228 23c; low medium, 23iu-24c; Dakota, fine me dium. 13&19o; medium low medium, 23i&24o; Montana fine, choice, 2Ka22o; fine average, 19530c; fine, medium, choice. 21((V22o; aver age. 19ft30c: ataple. 2Jfo23c: medium, 23(826e. ST. IOI'I8. March 30 WOOI Dull ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 23a.6c; light fine. 18u204c; heavy fine, llloc; tub washed. 90Q374C Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 80. METALS There waa a alight advance in the Ixindon tin market, which closed at 137 17a Hd for snot and at 134 10 for futures. Locally the market waa quiet but ateady, with holdera a little firmer In their views and spot quoted at $19.7661 30. 10. Copper waa off a little In the English market, with spot closing at 07 6a and ruttires at tsi i.ocauy tne mar ket waa unchanged at $15.87'li1.aO for lake. $15 2Mrl5.374 for electrolytic and $14.87Vu 18.26 for casting. Lead, unchanged at $4 &U& 4.81) in the local market and 1.12 I'm In Iui dun. Spelter waa a little higher locally, but quiet at $ti, and the London market wa also up a little, cloning at J I6n. Iron closed at 64 in Glasgow and at 4n 104d In Mlddlesborough. Locally the market waa unchanged; No, 1 foundry northern la quoted at $17 tf4j 11.26: No. 2 foundry north ern, $17.60471100; No. I foundry southern and No 1 foundry southern soft, $17 76418 26. ST. IXH'Ig. March 30. M ETAIA Lead market firm at $460tjVI24. Speller market firm at $6 00436.824. NEW ORLEAN8. March 30.-BIOAR Quiet; open kettle, l-4Sc; open kettle cen trifugal, 4"fl4'c; centrifugal white,, 64c; yellows. SV: seconds. 3S44c MOLASSEH uuiet: open ketlla, Uv728c; cenlrtfuftai, 64c Syrup, too. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beoeipts Very Light and Detirable Grade Bold a Dime Higher. HOGS OPENtO STRONG, CLOSED WEK Rest tirades of heep, oM Ahnat Steady, hmt Other, Vera- Doll and Weak lamb Also Dnll anil Weak to a Dime l.orrer. POCTH OMAHA. March 3o. '!. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. 8heep Official Monday 8,:15 3.WM 10.638 Official Tnesdav 4.99 !.;; 7.2n7 Official Wednesday 3.847 9.2.' .4S7 Official Thursday.' 2.1S8 8.477 7.378 Four davs ihis week . . .14.or,9 29.7W 33.U'i Four davs last week ... .18.912 31.173 2 262 Same da V week before.. 14. 54. 27.429 2. 16.1 Same three week ago. . .18.073 :t.".251 : 8"4 Same four week ago. . . .13.699 KMIS 2v29ti Same day last year 1S.9VI 46.610 21.9.7 The official number rt tars of stock brought In today bv each road was: Cattle.'p U se s. Missouri Pacific Rv 2 2 I'nlon Pacific system 11 20 4 2 C. N. W. llv 1 6 V.. E. & M. V. R. It .19 28 IS C St. P.. M. & O. Hy... 12 8 B. A M. By 12 1 6 C B. Ai Q. Ry 114 1 C, R I. A P. Kv east., fi 4 Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago Gt. Western b Total receipts 93 88 -31 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was a follow, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle, lings. Sheep. Omaha Parking Co 2s3 uOl 3o5 Swift and Company Klu l.;40 !o Cudahy Packing Co 40 i.,9 771 Armour Co 27 1.268 372 8wlft and Co.. St. Joseph 1.113 Vansnnt Co 46 Ixibman Rothschild 86 Illli ft Son 127 Huston Co 40 Cudahy Bros, ft Co 20" Mlko Huggerty O Bulla 2 S. ft 8 49 Other buyers 327 .... 2.9H1 Totaln 2.414 8,1:4) 6,612 The following labia ahowa the average price Oi nugk tvi.i.u ti....iia iut tne taat several daya, with comparisons; I 180. le.190t.lW2.ll)l.lllnX.llS3 Mar. 1... Mar. 2... Mar. I... Mar. ... Mar. $... Mar. ... Mar 7... Mar. I... Mar. ... Mar. 10... Mar. II... Mar. 12... Mar. l... Mar. 14... Mar. 16... Mar. (... Mar. K... Mar. 18... Mar. 19... Mar. jo.... Mar. XI ... 1 Mar. 22... 1 Mar. 23... Mar. 24... I Mar 26... Mar. 28...I Mar. 27... I Mar. 28... I Mar. 29... Mar. 30... -I- i 80 ) 6 14 4 7lil 8 ll 4 HHI t 12 U . I $ 07 4 4 .: i 13 4 3741 a on I a jy, i S?V' loi 4 864j 6 1,1 4 $0 I 1 4 814, 6 10 4 901 i 26 4 94 I t 15 4 74! 04 t UlV 6 04 1 01 f 98 J Oil 11 7 011 07 i 32 7 12 ( 7 t 271 7 06 i 8 I 31 1 161 ( 101 6 $ I 06 16 30 7 14! I 41 5 7 0 umi 6 401 f lii t 41 li 20, fi 40 o l.t; S Ml 4 68 4 ' 4 49! 4 74 4 701 4 71 261 f so; 7UI 7 2b! 6 08 6 124 8 07V? 014,1 6 03 6 14 4 W) I 4 92 4 6 4 W) 6 Oli 6 081 I 6 121 I 6 1341 J I 6 0941 5 171 I 6 09 1 5 14; I 6 094: $ "7 1 7 20 7 111 7 06 7 li 7 33 7 34; 746 7 36 7 251 7 21 7 261 7 301 I 7 22 13 6 li 6 21 6 66 6 U 4 I 651 ti -1 6 ol 1 6 lii 6 71 1 6 26i 6 82 6 31 6 SO! I 6 801 8 29 I 6 SK! 6 76 6 36! 6 671 6 4n 5 Kl 6 69! 6 9' 6 i9 6 86, 68 3 61 a j X $7 $ 6J a 3 it $ to 4 71I 3 S3 4 71 8 6.1 4 731 3 W I 3 02 4 7S 4 '. 3 t2 4 76! 8 ft 4 79 3 59 4 86 3 66 4 4 $ i I 3 60 4 8 4 861 3 68 81 3 68 4 85 1 3 60 4 !)l 3 03 4 93 8 1 I 3 57 4 - 4 97 3 'l 5 06 3 6'J 5 18' 3 HO 6 12 3 63 'Indicates Sundar RECblPTti run THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at Booth Omaha for the year to data, with comparison with last year: 1906. 1904. Inc. . Dec. Cattle 201.673 234.743 33,070 Hogs 699.2A3 594.375 4.878 Bheep 4"9,982 462,287 ...... 62.306 CATTLE There was 11 much smaller run of cattle here this morning than whs gen erally anticipated and as a result the mar ket ruled very active and higher. Buyers all seemed to have liberal orders to till, so that In reality there were not enough to meet the requirements of the trade. The market on Deer sieern eouio satoiy be quoted a dime higher and-some sales men were calling It as much aa 10c to 16c higher on the kinds that packers wanted. As compared with a week ago the market ia fully 25r36c higher. Owing to the fact that buyers were all out early, and to the limited offerings, everything Was disposed of at an early hour and the prleea paid very satlafactory. The cow market alo showed consider able activity and anything at all desirable aoid right around a dime higher than the name kinds brought yesterday. Packers, though, were not very anxious ror canners and common cutters, so that such kinds did not show as much Improvement, but still they sold to a little better advantage than they did early In the week. The same as with steers an early clearance was made. Bulls commanded good, strong prices where they were at all desirable, and veal calve changed hands freely at fully aa good prices as have been paid of late. The desirable grades of stackers and feeders nold at just about steady prices, but the feeling on the commoner kinds waa rather weak, owing to the fact thai tha demand for that class from the (-nun-try has been limited all the week. There were not a great many cattle on sale today, though, so that prices did not suffer to any great extent. Representative sales: BfcKF ri'icSUKo. No. A. Pr. No. At. Pr. ft -o 1 SB nun 4 7 1 1116 41) 41 1074 4 (A I Ill 4 00 14 UM 4 In II 1011 4 04 11 117 4 rt 1 1010 4 It 1176 4 M 1 740 4 H It 147B 4 M 1 1000 4 26 14 00 t IUI 4 1 4 1M1 6 (Nl J 10M 4 15 . II 1240 6 61) J 1IX 4 1 1KI0 t 00 I Ill 4 15 19 12111 OH 4 1011 4 4H IS 1144 I 06 7 tM 4 40 SI 164 I 01 1 4.17 4 4a 1 11)4 i 10 7 M 4 f.0 21 1344 ft II S': tins 4 r.o 14 lino I 11 ) Kl (10 10 i:,.ll I 20 t 1070 4 Kl I lO0 ft tl 1J 44 4 12 ft 26 106 4 60 II 11IH6 6 .10 2 13l 4 60 4 1402 6 40 11 m2 4 60 34 1414 ft 40 I i4 4 60 13S0 6 4S )6 IT 4 65 16 1406 4ft 7 Sal 4 70 6 1.180 a ill BTKEHri ANU HElFEKeJ. I ("06 4 63 STEERS AND COW8. 76 4 0 12 lftf.l 4 74 j' 1102 4 60 11 1140 4 65 a' 67ft 4 70 7 1297 ( 26 COWS. I 40 t 60 II ISO I 70 1 "' !0 I HO It 841 I 71) a" 915 2 16 4 1060 I 76 1' 0 t 26 1 1160 I 76 ,"' 940 II 26 1100 I 76 , " 120 I lt 1 liflO I 71 )l" 119 I 10 l 1070 3 76 , 904 I 40 1 1126 I aft 4 607 1 45 1 1004 I 66 I 960 2 60 II 9ul I 10 " 906 2 'l II 947 I 5 I i 1010 2 76 1 1"2I il U 1 990 I 7.1 I I0:l 3 i l' 760 2 74 1 1163 i 9(1 10H6 ! 76 6 loot I 90 t HSU I 16 ft 1171 4 Oil 1 470 J 76 7 HMl-2 4 (m 1 1010 111 941 4 00 4 107ft t T6 1 IHO 4 00 2 976 I 00 14 947 4 00 1 90 I 00 1 1000 4 00 a 00 4 97J 4 00 1 940 I 00 I ltd 4 0(1 I IW Iw 1 1314 4 00 I 940 I 00 1 12O0 4 Oil 1 1500 I 00 II, 1002 4 00 4 1008 I Oil 1 1140 4 t 160 I It 4 Ilftl 4 00 a 1100 I 10 11 Illl 4 00 1 460 I 26 10 121 U t 1160 I 2e 19 1220 4 06 1 1210 I 25 1 920 4 06 1 1017 I 26 16 1056 4 10 1 660 Si ft 1014 4 10 1 610 2t 1 1016 4 10 1 1064 I 16 4 1014 4 10 1 666 I 31 4 1124 4 16 U I I 40 1 144 4 16 ft 90 46 1 1140 4 16 II 1000 t 60 3 1150 4 20 1 1140 I ill 9 1107 4 10 Jl 794 I 60 1 l'W) 4 5 t 1114 I fto 9 916 4 26 1 94T I 10 1 1140 4 16 2 1061 I 40 1 1500 4 15 I 9,0 I 40 1 1660 4 4o 1 1410 I 4t t 140 4 60 J 940 I 46 1 1200 4 7ft 1 944 I 45 IIEirCRS. I (14 I 2 1 140 I 40 4 140 2 60 1 41 45 1 164 1 4 1 760 I 40 11 ial f ii 6'Jl I61 I a I 16 1 M 4 10 1 140 I 71 12 90 4 14 1 716 l it 1 911 4 10 1 910 I 26 4 97 3 4 16 BULL). 1 1490 I 00 1 1620 I 40 1 1940 I 16 1 1770 45 I IftoO It 1 Ill I 44 t U60 I 10 1 1664 I 46 1 1440 16 I 1M0 16 1 UB I 6 1 1640 I 90 1 171 ft M 1 1440 I 6 J 11UI I 60 1 640 4 1 1740 I 66 1 1400 4 94 STAGS. 1 1411 t 10 CALVES. I .-. ara) I 76 I 19 I 96 I la 14 1 M iw im 1 75 96 4 00 1 1 9 4 7 1 ' stock e'rS and ffedkrs 1. .. 107:, 1 on 1 4n S n 1 -w n rM ' I.. AM a at) j J 4 0" I MK t 7 -.4 4 Oil 4 11J 1 0 9 ? 4 1 tm .1 60 1 44 4 I , 710 t ft 4.14 4 14 44 I M I 310 4 10 4 770 s as It . 11 4 15 42t I 76 52 1013 4 36 1 716 I 7 IKViS Receipts of hog were very light here this morning, but st Chicago there wet Srt.rW head, and the mnrket nt Ihut point wns quoted weak to 6c lower. At thl point, however, the market opened steady to ntrong, shippers being tile best buyers. Thev. of course, picked out the better grade that Just filled their require ment. After they got what they wanted the market slowed down, with packer bidding a shade lower than jesterdny'n average mnrket. Salesmen thought tliey ought to get at leant steady price, and a a result It wa some time before mucn business wa transacted. The bulk of the sale went from JLVflTi) to 2VS.10. with the choicer loads largely nt 6.10 and $5 1-". The light snd common stuff sold from IS "ft down. Representative sales: Towird the cloe of the market pucker taleed their Md a little, that the cloe was more active than the middle of the market, and the price paid were fully ns good a yesterday, or tint much dif ferent from thee iirly nle. Practically everything was disposed of before noon Representative sales: Ne. . sh. ft .to A. h. W 19 159 ... 4 M 124 IIS i 10 4i- 204 o S no 48 241 40 S 10 61 I.". liO 5 0" 63 247 ... .1 1" 13 ;ftl ... 6 no 73 216 ... S 10 60 I0 ... ft 116 75 Ji4 . . 6 111 .11 216 ... I 06 70 252 40 I 10 9.1 176 ... 6 OJ 53 2l ... 4 10 I I7 ... 6 05 14 '1 . 6 10 100 Hi ... 5 ti6 II 31 40 6 1" K SOT ... f, (16 40 Ill ... 610 44 !9 ... ft 04 79 t.'4 0 i 10 ao 202 4i ft 1 71 231 ... 5 10 J 114 tO 6 07 'a 64 2l2 . . 6 10 14 son ... 6 074 t rw "o 5 10 75 136 10 6 (7i 4H 240 ... 5 10 41 2'V. ... H 07a M 24 ... 6 HI 72 239 ... ft 07', 62 229 40 6 10 1J 23 40 5 07V 62 230 ... 6 10 17 213 0 6 07' 2 !'4 o 5 In 64 242 12(1 ft 07't 7 217 40 6 10 64 254 ... 6 t7' 04 552 ... ft 10 34 .215 , 1 D7'4 74 240 ... 6 10 90 216 ... 6 Tt 12 225 ... ft 10 62 244 Wi 6 07 67 20 . . 6 10 60 221 10 ft 07', 70 247 6 ft 10 76 242 4'l 6 7a 46 254 ... 6 10 71 230 120 ft 07'a 73 829 40 ft 10 60 214 ... I 07t 242 ... 6 10 71 149 ... ft 7i K 240 60 10 0 116 ... ft 071 71 . 240 10 ft n 72 140 ... ft 071, 42 254 . . ft 10 76 222 120 ft 07't 60 296 10 5 lli 67 229 60 6 07', 15 294 . . ft 12i 64 169 ... 6 71, 69 250 ... 6 I2't 73 230 160 ft 0714 6 545 ... 6 lt' 71 224 40 6(1719 46 24.1 ... 6 1! 64 231 60 6 07 1 41 100 ... till TS 224 40 6 07 'a 44 266 ... 6 IS'a TO 207 ... 07'a 26 244 ... ft 12v 46 514 10 6 071, 61 240 ... 6 U, 10 291 ... ft 074 14 266 240 6 124 66 249 ... ft 10 41 2 ... 6 I2a 61 241 ... ft 10 71 241 10 ft 12'a 63 247 ISO ft 10 I:: 541 ... I 124 66 201 200 ft 10 11 2ti0 60 6 124 41 241 ... 6 10 62 265 ... ft 16 14 241 5 10 (5 284 ... ft 16 142 230 ... ft 10 (9 290 40 ft It SHEEP There waa not an excessive run of sheep reported at any point this morn ing, but owing to a limited demand the market was dull with the feeling weak. Chicago was quoted slow nnd barely nteady with only 16.10 head on sale, and at this point there were uliout 7.000 hoad reported. The market wa alow here on nil kinds, but Ihe better grades of sheep sold with out a great deal of trouble at lust alxiut steady prices. Some fair ewes brought 15.25 and some wethers and yearling mixeoi sold for W.00. There was nothing strictly choice nn sale such as arrived wrller Hi the week. The commoner grade were very dull and could bent be described by calling them weak to a dime lower. A large proportion of the receipt con sisted of lamhs and the demand for them was also limited. Kven Ihe choicer grades were neglected and the market could not he quoted better than weak to a dime lower and dull. Feeder buyers bid on the part fat lambs, hut as a rule they wanted to get them for a little less money than they paid yesterday. Quotation for fed tock: Good to choice yearling. tAMytft.'H; fair to good year ling. o.00ti.40; good to choice wether. 5.tSO&.S.76; fair to good wethers. 3.0oj4.50; good to choice ewes, $6.264i6.65; 'air to good ewes, $4,751)6.16: common to fair ewes, $4.00 (ii 4.50; good to choice lambs. fi.2Mfi.Wi; fair to good lambs. $'7.15; feeder lambs, t4.OO96.6O. Representative sales: No Av. Pr. a western cull ewes 80 3 00 237 western ewes 86 4 F5 1 western ewe !) 5 26 5 western ewe, w v 80 . 6 i5 247 western ewes , 9.' . 5 2.". 238 western lamba H9 8 00 408 western wethers '....10 (0 8 western cull ewes 72 II () 6 western cull ewes in 3 no 26 Wyoming cull ewes 80 3 60 3T western cull ewes 8 3 60 1 western buck 160 4 00 6! western ewen 01 i ll 20 western ewes K6 4 76 4 western lambs 70 6 On 1 western ewe 120 6 00 847 Wyoming ewes 94 6 00 400 western ewen 90 B 05 220 western ewen 90 5 10 6 wentern lambs 184 6 Oil 196 wentern wethers and year- lingn 107 fi 00 270 wentern lnmhn AT 6 60 22 western lambs 68 ti 60 vtesdv $6.0u;i 5 l ST. celptn. hlgli-r 11 le-.t 4 hoc. to 5c heavy. 8HK head. n. lllng .06 H9Wi.12i: bulk of sales, " I . Joseph Lite Klnek Market. JOSKPII. March :.--C ATTt.K R 2.iiti bend Market ntrong to loo ; native. $4 :64i6 S6: row and helfera, 79'. tix ket and feeder. SR.264J4 So. S-Rcrclpt. 5,uiv head. Market weak lower: Hahts. $V1'."; medium nnd IS. 154i .Vila. KP AND I.AMB9- Receipt. 1 M Market strong: Cclcmdo lambs. I7.6U. CHICAGO I.I VK STOCK 44ARKKT tattle Ten Cents Hlovher llogn Five lf Ten C enta I, oarer, CHICAGO, March 30. CATTLE Receipt n, fi.OOO head; market 10c higher: good to prime nteern, $6.3.V?.38: poor to medium. 1 1. 2Trt 5. 26 ; ntockern and feeders. $3.00(iS.(i: cown, 13.00a 4.90: heifer. 13.25(5.25; ennner. 1.754j2.50; bull. I2.50&4.25; calve, 3.00(H.6o. 1IOQ8 Receipt. 30.000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 22.000 Head; market 5il0c lower: mixed and butchers. $5.15(95.35; good to choice heavy, $5.2686; rough heavy, $V16i6.:0.- light, $5.05ifi6.27V4; bulk of sales, $3.203 5.30. SHEEP AND !,AMB8-Reoelptn, 15,000 head: market steady for both sheep and lambs; good to rholce wethers, $5.7.yflfl.26: fair to choice mixed. $4.5o&5.50; wetern sheep. t4.IWHfM.25: native lambs, t5.254j7.ti0; wentern lambs, $5.85(!f7."5. Kaunas City I. It Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 30.-CATTI.K-Re-celpt, 3.800 head. Including 100 southerns. Mnrkft steady; choice ex pur t and dressed beef steern. $5.40Cu(t.OO; fair to good, $4.i5'a 5.2S: wentern fed steers. $; ntockcrs and feeders, l3.o0Cu-4.75; nouthern steer. $::.itf (95.00; southern cow,; native cows, :'.2riia4.60; native heifers, $3.255.20; bulls, 12.4.26; calves. t2.6K-0.oo. HOOS Receipts, 7.600 hesd. Market wa weak to 6c lower: top. $6.30; bulk of sale. t6.154r6.27Mi: heavy. t5.25&5.S0: packers, $5.10 $625; pigs and lights, 14. 255. 20. HHKKP AND lAMBSReelpts, 4,000 head. Market steady; native lamb. $ti.f0'u; 7.50; native wethers. I5.50tf6.90; native fed ewes. 6.ntV(j).r,5; western fed lambn. U5!K(f 7.60; western fed yearlings. $t;.OfK8tl.75: west ern fed sheep, $5.0ojj5.9O; stocker and feed ers, 13 5041-6 50. . I.oola l.lve Htoek Market. ST. IXll'IS, March 30.-CATTIFJ-Re-celpt, 1,600 head. Including I.00O Texans. Market for natives strong, Taxans higher: native shipping and export aieera, 16 261 B.oo; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3 5) j6.75; steers under I.Otnj I'js., $3.25(fi6.05; (lockers and feeders, $2.604.50; cown nnd heifer. 3.4633.70; canners. t2.uiiA2.60: bulls. I2.754ji3.isi; calves, t4.004jti.6o; Texa and In dian ateers, $.1.60415.28; cows and heifers. t-'.00tl'4.26. HOG 8 Receipts. 3.500 head. Market waa ateady: pigs and lights. t3.5o4f6.l5; packers. t6.3n4j6.40; butchers and best heavy, $5.J64j 6.45. SHEEP AND I.A M BB Receipt a, 1 50o head. Market ateady: native muttons, lii.oo I&5.90; lambs. $6.00ii7.00; spring lambs, $lo.76; culls and bucks, $3.5tK&4.60; ntockern. $3,004? t.60. New York I.lve Htoek Market. NEW YORK! March 30. BKK VK8 Re celpt. none: feeling ateady; Liverpool and London cables quoted live cattle alow at loivrll'jc: tops, lHe, dressed weight; ex ports, 261 head cattle. CALVKS Receipts, 491 head: market ateady; all sold; veala, $5.00476 Ifi; no very prime lota here; culls. $4004j4.50. Pressed In fair demand; city veala, 9ttH.!",c; coun try In heavy supply and lower at 4jl0o. 6IIEKP AND I.AM H8 Receipts, titOhead: sheen, steady; good lambs firm, others steady: sheep. $5.0Ori.0O; no prime sheep offered: lamhs. $8,004(9.00. HOGS-Receipts, 1,848 head; market feel log steady. OM4II4 U HOt-V tt.E MAHkl'.T, rendition at Trade anal Qaoltlloai (aale and Fancy Prnonce. IXIUR Receipts heavy, mm ket ' steady! candled stock. 16'tc. I.IVK P l I. TriV Hen. I0SM1K-; ioutig roosteis, according to sue, sunv; old roos ter 6afic; tumeva. 14c; duck. I0v. Bl'T'I Kit-Packing stix k. Ike; chuice to fancy dairy, 2:Mj24c; ircamery. 24tr2ii print. 27c. ' i-Iw-fii r'RiiKN KISII -Trout. pick erel. h'c: pike, V: perch, ,4c; blueilsh, lie; wl itetish. 6c : salmon, lie: redsnapper, UV; hnlibtit. fc; green halibut, 10c; crnpples. ilc. hurtalo, 7c; white ba. lie; herring, 6c; Spanish maikero', 11c. I'"rt8t legs, per dus , 40c. H AY Prices quoted hv Omnrtp Whole sale Hhv I " l.-i n-twori--ioM: 'holce No. 1 upland, to 00: Nc. 2. t5..V: mod'itm. I7 00; course. $4.50. Rye straw. $. ST The? -prleea ate I' r ua o, ki o c,,i,h cn-l qjutr-y. BR N Per ton. 117 .60. OYSTKRS New York Cd'ints. tier can, 4ic; extra selects, per can. S6c: standard, i-er can, 3('c. Bulk: Standards per gal.. 1 40; extra selects, per gal., 11 6. New iork counts, per g.-.l., II k'V TROPICA1, FR1MTS. ORA Nil l-:s t nlllorni.i, e:ri fancy Red land navelr. all le. : Othf 1.00; fancy liaels. J-'.7."; choice navels, l-.uo; larga alr.e.1. $::s. MO.MONS -California, extra fancy, 270 ie. I3iit: and Son $3.25; fancy. 270, $1.75. : and . $:! oo; chok e, 2)0 and 270, 2.J, 3 and :4i0. $2.50. I A i 1'et oox of 30-1 h. nkgs.. $.' 0t; Halloween, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 4Vi'(T6c. KIGS -Calllorniii pee in ilv carton. 75" K'ic; imported Smyrna. 4-crowu, 10o; 5 rronn, 12c; fancy Imported (washed), in 1-lh. pku.. lh-iilM-. BANANAS -Per medinm-slxed bunch, $1 76 42 26: iii"tvs l'.5cfi3 on. GR A PKRHI' IT California, per bo of 64 to ,04. $4 00. I'Rl ITS STRAWBKRKIKS Florida, per quart, 75c. APPI.tS-New York Baldwins. $3.00(331".; Colorado W'lnesstis, per bit box, $1.76; Colo rado Hen Pa vim. t-t w-.x. 4 26: Roman Beauty, per box. $2.00; Baldwin an4 Green ings, per box, I1.7E tiKArKb unpolled Malagas, per keg. 17. TANGKR1NKS California, per naif-box. $2:6. CRA NBKRRI K8 Jersey n, per bbl., $7.50; $5.00. VKGKTAB1.I-:S. POTATOI-.8 Homt. gr.-wn. In sacks, bu., THr40c; Colorado, per bu., 40c. TURNIPS Old. per bu.. 4uc; new. don., 7Cc. CARROTS Old. per bu., 40c; new, O.OI., .bC. PARSNirS-Old. per bu.. 40c. BKANS Navy, tier bu.. $2.10 Cl'Cl'.tfBKRS-Per del., il.75W2.0O. TOMATOES- Florida, per 8-Lasket crata, $5.00. SPINACH-Per bu.. 21.00. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $2.50: Colorarfa yellow, per ll.. 2c; liermuda onloni, per crate, $2.75; new aoiithern. per iloa.. 4ftc. per per per 4'ABIJAOE-Holland seed, per lb.. H4e. SWBliT PO IA Tuts- Kauaas Klin urn per bbl., $2.75. BICKTS Old. per bu., 4uc: new, per do. bunt-he. (Tc. CKI .KRY California, 7,Vq 90c. RADISllKH -Hot. house, .arge bunches, per dor... 9dc4i$1.00. LETTl'CIi Pr box of about fifteen heads, 05c. RH CHAR!;-California, per lb., te; pef box of 40 lbs., $2.50. PABSKE'i fer doi. bunches. TTjc. ASPAUAGl S-Illlnois, per dos. bunche. 2.0o; California white, per dux. of l-lb. bunrhen, $6.00(a7.on. M1SCKI.I.ANKOCB. CIIEKSE WineuiiHln twin, full cream, lSViiMc; Wlncor.sln Young America, 15c; block Swias. new, 15c; old, HVrjinc; M iscon wln brick. 15c; Wisconsin llroburger, 14c; brick cheese, 164fltic. HIDKB No. 1 green, 7c; N.. 2 green, 4c; No. 1 salted, SViC, No. ! salted. 7t-e; No. i veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal cnif, lo; dry salted, 74 He; nheep pelts, 26c47$l.f0; horse hldea, $1.5iK(f3.0O. NUTS Walnut", No. 1 aoft nhelln, new crop, per lb., 16c: hard shell, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shell, per Ih., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peairiifs, per Ih., 7c; roasted peanuts, per Ih., Xo. .Chill walnuta, per lb., 12oil.3VC; almond, - soft shell, per lh., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, per lb., 12HA1-'''': black walnuts, par bu.. 76f90c; shellhark hickory nuts, per bu-, $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu, Jl 60. Kraporated Apples and Dried Krnlts. NEW YORK, March 30. EVAPORATED ' APPf-E?? The market attracts but llttlrt attention for the time being and in some instance" holders of prime fruit ure offer ing slight concenlonn. Common are quoted at 44((V prime nt 6.35476.40i-,. choice at 641' 6Vac and fancy at "c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRnTS-Prunes show no Improvement as far ns the local nnot situation in r'onoemed. prices being at 24c to 6'c for the lower aruden. Apricot remained unchanged, with choice quoted at 10'yaile. extra choice nt 11Vyi?12,4' and fancy at 12Cdl5c. Peaches were firmly helit. with cholcs quoted at 104j"101mc. atxtra choica at lOMtHSlOV' and fancy at lmfflc. ( offrr Market. NEW YORK, March 30.-COrFEE Fu tures opened steady at unchunged prices, which wan a little below expectatlona based on nlendier French cables. loiter the mar ket did better on a good demand, however, from local bulls and some scattering buy ing through commission houses, and toward the close the market became quite active on smaller San Paulo receipts for the day and reports of n better spot demand. The market was finally nteady at a net ad vance of 64110 polntn. Balea reported were 95.500 bags. Including May at 6.56!tf.0c ; June. S.fific; July. 6.7W.80C: September. 1.95 4i7.0Oc; December, 7.I6QT.2SC Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, Invoice, 7"4c. Dry Gooda Market. NEW YORK. March 30 DRY GOODS - tittle of nperuiatlon in evident, operations are slightly enlarged from certain sections. Advices rrom tne west inuionr n , . . nu lull . r n H u i" liniiroveio.-lll nn mi nn iiit- i concerned and the effect on .all portions nf ine traae in imciy 10 ua vi: yl.i"i.i.. Htoek In ttlghl. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets were a follow: Cattle. Iin;. Sheep. South Oiuuhtt 2.13K s.iM 7 348 Bioux City .So I. W) Kanaa City 8,6no ".ooo 4.4 Ht. l.ouls 1. 6(10 $.600 1,51 St. Joseph t.2.18 1.9H8 Chlcagii (.000 IO.OiiO 16.(4i Totals 21.&"2 24.016 29. Kloni rile I. Ire stork Market. glOt'X CITY. March 80.-(Hpeclal Tele- frami 4'ATT1.B Receipts. (J,i0 head; mar et strong:; stocker slow: beeves. $4 no'T 169: cows, bulla and rolled, $2. 7614. 60; ntnekera and feeders. I3.ft44.u; raivas and jearhng. USlU-i.W. HOG 4 Receipts, 1,J head; market FKAI. ESTATE TRASFERf4. Deed filed for record March 30. 1906, as nlshed by the Midland Oiiarajitee Trust company, lumilcd abstristjer, Fiirniim street, for The Bee: C. A. Pratt nnd wife to E. V. Mveney. lot 1. block 2. Hunscom Place t F. B. Montgomery and wife to City of Omaha, part lot 99 of Glse's add,,.. Tukey Iauil company to V. Beat, lot" 6 and ti. block 1, lnsciiture's Sara toga, - 1,. F. Imm and wife to W. . Bf-nt. port of loin 7. 8 and 9. block 2, I,ensen tute'n Saratoga C. Ronsmunneti to H. Rassmiinon. lut 6. block H. Satinder" Ik lllmehaugh'n W. B. Tankersley to K. O. Tanlnerniey. Iota 2 and 3. block 4. Cotun & Arch er F. J. Andron and wife to I. N. Anderson, 2-acre trlpn east of Irv inglon H. J. Twlntlng to F. W. Moutgomeiy, lots 99 and I''. Glese's Mary A. Sudenherg and husband to M. A. Colvin, lot 23, replat block 1. Bemis Park , J. J. He and wife to H. J. Peterexin, lot 8. block S. Drexel's nuhnw .....'. K. J. Sullivan to F. C. Craig, lota 7 and 19. block I. Kakevlew Omaha Realty company to F. Kavan. lot 10. Drexel ft Maul's solid I v Irene K. Sellzer and wife to Alien Rennham. lota 7 to 10, block C. yi deroto Hill Marv E. Bahcock and huaband to Charlen I'nltt, part lot 2, block 8, Prospect Place P. Poallot and wife to A. 1.. Kranse. lot 10. Albright's Annex F. Hlmon to M. Gratt, part lot 7, Oka homa E. J. Seykora and wife to S. P. Watt, lot 13, Freeman'a add Omaha Reilty rompanv to A. C. Kile gaard. part lot i. block . Park Place F. Kavan to Emma Becker, lot 10. Drexel & Maul's add- Edwards -Wood (In r fur unl 18. 1 7.200 0 275 125 1 600 SjOOO S.0OO too 3("1 250 87S 466 00 1,'Or) 426 SOI) Gnrorporstad i mill Office: Fifth and Robert ' s ST PAUL, niNN. str3,, DEAk&Kit IrJ, - Slocks, GtaifPrni Ship Your tirnTT , . liaaab a. HA.aU aT ' Bldar, Oanaka, . Tet,. m' ,'it HI 714 Exchange BUT.. ,,,. -Ht Va fnooe 4iaV VvoJil?. 0maa.