10 TITH OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MATtCIT 22. 1903. X CURRENT LITERATURE. "An Honor Girl," by Evlyn Raymond. Illustrated by northa O. Davidson, la a bright, helpful tory of a fclrl who aa the valedictorian and "honor girl" of her clM at high iichool wins a nrholarhlp which would take her through Wellfeley college. Family reverses bring It home to her that duty demand that he devote herself to helping her parents and wayward brother to face the future better than they aeem likely to. Bhe heroically aurrendera her prim' and with a brave humor says that ehe has matriculated In the college of life, the hard features of which ahe happily styles the "faculty," with "Prof. Poverty," which prove excellent teachem, aided by "Prof. Cheerfulness." . Kind friends are won by her couruge, her lirother achieves manly character and the family are finally ro-eatabllfhed on the road to prosperity all better, happier and more to each other than. had selfishness not been so well met and overcome by "an honor girl." Lee ft Shepard are publishers. In "The Tomboy at Work," by Jeannette Glider, "the tomboy" has become a "busi ness girl," much to the chagrin of the family, for In those days it was the men who did the work and the women re mained at home and lived on sentiment. Tomboy had great dreams of some day being a wonderful newspaper woman, at least of working on a great newspaper, and after some experience In other lines her dreams were realized. Bhe worked In Kit lines from office work and reporting to writing the "leader." One time In New York she applied for a position and was given the book reviews and, oh shades of those good old times when the men did the work, her salary was to be $30 per week. Tomboy succeeded beautifully at every thing she undertook, as women and girls have a faculty of doing. Sometimes It 1 different with boys and men, as the follow ing Incident related by the author will show: "I would like to write for your maga sine," he said, as one who had only to be touched to spout poetry or proBe. "What sort of writing," said Dlxey, by way of encouraging him and also of draw ing him out. "It Is a matter of Indifference to me," said the young man pompously, "either original or copying." Dlxey fled to the back of the room to hide his emotions. "I would advise you to try copying,"' he said; "it will give you a wider range of subject" Doubleday, Page ft Co., publishers. In a very handsome book, with each page elaborately decorated and with nu merous full page illustrations, Maurice Maeterlinck has many Interesting things to say of "Our Friend, The Dog." The frontispiece is a photograph of "a beauti ful natural monster that has compiled strictly with the laws of Its species." The author says: "We are alone, absolutely alone on thin chance planet, and amid all the forma of life that surround us not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." The one especial dog mentioned in the book is "Pelleas." The author does not in any way refer to the subject, but PQBslbly we are left to imagine from the pen picture, the shadow of resemblance, if any exists, between this Pelleas and the Knight of the Round Table, in the Ar thurian cycle of romance. Pelleas lived to be Just 6 months old, yet he attained a won derful degree of intelligence. From this and his devotion, Mr. Maeterlinck seems to have largely drawn his conclusions. He carefully notes the characteristics re vealed In the short life of his pet and compares it with that of man, other ani mals and the plant world. His conclusion Is "that the dog who meets with a good master is the happier of the two." Dodd Mead ft Co. "For the White Christ," by Robert Ames Bennet, (A. C. McClure ft Co.), is one of the pretentious books of the season, al though issued at popular prices. From an artistic standpoint the letter press work and illustrations are good, there being a number of color plates and the border de signs by Troy and Margaret West Kinney. The story is one of the days of Charle magne, king of the Franks, and the hero Is a northman one of the precoursers of those sea wolves who later ' wrested from the Franks a portion of the northern coast and gave ar line of kings to England. There Is an Interesting love story Interwoven with the incidents of battle and foray of the rough times of which the novel treats river wolves and ' witches, followers of Thor and Odin, plot and fight and there is a suggestion of that protest against the way of the church of Rome, which is, to ay the least, a little far-fetched, consider ing the time and place. The story is well written and the characters, If possi ble, well drawn. The book is not one which will live as the works of Scott have lived, but it is much above the usual run of "current literature." "Comrades In Arms," a tale of army life in two hemispheres, by General Charles King. The story Is divided into three parts. "What Happened in the West," "What Happened in the East" and "What Hap. pened in Gotham." In the west a rather sensational period Is covered and the foun dation for a splendid love story laid. In the east the scene is Manila, where the love story also shifts. We are given many pictures of army life in this new "posses sion," thrilling and nerve trying. Tho love story also grows more Interesting. Finally our friends "who have had enough of fight ing savages on scriptural principles" come home and In Gotham there is a happy cul mination of nil love affairs, and everything comes out all right. Published by 1 lobar t Publishing company. To Its series of select novels in paper covers J. B. Lipplneott company has Just added "'Cadets of Gascony," one of trie moat popular books of fiction, by Burton E. Stevenson; "Tho Mistress of Brae Farm," by Rosa Nouchette Carey, and "The Magto Wheel," by John Strange Winter. "Andy," by Luetic Lovell, is the story of Ask ii2 if'-; your grocer 3SJn,',-i -he sella It. K" ! U. P. Bakery 1 SNOW FLAKE BREAD I 5c a. Lo&f I I The little red label on every loat. R Promptly reMovo Throat and lung JXw A ilmplo rontot' JlQ) Silk umbrellas n r SS rrom mr Benson's Stock A special from the Beneon stock that will make Wednesday a great bargain day fine umbrellas of gloria cilk, cravenette, eilk taffetas, etc. with Princess' stick, plain and fancy Sterling silver, trimmed handles, fancy horn handles and wood handles all made with best Paragon frames with silk covers and sil it tassels Mrs. Benson's price was up to $3.60 Wednes dny 69c, 98c, 1.50 R IRRONfc From Mrs. Benson's Stock 1VIUUI11J At the Most UNHEARD OF PRICES Today We Win Close Out the Entire Stock of Mrs. Benson's Ribbons We are going to sell all the Ribbons fssa that sold in Mrs. Benson's store at 10c and 15c per yard at, per yd. ... It is well known that Mrs. Benson carried a very superior line of Kibbons, and when we sell 10c and 15c ribbons at 5c per yard, you know it is an extraordinary bargain. At 10c per yard we are going to sell strictly all silk very wide high class ribbons that Mrs. Benson sold from 25c to 50c per yard Wednesday, at. 10c Thcue are the ribbons that were on display In our show window and created so much comment. 1 There is goinp to be an extraordinary rush at this sale, but we will place the goods on many of our largo bargain squares so that all will be waited on without any unnecessary delays. Kid Gloves from Mrs. Benson's Stock at $1 Fine qual ity Kid Gloves from Mrs. J. Benson stock, many X well known brands, worth as high as $ 2 a pair I at, pair. VJJli Muslin Underwear Specials Children s Drawers and Petticoats From l Mrs. Benson's stock regular 25c and 35c 2"C D 1 Ladies' Muslin Underwear Gowns, chemises, corset covers, bkirts and drawers, beauti- fnlly made at Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats at 98c Mer- cerized petticoats, including the new Sunburst petticoats tnat win oe very popular, worth up to each special, at a 98c 98c SIM isu sorts r I SRSSHSOk 1 s BRANDEIS MILLINERY Authentic Spring Styles A millinery model that comes from Bran dels is correct. Our original and high class pattern hats far surpass In beauty and variety any assemblage in the west. Our medium priced hats have a touch of up-to-date style and character than can not be found iu other hats. No trouble to select becoming spring hats here with the assistance of milliners of genuine talent and thorough familiarity with Paris and New York style. A Smart Street Hat at $2.50 Wednesday we will offer a special number In a ntyllsh street hat the small tur- V. n a tttt Halntllv fa.hlnn. ed and light up to the Paris style level, at 4ml T)50 EVERYBODY'S VERDICT: The most stunning hats ever seen in Omaha are the Brandt-Is Ilats. L 1 mbWMik I J how a dear little orphan boy straightened out a family feud involving also about half the roundabout country, as well as family and servants, and by his manliness won his rightful place as heir to a magnificent estate. The Penn Publishing company. Above books . at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NO. 4638-GIRLS' ONE PIECE FROCK. ' Bises 4 to U Tears. For the accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to SO cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call- lug or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Pat tern Department, Bee, Omaha." Smart Spring Styles for Women , We invite all women to call and inspect our very complete lines of fashionable footwear in all the new and correct styles. $25o.$350-$500 Our "Specials" at the above prices are wonderful values this season. In no other shoes at the same price can a woman obtain the splendid combination of style, qual ity and comfort that are found in the FRY SHOES. Call and see for yourself. FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VETEIIHAHIA. Office and Infirmary. Sin and Mason Bta. OMAHA, NEB Telephone MS. if ut- m IFTFTC IU IN ILril 11 OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wedaesdar fair and warmer. Green Trading Stamps. The best advertised discount the world ever knew. -The most popular consumers' discount the world ever carried. Green Trading Stamps Are With U for Fair. They're yours, every time, and you're as sure of getting them ALL the time as you are of getting "change." HOW'S YOUK STAMP BOOK COMING? MILLINERY. Omaha's Leading Display of Spring Styles, An Early Easter Shotcing. Superb Pattern Hats. Ideal Parisienne Creations. Charming Productions from Our Own Artists. The Most Prodigioue Display of Stunning Early Spring Halt in the West. SPECIALS IN HARDWARE POULTRY NETTING, 2-ln. mesh, gal vanised after weaving, square l foot, at 3 Screen WIRE CLOTH, best lc quality, square foot 3 Ten 1) Green Trading Stamps OCc with Garden Hoe 6UW Twenty (2) Green Trading ACIc Stamps with Garden Hoe Double Green Trading Stamps on all Garden Rakes and Spading FVrks. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL PAINTS. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps fp with 10-qt. Galvanized Bucket.. if" Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps yOn with 12-qt. Galvanized Bucket. Ten (tl) Green Trading Stamps OAe with 14-qt. Galvanized Bucket. 5.98 Furniture, Carpets, Draperies Best all Wool Ingrain Carpets, Qg Smyrna" Rugs," 9x12," " j Qg 8x9. at See Our Line of Room-air Rug's Axmlnster, Velvet and Brussels finest values in the city. 27-ln. Axmlnster Rugs, 1.95 SS-inV Axminster Rugs'," " 2.95 S0xfi6"s'm'yrna Rugs, 98C 36x 72 Smyrna Rugs, 150 WHITE CHINA SALE. Balance of week, 33 1-3 per cent off- Some special items: SSUUAKS AN CUEAMS !A value 90c pair. JUw DINNER OK SERVICE PLATES Jt value, 50c each. . tJ BREAKFAST OR 7-INCH FLATES regular 25c ones two for ... m....iJC FOOTED BERRY OR FRUIT BOWLS O C vtflue $1.25 each .. OJC BARREL SHAPED STEINS L(n value, l)Oc each ... OUC CUPS AND SAUCERS several different shapes" (n values up to 50c at 30c, 25c and UC SALAD BOWLS values up to $1.50 at 00c, 40c and 30c TEAPOTS were $1.25 for 7So If you want white china, either for table or decorating, buy now this sale lasts for only balance of week CHINA SECTION SECOND FLOOR. Bennett's Great Grocery. r BENNETTS RfAHASTCirn Con" Another Coffee Sensation ...Cornea Off Wednesday We are the biggest retailers of high grade Coffees outside ;o. mat s a big claim ana we stand pat on it: it s so! Coffees are roasted dally, the bean Is warm when you ana wnen grouna rresn tne iragrance is just nne. HERE'S THE SENSATION Bennett's Breakfast Coffee In two pound A&n sealed cans -v 60, ($6) Green Trad'ng Stamps with every can sold Wednesday. Chicago Our C Tj buy it, tmittnAnnutt California -10 pound PRUNE SENSATION! Prune. Fine, meaty, thin blue skin prunes Qn Doxes weanesaay, only. rw 50 ($5) Green Trading Stamps. INGER SNAPS Freshi crisp and spicy el ' pound : ' BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. CHOCOLATE CREAMS Vanilla flavored, .Roosters and Hens, c each lw China Rabbits, Cr each Cotton Ducks and Chicks, Cr Easter Novelties Low Prices each. Buster Browns, s each IOC Candy Eggs, e 30 for iC 20 (12) Green Trading Stamps iEn with lb. Honey Comb Puff UW WANTED-:'AB(D)Y in every town to sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWH COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday YOU WAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL For. Full Particulars Write to The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska. Gross-continent in a Santa Fe Tourist Car All the Way Ask ; Geo. f C. Chambers, Pass. Agt., 409 Equit able Bldg., Dee Moines, la., for tourist sleeper booklet. ii Ladies appreciate the delightful home comforts of our superior Tourist Pullmans. Harvey serves the meals. Many other exclusive features. Low oneway California rates, until May 15. $2.50 Silk Sofa Pillow Thursday 98 Cents Set t6lh St. Window mm TRI RE LI A B LB ITOItf Grtat Sale of ladies' Suits Thursday. Witth Fiptn. Special Sale on Utica Mills Sheets, Pillow Casing and Sheeting ) . snffK TUB PRICES WE ARE QI OTIXQ LESS T1IAX MILL TRICES TODAY. YOU FOR, WEDNESDAY ARB 75c TTtlra Mills Plwirhrd Srnmlrss Sheet torn, not rut 72x10 size Wednes- CQn day s special st -'" Sfie I'tlea Mills nioaohod Penniless Sheets torn, not cut $1x90 size Weilnes- fQr day, special at i J 16c Ttlra Mills Bleached Pillow Case tx 3 size Wednesday, spe- j 12JC Ho I'tlca Mills Bleached Pillow Coses 4Px M size Wednesday, special 15C 30c I'tlca Mills Blenched Pheetlns; 2V yA wide reat snap st Wednesday's 21JC specln'-yerd 27c I'tlca Mills Pleached Sheotlnjr. two yards wldo STeatest value ever iQ.n offered at ysrd , ' ' 27o ftlcn Mills Cnblahed 8het1n- 24 vards wide unprecedented bar- IQlc a-aln Wednesday at yard 25c. T'tica Mills Unbleached Sheettmr-two yards wide Wednesday, special 171c at yard w WE GUARANTEE EVERY ONE OF THE ABOVE SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASES AND SHEETS STAMPED. UTICA MILLS. QUANTITY IS LIMITD. COME EARLY. ' . We will also place on sale Wednesday fifty dozen Bleached Sheets 72xM site. f1ln regular 46c values special price V'" Rare Millinery Bargains For Which Our Millinery Department Leads Lace Braid Turban Black only made on wire frame hand somely trimmed ready to wear O Bf remarkable bargain at Medium Sized Turban In al colors made of webbing; and pleated silk worth $4.00 special bar- 1 f Q In at gulr Silk Shirred Turban In all colors well worth $4.00 2 5Q Trimmed Hats For youns; misses all colors and eomblna tlnns trimmed with flowers, foliage anoV chiffon exceptional value jU Garden Tools & Hardware Wednesday A good 3-tle Broom, worth 2Re, this sale. 5c A gcod 4-tle Broom, worth 30c, this sale. JHc A good 5-tle Broom, worth 36c, this pale. 2fie 2-hoop Water PAil, worth 25o, this sale.. 15c 8-hoop Water Pall, worth 30c, this sale.. 19c 12-tlne Garden Rake, worth 2flc, this sale 10c J4-tlne Garden Bake, worth 25c, this sale 15c Solid steel Garden Bpade, worth 65c, this sale 39c Garden Trowel, worth 9c, this sale..... 5c Garden Weeder, worth ftc, this sale Covered Tin Pail, worth 10c. this sale... Steel Frying Pan. worth 12Jc, this sale Enameled Bice Boiler, worth 76c, this sale Stove Brushes, worth 15c, this sale...... Steel Towel Rack, worth 10c, tills sa.le.. A big lot of Scrub Brushes, worth JOc, 15c and 20c, your choice this sa.le.... Biscuit Cutters, worth 6c, this sale AnMMiMr mmmm1 On Tfacfc and KrdliyeSl SjrclUyeSl Unloading A solid car of the best Highland Navel Oranges the Highlands are conceded y all the fruit growers to be the finest fruit that grows, being sweeter, Juicier and richer flavor than any other. This car Is composed of nearly all large sizes and we will sell regular 40c size everywhere for this sale only per dozen ",CV Other Specials at the Mammoth Fruit Department Si So J 50 srxj 50 3d V Pound Racks pur Colorado White Clover Honey for 10c Three measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts for 10c Imported Smyrna Figs, per pound 12V4c 1-Ib. pkg. Persian Dates' for i;. So Soft Shell English Walnuts, per pound.120 Fancy Fard Dates, per pound 100 Fancy Eating or Cooking Apples, per peck 300 See the w Shoes in our windows b windows SALE BEGINS THURSDAY I . P. KIRKENDALL & CO'S ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOCK SHOES llth and HARNEY ST., OMAHA SOLD BY THE INSURANCE CO. Every Pair pf Absolutely Sound and Perfect Shoes was bought by J, L. BRANDEIS & SONS. Your special attention Is called to the absolutely perfect condition of every shoe In the entire purchase. They are all In their own origi nal pupor boxes, own tissue paper and wrapping, own original wooden covers, without mark, soil or siot every pair fresh and clean. This sale will enibrnce the Men's Custom Made Shoes, made here In the Klrkendall Factory on 10th Street, as well as the Ladles', Men'a Misses' and Hoya', Youth's, Children's and Infant's tjhoes, composing tho entire stock made In the eastern factories. i ) ma DR. BRADBURY 1606 FARNAfl TMth Extracted.-.. 2 5c Porcelain Fillings $1 up Gold Filling l up Silver Fillings..- 5c up Crowns, j $3.50 up Plates $X00 up DENTIST 15 Years Sstne Location Phone 1756. Bridge Work $2. SO up Nerves removed with out pain. Loose Teetb Mad 5olld. Werk guarsjit d 10 ft Durable Cold Crowns The durability of a jTjfvJPjrl crown depends on the J thickness of the gold, il Cheap crowns .have to II be made thin, uuless y as In our parlors, there la a time saving system for mak ing them, and the amount saved In time can be put Into quality and quantity. Every operation painless. Gold crowns, 5. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS, IS 17 DOUGLAS STREET. DIAMONDS What is there that you can buy and wear for one year and then get your money back, less ten per cent, if you want it? , We give a contract to that effect on Diamonds. Solitaire llings, $3.25 to : ' ' ' 15 -& DODGE. i