Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Mp luesday an
Our Annual Easter Opening
Will Take Place
March 28th and 29th
Cloak and Suit
Rvery woman should make a meiital note of the fact that this is otie of the
season s functions she MUST attend. The styles this season are so elaborate
so varied and so extensive that the most extraordinary results have been
attained. One hour spent here during these opening days will give you a better
conception of the season's styles than could be obtained were you to spend a
month in shopping at any other time. Visitors from out, of the city who are
here attending the Grand Opera of "Parsifal" and "Lttcia Di Lammermoor,
and those vho desire to make their selections during the opening days, will have
ample opportunity. We have planned so that everyone who desires may have
the advantage of choosing their new things zvhile all the novelties are on display.,
Tailored Coats Evening Wraps Tailored Suits
Separate Skirts Muslin Underwear Hosiery
. Gloves Purses Bags Etc.
Dept. 'S' AMERICAN '
msmmjmm, beauties
lriM Every woman who
uMm vtss our oa& Depart-
Convocation to Be Held in Omaha is
Interesting in Prospect,
Three Daye Will Be Devoted to Con
ferring; and CommanicalUf the
Mysteries of the Several
Steps la the Order.
The fourteenth annual reunion of tba
Ancient Accepted Scottish Kite. Orient of
Omaha, will convene at Masonlo temple,
thla city, Monday, March 27. for a four
dayV aeaslon.
Most elaborate preparations are being
madn for tha event and the Indications
point to one of the largeat gathering- of
Scottish Rite Masons yet held In this Juris
diction. Members of the rite In good stand
ing, wherever dispersed, are Invited to be
present and unite In the ceremonies of the
convocation. The statutes of the supreme
council require that visiting brothera must
present their patents for examination and
alio avldenca of affiliation. An applicant
must be an affiliated master Mason In
good standing and a resident of Nebraska.
A rebate equivalent to railroad fare one
way and hotel expenses will be allowed to
all nonresidents who receive the Thirty-
Cures Colds and
AmouaT Dr. Humphreys other Bpe
rlare are!
A cure for Rheumatism. No. 15.
A uir for Dyspepsia, Xc. 10.
A cure for Neuralgia, No, 8.
A cure for headache, No. 1.
A cure for Eczema, No. 14.
A cure for Malaria. No. W.
A cure for Kidney Disease, No. U".
A cure for Bladder LUseaaea, No. 30.
Manual of all dlaeasea will 1 mailed
on application.
At Druggist. Si '-rus cuoh. or nulled. .
tliimpliif " Moi' n. Medicine Cn., Cor.
William and Juhn Sirens. Nw York.
second degree. Candidates are not required
or expected to take all the degrees at this
reunion. They may If they so desire atop
at the Fourteenth, eighteenth or Thirtieth
degree, leaving the omitted degrees to be
received at some subsequent time.
The fact that special railroad ratea are
being given for tlio grand opera season
here in Omaha during the week will, It la
expected, bring a very largo number of
brethren to the reunion that might not
otherwise come. One of the largest classes
known In the history of rite In this state
will receive the degrees.
Committees and Proa ram.
The reception committee for the convoca
tion will consist of W. U. Munger, L. P.
Funkhouser, F. W. Slabaugh, Rufua Parker,
C. U Talbot, William A. DeBord, J. R.
Stine, MY A. Hall, W. 8. Bummers, Henry
C. Akin, Henry Hardy and M. F. Funk
houser. Committee on examination of Visitors
The musters of the bodice and Gustave An
derson ti. ' inspector general, Nebraska;
William Cleburne 33, John J. Mercer 33. Vic
tor White 83. Charles 13. Finch 33 and L. M.
Keene 33.
On Monday, March 27. at 9 a. m., Mount
Moriah Lodge of Perfection, No. 1, will con
vene in executive sesHlon to receive and wel
come the vlaltore. At 9:30 a. m. the Fourth
degree, secret master, will be conferred,
followed by the conferring of the Flft: dog-ret.
perfect master; Sixth degree, lntln.ato
secretary; Seventh degree, provost and
Judge; Flghth degree, Intendant of the build
ing; Ninth degree, Knight Elu of the Nini;
Tenth degree. Knight Klu of tho Fifteen;
Eleventh degree. Knight Flu of the Twelve;
Twelfth degree, master architect; Thir
teenth degree, Royal Arch of Solomon; and
in the evening at 7:W o'clock the Fourteenth
degree, grand elect perfect ami sublime
Hose Croix Decree. .
Semper Fldells chapter. Knights of Rose
Ctolx. will assemble In executive session
Tuesday morning at 3:30 o'clock. At 10
o'clock the Fifteenth degree, Knight of the
Fast, the sword will be conferred and at
3 p. in. the Sixteenth degree, prince of
Jerusalem: at 4 o'clock Seventeenth degree.
Knight of the Eust and West, snd at 7:10
o'clock the Eighteenth degree, Knight of
the Eagle and Pelican, or Prince of Rose
On Wednesday morning at 3D o'clock
St. Andrew'a council No. 1. Knights of
Kadnsh, will rendesvous In executive
council. The degrees administered during
Wednesday will be: The Nineteenth, Pon
tiff; Twentieth, Muster of the Symbolic
Lodge; Twenty-first, Noachlte or Prussian
Knight; Twenty-second. Knlgbt of the
Royal Axe. or Prince of IJbauus; Twenty
third. Chief nf the Tabernacle; Twenty,
tour ill, prime of tha Titberhuile; Taenty-fifth.-
Knight of tie Hr.nen Serpent;
Taenty-slMh, Prince of Meicy; Twenty-
.seventh, Knight Commander of the Temple;
Twenty-eighth, Knight of the Sun, Adept;
Twenty-ninth, Scottish Knight of St. -Andrew;
Wednesday evening, at 7;30, Thir
tieth degree, Knight Kadosh.
' Work of Consistory.
On Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, Ne
braska Connlatory No. 1 will meet and
confer the Thlrty-flrst degree, and at 2
p. m. the Thirty-second degree, or Master
of the RoyoJ Secret, will be conferred.
A very elaborate program of vocal and
Instrumental music will be rendered dur
ing the conferring of the degrees, all of
which is specially adapted to the several
degrees. A fiunrtet. consisting of Miss
Edith Foley, soprano; MV. Jay Northrup,
tenor; Miss Daisy Ilicgins, alto, and Mr.
Walter B. Graham, buss, will render the
vocal select Ions. Mr. C. L. Shook will ba
the cornetist of the convocation, and E. D.
Rellls the organist and musical director.
National Association Endorses Plan
and Sclreta Omaha Company to
Be the National Company.
At the convention of the Natlonul Asso
ciation of Mutnal Insurance Companies,
held In Chicago March 7 to 10, resolutions
were adopted endorsing the organization' of
a national mutual fire Insurance company,
and the TransmltisiHSippt Mutual Fire as
sociation of Omaha has been selected for
thla work.
The plan contemplates reorganization, to
operate with a guaranty reserve of $300,000
under the recently, enacted Ncbraxka laws.
It proposes to enter all the statea and to
help the local muluals by carrying their
surplus lines, which will enable them to
writs many risks not now open to them. In
some slates the law forbids mutuale to
write in the cities, restricting them to coun
ties. The couipuuy proposes to carry city
business for the mutual agents.
A number of compunles and localities
were contesting for thla national compaay,
but the Transniisslsalppl Mutual Fire As.
pociatlon of Omaha drew the prise. C. ri
Mable, who is a brother of the secretary
of the Transmisstselppl Mutual, and has
had a very extensive experience In financial
matters of thla kind, is here to take an ac
tive port In enlisting support In the raising
of the 2ii0,0i0 guaranty reserve. It Is ex
pected that about 3.000 mutuals will be con
tributing buslnen to this company.
JS K. wedding rings. Kdhotm, Jeweler.
Nebraska Charrh Clan.
The oeennd lecture of the Inten course,
under the auspices of the Nebraska church
club will he delivered by Itsv. Dr. J.
Everest Cathell of Des Moines. Is. in
Trinity ralliedial on Tuesday evening
Maich 'JS, at ti ocloik bubject: "Inspiring
Plgim of Our Lord t'liimte Tn.)Uet uf
the World.'' I'm public is invited.
Receipts at This Market Greater Than at
Kansas Oitj or 8t. Louis.'
Sales Greater and Prices slightly
Higher Thnn for Prevloas Week,
vtltu a Fair Demand
for All Grades. ' '
Omaha again exceded Kansas City and
St. Lou'" on corn receipts. The local
market received a total of 662 cars of corn
for the last seven days. Kans-s City re
ceived 4AM cara and Ht. Louis ol2 cars. The
largest Omaha - receipts were lust Mon
day, 13$ cars, The Omaha market also
received ti cara of wheat and 109 cara of
oat. It la expected the corn receipts will
drop off after thla month.
During the week sales from the sample
tablea Included three cara of No. 3 hard
wheal, one car of No. 4 hard wheat, fivo
cars of No. S corn, two cara of No. 4 corn,
one car cf No. 3 oats and one car of No. 3
rye. The week opened with the Omaha
cash price for No. 2 hard wheat t.02 and
$1.03. The week closed with the price
11.01 and 11.03- The prlcea about the sam
ple tables for corn last Monday were 463i
cents for No. 3 and 46 centa for No. 2
yellow. The lowest point reached during
the week was UK cents ror No. 2 corn
Thursday ' The close for No. 2 waa 45V
centa and for No. I yellow cent higher.
This makes a net loss for the week of 'i
cent. Tho oata remained practically the
same for the whole week, opening and
closing with No. 3 mixed at 30 centa and
standard at 3Mi centa.
In the speculative market the May wheat
Monday was S1.15t, a point passed by S
of a cent Tuesday, which waa the high
point for the week. Friday the wheat
struck bottom for the week at 11.1114, or
3 cents below tha high point. The week
closed with the May at 31.13, or a net loss
of 2H cents. The corn wss high for the
week on the opening oay, or 4$Va centa
Thursday the May corn waa down to
4744 cents, or 1 cents los. It closed the
week better, reaching 44 cents, yesterday.
Mtlaaats to Divide Costs.
Judge Munger handed down a memoranda
opinion Saturday In the case of Dwlght O.
Layman against Charles D. Wood worth,
relative to the asNlginnent of certain
patents and infringements thereon. The
opinion enjoins the defendants from fur
ther msnufacture of the Infringing
machines. The respondent Is, however, per
mitted to file an amended petition. Ktich
psrty Is to pay half the rosta uf the so
tion. snd the mxxier In rlianerry in il,
case is allowed tAu to be eaid In first In
stance by complainant and taxed as part
of the costs.
Conrled's Metropolitan Company
Draws an Extraordinary Volume
of Business In Chicago.
(i. SohlrHterbeck, In clm-Ee r the tour
across the continent for the Confled Met
ropolitan Opera company, arrived In the
city yesterday for a general round up of
the local sltuutlon as It relates to the
series of two performances of grand opera
scheduled for the Auditorium on Wednes
day and Thursday next, March J nnd 30.
He brings Information from Chicago that
total receipts there for the week of opera,
closing Inst evening reached tho enormous
sum of 380,000, the larget amount ever
taken In for eight consecutive performances
in the whole history of grand opera. The
cauxe of this sensational achievement must
he found In the magnificent performances
given by the Conrled company, thanks to
such world eminent stars as Mme. Sem
brtch, Fremstad, Messrs. Caruso, Burg
stalk r, etc.
From Minneapolis Mr. Schlntterheck
brings the news that the three perform
ances there scheduled for tomorrow and
Tuesday have practically all been Bold out,
a record never before attained In that
city. He lays It Is no exaggeration to
state that not less than 1,000 people have
failed to secure tickets for the "Parsifal"
and Caruso performances in Minneapolis,
so eager In the demand.
The Conrled company, according to Mr.
Bchlotterbeck's statements. Is pitched to
the highest point of enthusiasm by the tre
mendous audftnees It has had In every
elty visited thus far In this, the most
elaborate tour ever undertaken. Not a
change, has been made In a single cast, not
one substitution. The artists are over
enthused at the . warm welcome extended
them everywhere and find pleasure In giv
ing the beat at their dlnposal, with the re
suit of such performances as have never
been equalled anywhere.
Superlatives have practically been ex
hausted In describing the beauties of the
Caruse voice, yet the Chicago critics de
clared ' on Tuesday morning last, after
hearing his work in "Lucia dl Lammer
moor," that the half had never been told
and that to hear Caruso and 8embrlch
In so melodious an opera waa a treat
never to be forgotten. MuhIc lovers of
Omaha will have the opportunity on Thurs
day evening D"xt of hesrlug both the
artists In their mosi effective roles, the
on as Edgar, the ithrr as Lucia, and
those who fail to take advantage of this
occasion will hardly forgive t!n;iit.-l vn.
The performance of "Parsifal" on Wed
nesday evening next will be tin event in
the musical life In Omaha. Scenery for
the production will ariiv In tl:is city
from Minneapolis on TuesCay evening, the
panoramic barrel will .he put In place
early Wednesday morning, and whenthe
company arrives In the city everything
will be prepared on the Auditorium stage
for their reception. This performance will
begin at fi p. m., with the first act ending
at 6:45. Then will follow an Intermission
of two hours, the second act beginning at
8:46, and the whole ending at about 11:30.
The cast will be a notable one, since It In
cludes Mr. Bui entailer, the original Parsi
fal as coached by Madam Wagner her
self; Miss Olive Fremxtad aa Kundry, who
has absolutely no equal in this role; Mr.
Robert Iilass as Gurnemiint, and Mr. Otto
Gorltu as Klingsor.
The advance sale has been gratifylhgly
large and every indication Is that tho
Auditorium will be taxed to Its capacity
for the "Parsifal" performance on Wednes
day next, but particularly on the occasion
of the "Lucia dl Lammermoor" presenta
tion on Thursday evening.
Owing to the continued demand for popu
lar priced seats for "Luela dl Iammer
moor" next Thursday evening at the Audi
torium, the management has arranged for
500 extra seats on the main floor at 31
each. These will go on sale tomorrow
Popular Old l ady Bird aud Her Flock
Took Flight for Minneapolis
Saturday Evening.
"Mother Cloose" left town last evening.
E. Roscnhnum, manager for Kluw A Er
langer. and George F. West, representing
the Northwestern railroad, Hhooed the old
lady bird and her 200 goslings from Boyd's
theater to the I'nlon station, whers Mr.
West had In waiting a spnrtsl train. After
some cajoling on the part of Messrs.
Rosenbaum nd West the habilueft of
UoOceland were inveigled Into the special
train, which consisted of two drawing room
sleepers, four tourist sleepers and four
baggage cars. After It waa assured that
Joe Cawthorn, with hla old oaken bucket,
and Corlnne, with her suit case full of
diamonds, were on board sonie one called
"All aboard," the wlteela of l he engine
began to revolute aud In a few minutes
"Mother Goose" and her largo family wen
far into the night on the way to Minne
apolis. Then tlte telegraph wires began to
click and all along the line the Information
waa sent that "Mother tioos" waa on
the way and orders wore given to give her
the right-of-way, '
Prlntlug Contrart lajaarllaa.
Judge Troup, on application of Hi World
Heialil, has Issued a temporary restrain
intf order to prevent the KoaM of County
dexlKiiating 'I'll Evening ! e as the pup-r
to print Hie delinquent and sesvenger tax:
lists. In this ease the plaintiff Is setting
up ttio tlsiiio that it baa a lonliact wub I
the county, by reason of a resolution
passed last August to do all official county
advertising until September 1, 1M6. At the
time when the designation wsa made last
year the World-Herald had a bid before
the board, but withdrew It to get away
from the prices It had fixed for Itself.
The matter will be heard by Judge Bears
on Thursday morning, April 30.
Woodward A- Burgess Award frail d
Ing to Rocheford dt fJoold
Work to Start at One.
Yesterday Messrs. Woodward A Burgeae
awarded the contract for the brick and car
penter work on their new theater to Meagre.
Rocheford Gould. Work will be started
early in April, very likely a week from
Monday. Some clearing away of present
buildings on the lot la needed, hut It la tha
Intention to make all speed with the con
struction. In order that the theater may ba
opened next fall. No figures are given out
as yet as to the coat of the theater,
The annual meeting of the Woodward V
Burgess Amusement company will be held
In Kunsaa City next week. .
Pile Can Be Cured Quickly and Wltlr
out Palo By Del of Pyramid
PIU Cure.
A Trial Package Mailed Free to Alt
for the Asking.
W want cvtry pile sufferer to try Pyra
mid Pile Cur at our expense.
The treatment which we send will bring
Immediate relief from the awful torture
of Itching, bleeding, burning, tantalizing
We aend tha free treatment in a flalu
sealed package with nothing to Indicate Ui
Pyramid Pile Cure Is put up In tha form
of suppositories which ate applied dltactly
to the affected part. Their action I Im
mediate and certain. They are aold at 6o
cents a box by druggists everywhere and
one box will frequently effect a permanent,
By tha us o( Pyramid Pll Cut you will
avoid an unnecesnary, trying and expensive
examination by a physician and will' rid
yourself of your trouble in th prlvaay of
your own home at trifling xpnea.
After using the fre treatment, which
mall In a perfectly plain wrapper, yen can
secure regular full-sise packages from
druggists at 10 centa tech, or we will piati
diiert In plain pasksg upon receipt ot
price, ryramid Drug Co., U04 Mai i
Marshall, Mich.