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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAKCH S. 1005. (.RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET BpecnlttiTt Market Declines nd Triden Are Very Beariih. CORN TO STOP COMING AFTER SATURDAY 1 lonelllloMa All Teas to Wlnlniiir t or Heeelsite froau Hmt Heads After Rates I p la April- May Cora Breaks. r OMA.HA. Marcn ai. 1M5. Bearish In no nam for the market to day. I h Alay vnrit early In the session got up tor a nek or two to and Irom mere sttadiiy oerllned till a l noon It hail ranched til: and showed a continuing oownwaru tendency. Monday the range was Irom ll.U'4 to lc lower. The July ! noon today went from l""' to We, this be In "fce lower than Monday. Liverpool i iosea Willi a lose of .:, Berlin Closed S: inwr-r end Buds Pe.t el : The com mission houst-e ate trying- to clone nut their May wheat tradrs. J'tiey fear sensational i tiangee in price aa the time tor settlement (A the May deal dtaws near. Tney are trying to get out nf the old deal and arc slso trying to keep their customers from making new deal. Minneapolis shows the Mir e nervousness, and the committee has required deposits of In per c ent on ml deals. Htsdstrvet ihn a decrease In wheat eM nf the Rocklea of lmmwi bushels and In Uurope and afloat 1.4xi.d0 hushrls, mak ing a total decrease of t!,00ri.ii bushels, 'the Chicago contract storks of wheat are now J. Vn. (), an Incresse of 4o.i bushels. The primary receipt nre SM.uon bushels, against SJti.miO bushel, and the shipments lire ftiQ.Ard) bushels, against :v.ono buhels. Ksrgo reports seeding general In North Uaknta, and those farmers who had the nerve to seed In the latter part of Febru ary now having floe growth of wheat. Hloui Falls ays seeding will be general the Inst of the week and Red Lake and fiafton report seeding general In their states. Everybody Is stam'lng by for h cessation of corn movement from firxt hands as soon aa the rate goes In Saturday. "The receipts here will drop o almost nothing:." sn id W. S. letcr. "The fann ers have been selling all they could while the low rate was In. and as soon an the rate goes up they will stop until the next crop Ts aestired." "The receipts are even nor beginning to fall off." said another local shipper. It Is going to be dead dull here after thu 1st. Kverybody has been selling corn on the hosts of the present low rate and when the cost of transportation goes tip t or 7 cents Saturday that will end It. There Is lots of eorn In the state, but It will hot come out any more. The mar ket will drop In compliance with the new lute and the farmers will be slow to sell it a luWfl' price than they have been getting. Then It comes at a lime when h road are pretty well at their worst, so that the weather conditions are against movement from first hands. The farmers are also to be busy .with their spring planting. The price, nf cattle and hogs also will cause many farmers to feed their corn rather than sell It at lower prices. The corn moving out now Is almost all old some time ago. The corn must be loaded and the bill of lading got before Saturday, so that' n tine Is selling nm- corn fti which he has actually no cars." Rrddartreet's ..shown the world s corn In creaae 1C.O00 bushels and the oats in crease 400.000 bushels. The Chicago con tract stock of corn la now 9.073.000 bushel, an Increase of 385,001) bushels, and the con tract Oats nre t.tftT.oeo hushclH, an In crease, of 4H0.0OO btisnels. The crowd Is bearish on the May corn and the market sold off nearly a cent In ooneeo,iicnoe. Omaha Cash I" rices. WHEAT No. t hard, $1.02U1 ,: No. J hard. SOo'aSl.O". No 4 hard. Mtiwv: No. spring. Il.oti; No. S spring. H.tU. CORN No. H. W, No. i, 44V; No. 4, 43He; no grade.; No. 2 yellow, 4nc; , No. 3 yellow, 4414c; No. 2 white, 44VN No. 3 white. 444c- OATH No. J mixed. 30c: No. 3 mixed. 294c; No. 4 mixed. 19c; No. 2 white. 31c; .No. 3 white. 30-V: No. 4 while, ',ig3ic; standard, 3oe. " ' Omaha' Cosh Males. WHKAT-No. I hard. 1 ear, tU. COitN No. 2. 1 car, 44,c; No. 3, 1 car, 44K. Carlof Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. it Tort Worth, and St.OOQ bu. at the Chicago private elevators. ' CHICAGO ;rai ad PR0VI10I9 Feat area ( the Tradlaaj aaa tlaalas Prleee Baarat af Tra4e. CHICAGO. March a Reports from all sections of the southwest teillng of the vig orous condition of fall-sown wheat bad a ocidedly weakening effect cn the. mark) t here today. Wheat for July delivery rloeed with a loss of IVjilVc- May corn Is down Vfl'sc. Oats are off He. Provisions' are down Vfmn-. Wrkktiesi was manifest In the wheat mar ket from the stsrt, the July delivery open ing Sfric lower to a shade higher at sVii IsV. May was unchanged to V higher at tl.l?tyfrl-12H I-ower prlcea at Liverpool and continued excellent weather conditions in the Cntted States were the factots con tributing to- the Initial weakness of the July option. A feeble rally occurred shortly after the opening, resulting In May ad vancing to i.l3 and July to iV Moderate receipts In the northwest was partly re sponsible for the upturn. The show of strength, however, was only momentsry. the msrket soon easing off sgaln on per sistent selling of July. The May option was comparatively Inactive throughout the day. Many additional reports rrgarding t lie ex tellent condition of the crop were received, and these added to the weakness of .the situation. One example of these bearish advlcts was a report estimating the total yield of wheat In Kansas at ll.VAi.0W bushels, which Is 4S.W,0"0 bushels in excess of the average crop. The market became extremely weak late In the day on general selling by local traders In addition to sell ing by both northwestern and southwest ern houses. July declined to fMc and May to 11.11V The close was almost Bt the low est point of the day, final quotations In July b-lng at Kdc. May closed at II. 1J, a net loss of He. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 44.7(0 bushels. Primary receipts were 3..7(iO bushels compared with 37S. bushels a year ago. Woild s visible supply, ss shown by Bradslrcet'a. de creased l,WVjn bushels. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of SBO cars against Sib cars last week and 351 cars a year ago Hentlment In the corn pit was bearish and prices showed a material decline. The slump In wheat led to considerable liquida tion late In the day, resulting in a sharp reaction. Knormoua primary receipts anil prospects of liberal shipments from Argen tina In the near future were additional weakening influences. The market closed practically at the lowest point of the ses sion. May opened a shade lower at 4XN. sold up to and then declined to 47V The close was at 47Tc. Local receipts were 301 cars with 3 of contract grade. Oood weather, the break in other grain and the weakness of the cash article caused heavy liquidation of oats, resulting In de clines In all optlona. Mav opened un changed at SO'sc, sold between :'.i330V4o and closed at 2Sc. Local receipts were J36 cars. Provisions were weak In sympathy with the decline in grains. larger receipts of live hogs than expected also created bear ish sentiment. At the close May pork was down IODIZE 12.toVa12.70. I-ard waa off 5c at I7.1WT.124. Kioa were 2V.12&C lower at $A.924fiti.M. Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 28 cars; corn, 187 cars; oats, 122 cars; hogs, 38 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: ArUclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yey Wheat May July Sept. Corn Mav July Sept. Oats May July Bept. Pork May July Lard May Julv Ribs Mav July II 12Uti 1 13 I IWVW! 1 84!,! j 48! 48i'a-V '' 30301,1 t 1 13 !, SIS 12 75 12 HO 7 ir. 7 37i 95 I 7 l-'H, 4j 1s 4: 2'.r 12 77.J 12 V24I 7 15 I 7 30 r,. 7 15 i l 8814' 83!,' 1 47il 48 4M4i I 29'.,' 3!, 2iV i 12 B7',,; 12 W j 7 10 1 12 1 1314 M 89-tiIO S3", I S4', 47', 484 ! 49 2!,: 30! a 2S, :, 28 :92!H, 12 70 ! 12 80 12 821 12 7 1241 7 25 7 174 7 30 7 12V (i 95 6 974 7 1241 7 17!, Chicago ..... Kansas City Minneapolis 1'uhith t8t. Louis .... Omaha l. 186 18 49 301 09 7S kO ISO -.X i No. 2. Cash nuolatlons were as follows: FLOI"R Easy; winter patents. I5.li0iji5.10: sdftlghts. l4.7W4.fl0; wnritig iwtents, 1500(9 5 40: straights, M.40Cd4.8o; bakers'. I2.40-83.4O. WHEAT No. 2 spring. Il.084jl.13; No. 3.; No. 2 red. tl.llftl.!4. CORN No, 2, 474c; No. 2 yellow. 474'S 4ic. OATS-No. 2.. ISlic:. No. . 3 I 31V. Mlnaeapolls V beat Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Luwards-tVood company, llo-lll Board of Trade, was: Artlole. Opcn.l High. Low. Cloa.Yea y iifi.... - i i i Wheat May July ; 1 094t 1 09T,! 1 081,1 1 084: 1 094 1 0D- 1 Wl-,! 1 VJ'(si 1 "3"l 1 05', 864i Ml 85 I 8541 85 DW YUKK GKMCHAL MARKET 4)aotatIona of the Day on Varloos Commodities. NEW YORK. March 2. KIOCR-Re-celpts, 32,867 bbls. ; exports, .62t bbla.; market dull and lower to sell; Minne sota patent. .ViVirS i"; Miniiesoia bakers, !4.00(6'4.fio; winter patents. x.i.Hi.aS; win ter straights, 5.1((r.T.25; winter extms, 13.50514. 16: winter low grades, !14"if4 06. Mve flour, quiet; fair to good, 4.u4.(i6; choice to tancv. 4.7fVf4.9v.. Buckwheat flour, nominal, per 100 lbs.. 2.00tf2.10. ( UKii'.Aii..iUj : : wiuie and yel low, 1. io; coarse new, ll.oiMijl.10; kiln deled, 12.9003.00. RTK Nominal ; western, 80c. HAHLKV Dull; feeding. 44'c, c. I. f. New York; malting, 4tjoic c. I. f. Buffalo. WHK AT Receipts, b,wi bushels. spot market easy; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, 1.14i f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 11.15 o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. 11.04 I. o. b. afloat. The onlv steadiness in wheat was shortly after the opening, when fears of colder weather impelleu coverings, otherwise tlerlded heaviness prevailed. New crop months reached low levels. Bearish crop .news, lower cables, stop loss selling and heaviness in the west were features. The close showed 41!c "H decline. May, tl.09(&1.101, closed l.(0A; July, H3,94iP, closed 34c; September, xie, closed CORN Receipts. 139,7.V bushels; exports, a,i74 bushels. Spot market weak; No. 2. t7l,c elevator and 6So f. o. b. afloat; No. i yellow, 55c; No. 2 white, BV. Op tion market opened steady, but at once weakened, losing lc during the day on better weather und the wheat break. It closed c net lower. May, 5.1ii44i;, closed 53V': July closed 54c- , OATH Receipts, 3,oii busnels; exports. 1750 bushels. Spot market weak: mixed oats, 2183 pounds. 21i4&35c: natural white 30(632 pounds, 3ti4tt37'c; clipped white, M in-Ki pounds, 3743'- FKBIJ Stendy; spring bran. 19.2, prompt "TaY-DuII: hipping. 68074c; good to choice, T7485'. , . , . HOPS uuiet; stats common to choice. 19t4 262e; 1903. 22i26c; olds, UifjlSc. Ta cltlc coast, 19-4. 3bti:-8c; 1903. 214t24c; olds. n?Ul)KB Quiet: ilnlvejiton. 2o to 25 Ids.. jOc; CnllforniO. 21 to 25 lbs.. l4e; Texfca dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 15 LKATHKR Steady; acid. 24j2oe. PROV ihlONb l.eel. ilnn; jamlly, 1.M (611.00; nii. W.("&r.50; beef hums, 23(; packet. I H.oOi I.'.OO; tlty extra India mess. tlH.0uUlt.oo. Cut meats. teady; pick led belllea. 7.((i7.75; pickled shoulders, 15.50 j.0ti; pluliled hams, t.o3.w. iard, quiei; western steamed, 17.30; reflned, quiet ; continent, ti.36; South America, tti.00: com pmind. 14 874W0 26. Pork ateady : family. l4.5O'Ol5.0Oi ihort clear, tl2.i6(Sl&.25; mesa, ''taLOW-DuII; city (12 per pkg.) 44U country tpkgs. free!. 4t4i4'4e. HICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, J7, t'Ac: Japsn, nominal. BCTTKR Firm; street price, extra creamery, 8ow304e; official prlcea, cream ery, common to extra, 203uc; creamery, held, common to extra. 2Xu2ic; state dairy, common to extra, vtt2c; renovated com mon to axtra. ; western factory, common to extra, SWt-'tc. CHEK8E Flrmi atate full rream. colored and white, poor to choice, 10413: atate. large, colored and white, poor to choice. 1(FXiS-Western firsts, 174c; western sec- rm-LTRY-Allva. steady; western chick ens 12c; fowls. 15o; old turkeys, ltk-; dressed, firm; western chickens, 10fil2c; fowls, llol4c; turkeya. 151 20c. Visible Saaplr Crala. NEW YORK, March 38.-peclal cable and telegraphic communication received by Brad. t reels showing the following changes In available supplies of grain, aa compared "U'nTted State, and Canada, a. st Rockies, decreased l.&tH.OOO bu.; afloat for no in fcurope, decreased 1.4.W.O00 bu.; total upply. decreaaed lWO,onO bu. Corn United States and Canada, east Rocklea. Increased 142.000 bu. riits-lTnlted States and Canada, east Rockies, Increased 40,000 hir The leading decreases reported thla ween sri: An est una t a of ut.000 W at the north western Intertor elevators; ltWMO bu. la Manitoba, and 50.000 bu. at the Minneapolis private elevators. Ta UdJn locreaioa an. 14000 bu. at white, 294f4 AyE-No. 2, 784J17840. KAKLr. -oiA... . mnj, 37(fi'4iic; fair to choice malting, 43tfj47c. HEFr No. . fie . . 23; Nn 1 northwest ern, tl 30; prime timothy, 12.85; clover, con tract grade, 113.36. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., tl2.60'ri 12.65. Lard, per luO lbs., ti. 974 7.00. Short ribs, sides (loose). tti.S747.00; short clear eiies (boxed). 10.874(67.00. The receipts and shipment of flour and grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 24.200 28.000 Wheat, bu SO.OuO 34.700 Corn, bu 833.400 386.200 Oats, bu 394.400 241.600 bu 6,000 l.tioo Barley, bu 117,700 14,100 On the Produce exchange todav the but ter market waa ateady; creameries. 22&29c; dairies, 21li25c. Kggs, steady: at mark, cases Included, l4c: firsts, ld4c; prime firsts. 17c; extras, 18c. Cheese, steady, 124I13V40. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market i Generally Irregular and tie Trend of Value it Lower. St. Loals Grata aid ProTlsIoaa. ST. LOUIS. March 28. WHEAT Lower on crop prospects; No. Hired cssh. elevator, 11.034; track. l. 1261. 13; May, 11.034; July. 83t83?,c.; No. 2 hard, $1. 06-51.06. CORN lowsr: No. 2 cash. 4c; track, 474i48c; May. 464i454c; July, 4c. OATS Lower; No. 2 caah. 30c; track, tW 4532c; May, 274c; No. 2 white, l24rarS3c. FLOl'R lull; red winter patents. IG.IS 6.40; extra fancy and straight, 4-754j4.0; clear, $4.2R'Jr4.50. SKElv-Timothy, steady at 12.75. CORN MEAI-Steady at 12.50. BRAN Dull, sacked, east track, 80e. HAY Steady; timothy, J6.00fi 13.00; prairie. 6.0nfi W.flo. IRON COTTON TIES 95c. BAOflINO 7'ie. HEMP TWINE-4c PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, tl2 20 Lard, prime steam, 16.574. rry salt meats, eieany; ooxea extra snorts. 17.124; clear rlba. 17.00: short clesr. 17.25. Bacon, stead v boxed extra shorts. I7.H24; clear ribs. I7.62V POl LTRY-fllow : chickens and springs, 11c: turkes. I44f16c; ducks. 12c; geese. 6c BUTTER-Firm; creamery, 22ffl274c dairy, iy0 26c. ' ICCJOS Steady at 16c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 18.000 Wheat, bu 50.000 70,0110 Corn, bu 7.(h) m OtO Oats, bu 59,0oo 46.000 Kaaaaa City Grain and Provisions. KAN8AS CITY, March 21 WHEAT Steady; May. 44ef July, 784c; cash, No. 2 hard, ll.O54?1.07; No. 3. 97c$S1.03: No. 4. 85tf 9.V; No. 2 red. I1.0H61.08; No. 3. tl.04iffl.06; No. 4. SOcifitl.05; receipts, 27 cara CORN-Steady; May. 444c; July, 444c: cash. No. mixed. 46c; No. 3, 451'&46e: No. 2 white. 4(44c; No. 3. 46c. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, S24(fl334c; No. i mixed. 32(8324c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 9 6O10.0O; choice prairie, 7.75(n8 00. RYE Steady. iK1i78c. EGGS Steady ; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, I6'ic doi ; case count. 14c doa. : cases returned, 40 less. BUTTER Creamery, 22&2ie: packing, 19c. Receipts. Shipments. wncat, bu 21. sot) 82.4H0 Com, bu l6,ooti icon,) Oats, bu 11,0(10 3.000 Mlaneaaolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 28. WHEAT May. tl.04ffl.(S; July. 11 .OSSWl o ; Hep tamher. 86',c; No. 1 hard, I1.12S; No. 1 norinerii, ii iii; jxo. ; nortnerii. II.O64. KIA4UR First patents, 6.00(rt).10: second patents, t6.KU 0: first clears. 14.364 40; second clears, r-,.802.90. BRAN In bulk. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MII.WAl KEK. Mar.-h 28. WHEAT iower; iso. 1 nortnern. 11.114: No. 2 north- ern, ti.rui.iv;; July, wuc Old. RYE Steady; No. 1. 864c. HAKLhl-liull; No. ii, 61c; sample, 31 finoc. CORN Vie lower; No. 3. 47c; May, 474,e, Llveraael Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. March 28,-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No, 1 California, is lud. Futures. ...., wau - Tl . r . . 1 .- c- . .1 . . .. CORN Spot, steady: American mixed, new. 4a4Vd; old. 4s lid. Futures, quiet; March. 4a id; May. 4s 4d. Daloth Grata Market. DULV'TH. March 28 WHEAT To ar rive. No. 1 northern, tl.04: on track. No. 1 northern, 1.0V: No. 2 northern. ra 11.02'i: May, l.t5S; July. II.U.V,; 8eptm ber. aiSe. OATS To arrive and on track, 29c. rearla Market. PEORIA. March 2t.-CORN-Sisdy ; Nu. t. 47c: No 4. 46.c: no grsde. 444e. OAl steady. No. i wbye, to"4tiJlc; No. 4 white, I040. DULLNESS FOLLOWS OCCASIONAL RALLIES Preparations for abserlpt Ion to Men Japanese Loan Which la to Be Opened Today C'anae Ad vance In tall Money. NEW YORK. Msrch 2t Today s stock market wss an affair of constant fluctua tions, giving an appearance of uncertainty to the temper of the speculation: but the fluctuations were mootly below last night's level. The occasional rallies were poorly held and the end of the day showed the sverage of prices considerably below last night. The activity was nearly all on a descending scale of prices, the oci-aslonsl rallies leading tip to dullness and neglect, showing the subsidence of the demand from the shorts at the higher level. Call money again touched 4 per rent and the outlook In the money msrket plainly was the most direct factor in the operations nf the dav. Preparations were being made for the subscriptions to the new Japanese loan which Is to be offered tomorrow, a 175.000.011 installment being New York's por tion. Those in charge of the offering claim that every safeguard will be adopted to protect the money market from disturbance snd that the operation will be largely in the nature of a transfer of book accounts between banks. But Wall street has an old experience of nurh assurances and Is well aware that an operation of that mag nitude is not perfected without a necessarv shifting of loans on a large scale. The amount of disturbance resulting In the tnonev market Is likely to be dependent on the width of the margin surplus above the legal reserve requirements. As the surplus Is Just now unusually low for the period of the venr there was some natural misgiving that' the monev market might not escape the spring flurry. The latter part of the week will have to meet the usual quarterly requirement of April 1. Reports from the south show a general disposition to hold cotton at present low prices to await a re covery, whlrh makes a large requirement for monev. Interested Inquiry Is on foot to know how soon the coming Pennsylvania bond issue will come upon the market, the expectation being that the !50,m,iiii0 re cently authorised and the now In the treasurv will both be Included In the Issue. In addition to the money situation the market had to pass another day with out anv verification of numerous merger or dividend rumors. A Southern Pacific dividend had been definitely set down for yesterday, and not being forthcoming there was disappointment on the part of an ele ment which had bought on that report. The report that the St. Paul contemplated the expenditure or for an extension to the Pacific coast was formally denied by the chairman of the board of that com pany. The denial waa effective in inducing selling of the stock, although similar denials, official or Informal, have been made of nearly all the recent deal rumors. There was evident unloading also of Reading on the part of recent large speculatlev buyers of that stock. With the speculative favorites. Including Union Pacific, St. Paul, New York Central and Reading thus tinder pressure, small Influence waa exerted upon sentiment by the few adavnees In the in dustrial class, which still manifested themselves In a scattered manner. In don was a heavy seller In this market and there were reports of a violent disturbance on the St. Petersburg bourse. Purls was especially affected In sympathy, but the manifesttslon was read as. a sign of coming peace, which Is a development hoped for in the securities markets. Sterling ex change was strong and moved decisively away from tht gold Import point of its Im mediate prospects. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, t2.845.nno. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Number of chores sold and quotations on Ihe Siock exchange were: Sales.Hlgh. Low. Close. Atchison do pfd Atlantic. Coast Line. Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohij. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago nt. Westen Chicago N. W C. M. & St. P t.. Chicago Term. & T.. do pfd C. C, C. & St. L.... Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Delaware & Hudson. O., L. & W Denver & Rio G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley no pra Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nashville.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central M. St. Ix)ul M.. St. P. & S. a. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. T do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd in. y. central N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk & Western. do pfd Pennsylvania P., C. O. St. L.... Reading .' do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. S. F. 2d pfd m. ijouis o. w do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Texas A Pacific T.. St. L, & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. tk L. E Wisconsin Central ... do pfd Adams Ex American Kx United States Bx.... Wells-Fargo Kx Amal. Copper Am. Car ft Foundry. do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd . . Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng Am Tobacco pfd ctf. Anaconda M Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.... Consolidated Oaa .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. Oeneral Electric International Paper., do pfd International Pump., do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Oas pressed Steel Car... do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do pd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal Iron.. U. 8. leather do pfd U 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chem.. do pfd tWestlnghouse Elec. Western Union Total sales for the tKx-dlv. 20,800 88 86 87 2.(io0 1024 1024 12 1.600 1414 1394 139 9.KO 1084 107'i 1074 200 94 96 96 7.800 1474 HH 1T4 199 15,400 58 564 5614 200 4(4 404 404 200 81 81 80 4.000 234 28 234 2.600 244 241 2414 26.9HO ' IT.W4 1 17IT4 178 100 18 18 18 1.900 344 334 334 600 108 1074 1074 900 244 244 244 60 3n0 344 84 34S 500 1884 187 1874 304 388 385 385 100 334 834 334 88 25.800 464 4444 444 1.700 794 794 794 7.500 674 664 4 94 100 934 934 93 900 1594 1594 159 300 284 274 284 534 4.8d0 314 31 314 , 8.900 664 66 654 5.4ii 140 1394 1:194 l.Oim 168 1674 1674 , 13.6(10 874 Kii4 864 , 6,400 1234 1224 1224 , 2,700 244 24 4 24 4 lift 117 , 1664 , 6.700 10K4 ' 1054 1054 800 31 304 304 900 654 65 644 I 40-4 . 38.300 3614 160 160 , 42.800 624 604 62 , 2.400 88 844 S44 92 , 81,700 1414 1404 140'.4 83 , 81,800 944 924 93 100 92 92 914 90 , 1,000 344 334 334 700 794 784 784 I 700 704 70 70 200 26 264 254 ' 500 644 634 634 . 33.600 67S 664 1W4 SO 1184 118 1174 . 2.400 344 34 33"-4 300 97 4 964 964 200 3S4 374 374 'Mt 84 394 374 400 584 67 67 179.800 1284 1274 1274 984 900 224 22S 224 , I.3O0 464 45 46 18 400 234 234 23 5(10 514 51 514 244 100 230 230 226 120 250 . 49.900 79 774 774 . 3.600 394 384 384 600 994 974 994 100 344 344 344 92 . 200 64 54 54 34 17 444 . 22.000 61 4 50 504 . 1.000 1174 117 117 . lo.aio 1014 100 10014 . 1.300 1214 1204 12 . 6.900 1414 I404 1404 . 1.600 974 964 96V 117 . 17.200 674 66 664 . 20.8(0 564 55 654 . 2.700 2004 2054 34 3(10 15', 14 137, . 1.400 644 644 64'I . .70O 45 44 444 100 1844 1844 1844 7(10 224 214 21 300 78 77 77 3 '. ' "iilU '434 '424 43 500 1014 1004 IO04 300 44 434 434 . A.RiO 1104 110 II114 . l.ioO 404 41) 4014 7) 94 934 934 900 2484 248U 246 . 11.800 224 214 214 . 6.000 814 794 HO . 3.100 31 24 :(. 200 98 974 974 . 19.10 97 944 9f,4 fi0 134 13 134 . l. 1064 106 1044 IdO 93 914 92 . 1.7ut 424 414 42 200 113 112i 112 . 5I.3O0 354 344 S4 . 41.300 964 44 944 tiitt 84 334 34 1074 175 200 924 94 924 1ay, 1.060.500 shares. Rank Clearing.. OMAHA. March 28 -Bsnk clearings today were II ?3?.77l.41. For Ihe corresponding day of 19(4 the clesrlngs were II 185.631.21. 'Ireasary fttstement. WASIflNUTON. March 28 - roday s state ment of the treasury hMWoi,- in the gen eral fund, exclusite of lb lu0,(MO,tjO gold reserve. In the division of redemption shows: Available rash balance, tl38.11to2; fold, l.128.3(a ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 28. MONKT On call, strong at 34tr4 per cent; closing bid, t4 per cent; offered. 4 per cent. Time Inana. steady: and 9n days, 34 per cent; ( mroths. 8445S4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-3444 per cent. SILVER-Bar, i-,c. BONDS Government, strong: railroad. Irreiiilsr. 81 ERLINO EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at 14.8690 4T4.W96 for demand and at I43(VS4 S4 for 60-dnr bills: posted rates. 4.44r4.8. and 14 8644.87; commercial bills. 14 w4ti4.H4. Closing prlcea on rond were K,c; Mexican dollars. re 4t r. g. rr, tin coupon An Ss. reg. , do coupon no m-w 44, do coupon do old s. 1 do coupon . Am. Tobsco do 4. rtm. Atchison Sen do ad) 4i Atlantic ('. L. Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do Sta central of Oa (a., do tut tnc do td Inr rha. A Ohio 4a. rhlraiio A A. JV C. B 4. n. 4a C It. I. r. 4 do col. M TC.C. S. I- ( 4a..l:, Twaa rnloaao Tr. a.... Colorado Mid. 4a Colo. 80 4a Cuds in. ctfa r A R. O. 4s.... platlllera- Sec. .. Erie prior llan 4a do gen. 4a r. w n. v. ia Hocking Vsl tW Offered. "Bid. 104 Japan . rtta !! 114 "U N. unl 4a. ...K'S ltMVi Manhattan t. I s...l4 1044 Met. Cantral 7"" 1t "do tat tnc 24 Uf'-i tinn St. I.. 4a . 104 at . K. T. 4a 1IS ! "do 2a i ctta TH4 N. It. R. or M c. 4a tS 117 N Y. C. I ISi IS IMS "S. J ' f 6a "ri4 V No paclnc 4a 1 a ...101 I do la S lntlj N. A W. c 4a 1M Hu n a. b rtda 4a "S 1IH4 Penn con. S 1S . 1 iRfWdln ran a lots . 1J 1st. U A I. c. t 11H .10 'St. L. F. f. 40. (" . 11s " I- " w 4a... MS . H Scanoard A. t.. 4a ... S . IIV So. Parlltr 4a (M ,So Ratlvar Sa 1IS p. i ids T lT.. St L. A- W 4a. M 75"4l'nlon Paclnc 4a 1CT MS1 do conr. 4a ltS 1W V. S. (! Sd a MS lOlSlWahaah la 11 tll do dab. B T 1Atv,'weatsrn Md. 4 1S MS W. A I. K. 4a : tio IWIl. rantral ta 4 U0S Boston stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. March 28. Call loans, 34i34 Pr cent ; time loans. 3444 per cent. Official closing on stocks end nonets Atrhlaon adj. 4a... do 4 1"!S Mm. Central 4a " Atrhlaon SS do pfd 1!S noaton Albany... SMS Borton Mama.. Boston Klavated .. Fltchburg pfd .... Mexican ('antral .. N. y.. N. H. H fnlon Paclflc 1!7S! Amer. Arge. Cham... iz do pfd Amer. Pnes. Tube. Amcr. Susar do pfd Amor. T. A T Aniar. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A S.. "Kdlaon Elec. Ilia Gnaral Rlectric . . Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa fnltad Fruit t'nltod Shoo Mack. do pfd IT. 8. 9( eel do pfd Wealing, common Bid. "Asked. ...til ...IMS ...140 ... 24S ...Ml SO lf'S 117 144 !. 107SI il Sit 114 Aflventnre Allouaa Amalgamated ... "Americas 3!lnc Atlantic Bingham ral. Hecla.... Ontannlal copper Range ... Pair Weat Dominion Coal . Franklin Orance lele Rovale Maaa Mining ... Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. C... Old Dominion .. Oaceola Parrot uulncy Shannon 204 Tamarack 7 Trinity 44 l 8. Mining.. 111S V- Oil 8s t'tah 3S Victoria 844 Winona 4 Wolverine tv I ... .S ... 21S ... 77S ... 15 . .. 1 ... 14 ...ITS ... 17( ... "S ... In ...II ...10 ... 5-i ...14 ... 10S ... 1.1 ... M ... JS ...84 ... M ... ...IOC ... ?H ...m ... los ... !S ... s ...41 ... 4S ... 12S ...11 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET CtUlt Receipt Liberal, but Pritel Rnled Steady to 8troDg. HOGS WEAK TO FIVE CENTS LOWER Market on ahren anal Lantts Rather (low, bnt Aboat teaar on Aay Unlu nronkt 1. SOCTH OMAHA. March , 1!a. Receipts aere: Cattle. Hng-s. Sheep Offlclsl Monday 3,:o 3.! 10.S3S Offlcial T lesday 6,X lo.OuO 8.2i) Two days this week... S.Go. 13.9W 1S.T? Same days last week.... 3 077 11.47 t.07 B;:me days week lefore.. '.HS llcW 1.T;' Same three weeks so.. 9.ZI 17.332 3.37S Sams four weeks ao 8.113 15.0U1 13.173 Baine dajg Inst vrar 11.376 14.0M RECEIPTS KOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table ahows the reca pis of cattir. hois and sheep at South cimalia for the year lu date, with comparison with last year: 1116. 14. Inc. Tec. Cattle Ifsi.'L'l S2I.4C4 27, 3 Ho Ml. 474 17.M5 fcne'p , 3, 110 Vl.lt2 The following IhIiI siuivts tlie vera price of liogs at Souin Omaha for the last several days, with coniparlooni 4'(6 I IMG. ll(H.19U3.imi2.llr01.!J0O.llT I.. I.. I.. 4.. 7... I... t... Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. i. Mar. I. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar. 10. Mar. 11.. Mar. 12.. Alar. 13.. Mar. 14.. Mar. 15 . Mar. 11. Mar. 17.. Mar. Is.. Mar. in.. Mar. .. 5 Mar. II.. mur. 4.. Mar. -JS.. Msr. ?4.. Mar. at... Mar. i8. ., Mar. 1'7... Mar. 28.. 4 r 4 714 S 141 i' t 09; l1 I S 12) 7 03 7741 4 804 t4 7 01 t 0. 45 4 KK4 6 131 4 3741 ll 4 (VI i 6 IK, 4 i4 s lui 4 4 13, 7 W 7 lol t 21 i l! London Stocks and Bonds. LONDON. March 28. Closing quotations rn stocks and bonds: Console, money . . do sccotiat Anaconda Atchleon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Paclflc .. ( hee. A- Ohio Chicago Ot. W C.. M. lc St. P. ... DeRerra Ilcnrer A R. O.... do pfd Erie do let pfd do 2d pfd flllnoie Central ... Louie. & Naeh M. . K. V T 81IA'F.R Bar. fl 16-K ...91 ... ... liS N. T. Cenlrel. Norfollt W. do pfd Ontario A W. Pennaylvanla ..HIS Rand Mlnea .. 1M .. MS .. t ..14S .. 17S Reeding do let pfd do td pfd Southern Railway do pfd 344 Southern Pacific ao '.4 . M . .14S .14.1S ll'i Union Paclflc do pfd .. V 8. Steel. do pfd , . Wabuh .... do pfd . . Spanlah 4a . ....164 . ... sn .... .... S3. .... 7!S 10', .... 4kS .... 47 .... 4 ... 3fS ....102 Si ....ISIS ....101 .... M-i .... 7S .... AS .... 47S .... 91S iincertfln. SSTtid per ot. MUMil Z4'a34 per cent. The rate of discoont in the open market for short bills Is 24 per cent: for three months' bills, 24g2 5-18 per rent. iew York Mlnlna Storks. NEW YORK. March 28 The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Omana Packing Co &:U 1.4M 41K Bwift and Company 9,S 4Hi, l.t;i CiKiahy Packing Co X'4 .ry3 4U7 Armour & Co Ml 3,0 2,033 Van flant & Co 7 Carey & Benton 113 I.ohman & Co 256 McCreary & C 41 Hill ot Huntzlnger i Huston & Co 13 Mike Haggerty 117 Sol Degan 11 J. B. Root & Co 103 Bulla Kline... 8 Hoffman packing Co ;'35 8. A 8 W 91 C. H. Clark 31 H. M. Hamilton 157 Other buyers 322 1.5ti9 Total 4,725 t,856 e,30t Adama Con Alice Breece Hrunewlcli Con .. 'Tnmatock Tunnel Con. fa I. Va.. Horn Sllrer Iron Sliver Leadtrllla Con ... 25 a .. 4 .. I . .150 ,.17 ..900 .. I Uttle Chief inoario Pphlr .Lr-hnanlx Potoai Kavage eiarra Nevada Sirall Hopes .. Standard ...... ..jno ..700 .. .. 10 ..104 .. 35 .. IS ..lit OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and 4)aotatlona oa Staple and Fancy EGGS Receipts heavy, market steady; candled stock, 154c. LIVE POCLTKY Hens, 104611c; young roosters, according to siie, SS'luc; old roos ters. 54(gc; turkeya, 14c; ducks, 10c. BUTTER Packing stock, 18c; choice to fancy dairy, 2324c; creamery, 21424c; prin us, 3oc. . FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout, Be; pick erel, 64c; pike, 84c; perch, He; blueftsh, 11c; whlteflah, 6c; salmon, 11c; redsnapper, luc; halibut, 9c; green halibut, lUc; crapples, 11c; buffalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; herring, 5c; Spanish mackerel, 11c. Frog legs, per doc, 40c. HAY Prices quoted- by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, tb.50: No. 2, IS.ilO; medium, 10.50; coarse, 35.00. Rye straw, 15.60. These price are for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton, 117.60. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can, 36c; standards, per can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal., 11.40; extra selects, per gal.,; New York counts, per gal., tl.m. TROPICA FRUITS. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red land navels, all alses.. 12.9003.00; fancy navels, 12.75; choice navels, 12.50; large Sizes, 12.26. JjEMONS California, extra fancy, 270 size, 13. uo; 3U0 and 360, 13.26; fancy, 270, 13.75; 300 and 3(30, 13.(10; choice, 240 and 270, 12.25; 300 and 360, 12.50. DATES Per box of SO-lb. Dkgs.. 12.00; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 446c. FIOS California per lo-ib. carUn, 750 85c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; 6 crown, 12c; fancy imported (washed), in X-lb. pkgs., 16 inc. BANANAS Per medlum-siied bunch, tl.7a 2 25; lumbos. l2.iVVji3.00. GRAPEFRUIT California, per box of 54 to 64, 14 00. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per quart, 75c. APPLES New York Baldwin!. 3.004S.S5; Colorado W'lnesaps, per bu. box, 11.75; Colo rado Ben Davis, per box, 11.26: Roman Beauty, per box, 13.00; Baldwins sr. 2 Green ings, per box, 11.75. URAPES Imported Malagas, per keg, 17. TANGEKINEd California.- per naif-box, 12.25. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per tb!-. I' W; 15.00. VEQCTAoLEa. POTATOES Homt. grown. In sacks, per bu., .'"y4i)r; Colorado, per bu., 46c. TURNIPS Old, per bu., 4oc; new. per doi., 75c CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dox., 76c. PARSNIPB-Old, per bu., 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu., t2.10. Cl'CUMBERS Per Uoa., I1.754J2.00. TOMATOES Florida, per t-baskel crate, 15.00. SPINACH-Per bu.. 1100. ONlONrVHome grown, red. In aacka, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, t'2.60; ColoraOd yellow, per lb.. 2c; Bermuda onions, per crate, 12.75; new southern, per (lol., 45c. CABBAGE Holland aeed. per lb., Mfcc. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln orled, per bbl . 12.76. BEETS Old. per bu.. 40c: new, per doa. bunches, 66c CElERY California. 75f80c. RADISHES Hot houa. .arge bunches, per doa.. tOctrtl.OO. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen heads, 66c. R tl I' H ARB California, per lb, Sc; per box of to iba iz.oo. PAKBLEV fer dox. bunches. 76c. ASPARAGUS Illinois, per doi. bunches, t2.0U; California, white, per dox. of 2-lb. bunches. . 00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twlna. full cream. 1341314c; Wlscor.sln Young America. 15c; block Swiss, new. 15c; old, 11 7c; Wiscon sin hrlck. lac; Wisconsin limburger. 14c; brick cheese, lfQlAc. HIDES No. 1 green. 7e; No. 2 green. Uc; No. 1 salted, 4c, No. 3 salted. 74c; No. 1 veal calf, so; No. 2 veal rail. ;e; dty salted, 7'ul4c; sheep pella, 261(1111); horse hide. Il.iiia3.uu. NI TS Walnuts), No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per ll., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c: No. 3 soft shells, per lb., l.'c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., lor; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuta, per lb . lc; Chill walnuts. fer lb., 13dl34c; almonds, soft shell, pet b., 17c; hard shell, per lb., I.V; chestnuts, per lb.. 124fi'13e; new black walnuts, per bu.. 76tt90c, aheilbark hickory nuts, per bu.. 11.76; large hickory nuta. per bu. tl 60. I Toledo Heed Market. TOLEDO. March 2 -BKKD-Clover. cash land MriP'h. 17 S-i: April. I7.7A; October. KM; 'prima alsike, ;.iai, Marcto Umulli, 1136. 7 14i I 2.?! 6 in 7 ;'! i 75 r 181 I 7 2i 5 IS; 7 , 6 25 I 6 15 T 2f B 041 1 II! 6 014: 6 l4 7 06 4 SSI I IS; I 7 33i 4 , 4 4 Wv 6 01 i 4 0 ( 1 4 94 4 M 4 ?4 I 6 08 5 124; 074! 6 0141 6 08 i I 6 14V 5 06i 7 2n I 6 121 7 211 6 1341 j 7 261 I I 5 17 7 Sot 6 01 11 07 I 7i 6 171 6 99 6 3o 6 I'M 6 371 t 06) tt I 41 r r,, I 09 i 40, 6 18! 6 411 6 Mi i 4 6 13 6 ! 131 6 Ml IK 15 I 21 i 66) 15 3.1, S d 6 ill 6 K 6 80 6 l 4 4 4 St 4 741 4 "0 4 71, 4 72 4 71, 4 73 t SI 3 M tt; I 61 1 14 3 v I 43 3 6S 3 63 3 61 4 71 4 3 t'2 I 1, 31 31 6 2i (9 6 V 6 361 6 76 6 871 4 75 4 -.91 4 86 4 94 a 4 n 4 86 4 81 4 86 4 n 4 93 8 t 5 165 65 i 68 451 6 851 6 69i 6 90 t tl t 66 I 60 I 63 8 ft I I 67 4 69 , 4 971 t 60 6tl 3 66 Indicates Sunday. The offlcial number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'aes c. M. & St. P. Ry... z Missouri Paclnc Ry.. 3 U. P. System 6 C. oV N. W. Ry 3 F.. E. A M. V. Ry. .. 45 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry. 32 H. & M. Ry 52 C, B. & Q. Ry 4 C, R. i. & P., east... 3 C, R. I. A P.. weat Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. Western. .. Total receipts 2(6 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 3 I 33 8 1 4 2.. 43 6 1 11 7 31 10 3 13 2 4 148 33 2 CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat tle here this morning, over 2uu cars being on sale. Kcports tiom other points were rather unfavorable to the selling intercuts, but local pacKers look hold lreeiy and aa a result the market was actice anu Btrong on all desirable grades. Beef steer ouyera were out in good sea son, and aa they all seemed to nave liberal orders to flu, there were none too many cuttle to meet the requirements of the trade. The market on anything at all de sirable could safely be quoted strong, and, In fact, even some ot the commoner kinds seemed to sell to better advantage than was the case yesterday. There were some good cattle on sale, aa high as 15.60 being paid. Owing to the active demand most everything was disposed of In good season. The cow market also showed considerable activity, and that was particularly the case with the choicer graaes, which could safely be quoted strong and active. The common and medium gradea were not aa active as tho better kinds and could not be quoted mure than steady. The cattle, though, kept moving toward the scales and as a result the oulk of the offerings was dlspoecd of at a reasonably early hour. Bulls, veal calves and stags all com manded fully steady prlcea where the qual ity waa at all good. There were quite a few stockers and feeders Included in the receipts, but the demand waa also fairly liberal, and any thing showing quality sold freely at good, strong prices. Those lacking In quality were not particularly active, but atlll they sold without a great deal of trouble at fully as good prlcea aa were paid yesterday. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. AY. Pr. No. At. Pa 1 30 to 1 J164 4 70 1 741 I 78 11 ,...107 4 T5 1 1070 I 76 to 1H7 4 70 4 r7 I 7f It 1250 4 T5 I 46 I 711 17 1214 4 75 17 Ill I K H Ill 4 7t II iM I 10 1 1244 4 Tf 1 IM 4 00 17 ltM 4 SO 1 114 4 tO 1141 4 tO t fi 4 ti M lt:7 4 16 1 770 4 t K 115 4 16 12 1(0 4 16 1 UM 4 N 10 11(17 4 26 10 13M 4 to 1 1040 4 SO tl 1283 4 M 6 741 4 55 il 1177 4 16 1430 4 15 1 10W 4 t 4 1041 4 16 2:i 1171 4 t 10 1044 4 S6 1 1271 4 5 4 1025 4 40 4 1200 I 00 t 150 4 40 1 12 i 00 3 06 4 40 1( 1123 I 00 If 1110 4 40 1221 t 00 22 t 40 12S6 t 00 1 1050 4 46 17 Ut f 00 27 17 4 60 M 1447 6 06 10et 4 50 62 127 I 06 It 1100 4 60 II 1376 I 06 1 600 4 10 20 ,..1.141 I 06 6 1111 4 40 1 ...Itkl 6 10 I 1010 4 Hi II 1211 6 10 22 1071 4 6 20 12 6 10 6 1041 4 46 Jl Il3 tl 11 1133 4 66 40 tail 6 25 4 1U6 4 6 64 1617 I 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS I UM 4 10 It 1 ITS 4 40 4 117 4 26 II 1176 t 06 10 7T 4 sr, STEERS AND COWS. 4 12J0 4 40 t 1117 4 46 13 100 4 46 10 1247 4 70 STEERS AND STAGS. It 1177 4 40 COWS. 1 IM 1 26 tl 1041 an 16(1 1 76 6 GOO 1 10 1 720 1 16 6 114 I 10 I7U 2 00 1 1041 S 10 1 100 2 00 1 1050 I 10 a 7M 9 00 1 1010 I 16 1 ISO I 00 6 1120 I 2i J IH 2 06 1 1240 II 25 1 560 2 26 I I 3 26 7 25 ! 26 1 1140 8 16 I WOO 2 10 t UK) 26 1 ISO I 40 1 110 I 45 1 I0 t 4 II 74i t 60 6 IMI 2 4(1 2 1070 4 60 tMlO I 46 7 104 I 60 !( I 60 t 163 I U 1 B0 1 60 lit 16 1 1010 t 60 1 1230 I (6 1 1U20 2 60 1 1031 I 46 1 1000 2 60 4 M7 I 45 5 40 2 60 10 10111 75 t I7 I 40 20 lit 76 4 160 I lo U02 I IS 140 3 0 1 1011 16 t v I o I inn i is I 16 I 4 aa 1 40 t 76 12 1122 I 0 4 1140 I 76 7 lit I K, 7 20 I 16 nm 4 mi 1 Itoo t 71 10 uen 4 oo 1 0 I on 11 1141 4 Ou Ml I Oil 2 1320 4 Oo 1 HW I Oil 16 1165 4 06 1 00 I 0(1 t , 1276 4 III II 102 I 00 1154 4 10 1 lli'l I no 7 1164 4 16 HE1FEHB. t i in i Me it I 617 I 66 1 120 t 46 t 126 I 6 t IK 6 . 720 2 M 6 7i4 1 76 all 76 22 77 I In I 41 i 15 2 7xi t eo 3 74 I 20 I 77 I DO 1 1160 t 25 24 U6 4 OO 7 . . 163 I 40 :t ati i on 76 3 10 6 lotn I 660 1 id BULLS. 144 I H i IIK0 t ;o l n t no 5 i;i i tt 1 no i as I jio i 2 1 llo I no i 1610 i jj t Iln.1 I on 4 I titf 4 1 4l IW 1 lam 3 6n t Hi-) i u i r.iu i I U4 I II 1 16 I 71 X 162 I SO CALVES. I n 1 ee in mi I 0 I a I tt I 6 J too 4"" t.i ln 16 ! 19 4 76 1 ISO III 1 4 75 1 3e I 76 1 11 t OS t 170 I 73 I It I ! STOCK CALVF.S. . 320 t 60 t 745 I M STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. It 4 I 6 1 44 17 4 77 I to II HI I tt 21 t to SS 4 I at 1 710 I 60 tt I4 16 I IX IM 404 I 0 II ! t 7 rrt 4 OS I t I IS I lOim 4 ( 4 473 I t 1 60 4 J 10 46 4 67 4 0 4 66 I 16 7 72 4 00 2 14 I 6 t 14 4 1 1 7S0 t 76 WO In HOGS There was not an excessive run of hogs in sight today, but rackers con tinued their bearish tactics and as a result prices at all points showed a loss rsnging frum a shade to 5c. The market at this point opened mostly JHc lower, hut after packers had supplied some of their more urgent orders they became more bearish, and the close was weak, or right around a nickel lower, so thst the general market could best be described by calling It weak to 6c lower. Trading was fslrly active at the opening, and the first loo loads were Bold In good season. After packers low ered their Mils, however, trading wss not quite so active, so that It wss rsther l;ite before everything was dtsposed of. TTie bulk of the hogs went from I5.07H to 5 i:t. with the choicest loads selling israreiy rrom to.K'i to 5 15. Representative sales': Me. At. S. rr. No. at. th Tt 16 161 10 4 0 41 -Ml 140 I 10 fH IM 60 1 6 16 235 0 6 10 71 tot W 06 M H ... 6 10 61 201 ... 6 06 M t2 ... 6 1 14 lr. ... 6 OS H i2 4 6 10 77 24i M 6 07 V, 6 24 lo 10 12 2" 40 t 07, II t 100 6 10 I jne 40 I OTH, 74 2M( K I II 44 ?5 40 6 07H 74 227 0 6 10 It o7 M 6 07S 4 144 4 6 1 7S t ... 6 07 7J J4 I 6 1 II Ill 4 I Oil, 44 2.3 ... I 1 7t tit 0 t 07V, 61 t2 ... 6 1 to to ... 6 071, ft tl ... t 1 57 240 . . i OH, 60 ttO ... 6 10 Ht 121 107', 247 ... 1 10 44 2.(1 ... I 07, tt 31 ... 6 10 71 224 40 I 07 17 2 120 6 10 62 17 ... I H II 24 ... 6 10 62 22 4 6 07V, 23 M 111 62 202 ... I 07 72 2 ... I 10 4 2m ... I 7v, eo tw ... It 71 221 0 107 V, ( HI ... 6 10 10 214 120 1 07 V, 63 tot ... II I 21 ... 4 0714 1 147 ... 110 1 .212 40 t 7V, 73 134 ... I 10 Tl 103 M I 07 '4 17 261 140 I 10 74 211 ... I 07V, 6 t34 ... 6 10 71 lot 10 07V, 73 2J6 ... 6 1 17 321 10 S 07V, I I4i 110 6 10 76 2" W 6 07V, I Jit 40 I 10 72 202 40 6 07', (4 207 ... II t 244 ... 6 074, n 344 11 lie Tl 246 44 I 07V, II 361 ... II 21 lib ... I 07V, t ... 110 66 231 ... I 071, II tit ... I 10 ft 301 ... I 07V, 44 31 ... I 10 S K ... 6 ITV6 32 114 ... I 1IV 46 til ... 107 V, tl tit ... 113V, IS 347 40 6 07), II 211 ... I 13V, 4 271 10 6 1 II 375 ... I12S 10 254 ... 1 10 71 245 124) 1 12V, 234 ... I 10 ! 161 ... I ltti 44 167 ... I 1 71 12 ... I 114) 71 140 ... II TT ::! 0 t UV, 71 165 80 6 10 273 ... 6 13V, 4 161 ... I 10 II 244 ... I 13V, 0 14 10 I 10 (1 146 ... 6 12H 46 174 ... 1 1 17 11 44 12V, 4 Ill 40 I 10 44 121 ... I UV, 46 130 ... 6 10 46 24 ... 6 12i 71 144 ... 6 10 til 17 ... I UV, It 177 ... 6 10 77 136 ... 6 13V, I 14 10 I 1 4 211 0 i 12V, 19 141 ... I 10 10 242 130 I 12V, 2 243 ... t 10 17 370 ... I 15 6 218 200 t 10 71 10 ... I 16 71 Ill 6(1 6 10 71 240 ... I 15 41 214 60 6 10 7 S41 ... I 16 63 224 ... 6 10 70 107 SO I II ti 221 ... 6 1 SHEEP There was a fair run of sheep here this morning, and owing to the fact that Chicago was reported slow and weak packers did not take hold with as much life at this point as usual. Hut while the market was slow, the desirable grades com manded Just about steady prices. Some of the commoner kinds In some cases may have had to sell a trifle lower. The quality of the offerings was quite good this morn ing. There were Mexican ewes on sale good enough to bring 15 50.. Mexican weth ers 15.90 and Mexican yearlinga 10.75. Owing to the limited demand for sheep lacking in quality and flesh It waa late before a clearance waa made. The lamb market was alao rather slow, but about steady. Western lambs sold up to 17.35, and a bunch of good spring lambs weighing 41 pounds sold for 112 per luO pounds. juotatlons for fed stock: Oood to choice yearlinga, i.4og.75; fair to good year lings. td.0Oaj.4O; good to choice wethers, I6.fi08575; fair to good wethers, 5.00ro5.60; good to choice ewes, t5.2fv85.5R; fair to good ewes, 14.766.16; common to fair ewes, 14.0" 4.60; good to choice lambs. t7.25(S7.60; fair to good lambs, ;.IW7.16; feeder lambs. 8 00 cao.oo. itepreseniauve sates: No. Colorado cull ewes i Colorado cull ewes 1 Colorado cull ewe 4 western cull ewes 14 western cull ewes 306 Colorado ewes Av. . Kl . 80 . 70 . 87 . 77 . S2 . 60 . W . 6 . 66 . 8K . 65 . 71 74 1'22 78 8 84 61 80 120 Pr. 2 76 2 75 2 75 t 60 4 00 4 25 6 00 6 00 6 60 5 60 6 00 6 70 6 70 2 50 300 3 00 3 50 4 00 t 00 6 25 t 00 1 western lamb 6 western lambs 7 western clipped lambs 3 western lambs , HO western sheep a J yearlings 48 western lambs 224 western lambs 29 western cull ewes , 7 western bucks R western cull ewea T western cull ewes , 201 western ewes , 6 western cull lambs , 38 western ewes 6 western wethers 230 western wethera and year linga 100 t 00 1S6 western wethera and year lings 113 ff 00 67 western yearlings 67 6 40 27 western lambs 62 t 40 3d0 western feeding lambe 63 6 65 4(,2 western lambs 87 7 35 6 western cull ewes 70 3 60 60 western cnll lamba 44 4 00 2 western clipped ewes 100 6 25 15 western ewes 91 6 35 g Mexican ewes) 68 B 60 138 Mexican ewes 84 6 60 328 western wethers 103 6 75 270 Mexican wethera HO 6 90 118 Mexican wethera 82 6 90 637 feeder lambs 62 6 25 600 Mexican yearlings 77 6 76 413 Mexican yearlinga 76 6 75 2 western lombs 120 7 tO 10 spring lamba 41 12 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK N1HKET, Cattle Steady-Hogs FIto? la Ten Cents Lower Sheep anal Iambi Steady. CHICAGO, March 28. CATTLE Receipts, 6.500 head; market, steady; good to prime steers, 16.25(841.25; poor to medium, 4.00 6.00; stockers and feeders, S (KKi6.01); heifers, 1,1,0(10. 25; cows. UOoflt.Tfi; bulls. 12.354.60; canners. 1.Wr2.40; calves, t3.00ifi6.50. HOGS Receipts, 28,000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 33,000 head; market. Mi 10c lower; mixed and butchers, 15.266.45; good to choice heavy, 5.35ii.4714i; rough heavy, totoA.25; light, 15.15&3.37H; bulk of sales, 5.3o(;6.4d. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 18.000 head; market, ateady, good lo choice wethers, 15. iaU4. 25; fair to choice mixed. It oOfa.); western sheep, tl.60ra6.Z5; native lamba, t5.0Ooy7.8O; western lambs, t6.U)7.80. Kansas tile- Mve Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. March 28 CATTLE Re ceipts, 10.000 head, Including ftoO southerns; markel steady to ahade lower; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, tTi.264ro.86; fair to good, 14.25(416 26; western fed steers, 3.50 jttl.OO; stockers and feeders. 13.00(94.90; south ern steers. 3.5O4i5.0n,' southern cows, 12.2541 4.00; native cows, ll.0fVn4 6i; native heifers,; bulls, t2.tlvci4.25; calves, '.'.6oCr HOGS Receipts, 11.000 head; market 5c lower; top. 16.36; bulk of sales, t5.10ili5.30: heavy. 16. LTV" 5 '16; packers, T16'u6.30; pigs and lights, tJrftS 17. SHEEP AND LA MRS-Receipts. 2.500 head; market Stifle higher; native fed lambs, 6.60rU'7.50; native fed wethers, 10.50 (Sift.SO; native fed ewes, to 00Cj6.ii6; western fed lamlat, n.5nii7.40; western fed yearlings, ts.UO'u'i.tio; wr-stern fed sheep,; stockers and feeders, I3.50a6.50. St. Joseph Mve Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.248 head: market, active and ateady; natives, I4.006i6.76: cows and hei fers. tl.ttsJt-4.7S; stockers and feeders. tUJ 64. to. HOGS Receipts, 7.790 head; market, slow to 5c lower: light, 5 .06fc4.20; medium and heavy, 15.104)6.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13.445 head; market for sheep, steudy, for lambs, Krti'loc lower; Colorado lambs, 17.31; ewes, 10. 6X1. Sioux tlty LIT Stock Market. SIOCX CITY, la., March 28. (Special Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts. l.Bt head; market steady; stockers. easy; nerve). 4 (4) (j.:-6: cows, bulls and mixed, ..M1H 8u; stockers and feeders, 3.Oo04.oii; ralves and yearlings. IJ.7uu.'l0. HOGS Receipts, 4 (art head: market stesdv. selling at ItntoJla; bulk of sales, tT..0Gtl5.06. it. Louie I.I Slock Market. ST. IC1S: March 28.-CATTT.E-Re. relpta. 4.0oii head. Im-I idlns; I. too Texan: market, strong; native shipping and exort steer. t4.OC4fiK.lO; dressed and butchers, 11 eCcjjG Oo; steers under 1.00(1 pounds. 1.1 'jMj 4 6"; stmkets snd feeders. IZMwilfi": cow and het'ere. t3.2Vflfi.IM: cannere. . ti 001 2. &i; bulls, ta.TOfjt. i; calves, J S-i-yti Jo, Texas and Indian steer. trscvrj.VJf.. cows and heifers, tl 'VwfM 2ft. IlietiS- Receipt. 11 head: market, stesdv; tgw and lights, fT7:4iv:V packer. 5 .ttajitvlo; butchers and la t heavy. t-- 4-i . 8HKKP AND I.A.M US -Receipts. J, head; marki-1. steady; nstlve muttons. Urn (. lambs. 4t'T7ii: colls and bucks, li-7Ml4.S; stockers. r-,.vn3.5'. Mock la SlaM. Receipts of live stock st the six principal western markets vrstctdav were follows: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. tViuth Oni.tha .! 's.-'OO Hloux Citv 1.ft 4" Kansas fltv in.ii ll.oon ;.5ni Pt Louis ." 4.ti 11 Mi S Ht . Joseph i. i.TiXl U.4tS Chicago 25.I"') 18.( Total ...2S.S4t 70.UW Wool Market. HOSTON. March :i.-VlH!--Although the trading Is quiet there is distinctly a better feeling In the wool market. The un expected keen demand for wool at the ten don sales and the general strong demtn-1 have shown the trade that there is a scarcity of wool In Europe and It Is sppannt that dealers who have bought Iti the west are feeling encouraged over the situation. Territory wools lire unlet, but pulled wools nt In better demand For eign grades a-e sleartv. Quotations: Ter ritory. Idaho, line, 1!' SK-; heavy line. 1(it 17c; fine medium. ItM'.Vc: medium. SlAVic; low medium. I'sti.'tc: Wyoming, fine, Wvytr 18i,o; heavy fine. IValBe; fine medium, lfir 19c; medium. '.".'ti-3c; low medium. 334 '.'4c; I'tsh and Nevada, due. 174tlSe; heavy line, 164Ic: fine medium. ITHlt I8i ; medium. 'r Stc: low medium. Kl'd :4e : K.iKota. tine me dium. l.W!)c; medium low medium. 2WJ4c; Montana, tine, choice, 2!t'23c; fine average. 19rr'.v:V: tine medium, choice. Jl'it-".'c; aver age, lti.c; staple. 22M23C: medium. 1SWJ5C. !T. Mil l, Marcn wt a u-t'tiii; me dium grades, comlvlng and clothing. 234rV5v I light nne, is.(f:vc: heavy fine, Wilhc tub- washed, 374c. l otion Market. NEW TORK. March 1 -COTTON-Ppot. closed quiet, middling uplands,; mid dling gulf, 8 30c; sales. No bales. NEW ORLEAN'H, March IX COTTON Eav; soles. 3,3fi0 bales: ordinary. 4 5-ltic; good ordinary, 6l-; low middling, 6:c; middling. 7V: good middling. 7c; mid dling fair, k.l-lbv. Receipts, 13.004 bales; stock, 241. 9J5 tiAlcs. Li ERl-tKH.. March 2S.-COTTON-Spot. moderate business; prices steady: American middling fair. t ii'.M. good middling. 4.37d; middling, 4 .Th1. low middling. 4 lid; good ordinary, 3.H3J: ordinary, 3.75d; sales. bale, of which .Mio bales wen- for specula tion and export, Including (j.iMUMle Amer ican. ST. LOriS. March 28 Cf. i rD.V -Quiet : middling, "So: sales, 99 bales; receipts. 6!0 hales; shipments, tit'it bales, stock, 45,8:1 bales. Soarar and Molasses. NEW TOR If. March 2S.-SCGA R-Raw. quiet; fair refining, 4 3-16o; ccntrirugal, v teat. 4 1.1-lHc; molasses sugar. .1 15-1 tic: re fined, nulet: No. K. 5.40c: No. 7. 5. too: No. 8. 6 30c; No. 9. 6.25c; No. 10. 5.2c; No. 11, a. 10c: No. 12, 6 ffic; No. 13. 4.96c; No. 14. 4.90c; con fectioners' A, 6.90c; mould A. 6.4oc; cut loaf, 6.76c: crushed, 6.75c: nowdered. 6.1uc: granu lated. 6.0oc; cubes, 6.30c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, onen kettle, good to choice, 291135c. NEW ORLEANS. March IS.-Sl'OAR Quiet; opn kettle. a'itM'ic: open kettle. centrifugal, 4M(47fco; centrifugal whites. ovy-; yellows, 4Vfius,o: cconds. JWit1. MOLASSES Qulot ; open kettle, litfiliio; centrifugal, tYfjMc. Syrup, nominal. 30c. Oils and Kosliu OIL CITY. March 2S.-OII-Credll bal ances. tl,36; certificates, no hid; shipment. 112, ISi bbls.; average, ,!i.4Ho bbls.; runs, 71 142 bbls.: average, 70.470 bhls.; shipment. Lima, 80,926 bbla.; a vers (re 68.592 bbls.; runs, Limn. 10.4.'2 bbls.: average, 65 833 bbls. SAVANNAH, March 28. OIL8 Turpen tine, firm, 54c. Resin, firm; A, 14, C. IJ.R2V.; 1. 12.871,; B. tL'.90: F. 12.96; , rici; Il t3.t0; I, t.1.50; K, 14.50; M, 1.66; WG, to; WW, 15.15. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 2K -COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady at an ad vance of 6ii'10 points in response to better European cables than expected .and later Increased the gains on smaller San Paolo receipts for the day. The market closed steady at a net advance of 104H5 points. Sales reported. 105.750 baas, incliirilnir March at 6.40c; May, 6.55c; July. 6.7fVr6.80c: Septem- oer, o.wKtiei.itnc; trecemner, .100J7-20C. Spot steady; No. 7 Rio, 7c. Pittsburg: Mar Expand. II ARRIS Bl'RG, Pa,. March 28 Th sen' ate today passed the bill providing for th annexation of Allegheny City to Pittsburg. REAL ElTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record March 28, 1906, ) furnished by the Midland Guaranty and. Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Famam street, for The Bee: D. C. Dodds and wife to Orpha Pond, lot 10, block 11, Bedford Place loo Josephine Humes and husband to C. M. Lockwood. lot 1 and e4 lot 2, block 1, Waterloo 7110 C. M. Lockwood and wife, to W. J. Mack, same property . 750 T. Melchert and wife to Wllhelmlne Norrls. lot 8 and ei4 of lot 6, block 11, Millard 100 E. V. Raley to Mary B. Wallace, lot 20, block 1. Bedford Place 25 P. D. Brown to C. W. Lundstrom. part lot 10, block 6, Sulphur Springs. U50 Josephine Hall and husband to Elisa beth A. Ixwer, lot 1, block 16, Kountze Place l,4oo Antoinette de V. Merriam to F. H. Parsons, part lot 2, block i, Park Place 1 J. Novak and wife to Emll and Amelia Cermak, H lot 10, block 4, Kountse's 3d add 6,800 Eleanor H. Hamilton and husband to Bertha Shaw, SV4 lot 21, Clarke s add 4.00 Eva M. Smith and husband to Smith Ixickwood Manufacturing company, part lot 2, block 3. Bowery Hill 10,000 C. J. Camp and wife to C. P. Rodman, lot 6, block 1, Bedford Place 750 W. A. Gray and wife to John and Emma C. Ruser, ne4 85-16-10 13,000 R. J. HoJIny and wife to.J. Novak and wife, lot 18, block 3. Hascall's subdlv 1 J. Novak and wife to R. HoJIny and wife, same property 1 Alice A. Koutse und husband to Ele nore 8 Lawrence, lota 1, 2 and 3, Stewart Place 5,000 C. W. Peters and wife to J. A. Peters, undlvtt lots 7 and 8. block 18. Millard 875 II. Korstens and wife to Emma C. W. Peters, lots 3, 4, 6 and 6, block 15, Millard t Omaha Realty company to Albert and Marin Hoffman, lot 10 and s'i of lot 11. block 1, Kountze 4th add 600 V. Bennlson et ttl to B. W. Dixon, lot 1 and 2, Harrison Place 126 D. V. Sholes & Co. to O. M. Cndrtr- hlll, put t of lot 26. Archer Place 1,000 E. F. Bleler to J. J. Hess, lot 8. block 3. Drexil s subdlv 10 Sheriff to J. J. Hess, same property .. . 6,",0 F. Rosgall to A. Grrlner, lots 27 and 28, block 2, W. L. Selby's 1st. add 700 Alice M. Brown and husband to Eliza beth M. Corel I . part lot 50, Glses' udd S.50 F. I). Wead and wife to Anne C. Johnson, e lot 4, block 8, Parker's add 1,311 Anne C. Johnson and husband to Mary J. Wilbur, same pi opcrty, LMk) D. Murphy and wife to W. Pressman, Jr., lot 4, block 7, replat Hernia park 3.7) Elizabeth M. Corell and husband to Alice M. Bran, lot 4, Culn Place 2,800 O. W. Smith to Cora A. Ruhl, lot 18, block 110, Dundee 3.V) Peter A. Itorsen to N. C. Anderson, lot 3. block 10. Shlnn's odd 1,800 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, INcb. I', S. Depository, Capital and Surplus, SMO.000 LUTHlt DRAKE, rrceMest. FlAM T. ItaiLTOI, Vita Pretiseat. f. P. Risrilles. AMI. Csahstr. . R. lHt, aut.Ctak. Receive aeeounta ot banaa. bankera, ear oratloua. flrmi and tndmduale en ferorebl term. Foreign Bxhanie bought and eold. liters of credit laaued. available in all ana of the world Intereet paid on Time csrt !,( of Deposit, roller-tlone rne-te promptlr aod ecoaomlcallr. Ws request rorreepoodence. Edwards -Wood Co- Incorporated flaia Offictv. Fifth and Roberts Strtati ST. HAUL. niNN. DEALtRt IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your GraiTT to Us Braaeh Oltlrt, llO-itl Roar) of Trade Hide, Omaha, Rk. Telepboae t. 7i:--14 Itldc. South Omaha. ke4 'Ikons oia- itolsoeudeat 'fame 1 I 1