Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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very Article You
LADIES' HOSIERY rr.m.iBen.o.s.0ck
5 Pi li
Ju l
For E
nYl? RH
ave Nearly
All the high class hosiery, in lace boot effect, fine lisle thread
silk embroidered, all over lace, etc blacks, tans and fancies
some garter tops all full fashioned and many with double
soles nearly all are imported hose
worth as high as 75c a pair
at, pair . . .
From the Benson
All the ladies' fine spring gloves a recent shipment to the Ben
son stock for spring selling all well known brands, including
Perrin's street and dress shades worth as high as $3.00 a pair
Saturday at
A Bplendid line of spring and summer waists 'from the Mrs. Benson stock,
choice new pnttcrns and wash materials, all the new style
features, worth up as high as $2.00 and f 2.60
' at, eaoh . ..
All the very highest class and elaborate waists, selected for a particular trade,
fancy SwlRses, dainty linens, beautiful silks
would regularly sell up . to $5.00
1 wy iiwiM.pni-iji,, nil I Liiuii i I i i. .m i .ill. LB niliii.iM.mi j isuiliaissil in.ii1flM ir "ILI mwii 1 11111 ""
0 fo) n? n
Much as You
Hundreds of the very finest corsets
from the Benson stock almost all of
them of the most popular brands
.. made of high grade French coutll and
batiste the P. D., J. B., Nemo self re
ducing. Royal Worcester, W. C. C.
Thompson Glove Fitting Corset, etc.
all lengths, almost 'every size, regu
larly priced up to $3.00 each, at-
69c, 98c, $1.50
tidies' Neckwear
The rery highest (trades of new up-to-date
spring neckwear from the Ben
son stock, In lace and silk embroidered
turn over collars, fine Jabeaux,
stocks with tabs and all silk string ties
hundreds of the latest and prettiest
styles at
10c, 15c and 25c
All Mrs. Benson's fine large lace rape
rr..60. 79c
Silk' Vmhrellas from the great purchase
all Sterling- silver mounted handle", natu
ral wood sticks, high grade silk um
brellas that arc worth up to $3.60 each, at
69c, 98c, $1.50, $1.98
n many linen
Knit Underwear
All the ladles' knit underwear of French
lisle thread, ail silk, etc. all sites fine
variety, worth up to l.w at,
Ladies' and men's all linen many linen
squares, hand embroid
ered, etc. worth up
to 35c each, at, each...,
15c, 25c, 35c and 69c
at each
Infant's long and short waists, long and short skirts Infant's wrappers, chil
dren's gowns, children's long and short flannel TS
skirts, -Mrs. Benson sold them at $1 each B tP
i your choice at each ..
The Infant's dresses from' Mrs. Benson's stock, In long slips, pretty under-
, skirts, embrbldered and flannel jackets, little silk dresses,
etc Mrs. Benson's prices were $2, $2.25 and $2.50
In one big lot at ... ,,
Sale of Mussed Underwear
From Benson Stock in Basement.
The thousands of people who have visited our muslin underwear sales during
the past few weeks have disarranged the stock until we have an immense amouut
of undermusllns that are more or less mussed and soiled Saturday we offer
these in the basement very specially priced All the undermusllns f Q
that Mrs. Benson sold at 50c at .IC
All the muslin underwear that Mrs. Benson sold at $1.00
at ,
All the muslin underwear that sold at $1.50 g g
at bVC
All the muslin underwear that sold at $2.00 And $2.50
Muslin Underwear -All the fresh muslin underwear
Benson too It on great bargain table priced for quick selling.
The uudermnsllns that Mrs.j " iTh undermusllns that Mr
JUC l2on 801,1 flt l-50 and
Benson sold at 76c to
$1.00, at
$1.75, at
from the
A silk shirt waist suit for Saturday in the
smart tailor pleated waists and pleated gored skirts in plain and
fancy taffetas, made in the very latest and most popular style
special, m
The jacket is made in, the nobby all round blouse
coat style, tailor pleated and trimmed with the new spring styU
sleeve -fancy pleated skirts made in browns, navys and reas,
u rtyuuir ni.ov vaiue, ocw uraay ai
Ladies Stunning Spring Tailor Suits
The' ultra stylish new cloth suit are here in the very charming and f fQ
novel ideas for spring. We mention a specially good value, latest ?Jra?fJ
styles, cloths and colors, at
A stunning idoa, made in the most fashionable style for spring, jL CO
from Mi's.
enson's stock
All Mrs. Benson Shirt Waist Jewelry in pearl and fancy stones,
pold plate, over fifty styles to select from, that sold at i f
23c. Your ehoice 111
All Mrs. Benson's Wrist Bags that sold
from $2.00 to $10.00,
All the Indies' and gentlemen's Sterling
Silver Stick Pins that sold
for 25c Your choice
$1 to $5
All the heavy Sterling Silver Link But
tons for ladles and gentlemen that sold
at 50c and 75c. 1 P
Your choice. ,
All Mrs. Benson's Sterling Silver Hat
Pins that sold for 25c.
Y'our choice
All Mrs. Benson's Golf Hat Pins, two in
caddy, that sold for '35c. f
Your choice UC
All Mrs. Benson's Sterling Sliver Waist
Sets that sold for 00c.
'Your choice JC
All the Tntent leather Belts with double
buckles in red, blue and white and
brown and blnok, that sold up f
to 50c. Your choice
All Mrs. Benson's real tortoise shell Side
and Back Combs that sold at $4.00.
$3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and
$1.00. Your choice.
All Mrs. Benson's genuine Goat Skin
Peggy Bags that sold up to Of
$4.00. Your choice M
All Mrs. Benson's Fancy Combs that
sold at 25c.
Your choice
NOTIONS Benson Stock
at. .
Ladles' Covert Jackets A r w ni spe
cial lot of these very sty li , directly
tailored short coa'.s the pu u . spring
garments nesr sleeves, siitctiaJ sirans,
many sample garments, worth Q (Ifi
as high as $17.50, at i..J.JO
Ladies' Beautiful Spring Waists
Biggest and most at tractive selection of new Jap silk, taffeta,
;.rp ob cnine, laces, muiis, Persians lawns, 1 09 n fie
Ladles' Walking Skirts Mohair, serg
es, panamas, canvas cloths cheviots
etc pleated and flounced, , including
the popular new browns, 98
Spool Embroidery
colors, go at, per
Ill the Basement.
Silk all
Hooks and Eyes two
cards, 4 dozen
Dress Stays, 11 in a set,
worth 15 c, at
Feather stitch Braid,
yards, at ,
Cabinet Hair rins, 11 inTl
a box, at. -2 V
Corset Clasps
Stocking Darners, the
10c kind, at. .'.
Quillbone all colors,
yards in box, at,-
linens, In both plea ted and hand embroidered, etc.
Saturday is Bargain Day in Children's Wear
Children's Dept. Second Floor
New line of little misses' and juniors' two-piece Jacket suits, Russian
blouses, Peter Thompkins, etc., in nobby c heck materials, new co
verts, serges and novelty cloths, all round blouses and ttt A fCi ftTfl'fS
box coats, pleated and novelty skirts to match Tntf JrVtO 1! SI I
aloo children's Cravenettes, ages 4 to 14, at hr J . Vp Assist VP
Children's Little School Jackets Pleated Peter f PA. A AO
Thompkins, Norfolks, all new colors.... I.JU t0
All Mrs. Benson's Stationery, paper and envelopes to
match, no matter what the former priceat,
per box
Turkish Towels for Saturday
A manufacturer's stock of Bleached and Unbleached Turkish
Towels at one-half the price you usually pay for them. ,
10e To
80c Towels for,
SOc Towels for '
40c Towels for,
All oi B! Bargain Square ii Basement
Effort to Adjust the Fending Bill to Quiet
tome Needed ' Amendments Will Be
Made and the BUI Will Cover
the Points Raised by the
Board of Kdvcatlon.
After having been conferred with by
Members McCague, Detweller and Baird,
commuting a special committee of the
Board of Education, City Attorney Breen
expresses the opinion that' the Omaha
charter bill still has excellent chances of
becoming a law, with a number of explana
. tory alterations made for the benefit of the
school district. Mr. Breen thinks the In
terests of toe district would be fully pro
tected without changing the draft, but Is
willing to concede the introduction of
clauses to make clearer the manner In
which school taxes shall be levied and col
lected and making It so, clear that he who
runs may read that when the county treas
urer becomes treasurer ex-offlclo of the
city he become treasurer ex-offlclo of
the school district as well. Another meet
ing will be held tonight or Saturday and
the amendments put In proper form and
then sent to Lincoln.
What the Board Wants.
"The school board committee Is not in
sisting that the charter not pass," says
the city attorney. "It merely want the
way In which It is to get Its taxes made
so plain that no- litigation or difficulty will
be experienced. Although, - as The Bee
has pointed out, there Is no necessity for
doing this, still there Is no particular ob
jection to It, and I have assented. When
amended as the school board wants It, I
think the charter bill will be passed by the
legislature, despite the alarming reports
continually circulated In Omaha by ene
mies of the; measure that the bill Is as
good as beaten."
At the city hall the trend of talk Is
against the charter bill, for tt would abolish
a number of pleasant berths now occupied
( Why Endure Pain
the excruciating misery of "blind, bleeding,
itching pile, whea there Is an absolute cars f
Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific Is an internal
remedy that painlessly produces a positive
and lasting cure. Pleasant to the taste, it
V is absolutely tree from opium, cocaine or
other' injurious drugs. Simply take a
spoonful three times daily before each meal
f Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific
Th lattmal Hamady
for dyspepsia, imSg estioo, constipation,
' bilious neas, catarrh f the stomach and
kindred ailments it is Mm greatest remedy
that has aver vet benefited mankind.
Think what a relief it would be to yon to
be rid of these troubles and to avoid the
almost certain consequence of Pilea
Dr. Pterin Medical Co Ilckna, Moot
and enjoyed, militate .against certain con
tractors maintaining uninterrupted posses
sion of the "Inside track," besides assur
ing paving and other publlo Improvements
and desirable things and Increasing the sal
aries of councllmen and others. But the
advance In wages Is cared for by another
bill, Introduced In the senate by Benator
Thomas, so the charter bill may be
charged upon with Impunity.
Two Payments of Taxes.
"The amendment proposed by me to con
solidate tax payments Into one yearly will
not go In," said Mr. Breen. "The per
cent paid by the city and school district
to thf county for collection of taxes will
be 1 per cent Instead of one-half of 1
per cent, as originally proposed. This will
mean the payment of approximately $10,000
annjally, whereas It costs us from $5,000
to tOO.000 a year to maintain the city
treasurer's office now. The difference will
bo saved. The per cent commission will
apply only on taxes and not on revenue
derived from liquor and other licenses and
sources other than taxes.
"Even with the increased commission the
consolidation seems desrrable from an
economical standpoint."
Advantageous Prices Offered City by
Contractors for Work Ordered
on Bight Streets.
What City Engineer Icosewater says on
some of the lowest bids over received by the
city for grading work were opened by the
Board of Publls Works yesterday for
contract on eight streets. Although the
awards were not made from the prices sub
mitted, the Owen-Lovelace Contracting
company and Phelan A Shirley will divide
the work. The latter firm captured the two
biggest Jobs, those on Jones street from
Thirty-eighth to Fortieth and on Thirty
third from California to Chicago, at IS cents
and 12 cents a yard, respectively. There
were three other bids. The rest or the work
will go to the Owen-Lovelace company at
these prloes: Corby, from Thirtieth to
Thirty-third. U cents; Marcy, from Thir
tieth to Thirty-first. 15H cents; Nineteenth,
from Bancroft to Elm. 16 cents; Ontario,
from B to Twentieth, 15 cents; Emmet,
from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-seventh, 16
cents; Miami, from Twenty-second to
Twenty-fourth. 16 cents.
"The prices obtained mean that abutting
property owners will be taxed very little
for the Improvements, as the city pays half
out of the general fund." said the city engl
neer. No awards were made because a
quorum of the board was not present. Un
successful bidders were the F. C. Jackson
Grading company and Dan Hannon.
The newest, best and only rational cure
for Indigestion and dyspepsia Is D1NEK'8
DIGESTERS taken before meals. At Myers-Dillon
Dru Co.
Silver Company Assigns.
PROVIDENCE, R. I.. March 2I.-The
Blxby Silver company assigned today for
the benefit of creditors. The firm was In
corporated in im with a cspltal stork of
River Steamer Acronad.
CAIRO. 111., March M. During the storm
last night the stesmer Sadie grounded
en a bar Just below WlcklUIe, Ky. The
passengers apd freight were taken off by
steamers whlth came to the assistance of
the stranded vrsel. It Is etpected that the
rise la the next tew dsje will float the boat.
County Clerk's OfEoe a" Costly Luxury for
Douglas Taxpayers.
Annnal Income Decreases Steadily
and Annnal Ootfto Inoreasee
In Ratio that Is Most As.
tonlshlna-Iy Great.
A review of the receipts and expenditures
and the deficits In the office of the county
clerk of Douglas county for the last fifteen
years will prove interesting at this time.
It seems to be one .of those offices which
Douglas county keeps on its list largely be
cause of Its ornamentn.1. nerhflni metrn-'
pollton, character. Uke the coachman of
a fashionable menage, It Is an accoutrement
largely of appearance rather than of neces
sity or utility. But while the coachman
sleeps In the barn and Is modest In making
his appearance only when summoned, the
clerk's office has been embalmed among
the itxtures of county housekeeping and is
with us all the year around, so far as the
"draw" Is concerned. By any other name
it would be as dear, perhaps, but with its
growth in age, like a fashionable young
lady, it has been steadily becoming dearer
to the patient public treasury, from which
It gets its sustenance. In the finality.
Growth of the Deflcit.
It will be noted tnat in 1890, the first year
for which figures are given. County Clerk
O'Malley took In fees to the amount of
$3,772.00. His salary list mounted up to
$11,044.30, and, allowing for $400 which the
county board has been giving every year,
and which is facetiously counted as fees,
there was a deflcit a wide hiatus between
Income and outgo of $8,871.70. In Mr.
O'Malley's second year the fees collected
fell to 3,635.80. The salaries were fattened
so they footed $12,226, and the consequent
deflcit which was made up from the reve
nues of the county amounted to
Following Mr. O'Malley, "an old line demo
crat, came Fred J. 8ackett, a republican. Mr.
Sackett was county clerk during 1892-S-4-5.
The first year of his term the fees increased
something like $200, though not quite that
much. He reduced the expense of the office
over $2,000 end the deflatt fell accordingly.
In his second, third and fourth years good
old democratic times the receipts fell off
and the expenses rose very substantially.
There were numerous hungry hustlers to be
cared for In those tough years, apparently,
so that when Sackett laid down the cares
of office the yearly deflcit reached $10,120.65.
M. H. Jtedfleld, another republican, fol
lowed Mr. Sackett. The fees during his
first year In office fell to the lowest point
they had yet erached, $2,67t.80. He cut the
salary figure down shout $3,000, though,
and the deflcit fell to $7,149.39, In his sec
ond year Mr. Redfleld made a better show
ing as to fees, but he increased his salary
expenses something over $1,000. Still he
managed to reduce the deflcit to prac.
tlcally what it was In O'Malley's flint term.
Good Times Increases Cost.
D. M. Haverly was clerk during the four
years when the country, and all of Ne
braska with it, was catching Its breath
after the fierce run for salvation It had
got at the, hands of the Chicago platfortn
men. During his tenure the fees dropped
as low as $1,648.60, while the salary list
rose to what everybody supposed was
about the limit for an office that had lost
its specific usefulness. During his four
years administration the office of county
clerk cost the taxpayers $45,277.80.
This, one would think, should be the
limit set for patience and forebearance,
but Harry Miller and his successor, the
present clerk, Mr. Drexel, fell on almost
as dull days, with regard to fees, as did
Mr. Haverly. The first year following the
latter's term the deflcit threatened to fall
away, being almost $200 less than the year
previous. This threat of surcease from
heavy treasury drafts was but a will-o'-the-wisp,
to keep people in passable good
humor, while the drain got a fresh start,
Mr. Drexel's first balance sheet called for
a draw or $13,568.60, the heaviest deficit in
the list. The fees were dlscouragingly
small; but the salary list was a more ro
bust quantity, having grown to the limit
so far reached,' $15,885. The deflcit in 19rd
was also the greatest yet recorded, as will
be noted. Last year Mr. Drexel bettered
his fee column and slightly cut his salary
draw, but the difference between the two
is still worth $13,244 of county cash.
Average Record of Deflcit.
A glance at the figures will show that
O'Malley's average deflcit was over $500
greater than Redfleld's average. Sackett
had an average deflcit higher than either
of these, Haverly raised him nearly $3,000
on an average, and Drexel boosted that
mark almost $1,800. The two high men, so
far as expense is concerned, have been the
two low men on the income side.
Altogether, the county clerk's office has
gone steadily backward in hope of finan
cial help to the county treasury and has
as steadily advanced In the scale of fat
ness for the office holders who have place
on its salary list.
, Receipts , Expenditures N
Allowance Deficit Paid
by County with War
Board lie- Total rants by
Year. County Clerk. Fees. ported as Receipts. Salaries. County
. Fees. ' Board.
1890 P. O'Malley.... f 3,772.00 400.00 ? 4,172.00 $11,044.30 $ 6.871.70
1891 P. O'Malley ,3,635.80 400.00 4,035.80 12,226.00 8,190.20
1892 Fred J..8ackett.... ...... 3,826.78' .400.00 4,226.78 - 10,205.00 5,978.22
1893 Fred J. Sackett . 3,740.30 400.00 4,140.30 11,355.64 7,215.34
1894. Fred J. Sackett 2,818.65 400.00 3,218.65 13.143.00 9,924.35
1895 Fred J. Sackett.. 2,962.75 400.00 3,362.75 13,483.40 10,120.65
1896 , M. II. Redfield 2,579.80 400.00 2,979.80 10,129.19 7,149.39
1897 M. II. Redfield 3,869.28 400.00 4,209.28 11,141.21 6,871.93
1898 I). M. Haverly 2,041.07 400.00 2,441.07 12,723.33 10,282.26
1899 D. M. Haverly..... 2,339.55 400.00 2,739.55 14,117.00 11,377.43
1900 D. M. Haverly 2,200.93 400.00 2,006,.93 13,476.22 10,869.29
1901 I). M. Haverly.. 1,548.60 , 400.00 1,948.60 . 14,497.40 12,548.80
1902 Harry Miller & J. C. Drexel 1,900.81 ' 400.00 2,300.81 14,725.00 12,3G4.19
1903 J. C. Drexel 1,916.40 400.00 2,316.40 15,885.00 13,568.60
1904 J. C. Drexel.... 2,078.23 400.00 2,478.25 15,722.23 13,244.00
. i. . . .
Totals 141,297.57- $6,000.00 " f 17,297.57 f 193,873.94 f 146,570.37
Average per year for 15 years 2,733.17 ' 400.00 3,153.17 12,924.93 9,751.74
Average er year during term of
P. O'Malley.. 3,704.20 400.00 4,104.20 11,635.15 7,530.95
Fred J. Sackett 3,337.12 400.00 3,737.12 12.046.76 8.309.64
Mel H. Redfield 3-.224.54 400.00 3,624.54 10,033.20 7,010.G6
D. M. naverly.Y. 2,034.04 400.00 2,434.04 13,703.49 11,209.45
John O. Drexel 1,985.15. 400.00 2,385.15 15,444.03 13,058.93
Bay-den Brothers Lose Because Paxton
Js Gallagher Beat Them
on Staple Price.
Beans sre a staple article on the bill of
fare of the county poor farm and hos
pital. They are also popular as "flllln's"
with the folks who get the ingredients
for their meals from the county store.
Over 22,000 pounds of them were consumed
in 1904 by the county wards and the tran
sient applicants for food. That fact lost
the grocery contract for 1905 to Hayden
tiros, ana gained it for Paxton & Oalla
gher. On the face of the bids submitted
last December for supplying the county
witn groceries Hayden Bros, had the
lowest bid. But a tabulation of figures
against quantities used the previous year
showed thnt the fraction of a cent differ
ence on the quotation for beans made the
Paxton St Gallagher bid $74 lower, and
they got the contract.
Since the matter of contracts and speci
fications has come to the front, Chairman
Kennard of the county board has ex
pressed himself as In favor of inaugurating
a system, as soon ss possible, of buying
needed supplies every aixty or ninety days,
and if It can be done for cash, so much
the better. The difficulty that threatens
to Interfere with an early Inauguration of
such a scheme Is that the county Is al
ways far behind In its payments. It is
slowly gaining, though, and the present
board hopes that It may catch up with
the warrants due within a year or two.
As the matter stands, the commissioners
say, many firms will not deal with the
county. They do not want county business
or county warrants, because the county Is
not on a cash basis.
Nebraska Telephone Company to Build at
Thirty-Third and Harney.
Expansion Forced by Extraordinary
Growth of the Telephone Busi
ness In Omaha In Last
,1'ear or Two.
New Charge Filed Against ihm Man
Who Was Working; Merchants
for Advertisements.
Forgery Is the charge preferred by the
county attorney against C. O. LsHatt, the
Atlanta (Qa.) man who Is accused of
swindling Omaha merchants by an ad
vertising scheme. Lallatt did his busi
ness under the assumed name of C, L.
Charles and used the name of Charles In
endorsing checks issued by business men
In return for his advertisements. -
He was arraigned In police court Friday
and preliminary hearing will be given Saturday,
'The Nebraska Telephone company has
finally decided to put up a west station to
accommodato its growing business. The
new exchange will be on lots purchased by
the company several years ago at the
southwest corner of Thirty-third and Har
ney streets. The plana- are being made la
the east and will be received in a short
time here subject to alterations as may ba
necemary to adjust them to the Omaha
situation. Work will be begun at an early
date. I
The unexpected growth of the telephona
business fh this city months ago set
the telephone people to making plans for
expansion. Since last September about
2,600 new telephones have been put In and
there are hundreds ordered and not yet put
In. Two hundred and fifty men are working
on the lines, whereas formerly sixty or sev
enty-five linemen were all that were needed.
The company had charts made of the pres
ent service and future possibilities with a
view to ascertaining whether ths plant
could be more economically and satisfac
torily conducted by enlarging the capacity
of the main building by putting In sub
stations. A great deal of time was needed
to finish these charts and make deductions
from them, and the eastern offices have but
lately decided In favor of putting up a
western exchange. .', ,
More Branches Coming.
A northern building In the vicinity of
Twenty-fourth and Ijake streets snd a
southern exchange also wore considered,
but It has been decided not to build them
until the business of the company grows
larger than It Is at present.
The new western exchange will probably
be two stories high. The trunk cable front
the main exchange to the western exchange
will run out Harney street In the conduit
already laid, but additional condslts will ba
necessary leading out of the new exchange.
When the new building is in commission
there .will be ne more telephone numbers
without prefixes. The Instruments now
designated by four figures will have "main"1
or "west" prefixed to them. No number,
however will have two prefixes. "Bed.'
"black," "cedar," "ash" and such present
designations will continue In use as they
are now. New designations will be used
for new 'phones at the western exchange. ,
Allied Printing; Trades' Smoker.
On Raturdnv evening at tha Anrlnt r.A
of I'ulled Workmen tiinl the allied
printing trades council will clva a ainw.
at which event a In rut) sttenriann i -'
peoted by the committee In charge. There
will be mimic, clxars fcnd lunch tor all be
sides a general good time. The following
nm or Mi'UKcr is nnnouiTtid: W. J llryan
CongreHsirutn (1. M. Hitchcock, Kdward V.
Kosewaier, ( B. Traphagen. W. M. Mau. '
In, HamuH Rene, W. M. MrHrlde, K. f.
Mutritlfe. Arthur Ilckorln Iirt li,,.i. t-
a t.w i. . ... . ... . - .
o. iimnr, j.'iwiim mrcn, j. 11. f laden
berg, James While, W. C. Boyer and J T