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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1905)
r i 10 Trir omm iMir.Y nv.r.t rmn.w. if.wrnr ni. iror,. i BUILDING BIC BILL BOARD Work Protecntod in J nig Estelle'i Court Under Mnch Difficulty. DEFENSE. IN BEMIS SUIT IS COMMENCED Fire WIlDfM Called TMiUfi to thm CoastrniMlosi ( (he tmu Board that ' Frll on (be Plaintiff. Iiwyprn always find It very nfrfuary t lay a proper foundation when trying cases In court. That la a tajik difficult enough, as a rule: hut when a trial lawyer la com pelled to build a superstructure on hla foundation tha labor la one to daunt even tha readiest man. This wag brought out forcibly Thursday afternoon In the Bemls case in Judge Estrlle'B court. City Attorney Hreen had called a the flrat witness for the city W. H. Krelle of Minneapolis. Taking him back to December, 1W, Mr. Jlreen had the wltneas help him construct a billboard twelve by twenty feet In size. Thla took a long time, for Attorney Connell waa continually Interfering with the work, on the time-honored ground that the method followed waa Irregular, Imma terial, Improper and no foundation laid. Finally Mr. Breen and hla witness man aged to get some new lumber bought and a Ign malcr, at work tearing down an old billboard which waa to be reconstructed with the aid of the new materinl. The ac tual work Of building with 4xts, 2x6s, 2x4s and flat lumber waa got under way In an hour or ao, but to get the square timbers properly placed took considerable more time. Then the placing of the anchors and the braces ' gave Mr. Connell some more chances t6 Kick on the workmannhlp of the city attorney and his witness. The master mechanic. ,ln the person of Judge EateUe, sustained many of Mr. Council's objections, especially to the Mil; And it took many minutes of steady effort to frame up all the tlmbera and get the etceterass properly located. Breen Not Dlaeonraa-ed. Tha city attorney stuck to the bill and Its Item with commendable perseverance. It seemed to have got a body blow on two or three separate occasions when the master mechanic, frowned on it, but when It looked like It must be knocked out altogether and tha whole board thrown into the scraphcap Mr. Conncl suddenly backed out of the way and graclouxly waved permission to go ahead. He would not object farther, he; aid, to the perspiring but determined chief workman for the city; and very shortly there was a nice new billboard, handsomely painted and decorated, on the front of the. lot Just wist of the Davldge block. Ap parently everybody was happy. But that was in the winter of 1898, and in April, 1902, it is alleged that the board fell over on former Mayor Bemis. On crosB examlnation Mr. Connell began to tear into the same board to expose Its weaknesses; and then there was more trouble, for the witness hnd not had his attention specially called to the board from its erection until last Tuesday, when he was asked to come here and testify, what he knew about the board after its erection was. not much; but having got it up and In good workmanlike position, Mr. Breen did not seem to worry so greatly. At the rate of progress made In the last two or three days this Bemla case bids fair to keep tho court and Jury busy well Inte next week. Wind and weather, carpentry and architecture, surgefy and suffering, recklessness and - responsibility, "personal and official, all are going into the record, which promises to be a bulky one when finished. CLOSING THE SCAVENGER SALE Last of the Lena; Mat Under First Advertisement Will Be Dis posed of on Friday. The last scavenger tax sale under the first advertisement of delinquent property will commence Friday morning at Weat Side addition and continue until the list ' Is finished. Under the longer hours de voted to the i lie for so ,ie time past It has been i uni p'sct.crble to ean ev erything up within tho time set, which was the last day of March. It 1b the general impression among the nun who been handling the sale for the past several months that some men have made a mighty gpod thing in their purchases. The county and city have also profited, not only through fattened funds but In getting Into the live tax list many thousand pieces of real estate which have for years been delinquent. See ad. of Artist-Used Weber Pianos at Her Grand Hotel on another page. SEAS0I1BLE FXSRIOIS. Jl JVO. 04-LAPIEB' BODICK. 8 lies, to C For the accommodation cf renders of The Pee these patterns, which usually retail at from a to 60 cents each, will be furnished at ths nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept st our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cent, addressed "i'at tern Department. Bee. Omaha," I S V. t the tf. P. Dakcry s;0ULAKE DREAD le v Loaf 5? Lu a iv H II II I III Y I .-. Ill ssa mm mm i i i i mm at m i . ' . ni I. ... n i'JSfK lii M '!""" TffTI JIT sWWIiW I" J3iT)l rjiws i wt h i i-x. x SOTO E M L V 11 h- MM. All Remnants and Short Lengths -Dressmaking Stocks OF W. W. GOSLING, NEW YORK AND NEWPORT Our tremendous sales of last week from the great est and moat fashionable dress making stocks ever offered have left us with thousands of highest class remnants. th" $2 and $3 Dress Goods go at 69c yd Dress patterns and shorter lengths voiles, eoliennes, Pan amas, Sicilians, tailoring and shirt waist suitings and broadcloths. Mack, cream and all colors, at, per yard All lengths worth f 1.50 a yard voiles, cloths, mohairs, henriettas, etc., at, per yard Organdies lOca Yard Remnants of the most stylish Dolly Varden and Floral patterns tUJUg-'gw! MM' lUSSK'Ti I lo) mm 11 i , ii i r f Friday, r'nlr and 4 older. 3 MlJAklU' i.4v 5 69c 39c lO to 13 yards In lengths selling everywhere t at 33o yard, at, Ml If yard W Travelers' Sample Sets, 33 I -3c Each Hundreds cf sets contain lag 8 to 10 in each lot of the high est prade cloths from France and Germany. Coatings, coverts, mohairs, worth J BC up to Mayard, each.... All shorter lengths dress goods, 8 to 10 in each set, ea.I5c Silks from the Dressmaking Stocks The finest silks from the Gosling establishments. Handsome check and stripe Louisenes, print warp and jacquard silk suiting foulards, chiffon taffetas in black and solid colors hundreds of pieces, at, per yard 39c-49c-69c Importers' samples, small remnants fine silk In both plain and fancv, suitable for neck tics and fancy work and many f i mm ses! aT: 5c-I(Jc-15c 2,ono yards fine silk in remnants lengths from 2 yards to 10 yards. many pieces to match. Foulards, larreias, cnina siiks, pure Bilk black taffeta, at, per yard 15c New Spring Cotton Remnants New Spring Voiles, in the new rough weaves, 1 f flaked effects, splashes and new printed styles 11 9 8 NEW IsOT DOTTED SILK MfLIJ. a quality superior to the ordinary 33c quality we will sell all the new waist shades Friday at n-a- yard I J NEW INDIA LINON-0 Inches' wide, very sheer, suitable for waists, dresses and aprons, 25c val- fr ues for a yard IUW COIXJRED WOVEN LAWNS a new cloth thin season 15c values, i i In mil! lengths at a vnrd OJC NEW DRESS PERCALE REMNANTS aarK styles, neat designs, at yard 5c RT DRAPERY TICKING and Den ims in beautiful floral and other patterns tOc values, for 4 ft- a yard itL COTTON CHALLIS, In pretty Persian styles, for klmonas, etc., go at a yard YARD WIDE CHIFFON VOILE for sulls and children's wear (" great bargain for a yard uC Very best quality nil Btyles Cali coes go at a yard 3ic 31c Dress Trimmings from V. 7. Gosling Stocks aii me men class dress trimmings from the 0 urcssmaKiUfr stotK, including imported nov- II IP WW elties, elaborate trimmings, etc, at, yard. I9c-50c UCES FROM THE DRESS MIKING STOCKS I0c-l5c-25c-39c Hundreds of charming styles of . dress and trimming lares, wash laces, elegant all over luces, etc., from tha Uaaling establishments, at. Two Special Bargains 8 a. m. till noon Yard wide colored drapery Amoskeajr Apron Gin; , hams in all size checks the regular sic; for a yard. 5k Swiss, in short lengths, at, a yard Two Special Afternoon Bargains ,B,efinpniM Red Seal Tolle du Nord and A. B. C. Ginghams, plenty of stripes ana checks in blue, red, pink and grey, In mill lengths, for yard. 5c Short lengths of all grades cam one ana muslin one Big Bar gain square for, a yard . . lc Bargains in Linen Department An Immense lot of table dainank, remnants in all quantities and in lengths of 14 to 8V4 yards at lower prices than ever offered. BKD SPKBAD Sl'BGlAL FOB FRIDAY ONLY 2 cases of nt large size Marseilles pattern Bed Spreads, with fringe all H f a around, $1.00 value, for, each J t More Exciting Bargains FROM THE W Kirkendall Wholesale Omaha Shoe Stock. $2.50 Ladies' Shoes, go at $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes, go at Men's $3. 50, $4 and $5 shoes, V- - maae in umatia, iui".. Ladiea' bouse slippers, worth $1.25 go at. Girl's 11.50 lace shoes IflA. I Men's shoes, from the 9to2 rHHR Kirkendall wholesale Little gent's shoes, 9 to 12 ) I Btock And many more bargains equally as groat The second week of this sale Is eren more popular than the first. The sale keeps on growing lu favor every day. 1.59 1.98 25J 39o 198c DR. BRADBURY 06 FARNAfl Teeth Extracted... J8o Porcelain Pilllags $1 ap Oeld Filling $1 up silver Fillings... Me ap Crowns $3.30 up Plates 9X00 ap DENTIST IS Years fcacia Location Phono 1756. Bridge Work 92.50 up Nerves removed with out pain- Loos Teeth Mads Solid. Work ttiarantasd It j are, CONTRACTS GO TO THE LETTER ('aaty is Utlaa of lo Jut Now. C(.ntrrtors dlng tuilrw with Douglas county at ths Hr furin ami at the niunty aUr arc tliKtlns tlirinvlvia up asulnsl a trstght hualnrsa ilrul wln-n tlii-y deliver goods on oritur. Ths iiwr!iilrnli.l hats hn fumlslird llh at tho cuiitrarts undrr whlt b tha aupllna ar drllvirad and ar holding tha rnntractnra to ths tr!. lltr of ths rrm. m. Hills must ac compauy avrry d.llvry. fur !) jrp. of cho king rarh ttm. and If th hilla arc not snt along tha goxl ar not to I racvlvod. WUl'O hills arc held not to b at all aiur4tor) on tnotul of th carlana whli h la almost rvrtala to rrwf In Substitution Is am Mi-r niattor hl. h Is lto rsisrly aai'ld. Ttia orBfisla la rhrgs of tit dllt. rnt i1- iMrimrnt. ar n pt alluasd any UuiuJ la this rgrd by th umnilaH'l.rra. Ths ctfitrrts rl fr rr lalii gra4 f aanpllr mi A for rvrum lniols vt inl'Ular ihiaaa. It mlii 'y Im la sulNtiiiut tm4 (nf:W, a rtrfwr.' tuST ftt.d aoitaiy t u.i.4 iuis!i.a t iy sua irta suppllfs held In the oprn mnrkt for much lower figures. If substitution cannot l avoided for any good rnon then the price tnunl In' Htal.Ml accordingly. Tha nar system Is found to e working In a shIIn furtory manner and the suiMTlntcndents have not )t found It nr-.ury to h. any srrlous quarrrl with th contractors. Halldlaa rrrealla. I'rrmlls lo Iniild hnv hern Iso'ird by lis (ity its follows J. I. Tohln. 11 f'mne dwrllliig nt IVntti ami lltmr. fl, Krlrlrs I- li.N-irl. h. ! ' rfsirs and alierailona I i the I rl k hull.llng at Xi'.i Karnni air.el, W A. M'.rrow. I. frni dwvlling at :ti liliitipy; W 1 1. Itd. Iii.i frame dwrlllr g at Thlrty-tlfth and I'urt siren. L CoIdoCurod QUICKLY Jli a go HnnaiA.tAl Imw i.i.. u laiote I Lrrafct u .Hte la li.e a4 la a t .. - m ao d a(u.rSma 4l ultk tir ariali.tfut. ''ri-vet a het lUi-tn a ..r ii40. m t A A - I . m . 1. ... i . . . . a . , J m ii i i.t iCOKTIiajeiMnctllMlslf i, SaetMise a ? (:,. n rreg rav Vv, afe -J l-ui ify, tiu.lta. Green Trading Stamps are quite a currency, thev bring you valuablt premiums you could not secure otherwise except at considerable cost. These premiums kcp whole f;irtorlo mnkins; them. There's a big rhlpmcnt of very attractive pre miums on th way. Some t'pt rially flno three-hook premiums are due to arrive within next thirty days. Keep at It! Keep filling your hooks and get n premium that will be a stHndlng ndvcrtlsement to your sound shopping sense, your In telligent economy, an Hdornment to your home nnd n testimony to the wisdom of trading at Bennett's. Carbonettc Pictures, 19c !9c On hjiIo Kriday n o0c vnluo fninit'il riirboncttctt, in 1 inch solid oak frame, bi variety of sub jects, for this Kale, at Ten ($1.00) ft iron Trading Htainps. See display lGth street window. Picture framing our spe cialty money-saving prices. Oranges! Oranges! Another Sensational Sale of Oranges Friday One car large fancy Redland Navels! Sweet, Juicy and Delicious on sale, at, dozen MtmtxMK Twenty (?2.00) Green Trading Stomps. Limit Three dozen to a customer. No dealers or ped dlers supplied. GROCERY! GROCERY! You cannot make a mistake In pur chasing your groceries here. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with lb. pKg. Bennett's Capitol Coffee. .Mc Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with pound 11. F. Japan Tea 3Hc Ten (Jl) Green Trading Stamps wllh can Diamond "S" Fruits l!Sc Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with pound California RalHlns lli'.ic Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Sour Pickles 10c SOME SI'KCIAL.S. Corn, 2-pound can '. Sc linking rioda, package 4c Oil Sardines, can 4c Potted Ham, can 4c Pepper Sauce, bottle Vc Catsup, bottle 8o Snlder's Salad Uresslng, bottle 10c Salmon, pound can.. luc Ten Green Trading Stanips with three packages CodttHh c Fifty Oil) Green Trading Stamps with live pounds J.ipun Hire toe Ten (1 Green Trading Stumps with 2 Jars .Diamond "S" Preserves a)c CANDY SECTION. Easter novelties In great variety. Hens and Rooxters, each lc Ducks, Chicks. Jfcwbhlts, each 6c Panorama Kggs, euch.,.. 10c Duster Jirown, each a. l&c Sunny Jim, each. 15c ills lot of Birds' Nests with eggs. 6o Twenty Green Trading Stamps with lb. box BennettB Chocolate Creama 25o Mammoth Gum Drops, pound 10c Hardware Specials Bi-st 2 Inch rnpsh poultry wire, gal vanized after weaving 1 square foot 2v Host double selvage black steel screen wire cloth I sciuare foot IiC Donble Green Trading: tampa on all Paint, Heady-Mlied Paint, White Lead, Varnish Stains, Var nishes, etc. We carry the famous .Tnp-A-Lae, the best floor finish and stain made. Twenty (?!') Green Trading Stamps with stt'el garden JLt rake TT JC Thirty Green Trading Stamps with extra Japanned bread box JJC Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with extra Japanned bread box O JC Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with extra Japanned Te bread box t JC Lace Curtains NOTTINGHAM IACEl CURTAINS that have been selling for $1.(3, $1.70 and H.75, will sell Friday and Saturday t sO only. (Don't miss thla sale), at lo We have on hand fourteen doxen Mercerized Pillow Girdles that have OKp, been selling for 40c each these must go at Japanese Porch pillows and Bench Cushions, left over from last sum mer's stock, must be sold to make room for new goods, will go at 4 6c each, or three for itJxJ Bennett's Famous Silk Down Sofa Pillows. In all sizes, at all prices, 24-inch, 22, 20, 18, 16 inch, for 60c, 50c, 40c, 30c and BR J UNION PACIFIC ((. EVERYDAY to May 15, 1905, S252 v I SHORT LINE. FAST TRAINS. NO DELAYS. I II Be sure your tickets read over thi line. I I Inquire at 1 1 City Ticket tfflce, 1324 Firniin Street. 'Phone 316. jrjT i stylish 1 km axoTiM(a Ths nhanly, fprinff shoes for men are now being ahown nt their xcluIve men's "hoe tore at 1521 Famnm street. Giving Men Fits U Their Gpoclalty Tim styles are right for street or dress. The Oxfordt Jnit In. S3.60 t.V.LVrs S4.d0 WALK-OVER SHOE STORE 1121 fsritSM Btroei. I FRIDAY'S REMNANT DA "lj A DAY OF ROUSING BARGAINS iilHY ylfiliJs Ft M n PR I! 4 fl f IB 1 1 n PI r m Vlt CC0H0MICU DUYCR'S OPPORJUNlir I Special Friday Bargains in the Great West Room 6Hr Htandnrd ITcps f'rlnts at. ysrd "1 12Wc Apron Lawn, 40 In. C,-. wide. nt. vnrd Uc Minghnms nnd ;W In. 1'ercnles nt, il... 1-c Almerln printed A'n llntixte from lli liolt. 15c Zetihvr Ginghams at, ynnl . 5c 5c oc while good" nil kind, n t ynrd l'c In i e I'nloti huck I I'M el, each K'lje -in l.'rge I ii. ' M Ili he.l I nlin 7r I (III, k Tow, 1 iKrh w : X'f Tiil'le l.iiK-ti. tr i 6;c:!;vHvn;:r:'!':'":":22ic 12V- CurtHln HwIbs. .US Inches I K''-jc sMt,-il Long wide, irnra the bolt, Alp a-, in. wide, 3 - , , "IV i ,. ,i, nti )l....vrt' at, yard fior Ht nrnlifo, V srd C'tC It.Moi.j- - f ! "TsC I Mntl si, d . . " "w It. niton's of IV f.H- UIh Km r'lanrl t rd ... ' w Ii. rtn r,i. ,f v itr :d '' -lnnnl f'.f lie li.f..t i. at. f4 .'! lion' t' of I ;oitr""tf 4 Klaiinel st IIALK I'l'.ICU 1 Remnant Bargains Main Wash Goods Department REMNANTS nf mercerized white go..d that sold nt 2!r, J'.c and :CK', nnd remnant oxfords and mndrasses thnt sold up to aic yard, nil will go on this sale nt. a yard RKMNANT8 of white iiiii that sold up to 5oc yd. :itid rimnnt i f line duck plnue and miirsalllcs that Kold up to ioc ynrd, all will go at, yard 10c HUt "f 15c It KM N, NTH .f th ry flns srti'i mf c. ris. d i. ttm.Mrn n-t , thnt il ill .'. T '.! fl , Will on this i at. i ytfd ItKMNANTM "f fmrrat. mmh wl ' hum" i f.f, srd a tnif l 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' t ..f Mirf wttth up I" ' V'l, ', )arl I8c t" g- 5c Our Friday Bar-. High Grade gains in Silks The greatest remnant sale of silk and velvets of the season. remnnrta of high grade sliks from H yard to H ynrds eni h. your rlioh r fur S per cent less than marked price, which the lowest. VELVKT RRMNANT8 KOU W. TK-AII colors nnd lengths. In i . tl on snd $1 6o yard quull'y, per yard H6-ln. Ulnck Wash Pllk, In china nnd Jap, special for, yard Dress Goods REMNANT -f lv fA wfA r1 mmn. o'iltlrg "f S'l A w4 nt nn, sull-rig ls. ntmitym, (.'.smas. m'halr. l' . In ft ll rTrifwiot . our fine g'f"le, will go al, a yard 39c El 39c 75c Wool Dress Goods In the Domestic Room All wool and hmit an atib n4 wri lr g"Kt. wnA tofig lengtlis. will go st, pr yard. Tr, IV, .V mnA .... 10c a 1 Qjlojf iU1 DO YOU KNOW That we make a specialty of repairing fine VS'nt-i an Jewelry. If you have n fine w.ifch. or J'.lry that needs repairing, bring It to us. We'll gu.irmite to do It right nnd the price will he right, too. It won't take long to spend a few minutes In our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. Uls Dougl aa Sirtwt. WANTED A BOY In every lowi to sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send odj boy the first 10 COPIES I'll HE V "4 It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTEIt BROWN COMICS, altogether 3D pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL For Full Particulars Write io The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska. FAFSlFALl Pillow Covers If you want a ii-w ami up to dat Pillow, liny otio of our new Pnrslful Pillow Covm-wry ri-li lii color. Also many other styles In ni rlcb tlor nt vavU- Beads and Jewels In all Its KWy f"f fain work -limnl fur it. I lii r and llor trim inltiga -In all '-w ha.ra Hosiery and I ii.lerwnr as u.inl tuM'lail stiM Lluk lo i.r.b r In ai. color. Kamods! A aton which ks SV-en known from er. aii'i' unt alwitvs 'U' I hlithv. slid will . T1m" I i- ii M" taM''4 II. .i.i ldr ihm JOeir b ! ! f r l"'ii I irit vr iriw h.rny , ih w . i.., o rf s '-el rwtM-w. tl.rr t li.oa that itkiid rm 'Is . mu h "i a n"'t--. a.d win. u (.'ji.i.'.iv on mnd i !.. i'.i m h SA.t ihm a .1,1, r th l tea's e l era in,i. i t .i in a ! l-.a Ho ft'.m t- ' t- - a, . t I r la tea's r,.t r a f ailing I nii ' In a sll..s) 4 4f llii' tt'.m t- " t- - a JOS. F. BILZ! 322 S. 16th St. Omar. J. ..ftBDOiUIIIL SUFPCHTERS.. All U4. AlHiL't I Ok IV MM frta froeai Sl.l ( tu I'M U4 IfliirH i'l Wrtis I'. ftltl RMAN M.CONMU DKtOCO (,. mm aa.1 t44 Sis.. OMAHA, Skillful Denliiis 0 W t J-' f t js t.m iv- ,9m Wf- I, p4T f PI 4, 4 1 km IK 1-h ft'- t , - " - V!My i m i - r-4;- I ' . - ti - I. .fl i - .t t ft 'I'l ' . hf a mSf flNC SET OF TCITM. 00 UP. TIFT'S OENUl ROOMS. 1117 DMfU IUmL