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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
10 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MARCTT 29. 1003. CURRENT LITERATURE. Atom of Kmplre." by C. J. Cutcllffe Hynn, I a story the opening wpiw of which In laid on the coasts of West Af rica. The conversation carried on among colonial officials would make some mis sionary societies 'boll.-' "I wish," iiald Charter!, ''that we could get some of those ranting, whining fool out here for a bit to see for themselves the mischief they are doing. Hut no fear of that; they are mak ing a living out of their Billy theories. What's worse, good, old mutton-headed England believes them. West Africa la a poisonous swamp that isn't worth sticking to the white man Is still the palm-oil ruf fian of fifty year ago the black man Is a little angel, only kept from being drowned in gin by their pious efforts. The sole rea son the country isn't chucked away to France, or Germany, or any one else who wants It, Is because It's such a fine hunt ing ground for the blessed missionary." "Tommy," he said, "wet your whistle, and don't waste your wind. It's no use tell ing all this stale history to us because we know already, and it's no use going home and shouting it out tbere, because people would only look superior and not believe you If you did." But our friends were busy empire-making and had little time to give vent to their ruffled opinions. The story Js full of incidents and adventure. The horrors of a "cholera ship" are given a vivid description. While happy to admit our inability to give an opinion from per sonal knowledge of such a dreadful affair, we are willing to stake our reputation that there Is not one harrowing detail omitted. But all these things muit be with empire making. Published by the Macmlllan company. "little Burr," by Charles Felton Pidgin (Robinson, Knee company, Boston), Is a volume which causes the reader to ask, "What Is the use?" Napoleon has said that history 1 a lie which all accept and admitting this to be true. It Is especially true of Aaron Ilurr a man whose ability no one doubts, and who has been made the type of the American Fra Dlavolo. The author of "Little Burr" says this was the work of his enemies. Maybe it was, but It Is a sad commentary on the life of the man to know that he was compelled to wait until after all of his associates had died to find a person anxious to do him justice. The book Is well written and throws side lights on American revolu tionary history which are probably as ac curate aa any found in a work which pro fesses to be "fiction with a mission." "'Daily Cheer Year Book," compiled by M. Ailette Ayer. Each day in the year Is provided with a page of well chosen ex tracts from the best writers.. The Intro duction is written by Rev. Francis E. Clark, D. D. It Is a charming volume and should bring hope and Joy to every one to whom It speaks Its cheery message. Pub lished by I.eo & Shepard. "Jack in the Rockies," by George Bird Orinnell, Is the story of a boy's adventure With a pack' train. Civilization wns not as near then as now, but our friends were Hot ultogetlier Inexperienced In this sort Of life, so they knew how to equip them selves and where to Journey to have a pleasant time. There were buffalo to hunt, and the beauties of the Yellowstone park to Investigate, to say nothing of Indians and grizzlies. The book is prettily and appropriately illustrated, and it is safe to presume thut nil ages of boys will enjoy reading "Jack In the Ruckles." Frederick A. Stokes company, publishers. "The Touch of Nature," retold by August Mendon Lord. This Is a series of little stories, shaped and colored by Its own national and racial characteristics, and Is the outcome of the custom of "story tell ing" among friends. The author has drawn from English, French and German transla tions, and folk lore periodicals for her collection. Published by the American Unitarian association. "The Friendship of Art," by Bliss Car man. Thlc book, ns the author says "Is "made of different elements, divers thoughts and moods and fancies." How ever, they are well chosen subjects, and the charming thoughts given to each can only be appreciated by those who are fa miliar with Bliss Carman as an author. Published by L. C. Page company. "The Kaiser as He Is." by Henri de Noussanne. translated Into English by Wal er Littleflcld. nils book Is on arraign ment from the French point of view of Emperor William II of Germany. Pub llehed by O. P. Putnam's 8ons. Speaking of his famous story, "The Man Without a Country," a new popular-price National edition of which Little, Brown & Co, have Just published. Dr. Edward Ever ett Hale, the venerable chaplain of the United Slates senate, says: This story waa written in the summer of 1K6.1. it was meant for the Americans of that day. I wrote this book to show to boys iuid girls, to men and women, what it is to have a country. For this purpose I Invented a history of the life of a young man who In a froniy of excitement expressed a wish to livo without a country, and had that wish granted." More than 600,000 copies of the book were printed In America and England within a year after it appeared In the Atlantic Monthly. "The Wanderers." by Henry C. Row land (A. S. Barnes Co., New York), Is a Story filled with adventures and because It doesn't end aa tho reader expects from the first Is worthy of perusal when looking for "something to rend." Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. Mortality NtntUtics. Ths following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur- ft When the little ones come in from school with blue noses, give them a cup of Ghirardelli's Ground Choco late. It is wonderful to watch the transition from blue to pink. Ijlado Instantly with boiling milk. 1 Boston Store VISITORS TO "PARSIFAL Will find the most beautiful and fashionable showing of new spring hats at Brandela Millinery Section. Spend an hour viewing the Most Stunning H&ts ever imported Exclusive Hats at $10 A PARSIFAL SPECIAL To demonstrate more clearly than ever the com manding nature of Bran dt is bargain tre will offer a rride assortment of the most beautiful huts ever shown at a very special firii-e. These hats are all elalxrrate iv fash inned-most of them are im ported hats le auti ful models for the grand operafor every fash- lonahw accaswn Wednesday, special at s 10 Charming Spring Millinery at $5 Drew awl Street Hats every new style is represented In tills assemblage all tlie latest Ideas in trimming are artfully incorporated many are exclusive styles such hats aa you would expert to pay double the money for new Ideas In French chip and peroxaline brnid specials, at , Ladies' Covert Jacket at $7.50 The style leader for spring their snugly tlttiug coats are made with tightly stitched strap trim ml tigs new sleeves new $T jmm P( collars the most popular lit- M tie coat of the year ft at Ladies' Walking Skirt at $4.93 A new assortment just arrived walk ing skirts in light weights new mixtures pleated of- C yfl Clfi 1i" fects lots of spring style in the skirts, at. . A New Silk Shirt Waist Suit Pretty novelty effects in the shirt waist suits that will lead in popularity for spring and summer wear new shirred yoke and sleeves, skirts pleated and shirred the new shaped skirt dainty colors, at i n Three Great Sales Saturday We announce for Saturday three of th greatest sales in our history. The Entire Jewelry Stock of John Rudd, 115 So. 16th St. , Omaha; entire surplus stock of Hand Painted China from White's Art Co., 380 Ontario St., Chicago, and Entire Statuary Stock of don nella Bros., 2025 Farnam St., Omaha. All on Bale Saturday at tho most antonishlng bargains. Men's Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits The only correct wear for the Grand Opera a special for Wednesday a genuine C.lo.OO suit, at. ; 19.00 mmot DR. BRADBURY 1506 FARNAfl Teeth Extracted.-. -25c Porcelain Fillings $1 up dold Fillings $1 up Silver Fillings... 50c up Crowns $2.50 up Plates $2.00 up DENTIST 15 Years Same Location 'Phone 1756. Bridge Work $2.50 up Nerve removed with out pain. Loose Teeth Mad Solid Work guaranteed 10 jrsara, lng the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday : Births Wesley Cope, 1713 South Ninth, slrl; Andrew Anderson, Sixth and Wool worth avenue, girl; Frank MeCormlck, 2222 Howurd, girl. Death John MeGrogan, county hospital, 33; llobert Ulenn, Blencoe, la., 69; Paul Waldman, 1708 Eighteenth, 10; Frank Kolars, 928 Homer, 34; John Canfleld, 612 Bouth Sixteenth. 67. A Machine for Women should be the bent obtainable. The Singer Hewing machine la acknowledged the light est running, mewt durable and convenient of any. Look for the red S. 1314 Douglas street, Omaha; 438 North 24th street, South Omaha, Neb. Announcement of the Theaters. Apparently the theater goer's fancy Is nicely Indulged at the Orpheum this week for the vaudeville Ih not only attracting large houses, but the enthusiasm mani fested for the different nets Is of that marked degree that In the termology of the theater the 'stunts" would be de scribed as "hits." Jack Norworth, with funny stories and song, is making good his title, "the life of every party." Cole and Johnson are proving a decidedly mag netic card and are to be commended not only for bringing new songs, but good ones, and they deserve the success they achieve. Drako's sheep are' a genuine novelty, being the first of their kind to Interest to Orpheumites. A matinee will be given Thursday. It Is always a pleasure to announce the coming of the Al Q. Field Greater minstrels. The show this season Is said to eclipse anything he has offered to the public. It Is said that the color scheme and the "ef fects" of the first part . surpuss anything of tho kind ever presented In minstrelsy. In song and In humor. In execution and ef fect. In refinement and In, art. It Is said to be superior to any first part Mr. Field has given to the public. Environed by the lights Hnd the shadows of the forge, and Inspired by the melody of the anvil and hammer, the Quaker City quartet Ih said to give a hlgh-cluss entertainment of 'song and comedy. This act Is relieved by 'the as tonishing Avolns, who da a series of swings and somersuults from perpendicular bars. "Where the Moonlight Falls" shows a miniature landscape with a full moon and rippling waters. It furnishes an environ ment for a company of darkles who gather and do a series of dances. There Is a monologue by Hilly Clark and a musical "fete" by Nick Glynn. The performance Is closed with "While Old Glory Waves," a series of spectacles disclosing the varied career of America In arms. The minstrels will be at the Boyd theater on Friday and Saturday evenings, with a matinee on Saturday. Hadlum at the High School. An Interesting- demonstration of radium energy was made at the Umaha High school building. It was made In the In terest of the pupils In the physics ! of Mr. Bernstein, in order to convey some Idea to the mind of the student of the nature of ions. The demonstration was made possible through the kindness of Mr. Edward Roue water, who loaned the Instrument for tills purpose. This Instru ment consists of a tul. one and a half inches long, with a fluorescent screen at one end over which Is placed a movable pointer carrying at It point a small quan tity of radium, the whole being under a powerful adjustable magnifying glass. It Is a very hits invention by Sir William Cmoke. by which I demonstrated the extraordinary physical properties of radium. The. small quantity of radium In TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 're Your Teeth Do what you please with them. Still, con sidering our knowledge of teeth, we have a right to advise you. Brush them often. Have them cleaned frequently and thor oughly examined for decay. Examination FREE. Cleaning $1.00. 1317 DOI fiLAS STREET. IWGHT I SHOPPING DISTANCE. They TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS front of the fluorescent screen makes visi ble In- the most marvelous manner, by the aid of the magnifying, glass, the scintil lations produced by the constantly emnnating rays of Ions as they strike the screen. To make this observation possible during' the day it was necesaary thut a few students each at a time re tire to a dark room and remain there about five minutes so that the eye might become sufficiently sensitive to the re murkable vision. Sam'l Burns Is selling six Colonial tum blers for 60 cents, formerly $1. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. William Whisker reached home yester day after three months pleasantly spent at his old home In Hull, England-. Harry Fischer, secretary of the Omaha Retail Merchants' association, Is In I.ln coin observing the of the state legislature. William Sinclair, who ' has been with Browning, King & Co., has resigned to ac cept the manugement of the furnishing goods department for the same firm at Mil waukee. He left Monday for Milwaukee. Orsy flair to Ba to EsiploysMat ad t Plssaar TOUR GRAY HAIR NOT WANTED But ther it relief from it In Four Days it can b Restored To Its Natural Color by using 4-Day gIfair Restorer It Is not a dyt, but In a natural way It acts on the roots, compellinz tha ecretlon of the pigments that fJv lift and color to the hair In lour day It a bottle, at all druggist If tm Itava amy rfelacta fskla, seal or foam fcsslta, writs ma, Cof rssposd cs soU.itsa. Hn, NETTIB HARRISON, Dcrsutofesia 140 Qsary 6C, 8aa Fraaciac 1 J West 27th M Nw Vsrfc CK For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. 8. W. Cor. loth and Dodge, Omaha. IT OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Wednesday, Fair and Warmer. f7 I ll B RED-LETTER DAY AGAIN WEDNESDAY Omaha's Oreat Once-a-Month Shopping Festival -Red Letter Day. Bring your book or books, all you have, and get ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps to each book you bring. Must Bring Your Books May not get the stamps unless you bring your book. The stamp distributing booths are on premium parlor and on second floor. You are especially Invited to visit the New Millinery Section. MILLINERY THE LEADING MILLINERY PARLORS OF THE WEST Visitors give us lots of bouquets on siyi our liandaoTne department, on the fMZar. stunning 190T styles displayed therein. The best bouquet wo get is: "and your prices are so reasonable." Every shred or thread of millin ery, hat, cap, flower or ribbon shown in this sumptuous section is new, has not been in our possession be yond thirty days. Hundreds of dol lars worth of goods are being un packed every day. For new, sweet, fresh, clean, down-to-the-minute styles, there's but one reliable spot Bennett's Millinery Section. Here Are Some Specials for Red-Letter Day Shoppers Yours for Inspection or purchase, YOU AKE AS WELCOME to see the goods as to buy them. STREET HATS, for early spring wear, misses' styles, in toques, and turbans, an endless array of Ideas, delicate blendings, beauti- f yf Q ful colorings, up from TRIMMED HATS, taken from Paris models, duplicates of the cutest and most fantastic ideas of the Farisleune queens of Millinery, 1 CQ up from It JO CHILDREN'S HATS, a "Sinclair"' special, simple, ready-to-put-on effects, in straw sailor or varied colors, with simple rlblwu bow trim- Clfi niings and dulnty flowers, up from OC VISIT THE GREAT MILLINERY SECTION WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. SECOND FLOOR. Red-Letter Day in China TUMBLERS thin bloom, now band line a dollar-a-dozen tumb- flt- lers for UVfc. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps. FINE CRYSTAL BERRY OR FRUIT BOWL beautiful clear f lass for en ($1) Green Trading- Stamps. ENGLISH JET TEA POTS In six assorted shapes and OQp decorations, a 50c one for OOW Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps. DARK BLUE ENGLISH DINNER WARE a nw line tine patterns good ware special on this J'l Qn set 100 pieces lKj,tfJ 2U0 ((20) Green Trading Stamps. WE ARE SHOWING OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT PATTERNS IN DIN NERWARE every pattern Is the best of Its class and price always the lowest, priced tt from $7.48 a set to ".UU A CLOSE OUT OF WHITE AND GOLD DINER WARE, (Amer-ifi-lean goods) plates, all sizes... IVJW CUPS AND SAUCERS 4Cir each lUli Only a few of these so come early. Gas mantles, burners, shades and all gas portables. Our special Welsbach light, QQr all complete, for Oirfc And our wonderful mantle, for SECOND FLOOR. 10c in Furniture Section TABOURET made of quartered f olden oak, shaped top, f Q 'rench leg, polish finish, fllC $1.50 value, at Twenty it'-) Green Trading Stamps. SHAM HOLDERS, wood or metal frame, will tit Iron or JP wood beds, 50c value jg at w Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps. PLATE RACKS, golden or weathered oak, with grooved shelf M f and fitted with cup hooks, 4rf C 76c value, at Twenty li2) Green Trading Stamps. 2 Big Picture Bargains 59c POPULAR "ALONE" PICTURES, framed in handsome gold frames. green mat, easily a fi.n value for Red Letter 1IB.V Fifty ($5) Green Trading Stamps. See them In 16th 6t Window. A GOOD PICTURE FOR APRIL FOOL DAY "Look Before You Leap" It's great will be one of the beat Jokes of 1!I6 on your un- married friends easily mailed A. f)C for Red Letter Day Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps. LOOK US UP ON PICTURE FRAM ING. Expert work and money-saving prices. Red-Letter Day Shoe Sa.le 25c 1,000 pairs of Infant's Soft Sole Shoes, all colors, worth 50e, at Thirty (&I.0O) Green Trading Stamps. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Dorotliy Dodd Shoes, Oxfords or Men's Tan Russia Calf Bluchers, hand welt, rock oak soles, 'Z "A Edwin Clapp model, $3.00 value, at JJt Seventy ($7.00) (ircen Trading Mamps. 400 pairs of I adieu' Sample Shoes, worth up to $4.00, at,., Fifty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. MAIN FLOOR 1.93 HARDWARE SPECIALS Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Dover Egg Beater and Cream Whip 130 Fifteen ($156) Green Trading Stampa with Mia' Vrooman's Sink Strainer 180 Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Copper Wire Rug Heater, won t come off handle l-c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Copper Wire Carpel Beater, won't come off handle ijc Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with Hemp Cable Laid Clothes- line 24c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with No. 2 Galvanized Tub, beat quality Mc Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with good S'eel Hoe 20c Twenty $2.00) Green Trading Stamps with best quality Steel Hoe 4oo Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with 24-Inch Steel Lawn Kuke... 42o Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with 14-Inch Steel Garden Rake..' 4fc Thirty (ttOO) Green Trading Stamps with extra heavy Spading Fork. 74c .Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with extra heavy Spade (iic BENNETT'S OREAT GROCERY Only the pure, fresh table products at lowest prices. CALIFORNIA RAISIN SPECIAL, several hundred pounds of this de licious fruit. Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with each pound 12V&C Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond S Fruits Ztc Ten ($1.0u Green Trading Siamps with two Jars Diamond S Preserves.. 20c Twenty ($2.00) Gre-n Trading Stamps with 10-pound sack Cornineal..., ixc SPECIALS. Corn, 2-pound can 5c Cawtile Soap, cake 2V4C Oil Sardines, run 4c Baked Beans, 3-pound can 9o Pepper Sauce, bottle 7c Five (5uc) Green Trading Stamps with 8-pound can grated Pineapple..., luc Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Slumps with 3-pound can splendid Table . Syrup 124o HENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. CHOCOLATE CREAMS, vanilla fla vored, per pound loe EASTER NOVELTIES. Chicks and Ducks, each 5c Rabbits, each 5u Ekks, thirty for lo Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 25c worth Easter Novelties. Hundreds of Bird's Nests with Eggs, each 6c Sheet Music, Sheet Music Cole & Johnson's bi? song hits, "Egypt," "Fishing" and "Big Indian Chief',Vednesday this 60c piece forw U Baihaswcct! Baihasweel! THE NEW EXQUISITELY PBKEL'MEI) ANTISEPTIC ALLY PURE TOILET POWDER. WITH 2r.e PURCHASE OR OVER MADE IN PERFUMERY SECTION RED LETTER DAY WE WILL (JIVE A DAINTY ONE FOntTH POUND CAN OF BATH A SWEET FREE. OVER 3,000 CANS TO GIVE AWAY. GET IN J Meats Fish Specials for Red Letter Day. Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with every keg Holland Her- 7etr ring for J Every Keg Guaranteed. Thirty ($3.J0) Green Trading Stamps with earn strip Morton-Gregson's ' Regular Ham, average 8 to 11 In lo jxjundM, at pound Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with every strip Morton-Gregson's choice Hacon, Red Top A in brand, at pound JV DELICATESSEN SECTION Freab Buckwurst from Welael A Co., Milwaukee. Purest Groceries at Money Saving Prices Always ill AVIS THB KELIABLB BTORB. Great Sale . of Klrkendalt Shoes Continues Special Sale Wednesday Men's Hand Tailored Suits and Top Coats, $10 Garments whoso high quality in fabrics, fit and finish is plainly evident to the most casual observer, at prices that speak of economy in the most positive terms. THE SUITS como In either single or dou ble breasted styles, cut In the very latest spring favhlnns, with excellent linings and trimmings great bargains at our spe cial sale-price Wednesday $10 SPRING TOP COATS In medium light and dark colors all hand tailored and poFsessIng a snappy Individuality of style onjy found In th high class garments a handsome line special Wednesday, at ...... $10 The Defender Rifle was surely a great drawing card on Saturday and Monday. Hundreds of boys left the store delighted ' with their new ri fles. Hundreds of mothers delighted with the excellent quality of the suits. We have about 100 rifles still left which as long as they last will be given free with every boy's suit purchased hera. Big Cut in Butterick's Patterns We have the irlglnal Bgrncy for the Rutterlck Paper Patterns In Omaha. Wednesday morning we will cut the price on nil paper patterns orlg- OCn Inally sold at 2.".c. SOc. S5c and 4"o to.each AiVFW Remember when buying the so-called 10c nd 15c patterns, you pay 15o fJr the waist and 15c for the skirt. With this cut in Butterlck patterns you buy the com plete costume for 20c. Fish Fish Fish The largest fresh and salt fish depart ment west of Chicago. ' Fresh lake herring, lb 4o Family white fish, lb 5c Large Holland herring, per lb 2Hc Fancy Norway mackerel, lb t4 Fancy special herring, rnch M I.arge buckets round shore herring ..IM Large kegs Holland herring TOO 12-pound pall mackerel $1.21 Special Cheese Sale Cream cheese, lb Fancy N. Y. White cheese, lb . ...10c 8wiss cheese, lb ....17c I Sago cheese, lb . ISO ....1TH0 fin Ji JV Hurry Up the Mail! Uncle Sam Says So 2TES gmi3 SJ2 All tha Way CUo. C. Chambers, Pass. Act, W Equit able Bldg.. Des M'olnas, la., for California travel book. The mail must go through on time. When ticketed for the California Fast Mail you too travel quickly. Almost as fast as the California Limited. Harvey serves the meals. AIM MOO $3.50 $2.50 Shoes for Men, In the 190 Onlmod styles you will find all the latest and most popular shapes. And choicest materials, un surpassed workmanship and absolute shoe comfort, dress lnejw and satisfaction. The following leathers used in their construction: Corona Patent Colt. Patent Ideal Ivld. Knamel Calf. Velour Calf. French Calf. Box Calf. Tan Russian Calf. Vlcl Kid. Cadet KI4. Cordovan. Kangaroo. Insures our suiting every taste. And the "maker to wearer" plan of selling $4.00 footwear for $2.50, and $r.00 and over footwear for $3.60, Insures your saving money, without risking style,, com fort or appearance. ZO& So.lOTStreet, I Our - 8 ONE-WAY RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC FROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO MAY 15, 1905. $25.00 $25.00 $25 $25 .00 .00 to San Francisco, Los Angelea, San Diego, and man other California points. to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Vancouver and Victoria. to Portland, Astoria, Tacoma and Seattle. to Ashland, Roheburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, including branch lines in Oregon. to Spokane and inter mediate O. R. k N. points; to Wenatchee and inter mediate points. to Butte, Anaconda, Helena, and all inter mediate main line points. to Ogden and Salt Lake City, and intermediate main line points. For full information call a CITY TICKET OFFICE Telephone 316. 1324 Fnrnam St.. OMAHA, NEB. $22.50 $20 $20 .00 .00 Ladies 3.00 Shoes Are giving better satisfaction than any nhoe ever sold at this price before.' They give better sat isfaction because they are made over better lasts and therefore fit better because they have more up-to-date style to, t hem, and because they are made' of better material all the way through and will therefore wear better. 25 styles to select from. FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas. i III A Ml) MIS There Is a vast difference In qual ity and prices of Diamonds. A printed, written or spoken price Is no criterion of value unless qual ity is compared. If you consider yourself competent to judgo values-buy on your own Judgment If not. buy on ours, and If not satlstled within one year we will refund you In cash nine-tenths of what you paid us. ,5'-&DOD0E. i